Ready to Order Tb

September 11, 2017 | Author: Lauri Sierra | Category: Stress (Linguistics), Linguistics, Semiotics, Languages, Foods
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Descripción: Ready to order ( english for restaurants) Teacher`s book...


Ready rder .r'i*'

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AnneBaude Montserrat lgtesias Annalfresta

Contents lntroduction


U n i t1 Hello! Unit2 Anewjob Unit3 TheCasablanca 4 Unit Reservations

1 5 10 15

Review 1


Unit5 Uni6 t Unit7 UnitI

Welcome! A d ri n k? Cocktails Recipes

Review 2 Unit9 Unit10 U n i t1 1 U n i t1 2

2T 26 32 36 4T

Here's the menu Thechefrecommends C o mp l a i nts T h eb i l l ,p lease

Review 3 Photocopiable resources

42 46 53 58 63

fntroduction The Readyto Orderteacher'sbook is an essentialguide to the coursebook and the workbook. lt provides the teacher with unit-by-unit supportto optimisethe coursebook and workbookresources

dialogueand answerthe comprehension questionsprinted on the page.

With moreadvancedstudents,you may want to write the questions on the blackboard and ask them to listen and Each Readyto Orderteacher'sbook unit provides: then answerthem withoutopeningtheir coursebooks. o objectives of the unit With lessadvancedstudents,you may ask them to read r background information and context the dialogueas they listento it. Depending on level, they o step-by-step explanation of the teachingsequence can then eitherclosetheirbooksand answerthe o tips and noteson grammatical, questions lexical,culturaland on the brackboard or do the exercise with books methodological items,includingexplanation of culinary open,readingthe dialogue againin orderto answerthe termsand concepts questions.Althoughthe lattermay be a necessary way of . a keyto all the exercises in the coursebook buildingstudents'confidence,it effectively turns the o alternative activitiesfor mixedabilitygroups exercise into readingpractice.In this casethe exercise . follow-upideasto expandand consolidate the language shouldbe repeated at a laterdateas a properlistening learnedin the coursebook task with booksclosed. . photocopiable materialnecessary for someof the Withdialogues not printedin the coursebook unit, activities students may need to read the o cross-references tapescripts at the end of to other units in the coursebook, the coursebook (pages100-103) while listeningin workbook, grammarreference order section,list of irregular to do the exercise. verbsand conversion tables r extrareviewexercises

Speaking Theaim of the speaking exercises is to promotereal_life language production. Contextualised role_plays, simulations and presentations The situationshighlightedin Readyto Orderreflect are usedto engage the studentsin purposefuloral interaction,rangingfrom students'communicative needsin their professional very lives, controlledinformation puttingspecialemphasison listeningand speaking. gap activitiesto freeproduction. As the lastexercise in eachsection,the oralexerctse recycles and practises the languagepresented in the unit. Listening The printeddialoguescan often be usedas support for Mostof the sectionsin the unitsstartwith a listening the role-play tasks. comprehension exercise. Usuallya dialogue, this Mostof the exercises are pair-or groupworkrn orderto introduces the language that will be developed furtheron encourage collaborative workand maximise students, in the unit. In the majorityof units,the tapescriptis exposure to oral language productionand reception. printedin the coursebook, One givingsupportto lessadvanced of the keyaspectsthe teachershouldemphasise is the studentsand flexibilityto the teacher.Anytapescripts not rmportance of soundingpoliteand enthusiastic, as printedwithina unit can be foundon pages100_103 of requiredin professional practice.In a professional the coursebook. envrronment intonationis everybit as important as The comprehension exercise can be deartwith differenflv grammatical accuracy. according to the reverand abirityof the students.Speciflc t i p s a r eg i v e ni n t h e ' m i x e da b i l i t y b' o x e so n h o wt o a d a p t Reading the materialto studentsof varyingability.However, the Someunitsopenwith readingratherthanlistening generatapproachis to askstudentsto listento the comprehension. Theselectedtextsareappropriate for the




Introduction students'professional environment: restaurant Vocabulary advertisements, menusand recipes.Moreover, the printed Thevocabulary sectionsintroduceand practisemany dialogues alsoofferexcellentreadingpracticefor usefulwordsand expressions for professionals in the students. cateringindustry,Furtherpracticecan be found in the workbookexercises of the corresponding unit. Readyto Writíng Order enhancesvocabularyacquisitionth rough: . classification Writingskillshavebeenconsidered a minorneedfor the exercises suchas wordwebs,ranking, cateringprofession. Althoughinteractionwith guestsis to etc. . pronunciation be donein English,studentswill probablyusetheir exercises suchas wordstressand mothertonguein note-taking.Nevertheless, for the sake m i n i m ap l airs o speakingactivitiessuchas memorygamesand of language acquisition, writinghas beenincludedfor consolidation of the language usedin oralactivities. informationgap exercises

Content The coursebook unitsare basedaroundthe staffof the Casablanca Restaurant, a smallrestaurant in the Hollywood Hotelin London.The storylinefollowsthe characters as they dealwith typicalsituations at the restaurant and as theirfriendships develop.Eachunit is split intotwo sectionswhichsharean overalltheme. However, eachsectionpresentsfresh languageand practiceexercises.

All keyvocabulary usedin the coursebook is listedin a glossaryon pages104-1 I 1 of the coursebook. The glossary is organised intothematiccategories and providesspacefor studentsto write a translationfor each item. lt is designed to becomea personalised dictionary as studentsadd translations of the termsin their own language. Eachcategory alsocontainsotheressential words,all of whichare practised at the backof the workbook.Any studentworkingthroughboth coursebook and workbook will process and practiseall the 500+ itemsof essential vocabulary listedin the coursebook grossary.

Language ln Readyto Orderyou will find both functionaland grammatical structures. Thefunctionallanguage provides studentswith essentialphrases for dealingwith guests, grammaris relevantfor the and the contextualised practice.Deductive students'professional and inductive grammarpresentations are usedto raisestudents' grammatical awareness. Grammaris dealtwith in language boxesas well as in language tips, where students'attentionis drawnto specificgrammatical points.Studentsare alwaysdirectedto the relevant, fuller explanation in the grammarreference sectionon pages 92-99 of the coursebook. After each languagebox, studentspractisethe grammarpointpresented throughbothcontrolledwrittenexercises and speaking exercises gapsand problemsolving. suchas information Furtherpracticecan be found in the corresponding workbookunit. As a complement to the grammarreference section,a list of relevantirregularverbsis providedat the end of the coursebook, whichstudentsare invitedto completewith translations of the verbsin their mothertongue.

Pronunciatíon practiceaimsat increasing The pronunciation selfconfidence whendealingwith gueststhrougha wide range of practicalapproaches. Intonation, rhythmand stressare systemaiically highlighted and practised as essential for professional conveying the appropriate attitudeof formality,politeness, respectand enthusiasm. In addition, the dialoguerecordings can alwaysbe usedas modelsfor pronunciationpractice.

Teachingstrategies Learnerautonomy Readyto Orderencourages learnerautonomythrough repeatedreferences to dictionaries,the glossary,irregular verblist and grammarreference section.Similarly, studentsare askedto contributeactivelyto their resources glossary by providing translations in theirown language.

lntroduction Míxed ability groups Readyto Ordercatersfor mixedabilitiesin the classroom for different by providingdifferenttypesof exercises provides alternative learningabilitiesand also for moreand lessadvanced to exercises approaches students.This appliesto grammarpractice,vocabulary, work.The workbook and pronunciation speakingexercises materialfor moreadvanced alsosuppliessupplementary students.

Student motivatíon Readyto Ordermotivatesstudentsby usinga learner centredfocus on the learningprocess,providingspacefor work(pairwork, as well as collaborative autonomous groupwork,peercorrection,etc.). Furthermore, the for the use of realiaas a supplementto the suggestions to studentsthe materialdemonstrates coursebook beinglearned,thus functioning of the language relevancy as a motivatingfactor. We are sureyou will find Readyto Ordera usefuland fun sourceof teachingmaterialand a helpfulguidein your ctassroom. Enjoyteachingwith Readyto Ordert






fti** r




Baude Anne-Marie

lglesias Montserrat



Hetto! Section1 Function/ Topic

I n t r o d u c i nygo u r s e l f


A s k i n gf o r a n d g i v i n g p e r s o n ailn f o r m a t i o n


G r e e tni g sa n d i n t r o d u c t i o n s Numbers

Section2 I n t r o du c in g c o ll e a g u e s T h e v e r bb e C o u n t r i easn d n a t i o n a l i t i e s Pronunciatiow n :o r ds t r e s s

Objectivesof the unit a a

To enablestudentsto introduce themselves and others. To makestudentsawareof the conventions yourselfand othersin a of introducing professional context.

Arriving at a new workplaceis a key moment.A good deal of informationwill be extractedfrom the new employee at the sametime as he/she extractsinformation about the future job and the working environment.A good graspof the language used in this type of exchangeis essentialin order to project a confident, professionalimage. The informationthe new employeewill haveto provideis: . name . address . telephonenumber ' age o nationality . profession When introducingsomebodyto another person,some of the sameinformation should be provided,with the useof the third personsingular.




Meet the boss

Exercise 5

This is an introductory exercise for exercise 6. Beginby elicitingfrom studentswhattheycan ask someone wnen Beforelisteningto the dialogue, elicit previousknowledge they meetthem for the first time in theircountry.Ask studentsmay haveon the subjectthroughthe warm_up them to workin groupsand to makea list of the thingsit questions. wouldbe considered politeto ask a newacquaintance.


Exercise 2 Ask studentsto listento the dialogueand to answerthe comprehension questionsby choosing the correcioption from the onesprovided.

You may want to write the questionson the blackboardand ask studentsto read the dialogue in their coursebooksas they listen to it for the first time. More advancedstudentsmay be able to listen with their books closed.They can then all listena secondtime without looking at their coursebooksand answer the questiònson the blackboard.

lnsteadof askingstudentsto write a list of things they would ask,encouragethem to performa situationwheretwo peoplemeetfor the first time and askeachother questionswhich are considered polite.Theymay be askedto introduce two inappropriate questions whichthe group mustdistinguish from the polite ones.

questions EGEESomeacceptable arepresented in exercise 6 below. Exercise6

Makesurestudents understand thewordsin the boxby asking themto provide the relevant information about Afterallowingthem sometime to put their ideasin order, themselves. Thenaskstudents to complete theCV. let them listento the dialogueagainto checkwhetherthe information they obtainedis correct.

GElto 2c 3o

q@ 1 Surname 2 Firstname 3 Address 4 Telephone umber b Age 6 Nationaliry job 7 Present

Note: Draw students' attention to the mostcommon worcts Note= Drawstudents'attentionto the importanceof using of greetingand parting (seecutture tip). titles to referto peoplein the workptace.Askthemto find

equivalents to the tiilesin the tip box.

Exercise 3 Ask studentsto readthe dialogueagainand to matchthe sentences to theirfunctions.

Exercise 7 Nowaskstudents to matchthe samelabels theyusedin exercise 6 (seewordsin the box)to thequestions.

q@ 1 Goodmorning. 2 Helto. 3 I'm the HeadWaiter. 4 M y n a m e ' sJ a n N o w a k . 5 I ' d l i k et o i n t r o d u cveo ut o 6EE 1 address2 firstname 3 telephone number M r G r a n t . 6 T h i si s J a n eN e w m a n . job 5 surname 4 present

6 age 7 nationalitv


Exercise B Ask studentsto go backto the dialogueand identifythe Introduce exercises B to 11 by eliciting fromstudents the responses to introductions. objects usedin a restaurant or hotelwhere theyarelikely to find numbers. Puttheirideastogether onthe 1 Pleasedto meetyou. 2 Niceto meeryou. [l!l blackboard andaskthemto compare themto the objects in exercise 8. Then,askthemto matchthepictures to the Note: Draw students' attention to the existenceof different wordsin thebox.Checktheiranswers and,finally,ask cultural gesturesrelated to meetingsomeonefor the first themto saythe numbers on eachof theobjects. Thisis a time (see culture trp). gooddiagnostic exercise foryouto checkanydifficulties students mayhavein thisarea.




t sign 2 roomkey 3 creditcard [l[! 4 restaurant booking form 5 restaurant bil

Introduci ng colleagues Exercise1

Beforeaskingstudentsto opentheircoursebooks, introduce the nextsectionby askingthem whatothertype Askstudents to listento thewaythe numbers on the page of conversations a newemployeemay havewith the rest arepronounced andto practise saying themafterwards. of the staff.Thentell studentsthat theywill now listen to Drawstudents' attention to thedifference between a d i a l o g uw e h e r eS a m R e i l l yH , e a dC h e fo f t h e thirteenand thirty. C a s a b l a n cian,t r o d u c eas n e wc o o kt o h i s c o l l e a g u ei n s t h e k i t c h e nA. s kt h e mt o l i s t e na n dt o c o m p l e t teh e t a b l e b e l o ww i t ht h e a p p r o p r i a tnea m e sj,o b sa n d n a t i o n a l i t i e s .


Organisestudentsinto two teamsand readout ten of the numberson the page.Thegroupthat writesdown all the numberscorrectly first isthe winner.

Exercise10 T e l sl t u d e n t sh e yw i l l n o wh e a sr i xt e l e p h o nneu m b e r s . Askthemto listencarefully andto saywhether or notthe page numbers on the correspond to the numbers they hear.lf the numbers don'tcorrespond, askstudents to (coursebook correct page100). them.Seetapescript GD r y 2oo442BBB467t7r 3 001 262 567381 4 r' 5 0033 33 54038 6 r' Exercise 11 Tellstudents thatnowtheyknowhownumbers aresaidin English, theyarereadyto playbingo.Askthemto choose s i xo f t h er o o mk e y so n t h ep a g ea n dt o s h o u t ' B l N G O ! ' w h e nt h e yh a v eh e a r da l lt h e i rn u m b e rosnt h et a p e S . ee (coursebook page tapescript IOO).Thisgamecanbe repeated at anytimewiththeteacher reading outthe tapescript in a random order.


You may want to write the table on the blackboardand ask studentsto read the dialogue in their coursebooksas they listen to it for the first time. More advancedstudentsmay be able to listenwith their booksclosed.They can then all listen a secondtime without looking at their coursebooks and fill in the table on the blackboard.

IK:IE Name S a mR e i l l y RosaGracia PeterCole Jan Nowak

Job H e a dC h e f cook bartender waiter

Nationality American S p a ni s h British Polish

Note:Drawstudents'attention to the differencebetween good eveningand good night (see 'times of day').

Language Ask studentsto lookat the sentences in the language box a n d t h e nt o u n d e r l i nteh e f o r m so f t h e v e r bb e i n t h e d i a l o g u eT.h e n ,a s kt h e mt o c o m p l e t e t h e r u l e so f t h e verbbe. Ask studentsto checktheiranswersin the grammarreference on page92 of the coursebook.

Ask studentsto workin pairsand to askeachother questionsin orderto makea shortCVabouttheir partner. B ln dialogue:is, 'm, 's, 'm, 'm, 's, is,are, 'm, 'm, f Youmaysuggestthat theyfollowthe CVtemplatein 'm, 'm, is e x e r c i s6e a n d u s et h e q u e s t i o nisn e x e r c i s7e a s a g u i d e . Are, . Withthe presentsimpleof the verbbe, we use a m/ ' m w i t h / are/'re with re, you and they Ask studentsto write a famousperson'simaginary rsl 3 with he, sheand ft CVwithout mentioninghis/hername,then to To makenegaiivesentences we put not/'nt afterthe readit aloud.The restof the classmustguess verb. whoseCVit is. To makequestions we put the verbbeforethe person.




Nole=Drawstudents'attentionto the useof the pronoun 'it' to refer to non-livingthings(seegrammartip).

Exercise 5

Tellstudents thattheywill nowlearnhowvarious countries andnationalities arepronounced. Askthemto Exercise 2 classify the names of thecountries andnationalities in Askstudents to put the rulestheylearnedin the language the boxaccording to the headings. Explain the conceptof sfressed boxaboveintopracticeby completing and unsfressed syllables. Explain the textwiththe thatthe large squaresignalsthe placewherestressfallsin the word. correctformsof the verbóe. Oncetheyhavefinished,askthemto listento the tape 2 a r e n ' t 3 i s 4 i s b l s 6 i s n ' t 7 i s andto checktheiranswers @!ltare withthe waytheyhearthe 8 i s 9 i s 1 0 i s 1 1i s 1 2 i s names of thecountries andnationalities pronounced. Thenaskthemto practise sayingthe words.

Exercise 3 Tellstudents thattheywill nowdo thesameas in exercise 2, but thatthe texttheywill complete will tell themabouttwofamouspeople. $$tis

2is 3is

4are 5are 6Are

I Dutcn,France, Spain,Greece [l!l 2 British,lreland, Russian, Belgium 3 Japan,Chinese 4 Portugal, ltaly 5 ltalian 6 portuguese7 American

Exercise 6

Tellstudents thatnowthattheyarefamiliarwith introducing themselves andbeingintroduced to Exercise 4 colleagues, it shouldbeveryeasyfor themto act out Introduce this exercise by askingonestudentwhatthe thissituation. Tellstudents theywill be provided with typicaldrinkanddishis in his/hercountry. Nowask cardsanda questionnaire (photocopiable resource students to havea lookat the foodanddrinkillustrated pages64-65). Askthemto go aroundthe class on the page.Askthemto matchthemto the appropriate introducing themselves andcompleting thequestionnaire countries as represented by the flags. in orderto findoutwhois who. I P a e l l ias a S p a n i sdhi s h . 2 Hamburgers area USspeciality. 3 Portis a Portuguese drink. 4 G u i n n e si ssa n l r i s hd r i n k . 5 Chocolates area Belgianspeciality, 6 Caviare is a Russian speciality. 7 Wineandcheese areFrench specialities. 8 Sushiis a Japanese dish. 9 *Girosis a Greekspeciality. 10 Pastais an ltalianspeciality. *Notethat in the UK girosis calledkebabmeat,or when servedin pitta bread,a kebab.


I AlisonWright 2 Stavros [l$ Rastapoulos 3 Smetana lvanova 4 PetraSchroeder5 KlausLiebig 6 PedroMartínez 7 JoàoSoares 8 NicoleBarot 9 Francesca Piazza 10 Jeroenvande Roe l l J u l i e t tD e u p o n t 1 2 M i c h eRl i a l t o

A newjob D e scri b i ng a r estaur ant

D e s c r i b i nagk i t c h e n

T h ep r e s e nsti m p l e

Thereis / Thereare Pr epositions of pla c e

T h erestaur ant T h ewor kplace

Jobs Pr onunciation: sentenc setr es s

Objectivesof the unit . To enablestudentsto describethe placewherethey workand all its sectionsand subsections. o To enablestudentsto describerestaurantjobs.

f ive

1Q n new job

Firstday at work Exercise 1 Beforethe listeningexercise, there'san introductory vocabulary exercise to familiarise studentswith newwords theyaregoingto be presented with in the dialogue.

With more advancedstudentsyou maywant to do this exercise the other way round.Askthem to keeptheir booksclosed,and write the verbsin their mothertongueon the blackboard. Thenask themto providetranslations in English. Afterwardslet them opentheir booksand compare their answerswith the verbsgivenin exercise 1. Theymay havecomeup with near-synonyms, e.g. talk, tell,saf etc.insteadof speak.Youcould then givethem someexamples to illustratethe differences and/or similarities in meaning.

Exercise 2 Askstudents to listento the dialogue andto answer the questions below.Letthemlistentwice.

You may want to write the questionson the blackboardand ask studentsto read the dialogue in their coursebooksas they listen to it for the first time. More advancedstudentsmay be able to listenwith their booksclosed.They can then all listena secondtime without looking at their coursebooksand answerthe questionson the blackboard.

flCllD 1 No, he doesn't. 2 No, he isn't. 3 Yes,he has. 4 No, she doesn't. 5 No, therearetwo. Note:Allow lessadvancedstudentsto answerwith 'ves'or 'no' only.

Exercise 3 Ask studentsto listento Rosa'sf irst ouestionof the dialogueagain,but nowfocussing on the stresspattern. Whichword is stressed?

Sometimesit's hard for studentsto work out exactlywhich words are stressed.To help them, you can read out the question severaltimes, stressínga different word each time. e.g. DO you speakSpanish?, Do YOu speak Spanish?,etc. Which one is similarto Rosa's? This will probably help them to discoverthe stress pattern.

Nowlet them listento ihe first oairof sentences on the tape.Whichwordis stressed here?Askthem whetherthey think thereis a difference in meaningbetweenthe two versions. Let them givetheir answersin their mother t0ngue. ln the first sentenceSpanishis stressed,becauseRosa a s k si f P e t e rs p e a k sS p a n i s ha, n d n o t F r e n c hl,t a l i a n , Germanor any otherlanguage, thus contrasting Spanish with otherlanguages. In the secondone sheshowsher surpriseat PeterspeakingSpanish,contrasting him with otherpeople. Oncestudentsunderstand the difference, let them listen to the restof the exercise and underline the stressed word in eachsentence. Youmaywishto givefurthercomments on the differences in meaningbetweenthe otherpairsof sentences, but only if yourstudentsunderstand the exampleverywell. page100). Seetapescript(coursebook

fiGrB 1 a )D oy o us p e a kS o a n i s h ? b) Do vou speakSpanish? 2a) ls Sam here?(asopposedto Peter,Jan or Susan) b) ls Sam here?(asopposedto elsewhere) 3a) He alwaysarriveslate.(notearly) b) He alwaysarriveslate.(notjust sometimes) 4 a ) | d o n ' td r i n kc o f f e e(. i m p l y i ntgh a t s o m e o n h e a ss a i d I do) b ) I d o n ' td r i n kc o f f e e(. b u t I d o d r i n kt e a ,e t c . ) 5a) Thesearethe toilets.(notthe dining-room, etc.) (as b) Thesearethe toilets. opposed to those) (not 6a) The dining-room's on the right. on the left) b ) T h ed i n i n g - r o o mo' sn t h e r i g h t .( n o tt h e k i t c h e ne, t c . ) Nowaskthem to practisein pairs.StudentA shouldread one of the sentences in exercise 3 whilestudentB identifieswhichsentencehe/ she hears.

A new iob Q Exercise5 You may wish to ask more advancedstudentsto read other sentencesin the coursebookwhen they have finishedthe exercise.

Exercise 4

A p r a c t i c e x e r c i sw e h i c hm a yb e d o n ee i t h e ri n d i v i d u a l l y or in pairs.

With moreadvancedstudents,you may usethe lastquestionin exercise 5 to let them makea sentence orallyin the presentsimple.

Introduce this exercise by askingstudentswhetherthey remember which partof the restaurant Peterworksin, and which part Rosais goingto workin. Do thev knowthe f I G E ! l w o r k s 2 D o e s 3 d o e s n ' t 4 s e r v e s5 l i k e s namesof otherrestaurant sections? 6 deals 7 finish 8 don't g plav l0 do Thenlet them havea lookat the wordsin the box.Let t h e mw o r ki n s m a l lg r o u p sA. l l o wt h e mt o u s ed i c t i o n a r i e s to lookup ihe wordstheydon't know.OncetheV'vedone Exercíse 6 the exercise, checktheir answers. Let studentsworkin pairs.Explainthat the first partof the exerciseis individual,but that they'regoingto work fKGttD1 toilets 2 cloakroom 3 dining-room togetherfor the secondpart.Individually, theyshould 4 s m o k i n gs e c t i o n 5 k i t c h e n6 , 7 , I f i s h s e c t i o n , makequesiionsin the presentsimple,usingthe prompts saucesection,meatsection givenon pages90 (studentA) and 16 (studentB) in ihe coursebook. Thentheyshouldask eachotherthe questions they haveprepared and take noteof their Referstudentsto 'Restaurant partner'sanswers.The last step is reportingto the rest of sections'in the glossaryat the end of the coursebook the classwhattheir partnerhasanswered. Thiswaythey (pages108-109), and to the corresponding havepractised the secondpersonsingularform exercises in the workbook(page6a). (questions), the first personsingularform (answers) and person the third Encourage singularform (reports). studentsto fill in the glossary Makesurethev with p r o n o u n cteh e f i n a l - s c l e a r l v . wordsin their mothertongue.

Language Askstudents to havea lookat the language box.Allow moreadvanced students to workin smallgroups to answer thequestions; otherwise do it asa whole-class exerctse. TCND o T h e r e 'asf i n a l- s i n b ) b u tn o ti n a ) . drink . In negative sentences, thereis a formof theverb do + not/ n'f in frontof the mainverb. . do/ does . do/ does

With lessadvancedstudents,you may wish to dividethe classinto two big groups,one group preparing the student A questions,the other the student B questions.Afterwards each student will have to work together with a student from the other group.

Turnto thegrammar (coursebook reference section page92) andgothrough theexplanations together with t h es t u d e n t s .




A newiob

The workplace Exercise 1 Introducethe exercise by askingstudentswheiherthey rememberwhat Rosa'sjob is. And do they knowthe job titlesof otherpeopleworkingin a restaurant or bar? A l l o wt h e mt o w o r ki n s m a l lg r o u p sw i t h a d i c t i o n a reya c h Youmayaskthe groupswho finishthe to do the exercise. with thoseof exercise f irst to comparetheiranswers anothergroup,thus allowingslower-paced studentsto f i n i s ht h e e x e r c i steo o . ffGlB Jobs:headchef, cook,pastrycook,commis f ish section,pastrysection,vegetable section Sections: grill, deep-fryer, freezer, Appliances: oven,stove,fridge Foodand drinks:rolls,cocktails, croissants, desserts

Refer studentsto the 'Appliances'sectionof the coursebookglossary(page 104)and the correspondingexercisesin the workbook (page 52). For Drinks,Food, Jobsand Restaurant sections,see glossarypages 104-111.

