RBI Credit Policy (Rough)
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Banking Law, Credit policy, Monetary policy, Reserve Bank of India, Tools of monetary policy...
RBI Credit Policy
INTRODUCTION The Reserve Bank of India as the Central Bank of our country was established on 1 st April, 19! under the Reserve Bank of India Act, 19"# The Bank was started ori$inally as a shareholders% bank and its paid up capital was Rs# ! crores# The Bank took over the function of currency issue fro& the 'overn&ent of India and the power of credit control fro& the then I&pe I&peri rial al Bank Bank of Indi India# a# The The Bank Bank was was nati nation onal alis ised ed in the the year year 19"( 19"(,, soon soon afte after r Independen Independence, ce, followin$ a post war trend towards nationalisation nationalisation of Central Central Banks Banks all over the world# Also a centrally ad&inistered syste& had then beco&e necessary to control a runaway inflation ra$in$ in India since 199, control inflation in the country effectively# And, And, as India had to e&bark upon a pro$ra&&e of econo&ic develop&ent and $rowth, it was necessary to have a co&plete control over the activities of bankin$ so that a Central Bank could be used effectively as an instru&ent of econo&ic chan$e in the country# This power of Credit control of RBI as taken fro& the then I&perial Bank is &ainly for&in$ RBI%s Credit Policy# Throu$h credit policy RBI controls flow of credit in do&estic &arket as one of its i&portant functions involve control over the volu&e of credit created by the co&&ercial banks in order to ensure price stability# The Reserve Bank of India is lar$ely concerned with or$anisation of a sound and healthy co&&ercial bankin$ syste&, ensurin$ effective co)ordination and control over credit throu$h appropriate appropriate &onetary and credit policies followed fro& ti&e to ti&e# *owever, *owever, in India the Reserve Bank of India is also concerned with develop&ent of rural bankin$, pro&otion of financial institutions and develop&ent of &oney and capital &arket in India# +eepin$ in view, the functions of RBI of credit control alon$ with the develop&ental aspects, the credit policy for a nation is for&ulated in both uantitative &easures and ualitative &easures to control both uantity of credit and uality of work to be for&ulated by that credit# Issue of credit policy for Banking Companies :
The bank for&ulates credit policies, nor&ally by way of an order, by layin$ down the bank rate, lendin$ restrictions, &er$er restrictions, nature of security to be obtained for credit e-tension, definin$ the scope and eli$ibility of the private sector for borrowin$, deter&inin$
the cash reserve ratio and statutory liuidity ratio and any other &atter havin$ a bearin$ on co&&ercial lendin$ in the first instance, and the econo&y of the country in the second# It has been custo&ary for RBI to announce a set of &easures of both short)ter& and structural nature in the two bi)annual state&ents on &onetary and credit policy nor&ally released in April and .ctober of each year#
/onetary policy co&prises i&ple&entation of &easures that will result either in contraction or e-pansion of &oney supply in the econo&y and thereby re$ulate inflation in prices# Banks bein$ purveyors of credit, they act as chan$e a$ents by re$ulatin$ the volu&e of liuidity for industries as a &easure to control prices of $oods and services# As the re$ulatory authority, the RBI &onitors bank credit throu$h directives alterin$ Cash Reserve and 0tatutory iuidity Ratios for Banks, a&endin$ its own lendin$ rate, known as the Bank Rate, stipulatin$ &ini&u& &ar$ins to be retained by banks in their advances and also reviewin$ co&&odities $overned by the 0elective Credit Control# The /onetary and Credit Policy is the policy state&ent, traditionally announced twice a year, throu$h which the Reserve Bank of India seeks to ensure price stability for the econo&y# The Reserve Bank of India enunciates its &onetary policy once a year, but