2' De#elo!ed critical and anal"tical s,ills $it e-!osure to !rimar" sources' ' Demonstrated te a+ilit" to use !rimar" sources to ar)ue in %a#or or a)ainst a !articular issue' 4' E%%ecti#el" communicated& usin) #arious tecniques and )enres& te istorical anal"sis o% a !articular e#ent or issue tat could el! oters understand te cosen to!ic' VALUES
5' Pro!osed recommendations 6 solutions to !resent.da" !ro+lems +ased on teir nunderstandin) o% root causes and teir antici!ation o% %uture scenarios' 7' Dis!la"ed te a+ilit" to $or, in a team and contri+ute to )rou! !ro8ect'
9' ani%ested interest in local istor" and concern in !romotin) and !reser#in) our countr"*s national !atrimon" and cultural erita)e'
Week and No. of Hours Week ! " ours
Learning Outcomes
Meaning and
E$a#uate primar% sources for
Produce e(amp#es of primar%
re#e$ance of istor%&
teir credi*i#it%+ auten'cit%+
sources and te corresponding
dis'nc'on of primar%
and pro$enance.
secondar% sources deri$ed from
and secondar% sources& e(terna# and interna# cri'cism& repositories of primar% sources& and di)erent kinds of primar%
tem. ,ri'ca# Essa% using e(amp#es istorica# $ideos - documentar%/ in socia# media tat $io#ate te proper use of istorica# sources.
Metods and Resources Lecture-0iscussion Li*rar%+ Museum and Arci$es $isita'on 1Na'ona# Li*rar%+ Na'ona# Museum+ etc.2 ,ompara'$e ana#%sis of primar% and secondar% sources.
sources. 3ources4 !. Louis Gootsca#k+
Understanding History 1pp. 5!67!& !!86!892 :. Ho;e## and Pre$enier+
From Reliable Sources 1pp. !867+ pp. ::!6:"52 =riar Account ". Emi#io acinto+ Kartilla ng Katipunan 1Ricardson :9!"+ pp. !"!6!"82 0ec#ara'on of Princip#esJ 5. Emi#io Aguina#do+ Mga Gunita ng Himagsi%an. 1pp. 8>9+ $o# !!+ pp. :"96:"52. Pe''on Le@er >9+ $o#. 8+ pp. :7>6:8"2 5. Rafae# Iuirdo+ 45cial Report of the !avite Mutiny + 1Kaide !>>9+ $o#. 8+ pp.:6!>& "!65"2 7. esus Ma. ,a$anna+ Ri,al.s Unfading Glory+ 1pp. !6?:2 8. Ricardo R. Pascua#+ Ri,al 6eyond the Grave + 1pp. 86"72 >9+ $o#. . 3an'ago A#$are+ !ry of 6ahay oro 1Kaide !>>9+ $o#.
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