Reaction Paper- SONA

July 23, 2019 | Author: Jhoana Francisco | Category: Rodrigo Duterte, Taxes, Agriculture, Government, Politics
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Human rights are the aggregate of privileges, claim, benefits, entitlements and moral guarantees that pertain to man because of his humanity. We being humans, has the right to choose on who we want to serve in our country, it is the right to suffrage. After  choosing the leaders, it is now our turn to support and cooperate with the leader we chose ch ose or vot voted. ed. Pr Pres eside ident nt Du Duter terte te wo won n as Pr Pres eside ident nt of th the e Ph Phili ilipp ppine ines, s, af after ter his inauguration on June 3, !"#, many $ilipinos were touch their hearts on his speech and they were encouraged to cooperate and support his aim for the country. His first mission is to change the bad image of the Philippines Philippines because because of the prohibited drugs drugs that are spreading in the country, there are many cases of drug pushers and drug users around the Philippines, and the effect was even worst, everytime % heard the news in our television, criminals in different provinces are more worst and it put myself worried and fear that those may happen in my loved ones, such cases li&e rape of innocent child by their own father or uncle, &illing it after the rape, 'ust to gave in to their desire which is the effect of drug addiction, cases of robbery 'ust to provide for their need to buy drugs then they will say because of poverty, but in truth it is the effect of drugs, cases of graft and corruption, &idnapping, hostage ta&ing because of the effect of drugs in their mind, they don(t &now what they(re doing . % always remember what president Duterte always says, )do not do drugs*, % am very much agree with him on this, because of that effects of drugs in the country. % admire him for being very much concern and love to our country and he &nows that the real problem of our country is the drugs and its effect. % was ama+e because during the first months of his administration, many $ilip $i lipino inos s wh who o are se selli lling ng an and d us using ing dr drugs ugs su surre rrend ndere ered d in th the e dif diffe feren rentt cit cities ies an and d provinces, province s, and it cant deny that after after this, it ma&es a lot of changes, changes, the cases of rape and robbery, % was always watched in the news was lessen. %t was the first time % history that during his first tate of the -ations Address /-A0 on July !1, !"# there are

many $ilipinos rallied and e2press their support to our President, it was a very good speech, % am giving emphasi+e on his speech as follows


)President Duterte was 4uoted saying ) we cannot move forward if we allow the past to pull us bac&. $ingerpointing is not the way. 5hat is why % will not waste precious time dwelling on the sins of the past*

%nstead of loo&ing bac& in the past, li&e those crimes that happened li&e graft and corruption, the effects of drug addiction, he said that it is not the time to blame the past administration, because it will not be a good solution to the problem, % thin& this is the reason why he grant complete pardon to the previous President 6loria 7acapagal  Arroyo, he thin&s that forgiveness is more even powerful than blaming the sins in the past, past is past they said. 8ven those who surrendered drug users and pushers, he first forgive them and let them voluntary surrender and gave them the chance to change their life to e new direction. % am agree and thumbs up with it that fingerpointing is not the way for the change, but forgiveness, blaming is 'ust a waste of time.


) 9et me assure you that while %(m stic&ler for the principle of separation between church and state, % believe there should never be a separation between 6od and tate*

President Duterte reminded me in this 4uote that even if the law declared that there should be a separation between church and tate, but there should never be a separation between 6od and tate. /ur president wants us to be near to 6od, individually and as a whole country, he wants our state to be near to 6od, and let Him control and help our country for the change, because only 6od can help us change individually and the whole nation. All we need for the change that we want is to pray to 6od and cast Him all our burdens and our problems individually and the tate.


)Double your efforts, triple them if need be. We will not stop until the last drug 9ord the last financier and the last pusher have surrendered or been0 put behind bars below the ground*

/ur President is determined to accomplish his first mission, to never stop until the last drug lord surrendered or else put behind bars or below the ground. He believes that the drugs is the main problem of our country that needs to resolve, he said that we must double our efforts and triple them if need be. % am agree with him with this.


)7y administration shall implement a human approach to develop and governance, as we improve people(s welfare.. Human rights must wor& to uplift human dignity, but human right cannot be used as an e2cuse to destroy our country. )

:lap. :lap. :lap. 5humbs up for this. 5he president reminds me that we must not abuse our human rights, and it cannot be used as an e2cuse to destroy our country. ;es, % am agree, that we must not abuse our human right. % felt his determination coming from his heart, that he wants to improve the general welfare and the police power, in order to have a peaceful life, that we might not be full of fear when we are wal&ing along the street whether day and night. %n the evening, % am agree with his administration for  implementation of human approach to develop and governance to improve people(s welfare.


)With regards to the West Philippine ea, we strongly affirm and respect the outcome of  the case before the Permanent :ourt of Arbitration as an important contribution to the ongoing efforts to pursue a peaceful resolution and management of our dispute*

5he President didn(t for forget the dispute that Philippines is currently facing, he even give respect to the one who has 'urisdiction for the peaceful resolution in this case. He is patiently waiting for the right time regarding this dispute.


)8nduring peace can only be attained if we meet the fundamental needs of every man, woman and child. 5o our 7uslim brothers< and the members of the :PP. -PA. -D$, let me say this All of us wants peace. -ot the peace of the dead, but the peace of the living. We e2press our willingness and readiness to go to the negotiating table, and yet we load our guns< pull the trigger. %t is both ironic and tragic and it is endless.*

5he president &nows that everyone of us wants peace, not the peace of the dead, but the peace of the living. President Duterte e2pressed his willingness and readiness to face this, and resolve this with the due process, he also &now how it will attained, and % agree that we can attain this if we meet the fundamental needs of every man , woman and child. He even appreciate the importance of every human. He loo&s to his people e4ually.


)% am announcing a unilateral ceasefire with the :PP. -PA.= -D$, effective immediately*

He has announced the needed information at this chance of time, and effective immediately after the information has been announced. >eing the President, he let the people &now and his order must obey.


)7y administration will pursue ta2 reforms towards a simpler, more e4uitable ta2 system< we will lower personal and corporate income ta2 rates.*

President was aware that the ta2es are very high that it almost consume the earnings of  individual, and % thin& it is the reason that many $ilipinos has no enough food in the table because of the effect of high prices but low economic status of the country.


)We should also conduct a nationwide soil analysis to determine areas most suitable for  rice farming.* We shall strictly enforce fisheries laws< and promote a4uaculture.*

5he President reminds us that the Philippines is rich in natural resources that we can use to improve our lifestyle, with lesser cost using our agriculture and promoting agriculture, it is also good for our health than eating processed foods, it is healthy that we wor&out by farming and eat these natural foods that produce by our land.


)We will accelerate infrastructure spending, improve roads and bridges* ?egarding the Hood control problem in 7etro 7anila, he also says, ) we shall put up new pumping stations in strategic places.

% am agree with the President that we need to have an attention and improve the roads and bridges, as a first step in resolving the problem in 7etro 7anila which is the traffic, that affects the time consuming of travel everyday 'ust to be there in the wor&place, instead of the time can use for rest and family, the time wasted in waiting to be at the destination, it is very much affect to the health and family of everyone who travels everyday.


)We shall also pursue rail pro'ects in 7etro 7anila* %t is a good idea of the President to add rail pro'ects in 7etro 7anila, as it is a great help to resolve the traffic problem, % agree with it.

ht t p: / / www. vi r al hungr y . com/ 2016/ 07/ pr esdut er t esona20 16hi ghl i ght sa na l y si s . ht ml

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