announces a &id) course review si- &onths thereafter# These factors include ) &oney supply, interest rates and the inflation# In bankin$ and econo&ic ter&s &oney supply is referred to as / ) which indicates the level 2stock3 of le$al currency in the econo&y# Besides, the RBI also announces nor&s for the bankin$ and financial sector and the institutions which are $overned by it# These would be banks, financial institutions, non)bankin$ financial institutions, 4idhis and pri&ary dealers 2&oney &arkets3 and dealers in the forei$n e-chan$e 2fore-3 &arket# 1 *istorically, the /onetary Policy is announced twice a year ) a slack season policy 2April) 0epte&ber3 and a busy season policy 2.ctober)/arch3 in accordance with a$ricultural cycles# These cycles also coincide with the halves of the financial year# Initially, the Reserve Bank of India announced all its &onetary &easures twice a year in the /onetary and Credit Policy# The /onetary Policy has beco&e dyna&ic in nature as RBI reserves its ri$ht to alter it fro& ti&e to ti&e, dependin$ on the state of the econo&y#
1 0alil Panchal, 56hat is RBI%s /onetary Policy%, /orpheus Inc## Available at7 8 http7rediff#co&&oney:;;:apr:!tut#ht&nsurin$ adeuate e-pansion of credit for the purpose of &eetin$ $enuine credit reuire&ents of productive sectors of the econo&y#
?ntil the econo&ic refor&s were introduced durin$ the nineties, the prevailin$ syste& of ad&inistered interest rates was $eared towards achievin$ the twin ob=ectives of allocation of resources for capital for&ation and directin$ credit to preferred sectors, often at concessionary interest rates# The ad&inistered interest rate re$i&e clearly circu&scribed the role of interest rate as an effective instru&ent of &onetary &ana$e&ent# The efficacy of the policy hin$es on the identification of the tar$ets by the &onetary authority# Conceptually, such tar$ets are distin$uished as inter&ediate and ulti&ate# 6hereas inflation rate is an a$reeable ulti&ate tar$et of &onetary policy, variables such as different &easures of &oney supply andor interest rates could be e&ployed to serve as inter&ediate tar$ets# In India, while broad &oney, or what is referred as /), $rowth has been chosen to function as inter&ediate tar$et, the operatin$ tar$et is the level of Bank#
: Ibid#
The ob=ectives are to &aintain price stability and ensure adeuate flow of credit to the productive sectors of the econo&y# 0tability for the national currency 2after lookin$ at prevailin$ econo&ic conditions3, $rowth in e&ploy&ent and inco&e are also looked into# The &onetary policy affects the real sector throu$h lon$ and variable periods while the financial &arkets are also i&pacted throu$h short)ter& i&plications# There are four &ain @channels@ which the RBI looks at7 •
uantu& channel7 &oney supply and credit 2affects real output and price level throu$h chan$es in reserves &oney, &oney supply and credit a$$re$ates3#
Interest rate channel#
>-chan$e rate channel 2linked to the currency3#
Asset price#
/onetary Policy is the process by which the &onetary authority of a country, $enerally a Central Bank controls the 0upply of &oney in the >cono&y by e-ercisin$ its control over interest rates in order to &aintain)
'rowth with 0tability
evelop&ent of Dinancial 0tability >&ploy&ent ¬ >-ternal 0tability
Re$ulation, 0upervision
Pro&otin$ Priority 0ector
>ncoura$in$ 0avin$ Invest&ent
'eneration of
Redistribution of
inco&e wealth Role of /onetary Policy in Co&batin$ Inflation www#iosr=ournals#or$ 1: E Pa$e ¬ Re$ulation of 4BDI OB+ECTI,E' O% #ONET$R! POIC! O% INDI$ :-
The &ain ob=ective of &onetary policy in India is 5$rowth with stability%# /onetary /ana$e&ent re$ulates availability, cost and use of &oney and credit# It also brin$s institutional chan$es in the financial sector of the econo&y# Dollowin$ are the &ain ob=ectives of &onetary policy in India 7) ./
0ro1t2 3it2 'ta(ility :-
