RBB syllabus

September 22, 2017 | Author: Ajay Kumar Sharma | Category: Money Supply, Governance, Money, Inflation, Banks
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RBB syllabus...


/fli^«o afl)fHo a}+s lnld^]* tx 6 ;xfos k|aGws - k|zf;g ;]jf / k|zf;g ;d'x_ kbsf] v"nf k|ltof]lutfTds lnlvt k/LIffsf] kf&\oqmd

Syllabus for Assistant Manager, Level 6, Open Competition kq k|yd



a}lsé, n]vf, ljQLo ljZn]if)f / cfly{s gLlt -Banking, Accounting, Financial Analysis & Economic Policy) cy{, d"b|f, Aoj:yfkg, ;'rgf k|ljlw, /)fgLlts of]]hgf tyf ;d:ofsf] klxrfg / ;dfwfg (Economy, Money, Management, IT, Strstegic Planning, Problem Identification & Solution)




3 #)^f

k/LIffsf] lsl;d laifout


3 #)^f


pQ/ lbg" kg]{ k|Zg ;+Vof / c+s k|To]s ;d'xaf^ 1÷1 u/L hDdf 5 k|Zgx? ;f]lwg]%g\ / ;a} k|Zgsf] pQ/ clgjfo{ % . k|To]s ;d'xaf^ 1÷1 u/L hDdf 5 k|Zgx? ;f]lwg]%g\ / ;a} k|Zgsf] pQ/ clgjfo{ % .

;a} k|Zgsf] c+s ;dfg /xg] % . ;a} k|Zgsf] c+s ;dfg /xg] % .

kf&\oqmdsf] la:t[t ljj/)f M k|yd kq M a}lsé, n]vf, ljQLo ljZn]if)f / cfly{s gLlt First Paper

k')ff{° –100

: Banking, Accounting, Financial Analysis & Economic Policy

-s_ a}+lsé (Banking) -1_ a}+lsé cjwf/)ff / ljsf; -2_ g]kfndf a}lsé ljsf; / xfnsf] cj:yf Pj+ r"gf}tLx? -Banking Development in Nepal, Recent Status and challenges) -3_ txut a}lsé k|)ffnL -s,v,u,# juL{s/)f_ -4_ u|fxsd"vL a}lsé ;]jf -5_ u|fxs ;+/If)f l;$fGt -Client Protection Principle) -6_ u|fxs klxrfg -7_ g]kfndf a}+lsé If]qsf cj;/ / r"gf}ltx? (Opportunities & Challenges of Banking Sector in Nepal) -8_ lgIf]ksf k|sf/ Pj+ kl/rfng ljlw (Types of Deposit and Mobilization Procedure) -9_ d"b|f tyf k¤'hL ahf/, g]kfndf o;sf] lasf;, jt{dfg cj:yf Pj+ r"gf}tLx?_ (Money/Capital Market, its Development, Present status and Challenges in Nepal) -10_ zfv >[hgf / o;df /fli^«o afl)fHo a}+ssf] e'ldsf ( Credit Creation and Role of Rastriya Banijya Bank) -11_ g]kfn /fi^« a}+såf/f a}+s tyf laQLo ;+:yfx?sf nflu hf/L ul/Psf lgodg tyf lgb]{zgx? -Regulations and Directives Issued by NRB for Commercial Banks._ -12_ Merger, Acquisitions and Corporate Restructuring in Nepal: Recent Experience and Development .