Exercise2 e y e l i c i t i n gf r o m( o r I n t r o d u cteh e t h e m eo f t h e d i a l o g u b reminding) studentsthat PeterhasshownRosathe bar Whatimportant and the dining-rooms of the restaurant. partof the restaurant is missing? Ask studentsto listento the dialogueand to saywhether the statements belowaretrue or false.

You may want to copy the statementsonto the blackboardand ask studentsto read the dialogue in their coursebooksas they listento it for the first time. More advancedstudentsmay be able to listenwith their booksclosed.They can then all listena secondtime without looking at their coursebooksand decide whether the statements are true or false.

Afterwards they shouldcorrectthe falsesentences.

t true 2|rue 3 false (for breakfast,not for [l[l dessert) 4 false(Karl,not Louis) 5 false(theovenis just for her,but she sharesthe stoveswith the other cooks).

Exercise3 Studentsare nowgoingto studythe namesof jobs.Read the wordsin the boxtogetherwith them. Do they know whichjobstheyreferto? lFl1B t headwaiter 2 headchef 3 waiter 4 d i n i n g - r o oams s i s t a n t5 , 6 , 7 , 8 s a l a dc o o k , meatcook,saucecook,pastrycook

Frenchhas had a very powerful influenceon English,especiallyin the area of cuisine.That is why many jobs in the catering sectorare referred to in French.Maybethat's alsothe casein your country, in which caseyour students may be more familiarwith the Frenchthan with the English names.ln the 'Jobs'sectionof the glossary (pages107-108),the most important French alternativesare given,and there is an exercisein the workbook (page 11)where studentsare asked to match both alternatives.Here the only forms dealt with are the Englishones.

Note:Go throughthe three structuresto describejobs mentionedrn the languagetip box and make sure studentsunderstandthem. For more advancedstudents,you may wtsh to mention that here the structuresare all followedby noun phrases, but that it's possibleto use verbconstructionsafter 'in chargeof' and 'responsiblefor'. Youcan write thesesentenceson the blackboard: She'sresponsiblefor preparingthe desserts. He's responsiblefor servingthe drinks.

Exercise4 Tellstudentsthey aregoingto hearsomepeople describing a varietyof jobs.Theyhaveto selectwhich job is meantby eachspeaker. Stopthe tapeaftereach s e n t e n cteo g i v et h e mt i m e t o t h i n k .S e et a p e s c r i p t (coursebook page100). G D t u


2 a

3 c

4 b

5 c

A newi"U Q Language The sentences usedas a startingpointaretakenfrom the d i a l o g u eL. e ts t u d e n t w s o r ki n p a i r so r s m a l lg r o u p st o f i l l in the gaps.-furnto the grammarreference sectionat the (page93) and go throughthe backof the coursebook explanation wsi t ht h e m . NotetAlthough countableand uncountablenounsare dealt with as a languagepoint in unit 6, you may illustrate what an uncountablenoun is by giving an example: Therets wine on the table. Thereis sugar in my coffee.

rcnF . . o .

We usethereis with srngularor uncountable nouns. We use therearewith pluralnouns. We makequestionswith ls thereor are there. We make negativesentenceswith thereis not/lSn'tor thereare not/ aren't.

Exercise 5

! 1 nexto 2 on 3 under 4 in f 5 o n t h er i g h o t f 6 i n t h em i d d l e o f 7 o nt h e l e f to f Exercise7 A s ks t u d e n t so l i s t e nt o t h et a p ea n dt o i d e n t i fw yhich sentences stressis,/are.Letthemlistenagainif necessary, thenchecktheiranswers. Seetapescript (coursebook page1OO). Thenaskthemto practise saying thesentences themselves.

Sometimesit's hard for studentsto work out exactlywhich words are stressed.Ask them to copy the stresspattern of the question using soundsinsteadof words, e.g. tatatata ..., or to knock on their tables when there's a stressed syllable. It may be fun to askthem to 'read' all the questionsthis way before usingthe actualwords. It will certainlyhelp them to discoverthe stress pattern.

To introducethe exercise, askstudentswhetherthey r e m e m b ef r o mt h e d i a l o g u w e h a ta p p l i a n c et sh e r ea r e i n t h e k i t c h e no f t h e C a s a b l a n c a .


A l l o wt h e mt o w o r ki n p a i r sa n d f i l l i n t h e g a p si n t h e exercisewilh there is/there are.


ÍIGEE 1 Thereare 2 there is 5 Thereis 6 Thereare

3 there is

4 Thereare

Exercise 6 Drawstudents'attentionto the text of exercise 5 again a n d a s kt h e mt o u n d e r l i nteh e p r e p o s i t i o n t hse ys e ef r o m t h e b o xi n e x e r c i s6e. C a nt h e yd e d u c et h e i rm e a n i n g from the context?Let them workin smallgroupsto do the p i c t u r em a t c h i n g exercise.

Tellstudentstheyaregoingto workin pairs,but that the f i r s tp a r ti s i n d i v i d u aS l . t u d e nA t s h o u l dt u r n t o p a g e8 6 in their coursebook, studentB to page88. Allowthem sometime to lookup the wordsand structures to describe t h e i rp i c t u r eT. h e ne x p l a i nt h a t t h e ys h o u l dd e s c r i b teh e i r p i c t u r ea n d a s kt h e i rp a r t n eqr u e s t i o ntso f i n d o u t t h e d i f f e r e n c eTs h . e ys h o u l d n 'st h o wt h e i rp i c t u r e tso e a c h o t h e rT . h ea i m i s t o p r a c t i s teh e v o c a b u l a rsyt u d i e di n t h i s unit, as well as thereis/thereare andthe preposrtions of prace.

fiGrD You may ask studentsto translatethe prepositions into their mother tongue. ls there one English prepositionfor each prepositionof placein their language,or are different prepositionstranslated the same way? ln the latter case,give students extra examplesto illustratethe dífferences.

Deepfat fryeron table in A but on worktop in B. O v e nb e l o wg r i l l i n B b u t b e l o wh o b i n A . G r i l la n d h o bo p p o s i t w e a yr o u n d . No woodensooonin A. N o u t e n s i losn t h e w a l li n B .

nI n e


TheCasabtanca D e a l i n gw i t h e n q u i r i e s

G i v i n gd i r e c t i o n s

P re se nct ontinuous

G i v i n gd i r e c t i o n s Pr epositions of movem ent

Wh-words S e a ti n ga rr angements

Verbsof movement P r o n u n c i a t i oqnu:e s t i o n s

Objectives of the unit a a



Toenablestudents to dealwithenquiries madeby guests. Toenablestudents guests. to givedirections to

The Casablanca @

An enquiry Exercise1 B e f o r el i s t e n i n tgo t h e d i a l o g u ee,l i c i tp r e v i o uksn o w l e d g e studentsmay haveon the subjectthroughthe warm-up question.Answersmayof coursebe givenin their mother rongu e.

Exercise 2 Ask siudentsto listento the dialogueand to answerthe questionsbelow.Let them listentwice.

With more advancedstudentsyou may wish to expforefurther the difference between what and which. To illustratethe difference,you might write these two sentenceson the board: What would you tike to drink? Which of these drinks do you prefer? Expfainthat what refersto more general questions,where the answer expectedmay vary a lot. And which is used when the answer is more predictable,if there's a limited choice.

Exercise4 You may want to write the questionson the blackboardand ask studentsto read the dialogue in their coursebooksas they listen to it for the first time. More advancedstudentsmay be able to listenwith their booksclosed.They can then all listena secondtime without looking at their coursebooksand answerthe questionson the blackboard.

lkllB 1 Shewanisto organise a weddingbanquer. 2 Thirtypeople. 3 The UnitedStatesof America. 4 At the QueenVictoriaHotel. 5 Hanover Street. Nole:Although it is important to introduceboth themesof the unit at this stage, the aim here is to focus attention on the generalinformationrequestedby the guest, not on giving directions.Thepart of the dialogueconcentrating on giving dtrections will be referred to in the second part of the unit.

Exercise3 Ask studentsto havea lookat the grammartip. Arethey with thesewords?Askthem to readthe acouainted dialogueagainand to identifythe wh-wordsusedin it. Canthey deducetheir meaningfrom the context? Thenlet t h e mw r i t ed o w nt h e t r a n s l a t i oinn t h e i rm o t h e tro n e u ei n t h e g r a m m atri p b o xa n d d o t h e e x e r c i s e . G D t n

2 1 3 d

4 e

5 a

6 c

Ask studentsto listento the questions of ihe previous exercise again,but nowfocussing on the stresspattern. Whichwordsarestressed? Theywill probablydiscover y y h t h a tt h e w o r d sa, l o n gw i t ht h e m a i nn o u n sa n d adjectives as well as someverbs,are stressed. Lei them repeatthe sentences rn group,puttingextrastresson the stressedwords.

Sometimesit's hard for studentsto work out exactlywhich words are stressed.You can ask them then to copy the stresspattern of the questionusingsoundsinsteadof words,e.g. tatatata ... You can give an exampleto illustratethis. e.g. What do you do7 would sound TA ta ta TA? It may be fun to askthem to 'read' all the questionsthis way before using the actual words. It will certainly help them to discoverthe stress pattern.

Exercise5 I n t r o d u cteh i s e x e r c i sbey a s k i n gt h e s t u d e n t w s hether they remember what kind of meal Ms Porterwantedto organise. Howdo you arrangethe tablesfor a banquetfor people? twenty-frve Whatarethe differentpossibilities? Tellthem they aregoingto learnthe namesof the seating a r r a n g e m e ni tnsE n g l i s hn o w .

Thenlet them havea lookat the wordsin the box.Let t h e mw o r ki n s m a l lg r o u p sA. l l o wt h e mt o u s ed i c t i o n a r i e s to lookup the wordsthey don't know.Oncethey'vedone the exercise, correctit with them beforeproceeding to the nextsteD.

eleven 11


rne Casablanca

Nowaskthem to listento a shortdialoguewhereJan and Language S u s a nd i s c u s st h e b a n q u eat r r a n g e m e n T t se. l lt h e m they'regoingto hearsomeof the wordsdescribing seatrng fiGEN a r r a n g e m e nt thsa t t h e y ' v ej u s t s t u d i e dT. h e ys h o u l dt i c k . I live in Maryland. these.Seetapescript(coursebook page100). . l'm stayingat the QueenVrctoriaHotel. We makenegative sentences by puttingnot/ n't between the verb be and |he :ilg form of the main verb. You may ask students not only to tick the words We makequestions by putiingthe subjectbetweenthe they hear;but alsoto mark the order in which verbóe and the lingform of the mainverb. they appear in the dialogue.

TGND tablesize small large m e d i u m - s i z erdz ( 1 )

tableshape ovaI square r/ (3) r o u n d/ ( 2 ) r e c l a n g u lya'r ( 4 )

seatingarrangement conferencestyle banqueting s t y l e/ ( 6 ) h o r s e s h o/ eU - s h a p e/ ( 5 )

F i n a l l ya s kt h e mt o w r i t ed o w nt h e n a m e so f t h e t w o seatingarrangements theysee in the picture.Youcan h e l pb y t e l l i n gt h e mt h a t b o t ho f t h e mw e r em e n t i o n eidn t h e di a l o g u e . f3?l]B U-shapeconference styleor horseshoe banqueting style

Refer studentsto the 'seating arrangements' sectionin the glossaryat the end of the coursebook(page 109)and the corresponding exercises in the workbook (page66). Encourage studentsto fill in the glossarywith words in their mother tongue.

Exercise 6 Ask studentsto workin pairs.StudentA shouldturn to page86, studentB to pageBB. E a c hs t u d e n st h o u l dd r a wa p i c t u r eo f t h e s e a t i n g a r r a n g e m etnhte yh e a rd e s c r i b e d . lkllî StudentA drawsa banqueting stylearrangement w i t h t h r e es m a l l ,s q u a r et a b l e sa n d f o u rc h a i r sa t e a c h t a b l e ;a n d a l a r g er o u n dt a b l ew i t ht w e l v ec h a i r s . StudentB drawsan arrangement with two rectangular t a b l e sa n d e i g h tc h a i r sa t e a c ht a b l e ;a n d a n a r r a n g e m e n t w i t h t h r e es m a l l ,o v a lt a b l e sa n d f o u rc h a i r sa t e a c ht a b l e .


You may wish to mention the use of the present continuoustensewith future meaning. You can write this sentenceon the blackboard: Now l'm staying at the Victoria hotel, but toníght I'm flying back to New York.

Brainstormfor more verbsdescribingactionsand put them on the blackboard.When you've got a reasonableset, ask studentsto take turns and mime one of the actionson the blackboard.The other studentsshould make a correctsentence usingthe presentcontinuousto describethe action mimed.

Exercise 7 Arrangeyourclassin groupsof four. In eachgroup, studentA shouldturn to page86, studentB to page87, studentC to page89 and studentD to page90. Tellthem eachone of them is goingto get a set of factsthat the o t h e r sd o n ' th a v e P . u t t i n gi t a l l t o g e t h e tr h, e yw i l l b e a b l e to discover wherethe guestsare sittingand whatihey are e a t r n gT. h e ys h o u l da s ke a c ho t h e rq u e s t i o nasn d a n s w e r t h e m i n E n g l i s ha, s i n t h e e x a m p l e . fIGEE 1 Mr Jones,hamburger 2 MrsJones,salad 3 M r s E d w a r d sp,a s t a 4 M r C o l l i n ss, t e a k 5 M r T h o r p ef,i s h a n d c h i p s 6 M r S p e n c e rp,a e l l a 7 M r sR o b r n s o np ,i z z a 8 M r sC l a r k d , uck



The Casablanca @ Exercise2 The photocopiableversion (page 66) offers an alternative,more difficult versionof exercise7. The charactersare not seatedthe sameway and students have to discovernot only what they're eating, but alsowhat they're drinking.You may use it with more advancedstudents.ln mixed ability groups,you may arrangefaster-and slower-pacedstudents in separategroups, and give each group the versionwhich is most suitable for them. fiGlD to photocopiable version: la) Mr Roberts b) roastbeef 2 a ) M r sS m i t h b) paella 3a)Mr Smith b) salmon 4a) Mr Carrot b) steak 5a) Ms White b) kebab 6a) Ms Fairfax b) salmon 7a) Mrs Bellamy b) spaghetti 8a) Mr Darcy b) caviare

c) redwine c ) w h i t ew i n e c ) w h i t ew i n e c) red wrne c) red wine c) water c) beer c) champagne

Nowtell studentsto lookat the map and to spotthe Hollywood Hotel.Theyaregoingto listenagainand have to decidewho is givingthe correctdirections.

You may prefer to pausethe tape after each part of the directionsis given, so as to allow slowerpaced studentsto follow more easily.Or you may opt for a reading insteadof a listening activity.

SGEE.tan Exercise3 The studentsare nowgoingto studyhowto express movement. In this exercise they learnverbsof movement, in exercise 4 prepositions of movement. Ask siudentswhetherthey knowall the verbsin the box. l f t h e yd o n ' t ,t e l l t h e mt h e ys h o u l dt r y t o d e d u c et h e i r meaning t h r o u g he l i m r n a t i o nL .e tt h e mw o r ki n p a r r s .

G i v i n gd i r e c t i o n s Exercise 1

IIGEElcross 2pass 3take/turn 4walk 5 go straighton

Y o um a yw i s ht o i n t r o d u cteh e t h e m eo f t h e d i a l o g u b ey Exercise4 askingstudentswhetherthey'veeverbeento London.lf so, the do they knowthe namesof famousplacesto go shopping? Ask studentsto havea lookat the picturesillustrating prepositions of movement and drawtheir attentionto the lf not,wheredo theygo shopping? Aretherefamous preposition wsr i t t e nu n d e r n e a t A h .s kt h e mw h a tt h e shoppingcentres,streets,etc. in theirtownor city? t r a n s l a t i o o n f t h e s e w o r d s i s i n t h e i rl a n g u a g eD. o t h i s a s Youmaywantto referbackto the first listeningexercise exercise to makesureeverybody of the unit. Do they remember what Ms PorteraskedJan? a whole-class understands the meaning of the prepositions of M a k es u r et h a t g i v i n gd ì r e c t i o niss m e n t i o n e dA.s k movemenÌ. s t u d e n t tso l i s t e nt o t h e d i a l o e u a e n dt o f i l l i n t h e t a b l e T h e nl e t t h e md o t h e e x e r c i sien o a i r s . below. B 1 out of f 6 across You may want to copy the table onto the blackboardand ask studentsto read the dialogue in their coursebooks as they listento it for the first time. More advancedstudentsmay be able to listenwith their booksclosed.They can then all listena secondtime without looking at their coursebooksand fill in the grid on the blackboard,

flGll 1 Peter 2 Rosa,Peterand Jan 3 Peterand Jan 4 Rosa

2 along 3 towards 4 past 5 into

Exercise 5 Tellstudenisthat they are nowgoingto concentrate on t h e p a r to f t h e f i r s td i a l o g u oe f t h e u n i t w h e r eJ a ng a v e directions to Ms Porter(page20). Tellthem to lookat the map on page24. The starting p o i n ti s O x f o r dC i r c u sT. h e ys h o u l df o l l o wJ a n ' s instructions to get to the Casablanca Restaurant and mark it on the mao with a cross.

thi r teen 13

rne Casablanca


fK:llD Seecoursebook page23 tor the locationof the Casablanca Restaurant.

Makestudents sit backto backto ensuretheydon'tlook at eachother's maps.Student A shouldthengive studentB directions to the placeslistedon page25. Nole=Drawstudents'attentionto the useful phrases for givingdirectionson the underground / subway(see languagetip box).

Exercise6 Tell studentsthey are goingto listento somesenrences. Theyshouldmark with arrowswherethe speaker'svoice goesup, and whereit goesdown,as in the example.Copy the sentencesonto the blackboardand markthe arrows clearlywhencorrecting the exercise.



r'nry*rfrt"' gr""ffs\t . canyou yz$


tr \ I'm\.

yougo 'yaeilon and yg lcan't\ou.

Exercise 7 Askstudents to workin pairs.Student A shouldturnto page89 whilestudentB looksat the mapon page25. StudentB mustgivestudentA directions fromthe Tourist Information Center to the places student A mentions.



Reservations T a ki n gr eser vations

G i v i n gi n f o r m a t i oanb o u t a r estaur an t

M a k i n gb o o k i n g s

Pr epositions of tim e

C l o c kt i m e s P r o n u n c i a t i ot hne: a l p h a b e t

Days,monthsandse as ons Breakfast

Objectives of the unit o Toenablestudents to taketelephone reservations. ' Tomakestudents professional awareof practiceinvolved in takingtelephone reservations.

f ifteen l5





Ask studentsto listento the two dralogues and to c o m p l e t teh e b o o k i n g f o r m sw i t ht h e i n f o r m a t i orne q u i r e d . B e f o r el i s t e n i n tgo t h e d i a l o g u ee,l i c i tp r e v i o uksn o w l e d g e P l a yt h e t a p es e v e r at li m e s ,a l l o w r nsgo m et i m e f o r studentsto considerand checktheir answers. See studentsmay haveon the subjectthroughthe warm-up (pages100-101). tapescripts ou e s t i o n .

Exercise 1

Exercise2 Ask studentsto listento the dialogueand to take noteof the detailsof the reservation.

You may want to copy the booking form onto the blackboardand ask studentsto read the dialogue in their coursebooksas they listen to it for the first time. More advancedstudentsmay be able to listenwith their booksclosed.They can then all listena secondtime without looking at their coursebooksand checkthe booking form on the blackboard.

Afterallowingstudentstime to put their ideasin order,let t h e m l i s t e nt o t h e d i a l o g u a e g a i nt o c h e c ki f t h e information theyobtainedis correct.Ask studentsto compare t h e d e t a i l st h e yo b t a i n e w d i t h t h o s eo n t h e incorrectbookingform.

f!G!E 1 Saturday 2 ten o'clock 3 two 4 Sunday 5 e i g h to ' c l o c k 6 f o u r

Exercise5 Introduce the nextexercise by askingstudentswhatthey h e a r dt h e w a i t e rd o i n gw h e nh e d i d n ' tk n o wh o wt o s p e l l the nameof the guestwho wasmakingthe reservation. Askthem whethertheythink it may happenoftenwhen dealingwith foreignguests.Clarifythe association of the v o w e sl o u n d si n t h e w o r d sa t t h e t o p o f e a c hc o l u m nw i t h the vowelsoundsusedin spellingout eachletterof the alphabet.lf necessary, add furtherexamples to illustrate the association. Ask studentsto completethe gapswith the letterswhosepronunciation matchesthat of the vowel i n t h e h e a d i n gT. h e np l a yt h e t a p es o t h a t t h e yc a n c h e c k their answers.

Before asking studentsto complete the table, teach them how the vowels are pronounced in Englishby showingthem on the blackboard.

ÍIGED Name:Mr Russell Date:7 July Time:7.30 N u m b eo r f p e o p l e2:

Note: Draw students'attention to the different pronunciationsof the letter z in UK and US English(zed and zee respectively).

Exercise3 Ask studentsto readthe dialogueand to identifythe questions associated with the information required.ln the nextsection,ask studentsto f ind in the dialogueother m o r eg e n e r ael x p r e s s i o nwsh, i c hw i l l u s u a l l ya p p e a irn exchanges with guests. fIGEf 1 What nameis it, please? 2 Forwhat day, please? 3 Whattime? 4 Forhow manypeople? 5 l s t h a t s m o k i n go r n o n - s m o k i n g ?6 C o u l dy o us p e l l that, please? 7 Goodafternoon, Casablanca Restaurant. Can I helpyou? 8 Certainly, sir. 9 So, that'sa tablefor two at seven-thiriy this evening. Note:Drawstudents'attention to the existenceof four equivalentbut different linguistic structuresto refer to the action of 'bookinga table' (seetip box).



lkllB they




n j k

c d e

l M n )




z (UK lz:r,dl)

ten f

my i

no o y

you q

are r

u W


z (US lzil)

Exercise6 Ask studentsto workin pairsand to turn to the glossary ( p a g e s1 0 4 - 1 1 1 ) .E x p l a i n t h a t e a c hs t u d e n itn t u r n w i l l chooseat leastfive or (in ihe caseof moreadvanced

Reservations O students)ten wordsfrom the glossary and will spellthem to his/her partner.Eachstudentshouldthenwritedown the wordshis/ her oartnerdictates.

The Casablanca Restaurant Exercise1

Beforeaskingstudentsto opentheircoursebooks, introduce this partof the unit by askingthem whatother typesof conversation a waitermay havewith a gueston Introduce this exercise by askingstudentswhatwouldbe phone. getting guest the lf they don't suggestenquiriesaboutthe as bad as the nameof the wrong.lf they establishment, illustrate with an exampleor anecdote don't mentiongettingthe time of the reservation wrong, regarding a famousperson,e.g. 'BruceWillisis a strict introducethis problemby tellingthe groupaboutan vegetarian and he wentto havelunch in a veryfamous imaginary mistakeof this kind that happened to you. restaurant in Argentina. Youknowthat meat is the Startby elicitingor teachinghowclocktimesaretold in there,so he wasveryangrywhen he English.Usethe clockfaceon page28 of the coursebook nationalspeciality disheshe couldhavewere to illustrateyourexplanation. Ask studentsto listento the foundthat the onlyvegetarian saladslWhatdo you think wouldhaveprevented tapeand to identifythe clocktimesthey hear.See this 'Bruce (coursebook page disaster?' Assumedanswer: Willisshouldhave tapescript 101). obtainedsomeinformation aboutthat restaurant before going.'Introduce the advertisement as a sourceof information aboutrestaurants by elicitingfrom the group wheretheycan find information aboutrestaurants.


GEEto 2a 3b 4a 5c 6a 7b 8a

Exercise 8 Ask studentsto workin pairs.Explainthat studentA will lookat the clockson page90 and studentB will lookat the clockson page28. Eachstudentwill then saythe t i m e t o h i s / h e r p a r t n ear n d h e / s h e ,i n t u r n ,w i l l t a k e noteof the times.Studentsshouldthen checktheir answers eitherwith their oartners or with the wholeclass. D Timeson page28:1 8.30 2 7.45 3 1.50 f 4 9.15 5 11.45 T i m e so n p a g e9 0 : 1 6 . 3 0 2 I O . 2 O 3 3 . 3 0 4 I 2 . O O 5 8.45

fIGED Possibledflswers:throughthe internet, advertisements in magazines, radiocommercials, etc.

Exercise2 Ask studentsto readthe advertisement. Theymaywork in pairs.Thenaskstudentsto readthe questionsbelowthe advertisement and makesurethey understand them. lf time allowsand in orderto promotestudyskills,tell them to usea dictionary as well. Next,ask studentsto usethe advertisement to answerthe questions. Oncethey have finished,checkthe answers with the wholeclass. 2No. [l!!tt"to. 7 No. 8 No.