Traditionally, RBI%s &onetary policy was focused on controllin$ inflation throu$h contraction of &oney supply and credit# This resulted in poor $rowth perfor&ance# Thus, RBI have now adopted the policy of 5'rowth with 0tability%# This &eans sufficient credit will be available for $rowin$ needs of different sectors of econo&y and at the sa&e ti&e, inflation will be controlled with in a certain li&it#
Regulation5 'uper*ision $nd De*elopment Of %inancial 'ta(ility :-
Dinancial stability &eans the ability of the econo&y to absorb shocks and &aintain confidence in financial syste Threats to financial stability can co&e fro& internal and e-ternal shocks# 0uch shocks can destabiliFe the country%s financial syste Thus, $reater i&portance is bein$ $iven to RBI%s role in &aintainin$ confidence in financial syste& throu$h proper re$ulation and controls, without sacrificin$ the ob=ective of $rowth# Therefore, RBI is focusin$ on re$ulation, supervision and develop&ent of financial syste
Promoting Priority 'ector :-
Priority sector includes a$riculture, e-port and s&all scale enterprises and weaker section of population# RBI with the help of bank provides ti&ely and adeuately credit at affordable cost of weaker sections and low inco&e $roups# RBI, alon$ with 4ABAR, is focusin$ on &icrofinance throu$h the pro&otion of 0elf *elp $roups and other institutions#
0eneration Of Employment :-
/onetary policy helps in e&ploy&ent $eneration by influencin$ the rate of invest&ent and allocation of invest&ent a&on$ various econo&ic activities of different labour Intensities#
E9ternal 'ta(ility :-
6ith the $rowth of i&ports and e-ports India%s linka$es with $lobal econo&y are $ettin$ stron$er# >arlier, RBI controlled forei$n e-chan$e &arket by deter&inin$ ea-chan$e rate# 4ow, RBI has only indirect control over e-ternal stability throu$h the &echanis& of
5&ana$ed Dle-ibility%, where it influences e-chan$e rate by buyin$ and sellin$ forei$n currencies in open &arket#
Encouraging 'a*ings $nd In*estments :-
RBI by offerin$ attractive interest rates encoura$e savin$s in the econo&y# A hi$h rate of savin$ pro&otes invest&ent# Thus the &onetary &ana$e&ent by influencin$ rates of interest can influence savin$ &obiliFation in the country#
Redistri(ution Of income $nd 3ealt2 :-
By control of inflation and deploy&ent of credit to weaker sectors of society the &onetary policy &ay redistribute inco&e and wealth favourin$ to weaker sections#
?nder 0elective Credit Control, credit is provided to selected borrowersfor selected purpose, dependin$ upon the use to which the control try to re$ulate the uality of credit ) the direction towards the credit flows# The 0elective Controls are 7) ./ Ceiling On Credit
The Ceilin$ on level of credit restricts the lendin$ capacity of a bank to $rant advances a$ainst certain controlled securities# 4/ #argin Reuirements
A loan is sanctioned a$ainst Collateral 0ecurity# /ar$in &eans that proportion of the value of security a$ainst which loan is not $iven# /ar$in a$ainst a particular security is reduced or increased in order to encoura$e or to discoura$e the flow of credit to a particular sector# It varies fro& :;K to (;K# Dor a$ricultural co&&odities it is as hi$h as H!K# *i$her the &ar$in lesser will be the loan sanctioned# 6/ Discriminatory Interest Rate @DIRA
Throu$h IR, RBI &akes credit flow to certain priority or weaker sectors by char$in$ concessional rates of interest# RBI issues supple&entary instructions re$ardin$ $rantin$ of additional credit a$ainst sensitive co&&odities, issue of $uarantees, &akin$ advances etc# # 7/ Directi*es
The RBI issues directives to banks re$ardin$ advances# irectives are re$ardin$ the purpose for which loans &ay or &ay not be $iven# 8/ Direct $ction
It is too severe and is therefore rarely followed# It &ay involve refusal by RBI to rediscount bills or cancellation of license, if the bank has failed to co&ply with the directives of RBI# / #oral 'uasion
?nder /oral 0uasion, RBI issues periodical letters to bank to e-ercise control over credit in $eneral or advances a$ainst particular co&&odities# Periodic discussions are held with authorities of co&&ercial banks in this respect#