-v_ a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yf ;DaGwL P]g, lgod tyf lgodgx? -1_ -2_ -3_ -4_ -5_ -6_ -7_ -8_ -9_

g]kfn /fi^« a}+s P]g, 2058 -Nepal Rastra Bank Act, 2058) a}+s tyf laQLo ;+:yf ;DaGwL P]g, 2063 ( Bank and Financial Institution Act,2063) a}lsé s;'/ tyf ;hfo P]g, 2064 (Banking Offence and Punishment Act,2064) ;DklQ z"$Ls/)f -dgL nfpG*l/é_ lgjf/)f P]g, 2064 (Anti Money Laundering Act, 2064) ljlgd]o clwsf/kq P]g, 2034 (Negotiable Instrument Act, 2034) sDkgL P]g, 2063 (Company Act, 2063) cfos/ P]g, 2058 / cfos/ lgodfjnL, 2059 ljB"tLo sf/f]jf/ P]g, 2063 ;"/lIft sf/f]jf/ P]g

1 of 3

-u_ n]vf tyf n]vfk/LIf)f (Account and Auditing) Concept of Accounting Analysis of Financial Statement Profit Analysis jfXo tyf cfGtl/s n]vfk/LIf)f k|)ffnL (External and Internal Audit System) cfGtl/s lgoGq)f k|)ffnL÷hf]lvd Joj:yfkg tyf ljZn]if)f -Internal Control System/Risk Management & Analysis) -6_ Nepal Financial Reporting Standards (NFRS) -7_ BASEL Core Principals and Capital Adequecy Framework -1_ -2_ -3_ -4_ -5_

-#_ laQLo laZn]if)f tyf d'Nof+sg (Financial Analysis and Evaluation) -1_ kl/of]hgf laZn]if)f tyf d'Nof°g (Project Analysis and Appraisal) -2_ Portfolio Management and Analysis -3_ ah]^sf l;$fGt, k|sf/, dxTj / Aojxfl/stf -Principles and types of Budgeting, its Importance and Practice.) -4_ Cost benefit analysis. -5_ k'¤hLsf] >f]t / pkof]u -Sources and uses of Fund _ -6_ Profitability and Liquidity Management, Assets and Liability Management, Lending Principles and its Management, Determination of Interest Rates. -7_ Business Environment Analysis : SWOT, PEST and ETOP etc.

-ñ_ cfly{s gLlt (Economic Policy) -1_ laQ gLlt - Fiscal Policy) -2_ df}lb|s gLlt -Monetary Policy) -3_ jfl)fHo gLlt -Commercial Policy) -4_ cf}Bf]lus gLlt -Industrial Policy) -5_ g]kfndf of]hgfa$ lasf; -Economic Planning on Nepal ) -6_ ljZjAofkLs/)f / g]kfnsf] cy{tGqdf o;sf] k|efj -Globalization & its Impact on Nepalese Economy & Challenges.)

–0– 2 of 3

tx 6 ;xfos k|aGws - k|zf;g ;]jf / k|zf;g ;d'x_ kbsf] v"nf k|ltof]lutfTds lnlvt k/LIffsf] kf&\oqmd låtLo kq M cy{, d"b|f, Aoj:yfkg, ;'rgf k|ljlw, /)fgLlts of]]hgf tyf ;d:ofsf] klxrfg / ;dfwfgM k')ff{° –100 Second Paper : Economy, Money, Management, IT, Strategic Planning, Problem Identification & Solution

-A_ Economy and Money : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

National Income Accounting , GDP Measurement and GDP Computation in Nepal and its Problem, Macro Economic Indicators (Economic Growth & Price, Public Finance, Money & Banaking, International Trade & Payment) International Trade and Investment. Development Economy : Structure and Characteristics of Developing Economy.. Foreign Exchange Management Policy, Practices and Regulation in Nepal. Money Supply : Defination, Factors affecting Money Supply, High Power Money and Money Multiplier. Inflation : Concept ,Causes , Measurement and Consequences Trade off between Inflation and Unemployment. Bank Risks Management Including BASEL II and Related NRB Directives. Trade Finance : Letter of Credit(L/C), Letter of Guarantee etc. WTO, Nepal's Accession, Opportuynity and Challenges Pravatization, Recent developments and challenges in Nepal International Organizations - I.M.F. World Bank, A.D.B., I.F.C. Regional Trading Arrangement like NAFTA, SAPTA, SAFTA, BIMSTEC.

Management :

-B_ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8 9. 10. 11. 12.

