Raymond Murphy, William R. Smalzer - Grammar in Use Intermediate With Answers 3rd Edition - 2009 (1)

July 14, 2017 | Author: desaes | Category: Preposition And Postposition, Verb, Rules, Semantics, Semiotics
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Raymond Murphy, William R. Smalzer - Grammar in Use Intermediate With Answers 3rd Edition - 2009 (1)...


C am bridge

mmar Intermediate

Self-study reference and practice for students of North American English


Raymond Murphy with William R. Smalzer

with answers

Grammar Intermediate

Self-study reference and practice for students of North American English


with answers

Raymond Murphy with William R. Smalzer C

a m b r id g e



Cam bridge, N ew York, M elbourne, M adrid, C ape T ow n, Singapore, Sao Paulo, D elhi C am bridge U niversity Press 32 Avenue o f the A m ericas, N ew York, N Y 10013-2473, USA

www.cambridge.org Information on this title: www.cambridge.org/9780521734769 ' Cambridge University Press 2009

F irst pnbbshed 1989 T h ird E dition 2909

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Student’s B ook w ith answers and Student’s B ook w ith answers S tudent’s Book w ith C D -R O M W orkbook w ith answers W orkbook

C D -R O M

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Contents To the Student To the Teacher

vii ix

Present and Past 1 Present C ontinuous (I a m d o in g ) 2 Simple Present (I do) 3 Present C ontinuous and Simple Present 1 (I a m d o in g and I do) 4 Present C ontinuous and Simple Present 2 (I a m d o in g and I do) 5 Simple Past (I did) 6 Past C ontinuous (I w as d o in g ) Present Perfect and Past 7 Present Perfect (I h av e done) 8 Present Perfect and Past 1 (I h av e d o n e and I did) 9 Present Perfect and Past 2 (I h av e d o n e and I did) 10 Present Perfect C ontinuous (I have b e e n d o in g ) 11 Present Perfect C ontinuous and Simple (I h av e b e e n d o in g and I h ave do n e) 12 H o w lo n g have y o u (been) . . . ? 13 F o r and sin ce W h e n . . . ? and H o w lo n g . . , ? 14 Past Perfect (I h a d done) 15 Past Perfect C ontinuous (I h a d b e e n d o in g ) 16 H av e and have g o t 17 U sed to (do) Future , 18 Present Tenses (I a m d o in g / I do) w ith a Future M eaning 19 (I’m ) g o in g to (do) 20 W ill 1 21 W ill 2 22 I w ill and I ’m g o in g to 23 W ill b e d o in g and w ill have d o n e 24 W h e n I d o / W h e n I ’ve d o n e W h e n and i f M odals 25 C an, c o u ld , and (be) a b le to 26 C o u ld (do) and c o u ld have (done) 27 M u st (You m u s t b e tire d , etc.) 28 M ay and m ig h t 1 29 M ay and m ig h t 2 30 H av e to and m u s t 31 S h o u ld 32 Subjunctive (I su g g est y o u do) 33 H a d b e tte r I t ’s tim e . . . 34 W o u ld 35 C a n /C o u ld /W o u ld y o u . . . ?, etc. (Requests, Offers, Permission, and Invitations)

If you are not sure which units you need to study, use the STUDY GUIDE on page 319.


If and W ish 36 I f I d o . . . and I f I d id . . . 37 I f I k n e w . . . I w ish I k n e w . . . 38 I f I h a d k n o w n . . . I w ish I h a d k n o w n . . . 39 W ish Passive 40 Passive 1 (is d o n e / w as done) 41 Passive 2 (be d o n e / b e e n d o n e / b e in g done) 42 Passive 3 43 It is said t h a t . . . H e is said to . . . H e is su p p o se d to . . . 44 H a v e /g e t s o m e th in g d o n e Reported Speech 45 R eported Speech 1 (H e said t h a t . . .) 46 R eported Speech 2 Q uestio ns and A u x ilia ry Verbs 47 Questions 1 48 Q uestions 2 (D o y o u k n o w w h e re . . . ? / H e asked m e w h e re . . .) 49 Auxiliary Verbs h a v e /d o /c a n . etc.) I th in k so / I h o p e so, etc. 50 Tag Questions (do you? / is n ’t it?, etc.) -ing and the In fin itive 51 Verb + -in g (enjoy d o in g / sto p d o in g , etc.) 52 Verb + to . . . (d e cid e to . . . / fo rg e t to . . . , etc.) 53 Verb (+ Object) + to . . . (I w a n t y o u to . . . , etc.) 54 Verb + -in g or to . . . 1 (re m e m b e r/re g re t, etc.) 55 Verb + -in g or to . . . 2 (try /n e e d /h e lp ) 56 Verb + -in g or to . . . 3 (like / w o u ld like, etc.) 57 P re fe r and w o u ld r a th e r 58 Preposition ( in /f o r /a b o u t, etc.) + -in g 59 B e /g e t u sed to som ething (I’m u sed to . . .) 60 Verb + Preposition + -in g (succeed in -in g / accuse somebody o f -ing, etc.) 61 Expressions + -in g 62 To . . . , fo r . . . , and so t h a t . . . (Purpose) 63 Adjective + to . . . 64 To . . . (afraid to do) and Preposition + -in g (afraid o f -ing) 65 See s o m e b o d y d o and see so m e b o d y d o in g 66 -in g Phrases (F eelin g tire d , I w ent to bed early.) A rticle s and Nouns 67 C ountable and U ncountable 1 68 C ountable and U ncountable 2 69 C ountable N ouns w ith a /a n and so m e 70 A /a n and th e 71 T h e 1 72 T h e 2 (sch o o l / th e school, etc.) 73 T h e 3 (c h ild re n / th e ch ild re n ) 74 T h e 4 (th e g ira ffe / th e te le p h o n e / th e p ia n o , etc., th e + Adjective) “ 5 Names w ith and w ithout th e 1


• you are not sure which units you need to study, use the STU D Y G U ID E on page 319.

76 77 78 79

Nam es w ith and w ithout th e 2 Singular and Plural N oun + N oun (a te n n is b a ll / a h ea d ach e , etc.) -’s (y o u r s is te r’s name) and o f . . . (the nam e o f th e b o o k )

Pronouns and D eterm iners 80 M y s e lf/y o u rs e lf/th e m se lv e s, etc. 81 A friend o f m in e M y o w n house B y m y s e lf 82 T h e re . . . and I t . . . 83 S o m e and any 84 N o /n o n e /a n y N o th in g /n o b o d y , etc. 85 M u ch , m an y , little , few, a lo t, p le n ty 86 A ll / all o f m o s t / m o s t o f n o / n o n e of, etc. 87 B o th / b o th o f n e ith e r / n e ith e r o f e ith e r / e ith e r o f 88 A ll, every, and w h o le 89 E ac h and ev ery R elative C lau ses 90 Relative Clauses 1: Clauses w ith w h o /th a t/w h ic h 91 Relative Clauses 2: Clauses w ith and w ithout w h o /th a t/w h ic h 92 Relative Clauses 3: w h o s e /w h o m /w h e re 93 Relative Clauses 4: Extra Inform ation Clauses (l) 94 Relative Clauses 5: Extra Inform ation Clauses (2) 95 -in g and -e d Phrases (the w om an ta lk in g to T om , the boy in ju re d in th e ac cid en t) A d je ctiv e s and A dverbs 96 Adjectives Ending in -in g and -e d (b o r in g /b o re d , etc.) 97 Adjectives: a n ic e n ew house, you look tire d 98 Adjectives and Adverbs 1 (q u ic k /q u ic k ly ) 99 Adjectives and Adverbs 2 (w e ll/fa s t/la te , h a r d /h a rd ly ) 100 So and su ch 101 E n o u g h and to o 102 103 104 105

Com parison Com parison Com parison Superlatives

1 (ch eap er, m o re expensive, etc.) 2 (m u c h b e tte r / an y b e tte r / b e tte r a n d b e tte r / th e so o n e r th e b e tte r) 3 (as . . . as / th an ) (th e lo n g e s t / th e m o s t enjo y ab le, etc.)

106 W ord O rder 1: Verb + Object; Place and Tim e 107 W ord O rder 2: Adverbs w ith the Verb 108 S till, yet, and alre a d y 109 E v en

A n y m o re / a n y lo n g e r / n o lo n g e r

C o n ju n ctio n s and P rep ositions 110 A lth o u g h / th o u g h / even th o u g h / in sp ite o f / d e sp ite 111 In case 112 U nless As lo n g as P ro v id e d /p ro v id in g 113 As (= at the same time) and as (= because) 114 L ik e and as 115 L ik e / as i f / as th o u g h 116 F o r, d u rin g , and w h ile 117 B y and u n til B y th e tim e . . .

If you are not sure which units you need to study, use the STUDY GUIDE on page 319.

P rep o sitions 118 A t / o n / i n (Time) 119 O n tim e and in tim e A t th e e n d and in th e e n d 120 I n / a t / o n (Position) 1 121 I n / a t / o n (Position) 2 122 I n / a t / o n (Position) 3 123 T o /a t/in in to 124 I n / a t / o n (O ther Uses; 125 By 126 N oun + Preposition (reaso n for. cause of( etc.) 127 Adjective - Preposition 1 128 Adjective —Preposition 2 129 Verb - Preposition 1 to and at 130 Verb - Preposition 2 a b o u t / f o r / o f /a f t e r 131 Ver! - Preposition 3 a b o u t and o f 132 Verl - Preposition 4 o f / f o r / f r o m / o n 133 V - Preposition 5 i n / i n t o / w i t h / t o / o n Phrasal Verbs 13- Phr_s,»l Verbs 135 Phrasal Verbs 136 Phrasal Verbs Phrasal Verbs 138 Phrasal Verbs 139 Phrasal Verbs 140 Phrasal Verbs 141 Phrasal Verbs 142 Phrasal Verbs Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Introduction in /o u t out o n / o f f ( l) o n /o f f ( 2 ) u p /d o w n u p (l) u p (2) a w a y /b a c k

% Regular and Irregular Verbs 286 Present and Past Tenses 288 T he Future 289 Modal Verbs (c a n /c o u ld /w ill/w o u ld , etc.. 290 Short Forms ( T m /y o u ’v e /d id n ’t, etc.) 291 Spelling 292 British English 294

Additional Exercises Study Guide



Answer Key to Exercises 328 Answer Key to Additional Exercises Answer Key to Study Guide 362 Index



eh u nits you need to study, use the STUDY GUIDE on page 319.

To the Student This book is for students who w ant help w ith English grammar. It is w ritten for you to use w ithout a teacher. T he book will be useful for you if you are not sure o f the answers to questions like these: ■ W hat is the difference betw een I did and I have done? ■ W hen do we use will for the future? ■ W hat is the structure after I wish? ■ W hen do we say used to do and w hen do we say used to doing? ■ W h en do we use the? ■ W hat is the difference betw een like and as? These and many other points o f English gram m ar are explained in the book, and there are exercises on each point. Level ____________________________________________________________________________ T he book is intended mainly for intermediate students (students who have already studied the basic gram m ar o f English). It concentrates on those structures that interm ediate students w ant to use, but that often cause difficulty. Some advanced students w ho have problem s w ith gram m ar will also find the book useful. The book is not suitable for beginning learners. H o w th e B o o k Is O rg a n ized ______________________________________________________ There are 142 units in the book. Each unit concentrates on a particular point of grammar. Some problem s (for example, the present perfect or the use o f the) are covered in m ore than one unit. For a list o f units, see the Contents at the beginning of the book. Each unit consists o f two facing pages. O n the left there are explanations and examples; on the right there are exercises. At the back o f the book there is an Answer Key for you to check your answers to the exercises (page 328). There are also seven Appendices at the back o f the book (pages 286-295). These include irregular verbs, summaries o f verb forms, spelling, and British English. Finally, there is a detailed Index at the back o f the book (pages 363-369). H o w to U se th e B o o k ____________________________________________________________ The units are not in order o f difficulty, so it is not intended that you w ork through the book from beginning to end. Every learner has different problem s, and you should use this book to help you w ith the gram m ar that you find difficult. It is suggested that you w ork in this way: ■ Use the Contents and/or Index to find w hich unit deals w ith the point you are interested in. ■ If you are not sure which units you need to study, use the Study Guide on page 319. ■ Study the explanations and examples on the left-hand page o f the unit you have chosen. ■ Do the exercises on the right-hand page. ■ C heck your answers w ith the Answer Key. ■ If your answers are not correct, study the left-hand page again to seewhat w ent wrong.

You can, o f course, use the book simply as a reference book w ithout doing the exercises. A d d itio n a l E x e rc is e s __________________________________________________________ At the back o f the book there are Additional Exercises (pages 296-318). These exercises bring together some o f the gram m ar points from a num ber o f different units. For example, Exercise 16 brings c ther gram m ar points from Units 25-34. You can use these exercises for extra practice lite r you have studied and practiced the gram m ar in the units concerned. C D -R O M ___________________________________________________________________ The book is sold w ith -Yhcut a C D -R O M . O n the C D -R O M , you will find more exercises c:. all the units. T here are also m ore than 500 test questions that you can use to m ake vour own tests, as well as three interactive games.

To the Teacher Grammar in Use Intermediate was w ritten as a self-study gram m ar book, but teachers may also find it useful as additional course m aterial in cases w here further w ork on gram m ar is necessary. T he book will probably be m ost useful at m iddle- and upper-interm ediate levels (where all or nearly all o f the material will be relevant), and can serve both as a basis for revision and as a means for practicing new structures. It will also be useful for some m ore advanced students who have problem s w ith gram m ar and need a book for reference and practice. The book is not intended to be used by beginning learners. The units are organized in grammatical categories (Present and Past, Articles and Nouns, Prepositions, etc.). They are not ordered according to level o f difficulty, so the book should not be w orked through from beginning to end. It should be used selectively and flexibly in accordance w ith the gram m ar syllabus being used and the difficulties students are having. The book can be used for im m ediate consolidation or for later revision or remedial work. It m ight be used by the w hole class or by individual students needing extra help. T he left-hand pages (explanations and examples) are w ritten for the student to use individually, but they may o f course be used by the teacher as a source o f ideas and inform ation on Vhich to base a lesson. The student then has the left-hand page as a record o f w hat has been taught and can refer to it in the future. The exercises can be done individually, in class or as hom ew ork. Alternatively (and additionally), individual students can be directed to study certain units o f the book by themselves if they have particular difficulties not shared by other students in their class. D on’t forget the Additional Exercises at the back o f the book (see To th e S tu d e n t). The forms presented in Grammar in Use are those that are m ost used and generally accepted in standard spoken N o rth Am erican English. Some native speakers may regard some o f the usages as “incorrect,” for example, the use o f who as an object pronoun, or the use o f they to m ean “he or she.” In this book, such usages are treated as standard. The book is sold w ith or w ithout a C D -R O M . The C D -R O M contains further exercises on all the units in the book, a bank o f m ore than 500 test questions from which users can select to compile their own tests, and three interactive games. A n ed itio n o f Grammar in Use Intermediate w ith o u t the Answer Key is also available. Some teachers m ay p refer this for use w ith th e ir students.

Grammar in Use Intermediate Third Edition This is a new edition o f Grammar in Use Intermediate. The differences betw een this edition and the second edition are: ■ There are eight new units on phrasal verbs (Units 134-142). There is also a new unit on Wish (U nit 39). U nits 4 0 -7 9 and 81-134 all have different num bers from the second edition. ■ Some o f the material has been revised or reorganized, and in m ost units there are m inor changes in the examples, explanations, and exercises. ■ T he Additional Exercises have been extended. T he new exercises are 14-16, 25 30-31, and 37-41. ■ The book has been redesigned w ith new color illustrations. ■ T here is a new C D -R O M w ith further exercises to accompany the book.

Grammar in


Present Continuous (I am doing) Study this example situation: Sarah is in her car. She is on her way to work. She is d riv in g to work. This means: she is driving now, at the time of speaking. The action is not finished. A m /is /a re + -in g is the present continuous: I h e /s h e /it w e/y o u /th ey

am is are

(= I’m ) (= he’s, etc.) (= w e’re, etc.)

driving w o rk in g doing, etc.

I am d o in g >omething = I'm in the m iddle o f doing it; I’ve started doing it and I haven’t finished yet: ■ Pie ::>e. P m try in g to work, (not I try) ■ ~W; . H e’s ta k in g a shower.” (not He takes a shower) ■ Let’s go ou t now. It is n ’t ra in in g any more. (not It doesn’t rain) ■ (at a party) Hello. Jane. A re you e n jo y in g the party? (nor Do you enjoy) ■ W hat’s all that noise? W hat’s g o in g on? (= W hat’s happening?) T he action is not necessarily happening at the tim e o f speaking. For example: Steve is talking to a friend on the phone. H e says: I'm reading a really good book at the moment. It's about a man who . . . .

Steve is not reading the book at the tim e o f speaking. He means that he has started it but has not finished it yet. He is in the m iddle of reading it. Some m ore examples: ■ Kate wants to work in Italy, so she’s s tu d y in g Italian, (but perhaps she isn’t studying Italian at the tim e o f speaking) ■ Some friends of m ine are b u ild in g their own house. They hope to finish it next summer. You can use the present continuous w ith to d a y / th is w e ek / th is year, etc. (periods around now ): ■ A: You’re w o rk in g hard today. (not You w ork hard today) B: Yes, I have a lot to do. ■ The company I w ork for is n ’t d o in g so well th is year. W e use the present continuous w hen we talk about changes happening around now, especially w ith these verbs: g et fall

ch a n g e g ro w

becom e im p ro v e

in cre ase b e g in

rise s ta rt

■ Is your English g e ttin g better? (not Does your English get better) ■ The population of the world is in c re a s in g very fast. (not increases) ■ At first I didn’t like my job, but I’m b e g in n in g to enjoy it now. (not I begin) Present Continuous and Simple Present Units 3-4

Present Tenses w ith a Future M eaning Unit 18


Exercises 1.1 Complete the sentences with the fQllowing verbs in the correct form: get 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 12









“You r e w o rking hard today.” “Yes, I have a lot to do.” I for Christine. Do you know w here she is? It dark.Should I turn on the light? They don’t have anywhere to live at the m om ent. T h e y ________________________ with friends until they find a place. Things are not so good at work. The co m p an y ________________________ money. Do you have an umbrella? I t ________________________ to rain. Y o u ____________ ;__________ a lot o f noise. Can you be quieter? I ________________________ to concentrate. W hy are all these people here? W h a t_______________________ ?

Put the verb into the correct form. Sometimes you need the negative (I'm n ot doing, etc.). 1. Please don’t make so m uch noise. I rn try in g (try) to work. 2. Let’s go out now. It isn 't raining (rain)any more. 3. You can tu rn off the radio. I _____________ (listen) to it. 4. Kate called me last night. She’s on vacation in Quebec. S h e _______________________ (have) a great tim e and doesn’t w ant to come home. 5. I w ant to lose weight, so this week I (eat) lunch. 6. Andrew has ju st started evening classes. H e ______________________ (study) Germ an. 7. Paul and Sally had an argum ent. T h e y ______________________ (speak) to each other. 8. I ___________________ ‘ (get) tired. I need a break. 9. T im _______________________ (work) this week. He has a week off.

1 3 Complete the conversations. 1.

A: I saw Brian a few days ago. B: O h, did you? W hat's h e doing these days? (what / he / do) A: H e’s in college now. B: ______________________________ ? (what / he / study) A: Psychology. B: ______________________________ it? (he / enjoy) A: Yes, he says______________________________ a lot. (he / learn)

2. A: Hi, Liz. H o w ? (your new jo b / go) B: N o t bad. It wasn’t so good at first, b u t ______________________________ better now. (it / get) A: W hat about Jonathan? Is he OK? B: Yes, b u t _______________________________his w ork at the m om ent, (he / not / enjoy) H e’s been in the same job for a long time, a n d ______________________________ to get bored w ith it. (he / begin) *l

Complete the sentences using the following verbs: begin 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

The The The The The isn’t




rise \

population o f the w orld /s increasing very fast. w o rld . Things never stay the same. situation is already bad and i t _________________________ worse. cost o f liv in g _________________________ . Every year things are m ore expensive. w e a th e r_________________________ to improve. The rain has stopped, and the wind as strong.


Simple Present (I do) Study this example situation: Alex is a bus driver, but now he is in bed asleep. He is not driving a bus. (He is asleep.) but He d rives a bus. (He is a bus driver.) D riv e (s )/w o rk (s )/d o (e s ), etc., is the simple present: I/w e /y o u /th e y h e /s h e /it

d r iv e /w o r k /d o , etc. d riv e s /w o rk s /d o e s , etc.

We use the simple present to talk about things in general. We use it to say that som ething happens all the time or repeatedly, or that som ething is true in general: ■ Nurses ta k e care of patients in hospitals. ■ I usually leave for w ork at 8 a.m. ■ The earth goes around the sun. ■ The coffee shop o p en s at 7:30 in the m orning. Rem em ber: I w o rk . . .


He w o rk s . . .

They teac h . . .


My sister teach es . . .

For spelling (-s or -es), see Appendix 6. We use d o / d o es to make questions and negative sentences: do d o es ■ ■ ■ ■

I/w e /y o u /th e y h e /s h e /it

w o rk ? drive? do?

I/w e /y o u /th e y h e /s h e /it

d o n ’t d o e s n ’t

w o rk d riv e do

I come from Japan. W here d o you c o m e from? I d o n ’t go to church very often. W hat does this word m ean ? (not W hat means this word?) Rice d o e s n ’t g ro w in cold climates.

In the following examples, d o is also the m ain verb (do you d o / doesn’t do, etc.): ■ “W hat d o you do?” “I w ork in a departm ent store.” ■ H e’s always so lazy. H e d o e s n ’t d o anything to help. We use the simple present to say how often we do things: ■ I g et up at 8:00 ev ery m o rn in g . ■ H o w o fte n do you go to the dentist? ■ Julie d o e s n ’t d r in k tea v ery o ften . ■ R obert usually plays tennis tw o o r th re e tim e s a w eek in the summer. I p ro m is e / I a p o lo g iz e , etc. Sometimes we do things by saying them . For example, w hen you prom ise to do something, you can say “I prom ise . . . w hen you suggest som ething, you can say, “I su g g est. . .”: ■ I p ro m is e I w on’t be late. (not I’m promising) ■ “W hat do you su g g est I do?” “I su g g est that you spend less money.” In the same way, we say: I advise . . . / 1 in sist . . . / 1 re fu se . . . / I su p p o se . . . , etc.

Simple Present and Present Continuous Units 3-4

Present Tenses w ith a Future M eaning Unit 18




2.1 Complete the sentences using the following verbs: cause(s) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

d rin k (s )

c o n n e ct(s)


o p en (s)



Tanva sp eo k s Germ an very well. I don’t m uch coffee. The swim m ing pool at 7:30 every m orning. Bad driving many accidents. in a verv small apartm ent. My parents The O lym pic Games place every four years. The Panama Canal the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

2.2 Put the verb into the correct form. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Julie do esn 't drink (not / drink) tea very often. W hat tim e ______________________________ (the banks / close) here? I have a TV, but I _________________________ (not / watch) it much. “W h e re ______________________________ (Ricardo / come) from ?” “H e’s C uban.” “W h a t (you / do)?” “I’m an electrician.” I t ____________________ *________ (take) me an hour to get to work. H ow long ______________________________ (it / take) you? 7. Look at this sentence. W h a t (this w ord / mean)? 8. David isn’t in very good shape. H e (not / exercise).

2.3 Use the following verbs to complete the sentences. Sometimes you need the negative: believe 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 2.4





The earth goes around the sun. Rice d o e s n t g ro iv in.Canada. The s u n __________________ in the east. B e e s __________________ honey. V egetarians____________ ! meat. An ath e ist__________________in God.





7. An in te rp re te r__________________ from one language into another. 8. Liars are people who the truth. 9. The Am azon R iv e r________________ into the Atlantic Ocean.

You ask Liz questions about herself and her family. Write the questions. 1. You know that Liz plays tennis. You w ant to know how often. Ask her. H ow often do y o u p la y ten n is 2. Perhaps Liz’s sister plays tennis, too. You w ant to know. Ask Liz. . your siste r. 3. You know that Liz reads a new spaper every day. You w ant to know which one. Ask her. 7

4. You know that Liz’s brother works. You w ant to know what he does. Ask Liz. 5. You know that Liz goes to the movies a lot. You w ant to know how often. Ask her. 6. You don’t know w here Liz’s grandparents live. You w ant to know. Ask Liz.

2,5 Complete using the following: I a p o lo g iz e 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

I in sist

I p ro m is e

I re c o m m e n d

I suggest

It’s a nice day. / su g g e st we go for a walk. I w on’t tell anybody w hat you said ._______________________________. I w on’t let you pay for the m e a l. that you let me pay. ______________________________ for w hat I did. It w on’t happen again. The new restaurant dow ntow n is very g o o d .______________________________ it highly.


Present Continuous and Simple Present 1 (I am doing and I do)_______________________ C om pare: Present continuous (I am d o in g

Simple present (I do)

W e use the continuous for things happening at or around the tim e of speaking. The action is not complete.

We use the simple for things in general or things that happen repeatedly.

I am d o in g past




I do now


» W ater b o ils at 100 degrees Celsius. ■ Excuse me, d o you sp ea k English?

■ T he w ater is b o ilin g . C an you tu rn it off? ■ Listen to those people. W hat language are they speaking? I Let's go out. It is n ’t ra in in g now. ■ "I'm busy.” “W hat are you d o in g ? ” ■ I’m g e ttin g hungry. Let’s eat. ■ Kate wants to w ork in Italy, so she’s le a rn in g Italian. ■ The population o f the world is in c re a sin g very fast.

■ ■ ■ ■

It d o e s n ’t ra in very m uch in summer. W hat d o you usually d o after work? I always g e t hungry in the afternoon. M ost people le a r n to swim w hen they are children. ■ Every day the population o f the world in cre ases by about 200,000 people.

W e use the present continuous for temporary situations: ■ I’m liv in g w ith some friends until I find a place o f my own. ■ A: You’re w o rk in g hard today. B: Yes, I have a lot to do.

We use the simple present for permanent situations: ■ My parents live in Vancouver. They have lived there all their lives. ■ John isn’t lazy. H e w o rk s hard m ost of the time.

See U nit 1 for m ore inform ation.

See U nit 2 for m ore inform ation.

I alw ays d o and I ’m alw ays d o in g I alw ays d o (something) = I do it even,- time: ■ I alw ays d riv e to work. (not I’m always driving) “I ’m alw ays d o in g som ething” has a different m eaning. For example: again. |'m a lw a y s losing things.

I ’m alw ays lo sin g things = I lose things very often, perhaps too often, or m ore often than normal.

'r e examples: C

\ : r ’re alw ays w a tc h in g television. You should do som ething m ore active.

= watch too m uch television) T — • never satisfied. H e’s alw ays c o m p la in in g . (= H e complains too much)


r esen t 2 Unit 4

Present Tenses w ith a Future M eaning Unit 18



Are the underlined verbs right or wrong? Correct them where necessary. x . W ater boils at 212 degrees Fahrenheit. OY______ 2. The w ater boils. Can you turn it off? /s boiling 3. Look! T hat m an tries to open the door o f your car.________ ___________ 4. Can you hear those people? W hat do they talk about?_________________ 5 The m oon goes around the earth in about 27 days.____________________ 6 . 1 have to go now. It gets late.________________________________________ 7 .1 usually drive to work._____________________________________________ 8. "H urry up! It’s tim e to leave.” “O K, I com e.”___________ ___________ 9 . 1 hear you’ve got a new job. How does it go?______________ ___________ 10. Paul is never late. He^s always getting to work on time. ___________ 11. They don’t get along well. They’re always arguing.____________________

2 Put the verb into the correct form, present continuous or simple present. 1. Let’sgo out. It i s n f raining (not / rain) now. 2. Julia is very good at languages. She sp ea k s (speak) four languages very well. 3. H urry up! E verybody_____________________ (wait) for you. 4. “____________________ (you / listen) to the radio?” “No, you can turn it off.” 5. “____________________ (you / listen) to the radio every day?” “No, ju st occasionally.” 6. The River N ile _____________________ (flow) into the M editerranean. 7. The riv e r_____________________ (flow) very fast today - m uch faster than usual. 8. W e usu ally ____________________ (grow) vegetables in our garden, but this year we _____________________ (not / grow) any. 9. A: H ow ’s your English? B: N o t bad. I think i t _____________________ (improve) slowly. 10. Rachel is in N ew York right now. S h e ______________________ (stay) at the Park Hotel. She alw ays_____________________ (stay) there w hen she’s in N ew York. 11. Can we stop walking soon? I ______________________ (start) to feel tired. 12. A: Can you drive? B: I (learn). My fa th e r_____________ : (teach) me. 13. N orm ally I ____________________ (finish) w ork at five, but this week I _____________________ (work) until six to earn a little m ore .money. 14. My p a re n ts____________________ (live) in Taipei. They were born there and have never lived anywhere else. W h e re _____________________ (your parents / live)? 15. S o n ia_____________________ (look) for a place to live. S h e _____________________ (stay) w ith her sister until she finds a place. 16. A: W h a t_____________________ (your brother / do)? B: H e’s an architect, but h e _____________________ (not / work) right now. 17. (at a party) I u su ally (enjoy) parties, bu t_I _____________________ (not / enjoy) this one very much. 3 3 Finish B's sentences. Use always -ing. 1. A: B: 2. A: B: 3. A: B: 4. A: B:

I’ve lost my keys again. N o t again! You're a lw a y s losing y o u r ke y s______________________________________. The car has broken down again. T hat car is useless. I t ___________________________________________________ • Look! You made the same mistake again. O h no, not again! I ____________________


Present Continuous and Simple Present 2 (I am doing and I do) W e use continuous forms for actions and happenings that have started but not finished (they are e a tin g / it is ra in in g , etc.). Some verbs (for example, k n o w and like) are not norm ally used in this way. W e do not say “I am know ing” or “they are liking”; we say I k n o w , they like. The following verbs are not norm ally used in the present continuous: lik e

lo se

h a te

w ant

n eed

p re fe r


re a liz e

su p p o se

m ean

u n d e rs ta n d

b eliev e

b e lo n g


c o n ta in

co n sist


re m e m b e r

■ I'm hungry. I w a n t som ething to eat. (not I’m wanting) D o vou u n d e rs ta n d w hat I m ean ? ■ Ann d o e s n ’t seem very happy. T h in k ^ l i e r th in k means “believe” or “have an opinion,” we do not use the continuous: ■ I th in k Mary is Canadian, but I’m not sure. (not I’m thinking) ■ W hat d o y o u T h in k about my plan? (= W hat is your opinion?) W hen th in k means “consider,” the continuous is possible: I’m th in k in g about w hat happened. I often th in k about it. ■ Nicky is th in k in g o f quitting her job. (= she is considering it) H e is selfish and H e is b e in g selfish H e ’s b e in g = H e’s behaving / H e’s acting. Com pare: ■ I can’t understand why h e ’s b e in g so selfish. H e isn’t usually like that. (b e in g selfish = behaving selfishly at the m om ent) ■ H e never thinks about other people. H e is very selfish. (not H e is being) (= He is selfish generally, not only at the m om ent) We use am / is / are b e in g to say how somebody is behaving. It is not usually possible in other sentences: ■ It’s hot today. (not It’s being hot) ■ Sarah is very tired. (not is being tired) See


sm e ll


W e norm ally use the simple present (not continuous) w ith these verbs: D o you see that m an over there? (not Are you seeing) ■ This room sm ells. Let’s open a window. We often use can — see h e a r / sm e ll / taste: ■ I can h e a r a strange noise. C a n you h e a r it? Look


You can use the simple present or continuous to say how som ebody looks or feels now: ■ You lo o k good today, or You’re lo o k in g good today. ■ H ow d o you feel now? or H ow are you fe e lin g now? but

■ I usually feel tired in the m orning. ( not I’m usually feeling)



' ic Present 1 Unit 3

Have Unit 16

Present Tenses w ith a Future M eaning Unit 18

U N I Are the underlined verbs right or wrong? Correct them where necessary. 1. 2 3 5 I

Nicky is thinking o f giving up her job. O K ________ . Are you believing in God? _________________ I'm feeling hungry. Is there anything to eat? _________________ This sauce is great. It’s tasting really good.___________________________ I’m thinking this is your key. Is it? _________________

«Jse the words in parentheses to make sentences. (You should also study Unit 3 before you d o this exercise.)

(what I you I do?)

8? quiet! (I / think) ---------------------

r i i in«*

lanybody / sit / there?)



(these oloves

C 3 Put the verb into the correct form, present continuous or simple present. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Are you hungry? D o y o u u /a n t (you / want) som ething to eat? D on’t put the dictionary away. I ______________________ (use) it. D on’t p u t the dictionary away. I ______________________ (need) ity W ho is that man? W h a t (he / want)? W ho is that man? W h y (he / look) at us? Alan says he’s 80 years old, but n o b o d y ___________ ________ (believe) him. She told me her name, but I _______________________ (not / rem em ber) it now. I ______________________ (think) o f selling my car. Are you interested in buying it? I ______________________ (think) you should sell your car. Y o u __________________ (not / use) it very often. 10. A ir _______________________ (consist) mainly o f nitrogen and oxygen. - 4 Complete the sentences using the most appropriate form of be, simple present (am/is/are) or present continuous (am/is/are being). 1. I can’t understand why he's being soselfish. H e isn’t usually like that. 2. S arah _______________________ very nice to me these days. I w onder why. 3. You’ll like Debbie w hen you m eet her. S h e very nice. 4. You’re usually very patient, so w h y _______________________ unreasonable about waiting 10 m ore m inutes? 5. W hy isn’t Steve at work today?_______________________ sick?


Simple Past (I did) Study this example: Wolfgang Amadeus M ozart was an Austrian musician and composer. He liv ed from 1756 to 1791. He sta rte d composing at the age o f five and w ro te m ore than 600 pieces o f music. He w as only 35 years old w hen he died . L iv e d /s c a rte d /w ro te w as d ie d are all simple past.

Very often the simple past ends in -e d (regular verbs): ■ I work in a travel agency now. I w o rk e d in a departm ent store before. ■ We in v ite d theqa to our party, but they d e c id e d not to come. ■ The police sto p p e d me on my way hom e last night. ■ Laura p assed her exam because she s tu d ie d very hard. For spelling (stopped, studied, etc.), see A ppendix 6. B ut many verbs are irregular. This means the simple past does not end in -ed. For example: write -*■ w ro te ■ M ozart w ro te m ore than 600 pieces o f music. ■ W e saw Rose at the mall a few days ago. see -*• saw -► w en t ■ I w e n t to the movies three times last week. g° — shut sh u t ■ It was cold, so I sh u t the window. For a list o f irregular verbs, see A ppendix 1. In questions and negatives we use d id / d id n ’t + base form en jo y / see / go, etc.): I she they

enjoyed saw w ent

d id

you she they

enjoy? see? go?

I she they

d id n ’t

en jo y see g°

■ A : D id you go out last night? B: Yes, I w e n t to the movies, but I d id n ’t en jo y the film much. ■ “W hen d id Mr. Thom as die?” “A bout 10 years ago.” ■ They d id n ’t in v ite her to the party, so she d id n ’t go. ■ "D id you have tim e to w rite the letter?” “N o, I d id n ’t.” In the following examples, d o is the main verb in the sentence (d id . . . d o / d id n ’t do): ■ W hat d id you d o on the weekend? (not W hat did you on the weekend?) ■ I d id n ’t d c anything, (not I didn’t anything) T he past o f b e (am I/h e /s h e /it w e/y o u /th ey N ote ■ ■ ■ ■

is / are) is svas / svere: w as vasn t w ere/ ’w e re n ’t

was w ere

I/h e /s h e /it? w e/you/they?

that we do not use d id in negatives and questions w ith w as / w ere: I w as angry because they w e re late. Was the w eather good w hen you w ere on vacation? They w e re n ’t able to come because they w e re so busy. Did you go out last night, or w e re you too tired?

: sr

Past Continuous Unit 6

Present Perfect and Simple Past Units 12-13


ercises €3d what Debbie says about a typical working day: I usually get up at 7:00 and have a big breakfast. I w alk to work, which takes me about half an hour. I start work at 8:45. I never have lunch. I finish work at 5:00. I'm always tired when I get home. I usually cook dinner a little later. I don't usually go out. I go to bed around 11:00, and I always sleep w ell. D e b b ie

-sterday was a typical working day for Debbie. Write what she did or didn't do yesterday. S h e p o t up a t 7:00. . .i big breakfast. She She . to get to work. at 8:45. ________ lunch.

. at 5:00. _ home. . dinner a little later. out last night. __________ at 11:00. well last night.

1. 8. 9.

tired w hen

10. 11 .


Complete the sentences using the following verbs in the correct form: buy 2 3. 4. 5. 6.

c a tc h

co st


h u rt


sp en d


M ozart w r o te m ore than 600 pieces o f music. “H ow did you learn to drive?” “My fa th e r_______________ me." . it. We o _ down the stairs this m orning and . Dave . the ball to Sue, w h o _____________ it. Jim a lot o f m oney yesterday. She . Ann

th ro w

w rite

his leg. a dress that

$200 .

3 You ask James about his vacation. Write your questions. Hi. H ow are things? Fine, thanks. I’ve ju st had a great vacation. 1. W here d id y o u go ? W e w ent on a trip from San Francisco to Denver. 2. H o w _________________________________________? By car? Yes, we rented a car in San Francisco. 3. It’s a long way to drive. H ow lo n g _______________________ T w o weeks. ? In hotels?' 4. W h e r e ____________________________________ Yes, small hotels or motels. 5. It was very hot - som etimes too hot. the Grand Canyon? 6. O f course It was wonderful. 5.4 Complete the sentences. Put the verb into the correct form, positive or negative. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7.



It was warm , so I took off my coat, (take) The movie wasn’t very good. I didn't en jo y it very m uch, (enjoy) I knew Sarah was very busy, so I __________________ _ _ her. (disturb) I was very tired, so I _______________________ the party early, (leave) The bed was very uncom fortable. I _______________________ very well, (sleep) T he window was open and a b ir d _______________________ into the room, (fly) T he hotel wasn’t very expensive. I t _______________________ very much, (cost) tim e to call you. (have) I was in a hurry, so I _____________ ______________very heavy, (be) It was hard carrying the bags. They .



Past Continuous (I was doing) Study this example situation: Yesterday Karen and Jim played tennis. They began at 10:00 and finished at 11:30. So, at 10:30 they w e re p la y in g tennis.

; I ■

They w e re p la y in g = they were in the middle o f playing. They had not finished playing.


Was / w e re -in g is the past continuous: I/h e /s h e /it w e /y o u /th ey

w as w ere

playing do in g w orking, etc.

I w as d o in g som ething = I was in the middle o f doing som ething at a certain time. The action or situation had already started before this time, but had not finished: I sta rte d d o in g


I was d o in g

/ I X



■ This time last year I w as liv in g in Brazil. ■ W hat w e re you d o in g at 10:00 last night? ■ I waved to Helen, but she w a sn ’t lo o k in g . Com pare the past continuous (I w as d o in g ) and simple past (I did): Past continuous (in the m iddle of an action) ■ I was w a lk in g hom e w hen I m et Dave. ■ Kate w as w a tc h in g television w hen we arrived.

Simple past (complete action) ■ I w a lk e d hom e after the party last night. ■ Kate w a tc h e d television a lot w hen she was sick last year.

We often use the simple past and the past continuous together to say that som ething happened in the m iddle of som ething else: ■ M att b u rn e d his hand while he w as c o o k in g dinner. ■ It was ra in in g w hen I g o t up. ■ I saw you in the park yesterday. You w e re s ittin g on the grass and re a d in g a book. ■ I h u r t my back while I w as w o rk in g in the garden. B ut we use the simple past to say that one thing happened after another: 9 I w as w a lk in g dow ntow n w hen I saw Dave. So I sto p p e d , and we ta lk e d for a while. Com pare: W hen Karen arrived, we w ere h a v in g dinner. (= we had already started before she arrived)

W hen Karen arrived, we h a d dinner. (= Karen arrived, and then we had dinner together.)

Some verbs (for example, k n o w and w an t) are not norm ally used in the continuous (see U nit 4A): ■ We were good friends. We k n e w each other well, (not We were knowing) ■ I was having a good tim e at the party, but Chris w a n te d to go home, (not was wanting)





1 What were you doing at these times? Write sentences as in the examples. The past continuous is not always necessary (see the second example). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

(at 8:00 last night) / w as having dinner._________________________________________________ (at 5:00 last Monday) / w as on a bus on m y w a y home._____________________________ (at 10:15 yesterday m o rn in g )___________ ’____________________________________ (at 4:30 this m o rn in g )______________________________________________________ (at 7:45 last n ig h t)__________________________________________________________ (half an hour a g o )__________________________________________________________

2 Use your own ideas to complete the sentences. Use the past continuous. 1. M att burned his hand while he w as cooking dinner __________________________________ 2. The doorbell rang while I ___________________________________________________ 3. W e saw an accident while w e ________________________________________________ 4. Lauren fell asleep while s h e _________________________________________________ 5. The television was on, but n o b o d y ___________________________________________ Put the verb into the correct form, past continuous or simple

I sa w (see) Sue in town yesterday, but she ______________ (n o t/se e ) me. S h e______________ (look) the other way.

I ______________ (meet) Tom and Jane at the airport a few weeks ago. T h ey ______________ (go) to Boston and I --------------------- (g°) to Montreal. We ______________ (talk) while w e ______________ (wait) for our flights.

I ______________ (ride) my bicycle yesterday when a m a n ______________ (step) out into the street in front of me. I ______________ (go) pretty fast, but luckily I ______________ (manage) to stop in time and ______________(not / hit) him.

Put the verb intothe correct form, past continuous or simple past. 1. Jane w as w aiting (wait) for me w hen I a rriv e d (arrive). 2. “W h a t_________________________ (you / do) at this tim e yesterday?” “I was asleep.” 3. " (you / go) out last night?” “N o, I was too tired.” 4. H ow fa s t_________________________ (you / drive) w hen the accident _________________________ (happen)? 5. S a m __________________ (take) a picture o f me while I ____________________ (not / look). 6. We were in a very difficult position. W e (not / know) w hat to do. 7. I haven’t seen David for ages. The last time I (see) him, he _________________________ (try) to find a jo b in Miami. 8. I ____________________ (walk) along the street w hen suddenly I ___________ (hear) footsteps behind me. S om ebody _________________________ (follow) me. I was scared and I (start) to run. 9. W h en I was young, I _________________________ (want) to be a pilot. 10. Last night I _______________________ (drop) a plate while I _______________________ (do) the dishes. Fortunately i t ________________________ (not / break).

■onal Exercise 1 (page 296)



Present Perfect (I have done) Study this example conversation: Dave: Jane: Dave: Jane: Dave: Jane:

H ave you tra v e le d a lot, Jane? Yes, I’ve b e e n to lots o f places. Really? H ave you ever b e e n to China? Yes, I’ve b e e n to C hina twice. W hat about India? N o, I h a v e n ’t b e e n to India.

Jane’s life (a period until now) now


H a v e /h a s + tra v e le d /b e e n /d o n e , etc., (past participle) is the present perfect: I/w e /th e v /y o u have (= I’ve, etc.) h e /s h e /it has (= he’s, etc.)

trav e led b een d o n e. etc.

