RCC13 Punching Shear.xls

April 21, 2018 | Author: Kourosh Khalpari | Category: Application Software, Software, Technology, Computing, Computing And Information Technology
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Spreadsheets to BS 8110


Advisory Group


!CBP "ypical #loor Colu$n B%

The Concrete Centre

 Ma  Made by

r$& .,"!/,A  Ch  Checed

P+,C-.,G S-!A/ to BS8110(00) 3riginated 5ro$ RCC13.xls v3.2 on CD

 MA  MA"!/.AS


© 2006 TCC

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Spreadsheets to BS 8110


Advisory Group


Colu$n B(

The Concrete Centre

 Made by

r$& !DG! Checed

P+,C-.,G S-!A/ to BS8110(00) 3riginated 5ro$ /CC1%:;ls v%:( on CD


5cu ,$$( 5yv ,$$( lin  $$ steel class A D.M!,S.3,S A $$ B $$ D $$



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Spreadsheets to BS 8110


Advisory Group


Colu$ns A1 D1 A) F D)

The Concrete Centre

 Made by


P+,C-.,G S-!A/ to BS8110(00)

C3/,!/ Checed

3riginated 5ro$ /CC1%:;ls v%:( on CD



E (004 "CC

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Spreadsheets to BS 8110


Advisory Group


An e;a$ple

The Concrete Centre

 Made by

r$& /!'!,"/A," Checed

P+,C-.,G S-!A/ to BS8110(00) 3riginated 5ro$ /CC1%:;ls v%:( on CD



E (004 "CC

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Spreadsheets to BS 8110


!CBP "ypical #loor Colu$n B%

.,"!/,A C3+M,

P+,C-.,G S-!A/ to BS8110(00)

Made by r$&

3riginated 5ro$ /CC1%:;ls v%:( on CD

E (004 "CC


2ob ,o /48 11'Sep'1)

D!"A.!D CAC+A".3,S 7e=7t


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Spacing (60 (*) %00 490 4*) 48) 900 4*0 48)


Spreadsheets to BS 8110


Colu$n B(

!DG! C3+M,

P+,C-.,G S-!A/ to BS8110(00) 3riginated 5ro$ /CC1%:;ls v%:( on CD

Made by r$& E (004 "CC


2ob ,o /48 11'Sep'1)

D!"A.!D CAC+A".3,S 7e=7t


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.nternal %146 6%64 ))(8 4910 98*( *096 10()4 116%8 1000

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deduct 1** %64 6*6 46( 9*0 *%9 108) 1(%% 1%81


#inal 896 1339 1782 2225 2669 3112 3555 3998 4442

,o 6 7 9 10 12 13 15 16 18

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Spreadsheets to BS 8110


Colu$ns A1 D1 A) F D)

C3/,!/ C3+M,

P+,C-.,G S-!A/ to BS8110(00)

Made by r$&

3riginated 5ro$ /CC1%:;ls v%:( on CD

2ob ,o /48


E (004 "CC


D!"A.!D CAC+A".3,S 7e=7t 1:()00 ?enhance$ent 5actor@ lin leg area )0:% -ole deduction  H!S  C/.".CA P!/.M!"!/S Per ,o a .nternal !dge C !dge D Corner Choose 1 %09:) %940 ((80 (1%0 1(4) 1(4) ( 641:() 6**0 (8*) (96) 1)9(:) 1)9(:) % 41) 4((0 %)10 %%40 1880 1880 6 948:9) 96)0 61() %*9) (189:) (189:) ) *((:) 8480 6960 6)*0 (6*) (6*) 4 1094:() **10 )%)) )(0) (80(:) (80(:) 9 1(%0 11160 )*90 )8(0 %110 %110 8 1%8%:9) 1(%90 4)8) 46%) %619:) %619:) -ole 5ace () 1)00 11)0 1000 900 900 Col 5ace 0 4)0 4)0  !,C3S!D A/!AS Per ,o Corner 1   0.394 (   0.613 %   0.878 6   1.191 )   1.551 4   1.958 9   2.412 8   2.914 -ole 5ace   0.117 Col 5ace   0.100