>MA?ATI.4 .D /.4>TARN P.ICN 7) The RBI ai&s at one ti&e was controlled e-pansion# .n one hand it was takin$ steps to e-pand bank credit# .n other hand RBI uses uantitative and ualitative ðods to control credit# These two contradictory ob=ectives li&ited the success of &onetary policy# The perfor&ance of &onetary policy can be seen fro& its achieve&ents and failures, let us discuss# AC*I>M>/>4T0 .R T*> P.0ITIM> A0P>CT0 .D /.4>TARN P.ICN 7) 1# 0hort Ter& iuidity /ana$e&ent 7) RBI has developed various ðods to &aintain stability in interest rate and e-chan$e rate like AD, ./. and /00# RBI has also &ana$ed its st erliFation operations very well# :# Dinancial 0tability 7) 6ith the help of controls, re$ulation and s upervision &echanis&, RBI has been successful in &aintainin$ financial stability# urin$ the period of $lobal crisis it has also been able to &aintain &acro econo&ic stability# # Dinancial Inclusion 7) Alon$ with 4ABAR, RBI has &ade a $reat i&pact in the $rowth of &icrofinance# RBI has supported 0elf *elp 'roup /odel and pro&oted other &icrofinance institutions# "# Adaptability7) In India &onetary policy is fle-ible, as it chan$es with ti &e# RBI has developed new ðods of credit control and shifted fro& &onetary tar$etin$ to &ultiple indicator approach# !# Increase In 'rowth7) To &aintain the $rowth of econo&y RBI has used its instru&ents@ effectively# At present India has the second hi$hest rate of 'P $rowth after China# Thus &onetary policy has pla yed an i&portant role# J# Increase In Bank eposits7) The increase in bank deposits over the years indicates trust and confidence of people in bankin$ sector# >ffective supervision of RBI over banks and financial institutions is lar$ely responsible for trust and confidence of public in bankin$ sector# H# Co&petition A&on$ Banks 7) The &onetary policy of RBI has resulted in healthy co&petition a&on$ banks in the country# The co&petition is due to dere$ulation of interest rates and other &easures taken by RBI# 4ow)a)days due to professionalis& banks provide better service to custo&ers# DAI?R>0 .R T*> I/ITATI.40 .D /.4>TARN P.ICN 1# *u$e Bud$etary eficits 7) RBI &akes every possible atte&pt to control inflation and to balance &oney supply in the &arket# *owever Central 'overn&ent@s hu$e bud$etary deficits have &ade &onetary policy ineffective# *u$e bud$etary deficits have resulted in e-cessive &onetary $rowth#
:# Covera$e .f .nly Co&&ercial Banks 7) Instru&ents of &onetary policy cover only co&&ercial banks so inflationary pressures caused by bankin$ finance can be controlled by RBI, but in India, inflation also results fro& deficit financin$ and scarcity of $oods on which RBI &ay not have any control# # Proble& .f /ana$e&ent .f Banks And Dinancial Institutions 7) The &onetary policy can succeed to control inflation and to brin$ overall develop&ent only when the &ana$e&ent of banks and Dinancial institutions are efficient and dedicated# /an y officials of banks and financial institutions are corrupt and inefficient which leads to financial sca&s in this wa y overall econo&y is affected# "# ?nor$anised /oney /arket 7) Presence of unor$anised sector of &oney &arket is one of the &ain obstacle in effective workin$ of the &onetary policy# As RBI has no power over the unor$anised sector of &oney &arket, its &onetary policy beco&es less effective# !# ess Accountability7) At present ti&e, the $oals of &onetary policy in India, are not set out in specific ter&s and there is insufficient freedo& in the use of instru&ents# In such a settin$, accountability tends to be weak as there is lack of clarity in the responsibility of $overn&ents and RBI# J# Black /oney 7) There is a $rowin$ presence of black &oney in the econo&y# Black &oney falls beyond the purview of bankin$ control of RBI# It &eans lar$e proposition of total &oney 0upply in a country re&ains outside the purview of RBI@s &onetary &ana$e&ent# H# Increase Molatility 7) The inte$ration of do&estic and forei$n e-chan$e &arkets could lead to