Principles of Management and its Functions. Management of Commercial Bank Decision Making Process, Importance and Factors Affecting Decision Making Process. Importance of Information and Communication System in Management. Good Governance, Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility. Concept, Meaning, Objective and Functions of HRM . Performance Appraisal and Reward System. Supervision, Monitoring and Control . Compensation, Labours Relations and Grievances. HRM System in Nepalese Organization. Recruitment, Selection and Socialization. Career Planning.

-C_ Knowledge on Computer / IT 1 Computer in general. 2 IT Policy and Development in Nepal. 3 NRB, IT Policy and IT Guidelines.

-D_ Preparation of Strategic Plan : Candiates will have to prepare a Short Strategic Plan related to Budgeting, Monitoring and and Evaluation, HR Development, Marketing .

-E_ Problem Identification and Solution : Candidates are required to analyze the problems and provide suggestions to solve the problem on different issues related to Economy, Monetary,Management and Banking Sector.

b|i^Ao (Note) : -1_ k/LIffsf] dfWod g]kfnL jf c+u|]hL efiffdf x"g]% . (1) The medium of presentation would be English or Nepali Language.

-2_ o; kf&\oqmddf h];"s} n]lvPsf] ePtf klg k|To]s laifodf k/]sf] P]g lgodx? k/LIffsf] ldlteGbf 3 -tLg_ dlxgf cufl* ;+zf]wg ePsf] / vf/]h ePsf] hltsf] xsdf ;+zf]wg jf vf/]h eO{ sfod /x]sf]nfO{ o; kf&\oqmddf k/]sf] ;Demg" kg]{% . (2) Unless otherwise stated above the Acts and Regulations prescribed will be as amended or repeated three months prior to the examination date.

-3_ lnlvt k/LIffsf] k|To]s kqdf Go'gtd 40 -k|ltzt_ c° k|fKt ug"{ kg]{% . (3) The minimum marks to be obtained in each paper will be at list 40% (Forty Percent).


3 of 3

/fli^«o afl)fHo a}+s lnld^]* tx 5 jl/i& ;xfos -k|zf;g ;]jf / k|zf;g ;d'x_ kbsf] v"nf k|ltof]lutfTds lnlvt k/LIffsf] kf&\oqmd kq





a}+lsé, n]vf tyf sDKo'^/ . cfO^L


3 #)^f

k/LIffsf] lsl;d laifout


Aoj:yfkg, ul)ft tyf ;]jf ;DaGwL


3 #)^f


pQ/ lbg" kg]{ k|Zg ;+Vof / c+s k|To]s ;d'xaf^ 1÷1 u/L hDdf 5 k|Zgx? ;f]lwg]%g\ / ;a} k|Zgsf] pQ/ clgjfo{ % . k|To]s ;d'xaf^ 1÷1 u/L hDdf 5 k|Zgx? ;f]lwg]%g\ / ;a} k|Zgsf] pQ/ clgjfo{ % .

;a} k|Zgsf] ;dfg /xg]% .


;a} k|Zgsf] ;dfg /xg]% .


kf&\oqmdsf] la:t[t ljj/)f M k|yd kq M a}+lsé, n]vf tyf sDKo'^/ . cfO^L ;d'x– s M a}lsé 1_ -2_ -3_ -4_ --5_ -6_ -7_

k')ff{° –100

a}+lsé cjwf/)ff / ljsf; g]kfndf a}lsé ljsf; / xfnsf] cj:yf Pj+ r"gf}tLx? -Banking Development in Nepal, Recent Status and challenges) txut a}lsé k|)ffnL -s,v,u,# juL{s/)f_ u|fxsd"vL a}lsé ;]jf u|fxs ;+/If)f l;$fGt -Client Protection Principle) u|fxs klxrfg (Know Your Customers / KYC) lgIf]ksf k|sf/ Pj+ ;+sng tyf kl/rfng