The past papriciple often ends in -ed (traveled/decided, etc.), but many im portant verbs are irregular (been d o n e /w r itte n , etc.). For a list o f irregular verbs, see Appendix 1. W e use the present perfect w hen we talk about a period of tim e that continues from the past until now. In the conversation in A, Dave and Jane are talking about the places Jane has visited in her life - w hich is a period that continues until now. Some m ore examples: ■ H ave you ever e a te n caviar? (in your life) ■ W e’ve never h a d a car. ■ “H ave you re a d Hamlet?” “N o, I h a v e n ’t re a d any o f Shakespeare’s plays.” ■ Susan really loves that movie. She’s seen it eight times! ■ W hat a boring movie! It’s the m ost boring movie I’ve ever seen. In the following examples, too, the speakers are talking about a period that continues until now (re c e n tly / in th e la st few days / so fa r / sin ce b re a k fa st, etc.). ■ H ave you h e a rd from Brian re cen tly ? ■ I’ve m e t a lot o f people in th e la st few days. recently--------■ Everything is going well. W e h a v e n ’t h a d any problem s in the last few days so far. ■ I’m hungry. I h a v e n ’t e a te n anything since b re ak fa st. — since breakfast---■ It’s nice to see you again. W e h a v e n ’t seen each other past now fo r a lo n g tim e . W e use the present perfect w ith to d a y / th is m o r n in g / th is year, etc., w hen these periods are not finished at the tim e o f speaking (see also U nit 9B): ■ I’ve d r u n k four cups o f coffee today. ■ H ave you h ad a vacation th is y e a r (yet)? ■ I h a v e n ’t seen Tom th is m o rn in g . H av e you? today ■ Rob h a s n ’t s tu d ie d very hard th is sem ester. past We say: It’s the (first) tim e som ething has h a p p e n e d . For example: ■ D on is taking a driving lesson. It’s his first one. It’s the first tim e he has d riv e n a car. (not drives) or H e has n ev e r d riv e n a car b efo re. ■ Sarah has lost her passport again. This is the second tim e this has h a p p e n e d . (not happens) ■ Bill is calling his girlfriend again. T hat’s the third tim e h e’s ca lle d her to n ig h t.

■*•6111 and Sarah w o n . . .) ■ The road is closed. T here’s b e e n (there has been) an accident. (or There w as an accident) Use the simple past only (not the present perfect) for things that are not recent or new: ■ M ozart w as a composer. H e w ro te m ore than 600 pieces o f music. (not has been . . . has w ritten) ■ My m other g re w up in Chile. (not has grown) Com pare: ■ Shakespeare w ro te many plays. ■ My brother is a writer. He has w r itte n many books, (he still writes books) The present perfect always tells us som ething about now: ■ I’m sorry, but I’ve fo r g o tte n your name. (= I can’t rem em ber it now) ■ Sally isn’t here. She’s g o n e out. (= she is out now) ■ I can’t find my bag. H ave you seen it? (= do you know w here it is now?) You can also use the simple past in all these examples (“I fo r g o t your nam e,” etc.). Use the simple past only (not the present perfect) if the situation now is different. Compare: ■ It has s to p p e d raining, so you don’t need the umbrella. It sto p p e d raining for a while, but now it’s raining again. You can use the simple past or present perfect w ith ju s t, already, and yet. J u s t = a short tim e ago: ■ .4: Are you hungry? B N o, I j u s t h ad lunch or I’ve j u s t h a d lunch. ■ A: W hy are you so happy? B: I j u s t h e a rd some good news, orI’ve j u s t h e a rd some good news. We use a lre a d y to sav that som ething happened sooner than expected: ■ A: D on’t forget to mail the letter. B: I a lre a d y m a ile d it. or I’ve a lre a d y m a ile d it. ■ A: W hat tim e is M ark leaving? B: H e a lre a d y left, or H e ’s a lre a d y left. Yet only ■ ■

= until now. Yet shows that the speaker is expecting som ething to happen. Use yet in questions and negative sentences: D id it sto p raining yet? or H as it s to p p e d raining yet? I wrote the letter, but I d id n ’t m a il it y et. or . . . I h a v e n ’t m a ile d it yet.

Bresen t Perfect Unit 7

Present Perfect and Past 2 Unit 9

British English Appendix 7




8.1 Complete the sentences using the verbs in parentheses. Use the present perfect where possible. Otherwise, use the simple past. 1.

2. before

It h a s s to p p e d (stop) raining, so you don't need your umbrella.

The town is very different now. It (change) a lot.

I meant to call you last night, but I

(go) to Peru for a vacation, but she's back home in Austin now.

Are you OK? You look great! You (have) a headache, but I feel fine now.

(lost) weight.

8.2 Which sentence is correct: (a), (b), or both of them? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

My m other has grown up in Chile. D id you see my purse? I already paid the gas bill. The Chinese invented paper. W here have you been born? Ow! I cut my finger. I forgot Jerry ’s address. Did you go to the store yet? Albert Einstein has been the scientist w ho has developed the theory o f relativity. 10. a) My father was raised by his aunt. a) a) a) a) a) a) a) a) a)

b) b) b) b) b) b) b) b) b)

My m other grew up in Chile. Flave you seen my purse? I’ve already paid the gas bill. The Chinese have invented paper. W here were you born? Ow! I’ve cut my finger. I’ve forgotten Jerry ’s address. Have you gone to the store yet? Albert Einstein was the scientist who developed the theory of relativity.

b o th

b) My father has been raised by his aunt.

8.3 Read the situations and write sentences with ju st, already, or yet. You can use the present perfect or simple past. 1. After lunch you go to see a friend at her house. She says, “W ould you like som ething to eat?” You say: No, thank you. I've j u s t h a d lunch OR / ju s t h a d lunch . (have lunch) 2. Joe goes out. Five m inutes later, the phone rings and the caller says, “Can I speak to Joe?” You say: I’m sorry, . (go out) 3. You are eating in a restaurant. The w aiter thinks you have finished and starts to clear the table. You say: W ait a m in u te !__________________________________________________ . (not / finish) 4. You are going to a restaurant tonight. You call to reserve a table. Later your friend says, “Should I call to reserve a table?” You say: N o ,___________________________________ . (do it) 5. You know that a friend of yours is looking for a place to live. Perhaps she has been successful. Ask her. You say: ? (find) 6. You are still thinking about w here to go on vacation. A friend asks, “W here are you going on vacation?” You say: . (not / decide) 7. Linda w ent to the bank, but a few m inutes ago she returned. Somebody asks, “Is Linda still at the bank?” You say: N o ,_________________________________________________ . (come back) 8. Yesterday Carol invited you to a party on Saturday. N ow another friend is inviting you to the same party. You say: Thanks, but C a ro l__________________________________________ . (invite)

Present Perfect and Past 2 (I have done and I did) Do not use the present perfect (I have done) w hen you talk about a finished tim e (for example, y e ste rd a y / 10 m in u te s ago in 1999 / w h e n I w as a ch ild ). Use a past tense: ■ It w as very cold yesterday, {not has been) ■ Paul and Lucy w e n t out 10 m in u te s ago. (not have gone) ■ D id vou eat - lot o f candy w h e n y o u w e re a ch ild ? (not have you eaten) ■ I g o t hom e late la st n ig h t. I w as very tired and w e n t straight to bed. Use the simple past to ask W h e n . . . ? or W h a t tim e . . . : ■ W h e n d id your friends g e t here? (not have .. . gotten) ■ W h a t tim e d id you fin ish work? Com pare: Simple Past only

Present Perfect or Simple Past ■ Tom has lo st his key. He can’t get into the house, (or Tom l o s t . . .)

■ Tom lo s t his key yesterday. He couldn’t get into the house.

■ Is Carla here or has she left? (or D id she leave?)

■ W h e n d id Carla leave?

Com pare: Present Perfect (have d o n e) ■ I’ve d o n e a lot o f w ork today.

Simple Past (did) ■ I d id a lot o f w ork yesterday.

We use the present perfect for a period of time that continues until now. For example: to d a y / th is w e ek / sin ce 1999.

W e use the simple past for a finished time in the past. For example: y e ste rd a y / last w e ek / fr o m 1999 to 2005.

past *




y esterd ay past



■ It d id n ’t ra in la st w eek.

It h a s n ’t ra in e d th is w eek.

■ H av e you seen Lisa th is m o rn in g ? (It is still m orning)

hi D id you see Lisa th is m o rn in g ? (it is now afternoon or evening)

* H ave you seen Tim re cen tly ?


■ I don’t know w here Lisa is. I h a v e n ’t seen her. (= I haven’t seen her recently)

■ A : W as Lisa at the party o n Sunday? B: I don’t think so. I d id n ’t see her.

■ W e’ve b een w a itin g fo r an h o u r. (We are still w airing now)

■ W e w a ite d (or w e re w a itin g ) fo r an h o u r. (We are no longer waiting)

* Jo h n lives in Los Angeles. He has lived there fo r seven years.

■ John lived in N ew York fo r 10 years. N ow he lives in Los Angeles.

*> I h ave n ev e r p lay ed g o lf (in my life)

■ I d id n ’t p la y golf last s u m m e r.

■ It’s the last day of your vacation. You say: It’s been a really good vacation. I’ve really en jo y ed it.

■ After you come back jrom vacation, you say: It w as a really good vacation. I really en jo y ed it.

S«-p4e Past

Present Perfect Unit 7

D id you see Tim o n S unday?

Present Perfect and Past 1 Unit 8

Present Perfect Continuous Units 1

E «ercises


Are the underlined parts of these sentences right or wrong? Correct them where necessary. OK I ve lost my key. I can’t find it anywhere. D id y o u e a t Have you eaten a lot o f candy w hen you were a child? I’ve bought a new car. You have to come and see it. I’ve bought a new car last week. W here have you been last night? Maria has graduated from high school in 2004. I’m looking for Mike. Have you seen him? “Have you been to Paris?” “Yes, many times.” I’m very hungry. I haven’t eaten m uch today. W hen has this book been published? Make sentences from the words in parentheses. Use the present perfect or simple past. (it / not / rain / this week) It hasn 't r a in e d this w eek. (the w eather / be / cold / recently) The w e a th e r________ (it / cold / last week) I t . (I / not / read / a new spaper yesterday) I (I / not / read / a new spaper today) (Kate / make / a lot o f m oney / this year) (she / not / make / so m uch / last year) _ (you / take / a vacation recently?) _______ Put the verb into the correct form, present perfect or simple past. (you / see) her? I don’t know w here Lisa i s .. H ave y o u se e n (be) (get) hom e last night, I . W hen I _________________ (go) straight to bed. very tired, so I __________ (you / eat) at the new sushi place on Jo e’s birthday? 3. A: __________ _________________ (we / be) there twice this m onth. B: N o, b u t . 4. T here was a bus drivers’ strike last week. T h e r e _____________________ (not / be) any buses. (work) in a bank for 15 years. T hen he quit. 5. Mr. Lee (live) there all her life. 6. Kelly lives in Toronto. She (you / go) to the movies last night? 7. A: _____________________ (be) awful. (be) a mistake. The movie B: Yes, but i t ____________ (die) before I was born. I . My grandfather . (never / m eet) him. (never / meet) him. 9. I don’t know Karen’s husband. I (not / see) M artin all m orning. It’s nearly lunchtim e, and I ____ I w onder w here he is. 11. A: W here do you live? B: In Rio de Janeiro. (you / live) there? A: H ow lo n g ________________ B: Five years. (you / live) before that? A: W h e re ___________________ B: In Buenos Aires. ______ (you / live) there? A: A nd how lo n g __ B: Tw o years. ~ A Write sentences about yourself using the ideas in parentheses. / h a v e n 't e a te n a n y fr u it today. 1. (som ething you haven’t done today) 2 . (som ething you haven’t done today) 3. (som ething you didn’t do yesterday) 4. (som ething you did last night) D. (som ething you haven’t done recently) 6 . (som ething you’ve done a lot recently) i3 Exercises 2-4 (pages 297-298), 14-15 (pages 304-305)


Present Perfect C ontinuous (I have been doing) I t has b ee n ra in in g . Study this example situation: Is it raining? N o, but the ground is wet. It has b ee n ra in in g . H a v e /h a s b e e n -in g is the present petfect continuous: I / w e/th ey /y o u h e /s h e /it

have has

(= I’ve, etc.) (= he’s, etc.)

b ee n

do in g w aiting playing, etc.

We use the present perfect continuous for an activity that has recently stopped or just stopped. T here is a connection w ith now: ■ You’re out o f breath. H av e you b e e n ru n n in g ? (= you’re out o f breath now) ■ Jason is very tired. H e’s b e e n w o rk in g very hard. (= he’s tired now) ■ W hy are your clothes so dirty? W hat have you b e e n d o in g ? ■ (on the phone) I’m glad you called. I’ve b e e n th in k in g about calling you . . . ■ W here have you been? I’ve b e e n lo o k in g everywhere for you. It has b ee n r a in in g fo r tw o h o u rs . Study this example situation: It began raining two hours ago, and it is still raining. H ow long has it b e e n ra in in g ? It has b e e n ra in in g for two hours. W e use the present perfect continuous in this way with h o w lo n g , fo r, and since. The activity is still happening (as in this example) or has ju st stopped. ■ ■ ■ ■

H o w lo n g have you b e e n s tu d y in g English? (= you’re still studying English) Tim is still watching television. H e’s b e e n w a tc h in g television all day. W here have you been? I’ve b e e n lo o k in g for you fo r th e last h a l f h o u r. C hristopher h a s n ’t b e e n fe e lin g well re cen tly .

You can use the present prefect continuous for actions repeated over a period o f time: ■ Debbie is a very good tennis player. She’s b e e n p la y in g since she w as eight. ■ Even- m orning they m eet in the same cafe. T hey’ve b e e n g o in g there fo r years. C om pare I a m d o in g (see U nit 1) and I have b e e n d o in g :

I I a m d o in g

I have b ee n d o in g

present continuous

present perfect continuous



D on’t bother me now. I’m w o rk in g . We need an um brella. It’s ra in in g . H u n up! W e’re w a itin g .

Pe-^ect S m >le and Continuous Units 11-12

I’ve b e e n w o rk in g hard. N ow I’m going to take a break. The ground is wet. It’s b e e n ra in in g . W e’ve b e e n w a itin g for an hour.

Present Perfect w ith fo r / since Units 12-13


Exercises 10.1 What have these people been doing or what has been happening? 1.

2. earlier




They ve b een shopping. 3.


10.2 Write a question for each situation. 1. You m eet Paul as he is leaving the swim m ing pool. You ask: (you / swim?) H a ve y o u b ee n sw im m ing? 2. You have ju st arrived to m eet a friend w ho is waiting for you. You ask: (you / w ait / long?) 3. You m eet a friend at the store. His face and hands are very dirty. You ask: (what / you / do?) A friend o f yours is now w orking at a gym. You w ant to know how long. You ask: (how long / you / w ork / there?) 5. A friend tells you about his jo b - he sells com puters. You w ant to know how long. You ask: (how long / you / sell / com puters?)_________________________________ 10.3 Read the situations and complete the sentences. 1. It’s raining. The rain started two hours ago. It 5 been raining for two hours. 2. We are waiting for the bus. W e got to the bus stop 20 m inutes ago. W e ______________________________________________________ for 20 m inutes. 3. I’m studying Spanish. I started classes in December. I ______________________________________________________ since December. 4. Jessica is working in Tokyo. She started working there on January 18. _______________________________________________________since January 18. 5. O u r friends always spend their sum m ers in the m ountains. They started going there years a g o .______________________________________________________ for years. 10.4 Put the verb into the present continuous (/ am -ing) or present perfect continuous (I have been -ing). 1. M a ria has been studying (Maria / study) English for two years. 2. Hello. T o m .______________________________ (I / look) for you all m orning. W here have you been? 3. W h y ______________________________ (you / look) at me like that? Stop it! 4. Linda is a teach er.______________________________ (she / teach) for 10 years. 5. (I / think) about w hat you said, and I’ve decided to take your advice. 6. “Is Kim on vacation this week?” “N o ,______________________________ (she / w ork).” 7. Sarah is very tire d .______________________________ (she / work) very hard recently.

Present Perfect Continuous and Simple (I have been doing and I have done) Study this example situation:

Ling’s clothes are covered w ith paint. She has b ee n p a in tin g the ceihng.

The ceiling was white. N ow it is red. She has p a in te d the ceiling.

H as b ee n p a in tin g is the present perfect

H as p a in te d is the present perfect simple.


We are interested in the activity. It does not m atter w hether som ething has been finished or not. In this example, the activity (painting the ceiling) has not been finished.

Here, the im portant thing is that som ething has been finished. H as p a in te d is a com pleted action. We are interested in the result o f the activity (the painted ceiling), not the activity itself.

Com pare these examples: ■ My hands are very dirty. I’ve b e e n fix in g the car. ■ Joe has b e e n e a tin g too m uch recently. He should eat less. m It’s nice to see you again. W hat have you b e e n d o in g since the last tim e we saw you? ■ W here have you been? H av e you b ee n p la y in g tennis?

W e use the continuous to say or ask how long (for an activity that is still happening): ■ How long have you b e e n re a d in g that book? ■ Lisa is still writing her report. She’s b ee n w r itin g it all day. ■ T hey’ve b ee n p la y in g tennis since 2:00. ■ I’m studying Spanish, but I h a v e n ’t b ee n stu d y in g it very long.

■ The car is O K again now. I’ve fix e d it. ■ Somebody has e a te n all my candy. The box is empty. ■ W here’s the book I gave you? W hat have you d o n e w ith it? ■ H ave you ever p lay ed tennis?

We use the simple to say or ask hoiv much, how many, or how many times (for com pleted actions): ■ H ow m uch o f that book have you read : ■ Lisa has w r itte n 10 pages today. ■ T hey’ve p lay ed tennis three times this week. ■ I’m studying Spanish, but I h a v e n ’t le a rn e d very m uch yet.

Some verbs (for example, k n o w /lik e /b e lie v e ) are not norm ally used in the continuous: ■ I’ve k n o w n about it for a long time. (not I’ve been knowing) For a list o f these verbs, see U nit 4A. But note that you can use w a n t and m e a n in the present perfect continuous: ■ I’ve t e e n m e a n in g to phone Pat, but I keep forgetting. 5 — : e P re se n t'e rfe ct

nits 7 -8

Present Perfect Continuous U n itIO

Present Perfect w ith for / since Units 12-13



' 1 For each situation, write two sentences using the words in parentheses. 1. Luis started reading a book two hours ago. H e is still reading it, and now he is on page 53. (read / for two hours) He has been reading fo r tw o hours.___________________________________ (read / 53 pages so far) He has r e a d 53 pages so far.___________________________________________ 2. M in is from Korea. She is traveling around Asia right now. She began her trip three m onths ago. (travel / for three months) S h e ______________________________________________________ (visit / six countries so fa r)__________________________________________________________ 3. Jim m y is a tennis player. H e began playing tennis w hen he was 10 years old. This year he is national cham pion again - for the fourth time. (win / the national championships / four tim e s)_______________________________________ (play / tennis since he was 1 0 )_______________________________________________________ 4. W hen they graduated from college, Lisa and Amy started m aking movies together. They still make movies. (make / five movies since they finished college) T h e y _________________________________ (make / movies since they finished college)___________________________________________

2 For each situation, ask a question using the words in parentheses. 1. You have a friend who is studying Arabic. You ask: (how long / study / Arabic?) H ow Iona have you been studying A rabic? 2. You have ju st arrived to m eet a friend. She is waiting for you. You ask: (wait / long?) Have . 3. You see som ebody fishing by the river. You ask: (catch / any fish?) Some friends o f yours are having a party next week. You ask: (how many people / invite?) A friend o f yours is a teacher. You ask: (how long / teach?) You m eet som ebody w ho is a writer. You ask: (how many books / w rite ? )_____________ _ (how long / w rite / books?) A friend o f yours is saving m oney to take a trip. You ask: (how long / save?) (how m uch m oney / save?) ! 3 Put the verb into the more appropriate form, present perfect simple (/ have done) or continuous (/ have been doing). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

W here have you been? H ave y o u b een playing (you / play) tennis? Look! (somebody / break) that window. You look tire d .___________________________________ (you / work) hard? “ (you / ever / work) in a factory?” “No, never.” “Hi, is Sam there?” “N o, h e ___________________________________ (go) for a run.” My brother is an actor_____________________________________ (he / appear) in several films. “Sorry I’m late.” “T hat’s all rig h t._________________________ (I / not / wait) long.” “Is it still raining?” “N o ,_________________________ (it / stop).” (I / lose) my cellp h o n e .______________________________ (you / see) it anywhere? 10. (I / read) the book you lent me, b u t _________________ (I / not / finish) it yet. It’s very interesting. 11. (I / read) the book you lent me, so you can have it back now.




How long have you (been). . . ? Study this example situation: Bob and Alice are m arried. They got m arried exactly 20 years ago, so today is their 20th wedding anniversary. They have b ee n married for 20 years. We say: They are m arried, (present) but

H o w lo n g have they b e e n m arried? (present perfect) (not H ow long are they married?) They have b e e n m arried for 20 years. (not They are m arried for 20 years)

W e use the present perfect (especially w ith h o w lo n g , fo r, and since) to talk about som ething that began in the past and continues to the present time. Com pare the present and the present perfect: but

■ Bill is in the hospital. H e has b e e n in the hospital sin ce M onday. (not Bill is in the hospital since Monday)


■ D o you k n o w each other well? H av e you k n o w n each other fo r a lo n g tim e ? (not Do you know) ■






present perfict now

She’s w a itin g lor somebody. She’s b e e n w a itin g a ll m o rn in g .

■ D o they h av e a car? H o w lo n g have they h a d their car?

I h av e k n o w n /h a d /liv e d , etc., is the present perfect simple. I h av e b e e n le a r n in g / b e e n w a itin g / b e e n d o in g , etc., is the present perfect continuous. W hen ■ ■ ■ ■

we ask or say “how long,” the continuous is m ore com m on (see U nit 10): I’ve b e e n stu d y in g English fo r six m o n th s. It’s b e e n r a in in g since lu n c h tim e . Richard has b ee n d o in g the same jo b fo r 20 years. H o w lo n g have you b e e n d riv in g ? ” “Since I was 17.”

Some verbs (for example, k n o w /lik e /b e lie v e ) are not norm ally used in the continuous: ■ How long have you k n o w n Emily? (not have you been knowing) ■ I’ve h a d a stomachache all day. ( not I’ve been having) See also Units 4A and 10C. For have, see U nit 16A. You can use either the present perfect continuous or simple w ith live and w o rk : ■ John has b ee n liv in g / has lived in M ontreal for a long time. ■ How long have you b ee n w o rk in g / have you w o rk e d here? B ut we use the simple (I’ve lived / I’ve d o n e, etc.) w ith always: ■ H ave you alw ays liv ed in the country? (not always been living) e sav “I h a v e n ’t d o n e som ething s in c e /fo r . . . ” (present perfect simple): ■ I h a v e n ’t seen Tom since Monday. (= M onday was the last tim e I saw him) ■ S^-j h a s n ’t ca lle d fo r ages. (= the last tim e she called was ages ago) s - '.e

for U n ' 7 C

Present Perfect Continuous Units 10-11

For and since Unit 13


rcises - _r the underlined verbs right or wrong? Correct them where necessary. L 2. ; r. &

Bob is a friend of mine. I know him very well. OK _________________________ Bob is a friend o f mine. I know him for a long time. / ve kn o w n him _____________ Sue and Scott are m arried since July.___________________ ______________________________ Tlie w eather is awful. It’s raining again. ______________________________ The w eather is awful. It’s raining all day. ______________________________ I like your house. H ow long are you living there? ______________________________ Gary is working in a store for the last few m onths. ______________________________ I don’t know Tim well. W e’ve only m et a few times. ______________________________ V I quit drinking coffee. I don’t drink it for a year._________ ______________________________ T hat’s a very old bike. H ow long do you have it? ______________________________ : ead the situations and write questions from the words in parentheses.

John tells you that his m other is in the hospital. You ask him: (how long / be / in the hospital?) H o w Iona has y o u r m o th e r b ee n in th e hospital? 2. You m eet a w om an w ho tells you that she teaches English. You ask her: (how long / teach / E nglish?)____________________________________________________ ____ You know that Erica is a good friend o f C arol’s. You ask Erica: (how long / know / C aro l?)________________________________________________________ _ - Your friend’s brother m oved to Costa Rica a while ago. You ask your friend: (how long / be / in Costa R ica?)_____________________________________________________ 5. Chris drives a very old car. You ask him: (how long / have / that car?)_______________________________________________________ You are talking to a friend about Scott. Scott now works at the airport. You ask your friend: (how long / w ork / at the airp o rt?)___________________________________________________ A friend o f yours is taking guitar lessons. You ask him: (how long / take / guitar lessons?)___________________________________________________ You m eet somebody on a plane. She says that she lives in Chicago. You ask her: (always / live / in C hicago?)_________________________________________________________ Complete B's answers to A's questions. A 1. 1

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

Amy is in the hospital, isn’t she? Do you see Ann very often? Is Margaret married? Are you waiting for me? You know Linda, don’t you? Do you still play tennis? Is Jim watching TV? Do you watch TV a lot? Do you have a headache? George is never sick, is he? Are you feeling sick? Sue lives in Miami, doesn’t she? Do you go to the movies a lot? W ould you like to go to Taiwan one day?


Yes, she has b een in the hospital since Mondav. No. I h a ve n 't see n her for three months. Yes, she married for 10 years. Yes. I for the last half hour. each other a long time. Yes. we tennis for years. No. I TV all night. Yes. he TV for ages. No, I a headache all morning. Yes. I sick since I m et him. No. he sick all dav. Yes, I in Miami Yes, she for the last few years. to the movies for ages. No, I to go to Taiwan. Yes. I (use always / w ant)




For and since When . . . ? and How long W e use fo r and sin ce to say how long som ething has been happening. W e use fo r + a period o f time (tw o h o u rs, six w eeks, etc.): ■ I’ve been waiting fo r tw o h o u rs.

W e use since + the start o f a period (8:00, M o nday, 1999, etc.): ■ I’ve been waiting since 8:00. since 8:00

for tw o hours —► now

two hours aoo ■

two hours 20 m inutes five davs

fo r a long tim e six m onths 50 years

a week ages years


8:00 Monday May 12

Kelly has been w orking here fo r six m o n th s. (not since six months) I haven’t seen Tom fo r th re e days.

----------► now since April 1985 Christmas

lunchtim e we arrived yesterday

Kelly has been working here since A p ril. (= from April until now) I haven’t seen Tom sin ce M onday.

It is possible to leave out fo r (but not in negative sentences): ■ They’ve been m arried (for) 10 years, (with or w ithout for) ■ They h a v e n ’t h a d a vacation fo r 10 years, (you m ust use for) We do not use f o r + a l l . . . (all d ay / all m y life, etc.): ■ I’ve lived here all m y life. (not for all my life) You can use in instead o f f o r in negative sentences: ■ They h a v e n ’t h a d a vacation in 10 years. C om pare W h e n . , . ? ( + simple past) and H o w lo n g . . . ? ( + present perfect): A: W h e n did it start raining? B: It started raining an h o u r ag o / a t 1:00. A: H o w lo n g has it been raining? B: It’s been raining fo r an h o u r / sin ce 1:00.

A: W h e n did Joe and Carol first meet? a long tim e ago. B: They first m et w h e n they were in high school.


A: H o w lo n g have they k n o w n each other? fo r a long time. B: T hey’ve k n o w n each other since they were in high school.

We say “I t ’s (= It has) b e e n a lo n g tim e / tw o years, etc., sin ce som ething happened”: ■ I t ’s b e e n tw o years since I saw Joe. (= I h a v e n ’t seen Joe for two years) ■ I t ’s b e e n ages sin ce we w'ent to the movies. (= W e h a v e n ’t g o n e to the movies for ages) You can ask “H o w lo n g has it b e e n since ■ H o w lo n g has i t b e e n sin ce you saw Joe? (= W hen did you last see Joe?) ■ H o w lo n g has i t b ee n sin ce Mrs. Hill died? (= W hen did Mrs. Hill die?)

H ow ortg h ave y o u b e e n ) . . . ? Unit 12


u N 1T |J

Write for or since. 1 It’s been raining since lunchtime. 2 Sarah has lived in C h icag o ________ 1995. 5. Joe has lived in D allas________ 10 years. I’m tired o f waiting. W e’ve been sitting h e r e _________ an hour. 5 Kevin has been looking for a j o b _________ he graduated. I haven’t been to a p a r ty _________ ages. I w onder how Joe is. I haven’t seen h im ________ last week. Jane is away at college. She’s been aw ay ________ last August. ■> The w eather is dry. It hasn’t ra in e d _________ a few weeks. Write questions with h ow long and when. i.

It’s raining. (how long?) H ow Iona has i t been raining? _____________________ (when?) W hen did it s ta r t raining? Kate is studying Japanese. (how long / study?) ;_____ (when / start?)__________ I know Jeff. (how long / you / know?) (when / you / meet?) Rebecca and David are m arried. (how lo n g ?)__________________ (when / g et?)________________

V 3 Read the situations and complete the sentences. It’s raining. It’s been raining since lunchtim e. It s ta r te d raining at lunchtim e. Ann and Sue are friends. They m et years ago. They \/e been friends fo r ________ years. M ark is sick. He got sick on Sunday. H e h a s __________________________________ Sunday. M ark is sick. He got sick a few days ago. H e h a s ____________________________a few days. Sarah is m arried. She’s been m arried for a year. She g o t_______________________________ . You have a headache. It started w hen you woke up. I’v e I woke up. M egan has been in France for the last three weeks. She w e n t______________________________________________________________ ■ You’re working in a hotel. You started six m onths ago. I’v e ______________________________________________ - -


/rite B's sentences using the words in parentheses. .. A: B: 2. A: B: 3. A: B: 4. A: B:

Do you take vacations often? (no / five years) No. / haven't taken a vacation fo r five years. Do you see Laura often? (no / about a m o n th )_________ Do you go to the movies often? (no / a long time) Do you eat out often? (no / ag es)__________

Now write B's answers again. This time use It’s been . . . since . . . . 5.


No. it 's been five y e a rs since / took a vacation._____________

6. (2) N o, it’s 7. (3) N o ,. 8. (4 )------


Past Perfect (I had done) Study this example situation: A t 11:00

A t 10:30

Sarah w ent to a party last week. Eric w ent to the party, too, but they didn’t see each other. Eric left the party at 10:30 and Sarah got there at 11:00. So: W hen Sarah got to the party, Eric wasn’t there. He h a d g o n e home. H a d g o n e is the past perfect (simple): I/w e /th e y /y o u ^ ^ (= I’d, etc.) h e /s h e /it (= h e’d, etc.)

gone seen ~ . , , fin ish ed , etc.


The past perfect is h a d + past participle (g o n e / seen / fin ish e d , etc). Sometimes we talk about som ething that happened in the past: ■ Sarah g o t to the party. This is the starting point o f the story. Then, if we w ant to talk about things that happened before this time, we use the past perfect (had . . .): ■ W hen Sarah arrived at the party, Eric h a d already g o n e home. Some ■ ■ ■

m ore examples: W hen we got hom e last night, we found that somebody h a d b ro k e n into our house. Karen didn’t w ant to go to the movies w ith us because she’d already seen the film. At first I thought I’d d o n e the right thing, but I soon realized that I’d m a d e a big mistake. ■ The m an sitting next to me on the plane was very nervous. H e h a d n ’t flo w n before. or . . . He h a d never flo w n before.

Com pare the present perfect (have seen, etc.) and the past perfect (had seen, etc.): Past Perfect

Present Perfect

h a d seen

h ave seen past


■ W ho is that woman? I’ve never seen her before. ■ W e aren’t hungry. W e’ve ju st h a d lunch. ■ The house is dirty. They h a v e n ’t c le a n e d it for weeks.



■ I didn’t know who she was. I’d never seen her before. (= before that time) ■ W e w eren’t hungry. W e’d ju st h a d lunch. ■ The house was dirty. They h a d n ’t c le a n e d it for weeks.

C om pare the simple past (left, was, etc.) and the past perfect (had left, h a d been, etc.): A: Was Tom there w hen you arrived? B: Yes, but he le ft a little later.

■ A: Was Tom there w hen you arrived? B: No, he h a d already left.

Amy w a sn ’t at hom e w hen I called. She w as at her m other’s house.

■ Amy h a d ju st g o tte n hom e w hen I called. She h a d b e e n at her m other’s house.

"ast Perfect Continuous Unit 15

Irregular Verbs (had g one, had seen , etc.) Appendix 1


Exercises 14.1

Read the situations and write sentences using the words in parentheses. 1. You w ent to Jill’s house, but she wasn’t there. (she / go / out) Sh e h a d gone out.___________________________________________ 2 . You w ent back to your hom etow n after many years. It wasn’t the same as before, (it / change / a lot) 3. I invited Rachel to the party, but she couldn’t come, (she / make / plans to do som ething else) 4. You w ent to the movies last night. You got there late, (the movie / already / b e g in )______________________ It was nice to see Daniel again after such a long time. (I / not / see / him in five years) 6 . I offered Sue som ething to eat, but she wasn’t hungry, (she / ju st / have / breakfast)______________________


For each situation, write a sentence ending with n e v e r . . . before. Use the verb in parentheses. 1. The m an sitting next to you on the plane was very nervous. It was his first flight. (fly )

He h a d n e v e r flow n before .____________________________________________________________________

2. A w om an walked into the room . She was a com plete stranger to me. (see) I _______________________________________________________________________ before. 3. Sam played tennis yesterday. H e wasn’t very good at it because it was his first game. (play) H e ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4. Last year we w ent to Mexico. It was our first tim e there. (be there) W e ______________________________________________________________________ 4.3 Use the sentences on the left to complete the paragraphs on the right. These sentences are in the order in which they happened - so (1) happened before (2), (2) before (3), etc. But your paragraph begins with the underlined sentence, so sometimes you need the past perfect. 1. (l) Somebody broke into the office during the night. (2) W e arrived at w ork in the m orning. (3) W e called the police.

W e arrived at w ork in the m orning and found that somebody ||a c. boo ''an into the office during the night. So we

2. (1) Laura w ent out this m orning. (2) I tried to call her. (3) T here was no answer.

I tried to call Laura this m orning, but ____________________________ no answer. S h e ___________________ ___________________________out.

3. (l) Jim came back from vacation a few days ago. (2) I m et him the same day. (3) H e looked relaxed.

I m et Jim a few days a g o .. j u s t ------------------------------

4. (l) (2) (3) (4)

Yesterday K evin. from Sally. H e _ H e ____________ but s h e ________

Kevin sent Sally lots o f e-mails. She never answered them . Yesterday he got a phone call from her. He was very surprised.

. vacation. _ relaxed.

. very surprised. _ lots o f e-mails,

M 4 Put the verb into the correct form, past perfect (/ had done) or simple past (/ did). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

“Was Ben at the party w hen you got there?” “N o, he h a d gone (go) hom e.” I felt very tired w hen I got hom e, so I ____________________ (go) straight to bed. The house was very quiet w hen I got hom e. E verybody____________________ (go) to bed. Sorry I’m late. My c a r ____________________ (break) down on the way here. We w ere driving on the highway w hen w e (see) a car that (break) down, so we . (stop) to help.

= Exercises 5-8 (pages 298-301)


Past Perfect Continuous (I had been doing) Study this example situation: Yesterday morning

Yesterday m orning I got up and looked out o f the window. The sun was shining, but the ground was very wet. It h a d b e e n ra in in g . It was not raining w hen I looked out o f the window; the sun was shining. B ut it h a d b e e n raining before. H a d b ee n -in g is the past perfect continuous: I we vou/thev

, . h e /s^ e it




(= I’d. etc.)

. ,. . i = h e d. etc.)



do in g

w orkin g , .

playing, etc.

Some m ore examples: ■ W hen the boys came into the house, their clothes were d ir r - their hair was messy, and one o f them had a black eye. T hey’d b e e n fig h tin g . ■ I was very tired w hen I got hom e. I’d b e e n w o rk in g hard all day. ■ W hen I w ent to Tokyo a few years ago, I stayed w ith a friend o f mine. She’d b ee n liv in g there only a short tim e but knew the city very well. You can say that som ething h a d b e e n h a p p e n in g for a period o f time before som ething else happened: ■ W e’d b e e n p la y in g tennis for about half an hour w hen it started to rain hard. ■ Jim w ent to the doctor last Friday. H e h a d n ’t b e e n fe e lin g well for some time. Com pare have b e e n -in g (present perfect continuous) and h a d b e e n -in g (past perfect continuous): Past Perfect Continuous

Present Perfect Continuous

I h a d b e e n - in g

I h av e b e e n -in g past


■ I hope the bus comes soon. I’ve b e e n w a itin g for 20 m inutes, (bejore now) ■ Jam es is out of breath. He has b e e n ru n n in g .


The bus finally came. I’d b e e n w a itin g for 20 minutes, (before the bus came) Jam es was out o f breath. He h a d b een ru n n in g .

Com pare w as -in g (past continuous) and h a d b ee n -ing: ■ It w a sn ’t ra in in g w hen we w ent out. The sun w as sh in in g . B ut it h a d b een ra in in g , so the ground was wet. ■ Stephanie w as s ittin g in an armchair resting. She was tired because she’d b e e n w o rk in g very hard. Some verbs (for example, k n o w and like) are not norm ally used in the continuous: ■ We were good friends. We h a d k n o w n each other for years. (not had been knowing) For a list o f these verbs, see U nit 4A.

P'esent Perfect Continuous Unit 10

Past Perfect Unit 14




B 1 Read the situations and make sentences from the words in parentheses. 1. I was very tired w hen I got home. (I / w ork / hard all day) I d been working h a rd all day._______________________________________ 2. The two boys came into the house. They had a soccer ball, and they were both very tired, (they / play / soccer)_____________________________________________________________ 3. I was disappointed w hen I had to cancel my vacation. (I / look / forward to i t ) ________________________________________________________ ___ 4. Ann woke up in the m iddle o f the night. She was scared and didn’t know w here she was. (she / d re a m )_____________________________________________________________________ 5. W hen I got hom e, M ike was sitting in front o f the TV. He had ju st turned it off. (he / w atch / a D V D )_____________________________________________________________ '5 2 Read the situations and complete the sentences. 1. W e played tennis yesterday. H alf an hour after we began playing, it started to rain. W e h a d been playing fo r h a lf an hour w hen i t s ta r te d to rain . 2. I had arranged to m eet R obert in a restaurant. I arrived and w aited for him. After 20 m inutes I suddenly realized that I was in the w rong restaurant. I ____________________________________for 20 m inutes w hen I ________________________ the w rong restaurant. 3. Sarah got a jo b in a factory. Five years later the factory closed down. W hen the factory____________________________________,S arah________________________ ___________________________________ there for five years. 4. I w ent to a concert last week. The orchestra began playing. After about 10 m inutes a man in the audience suddenly started shouting. The o rch estra_____________________________________________________________________ w h e n ________________________________________________________________________ ____ This time make your own sentence: 5.

I began driving hom e from work. I w h e n ___________________________

Put the verb into the most appropriate form, past continuous (I was doing), past perfect (/ had done), or past perfect continuous (/ had been doing). 1. It was very noisy next door. O u r neighbors w e re having (have) a party. 2. W e were good friends. W e h a d know n (know) each other for years. 3. Jo h n and I w ent for a walk. I had trouble keeping up w ith him because he ______________________________ (walk) so fast. 4. Sue was sitting on the ground. She was out o f breath. S h e ________________________ (run). 5. W hen I arrived, everybody was sitting around the table w ith their m ouths full. They (eat)6. W hen I arrived, everybody was sitting around the table and talking. T heir m ouths were empty, but their stomachs were full. T h e y ______________________________ (eat). 7. Jim was on his hands and knees on the floor. H e ______________________________ (look) for his contact lens. 8. W hen I arrived, K a te ______________________________ (wait) for me. She was upset with me because I was late and s h e (wait) for a long time. 9. I was sad w hen I sold my car. I ______________________________ (have) it for a long time. 10. W e were exhausted at the end o f our trip. W e ______________________________ (travel) for m ore than 24 hours.

: tional Exercises 5-8 (pages 298-301)



16 A

Have and have got H av e and have g o t (for possession, relationships, illnesses, etc.) You can use have g o t or have (w ithout got). T here is no difference m meaning:

I've got a new cell phone, too.

I have a new cell phone.

They have a new car. or T hey’ve g o t a new car. Nancy has two sisters. or Nancy has g o t two sisters. I have a headache, or I’ve g o t a headache. He has a few problem s, or H e’s g o t a few problems. O ur house has a big yard, or O ur house has g o t a big yard.

■ ■ ■ ■ ■

W hen have means “possess,” etc., you cannot use continuous forms (is h a v in g / are hav in g , etc.): ■ W e’re enjoying our vacation. W e have / h av e g o t a nice room in the hotel. (not W e’re having) In questions and negative sentences there are two possible forms: D o you have any questions? I d o n ’t have any questions.

H av e you g o t any questions? I h a v e n ’t g o t any questions.

D o es she have a car? She d o e s n ’t have a car.

H as she g o t a car? She h a s n ’t g o t a car.

For the past we use h a d (w ithout got): ■ Ann h a d long hair w hen she was a child. In past questions and negative sentences, we use d i d / d i d n ’t: ■ D id they have a car w hen they were living in Miami? ■ I d id n ’t h av e a watch, so I didn’t know w hat tim e it was. ■ Ann h a d long hair, d id n ’t she? H av e b re a k fa s t / have tro u b le / have a g o o d tim e , etc. W e also use have (but not have got) for many actions and experiences. For example:


b re a k fa st / d in n e r / a c u p o f co ffee / s o m e th in g to eat a p a r ty / a safe tr ip / a g o o d f lig h t an a c c id e n t / a n e x p e rie n c e / a d re a m a lo o k (at something) a c o n v e rsa tio n / a d isc u ssio n / a ta lk (with somebody) tro u b le / d if f ic u lty / fu n / a g o o d tim e , etc. a b a b y (= give birth to a baby) / an o p e ra tio n

H av e g o t is not possible in the expressions in the box. Com pare: ■ Sometimes I have (= eat) a sandwich for lunch. (not I’ve got) but I’ve g o t / 'I have some sandwiches. W ould you like one? You can use continuous forms (am hav in g , etc.) w ith the expressions in the box: ■ W e’re enjoying our vacation. W e’re h a v in g a great time. (not W e have) ■ M ike is h a v in g trouble w ith his car. He often has trouble w ith his car. In questions and negative sentences, we use d o /d o e s /d id : ■ I d o n ’t usually have a big breakfast. (not I usually haven’t) ■ W hat time does Ann have lunch? (not has Ann lunch) ■ D id vou have any trouble finding a place to live?

H ave to

. . u n it 30




16.1 Write negative sentences with have. Some are present (can't) and some are past (couldn't). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

I can’t get into the house, (a key) / don t h a v e a key. I couldn’t read the letter, (my glasses) / didn t h a v e m y qh'asses. I can’t climb up on the roof, (a ladder) W e couldn’t visit the m useum , (enough time) We H e couldn’t find our house, (a m a p )____________ She can’t pay her bills, (any money) I can’t fix the car tonight, (enough energy) . T hey couldn’t take any pictures, (a camera)

16.2 Complete the questions with have. Some are present and some are past. Excuse me, do you h a v e a pen I could borrow? W hy are you holding your face like th a t? ________________________a toothache? ________________________ a lot o f toys w hen you were a child? A: ________________________ the time, please? B: Yes, it’s ten after seven. 5. I need a stamp for this le tte r.________________________ one? 6. W h en you took the te s t,____________________ tim e to answer all the questions? 7. A: It started to rain very hard while I was taking a walk. B: D id i t ? _____________________ an umbrella?

1. 2. 3. 4.

16.3 Write sentences about yourself. Do you have these things now? Did you have them 10 years ago? Write two sentences each time using I have / I don't have and I had / I didn't have. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

N ow

10 years ago (or 5 i f yo u ’re young)

(a car) / h a v e a car. OR I ’v e got a car. (a bike) I ________________________________ (a cell p h o n e )____________________________ (a dog) (a g u ita r)________ (long h a ir)______ (a driver’s license)

/ didr. . h a v e a car.___________ I _____________________________ _______________________________

‘ 6.4 Complete the sentences. Use an expression from the list and put the verb into the correct form where necessary. have a baby have a look

have a dream have lunch

have a talk have a party

have trouble have a nice time

have a good flight have dinner

1. I don’t eat m uch during the day. I never have lunch . 2. If you’re angry w ith your friend, it m ight be a good idea to sit down and ____________________________________w ith her. 3. W e ___________________________________ last week. It was great - we invited lots o f people. 4. Excuse me, can I ___________________________________ at your newspaper, please? 5. Jim is on vacation in Hawaii. I hope h e ____________________________________. 6. I didn’t sleep well last night. I about my exam. 7. A: ___________________________________ finding the book you wanted? B: N o, I found it OK. 8. C ry stal___________________________________ a few weeks ago. It’s her second child. 9. A: W hy didn’t you answer the phone? B: W e ___________________________________ w ith friends. 10. You meet your frien d Sally at the airport. She has ju st arrived. You say: Hi, Sally. H ow are y o u ? ____________________________________?



