Reading 5 primaria

April 15, 2018 | Author: peabonsu | Category: N/A
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Reading My friend's name is Peter. Peter is from Amsterdam, in Holland. He is Dutch. He is married and has two children. His wife, Jane, is American. She is from Boston in The United States. Her family is still in Boston, ut she now wor!s and li"es with Peter in Milan. They s#ea! $n%lish, Dutch, &erman and talian( Their children are #u#ils at a local #rimary school. The children %o to school with other children from all o"er the world. )lora, their dau%hter, has friends from f rom )rance, Swit*erland, Austria and Sweden. Hans, their son, %oes to school with students from f rom South Africa, Portu%al, S#ain and +anada. f course, there are many children from taly. ma%ine, )rench, Swiss, Austrian, Swedish, South African, American, American, talian, S#anish and +anadian children all learnin% to%ether in taly(


1. Where is Peter from?

a. &ermany . Holland c. S#ain d. +anada

2. Where is his wife from?

a. -ew or! or! . Swit*erland c. Boston d. taly

3. Where are they now?

a. Madrid . Boston c. Milan d. Sweden

4. Where is her family?

a. American . $n%land c. Holland d. taly

5. What are the children's names?

a. &reta and Peter . Anna and )ran! c. Susan and John d. )lora and Hans

6. The school is

a. international . i% c. small d. difficult


/. Jane is +anadian. 0. Peter is Dutch. 1. There are many children from different countries at the school. 2. There are children from Australia at the school.

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