Re Petition For Recognition of The Exemption of The Gsis From Payment of Legal Fees
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14. RE: PETITION FOR RECOGNITION OF THE EXEMPTION OF THE GOVERNMENT SERVICE INSURANCE SYSTEM (GSIS) FROM PAYMENT OF LEGAL FEES. A.M. No. 08-2-01-0 February 11, 2010 Topic: Judiciary. Rule Making-Power and Fiscal Autonomy of SC Pettoner: GSIS Responden: -- none Ponene: J. Ponene: J. Corona FACTS: Peon for the recognion of GSIS’ exempt status from payment of legal fees. Courts have been assessing and collecng legal fees from GSIS pursuant to Sec. 22, Rule 141 (Legal Fees) of the Rules of Court, which states: SEC. SEC. 22. Govern Governmen mentt exe exempt mpt.. – The Re Repub public lic of the Philip Philippin pines, es, its age agenci ncies es and instrument instrumentalie aliess are exempt from paying the lega legall fees provided provided in this Rule. Local governmen corporatons and governmen-owned or conrolled corporatons corporatons with or without independent charter are no exemp from exemp from paying such fees. actons, criminal or civil, instuted at the instance of the provincial, city However, all cour actons, or municipal treasurer or assessor under Sec. 280 of the Local Government Code of 1991
4. The 4. The right of government workers to social security is an aspect of social jusce. The right to social security is also guaranteed under Arcle 22 of the Universal Declaraon of Human Rights and Arcle 9 of the Internaonal Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. The Court has the power to promulgate rules concerning the protecon and enforcement of constuonal rights, including the right to social security, but the GSIS is not compelling the Court to promulgate such rules. The GSIS is merely asking the Court to recognize and allow the exercise of the right of the GSIS "to seek relief from the courts of jusce sans payment of legal fees." Commen of OSG: Peon OSG: Peon should be denied because there is nothing in Sec. 39, RA 8291 that exempts GSIS from fees imposed by the Court in connecon with judicial proceedings. Sec. 39 is conned to fees and assessments that do not involve pleading, pracce, and procedure because only the Court, pursuant to its exclusive rule-making power under Sec. 5(5), Art. VII, 1987 Const. has t he power to impose legal fees. Repor and Recommendaton of Oce of he Chief Aorney (OCAT): The claim of the GSIS for exempon from the payment of legal fees has no legal basis. Read in its proper and full context, Sec. 39 intends to preserve the actuarial solvency of GSIS funds by exempng the GSIS from government imposions through taxes. Legal fees imposed under Rule 141 are not taxes. Moreover, if Congress meant to exempt GSIS from payment of legal fees it would be encroaching on the rule-making power of the Court.
shall be exemp from the payment of court and sheri’s fees. The GSIS seeks exempon from the payment of legal fees. It claims that it should not pay legal fees in acons and proceedings instuted by the GSIS. GSIS’ Argumens: 1. 1. It It is exempt from taxes, assessments, fees, charges, or dues of all kinds under its charter. Its Charter, the GSIS Act of 1997 or RA 8291, parcularly Sec. 39, which states: SEC. 39. Exempon from Tax, Legal Process and Lien. – It is hereby declared to be the policy of the State that the actuarial solvency of the funds of the GSIS shall be preserved and maintained at all mes and that contribuon rates necessary to sustain the benets under this Act shall be kept as low as possible in order not to burden the members of the GSIS and their employers. Taxes imposed on the GSIS tend to impair the actuarial solvency of its funds and increase the contribuon rate necessary to sustain the benets of this Act. Accordingly,, nowihs Accordingly nowihsandi anding ng any laws o he conrary conrary,, the GSIS GSIS, its assets, revenues including accruals thereto, and benets paid, paid , shall be exemp from all axes, assessmens, fees, charges or dutes of all kinds. These exempons shall connue unless expressly and specically revoked and any assessment against the GSIS as of the approval of this Act are hereby here by considered considered paid. Consequent Consequently, ly, all laws laws,, ordinances ordinances,, regulaon regulaons, s, issua issuances nces,, opinions or jurisprudence contrary to or in derogaon of this provision are hereby deemed repealed, superseded and rendered ineecve and without legal force and eect. 2. 2. The The term “fees” (along with taxes, assessments, charges, dues) in the charter should be used in its generic and ordinary sense to mean any form of government imposion. “Fees” is dened as “charges xed by law for services of public ocers or for the use of privilege under control of government” AND it is qualied by the phrase “of all kinds.” Therefore, legal fees are included in the exempon. 3. 3. The The exempon based on Sec. 39 does not mean that RA 8291 is superior to the Rules of Court. The Court would only be showing deference to the legislature as a co-equal branch. This This def defere erence nce will will recogn recognize ize the "co "compe mpelli lling ng and ove overri rridin ding" g" Sta State te intere interest st in the preservaon of the actuarial solvency of the GSIS for the benet of its members.