Used to (do) Study this example situation: A feiv years ago David quit jogging tw o years ago. H e doesn’t jo g any m ore. B ut he u se d to jo g . H e u se d to j o g three miles a day. H e u se d to j o g = he jogged regularly in the past, bu t he doesn’t jo g now. he doesn’t jog now i

he used to jog past

2 years ago

these days Something u sed to happen = it happened regularly in the past but no longer happens: ■ I u sed to p la y tennis a lot, but I don’t play very often now. ■ David u sed to sp e n d a lot o f m oney on clothes. These days he can’t afford it. ■ “Do you go to the movies m uch?” “N ot any m ore, but I used to .” (= I used to go) We also use u sed to . . . for som ething that was true but is not true any more: ■ This building is now a furniture store. It u sed to be a movie theater. ■ I u sed to th in k M ark was unfriendly, but now I realize he’s a very nice person. ■ I’ve started drinking coffee recently. I never u sed to lik e it before. ■ Nicole u sed to have very long hair w hen she was a child. “I u sed to d o s o m e th in g ” is past. T here is no present form. You cannot say “I use to do.” To talk about the present, use the simple present (I do). Com pare: Past Present

he u sed to p lay he plays

we used to live we live

there u sed to be there is

■ We u sed to live in a small town, but now we live in Chicago. ■ There u sed to b e four movie theaters in town. N ow there is only one. The norm al question form is d id (you) use to . . . ?: ■ D id you use to e a t a lot of candy w hen you were a child? The negative form is d id n ’t use to . . . : ■ I d id n ’t use to lik e him. C om pare I u sed to d o and I w as d o in g : ■ I u sed to w a tc h TV a lot w hen I was little. (= I w atched TV regularly in the past, but I no longer do this) ■ I w as w a tc h in g TV w hen M ike called. (= I was in the m iddle o f watching a program) D o not confuse I u sed to d o and I a m used to d o in g (see U nit 59). The structures and m eanings are different: ■ I used to live alone. (= I lived alone in the past, but I no longer live alone.) ■ I am used to liv in g alone. (= I live alone, and I don’t find it strange or difficult because I’ve been living alone for some time.) Past C o rt n jO jS '/ w as doing) Unit 6

W ould (= u sed to) Unit 34C

Be / g e t u sed to (doing) som ething Unit 59






y j

' Com pile the sentences with use(d) to + an appropriate verb. 1 David quit jogging two years ago. H e u s e d to j o g three miles a day. L iz a motorcycle, but last year she sold it and bought a car. We moved to Spain a few years ago. W e _________________________ in Paris. * I seldom eat ice cream now, but I _________________________ it w hen I was a child. T racy _________________________ my best friend, but we aren’t friends anymore. It only takes m e about 40 m inutes to get to w ork now that the new highway is open. It _________________________ m ore than an hour. T h e r e _________________________a hotel near the airport, but it closed a long tim e ago. S W hen you lived in N ew Y ork,_________________________ to the theater very often? d Matt changed his lifestyle. He stopped doing some things and started doing other things: stopped

studying hard going to bed early running three miles every m orning

He started

-sleeping late going out every night spending a lot o f m oney

Write sentences about Matt with u sed to and didn't use to. L

He u sed to stu d y hard.________________________________ He didn I use to s/eep late.

2 Compare what Karen said five years ago and what she savs today: Five years ago I'm a hotel 1 jdesk derk.^J

travel a lot

W I play the piano,j I never read newspapers


I don't drink tea. '

go to a lot L of Darties.

f r I've got a dog. •

Now write sentences about how Karen has changed. Use u sed to / didn't use to / never used to in the first part of your sentence.

S h e used to tra v e l a lot -> She 3. She 4. She 5. She 6. She 7. She 8. She 9. She 10. She

Dnal Exercise 9 (page 301)

, but . but , but , but , but , but . but . but , but . but

she doesrt t take m any trips these days.


Present Tenses (I am doing / 1do) with a Future Meaning Present continuous (I a m d o in g ) w ith a future m eaning This is B en’s calendar for next week. H e is p la y in g tennis on M onday afternoon. H e is g o in g to the dentist on Tuesday m orning. H e is h a v in g dinner w ith Ann on Friday. In all these examples, Ben has already decided and arranged to do these things.

I’m d o in g s o m e th in g (tom orrow) = I have already decided and arranged to do it: ■ A : W hat are you d o in g Saturday night? ( not W hat do you do) B: I’m g o in g to the theater. (not I go) ■ A : W hat time is Cathy a r riv in g tom orrow? B: At 10:30. I’m m e e tin g her at the airport. ■ I’m n o t w o rk in g tom orrow, so we can go out somewhere. ■ Sam is n ’t p la y in g football next Saturday. H e hurt his leg. “I’m g o in g to (do)” is also possible in these sentences: ■ W hat a re you g o in g to d o Saturday night? B ut the present continuous is m ore natural for arrangem ents. See also U nit 19B. Do not use w ill to talk about w hat you have arranged to do: ■ W hat a re you d o in g tonight? (not W hat will you do) ■ Eric is g e ttin g m arried next m onth. (not will get) You can also use the present continuous for an action ju s t before you begin to do it. This happens especially w ith verbs o f m ovem ent (g o /c o m e /le a v e , etc.): ■ I’m tired. I’m g o in g to bed now. G oodnight. (not I go to bed now) ■ “Tina, are you ready yet?” “Yes, I’m c o m in g .” (not I come) Simple present (I do) w ith a future m eaning You can use the simple present w hen you talk about schedules, programs, etc. (for public transportation, movies, etc.): ■ My flight leaves at 11:30, so I need to get to the airport by 10:00. ■ W hat time does the movie beg in ? ■ It’s W ednesday tom orrow. / Tom orrow is Wednesday. You can use the simple present to talk about about people if their plans are fixed like a schedule: ■ I s ta rt my new jo b on Monday. ■ W hat tim e d o you fin is h w ork tom orrow? B ut the continuous is m ore com m only used for personal arrangements: ■ W hat tim e are you m e e tin g Ann tom orrow? (not do you meet) Com pare: Present Continuous ■ W hat time are you arriving? ■ I’m g o in g to the movies tonight.

I'm going to Units 19, 22

Will Units 20-22

Simple Present ■ W hat tim e does the plane arrive? ■ The movie sta rts at 8:15 (tonight).

Simple Present after w hen / if, etc. Unit 24


1 1 e x c is e s


• end of yours is planning to go on vacation soon. Ask her about her plans. Use the -ds in parentheses to make your questions. !where / go?) W h e re a r e y o u going7 (how long / stay?)___________________ Iwhen / leave?)_____________________ j o / alone?)________________________ Itravel / by car?)_____________________ Iwhere / stay?)______________________ f t:

Quebec. Ten days. N ext Friday. No, with a friend. No, by plane. In a hotel.

: en wants you to visit him, but you are very busy. Look at your calendar for the next few rays and explain to him why you can't come. Ben: Can you come over on Monday night? You: Sorry, but I'm playing volleyball Ben: W hat about Tuesday night then? You: No, not Tuesday. I _________________ Ben: And Wednesday night? You: __________________________________ Ben: Well, are you free on Thursday? You: I’m afraid n o t._____________________

L lj

-• (1)

(2) -


- (4)

i-.ave you arranged to do anything at these times? Write true sentences about yourself. L (tonight) I'm going o u t to n ig h t OR I'm n o t doing a n yth in g tonight. ____________ 2 (tom orrow m orning) I ___________________________________________________________ 3. (tom orrow n ig h t)_______________________________________________________________ (next S unday)___________________________________________________________________ 5. (choose another day or tim e ) _________________________________________________________ 3ut the verb into the more appropriate form, present continuous or simple present. I m going (go) to the movies tonight. 2. D o es th e m o v ie begin (the movie / begin) at 3:30 or 4:30? 3. W e _________________________ (have) a party next Saturday. W ould you like to come? - The art e x h ib it_________________________ (open) on May 3. 5. I _________________________ (not / go) out tonight. I _________________________ (stay) at home. 6 . “ _____ (you / do) anything tom orrow m orning?” “No, I’m free. W hy?” 7. We (go) to a concert tonight. I t _________________________ (start) at 7:30. 8. I _________________________ (leave) now. I came to say good-bye. >. A : Have you seen Liz recently? B: N o, but w e _________________________ (meet) for lunch next week. 10. You are on the train to Boston and you ask another passenger: Excuse me. W hat tim e . (this train / get) to Boston? 11. You are talking to Julie: Julie, I . (go) to the store n o w .. (you / come) w ith me? 12. You and a friend are watching television. You say: I’m bored w ith this show. W hat tim e _____ (it / end)? 13. I ______________________ (not / use) the car tonight, so you can have it. 14. Sue (come) to see us tom orrow. She (fly) from Seattle, and her plane (arrive) at 10:15 a.m.

onal Exercises 10-13 (pages 302-304)


(I'm) going to (do) I a m g o in g to d o som ething = I have already decided to do it, I intend to do it: ■ A: A re you g o in g to w a tc h the football game on TV tonight? B: N o, I’m g o in g to go to bed early. I’m tired from my trip. ■ A: I heard Lisa w on some money. W hat is she g o in g to d o w ith it? B: She’s g o in g to b u y a new car. ■ I’m g o in g to m a k e a quick phone call. C an you w ait for me? ■ This cheese smells awful. I’m n o t g o in g to e a t it. I a m d o in g and I a m g o in g to do W e use I a m d o in g (present continuous) w hen we say w hat we have arranged to do - for example, arranged to m eet somebody, arranged to go somewhere: ■ W hat time are you m e e tin g Am anda tonight? ■ I’m le a v in g tom orrow. I already have my plane ticket. I a m g o in g to d o som ething = I’ve decided to do it (but perhaps not arranged to do it): ■ ‘The windows are dirty.” “Yes, I know. I’m g o in g to w ash them later.” (= I’ve decided to wash them , but I haven’t arranged to wash them ) ■ I’ve decided not to stay here any longer. Tom orrow I’m g o in g to lo o k for another place to live. O ften the difference is very small and either form is possible. You can also say that “som ething is g o in g to h a p p e n ” in the future. For example: The m an can’t see the wall in front o f him. Fie is g o in g to w a lk into the wall. W h en we say that “som ething is g o in g to h a p p e n ,” the situation now m akes us believe this. T he m an is w alking tow ard the wall now, so w e can see that he is g o in g to w a lk into it.

situation now

juture happening

Some ■ ■ ■

m ore examples: Look at those dark clouds! It’s g o in g to ra in , (the clouds are there now) I feel awful. I think I’m g o in g to b e sick. (I feel awful now) The econom ic situation is bad now, and things are g o in g to g e t worse.

I w as ■ ■ ■

g o in g to (do something) = I intended to do it, but didn’t do it: We w e re g o in g to fly to N ew York, but then we decided to drive instead. Peter w as g o in g to ta k e the exam, but he changed his mind. I w as ju st g o in g to cross the street w hen somebody shouted, “Stop!”

You can say that “som ething w as g o in g to h a p p e n ” (but didn’t happen): ■ I thought it w as g o in g to ra in , but it didn’t.

/ am c/o/ng w ith a Future Meaning Unit 18A

I will and I'm going to Unit 22




i t

j g

ne a question with going to for each situation. Y: ur friend has won some money. You ask: w hat / do w ith it?) W h a t a r e y o u going to do w ith it? Your friend is going to a party tonight. You ask: (what / wear?) a r friend has ju st bought a new table. You ask: (where / pu t it?) . ur friend has decided to have a party. You ask: (who / invite?)______________ ; ^ad the situations and complete the dialogs. Use going to. .


You have decided to clean your room this m orning. Friend: Are you going out this m orning? You: N o, I'm going to d e a n m y room.______________ You bought a sweater, but it doesn’t fit you very well. You have decided to return it. Friend: T hat sweater is too big for you.




Ik n o w ._______________________________________________________________

You have been offered a job, but you have decided not to take it. Friend: I hear you’ve been offered a job. You: T hat’s right, b u t ______________________________________________________ You have to call Sarah. It’s m orning now, and you intend to call her tonight. Friend: Have you called Sarah yet? You: N o , __________________________________________________________________

1 You are in a restaurant. The food is awful and you’ve decided to complain. Friend: This food is awful, isn’t it? You: Yes, it’s disgusting.____________________________________________________ What is going to happen in these situations? Use the words in parentheses. . There are a lot o f dark clouds in the sky. (rain) I t s going to ra in ._____________________________________________________ 2. It is 8:30. Tom is leaving his house. H e should be at w ork at 8:45, but it takes him 30 m inutes to get there, (late) He . There is a hole in the bottom of the boat. A lot o f w ater is com ing in through the hole. (sink) The b o a t_____________________________________________________________________ 4 . Erica and Chris are driving in the country. T here is very little gas left in the tank. The nearest gas station is miles away. (run out) T h e y _____________________________________________________________________ Complete the sentences with was / w ere going to + the following verbs: b u y call



p la y

q u it

1. W e w e r e going to fly to N ew York, but then we decided to drive instead. 2. I ___________________________________ some new clothes yesterday, but I was very busy and didn’t have tim e to go shopping. 3. Joshua and I ___________________________________ tennis last week, but he h u rt his ankle. 4. I ___________________________________ Jane, but I decided to e-mail her instead. 5. A: The last tim e I saw Bob, h e ___________________________________ his job. B: T hat’s right, but in the end he decided not to. 6. W e ____________________________________a party last week, but some o f our friends couldn’t come, so we changed our minds.


Will 1 W e use I ’ll (= 1 w ill) w hen we decide to do som ething at the tim e o f speaking: ■ O h, I left the door open. I ’ll go and shut it. ■ “W hat would you like to drink?” “I ’ll have some orange juice, please.” ■ “D id you call Julie?” “O h no, I forgot. I ’ll call her now.” You cannot use the simple present (I d o / I go. etc.) in these sentences: ■ I ’ll go and shut the door. (not I go and shut) We often use I th in k I ’l l . . . and I d o n ’t th in k I ’ll . . . : ■ I am a little hungry. I th in k I ’ll have som ething to eat. ■ I d o n ’t th in k I ’ll go out tonight. I’m too tired, (not I think I w on’t go o u t . . . ) In spoken English, the negative o f w ill is usually w o n ’t (= w ill not): ■ I can see you’re busv, so I w o n ’t stay long. Do not use w ill to talk about w hat you have already decided or arranged to do (see U nits 18-19): ■ I’m g o in g on vacation next Saturday, (not I’ll go) ■ A re you w o rk in g tom orrow? (not W ill you work) W e often use w ill in these situations: Offering to do something

■ T hat bag looks heavy. I’ll h e lp you w ith it. (not I help) Agreeing to do something ■ A : Can you give Tim this book? B : Sure, I’ll give it to him w hen I see him this afternoon. Promising to do something

■ Thanks for lending me the money. I’ll p ay you back on Friday. ■ I w o n ’t te ll anyone w hat happened. I promise. A sking somebody to do something (W ill y o u . . . ?)

■ W ill y o u pi ease b e quiet? I’m trying to concentrate. ■ W ill y o u s h u t the door, please? You can use w o n ’t to say that som ebody refuses to do something: ■ I’ve tried to give her advice, but she w o n ’t listen . ■ The car w o n ’t start. (= the car “refuses” to start)

S h all I . . . ?

S hall w e . . . ?

S h all is used in the questions S h all I . . . ? / S h all w e . . . ? to ask som ebody’s opinion (especially in offers or suggestions): ■ S h all I o p e n the window? (= Do you w ant me to open the window?) ■ “W here shall w e have lunch?” “Let’s go to M arino’s.” W e use sh o u ld m ore often in the same situations: ■ S h o u ld I o p e n the window? (= Do you want m e to open it?) ■ W here sh o u ld w e have lunch?

W/'//2 Unit 21

I will and I'm going to Unit 22

British English Appendix 7


I r'cises -piete the sentences with I'll + an appropriate verb.

7m too tired to walk hom e. I think I'll take a taxi. on the heat.” 'It's a little cold in this room .” “You’re rig h t.________ and get some now.” “W e don’t have any milk.” “W e don’t ? _____________ ______________ it later.” 'C a n I wash the dishes for you?” “N o, that’s all rig h t.. 'I don’t know how to use this com puter.” “D on’t worry, ______________________you." coffee, please.” 'W o u ld you like tea or coffee?” you a postcard.” 'G ood-bye! Have a nice trip.” “T h an k s.__ _________it back to you on Thanks for letting me borrow your cam era.. Monday, OK? here.” 'A re you com ing w ith us?” “N o, I th in k _ : ^ad the situations and write sentences with / think I’l l . . . or I d on ’t think I’l l . . . . 1

It’s a little cold. The w indow is open, and you decide to close it. You say:

.Ink I'll d o s e I


th e w in d o w .___________________________________________________________________________

You’re tired, and it’s getting late. You decide to go to bed. You say: I th in k __________________________________________________________________________ A friend o f yours offers you a ride in his car, but you decide to walk. You say: Thank you, but I th in k ___________________________________________________________ You arranged to play tennis today. N ow you decide that you don’t w ant to play. You say: I don’t th in k _____________________________________________________________________ You were going to go swimming. N ow you decide that you don’t w ant to go. You say:

lich is correct? (If necessary, study Units 18-19 first.) “D id you call Julie?” “O h no, I forgot. I call / I’ll call her now.” (I’ll call is correct) I can’t m eet you tom orrow. I’m playing / I’ll play tennis. {I’m playing is correct) “I m eet / I’ll m eet you outside the hotel in half an hour, O K ?” “Yes, that’s fine.” “I need some money.” “O K, I’m lending / I’ll lend you some. H ow m uch do you need?” I’m having / I’ll have a party next Saturday. I hope you can come. . “R em em ber to get a new spaper w hen you go out.” “OK. I don’t forget / I w on’t forget.” W hat time does your plane leave / will your plane leave tomorrow? I asked Sue w hat happened, but she doesn’t tell / w on’t tell me. “Are you doing / W ill you do anything tom orrow night?” “N o, I’m free. W hy?” A I don’t w ant to go out alone. Do you come / W ill you come w ith me?


Complete the sentences with I’ll / I w o n ’t / shall I / shall we + an appropriate verb. A: W here sh a ll w e h a v e lunch? B: Let’s go to that new restaurant on N orth Street. 2. A: It’s M ark’s birthday soon, and I w ant to get him a present. W h a t____________________________________him? B: I don’t know. I never know w hat to give people. 3. A: Do you w ant me to pu t these groceries away? B: N o that’s O K . it later. 4. A: Let’s go out tonight. B: OK, w h e re ____________________________________? 5. A: W hat I’ve told you is a secret. Idon’t w ant anybody else to know. B: D on’t w o rry .______________________________ anybody. 6. A: I know you’re busy, but can you finish this report this afternoon? B: W e ll,___________________________________ , but I can’t promise.

al Exercises 10-13 (pages 302-304)

Will 2 W e do not use w ill to say w hat somebody has already arranged or decided to do in the future: ■ Ann is w o rk in g next week. (not Ann will work) ■ A re you g o in g to w a tc h television tonight? (not W ill you watch) For “ is w o r k in g ” and “A re you g o in g to . . . ?” , see Units 18-19. B ut often, w hen we talk about the future, we are not talking about w hat somebody has decided to do. For example: Joe and a friend are waiting in line at a movie theater.

W e’ll g e t in does not mean “we have decided to get in.” Joe is saying w hat he knows or thinks will happen. He is predicting the future. W h en we predict a future happening or situation, we use w i l l /w o n ’t.

Joe Some m ore examples: ■ Jill has lived abroad for a long time. W hen she comes back, she’ll fin d a lot of changes here. ■ “W here w ill you b e this tim e next year?” “I’ll b e in Japan.” ■ T hat plate is hot. If you touch it, you’ll b u r n yourself. ■ Tom w o n ’t pass the exam. He hasn’t studied hard enough. ■ W hen w ill you fin d o u t how you did on the exam? W e often use w ill (’11) with:

I’m su re

■ I’ll p ro b a b ly be hom e late tonight. ■ I e x p e c t the test w ill take two hours. ■ D on’t w orry about the exam. I ’m su re you’ll pass.

I th in k

■ D o y o u th in k Sarah w ill like the present we bought her?

I d o n ’t th in k

■ I d o n ’t th in k the exam w ill be very difficult. ■ A: W hat are you doing after dinner? B: I don’t know. I guess I’ll read the paper.

p ro b ab ly I expect

I guess

I doubt

■ W hen d o y o u su p p o se Jan and M ark w ill get married? ■ I d o u b t you’ll need a heavy coat in Las Vegas. It’s usually warm there.

I w onder


I su p p o se

I worry about those people who lost their jobs. I w o n d e r w hat w ill happen to them .

After I h o p e, we generally use the present: ■ I h o p e Kate passes the exam. ■ I h o p e it d o e s n ’t ra in tomorrow.

Will 1 Unit 20

I will and I'm going to Unit 22

The Future Appendix 3

Will b e doing and will have do ne Unit 23

British English Appendix 7


E ercises


h ch form of the verb is correct (or more natural) in these sentences? . Diane isn’t free on Saturday. She’ll w e f k -/ She’s working. (She’s working is correct) I . _ ftp / I’m going to a party tom orrow night. W ould you like to come,too? think Amy will get / is getting the job. She has a lot o f experience. . can’t m eet you tonight. A friend o f m ine will come / is com ing over. " . Have you decided w here to go on vacation? B Yes, w e’ll go / we are going to Italy, on’t be afraid o f the dog. It w on’t h u rt / It isn’t hurting you. Complete the sentences with will ('II) + the following verbs: co m e



lik e


lo o k



tak e

on’t worry about the exam. I’m sure you H pass W hy don’t you try on this jacket? I t . . nice on you. I w ant you to m eet B randon som etime. I think you . It’s raining. D o n’t go out. Y o u _____________ . wet. Do you think p e o p le _ longer in the future? each other again soon. Good-bye. I’m sure we . I invited Sue to the party, but I don’t think s h e _____________ W hen the new road is finished, I expect that my trip to w ork . less time.


rite will ('II) or won't. Can you wait for me? I . w o n t . be very long. You don’t need to take an um brella along. I t . If you don’t eat anything now, you I’m sorry about w hat happened yesterday. I t . I’ve got some incredible news! Y o u __ T here’s no m ore bread. I guess w e ________ D on’t ask Am anda for advice. S h e _________ Jack doesn’t like crowds. I don’t think he .

ram. be hungry later. happen again. _ never believe w hat happened. . have to go shopping before we eat. know w hat to do. ______ come to our party.

Vhere do you think you will be at these times? Write true sentences about yourself. Use: I’ll b e . . .

I ’ll p ro b a b ly b e . . .

I d o n ’t k n o w w h e re I ’ll b e . . .

I guess I’ll b e ,

(next M onday night at 7 :45) /// b e a t hom e

OR / guess /// b e a t hom e OR / don t know w h e re III be_________

(at 5:00 tom orrow m orning) (at 10:30 tom orrow m orning) -

(next Saturday afternoon at 4:15) (this tim e next year)


Write questions using do you think . . . w ill. . . ? + the following verbs: be back

co st


g et m a rr ie d


lik e

ra in

1. I bought Rosa a present. Do you think she'll like it n The sky is dark and cloudv. D o vou 3. The m eeting is still going on. W hen do vou 4. My car needs to be fixed. H ow m uch 5. Sallv and David are in love. Do 6. “I’m going out now.” “O K. W hat tim e 7. The future is uncertain. W hat

a I Exercises 10-13 (pages 302-304)



22 A

I will and I'm going to Future actions Study the difference betw een w ill and (be) g o in g to : Sue is talking to Erica: Let's have a party.

That's a great idea. W e'll invite lots of people.

w ill (’11): We use w ill w hen we decide to do som ething at the tim e o f speaking. The speaker has not decided before. The party is a new idea.

decision now I ’ll Erica


Later that day, Erica m eets Dave:



(be) g o in g to : W e use (be) g o in g to w hen we have already decided to do something. Erica had already decided to invite lots of people before she spoke to Dave.

Sue and I have decided to have a party. We're going to invite iots of people.

decision before


I’m going to . . . Dave





Com pare: ■ “D aniel called while you were out.” “OK. I’ll call him back.” “Daniel called while you were out.” “Yes, I know. I’m g o in g to call him back.” ■ “Anna is in the hospital.” “O h really? I didn’t know. I’ll go and visit her.” “Anna is in the hospital.” “Yes, I know. I’m g o in g to v isit her tonight.” Future happenings and situations (predicting the future) Sometimes there is not m uch difference betw een w ill and g o in g to. For example, you can say: ■ I think the w eather w ill be nice later. ■ I think the w eather is g o in g to be nice later.


W hen we say som ething is g o in g to happen, we think this because o f the situation now (see U nit 19C): ■ Look at those black clouds. It’s g o in g to ra in , (not It will rain) (We can see that it is g o in g to rain from the clouds that are in the sky now.) ■ I feel terrible. I think I’m g o in g to b e sick. (not I think I’ll be sick) (I think I’m g o in g to b e sick because I feel terrible now.) D o not use w ill in this type o f situation. In other situations, use w ill: ■ Tom w ill probably g e t here at about 8:00. ■ I think Jessica w ill lik e the present we bought for her. ■ These shoes are very well made. They’ll la s t a long time.

I'm going to Unit 19

Will Units 20-21

The Future Appendix 3


u n i t

I Complete the sentences using will ('II) or going to. 1 A: B: 2 A: B: .4: B: - .4:

W hy are you turning on the television? I'm g o in g to w a tc h the news. (I / watch) O h, I ju st realized. I don’t have any money. You don’t? Well, don’t w o rry ._________________________________ you some. (I / lend) I have a headache. You do? W ait a second and an aspirin for vou. (I / get) W hy are you filling that bucket w ith water? ___________________________________ the car. (I / wash) .4: I’ve decided to paint this room. B: O h, really? W hat c o lo r____________________________________it? (you / paint) 1 .4: W here are you going? Are you going shopping? B: Y es, some things for dinner. (I / buy) A: I don’t know how to use this camera. B: It’s easy. you. (I / show) A: Did you mail that letter for me? B: Oh, I’m sorry. I com pletely fo rg o t._______________________________ it now. (I / do) A: The ceiling in this room doesn’t look very safe, does it? B: N o, it looks as i f ____________________________________down, (it / fall) A: Has Dan decided w hat to do w hen he finishes high school? B: Yes. Everything is p la n n e d . a few m onths at the com m unity off. (he / take) T h e n _______________________________ classes college, (he / start)

2 Poad the situations and complete the sentences usingwill ('II) or going to.



The phone rings and you answer. Somebody wants to speak to Jim . Caller: Hello. Can I speak to Jim , please? You: Just a m inute. Ill p e t him. (I / get) It’s a nice day, so you have decided to take a walk. Just before you go, you tell your friend. You: The w eather’s too nice to stay in d o o rs.____________________________________ a walk. (I / take) Friend: Good idea. I th in k ___________________________________ you. (I / join) Your friend is w orried because she has lost an im portant letter. You: D on’t w orry about the letter. I’m s u re ____________________________________ it. (you / find) There was a jo b advertised in the new spaper recently. At first you were interested, but then you decided not to apply. Friend: Have you decided w hat to do about that jo b you were interested in? You: Y es,____________________________________for it. (I / not / apply) You and a friend come hom e very late. O th er people in the house are asleep. Your friend is noisy. You: Shh! D o n’t make so m uch n o ise.____________________________________everybody up. (you / wake) John has to go to the airport to catch a plane tom orrow m orning. John: Ann, I need a ride to the airport tom orrow m orning. Ann: T hat’s no p ro b le m .___________________________________ you. (I / take) W hat tim e is your flight? John: 10:50. Ann: O K , at about 8:00. (we / leave) Later that day, Joe offers John a ride to the airport. Joe: John, do you w ant m e to take you to the airport? John: N o thanks, J o e . me. (Ann / take)

= Exercises 10-13 (pages 302-304)


U N I T 1

Will be doing and will have done

1 Study this example situation: 3 f^ $ T A o 7u Z r

These people are standing in line to get into the stadium. now An hour from now, the stadium will be full. Everyone w ill b e w a tc h in g the game.

half an hour from now T hree hours from now, the stadium will be empty. The game w ill have en d ed . Everyone w ill have g o n e home. three hours from now

I w ill b e d o in g som ething (future continuous) = I will be in the m iddle o f doing it: ■ I’m leaving on vacation this Saturday. This tim e next week, I’ll b e ly in g on the beach or s w im m in g in the ocean. ■ You have no chance o f getting the job. You’ll b e w a stin g your tim e if you apply for it. C om pare w ill b e d o in g and ill do: ■ D on’t call me betw een 7 and 8. W e’ll b e h a v in g dinner. ■ Let’s wait for M aria to arrive, and then w e’ll have dinner. C om pare w ill b e d o in g w ith other continuous forms: ■ At 10:00 yesterday, Kelly w as at the office. She w as w o rk in g , (past) It’s 10:00 now. She is at the office. She is w o rk in g , (present) At 10:00 tom orrow, she w ill b e at the office. She w ill b e w o rk in g , (future) W e also use w ill b e -in g to talk about com plete actions in the future. For example: ■ The governm ent w ill b e m a k in g a statem ent about the crisis later today. ■ W ill you b e g o in g away this summer? ■ Later in the program , I’ll b e ta lk in g to the M inister of Education .. . ■ O ur best player is injured and w o n ’t b e p la y in g in the game on Saturday.

Later jn I'll be

pr0grarrii ta lkin g to ...

In these examples, w ill b e -in g is similar to (be) g o in g to . . . W e use w ill have d o n e (future perfect) to say that som ething will already be com plete before a tim e in the future. For example: ■ Sally always leaves for work at 8:30 in the m orning. She w on’t be at hom e at 9:00 - she’ll h av e g o n e to work. ■ W e’re late. The movie w ill already have s ta rte d by the time we get to the theater. Com pare w ill have d o n e w ith other perfect forms: ■ Ted and Amy have b e e n m arried for 24 years, (present perfect) N ext year they w ill have b e e n m arried for 25 years, (future perfect) W hen their first child was born, they h a d b e e n m arried for three years, (past perfect) Will Units 20-21

By the time / By then U n it1 17 C

The Future Appendix 3


Exercises 23.1

Read about Josh. Then put a check (/) by the sentences that are true. In each group of sentences, at least one is true. Josh goes to w ork every day. After breakfast, he leaves hom e at 8:00 and arrives at w ork at about 8:45. H e starts work im m ediately and continues until 12:30, w hen he has lunch (which takes about half an hour). He starts w ork again at 1:15 and goes hom e at exactly 4:30. Every day he follows the same routine, and tom orrow will be no exception. 1.




At a) b) c) d)

7:45 h e’ll he’ll h e’ll h e’ll


At a) b) c) d)

8:15 he’ll be leaving the house he’ll have left the house he’ll have arrived at work he’ll be arriving at work

12:45 h e’ll have lunch h e’ll be having lunch h e’ll have finished his lunch h e’ll have started his lunch

be leaving the house have left the house be at hom e / be having breakfast /

9:15 he’ll be working he’ll start work he’ll have started work he’ll be arriving at work



At a) b) c) d)

4:00 he’ll have finished work he’ll finish work he’ll be working he won’t have finished work

A t 4:45 a) he’ll leave work b) h e’ll be leaving w ork h e’ll have left w ork h e’ll have arrived hom e

23.2 Put the verb into the correct form, will be (do)ing or will have (done). 1. D o n ’t call m e betw een 7 and 8. W e II b e having (we / have) dinner then. 2. Call me after 8 :0 0 .______________________________ (we / finish) dinner by then. 3. Tom orrow afternoon w e’re going to play tennis from 3:00 until 4:30. So at 4:00, ___________________________________ (we / play) tennis. 4. A: Can we m eet tom orrow afternoon? B: I’m sorry I can’t . ___________________________________ (I / work). 5. B has to go to a meeting that begins at 10:00. It will last about an hour. A: W ill you be free at 11:30? B: Y es,___________________________________ (the m eeting / end) by then. 6. Ben is on vacation, and he is spending his m oney very quickly. If he continues like this, _________________________ (he / spend) all his m oney before the end of his vacation. 7. Do you think __________________________________ (you / still / do) the same job 10 years from now? 8. Lisa is from N ew Zealand. She is traveling around South America right now. So far she has traveled about 1,000 miles. By the end o f the tr ip ,___________________________________ (she / travel) m ore than 3,000 miles. 9. If you need to contact m e ,___________________________________ (I / stay) at the Bellmore H otel until Friday. 10. A: ___________________________________ (you / see) Laura tom orrow? B: Yes, probably. W hy? A: I borrow ed this CD from her. Can you give it back to her? Additional Exercises 12-13 (pages 303-304)

When I do / When I've done When and if Study this example: “I’ll call you w hen I get hom e” is a sentence w ith two parts: the main part: I’ll call you and the w h e n part: w h e n I g e t hom e from work The tim e in the sentence is future (tom orrow), but we use a present tense (I get) in the w h e n part o f the sentence. W e do not use w ill in the w h e n part o f the sentence.

Some ■ ■ ■

m ore examples: W e’ll go out w h e n it stops raining. (not w hen it will stop) W h e n you are in Los Angeles again, give us a call. (not W hen you will be) (said to a child) W hat do you w ant to be w h e n you g ro w up? (not will grow)

The same thing happens after w h ile / b e fo re / a fte r / as so o n as / u n til or till: ■ I’m going to read a lot o f books w h ile I’m on vacation. (not while I will be) ■ I’m going back hom e on Sunday. B e fo re I go, I’d like to visit a m useum . ■ W ait here u n til (or till) I c o m e back. You can also use the present perfect (have done) after w h e n / a fte r / u n til / as so o n as: ■ Can I borrow that book w h e n you’ve fin ish e d it? ■ D o n ’t say anything while Ben is here. W ait u n til he has gone. If you use the present perfect, one thing m ust be com plete before the other (so the two things do not happen together): ■ W h e n I’ve ca lle d Kate, we can have dinner. (= First I’ll call Kate, and after that we can have dinner.) Do not use the present perfect if the two things happen together: ■ W h e n I ca ll Kate, I’ll ask her about the party. (not W hen I’ve called) It is ofteri'possible to use either the simple present or the present perfect: ■ I’ll come as so o n as I fin ish , or I’ll come as so o n as I’ve fin ish ed . ■ You’ll feel better a fte r you or You’ll feel better a fte r you’ve have som ething to eat. h a d som ething to eat. After ■ ■ ■

i f we norm ally use the simple present ( if I d o / i f I see, etc.) for the future: It’s raining hard. W e’ll get w et i f we go out. (not if we will go) I’ll be angry i f it h a p p e n s again, (not if it will happen) H urry up! I f we d o n ’t h u rry , w e’ll be late.

Com pare w h e n and if: W e use w h e n for things that are sure to happen: ■ I’m going shopping later, (for sure) W h e n I go shopping, I’ll get some cheese. We use i f (not w hen) for things that will possibly happen: ■ I m ight go shopping later, (it’s possible) I f I go shopping, I’ll get some cheese. ■ I f it is raining tonight, I w on’t go out. (not W hen it is raining) ■ D on’t w orry i f I’m late tonight, (not w hen I’m late) ■ I f they don’t come soon, I’m not going to wait, (not W hen they don’t come) If Units 36-38

Even if / Even w h en Unit 109D

Unless U n it1 12 A



-r-nplete the sentences using the verbs in parentheses. All the sentences are about the ---rure. Use will / w on't or the simple present (/ see / he plays / it is, etc.). I 3 -

I ca ll (call) you w hen I a c t (get) hom e from work. I w ant to see Jennifer before s h e _________________________ (go) out. W e’re going on a trip tom orrow. I _________________________ (teH) you all about it w hen w e _________________________ (come) back. Brian looks very different now. W hen y o u (see) him again, vou ________________________ (not / recognize) him. (you / miss) me while I _________________________ (be) gone? W e should do som ething soon before i t _________________________ (be) too late. I don’t w ant to go w ithout you. I _________________________ (wait) until you _________________________ (be) ready. Sue has applied for the job, but she isn’t very well qualified for it. I _________________________ (be) surprised if s h e _________________________ (get) it. I’d like to play tennis tom orrow if the w e a th e r_________________________ (be) nice. I’m going out now. If an ybody (call) while I _________________________ (be) out, can you take a message? ike one sentence from two. You’ll be in Los Angeles again. Give us a call. (sive us a ca ll_____________________ w hen y o u a re in L o s A n g ele s again . I’ll find a place to live. T hen I’ll give you my address. I _____________________________________w h e n __________________________________ I’ll go shopping. T hen I’ll come straight home. ______________________________________a f te r___________________________________ It’s going to get dark. Let’s go hom e before that. _____________________________________ b e fo re __________________________________ She m ust apologize to me first. I w on’t speak to her until then. ______________________________________u n til___________________________________

Read the situations and complete the sentences. A friend o f yours is going on vacation. You w ant to know w hat she is going to do. You ask: W hat are you going to do w hen yo u go on vacation_______________________________ i 2. A friend o f yours is visiting you. She has to go soon, but you’d like to show her some pictures. You ask: Do you have tim e to look at some pictures before 3. You w ant to sell your car. Jim is interested in buying it, but he hasn’t decided yet. You ask: ? Can you let me know as soon a s . A friend o f yours is going to visit H ong Kong. You w ant to know w here she is going to stay. You ask: ? W here are you going to stay w hen . 5. The traffic is very bad in your town, but they are going to build a new road. You say: I think things will be better w hen th e y __________________________________________ - Put in when or if. D on’t w orry i f I’m late tonight. Chris m ight call while I’m out to n ig h t._________ he does, can you take a message? I’m going to Tokyo next w e e k ._________ I’m there, I hope to visit a friend o f mine. I think B eth will get the job. I’ll be very su rp rised she doesn’t get it. I’m going sh opping._________ you w ant anything, I can get it for you. I’m going away for a few days. I’ll call y o u _________ I get back. I w ant you to come to the party, b u t you don’t w ant to come, that’s all right. W e can eat at hom e o r ,_________ you prefer, we can go to a restaurant.

onal Exercises 10-13 (pages 302-304)

32 (pages 314-315)




Can, could, and (be) able to W e use can to say that som ething is possible or allowed, or that somebody has the ability to do som ething. W e use can + baseform (can d o / can see, etc.): ■ We ca n see the ocean from our hotel window. ■ “I don’t have a pen.” “You ca n use m ine.” ■ C a n you sp ea k any foreign languages? ■ I can c o m e and help you tom orrow if you want. ■ The w ord “dream ” can b e a noun or a verb. The negative is c a n ’t (= cannot): ■ I’m afraid I c a n ’t c o m e to your party on Friday.


You can say that som ebody is ab le to do som ething, but can is m ore common: ■ We are ab le to see the ocean from our hotel window. B ut ca n has only two forms: ca n (present) and c o u ld (past). So som etimes it is necessary to use (be) ab le to. Com pare: I c a n ’t sleep. Tom can come tomorrow. M aria can speak French, Spanish, and English.


I h a v e n ’t b e e n ab le to sleep recently. Tom m ig h t b e ab le to come tomorrow. Applicants for the jo b m u s t b e ab le to speak two foreign languages.

C o u ld Sometimes c o u ld is the past o f can. W e use c o u ld especially with: see


sm ell



re m e m b e r

u n d e rs ta n d

■ W e had a nice room in the hotel. W e c o u ld see the ocean. ■ As soon as I walked into the room, I c o u ld sm e ll gas. ■ She spoke in a very soft voice, so I c o u ld n ’t u n d e rs ta n d w hat she said. W e also use c o u ld to say that somebody had the general ability or perm ission to do something: ■ My grandfather c o u ld sp ea k five languages. ■ We were totally free. W e c o u ld d o w hat we wanted. (= we were allowed to do) C o u ld and w as a b le to W e use c o u ld for general ability. B ut if you w ant to say that somebody did som ething in a specific situation, use w a s/w e re ab le to or m a n a g e d to (not could): ■ The fire spread through the building very quickly, but fortunately everybody w as able to escape / m a n a g e d to escape. (not could escape) ■ We didn’t know w here David was, but we m a n a g e d to fin d / w e re ab le to fin d him in the end. (not could find) Com pare: ■ Jack was an excellent tennis player w hen he was younger. H e c o u ld b e a t anybody. (= he had the general ability to beat anybody) but Jack and Ted played tennis yesterday. Ted played very well, but Jack m a n a g e d to / w as ab le to b e a t him. (= he managed to beat him this time) The negative c o u ld n ’t (c o u ld n o t) is possible in all situations: ■ My grandfather c o u ld n ’t sw im . ■ We looked for David everywhere, but we c o u ld n ’t fin d him. ■ Ted played well, but he c o u ld n ’t b e a t Jack.


Could (do) and could have (done) Unit 26

M ust Unit 27

Can / Could y o u .

? Unit 35


Exercises 25.1

Complete the sentences using can or (be) able to. Use can if possible; otherwise use (be) able to. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Eric has traveled a lot. H e can speak four languages. I haven’t b een able to sleep very well recently. N ic o le _________________________drive, but she doesn’t have a car. I used t o _________________________ stand on my head, but I can’t do it any more. I can’t understand Michael. I’ve n e v e r_________________________ understand him. I can’t see you on Friday, but I _________________________ m eet you on Saturday m orning. Ask C atherine about your problem . She m ig h t_________________________ help you.

25.2 Write sentences about yourself using the ideas in parentheses. 1. (som ething you used to be able to do) / u s e d to b e a b le to sin g w ell.____________________________________________________________________________

2. (som ething you used to be able to do) I u s e d _____________________________________________________________________________ 3. (som ething you would like to be able to do) I’d ________________________________________________________________________________ 4. (som ething you have never been able to do) I’v e _____________________________________ 25.3

Complete the sentences with can/can't/could/couldn't+ the following verbs: com e 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


ea t


ru n


w a it

I’m sorry I can t com e to your party next week. W hen Bob was 16, h e _________________________ 100 m eters in 11seconds. “Are you in a hurry?” “N o, I’ve got plenty o f time. I . I felt sick yesterday. I _________________________ anything. Can you speak a little louder? I you very well. “You look tired.” “Yes, I _________________________ last night.”

Complete the answers to the questions with was/were able to. 1. A: D id everybody escape from the fire? B: Yes. Although the fire spread quickly, everybody w a s able to esc a p e 2. A: B: 3. A: B: 4. A: d the th ief get away? B: Yes. N o one realized w hat was happening, and the th ie f _________________________


Complete the sentences using could, couldn't, or managed to. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

My grandfather traveled a lot. He c o u ld speak five languages. I looked everywhere for the book, but I co u ld n t find it. They didn’t w ant to come w ith us at first, but we m a n a g e d to persuade them . Laura had h u rt her leg a n d _________________________ walk very well. Sue wasn’t at hom e w hen I called, but I ____________________contact her at her office. I looked very carefully, and I _________________________ see som eone in the distance. I w anted to buy some tom atoes. The first store I w ent to didn’t have any good ones, but I ________________________ get some at the next place. 8. My grandm other loved music. S h e _________________________ play the piano very well. 9. A girl fell into the river, but fortunately w e _________________________ rescue her. 10. I had forgotten to bring my camera, so I take any photos.



Could (do) and could have (done) W e use c o u ld in a num ber of ways. Sometimes c o u ld is the past o f ca n (see U nit 25C): ■ Listen. I can h e a r som ething, (now) ■ I listened. I c o u ld h e a r som ething, (past) B ut c o u ld is not only used in this way. W e also use c o u ld to talk about possible actions now or in the future (especially to make suggestions). For example:

What would you like to do tonight?

■ A: W hat would you like to do tonight? B: We c o u ld go to the movies. ■ A: W hen you go to N ew York next m onth, you c o u ld stay w ith Candice. B: Yes, I guess I co u ld . C an is also possible in these sentences (We can go to the movies, etc.). C o u ld is less sure than can.