4yes. SNo. 6yes.


lf this is donein a differentsessionfrom the advertisement, studentsshouldstartby readingthe Tellstudentsthat nowtheyarefamiliarwith taking advertisement again.Askthem to lookat the tableand reservations, it shouldbe veryeasyfor them to reproduce elicitthe meaningof the headings. Thenaskthem to a reservation conversation orally.First,go throughthe completethe tablewith wordsfrom the advertisement. promptswith studentsand elicit examplesentences for Oncethey havefinished,checkthe answers with the prompt. each Thendrawstudents'attentionto the wholeclass. dialogueon page26 as a usefulmodel.Givethem time to writeout theirown dialogues in pairsor groups,helping ffGnB 1 à la carte 2 tabled'hóte 3 children's them as necessary. Thenallowthem time to rehearse the 4 breakfast 5 lunch 6 Tuesday 7 morning conversation. Studentsshouldthen oresenttheir I December 9 winter dialogues orallyto the class.Finally,the restof the class can giveeachpairor groupfeedbackon theiraccuracy, tone,politeness and enthusiasm.


seventeen 17


Reservations Nowaskstudents to havea lookat the wordsin the box. Makesuretheyunderstand them.Thenaskthemto matchthesewordswiththe itemsin the pictures. Tell students that someingredients maybelongto bothtypes of breakfasts. K!! 1 cereal 2toast 3 grapefruit4mushrooms 5 tomato 6 bacon 7 sausages8 tea g fruit juice 10 milk 11 pastries 12 rolls 13 eggs 14 croissant 15jam 16 coffee 17 coldmeat

Exercise 4 Ask studentsto go overthe list of daysand monthsand to pronouncethe wordsas a group.Next,ask them to listen and to tick the daysand monthsthey hearin the sentenceson the tape. Playthe tape severaltimes allowingthem time to reflectand checktherranswers. Seetapescript(coursebook page101),

Exercíse 6 Ask studentsto workin pairsand explainthat theyshould tell eachotherwhat they normallyhavefor breakfast.lf you wantthem to spendmoretime on this exercise, ask them alsoto saywhatthey haveat the weekends. Finally, finish the exerciseby askingthem what werethe most frequentingredients their partnerhad for breakfast.In the caseof the weekendbreakfastexpansion,ask them what, if any,wasthe differencebetweenthe weekdavand weekendbreakfasts.

Language ÍIGEBTuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, March, April,May,June,August, December

Exercise 5 Introduce this exercise by askingonestudentwhat he/she had for breakfast that morning.Also,elicitthe typesof breakfastthey know.lf they don't come up with the names,ask them whetherthey knowwhat a continentalbreakfastis, and how it differsfrom a UK breakfast. Note: Youmay also deal with the differencesand similarities between the UK and the IJS breakfast,as well as the US-born term 'brunch' (coming from 'breakfast' + 'lunch'). Examplesof componentsin each follow: UK breakfast: €!fls, bacon, grilled tomatoes, mushrooms,toast, jam, fruit juice, tea/coffee (cereals optional) Continental breakfast: bread (toast, pastries, croissants and the like) and beverage(coffee/tea, juice, milk) US breakfast: eSgs,bacon, toast or pastries, coffee/tea, juice; sometimes hash browns,pancakes or cereal



Introduce this exercise by remindingstudentsof the information in the advertisement they havealready studied.Askthem whethertheythink thereis any they still haven'tworkedon. Askthem howtheywouldsay ,We openfrom ,.. to ...' in English.Ask studentsto readthe sentences in the uppersectionof the language boxand drawtheir attentionto the differentprepositions. Ask studentsto matchthesesentenceswith the corresponding rulesbelow,lllustratethe exercise with the example.Ask studentsto checktheiranswers with the explanations in the grammarreferencesection(page94).


2d 3f 4e sb 6a

Exercise 7 lntroducethe exercise by askingthe grouphow many membersof the Casablanca staff they know.Tell them that theywill now learnthingsaboutSam,the HeadChef. Ask them first to readthe text and makesurethey understandwhat it describes.Theymay usea dictionary. Thenaskthem to fill in the gapswith the correct prepositions from the boxabove.Oncethey havefinished, checkthe answers with the wholeclass.

Reservations @ GEEtat 2in 3at 4from 5to 6from 7to 8 i n 9 O n 1 0i n 1 1l n 1 2 l n

Exercise 8 Tellstudents thattheyhaveto usethe verbssuggested in the boxbut thattheymayaddanyverbstheycomeup with.Exemplify witha studentif necessary the exercise andputsamplequestions on the blackboard for reference. Makesuretheyusepresent simplequestions andanswers. Askstudents to workin pairsandto find out whattheirpartners do daily,whenon holiday, etc.When theyhavefinished, askeachstudent to present his/her partner's answers to the restof the class.Elicitfromthe groupwhether therewill haveto be anychangein the verbwhenreporting. lf no answer comes,askthemto go (coursebook page92) to the grammar reference section andfind out aboutthe third personsingular-s in the present simple.

nineteen 1 9



Review Generalnotes . lf the reviewunit is to be usedas a progress test, studentsshouldbe informedof the areasto be tested in advanceof the lesson. o Explainhowto approacheachof the activitiesbefore theystartworkingon them. o Tellstudentstheywill haveto workindividually unless (thiswill happenin the oral theyaretold otherwise activity).

Exercise1 Tellstudentsthat they haveto put a telephone enquiry betweena guestand a waiterinto the correctorder,that all the sentences are correctand that althoughthereis someflexibilityin the order,it shouldreflectgood professional practice.Studentsshouldwritenumbersin the boxesto indicatethe correctorder.Alternatively, the exercisecould be usedfor oral assessment with students workingin pairsand then performing the dialogue.

preposition. Ask studentsto readthe sentences carefully beforedoingthe exercise and drawtheir attentionto the fact that someprepositions can be usedmorethan once. Blnextto 2from 3to f 7in Snextto 9on 10on




Exercise 4 Tellstudentsthat this exercise is designed to find out whetherthey remember the vocabulary relatedto the areasdealtwith in units 1-4. Askthem to underlinethe wordthat doesn'tfit and get them to tell you which categories the wordsbelongto, includingthe odd one.


zb 3h 4d 5i 6e 7k 8e 9r GDtr 10j 11a 121 13c 14n

(appliances, 1 U-shaped seatingarrangements) (parts 2 supper of the day,meals) (appliances, 3 horseshoe seatingarrangements) 4 banqueting style(meals,seatingarrangements) 5 small(partsof the restaurant, seatingarrangements) 6 France(countries, nationalities) 7 butter(jobs,breakfast) I spring(breakfast, seasons)



Tellstudentsthat in this exercise theywill be askedto practisethe presentsimpleand the presentcontinuous by filling in the gapsin the sentences. Theymust usethe appropriateform of the verb in bracketsafterworkingout the correcttensefrom the context.Ask studentsto read the sentences carefullybeforefillingthe gaps.Givethem a clue:Doesthe sentence referto permanent states/ repeatedactionsor to eventsthat are goingon at the moment?

Tellstudentsthat this exercise focuseson giving directions. Askthem to readeachinstruction while having a lookat the map.Theymusttake into accountthe startingpointwhenconsidering left and rightand write downthe final destination. Theycouldmarkthe itinerarv onthemap. lkllB 2 MermaidInn 3 town hall 5 old grammarschool 6 postoffice 7 market

f 1 are laying 2work, are helping 3 are (you) f Exercíse6 cooking 4 prepares, is making 5 welcomes, is not doing This is an oralactivityto be donein pairs.Ask studentsto 6 is (the reception waiter)doing 7 Does(patrick)like, usethe map in the previous doesn'tlike 8 Do (you)live,don't like,lives activityto directeachother in turn to the destinations of theirchoice.Tellthem to mentionthe startingpoint.With lessadvanced students, Exercíse 3 askthem to writethe instructions individuallv before Tellstudentsthat the aim of this exerciseis to test them performing the taskorally. on their knowledge of the prepositions of time and place by filling in the gapsin the sentences usingthe correct



Welcome! guests R e ce iving

Makingar r angem ents Goingfo + verb

P a rtso f the dining- r oom P ro nun ci a tion : consonants

Tableware for breakfast, l u n c ha n dd i n n e r

Objectives of the unit Toenablestudents to dealwithguestsfromthe momenttheyarriveat the restaurant until presented theyare withthe menu. practiceinvolved Tofamiliarise withthe conventions students andprofessional in receiving guests. Toenablestudents to express futureplans.

twenty-one 2t

@ w"tcome! Receivingguests


Beforeaskingstudentsto underlinethe modalverbsin the dialogue,tell them that woutdcan be contractedas 'd. Beforelistening to thedialogue, elicitprevious knowledge Youcan get studentsto practisethe pronunciationof studentsmayhaveon the subjectthroughthe warm-up would.With moreadvancedstudents,you may chooseto question. provide Answers given maybe moreinformation in theirmothertongue. aboutthe useand meaningof the modalverbs.Youmay alsowish to explainto advanced studentsthat shallinthe usedealtwith here Exercise 2 can only be usedwith /and rare. Ask studentsto readthe actionslistedon page35 and makesurethey don't haveany problemswith the CouldI havethe name,please?/Shall [![l I takeyour vocabulary, particularly with the word'show'meaning coats?/CanI leavemy hat,too?/Wouldyou preferto sit 'accompany' in the sentence'showthe gueststo their indoorsor outdoors? / | think we'd preferindoors/l'll show table'.lf time allows,encourage them to usea dictionary. you to yourtable. Thenaskstudentsto listento the dialogueand to tick the actionscarriedout by Jan. Depending on the levelof your Exercise 3 students,you may ask them to do so without lookingat the dialoguein theircoursebook. tell studentsthat modalverbs Thencheckthe answers Beforedoingthis exercise, can haveseveralmeanings.Thus,shal/ t, witt t and would with the wholeclass.Playthe dialogueagainand this time askstudentsto go throughthe printeddialoguewhile you can be used in offers, may I can be used to ask for they listenand write downthe phrasesusedby Jan in the permission,can and could can be used to ask for somethingpolitely,and can/can,t canalsoexoress correctspacesof the table.Givethem time to finish possibility or impossibility. writing,then checktheiranswersby askingindividual Examples of all theseusescan be found throughoutthe exercise. studentsto readthem aloudin turn. Finally,get all the studentsto say all the phrasestogether,

Exercise 1

@t 1 Greetthe guests


2 Ask if there is a booking /

Goodeveningmadam,srr. Do you havea reservation?

3 Askfor the name


CouldI havethe name, please?

4 Checkthe booking details


Mr andMrsKerrigan tablefor two.

5 Offerthe guestsa coffee 6 Offer cloakroomservice ./ 7 Offer a choiceof r' seats 8 Apologiseand explainproblem


9 Suggestseats


l 0 S h o wt h e k i t c h e n to the guests 11 Showthe gueststo t h e i rt a b l e

l2 Present the menu

22 twenty-two

r' t/

Shall I take yourcoats?

Wouldyoupreferto sit indoors or outdoors? I'm verysorry, sir.I'm afraidthattableis not available. The roundone nearthe windowis free.

F o l l o wm e , p l e a s el.' l l s h o w you to yourtable.

Here's themenu.

2 S h a i l 3 W o u l d4 W a y b C a n @lCould 6 Would 7 'll 8 Would 9 can't l0 Can Exercíse 4 Before approaching thisexercise, elicitthe partsof the dining-room thatyourstudents already know.Theyshould at leastcomeup withtheareasmentioned in the dialogue,i.e. indoors,outdoors, pianoandwindowand they mayrememberprivatedining-room,(non-)smoking section, etc.,whichcameup in unit2. Thenaskstudents to do theexercise, allowing themto usea dictionary if necessary. Makesuretheyunderstand thatthe words

WelcomelO indoorsand outdoorsare rathergeneraland includethe otherareas.Tellthem to ignorethe table labelsat this stage- theywill needthem lateron in orderto do exercise 6. Thenaskstudentsto practisesayingthe words.

Divide the classinto teams and ask studentsto pronounceone of the words from each pair in turn, as in the exercise.You could set it as a contest by giving one point for each correct answerand acting as a referee.The winning team is the one with the most points.

ffcfl! 1 dancefloor 2 piano 3 smokingsection 4 window 5 indoors 6 outdoors 7 terrace 8 n o n - s m o k i nsge c t i o n 9 c o r n e r 1 0 b a r

lf you didn't do so in unit 2, you can now refer studentsto 'Restaurantsections'in the glossaryat the end of the coursebook(pages108-109),and to the correspondingexercisesin the workbook (page 64).

Exercise 5 Tellstudentsthat theyaregoingto listento threeshort dialogues and that they haveto lookat the box in e x e r c r s4e a n d t i c k t h e a r e a sm e n t i o n e d . S e et a p e s c r i p( tc o u r s e b o opka g e1 0 1 ) . lklD

1 window 2 non-smokrng section 3 terrace

Exercise 6 Tellstudentsthat theyaregoingto be presented with p a i r so f w o r d sw h i c hs o u n dv e r ys i m i l a re, v e ni f i t d o e s n ' t seemso whenthey seethem written(a clearexampleis the pair more/floor).Theywill only hearonewordfrom eachpair,and shouldtick the wordthat they hear.You can modelthe first oneyourself , makingsurestudents realisethat the onlydifferencebetweenthe two wordsis a c o n s o n a nsto u n d T . h e np l a yt h e t a p ea s m a n yt i m e sa s yourstudentsneedit. Checkthe answersby asking studentsto pronounce the correctwordin turn.

lf your studentshaverealdifficultyin distinguishing the consonant difference in these minimalpairs,stopthe tape aftereachword and repeatthem yourself.Youcanthen askthem to repeatthe wordsafter you in turn, beforedoing the exercise.

GEBtu 2b ia 10a 11b 12a

4a 5a 6a ib

Bb 9a

Exercise7 Dividethe classintotwo teamsand set this exercise as a game.Youcan modelthe gameby playingit againstthe wholeclassfirst.Thesearethe rules: 1 All the membersof team B haveto ask a Yes/No q u e s t i o ni n t u r n u n t i lt h e yd i s c o v et rh e c o r r e ctta b l eb y e l i m i n a t i ntgh e i n c o r r e cotp t i o n s(.S e ec o u r s e b o of ok r questions.) example 2 Eachsiudentcan onlyaskone questionat a time. 3 Eachquestioncan onlyreferto one characteristic (size, s h a p eo r l o c a t i o n ) . 4 Youarethe refereeand haveto keepthe score (preferably on the blackboard). 5 This is the scoringsystem:lf team B asksonlythree questionsbeforetheyworkout whichtableteam A has c h o s e nt,h e yg e t 1 0 p o i n t s i;f t h e yn e e d4 q u e s t i o n s , t h e yg e t 9 p o i n t sa, n d s o o n . T h u s ,t h e f e w e rq u e s t i o n s they need,the morepointstheyget. Score: 3 4 5 6 7

q u e s t i o n-s 1 O p o i n t s q u e s t i o n s9- p o i n t s q u e s t i o n-s B p o i n t s q u e s t i o n-s 7 p o i n t s q u e s t i o n*s 6 p o i n t s

B q u e s t i o n-s 5 p o i n t s 9 q u e s t i o n s - 4p o i n t s 1 0 q u e s t i o n-s 3 p o i n t s 1 1 q u e s t i o n-s 2 p o i n t s 1 2 q u e s t i o n-s 1 p o i n t

To make the contesteven more challenging,half a point can be deductedfor grammatically incorrectquestionsor answers. On the other hand, if you find the scoringsystem too complicated,play the game without giving or deductingpoints.Or if you don't want to approachthis exerciseas a game at all, you can ask studentsto work in pairs and to take turns to ask eachother questionsin order to guesswhich table the other student haschosen.

twenty-three 23



A wedding banquet Exercíse1 this exerciseby remindingstudentsaboutthe Introduce Americanwoman(Ms Porter)who enquiredaboutwedding in the first partof unit 3. Tellthem banquetarrangements is goingto organiseMs Porter's that the Casablanca weddingbanquetand that Susan,the HeadWaiter,has left a notewith instructionsfor Jan. Ask studentsto go throughit and makesuretheydon't haveanyvocabulary problems.Then, beforethey listento the tape, ask them to readthe sentencesat the top of page37 and make surethey understandeverything.Let them listento the tape at leasttwicewhilethey lookat the dialoguein their Whencheckingthe answers,ask studentsto coursebook. tell you what'swrongwith falsesentences. ffGm I false (U-shape) 2lrue 3 true 4 false(Bohemian) 5 false(the Bohemiancrystalgoes with the Limogesplates)

Language IKJD o Thesentences referto the future. . going to o Negative sentence:l'm notgoingto usethe Venetian ones. o Questions: Whattableclothareyougoingto use?What glassesareyougoingto use?Whichonesareyougoing to usethen? . Weformnegative by puttingnof in frontof sentences goingto. o Weformquestions the subjectandthe verb by reversing be.

4 Exercíse this exercise,elicit the wordsstudents Beforeapproaching alreadyknow.Theyshouldat leastcome up with the ones they encounteredin exercise!, i.e. tablecloth,dinner/ side / dessert/ soup plate, soup spoon and g/ass. Then draw students'attentionto the words dinner plate, side plate, eIc. and explainthat the sameword can be combinedwith otherwordsto producecompoundwords. them to Ask studentsto do the exercise,encouraging deducethe meaningof the compoundnounstheyare not familiarwith and allowingthem to usea dictionarytf Thenask them to practisesayingthe words. necessary. 'cutlery', which Note: Remind students that the word appearedin exercise 1, is a general word that refers to forks, knives and spoons. 1 fort< 2 knife 3 side plate 4 saltcellar S!! 5 dessertspoon 6 ashtray 7 glass 8 tablecloth 9 napkin 10 dinnerplate 1t soupspoon 12 soupbowl 13 slipcloth

2 Exercíse


1 Olgais goingto go shopping. 2 Paoloand Biancaaregoingto havea romanticdinner. 3 Mariais goingto seea movie. 4 Thomasand Alfonsoaregoingto playfootball.

3 Exercíse to thinkabouttheirplansfor the weekend. Askstudents in groups.Fast-paced Thengetthemto do this exercise students canalsotell eachotherabouttheirplansforthe nextyear,etc. summer, theirnextholiday,



Exercise 5 this exercise,elicit the wordsstudents Beforeapproaching alreadyknowand remindthem aboutcompoundword formation.Then ask studentsto do the exercise, them to deducethe meaningof the encouraging compoundnounsthey are not familiarwith and allowing Then ask them to them to use a dictionaryif necessary. practisesayingthe words.

Welcomet(8 g@E 1 sugarpot 2 coffeepot 3 t e a p o t 4 m i l kj u g 5 teaspoon6 cup 7 saucer 8 dessertspoon 9 cerealbowl 10trav

Ask studentsto work in groups to produce a list of compound nouns from words they already know (for example,water glass,wine glass,fish knife, breakfast fray, etc.). This can be set as a contest,giving one point for each correct compoundword.

Divide the classinto two teams. Ask a member of team A to leavethe classroom. One memberof team B laysthe table for lunch or preparesa breakfasttray, while the membersof team A memorisethe position of the objects. After one minute, team B clearsthe table or tray. The member of team A comes back in. The other membersof team A have to describethe position of the objectsso that he/she can lay the table or tray in the sameway as fast as possible.Then the teams exchangeroles.The fastest team wins.

Exercise 6 Tellstudentsthat theyaregoingto heara description of how itemsare laid out on a breakfast tray.Askthem which itemsthey expectto hear(the itemswere introducedin the previous vocabulary exercises). Thenask them to drawthe itemson a traywhilethey listento the tape. Let studentslistento it as manytimesas they need to. Finally,asksiudentsto comparetheir drawingsin pairsbeforeaskingsomebody to drawhis/ hertrayon the blackboard in orderto checkit. Thisexercise orovides the perfectopportunity to recycleprepositions of place.See page101). tapescript(coursebook


I) Exercíse 7 Ask studentsto workin pairssittingback-to-back with their partners.Eachstudentshoulddrawa breakfast tray with all the itemsfrom exercise 6 on it, withoutletting their partnersee.Thentheyshouldtaketurnsto describe their drawingsto their partners, who haveto try and reproduce the drawingsas accurately as possible. Fastoacedstudentscan be askedto drawand describea table l a i df o r d i n n e ri f t h e yf i n i s he a r l y .

twenty-f ive


A drink? D e s c r i b i ndgr i n k s

O r d e r i n gd r i n k s

C o u n t a b laen d u n c o u n t a bnl eo u n s

M a k i n gr e q u e s t s

D e s c r i b i ndgr i n k s Behind t h eb a r P r o n u n c i a t i ovno:w e r s

Tablewarfor e dr ink s P r o n u n c i a t i ot hne: s c h w as o u n d

Objectivesof the unit To enablestudentsto describedrinks. To enablestudentsto presentthe drinksmenuto guestsand taketheir orders. To enablestudentsto understandrequests.




_ A drink? ()


fiGln 1, 2 lrishcoffee,espresso 3, 4 draught,bottled 5 , 6 s w e e td, r y 7 a p p l e 8 , 9 s t i l l ,s p a r k l i n g 1 0 .1 1 f r u i t .h e r b a l

Exercise 1 knowledge elicit previous to the dialogue, Beforelrstening studentsmay haveon the subjectthroughthe warm-up q u e s t i o nA. n s w e rm s a yb e g i v e ni n t h e i rm o t h e tro n g u e .

Exercise2 A s ks t u d e n t w s h e t h etrh e yk n o wa l l t h e d r i n k si n t h e b o x (someof them will probablyhaveappeared in the previous all of and makesurethey understand warm-upexercise) t h e m .T h e na s kt h e mt o r e a dt h e C a s a b l a n cdar i n k sm e n u . i n a l l ya, s kt h e mt o f i l l i n t h e g a p s a n d c l a r i f ya n yd o u b t s F with usingthe wordsin the boxand checkthe answers t h e w h o l ec l a s s . Notes: I Teain Englishmeansany drink made by pourtng boiling wateronto the dried leavesor flowersof certain n l e n|f. < J '

y I u,


lhe fea nlenf


2 The two main types of UK beers are bitter (made with more hops than most beersand with a slightly bitter taste)and lager (a light beer with a lot of bubbles). Theyare not to be confusedwith stouts- which are strongand dark (e.9. Guinness),or ales - which are made without hops. fKlllF 1 Soft drinks 2 Hot drinks 3 coffees 4 Teas 5 B e e r s 6 W i n e s 7 S p i r i i s 8 L o n gd r i n k s

Exercise3 A s ks t u d e n t w s h i c hf r u i tj u i c e st h e yk n o wa n dt h e ng e t them to workin groupsto find moredrinksto be addedto menu.Makesurethe wordssherrvand the Casablanca cockta i ls are elicited. can be doneas a contest,with one point This exercise awardedfor eachdrink.Theteamwith the mostpoints WINS.

Referstudentsto the 'Drinks'sectionsin the glossaryat the end of the coursebook(page 106) in the and to the correspondingexercises workbook (pages56-57).

For further practice of adjectives used to describe drinks, ask students to tell you which adjective best describes the following drinks. You can write the options on the blackboard. 1 2 3 4

chocolate: champagne: espresso: mineral water: 5 bitter: 6 cola:


c) dry a) sparkling b) hot a) soft b) sparkling c) draught c) hot a) alcoholic b) dry a) still a) draught a) dry

b) dry b) sweet b) still

c) sweet c) hot c) bottled

2b 3c 4a 5a Gc

You can also use this exerciseas a quick test.

Exercise5 Tellstudentsthat they aregoingto lìstento six d e s c r i p t i o nosf d r i n k sa n d t h a t t h e yh a v et o i d e n t i f yt h e n a m e so f t h e d r i n k si n t h e i rc o u r s e b o o kl sf t. h e yh a v e n ' t comeacrossthe word sherry(option5c) before,make it now.Stopthe tape aftereach surethey understand g i v e t h e mt i m e t o t h i n k .S e et a p e s c r i p t d e s c r i p t r ot o n ( c o u r s e b o op ka g e1 0 1 ) .

For lessadvancedstudents,read the descriptions yourself after the tape.

Exercise4 Ask studentsto havea lookat the wordsin the boxand . l l o wt h e mt o u s ed i c t ì o n a r i et os t h e d i a g r a mi n p a i r s A . n c et h e y ' v ed o n et h e l o o ku p t h e w o r d st h e yd o n ' tk n o w O exercise, correctit with them and askthem to spotone a l c o h o l ih c o t d r i n k( l r i s hc o f f e e ) .

úGEltu2b 3b 4c 5a ob

twenty-seven *7


A drink?

Exercise 6


Ask studentsto havea lookat the setsof wordsin their ln eachset,the vowelsoundof threeof the coursebook. wordsis the same,evenif it doesn'tseemso whenthey seethem written.Ask them to sootthe wordwith a differentvowelsoundin eachset.Youcan modelthe yourselff irst.Thenplaythe tapeas manytimes exercise a s t h e s t u d e n t sn e e di t t o a l l o wt h e mt o c h e c kt h e i r the setsof answers. Ask the wholeclassto oronounce wordsand correcttheiranswers at the sametime.

Beforeapproaching this language box,makesurestudents u n d e r s t a ncdo u n t a b laen d u n c o u n t a b n l eo u n s Thengo throughthe boxwith the students, conceptually. explaining the meaningof someand any in termsof q uantity: . Thereare someeggsin the fridge= we don't say exactlyhow many . Thereis somesugarin the pot = unknownquantity . Are thereany glasseson the tray?= quantity not i moortant . Thereisn'tany ketchup= Za(o

lf your studentshaverealdifficultyin you the differentvowelsounds, distinguishing maywishto stopthe tape after eachset and repeatthe wordsyourself.You canthen askthem to repeatthe wordsafter you. Youcanaskmoreadvancedstudentsto do this activitywithout lookingat their coursebook.

2bread 3street4hot 5dry 6could S!!ttin 7 how 8 lager

Divide the classinto teams and ask studentsto pronouncethe words in turn, as in the exercise. You could set this as a contestby giving one point for each correct answer and acting as a referee. The team with the most points wins. Alternatively, you can get studentsto work in pairs and test each other.