ISSUES: May the legislature exempt the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) from leg legal al fees fees imp impose osed d by the Court on GOCCs GOCCs and LGUs? LGUs? (Ph (Phras rased ed di diere erentl ntly, y, is it an encroachment on the rule-making power of the Court if Congress creates laws exempng GOCCs and LGUs from payment of all kinds of fees, including legal fees?) HELD: No. HELD: No. Congress has no such power to exempt the GSIS from payment of legal fees for two reasons: 1. Separaton of Powers The rule-making power of the Court pursuant to Sec. 5(5), Art. VIII, 1987 Const. is NOT a shared power with Congress BUT an EXCLUSIVE power of the SC. The payment of legal fees cannot cann ot be validly annulled annulled,, changed changed or modied by Congress Congress because of the principle of Separaon of Powers. “The separaon of powers among the three co-equal branches of our government has erected an impregnable wall that keeps the power to promulgate rules of pleading, pracce and procedure within the sole province of this Court.” The 1987 Constuon revoked the power of Congress to annul, change or modify acts of the SC. Therefore, any acon now on the part of Congress regarding the rule making power of the SC would be an encroachment of such power. (Prior to 1987 Constuon kasi Congress had the power to amend, see history below) 2. Fiscal Auonomy of he SC Congress Congr ess could not have carved carved out an exempon for the GSIS from the payment payment of legal fees without transgressing another equally important instuonal safeguard of the Court’s
independence — scal autonomy. Fiscal autonomy recognizes the power and authority of the Court to levy, assess and collect fees, including legal fees. Moreover, legal fees under Rule 141 have two basic components, components, the Judiciar Judiciary y Developme Development nt Fund (JDF (JDF)) and the Special Special Allowance Allow ance for the Judiciary Judiciary Fund (SAJF). The laws which establi established shed the JDF and the SAJF expressly declare the idencal purpose of these funds to "guarantee the independence of the Judiciary as mandated by the Constuon and public policy." Legal fees therefore do not only constute cons tute a vital source of the Court’s nancial nancial resources resources but also compris comprise e an essenal element of the Court’s scal independence. Any exempon from the payment of legal fees granted grant ed by Congress Cong ress to GOCC GOCCs and LGUs willinrm necessa necessarily reduce the the Court’s JDF and the SAJF. Undoubtedly, such situaon is sconstuonally forrily it impairs guaranteed scal autonomy and erodes its independence. Discussion on rule-making power and Legal Fees: The SC has the power to promulgate rules concer concernin ning g pleadi pleading, ng, pra pracc cce e and pro proced cedure ure in all courts. courts. The Rules Rules of Court Court was promulgated in the exercise of the Court’s rule-making power. The payment of legal fees is part of the rules concerning pleading, pracce and procedure in courts because without payment of legal fees the court cannot acquire jurisdicon over the subject maer or nature of the acon. It is not simply the ling of the complaint or appropriate iniatory pleading but the payment of the prescribed docket fee that vests a court with jurisdicon. Although the court may waive payment of legal fees when it relates to indigent or pauper ligants. Such waiver is not an abdicaon by the Court of its rule-making power but simply a recognion of the limits of that power. It reected a keen awareness that in the exercises of its rule-making rule-making power, the Court may not dilute or defea defeatt the right of access to jusce jusce of indigent ligants. But the GSIS is not on the same level as indigent or pauper ligants. The payment of legal fees does not take away the capacity of the GSIS to sue. Therefore the Court sees no reason to exempt them from paying legal fees. RULING:: WHEREFORE, the peon of the GSIS for recognion of its exempon from the RULING payment of legal fees imposed under Secon 22 of Rule 141 of the Rules of Court on GOCCs and LGUs is hereby DENIED DENIED.. History of the Rule-Making Power of SC: 1935 Const. Const. The power of this Court to promulgate rules concerning pleading, pracce and procedure procedure was granted but was co-existent co-existent with legislave legislave power. power. Congress Congress had the power to repeal, alter or supplement rules concerning pleading, pracce and procedure, and the admission to the pracce of law in the Philippines Note: In re Cunanan In 1952 Congress passed RA 972 (Bar Flunkers Act) which xed the passing passi ng grade of the bar for the years 1946 to 1955. Such Act was struck struck down by the SC. “The ulmate ulmate power power to grant licen license se for the pracce of law belongs exclus exclusively ively to this Court…Only this Court, and not the legislave nor execuve department, that may do so. Any aempt on the part of these departments would be a clear usurpaon of its funcon, as is the case with the law in queson….and the law passed by Congress on the maer is of permissive character, or as other authories say, merely to x the minimum condions for the license.” Despite such ruling the 1973 Constuon reiterated the 1935 Constuon.
1973 Const. Promulgate rules concerning pleading, pracce, and procedure in all courts, the admission to the pracce of law, and the integraon of the Bar, which, however, may be repealed, altered, or supplemented by the Batasang Pambansa. Note: the 1973 Constuon further strengthened the independence of the judiciary by giving to it the addional power to promulgate rules governing the integraon of the Bar. 1987 Const. The 1987 Constuon molded an even stronger and more independent judiciary. Among others, it enhanced enhanced the rule making po power wer of this Court. The rule making power of this Court was expanded. This Court for the rst me was given the power to promulgate rules concerning the protecon and enforcement of constuonal rights. The Court was also granted for the rst me the power to disapprove rules of procedure of special courts and quasi-judicial bodies. But most importantly, the 1987 Constuon took away the power of Congress to repeal, alter, or supplement rules concerning pleading, pracce and procedure. In ne, the power to promulgate rules of pleading, pracce and procedure is no longer shared by this Court with Congress, more so with the Execuve.
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