We could go to the movies.

W e also use c o u ld (not can) for actions which are not realistic. For example: ■ I’m so tired, I c o u ld sleep for a week. (not I can sleep for a week) C om pare can and c o u ld : ■ I can stay w ith Candice w hen I go to N ew York, (realistic) ■ Maybe I c o u ld stay w ith Candice w hen I go to N ew York, (possible, but less sure) ■ This is a w onderful place. I c o u ld stay here forever, (unrealistic) W e also use c o u ld (not can) to say that som ething is possible now or in the future. The m eaning is similar to m ig h t or m a y (see U nits 28-29): ■ The story c o u ld b e true, bu t I don’t think it is. (not can be true) ■ I don’t know w hat tim e Liz is coming. She c o u ld g e t here at any time. W e use c o u ld have (done) to talk about the past. Com pare: ■ I’m so tired, I c o u ld sleep for a week, (now) I was so tired, I c o u ld have sle p t for a week, (past) ■ The situation is bad, but it c o u ld b e worse, (now) T he situation was bad, but it c o u ld have b e e n worse, (past) Something c o u ld have happened = it was possible but did not happen: ■ W hy did you stay at a hotel w hen you were in N ew York? You c o u ld have stayed w ith Candice, (you didn’t stay w ith her) ■ I didn’t know that you w anted to go to the concert. I c o u ld have g o tte n you a free ticket. (I didn’t get you a ticket) ■ Dave was lucky. He c o u ld have h u r t him self w hen he fell, but he’s OK. W e use c o u ld n ’t to say that som ething would not be possible now: ■ I c o u ld n ’t live in a big city. I’d hate it. (= it w ouldn’t be possible for me) ■ Everything is fine right now. Things c o u ld n ’t b e better. For the past, we use c o u ld n ’t have (done): ■ W e had a really good vacation. It c o u ld n ’t have b e e n better. ■ The trip was canceled last week. Paul c o u ld n ’t have g o n e anyway because he was sick. (= it w ould not have been possible for him to go)


ercises *


-nswer the questions with a suggestion. Use could and the words in parentheses.

s r W here would you like to go on vacation? W hat should we have for dinner tonight? W hen should I call Angela? W hat should I give Ana for her birthday? W hen should we go and see Tom?

(to San Diego) W e could go to S a n Diego. (fish) W e __________________________________ (now) Y ou_________________________________ (a b o o k )___________________________________ (on Friday)________________________________

n some of these sentences, you need could (not can). Change the sentences ..here necessary.

The story can be true) but I don’t think it is. co u ld b e tru e ____________ It’s a nice day. W e can go for a walk. O K (could go is also possible) I’m so angry I can scream._________________________ ___________________________ If you’re hungry, we can have dinner now.__________ ___________________________ It’s so nice here. I can stay here all day, but unfortunately I have to go._____________________ ___________________________ A: W h ere’s my bag. Have you seen it? B: N o, but it can be in the car.____________________ ___________________________ Peter is a good musician. He plays the flute, and he can also play the piano._____________________ ___________________________ A: I need to borrow a camera. B: You can borrow mine._________________________ ___________________________ The w eather is nice now, but it can change later. ___________________________ Complete the sentences. Use could or could have + appropriate verbs. . A: B: A: B: A: B: - A: B: 5. A: B: A: B:

W hat should we do tonight? We could go to the movies. I spent a very boring evening at hom e yesterday. W hy did you stay at home? Y o u out w ith us. T here’s a jo b advertised in the paper that I think you are really qualified for. I guess I for it, but I like my present job. H ow was your test? Was it hard? It wasn’t so bad. I t ________________ ~ __________worse. I got very w et walking hom e in the rain last night. W hy did you walk? Y o u _______________________________a taxi. W here should we m eet tom orrow? Well, I ______________________________ to your house if you want.

Complete the sentences. Use couldn't or couldn't have + these verbs in the correct form: -be-


com e

fin d

g et


w e ar

I couldnt live in a big city. I’d hate it. We had a really good vacation. It couldn't have been better. I _______________________________ that hat. I’d look silly, and people w ould laugh at me. - W e managed to find the restaurant you recom m ended, but w e ________________________ it w ithout the map that you drew for us. 5. Paul has to get up at 4:00 every m orning. I don’t know how he does it. I ______________________________ up at that tim e every day. The staff at the hotel was really nice w hen we stayed there last summer. They ____________________________ m ore helpful. 7. A: I tried to call you last week. W e had a party, and I w anted to invite you. B:_T hat’s nice of you, but I _______________________________ anyway. I was away all last week.

: rial

E: ercises 16-18 (pages 305-307)



Must (You must be tired, etc.) M u st (n o t) My house is next to the freeway.

it m ust be very noisy,

We use m u s t to say that we feel sure som ething is true: ■ You’ve been traveling all day. You m u s t b e tired. (Traveling is tiring and you’ve been traveling all day, so you m u s t b e tired.) ■ “Jim is a hard w orker.” “Jim ? You m u s t b e joking. H e’s very lazy.” ■ I’m sure Sally gave m e her phone num ber. I m u s t have it somewhere.


We use m u s t n o t to say that we feel sure som ething is not true: ■ T heir car isn’t outside their house. They m u s t n o t b e home. (= They m u s t b e out) ■ Brian said he would be here by 9:30. It’s 10:00 now, and he’s never late. He m u s t n o t b e co m in g . ■ They haven’t lived here very long. They m u s t n o t k n o w many people. Study the structure: I/y o u /h e (etc.)

m u s t (n o t)

b e (tired / hungry / home, etc.) b e (d o in g / c o m in g / jo k in g , etc.) d o / g e t / k n o w / have, etc.

M u st (n o t) have d o n e For the past, we use m u s t (n o t) have d o n e : ■ “W e used to live close to the freeway.” “Did you? It m u s t have b e e n noisy.” ■ T here’s nobody at hom e. They m u s t have g o n e out. ■ I’ve lost one o f my gloves. I m u s t have d ro p p e d it somewhere. ■ She walked past me w ithout speaking. She m u s t n o t have seen me. ■ Tom walked into a wall. He m u s t n o t have b e e n lo o k in g w here he was going. Study the structure: I/y o u /h e (etc.)

m u s t (n o t)


b e e n (tired / hungry / noisy, etc.) b e e n (d o in g / c o m in g / lo o k in g , etc.) g o n e / d ro p p e d / seen, etc.

C a n ’t and m u s t n o t It c a n ’t b e true = I believe it is impossible: ■ H ow can you say such a thing? You c a n ’t b e serious! Com pare c a n ’t and m u s t n o t: ■ A: Joe wants som ething to eat. ■ B: B ut he ju st had lunch. H e c a n ’t b e hungry already. (= it’s impossible that he is h u n g r because he ju st had lunch) ■ A: I offered Bill som ething to eat, but he didn’t w ant anything. B: He m u s t n o t b e hungry. (= I’m sure he is not hungry - otherw ise he w ould eat something) Can't {I can't sw im , etc.) U n it2 5A , B

M u st (I m ust go, etc.) U n it3 0 B ,C

British English Appendix 7

tise s






►-t ,n must or m ust not. I 1. *

V u've been traveling all day. You m u s t be tired. That re sta u ran t________________________ be very good. It’s always full o f people. That restau ran t_________________________be very good. It’s always empty. Y o u _________________________ be looking forward to going on vacation next week. ■'ain ed every day during their vacation, so th e y _________________________ have had try nice time. a got here very quickly. Y o u have walked very fast.

I : -plete each sentence with a verb (one or two words) in the correct form. I've lost one o f my gloves. I m ust h a v e d ro p p e d it somewhere. They haven’t lived here very long. They m ust not k n o w many people. Ted isn’t at w ork today. H e m u s t__________________________sick. - Ted wasn’t at w ork last week. H e m u s t__________________________sick. ~ Sarah knows a lot about movies. She m u s t_________________________ to the movies a lot. Look. Jam es is putting on his hat and coat. H e m u s t_________________________ out. I left my bike outside last night and now it is gone. Somebody m u s t___________________ it. I Sue was in a difficult situation w hen she lost her job. It m ust n o t ________________________ easy for her. There is a m an walking behind us. H e has been walking behind us for the last 20 minutes. He m u s t__________________________us. ■rsd the situations and use the words in parentheses to write sentences with m ust have z-d must n ot have. - The phone rang, but I didn’t hear it. (I / asleep) / m u s t h a v e b een asleep._____________ I Julie walked past m e w ithout speaking, (she / see / me) S h e m u s t n o t h a v e se e n me. The jacket you bought is very good quality, (it / very expensive) -

I can’t find my um brella. (I / leave / it in the restaurant last night) Dave passed the exam w ithout studying for it. (the exam / very difficult) She knew everything about our plans, (she / listen / to our conversation) Rachel did the opposite o f what I asked her to do. (she / understand / w hat I said) W hen I woke up this m orning, the light was on. (I / forget / to turn it off) . I was awakened in the night by loud music next door, (the neighbors / have / a party)

Complete the sentences with m ust n ot or can't, H ow can you say such a thing? You c a n t be serious! Their car isn’t outside their house. They m u s t n o t be home. I ju st bought a box o f cereal yesterday. I t _________________________ be em pty already. The Smiths always go on vacation this tim e o f year, but they are still home. T h e y _________________________ be taking a vacation this year. 5. You ju st started filling out your tax forms 10 m inutes ago. Y o u _________________________ be finished w ith them already! Eric is a good friend o f A nn’s, but he hasn’t visited her in the hospital. H e _________________________ know she’s in the hospital.

-a l Exercises 16-18 (pages 305-307)


May and might 1 Study this example situation: You are looking for Bob. Nobody is sure where he is, but you get some suggestions. He may be in his office.

Where's Bob?

(= perhaps he is in his office)

He might be having lunch.

(= perhaps he is having lunch)

Ask Ann. She might know.

(= perhaps she knows)

We use m a y or m ig h t to say that som ething is a possibility. Usually, you can use m ay or m ig h t, so you can say: ■ It m a y be true, or It m ig h t be true. (= perhaps it is true) ■ She m ig h t know, or She m a y know. The negative forms are m a y n o t and m ig h t n o t: ■ It m a y n o t be true. (= perhaps it isn’t true) ■ She m ig h t n o t w ork here any m ore. (= perhaps she doesn’t w ork here) Study the structure: I/y o u /h e (etc.)

m ay m ig h t


b e e n (true / in his office, etc.) b e (d o in g / w o rk in g / hav in g , etc.) d o / k n o w / w o rk / w a n t, etc.

For the past we use m a y have d o n e or m ig h t have d o n e: ■ A: I w onder why Kate didn’t answer the phone. B: She m a y have b e e n asleep. (= perhaps she was asleep) ■ A: I can’t find my bag anywhere. B: You m ig h t have le ft it in the store. (= perhaps you left it in the store) ■ A: I was surprised that Sarah wasn’t at the m eeting yesterday. B: She m ig h t n o t have k n o w n about it. (= perhaps she didn’t know) ■ A: I w onder why David was in such a bad m ood yesterday. B: H e m a y n o t have b e e n fe e lin g well. (= perhaps he w asn’t feeling well) Study the structure: I/y o u /h e (etc.)

m ay m ig h t

(not) have

b e e n (asleep / at hom e, etc.) b e e n (d o in g / w o rk in g / feelin g , etc.) k n o w n / h a d / w a n te d / left, etc.

C o u ld is similar to m a y and m ig h t: ■ It’s a strange story, but it c o u ld b e true. (= it m ay/m ight be true) ■ You c o u ld have le ft your bag in the store. (= you m ay/m ight have left it there) But c o u ld n ’t (negative) is different from m a y n o t and m ig h t n o t. Com pare: ■ Sarah c o u ld n ’t have g o tte n my message. O therw ise she would have called me. (= it is not possible that she got my message) ■ I w onder why Sarah hasn’t called me. I suppose she m ig h t n o t have g o tte n my message. (= perhaps she didn’t get it, and perhaps she did)

Could Unit 26

M a y / m ight 2 Unit 29

M a y / . . . ? Unit 35

Modal Verbs (can/could/w ill/w ould, etc.) Appendix 4

M ig h t w ith if Units 29B, 36C, 38D



28.1 Write these sentences in a different way using may or might. 1. Perhaps Elizabeth is in her office. S h e m ig h t b e in h e r office. OR S h e m a y b e .. . 2. Perhaps Elizabeth is busy.____________________________________________________________ 3. Perhaps she is w o rk in g ._____________________________________________________________ 4. Perhaps she wants to be alo n e ._______________________________________________________ 5. Perhaps she was sick yesterday._______________________________________________________ 6. Perhaps she w ent hom e early.________________________________________________________ 7. Perhaps she had to go hom e early.____________________________________________________ 8. Perhaps she was working yesterday.___________________________________________________ In sentences 9-11, use may n ot or might not. 9. Perhaps she doesn’t w ant to see m e .__________________________________________________ 10. Perhaps she isn’t working today.______________________________________________________ 11. Perhaps she w asn’t feeling well yesterday._____________________________________________ 28.2 Complete each sentence with a verb in the correct form. 1. “W h ere’s Sam?” “I’m not sure. He m ight b e having lunch.” 2. “W ho is that m an w ith Anna?” “I’m not sure. It m ig h t__________________ her brother.” 3. “W ho was the m an we saw w ith Anna yesterday?” “I’m not sure. It m a y ________________ her brother.” 4. “W hat are those people doing by the side o f the road?” “I don’t know. They m ight __________________for a bus.” 5. “Do you have a stamp?” “No, but ask Sam. He m a y __________________ one.” 28.3 Read the situations and make sentences from the words in parentheses. Use may or might. 1. I can’t find Jeff anywhere. I w onder w here he is. a) (he / go / shopping) H e m a y h a v e gone shopping._______________________________ b) (he / play / tennis) H e m ig h t b e p la y in g tennis.__________________________________ 2. I’m looking for Tiffany. Do you know w here she is? a) (she / watch / TV / in her ro o m )_________________________________________________ b) (she / go / o u t ) _________________________________________________________________ 3. I can’t find my umbrella. Have you seen it? a) (it / be / in the c a r)______________________________________________________________ b) (you / leave / in the restaurant last n ig h t)__________________________________________ 4. W hy didn’t Dave answer the doorbell? I’m sure he was at hom e at the time. a) (he / not / hear / the d o o rb e ll)___________________________________________________ b) (he / be / in the sh o w er)_________________________________________________________ 28.4 Complete the sentences using might n ot have . . . or couldn't have . . . . 1. A: B: 2. A: B: 3. A: B: 4. A: B: 5. A: B: 6. A: B:

Do you think Sarah got the message we left her? N o, she w ould have contacted us. S h e cou/dn t h a v e g o tte n it.____________________ I was surprised Kate wasn’t at the m eeting. Perhaps she didn’t know about it. T hat’s possible. S h e m ig h t n o t h a v e kn o w n a b o u t it._____________________________ I w onder why they never replied to our letter. Do you think they received it? M aybe not. T h e y _______________________________________________________________. I w onder how the fire started. Was it an accident? N o, the police say i t ____________________________________________________________ . M ike says he needs to see you. He tried to find you yesterday. Well, h e ______________________________________ very hard. I was in my office all day. The m an you spoke to - are you sure he was Chinese? N o, I’m not sure. H e ___________________________________________________________ .

Additional Exercises 16-18 (pages 305-307)



May and might 2 W e use m a y and m ig h t to talk about possible actions or happenings in the future: ■ I haven’t decided yet w here to go on vacation. I m a y go to Hawaii. (= perhaps I will go there) ■ Take an um brella w ith you. It m ig h t ra in later. (= perhaps it will rain) ■ The bus isn’t always on time. W e m ig h t have to w ait a few m inutes. (= perhaps we will have to wait) T he negative forms are m a y n o t and m ig h t n o t: ■ Ann m a y n o t go out tonight. She isn’t feeling well. (= perhaps she will not go out) ■ T here m ig h t n o t b e enough tim e to discuss everything at the m eeting. C om pare w ill and m a y /m ig h t: ■ I’ll b e late this evening, (for sure) ■ I m a y /m ig h t be late this evening, (possible) Usually you can use m a y or m ig h t. So you can say: ■ I m a y go to Hawaii, or I m ig h t go to Hawaii. ■ Lisa m ig h t be able to help you. or Lisa m a y be able to help you. B ut we use only m ig h t (not m ay) w hen the situation is not real: ■ If I were in Tom’s position, I think I m ig h t look for another job. The situation here is not real because I am not in Tom ’s position (so I’m not going to look for another job). M ay is not possible in this example. T here is also a continuous form: m a y /m ig h t be -in g . C om pare this w ith w ill be -ing: ■ D on’t call me at 8:30. I’ll be w a tc h in g the baseball game on TV. ■ D on’t call me at 8:30. I m ig h t be w a tc h in g (or I m a y be w a tc h in g ) the baseball game on TV. (= perhaps I’ll be watching it) W e also use m a y /m ig h t be -in g for possible plans. Com pare: ■ I’m g o in g to Hawaii in July, (for sure) ■ I m a y be g o in g (or I m ig h t be g o in g ) to Hawaii in July, (possible) B ut you can also say “I m a y go (or I m ig h t go) to Hawaii” w ith little difference in meaning. M ig h t as w ell / m a y as w ell Rosa and M aria have ju st missed the bus. T he buses run every hour. What should we do? Should we w alk? We might as well. It's a nice day, and I don't want to w ait here for an hour.

We m ig h t as w ell do som ething = We should do it because there is no better alternative. There is no reason not to do it. M ay as w e ll is also possible. ■ A: You’ll have to w ait two hours to see the doctor. B: I m ig h t as w e ll go hom e and come back. ■ Rents are so high these days, you m a y as w e ll b u y a house, (buying a house is as good, no m ore expensive)

Will be -ing Unit 23

M ay / m ight 1 Unit 28

M ay I . . . ? Unit 35

M igh t w ith if Units 36C, 380


erases Write sentences with may or might. W here are you going on vacation? (to Hawaii??) I haven’t decided yet. / m ight go to Hawaii. W hat kind o f car are you going to buy? (a Toyota??) I’m not sure yet. I . W hat are you doing this weekend? (go to the movies??) I haven’t made up my m ind yet. W hen is Jim coming to see us? (on Saturday??) I don’t know for su re ._______________________ W here are you going to hang that picture? (in the dining room??) I haven’t made up my m ind yet. W hat is Julia going to do w hen she graduates from high school? (go to college??) She’s still thinking about i t . _________________________________________________ Complete the sentences using might + the following: b ite

b re a k


ra in


w a k e up

Take an um brella w ith you w hen you go out. It m ig h t, D on’t make too m uch noise. You . you. W atch out for th ft dog. I t ______ I don’t think we should throw that letter away. W e . Be careful. The sidewalk is very icy. You . I don’t w ant the children to play in this room. They .

later. the baby. it later. _ something.

Complete the sentences using might be able to or might have to + appropriate verbs. I. I can’t help you, but why don’t you ask Jane? She m ight be able to help you. 2 I can’t m eet you tonight, but I ____________________________________you tomorrow. 3. I’m not w orking on Saturday, but I ___________________________________ on Sunday. before the end. I can come to the m eeting, but I Write sentences with might not. I’m not sure that Ann will come to the party.

/ Inn m ight not com e to the party. _________ 2.

I’m not sure that I’ll go out tonight.


You don’t know if Sam will like the present you bought for him. S a m _______________________________________________________ We don’t know if Sue will be able to get together w ith us tonight.

I ____________________________________


.5 Read the situations and make sentences with might as well. 1. You and a friend have ju st missed the bus. The buses run every hour. You say: W e’ll have to w ait an hour for the next bus. We m ight as w ell walk. 2. You have a free ticket for a concert. You’re not very excited about the concert, but you decide to go. You say: I ________________________________________ to the concert. It’s a shame to waste a free ticket. 3. You’ve ju st painted your kitchen. You still have a lot of paint, so why not paint the bathroom , too? You say: W e . T here’s plenty o f paint left. 4. You and a friend are at hom e. You’re bored. T here’s a movie on TV starting in a few minutes. You say:_________________________________________. T here’s nothing else to do.

• a Exercises 16-18 (pages 305-307)

Have to and must I h av e to d o som ething = it is necessary to do it, I am obliged to do it: ■ You can’t tu rn right here. You have to t u r n left. ■ I h ave to g e t u p early tom orrow. My flight leaves at 7:30. ■ Jason can’t m eet us tonight. H e has to w o rk late. ■ Last week Nicole broke her arm and h a d to go to the hospital. ■ Have you ever h a d to go to the hospital? We use d o /d o e s /d id in questions (for the present and past simple): ■ W hat d o I have to d o to get a driver’s license? (not W hat have I to do?) ■ D o es Kim berly have to w o rk tom orrow? ■ W hy d id you have to leave early? In negative sentences, we use d o n ’t/ d o e s n ’t / d i d n ’t: ■ I d o n ’t have to g e t u p early tom orrow. (not I haven’t to) ■ Kim berly d o e s n ’t have to w o rk on Saturdays. ■ W e d id n ’t have to p ay to park the car. You can say: I’ll h ave to / I w o n ’t have to . . . I’m g o in g to have to . . . I m i g h t/ m a y have to . . . (= perhaps I’ll have to) ■ They can’t fix my computer, so I’ll have to b u y a new one. . . . so I’m g o in g to have to b u y a new one. ■ I m ig h t have to leave the m eeting early, or I m a y have to leave . .. M u st is similar to h av e to: ■ The economic situation is bad. The governm ent m u s t d o som ething about it. The governm ent has to d o . .. ■ If you go to N ew York, you really m u s t v isit the Em pire State Building. (or.. . you really have to v is it. ..) But h av e to is m ore com m on than m u st. W e use m u s t especially in w ritten rules and instructions: ■ Answer all the questions. You m u s t w rite your answers in ink. ■ Applications for the job m u s t b e re ceiv ed by May 18. You m u s t n o t do som ething = it is necessary that you not do it (so don’t do it): ■ Students m u s t n o t use cell phones in class. (= it is not allowed) Com pare m u s t n o t and d o n ’t have to: ■ You m u s t k e e p this a secret. You m u s t n o t te ll anybody. (= don’t tell anybody) ■ You d o n ’t have to te ll Tim about w hat happened. I can tell him myself. (= you don’t need to tell him, but it’s O K if you do) You can use have g o t to instead of have to. So you can say: ■ I’ve g o t to w o rk tom orrow, or I h av e to w o rk tomorrow. ■ H e’s g o t to v isit his aunt tonight, or He has to v isit his aunt tonight.

M u st (You m ust be tired) Unit 27



Exercises 30.1 Complete the sentences with have to / has to / had to. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Jason can’t jo in us tonight. He has to w ork late. B eth left before the end of the meeting. S h e go hom e early. I don’t have m uch time. I go soon. Kathy m a y _________________________ go out o f tow n on business next week. Eric is usually free on weekends, but sometimes h e _________________________ work. T here was nobody to help me. I _________________________ do everything by myself. Julie h a s _________________________ wear glasses since she was a small child. Jeff can’t pay his bills. H e’s going t o _________________________ sell his car.

30.2 Complete the questions with a form of have to + the words in parentheses. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

“I broke my arm last w eek.” “ D id y o u h a v e to g o (you / go) to the hospital?” “I’m sorry I can’t stay very long.” “W hat tim e _________________________ (you / go)?” ______________________________ (you / wait) long for the bus last night? H ow o l d ______________________________ (you / be) to drive in your country? H ow does Chris like his new j o b ? ______________________________ (he / travel) a lot?

30.3 Complete the sentences using have to + the verbs in thelist. Somesentences are positive (I have to . .. etc.) and some are negative (I don't have to . ..etc.). ask


g et u p


m ake

m ake



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

I’m not working tom orrow, so I don 't h a ve to p e t up early. Steve didn’t know how to use the com puter, so I h a d to s h o w him. Excuse me for a m inute - I _________________________ a phone call. I couldn’t find the street I wanted. I __________________________somebody for directions. Jack has a beard, so h e ______________________________ . A m an was injured in the accident, but h e _________________________ to the hospital because it wasn’t serious. 7. Sue is the vice president of the company. S h e im portant decisions. 8. I’m not so busy. I have a few things to do, but I _________________________ them now.

30.4 Complete the sentences with might have to, will have to, or w on't have to. 1. They can’t fix my computer, so I 'Hh a v e to buy a new one. 2. I m ig h t h a v e to leave the party early. My son is going to call me if he needs a ride home. 3. W e take the train dow ntow n instead of driving. It depends on the traffic. 4. S a m go to jail if he doesn’t pay all his old parking tickets. 5. Unfortunately, my fa th e r stayin the hospital another week. T he doctor is going to decide tomorrow. 6. If it snows all night, w e _______________ _________ go to class tom orrow. It’ll be canceled. 30.5 Complete the sentences with m ust n ot or don't / doesn't have to. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

I don’t w ant anyone to know about this. You m u s t n o t tell anyone. He doesn't h a v e to wear a suit to work, but he usually does. I can sleep late tom orrow m orning because I _________________________ go to work. W hatever you do, y o u _________________________ touch that switch. It’s very dangerous. T here’s an elevator in the building, so w e _________________________ climb the stairs. Y o u _________________________ forget w hat I told you. It’s very im portant. L a u re n get up early, but she usually does. Y ou eat or drink on buses. It’s not allowed. Y ou be a good player to enjoy a game of tennis.

Additional Exercise 16 (pages 305-306)



Should You sh o u ld d o som ething = it is a good thing to do or the right thing to do. You can use sh o u ld to give advice or to give an opinion: ■ You look tired. You sh o u ld go to bed. ■ The governm ent sh o u ld d o m ore to reduce crime. ■ “S h o u ld we in v ite Susan to the party?” “Yes, I think we s h o u ld .” W e often use sh o u ld w ith I th in k / I d o n ’t th in k / D o y o u th in k . . . ?: ■ I th in k the governm ent sh o u ld d o m ore to reduce crime. ■ I d o n ’t th in k you sh o u ld w o rk so hard. ■ ‘D o y o u th in k I sh o u ld a p p ly for this job?” “Yes, I th in k you s h o u ld .” You s h o u ld n ’t d o som ething = it isn’t a good thing to do: ■ You s h o u ld n ’t b eliev e everything you read in the newspapers. S h o u ld is not as strong as m u s t or h a " e to: ■ You sh o u ld apologize. (= it w ould be a good thing to do) ■ You m u s t apologize. / You have to apologize. (= you have no alternative) W e also use sh o u ld w hen som ething is not right or not w hat we expect: ■ I w onder w here Liz is. She sh o u ld b e here by now. (= she isn’t here yet, and this is not normal) ■ The price on this package is wrong. It sh o u ld b e $1.29, not $1.59. ■ T hat m an on the motorcycle sh o u ld b e w e a rin g a helm et. We also use sh o u ld to say that we expect som ething to happen: ■ She’s been studying hard for the exam, so she sh o u ld pass. (= I expect her to pass) ■ T here are plenty o f hotels in this city. It s h o u ld n ’t b e hard to find a place to stay. (= I don’t expect it to be hard) You sh o u ld have d o n e som ething = you didn’t do it, but it would have been the right thing to do: ■ You missed a great party last night. You sh o u ld have com e. W hy didn’t you? (= you didn’t come, but it w ould have been good to.come) ■ I w onder why they’re so late. They sh o u ld have b e e n here an hour ago. You s h o u ld n ’t have d o n e som ething = you did it, but it was the wrong thing to do: ■ I feel sick. I s h o u ld n ’t have e a te n so m uch. (= I ate too much) ■ She s h o u ld n ’t have b ee n lis te n in g to our conversation. It was private. Com pare sh o u ld (do) and sh o u ld have (done): ■ You look tired. You sh o u ld go to bed now. ■ You w ent to bed very late last night. You sh o u ld have g o n e to bed earlier. O u g h t to . . . You can use o u g h t to instead o f sh o u ld . We say “ought to do” (with to): ■ Do you think I o u g h t to a p p ly for this job? (= Do you think I sh o u ld apply?) ■ T hat’s a terrible thing to say. You o u g h t to b e ashamed o f yourself! ■ She’s been studying hard for the exam, so she o u g h t to pass.

Sh ou ld and had b e tte r Unit 33B



n i t

j |

For each situation, write a sentence with should or shouldn't + one of the following: _c aw ay f e r a few days p u t so m e p ic tu re s o n th e w alls

go to b e d so la te ta k e a p h o to

lo o k fo r a n o th e r jo b use h e r c a r so m u c h

Liz needs a change. She should go a w a y fo r a fe w days._________________________________ Your salary is too low. You . Eric always has trouble getting up. H e . W hat a beautiful view! Y o u _________ Sue drives everywhere. She never walks. She . Bill’s room isn’t very interesting. H e _______ 3ead the situations and write sentences with I think / 1 don't think . . . s h o u ld . . . . 1 Chris and Amy are planning to get m arried. You think it’s a bad idea. / don t think th ey should g e t m a rried _________________________________________________________


I have a bad cold but plan to go out tonight. You don’t think this is a good idea. You say to m e :__________________________________________________________________ Peter needs a job. H e’s ju st seen an ad for a jo b w hich you think w ould be ideal tor him, but h e’s not sure w hether to apply or not. You say to him: I think The governm ent wants to raise taxes, but you don’t think this is a good idea.

Complete each sentence with should (have) + the verb in parentheses. Tracy should pass the exam. She’s been studying very hard, (pass) You missed a great party last night. You should have come, (come) 3 We don’t see you enough. Y o u ________________________ and see us m ore often, (come) - I’m in a difficult position. W hat do you think I ? (do) 5. I’m sorry that I didn’t follow your advice. I ______________________________ w hat you said, (do) -. We lost the game, but w e _______________________ . O u r team is better than theirs, (win) ~ “Is Jo h n here yet?” “N o t yet, but he _____________________________ here soon.” (be) I mailed the letter three days ago, so i t ______________________________ by now. (arrive) Read the situations and write sentences with should / shouldn't. Some of the sentences are past and some are present. I’m feeling sick. I ate too much. / shouldn t have eaten so much._________________________ T hat m an on the m otorcycle isn’t wearing a helm et. T hat’s dangerous. He should be w earing a helmet. _________________________________________________________________ 3. W hen we got to the restaurant, there were no free tables. W e hadn’t reserved one. W e _____________________________________________________________________________ • The sign says that the store opens every day at 8:30. It is 9:00 now, but the store isn’t open yet. 5.

The speed lim it is 30 miles an hour, but Kate is driving 50. S h e __________________________________________________________________________ ___ Mai gave me her e-mail address, but I didn’t w rite it down. N ow I can’t rem em ber it. I __________________________________________________________________________________________ I was driving right behind another car. Suddenly, the driver in front o f me stopped, and I drove into the back of his car. It was my fault. I walked into a wall. I wasn’t looking w here I was going.

-a Exercises 16-18 (pages 305-307)




Subjunctive (I suggest you do) Study this example: Why don't you buy some nice clothes?

Lisa said to Mary, “W hy don’t you buy some nice clothes?” Lisa suggested that M ary b u y some nice clothes. In this example, b u y is the subjunctive. T he subjunctive is always the same as the baseform (I buy, he buy, she buy, etc.): I /h e /s h e /it , ., w e/y o u /th ey

, . d o /b u y /b e , etc. J

W e use the subjunctive after these verbs: dem and ■ ■ ■ ■

in sist

p ro p o s e

re c o m m e n d

su g g est

I in siste d he have dinner w ith us. The doctor re c o m m e n d e d that I re st for a few days. Jo hn d e m a n d e d that Lisa a p o lo g iz e to him. W hat do you su g g est I do?

W e also say I t ’s e s s e n tia l/im p e r a tiv e /im p o r ta n t/n e c e s s a r y /v ita l (that) som ething h a p p e n : ■ I t ’s e sse n tia l that everyone b e at work by 9:00 tom orrow m orning. N o exceptions. ■ I t ’s im p e ra tiv e that the governm ent d o som ething about health care. You can also say: ■ I t ’s e sse n tia l fo r everyone to be at work by 9:00 tom orrow m orning. ■ I t ’s im p e ra tiv e fo r the governm ent to do som ething about health care. The negative is n o t + baseform (I n o t be, you n o t leave, she n o t go, etc.): ■ The doctor strongly re c o m m e n d e d that I n o t go to w ork for tw o days. ■ I t ’s very im p o r ta n t that you n o t m iss this appointm ent w ith your eye doctor. You can use the subjunctive for the present, past, or future: ■ I insist you c o m e w ith us. ■ They insisted I go w ith them . N ote the subjunctive b e (often passive): ■ I in siste d that som ething b e d o n e about the problem . ■ I t ’s e sse n tia l that this m edicine not b e ta k e n on an em pty stomach. ■ The airline re c o m m e n d e d we b e at the airport two hours before our flight. O th er structures are possible after in sist and suggest: ■ They in s iste d o n p a y in g for dinner, (see U nit 60A) ■ It is a beautiful evening, so I su g g est g o in g for a walk, (see U nit 51) You cannot use the infinitive (to . . . ) after su g g est or insist: ■ She su g g e ste d th a t h e b u y some new clothes. (not suggested him to buy) ■ H e in sists o n g o in g w ith us. (not he insists to go)



nte a sentence that means the same as the first sentence. Begin in the way shown. “W hy don’t you buy some new clothes?” said Lisa to Mary. Lisa suggested that A la ry buy so m e n e w clothes.________________________________ "I don’t think you should go to w ork for two days,” the doctor said to me. The doctor recom m ended that / n o t go to w o rk fo r tw o days.____________________ “You really m ust stay a little longer,” she said to me. She insisted t h a t _________________________________________________________________ “W hy don’t you visit the m useum after lunch?” I said to her. I suggested t h a t____________________________________________________ -____________ “I think it w ould be a good idea to see a specialist,” the doctor said to me. The doctor recom m ended th a t____________________________________________________ “I think it w ould be a good idea for you not to lift anything heavy,” the specialist said to me. The specialist recom m ended th a t _________________________________________________ “You have to pay the rent by Friday at the latest,” the landlord said to us. The landlord dem anded t h a t _____________________________________________________ “W hy don’t you go away for a few days?” Josh said to me. Josh suggested t h a t ______________________________________________________________ “I don’t think you should give your children snacks right before m ealtim e,” the doctor told me. The doctor suggested t h a t ________________________________________________________ “Let’s have dinner early,” Sarah said to us. Sarah proposed t h a t ________:_____________________________________________________



Complete these sentences with appropriate verbs: I. }. 5. -. ~

. II.

It’s im perative that the governm ent do som ething about health care. I insisted that som ething b e done about the problem . O u r friends recom m ended that w e _______________our vacation in the mountains. Since Dave h u rt Tracy’s feelings, I stongly recom m ended that h e _______________ to her. The workers at the factory are dem anding that their w a g es_______________ raised. Lisa w anted to walk hom e alone, but we insisted that s h e _______________ for us. The city council has proposed that a new convention c e n te r_______________ built. W hat do you suggest I _______________to the party? Something casual? It is essential that every c h ild _______________ the opportunity to get a good education. Brad forgot his wife’s birthday last year, so it’s really im portant h e _______________ it this year. It is vital that every ru n n e r_______________ w ater during the m arathon.

Tom wants to get healthy. His friends have made some suggestions: Why don't you-


How about walking to work in the morning?

Eat more fruit and vegetables.




Why don't you take vitam ins?


Write sentences telling what Tom's friends suggested. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Linda suggested that he t r y jogging.____________ Sandra suggested that h e ________________________ Bill suggested__________________________________ A n n a _________________________________________ _




Had better

It's time . . .

H a d b e tte r (I’d b e tte r / you’d b e tte r, etc.) I’d b e tte r d o som ething = it is advisable to do it. If I don’t, there will be a problem or a danger: ■ I have to m eet Amy in 10 m inutes. I’d b e tte r g o now or I’ll be late. ■ “D o you think I should take an um brella?” “Yes, you’d b e tte r. It m ight rain.” ■ W e’d b e tte r sto p for gas soon. T he tank is alm ost empty. T he negative is I’d b e tte r n o t (= I had better not): ■ “Are you going out tonight?” “I’d b e tte r n o t. I’ve got a lot o f w ork to do.” ■ You don’t look very well. You’d b e tte r n o t go to w ork today. R em em ber that: The form is “h a d better” (usually I’d better / you’d better, etc., in spoken English): ■ I’d b e tte r go now = I h a d better go now. H a d is norm ally past, but the m eaning o f h a d b e tte r is present or future, not past: ■ I’d b e tte r go to the bank now / tom orrow. W e say I’d b e tte r d o (not to do). ■ It m ight rain. W e’d b e tte r ta k e an umbrella. (not W e’d better to take)

H a d b e tte r and sh o u ld H a d b e tte r is similar to sh o u ld but not exactly the same. W e use h a d b e tte r only for a specific situation (not for things in general). You can use sh o u ld in all types o f situations to give an opinion or give advice: ■ It’s cold. You’d b e tte r w e a r a coat w hen you go out. (a specific situation) ■ You’re always at hom e. You sh o u ld go out m ore often, (in general - not “had better go”) Also, w ith h a d b e tte r, there is always a danger or a problem if you don’t follow the advice. S h o u ld only means “it is a good thing to do.” Com pare: ■ It’s a great movie. You sh o u ld go and see it. (but no problem if you don’t) ■ The movie starts at 8:30. You’d b e tte r go now, or you’ll be late. I t ’s tim e . . . You can say I t ’s tim e (for somebody) to d o something: ■ It’s tim e to go home. / It’s tim e for us to go home. You can also say: ■ It’s late. It’s tim e we w e n t home. H ere we use the past (w ent), but the m eaning is present, not past: ■ It’s 10:00 and he’s still in bed. I t ’s tim e he g o t up. (not It’s tim e he gets up) I t ’s tim e y o u d id som ething = you should have already done it or started it. W e often use this structure to criticize or to complain: ■ I t ’s tim e you c h a n g e d the oil in the car. It hasn’t been changed in a long time. ■ The windows are very dirty. I think i t ’s tim e they w e re w ashed. You can also say I t ’s a b o u t tim e . . . . This makes the criticism stronger: ■ Jack is a great talker. B ut i t ’s a b o u t tim e he d id som ething instead o f ju st talking.

Sh o u ld

Unit 31


u n i t

j j

lead the situations and write sentences with had b ette r (not). Use the words r . parentheses. You’re going out for a walk w ith Tom. It looks as if it m ight rain. You say to Tom: (an umbrella) W e d b e tt e r ta ke an umbrella._______________________________________ I Alex has ju st cut himself. It’s a bad cut. You say to him: (a ban d ag e)________________________________________________________________________ You and Kate plan to go to a restaurant tonight. It’s a popular restaurant. You say to Kate: make a reservation) W e . -- Jill doesn’t look very well - not well enough to go to work. You say to her: (w o rk )_____________________________________________________________________________ : You received your phone bill four weeks ago, but you haven’t paid it yet. If you don’t pay soon, you could be in trouble. You say to yourself: (p ay )-------------------------------------------- ----------.-------------------------------------------------------.-------You want to go out, but you’re expecting an im portant phone call. You say to your friend: (go out) I ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------* You and Jeff are going to the theater. You’ve missed the bus, and you don’t w ant to be late. You say to Jeff: (a ta x i)______________________________________________________________ Put in had b ette r where appropriate. If had b ette r is not appropriate, use should. 1. I have an appointm ent in 10 m inutes. I d b e t t e r go now or I’ll be late. . It’s a great movie. You sh o u ld go and see it. You’ll really like it. ?. Y o u___________________ set your alarm. You’ll never wake up on tim e if you don’t. W hen people are driving, th e y __________________ keep their eyes on the road. I’m glad you came to see us. Y o u ___________________ come m ore often. She’ll be h u rt if we don’t invite her to the wedding, so w e ___________________ invite her. *. These cookies are delicious. Y o u ___________________ try one. . I think every b o dy ___________________learn a foreign language. Complete the sentences. Sometimes you need only one word, sometimes two. 1.

a) I need some money. I’d better g o to the bank. b) John is expecting you to call him. Y o u _______________ better call him now. c) “Should I leave the w indow open?” “N o, you’d b e tte r_______________ it.”

2. a) It’s tim e the g o v ern m en t_______________som ething about the problem . b) It’s tim e so m eth in g _______________ about the problem . c) I think it’s about tim e y o u _______________about other people instead o f only thinking about yourself. fe.-* Read the situations and write sentences with It's time . . . . 1. You think the children should be in bed. It’s already 11 o’clock. It 's tim e th e children w e r e in bed.________________________________________________ Z. You haven’t taken a vacation in ages. You need one now. It’s tim e I 1_________________________________________ 3. You’re sitting on a train waiting for it to leave. It should have left five m inutes ago. 4. You enjoy having parties. You haven’t had one for a long time. 5. The com pany you w ork for is badly managed. You think some changes should be made. 6. Andrew has been doing the same jo b for the last 10 years. H e should try som ething else.

h i

: nal Exercise 16 (pages 305-306)



Would We use w o u ld (’d) / w o u ld n ’t w hen we imagine a situation or action (= we think o f som ething that is not real): ■ It w o u ld b e nice to buy a new car, bu t we can’t afford it. ■ I’d love to live by the ocean. ■ A: Should I tell Chris w hat happened? B: N o, I w o u ld n ’t say anything. (= I w ouldn’t say anything in your situation) W e use w o u ld have (d o n e ) w hen we im agine situations or actions in the past (= things that didn’t happen): ■ They helped us a lot. I don’t know w hat we w o u ld have d o n e w ithout their help. ■ I didn’t tell Sam w hat happened. H e w o u ld n ’t have b e e n pleased. Com pare w o u ld (d o ) and w o u ld have (d o n e): ■ I w o u ld call Sue, but I don’t have her num ber, (now) I w o u ld have ca lle d Sue, but I didn’t have her num ber, (past) ■ I’m not going to invite them to the party. They w o u ld n ’t c o m e anyway. I didn’t invite them to the party. They w o u ld n ’t have c o m e anyway. W e often use w o u ld in sentences w ith i f (see Units 36-38): ■ I w o u ld call Sue i f I had her number. ■ I w o u ld have ca lle d Sue i f I’d had her number. C om pare w ill (’11) and w o u ld (’d): ■ I’ll stay a little longer. I’ve got plenty o f time. I’d stay a little longer, but I really have to go now. (so I can’t stay longer) ■ I’ll call Sue. I’ve got her number. I’d ca ll Sue, but I don’t have her num ber, (so I can’t call her) Sometimes w o u ld / w o u ld n ’t is the past ol w ill / w o n ’t. Com pare: Past

Present Tom: I’ll call you on Sunday. Ann: I prom ise I w o n ’t b e late. Liz: Darn! The car w o n ’t start.

—► Tom said he’d call m e on Sunday. —► Ann prom ised that she w o u ld n ’t b e late. —► Liz was annoyed because her car w o u ld n ’t s c J

Somebody w o u ld n ’t d o som ething = h e/sh e refused to do it: ■ I tried to w arn him, but he w o u ld n ’t lis te n to me. (= he refused to listen) ■ T he car w o u ld n ’t sta rt. (= it “refused” to start) You can also use w o u ld w hen you talk about things that happened regularly in the past: ■ W h en we were children, we lived by the ocean. In summer, if the w eather was nice, we w o u ld all get up early and go for a swim. (= we did this regularly) ■ W henever Richard was angry, he w o u ld walk out o f the room. W ith this meaning, w o u ld is similar to u sed to (see U nit 17): ■ W henever Richard was angry, he u sed to w a lk out o f the room.

