RE4UHD Universal Concepts Guide by Mr.Curious Tools by Son of Persia...
Universal Concepts Guide Tutorial by Mr.Curious 8-2018 Tools by Son of Persia
To avoid redundancy in each individual tool tutorial I will explain some of the universal concepts that apply to each of the tool sets included in this release. Most of the tools run on the simple concept of translating the byte arrays from the RE4 files into a .tt file for us to edit with a text editor. There is also the option of using an . ob! file to translate some of the coordinates instead of using the .txt file for this purpose. One of the most common functions of the tools included in this release are the way that the files are extracted. ith most of these tools when we use the etract.bat file there are two files that are generated inside a wor!ing directory which is named after the name of our RE4 file. Most tools extract the RE4 file into " wor!ing files# 1 - .tt file 2 - .ob! file
The reason for these two separated files was to ma!e editing the locations of trigger $ones easier by using .ob! files. hile we can still use the .tt file by itself to edit RE4 files% it is often much easier to use a &' model for some parts of the editing process. In the instructions that follow I will explain common scenarios when wor!ing with the " files together. "#y use a .tt file$ (efore we get into details about how this file wor!s let us first understand the way these tools were developed. (efore there were any !ind of tools for RE4)*' modders had to *E+ edit the raw files to change their functions in game. ,s many of us modders did this we too! many notes about which bytes changed certain functions. ,s our research progressed we reali$ed that we could pass this information onto talented developers li!e -on of ersia who would then be able to ta!e the raw data and develop tools that would essentially *E+ edit the files for us while giving us a basic interface to do so with added functionality and ease of use. The .txt file is /ust this0 it is a *E+ editing tool interface. Understandin% t#e etracted .tt files If we observe the extracted . tt file from any of the files there are usually a few universal concepts that apply to each of these% the first of which is the &ntryCount. This is named different things% depending which RE4 file type we are dealing with. Other variations of this include &ffectCount' (te)*ataCount' +i%#tCount etc. 'espite the difference in name% the function of this parameter is the same0 to count for each ‘Entry’ that that is in the text file. One ‘Entry’ in in the .txt file essentially consists of an entire array of bytes that is responsible for a set of values that affect one thing 1an effect% an item% a light etc..2 The &ntryCount offset is usually at the top of the .txt file 1or very close to the top2. Special feature in t#e .tt files Most tools will allow a , to be used to allow commenting. ,nything that follows a , character will not be read by the tools. This is useful for when we need to ma!e notes about a specific entry. Understandin% t#e etracted / files ith most of the new -on of ersia3s tools we are able to extract .ob! files. These &' model files are usually comprised of several layers each of which contains either of " types of models# 1 - &i%#t sided poly#edrons These .ob/ files are polyhedrons that act as a trigger$one for the event1s2 we are editing. These are usually s5uare or rectangular shaped areas that trigger some !ind of event once the player enters their area.
Many files that are used to trigger events in the game have what we call Trigger6ones which basically put are areas of space that are defined by numerous combinations of +7 and 6 values. These trigger$ones are almost always 4 point polyhedrons consisting of# 4 sets of +7 coordinates 1four corners2 " sets of 6 coordinates 1upper and lower boundaries2
put together we can ma!e a &d shape which constitutes a &d polyhedron. *ere is an excerpt from an ,E8 tool tutorial I wrote for RE4)*' which briefly describes trigger$ones. The values you see below are in 'E9 format which is used by the tools developed by -on of ersia for the RE4)*' version% but is only a translation of the raw data. In the photo above we see in r:;: the tirgger$one in yellow that triggers the ,E8 Message event with the burning policeman. hen the player wal!s into this area the Message file is loaded. e can edit this area with the .ob/ file that is generated with some of the tools. 2 - Sin%le polys
In the photo above we see several polys used by an Eow that we !now what the .tt file and . ob! file do individually% let us ta!e a loo! at how they wor! together. ,s noted above it is possible to edit an RE4 file with an extracted . tt file alone% but not with the .ob! file alone as there is always other data that is re5uired besides coordinates.
It is 3&45 (MP4T67T to !now that the amount of Entries in the .txt file must match the amount of layers in the .obj file as each layer of the .ob/ file corresponds to the entry in the .txt file. This is why the .ob/ layer names are always numbered 1ta!e note that the entries are not numbered2. >ote that we can edit the names of the .ob/ layers in &dsMax at the end of their names % but must not change the headers of the layers name which include the numbers. This !eeps the tools from being confused about which layer is is assigned to which entry. lease note that if the amount of layers in the .ob/ file is inconsistent with the amount of Entries in the .txt file then the tool is li!ely to hang or crash. 6ddin% *eletin% .ob! +ayers .tt 9ile &ntries If we have added or deleted any .ob/ layers in &dsMax then we need to also edit the corresponding entries in the .txt file.
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