Real Estate India Legal Deed Formats by Assetventures - in Tamanna Realtors PVT LTD

September 4, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Download Real Estate India Legal Deed Formats by Assetventures - in Tamanna ...





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This SALE DEED is executed at New Delhi on this ____ __ __ day day of ____ ______ ____ _____ _____ __ by Sh. Sh. ____ ______ ___ _ S/o S/o _____ ______R _R/o /o _____ _____ hereinafter called "THE VENDOR".  


Sh. _______ S/o ______R/o _____hereinafter called   "THE VENDEE". The expr The expres essi sion on of the the term terms s the the 'VEN 'VENDO DOR' R' and and the' the'VE VEND NDEE EE' ' wherever they occur in the body of this Sale Deed, shall mean and inclu clude them, their legal gal heirs, successors,legal, al, repr re pres esen enta tati tive ves, s, admi admini nist stra rato tors rs, , exec execut utor ors, s, tran transf sfer eree ee(s (s), ), bene be nefi fici ciar ary y (ies (ies), ), legat legatee ee(s (s), ), prob probat atee ee(s (s), ),no nomi mine nees es and assignee(s). AND WHEREAS in the manner aforesaid, the VENDOR herein became the sole, absolute and exclusive owner of the said property, which is the exclusive property of theVENDOR and the VENDOR has full right, absolute authority to sell, dispose off and transfer the same in whole or in parts and none else except the VENDOR has any right, title or interest in the same. AND WHEREAS the VENDOR for his bonafide needs and requirements has agreed to sell,convey, transfer and assign to the VENDEE and the VENDEE has agreed to purchase thesaid property i.e. With all rights of easements, patent or latent, incl in clud udin ing g righ rights ts of way way and and acce access ss enjo enjoye yed d and and repu repute ted d to be enjoyed enjoye d in respect respect of the said property together with all rights in electricity, water, sanitary, fittings, fixtures, connec con nectio tions, ns, lawns lawns, , compou compound, nd, wall wall etc., etc., struc structur ture e standi standing ng ther th ereo eon, n, with with all rights rights of owner ownershi ship p and posse possess ssion ion, , for for a total sale consideration of Rs. ____________


NOW THIS SALE DEED WITNESSETH AS UNDER 1. That in consideration of the sum of Rs. ___________, which has been received by the VENDOR from the VENDEE, in the following manner: -

the receipt of which the VENDOR hereby admits and acknow ack nowled ledges, ges, in in full and and final final settl settlemen ement, t, the the VENDOR VENDOR doth hereby her eby grant, grant, convey convey, , sell, sell, transfe transfer r and assign assign all his righ ri ghts ts, , titl titles es and and inte intere rest sts s in the the said said prop proper erty ty, , i.e. i. e.(_ (___ ____ __), ), with with all all the the righ rights ts of owne owners rshi hip, p, posses pos sessio sion, n, easeme easement, nt, privil privilege eges s and appurt appurtenan enances ces, , with all all fittings, fittin gs, fixtures, fixtures, connections, connections, structure standing thereon free from fro m all encumb encumbran rances ces unto unto the VENDEE, VENDEE, TO HAVE HAVE AND TO HOLD the said property hereby sold to the VENDEE absolutely and forever. 2. That the actual peaceful, physical vacant possession of the said property has been delivered delivered by the VENDOR to the VENDEE, VENDEE, on the spot. 3. That That the VENDOR VENDOR hereby hereby confirms confirms admits admits and acknowledges acknowledges that he has been left with no right, title, interest, claim or lien of any nature whatsoever in the said property, hereby sold, and the same same has become the absolute absolute and exclusive exclusive property property of the VENDEE and VENDEE shall be at liberty to deal with the same in the th e man manne ner r she she like likes s and and fre free e to to use use, , enj enjoy oy, , sel sell, l, gift gift, , mortgage, lease and transfer the same by whatever mean it like li kes, s, witho without ut any any inte interf rfere erenc nce, e, hind hindran rance ce, , dema demand nd, , obje ob ject ctio ion, n, clai claim m or inte interru rrupt ptio ion n by the the VEND VENDOR OR or any any person(s) claiming under or through him or in trust for him. 4. That That the the VEND VENDOR OR here hereby by assu assure res s the VENDE VENDEE E that that he has has neither neithe r done nor been party to any act whereby his rights and title to the said property, property, in any way be impaired impaired or wher whereb eby y he he may may be prev preven ente ted d from from tran transf sfer erri ring ng the the sai said d property. 5. That That the VENDOR VENDOR hereby hereby declar declares es and represe represents nts that the said property property is never never a subject subject matter matter of any any HUF and that that no part par t of the said said proper property ty is owned owned by any minor minor and nobody nobody has any right, right, title title or interes interest t of any kind kind whatsoe whatsoever ver in the said said property property and further further none else other than the the VENDOR VENDOR has any right, title or interest of any kind whatsoever in the


whole or any part of the said property property and further further there is no impediment in the Vendor’s right to execute this Sale Deed. 6. That That the the VEND VENDOR OR here hereby by furt furthe her r assu assure res, s, covenants with the VENDEE as follows :a) That