A s kt h e mt o u n d e r l i nteh e c o r r e cot o t i o n si n t h e sentences and to checktheir answersin the grammar (page96). reference sectìonat the end of the coursebook (much,manyand a lot oD will be dealt Otherquantifiers w i t hi n u n i t 1 2 . lkflB We use somewith positiveverbs. We use anywithnegative verbsand questions.

You may wish to tell more advancedstudents about the exceptionaluse of some in questions when you offer or ask for something (e.9. Could I have some cake, please?Would you like some chocolate?)as well as the use of any in positive sentencesstarting with if (e.9. lf you have any doubts, p/easetell me) and when the meaning is not specific(e.9. You can visit me any day you like,i.e. it doesn'tmatter which one).You may alsowish to point out that the samerulesapply to the words derived from sorne and any (something, anyone, anywhere, etc.).

Exercise 7 Introduce by askingstudentswhatthey this exercise w o u l de x p e ctto f i n d b e h i n da b a r .T h e nt e l l t h e mt h e y ' r e goingto learnsomevocabulary which relatedto cocktails, is the tooic of the nextunit. Askthem to havea lookat t h e w o r d si n t h e b o xi n d i v i d u a l lAy l.l o wt h e mt o u s e . hen d i c t i o n a r i et os l o o ku p t h e w o r d st h e yd o n ' tk n o w T a s kt h e mt o m a r ke a c hn o u na s c o u n t a b l (eC )o r u n c o u n t a b l(eU ) .O n c et h e y ' v ed o n et h e e x e r c i s ec ,o r r e c t i t w i t ht h e m . rcne 1 cocktailshakers(C) 2 tomatojuice (U) 3 g l a s s e(sC ) 4 i c e ( U ) 5 s a l t( U ) 6 b o t t l e s( C ) 7 sugar(U) 8 eggs(C)



Exercise I A p r a c t i c e x e r c i sw e h i c hm a yb e d o n ee i t h e ri n d i v i d u a l l y or in pairs. ffGtBlsome 2some 3any 4some 5any 6 some 7 some 8 anv 9 anv 10some

A drink?(l

Orderinga drink In order to practisequestions,dívide the classinto two teams and play a memory game.Ask the teams to closetheir books and to ask each other in turn about the objectsillustratedon page 42. You can model it yourself and ask or write on the blackboard: Are there any plates?Get the students to answer: No, there aren't any (plates). You can act as referee and give one point for each correct answer.The team with more points wins. Alternatively,you can get the studentsto work in pairs and test each other.

Exercise 9 you needsomestickersor labels,on To do this exercise w h i c hy o uc a nw r i t et h e n a m e so f t h e d r i n k sf r o mt h e on the menu.Writethesesentences Casablanca you drink it with blackboard:ls it alcoholic?Can breakfast/ lunch/ dinner?ls it a soft/ sparklingdrink? ls it a populardrink in this country?Brainstormmore Yes/No questions. Thenstickone stickeron eachstudent'sback ms k i n ga n d a n d a s kt h e mt o w a l ka r o u n dt h e c l a s s r o o a a n s w e r i nqgu e s t i o nusn t i lt h e yg u e s st h e n a m eo f t h e d r i n ko n t h e i ro w n b a c k .T e l lt h e mt h e yc a n o n l ya s ka n d answerone questionwith eachstudent.Whenthey have f i n i s h e dg, e t t h e s t u d e n t tso t e l l y o ut h e n a m e so f t h e i r d n n k sa n dt o l o o ka t t h e i rs t i c k e r tso c h e c kt h e ya r er i g h t .

lf you prefer more controlled exercises,ask studentsto do this exercisein groups.At the end, a member of each group shouldreport the names of the drinks they guessed.Or ask studentsto work in pairsand give eachstudent a pieceof paper with the namesof somedrinkswritten on it. Studentshave to ask each other Yesl/Vo questionsuntil they guessthe namesof the drinks that are written on the other student'spaper.

Exercise1 by askingstudentswheiherthey lntroduce this exercise at remember the nameof the gueststhat Janwelcomed ) .e m i n d t h e b e g i n n i nogf u n i t 5 ( M r a n d M r s K e r r i g a n R with the wine list them that theseguestswerepresented g d r i n kb e f o r et h e i r a n dt e l l t h e mw e ' l l h e a rt h e mo r d e r i n a meal.At this ooint.drawstudents'attentionto the culiure tip and go throughit together.Beforelisieningto the and makesurethey tape,askthem to readthe sentences u n d e r s t a nedv e r y t h i n T gh . e n ,t e l l t h e mt o l i s t e nt o t h e dialogueand to choosethe correctanswers.Let them listentwice.

Ask studentsto read the dialoguein their coursebooksas they listen to it for the first time. More advancedstudents may be able to listen with their booksclosed.They can then all listena secondtime and completethe exercisewithout looking at their coursebooks.


2c 3b 4b Ea oa


askstudentsto readthe Beforedoingthis exercise, sentences on page44. Thenaskihem to do the exercise i n d i v i d u a lw l yh i l ey o u p l a yt h e t a p eo n c em o r e .T h e n with the wholeclass.Pointout that correctthe exercise all of thesesentences are requestsand that they needto requestsin orderto fulfil guests'needs. understand Sentences 6 and B showhowa requestmay be made w i t h o ua t s k i n ga q u e s t i o nT. h e l a s to n e i s n o t p o l i i e ,a n d it is not a goodmodelto whileit must be understood, f o l l o wD . r a ws t u d e n t sa' t t e n t i o tno t h e c u l t u r et i p a n d remindthem that restaurant staff mustconveythe image' words(whichare of the restaurant throughappropriate h i g h l yc o n v e n t i o n a l i saendd)a t t i t u d e( w h ì c hm u s tb e p o l i t e a n d h e l p f u al t a l ì t i m e s ) T . o e n c o u r a gt eh i s ,a s ks t u d e n t s practise polite intonationusingthesesentences. to

Point out to more advancedstudentsthe use of some in sentence5 (seelanguage note above, page 42).

fKllB 3, 4, s,7

twenty-n ine






! ! t [ ! ! ! ! ! ! l tI


Eitherread out or write on the blackboardthe questionsbelow. Then ask studentsto look at the sentencesin exercise2 and to answer your questionsby choosingthe correct option. 1 What is the purpose of these sentences: a) to offer somethíng b) to suggestsomething c) to ask for something 2 Are these sentences a) polite? b) impolite? c) colloquial? 3 Which words are often repeated ín these sentences? a) p/ease, can and could b) wine, could and haye c) p/ease, c/oseand can


2a 3a

Finally,write the following sentences on the blackboardand askthe studentsto fill in the gaps usingthe correctanswersto the questionsabóve. Requestsare used (1) -.--. They should always be (2) The words usedto make requestsare usually(3) _: the words (4) --and (5) are at the beginningof the sentences, and the word (6) .is usuallyat the end. (l[l 1 to ask for something 2 polite please, 3 can and could 4 can 5 could 6 please

Exercise3 Ask studentsto put the wordsin the correctorderto createrequestsin pairsor groups.Thenproceedto whole_ classcorrection, by askingstudentsto sayeachsentence politely.

fran 1 C o u l dy o u b r i n gm e t h e m e n u ,p l e a s e ? 2 CanI havemy coat,please? 3 C o u l dy o ut e l l m e y o u rn a m e ,p l e a s e ? 4 Couldwe havea tablein the corner,please? 5 Can t havesomebread,peter? 6 C o u l dy o us h o wu s t o o u r t a b l e ,p l e a s e ?

3 r;


th irty

Ask studentsto think of one requesteach and then to practisesayingthem in turn. They should try to askfor feasiblethings and addresstheir requeststo somebodyspecific_ another student or maybe you. lf they are correctlyphrasedand politely intoned,the requestsshould be satisfied. Exampfe:Mark, could you stand up, please?

Exercise 4 Introduce this exercise by elicitingthe wordsrelatedto tableware for drinksthat wereencountered in the second partof unit 5 (g/ass,cup).Thenwritethe following definitionson the blackboard and ask studentsto tell you whichonescorrespond to the wordsmug, glassandcup: 1 A_ has no can havea stem or not. 2 A_ is smaller than a mug. tt hasa handle. It usuallyhas a saucer. 3 Ais largeand hasa handle. lt doesn,t usuallyhavea saucer. rclrBlgtass

2cup 3mug

Thenaskstudentsto workin pairsand to matchthe wordsin the boxto the pictures.At this stage,theyshould b e f a m i l i aw r i t ha l l t h e w o r d sO . n c et h e y ' v ed o n et h e exerctse, correctit and practisethe pronunciation with them. flFlrî I tea (cup) 2 wine(glass) 3 hot chocolate (mug) 4 coffee(cup) 5 beer(glass) 6 champagne (glass) 7 cocktail(glass)

Referstudentsto the ,Tableware,section in the glossaryat the end of the coursebook ( p a g e s1 0 9 - 1 1 0 ) .

Exercise 5 lntroduceIhe schwasound/e/.Thenaskstudentswhether theythink the wordsa and of in the modelsenrences are stressed. Readthem aloudas manytimesas they need untrlthey realisethat thesewordsare not stressed. Next, stopthe tapeaftereachsentence and askthe wholeclass to repeatwhatthev hear.

A drink? ()

lf your studentshave real difficultyin distinguishingthe schwasound,stop the tape after each sentenceand repeat it yourself.Then ask them to repeat the words after you. Sometimesit's hard for studentsto work out exactlywhich soundsare unstressed.Ask them to copy the stresspattern of the question using soundsinsteadof words,e.g. tatatata ..., or ask them to knock on their tableswhen there,sa stressedsyllable. You can give an exampleto illustratethis. e.g. Could I have a glassof wine, please? ta ta TA ta ta ta TA ta 'read, It may be fun to askthem to all the questionsthis way before using the actual words. It will certainlyhelp them to discoverthe stress pattern.

Beforeaskingstudents to makeup their own dialogues, adviselessadvancedstudentsto analyse the dialogueon page43 and to useit asa model.

Ask studentsto createtheir own drinks menus,to presentthem to you for feedback,and then to act out similarconversations to the ones in exercise7. Alternatively,you could perform the role of a guestwho visitstheir establishments and orders drinksfrom their menus.

Exercise 8

Y o uw i l l n e e dt o b r i n gp l a y i n gc a r d s( d i a m o n dasn d h e a r t st)o t h e c l a s st o p l a yt h i sg a m e .D i v i d et h e c l a s s into two teams.Giveeachteama copyof the questions theywill haveto answer(photocopiable resource, Exercise 6 page67). Eachquestioncorresponds to a card.Each Tellstudentsthey aregoingto learnsomewordsrelatedto g r o u ps h o u l dp i c k u p a c a r dw i t h o u tl o o k i n ga t i t f i r s ta n d w i n e .T h e ne l i c i tt h e m e a n i n g o f a n yw o r d si n t h e b o xt h a t a n s w etrh e c o r r e s p o n d i qn ug e s t i o n . l f t h e a n s w e trs they alreadyknowand askthem to matchthe wordsto correct,the team keepsthe card.lf it isn't,the otherteam t h e p i c t u r e sA. l l o wt h e mt o w o r ki n p a i r sw i t h a d i c t i o n a r y hasthe chanceto answer.At the end,the teamscount to do the exercise. Youmayaskstudentswhofinishthe t h e v a l u e so f t h e c a r d s( t h eJ a c k ,t h e K i n ga n d t h e e u e e n exercise f irstto comparetheir answers with thoseof areworth12 points).Theteamwith morepointswins. anotherpair,thus allowingslower-paced studentsto f inish N o t i c et h a t e a c hs e t o f c a r d sh a s5 f u n c t i o n a l , 3g r a m m a r the exercise too. and 5 vocabulary questions. As the studentsare now halfway through the book, this exerciselendsitselfto a 1 ice bucket 2 wine basket 3 coaster [l[l revision of the contents previous of the can 4 cork 5 whitecloth 6 wine label 7 corxscrew present this exercise as a test or a game,deciding 8 decanter whetheror not to allowstudentsto usethe coursebook as a reference. Thisexercise can alsobe usedin conjunction Exercise7 (coursebook with the glossary pages104-111) and the Dividestudentsinto smallgroupsor, if you prefer,ask (pages4-27) for revisionpurposes. workbook t h e mt o w o r ki n p a i r st o d o t h i s s i m u l a t i oenx e r c i s eT.e l l lkllD Diamonds: them to turn to page40 and to havea lookat the drinks 1 Shall I takeyourcoat? 2 uncountable 3 Whereareyou from? 4 the bartender menuof the Casablanca. Theymust imaginetheyareat 5 i s n ' ta n y 6 C o u l dI h a v es o m ei c e i n m y w h i s k y , the Casablanca and createshortexchanges betweenthe please? 7 oval 8 future 9 a corkscrew 10 Whatdo guestswho ask aboutand orderdrinks,and the waiter y who describes the drinksand takesthe order.Theyshould o ud o ? 1 1 W h y 1 2 W h a tn a m ei s i t , p l e a s eo?r C o u l d I havethe name,please? 13 horseshoe usethe structures they'velearntín this unit. Offer Hearts: 1 is 2 eggs,bacon,grilledtomatoes, feedbackon the writtendialogues, give then sausages, students mushrooms, time to rehearse. toasi,jam, fruit juice,tea or coffee(cereal Finally,askfor volunteers to act out optional) 3 still 4 DoesPaullike spaghetti? 5 get to their dialogues for the restof the class. 6 Goodnight 7 a teacupor mug 8 For how many p e o p l e ? 9 p o l i t e 1 0 t h e H e a dW a i t e r 1 l J u n e 1 2 i n 13 Goodafternoon, Casablanca Restaurant. Can I helpvou?

th irty-one 31

Cocktaits C o cktailr ecipes

MakingcÒcktai l s

l mp er atives

Linkingwor ds

C o cktailr ecipes

Cocktailpr epar at i on Pr onunciationr r hythm

Objectives of the unit a a

Toenablestudents to describe cocktails andhowtheyareprepared. practiceinvolved Tomakestudents awareof the conventions andprofessional in serving cocktails.


After a long day Exercise 1 knowledge elicit previous Beforelisteningto the dialogue, studentsmay haveon the subjectthroughthe warm-up q uestions.

Exercise2 belowthe dialogue. Ask studentsto readthe sentences d i a l o g ua e n dt o d e c i d e t o l i s t e n t o t h e T h e na s kt h e m aretrue or false.Afterallowing whetherthe sentences t h e m s o m et i m e t o p u t t h e i ri d e a si n o r d e r l,e t t h e m l i s t e n t o t h e d i a l o g u ae g a i nt o c h e c kw h e t h etrh e i n f o r m a t i o n theyobtainedis correct.Finally,askthem to correctthe f^t^^ tdt5u

^^^+^^^^^ 5utìLUilLc).

Ask more advancedstudentsto fill in the recipes without looking at the dialogue.Allow them to work in pairs.

t rum 2 juice 3 m ì n t 4 j u i c e 5 g r a p e f r u i t [l[! 6 sodawater

Exercise5 by askingstudentsto identify Introduce this exercise arespecified.Ask wherein the recipesthe measures guess in the recipes whatthe abbreviations them to mean.Thenaskthem to matchtheseand other a b b r e v i a t i otnost h e f u l l f o r m s . GElto

You may want to write the sentenceson the blackboardand ask studentsto read the dialogue in their coursebooksas they listen to it for the first time. More advancedstudentsmay be able to listenwith their booksclosed.They can then all listen a secondtime without looking at their coursebooksand say whether the sentenceson the blackboardare true or false.

3 Exercise Tellstudentsthat theywill now learnthe namesof some Askthem to havea lookat the words cocktailingredients. to checkthe in the box.Allowstudentsto usedictionaries meaningof any wordstheydon't know.Thenaskthem to words.Finally, matchthe picturesto the corresponding practise words. saying the to askthem juice 4 mini leaves t ice 2 salt 3 pineapple [l[! j u i c e 7 l i m ez e s t 8 s u g a r 5 grenadine6 grapefruit

Exercise4 Ask studentsto completethe recipesof the Mojitoand from with the namesof the ingredients the San Francisco d i a l o g u e . ihe




Ga 7d


Exercise6 in eachpairand to Ask studentsto comparethe measures choosewhich is the largermeasureof the two. 0nce they s ith h a v ef i n i s h e dt,e l l s t u d e n t tso c h e c kt h e i ra n s w e rw tableon page91 of the coursebook. the conversion

GEltu 2false 3true 4true 5true 6true [l[!ltrue T h e M o j i t oi s a C u b a nc o c k t a i l .


2a 3a 4b 5b ob 7a 8b

Ask studentsto find a cocktailthat usesat least three of the ingredientspresenteither in the They will haveto Mojito or in the San Francisco. quantitiesand ingredients, specify the list the following Write the then compare cocktails. sweet, bitter, adjectiveson the blackboard: etc. Ask students to use strong, light, salty, spicy, produced in taste them to describethe differences by the combinationsof ingredients.

Language by elicitingfrom studentswhich Introduce the exercise form of the verbis usedin cocktailrecipes.lf necessary, y o u m a yb r i n ga n e x a m p l o e f a c o c k t a irl e c i p ei n t h e students'mothertongue.Then,askthem to lookat the boxand to answerthe in the language examplesentences q u e s t i o nbse l o wF therule . i n a l l ya, s kt h e mt o c o m p l e t e Ask them to checktheir the useof imperatives. regarding sectionon page96. answersin the grammarreference

thirty-three 33



frcnD o S e n t e n c e(sa )a n d ( c ) a r ep o s i t i v eS. e n t e n c(eb ) i s negative. r Sentence(a) givesinstructions. . Sentences (a) and (c) describea process. r S e n t e n c e(sa )a n d ( b ) u s ea n i m p e r a t i v e . lmperatives do not havea subjectbeforethe verband are usedto give instructions.

Exercise7 Tellstudentstheywill now practisethe imperative by puttingthe wordsin orderto produceinstructions. Once t h e yh a v ef i n i s h e dc, h e c kt h e i ra n s w e rasn d a s kt h e mt o suggesta personwho wouldnormallygivethese instructions. Finally,askstudentsto practisesayingthe senlences.

ficl1B 1 T a k et h e w i n el i s tt o t h e t a b l e .( h e a dw a i t e r ) 2 Don'ttake my bagto the cloakroom. (guest) 3 Servesomemorebreadto tabletwo. (headwaiter) 4 D o n ' ts h o wt h e g u e s t st o t a b l en u m b e e r i g h t .( h e a d waiter) 5 P r e p a r ae c o c k t a iflo r M r S m i t h .( h e a dw a i t e r ) 6 D o n ' tp u t t h e m i l k i n t h e f r i d g e (. h e a dc h e f )

Ask studentsto think of a personwho usually givesthem instructionsin the context of the school.Ask them to think of three typical instructionsthat personnormallygives.They shouldtell the rest of the class,and the classmust guesswho the person is.

You may want to write the sentencesand the suggestedendingson the blackboardand ask studentsto read the dialoguein their coursebooks as they listento it for the first time. More advancedstudentsmay be able to listen with their booksclosed.They can then all listena secondtime without looking at their coursebooks and choosethe appropriateendingsfor each sentenceon the blackboard.

f f c n D l n c o r r e c t o p t i o n s : l2ca




Exercise 2 Tellstudenisthat theywill now learnsomeof the verbs u s e di n E n g l i s h t o d e s c r i b ceo c k t a im l a k i n gA . rrange s t u d e n t si n p a i r so r i n s m a l lg r o u p sT. e l lt h e mt h e yw i l l receivetwo setsof cards:one with the verbsin English a n dt h e o t h e rw i t h t h e v e r b si n t h e i rl a n g u a g ey .o u w i l l find the cardsas a photocopiable resource on page68. Youwill haveto completethe secondset of cardswith the t r a n s l a t i oonf t h e E n g l i s h t e r m si n t h e s t u d e n t sm' o t h e r tongue.Put the cardsface downon the table.Each studentshouldchooseone cardfrom eachset. lf they are t h e s a m e ,h e / s h ec a n k e e pt h e p a i r .l f n o t ,h e / s h em u s t turn them overagainand let the nextstudenttrv.

Exercise3 Tellstudentsthat theywill now practisethe verbsof preparation that they havejust learned.Ask eachstudent to thrnkof a verbfrom exercise 2 andto performthe actionin frontof the class.The classmustguesstne verb.

Making cocktails Exercise 1 Tellstudentsthey will now listento a dialoguewheretwo guestsaskfor cocktailsat the Casablanca bar.Ask them to readthe sentences at the bottomof the page.Then, askthem to listento the dialogueand to identifyfwo possibleoptionsto completeeachsentence. Theyshould then crossout the one incorrectoption.Afterallowing t h e ms o m et i m e t o p u t t h e i ri d e a si n o r d e r l,e t t h e m l i s t e n t o t h e d i a l o g ua e g a i nt o c h e c kw h e t h etrh e i n f o r m a t i o n theyobtainedis correct.


th irty-fou r

You may ask studentsto bring in ingredientsor anythingthey may need to íllustratethe meaning of a verb. More advancedstudents may be asked to look for other verbs in further cocktail recipes (in books,or on the internet if available).They can then demonstratetheir meaningto the rest of the group.

cocktailsj) Exercise4 T e l ls t u d e n t tsh a t w h a tt h e yw i l l l e a r ni n t h i s e x e r c i sw ei l l enablethem to writeperfectrecipesfor the cocktailsthey will createwhentheyarefamous.Askthem to lookat the i n s t r u c t i o nf o s r m a k i n ga B l o o d yM a r ya n dt o u n d e r l i n e t h e w o r d st h e yt h i n k h e l pp u t t h e i n s t r u c t i o ni ns o r d e r . Nole: Drawstudents' attenttonto the grammartip and ask them to write the equivalentsof the wordsin the box tn their language.Point out that thenand next can be used i nf orc ha nopehltr

ffGllB first, then, next,finally

Exercise5 Nowask studentsto usethe wordsin the grammartip to f i l l t h e g a p si n t h e G i n F i z z r e c i p e A.l l o wt h e mt o w o r ki n 0 ar r s .

if they don't haveaccessto realones.Theteamthat prepares the bestcocktailand explainsit correctlyto the c l a s sw r n s .

ExerciseB Tellstudentsthat it is veryimportantto pausein the a p p r o p r i a tpel a c ew h e ns p e a k i n gs,i n c ep a u s i n g affects the meaningof a sentence. Ask studentsto readthe pairs o f s e n t e n c eosu t l o u da n d t o d e c i d ew h i c ho n es o u n d s betterto them.Then,playthe tapeand askstudentsto revisetheirchoiceswith reference to the taoe.See page101). tapescript(coursebook

You may provide studentswith tape recordersto recordtheir initial pronunciationof the pairsof Thiswill allow you to focuson each sentences. student'sparticular diff iculties.

I I G E D1 F i r s t 2 T h e n / N e x t 3 N e x t / T h e n 4 F i n a l l y GEEtu






Exercise 6 Nowaskstudentsto put the jumbledsentences of the Mojito,Margarita and San Francisco in order.

f3?!E Mojito

F r r s tm , i xt h e m i n t l e a v e w s i t ha d a s h o f l i m ej u i c ea n dt h e s u g a rT. h e na d d t h e i c e ,t h e r u m a n d a s p l a s ho f s o d a .F i n a l l y , g a r n i s hw i t h a f r e s hm i n t s p r i g . Margarita F i r s t ,m i xt h e t e q u i l at,h e C o i n t r e aaun d t h e l i m ej u i c e .S h a k ew i t h i c e .N e x t , glass. strainto servein a salt-rimmed F i n a l l yg, a r n i s hw i t h l i m ez e s t . S a nF r a n c i s c oF i r s t ,p o u ra l l t h e j u i c e sa n dt h e g r e n a d i nien t oa c o c k t a isl h a k ear n d s h a k ew i t h i c e .T h e ns t r a i ni n t oa glass.Don'tadd the soda sugar-rimmed u n t i lt h e e n d .

Exercise 7 Tellstudentsthat a cocktailcontestis goingto take place in the class.Theywill haveto makethe bestcocktailwith Theycan varythe amountsof a set numberof ingredients. e a c hi n g r e d i e nG t . i v et h e me n o u g ht i m e t o p r e p a r teh i s (if possible) exercise and let them usereal ingredients and act out the preparation in class.Providethem with cardswith picturesof the ingredients and servingglasses

Ask studentsto think of pairs of sentenceswhere a wrongly placedpausealtersthe meaning. Encouragethem to make up funny sentences. You could give an exampleto illustratewhat they shoufd do: l'm afraid lthere are na tables available.

Exercise9 Tellstudentsthat nowthat they are familiarwith the language involvedin servinga cocktail,it shouldbe very easyfor them to usethe list of the drfferentactions involvedrn sucha conversation to createtheir own d i a l o g u eA. l l o wi h e m t o w o r ki n p a i r sa n d t o w r i t eo u t t h e conversation. Givethem feedbackon whatthey have writtenbeforeallowingthem time to rehearse. Then,they shouldact out their conversation for the restof the class.

Before asking studentsto act out the dialogue, you may adviselessadvancedstudentsto have another look at the dialogueon page 49 for examplesof sentencescorrespondingto each of the actionsin the chart.

th irty-five


Recipes P l a n n i nm genus

Descr ibing dishes

C o mp a ra ti vand es super latives

Verbsas adjec.tives'

l n g red ients D e scri b i nfo g o dand r estaur ants

Verbsof preparation e :de n d i n g s P r o n u n c i a t i o- n

Objectives of the unit o Toenablestudents to descríbe whatdishescontainandhowtheyareprepared. o Tofamiliarise students withthe conventions involved in recipes.