increased volatility in the do&estic &arket as the i&pact of e-o$enous factors could be trans&itted to do&estic &arket# The widenin$ of forei$n e-chan$e &arket and develop&ent of rupee ) forei$n e-chan$e swap would reduce risks and volatility# (# ack .f Transparency 7) Accordin$ to 0# 0# Tarapore, the &onetary policy for&ulation, in its present for& in India, cannot be continued indefinitely# Dor a &ore effective policy, it would be necessary to have $reater transparency in the policy for&ulation and trans&ission process and the RBI would need to be clearly de&arcated# C.4C?0I.4 7) Thus, fro& above we can say that despite several proble&s RBI has &ade a $ood effort for effective i&ple&entation of the &onetary policy in India#
/onetary policy in India underwent si$nificant chan$es in the 199;s as the Indian>cono&y beca&e increasin$ open and financial sector refor&s were put in place# in the19(;s,&onetary policy was $eared towards controllin$ the unata&,cost and directions.f credit flow in the econo&y# the uantity variables do&inated as the trans&issionChannel of &onetary policy# Refor&s durin$ the 199;s enhanced the sensitivity of price0i$nals of price si$nals fro& the central bank, &akin$ interest rates the increasin$lyo&inant trans&ission channel of &onetary policy in India#The openness of the econo&y, as &easured by the ratio of &erchandise trade2e-portsPlus i&ports3 to 'P, rose fro& about 1(K in 199)9" to about :JK by :; ;);"#Includin$ services trade plus invisibles, e-ternal transactions as a proportion of 'PRose fro& :!K to ";K durin$ the sa&e period#Alon$with the increase in trade as aPercenta$e of 'P, capital inflows have increased even &ore sharply,forei$n currencyAssets of the reserve bank of India2RBI3 rose fro& ?0 1!#1 billion in the &arch 199"To over ?0 1"; billi on by &arch 1!,:;;!#these chan$es have affected liuidity and/onetary &ana$e&ent# &onetary policy has responded continuously to chan$es ino&estics and international &acroeco&ic conditions# In this process, the current&onetary operatin$ fra&ework has relied &ore on outri$ht open &arket operations andaily repo and reserve repo operations than on the use of direct instru&ents#overi$htRate are now $radually e&er$in$ as the principal operatin$ tar$et#The /onetary and Credit Policy is the policy state&ent, traditionall y announcedtwice a year, throu$h which the Reserve Bank of India seeks to ensure price stabilit y for the econo&y# These factors include ) &oney supply, interest rates and the inflation#
I&portance of /onetary Policy The $rowin$ i&portance of &onetary policy and the di&inishin$ role played by fiscal policin$ econo&ic stabiliFation efforts &ay reflect both political and econo&ic realities# Di$htin$ inflation reuires $overn&ent to take unpopular actions like reducin$ spendin$or raisin$ ta-es, while traditional fiscal policy solutions to fi$htin$ une&ploy&ent tend tobe &ore popular since they reuire increasin$ spendin$ or cuttin$ ta-es# Politicalrealities, in short, &ay favor a bi$$er role for &onetary policy durin$ ti&es of inflation#.ne other reason su$$ests why fiscal policy &ay be &ore suited to fi$htin$une&ploy&ent, while &onetary polic y &ay be &ore effective in fi$htin$ inflation# Thereis a li&it to how &uch &onetary policy can do to help the econo&y durin$ a period ofsevere econo&ic decline, such as the 0tates encountered durin$ the 19;s# The &onetarypolicy re&edy to econo&ic decline is to increase the a&ount of &oney in circulation,thereby cuttin$ interest rates# But once interest rates reach Fero, the Ded can do no &ore#The ?nited 0tates has not encountered this situation, which econo&ists call the Oliuiditytrap,O in recent years, but Lapan did durin$ the late 199;s# 6ith its econo&y sta$nant andinterest rates near Fero, &any econo&ists ar$ued that the Lapanese $overn&ent had toresort to &ore a$$ressive fiscal policy, if necessary runnin$ up a siFable $overn&entdeficit to spur renewed spendin$ and econo&ic $rowth#
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