repr repres esen ents ts

and and

from all liens,

mortgages, charges and encumbrances and lis-pendens and there is no notices of attachments, acquisition or requisition or notices thereto, relating to the said property.   b) That the VENDOR has good and marketable title to the said property and none other than the VENDOR has any interest, right, title thereto. c) That there are no outstanding government dues of whatsoever nature including the attachment by the Income Tax Authorities or under any law in force, in respect of the said property. d) That the VENDOR has not entered into any Agreement with any other person(s) for the sale of the said property. e) That there is no legal impediment or bar whereby the VENDOR can be prevented from selling, transferring and vesting the absolute title in the said property, in favour of the VENDEE. 7. That the VENDOR assures the VENDEE that the said proper pro perty ty is free free from from all kinds kinds of encumb encumbranc rances es such as prior Sale, Gift, Mortgage, Will, Trust, Exchange, ge, Leas Le ase, e,le lega gal l flaw flaws, s, clai claims ms, , prio prior r Agre Agreem emen ent t to Sell Sell, , Loan Loan, , Surety Sur ety, , Securit Security, y, lien, lien, court court injunct injunction ion, , litigat litigation ion, , stay order, notices, charges, family or religious dispute, acquisition, attachment in the decree of any court, hypo hy poth thec ecat ation ion, , Incom Income e Tax or Weal Wealth th Tax Tax atta attach chme ment nt or any any other registered or unregistered encumbrances whatsoever, and if it is ever proved otherwise, otherwise, or if the whole or any part of the said said prop propert erty y is is ever ever taken taken away or goes goes out out from from the the possession posses sion of the VENDEE on account account of any legal defect in the ownership and title of the VENDOR then the VENDOR shall be liable and responsible responsible to indemnify indemnify and to make good the loss suffered by the VENDEE and keep the VENDEE saved, harm ha rmle less ss and and inde indemn mnif ified ied agai agains nst t all such such losse losses s and and dama damages ges suffered by the VENDEE.


8. That the VENDOR hereby further covenants with the VENDEE that in case the said property hereby sold or any part thereof, is lost from the VENDEE on account of any legal defects in the title of VENDOR's right and title or the possession or quiet enjoyment of the said property by the VENDEE in any way is disturbed on account of some act or omission of the VENDOR or if any one else claims any right, title and interest paramount to the VENDOR, then the shall be liable and responsible for all the losses, damages,costs and expenses sustained by the VENDEE.


9. That That the the VEN VENDE DEE E sha shall ll be at libe libert rty y to to get get the the said said property mutated in its own name in the records of MCD, DJB, DJB , BSES Rajdh Rajdhani ani Power Power Limi Limited, ted, Revenu Revenue e Records Records and and other other concerned authorities.   10. That the sale consideration include the consid con sidera eration tion for electri electricit city y and water water connec connection tion and the security deposits made with the said departments. The VEND VE NDEE EE shal shall l be enti entitle tled d to get get the the exist existin ing g elect electri rici city ty and water wat er connect connection ions s transf transferr erred ed in its favour favour alongw alongwith ith the securi sec urity ty deposit deposit with with BSES Rajdhan Rajdhani i Power Power Limited Limited, , water water Department etc. 11. That the VENDOR agrees and undertakes to sign and execut exe cute e any require required d documen documents ts for transf transfer er of owners ownership, hip, title tit le of the said said propert property y in favour favour of the VENDEE VENDEE in the record rec ords s of Munici Municipal pal Corpo Corporat ration ion of Delhi Delhi, , Delhi Delhi Jal Board, Board, BSES BSE S Rajdha Rajdhani ni Power Power Limite Limited, d, Revenu Revenue e Record Records s or any other other concerned authorities. 12. That the house tax, water and electricity charges, charge s, and other other dues dues and demands demands of of whatsoever whatsoever nature nature if any paya pa yabl ble e in respe respect ct of the the said said prope property rty shal shall l be born borne e and paid pa id by the the VEND VENDOR OR upto upto the the date date of hand handin ing g over over the the posses pos sessio sion n to the VENDEE VENDEE and thereaf thereafter ter the VENDEE VENDEE will will be responsible for the payment of the same. 13. That all the relevant documents in original in respec res pect t of the said said proper property ty have have been been handed handed over VENDOR to the VENDEE.



14. That all the expenses of this sale deed viz. regist reg istrat ration ion charge charges s etc. have have been been borne borne and paid by VENDEE VEN DEE. . The VENDEE VENDEE shall shall have have the right right to collec collect t original Sale Deed from the office of the Sub-Registrar.

the the


15. That this transaction has taken place at New Delhi and as such Delhi Courts shall have exclusive Jurisdiction to entertain entertain any dispute dispute arising arising out or in any way touching touching or concerning this Deed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the VENDOR and the VENDEE have signed this SALE DEED at New Delhi on the date first mentioned mentioned above in the presence of the following witnesses: WITNESSES 1. VENDOR


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