Changingthe menu Exercise 1 Ask studentsto havea lookat the wordsin the box.Allow t h e mt o w o r ki n p a i r sa n d t o u s ed i c t i o n a r i et os l o o ku p with the wordsthey don't know.Thendo corrections rnem. flcll! 1 mussels 2 lobster 3 scallops 4 prawns 5 oysters

Exercise 2 askstudentswhether Beforelisteningto the dialogLre, t h e yr e m e m b eRr o s aa n d S a m .W h a ta r et h e i rj o b s ? do they have?Tellstudentsto Whatsortof relationship betweenRosaand Sam about listento the conversation belowintothe correct the menuand to out the sentences and make order.Givethem time to readthe sentences with the vocabulary. surethey don't haveany problems with the whole Let them listentwrce.Checkthe answers ^t^^^ L I d55.

You may want to copy the sentencesonto the blackboardand ask studentsto read the dialogue in their coursebooksas they listen to it for the first time. More advancedstudentsmay be able to listenwith their books closed.They can then all listena secondtime without looking at their coursebooksand put the sentenceson the blackboardin order.

6 E E E t u2 e 3 a 4 c 5 f 6 d

ffGlD 1 a seafooddish 2 They'recheapand the guests haveexoensive tastes. 3 mussels 4 Rosa 5 beforethey put them on the menu 6 Shesaysshe can preparethem in the restaurant in the afternoon. 1 lobster 2 prawns,musselsand Extraquestions: scaIlops

Language Makesurestudentsknowhowto countthe syllables of a w o r di n E n g l i s hl.f t h e yd o n ' t ,d e a lw i t h t h i s i s s u eb e f o r e approaching comparatives and superlatives. Youshould alsomakesureyourstudentsunderstand the concepts 'comparative' a n d ' s up e r l a t i v e ' . (a) and (d) in Tellstudentsto havea lookat sentences the cheapa shortor longadjective? Makethem adjectiveand then ask awarethat cheapis a one-syllable rules. them to completethe corresponding (c) and (e) Next,tell studentsto havea lookat sentences Make in the expensive a shortor longadjective? them awarethat expensive hasmorethan one syllableand rules. then askthem to completethe corresponding Finally,wriiethe wordtastyon the blackboard, and then write tastierand tastiest How manysyllablesdoesthis wordhave?What'sthe last letter?Ask studentsto c o m p l e t teh e c o r r e s p o n d i rnugl e si n t h e b o xa n d m a k e them awarethat in the caseof two-syllable adjectives endingin -y, this letterchangesinto -i. T h es t u d e n i cs a n c h e c kt h e r u l e si n t h e g r a m m a r referencesectionon page96-97 of the coursebook. Afterwards, drawtheir atteniionto the irregular comparatives and superlatives in the box.Go throughthe g r a m m atri p a s w e l la n d a s kt h e mt o t e l l y o uw h i c hw o r d usuallygoesbeforethe superlative form (fhe).

fscnD Exercise3 Ask studentsto go throughthe dialogueagainand to a n s w etrh e q u e s t i o nisn p a r r s .

You may ask studentswho finish the exercisefirst to have a look at the box in exercise1 and answer these two extra questions: Which of these ingredients is not mentioned in the dialogue? Which of these ingredients does Rosasuggest? You can also ask them to comparetheir answers with those of another pair, thus allowing slowerpaced studentsto finish the exercisetoo.

shortadiectives a d i e c t i v eesn d i n s- y longadjectives

c o m p a r a t i vf o e r m s u p e r l a t i vf e orm -er + than the + -est - i e r+ t h a n t h e+ - i e s t more+ adjective the + most+ adjective

Note: Youmight wish to pornt out that if a short adjective f inishes-e (like large),we don't add another-e to make the comparativeand superlative forms (example:Iarger/ largest). On the other hand, in the case of short adjectives ending in a single vowel + a single consonant (like hot), we make the comparativeand superlative forms by doubling the final consonantand adding -er/-est (example:hltter/hottest). Studentscould also be informed of the existenceof less/ least.

th irty-seven 37



Exercise 4


lntroducethis exerciseby askingstudentsWhat'sthe Casablanca like?fhen ask them to havea lookat the h e ma l l . w o r d si n t h e b o xa n d m a k es u r et h e yu n d e r s t a nt d Tellthem they'regoingto needthesewordsto describe in the pictures.Dìvide and comparethe threerestaurants 2 French wine 1 Prawns are tastier than oysters. flGEl t h e c l a s si n t ot h r e eg r o u p sE. a c hg r o u pw ì l l b e i n c h a r g e r i n ei n t h e U K . 3 M i l k i s b e t t e rf o r y o u o f d e s c r i b i nag r e s t a u r a nLt .e tt h e mt h ì n ka b o u t h e i r i s m o s tp o p u l aw seafood descriptions. than lemonade. 4 Lobsteris the mostexpensive Everystudentin eachgrouphasto comeup o n t h e m e n u . 5 C h a m p a g ni set h e b e s td r i n ki n t h e w o r l d . with at leastone sentencecomparing to that restaurant Bolognese.the othertwo so that eachgroupproduces carbonara is creamerthanspaghetti 6 Spaghetti a list of 7 P a s t ai s m o r et r a d i t i o n ai nl l t a l yt h a n i n S p a i n . Theyhaveto decidewhich restaurant they comparisons. w o u l dl i k et o g o t o a n d g i v er e a s o nfso r t h e i rc h o i c e u, s i n g . h e nt h e ya r e t h e i rl i s to f c o m p a r i s o nf osr t h a t p u r p o s eW Exercise 5 ready,eachgroupgivestheir opinionin turn. Youcan set Ask studentsto havea lookat the wordsin the boxand u o a c l a s sd i s c u s s i ot no d e c i d ew h i c hr e s t a u r a nmt o s to f . l l o wt h e mt o e l i c i tt h e m e a n i n go f t h e o n e st h e yk n o w A t h e s t u d e n t sl i k eb e s t . w o r ki n s m a l lg r o u p sw i t h d i c t i o n a r ì et os d o t h e e x e r c i s e . from Askthem to pick two morewordsfor eachcategory (page 104-11 1) the glossary at the end of the coursebook Refer studentsto the 'Describingrestaurants' w h e nt h e yh a v ef i n i s h e dc o m p l e t i ntgh e d i a g r a mY. o um a y sectionat the end of the coursebook(page 105) first to compare askthe groupswho f inishthe exercise in the and to the correspondingexercises t h e i ra n s w e rw s i t ht h o s eo f a n o t h egr r o u p t, h u sa l l o w i n g workbook (page 55). too. studentsto finishthe exercise slower-oaced askstudentsto Beforeapproaching this exercise, a sn d s u p e r l a t i v e t hse yc a n u n d e r l i n ae l l t h e c o m p a r a t i v e f i n d r n t h e d i a l o g u oe n p a g e5 2 . T h e na s kt h e mt o d o t h i s o r a c t i c e x e r c i sìen p a i r s .

prawns 5 parsley ÍIGEB 1 pork 2 trout 3, 4 mussels, 6 s e a s o n i n g7 , 8 o n i o n ,p o t a t o I l e m o n 1 0 f r u i t 11 f l o u r 1 2 c e r e apl r o d u c t s 1 3 p o u l t r y 1 4 d u c k 1 5 d a r r yp r o d u c t s

'Dairy Refer studentsto the 'Cerealproducts', 'Fish', 'Fruit', 'Herbs productsand eggs', and spices','Meat and poultry', 'Seafood'and 'Vegetables'sectionsin the glossaryat the end of the coursebook(pages104-111),and to the correspondingexercisesin the workbook (pages 52-69).

Divide the classinto two teams.When you saythe name of a category,one representativefrom each team in turn must write down an ingredient belongingto that categoryon the blackboard. The first student who finisheswriting a correct ingredientgets one point for hisi her team. The team with more pointswins.



Ask studentsto suggestsuitable musicfor the restaurantof their choice.They could also bring in picturesof restaurantsfrom magazinesand describethem.

A seafood recipe Exercise 1 by askingstudentswhetherthey Introduce this exercìse for the Casablanca's remember the dish Rosasuggested (scallops menu in mornaysauce).Havethe studentsever t r i e ds c a l l o p sD? o t h e yk n o wh o wt o p r e p a r teh i s d i s h ?l f ingredients and the they do, elicit boththe necessary procedure in the students'mothertongue.Thenask studentsto completethe recipefrom Rosa'scookerybook, workingin smallgroups.Beforetheystart,askthem to havea lookat the wordsin the boxand makesurethey s look u n d e r s t a nt d h e m .A l l o wt h e mt o u s ed i c t i o n a r i et o up the wordsthey don't know.Youmayaskthe groups first to comDare with who finishthe exercise their answers thoseof anothergroup,thus allowingslower-paced

necipes@ too. Onceall the students studenisto f inishthe exercise correctit with them. havedonethe exercise, Notes: 1 Explain that a salamandergrill is a small overheadgrill used to frntshor gratinate foods. 2 Youmay wish to elicit the use of imperativeforms in recipes- either to preparea cocktatlor a dtsh - thus recyclingwhat they learnedin unit 7. lklB 1 sauce 2 pepper 3 scallop 4 potato 5 cooked 6 Parmesan 7 salamander I parslev

f l lpour 2grate 3sprinkle4mash 5pick 6 slice 7 marinate 8 butter

Exercise3 with studentsand makesure Go throughthe ingredients problems. Let them work theydon't haveanyvocabulary pairs. correctit with in 0nce they'vedonethe exercise, rnem. 2 e

G D t t

3 9

4 a

s d

6 c

7 h

B b

Exercise4 You may wish to ask more advancedstudentsto and hand eachgroup the closetheir coursebooks photocopiableversionof this exercise(page69). Ask them to put the recipeinstructionsin the correctorder as well as filling in the gapswith the given words. They also have to write down the namesof the missingingredients.Allow them to use dictionariesto look up the words they don't know. You may askthe groupswho finish the exercisefirst to comparetheir answerswith those of another group, thus allowing slower-paced studentsto finish the exercisetoo. Once all students have done the exercise,correct it with them.

Beforeapproaching this exercise, drawstudents'atiention formedfrom the previous exercise: You to this sentence can melt chocolafe.Then ask them to lookat thesesentencesfrom the recipe(page55): Sprinklewith melted butter/ Decoratethe edgeswith mashedpotatoes. Writeon the blackboard:

you[';--lFrtt.f , yougetFJt.d-]Frtt.f when ------r----------r------r- -----r---you|iu.r.lFt.t.;-l, yougetFr.hJlF;tril;l when




f j - t i l " 1@

ffGflD Seecoursebook page55 for completedrecipe. salt and 500m1hoi béchamel, Missingingredients: pepper

Exercise2 Ask studentswhetherthey knowall the verbsin the box. l f t h e yd o n ' t ,a l l o wt h e mt o u s ed i c t i o n a r i easl,t h o u g h t h e ys h o u l dt r y t o d e d u c et h e m e a n i n gtsh r o u g h e l i m i n a t i o(nm o s to f t h e v e r b sh a v ea p p e a r eidn t h e previous Let them workin pairs.Oncethey've exercise). correctit with them and get them to donethe exercise, practisesayingthe words.

Refer studentsto the 'Verbsof preparation' sectionin the glossaryat the end of the coursebook(page 111)and to the corresponding exercisesin the workbook (page 69).

I action I


fiGllî 1 cooked 2 gratinated 3 grilled/ mashed / m e l t e d 4 s l i c e d/ g r a t e d/ p i c k e d 5 g r i l l e d/ b a k e d/ f r i e d 6 melted/ sliced 7 grated/ picked

Exercise5 Beforeapproaching this exercise, tell studentsthat in p r o n u n c i a t i o English onf e n d i n g si s v e r y thecorrect i m p o r t a na t ,s i t i n v o l v eas d i f f e r e n cien m e a n i n ge, . g .t h e . sentencesMashpotatoes,please! and Mashedpotatoes, please!convey two differentmessages. In the first one you'reaskingsomebody to carryout the actionof mashing potatoes, whereasìn the secondyou'reaskingsomebody which havealreadybeenmashed. to giveyou potatoes A s ks t u d e n t tso l i s t e nt o t h e p r o n u n c i a t i oonf t h e - you can eitherplaythe tapeor repeatit examples yourselfas manytìmesas necessary. Askthem to identify i h e f i n a ls o u n d so f t h e a d j e c t i v ei sn b o l d .P o i n to u t t h a t the endingoî mashedsoundshl, the endingof grilled

t hi r t y - ni n e




soundsldl andthe endingof meltedsoundsAdl.The f irst two areverysimilar- at this stage,studentsshouldn'tbe to noticethe differencebetweenf inal/d/ and expected aimsat makingthe the exercise finalltl. Therefore, studenisawareof the differencebetweenthe pronunciation of thosesoundsand the finalldl sound. Tellstudentsthat nowthey haveto classifythe wordsin t h e b o x( w i t hw h i c ht h e ya r ea l r e a d fya m i l i a ra) c c o r d i ntgo , s r n t h e e x a m p l e(sy o uc a n m o d e tl h e m t h e f i n a ls o u n d a Givethem plentyof time to do the for the students). . h e np l a yt h e t a p ea g a i na s m a n yi i m e s e x e r c i s ien p a i r s T with them. as yourstudentsneedand checkthe answers pronounce the wordsafter Finally,askthe wholeclassto (coursebook page101). they hearthem. Seetapescript

You might wish to explainthese phoneticrulesto more advancedstudents: . Words ending -ed are pronouncedldl after vowels and after all the voiced consonants except /d/. . Words ending -ed are pronounced/t/ after all the unvoicedconsonantsexcept/t/. . Words ending -ed are pronouncedlfil after ltJ or /dt.

ldl or ltl


cooked poureo picked sliced fried



Makesureyou provrdestudentswith plentyof time to preparethis exercise. Dividethe classinto largegroups students for eachgroup.First,encourage with a dictionary notesrelatingto eachbulletpointin to makepreparatory k .e m i n dt h e mt o u s el i n k i n gw o r d ss u c h t h e c o u r s e b o oR as f irst, next, then and f inally.Then ask them to write t h e i rs c r i p ta n dt o c h e c ki t c a r e f u l l yw, i t h y o u rh e l p .G i v e recordthetr then if possible, them time to rehearse, performance Askthe wholeclassfor on videoor cassette. of eachgroup's feedbackon the professionalism performance. Finally,the classcan votefor the bestdish. ffGtlD Modelanswer: Goodmorning.My nameis KatrienDe Vreese.I'm the youngest in Ghent, chef at the BelfortRestaurant Belgium. I'm goingto preparea traditionaldish from my countryfor yoù palingin 't groen,which is Dutchfor eel in green sauce.The eel we needfor this dish is not seaeel but two and ten rivereel. Rivereelsareyoungeels(between yearsold).Theyarefreshwater f ish.Whenthey are adults, theygo to the sea.Theyarethen calledseaeels. and a To preparethis dish, I'm goingto usea casserole as well as a woodenspoonand a knife. saucepan, T h e i n g r e d ì e n It 'sm g o i n gt o n e e da r e : . 1 kg rivereel . 100 g butter . 25O g chard

lklB ltdl


masneo covere0 s p r i nk l e d buttered





2 eggyolks j u i c eo f 1 l e m o n


lf your studentshave real difficultyin distinguishingthesesounds,you can stop the tape after each word and repeat them yourself.You can then askthem to repeatthe words after you. You can ask more advancedstudentsto classify the words in three groupsaccordingto the final sound: ldl, lil or lÀ1. g@ /rd/:grated,marinated sprinkled,buttered ldl: poured,sliced,fried,covered, Itl: picked,mashed,cooked



26fi o cninanh

. ]lwhitewine a thyme,bay leaf,parsley, sageand tarragon an.l


F i r s t c, u t t h e e e l si n t op i e c e so f a b o u t1 0 c m . M e l tt h e b u t i e ri n t h e c a s s e r o laen d f r y t h e e e l .C h o pt h e c h a r d a n dt h e s o i n a c ha n d a d dt h e mt o t h e f i s h i n t h e Let it stewfor a few minutes.Thenpourthe casserole. w i n eo v e rt h e f i s h a n dt h e v e g e t a b l easn, d a d dt h e s a l t , pepper,thyme,bay leaf,parsley, sageand tarragon.Let it s i m m e rf o r a b o u t3 0 m i n u t e sT. h e nt a k et h e e e l o u t o f and set it aside.Nowthickenthe saucewith the casserole the two eggyolks,usingthe woodenspoonto stir it. Add t h e l e m o nj u i c e .F i n a l l yp o u rt h e s a u c eo v e rt h e e e l a n d the dish is readyfor serving. I t ' sa n e a s yd i s ht o p r e p a r ea,n d i t ' s r e a l l yd e l i c i o u sS. e r v e ì t f o r a s p e c i adl i n n e rw i t h a d r yw h i t ew i n ea n d y o u r d i n n e rw i l l b e a r e a ls u c c e s s !

Review Generalnotes r lf the reviewunit is to be usedas a progress test, studentsshouldbe informedof the areasto be tested in advanceof the lesson. . Explainhowto approacheachof the activitiesbefore theystartworkingon them. . T e l ls t u d e n t tsh e yw i l l h a v et o w o r ki n d i v i d u a l u l yn l e s s (thiswill happenin the oral theyaretold otherwise activity).


3Strain 4season 5fry [l[!lcut 1 0b o i l 1 1f i l l Beef Stroganoff:I, 5, 6, 2, 10, B, 4 G i nD a i q u i r Ii :I , 9 , 3 , 7


Exercise4 Tellstudentsthat this exerciseis designed to find out whetherthey remember the vocabulary relatedto the headingsin the table.Askthem to makesurethey know whatthesereferto. Then,askthe studentsto havea carefullookat the wordsin the boxand to classifvthem in thetable.

Tellstudentsthat in this exercise theywill be askedto d i s c u s si n t e n t i o nbsy f i l l i n gi n t h e g a p si n t h e s e n t e n c e s D Wine:cork,label,decanter f usingthe appropriateform of the structuregoing to + Restaurant sections:dancef loor,non-smoking section, verb.Ask studentsto readthe sentences carefullvbefore terrace g a p s . f i l l i n gi n t h e Tableware: slipcloth,tablecloth,napkin juice, lemonade, Soft drinks: mineralwater ÍIGED 1 are goingto have/ are goingto go 2 Are (you) preparation: Verbs of garnish, add, stir goingto order 3 is goingto work/ aregoingto help Measures: centilitre,tablespoon, teaspoon 4 is not goingto open 5 is (Chris)goingto do Teaand coffee:saucer,sugarbowl,coffeepot 6 is goingto cook/ am goingto prepare 7 are (you) goingto make 8 aregoingto be / are not goingto finish Food:îruil, dairy products,poultry



Informstudentsthat in this exercise theywill haveto workon a shortdialoguebetweentwo membersof restaurant staff.Theyaretalkingaboutthe bestwayto organise a weddingbanquet.Ask them to readit in full beforechoosingthe appropriateform (somelany, comparatives and superlatives) to fill in the gaps.

This is a simulationexercise for whichstudentswill need time to prepare.First,go throughthe rubricand make surestudentshavea firm understanding of the situation and contextas well as the instructions. Thensortthe classintogroupsand askgroup1 to preparetheir requirements and questions to askthe bar owners.Groups prepare 2-4 should their partyoffersand howthey are g o i n gt o ' s e l l ' t h e i rb a r s Y . o uc o u l da l s oa s ks t u d e n t tso designpostersto illustratetheir ideas.With more advanced students,you mayevenaskstudentsto do a presentation short of their ideasin frontof the class.

SEEEtany 2some 3most 4hotter 5more 6 larger 7 some 8 best g some 10 anv

Exercise3 Ask studentsto fill in the gapsusingthe verbsof preparation in the box.Thentell them to identifywhichof t h e s e n t e n c ebse l o n gt o t h e G i n D a i q u i rai n dw h i c ht o t h e BeefStroganoff recipebeforeaskingthem to put the instructions in the correctorder.Givethem a clue:ask them to payattentionto the wordsusedto markthe sequence of recipeinstructions.

forty-one 47




themenu Here's Section1 Function/ ToPic

P r e s e n t t nmge n u s

T a k t n go r d e r s

P a s ts i m p l e( r e g u l avr e r b s )

T a k i n go r d e r s

S t a r t e rasn dm a i nc o u r s e s Dishes

D e s c r i b r ndgi s h e s : r e n c hw o r d s P r o nu n c i a t i o n F

Objectivesof the unit .ToenabIestudentstopresentthemenu,describedishesandtakeorders in taking involved practice andprofesslonal awareof theconventions . Tomakestudents or0ers. to talkaboutpastevents' . Toenablestudents

- -ortant documentfor a restaurantbecauseit Likethe wine list,the menuis a verytmp , -,:!..^r +L^ rangeand qualityof the i." ,r".i""ì ., "À i",-ouction to th" gastronomic aswell

of the dishes anddescriptions i, "*pr"rr"din the names ---^-r..,L^^ l-.2 when+the moment the of theimportance ::'.#fi:';:r;il;;;;"" -i""11""ìr.Given anvquestions poriterv ìo g," guest,staffmustbe readyto answer ;J;, ;ifi;#i -l ^-.,li-]^ of anydish'


- l:t-1..


or preparation the guestmayhaver."g"riingthe ingredients

menu until orders are taken' staff must During the time from the presentationof the be ready to: .answerquestionsregardingtheingredientsorpreparationofadish . make polite recommendationsto the guest Thisisthemomentwhenpreferencesandwishesareexpressed,andstaffmust ,"*irtytheneedsoftheguestaspolitelyandefficientlyaspossible'

&.2 forty-two

Here'sthe menu @

The menu ExerciseI B e f o r er e a d i n g t h e m e n u ,e l i c i tp r e v i o uksn o w l e d g e studentsmay haveon the subjectthroughthe warm-up questions. Answersmay be providedin the students' mothertongue.

Exercise2 Askstudentsto havea lookat the wordsin the box.Allow them to usea dictionary to checktheir meaningbefore workingon the exercise. Next,askstudentsto fill the gapsin the menuwith the wordsin the box. Then,askstudentsto workin groupsto suggest d i f f e r e n c easn d s i m i l a r i t i ebse t w e e tnh e m e n ui n t h e c o u r s e b o oakn d m e n u si n t h e i rc o u n t r y . lK:llD 1 Siarters 2 Cold 3 Hot 4 Main courses 5 M e a td i s h e s 6 F i s hd i s h e s 7 V e g e t a r i adni s h e s 8 S i d ed i s h e s

Providestudentswith different types of menus from their own country or askthem to bring them in. Then askthem to analyseand comparethe menuswith the one in the coursebook.They could work in groupsand producesmallcards with the characteristics they have spotted (type of guest aimed at, image they want to convey,etc.). Then,the menuscan be hung on the classroom walls and the rest of the classcan contributeto the notes.

Exercise3 Ask studentsto havea lookat the wordsin the box.Allow t h e mt o u s ea d i c t i o n a rtyo c h e c kt h e i rm e a n i n gb e f o r e workingon the exercise. Then,askthe studentsto match the wordsin the boxto the picturesof ingredients. Finally,askthem to practisesayingthe words. 1 veal 2 avocadopear 3 goat 4 cuilet [l[! 5 lamb 6 potato 7 lobster I rosemary g sole 1 0 g o o s e 1 1 b r o c c o l i 1 2 e e l 1 3 s i r l o i ns t e a k l4 beef

country.Ask them to workin groupsand to makea list. Put theirsuggestions on the blackboard. Thenask s t u d e n t tso m a t c ht h e d i s h e st o t h e d e fi n i t i o n sA. l l o w them to usea dictionary. G D t u

2 f

3 c

4 d

5 h

6 e

7 a

B e

lf you didn't do so in unit 4, refer studentsto the 'Meals and menus'sectionin the glossaryat the end of the coursebook(page 108)and to the correspondingexercises in the workbook (page 61).This meansanticipatingvocabularyon namesof dessertsin unit 10.

You may ask advancedstudentsto think of definitionsof the dishesthey suggestedwould appear in a menu in their country.They could then be askedto preparean exercise(similarto the one in the coursebook)with the new dishes and definitionsfor the rest of the classto work on.

Exercise5 Introduce this exercise by askingstudentsto identifythe differentwordsplacedbeforeor afterthe nounsin the d i s hd e f i n i t i o nisn e x e r c i s4e. T e l lt h e mt h e ya r e a d j e c t i v easn dl o r q u a l iife r s .T h e na s kt h e mt o l o o ka t t h e wordsin this exercise. Ask them whethertheycan seeany s i m i l a r i ttyo t h e w o r d si n t h e d e fi n i t i o n sT. h e na s kt h e m to classifythe wordsin this exercise according to the c a t e g o r i essp e c i f i e dF. i n a l l yc,h e c kt h e i ra n s w e ras n d a s k them to practisesayingthe words. 2a 3a 4b bb 6b 7c Bb 9c GEltu 10a 11b 12b 13b 14c 15b tOb 17b 18c 19c 2Oc

Ask studentsto identify which of the words come from verbsof preparation.Then askthem to look at page 56 of their coursebooksand produce -ed forms of the verbsof preparation.Finally,ask them to think of suitabledishesto which these new adjectivescould be applied.

Exercise 4 l n t r o d u c teh e e x e r c i sbey a s k i n gs t u d e n t w s h a tt y p i c a l d i s h e st h e yw o u l de x p e c t o f i n d o n a m e n ui n t h e i r

forty-three 43

Here'sthe menu


Are you readyto order?