Will Units 20-21

W ould y o u . . . ? Unit 35A

W ould like Units 35E, 56

W ould . . . i f Units 36-38

W ould p re fe r / w o u ld rather Unit 57

Wish . . . w o u ld Unit 39


rcises ite sentences about yourself. Imagine things you would like or wouldn't like. (a place you’d love to live) I'd h u e to live b y the ocean._________________________ a jo b you w ouldn’t like to do) ;som ething you w ould love to d o ) ____ i som ething that would be nice to have) la place you’d like to go t o ) __________ Complete the sentences using w ould + the following verbs (in the correct form): be




en jo y

en jo y



sto p

They helped us a lot. I don’t know w hat we would have done w ithout their help. C You should go and see the movie. Y o u _________________________ it. It’s too bad you couldn’t come to the concert yesterday. Y o u _________________________ it. - Do you think I should apply for the job? W h a t_________________________ you _________________________ in my position? : I was in a hurry w hen I saw you. O therw ise, I _________________________ to talk. We took a taxi hom e last night but got stuck in the traffic. I t _________________________ quicker to walk. W hy don’t you go and see Claire? S h e _________________________ very pleased to see you. W hy didn’t you take the exam? I’m sure y o u _________________________ it. - In an ideal world, everybody_________________________ enough to eat. Each sentence on the right follows a sentence on the left. Which follows which? i like to go to Australia one day. 2. I wouldn’t like to live on a busy street. I’m sorry the trip was canceled. I’m looking forward to going out tonight. I’m glad we didn’t go out in the rain. I’m not looking forward to the trip.

a) It wouldn’t have been very pleasant. ______ b) It would have been fun.------------------ --------c) It would be nice. d) It w on’t be much fun. e) It wouldn’t be very pleasant. f) It will be fun.

iVrlte sentences using prom ised + w ould I wouldn't. I w onder w hy Laura is late. S h e prom ised she wouldn t be late.______________________________ Z. I w onder why Steve hasn’t called. He p ro m ised ________________________________________ : W hy did you tell Jane w hat I said? Y o u _______________________________________________ I’m surprised they didn’t w ait for us. T h e y ____________________________________________ Complete the sentences. Use w ouldn't + a suitable verb. I tried to w arn him, but he wouldn ’t listen to me. Z. I asked Am anda w hat had happened, but s h e __________________________me. 3 Paul was very angry about w hat I’d said a n d _______________________ to me for two weeks. - iMartina insisted on carrying all her luggage. S h e _________________________ me help her. These sentences are about things that happened many times in the past. Complete the sentences using w ould + the following: fo rg e t

h e lp

sh ak e

sh are

w a lk

W henever Richard was angry, he w ould walk out o f the room. Z. We used to live next to railroad tracks. Every tim e a train w ent by, the h o u s e __________________________. 3. George was a very kind m an. H e ______________________ alw ays________________________ you if you had a problem . Brenda was always very generous. She didn’t have m uch, but s h e ________________________ w hat she had w ith everyone else. 5. You could never rely on Joe. It didn’t m atter how many times you rem inded him to do som ething, h e ______________________ alw ays_____________________ . a4 Exercises 16-18 (pages 305-307)

Can/Could/Would you . . . ?, etc. (Requests, Offers, Permission, and Invitations) Asking people to do things (requests)

Could you open

We use can or c o u ld to ask people to do things: ■ C a n y o u wait a m inute, please? or C o u ld y o u wait a m inute, please? ■ Liz, ca n y o u do me a favor? ■ Excuse me, c o u ld y o u tell me how to get to the airport? ■ I w onder if y o u c o u ld help me.

the door, please?

N ote that we say D o y o u th in k y o u c o u ld . . . ? [not usually can): ■ D o y o u th in k y o u c o u ld lend me some m oney until next week? W e also use w ill and w o u ld to ask people to do things (but c a n /c o u ld are m ore com m on): ■ Liz, w ill y o u do me a favor? ■ W o u ld y o u please be quiet? I’m trying to concentrate. Asking for things To ask for som ething, we use C a n I have . . . ? / C o u ld I h av e . . . ? or C a n I g e t ■ (in a gift shop) C a n I have these postcards, please? (or C a n I g e t . . . ?) ■ (during a meal) C o u ld I have the salt, please? M ay I h ave . . . ? is also possible: ■ M ay I have these postcards, please? Asking to do things To ask to do som ething, we use can, c o u ld , or m ay: ■ (on the phone) Hello, can I speak to Tom, please? ■ “C o u ld I use your phone?” “Yes, o f course.” ■ D o y o u th in k I c o u ld borrow your bike? ■ “M ay I come in?” “Yes, please do.” M ay is formal and less com m on than can or c o u ld . To ask to do som ething, you can also say D o y o u m in d i f I . . . ? Is i t all r ig h t / Is it O K i f I . . . ?: ■ “D o y o u m in d i f I use your phone?” “N o. N o t at all.” ■ “Is i t all r i g h t i f I come in?” “Yes, o f course.”


O ffering to do things We use C a n I . . . ? or M ay I . . . ? w hen we offer to do things: ■ “C a n I get you a cup o f coffee?” “Yes, that would be very nice.” ■ (in a store) “M ay I help you?” “N o, thanks. I’m being helped.” M ay is m ore formal than can. O ffering and inviting To offer or to invite, we use W o u ld y o u lik e . . . ? (not Do you like): ■ “W o u ld y o u lik e a cup o f coffee?” “Yes, please.” ■ “W o u ld y o u lik e to go to the movies w ith us tonight?” “Yes, I’d love to.” I ’d lik e . . . is a polite way o f saying w hat you want: ■ (at a tourist information center) I ’d lik e some inform ation about hotels, please. ■ (in a store) I’d lik e to try on this jacket, please. Cart and could Units 25-26

M in d -ing Unit 51

W ould like Units 53A, 56B


u N 1T J5

* =a the situations and write questions beginning with Can . . . or C o u ld . . . . You’re carrying a lot o f things. You can’t open the door yourself. T here’s a m an standing ar the door. You say to him:

Can you open the door, please? OR Could you open the door, please? _______________ You phone Ann, but somebody else answers. Ann isn’t there. You w ant to leave a message tor her. You say:__________________________________________________________________ You’re a tourist. You w ant to go to the post office, but you don’t know how to get there. You ask at your h o te l:. You are in a departm ent store. You see some pants you like, and you w ant to try them on. You say to the salesperson:_________________________________________________________ You need a ride hom e from a party. John drove to the party and lives near you. You say to ih m : _________________________________________________________________________


: ead the situation and write a question using the word in parentheses. 1 You w ant to borrow your friend’s camera. W hat do you say to him? think) Do you think / could b o rro w your cam era? _________________________________________ 2 You are at a friend’s house and you w ant to use her phone. W hat do you say? (all right) /s i t all rig h t i f / use yo u r phone? ___________________________________________________ You’Ve w ritten a letter in English. Before you send it, you w ant a friend to check it for vou. W hat do you ask? (th in k )___________________________________________________________________________ - You w ant to leave work early. W hat do you ask your boss? (m in d )___________________________________________________________________________ The w om an in the next room is playing music. It’s very loud. You w ant her to turn it down. W hat do you say to her? (th in k )___________________________________________________________________________ You are calling the owner o f an apartm ent that was advertised in the newspaper. You are interested in the apartm ent and w ant to see it today. W hat do you say to the owner? (O K ) .___________________________ You’re on a train. The wom an next to you has finished reading her newspaper, and you’d like to have a look at it. You ask her. (th in k )___________________________________________________________________________ ’ hat would you say in these situations?





Paul has come to see you. You offer him som ething to eat. You: Would you like som ething to e a t _________________________________________________________ ? Paul: No, thank you. I’ve ju st eaten. You need help replacing the m em ory card in your camera.You askKate. You: I don’t know how to replace the m em ory c a rd .________________________________ ? Kate: Sure. It’s easy. All you have to do is this. You’re on a bus. You have a seat, but an elderly m an is standing. Youoffer him your seat. You: ____________________________________________________________________________? Man: O h, that’s very nice o f you. Thank you very much. You’re the passenger in a car. Your friend is driving very fast. You askher to slow down. You: You’re m aking me very n erv o u s.____________________________________________ ? Driver: O h, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize I was going so fast. You’ve finished your meal in a restaurant and now you w ant the check.You ask the waiter: You: ? Waiter: Sure. I’ll get it for you now. A friend o f yours is interested in one o f your books. You invite him to borrow it. Friend: This book looks very interesting. You: Yes, it’s very g o o d ._________________________________________________________?




If I do . . . and If I did . . . C om pare these examples: 1) Sue has lost her watch. She tells Ann: Sue: I think I left my w atch at your house. Have you seen it? Ann: N o, but I’ll look w hen I get hom e. I f I fin d it, I’ll tell you. In this example, Ann feels there is a real possibility that she will find the watch. So she says: I f I fin d . . . , I ’l l . . . . ____________________________________________________________ 2) Carol says: I f I fo u n d a wallet in the street, I’d take it to the police station. This is a different type o f situation. Here, Carol doesn’t expect to find a wallet in the street. She is im agining a situation that will probably not happen. So she says: I f I fo u n d . . . , I ’d (= I w o u ld ) . . . . (not if I find . . . , I’ll . . .) W h en you imagine som ething like this, you use i f + past ( if I fo u n d / i f there w as / i f we d id n ’t, etc.). B ut the m eaning is not past: ■ W hat would you do i f you w o n a m illion dollars? (we don’t really expect this to happen) ■ I don’t really w ant to go to their party, bu t I probably will go. They’d be hurt i f I d id n ’t go. ■ I f there w as (or w ere) an election tom orrow, w ho w ould you vote for? For i f . . . w a s/w e re , see U nit 37C. If I w on a million dollars . . .

We do not norm ally use w o u ld in the i f part o f the sentence: ■ I’d be very frightened i f somebody p o in te d a gun at me. (not if somebody w ould point) ■ I f I d id n ’t go to their party, they’d be hurt, (not If I w ouldn’t go) In the ■ ■ ■

other part o f the sentence (not the i f part) we use w o u ld (’d) / w o u ld n ’t: If you got m ore exercise, you’d feel better. I’m not tired. If I w ent to bed now, I w o u ld n ’t sleep. W o u ld you m in d if I used your phone?

C o u ld and m ig h t are also possible: ■ If you got m ore exercise, you m ig h t fe el better. (= it is possible that you w ould feel better) / ■ If it stopped raining, we c o u ld g o out. (= we w ould be able to go out) D o not use w h e n in sentences like the ones on this page: ■ T hey’d be h u rt i f I didn’t go to their party, (not w hen I didn’t go) ■ W hat w ould you do i f you were bitten by a snake? (not w hen you were bitten)

W ould Units 34, 39

If I k n e w Unit 37

If I h ad k n o w n Unit 38



Put the verb into the correct form. They w ould be h urt if / didn t go to their party, (not / go) If you got m ore exercise, you w ould fe e l better, (feel) If they offered m e the job, I think I _______________________ it. (take) A lot of people w ould be out of w ork if the car fa cto ry ______________ (close down) If I sold my car, I ______________________ m uch m oney for it. (not / get) . that red (in an elevator) W hat w ould happen if som ebody ________________ button? (press) I’m sure Amy will lend you the money. I’d be very surprised if she _____________________ . (refuse) . very upset if I lost it. (be) Liz gave me this ring. She . Dave and Kate are expecting us. They w ould be very disappointed if we _______________________ . (not / come) W ould Bob m ind if I _______________________ his bike w ithout asking him? (borrow) W hat w ould you do if som ebody_______________________ in here w ith a gun? (walk) if you explained the situation to her. (understand) I’m sure Sue . -I You ask a friend to imagine these situations. You ask What w ould you do i f . . . ? . (imagine - you win a lot o f money)

W hat w ould you do i f you won a lot o f money? ______________________________________ _. (imagine - you lose your passport) W h a t______________________________________________________________________ 3. (imagine - there’s a fire in the building) 4. (imagine - you’re in an elevator and it stops betw een floors)

3 Answer the questions in the way shown. 1. A: Should we catch the 10:30 train? B: N o (arrive too earlv) I f w e cauaht the 10:30. train, w e d arrive too early. -> A: Is Ken going to take the driver’s test? B: N o. (fail) Tfhe 3. A: W hy don’t we stay at a hotel? B: No. (cost too much) If 4. A: Is Sally going to apply for the job? B: N o. (not / pet it) If 5. A: Let’s tell them the truth. B: No. (not / believe us) If 6. A: W hy don’t we invite Bill to the party? B: N o. (have to invite his friends, too) 3= - Jse your own ideas to complete these sentences. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

If you got m ore exercise, y o u d fe e l better. I’d feel very angry i f ________________________ If I didn’t go to w ork to m o rro w ,_____________ W ould you go to the party i f ________________ If you bought a car,_________________________ W ould you m ind i f _________________________



If I knew . . .

I wish I knew

Study this example situation: Sue wants to call Paul, but she can’t do this because she doesn’t know his phone num ber. She says:

If I knew his number

I f I k n e w his number, I w o u ld c a ll him. Sue says: I f I k n e w his num ber . . . . This tells us that she doesn’t know his num ber. She is imagining the situation.

W h en you imagine a situation like this, you use i f + past ( if I k n e w / i f you w e re / i f we d id n ’t, etc.). B ut the m eaning is present, no t past: ■ Tom w ould read m ore i f he h a d m ore time, (but; he doesn’t have m uch time) ■ I f I d id n ’t w ant to go to the party, I w ouldn’t go. (but I w ant to go) ■ W e w ouldn’t have any m oney i f we d id n ’t work, (but we work) ■ I f you w e re in my position, w hat w ould you do? ■ It’s a shame you can’t drive. It would be helpful i f you co u ld . W e use the past in the same way after w ish (I w ish I k n e w / I w ish you w ere, etc.). We use w ish to say that we regret som ething, that som ething is not as we w ould like it to be: ■ I w ish I k n e w Paul’s phone number. (= I don’t know it and I regret this) ft Do you ever w ish you c o u ld fly? (you can’t fly) at It rains a lot here. I w ish it d id n ’t rain so often. ■ It’s very crowded here. I w ish there w e re n ’t so m any people. e I w ish I d id n ’t have to w ork tom orrow, but unfortunately, I do.

If I w as / If I w ere After i f and w ish, we use was or w e re w ith I / h e / s h e / i t . W as is m ore informal. So you can say: ■ I f I w as you, I w ouldn’t buy that coat, or I f I w e re y o u , . . . ■ I’d go out i f i t w a sn ’t so cold, or . . . i f i t w e re n ’t so cold. ■ I w ish C a ro l w as here, or I w ish C a ro l w e re here. W e do not norm ally use w o u ld in the i f part o f the sentence or after w is h ? ■ I f I w e re rich, I w o u ld have a yacht. (not If I w ould be rich) ( ■ I w ish I h a d som ething to read. (not I wish I w ould have) Sometimes w ish . . . w o u ld is possible: I w ish y o u w o u ld liste n . See U nit 39D. C o u ld som etimes means “w ould be able to” and som etimes “was / w ere able to ”: ■ You c o u ld get a b etter jo b (you c o u ld get = you w ould be able to get) if you c o u ld use a com puter, (you c o u ld use = you w ere able to use)

Could Units 25-26

If I do and If I did Unit 36

If I h ad k no w n / I w ish I had k n o w n Unit 38

Wish Unit 39


u n i t jy

=ut the verb into the correct form.

If I k n e w (know) his phone num ber, I w ould call him. I w ouldn't b u y (not / buy) that coat if I were you. I ______________________ (help) you if I could, but I’m afraid I can’t. We w ould need a car if w e _______________________ (live) in the country. If we had the choice, w e (live) in the country. This soup isn’t very good. I t _______________________ (taste) better if it w eren’t so salty. I w ouldn’t m ind living in M aine if the w e a th e r_______________________ (be) better. If I were you, I _______________________ (not / wait)._I _______________________ (go) now. You’re always tired. If y o u ______________________ (not / go) to bed so late every night, you jvouldn’t be tired all the time. I think there are too many cars. If th e r e _______________________ (not / be) so many cars, th e re ______________________ (not / be) so m uch pollution. r 2 .Vrite a sentence with i f . . . for each situation. We don’t see you very often because you live so far away. I f y o u d id n 't live so fa r aw ay, w e 'd s e e vou m o re often.___________________________ This book is expensive, so I’m no t going to buy it. I’d ________________________________________ i f ______________________________________ W e don’t go out to eat because we can’t afford it. W e ________________________________________________________________________________ I can’t m eet you tom orrow. I have to w ork late. I f _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________


It’s raining, so we can’t have lunch on the patio. W e ________________________________________ 6. I don’t w ant his advice, and that’s why I’m not going to ask for it. I f ______________________ :___________________________________ .Vrite sentences beginning with I wish . . . . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. .

I don’t know many people (and I’m lonely). / w ish / k n e w m o re people. I don’t have a cell phone (and I need one). I w is h ________________________ Amanda isn’t here (and I need to see h e r).______________________________ It’s cold (and I hate cold weather). I live in a big city (and I don’t like i t ) .. I can’t go to the party (and I’d like to). I have to w ork tom orrow (but I’d like to stay in bed). I don’t know anything about cars (and my car has just broken down).

. I’m not feeling well (and that’s not pleasant). Write your own sentences beginning with I wish . . . . 1.

(somewhere you’d like to be now - on the beach, in Vietnam, in bed, etc.) I wish I w e r e a t hom e in b e d now._________________________________ 2. (som ething you’d like to have - a computer, a good job, m ore friends, etc.) 3.

(som ething you’d

like to be able to do - sing, speak a language, fly, etc.)


(som ething you’d

like to be - beautiful, strong, rich, etc.)

: nal Exercise 19 (page 307)


If I had known . . .

I wish I had known . . .

Study this example situation: Last m onth Brian was in the hospital for a few days. Liz didn’t know this, so she didn’t go to see him . They m et a few days ago. Liz said: I f I h a d k n o w n you were in the hospital, I w o u ld have g o n e to see you. Liz said, “I f I h a d k n o w n you were in the hospital . . . ” So she didn’t know he was in the hospiu W e use i f + h a d (’d) . . . to talk about the past ( if I h a d k n o w n /b e e n /d o n e , etc.): ■ I didn’t see you w hen you passed me in the street. I f I’d seen you, of course I would have said hello, (but I didn’t see.you) ■ I didn’t go out last night. I w ould have gone out i f I h a d n ’t b e e n so tired. (but I was tired) ■ I f he h a d b e e n lo o k in g w here he was going, he w ouldn’t have walked into the wall. (but he wasn’t looking) ■ The view was w onderful. I f I’d h a d a camera, I w ould have taken some pictures. (but I didn’t have a camera) Com pare: ■ I’m not hungry. I f I w as hungry, I would eat som ething, (now) ■ I wasn’t hungry. I f I h a d b e e n hungry, I w ould have eaten something, (past) Do not use w o u ld in the if-part o f the sentence. W e use w o u ld in the other part o f the sentence: ■ I f I h a d seen you, I w o u ld have said hello. ( not If I w ould have seen you) N ote t h a t ’d can be w o u ld or had: ■ I f I’d seen you, (I’d seen = I h a d seen) I’d have said hello. (I’d have said = I w o u ld have said) W e use h a d (done) in the same way after w ish. I w ish som ething h a d h a p p e n e d = I am sorry that it didn’t happen: ■ I w ish I’d k n o w n that Brian was sick. I w ould have gone to see him. (but I didn’t know ■ I feel sick. I w ish I h a d n ’t e a te n so m uch cake. (I ate too m uch cake) ■ Do you w ish you h a d stu d ie d science instead of languages? (you didn’t study science) Do not use w o u ld have . . . after w ish: ■ The w eather was cold on our vacation. I wish it h a d b e e n warmer. (not I wish it would have been) C om pare w o u ld (do) and w o u ld have (done): ■ If I had gone to the party last night, I w o u ld b e tired now. (I am not tired now - present) ■ If I had gone to the party last night, I w o u ld have m e t lots o f people. (I didn't m eet lots o f people - past) C om pare w o u ld have, c o u ld have, and m ig h t have:

If the w eather hadn’t been so bad,

Had done Unit 14

If I do and if I did Unit 36

we w o u ld have gone out. we co u ld have gone out. (= we would have been able to go out) we m ig h t have gone out. (= maybe we would have gone out)

If I k n e w / I wish I k n e w Unit 37

Wish Unit 39



*■-" the verb into the correct form. . I didn’t know you were in the hospital. If I'd know n (I / know), / w ould have gone (I :■ see you. 2. John got to the station in tim e to catch the train. I f (he / miss) the tra in , (he / be) late for his interview. I'm glad that you rem inded m e about Rachel’s birthday.______________________________ I forget) i f ______________________________ (you / not / remind) me. itortunately, I didn’t have my address book w ith me w hen I was on vacation. If (I / have) your address,______________________________ I send) you a postcard. .a How was your trip? Did you have a nice time? B It was OK, b u t ______________________________ (we / enjoy) it m ore if ______________________________ (the w eather / be) nicer. I took a taxi to the hotel, but the traffic was b a d .______________________________ (it/ be) quicker i f (I / walk). I'm not tired. I f ______________________________ (I / be) tired, I’d go hom e now. 4 I wasn’t tired last night. I f ______________________________ (I / be) tired, I w ould have gone hom e earlier. ■ « ite a sentence starting with If for each situation. „ wasn’t hungry, so I didn’t eat anything.

I f I d been hungry, / would have ea ten something.______________________________________________ The accident happened because the road was icy. It the ro a d _________________________________________________________________________ I didn’t know that M att had to get up early, so I didn’t wake him up. If I ________________________________________________________________________________ I was able to buy the car only because Jim lent me the money.


M ichelle wasn’t injured in the crash because she was wearing a seat belt. You didn’t have any breakfast - that’s why you’re hungry now. I didn’t take a taxi because I didn’t have any money.

■nagine that you are in these situations. For each situation, write a sentence with I wish. You’ve eaten too m uch and now you feel sick. You say:

I w ish / hadn t ea ten so much._______________________________________________________________________ _

There was a jo b advertised in the newspaper. You decided not to apply for it. N ow you think that your decision was wrong. You say: I wish I ____________________________________________________________________________ W hen you were younger, you didn’t learn to play a musical instrum ent. N ow you regret this. You say:


You’ve painted the door red. N ow you think that red was the w rong color. You say:

5. You are walking in the country. You’d like to take some pictures, but you didn’t bring your camera. You say: You have some unexpected guests. They didn’t call to say they were coming. You are very busy and you are not prepared for them . You say (to yourself):

? Exercises 19-21 (pages 307-308)

Wish You can say “I w ish y o u lu c k / all th e b e st / success / a h a p p y b irth d a y ,” etc.: ■ I w ish y o u all th e b e st in the future. ■ I saw Tim before the exam, and h e w ish e d m e luck. W e say “wish som ebody something” (lu ck / a h a p p y b irth d a y , etc.). B ut you cannot “wish that som ething happens.” W e use h o p e in this situation. For example: ■ I h o p e you g e t this letter before you leave town. (not I wish you get) C om pare I w ish and I h o p e: ■ I w ish you a p le a s a n t stay here. ■ I h o p e you have a pleasant stay here. (not I wish you have) W e also use w ish to say that we regret som ething, that som ething is not the way we w ould like it. W h en we use w ish in this way, we use the past (k n e w /liv e d , etc.), bu t the m eaning is present: ■ I w ish I k n e w w hat to do about the problem . (I don’t know and I regret this) ■ I w ish you d id n ’t have to go so soon, (you have to go) ■ Do you w ish you liv ed near the ocean? (you don’t live near the ocean) ■ Jack’s going on a trip to Mexico soon. I w ish I w as going too. (I’m not going) To say that we regret som ething in the past, we use w ish + h a d . . . (had k n o w n / h a d said), etc.: ■ I w ish I’d k n o w n about the party. I w ould have gone if I’d known. (Ididn’t know) ■ It was a stupid thing to say. I w ish I h a d n ’t said it. (I said it) For m ore examples, see U nits 37 and 38. I w ish I c o u ld (do something) = I regret that I cannot do it: ■ I’m sorry I have to go. I w ish I c o u ld stay longer, (but I can’t) ■ I’ve m et that m an before. I w ish I c o u ld re m e m b e r his name, (but I can’t) I w ish I c o u ld have (d o n e something) = I regret that I could not do it: ■ I hear the party was great. I w ish I c o u ld have gone, (but I couldn’t go) You can say “I w ish (somebody) w o u ld (do som ething).” For example: It’s been raining all day. Jill doesn’t like it. She says: I w is h it w o u ld s to p raining. Jill w ould like the rain to stop, b u t this will probably n o t happen. W e use I w ish . . . w o u ld w h en we w ould like som ething to happen or change. Usually, the speaker doesn’t expect this to happen. We often use I w ish . . . w o u ld to com plain about a situation: ■ The phone has been ringing for five m inutes. I w ish somebody w o u ld an sw e r it. ■ I w ish you w o u ld d o som ething instead o f ju st sitting and doing nothing. You can use I w ish . . . w o u ld n ’t . . . to com plain about things that people do repeatedly: ■ I w ish you w o u ld n ’t k e e p i n te r r u p tin g me. W e use I w ish . . . w o u ld . . . for actions and changes, not situations. Com pare: ■ Iw ish Sarah w o u ld come. (= I w ant her to come) but Iw ish Sarah w as (or w ere) here now. (not I wish Sarah would be) ■ Iw ish som ebody w o u ld b u y m e a car. but I w is h I h a d a car. (not I w ish I w ould have) I w ish I k n e w Unit 37

I w ish I w as / I w ish I w ere Unit 37

I w ish I h ad k n o w n Unit 38


ercises I ;n wish(ed) or hope(d).

I A//sh you a pleasant stay here. you have a great time. Enjoy your vacation. I ____________ you all the best. Good-bye. I each other luck. We said good-bye to each other a n d __ the w eather is nice. W e’re going on a picnic tom orrow, so I _________ it works out well for you. you luck in your new job. I I ,Vhat do you say in these situations? Write sentences with I wish . . . w o u ld . . . . l.

It’s raining. You w ant to go out, but not in the rain. You say: / w ish i t w o u ld sto p raining._________________________________________ 2 You’re waiting for Jane. She’s late and you’re getting im patient. You say to yourself: I w is h ______________________________________________________ You’re looking for a jo b - so far w ithout success. N obody will give you a job. You say: I wish som ebody ______________________________________________________ - You can hear a baby crying. It’s been crying for a long tim e and you’re trying to study. You say: sor the following situations, write sentences with I wish . . . w o u ld n 't. . . .


Your friend drives very fast. You don’t like this. You say to your friend: I wish y o u __________________________________________________ Joe leaves the door open all the time. This annoys you. You say to J o e :___________________________________________________________________ A lot o f people drop litter in the street. You don’t like this. You say: I wish p e o p le ____________________________________________________________

Are these sentences right or wrong? Correct them where necessary. 1. 2. 3. -i. 5. 6. 7.

I wish I wish I wish I wish I wish I wish I wish

Sarah w ould be here now. you w ould listen to me. I w ould have m ore free time. our house w ould be a little bigger. the w eather w ould change. you w ouldn’t com plain all the time. everything w ouldn’t be so expensive.

/ wish Sarah w e re here now.______ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________

Put the verb into the correct form. 1. It was a stupid thing to say. I wish / hadn't sa id it. (I / not / say) 2. I’m fed up w ith this rain. I wish it would stop . (it / stop) 3. It’s a difficult question. I w is h ___________________ the answer. (I / know) 4. I should have listened to you. I w is h __________________________ your advice. (I / take) 5. You’re lucky to be going to Peru. I w is h ______________________________ w ith you. (I / can / come) 6. I have absolutely no energy. I w is h ____________________________so tired. (I / not / be) 7. A ren’t they ready yet? I w is h ______________________________ up. (they / hurry) 8. It w ould be nice to stay here longer. I w is h ______________________________ to go now. (we / not / have) 9. W h en we were in Cairo last year, we didn’t have tim e to see all the things we w anted to see. I w is h ______________________________ longer, (we / can / stay) 10. It’s freezing today. I w is h _______________________________so cold. I hate cold weather. (it / n o t / be) 11. Joe still doesn’t know w hat he wants to do. I w is h _______________________________. (he / decide) 12. I really didn’t enjoy the party. I w is h _______________________________. (we / not / go)

Passive 1 (is done / was done) Study this example: This house w as b u ilt in 1935. Was b u ilt is passive. Com pare active and passive: Somebody b u ilt this house in 1935. (active) subject object This house w as b u ilt in 1935. (passive) subject

W h en we use an active verb, we say w hat the subject does: ■ My grandfather was a builder. H e b u ilt this house in 1935. ■ It’s a big company. I t e m p lo y s two hundred people. W h en we use a passive verb, we say what happens to the subject: ■ This house is pretty old. I t w as b u ilt in 1935. ■ T w o hundred people a re e m p lo y e d by the company. W h en we use the passive, w ho or w hat causes the action is often unknow n or unim portant: ■ A lot o f m oney w as s to le n in the robbery. (somebody stole it, but we don’t know who) ■ Is this room c le a n e d every day? (does somebody clean it? - it’s no t im portant who) If we w ant to say who does or w hat causes the action, we use by: ■ This house was built b y m y g ra n d fa th e r. ■ T w o hundred people are employed b y th e c o m p an y . T he passive is b e (is/w as, etc.) + past participle (d o n e /c le a n e d /s e e n , etc.): (be) d o n e

(be) c le a n e d

(be) d a m a g e d

(be) b u ilt

(be) seen, etc.

For irregular past participles (d o n e /s e e n /k n o w n , etc.), see A ppendix 1. Study the active and passive forms o f the simple present and simple past: Simple Present active: clean(s) / see(s), etc. passive:

a m /is /a re + cleaned/seen, etc.

Somebody clean s this room every day. This room is c le a n e d every day.

■ M any accidents a re c a u sed by careless driving. ■ I’m n o t often in v ite d to parties. ■ H ow is this word p ro n o u n c e d ? Simple Past active: passive:

cleaned/saw , etc.

Somebody c le a n e d this room yesterday.

w a s/w e re + cleaned/seen, etc.

This room w as c le a n e d yesterday.

■ W e w e re w o k e n up by a loud noise during the night. ■ “D id you go to the party?” “N o, I w a sn ’t in v ite d .” ■ H ow m uch m oney w as sto le n in the robbery?

Passive 2-3 Units 41-42

By Unit 125


Exercises 40.1

Complete the sentences using these verbs in the correct form, present or past: ccrase pass

dam age sh o w

h o ld s u rro u n d

in v ite tra n s la te

m ake w rite

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Many accidents a re c a u se d by dangerous driving. C h e e s e ______________________________ from milk. The roof o f the b u ild in g ______________________________ in a storm a few days ago. Y o u _______________________________to the wedding. W hy didn’t you go? A movie theater is a place w here film s _______________________________. In the U nited States, elections for p re sid e n t_______________________________every four years. 7. Originally the b o o k _______________________________in Spanish, and a few years ago it ______________________________ into English. 8. Although we were driving pretty fast, w e ______________________________ by a lot o f other cars. 9. You can’t see the house from the road. I t ______________________________ by trees.

40.2 Write questions using the passive. Some are present and some are past. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Ask about glass, (how / make?) H o w is g la ss m ade?____________________________ Ask about television, (when / invent?) Ask about m ountains, (how / form?) Ask about the planet N eptune, (when / discover?) Ask about silver, (what / use fo r? )_______________

40.3 Put the verb into the correct form, simple present or simple past, active or passive. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

It’s a big factory. Five hundred people a re em p lo y ed (employ) there. D id so m eb o d y clean (somebody / clean) this room yesterday? W a te r______________________ (cover) most of the Earth’s surface. H ow m uch o f the Earth’s surface______________________ (cover) by water? The park g ates_______________________ (lock) at 6:30 p.m. every evening. The le tte r _______________________ (mail) a week ago, and i t ______________________ (arrive) yesterday. The boat hit a rock a n d ______________________ (sink) quickly. Fortunately everybody ______________________ (rescue). R on’s p a re n ts______________________ (die) w hen he was very young. He and his sister ______________________ (bring up) by their grandparents. I was born in Chicago, but I ______________________ (grow up) in H ouston. W hile I was on vacation, my c a m e ra_________________ (steal) from my hotel room. W hile I was on vacation, my c a m e ra_____________ (disappear) from my hotel room. W h y ______________________ (Sue / quit) her job? D idn’t she like it? W hy • (Bill / fire) from his job? W hat did he do wrong? The company is not independent. I t _________________ (own) by a m uch larger company. I saw an accident last night. S om ebody ______________________ (call) an ambulance, but nobody (injure), so the ambulance (not / need). W h e re (these pictures / take)? In H ong Kong? ______________________ (you / take) them?

40.4 Rewrite these sentences. Instead of using som ebody/they/people, etc., write a passive sentence. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Somebody cleans the room every day. They canceled all flights because of fog. People don’t use this road much. Somebody accused m e of stealing money. H ow do people learn languages? People w arned us not to go out alone.

The room is cle a n e d e v e r y day.________ A ll______________________________________ I ____ H ow . _____

Passive 2 (be done / been done / being done) Study the following active and passive forms: After w ill / ca n / m u s t / g o in g to / w a n t to, etc. active: d o /c le a n /s e e , etc.

Somebody w ill c lea n this room later,

passive: b e + d o n e /c le a n e d /s e e n , etc. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

This room w ill b e cle a n e d later.

The situation is serious. Something m ust b e d o n e before it’s too late. A m ystery is som ething that can’t b e e x p lain e d . The music was very loud and could b e h e a rd from far away. A new superm arket is going to b e b u ilt next year. Please go away. I w ant to b e le ft alone.

After s h o u ld have / m ig h t have / w o u ld have / seem to have, etc. active: d o n e /c le a n e d /s e e n , etc.

Somebody sh o u ld have c le a n e d this roon.

passive: b e e n + d o n e /c le a n e d /s e e n , etc.

This room sh o u ld have b e e n cleaned.

■ I haven’t received the letter yet. It m ight have b e e n se n t to the w rong address. ■ If you had locked the car, it w ouldn’t have b e e n stolen. ■ T here were some problem s at first, but they seem to have b e e n solved.

Present Perfect active: h a v e /h a s + (d o n e),


passive: h a v e /h a s b ee n + (d o n e), etc.

The room looks m ce- Somebody has c le a n e d it The room looks nice- l t has b ee n clean ed .

■ Have you heard? The concert has b e e n can celed . ■ H av e you ever b e e n b itte n by a dog? ■ “Are you going to the party?” “N o, I h a v e n ’t b e e n in v ite d .” Past Perfect active■ h a d + (d o n e ) etc passive: h a d b een + (d o n e),

The room looked nice. Somebody h a d clean ed ■ etc.

Tbe room looks nice- Ic h a d b e e n clean ed .

■ The vegetables didn’t taste very good. They h a d b e e n c o o k e d too long. ■ The car was three years old but h a d n ’t b e e n u sed very much.

Present Continuous active: a m /i s /a r e + (d o )in g passive: a m / i s /a r e + b e in g (d o n e )

Somebody is c le a n in g this room right now. This room is b e in g c le a n e d right now.

■ T here’s somebody walking behind us. I think we are b e in g fo llo w ed . ■ (in a shop) “Can I help you?” “N o, thank you. I’m b e in g h e lp e d .” Past Continuous active: w a s/w e re + (d o )in g passive: w a s/w e re + b e in g (d o n e )

Somebody w as c le a n in g this room w hen I arm This room w as b e in § cle a n e d w hen I arrived.

■ T here was som ebody walking behind us. W e w e re b e in g fo llo w ed . Passive 1, 3 Units 40, 42



41.1 What do these words mean? Use it can . . . or it c a n 't. . . . Use a dictionary if necessary. If som ething is 1. 2. 3.

washable, it can be washed. . unbreakable, i t ______________________ . ed ib le,_____________________________ .

4. u n usable,___________________________ . 5. invisible,___________________________ . 6. p o rtab le ,___________________________ .

41.2 Complete these sentences with the following verbs (in the correct form): a rre s t c a rry cause -4em ake re p a ir sendsp en d

w ak e u p

Sometimes you need have (might have, should have, etc.). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

The situation is serious. Something m ust be done before it’s too late. I haven’t received the letter. It m ight have been s e n t to the wrong address. A decision will n o t _________________________ until the next meeting. Do you think that m ore m oney sh o u ld on education? This road is in very bad condition. It s h o u ld _________________________ a long tim e ago. The injured m an couldn’t walk and had t o _________________________ . I told the hotel desk clerk I w anted t o _________________________at 6:30 the next m orning. If you hadn’t pushed the policem an, you w ouldn’t _________________________ . It’s not certain how the fire started, but it m ig h t by an electrical short circuit.

41.3 Rewrite these sentences. Instead of using som ebody or they, write a passive sentence. 1. Somebody has cleaned the room . The room has been cleaned.________________________________ 2. Somebody is using the com puter right now. The c o m p u te r ______________ 3. I didn’t realize that somebody was recording our conversation. ____________________________ I didn’t realize that _i 4. W hen we got to the stadium, we found that they had canceled the game. W hen we got to the stadium, we found t h a t . 5. They are building a new highway around the city. 6.


They have built a new hospital near the airport.

Make sentences from the words in parentheses. Sometimes the verb is active, sometimes passive. 1. T here’s somebody behind us. (I think / we / follow) / think w e ’r e being follow ed. 2. This room looks different, (you / paint / the walls?) H ave yo u p a in te d th e w alls? 3. My car has disappeared, (it / steal!) I t ______________________________________________________________________________ 4. My um brella has disappeared, (somebody / take) S om ebody. 5. W hen I w ent into the room , I saw that the table and chairs were not in the same place, (the furniture / move) The 6. The m an next door disappeared six m onths ago. (he / not / see / since then) H e ______________________________________________________________________________ 7. I w onder how Jane is these days. (I / not / see / for ages) I _______________________________________________________________________________________ ____ 8. I w anted to use a com puter at the library last night, but I wasn’t able to. (the com puters / use) A ll _________ 9. Ann can’t use her office this week, (it / redecorate) It _______ 10. The photocopier broke down yesterday, but now it’s OK. (it / w ork / again; it / repair) I t ______________________________________ . I t _____________________________________ 11. A friend o f m ine was m ugged on his way hom e a few nights ago. (you / ever / mug?)

Additional Exercises 22-24 (pages 308-309)



Passive 3 I w as o ffe re d . . . / w e w e re g iv en . . . , etc. Some verbs can have two objects. For example, give: ■ Someone gave th e p o lic e th e in fo rm a tio n . (= Someone gave the information to the poh object 1

object 2

So it is possible to make two passive sentences: ■ T h e p o lic e w ere given the inform ation. or T h e in f o r m a tio n was given to the police. O th er verbs that can have two objects are: ask o ffe r pay sh o w teac h W h en ■ ■ ■ ■

te ll

we use these verbs in the passive, m ost often we begin w ith the person: I w as o ffe re d the job, bu t I refused it. (= they offered me the job) Y ou w ill b e g iv en plenty o f tim e to decide. (= we will give you plenty o f time) H a v e y o u b e e n sh o w n the new m achine? (= has anybody shown you?) T h e m e n w e re p a id $200 to do the work. (- somebody paid the m en $200)

I d o n ’t lik e b e in g . . . T he passive o f d o in g /s e e in g , etc. is b e in g d o n e / b e in g seen, etc. Com pare: active: I don’t like p e o p le te llin g m e w hat to do. passive: I don’t like b e in g to ld what to do. ■ I rem em ber b e in g ta k e n to the zoo w hen I was a child. (= I rem em ber som ebody taking me to the zoo) ■ Steve hates b e in g k e p t waiting. (= he hates people keeping him waiting) ■ W e m anaged to climb over the wall w ithout b e in g seen. (= w ithout anybody seeing us I w as b o r n . . . W e say I w as b o r n . . . (not I am born): ■ I w as b o r n in Chicago. ■ W here w e re you b o rn ? (not W here are you born?)


but H ow many babies are b o r n every day?


G et You can use g e t instead o f b e in the passive: ■ There was a fight at the game, but nobody g o t h u rt. (= nobody w as hurt) ■ I don’t often g e t in v ite d to parties. (= I’m not often invited) ■ I’m surprised Ann d id n ’t g e t o ffe re d the job. (= Ann w a sn ’t o ffe re d the job) You can use g e t only w hen things happen or change. For example, you cannot use g e t in the following sentences: ■ Jill is lik e d by everybody. (not gets liked - this is not a “happening”) ■ H e was a m ystery man. Very little w as k n o w n about him. (not got known) W e use g e t mainly in inform al spoken English. You can use b e in all situations. W e also use g e t in the following expressions (which are not passive in m eaning): g e t m a rrie d , g e t d iv o rc e d g e t lo s t (= not know w here you are) g e t d re sse d (= p u t on your clothes) g e t c h a n g e d (= change your clothes)

Passive 1 ,2 Units 40, 41


Exercises 42.1

Write these sentences using the passive, beginning in the way shown. 1. They didn’t give me the inform ation I needed.

w asn't given the inform ation / needed. _______________________________


2. They asked me some difficult questions at the interview.

I ________________________________________________________________________ 3. Jessica’s colleagues gave her a present w hen she retired. Jessica. 4. N obody told m e about the meeting. I wasn’t _________________________ 5. H ow m uch will they pay you for your work? H ow m uch will you . 6. I think they should have offered John the job. I think John 7. Has anybody shown you w hat to do? Have you / _____ ______________ 42.2

Complete the sentences using being + the following (in the correct form): give 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

h it

in v ite

k ee p

p ay

tre a t

Steve hates being kep t waiting. We w ent to the party w ith o u t_______________________________. I like giving presents, and I also lik e _______________________________them . It’s a busy road and I don’t like crossing it. I’m afraid o f _ I’m an adult. I don’t lik e like a child. Few people are prepared to w ork w ith o u t__________________________

42.3 When were they born? Choose five of these people and write a sentence for each. (Two of them were born in the same year.) B e e th o v e n Jo h n L ennon W alt D isn ey 1.


G a lileo M a h a tm a G a n d h i M a rtin L u th e r K in g J r.

E lvis P re sle y L e o n a rd o d a V in ci W illia m S h ak esp e are

1452 1564 1770 1929

1869 49911940 1935

W alt V isn ey w as born in 1901.

. ________________________

3. ________________________________ 4. ________________________________ 5. ________________________________



7. And you? I . 42.4

Complete the sentences using get/got + the following verbs (in the correct form): ask

dam age

h u rt



stin g

sto p


There was a fight at the game, but nobody g o t h u rt . T e d ______________________________ by a bee while he was sitting in the yard. These tennis courts don’t ______________________________ very often. N o t many people w ant to play. I used to have a bicycle, but i t ______________________________ a few m onths ago. Rachel works hard but doesn’t ______________________________ very much. Last night I ______________________________ by the police as I was driving hom e. O ne of the lights on my car wasn’t working. Please pack these things very carefully. I don’t w ant them to . People often w ant to know w hat my jo b is. I o fte n ________________________ that question.

: : tional Exercises 22-24 (pages 308-309)



It is said t h a t . . . He is said to . . . He is supposed to . . . Study this example situation: H enry is very old. N obody knows exactly how old he is, but: I t is said th a t he is 108 years old. or

H e is said to b e 108 years old.

B oth these sentences m ean: People say that he is 108 years old.

You can use these structures w ith a num ber o f other verbs, especially: alleg e d b eliev e d c o n sid e re d ex p e c te d k n o w n re p o rte d

th o u g h t

un d erstc

C om pare the tw o structures: ■ Cathy works very hard. I t is said th a t she works 16 hours a day. ■ T he police are looking for a missing boy. I t is b elie v e d th a t the boy is wearing a w hite sweater and blue jeans. ■ T he strike started three weeks ago. I t is e x p e c te d th a t it will end soon. ■ A friend o f m ine has been arrested. I t is a lle g e d th a t he hit a police officer. ■ T he two houses belong to the same family. I t is said th a t there is a secret tunnel betw een them .


She is said to w o rk 16 hours a day.


The boy is b e lie v e d to b e w e a rin g a w hite sweater and blue jeans.


The strike is e x p e c te d to e n d soon.


H e is a lle g e d to have h it a police o ff


T here is said to b e a secret tunnel betw een them .

These structures are often used in news reports. For example, in a report about an accident: or Two people are re p o rte d to have ■ I t is r e p o r te d th a t two people were b ee n in ju re d in the explosion. injured in the explosion.

