Real Estate India Legal Deed Formats by Assetventures - in Tamanna Realtors PVT LTD

September 4, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Download Real Estate India Legal Deed Formats by Assetventures - in Tamanna ...




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Be it know known n to al alll to whom whom it may conc concer ern n that hat I, Smt. Smt. ____ ______ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ W/o   ______________ _______________ _ Shri. ____________ __________________ ______ resident resident of _____________ ____________________ __________ ___ do hereby nominate, appoint and constitute Shri _________________S/o Shri ________   ___________  resident of ___________________________ and Shri ________________  S/o __________________ resident of _____________________as my lawful legal attorney and authorize them to do the following acts, deeds and things for and on my behalf and in their  namess in respec name respectt of my Pr Proper operty ty No. ________ ________mea measur suring ing Approx. Approx. _______ ________, _, si situat tuated ed at  ________________. 1.

To have have the phys physic ical al pos posse sess ssio ion n of the the said said prope propert rty y and and to repr repres esen entt me befo before re any any office/authority of any State/Central Govt. or local body which may be connected and/or  concerned concern ed with the said property in any manner whatsoeve whatsoeverr and to make any statement, statement, application, affidavit, undertaking etc. for and on my behalf and in their names in respect of the said property or any matter incidental thereto.


To get get wate water/s r/sewe ewer/e r/elec lectri tric/p c/powe owerr cconne onnecti ctions ons and other other servic services es in the said said prop propert erty y and and for the purpose to do all acts, deeds and things which are necessary for the same.


To make make cons constru tructi ctions ons/ad /addit dition ions/ s/alt altera eratio tions ns on the the said said proper property ty after after seek seeking ing permiss permission ion from the concerned competent authority in this regard and for the purpose, to apply for  and get the plans sanctioned, if required and get the authorized quotas of building materials and engage any Labour/Contractor etc. for the purpose.


To get the the said said prop proper erty ty ass asses esse sed d for Hou House se Tax Tax,, to pay the the sam samee and to to get the the refu refund nd thereof , if paid in excess.


To let let out out the the said said pro prope pert rty y in ful fulll or in in part part to to any in inte tend nded ed ten tenant ant (s (s)) to rec recei eive ve rent rentss in their own names, issue receipts thereof, under their own signatures and deal with the tenant (s) in any an y lawful manner.


To apply and obtain permission to sell from the Revenue/Tehsildar    Notification/Competent Authority or any other concerned authority and in this respect to sign the requisite forms, to make applications, affidavits, undertakings, indemnity bonds etc. and to receive the same on my behalf.



To negot negotia iate te,, agree agree to sell sell or disp dispos osee off off or mort mortga gage ge or tran transf sfer er by way way of exch exchan ange ge,, lease (whether permanent or for long or short period) entire property or any part thereof, at such terms, which my attorney may in their sole discretion deem fit and proper, with any person, whomsoever, and to enter into any agreement with the intended purchaser, to receive earnest money in their own names and give receipts thereof.


To execut execute, e, sign sign and and prese present nt for for Regi Registr strati ation, on, before before proper proper Registe Registerin ring g Author Authority ity,, proper  proper  sale/Conveyance Deed for conveying my rights, interests, liens and titles in the said  property or any party thereof, in favour of the intended purchaser (s) and for the purpose of conveying the same absolutely and for ever, in favour of the intended purchaser or  their nominee (s) to do all other acts, deeds and things which are necessary for the  purpose i.e. to receive the consideration thereof, and to admit the receipt thereof, and deliver the possession thereof, to the said purchaser or their nominee (s), either physical or constructive, as may be feasible.


To file file/d /def efend end any any sui suitt in any any cou court rt of of law law in any any mat matte te conc concer ernin ning g the the said said pro proper perty ty or  or  any matter incidental thereto and for the purpose to appoint any advocate, pleader, vakil, attorney etc. etc. and to make any statement, application, affidavit, undertaking etc. for  and on my behalf and in their names.

10 10..

To execut executee a rectif rectific icat atio ion n deed deed of any deed deed (s) (s) execu execute ted d in respec respectt of the the said said proper property ty and to get the same registered in the office of the Sub Registrar Delhi/New Delhi.


To appoin appointt any other other per perso son n (s) as as my attor attorney ney,, aut author horiz izin ing g them them to do all or or any of the the above acts, or any other acts which have not been specifically mentioned herein above, and in the opinion of my attorney, ought to be done, executed or performed in respect of  the said property or any matter incidental thereto and to cancel, withdraw or revoke the  powers conferred upon said attorney. attorney. Whereas Executant hereby admits that this General Power of Attorney is irrevocable as it has issued issued for sale consideratio considand eration n ofexecutant Rs. _______________ __________ _____ which beenphysical paid b by y the been attorney to the executant the has handed over the has vacant  possession of the above abov e said property to the said attorney. AND I, the Executant, do hereby specifically mention that the acts, deeds and things done or got to be done by my attorney by virtue of this power of attorney in respect to the said  property be construed as acts, deeds and things done by me.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF I, the Executant, have put my hands on these presents in the  presence of the following witnesses.






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