-8_ shf{ nufgL / o;sf l;$fGtx? -9_ shf{ juL{s/)f (Loan Classification) / Joj:yf (Provision) -10_ /]ld^fG; (Remittance) -11_ e"QmfgLsf ;fwgx? -Cheque, Draft, Letters of Credit, Debit/Credit card, Electronic Transfer,Branch Less Banking ( BLB), ABBS, ATM, Mobile Banking) -12_ z]o/, l*j]~r/ / C)fkq ;DaGwL cjwf/)ff (General Concept of Share, Debenture and Bonds) -13_ afl)fHo a}+ssf] sfd st{Ao / clwsf/ (Functions of Commercial Banks) -14_ g]kfnsf] cfly{s tyf a}+lsé lasf;df /fli^«o afl)fHo a}ssf] e'ldsf (Role of RBB in Economic and Banking Development of Nepal) -15_ g]kfn /fi^« a}+ssf] sfd st{Ao / clwsf/ (Functions of Nepl Rastra Bank)

-16_ International Organizations – I.M.F(International Monitery Fund). World Bank, A.D.B.(Asian Development Bank), I.F.C.(International Finance Corporation)

;d'x –v M a}s tyf ljQLo ;+:yf ;DalGwt P]g, lgod tyf lgodgx? -1_ -2_

g]kfn /fi^« a}+s P]g, 2058 -Nepal Rastra Bank Act, 2058) a}+s tyf laQLo ;+:yf ;DaGwL P]g, 2063 ( Bank and Financial Institution Act,2063)

-3_ -4_ -5_

a}lsé s;'/ tyf ;hfo P]g, 2064 (Banking Offence and Punishment Act,2064) ;DklQ z"$Ls/)f-dgL nfpG*l/é_ lgjf/)f P]g, 2064 (Anti Money Laundering Act, 2064) ljlgd]o clwsf/kq P]g, 2034 (Negotiable Instrument Act, 2034)

-6_ -7_

sDkgL P]g, 2063 (Company Act, 2063) cfos/ P]g, 2058 / cfos/ lgodfjnL, 2059

-8_ ljB"tLo sf/f]jf/ ;DjGwL P]g, 2063 -9_ ljb]zL ljlgdo -lgoldt ug]{_ P]g, 2019 -10_ ljb]zL nufgL tyf k|ljlw x:tfGt/)f P]g, 2049 -11_ ;"/lIft sf/f]jf/ P]g

1 of 3

;d'x –uM n]vf k|)ffnL (Accounting System_ -1_

bf]xf]/f] n]vf k|)ffnL (Double Entry System) / o;sf laz]iftfx?

-2_ -3_

gub vftf / ;fgf] gubL sf]if ljleGg k|sf/sf vftfx?sf] hfgsf/L

-4_ ;Gt"ng k/LIf)f -Trial Blance_ -5_ gfkmf–gf]S;fg lx;fj (Profit & Loss Account) -6_ jf;nft (Balance Sheet) -7_

n]vfk/LIf)f / o;sf] dxTj (Auditing and its Important)

;d'x– #= M a}+ssf] cfGtl/s n]vf k|)ffnL -1_ jfl)fHo a}+sx?sf] ljQLo ljj/)f Pj+ o;sf k|d"v tTjx? (Financial Statement of Commercial Banks & its core elements) -2_ lhG;L Joj:yfkg / o;sf] dxTj (Invontory Management and its importance) -3_ :yL/ ;Dklt Pj+ x|f;s§L (Fixed Assets and Depreciation) -4_ a}+s tyf ljQLo ;+:yfx?sf] k'¤hL Pj+ k'¤hLsf]if (Capital & Capital Fund of banks & Financial Institutions) -5_ a}+lsé sf/f]jf/df lgxLt hf]lvdx? -6_ g]kfn /fi^« a}+sn] hf/L u/]sf lgb]{zgx?