6 Exercise

the wordsin orderto obtain to rearrange Askstudents Exercise1 namesofdishescontainingthetypeofwordstheyhave theywill now by tellingstudents this exercise lntroduce 4 and5' on in activities worked at the guests two of listento Jantakingthe orders andto dialogue the to listento Askstudents Casablanca. g@ 1 Dutchpeasoup 2 Spanishporkstew After order' guests 4 roastduckwith takenoteof the dishesanddrinksthe úiìieo codwith lemonsauce caviare themsometimeto puttheirideasin order'let allowing ,uuté.dmushrooms5 freshRussian the againto checkwhether themliitento the dialogue 6 Scottishlambwithjacketpotatoes theyobtainedis correct' information


of the -ed students by reminding this exerctse lntroduce 4' Thenaskthem suffixin someof the wordsin exercise boxandto answer in the language to readthe dialogue to the rules attention below.Drawstudents' the questions the useof the pastsimple'andaskthemto i"guiOing section(page97) to learn reference lookat the grammar theywill moreaboutlhisverbtense'In the nextunit' Pastforms' learnthe irregular is present

a a

the final -dt lovedis pastsimpleandlove simple did no


whattheyhave thattheywill nowpractise Tellstudents in Ask aboutthe pastsimpletense' themto fill learned in formof the verb the gapswiththe appropriate brackets. of pronunciation andpractise Then,checktheiranswers page56)' -edendings(seecoursebook g@ 1 started 2 introduced 3 didn'tintroduce / welcomed ì-n*x"O 5 Did(Jan)show 6 filled 7 like/prepared didn'tpresent 8 Did(Rosa)

thatstudentB will to workin pairs'Explain Askstudents studentA will workwiththe list of verbson page62 and boxwith another turnto page89, wherehe/shewill find partner will ask his/her verbs.Eachstudent different listto findoutwhat his/her in usingtheverbs questions swaproles' then he/shedid lastweek.Theyshould of the classwhat rest to reportto the askstudents Finally, did lastweer' theirPartners



Fiona vichyssoise


Polishpotato pancakes NorthSeaeel

Sidedish Drinks

Waldorfsalad houserosé


7 Exercise

8 Exercise


Casablanca couscous Waldorfsalad houserosé

2 Exercise andto identifythe to readthe dialogue Askstudents by Jan' withthe actionsperformed pt'rrur..associated

fKltlB I Areyoureadyto order? 2 Of course/ Certainly' 3 Andwhaiwouldyoulikeas a maincourse? *u*ot. for you,madam' 5 Andforyou'madam?. 4 Socouscous madam' 7 Wouldyoulikea side choice, 6 Excellent youliketo drink? dishto gowithit? 8 Andwhatwould 9 ThankYou'

3 Exercise andto to havea lookat the sentences Askstudents thatthis is identifythe wrongwordin eachone'Tellthem Askthemto correctthe notgrammar' a testof vocabulary, if to eiercise2 for correctalternatives referring sentences, necessary.

Here'sthe menu @

ÍGEB 1 Are you readyto order? 2 W h a tw o u l dy o u l i k ea s a m a i nc o u r s e ? 3 And for yeu, madam? 4 E x c e l l e ncth o i c es, i r . 5 Wouldyou like a sidedish to go with ihe steak? 6 W h a tw o u l dy o u l i k et o d r i n k ?

4 The couscousis madeof the NorthAfricancereal servedwith vegetables and lamb. 5 The Polishpotatopancakes are madeof fried potatoes, eggsand flourservedwith sourcream. 6 lt is madeof fried bacon,freshlettuce,tomatoand cucumberservedwith meltedsoat'scheese.

Exercise7 Exercise4

Tellstudentsthat nowthey knowhowto namedishesand howto describethem to the guestswhentakingorders, Introducethis exerciseby askingstudentsif they realise t h e yw i l l b e a b l et o d e s i g na m e n uf o r t h e i ri m a g i n e d that thereare manywordsof Frenchoriginusedin the restaurant. Tellthem to workin groupsto planthe cateringbusiness. Do they knowanyof them?Which (usingthe termson characteristics of the restaurant F r e n c hw o r d sc a n t h e yf i n d i n t h e m e n ua t t h e b e g i n n i n g page 54 to help them) before choosing the dishesand the o f t h i s u n i t ( p a g e6 0 ) ? d e s i g no f t h e m e n u .A l l o ws t u d e n t sp l e n t yo f t i m e t o t h i n k Then,askthem to havea lookat the wordsin the boxand a b o u ta n d a c t u a l l yp r o d u c e t h e m e n u s 0. n c e a l l t h e to try to pronounce them.Youcan makethis fun by groupshavefinished,askthem to workwith the other pronouncing someof the wordscorrectlyand othersvery groupsin order-taking simulations. lf possibleusereal badlyto showthe difference. Next,askihem to listento tableware to makethe scenesreal. the wordspronounced by eithera Frenchpersonor an Englishperson.Askthem to identifywho sayseachword. Afterallowingthem sometime to put their ideasin order, You mayshowstudentsa videoclip (from a let them listento the wordsagainto checkwhethertheir comedysketchshow,for example)with a funny choicewascorrect.Then,askthem to practisesayingthe situationhappeningin an order-takingsituation wordsin the iwo differentways.Seetapescript at a restaurant. Thestudentscanthen be (coursebook page101).


zE 3E 4F sE 6E iF


encouraged to introducea funny episodeinto their own simulationand to work on the sceneas a theatrepiece.Theymayevenperformfor other classes if they dare!

Exercise 5 Introduce this exercise by askingstudentswhatthey woulddo if a guestaskedthem to clarifythe ingredients and preparation of a certaindish.Tellstudentsto lookat thesentence i n t h e t a b l ed e s c r i b i ncga r p a c c iaon dt o w o r ki n p a i r st o d o t h e s a m ew i t h a d i s ho f t h e i rc h o i c e from the dialogueon page63.

Exercise 6 Ask studentsto work in oairsand to usethe table in exercise 5 to producedescriptions of the disheslisted.

answers: fIGEtsSuggested 1 lt's madeof boiledscallopsservedwith mornaysauce. The mornaysauceis madeof béchamel, butter,cream, salt and pepper. 2 Our greenlasagneis madeof bakedpastalayersand vegetables servedwith a deliciousthree-cheese sauce. paella 3 The is madeof friedseafood, vegetables, meat and rice,servedwith salad.



Thechefrecommends Section1 Function/ Topic Language Vocabulary


R e c o m m e n d i nd gi s h e s

D e s c r i b i ndge s s e r t s

M a k i n gs u g g e s t i o n s

P a s ts r m p l e( i r r e g u l avre r b s )

Desserts P r o n u n c i a t i so on u: n d i negn t h u s i a s t i c

Utensils Ver bsof pr epar ati on

Objectivesof the unit a a a

containand howtheyare prepared. To enablestudentsto describewhatdesserts guests. to dishes to recommend To enablestudents To enablesiudentsto talk aboutpastevents.

After presentingthe menu, staff must be ready to recommenddishespolitely when asked.They must be able not only to recommenda given dish,but alsoto enquire about the guest'spreferencesand to make suggestionsaccordingly. Recommendations should be formulatedwith enthusiasticintonation and can be accompaniedby helpful descriptionsregardingthe ingredientsor preparationof a dish.Therefore,staff must be familiarwith the languageinvolvedin recipes. This unit dealswith dessertrecipesspecificallyand coversthe vocabularyinvolved: . namesof desserts . namesof ingredients . verbsto describepreparation procedures



rThe chef recommends@

Desserts Exercise 1 B e f o r el i s t e n i n tgo t h e d i a l o g u ee,l i c i tp r e v i o uksn o w l e d g e studentsmay haveon the subjectthroughthe warm-up questions. Answersmay be givenin their mothertongue.

ffCflB lf you like chocolate you shouldtry it. I wouldsuggestour raspberry sorbetor the remonmousse. I c a n a l s or e c o m m e ntdh e t i r a m i s u .

Exercise 3

Askstudentsto havea lookat the boxand tell them these wordscameup in the language boxabove,so they can Exercise 2 turn to it againif they needhelpto do the exercise. Go throughthe sentences with studentsand makesurethey Ask studentswhetherthey like desserts. Do theyalways ordera dessertwhen havinga meal?Tellthem that they're d o n ' th a v ea n yv o c a b u l a rpyr o b l e m sT.h e na s kt h e mt o f i l l and oncethey'vedonethe goingto listento a youngcoupleorderinga dessertat the the gapsrn the sentences exercise, correct it with them. Casablanca. Beforelisteningto the tape,get them to read questions the comprehension and makesurethey fIGEÈ 1 feel like/should 2 recommend 3 would understand everything. Ask studentsto listento the 4 shouldtry 5 wouldsuggest/try d i a l o g ua e n dt o t i c k t h e c o r r e cot p t i o n si n t h e t a b l e .L e t them listentwice,then correctthe answers with the whole classF . i n a l l yg, e t t h e s t u d e n t tso a n s w etrh i s q u e s t i o n : DoesMaryordera dessert?Brainstormpossiblereasons

You may want to copy the table onto the blackboardand ask studentsto read the dialogue in their coursebooksas they listen to it for the first time. More advancedstudentsmay be able to listenwith their booksclosed.They can then all listena secondtime without looking at their coursebooksand completethe table on the blackboard.

[l[!r.Jan 6 Thomas

2Thomas 3Mary 4Mary 5Jan

Language Ask studentsto readthe sentences in the box.Tellthem that the combination of wordsin the box is veryusefulfor recommending dishes(e.g. lf you feel like cheese,I can recommendthe cheesesauce).Pointout that the resultingstructures can be moreor lesselaborate, d e p e n d i nogn t h e c h o s e nw o r d st:h e f i r s tt h r e ec o l u m n s and the wordsin bracketsare optional(example of a simplestructure:I suggestthe onionsoup).Encourage s t u d e n t tso c o m eu p w i t h m o r ec o m b i n a t i o nCs a . nt h e y f i n d a n yo f t h e m i n t h e d i a l o g u eA?s kt h e mt o u n d e r l i n e them.Thenaskstudentsto lookfor the sentenceusedby (Whatdo the guestsin the dialogueto askfor suggestions you recommend?).

Ask more advancedstudentsto do the exercise without looking at the languagebox.

Exercise4 Introduce the exercise by talkingaboutthe importance of s o u n d i ne g n t h u s i a s tw i ch e nr e c o m m e n d i ndgi s h e st o g u e s t ss, i n c eu n e n t h u s i a s ti inct o n a t i ow n o r k sa g a i n stth e meaning o f t h e r e c o m m e n d a t i oTnh.e np l a yo r s a y( w i t h enthusiasm) the first sentence of the exercise. Do they t h i n k i t s o u n d se n t h u s i a s toi cr n o t ?M a k es u r et h e y understand that it does.What'sthe aim of this sentence? Whatcontributes to its enthusiasm? lf yourstudentsdon't point know, out that both intonationand sentencestress arethe keyelements- they havealreadyworkedon these t w o f e a t u r e isn p r e v i o uusn i t s( p a g e s1 5 , 1 9 , 2 I , 2 5 , etc.).Playthe tapeonceand askyourstudentsto write downEor U nextto eachsentencedepending on whether t h e yt h i n kt h e ys o u n de n t h u s i a s toi cr u n e n t h u s i a s tT i ch. e y can readthe sentences in their coursebook whilethey l i s t e nC . h e c kt h e a n s w e rw s i t ht h e w h o l ec l a s s T . h e n ,p l a y . the tapeagainand askstudentsto underlinethe words whicharestressedin the enthusiastic sentences. After checkingthe answers, askstudentsto workin pairs.Get t h e mt o t h i n ko f w a y so f m a k i n gt h e u n e n t h u s i a s t i c s e n t e n c esso u n de n t h u s i a s tai cn d t o p u t t h e m i n t o p r a c t i c eF. i n a l l ya, s k i n d i v i d u aslt u d e n t si n t u r n t o s a y thosesentences aloudfor the wholeclass,who haveto decidewhetheror not the objeciiveof sounding enthusiastic hasbeenachieved. Allowplentyof time for studentsto practisesayingthe sentences.

forty-seven 47


rtte chef recommends

Ask them to havea lookat the words namesof desserts. fTGfE to lookup the in the box.Allowthem to usedictionaries 1 T o d a y 'ssp e c i ails t h e f a b u l o u sp i z z aN a p o l i(' E ) be familiar least at should they know don't they words 2 lf you feel like a sweetdessertyou shouldtry the came up which cake, and mousse with the wordssorbet, c h o c o l a tcea k e .( U ) came which 2, andthe wordsmilk and frulf, in exercise d e o n i o ns o u p .I ' m s u r ey o u ' l fl i n d up in unit B. Oncethey'vematchedthe wordsto the 3 l w o u l dr e c o m m e nt h i t d e l i c i o u sm, a d a m (. E ) picturesin pairs,readeachwordaloudand get the the seafoodpaella- it's our 4 Todaythe chef recommends by studentsto repeatit afteryou.Correctthe exerctse s o e c i a l i t v( E . ) you the answers. askingthe wholeclassto tell with 5 lf you like cheese,you shouldtry the greenlasagne sauce.(U) the three-cheese Note:For dessertswhich haveno translationin the lt's perfectwith 6 May I suggesithis white Bourgogne? students'mother tongue,you may have to provide full f i s h .( U ) with the help of a monolingualdictionaryif descriptions, U n e n t h u s i a s tsiec n t e n c ecsa n b e t u r n e di n t oe n t h u s i a s t i c necessary. o n e sb y c h a n g i n tgh e i rn e u t r ailn t o n a t i oann d s t r e s s i n g ffcnD 1 crèmecaramel 2 yoghurt 3 cake the positivewords,e.g. 4 c o o k i e /s b i s c u i t s 5 b r o w n i e 6 a p p l ep i e 7 c h e e s e 2 lf you feel like a sweetdessertyou shouldtry the 8 t r i f l e 9 m i l ks h a k e 1 0 i c ec r e a m 1 1 j e l l y cake. chocolate with 1 2 m o u s s e 1 3 p a n c a k /e c r è p e 1 4 s o r b e t 5 lf you like cheese,you should!ry the greenlasagne 1 5 f r u i ts a l a d sauce the three-cheese lt's perfectwith 6 May I suggestthis white Bourgogne? fish. lf you didn't do so in units 4 or 9, refer your 'Mealsand menus'sectionin the studentsto the glossaryat the end of the coursebook(page 108), lf your studentshave real difficulty in identifying and to the correspondingword group exercisesin which words are stressed,you can stop the tape workbook (page 61)' the after each sentenceand repeat it yourself'You can then ask them to repeat the sentenceafter you in turns. Rememberthat you can askthem Exercise 7 then to copy the stresspattern of the sentence using soundsinsteadof words or even make them contestby with a prelimtnary this exercise Introduce knock on their tables when there's a stressed a . h e yh a v et o p r o d u c e d i v i d i n gt h e c l a s si n t h r e et e a m s T word, as they have done in previousunits. You t h i s w i l l n e e d t h e y i n E n g l i s h f l a v o u r s c r e a m o f i c e list 'read' all the sentences this can also askthem to Let eachteam usea to do the exercise. vocabulary way before usingthe actualwords. lt will certainly d i c t i o n a rayn d g i v et h e mf i v em i n u t e st o d o t h e i rl i s t s . help them to discoverthe stresspattern. from eachteamto writetheir Thenask a representative O n c et h e y ' v ef i n i s h e dy, o uc a n b l a c k b o a r d . o n t h e list w h o l ec l a s s g, i v i n go n e p o i n tf o r c h e c kt h e l i s t sw i t ht h e Exercise5 eachcorrectword.Theteamwith the mostpointswins' lf pairs' Ask in practice orally done be to exercise This is a the words chocolate,strawberry,nougat,pistachto,lemon, box.Eachstudentshould vanillaand coffeehaven'tcome up, introducethem studentsto lookat the language uslng yourself restaurants, recommending think of threesentences . Next,tell studentsthat they will hearsome box.Thenaskthem to in the language the structures Theyhaveto guestsaskingfor dessertsuggestions. partners' their to restauranis the recommend a dessertto each imaginethey'rewaitersand recommend the correctoptronfrom the onesglven' guestby choosing Beforelisteningto the tape,askthem to readthe options Exercise6 Let them everything. and makesurethey understand by askingstudentswhichdessert Introducethis exercise togetherwith them' listentwiceand correctthe answers may be givenin their mother they like best(answers waysthe guests the different to attention Drawstudents' tongue).Thentell them they'regoingio learnsome t o t e l l y o uw h i c ho t h e r t h e m a s k e df o r a d v i c eF. i n a l l ya, s k



r The chef recommends@ wouldbe suitablefor eachof the guestswithout desserts See exercise. box in the previous lookingat the vocabulary t a p e s c r i p( tc o u r s e b o op ka g e s1 0 1 - 1 0 2 ) .

For lessadvancedstudents,insteadof the contest you may wish to introduce this activity by brainstormingnamesof ice creamflavoursin the students'mother tongue and writing down their translationsin Englishon the blackboard.Then you can get them to do the exercise,stopping the tape after each sentenceand repeating it yourself.After correctingthe exercise,you can let the studentslook at the vocabularybox in the previousactivity and ask them to tell you which other dessertswould be suitable for each of the guests.

úGDta 2b 3a 4b

5o 6a

lf you didn't do it in unit 8, refer studentsto the 'Fruit' sectionat the end of the coursebook (pages106*107),and to the correspondingword group exercisesin the workbook (page 58).


A dessertrecipe Exercise1 by askingstudentswhetherthey Introduce this exercise the nameof the pastrycookat the Casablanca remember ( L o u i s ) t h e ym e t h i m i n t h e s e c o n dp a r to f u n i t 2 . f e l l betweenLouisand Jan ihem to listento the conversation Beforelisteningto the tape, and to answerthe questtons. and makesurethey askthem to readthe questions Let them listentwice.Checkthe everything. understand with the wholeclass.Makestudentsawareof the answers fact that this time it is Janwho showssomeromantic Rosanow hasthreesuitors, interestin Rosa.Therefore, sincePeterand Samshowedthe samekind of interestin p r e v i o uusn i t s .D o t h e s t u d e n t tsh i n k R o s aw i l l c h o o s ea n y o f t h e m ?W h o ?W h y ?T h e yw i l l f i n d o u t i n u n i t 1 2 , b u t keepthe secret! Note:/n the dralogueLoutssays he wìll provideJan with a simple recipe usingAmericanmeasuringcups. Makesure studentsunderstandhe's referringto a measuringsystem (seeunit 7 or the conversiontableson page 91 of the coursebooH.

You may want to write the questionson the blackboardand ask studentsto read the dialogue in their coursebooksas they listen to it for the first time. More advancedstudents may be able to listenwith their booksclosed.They can then all listena secondtime without looking at their and answerthe questionson the coursebooks blackboard.

A s ks t u d e n t tso w o r ki n p a i r st o d o t h i s s i m u l a t i o n fromthis and whichrecyclesusefullanguage exercise previous units.Tellthem to havea lookat the prompts. Onestudentis a guestand the othera waiter.Theymust they'velearntin this makea dialogueusrngthe structures u n i t .G i v es t u d e n t sp l e n t yo f t i m e t o w r i i et h e i rd i a l o g u e s , and and offerfeedbackbeforeallowingthem to rehearse t ..tan 2 Louis 3tiramisu 4seven [l[l rest of the class. ( for the act out their dialogues 5 one Rosa)

Exercise2 Before asking studentsto make up their own dialogues,you may adviselessadvancedstudents to analysethe dialogueat the beginningof this unit (page 66) and to use it as a model.

Ask studentsto readthe dialogueand to completethe d i a g r a mi n p a i r sb y f i l l i n gt h e g a p sw i t h t h e m i s s i n g Youmayask and verbsof preparation. ingredients f irstto comparetheir studentswho f inishthe exercise with thoseof anotherpair,thus allowingsloweranswers pacedstudentsio finishthe exercise too. Thencheckthe with the wholeclass. answers




The chef recommends

You can ask more advancedstudentsto do the exercisewithout looking at the dialoguein their coursebooks.

ffGnB 1 whippingcream 2 sponge-cake3 amaretto coffee 6 sugar cheese 5 espresso 4 mascarpone p o w d e r w hip 10cover 9 8 c o m b i n e 7 cocoa 11 refrigerate

Exercise3 . l l o ws o m et i m e A s ks t u d e n t tso d o t h i s e x e r c i sien p a i r s A Thenaskthem to for them to preparetheir descriptions. m a k e t i r a m i s u . h o w t o o t h e r e a c h tell

You can let lessadvancedstudents look at the diagram in the previousexercisewhile preparing their descriptions.

on the blackboard:lt wasdelicious/lt wasn't sentences (wasnot) delicious/Wasit delicious?Then explainthat 'f the contractedform of werenot is weren (you may like to writeit on the blackboard). Note:Makesure studentsrealisethat the past form of the third personsingulardoesn'tchange.The only exception is. of course.the verbbe.

Ask studentsto complete the list of irregular verbsat the end of the coursebook(page 99). They must look up the meaningof the verbsin the dictionaryand write down their translationin their own language.Thisexercisecan be done individuallyas homework. lf set as a classactivity, allow sometime to do this exercisein small groupsand ask eachgroup to translatea number of verbs.Then checkthe answerswith the whole : class.


whrchmay be doneeither This is a practiceexercise i n d i v i d u a l ol yr i n p a i r s .I n t r o d u c iet b y r e m i n d i n tgh e Language a r o m a n t i cd i n n e rf o r R o s a s t u d e n t tsh a t J a nw a sp l a n n i n g I n t r o d u cteh i s g r a m m apr o i n tb y r e m i n d i n sgt u d e n t tsh a t Louisto providehim wiih he asked 1 and that in exercise unit 9 dealtwith the pastsimpleformsof regularverbs. s t u d e n t tsh i n kt h e d l n n e rw a sa D o t h e r e c i o e . a dessert to elicitwhatthey This is the perfectopportunity s u c c e s sT?h e y ' lfl i n d o u t b y d o i n gt h i s e x e r c i s ew,h e r eJ a n aboutit: Whatare regularverbs?Howdo we remember Tellstudentsthat they haveto tells Louiswhat happened. and questionsin the past sentences form negative irregular verbsto fill the gaps- they and regular use both s i m p l e ?T h e ne x p l a i nt h a t t h i s u n i t d e a l sw i t ht h e p a s t verbsat the backof the can usethe list of irregular s i m p l ef o r m so f i r r e g u l avre r b s i,. e .t h o s ev e r b sw h i c h grammar sectionas reference and the coursebook don't take -ed in the past.Tellthem that the onlywayof (pages97-99). Let them usea dictionary to do references knowingwhethera verbis regularor irregularis by who ask the students You may necessary. if the exercise i t , a s t h e r ea r e n o r u l e si n t h i s r e s p e c tA. s k learning wtth f irstto comparetheir answers in the language finishihe exercise studentsto havea lookat the sentences of otherstudents,thus allowingslower-paced boxand pointout that theyaretakenfrom the dialoguein those too. Oncethey'vedonethe to f inishthe exercise students exercise1. Thewordsin boldare irregularpastforms. Finally, ask students Was them. it with correct exercise, s u e s sw h i c ha r et h e i ri n fi n i t i v ef o r m s ?l f C a ns t u d e n t g similar ever Has something the dinner successful? f .h e ne x p l a i nt h a t i f t h e y t h e yc a n ' t ,t e l l t h e my o u r s e l T happenedto you? verbs,they need wantto learnthe pastformsof irregular (page99) to studythe list at the backof the coursebook to become practice in order exercises and do lotsof a c q u a i n t ew d i t ht h e m ,a s a g a i nt h e r ea r e n o r u l e sa s f o r Ask more advancedstudentsto do the exercise without looking at the list of irregularverbsor the formationof irregularpastforms.Next,go throughthe the grammar referencesection.You could alsoask r u l e si n t h e l a n g u a gbeo x .P o i n to u t t h a t t h e s e c o n dr u l e them to perform the dialoguewhen they have (aboutthe formationof negatives also and questions) f inished. g i v e . r n a l l y , e x a m p l etso a p p l i e st o r e g u l avr e r b s F illustratethe fourthrule (aboutthe formationof negatives with the verbbe).Youcan writethese and questions



The chef recommends sn't :hat like

cf the ttion

t did(the

dinner) ffT so was 3 Did (you)have 4 had 5 brought 6 was _2 / was 8 put g chose l0 rang l l were 12 was 1 3 d i d n ' tt r y 1 4 maoe 1 5s a i d 1 6 w a s 1 7 was

ftHn 1

wirewhisk sì*mer ;';;;;.,."1,Jf?,', isi,:,i;,,. 9 b a k i n gt i n l 0 c o l a

rz.u,.lpun ;-,;:i;:1..,:l':Ti;;J""'

Give 3l:t:-,*:1":: i"*: teaTsfor a contest.


hangmanwith the students rr"r'lrvs rurrr| or a verb as a ""iln"l?.ll:iTi*,"inri^iti""'#,.n'ìi"""J,"0 and ask them to mal r*nt"nce with the past r h ;,k-.;;;i,,,, rorm of rhrr rra,,. ^,._î_? " word :l^"1î-ii i î: rfr"T,:li:: eb";;;i ;;;;;ff;[îfJ:":fr: ii;nfith:,,f:J' ;i,+:1

l?:T,,:: llrI^îT: trr:Y:i; ;,;;"é;i'ilff "T -" i:::if,:: :r,'"



r"r",iì,Lli'TÀ,:? ;*,îi,T: ::s:l:' ve,bJ aboutit foroneîi;il;;tl;':#:

write it in the correct spaces on the blackboarduntiitrre'w-oi is compteted.Whenever Ú,"v.ÀoolJ à"iu*ur.that is not ín the word, draw pàrt a The studentsshouldtrv to.guessof tfre frangman. beinshansedanulosiris the word before ;tlernativety you canaskindividua.t .il;;;". s{udent"s to blackboard and to think.ofone of óoìit,u ihe wordsin the box.Therestof i

it "" ih; ;;;ìf,oarocive ::rJ:Hl"_,p:"y:it" ea_ch correc, r" ;r;;;:

f_"^ withîî': the :*:: mostpointswins.

