Revisiting Legal and Judicial Ethics: Challenges and Perspectives Hilarion L. Aquino* INTRODUCTION Even the most rudimentary surveys will reveal that Filipinos will not give lawyers high marks for trustworthiness To say that lawyers are not well trusted is! in our days! almost ha"kneyed In fa"t! one internet post put it with stinging humor when it de"lared# $%egal ethi"s is an o&ymoron'( %ike all institutions! the )ar and the )en"h have their shares of pro*lems The )ar is suffering from a poor pu*li" image %awyers are per"eived *y the pu*li" as generally self+seeking The )en"h is hurting too from negative "omments of the pu*li" espe"ially media on per"eived ,udi"ial improprieties and in,udi"iousness of many a ,udge True! these may ,ust *e per"eptions whi"h may not s-uare with reality *ut in our milieu! per"eption and reality are virtually the same These pro*lems *elong to the realm of ethi"s and morality whi"h make it not only ne"essary *ut imperative to revisit legal and ,udi"ial ethi"s These serious pro*lems "hallenge in this ./st Century all mem*ers of the legal profession to help in the restoration of that great! dignified and preeminent image that our profession on"e had In my paper I shall present some ethi"al propositions whi"h are my perspe"tives on the su*,e"t! hopefully to provoke meaningful dis"ussions on them in the different legal fora and a"ademe %aw! Ethi"s and 0usti"e# %inkages That the pre"epts of law need not rest on moral argument is now "ommon pla"e! and this "onvi"tion goes *y many names! $positivism( *eing among the most popular )ut we persist! do we not! in re"ogni1ing the effi"a"y of the $moral( in the universe of the $legal( The elementary distin"tion in "riminal law *etween a malum prohi*itum and a malum in se is ta"it re"ognition of the "riminali1ation of what is morally reprehensi*le $2n a"t whi"h is malum in se has *een defined as one inherently wi"ked! one naturally evil! as ad,udged *y the sense of a "ivili1ed "ommunity! one involving illegality from the very nature of the transa"tion! upon prin"iples of natural! moral and pu*li" law! and one immoral in its nature and in,urious in its "onse-uen"es without regard to the fa"t of its *eing noti"ed or punished *y the law of the state(/ 3 Chair! %egal Edu"ation )oard4 Chair! Department of Ethi"s and 0udi"ial Condu"t! 5hilippine 0udi"ial 2"ademy!! 6upreme 2"ademy 6upreme Court Court / ./ 2m 0ur 0ur .d! $Criminal $Criminal %aw(! 7 .8 . The I*5 0ourNal 9ilarion % 2-uino Finally! the 6upreme Court has repeatedly linked $,usti"e( to the workings of the ,udi"ial system In holding the inappli"a*ility of the prote"tive provisions of the Foreign Curren"y Deposits 2"t to a pedophile:s dollar a""ount! 0usti"e 0usto Torres intoned# $In fine! the appli"ation of a law depends on the e&tent of its ,usti"e(. 2nd in de"iding against a literal appli"ation of Civil Code re-uirements for the e&er"ise of the right of redemption *y "o+heirs in the sale *y another heir of his undivided share in the "ommon inheritan"e to a third party! the late 0usti"e Isagani Cru1 wrote with his usual flair# $The -uestion is sometimes asked! in serious in-uiry or in "urious "on,e"ture! whether we are a "ourt of law or a "ourt of ,usti"e Do we apply the law even if it is un,ust or do we administer ,usti"e even against the law; Thus -ueried! we do not e-uivo"ate The answer is that we do neither *e"ause we are a "ourt *oth of law and of ,usti"e eneral de la 2*oga"ia Espanoloa! Titulo III! Capitulo 5rimero! 2rti"ulo =H @ The I*5 0ourNal 9ilarion % 2-uino The Ethi"s of 5rose"utorial Dis"retion Dire"tly related to the su*,e"t of ,usti"e as the overar"hing "riterion of ethi"al "ondu"t on the part of the lawyer is the matter of the e&er"ise of prose"utorial dis"retion From a string of de"isions on the su*,e"t! I "ite only two! twin "ases in fa"t# 5o v Department of 0usti"e and Chiu v Court of 2ppealsJ In these "onsolidated "ases! the Court held that! a*sent grave a*use of dis"retion! it "ould not interfere with the dis"retion of the prose"utor to file a "ase! all that was re-uired *eing a finding of pro*a*le "ause Re"ently! as the 6upreme Court enfor"ed the newly+minted rule on the 0udi"ial 2ffidavit! prose"utors were agitated They in fa"t su""eeded in se"uring from the Court a stay in the implementation of the rule insofar as they were "on"erned The essen"e of their "omplaint was that! in those "ases "overed *y the rule on the ,udi"ial affidavits! they would have to *e ready! already at pre+trial! with all the ,udi"ial affidavits of all the witnesses they intend to present *y whi"h to prove the guilt of the a""used This is *e"ause 6e" B * of the rule gives a "aveat to the prose"ution that ,udi"ial affidavits not su*mitted *efore the preliminary "onferen"e or pre+trial shall not *e a""epted during the trial The prose"utors argued that all that was ne"essary for the filing of the Information was $pro*a*le "ause(
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