., /!I+./!M!,"S Per ,o v Asv 1 1:4)* 49% ( 1:%)% (90 % 1:0*9 (90 6 0:*1( %1* ) 0:996 %49 4 0:444 61) 9 0:)98 646 8 0:)04 )1( -ole 5ace (:96) Col 5ace

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#inal 977 1182 1433 1690 1946 2202 2458 2715 600 650

&ithin "otal ,o ocationBand   13.4 1 1:)0 d (:() d 5.4 1 5.4 1 %:00 d 6.3 1 %:9) d 0.0 6:)0 d 0 0.0 0:00 d 0 0.0 0:00 d 0 0.0 0:00 d 0 7c0 > 0:8484

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#inal 703 908 1113 1348 1604 1860 2117 2373 2629

,o 6 8 5 6 7 8 8 9 10

Spacing 160 1() (9) (4) (4) (4) %00 (*) (*0


Spreadsheets to BS 8110


An e;a$ple


P+,C-.,G S-!A/ to BS8110(00)

Made by r$&

3riginated 5ro$ /CC1%:;ls v%:( on CD

E (004 "CC

C3+M, 2ob ,o /48



D!"A.!D CAC+A".3,S 7e=7t


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Corner %11* %*98:) 68%8 )4*9:) 4))9 9614:) 8(94 *1%):) 1600 1600

lin leg area 98:) -ole deduction  H!S !,C3S!D A/!AS #inal deduct Per ,o .nternal 4)*   2460 1 0:8)( 846   3115 ( 1:64% 104*   3769 % (:(%8 1(9%   4424 6 %:199 1698   5079 ) 6:(81 148%   5734 4 ):)68 1889   6389 9 4:*80 (0*(   7044 8 8:)94 ()0   1150 -ole 5ace 0:1(%   ()0   1150 Col 5ace

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Corner 0.405 0.608 0.852 1.137 1.463 1.830 2.238 2.687 0.123 0.123

.nternal (146 %%10 66)4 )40( 4968 98*6 *060 10184 11%%(

Corner 1(9% (1%(:) (**( %8)1:) 6911 ))90:) 46%0 9(8*:) 816*

deduct %84 )*1 9*4 1000 1(0) 1610 1416 181* (0(6


#inal 887 1541 2196 2851 3506 4161 4816 5471 6125

,o 6 8 10 12 15 17 19 22 24

Spacing ((0 ()) (90 (8) (4) (9) (80 (90 (9)

Disclaimer All advice or in5or$ation 5ro$ the British Ce$ent Association andor "he Concre intended 5or those &ho &ill evaluate the signiKcance and li$itations o5 its conte responsibility 5or its use and application: ,o liability ?including that 5or neglige loss resulting 5ro$ such advice or in5or$ation is accepted by the BCA " subcontractors suppliers or advisors: +sers should note that all "CC s publications are subject to revision 5ro$ ti$e to ti$e and should there5ore ensu are in possession o5 the latest version:  "his spreadsheet should be used in co$pliance &ith the acco$panying publi Guide /C Spreadsheets v%L available 5ro$ "he Concrete &&&:concretebooshop:co$ "el 66 ?0@900 6 409999 or 66 ?0@1(94 409160

Status of spreadsee This spreadsheet is shareware. It may be distributed freely, but m for commercial purposes until the user has registered with th Public release version: The Concrete Bookshop. Re!isio" istor# RCC13 $u"ci"% Sear



(1'Aug'04 /CC1% v%:(

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+pdated to (00) versions o5 BS8110 F BS8444

(8'Apr'06 /CC1% v(:4

Correction to peri$eter deduction 5or large holes: +pdated to May (00( a$end$ent to BS 8110 5or$ulae 8'Aug'0% /CC1% v(:) 5or vc: 16'Mar'0% /CC1% v(:6 Correction to hole deductions on /!!,"/A," sheet: 18'#eb'0% /CC1% v(:%

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