RE4UHD BIN TOOL Tutorial Tools created by Son of Persia Tutorial by Mr!urious First let me explain the differences of this new bin tool and the old bin tools. The old BIN tools used separate tools for extraction and repacking but now they have been converted into one easy to use tool. There is also the functionality of repacking for ET BIN models which have slight differences than regular BIN models. !ne thing to note about this version of the BIN tool is that after repacking there is no ability to "E# edit the luminosity or transperancy of the BIN file as we were once able to do. The extra blocks of data that were normally used for this data have been removed to preserve space. This being said there are still methods at our disposal to change BIN model luminosity$trasnperancy.
"#at does t#is tool do$ The BIN tool is designed to unpack the BIN % T&' files into an () % T' file. This format allows us to edit the models in a *) application like *dsax+ ilkshape or Blender. ,ith () files we can edit the bone mappings in *) applications+ save them+ and then use the BIN tools to repack these edited models into BIN % T&' files. -npacking % epacking is fairly easy but lets look at how BIN % T&' files work together first/
%ILES &SSO!I&TED "ITH THIS TOOL BIN 0 the *d model with all the vertice data. TPL 0 the texture pallete that tells the game which .pack file and textuers in that pack file to use. The T&' is basically a cue sheet or list of textures that are used by the model. T!S 0 a printout created during repacking that tells us the texture order according to the texture file names. OB' 0 a file that we only use to create an T' file. This *d model is not actually used. MTL 0 the file that lists all the materials and the textures assigned to them. SMD 0 *d model that contains the bones used in the game.
PRE(IE"IN) OB' * SMD %ILES 1 good tool to have have a 2uick 2uick look at !B3 % () files files is Noesis Noesis whic can befound befound here/ here/ https/$$$index.php4content5inc6pro7ects.php
UNDERST&NDIN) THE TPL %ILE The T&' is a very important file that is highly volatile. If we dont get things right our textures will come out looking wrong in the game+ so it is important to understand how the T&' works with the tools. The function fo the T&' is to list all the textures that are used by the BIN model and also contains the .pack file number for the used textures. ,hen we extract a BIN file we need to have the right T&' in the folder with the tools for it to read the correct texture data from the T&'. This makes sure that the correct texture numsbers are dispalyed in the generated T' file. ,hen we repack the BIN model using the () and T' files+ the tools create a new T&' file that will list all the new textures we are using. If we simply edit a model without adding new textures or materials there is no need to use a newly generated T&' file. -susally every BIN file has a T&' that lists which textures it uses but we dont always know which
T&' file is used when we are extracting. The easiest way to make sure all textures come out right in our generated T' files when extracting is to +lace all t#e BIN * TPL files in the same folder and extract them at once. ,hile the BIN tool will extract any BIN file with any T&' 8or even without a T&' at all9+ the T' file that is generated will not always reflect the correct textures unless the right T&' is used.
& closer loo, at t#e TPL file ,hen we want to observe the contents of a T&' file we can do so witha "E# editor. 'ets havea 2uick look at end of +l-./--0TPL/ -. -- -- -0 -. -- -- -0 -. -- -- -0 -. -- -- -0 -. -- -- -0 -. -- -- -0 -. -- -- -0 -. -- -- -0 -. -- -- -0
-. -- -- -0 is the pack file number in 'ittle Endian order. This means all the byte order is reversed 8kind of9.. you can google what 'ittle Endian order means but simply put it looks like these examples/
:; :: :: :< 5 5 >:::::= --6 -06-16-26-4 + etc are the texture numbers in the pack file. These numbers always come right after the pack file number and are "E# values which need to be translated into )E?I1' values. For example look at this T&'/ 22 :: :: :: 10 -1 -- 44 24 :: :: :: 10 -1 -- 44 23 :: :: :: 10 -1 -- 44 2 :: :: :: 10 -1 -- 44 25 :: :: :: :: :: :: ::
using a simple "E# to )E? converter at https/$$$binary0decimal0hexadecimal0 converter.html shows us that/ ** 5 =< *@ 5 => *= 5 =* *A 5 =@ and so on... The decimal values are actually the texture numbers inside the pack file 8in the example above our .pack file is 44---110 +ac, 1ll pack file numbers numbers of the the textures textures inside the pack pack file are from ::::+:::+ :::*+:::@+ and on and on.. so... =< is ::= is ::=>.dds 8or .tga9 and so on...