(B e) su p p o se d to Sometimes (it is) s u p p o se d to . . . = (it is) said to . . . : ■ Let’s go and see that movie. It’s s u p p o s e d to b e good. (= it is said to be good) U M ark is su p p o se d to h av e h i t a police officer, but I don’t believe it. B ut som etimes su p p o se d to has a different m eaning. W e use su p p o se d to to say w hat is intended, arranged, or expected. O ften this is different from the real situation: ■ The plan is su p p o se d to b e a secret, but everybody seems to know about it. (= the plan is intended to be a secret) ■ W hat are you doing at work? You’re su p p o se d to b e on vacation. (= you arranged to be on vacation) ■ Jane w as su p p o se d to ca ll me last night, but she didn’t. ■ O u r guests w e re su p p o se d to c o m e at 7:30, but they were late. ■ I’d better hurry. I’m su p p o se d to m e e t Chris in 10 m inutes. You’re n o t su p p o se d to do som ething = it is no t allowed or advisable: ■ You’re n o t su p p o s e d to p a r k your car here. It’s private parking only. ■ Mr. B runo is m uch better after his operation, but h e’s still n o t su p p o se d to d o any heavy work.



43.1 Write these sentences in another way, beginning as shown. Use the underlined words. 1. It is expected that the strike will end soon. The strike is e xp ected to en d soon. 2. It is thought that the prisoner escaped by climbing over a wall. The prisoner is thought to have escaped by climbing over a wall.___________________ 3. It is reported that m any people are homeless after the floods. Many p e o p le ___________________________________________________________________ 4. It is alleged that the m an robbed the store o f $3,000. The m a n >_______ > ________________________________________ 5. It is reported that the building was badly damaged by the fire. The building _i_ 6. a) It is said that the company is losing a lot o f money. The co m p an y . b) It is believed that the company lost a lot o f m oney last year. The co m p an y. c) It is expected that the company will lose m oney this year. The co m p an y ________________________________________ 43.2

There are a lot of rumors about Stan. Here are some of the things people say about him: 4. 1. He has 12 children. Stan speaks 10 languages.

He knows a lot of famous people.


He is very rich.

He was an actor when he was younger.

Stan Nobody is sure whether these things are true. Write sentences about Stan using supposed to. 1.

Sta n is supposed to speak 10 languages.


2. He 0 2 ___________ ________________________________________________________ ifv 3. a 4.[_ 5. __________________________________________________________________________ 43.3

Complete the sentences using supposed to be + the following: o n a d ie t 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


a flo w e r

m y frie n d

a jo k e

o n -v a catio n

w o rk in g

W hat are you doing at work? You are supposed to he on vacation._________ You shouldn’t criticize m e all the time. Y o u _________________________________ I really shouldn’t be eating this cake. I . I’m sorry about w hat I said. I was trying to be funny. I t . W h at’s this drawing? Is it a tree? O r maybe i t ________ You shouldn’t be reading the paper now. Y o u _________

Write sentences with supposed to + the following verbs: a r riv e

b lo c k

c a ll

-p ar hr-

s ta rt

Use the negative (not supposed to) where necessary. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

You re not supposed to park here. It’s private parking only. We w ork at 8:15, but we rarely do anything before 8:30. O h, I _______________________________ H elen, but I com pletely forgot. This door is a fire exit. Y o u _______________________________it. at 11:30, but it was an hour late. My tr a in .

-dditional Exercises 22-24 (pages 308-309)



Have/get something done Study this example situation: The roof o f Lisa’s house was damaged in a storm. Yesterday a w orker came and repaired it. Lisa h a d the roof re p a ire d yesterday. This means: Lisa arranged for somebody else to repair the roof. She didn’t repair it herself.


W e use have s o m e th in g d o n e to say that we arrange for som ebody else to do som ething for us. Com pare: ■ Lisa re p a ire d the roof. (= she repaired it herself) Lisa h a d the roof re p a ire d . (= she arranged for som ebody else to repair it) ■ “Did you p a in t your apartm ent yourself?” “Yes, I like doing things like that.” “Did you have your apartm ent p a in te d ? ” “N o, I painted it myself.” Be careful w ith word order. The past participle (r e p a ire d /c u t, etc.) is after the object: have Lisa h a d W here did you have O u r neighbor has ju st h a d W e are h a v in g H ow often do you have W hy don’t you have I don’t like h a v in g

O b je c t

P a s t P a rtic ip le

the roof your hair air conditioning the house your car that coat my picture

re p a ire d yesterday. cut? in s ta lle d in her house. p a in te d this week. serviced? cleaned? tak en .

G e t s o m e th in g d o n e You can also say “g e t som ething done” instead o f “have som ething done” (mainly in informal spoken English): ■ W hen are you going to g e t th e r o o f re p a ire d ? (= have the roof repaired) ■ I think you should g et y o u r h a ir c u t really short. Sometimes have (or get) s o m e th in g d o n e has a different meaning. For example: ■ Eric h a d h is licen se ta k e n aw ay for driving too fast again and again. or Eric g o t h is lic e n se ta k e n aw ay for driving . . . This does not m ean that he arranged for somebody to take his license away. It means that his license was taken away by the police. W ith this m eaning, we use have (or get) s o m e th in g d o n e to say that som ething happens to som ebody or their belongings. Usually w hat happens is not nice: ■ Jam es g o t his passport sto len . (= his passport was stolen) ■ Have you ever h a d your flight can celed ? (= has your flight ever been canceled?)


Exercises 44.1

Check (/) the correct sentence, (a) or (b), for each picture. 3.





a) Sarah is cutting her hair.

a) Bill is cutting his hair.

a) John is shining

b) Sarah is having her hair cut.

b) Bill is having his hair cut.

b) John is having his shoes shined.

his shoes.


a) Sue is taking a picture. b) Sue is picture taken.

44.2 Answer the questions using To have som ething done. Choose from the boxes: m y -ear-

m y eyes

1. W hy did you 2. W hy did you 3. W hy did you 4. W hy did you 44.3

m y w a tc h

c lean

re p a ir



to the garage? To have m y ca r serviced. to the cleaner’s? To to the jew eler’s? _ to the optician’s?

Write sentences in the way shown. 1. 2. 3.' 4. 5.


go go go go

m y ja c k e t

Lisa didn’t repair the roof herself. She ha d it repaired. I didn’t cut my hair myself. I They didn’t paint the house themselves. They . Jo h n didn’t build that wall him self.__________ I didn’t deliver the flowers m yself.__________

Use the words in parentheses to complete the sentences. Use the structure have som ething done. We are having the house p a in te d (the house / paint) this week. I lost my key. I’ll have t o (another key / make). W hen was the last tim e y o u _______________________________________ (your hair / cut)? _______________________________________________________ (you / a newspaper / deliver) to your house every day, or do you go out and buy one? 5. A: W hat are those workers doing at your house? B: O h, w e ____________________________________________________ (garage / build). 6. You can’t see that sign from here? You sh o u ld _________________________________________ (your eyes / check). In the following sentences use get som ething done.

1. 2. 3. 4.

7. H ow often do you g e t y our car se rv ic ed (your car / service)? 8. This coat is dirty. I sh o u ld (it / clean). 9. If you w ant to wear earrings, why don’t y o u ___________________________________________ (your ears / pierce)? 10. A: I heard your com puter wasn’t working. B: T hat’s right, but it’s O K now. I (it / repair). In these items, use have som ething done with its second meaning (see Section D). 11. Did you hear about Pete? H e h a d his license taken a w a y (license / take away). 12. Did I tell you about Jane? S h e _______________________________________________________ (her purse / steal) last week. 13. Gary was in a fight last n ig h t. (his nose / break).

Reported Speech 1 (He said t h a t . . .) Study this example situation: I'm feel ng sick.

You w ant to tell som ebody w hat Tom said. There are two ways o f doing this: l

You can repeat Tom’s words (direct speech): Tom said, “ I ’m fe e lin g s ic k .”

P O r you can use reported speech: Tom said th a t h e w as fe e lin g sick.

Tom said, “ I ■eported: Tom said that

W hen th a t. . ■ ■

am feeling sick.”

In w riting we use these quotation marks to show direct speech.

h e w as feeling sick.

we use reported speech, the m ain verb o f the sentence is usually past (Tom said . / I to ld her t h a t . . . , etc.). The rest o f the sentence is usually past, too: Tom said that he w as fe e lin g sick. I to ld her that I d id n ’t have any money.

You can leave out th a t. So you can say: ■ Tom said th a t he was feeling sick, or

Tom said

he was feeling sick.

In general, the present form in direct speech changes to the past form in reported speech: am /is —►w as do/does —►d id are —►w e re have/has —►h a d w a n t/k n o w /g o , etc. —►w a n te d /k n e w /w e n t, etc.

will —►w o u ld can —►c o u ld

C om pare direct speech and reported speech: You m et Jenny. H ere are some o f the things she said to you in direct speech:

Later you tell somebody w hat Jenny said. You use reported speech:

"My parents are fine."

■ Jenny said that her parents w ere fine.

"I'm going to learn to drive."

She said that she w as going to learn to dr

"I want to buy a car."

She said that she w a n te d to buy a car.

"John has quit his job."

She said that John h a d q u it his job.

"I can't come to the party on Friday."

"I don't have much free time."


"I'm going away for a few days. I'll call you when I get back."

She said that she c o u ld n ’t come to the party on Friday.

■ She said she d i d n ’t have m uch free time. ■ She said that she w as going away for a tef days and w o u ld call m e w hen she g o t b „.

The simple past (d id /s a w /k n e w , etc.) can usually stay the same in reported speech, or you can change it to the past perfect (h ad d o n e / h a d seen / h a d k n o w n , etc.): ■ direct: Tom said, “I w o k e up feeling sick, so I d id n ’t go to w ork.” reported: Tom said (that) he w o k e up feeling sick, so he d id n ’t go to work, or Tom said (that) he h a d w o k e n up feeling sick, so he h a d n ’t g o n e to work.

Reported Speech 2 Unit 46

Reported Q uestions U n it4 8B




*5.1 Yesterday you met a friend of yours, Rob. You hadn't seen him for a long time. Here are some of the things Rob said to you: 6.


I'm living in my own apartment now.


My father isn't very w ell.


Amanda and Paul are getting married next month.


My sister has had a baby.


I don't know what Eric is doing. -


I saw Nicole at a party in June, and she seemed fine.



You can come and stay at my place if you're ever in Chicago.

My car was stolen a few days ago.


Rob 7.

I haven't seen Diane recently.

I'm not enjoying my job very much.


I want to take a trip, but I can't afford it.

I'll tell Amy I saw you.

Later that day you tell another friend what Rob said. Use reported speech. 1.

Rob sa id th a t he w as living in his ow n a p a rtm en t now._______________

2. 3. 4. 5.

He said t h a t ________________________________________________________ H e ________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________



7. 9. _________________________________________________________________________________

. _____________________________________________________________________

10 11.





-5.2 Somebody says something to you that is the opposite of what they said before. Complete the answers. 1. A: B: 2. A: B: 3. A: B: 4. A: B: 5. A: B: 6. A: B: 7. A: B: 8. A: B:

T hat restaurant is expensive. , It is? / th o u g h t yo u saichit w a s cheap_________________________________________ Sue is coming to the party tonight. She is? I thought you said s h e ___________________________________________________ Ann likes Paul. She does? Last week you sa id ___________________________________________________ I know lots of people. You do? I thought you sa id _____________________________________________________ Pat will be here next week. She will? B ut didn’t you sa y _____________________________________________________ I’m going out tonight. You are? B ut you said __________________________________________________________ I can speak a little French. You can? B ut earlier you sa id _________________________________________ _________ I haven’t been to the movies in ages. You haven’t? I thought you sa id _________________________________________ _______

: onal Exercise 25 (pages 310-311)


Reported Speech 2 It is not always necessary to change the verb in reported speech. If you report som ething and the situation hasn’t changed, you do not need to change the verb to the past: ■ direct: Tom said, “My new jo b is very interesting.” reported: Tom said that his new job is very interesting. (The situation hasn’t changed. His jo b is still interesting.) ■ direct: Ann said, “I w a n t to go to South America next year.” reported: Ann told m e that she w a n ts to go to South America next year. (Ann still wants to go to South America next year.) You can also change the verb to the past: ■ Tom said that his new jo b w as very interesting. ■ A nn told me that she w a n te d to go to South America next year. B ut if you are reporting a finished situation, you must use a past verb: ■ Paul left the room suddenly. H e said h e h a d to go. (not has to go) You need to use a past form w hen there is a difference betw een w hat was said and w hat is really true. For example: Sonia said you w er n the hospital.

Joe is in the hospital.

You m et Sonia a few days ago. She said: “J o e is in th e h o s p ita l.” (direct speech) Later that day you m eet Joe in the street* You say: “I didn’t expect to see you, Joe. Sonia said you w e re in the hospital.” (not “Sonia said you are in the hospital,” because he clearly is not)

Say and te ll If you say ivho somebody is talking to, use tell: ■ Sonia to ld m e that you were in the hospital. (not Sonia said me) ■ W hat did you te ll th e p o lice? (not say the police)


O therw ise use say: ■ Sonia said that you were in the hospital, (not Sonia told t h a t . . .) ■ W hat did you say?


B ut you can say som ething to somebody: ■ Ann said good-bye to me and left. (not Ann said me good-bye) ■ W hat did you say to the police? T e ll/a s k somebody to do som ething W e also use the infinitive (to d o / to stay, etc.) in reported speech, especially w ith te ll and ask (for orders and requests): ■ direct: “S tay in bed for a few days,” the doctor said to me. reported: The doctor to ld m e to stay in bed for a few days. ■ direct: “D o n ’t s h o u t,” I said to Jim . reported: I to ld Jim n o t to shout. ■ direct: “Please d o n ’t te ll anybody w hat happened,” Jackie said to me. reported: Jackie ask ed m e n o t to te ll anybody w hat (had) happened. You can also say “Somebody said (not) to do som ething”: ■ Jackie said not to te ll anyone. (but wot Jackie said me) Reported Speech 1 Unit 45

Reported Q uestions Unit 48B


Exercises 46.1

Here are some things that Ann said to you: I've never been to South America.

I can't drive.

I don't have any brothers or sisters.

I don't like fish, j

I'm working tomorrownight.

Rosa has a very well-paid job.

Rosa is a friend of mine.

Dave- is lazyr

But later Ann says something different.What do you say? Ann

____________________________Y o u \ \

B u t you sa id he w as lazy.__________ 1. Dave works very hard. 2. Let’shavefish for dinner. B u t_______________________________ 3. I’m going to buy a car. 4. Rosa is always short of money. 5. My sisterlives in Tokyo. 6. I think Peru is a great place. 7. Let’s go out tomorrow night. 8. I’ve never spoken to Rosa. 46.2 Complete the sentences with say or tell (in the correct form). Use only one word each time. A nn sa id good-bye to me and left. ______________________ us about your vacation. Did you have a good time? D o n ’t ju st stand th e re !___________ something! I w onder w here Sue is. S h e she w ould be here at 8:00. J a c k _______________________ me that he was fed up w ith his job. The d o c to r________________ that I should rest for at |east a week. D o n ’t ______________ anybody w hat I ________________________. It’s a secret ju st betw een us. 8. “D id s h e _______________________ you w hat happened?” “N o, she didn’t ______________________ anything to m e.” 9. Jason couldn’t help me. H e ______________________me to ask Kate. 10. Gary couldn’t help me. H e ______________________ to ask Caroline. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

46.3 The following sentences are direct speech: Don't wait for me if I'm late.

Mind your own business.

Can you open your bag, please?

Please slow down!

Will you marry me?

Don't worry, Sue.

Hurry tipi

Do you think you could give me a hand, Tom?

Choose one of these to complete each sentence below. Use reported speech. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Bill was taking a long time to get ready, so I told him to h u r r y up_____________ Sarah was driving too fast, so I ask e d _________________________________________ Sue was nervous about the situation. I to ld ___ I couldn’t move the piano alone, so I _______________________________ ______ The customs officer looked at me suspiciously a n d ____________________________ The m an started asking me personal questions, so I ____________________________ Jo h n was in love w ith Maria, so he ______________________________________ I didn’t w ant to delay Helen, so I __________

- :ditional Exercise 25 (pages 310-311)




Questions 1 In questions we usually pu t the subject after the first verb: Verb + Subject

Subject + Verb Tom you T he house

will have was

—► will —► have —► was

Tom? you? the house?

■ W ill T o m be here tom orrow? ■ H av e y o u been working hard? ■ W hen w as th e h o u se built?

R em em ber that the subject comes after the first verb: ■ Is C a th e rin e w orking today? (not Is working Catherine)


In simple present questions, we use d o /d o e s : you the film

live begins

— -*•

do does

you live? the film begin?

■ D o you live near here? ■ W hat tim e d o es the film begin?

you sell? the train stop?

■ D id you sell your car? ■ W hy d id the train stop?

In simple past questions, we use did: you the train

sold stopped



did did

B ut do not use d o /d o e s /d id if w h o /w h a t, etc. is the subject o f the sentence. Compare: w h o subject Somebody called Zoe.

w h o object Zoe called somebody . object W ho d id Zoe call?

subject W ho ca lle d Zoe?

In these examples, w h o /w h a t, etc. is the subject: ■ W h o w a n ts som ething to eat? (not W ho does want) ■ W h a t h a p p e n e d to you last night? (not W hat did happen) ■ H o w m a n y p e o p le c a m e to the m eeting? (not did come) ■ W h ic h b u s goes downtown? (not does go)


N ote the position o f prepositions in questions beginning W h o /W h a t/W h ic h /W h e r e . ■ W h o do you w ant to speak to? ■ W h a t was the w eather lik e yesterday? ■ W h ic h jo b has Ann applied for? ■ W h e re are you fro m ? You can use preposition + w h o m in formal style: ■ To w h o m do you wish to speak? Is n ’t i t . . . ? / D id n ’t y o u . . .

etc. (negative questions)

We use negative questions especially to show surprise: ■ D id n ’t y o u hear the doorbell? I rang it three times. or w hen we expect the listener to agree w ith us: ■ “H a v e n ’t w e m et som ewhere before?” “Yes, I think we have.” N ote the m eaning o f yes and n o in answers to negative questions: Yes. (= Yes, I w ant to go) D o n ’t y o u w ant to go to the party? N o . (= N o, I don’t w ant to go) N ote the word order in negative questions beginning W h y . . . ?: ■ W h y d o n ’t w e go out for a meal tonight? (not W hy we don’t go) ■ W h y w a sn ’t M ary at w ork yesterday? (not W hy M ary wasn’t)

Q uestions 2 Unit 48

Tag Q uestions ( .

, do y o u ? .

, isn't it?, etc.) Unit 50


Exercises 47.1

Ask Joe questions. (Look at his answers before you write the questions.) W h ere do y o u live? 1. (where / live?) (born there?)_______________________ 3. (married?). 4. (how long / m arried?).




In Vancouver. No, I was born in Toronto. Yes. 17 years.


Yes, two boys.

(how old / they?). (what / do?). (what / wife / do?)_

12 and 15. I’m a journalist. She’s a doctor.


Make questions with who or what. 1. Somebody hit me. 2. I hit somebody. 3. Somebody paid the bill. 4. Something happened. 5. Diane said something. 6. This book belongs to somebody. 7. Somebody lives in that house. 8. I fell over something. 9. Something fell on the floor. 10. This word means something. 11. I borrow ed the m oney from somebody. 12. I’m w orried about something.

47.3 Put the words in parentheses in the correct order. All the sentences are questions. 1.



3. 4. 5.


7. 8 9.



w hen / was / built / this house) W hen w a s this house built?______________ how / cheese / is / made) w hen / invented / the com puter / was) _ w hy / Sue / w orking / isn’t / to d a y )____ w hat time / coming / your friends / are) why / was / canceled / the c o n c e rt)____ w here / your m other / was / born) why / you / to the party / didn’t / come) how / the accident / did / h a p p e n )_____ why / this machine / doesn’t / w o rk )___

-7.4 Write negative questions from the words in parentheses. In each situation you are surprised. 1. A: W e w on’t see Ann tonight. B: W hy not? (she / not / come / to the party?) Isn't sh e com ing to th e p a r ty ? 2. A: I hope we don’t see Brian tonight. B: W hy? (you / not / like / h im ? )_______________________________________ ____ 3. A: D on’t go and see that movie. B: W hy not? (it / not / go o d ?)_______________________________________________ 4. A: I’ll have to borrow some money. B: W hy? (you / not / have / any?)____________________________________________


Questions 2 (Do you know where . . . I I He asked me where . . . ) ____________________________ D o y o u k n o w w h e re . . . ? / I d o n ’t k n o w w h y . . . / C o u ld y o u te ll m e w h a t e t c . W e say: but

W here has T o m gone? D o y o u k n o w w here T o m has gone? (not Do you know w here has Tom gone?)

W h en the question (W h ere has T o m gone?) is part o f a longer sentence (D o y o u k n o w . . . ? I d o n ’t k n o w . . . / C a n y o u te ll m e . . . ?, etc.), the w ord order changes. Compare: but

W hat tim e is it? W ho are th o se p eo p le? W here can I find Linda? H ow m uch w ill i t cost?

D o y o u k n o w w hat time i t is? I d o n ’t k n o w who th o se p e o p le are. C a n y o u te ll m e w here I can find Linda? D o y o u have an y id e a how m uch i t w ill c -

Be careful w ith d o /d o e s /d id questions. We say: ■ W hat tim e d o es th e m o v ie b eg in ?


■ W hat d o y o u m ean? ■ W hy d id she leave early?

D o y o u k n o w w hat tim e th e m o v ie begin; [not does the movie begin) P lease e x p la in w hat y o u m ean. I w o n d e r why she le ft early.

Use i f or w h e th e r w here there is no other question word (w hat, w hy, etc.): Did anybody see you?


Do you know i f anybody saw you? or . . . w h e th e r anybody : you?

H e ask e d m e w h e re .. . (reported questions) The same changes in w ord order happen in reported questions. Com pare: ■ direct: The police officer said to us, “W here are y o u g o in g ?” reported: The police officer asked us w here w e w e re g o in g . ■ direct:

Claire asked, “W hat tim e d o th e b a n k s close ?”

reported: Claire w anted to know w hat tim e th e b a n k s clo sed . In reported .questions, the verb usually changes to the past (w ere, closed, etc.).See U nit 45. Study these examples. You had an interview for a job, and these were some o f the questions the interview er asked you: W hat do you do in your spare time?

Later ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Can you speak another language?

Are you willing to travel?

Why did you apply for the job?

How long have you been working at your present job?

Do you have a driver's license?

you tell a friend w hat the interview er asked you. You use reported speech: She asked if (or w hether) I w as willing to travel. She w anted to know w hat I d id in my spare time. She asked how long I h a d been working at my present job. She asked why I h a d applied for the job. (or . . . why I ap p lied ) She w anted to know if (or w hether) I c o u ld speak another language. She asked if (or w hether) I h a d a driver’s license.

Reported Speech Units 45-46

Exercises 48.1



Make a new sentence from the question in brackets. 1.

2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7.

. 9. 10. 8


11 12. 13. 14. 15.



W here has Tom gone?) Do you know w h e re Tom has g o ne? W here is the post office?) Could you tell me . W hat time is it?) I w onder . W hat does this word mean?) I w ant to know . Has the plane left yet?) Do you k n o w ______ Is Sue going out tonight?) I don’t know . W here does Carol live?) Do you have any idea . W here did I park the car?) I can’t re m e m b e r__ Is there a bank near here?) Can you tell m e ___ W hat do you want?) Tell me . W hy didn’t Kelly come to the party?) I don’t know _ H ow m uch does it cost to park here?) Do you know . W ho is that woman?) I have no idea . Did Ann get my letter?) Do you k n o w ______ H ow far is it to the airport?) Can you tell me

You are making a phone call. You want to speak to Amy, but she isn't there. Somebody else answers the phone. You want to know three things: (1) W h e re is A m y? (2) W h e n w ill she b e back? and (3) D id she go o u t alone? Complete the conversation: A: B: A: B: A: B:

Do you know w h e re ___________________________________________________________ ? (l) Sorry, I have no idea. T hat’s all right. I don’t suppose you k n o w . (2) No, I’m afraid I don’t. O ne m ore thing. Do you happen to k n o w ________________________________________ ? (3) I’m sorry. I didn’t see her go out. B ut I’ll tell her you called.

-8.3 You have been away for a while and have just come back to your hometown. You meet Tony, a friend of yours. He asks you a lot of questions: 5.


Why did you come back?

Where are you living?


How are you?


Where have you been?


How long have you been back?


Do you plan to stay for a while?


What are you doing now?


Can you lend me some money?


Tony Now tell another friend what Tony asked you. Use reported speech. 1.

He asked m e h o w / was.________________________________________________

2. H e asked m e _________________________________________________ 3. H e __________________________________________________________ 4. _____________________________________________________________ 5. :______________________________________________



7. 9.

: * onal Exercise 25 (pages 310-311)

Are you glad to be back?

Auxiliary Verbs (have/do/can, etc.) I think so / 1hope so, etc. In each o f these sentences there is an auxiliary verb and a main verb: I She T he hotel W here

have c a n ’t w as d o you

lo st com e b u ilt live?

my keys. to the party. ten years ago.

In these examples h a v e /c a n ’t / w a s / d o are auxiliary (= helping) verbs. You can use an auxiliary verb w hen you do not w ant to repeat something: ■ “Have you locked the door?” “Yes, I have.” (I have locked the door) ■ George wasn’t working, but Janet was. (Janet was working) ■ She could lend me the money, but she w o n ’t. (= she w on’t lend me the money) Use d o /d o e s /d id for the simple present and past: ■ “Do you like onions?” “Yes, I d o .” (= I like onions) ■ “Does M ark play soccer?” “H e d id , but he d o e s n ’t any m ore.” You can use auxiliary verbs to deny w hat somebody says (= say it is not true): ■ “You’re sitting in my place.” “N o, I’m n o t.” (= I’m not sitting in your place) ■ “You didn’t lock the door before you left.” “Yes, I d id .” (= I locked th^door) We use You have? / S he is n ’t? / T h ey do?, etc. to show interest in w hat som ebody has said: ■ “I’ve ju st seen David.” “Y ou have? How is he?” ■ “Liz isn’t feeling very well today.” “She is n ’t? W hat’s w rong w ith her?” ■ “It rained every day during our vacation.” “I t d id? W hat a shame!” ■ “Jim and Karen are getting m arried.” “T h e y are? Really?” We use auxiliary verbs w ith so and n e ith e r: ■ “I’m tired.” “So a m I.” (= I’m tired, too) ■ “I never read newspapers.” “N e ith e r d o I.” (= I never read newspapers either) ■ Sue doesn’t have a car, and n e ith e r does M ark. N ote the w ord order after so and n e ith e r (verb before subject): ■ I passed the exam, and so d id P au l. (not so Paul did) You can also use' n o t . . . e ith e r instead o f n e ith e r: ■ “I don’t have any money.” “N e ith e r do I.” or

“I d o n ’t e ith e r.”

I th in k so / I h o p e so, etc. After ■ ■ ■

some verbs you can use so w hen you do not w ant to repeat something: “Are those people Australian?” “I th in k so.” (= I think they are Australian) “W ill you be hom e tom orrow m orning?” “I guess so. (= I guess I’ll be hom e . . . ) “Do you think Kate has been invited to the party?” “I su p p o se so .”

You can also say: I h o p e so and I ’m a fra id so. The usual negative forms are: I think so I hope so / I’m afraid so / I guess so I suppose so ■ “Is that w om an French?” ■ “Do you think it will rain?”

British English

Appendix 7

—► I d o n ’t th in k so —► I h o p e n o t / I ’m a fra id n o t / I guess n o t -► I su p p o se n o t

“I th in k so. / I d o n ’t th in k so .” “I h o p e so. / I h o p e n o t .” (not I don’t hope so)


Exercises 49.1

Complete each sentence with an auxiliary verb {do/was/could/should, etc.). Sometimes the verb must be negative (don't/wasn't, etc.). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


I wasn’t tired, but my friends w e r e . I like hot weather, but A n n _______________ . “Is Eric here?” “H e _______________ five m inutes ago, but I think h e’s gone.” Liz said she m ight call later on tonight, but I don’t think s h e _______________ . “Are you and Chris coming to the party?” “I ______________, but C h ris ______ I don’t know w hether to apply for the jo b or not. Do you think I ____________ “Please don’t tell anybody w hat I said.” “D on’t worry. I _______________ .” “You never listen to m e.” “Yes, I _______________!” “Can you play a musical instrum ent?” “No, but I wish I . “Please help m e.” “I’m sorry. I ______________if_I ______________, but I

You never agree with Alex. Answer in the way shown. 1......... 2. 3. w tn f 4. 1 c 56.



I’m hungry. I’m not tired. I like baseball. I didn’t like the movie. I’ve never been to South America. I thought the exam was easy.

You are talking to Lisa. If you're in the same position as Lisa, reply with So . . . or N e ith e r. . . as in the first example. Otherwise, ask questions as in the second example. I feel really tired. I’m working hard. I watched TV last night. I won’t be at home tomorrow. I like to read. I read a lot. I’d like to live somewhere else. I can’t go out tonight.


So do i You a re? W h a t a re y o u doing? You


In these conversations, you are B. Read the information in parentheses and then answer with I think so, / hope n ot, etc. 1. (You don’t like rain.) A: Is it going to rain? B: (hope) / hope not.____________________ 2. (You’re not sure Sarah will get the jo b she applied for, but her chances look pretty good.) A: Do you think Sarah will get the job? B: (guess) 3. (You’re not sure w hether Amy is m arried - probably not.) A: Is Amy married? B: (think). 4. (You need m ore m oney quickly.) A: Do you think you’ll get a raise soon? B: (hope) 5. (You’re a hotel desk clerk. The hotel is full.) A: Do you have a room for tonight? B: (afraid)__ 6. (You’re at a party. You have to leave early.) A: Do you have to leave already? B: (afraid) . 7. (You are going to a party. You can’t stand John.) A: Do you think John will be at the party? B: (hope) (You’re not sure' w hat tim e the concert is - probably 7:30.) A: Is the concert at 7:30? B: (think) 9. (Ann norm ally works every day, M onday to Friday. Tom orrow is Wednesday.) A: Is Ann working tom orrow? B: (suppose) _

Tag Questions (do you? / isn't it?, etc.) Study these examples: It was a good movie,


Yes, I lovec

wasn't it?

H av e yo u? and w a sn ’t it? are tags (= m ini-questions that we often pu t on the end o f a sentence in spoken English). In these tags, we use an auxiliary verb (h a v e /w a s /w ill, etc.). W e use d o /d o e s / d i d for the present and simple past (see U nit 49): ■ “Lauren plays the piano, d o e sn ’t she?” “Well, yes, but not very well.” ■ “You didn’t lock the door, d id you?” “N o, I forgot.” N orm ally we use a negative question tag after a positive sentence:

. . . and a positive question tag a£ter a negative sentence: Negative Sentence + Positive T:.

Positive Sentence + Negative Tag M aria w ill be here soon, T here w as a lot o f traffic, Jim s h o u ld take his m edicine,

w o n ’t she? w a sn ’t th e re ? s h o u ld n ’t he?

Kate w o n ’t be late, w ill she? They d o n ’t like us, d o the} You h a v e n ’t paid the gas bill, have y o u

N otice the m eaning o f yes and n o in answer to a negative sentence: Yes. (= Yes, I am going out) You’re n o t going out today, are you? N o . (= N o, I am not going out) The m eaning o f a tag depends on how you say it. If your voice goes doivn, you are not really asking a question; you are inviting the listener to agree w ith you: ■ “It’s a nice day, isn t it?” “Yes, beautiful.” ■ “Eric doesn’t look too good today, doek\he?” “No, he looks very tired.” ■ She’s very funny. She has a w onderful sense o f hum or, doesh^t she? B ut if the voice goes up, it is a real question: ■ “You haven’t seen Lisa today, h av e yye company sent me a brochure. It contained the inform ation I needed. The company sent m e ______________________________________________________________ . ■= to be right. (B is correct) A came out B tu rned out C w orked out D carried out H ere’s some good news. It w ill_____________ . A tu rn youjup B p u t you up C blow you up D cheer you up I was annoyed w ith the way the children were behaving, so I _____________ . A told them up B told them off C told them out D told them over The club com m ittee i s _____________ o f the president, the secretary, and seven other m em bers. A set up B m ade up C set out D made out W hen you are finished w ith those board games, p le a se ____________ ? A p u t them away B pu t them out C tu rn them off D tu rn them away We m oved the table to another room. I t _____________ too m uch space here. A took in B took up C took off D took over Barbara started taking classes in college, bu t s h e ____________ after six m onths. A w ent out B fell out C turned out D dropped out You can’t predict everything. O ften things don’t the way you expect. A make out B break out C work out D get out W hy are all these people here? W hat’s _____________ ? A going off B getting off C going on D getting on It’s a very busy airport. There are p la n e s_____________ or landing every few m inutes. A going up B taking off C getting up D driving off The traffic was moving slowly because a bus h a d ____________ and was blocking the road. A broken dow n B fallen down C fallen over D broken up Pat feels different from other kids at her school. She doesn’t think s h e ____________ . A hands in B turns in C drops in D fits in

Complete th e sentences. Use tw o w ords each tim e. . Keep a w a y from the edge o f the pool. You m ight fall in. _. I didn’t notice that the two pictures were different until Liz pointed i t __________________ me. I asked D an if he had any suggestions about w hat we should do, but he didn’t come __________________ anything. -. I’m glad Sarah is com ing to the party. I’m really lo o k in g __________________ seeing her again. 5. Things are changing all the time. It’s difficult to k e e p _________________ all these changes. I don’t w ant to r u n __________________ food for the party. Are you sure we have enough? 7. D on’t let m e interrupt you. G o _________________ your work.


8. I’d love to go to your party, but I prom ised to go see my grandparents this weekend, and I can*: g e t __________________ it. They’d be disappointed if I didn’t go. 9. I’ve had enough of being treated like this. I’m not going to p u t _________________ it anymore. 10. I didn’t enjoy the trip very m uch at the time, but w hen I lo o k _________________ it now, I realize it was a good experience and I’m glad I w ent on it. 11. The wedding was supposed to be a secret, so how did you f in d __________________ it? Did Jenny tell you? 12. There is a very nice atm osphere in the office w here I work. Everybody gets __________________ everybody else. 40

Complete each sentence using a phrasal verb that means the same as the words in parentheses 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.


The football game had to be c a lle d o f f because o f the weather, (canceled) The story Kate told wasn’t true. She m ade i t up . (invented it) A b o m b _____________________ near the station, but no one was injured, (exploded) George fin ally nearly an hour late, (arrived) H ere’s an application form. Can y o u ______________________and sign it, please? (complete it) A num ber o f buildings are going to b e ______________________to make way for the new road, (demolished) Since my father became ill, my older brother h a s ______________________m ore responsibilities:: the family, (accepted) Be positive! You m ust n e v e r______________________ ! (stop trying) I was very tired a n d ______________________in front of the television, (fell asleep) After eight years together, they’ve decided t o ______________________. (separate) The noise is terrible. I can’t ______________________any longer, (tolerate it) We don’t have a lot of money, but we have enough t o _______________________. (manage) I’m sorry I’m late. The m e e tin g longer than I expected, (continued) We need to make a decision today. We can’t any longer, (delay it)

Complete the sentences. Use one word each time. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

You’re driving too fast. Please s lo w down. It was only a small fire, and I managed t o it out w ith a bucket o f water. The house is em pty at the present time, but the new tenants a r e __________________ in next we I’v e __________________ on weight. My clothes don’t fit any more. Their house is really nice now. They’v e _________________ it up really well. I was talking to the w om an sitting next to me on the plane, and i t __________________ out that she works for the same company as my brother. “Do you know w hat happened?” “N o t yet, but I’m going t o __________________ out.” T here’s no need to get angry.__________________ down! Com e and see us m ore often. You c a n __________________ in any tim e you like. Sarah has ju st called to say that she’ll be late. She’s b e e n __________________ up. You’ve w ritten my nam e wrong. It’s M artin, not M arin —y o u __________________ out the T. My m om wants me to take her dow ntow n a n d her off at city hall this m orning. We had a really interesting discussion, but Jane didn’t __________________ in. She just listened. Jonathan is in good shape. H e __________________ out at the gym every day. Jenny said she w ould help me move, but she never came. I can’t believe that she __________________ me down. W e are still discussing the contract. There are a few things we need t o _________________ out. My alarm c lo c k _________________ off in the m iddle of the night a n d __________________ me _:


Study Guide This guide will help you decide which units you need to study. The sentences in the guide are grouped together (Present and Past, Articles and Nouns, etc.) in the same way as the units in the Contents (pages iii-vi). Each sentence can be com pleted using one or m ore o f the alternatives (A, B, C, etc.). There are betw een two and five alternatives each time. IN SOM E SEN TEN C ES M O R E T H A N O N E ALTERNATIVE IS POSSIBLE. If you don’t know or if you are not sure which alternatives are correct, then you probably need to study the unit(s) in the list on the right. You will also find the correct sentence in this unit. (If two or three units are listed, you will find the correct sentence in the first one.) T h ere is an A n sw e r K ey to th is S tu d y G u id e o n p a g e 362.

IF YOU ARE NOT SURE WHICH ANSWER IS RIGHT, STUDY UNIT(S) Present and Past . to enjoy it now.

1.1 At first I didn’t like my job, b u t. A I’m beginning B I begin

1.2 I don’t understand this sentence. W h a t____________________ ? A does mean this word B does this word mean C means this word 1.3 R o b ert____________________ away two or three times a year. A is going usually B is usually going C usually goes

D goes usually

1.4 H o w ____________________ now? Better than before? C are you feeling A you are feeling B do you feel ________ anything. 1.5 It was a boring w eekend._________________ A I didn’t B I don’t do C l didn’t do 1.6 M a tt____________________ while we were having dinner. A called B was calling C has called

Present Perfect and Past 2.1 Everything is going well. W e ___________________ . any problems so far. A didn’t have

B don’t have


haven’t had

2.2 Sarah has lost her passport again. It’s the second time th is ____________ A has happened

B happens



D is happening


“Are you hungry?” “N o ,_____________________lunch.” A I just had B I just have C I’ve just had


I t ____________________ raining for a while, but now it’s raining again. A stopped B has stopped C was stopped

2.5 My m o th er. A grew up

B has grown up

_ in Chile. C had grown up

2.6 ____________________ a lot of candy when you were a child? A Have you eaten B Had you eaten C Did you eat 2.7 J o h n ____________________in New York for 10 years. Now he lives in Los Angeles. C has been living A lived B has lived 2.8 You’re out of breath.__ A Are you running? B Have you run?

C Have you been running?

2.9 W here’s the book I gave you? W h a t________ ____________with it? C are you doing A have you done B have you been doing STU D Y GUID E 319


2.10 A: ____________________ each other for a long time? B: Yes, since we were in high school. A Do you know B Have you known C Have you been knowing

1 2 , 11

2.11 Kelly has been working h e re ____________________ . A for six months B since six months C six months ago


2.12 It’s been two years____________________ Joe. A that I don’t see B that I haven’t seen C since I didn’t see D since I saw



The man sitting next to me on the plane was very nervous. He before. A hasn’t flown B didn’t fly C hadn’t flown D wasn’t flying



Stephanie was sitting in an armchair resting. She was tired because ____________________very hard. A she was working B she’s been working C she’d been working


2.15 ____________________a car when they were living in Miami? A Do they have B Were they having C Have they had D Did they have

16, 9



I ____________________ tennis a lot, but I don’t play very often now. A was playing B was used to play C used to play

Future 3.1 I’m tired .____________________ to bed now. Good night. A I go B I’m going


3.2_____________________ tomorrow, so we can go out somewhere. A I’m not working B I don’t work C I won’t work

18, 29

3.3 That bag looks heavy.____________________you with it. A I’m helping B I help C I’ll help


3.4 I think the w eather____________________ be nice this afternoon. A will B shall C is going to

22 , 21

3.5 “Ann is in the hospital.” “Yes, I know .____________________ her tonight.” A I visit B I’m going to visit C I’ll visit

22, 19

3.6 W e’re late. The m ovie____________________ by the time we get to the theater. A will already start B will be already started C will already have started


3.7 D on’t w o rry A if I’m B when I’m


late tonight. C when I’ll be D if I’ll be

Modals 4.1

The fire spread through the building very quickly, but fortunately everybody A was able to escape

4.2 I’m so tired I A can sleep

B managed to escape

B could sleep


C could escape

for a week. C could have slept


4.3 The story____________________ be true, but I don’t think it is. A might B can C could D may

26, 2S

4.4 W hy did you stay at a hotel when you were in Paris? Y ou_________ with Julia. A can stay B could stay C could have stayed


320 STU D Y G U ID E




“I’ve lost one of my gloves.” “Y ou____________________ it somewhere.” A must drop B must have dropped C must be dropping D must have been dropping

- ■ A: B: A C


I was surprised that Sarah wasn’t at the meeting yesterday. S h e____________________about it. might not know B may not know might not have known D may not have known

- ~ W hat was the problem? W h y A had you to B did you have to


leave early? D you had to

C must you


You missed a great party last night. Y ou___________________ . W hy didn’t you? A must have come B should have come C ought to come D had to come


Lisa__________________ A suggested that Mary buy C suggested Mary to buy




some new clothes. B suggested that Mary buys

You’re always at home. Y ou_____________out more A should go B had better go C had better to go

- 11 It’s late. It’s tim e ____________________home. A we go B we must go C we should go



33 33

D we went

___________________ a little longer, but I really haveto go now. A I’d stay B I’ll stay C I can stay D I’d have stayed


and Wish 5.1 I’m not tired enough to go to bed. If I ____________________to bed now, I wouldn’t sleep. A go B went C had gone D would go 52

If I were rich ,____________________a yacht. A I’ll have B I can have C I’d have


37 D I had

5.3 I wish I ____________________ have to work tomorrow, but unfortunately I do. A don’t B didn’t C wouldn’t D won’t

37, 39



The view was wonderful. I f _____________a camera have taken some photos. A I had B I would have C I would have had

with me, I would D I’d had

5.5 The weather is horrible. I wish i t ____________________raining. A would stop B stopped C stops D will stop


assive 6.1 W e ____________________by a loud noise during the night. A woke up B are woken up C were woken up D were waking up


6.2 A new supermarket is going t o ____________________next year. A build B be built C be building D building


6.3 There’s somebody walking behind us. I th in k ____________________ . A we are following B we are being following C we are followed D we are being followed


6.4 “W h e re A were you born D did you born


?” “In Los Angeles.” B are you born C have you been born

STU D Y G U ID E 321


6.5 There was a fight at the game, but nobody__________________ A was hurt B got hurt C hurt 6.6 J a n e ____________________ to call me last night, but she didn’t. B is supposed C was supposed A supposed _____________ ? W hich hairdresser did you go to? 6.7 W h e re ____ A did you cut your hair B have you cut your hair C did you have cut your hair D did you have your hair cut

Reported Speech

7.2 Hi, Joe. I didn’t expect to see you today. Sonia said you the hospital. A are B were C was D should be 7.3 A n n ____________________ and left. A said good-bye to me B said me good-bye

46, 45

. to go.

7.1 Paul left the room suddenly. He said h e ____________ A had B has C have

. in

46, 45

C told me good-bye

Questions and Auxiliary Verbs ________________ ?” “At 8:30.” 8.1 “W hat tim e ________________ A begins the film B does begin the film C does the film begin 8.2 “Do you know w h e re____________________ ?” “No, he didn’t say.” A Tom has gone B has Tom gone C has gone Tom 8.3 Tire police officer stopped us and asked us w h e re____________________ . A were we going B are we going C we are going D we were going 8.4 “Do you think it will rain?” “_________________ ” A I hope not. B I don’t hope.C I don’t hope so. 8.5 “You don’t know where Lauren is,__________________ A don’t you B do you C is she D are you


“Sorry, I have no idea.”