;d'x– ñ M

sDKo'^/ . cfO^L ;DaGwL !fg -Knowledge on Computer / IT_ -1_ Windows Word Processing System Excel Computer Operating System (DOS, Windows, LINUS,UNIX) Database Management System : Data, Information and Database, Types of Database, Data Security -6_ Internet, Intranet, Extranet, Internet Service and e-mail System . -7_ IT Policy and Development in Nepal -8 NRB, IT Policy and IT Guidelines -2_ -3_ -4_ -5_


2 of 3

tx 5, al/i& ;xfos -k|zf;g ;]jf / k|zf;g ;d'x_ kbsf] v"nf k|ltof]lutfTds lnlvt k/LIffsf] kf&\oqmd låtLo kq M Aoj:yfkg, ul)ft tyf ;]jf ;DaGwL

k')f{fé – 100

;d'x – s M Aoj:yfkg -1_ Aoj:yfkgsf l;$fGt tyf sfo{x? -2_ -3_ -4_ -5_

pTk|]/)ff (motivation) / åGb Aoj:yfkg (conflict Management) Joj:yfkgdf ;'rgf tyf ;+rf/ k|)ffnLsf] e'ldsf ;+:yfut ;"zf;g sd{rf/Lsf] sfo{ ;Dkfbg d'Nof°g

-6_ lg)f{o Ifdtfsf] dxTj / e'ldsf -7_ Joj:yfkgdf g]t[Tjsf] dxTj / e'ldsf -8_ ah]^sf] l;$Gt / dxTj

;d'x – v M sfof{no Joj:yfkg (Office Management) -1_ -2_ -3_ -4_ -5_ -6_ -7_

;d'x– u M

;d'x– # M

lr&L kq / kqfrf/ ( Letter Writing and Correspondent) l^Kk)fL (Tippani) /]s*{ Aoj:yfkg (Record Management) kmfOlné (Filing) cg"qmdl)fsf (Indexing) sfof{no ;+/rgf (Office Layout) sfof{nodf ;+rf/sf] dxTj - Importance of Communication in offices_

dfgj ;+zfwg Aoj:yfkg (Human Resource Management) -1_

dfgj ;+zfwg Aoj:yfkgsf p@]Zox? (Objectives of Human Resource Management)

-2_ -3_ -4_

sfo{ ljZn]if)f (Job Analysis) sd{rf/L tflnd / o;sf] dxTj g]t[Tj / sd{rf/L aLrsf] ;DaGw (Leadership & Employee relation)

-5_ -6_

Performance Appraisal and Reward System Recruitment, Selection and Socialization .

-7_ -8_

Total Quality Management and Quality circle . Career Planning .

ul)ft - Arithmetic_ -1_ -2_ -3_ -4_ -5_ -6_

;fwf/)f tyf rlqmo Aofh (Simple and Compound Interest) k|ltzt (Percentage) cg"kft / ;dfg"kft (Ratio & Proportion) P]lss lgod (Unitary Method) ;fwf/)f tyf efl/t cf};t (Simple and Weightage Average) gfkmf gf]S;fg (Profit & Loss)

;d'x– *= M ;]jf ;DaGwL -1_ ljk]|if)f sf/f]jf/ -2_ sf]if Joj:yfkg -3_ cGt/zfvf tyf cGt/ a}+s sf/f]jf/ -4_ sf]if tyf u}/ sf]ifdf cfwfl/t sf/f]jf/ -5_ Bank Risks Management Including BASEL II and Related NRB Directive. -6_ afl)fHo a}+ssf] sfd sf/jfxL ;DaGwL b|i^Jo M -1_ -2_

k/LIffsf] dfWod g]kfnL jf cu|]hL efiff x"g]% . o; kf&\oqmddf h];"s} n]lvPsf] ePtf klg k|To]s ljifodf k/]sf P]g lgodx? k/LIffsf] ldlt eGbf 3 -tLg_ dlxgf cuf*L ;+zf]wg ePsf] / vf/]h ePsf] hltsf] xsdf ;+zf]wg jf vf/]h eO{ sfod /x]sfnfO{ o; kf&\oqmddf k/]sf] ;Demg" kg]{% .


lnlvt k/LIffsf] k|To]s kqdf Go'gtd 40% -k|ltzt_ c° k|fKt ug"{ kg]{% .