H; l:: ;

Alternative,n ptaybingowith your I?y,coutd studentsso that rhey can-i;;; ;il past formsof

.."0s rvou wlr-' iffitil:'r"::tjJ"1l;"Joì"ó" resource



shortlinesto indicate the numbJr-àiT"tt"rr. rn"n askyourstudents to guess the tettersof the ,ori in the worùbi t"ttingyo trr;. ffi;;J""r they choosea correctletteC

negatives and question,-_ you u",, decide) ;;;;":1",:i:=" with both reorrràr rnrr i".^^..,--ont


otn"'. ult";;;il: rorm an àrin"i,,ó;J?":r:?"ilil!lf,,il'#,'"e "? ìi'ff;,n',nr.yff: lnltri teams which haveto thinf of;;;-rà';;","rn. coursebook (eachinfiniti";;;;;il you

,^^^ I UJd


be written on smallpieceof paper). erk ,t"OHIs to studythe a

olltoc3gi"d;;;;;;e 70andto ll,if^o-"_:'a cnooseten squares.They should-tiren

verbsin theset,

Jan to ey


couldact as a referee,giving one point for each correctteter. Theteam wití,;;J;ints winr.


,o'.utJ soins ;:1. ifi:fii":ì;:lî,,lTJi#ff:,,

from,thebag oîe.g.yoîe) anj iÀai everytime they hearan infinitivu toi *Àì.f, tley havethe pastform circtedon their car;; ;d; haveto cross it out. rhe first student wh;;;;r;Jout al ten verbson his/her


j',?i';:i píI: :i :.'-': 9I' u("tt",u"r''.'j,13 tr

game severaltimes.

Referstudentsto thr ,.,yt"nsils,

sectionin the ofosqa^,at 5++r.^ ^__, slossary the""J:1lli;il;::?,,J"*", ,0,, and to the correspongig woro grouf

Exercise 5 lntroducethis exerci


going to,earn some ;:jlJil ijJ:.jÍ$i:ì:?,iJ#r;:. have

the workbook (page 67).

v, r ' - v Y &ercises in

a lookat the wordsin the box.Àlio*'rnurnto use dictionaries Exercise to look,O.l.huwordsthey 6 O"on,, _ nno* they shouidat leastbe familrar Introduce w,tfrtf,eworOsbowl and this exercir se by tellingstudents mould,whichcameI that they're gorngto learnsome rn exercise1, and the wordsspoon andknife, *tri.t.' .ur,p 'o tn unit 5' once they've matchedthe words,;t oesserts. Askthemtc

wo rdarouduno-guì; JT,?jliJ?i. ;,':i,yffj li,',' byasking


tr,u*r,oruìrass toteltyou

rearreo , i._,,,,ì;11': fi',:ìil.ri;:fix,,,"J. Ar row them t";; ;;i:Éi.iliffilnH:r;;1ff :;, -

theyshoutd te ramiriar wiinmostot them ,1:1,,11"* trom this and previoul

s unlts'0nce they've matchedthe wordsto the pictures

ge t the.t,o.nt,'to l. ;:,Ìi n,i::ffi:.J"H:1 Í;:,:,:11 f ifty-one g i


rn" chef recommends

Then by askingthe wholeclassto tell youthe answers' ask:Whichof the utensilsfrom the previousexercise'do you needto mix things?Getthe studentsto matchverbs At this stagedrawstudents' to.utensils. of preparation derive to the factthat somenamesof utensils attention a goodlearningstrbtegyis to from'theverbs.Therefore, thenlup in withoutlook"ing try to deducetheirmeaning afterwards' theirdeductions checking the dictionary, Whichof theseutensilsderivefroma verbof preparation? comeup with moreexamples? Canstudents Note:Youmay wishto draw students'attentionto another aspectof wordformation,namelythe generationof lexical famities.Explainthat somewordsare formedon the basis of otherwordswhosemeaningis moregeneral.Examples which of this are the wordsfryingpanand saucepan, derived words all the pan. are Otherexamples derivefrom (e.g. peanuls,hazelnuts,walnuts,..'). from the word nuts moreeffectivelyif it is Studentscan learnvocabulary And knowingsomerulesrelating presentedin categories. to wordformationcan help them to deducethe meaning of unknownwords. strain 2peel 3bake 4grate 5mix @l 6 cut 7 whip 8 skim 9 stir 10 serve Verbsand utensils: mix bowl,woodenspoon peel potatopeeler,chef'sknife chef'sknife,scissors cut strain colander tin bake mould,baking whip wirewhisk grate grater serve ladle skim skimmer woodenspoon,bowl stir fromverbs:potatopeeler(frompeel),bakingtin Utensils (frombake),grater(fromgrate),skimmer(fromskim), whisk(fromwhisk).

Exercise7 Askstudentsto workin groupsto preparedessertrecipes as well andutensils, ingredients the necessary mentioning themwith plenty Makesureyouprovide as the procedure. Theycanhavea lookat this exercise. of timeto prepare 1 of howto makea tiramisuin exercise the explanation anduseit as a model.Theymayalsoneeda dictionary for eachgroup.Getthemto readtheirrecipesin turnto areover, the restof the students.Oncethe presentations askstudentsto votefor the bestone.



Comptaints SectionI Function / Topic Language



M a k i n gc o m p l a i n t s

Dealing withcomplaints

per fect P re sent

D e a l i n gw i t h c o m p l a i n t s


P r o n u n c i a t i oU nK : vs.US Enelish

Objectivesof the unit a a

To enablestudentsto u n d e r s t a nadn d d e a lw i t h c o m p l a i n t s . To enablestudentsto talk aboutrecentevenrs.

From the moment a guest arrivesat a restaurantuntil he / she leavesa number of things can go wrong: problemsmay ariseconcerningthe food, the service,the facilities,etc. Guests,of course,have every right to complain - the customer is always right! - and it is the professional'sduty to apologiseand to try to solvethe problem as quickly as possiblein order to ensurethe guest'ssatisfactionand to encourage their loyalty. Therefore, it Ís vital for staff to understandcomplaintsand deal with them tactfully. They must be able to: . askwhat the problem is . apologise . explainthe reasonfor the problem . offer a solutionor compensation . refer the guest to the member of staff in charge The secretof turning upset guestsinto satisfiedones is one of the keysfor business success in the cateringindustry.This unit providesthe languagethat studentsneed to do so.

f ifty-three 53



Makinga complaint

4 Exercise


all thewordsin understand Makesurethatstudents 4. Thenaskthemto matchthe wordsto the exercise pictures, andto crossout anythat don'tmatch. relevant

elicitprevious to the dialogues, Beforelistening the subjectthroughthe have on may students knowledge given in theirmother Notes: question, maybe Answers warm-up 1 Explainthe two differentmeaningsof hot (oppositeof rongue. coldand synonymof spicy). 2 lf studentssuggestthat a cakecan be salty,tell them 2 Exercise you can havesaltypies but not cakes. tell studentsthat they Beforelisteningto the dialogues, and askthem to aregoingto hearfive guestscomplaining guess the guestsare pictures. what they Can look at the about?Thenplaythe tapeand askstudents complaining to the pictureswithout to matchthe shortconversations lookingat the tapescript(whichyou can find at the end of the coursebook IpaBe102] in orderto checktheir answers).

spicy,dry,cold,hot fKltB Couscous: Cake:cold,hot,hard,stale Wine:corked,sweet underdone Steak:tough,rare,overcooked,

Note:Gothroughthe languagetip togetherwith the and students.Youmay wishto point out that underdone overcooked' and meanthe sameas undercooked overdone on the sentences down these also write You can GEEI" 2b 3c 4d 5a blackboardin orderto illustratethe languagetip: Thesoup is too cold. Thesoupis not warn enough. 3 Exercise Youmight wishto explainthat whenthe wordenough Tellstudenisthat theyaregoingto listento the dialogues accompanies a noLtn,it's usedbeforethe noun,e.g. There againand that this time they haveto write downthe isn'tenoughsoup. Tellthem that they reasonwhy eachguestcomplains. don't needto write full sentencesand that they maywrite the reasonsin their mothertongue.Playthe tapeagainif stoppingafter eachdialogueso that the necessary, studentshaveenoughtime to write downtheir answers and withoutallowingthem to lookat the tapescript (page102). Correctwith the wholeclass.

Exercise 5 Ask studentswhetherthey understandall the wordsin the table- theyshouldbe familiarwith all of them at this stage- and sort out any vocabularyproblems.Thentell them to matchthe complaintsto the typesof food by tickingthe correctboxes.Makesurethey realisethat one type of foodcan matchmorethan one complaintand vice versa.You may ask studentswho finish the exercisefirst to comoaretheir answersto thoseof otherstudents,thus studentsto finish the exercisetoo. allowingslower-paced Oncethey'vedonethe exercise,correctit with them.

@ toospicy notwarmenough undercookedstale 1/ ./ cutlets

- gotsole 2 souptoosalty ffGln 1 ordered scallops 3 corkedwine 4 steaktoo rare 5 doesn'tlike marmalade


f ifty{our















Complaintr @ Language Gothroughthe sentences in italicstogetherwith the studentsand makesurethey understand whatthey mean. Elicitfrom them that 'veis the contraction of have.Then askstudentsto focuson the wordorderedandtell them that this is the third form of the verb(or pastparticiple). Thethird form of regularverbsis always_edatthe end. Fora list of irregular verbsturn to page99 of the coursebook. Nextturn to the language boxagainand ask them to reformulatethe sentenceWe,vealreadyordered u s i n gh e i n s t e a do f w e . l î s t u d e n t d s o n , tc o m eu p w l t h i t by themselves, makethem awareof the fact that the word nayeneedsto be changedto has,as the subjectis in the third personsingular.Finally,go throughthe rutes together with the students.Makestudentsawareof the inversion of the subjectin questions. Notes: I Whenlookingat the list of irregularverbsat the end of the book, draw students,attention to the different categoriesof trregular verbs in order to help the studentsto systematisethem: . the infinitive, past simple and pastparticiple forms are the same (cost, cost, cost) o the infrnitiveand the past participle forms are the same (come,cane, come) o the past simple and the past participle forms are the same (huy, bought,bought) o the infinitive, past simple and pastparticiple forms are different (go, went,gone) 2 Youmay also wish to point out that when ustng the short form of the present perfect _ for example in short answers- tne past participle is left out (e.g. Haveyou finished?Yes,I have). Studentswill be requrred to produce a short answer tn exercise6.

lf studentsenjoyedplayingbingo in unit 10, play it again with them so that they can learn the past participle forms of irregular verbs (you will find the cardsas a photocopiableresouiceon page 70).

Exercise 6 This is a practiceexercise whichmay be doneeither i n d i v i d u a l ol yr i n p a i r s .I n t r o d u cteh e e x e r c i sbey a s k i n g studentsto tell you whichmemberof staff helpsthe c o o k si n t h e k i t c h e n( t h ec o m m i s )D . ot h e yr e m e m b et h re

nameof the commisat the Casablanca? (Karf_ they met h i m i n u n i t 2 . ) A n d w h a t ' st h e n a m eo f t h e H e a dC h e f ? ( S a m . )E x p l a i n t h a t K a r lh a da l i s to f t a s k st o d o . G e tt h e studentsto go throughit and helpthem if they have any vocabulary doubts- theyshouldknowall the wordsbv n o w .T h e nt e l l t h e mt h a t S a ma n d K a r la r et a l k i n ga b ó u t the thingsKarl hasand hasn'tdone.Ask studentsto completethe sentences usingthe presentperfect.To find out whichverbsthey need,theyshouldhavea tookat the list of tasks.Youmayaskstudentswho finishthe exercise first to comparetheir answers with thoseof other students,thus allowingslower_paced studentsto finish the exercise too. 0nce they'vedonethe exercise, correctit w i t ht h e m . úEEl t haveyou boited 2 havegrated 3 Haveyou peeled 4 haven'tpeeled 5 havechopped 6 havesliced 7 Haveyou marinated g haven,t t h a v e n 'dt i c e d 1 0 h a v eg r v e n Note: Youmay need to warn studentsthat in gap numberB they shouldgive a short answer,which sounds more natural.

For more practiceon the present perfect, play noughts and crosses.Draw the foílowing board on the blackboard: ?






Tell studentsthat + meansa positivesentence,_ meansa negativesentenceand ? meansa question.Dividethe classinto two teams.Team A usescirclesas countersand team B, crosses.Team A starts.They chooseone of the symbolsand have to produce a sentenceusing the present perfect in 30 seconds.lf it,s correct,you draw a circlearound the symbol and if it,s wrong, you don,t. Now it,s team B'sturn. They must chooseone of the symbolswithout a circlearound it and make a sentence.lf it's correct,you crossthe symbol out. Then it's team As turn again and the g"r" continuesthis way until one of the teàmsgets three symbolsin a line.Alternatively,insteadof symbolsyou can write infinitiveforms.

f ifty-five


t @


Exercise7 Tellstudentsthat theyaregoingto workin pairs,but that t t o t u r nt o l .s ks t u d e n B t h e f ì r s tp a r ti s i n d i v i d u aA pageB7 in the coursebook and explainthat eachstudent hasdifferentlistsof tasksand differentpictures,Ask t h e mt o g o t h r o u g ht h e l i s t sa n d m a k es u r et h e yd o n ' t t will t h a t s t u d e nA h a v ea n yv o c a b u l a rpyr o b l e m sE. x p l a i n d o n e b y K a r l h a s w h ì c h o f t h e t a s k s f i n d o u t h a v et o a s k ì n gq u e s t i o nuss i n gt h e p r e s e npt e r f e c-t y o uc a n t m u s ta n s w etrh e m o d e tl h e e x e r c i syeo u r s e.l fS t u d e n B . h e nt h e yh a v e q u e s t i o nbsy l o o k i n ga t h i s/ h e r p i c t u r eW q u e s t i o n s a n d s t u d e nA t answers f i n i s h e ds, t u d e n B t asks q u e stions. t h e m .A l l o wt h e m s o m et i m e t o p r e p a r teh e T h e ys h o u l d n 'st h o wt h e i rp i c t u r e tso e a c ho t h e r a, n dt h e y s h o u l d n 'wt r i t e .F i n a l l yc,o r r e c bt y a s k i n gi n d i v ì d u a l s t u d e n t tso t e l l y o uw h i c ht a s k sh a v ea n d h a v e n 'bt e e n c a r r i e do u t .

lf it's hard for studentsto build questionsusing the present perfect, you may opt to divide the classinto two big groups,one group preparing the student A questions,the other the student B questions.Afterwards, they should work with a studentfrom the other group. You can write the following model questionon the blackboard: Has Karl emptied the rubbish?

D e a l i n gw i t h c o m p l a i n t s Exercise1 Beforelisteningto the tape,askstudentsto readthe q u e s t i o nasn d m a k es u r et h e yu n d e r s t a nedv e r y t h i n T g .e l l betweenJan and a them to listento the conversation guestand to answerthe questions. Let them ìistentwice. with the wholeclass.Thenask: Does Checkthe answers the guest sound angryat the beginning?Doeshe sound angryat the end? Why?What wouldyou havedone?

You may want to write the questionson the blackboardand ask studentsto read the dialogue as they listento it for the first time. More advancedstudentsmay be able to listenwith their booksclosed.They can then all listena secondtime without looking at their coursebooks and answerthe questionson the blackboard.

it's sauce. 2 He apologises.3 Because ÍIGEF 1 Cheese and offersto pay suit. 4 Sheapologises a veryexpensive f o r t h e s u i ti o b e c l e a n e dT. h e ns h eo f f e r st o c l e a ni t w i t h waterand offersthe guesta coffee. 5 The restaurant.


A s ks t u d e n t tso l ì s t e nt o t h e d i a l o g u ae g a i na n d t o ffGltP StudentA: Karl hascleanedthe oven,takenthe Let them havea lookat the completethe sentences. d i a l o s r i o e n o a s e 7 5 g l a s s e s s i t ht h e T h e nc h e c kt h e a n s w e rw a n d b a k e d w r n e f r i d g e c , l e a n e d t h e f r u i to u t o f t h e p u t w h o l ec l a s s . t m p t i e dt h e r u b b i s ho r . e hasn'e t h e r o l l sf o r d i n n e r H rne pansaway. StudenB t : K a r lh a so p e n e dt h e w i n d o w sc,h a n g e tdh e t mptied t a b l e c l o t hasn d p u t o u t c l e a ng l a s s e sH. e h a s n ' e You can ask more advancedstudentsto do the put out freshf lowersor clearedawaythe the ashtrays, exercisewithout looking at the dialogue in their dirty plates. coursebook. Note: Ihe tasksare listed tn the form of notes. Makesure the students understandthey have to make complete sentencesfrom them (e.g. Enpty rubbish"+ He hasn't emptiedthe rubbish).

ÍIGEP 1 apologise 2 try to clean 3 speakto 's 4 as soonas possible 5 the problem 6 my apologies 7 t o b e c l e a n e d I t o c l e a n 9 o f f e ry o u 1 0 t h e h o u s e

Exercise3 A s ks t u d e n t tso w o r ki n p a i r sa n dt o m a t c hi h e t i p s i n t h e Youmayaskstudentswho f inish boxto the sentences. with thoseof first to comparetheiranswers the exercise studentsto allowing slower-paced otherstudents,thus too. Oncethev'vedonethe exercìse, f inishthe exercise

f ifty-six

Complaintr@ p l a yt h e t a p ea n d c h e c kt h e a n s w e rw s i t h t h e m .F i n a l l y , playthe tape againstoppingaftereachsentence and ask the wholeclassto pronounce the sentences afterthev h e a rt h e m . GEBtd

2a,b,i 3e,g 4c,f,h,j

IIGEDlbusy 2draughty3btunt 4dirty 5stow 6 broken 7 cracked 8 missing g noisy l0 rude

Exercise 4 A s ks t u d e n t tso w o r ki n p a i r sa n d t o p u t t h e d i a l o g u ien orderby writingnumbersin the boxes.Youmayaskthe studentswho finishthe exercise first to comparetheir answers with thoseof otherstudents,thus allowing slower-paced studentsto finishthe exercise too. Once they'vedonethe exercise, playthe tapeand checkthe answers with them. Finally,get somestudentsto readthe d i a l o g u easl o u di n t u r n .A l t e r n a t i v eyl yo,uc a n a s ka l l t h e s t u d e n ttso r e a dt h e d i a l o g u eisn p a i r sw h i l ey o uw a l k a r o u n dt h e c l a s s r o o m o n i t o r i ntgh e m . úGDte

to lookup the wordsthey don't know.Youmayask studentswho finishthe exercise first to comparetheir answers with thoseof anotherpair,thus allowingslowerpacedstudentsto finish it too. Oncethey'vedonethe exercise, correctit with them.






Nole:Makesure that studentsunderstandthe difference between the wordsbrokenand cracked. ln sentence number 7 the wordbrokenwouldalso be correct. However,in sentencenumber 6 crackedis not possible.

Referstudentsto the 'Complaints'sectionin the glossaryat the end of the coursebook(page .104) and to the correspondingword group exercises in the workbook (page 53).


Exercise 5 Introduce the exerciseby tellingstudentsthat as professionals they will needto be ableto understand d i f f e r e nat c c e n t sa n d p r o n u n c i a t i o nTsh.i se x e r c i sw eill presentthem with two differentEnglishpronunciations: U K a n d U S E n g l i s hM . a k es u r es t u d e n t rse a l i s e thatboth of them are equallyvalidand correct.Next,askthem to havea lookat the wordsin the box.Theyaregoingto h e a rt h e mt w i c e ,f i r s tw i t h U K p r o n u n c i a t i oann dt h e n w i t h U S p r o n u n c i a t i oPn l.a yt h e t a p ea s m a n yt i m e sa s y o u rs t u d e n t sn e e di t u n t i lt h e yc a n h e a rt h e d i f f e r e n c e . Y o uc a n g e t t h e mt o i m i t a t et h e p r o n u n c i a t i o nsst o, p p i n g the tape aftereachwordso that theycan repeatthe words.Then,askthem to lookat the sentences in their coursebook and sortout anyvocabulary problems. Ask them to listenand writedown UK or IJSdepending on w h e t h etrh e yh e a rU K o r U S E n g l i s hp. l a yt h e t a p ea s manytimesas necessary and checkthe answers with the w h o l ec l a s s Y . o uc a nt h e na s k i n d i v i d u aslt u d e n t tso r e a d t h e s e n t e n c easl o u di n t u r n t r y i n gt o i m i t a t eb o t h pronunciations.

(l[!rus 2us3uK 4us suK 6uK

Exercise7 A s ks i u d e n t tso w o r ki n p a i r st o d o t h i s s i m u l a i i o n exercise. This oralexerciseis the bestwayto practisethe l a n g u a gteh e yh a v el e a r n ti n t h i s u n i t i n o r d e rt o a p o l o g i s e in real-lifeprofessional situations. Tellthem ro navea l o o ka t t h e d i s c s T . h e ym u s tm a k ea d i a l o g u e including onewordfrom eachof them.Onestudentis a guestand t h e o t h e ri s a w a i t e rG . i v et h e ma d i e a n d e x p l a i nt h a t they haveto throwit twice.The first throwindicatesthe adjectivethe guesthasto useto complainand the second the wordthe waiterhasto useto apologise. Alternatively, y o uo r t h e yc a n p r e p a r se p i n n i n gt o p sb y c o p y i n gt h e d i s c so n t oc a r d ,c u t t i n gt h e mo u t a n d p u s h i n ga p e n c i l t h r o u g ht h e c e n t r eT. h ee d g et h a t t h e d i s c l a n d so n w h e n spun indicatesthe wordto be used.Let them preparethe d i a l o g u e sF.i n a l l ya, s kf o r v o l u n t e e rt so a c t o u t t h e i r dialogues for the restof the class.

Beforeaskingstudentsto make up their own dialogues,you may adviselessadvancedstudents to analysethe dialogueson page 75 and 76 of the coursebookand to usethem as models.

7US 8UK Exercise6

Ask studentsto usethe wordsin the boxto completethe sentenceA s .l l o wt h e mt o w o r ki n p a i r sw i t h a d i c t i o n a r y

f ifty-seven 57

Thebi[[,ptease Section I


A s k i n gf o r t h e b i l l

E x p l a i n i nt h ge bill


Much, many, a lot of



M e t h o d so f p a y m e n t Currencies

Function/ Topic

S a y i n gg o o d b y e P r o n u n c i a t i oono: l i t ei n t o n a t i o n

Objectivesof the unit a a

To enablestudentsto presentand explainthe bill to guests. usedwhensayinggoodbyeto and conventions To makestudentsawareof the language guests.

Presentingthe bill is the moment that marksthe end of the guest'stime in the to know how to presentthe bill politely.'s important for professionals The different stepsthey'll haveto go through are: . . . .

guestsusewhen askingfor the bill understandthe expressions ask what method of payment the guest is going to use know the proceduresconnectedwith the different forms of payment explainthe bill if requested,usingthe namesof mathematicaloperationswhere necessary

to know the conventionsrelatedto It is equallycrucialfor cateringprofessionals sayinggoodbye.lf the guest is satisfiedwith the meal,a friendly and warm goodbye may confirm their decisionto return. lt's the last, but certainly not least important impressionof the restaurantthey'll carry with them. ln order to say goodbye the staff need to: . checkwhether the guestsare satisfied . offer the establishment'scard r get the guests'coats and any other belongingsthey may have left in the cloakroomand help them to put them on . saythey hope to seethem again . say goodbye


f ifty-eight ==--ffi

F The bill,please@

Askingfor the bill Exercise1 T h i sw h o l e - c l a s sp e a k i negx e r c i saei m st o e l i c i ta s m a n y Pay from studentsas possible. namesof currencies specialattentionto the onesmostfrequentlyusedby in the students'country.Aretheir namesthe same visìtors in Englishas in the studenis'mothertongue?lf not,write t h e i rn a m e si n E n g l i s ho n t h e b l a c k b o a r d .

You may prefer studentsto look up the English words in the dictionary,working in smallgroups, before checkingthe answerswith the whole class.

2 Exercise Askstudentsto havea lookat the five pictures.Whatare a l lt h e s ep e o p l ed o i n g ? and to Nowaskstudentsto listento threedialogues pictures.Make matchthem to the threecorresponding that therearetwo pictureswhich surethey understand Seetapescript don'tmatchanyof the dialogues. (coursebook pages102-103).

@E t a 2d 3e Exercise 3 again.They Askstudentsto listento the threedialogues are true or false. whether the statements f ind out must


F b )F

2 a )F b ) F 3 a ) T b ) T

After correctingthe exercise,it is useful to refer studentsto the tapescriptsat the end of the book (pages102-103).Go through the tapescriptswith them to make surethey understandeverything. You can invite them to read them out loud, imitatingthe intonationthey heard on the tape.

You may ask more advancedstudentsto work in pairsand to write a dialoguesimilarto the ones they studied,for one of the remaining picturesin exercise2. They should use the tapescriptsof the others as models.You may of coursewish to do this exerciselater on, at the end of the first sectionof the unit, or as homework.

Note: Ihe tipping habits in bars and restaurantsvarya lot from country to country.Tellstudentsthat in the UK service(usually10%) is often included in the bill, but tipping is optional. ln the US and Canadathere are more rigid rules about tipping. Leavinga tip of 15 to 20% of the total amount of the bill is normal,and failing to do so is understoodin those countries as being dissatisfted with the service.