-ing and the Infinitive , There was silence. D that they talked


Suddenly everybody stopped____ A talking B talk C to talk


I have to go now. I prom ised_____ ____________ late. A not being B not to be C to not be D I wouldn’t be

9.3 Do you w a n t____________________ with you, or do you want to go alone? A me coming B me to come C that I come D that I will come 9.4

I know I locked the door. I clearly rem em ber____________________ it. A locking B to lock C to have locked

9.5 She tried to be serious, but she couldn’t h e lp ____________________ . D laugh A laughing B to laugh C that she laughed




Paul lives in Vancouver now. He likes__________ A living B to live


the kitchen as often It’s not my favorite job, but I lik e ______________ as possible. A cleaning B clean C to clean D that I clean


I’m tired. I’d ra th e r___________________ out tonight, if you don’t mind. A not going B not to go C don’t go D not go


52 , 34


• “Should I stay here?” “I’d rath er____________________ with us." A you come B you to come C you came D you would come

W hen Lisa went to Japan, she had A driving B to driving C

on vacation? D that you go

to get u sed ___________________ on the left. to drive

-12 I’m thinking_______________ a house. Do you think A to buy B o f to buy C of buying

that’s a good idea?

3 I had n o ____________________ a place to live. In fact it was surprisingly easy. A difficulty to find B difficulty finding C trouble to find D trouble finding • 14 A friend o f mine called A for inviteB to invite

C for inviting

me to a party. D for to invite

00 in

Are you looking forw ard A going B to go C to going


59 60, 64 61


• 15 Jim doesn’t speak very clearly.____________________ A It is hard to understand him. B He is hard to understand. C He is hard to understand him.


.16 The sidewalk was icy, so we walked very carefully. We were afraid


A o f falling

B from falling

C to fall


D to falling

-.17 I didn’t hear y o u ____________________ in. You must have been very quiet. A come B to come C came


y.18 ____________________ a hotel, we looked for somewhere to have dinner. A Finding B After finding C Having found D We found


icles cfnd Nouns . _>.! It wasn’t your fault. It w as____________________. A accident B an accident C some accident




W here are you going to put all y o u r____________________ ? A furniture B furnitures

103 “W here are you going?” “I’m going to b u y _________________ A a bread B some bread C a loaf of bread


10.4 Sandra i s ____________________ . She works at a large hospital. A nurse B a nurse C the nurse

69, 70

0.5 Helen works six days____________________ week. A in B for C a D the




There are millions of stars i n ____________________. A space B a space C the space

0.7 Every d ay A school 10.8 A Crime is 3.9

B a school

startsat C the school

9:00 and ends at 3:00.

a problem in most big cities. B The crime is C The crimes are

W h e n ____________________ invented? A was telephone B were telephones C were the telephones D was the telephone

72 73 74




10.10 Have you been t o . A Canada or U nited States C Canada or the United States

B the Canada or the United States D the Canada or United States

10.11 O n our first day in Moscow, we visited________ A Kremlin B a Kremlin C the Kremlin ________________ on television? 10.12 W hat tim e . A is the news B are the news C is news

77 , 68 D is the new . trip.

10.13 It took us quite a long time to get here. It w as_______ A three hour B a three-hours C a three-hour 10.14 This isn’t my book. It’s ____________________ . A my sister B my sister’s C from my sister D of my sister E of my sister’s

Pronouns and Determiners . tomorrow? 11.1 W hat time should w e ______ A m eet B m eet us C m eet ourselves . is getting married. 112 I’m going to a wedding on Saturday.________________ A A friend of me B A friend of mine C One my friends 11.3 They live on a busy street.____________________ a lot of noise from the traffic. A It must be B It must have C There must have D There must be . work.

11.4 H e’s lazy. He never does______ A some B any C no 11.5 A: W hat would you like to eat? B: I don’t care.______________ B Anything A Something

- whatever you have. C Nothing . of the stores were open.

11.6 We couldn’t buy anything because___________ A all B no one C none D nothing 11.7 W e went shopping and sp en t________________ A a lot of B m uch C lots of D many

. money.

11.8 ____________________ don’t visit this part of the town. A The most tourists B Most of tourists C Most tourists 11.9 I asked two people the way to the station, b u t ________________ help me. A none B either C both D neither

. of them could

11.10 ____________________ enjoyed the party. It was great. A Everybody B All C All o f us D Everybody of us 11.11 The bus service is excellent. There’s a b u s ___________________ 10 minutes. A each B every C all

Relative Clauses 12.1 I don’t like stories. A that B they

C which

. have unhappy endings. D who

12.2 I didn’t believe them at first, but in fact everything___ A they said B that they said C what they said

324 STU D Y G U ID E

. was tme.



W hat’s the name of the m a n ____________________ ? A you borrowed his car B which car you borrowed C whose car you borrowed D his car you borrowed



Brad told me about his new jo b ,____________________very much. A that he’s enjoying B which he’s enjoying C he’s enjoying D he’s enjoying it


_1.5 Sarah couldn’t m eet u s ,____________________was a shame. A that B it C what D which



95, 90

George showed me some pictures____________________ by his father. A painting B painted C that were painted D they were painted

fehdjectives and Adverbs [ 13.1 Jane doesn’t enjoy her job anymore. She’s ____________________because every day she does exactly the same thing. A boring B bored


‘ 2 Lisa was carrying a ____________________ bag. A black small plastic B small and black plastic C small black plastic D plastic small black



Maria’s English is excellent. She speaks____________________. A perfectly English B English perfectly C perfect English D English perfect


H e ____________________ to find a job, but he had no luck. A tried hard B tried hardly C hardly tried



3.5 I haven’t s/en her fo r A so long B so long time 3.6 We haven’t g o t A money enough to go C money enough for going

, I’ve forgotten what she looks like. C a such long time D such a long time on vacation at the moment. B enough money to go D enough money for going

3.7 The test was fairly easy - ________________ I expected. A more easy that B more easy than C easier than

100 101

102 D easier as

13.8 The more electricity you use,____________________ . A your bill will be higher B will be higher your bill C the higher your bill will be D higher your bill will be



Patrick is a fast runner. I can’t tun as fast a s____________________. A he B him C he can


HO The film was really boring. It w a s____________________ I’ve ever seen. A most boring film B the more boring film C the film more boring D the most boring film


3.11 Ben likes walking.____________________ A Every morning he walks to work. B He walks to work everymorning. C He walks every morning to work. D He every morning walks to work.


1.12 Joe never calls m e .____________________ A Always I have to call him. B I always have to call him. C I have always to call him. D I have to call always him.




13.13 L ucy. A still doesn’t work here C no more works here 13.14 A Even

.. She left last month. B doesn’t still work here D doesn’t work here anymore

109, I

she can’t drive, she has bought a car. B Even when C Even if D Even though

Conjunctions and Prepositions _______________ very tired. 14.1 I couldn’t sleep________________ A although I was B despite I was C despite o f being D in spite of being 14.2 You should register your b ik e______ A in case it will be B if it will be

__________ stolen. C in case it is D if it is

_______________ you’re a member. 14.3 The club is for members only. Y ou_______________ A can’t go in if B can go in only if C can’t go in unless D can go in unless 14.4 ____________________ the day went on, the weather got worse. C W hile D Since A W hen B As 14.5 “W hat’s that noise?” ‘It sounds________________ D as though A as B like C as if

a baby crying.”

14.6 They are very kind to me. They treat m e _________________ A like I’m B as if I’m C as if I was D as if I were

114, f

their own son.


I’ll be in Toronto next week. A while I’ll be B while I’m

I hope to see Tom there. C during my visit D during I’m


Fred is away at the moment. I don’t know exactly when he’s coming back, but I’m sure he’ll be back____________________ Monday. A by B until

Prepositions 15.1

Good-bye! I’ll see y o u _ B on Friday morning A at Friday morning D Friday morning C in Friday morning


I’m going aw ay_______ ____________ the end of January. A at B on C in . Santiago.

15.3 W hen we were in Chile, we spent a few days . A at B to C in 15.4 O ur apartment is ______ A at B on C in

D to

. the second floor o f the building.

15.5 I saw Steve___________ A at B on C in

D to

. a concert on Saturday.

15.6 W hen did th e y __________ __________ the hotel? C arrive in D get to A arrive to B arrive at

E get in

vacation next week. I’ll be away for two weeks. 15.7 I’m going______________ A at B on C in D for 15.8 We cam e. A in the

326 STU D Y G U ID E

B on the

6:45 train, which arrived at 8:30. C by the D by

120. t r


3.9 A: Have you read anything______________ B: No, what sort o f books did he write? A of B from C by


. Ernest Hemingway?


3.10 The accident was my fault, so I had to pay foi the other car. A of B for C to D on E at 15.11



I like them very much. They have always been very nice A of B for C to D with I’m not very g o o d_____ A at B for C in


. fixing things. D about ?

5.13 I don’t understand this sentence. Can y o u ___________ A explain to me this word B explain me this word C explain this word to me




-.5.14 A for .

B about

5.15 “W ho is Tom Hart?” A about B from

it. C against

D with him.” 131

“I have no idea. I’ve never heard C after D of

-.16 A: W hat time will you be home? B: I don’t know. It depends________ A of B for C from D on 5.17 I prefer te a ___ A to B than


C against

132 . the traffic.

133, 57

. coffee. D over

asal Verbs 134

3.1 These shoes are uncomfortable. I’m going t o _________ A take off B take them off C take off them 162


We’re playing a game. W hy don’t y o u _______________ A join in B come in C get in D break in


. to be right. Nobody believed Paul at first, but h e ________________ A worked out B came out C found out D turned out


We can’t ____________________ making a decision. We have to decide now. B put over C put off D put out A put away


3.5 The p arty __ A went by

B went to

3.6 You can always rely on Pete. H e’ll never_____________ A put you up B let you down C take you over 3.7

Children under 16 B put up A make up


_ until 4:00 in the morning. C went on D w ent off

139 D see you off


__________ half the population of the city. C take up D bring up

3.8 I’m surprised to hear that Sue and Paul have____________________ . They seemed very happy together the last time I saw them. A broken up B ended up C finished up D split up


3.9 I parked in a no-parking zone, but I ____________________ it. D got along with A came up with B got away with C made off with


STU D Y G U ID E 327

Answ er Key to Exercises In some o f the exercises you have to use your own ideas to w rite sentences. Example answers are given in the Answer Key. If possible, check your answers w ith somebody who speaks English well. UNIT 1___________________________ 1.1 2. ’m looking (am looking) 3. ’s getting (is getting) 4. ’re staying (are staying) 5. is losing 6. ’s starting (is starting) 7. ’re m aking (are m aking) ’m trying (am trying) 8. ’s happening (is happening)

1.2 3. ’m n o t listening (am n o t listening) 4. ’s having (is having) 5. ’m n o t eating (am n o t eating) 6. ’s studying (is studying) 7. aren’t speaking / ’re n o t speaking (are n o t speaking) 8. ’m getting (am getting) 9. isn’t w orking / ’s n o t w orking (is n o t w orking)

1.3 1. W h a t’s he studying Is he enjoying h e ’s learning 2. is your new jo b going it’s getting he isn’t enjoying / he ’s n o t enjoying h e ’s beginning

doesn’t believe translates don’t tell flows

Does . . . play tennis? Which newspaper do you read? What does your brother do? How often do you go to the movies? 6. Where do your grandparents live?

2. 3. 4. 5.

2.5 2. 3. 4. 5.

I promise I insist I apologize I recommend

UNIT 3 3.1 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

changing getting (is getting) rising beginning

UNIT 2___________________________ 2.1 2. drink 3. opens 4. causes 5. live 6. take 7. connects

2.2 2. do the banks close 3. d o n ’t w atch (do n o t w atch) 4. does R icardo com e 5. do you do 6. takes . . . does it take 7. does this w ord m ean 8. doesn’t exercise (does n o t exercise)

2.3 3. rises

4. m ake 5. d o n ’t eat


3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.



You’re always forgetting your glasses.

UNIT 4_______________________ 4.1


is trying are they talking OK

It’s getting (It is getting) OK

I’m coming (I am coming) is it going He always gets OK


1.4 2. is 3. ’s 4. is 5. is

6. 7. 8. 9.

’s waiting (is waiting) Are you listening Do you listen flows ’s flowing (is flowing) grow . . . aren’t growing / ’re not growing (are not growing) ’s improving (is improving) ’s staying (is staying) . . . stays ’m starting (am starting) ’m learning (am learning) . . . ’s teaching (is teaching) finish . . . ’m working (am working) live . . . do your parents live ’s looking (is looking) . . . ’s staying (is staying) does your brother do . .. isn’t working / ’s not working (is not working) enjoy . . . ’m not enjoying (am not enjoying)

3.3 2. ’s always breaking down. 3. ’m always making the same mistake. / . . . that mistake.

2. 3. 4. 5.

Do you believe OK

It tastes I think

4.2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

What are you doing? I’m thin* Who does this umbrella belor. Dinner smells good. Is anybody sitting there? These gloves don’t fit me.

4.3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

’m using need does he want is he looking believes don’t remember or can’t remember 8. ’m thinking 9. think . .. don’t use 10. consists

4.4 2. 3. 4. 5.

is being ’s are you being Is he

UNIT 5_______________________ 5.1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

had walked to work took her (about) half an hour She started work She didn’t have / She didn’t ei (She did not have/eat) She finished work She was . .. she got She cooked She didn’t go She went to bed She slept

5.2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

taught sold fell. .. hurt threw . . . caught spent. . . bought. . . cost



2. did you travel / did you go 3. did it take (you) / w ere you there 4. did you stay 5. H ow was the w eather? 6. D id you go to / D id you see / D id you visit

5.4 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

didn’t left d idn’t flew didn’t didn’t w ere

disturb sleep cost have

J NIT 6___________________________

5.1 E xam ple answers:


I was w orking. I was in bed asleep. / I was sleeping. : I was getting ready to go out. : I was w atching T V at hom e.

2. was taking a show er

3. w ere driving to w ork - was reading the paper 5. was w atching it

5.3 - didn’t see . . . was looking 3 m e t . . . w ere going . . . was going . . . talked . . . w ere w aiting or w aited 3 was riding . . . stepped . . . was going . . . m anaged . . . d idn’t hit

5 4

: ■ ■

7.3 2. haven’t read one / haven’t read a new spaper 3. it hasn’t m ade a profit 4. she hasn’t w orked hard this sem ester 5. it hasn’t snow ed [a lot] this w in ter 6. haven’t w on m any /a n y games this season


5.2 E xam ple answers:


2. haven’t seen (have n o t seen) 3. I haven’t eaten (I have n o t eaten . . . ) 4. I haven’t played (I have n o t played) 5. I’ve had / I have had 6. I’ve never read (I have never) 7. I’ve never been / I haven’t been 8. ’s been (has been) 9. I’ve never tried / I have never tried 10. it’s broken dow n / it has broken dow n 11. I’ve never seen / I have never seen

w ere you doing D id you go w ere you driving . . . happened took . . . w asn’t looking didn’t know saw . . . was trying was w alking . . . heard . . . was follow ing . . . started w anted dropped . . . was doing . . . d idn’t break

-NIT 7___________________________ 71 1 . . . you ever been to M exico? Have you ever ru n [in] a m arathon? z Have you ever spoken to a fam ous person? : . . . the m ost beautiful place you’ve ever visited? ( .. . you have ever visited?)

2. you played tennis before? tim e I’ve played tennis. 3. Have you ridden a horse before? / Have you been on a horse before? N o, this is the first tim e I’ve ridden a horse. / . . . I’ve been on a horse. 4. Have you b een in Los A ngeles before? N o, this is the first tim e I’ve been in Los Angeles.

UNIT 8 8.1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

has changed forgot w en t had ’ve lost / have lost

8.2 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


a. b. both both both

b. a.

8.3 2. he ju s t w en t ou t or h e ’s ju st gone out 3. I didn’t finish yet. or I haven’t finished yet. 4. I already did it. or I’ve already done it.

5. D id you find a place or Have you found live yet? 6. I didn’t decide yet. decided yet. 7. she ju s t cam e back com e back 8. already invited m e already invited m e

to live yet? a place to or

I haven’t


she’s ju st



UNIT 9 9.1 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


I bought W h ere w ere you graduated OK OK OK

was this book

9.2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

has been cold recently. was cold last w eek. didn’t read a new spaper yesterday. haven’t read a new spaper today. has m ade a lot o f m oney this year. She didn’t m ake so m uch last year. Have you taken a vacation recently?

9.3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

g o t . . . w a s . . . w ent D id you e a t . . . W e’ve been w e ren ’t (were not) w orked ’s lived (has lived) D id you go . . . was . . . was died . . . never m et ’ve never m et (have never m et) haven’t seen . . . he had to have you lived / have you been living . . . did you live . . . did you live

9.4 E x a m p le answers:

2. I haven’t b ought anything today. 3. I d idn’t w atch T V yesterday. 4. I w en t out w ith som e friends last night. 5. I haven’t been to the m ovies recently. / I haven’t gone to . . . 6. I’ve read a lot o f books recently.

UNIT 10 10.1 2. ’s been w atching television (has b een w atching) 3. ’ve been playing tennis (have been playing) 4. ’s been running (has been running) / has been jogging


10.2 2. H ave you been w aiting long? 3. W h at have you been doing? 4. H ow long have you been w orking there? 5. H ow long have you been selling com puters?

10.3 2. ’ve been w aiting (have been w aiting) 3. ’ve been studying Spanish (have been studying Spanish) 4. She’s been w orking there (She has been w orking there) 5. T h ey ’ve been going there (They have been going there)

10.4 2. I’ve been looking (I have been looking) 3. are you looking 4. She’s been teaching (She has been teaching) 5. I’ve been thinking (I have been thinking) 6. she’s w orking (she is w orking) 7. she’s been w orking (she has been w orking)

UNIT 11__________________________ 11.1 2. She’s been traveling for three m onths. / She has been traveling . . . She’s visited six countries so far. / She has visited . . . 3. H e ’s w on the national cham pionships four tim es. / H e has w on . . . H e ’s been playing tennis since he was 10. / H e has been playing . . . 4. T h ey ’ve m ade five m ovies since they finished college. / T hey have m ade . . . T h ey ’ve been m aking m ovies since they finished college. / T hey have been m aking . . .

11.2 2. Have you been w aiting long? 3. Have you caught any fish? 4. H ow m any people have you invited? 5. H ow long have you been teaching? 6. H ow m any books have you w ritten? H o w long have you been w riting books? 7. H ow long have you been saving? H ow m uch m oney have you saved?



UNIT 13_________________________

2. Som ebody’s b roken / Som ebody has broken 3. Have you been w orking 4. Have you ever w orked 5. ’s gone / has gone 6. H e ’s appeared / H e has appeared 7. I haven’t been w aiting 8. it’s stopped / it has stopped 9. I’ve lost / I have l o s t . . . Have you seen 10. I’ve been reading / I have been reading . . . I haven’t finished 11. I’ve read / I have read


UNIT 12 12.1 3. have been m arried 4. O K 5. It’s b een raining / It has been raining 6. have you been living 7. has been w orking 8. O K 9. I haven’t drunk 10. have you had

12.2 2. H ow long have you been teaching English? / H ow long have you t a u g h t. . . 3. H o w long have you know n Carol? 4. H ow long has your b ro th er been in Costa Rica? 5. H ow long have you had th at car? 6. H ow long has Scott been w orking at the airport? / H o w long has Scott w orked . . . 7. H ow long have you been taking guitar lessons? 8. Have you always lived in Chicago?

12.3 3. ’s been / has been 4. ’ve been w aiting / have been w aiting 5. ’ve know n / have know n 6. haven’t played 7. ’s been w atching / has been w atching 8. haven’t w atched 9. ’ve had / have had 10. hasn’t been 11. ’ve been feeling / have been feeling or ’ve felt / have felt 12. ’s lived / has lived or ’s been living / has b een living 13. haven’t been 14. ’ve always w anted / have always w anted

2. since 3. for 4. for 5. since 6. for / in 7. since 8. since 9. for

13.2 2. H ow long has Kate been s tu c - z Japanese? W h e n did Kate start studying Japanese? 3. H ow long have you know n Je n W h e n did you first m eet J e ff' W h e n did you and Je ff first n:: 4. H ow long have Rebecca and David been m arried? W h e n did Rebecca and Davie _ m arried?

13.3 3. been sick since 4. been sick for 5. m arried a year ago 6. had a headache since 7. to France three w eeks ago. 8. been w orking in a hotel for six m onths. / I’ve w orked in a he* for six m onths.

13.4 2. N o, I haven’t seen L a u ra /h e r fo r/in about a m onth. 3. N o, I haven’t b een to the movie fo r/in a long tim e. 4. N o, I haven’t eaten o u t in age N o, I haven’t been to a re sta u r.* in ages. 6. b een about a m o n th since I (1as: saw L aura/her. 7. it’s been a long tim e since I w en t to the m ovies. 8. N o, it’s been ages since I (las: ate out. or . . . since I w en: * restaurant.

UNIT 14________________________ 14.1 2. It had changed a lot. 3. She’d m ade plans to do so m e :’ ; else. (She had m ade plans . . 4. T he m ovie had already begun 5. I had n ’t seen him in five year; 6. She’d ju st had breakfast. (She r:__ ju s t had . . .)





’d never seen h er before, (had never seen . . .) 5. ’d never played (tennis) before, (had never played . ..) ’d never b een there before, (had never been . . .)

‘ 4.3 1. called the police 2. there w a s . . . had gone 5. H e ’d j u s t . . . com e back from (H e had ju st com e back from ) H e looked 4. got a ph o n e call . . . was ’d sent h e r (had sent her) ’d never answ ered th em (had never answ ered them )

14.4 2. w ent 3. had gone broke 5 saw . . . had bro k en . . . stopped

J N 1 T 1 5 ________________________

15.1 2.

T hey’d been playing soccer. (They had been playing . . .) I’d been looking forw ard to it. (I had b een looking forw ard . . .) 4. She’d been dream ing. (She had been dream ing.) : H e ’d been w atching a DV D. (H e had been w atching . . .)

* 5.2 1 ’d been w aiting . . . [suddenly] realized that I was in . . . or . . . that I had com e to . . . . closed dow n, . . . had been w orking . . . - had been playing for about 10 m inutes . . . a m an in the audience started shouting. 5. E x a m p le answer: ’d been driving along the road for about 10 m in u te s . . . the car behind m e started honking its horn.

‘ 5.3 5. :. ‘ -

was w alking ’d been running (had been running) w ere eating ’d been eating (had been eating) was looking was w aiting . . . ’d been w aiting (had been w aiting) ’d had (had had) ’d been traveling (had been traveling)

3. I d o n ’t have a ladder. / I haven’t got a ladder. 4. d idn’t have enough tim e. 5. H e didn’t have a m ap. 6. She doesn’t have any money. 7. I d on’t have enough energy. 8. T hey didn’t have a cam era.

H e used to ru n three m iles every m orning. H e didn’t use to spend m uch m oney. / . . . a lot o f money.

17.3 2 . - 10. used to have lots o f friends, . . . she doesn’t see m any people these days. used to be very la z y ,. . . she w orks very hard these days. d idn’t use to like c h e e se ,. . . she eats lots o f cheese now. used to be a h otel desk clerk, . . . she w orks in a bookstore now. used to play the p ia n o ,. . . she hasn’t played the piano for years. never used to read new spapers, . . . she reads a new spaper every day now. d idn’t use to drink tea, . . . she likes it now. used to have a dog, . . . it died tw o years ago. used to go to a lot o f p a rtie s ,. . . she hasn’t been to a party for ages.

16.2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

D o you have / Have you got D id you have D o you have / Have you got D o you have / Have you got did you have D id you have

16.3 E x a m p le answers:

2. I d o n ’t have a bike (now). I had a bike (10 years ago). 3. I have a cell p h o n e / I’ve got a c ph o n e (now). I d idn’t have a cell p hone (10 years ago). 4. I d o n ’t have a dog (now). I didn’t have a dog (10 years ago). 5. I have a guitar / I’ve got a guitar (now). I had a guitar (10 years ago). 6. I d on’t have long hair (now). I d idn’t have long hair (10 years ago). 7. I have a driver’s license / I’ve got a driver’s license (now). I didn’t have a driver’s license (10 years ago).

16.4 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

have a talk had a party have a look ’s having a nice tim e (is having . . .) had a dream D id you have trouble had a baby w ere having dinner D id you have a good flight?

UNIT 17 17.1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

used to h av e/rid e used to live used to e a t/lik e /lo v e used to be used to take [me] used to be did you use to go

17.2 3 ,-6. H e used to go to bed early. H e didn’t use to go o u t every night.

UNIT 18 18.1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

H ow long are you staying? W h e n are you leaving? Are you going alone? Are you traveling by car? W h ere are you staying?

18.2 2. ’m w orking late. / ’m w orking till 9:00. 3. I’m going to the theater. 4. I’m m eeting Julia.

18.3 E x a m p le answers:

2. ’m w orking to m o rro w m orning. 3. I’m n o t doing anything tom o rro w night. 4. I’m playing football next Sunday. 5. I’m going to a party this evening.

18.4 3. ’re having / are having 4. opens 5. ’m n o t going / am n o t going . . . ’m staying / am staying 6. Are you doing 7. ’re going / are going . . . starts 8. ’m leaving / am leaving 9. ’re m eeting / are m eeting 10. does this train get 11. ’m going / am going . . . Are you com ing 12. does it end 13. ’m n o t using / am n o t using 14. ’s com ing / is com ing . . .’s flying / is flying . . . arrives



UNIT 19 19.1 2. W h at are you going to wear? 3. W h ere are you going to p u t it? 4. W h o are you going to invite?

19.2 2. 3. 4. 5.

I’m I’m I’m I’m

going to take it back. n o t going to take it. going to call her tonight. going to com plain.

19.3 2. ’s going to be late, (is going to be late.) 3. boat is going to sink. 4. ’re going to ru n o u t o f gas. (are going to . . .)

19.4 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

was going to buy w ere going to play was going to call was going to quit w ere going to have

UNIT 20 20.1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

I’ll I’ll I’ll I’ll I’ll I’ll I’ll I’ll

tu rn / I’ll p u t go do show / I’ll teach have send give / I’ll bring stay / I’ll w ait

20.2 2. 3. 4. 5.

I’ll go to bed. I’ll walk. I’ll play tennis (today). I d o n ’t th in k I’ll go sw im m ing.

20.3 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

I’ll m eet I’ll lend I’m having I w o n ’t forget does your plane leave w o n ’t tell Are you doing W ill you com e

20.4 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

shall I g iv e /b u y /g e t I’ll do / I w ill do shall we go? I w o n ’t tell I’ll try

5. w e are going 6. It w o n ’t h u rt

21.2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

’ll look / w ill look ’11 like / w ill like ’11 get / w ill get w ill live ’11 m eet / w ill m eet ’11 com e / w ill com e w ill take

21.3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

w o n ’t ’11 / will w o n ’t ’11 / will ’11 / will w o n ’t ’11 / will

21.4 E x a m p le answers:

2. 3. 4. 5.

I’ll be in bed. I’ll be at w ork. I’ll probably be at hom e. I d o n ’t know w here I’ll be this tim e next year.

21.5 th in k it w ill rain? th in k it w ill end? do you thin k it w ill cost? you thin k they’ll get m arried? / . . . they will get m arried? 6. do you thin k you’ll be back? / . . . you w ill be back? 7. do you thin k w ill happen?

2. 3. 4. 5.

UNIT 22 22. 1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

I’ll lend I’ll get I’m going to w ash are you going to paint I’m going to buy I’ll show I’ll do it’s going to fall H e ’s going to take . . . h e ’s going to start

22. 2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

I’m going to take . . . I’ll jo in y ou’ll find I’m n o t going to apply You’ll w ake I’ll take . . . w e’ll leave . . . A nn is going to take





2. I’m going 3. w ill get 4. is com ing


2. b is true 3. a a n d c are true 4. b a n d d are true

5. c and d are true 6. c is true

23. 2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

W e’ll have finished w e ’ll be playing I’ll be w orking the m eeting w ill have ended h e ’ll have spent you’ll still be doing she’ll have traveled I’ll be staying W ill you be seeing

UNIT 24______________________ 24.1 2. goes 3. ’II tell / w ill t e l l . . . com e 4. see . . . w o n ’t recognize / w i l l : recognize 5. W ill you be . . . ’m /a m 6. ’s/is 7. ’II w ait / w ill w a i t . . . ’re /a re 8. ’11 be / will be . . . gets 9. is 10. c a lls . . . ’m /a m

24.2 2. I’ll give you m y a d d re ss. . . I : som ew here to live, or . . . Ti found som ew here to live. 3. I’ll com e straight hom e . . . I : the shopping, or . . . I’ve dc: the shopping. 4. L et’s go hom e . . . it gets dar*: 5. I w o n ’t speak to h er . . . she apologizes, or . . . she has apologized.

24.3 2. you go / you leave 3. you decide or you’ve decic: you have decided 4. you’re in H ong K ong / you : H o n g Kong 5. finish the new road / ’ve finis* the new road / have finishec : new road or build the new : ’ve built the new road / have : the new road

24.4 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

If W h en if If w h en if if

UNIT 25 25.1 3. can 4. be able to 5. been able to

6. can 7. be able to


5. m ust n o t 6. m ust

27. 2______________________________

E x a m p le answers:

2. I used to be able to ra n fast. 3. I’d like to be able to play the piano. 4. I’ve never been able to get up early.

25.3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

could run can w ait couldn’t eat can’t hear couldn’t sleep

25 .4 2. was able to finish it 3. w ere able to find it 4. was able to get away

25.5 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

couldn’t m anaged to could m anaged to could m anaged to couldn’t

UNIT 26 26.1 2. 3. 4. 5.

could have fish. could call (her) now. You could give h e r a book. W e cduld go on Friday.

26.2 3. 4. 5. 6.

I could scream. O K - could have is also possible I could stay here all day it could be in the car (m ay /m ig h t are also possible )

7. O K 8. O K - could borrow is also possible 9. it could change later (m ay /m ig h t are also possible)

26.3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

could could could could could

have c o m e /g o n e apply have been have taken com e

couldn’t couldn’t couldn’t couldn’t couldn’t

UNIT 27 27.1 2. m ust 3. m ust not 4. m ust

be have been go be going have taken / have stolen / have m oved 8. have been 9. be follow ing

27.3 3. It m ust have been very expensive. 4. I m ust have left it in the restaurant last night. 5. T h e exam m ust n o t have been very difficult. 6. She m ust have listened to our conversation. 7. She m ust n o t have understood w h at I said. 8. I m ust have forgotten to tu rn it off. 9. T h e neighbors m ust have been having a party.

27.4 3. 4. 5. 6.

can’t m ust not can’t m ust not

UNIT 28__________________________ 28.1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

10. 11.

She m ig h t/m a y be busy. She m ig h t/m a y be w orking. She m ig h t/m a y w ant to be alone. She m ig h t/m a y have been sick yesterday. She m ig h t/m a y have gone hom e early. She m ig h t/m a y have had to go hom e early. She m ig h t/m a y have been w orking yesterday. She m ight/m ay not w ant to see me. She m ig h t/m a y n o t be w orking today. She m ig h t/m a y n o t have been feeling w ell yesterday.


26.4 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

w ear have found get have been have co m e /g o n e

2. 3. 4. 5.

be have been be w aiting have

28.3 2. a) She m ight be w atching T V in h e r room , b) She m ight have gone out. 3. a) It m ight be in the car. b) You m ight have left it in the restaurant last night.


a) H e m ight n o t have heard the doorbell, b) H e m ig h t have been in the shower. You can use m a y instead of m ig h t in all

these sentences.

28.4 3. 4. 5. 6.

m ig h t n o t have received it couldn’t have been an accident couldn’t have tried m ig h t n o t have been C hinese

UNIT 29 29.1 2. 3. 4. 5.

I m ig h t/m a y buy a Toyota. I m ig h t/m a y go to the movies. H e m ig h t/m a y com e on Saturday. I m ig h t/m a y hang it in the dining room . 6. She m ig h t/m a y go to college.

29 2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

m ight m ight m ight m ight m ight

w ake up bite need slip break You can use m a y instead o f m i g h t in all

these sentences.

29.3 2. m ight be able to m ee t/see 3. m ight have to w ork 4. m ight have to go/leave You can use m a y instead o f m i g h t in all these sentences.

29.4 2. m ight n o t go o u t tonight. 3. m ight n o t like the presen t you bou g h t him . 4. Sue m ight n o t be able to get to g eth er w ith us tonight. You can use m a y instead o f m ig h t in all these sentences.

29.5 2. m ig h t as w ell go to the concert. 3. m ig h t as w ell p ain t the bathroom . 4. W e m ight as w ell w atch the movie. You can use m a y instead o f m ig h t in all these sentences.

UNIT 30 30.1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

had to have to have to has to had to had to have to




30.2 2. 3. 4. 5.

do you have to go D id you have to w ait do you have to be D oes he have to travel

30.3 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

have to m ake had to ask doesn’t have to shave didn’t have to go has to m ake d o n ’t have to do

30.4 3. 4. 5. 6.

m ight have to w ill have to m ight have to w o n ’t have to

30.5 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

d o n ’t have to m ust not d o n ’t have to m ust not doesn’t have to m ust not d o n ’t have to

UNIT 31 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

should look for an o th er job. shouldn’t go to bed so late. should take a photo. shouldn’t use h er car so m uch. should p u t som e pictures on the walls.

31.2 2. I d o n ’t thin k you should go out tonight. 3. you should apply for the job. 4. I d o n ’t thin k the governm ent should raise taxes.

31.3 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

should should should should should should



I stay a little longer. she visit the m useum after lunch. I see a specialist. I n o t lift anything heavy. w e pay the ren t by Friday. I go away for a few days. I n o t give m y children snacks before m ealtim e. 10. we have d inner early.

E x a m p le answers:

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

32.2 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

spend / take apologize be w ait be w ear have / be given rem em b er / n o t forget drink / have

32.3 2. w alk to w ork in the m orning. 3. that he eat m ore fruit and vegetables. 4. suggested th at he take vitam ins.



com e do have done have w on be have arrived

31.4 3. should have reserved a table. 4. T he store should be open by now. or T he store should have opened by now. 5. shouldn’t be driving so fast. / 50 m iles an hour, or should be driving 30 m iles an hour. 6. should have w ritte n it dow n 7. I shouldn’t have been driving right be hind an o th er car. 8. I should have looked w here I was going, or I should have been looking . . .



33.1 2. You’d b e tte r p u t a bandage on it. (You had b e tte r p u t . . .) 3. ’d b e tte r m ake a reservation. (W e had b e tte r m ake a reservation . . .) 4. You’d b e tte r n o t go to w ork (You had b e tte r n o t go . . .) 5. I’d b e tte r pay the ph o n e bill (soon). (I had b e tte r pay . . .) 6. I’d b e tte r n o t go o u t (yet). (I had b e tte r n o t go o u t . . .) 7. W e’d b e tte r ta k e /g e t a taxi. (W e had b e tte r take . ..)

’d b e tte r (had better) should should ’d b e tte r (had better) should should

33.3 1. b) c) 2. a) b) c)

’d (had) c lo se/sh u t did was done th o u g h t

33.4 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

34.2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

’d enjoy (w ould enjoy) w ould have enjoyed w ould . . . do w ould have stopped w ould have been ’d be (w ould be) w ould have passed w ould have

34.3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

e b f a d

34.4 2. h e ’d call. (. . . he w ould call) 3. prom ised you w o u ld n ’t tell her. 4. prom ised they’d w ait (for us).

34.5 2. w o u ld n ’t tell 3. w o u ld n ’t speak / talk 4. w o u ld n ’t let

34.6 2. 3. 4. 5.

w ould w ould w ould w ould

shake . . . help share . . . forget

UNIT 35 35.1

33.2 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

2. I w o u ld n ’t like to be a teacher. 3. I’d love to learn to fly a plane. (I w ould love to learn . ..) 4. It w ould be nice to have a big garden. 5. I’d like to go to M exico. (I w ou : like to go . . .)

took / had a vacation It’s tim e the train left. It’s tim e I/w e had a party. It’s tim e som e changes w ere m ade. It’s tim e he tried som ething else.

2. C a n /C o u ld I leave a message : her)? or C a n /C o u ld you give h e r a message? 3. C a n /C o u ld you tell m e how to get to the post office? or way to the post office? or . . w here the post office is? 4. C a n /C o u ld I try on these pants? or C a n /C o u ld I try t h : [pants] on? 5. C a n /C o u ld you give m e a ride hom e? or C a n /C o u ld I [ple^ have a ride hom e?

35.2 3. D o you thin k you could check : letter (for m e)? / . . . check my letter? 4. D o you m ind if I leave w ork e^:

5. D o you th in k you could tu rn the m usic dow n? / . . . tu rn it down? . Is it O K if I com e and see the ap artm en t today? 7. D o you think I could have a look at your new spaper?

35.3 _. C a n /C o u ld /W o u ld you show me? or D o you think you could show m e? or . . . do it for me? . W ould you like to sit down? or W ould you like a seat? or C an I offer you a seat? C a n /C o u ld /W o u ld you slow down? or D o you th in k you could . . . ? , C a n /C o u ld /M a y I/w e have the check, please? or D o you think I/w e could have . . . ? or C an I g e t. . . W ould you like to borrow it?

JNIT 36__________________________ 35.1 ’d take (w ould take) ■ closed dow n : w o u ld n ’t get pressed refused . ’d be (w ould be) didn’t com e borrow ed w alked w ould understand

35.2 . . w ould you do if you lost your passport? W h at w ould you do if there w a s/ w ere a fire in the building? - W h at w ould you do if you w ere in an elevator and it stopped betw een floors?

35.3 2. took his driving test, h e ’d fail (it). / . . . he w ould fail (it). e. we stayed at a hotel, it w ould cost too m uch. * she applied for the jo b , she w ouldn’t get it. 5. we told th em the tru th , they w ouldn’t believe us. ■ If we invited Bill, w e’d have to invite his friends, too. (. . . we w ould have to . . .)

35.4 cample answers:

som ebody broke into m y house. 3. I’d have a m uch nicer day than usual. . you w ere invited?

5. you’d save a lo t o f tim e. 6. I d idn’t go o u t w ith you this evening?

UNIT 37 37.1 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

’d help (w ould help) lived ’d live (w ould live) w ould taste w ere/w as w o u ld n ’t w a i t . . . ’d go (w ould go) d idn’t go w e ren ’t . . . w o u ld n ’t be

37.2 2. buy i t . . . it w e ren ’t/w a s n ’t so expensive. (I w ould buy it) or . . . if it w e re/w a s cheaper. 3. ’d go o u t to eat m ore often if we could afford it. (We w ould go o u t . . .) 4. I didn’t have to w ork late, I could m ee t you tom orrow , or . . . I’d m eet (I w ould m e e t . . .) or . . . I’d be able to m e e t . . . 5. could have lunch on the patio if it w e ren ’t raining / w asn’t raining. 6. I w anted his advice, I’d ask for it (I w ould ask for it.)

37.3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

I had a cell phone. I w ish A m anda w a s/w e re here. I w ish it w e ren ’t/w a s n ’t so cold. I w ish I didn’t live in a big city. I w ish I could go to the party. I w ish I d idn’t have to w ork tom orrow . 8. I wish I knew som ething about cars. 9. I w ish I was feeling / w ere feeling better.

37.4 E x a m p le answers: 2. I w ish I had a big garden. 3. I w ish I could te lljo k e s. or . . . I w ish I w as/w ere able to . . . 4. I w ish I w as/w e re taller.

UNIT 38 38.1 2. h e ’d m issed (he had missed) . . . he w ould have been. 3. I w ould have forgotten . . . you h ad n ’t rem inded 4. I’d had (I had had) . . . I w ould have sent 5. w e w ould have enjoyed . . . the w eather had been 6. It w ould have been . . . I had w alked 7. I was / I w ere 8. I’d been (I had been)

38.2 2. h ad n ’t been icy, the accident w ouldn’t have happened. 3. had know n [that M att had to get up early], I w ould have w oken him up. 4. If Jim hadn’t len t m e the money, I w o u ld n ’t have been able to buy the car. or . . . I couldn’t have bou g h t the car. 5. If M ichelle h ad n ’t been w earing a seat belt, she w ould have been injured [in the crash]. 6. If you had had (some) breakfast, you w o u ld n ’t be hungry now. 7. If I had had (som e) m oney, I w ould have taken a taxi.

38.3 2. ’d applied (I w ish I had applied) for the jo b . 3. I w ish I’d learned to play a m usical instrum ent [when I was younger]. (I w ish I had learned . . .) 4. I w ish I h ad n ’t painted it red. or . . . the door red. 5. I w ish I’d bro u g h t m y cam era. (I w ish I had b ro u g h t. . .) 6. I w ish they’d called first [to say they w ere com ing]. (I w ish they had called) or I w ish I’d know n they w ere com ing. (I w ish I had know n)

UNIT 39 39.1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

hope w ish w ished hope w ish . . . hope

39.2 2. Ja n e /s h e w ould com e, or . . . w ould h u rry up. 3. w ould give m e a job. 4. I w ish th e /th a t baby w ould stop crying. 5. w ouldn’t drive so fast. 6. I w ish you w ouldn’t leave the d oor open [all the time]. 7. w ouldn’t drop litter in the street.

39.3 2. O K 3. I w ish I had m ore free tim e. 4. I w ish o u r house w as/w ere a little bigger. 5. O K 6. O K 7. I w ish everything w asn’t/w e re n ’t so expensive.


39.4 I knew I’d taken (I had taken) I could com e I w asn’t / I w e ren ’t they’d h u rry (they w ould hurry) w e didn’t have w e could have stayed or w e had b een able to stay 10. it w asn’t/w e re n ’t 11. h e ’d decide (he w o uld decide) 12. w e hadn’t gone 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

UNIT 40 40.1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

is m ade was dam aged w ere invited are show n are held was w ritte n . . . was translated w ere passed is surrounded

40.2 2. 3. 4. 5.

W h e n was television invented? H ow are m ountains form ed? W h e n was N e p tu n e discovered? W h a t is silver used for?

40.3 covers is covered are locked was m ailed . . . arrived sank . . . was rescued died . .. w ere b rought up grew up was stolen disappeared did Sue quit was Bill fired is ow ned called . . . was injured . . . w asn’t needed 16. w ere these picture taken . . . D id you take

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

40.4 2. flights w ere canceled because o f fog. 3. This road isn’t used m uch. 4. was accused o f stealing m oney. 5. are languages learned? 6. W e w ere w arn ed n o t to go out alone.

UNIT 41 41,.1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

can’t be broken it can be eaten it can’t be used it can’t be seen it can be carried



41. 2 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

be m ade be spent have been be carried be w oken have been have been

repaired up arrested caused


41..4 3. was stolen! or It has been stolen! (It’s been) 4. took it! or Som ebody has taken it! 5. fu rn itu re had been m oved. 6. hasn’t been seen since then. 7. haven’t seen h e r for ages. 8. the com puters w ere being used. 9. ’s being redecorated. 10. ’s w orking again, (is w orking . . .) . . . It’s been repaired. (It has been repaired) 11. Have you ever been m ugged?

UNIT 42 42.1 2. was asked som e difficult questions at the interview . 3. was given a presen t by her colleagues w h e n she retired. 4. told about the m eeting. 5. be paid for your work? 6. should have been offered the job. 7. been show n w hat to do?

42.2 being being being being being

got stung get used got stolen get paid got stopped get dam aged get asked


2. is being used right now. 3. ou r conversation was being recorded. 4. the game had b een canceled. 5. A new highw ay is being built around the city. 6. A new hospital has been built near the airport.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

invited given hit treated paid

42.3 2 ,-6 . B eethoven was b o rn in 1770. Jo h n L ennon was bo rn in 1940. G alileo was b o rn in 1564. M ahatm a G andhi was b o rn in 1869. M artin L uther King Jr. was bo rn in 1929. Elvis Presley was bo rn in 1935. L eonardo da Vinci was b o rn in 1452. W illiam Shakespeare was b o rn in 1564. was b o rn in . . .

43.1 3. are rep o rted to be hom eless after the floods. 4. is alleged to have robbed the st: o f $3,000. 5. is rep o rted to have been badlv dam aged by the fire. 6. a) is said to be losing a lot of rr. b) is believed to have lost a lot : * m oney last year. c) is expected to lose m oney thi


2. is supposed to know a lot o f fam ous people. (H e’s supposes 3. H e is supposed to be very rich 4. H e is supposed to have 12 chi 5. H e is supposed to have been a actor w h e n he was younger.