3 of 3

/fli^«o afl)fHo a}+s lnld^]* tx 3, slgi& ;xfos -k|zf;g ;]jf / k|zf;g ;d'x_ kbsf] v"nf k|ltof]lutfTds lnlvt k/LIffsf] kf&\oqmd kq k|yd låtLo

ljifo a}+lsé, n]vf tyf sDKo'^/ . cfO^L Aoj:yfkg, ul)ft tyf ;]jf ;DaGwL

k')ff{° 100

;do 3 #)^f

k/LIffsf] lsl;d laifout


3 #)^f


pQ/ lbg" kg]{ k|Zg ;+Vof / c+s k|To]s ;d'xaf^ 1÷1 u/L hDdf 5 k|Zgx? ;a} k|Zgsf] c+s ;f]lwg]%g\ / ;a} k|Zgsf] pQ/ clgjfo{ % . ;dfg /xg]% . k|To]s ;d'xaf^ 1÷1 u/L hDdf 5 k|Zgx? ;a} k|Zgsf] c+s ;f]lwg]%g\ / ;a} k|Zgsf] pQ/ clgjfo{ % . ;dfg /xg]% .

kf&\oqmdsf] la:t[t ljj/)f M

k|yd kq M a}+lsé, n]vf tyf sDKo'^/ . cfO^L

k')ff{° –100

;d'x– s M a}lsé -1_

a}+lsé cjwf/)ff / ljsf;


g]kfndf a}lsé ljsf; / xfnsf] cj:yf Pj+ r"gf}tLx?

-3_ -4_ -5_ -6_ -7_

txut a}lsé k|)ffnL -s,v,u,# juL{s/)f_ u|fxsd"vL a}lsé ;]jf u|fxs ;+/If)f l;$fGt -Client Protection Principle) u|fxs klxrfg -Know Your Customers / KYC) shf{ nufgLsf l;$fGtx?

-8_ -9_

lgIf]ksf k|sf/ Pj+ ;+sng tyf kl/rfng e"QmfgLsf ;fwgx? -Cheque, Draft, Letters of Credit, Debit/Credit card, Electronic Transfer, BLB(Branchless Banking), ABBS, Mobile Banking) .

-10_ z]o/, l*j]~r/ / C)fkq (Shares, Debentures and Bonds) -11_ afl)fHo a}+ssf] sfd st{Ao / clwsf/ (Functions of Commercial Banks) -12_ g]kfnsf] a}+lsé lasf;df /fli^«o afl)fHo a}ssf] e'ldsf (Role of RBB in Banking Development of Nepal) -13_ g]kfn /fi^« a}+ssf] sfd st{Ao / clwsf/ (Functions of Nepl Rastra Bank)

;d'x – v=M a}s tyf ljQLo ;+:yf ;DalGwt P]g, lgod tyf lgodgx? -1_ g]kfn /fi^« a}+s P]g, 2058 -Nepal Rastra Bank Act, 2058) -2_ a}s + tyf laQLo ;+:yf ;DaGwL P]g, 2063 ( Bank and Financial Institution Act,2063) -3_ a}lsé s;'/ tyf ;hfo P]g, 2064 (Banking Offence and Punishment Act,2064) -4_ ;DklQ z"$Ls/)f-dgL nfpG*l/é_ lgjf/)f P]g, 2064 (Anti Money Laundering Act, 2064) -5_ ljlgd]o clwsf/ kq P]g, 2034 (Negotiable Instrument Act, 2034) -6_ sDkgL P]g, 2063 (Company Act, 2063) -7_ ;"/lIft sf/f]jf/ P]g

;d'x –u M

n]vf k|)ffnL (Accounting System_

-1_ -2_

bf]xf]/f] n]vf k|)ffnL (Double Entry System) *]a"s (Day Book)