(o in our first example we see that our model is using textures ----dds through -. -- -- -0 -. -- -- -0 -. -- -- -0 -. -- -- -0 -. -- -- -0 -. -- -- -0 -. -- -- -0 -. -- -- -0 -. -- -- -0
Now we can look at textures ----dds through and compare them to the model. )o they look like the ones this model is supposed to use4 1s stated above+ if we use the wrong T&' the model8s9 will still get converted but the T' file 8and tcs9 will have wrong texture entries.. 8this is ok if you are making a new model as you will be creating a new T'9.
%ILE E7TR&!TION 0 8 place all BIN % T&' files of the model you wish to convert to ()$!B3 in same folder as RE4UHD/BIN/Tool/1-0.exe % .bat files 1 8 run BIN/E9tractbat to extract the files. 2 8 Three new files are created upon extraction/ < 0 () file 8model with skeleton9 > 0 T' file 8list of materials % textures that the T&' will will use9 * 0 !B3 file 8we dont use this really+ but it is created during the process of creating an T' file9 NOTE: this tool will actually extract models wihtout a T&' 8but the textures in the T' will be wrong9
EDITIN) MODELS Now that we have an () file we can edit it in the preffered *) application. If we want to add new textures to the model that dont already exist in the +ac, file for the model we are workign with we will need to number the new textutre files in se2untial order+ starting at the number of the last texture number used. E9a;+le< our -0-----. pack file has *: textures starting at ----dds through to --1=dds. If we want to add new textures$materials to our model we must name them --2-dds+ --206dds and so on. Now we make sure to repack our +ac, file using the >?1 toolset. ,e must make sure now that the textures in the *d application use these newly renumerated textures before we export the () model to be converted to BIN. (o once we have finsihed editing the model and added the new textures to the +ac, file we are ready to export our model.
E7PORTIN) MODELS !nce our textures are prepared % assigned to our meshes we are ready export our model. "ere are the steps for exporting the model/ 0 8 Export our model as () from our *d app pro7ect to our working directory. 1 8 Export the same model as !B3 to the same direcotry in order to create an MTL file. This T' file is used to tell the T&' file which textures we are using for the ()9.
exporting the model model in !B3 format format a new new T' file file is created created with with it+ which which contains contains a list of 2 8 1fter exporting our materials % textures assocaited with them. "ere is an example of what a T' file will look like after exporting from ilkshape *)/
+l-./---;tl newmtl new0shirt illum > Cd :.;::::: :.;::::: :.;::::: Ca :.>::::: :.>::::: :.>::::: Cs :.:::::: :.:::::: :.:::::: Ce :.:::::: :.:::::: :.:::::: Ns :.:::::: map6Cd ::::::: :.>::::: :.>::::: Cs :.:::::: :.:::::: :.:::::: Ce :.:::::: :.:::::: :.:::::: Ns :.::::::
map6Cd --14dds newmtl pants illum > Cd :.;::::: :.;::::: :.;::::: Ca :.>::::: :.>::::: :.>::::: Cs :.:::::: :.:::::: :.:::::: Ce :.:::::: :.:::::: :.:::::: Ns :.:::::: map6Cd --13dds map6) --1dds newmtl arms illum > Cd :.;::::: :.;::::: :.;::::: Ca :.>::::: :.>::::: :.>::::: Cs :.:::::: :.:::::: :.:::::: Ce :.:::::: :.:::::: :.:::::: Ns :.:::::: map6Cd --15dds newmtl legs illum > Cd :.;::::: :.;::::: :.;::::: Ca :.>::::: :.>::::: :.>::::: Cs :.:::::: :.:::::: :.:::::: Ce :.:::::: :.:::::: :.:::::: Ns :.:::::: map6Cd In my experience+ making sure all our material entires are in ascending se2uential order by texture number in the T' file is the best way to make sure that our T?( file outputs correctly and that the T&' order is perfect. Now that we have and () and T' file we are ready to repack using the RE4UHD/BIN/Tool/1-0.e9e
%ILE REP&!IN) 1fter we we have edited edited the () file in our desired desired *d program 8like *ds ax+ ilkshape ilkshape or Blender9+ Blender9+ we must export the SMD file with the vertex weights as the BIN tools will crash if there are no bones assigned to the exported meshes. (o first+ before we repack the model we need to edit the contents of the BIN/Re+ac,bat file. First+ right click the BIN/Re+ac,bat file and click edit 8be sure to open with notepad or any other txt editor9. ,e shold see something like this/ RE4UHD/BIN/Tool/1-0.e9e 8+ +l-./---s;d 8+ +l-./---s;d +l-./---;tl 0------.
This tells the BIN tool to 8+ 8repack9 the pl:;6:::.smd pl:;6:::.smd model model using the pl:;6:::.mtl pl:;6:::.mtl material material file and that all our textures will be placed in the MODDIN) Mr!urious 01 8 1-0. #tt+s
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