Exercise4 by askingstudentswhetherthey Introduce this exercise r e m e m b ehr o wt h e g u e s t si n t h e d i a l o g u epsa i dt h e i rb i l l s . Thenlet them havea lookat the wordsin ihe box.Tell them to matchthe wordsto the pictures.Let them work allowthem to use in smallgroups.lf necessary, dictionaries to lookup the wordsthey don't know.Once correctit with them. they'vedonethe exercise, cheques 3 creditcard fIGEB 1 coins 2 traveller's 4 banknotes

Referstudentsto the 'Methods of payment' sectionat the end of the coursebook(page 108) and to the correspondingword group exercisesin the workbook (page 63).

Exercise 5 e h i c hm a yb e d o n ee i t h e r T h i si s a p r a c t i c e x e r c i sw p a i r s . L e t s t u d e n t su s et h e t a p e s c r i p t s i n d i v i d u a l ol yr i n if necessary. as a reference

GEB t ov 2in 3 by 4by 5 in BIn/by

f ifty-n ine





ne bill,please

Exercise 6 Ask studentsto havea lookat the pictures.What countriesdo they represent? Do this as a whole-class exercise.Nowtell them that the wordsin the boxarethe currencies usedin thesecountries.Let them workin oairs and matchthe picturesrepresenting the countries to their currencres. f^K:llD1 USA- US dottar 2 UK - poundsterting 3 A u s t r a l i-a A u s t r a l i adno l l a r 4 U S S R- r o u b l e - Euro 5 J a p a n* y e n 6 B r a z i-l c r u z e i r o 7 F r a n c e 8 Mexico Deso

fiGnn o) o



GI o

1 money 2 dollars

o o

o o



GI b0 o)

o 6)


(\, of

many much

4 waiters orrostc




3 work 5



many t/


l o t of

Language lf they like the exercise,you may ask them to preparea similarone, usingother countriesand currencies, for their fellow students.Allow them to work in smallgroupsand draw pictures representingcountries,together with the currenciesused in thesecountriesas a matching exercise.Givethem a maximumtime limit (e.g. 15 or 20 minutes).Oncethey havefinished,they should swap their exercisewith another group. Let them do the exercisesand afterwards correct each other.

Exercise 7 The first partof this exerciseis an introduction to the l a n g u a gpeo i n to f q u a n t i fe r s ,c l o s e l yl i n k e dt o t h e c o n c e p t os f c o u n t a b l ae n d u n c o u n t a b lneo u n s .

A g a i n a, l l o ws t u d e n t tso w o r ki n p a i r st o f i l l i n t h e g a p si n t h e l a n g u a gbeo x .T e l lt h e mt h e f i r s tr u l ei s a b o u t h e f i r s t p a i ro f s e n t e n c ei sn t h e b o x ,t h e s e c o n da n d t h e t h i r d aboutthe otherpairsof sentences.

For lessadvancedstudents,you may opt to write the missingwords on the blackboard,telling studentshow often they are meant to use each of them. Point out to them that they are the same conceptsused in exercise7.

f@p o W e u s ea l o t o f w i t h u n c o u n t a b a l en d c o u n t a b l ne o u n s tn positivesentences. . We use manywilhcountablenounsin negative s e n t e n c easn d q u e s t i o n s . o We usemuch wilh uncountable nounsin Iì€gative sentences and ouestions.

To introducethe exercise, askstudentswhetherthey r e m e m b ewr h a tc o u n t a b l ae n d u n c o u n t a b n l eo u n sa r e . T h e ys t u d i e dt h e m i n u n i t 6 . l f n e c e s s a rtyu,r nt o t h e grammarreference sectionon page96 of the coursebook Turnto the grammarreference section(coursebook and go throughihe theoryagainbeforestartingthe page go 99) and throughthe explanations togetherwith exercIse. thestudents. Now,askthem to lookat the wordsin the first columnof t h e b o x ,a n d t e l l t h e mt o p u t a t i c k i n c o l u m n s2 o r 3 , Notes: a c c o r d i ntgo w h e t h etrh e n o u n sa r ec o u n t a b loer 1 The theory suggestsclear, simple rules for the use of u n c o u n t a b lA e .l l o wt h e mt o w o r ki n p a i r s . the quantìfiers. However,in modern English a lot of W h e nf i n i s h e dt,h e ys h o u l dr e a dt h e s e n t e n c ebse l o wa n d often replacesmuchand manyin negativesand f i l l i n t h e o t h e rc o l u m n so f t h e t a b l e .I n c o l u m n s3 , 4 a n d questtons,e.g. 5 theyare askedto tick whetherthe sentenceis positive, Therearen't a lot of guests today. negative or a question.In the lastcolumntheyare asked Thereisn't a lot of moneyleft. r .e l lt h e mt h a t t h e p o s s r b i l i t i a e rse t o f i l l i n t h e q u a n t i f i eT ls there a llt of butter in the fridge? much,manyor a lot of. The f irst one has beendoneas an It is howeverimpossibleto use much with countable e x amp r e . nounsand manywith uncountablenouns ìn anv context. Correctthe exercises beforeproceedrng with the theory.



The bill,please@ 2 Similar to the use of much,manyand a lot of is the use of @) few and (a) little, meaning the opposite: Few is used with countablenouns, in the same way many is used. Little is used with uncountablenouns,in the same way nuch is used. Both are also used in affirmativesentences. Addìng a to Iittle and few sfressesthe positive meantng. He's got little professionalexperience.(negative) He's got a little professionalexperience.(positive)

Exercise3 askthe students To introduce the subjectof this exercise, operaiions which mathematical whetherthey remember w e r em e n t i o n e idn t h e d i a l o g u eT.h e na s kt h e mt o d o t h e in pairs.Allowthem to usethe tapescriptand a exercise d ictionary. lkllî

pl u s a d do n

ExerciseB furtherpracticeon much,many Thisexerciseprovides workin pairsor individually. lot of. Let siudents anda GEB t manyla lot of 2 much/ a lot of 3 m a n y / al o t o f 4 m u c h / m a n y 5 a l o t o f/ m u c h 6 many/ a lot of

raKeaway m u l t i p ì i ebdy minus trmes


e qu ar s MAKCS


To practisethese language points, invite students to read all the priceson the bill in exercise2 out loud.

Explaining the bill Exercise4

Exercise1 where Tellstudentsthey aregoingto heara conversation t h r e eg u e s t sa s kf o r t h e b ì l l .T h e ys h o u l ds a yw h e t h etrh e aretrue or false.Seetapescript(coursebook statements page103).

GEIrF 2F 3F 4F sr

Then, Ask studentsto workin pairsto do the exercise. t e l l t h e mt h e ya r eg o i n gt o l i s t e nt o t h e m a t h e m a t i c a l Siop after operations on the tapeto checktheir answers. Ask a studentto repeatit and write it on eachoperation. t h e b l a c k b o a rwdh i l eh e / s h e i s r e a d i n gi t . S e et a p e s c r i p t (coursebook page103).


2 Exercise againand to Askstudentsto listento the conversation the c o m p l e t teh e b i l l .A l l o wt h e m p l e n t yo f t i m e ,p a u s i n g g i v e i s m e n t i o n e d a , n d i t e m o n t h e b i l l t a p ea f t e re a c h t h e m m o r et i m e t o c a l c u l a t teh e m i s s i n gi n f o r m a t i o n Don'texoectthem to readthe numbersand afterwards. yet. c u r r e n ccyo r r e c t liyn E n g l i s h ffcfttsle6O 23


4î,12.50 5L92

6 î,72r.6r

After correctingthe exercise,it is useful to refer studentsto the tapescriptat the end of the book (page 103).Go through the tapescriptwith them to make sure they understandeverything.You can invite them to read it out loud, imitatingthe intonation they heard on the tape.

1 1 0 8+ 2 . 5 = 1 1 0 . 5 2 1 , 6 0 0- 2 O 4= 1 , 3 9 6 3 447 x2 = 894 4550+63=613 569+3=23 6757-89=668 75x19=95 89,999+1=10,000

9 2 ) + I o 7= r o s ) 1 0 7 . 3 5- I . 2 7 = 6 . I 4

lf you think it may be difficult for your studentsto calculatethe results,you may allow them to use a calculator,or if there are none available,write the following seriesof numberson the blackboard and tell them the answersare among these n u m b e r s6: . 1 4| 5 5| 1 , 4 1 9| 9 5 / 1 0 9 . 5| 8 9 4| 6 1 3| 110.5| 23/ 10,000/368| 668| 6.40| 1,490/100,000/ 19.5| 108.5| 5.384| 1 | 0 | 100.1| 1,396

sixty-one & I -.-_-_

T @

m" bitt,ptease

Exercise 5 to the classor bring Ask studentsto bringnewspapers ratesin the them yourself.Let them find the exchange currencytables.Allowthem to workin groups.

Exercise 6 askstudentswhatelsethe staff To introducethe exercise, have to do, afterdealingwith in a bar or restaurant paymentof the bill. Howdo theysaygoodbye? Askthem betweenSusan,the HeadWaiter, to reada conversation The parts and two guestswho are leavingthe restaurant. jumbled. Theyshouldput of the conversation havebeen them in the correctorder. and askthem to listento the conversation Afterwards, (coursebook page103). checktheiranswers. Seetapescript lklîB

d, a, c, b

Exercise7 Firstgo throughthe phrasesin the boxwith your Then, everything. students.Makesurethey understand phrase in the askthem to matcheachtip to the correct conversation. W h e nc h e c k i n g t h e i ra n s w e r sp,r a c t i s teh e i n t o n a t i o n , p r o n u n c i a t i oann d p o l i t e n e sbsy m a k i n gt h e m r e p e atth e go backto the tape. sentences. lf necessary,

To finish, there is a game to review the content of the whole book. Divide the classinto two or four teams.You need one photocopy of the questions for each student, one counter for each team, one die, and a copy of the board. (Seephotocopiable resourceson pages71-73.) Allow them to take note of the answerswhile playing. Eachgroup in turn throws the die and moves their counter accordingly.A member of another group then asksthe néxt question on the sheet (on pages72-73).lf the team givesa wrong answer;they have to go back to the box they came from. lf the answer is correct,they may stay or, if the box containsa ladder,climb the ladder. Then the next team throws the die and answersa question.When landingon a snake,a correct answer meansthe team may stay where they are, while an incorrectanswer meansthey have to go down the snake.The winner is the first team to get to the box at the end of the board.

answers: fIG[n Suggested 1 C o u l dy o u b r i n gu s t h e b i l l , p l e a s e/?C a n I h a v et h e b i l l , p l e a s e ? 2 l b 3 d i v i d e db y 4 c o c k t a isl h a k e r 5 VAT(ValueAddedTax) 6 onion,potato,tomato, broccoli,beetroot 7 -ed I I recommend the house w i n e . 9 w a s/ w e r e 1 0 l e m o n a d ec,o c o a m , i n e r aw l ater, fif-flD 1 Waseverythingto yoursatisfaction? 2 Do you camomiletea, coffee,etc. 11 presentperfect haveour card?... Here'sone. 3 CouldI get yourcoats? 1 2 c h e a p e r 1 3 c h e e s e 1 4 m i l k ,c h e e s eb, u t t e r 4 Let me helpyou, madam. 5 We lookforwardto seeing 1 5 b u t t e r l 6 t a b l e s p o o n 1 7 t h e m o s te x p e n s i v e 1 8 s l i c e d 1 9 u n d e r d o n eu/n d e r c o o k e d2 0 I ' m s o r r y . y o ua g a i n . 6 G o o d b y e . 21 Youshouldtry the chocolatemousse.22 bakingtin, woodenspoon,bowl 23 salad 24 rosemary ExerciseI 25 soup,salad,pàté 26 paella,roasibeef, grilledsole Ask studentsto work in oairs.Allowthem time to write ice cream,fruit 28 | haven'tgot much/ 27 brownies, a n d p r a c t i s teh e i rd i a l o g u eT. h e nl e t t h e m r e a do r a c t i t any money. 29 roasted 30 lt consistsof tomato out. , a r l i ca n d h e r b s . s a u c ew i t h m i n c e dm e a t ,o n i o n g 31 Waseverything to yoursatisfaction?32 Do you have a reservation?33 l'll showyou to yourtable. 34 What'sthe address? 35 by creditcard,in cash,by Before asking studentsto make up their own cheque 36 siill 37 pepper,clove,nutmeg 38 plate, dialogues,you may adviselessadvancedstudents g l a s s k, n i f e ,f o r k ,s p o o n 3 9 M a r g a r i t a t e: q u i l a , to analysethe dialoguesin the tapescriptsat the C o i n t r e a ul i,m ej u i c e ,s a l t ,l i m ez e s t 4 0 t i m e ,s u g a ro, i l end of the coursebook(page 103)and usethem as a model. 4 1 l ' l l s e ei f I c a n f i n d a n o t h etra b l ef o r y o u ,s i r / m a d a m . 42 Friday 43 dining-room assistant 4 pastrycook 45 from ... to ... 46 Haveihe guestsaskedfor more or U-shape,banqueting style bread? 47 horseshoe 48 | didn't reserve a tablefor f ive. 49 draughty 50 We lookforwardto seeingyou again.



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Review Generalnotes

Exercise 4

. lf the reviewunit is to be usedas a progress Tellstudents thatthis is an ordering test, activityandthatthey students shouldbe informed of the areasto be tested will haveto forma dialogue wherea guestordersvarious in advance dishes of the lesson. anddrinksfor lunchor dinner. Givethema clue: o Explainhowto approach ask them firstto identifythe sentences eachof the activities before saidby the waiter theystartworkingon them. andthosesaidby the guest.Thenaskthemto workin r Tellstudents theywill haveto workindividually the dialogue mayrecord unless pairsandreproduce theyaretold otherwise (thiswill happenin the oral theiroralperformance so as to makeit easierto assess activity). theirdegreeof accuracy lateron.

Exercise 1

GEEro 2c t 0 f 1 1b

3k 4h

5e 6i

7a 8g ej

Askstudents to readthe shortdialogue carefully before fillingthe gapswiththe correctformof the pastsimple. Exercise 5 Givethema clue:tell themtheywillfind bothregular and Tellstudents irregular theywill haveto imagine verbsandthattheywill haveto payattention thesituation to described in theformtheyneedin the caseof irregular the rubric and choose theoptiontheythink verbs. wouldbe mostsuitablefor themto sayin eachof the situations. Youmayaskthemto describe 8GEl 1 asked 2 Didyoudo 3 was 4 made the situations 5 put 6 went 7 brought g finished 9 cleaned wherethe inappropriate options wouldbesuitable. 1 0d i d n ' tc l e a n

GEEto 2c 3a 4b Exercise 2 Informstudents thatthespeakers in thisshortdialogue arethe sameas in exercise i. Askthemto readit attentively beforeusingthe appropriate formof the presentperfectto fill in the gaps. 1 ' v ec l e a n e d 2 , v ew a s h e d 3 ' v e h e l p e d @ 've prepared 5 haveyougrated 6 haven'tgrated 4

Exercise 3 Tellstudents thatthe aim of this activityis to testthem on theirknowledge of howto usethe quantifiers much, manyanda lot of. Givethema clue:askthemto thinkof whether the nounfollowing thequantifier is countable or uncountable. Makesuretheyremember whatcountable anduncountable nounsare. 8GBlalotof 2alotof 3much 4mucn 5alotof 6alotof

Exercise 6 Tellstudents theywill nowhaveto complete a crossword usingthecluesgiven.Askthemto readthe descriptions of the itemscarefully andto takenoticeof the numberof lettersin eachword,whichis givenin brackets.

@ Across:I ice cream 5 carpaccio g short-staffed 10 tough Downt1 crèpe 2 saucepan 4 corked 6 cash 7 graler 9 soup

Exercise 7 Tellstudents theywill nowworkin pairsandproduce two dialogues orally:onefor situation I or 2 andanother one for situation3 or 4. Organise the students yourself, placingmoreand lessadvanced students together. Make surethe studentwhoactsas a waiterin theirfirst dialogue actsas a guestin the secondandviceversa.Ask themto be creative andnotjust copyfromthose suggested in the coursebook. lf studentsrequiremore timeandsupportaskthemto writethe dialogue firstand givethemanynecessary feedback beforetheyact out theirdialogue.

sixty-three 53

resources Photocopiable Questíonnaire Findthe followingpeople:

Name 1 A Britishwaiter 2 A bartenderwho livesin Athens

manager 3 A Polishrestaurant receptionist 4 A 19-year-old

restaurant manager 5 A German 6 A waiterwhosephonenumberis 656 B0 07

Portuguese 7 An 1B-year-old B A cookwholivesin Brussels 9 An ltalianbartender 10 A Dutchcook cook 11 A 33-year-old

12 A Swissstudent

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Photocopiableresources Role Cards MrsAlisonWright Livesin London Tel.number: 79460003 Age:29 Nationality: British Job:Waiter

Mr Jeroenvande Roe Livesin Amsterdam T e l .n u m b e r : 3 96I 5 9 2 Age:38 Nationality: Dutch Job:Cook

Mr JoàoSoares Livesin Lisbon Tel.number:984 34 54 Age:18 National ity: Portuguese Job:Receptionist

Ms Francesca Piazza Livesin Rome T e l .n u m b e r : 6 2177 8 9 Age:25 Nationality: ltalian Job:Bartender

MsJulietteDupont Livesin Paris Tel.number: 987 65 31 Age:33 Nationality: French Job:Cook

Mr Stavros Rastapoulos Livesin Athens Tel.number: 409 12 67 Age:40 Nationality: Greek Job:Bartender

MrsNicoleBarot Livesin Brussels Tel.number,: 564 65 22 Age:27 Nationality: Belgian Job:Cook

Ms Smetanalvanova Livesin Warsaw Tel.numbert672 39 04 Age: 59 Nationality: Polish Job: Restaurant manager

M r K l a u sL i e b i g Livesin Berlin T e l .n u m b e r : 8 9473 2 I Age:52 Nationality: German manager Job:Restaurant

M r M i c h e lR i a l t o Livesin Bern T e l .n u m b e r8: 1 0 3 2 6 5 Age: 16 Nationality: Swiss Job:Student

Mr PedroMartínez Livesin Madrid Tel.number: 656 B0 07 Age:22 Nationality: Spanish Job:Waiter

MissPetraSchroeder Livesin Vienna Tel.number: 562 78 90 Age:19 Nationality: Austrian Job:Receptionist

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Workin groupsof four. Yourteacherwill giveyoua cardwith someinformation. and Askeachotherquestions find out: together a) the nameof eachguest b) whathe/sheis eating c) whathe/sheis drinking in the Fill in this information gapsopposite.

1a) b) c)

2a) b) c) 5a)


4a) b) c)

6a) b) c)

7a) b) c)


3a) b)




A: Student


. MrsSmithis nothavinglunchwithMr Smith. o Mr Carrotis sittingat the largetable. o MrsBellamy a mandrinking is sittingbetween anda womandrinkingwater. champagne o Theperson wateris eatingsalmon. drinking o MrsSmithdoesn'teat meat.

. o . .


D: Student

. Mr Smith and Mrs Smithsit backto back. o The persondrinkingchampagne is eatingcaviare. . The peopleat the smalltableare havingpaella and roast beef. . Thewomanat the smalltable is drinkingwhite wine.

o Twopeopleat the rectangular tableandone redwine. person at thesmalltablearedrinking . Mr Carrotis eatinga steak. o Thewomansittingon the rightof Ms Fairfaxis andbeer. havingspaghetii drinkwhitewinewith Mr andMrsSmithalways theirmeals. MsWhiteis sittingnextto the manhavingsteak.

o MsWhiteandherneighbour redwine. aredrinking

Mr Darcyand Ms Fairfaxare not drinkingwine. Mr Smith is havinglunchwith five colleagues. Mr Robertsis not sittingat the largetable. Mr Carrotis betweena womaneatinga kebaband a man eatingsalmon. o The threepeopledrinkingwine at the rectangular tablecannotseethe peopleat the smalltable.

2001 Education @ Pearson Photocopiable






1 What do you sayto the guest?You wantto take his coat.

1 What is the 3rd personsingularof the verb be?

2 ls flourcountableor uncountable?

2 Namefive ingredients of a UK breakfast.

3 How do you ask for a person's nationality? 4 Who is in chargeof the bar area? 5 Thereisn't/ aren'tsome/ any ketchup in the fridge. 6 Howdo you askthe waiterfor ice in yourwhisky? 7 A tablewhich is not square, rectangula o r r o u n di s . . . . B Goingfo is used for present/past/ futureactions. 9 What do you needto uncorka bottle?

3 What is the oppositeof sparkling! 4 Makea questionof the following sentence:Paul likes spaghetti. 5 How can I go off / get to / walk away your restaurant? 6 Whatdo you saywhenyou go to sleep? 7 Whatobjectdo you drinktea from? B What do you sayto the guest?You wantto knowthe numberof guestsfor the reservation.

job is? 1O Howdo you askwhata person's

9 Requestsare usuallypolite/ impolite/ colloquialquestions.

11 Why/ What/ Whichdo you like learning English?

10 Who is in chargeof the dining-room area?

12 What do you sayto the guest?You want her namefor the reservation.

11 Whatis the sixthmonthof the year?

13 Whichseatingarrangement, containing t h e n a m eo f a n a n i m a l i, s t h e s a m ea s a U-shaoe?

12 Whatis the preposition usedwith seasons? 13 Youare a waiter.What do you say w h e ny o u p i c k u p t h e p h o n ei n t h e Casablanca Restaurant?

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sixty-seven 67













Photocopiableresources Complete the recipeinstructions fromRosa's cookery bookwiththe wordsin the boxand put the instructions in the correctorder.Somewordsmaybe usedmorethanonce. Parmesanbutter cooked pepper scallop potato salamanderscallops potatoes parsley sauce

Scallops in Mornay Sauce lngredients 1 kg mashed

75e600ml mornay sauce 20 cooked 50 g grated



lnstructions ----' Í----------------------Preparethe mornay add 50 g of butter,100 ml

: take 500 ml hot béchamel,

edgeswith mashed . Sprinklewith meltedbutter. Slicethe scallops.Poura littleof the mornay


grill. Servewith fresh

sauceintothe bottomof the shells.Placethe slicedscallopson top

creamandsaltand_ anddecorate the

. Butterthe_


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sixty-nine 69


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P h o t o c o p i a bOl eP e a r s o n E d u c a t i o2 n0 0 1 q.Arronfrr-nno


Photocopiableresources 1 Whatdoesa guestsayto askfor the bill? pound? of the measure 2 What'sthe abbreviation fourmakesthree. this sentence:Twelve 3 Complete 4 Whatdo youuseto shakea cocktailbeforeservingit? in the bill? 5 What's the nameof a taxincluded 6 Namefivevegetables. verbto formits pastsimple? 7 Whatdo youaddto a regular B Whatdo yousaywhena guestasksfor adviceaboutthe wine? 9 What'sthe pastsimpleformoî be? drinks. 10 Namefivenon-alcoholic 11 Whichverbformdo youusewiththe wordyef? formof cheap? 12 What'sthe comparative 13 Namea thingyoucangrate. 14 Namethree.dairyproducts. 15 Namea thingyoucanmelt. 16 Whatdoesfbspstandfor? form o'fexpensive? 17 What'sthe superlative 18 What'sthe adjectiveformedfromslice? 19 What'sthe oppositeof welldone? 20 Whatdo yousaywhenyouapologise? dessert?' 21 Whatdo yousaywhena guests?!s:'l feel likehavinga chocolate you 22 Namethreeutensils needto makea cake. 23 Givean example of a sidedish. steak 24 Findthe oddoneout: cutlet/rosemary/sirloin 25 Namethreestarters. 26 Namethreemaindishes. 27 Namethreedesserts. 28 Correctthis sentence:I haven'tgot manymoney. 29 What'sthe past'formoî roastl 30 Describe Bolognese sauce. guestsaresatisfied whenleaving the restaurant? 31 Whatdo yousayto checkwhether guestshavereserved a table? 32 Whatdo yousayto checkwhether gueststo the table? 33 Whatdo yousaywhenyouwantto accompany lives? 34 Whatdo yousaywhenyouwantto knowwheresomebody prepositions. withtheircorresponding of payment 35 Namethreemethods



36 What'sthe oppositeof sparkling! 37 Namethreespices. 38 Namefivethingsyouputon a tablewhensettingit.

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Photocopiableresource 39 Nameone cocktairand saywhat ingredients you needto makeit, 40 Namethreeuncountable nouns. 41 what do you saywhena guestcomprainsthat a tabreis in a


42 What'sthe fifth day of the week? 43 Who'sin chargeof clearingthe tables? 44 Who'sresponsible for preparingthe breadand desserts? 45 what arethe prepositions of time usedto markthe beginningand the end of something? 46 Makea questionof the followingsentence:The guestshave askedfor

morebread. 47 Nametwo seatingarrangements. 48 Makethe followingsentencenegative:I reserveda tabte for five. 49 Whichof theseadjectivescannotbe usedfor beer?draught/bottted/tinned/canned/ draughty 50 what do you sayto expressyourwish to welcomeguestsagain

in the future?

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Ready Order Ready to Order is for studentstrainingto becomeor working as chefs,bartendersor trainingthey need to be operationalin the fast-moving providesthe language food and beverageindustry.Aimedat elementarylevel,Ready to Order also catersfor the needsof mixed abilitygroups. and skillswork in context Ready to Order presentsand practisesthe relevantlanguage by focusingon typicalsituationsin a hotel restaurant. Features ,z Simplereal-lifedialoguesand texts present key language ,/ Systematicintroduction,practiceand recyclingof core topic vocabulary and grammaticalstructuresdevelopessentialcommunicationsl
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