-3_ -4_ -5_

;Gt"ng k/LIf)f -Trial Blance_ gfkmf–gf]S;fg lx;fj (Profit & Loss Account) jf;nft (Balance Sheet)


cfGtl/s tyf afx\Ø n]vfk/LIf)f (Internal & External Auditing)

1 of 3

;d'x # M cfGtl/s n]vf k|)ffnL -1_ jfl)fHo a}+sx?sf] ljQLo ljj/)f Pj+ o;sf k|d"v tTjx? (Balance Sheet of Commercial Banks & its core elements) -2_ n]vfk/LIf)f / o;sf] dxTj ( Auditing and Its Importance) -3_ lhG;L Joj:yfkg / o;sf] dxTj (Inventory Management and Its Important) -4_ l:y/ ;DktL Pj+ x|f;s§L (Fixed assets and Depreciation )

;d'x– ñ M sDKo'^/ . cfO^L ;DaGwL !fg -Knowledge on Computer / IT_ -1_ Windows -2_ Word Processing System -3_ Excel -4_ Computer Operating System (DOS, Windows, LINUS,UNIX) -5_ Database Management System : Data, Information and Database, Types of Database, Data Security. -6_ IT Policy and Development in Nepal -7_ NRB, IT Policy and IT Guidelines


2 of 3

tx 3, slgi& ;xfos -k|zf;g ;]jf / k|zf;g ;d'x_ kbsf] v"nf k|ltof]lutfTds lnlvt k/LIffsf] kf&\oqmd låtLo kq M Aoj:yfkg, ul)ft tyf ;]jf ;DaGwL k')ff{° –100 Aoj:yfkg ( Management)

;d'x – s M -1_ -2_

Aoj:yfkgsf l;$fGtx? (Principles of Management) pTk|]/)ff (motivation)

-3_ -4_

lg)f{o k|lqmof (Decision Making) g]t[Tj (Leadership)


åGb Aoj:yfkg (conflict Management)

;d'x – v M sfof{no Joj:yfkg (Office Management) lr&L kq / kqfrf/ ( Letter Writing and Correspondent) l^Kk)fL (Tippani) -3_ /]s*{ Aoj:yfkg (Record Management) -4_ kmfOlné (Filing) -5_ cg"qmdl)fsf (Indexing) -6_ sfof{no ;+/rgf (Office Layout) -7_ sfof{nodf ;+rf/sf] dxTj - Importance of Communication in offices_ -1_ -2_

dfgj ;+zfwg Aoj:yfkg (Human Resource Management)

;d'x– u M -1_

dfgj ;+zfwg Aoj:yfkgsf p@]Zox? (Objectives of Human Resource Management)

-2_ -3_ -4_

sfo{ ljZn]if)f (Job Analysis) egf{ / %gf}^ -Recuitment and Selection) tflnd (Training)

-5_ -6_

sfo{;Dkfbg d'Nof+sg (Performance Evaluation) g]t[Tj / sd{rf/L aLrsf] ;DaGw (Leadership & Employee relation)

;d'x– #= M ul)ft -Simple Arithmetic_ -1_ -2_ -3_ -4_ -5_ -6_

;fwf/)f Aofh (Simple Interest) k|ltzt (Percentage) cg"kft / ;dfg"kft (Ratio & Proportion) P]lss lgod (Unitary Method) cf};t (Average) gfkmf gf]S;fg (Profit & Loss)

;d'x – ñ M ;]jf ;daGwL

b|i^Ao M -1_ -2_ -3_


lak|]if)f sf/f]jf/

-2_ -3_

sf]if Joj:yfkg cGt/zfvf tyf cGt/ a}+s sf/f]jf/

-4_ -5_ -6_

sf]if tyf u}/ sf]ifdf cfwfl/t sf/f]jf/ a}lsé sf/f]jf/df lglxt hf]lvdx? afl)fHo a}+ssf] sfd sf/jfxL ;DaGwL

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