43.3 2. You’re supposed to be m y friend 3. I’m supposed to be on a diet. (I am supposed . . .) 4. It was supposed to be a joke. 5. O r m aybe it’s supposed to be a flower, (it is supposed . . .) 6. You’re supposed to be w orking. (You are supposed . . .)

43.4 2. ’re supposed to start (We are supposed . . .) 3. was supposed to call 4. aren’t / ’re n o t supposed to blocc (are n o t supposed . . .) 5. was supposed to arrive

UNIT 44_________________________ 44.1 1. 2. 3. 4.

b a a b

44.2 2. have m y jac k et cleaned. 3. To have m y w atch repaired. 4. To have m y eyes tested.

44.3 2. 3. 4. 5.

had it cut. had it painted. H e had it built. I had th em delivered.

24.4 3. 4.


6. 8. 9.


n 3.

have a n o th er key m ade. had your hair cut D o you have a new spaper delivered ’re having a garage built have y our eyes checked get it cleaned get y our ears pierced got it repaired or ’ve gotten it repaired had her purse stolen had his nose broken

JiMIT 45 -5.1 2. his father w asn’t very well. said [that] A m anda and Paul w ere getting m arried next m onth. - H e said [that] his sister had had a baby. 5. H e said [that] he didn’t know w hat Eric was doing. . H e said [that] h e ’d seen N icole at a party in Ju n e and she’d seem ed fine / he had seen . . . she had seem ed fine or H e said [that] he saw N icole . . . and she seem ed . . . 7. H e said [that] he h a d n ’t seen D iane recently. . H e said [that] he w asn’t enjoying his jo b very m uch. H e said [that] I could com e and stay at his place if I was ever in Chicago. . H e said [that] his car had been stolen a few days ago. or . . . his car was stolen a few days ago. H e said [that] he w anted to take a trip, b u t [he] couldn’t afford it. H e said [that] h e’d tell A m y h e ’d seen m e. / . . . he w ould tell . . . he had seen or . . . he saw m e.

25.2 E xam ple answers: 2. w asn’t com ing / . . . was going


4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

som ew here else / . . . was staying at hom e she d idn’t like him you d idn’t know anybody / you didn’t know m any people she w o u ld n ’t be here / she w ould be away / she was going away you w ere staying at h om e / you w eren ’t going out you couldn’t speak (any) French / w ere fluent in French you w e n t to the m ovies last w eek / you had gone to the m ovies last w eek




2. H ow is cheese made? 3. W h en was the com puter invented? 4. W h y isn’t Sue w orking today? 5. W h a t tim e are your friends coming? 6. W hy was the concert canceled? 7. W h ere was your m o th e r born? 8. W hy didn’t you com e to the party? 9. H ow did the accident happen? 10. W hy doesn’t this m achine w ork?

2. you said you didn’t like fish. 3. B ut you said you couldn’t drive. 4. B ut you said she had a very w ellpaid jo b . 5. B ut you said you d idn’t have any brothers or sisters. 6. B ut you said you’d never been to Peru, (you had never been) 7. B ut you said you w ere w orking to m o rro w night. 8. B u t you said she was a friend o f yours.

46.2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Tell Say said told said tell . . . said tell . . . say told said

46.3 2. h e r to slow dow n 3. h e r n o t to w orry 4. asked T om to give m e a hand or . . . to help m e 5. asked m e to open m y bag 6. told him to m in d his ow n business 7. asked her to m arry him 8. told h e r n o t to w ait [for me] if I was late

UNIT 47 47.1 2. 3. 4. 5.

W ere you b o rn there? Are you m arried? H ow long have you b e en m arried? D o you have (any) children? or Have you got (any) children? 6. H ow old are they? 7. W h at do you do? 8. W h at does y our wife do?

47.2 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

paid the bill? happened? W h a t did sh e /D ia n e say? W h o does it/th is book belong to? W h o lives in th at house? / W h o lives there? W h at did you fall over? W h a t fell on the floor? W h at does it/th is w ord m ean? W h o did you borrow it/th e m oney from ? W h at are you w orried about?

47.4 2. D o n ’t you like him ? 3. Isn’t it good? 4. D o n ’t you have any?

UNIT 48 48.1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

w here the post office is? w hat tim e it is. w hat this w ord m eans. if/w h e th e r the plane has left? if/w h e th e r Sue is going out tonight. w here C arol lives? w here I park ed the car. if/w h e th e r there is a bank near here? w hat you w ant. w hy Kelly d idn’t com e to the party. how m u ch it costs to p ark here? w h o th at w om an is. if/w h e th e r A nn got m y letter? how far it is to the airport?

48.2 1. Am y is? 2. w h en she’ll be back. (. . . she will be back) 3. if/w h e th e r she w ent o u t alone?

48.3 2. w here I’d been. (. . . w here I had been) 3. asked m e how long I’d been back. (. . . how long I had been back) 4. H e asked m e w h at I was doing now. 5. H e asked m e w hy I’d com e back. (. . . w hy I had com e back) or . . . w hy I cam e back. 6. H e asked m e w here I was living. 7. H e asked m e if/w h e th e r I was glad to be back. 8. H e asked m e if/w h e th e r I had plans to stay for a while. 9. H e asked m e if/w h e th e r I could lend him som e money.



UNIT 49 49. 1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

doesn’t was will am . . . isn’t or ’m n o t . . . is should w o n ’t do could w ould . . . could . . . can’t

49..2 3. 4. 5. 6.

You You You You

do? I d o n ’t. didn’t? I did. haven’t? I have. did? I didn’t.

49..3 E x a m p le answers:

3. So did I. or You did? W h at did you watch? 4. N e ith e r will I. or You w o n ’t? W h ere w ill you be? 5. So do I. or You do? W h at kind o f books do you like? 6. So w ould I. or You w ould? W h ere w ould you like to live? 7. N e ith e r can I. or You can’t? W h y not?

49,.4 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

I guess so. I d o n ’t th in k so. I hope so. I’m afraid not. I’m afraid so. I hope not. I think so. I suppose so.

UNIT 50 50. 1 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

haven’t you w ere you does she isn’t he has he can’t you w ill he aren’t there shall we is it aren’t I w ould you w ould you should I had he

50..2 2. ’s (very) expensive, isn’t it? 3. was great, w asn’t it? 4. ’ve had your hair cut, haven’t you? or You had your hair cut, didn’t you?


5. has a good voice, doesn’t she? or She’s got / She has g o t . . . doesn’t / ...d o esn ’t she? 6. doesn’t look very good, does it? 7. isn’t very safe, is it?

50.3 2. d o n ’t have p aper bags, do you? 3. do n ’t know w here A nn is, do you? or . . . you haven’t seen A nn, have you? 4. you haven’t got a bicycle pum p, have you? or . . . you d o n ’t have a bicycle pum p, do you? 5. you haven’t seen m y keys, have you? or you d idn’t see m y keys, did you? 6. you couldn’t take m e to the station, could you? or . . . you couldn’t give m e a lift to the station, could you?

UNIT 51__________________________ 51.1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

m aking listening applying reading paying using forgetting w riting being trying losing

51.2 2. driving too fast. 3. going sw im m ing or going for a sw im 4. breaking the D V D player 5. w aiting a few m inutes

51.3 2. 3. 4. 5.

traveling during rush ho u r leaving . . . tom orrow tu rn in g the radio dow n n o t in terru p tin g m e all the tim e

51.4 E x a m p le answers:

2. 3. 4. 5.

standing having a picnic laughing breaking dow n

UNIT 52__________________________ 52.1 2. 3. 4. 5.

to help him to carry h er bags (for her) to m eet at 8:00 to tell him h er nam e / to give him h e r nam e 6. n o t to tell anyone

52.2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

to go to get w aiting to eat how to use barking to call having to say / say m issing to find

52.3 2. to be w orried about som ething. 3. seem to know a lot o f people. 4. M y E nglish seem s to be getting better. 5. T h at car appears to have broken dow n. 6. D avid tends to forget things. 7. T hey claim to have solved the problem .

52.4 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

how to use w hat to do how to ride w hat to say / w h at to do w h e th er to go

UNIT 53 53.1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

m e to lend you som e like m e to shut it you like m e to show you (how) you w ant m e to repeat it you w ant m e to w ait (stay)

53.2 2. 3. 4. 5.

to stay w ith th em him use h er phone her to be careful h er to give him a hand

53.3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

it to rain. him do w h at he wants. him look older. you to know the truth. m e to call m y sister. m e to apply for the job. advised m e no t to say anything : the police. 9. no t to believe everything he says 10. you to get around m ore easily.

53 .4 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

to go to do cry to study eating read to m ake think

JNIT 54 54.1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

.1. 12. 13. 14. 5. 16.

driving to go to go raining to w in asking asking to answ er breaking to pay losing or to lose to tell crying or to cry to get m eeting . . . to see

54.2 2 N3. 4. 5. 6.

H e can re m e m b e r crying on his first day o f school. H e can’t rem em b er w anting to be a doctor. H e can re m e m b e r going to M iam i w h en he was eight. H e can’t rem em b er falling into a river. H e can’t rem em b er being bitten by a dog.

54.3 1. b) lending c) to call d) to say e) leav in g /p u ttin g 2. a) saying b) to say 3. a) to becom e b) w orking c) reading

U.MIT 55 55.1 2. tu rn in g it the o th er way. 3. tried taking an aspirin? 4. try calling his office?

55.2 2. It needs painting. / needs to be painted. 3. It needs cutting. / needs to be cut. 4. T hey need tightening. / need to be tightened. 5. It needs em ptying. / to be em ptied.

55.3 l. b) knocking c) to p u t d) asking e) to reach 0 to concentrate 2. a) to go b) looking c) w ashing

d) cutting / to be cut e) iron . . . ironing / to be ironed 3. a) overhearing b) get or to get c) sm iling d) m ake or to m ake

UNIT 56 56.1 E x a m p le answers:

I d o n ’t m ind playing cards. 3. I d o n ’t like being alone, or . . . to be alone. 4. I enjoy going to m useum s. 5. I love cooking, or I love to cook.


56.2 2. likes teaching biology. 3. H e likes taking photographs, or H e likes to take photographs. 4. I d idn’t like w orking there. 5. She likes studying m edicine. 6. H e doesn’t like being fam ous. 7. She doesn’t like taking risks. or She doesn’t like to take risks. 8. I like to know things ahead o f tim e.

56.3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

to sit w aiting going or to go to get being to com e / to go living to talk to hear / hearing / to be told

56..4 2. I w ould like / I’d like to have seen the program . 3. I w ould hate / I’d hate to have lost my w atch. 4. I w ould love / I’d love to have m et your parents. 5. I w ouldn’t like to have been alone. 6. I w ould p refer / I’d p refer to have traveled by train, or I w ould have preferred to tr a v e l. . .

UNIT 57 57.1 E x a m p le answers:

2. tennis to soccer. 3. prefer calling people . . . sending e-mails. 4. I p refer going to the m ovies to w atching videos at hom e. 6. call people ra th e r than send e-mails. 7. I prefer to go to the m ovies rath er th an w atch videos at hom e.

57.2 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 11. 12. 13. 14.

I’d rath er listen to som e m usic. I’d prefer to eat at hom e. I’d rath er w ait a few m inutes. I’d rath er go for a swim . I’d prefer to th in k about it for a w hile. I’d rath er stand. I’d p refer to go alone. ra th e r th an play tennis. th an go to a restaurant. rather th an decide now. th an w atch TV.

57.3 2. I told her 3. w ould you rath er I did it 4. w ould you ra th e r I called her

57.4 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

stay ed /rem a in e d /w aited stay d idn’t w ere d idn’t

UNIT 58 58.1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

applying for the jo b rem em bering nam es passing the exam being late eating at hom e, we w en t to a restaurant 7. having to w ait in line or w aiting in line 8. playing well

58.2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

by standing on a chair by tu rn in g a key by borrow ing too m uch m oney by driving too fast by p u ttin g som e pictures on the walls

58.3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

paying going using going b e in g /tra v e lin g / sitting a sk in g /tellin g /co n su ltin g d o ing/having tu rn in g /g o in g taking

58.4 2. looking forw ard to seeing h e r / D iane. 3. looking forw ard to going to the d entist (tom orrow ). 4. She’s looking forw ard to graduating (next sum m er). 5. I’m looking forw ard to playing tennis (tom orrow ).



UNIT 59__________________________ 59.1 1. W h e n Ju a n first w en t to Canada, he w asn ’t used to h av in g d inner so early, b u t after a w hile he g o t used to it. N o w he finds it norm al. H e is used to e a tin g / is used to h av in g d in n e r at 6:00. 2. She w asn ’t used to w o rk in g nights and it took h er a few m onths to g et used to it. Now , after a year, she’s p retty happy. She is used to w o rk in g nights.

59.2 2. ’m used to sleeping on the floor. 3. ’m used to w orking long hours. 4. I’m n o t used to going to bed so late.

59.3 2. get used to living in a m uch sm aller house. 3. got used to her. / . . . to th e /th e ir new teacher. 4. E x a m p le answers: T h ey ’ll have to get used to the w eather. / . . . to the food. / . . . to speaking a foreign language.

59.4 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

drink eating having have g° be being

UNIT 60 60.1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

doing com in g /g o in g do in g /try in g b u y in g /g e ttin g hearing going having/using being w atching inviting/asking

60.2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

in solving o f living o f causing (from ) w alking for interru p tin g o f spending from escaping on carrying to seeing


60.3 2. on driving A nn to the station / . . . on taking A nn . . . 3. on getting m arried 4. Sue for com ing to see her 5. (to m e) for n o t calling earlier 6. m e o f being selfish

UNIT 61 61.1 2. T h ere ’s no p o in t in w orking if you d on’t need money. 3. T h ere ’s no p o in t in trying to study if you feel tired. 4. T h ere ’s no p o in t in hurrying if you’ve got plenty o f tim e.

61.2 2. 3. 4. 5.

asking Dave in going out calling her com plaining (about w hat happened) 6. taking 7. keeping

61.3 2. 3. 4. 5.

rem em bering p eo p le ’s nam es getting a jo b getting a ticket for the game understanding him

61 .4 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

reading packing / getting ready w atching go in g /clim b in g /w alk in g applying getting / being

61.5 2. 3. 4. 5.

w en t sw im m ing go skiing goes riding ’s gone shopping / w en t shopping

UNIT 62 2. to get som e m oney. 3. ’m saving m oney to go to Canada. 4. I w e n t into the hospital to have an operation. 5. I’m w earing tw o sw eaters to keep w arm . 6. I called the police to re p o rt that m y car had been stolen.

62.2 to to to to to to

to to to to

talk / to speak w ear / to p u t on celebrate help

62.3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

for to to for to for for . . . to

62.4 2. w arm clothes so th at I w ouldn’t be cold. 3. left Dave m y ph o n e n u m b er so th at he could contact m e. / . . . w ould be able to contact me. 4. W e w hispered so t h a t .. . else w ould hear o u r conversation. / . . . so that nobody could hear . . w ould be able to hear . . . 5. arrive early so th at we can start the m eeting on tim e. / . . . so th^: w e’ll be able to s t a r t . .. 6. Je n n ifer locked the door so that she w o u ld n ’t be disturbed. 7. I slowed dow n so th at the car beh in d m e could pass. / . . . w o u ': pass.

UNIT 63 63.1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

easy to use. was very difficult to open. are im possible to translate. car is expensive to m aintain. chair isn’t safe to stand on.

63.2 2. easy m istake to m ake. 3. nice place to live, or . . . a nice place to live in. 4. good game to w atch.



2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

8. 9. 10. 11.

read w alk drink p u t / to carry discuss / to talk about buy / to get

2. ’s careless o f you to m ake the sa rr: m istake again and again. 3. It was nice o f th em to invite me (to stay w ith them ). / It was nice o f D an and Je n n y to . . . 4. It’s inconsiderate o f th em to m ak; so m uch noise (at night). / It’s inconsiderate o f the neighbor: to . . .

63.4 2. am glad to hear or was glad to hear 3. w ere surprised to see 4. ’m /a m sorry to hear or was sorry to hear



2. Paul was the last (person) to arrive. 3. Jen n y was the only student to pass (the exam ). / . . . the only one to pass (the exam ). 4. I was the second c u sto m e r/p erso n to com plain. 5. N eil A rm strong was the first p e rso n /m a n to w alk on the m oon.

63.6 2. ’re /a re b o u n d to be 3. ’s/is sure to forget 4. ’s/is n o t likely to rain likely to rain 5. ’s/is likely to be



UNIT 64 3. I’m afraid o f losing it. 4. I was afraid to tell her. 5. W e w ere afraid o f m issing o u r train. 6. W e w ere afraid to look. 7. I was afraid o f dropping it. 8. a) I was afraid to eat it. b) I was afraid o f getting sick.

54.2 3. 4. 5. 6.

in to in to in

playing tennis. C laire eating. Bill playing his guitar. sm ell the d in n er burning. W e saw L inda jo g g in g /ru n n in g .

65.3 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

tell crying riding say run . . . clim b explode crawling slam sleeping




2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

starting read getting know looking

64.3 2. sorry to hear

3. sorry for saying / sorry about saying -. sorry to b o th er 5. sorry for losing / sorry about losing

‘ 4.4 l. b) to leave c) from leaving : a) to solve b) in solving :. a) o f/a b o u t going b) to go c) to go d) to going -. a) to buy b) to buy c) on buying d) o f buying

.NIT 65 65.1 . arrive

take it / do it it ring him play / him playing you lock it / you do it h er fall

66.1 2. in an arm chair reading a book. 3. opened the d oor carefully trying not to m ake any noise. 4. Sarah w en t o u t saying she w ould be back in an hour. 5. Linda was in L ondon for tw o years w orking as a teacher. 6. M ary w alked around the tow n looking at the sights and taking pictures.

66.2 2. fell asleep w atching television. 3. slipped and fell getting o ff a bus. 4. got very w et w alking hom e in the rain. 5. Laura had an accident driving to w ork yesterday. 6. T w o kids got lost hiking in the woods.

66.3 2. H aving bou g h t o u r tickets, we w e n t into the theater. 3. H aving had dinner, they continued their trip. 4. H aving done the shopping, I stopped for a cup o f coffee.

66.4 2. T hinking they m ight be hungry, I offered th em som ething to eat. 3. B eing a vegetarian, Sally doesn’t eat m eat o f any kind. 4. N o t know ing his e-m ail address, I w asn’t able to contact him . 5. H aving traveled a lot, Sarah know s a lot a bout o th er countries. 6. N o t being able to speak the local language, I had trouble com m unicating. 7. H aving spent nearly all our m oney, w e couldn’t afford to stay at a hotel.

UNIT 67 67.1 3. W e w en t to a very nice re s ta u ra n t. . . 4. O K 5. I use a to o th b ru sh . . . 6. . . . if th ere ’s a bank n ear here? 7. . . . for a n insurance com pany 8. O K 9. O K 10. . . . we stayed in a big hotel. 11. . . . I hope w e com e to a gas station soon. 12. . . . I have a problem . 13. . . . It’s a very interesting idea. 14. Jo h n has a n interview for a jo b tom orrow . 15. . . . It’s a good game. 16. O K 17. Jane was w earing a beautiful necklace.

67.2 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

a key a coat sugar a cookie electricity an interview blood a question a m inute a decision

67.3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

days m eat a line letters friends people air patience an um brella languages space

UNIT 68 68.1 2. a) a paper b) paper 3. a) a light b) Light 4. a) tim e b) a w onderful tim e 5. a nice room 6. advice 7. nice w eather 8. bad luck 9. jo b 10. trip 11. total chaos 12. som e


13. doesn’t 14. Your hair is . . . it 15. T he dam age

68.2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

inform ation chairs fu rn itu re hair progress jo b w ork perm ission advice experience experiences

68.3 2. som e inform ation about places to see in the city. 3. som e advice about w hich courses to take? / . . . courses I can take? 4. is the new s on (TV)? 5. ’s a beautiful view, isn’t it? 6. h o rrib le /aw fu l w eather!

UNIT 69_________________________ 69.1 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 12. 13. 14.

15. 16. 17.

It’s a vegetable. It’s a game. / It’s a board game. T hey’re m usical instrum ents. It’s a (tall/high) building. T h ey ’re planets. It’s a flower. T h ey ’re rivers. T h ey ’re birds. H e was a w riter / a p o et / a playw right / a dram atist. H e was a scientist / a physicist. T hey w ere U.S. presidents / A m erican presidents / p residents o f the U.S. She was an actress / a m ovie actress / a m ovie star. T hey w ere singers. T hey w ere painters / artists.

69.2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

’s a waiter. ’s a travel agent. H e ’s a surgeon. H e ’s a chef. She’s a jo urnalist. H e ’s a plum ber. She’s an interpreter.

69.3 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

a an - (D o you collect stamps?) a Som e - (D o you enjoy going to concerts?) 10. - (I’ve got sore feet.)


11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

a som e a ... a - (Those are nice shoes.) som e a . . . som e a . . . - (H er parents w ere teachers, too.) 18. a . . . - (H e’s always telling lies.)

UNIT 70 70.1 . . . and a m agazine. T h e new spaper is in m y briefcase, b u t I can’t re m e m b e r w here I p u t th e m agazine. I saw a n accident this m orning. A car crashed into a tree. T h e driver o f th e car w asn’t hurt, b u t th e car was badly dam aged. . . . a blue one and a gray one. T h e blue one belongs to m y neighbors; I d o n ’t know w ho th e ow ner o f th e gray one is. 4. M y friends live in a n old house in a small tow n. T h ere is a beautiful garden b ehind th e house. I w ould like to have a garden like that.

70.2 1. b) the c) the 2. a) a b) a c) the 3. a) a b) the c) the 4. a) an . . . T he b) the c) the 5. a) the b) a c) a

70.3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

th e dentist th e door a m istake th e bus station a p roblem th e post office th e floor th e book a jo b a ta b a n k a small ap artm ent near th e hospital 12. a superm arket on th e c orner

70.4 E x a m p le answers:

3. A bout once a m onth. 4. O nce or tw ice a year. 5. A bout 55 m iles an hour.

6. A bout seven hours a night. 7. T w o or three tim es a w eek. 8. A bout tw o hours a day.

UNIT 71____________________ 71.1 A: a; B: the A: the; B: the A: the; B: a A: - ; B: the A: the; B: A: a; B: the 8. A : - \ B : ~ 9. A: - ; B: the 10. A: the; B: a 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

71.2 2. 3. 4. 5.

the .. . the T he the

6. 7. the . . . the 8. the

71.3 2. in a small tow n in the country 3. T he m oon goes around the earth every 27 days. 4. the same thing 5. a very h o t day . . . the h ottest dav o f the year 6. usually have lunch . . . eat a good breakfast 7. live in a foreign country . . . learn the language 8. on the w rong platform 9. T he next train . . . from Platform :

71 4 2. the 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

ocean question 8 the m ovies breakfast the gate Gate 21

UNIT 72 72.1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

to at to in in to

72..2 1. c) d) e) f) g) 2. a) b) c)

school hom e w ork high school bed prison

school school . . . s c h o o l. . . T he school school the school college college the college

3. a) b) c) 4. a) b) c) d) 5. a) b) c) 6. a) b) c) d) e) f)

church church the church class the class class the class prison the prison prison bed hom e w ork bed w ork w ork

UNIT 73________________________ 73.1 E xa m p le answers:


the the the the the the

w heel laser telescope rupee (C anadian) dollar ...

74.2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

a the a the the a T he

the the the the

73.2 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

spiders m eat the questions the people H istory lies the hotels 10. T he w ater 11. the grass 12. patience

2. 3. 4. 5.

injured unem ployed sick rich . . . the p oor

73.3 Apples the apples W om en . . . m en tea T he vegetables Life skiing the people people . . . aggression All the books the beds w ar T he First W orld W ar the Pyram ids the history . . . m o d ern art the m arriage M ost people . . . m arriage . . . family life . . . society

UNIT 74________________________ 74.1 1. b) c) 2. a) b) c)

the cheetah the kangaroo (and the rabbit) the swan the p enguin the owl

2. a G erm an G erm ans 3. a F re n c h m a n /F ren c h w o m a n the F rench 4. a Russian Russians 5. a C hinese the C hinese 6. a B razilian Brazilians 7. a Japanese m an /w o m a n Japanese



76.2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

T he Eiffel Tow er the Taj M ahal T he W h ite H ouse T he K rem lin Broadw ay T he Acropolis B uckingham Palace


75.1 2. the 3. the . . . the 4. - (President K ennedy was assassinated in 1963.) 5. the 6. - (D o you know Professor B row n’s ph o n e num ber?)

75.2 OK

the U n ited States T he south o f India. . . the n o rth OK

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

C entral Park St. Jam es’s Park T he R am ada . . . M ain Street O ’H are A irport M cG ill U niversity H arrison’s the Ship Inn T he Statue o f Liberty . . . N ew York H arb o r the Science M useum IB M . . . G eneral Electric T he Classic the G reat W all T he W ashington Post C am bridge U niversity Press

the C hannel the M iddle East

UNIT 77________________________



the Swiss Alps T he U K T he S ey ch elles. . . the Indian O cean

13. O K 14. T he H u d so n R iver . . . the Atlantic O cean

75.3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

T u rn er’s on C arter Road the C row n (H otel) on Park Road St. Paul’s on M arket Street the C ity M useum on G eorge Street 6. B lackstone’s on Forest A venue 7. Lincoln Park at the end o f M arket Street 8. T he C hina H ouse on Park Road or M ario’s Pizza on G eorge Street

. . .

UNIT 75_______________________

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

the Pacific the Indian O cean the T ham es the Mississippi T hailand the Panam a C anal the A m azon


74.3 2. 3. 4. 5.

9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

UNIT 76________________________

74.4 I like cats. I d on’t like zoos. I d o n ’t m in d fast food restaurants. I’m n o t interested in football.

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

3. a) b) c) 4. a) b) c)

(in) South A m erica the N ile Sw eden the U n ited States the Rockies the M editerranean Australia

3. 4. 5. 6.

shorts a m eans m eans som e scissors scissors 7. a series 8. series 9. species


a pair o f

77.2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

politics econom ics physics gym nastics electronics


7 7 .3 2. d o n ’t 3. w ant 4. was 5. aren’t 6. w asn’t 7. isn’t 8. they 9. are 10. D o 11. is

77.4 3. . . . w earing black jeans. 4. very nice people. 5. O K 6. . . . buy som e new pajam as, i . . . buy a new pair o f pajamas. 7. T h ere was a police officer / a policem an / a policew om an . 8. O K 9. T hese scissors aren’t . . . 10. O K 11. M any people have . . .

UNIT 78 78.1 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

a co m p u ter m agazine (your) vacation pictures m ilk chocolate a factory inspector a race horse a horse race a Los A ngeles lawyer (your) exam results the dining room carpet an oil com pany scandal a five-story building a traffic plan a five-day course a tw o -p art question a seven-year-old girl

78.2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

room n u m b er seat belt credit card w eather forecast new spaper editor shop w indow

78.3 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

20-dollar 15-m inute 60 m inutes tw o -h o u r five courses tw o-year 500-year-old five days six m iles six-m ile


UNIT 79________________________ 79.1 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

your frien d ’s um brella OK

C harles’s daughter M ary and D a n ’s son OK

yesterday’s new spaper OK OK

Your c hildren’s friends O u r neighbors’ garden OK

B ill’s hair C a th e rin e ’s party OK

M ike’s parents’ car OK O K (the g overnm ent’s econom ic policy is also correct)

79.2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

a boy’s nam e children’s clothes a girls’ school a bird’s nest a w o m en ’s m agazine

79.3 2. w eek’s storm caused a lot o f damage. 3. to w n ’s only m ovie th ea ter has closed dow n. 4. C hicago’s w eather is very changeable. 5. T he region’s m ain industry is tourism .

79.4 2. 3. 4. 5.

a year’s salary fo u r w eeks’ pay five ho u rs’ sleep a m in u te ’s rest

UNIT 80________________________ 80.1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

h u rt him self blam e h erself Put yourself enjoyed them selves b u rn yourself express m yself

80.2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

me m yself us yourself you ourselves them selves them

80.3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

dried h erself concentrate defend yourself m eeting relax

80.4 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

them selves each o th er each o th er them selves each o th er ourselves each o th er ourselves . . . each o th er

80.5 2. it himself. 3. m a il/d o it myself. 4. told m e herself. / h e rself told me. did herself. 5. call him yourself? / . . . do it yourself?

UNIT 81_________________________ 81.1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

relative o f yours. a book o f m ine. som e friends o f hers to h e r place a neighbor o f ours. tw o friends o f m ine. a friend o f yours? a friend o f A m y’s

81.2 2. 3. 4. 5.

his ow n opinions her ow n business its ow n (private) beach our ow n w ords

81.3 2. 3. 4. 5.

your ow n fault h e r ow n ideas your ow n problem s his ow n decisions

81.4 2. m akes h e r ow n clothes 3. b a k e/m ak e our ow n bread 4. w rites his ow n songs

81..5 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

on by by on by on by on by

m y ow n m yself him self his ow n herself her ow n yourself our ow n herself

UNIT 82_________________________

82.1 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Is there . . . th ere ’s / th ere is there w a s . . . It was It was T h ere was is it It was It’s / It is there w asn’t Is i t . . . it’s / it is there w a s . . . T h ere was It was T h ere w asn’t T h ere was . . . it w asn’t

82.2 2. is a lo t o f salt 3. T h ere was nothing 4. T h ere was a lo t o f violence in the film . / T h ere was a lo t o f fighting . . . 5. T h ere w ere a lo t o f people in the stores / the mall. 6. T h ere is a lo t to do in this tow n. / T h ere is a lot happening in this tow n.

82.3 2. T h ere m ay be 3. there w ill be / th ere ’ll be or there are going to be 4. T h ere ’s going to be / T h ere is going to be 5. T h ere used to be 6. there should be 7. there w o u ld n ’t be

82.4 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

and there was a lot o f snow T h ere used to be a church here T h ere m u st have been a reason. OK

T h ere ’s sure to be a parking lot som ew here. 7. there w ill be an o p p ortunity 8. O K 9. there w ould be som ebody . . . b u t there w asn’t anybody. 19. T h ere has been no change. 11. O K

UNIT 83_________________________ 33.1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

som e any any . . . som e som e any any som e any any

83.2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

so m ebody/som eone anybody/anyone anything som ething som eb o d y /so m eo n e . . . a n y b o d y / anyone som ething . . . anybody/anyone A nybody/A nyone anybody/anyone anyw here som ew here anyw here anybody/anyone som ething A nybody/A nyone som ething anybody/anyone . . . anything

83.3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Any day A nything anyw here Any jo b or A nything Any tim e A nybody/A nyone Any new spaper or A ny one

UNIT 84_________________________ 84.1 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

no any N one none No any any none no

84.2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

N o b o d y /N o one. N one. N ow here. N one. N othing. I w asn’t talking to an y b o d y / anyone. I d o n ’t have any luggage. I’m n o t going anyw here. I d idn’t m ake any m istakes. I d idn’t pay anything.

84.3 2. 3. 4. 5.

n o b o d y /n o one N ow here anything N othing. I couldn’t find a n y th in g . . . 6. N oth in g 7. anyw here 8. N o b o d y /N o one said anything.

84.4 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


nobody anyone A nybody N oth in g A nything anything

UNIT 85_______________________ 85.1 3. 4. 5. 6.

a lo t o f salt OK

It cost a lot OK

7. m any p eople

or a lo t o f people 8. I use the p h o n e a lot 9. O K 10. a lot o f m oney

85.2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

plenty o f money. plenty o f room . plenty to learn. are p len ty o f things to see. T h ere are plenty o f hotels.

85.3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


little m any m uch few little m any

85.4 3. 4. 5. 6.

a few dollars OK

a little tim e OK

7. only a few w ords 8. a few m onths

85.5 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

a little a few few little a little 7. little 8. a few

UNIT 86_______________________ 86.1 3. 4. o f 5. -

6. 7. o f 8. o f 9. 10 . -


86.2 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

o f m y spare tim e accidents o f the buildings o f h er friends o f the population birds o f m y team m ates o f her opinions large cities (of) m y din n er

86.3 E x a m p le answers:


the tim e / the day 3. m y friends 4. (of) the questions 5. the photos / the photographs / the pictures 6. (of) the m oney

86 4 2.

All o f th em 3. none o f us 4. som e o f it 5. none o f th em 6. N o n e o f it 7. Som e o f th em all o f it

UNIT 87 87.1 2. 3. 4. 5.

N e ith e r b o th E ither N e ith e r

87.2 2. 3. 4. 5.

either b o th N e ith e r o f n e ith e r . . . b o th / b o th the / both o f the 6. b oth / b o th o f

87.3 2. 3. 4. 5.

either o f them b o th o f th em n eith er o f us n e ith e r o f th em

87.4 3. B oth Jo e and Sam are on vacation. 4. N e ith e r Jo e no r Sam has a car. 5. B rian n e ith e r w atches T V nor reads new spapers. 6. T he m ovie was b oth boring and long. 7. T h at m an’s nam e is eith er R ichard or R obert. 8. I’ve got n e ith e r the tim e n o r the m oney to go on vacation. 9. W e can leave either today or tom orrow .


87.5 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

either any none any either neith er

UNIT 88 88.1 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

E verybody/E veryone E verything a ll/everything everybody/everyone everything All everybody/everyone All every th in g /a ll E verybody/E veryone All everything

88.2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

w hole team played well. the w hole box (of chocolates). searched the w hole house. w hole fam ily plays tennis. A n n /S h e w orked the w hole day. It rained the w hole w eek. w orked all day. It rained all w eek.

88.3 2. 3. 4. 5.

every every every every

four hours four years five m inutes six m onths

88.4 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

every day all day T he w hole building every tim e all the tim e all m y luggage

UNIT 89 89.1 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Each Every Each every each every

89.2 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Every Each every every each every every

10. each 11. Every 12. each

89.3 2. had 10 dollars each. / . . . and I each had 10 dollars. 3. postcards cost 40 cents each. / . . . postcards are 40 cents each. 4. paid $195 each. / . . . each paid $195.

89.4 2. 3. 4. 5.

everyone every one E veryone every one

UNIT 90 90.1 2. w ho breaks into a house to steal things. 3. A custom er is som eone w ho buys som ething from a store. 4. A shoplifter is som eone w ho steal> from a store. 5. A cow ard is som eone w ho is not brave. 6. A n atheist is som eone w ho doesn': believe in God. 7. A pessim ist is som eone w ho expects the w orst to happen. 8. A ten an t is som eone w ho pays rent to live in a room or apartm ent.

90.2 2. w aitress w h o /th a t served us was im polite and im patient. 3. building th a t/w h ic h was destroyer in the fire has now been rebuilt. 4. people w h o /th a t w ere arrested have now been released. 5. bus th a t/w h ic h goes to the airpon runs every h alf hour.

90.3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

w h o /th a t runs away from hom e th a t/w h ic h w ere on the wall th a t/w h ic h cannot be explained w h o /th a t stole m y car th a t/w h ic h gives you the meaning o f w ords 7. w h o /th a t invented the telephone 8. th a t/w h ic h can support life

90.4 3. th a t/w h ic h sells 4. w h o /th a t caused 5. O K (w ho took is also correct) 6. th a t/w h ic h is changing 7. O K (w hich w ere is also correct) 8. th a t/w h ic h w on

UNIT 91 91 .1 3. O K (the p eople w h o /th a t w e m et is also correct)

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

T he people w h o /th a t w ork in the office O K (the p eople w h o /th a t I w ork w ith is also correct) O K (the m oney th a t/w h ic h I gave you is also correct) the m oney th a t/w h ic h was on the table O K (the w orst film th a t/w h ic h you’ve ever seen is also correct) the best thing th a t/w h ic h has ever happened to you

91.2 2 3.

4. 5.

6. 7. 3.

you’re w earing or th a t/w h ic h you’re w earing you’re going to see or th a t/ w hich you’re going to see I/w e w an ted to visit or th a t/ w hich I/w e w anted to visit I/w e invited to the party or w h o /w h o m /th a t we invited . . . you had to do or th a t/w h ic h you had to do I/w e rented or th a t/w h ic h 1 / we rented Tom had recom m ended (to us) or th a t/w h ic h Tom had recom m ended . . .

51.3 ■> we w ere invited to or th a t/ w hich w e w ere invited to 3. I w ork w ith or w h o /th a t I w ork w ith 4 you told m e a bout or th a t/ w hich you told m e about i. we w ent to last night or th a t/ w hich w e w en t to . . . - I applied for or th a t/w h ic h I applied for you can rely on or w h o /th a t you can rely on I saw you w ith or w h o /th a t I saw you w ith

91.4 - (that is also correct) w hat that w hat - (that is also correct) w hat ■ - (that is also correct)

4 5.

JNIT 92 2.1 2. w hose wife is an E nglish teacher w ho ow ns a restaurant

4. w hose am bition is to clim b Everest 5. w h o have ju s t gotten m arried / ju s t got m arried 6. w hose parents used to w ork in a circus

92.2 2. 3. 4. 5.

w here w here w here w here

I can buy som e postcards I w ork Sue is staying I/w e play baseball

92.3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

w here w ho w hose w hom w here w hose w hom

92.4 E x a m p le answers:

2. I’ll never forget the tim e w e got stuck in an elevator. 3. T he reason I d idn’t w rite to you was th at I didn’t know your address. 4. U nfo rtu n ately I w asn’t at hom e the evening you called. 5. T h e reason they d o n ’t have a car th a t they d o n ’t n eed one. 6. 1996 was the year A m anda got m arried.

UNIT 93_________________________ 93.1 3. W e often go to visit o u r friends in N e w York, w hich is n o t very far away. 4. I w ent to see the doctor, w ho told m e to rest for a few days. 5. Jo h n , w h o /w h o m I’ve know n for a very long tim e, is one o f m y closest friends. 6. Sheila, w hose jo b involves a lot o f travel, is away from hom e a lot. 7. T h e new stadium , w hich can hold 90,000 people, w ill be opened next m onth. 8. Alaska, w here m y b ro th er lives, is the largest state in the U n ited States. 9. A friend o f m ine, w hose father is the m anager o f a company, helped m e to get a jo b .

93.2 3. w hich began 10 days ago, is now over. 4. the book I was looking for this m orning, or . . . the book th a t/ w hich I was looking for. 5. w hich was once the largest city in the w orld, is now decreasing.

6. the people w h o /th a t applied for the jo b had the necessary qualifications. 7. a picture o f h e r son, w ho is a police officer.

93.3 2. M y office, w hich is on the second floor, is very small. 3. O K (The office th a t/w h ic h I’m using . . . is also correct) 4. B en ’s father, w ho used to be a teacher, now w orks for a T V company. 5. O K (The doctor w ho exam ined m e . . . is also correct) 6. T h e sun, w hich is one o f m illions o f stars in the universe, provides us w ith h eat and light.

UNIT 94_________________________ 94.1 2. o f w hich h e ’s very pro u d 3. w ith w hom we w ent on vacation 4. to w hich only m em bers o f the family w ere invited

94.2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

m ost o f w hich was useless neith er o f w hich she has received none o f w hom was suitable one o f w hich she hardly ever uses half o f w hich he gave to his parents b o th o f w h o m are teachers only a few o f w h o m I knew (the) sides o f w hich w ere lined w ith trees 10. the aim o f w hich is to save m oney

94.3 2. doesn’t have a phone, w hich m akes it difficult to contact her. 3. N eil has passed his exams, w hich is good news. 4. O u r flight was delayed, w hich m eant w e had to w ait three hours at the airport. 5. Kate offered to let m e stay at her house, w hich was very nice o f her. 6. T he street I live on is very noisy at night, w hich m akes it difficult to sleep som etim es. 7. O u r car has broken dow n, w hich m eans we can’t take our trip tom orrow .

UNIT 95 95.1 2. the m an sitting next to m e on the plane 3. T he taxi taking us to the airport 4. a path leading to the river 5. A factory em ploying 500 people 6. a brochure containing the in form ation I needed



95.2 2. 3. 4. 5.

dam aged in the storm suggestions m ade at the m eeting paintings stolen from the m useum the m an arrested by the police

95.3 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

living offering nam ed blow n sitting . . . reading driving . . . selling

6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

95.4 3. is som ebody com ing. 4. T h ere w ere a lot o f people traveling. 5. T h ere was nobody else staying there. 6. T h ere was n o thing w ritte n on it. 7. T h ere ’s a new course beginning n ext M onday.

UNIT 96________________________ 96.1 2. a) b) 3. a) b) c) 4. a) b) c)

exhausting exhausted depressing depressed depressed exciting exciting excited

96.2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

interested exciting em barrassing em barrassed am azed astonishing am used terrifying . . . shocked bored . . . boring boring . . . interesting

96.3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

bored confusing disgusting interested annoyed boring exhausted excited am using interesting

UNIT 97________________________ 97.1 2. 3. 4. 5.

an unusual gold ring a beautiful old house black leather gloves an old Italian film


a long thin face big black clouds a lovely sunny day an ugly yellow dress a long w ide avenue a little old red car a nice new green sw eater a small black m etal box a big fat black cat a charm ing little old country inn beautiful long black hair an interesting old French painting an enorm ous red and yellow um brella

97.2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

tastes/tasted awful feel fine sm ell nice look w et so u n d s/so u n d ed interesting

97.3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

happy happily violent terrible properly good slow

97.4 3. 4. 5. 6.

the last tw o days the first tw o w eeks o f May the next few days the first three questions (in the exam ) 7. the next tw o years 8. the last three days o f o u r vacation

UNIT 98________________________ 98.1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

badly easily patiently unexpectedly regularly perfectly . . . slowly . . . clearly

98.2 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

selfishly terribly sudden colorfully colorful badly badly safe

98.3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

careful continuously happily fluent specially com plete

8. perfectly 9. nervous 10. financially


com pletely

98.4 2. seriously ill 3. absolutely enorm ous 4. slightly dam aged 5. unusually quiet 6. com pletely changed 7. unnecessarily long 8. badly planned

UNIT 99__________________ 99.1 2. good 3. well 4. good 5. well 6. well 7. good 8. well 9. good 10. well

99.2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

w ell w ell w ell w ell w ell w ell

know n m aintained w ritten inform ed dressed paid

99.3 2. O K



4. hard 5. O K 6. slowly

99.4 2. hardly 3. hardly 4. hardly 5. hardly 6. hardly ■ 7. hardly

hear slept speak said changed recognized

99.5 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

hardly any hardly anything hardly anybody/anyone hardly ever H ardly anybody/anyone hardly anyw here hardly or hardly ever hardly any hardly anything . . . hardly anyw here

UNIT 100_________________ 100.1 4. 5. 6. 7.

so so such a so

8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

such such a such a so so . . . such so such a such a

100.2 3. I was so tired (that) I couldn’t keep m y eyes open. 4. W e had such a good tim e on our vacation (that) w e d idn’t w an t to com e hom e. 5. She speaks E nglish so w ell (that) you w ould th in k it was her native language, or She speaks such good E nglish (that) . . . 6. I’ve got such a lot to do (that) I d o n ’t know w here to begin, or I’ve got so m u ch to do (that) . . . 7. T he m usic was so loud (that) you could hear it from m iles away. 8. I had such a big breakfast (that) I d idn’t eat anything else for the rest o f the day. 9. It was such terrible w eath er (that) we spent the w hole day indoors. 10. I was so surprised (that) I d idn’t know w hat to say.

100.3 E x a m p le answers:

2. a) b) 3. a) b) 4. a) b) 5. a) b)

friendly. a nice person. lively. an exciting place. exhausting. a difficult job. long. a long tim e.

UNIT 101 101 .1 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

enough m oney enough m ilk w arm enough enough room w ell enough enough tim e qualified enough big enough enough cups

101 .2 2. too busy to talk 3. too late to go 4. w arm e n ou gh to sit 5. too shy to be 6. enough patience to be 7. too far away to hear 8. enough E nglish to read

101.3 2. 3. 4. 5.

too h o t to drink. was too heavy to move. aren’t / are n o t ripe enough to eat. is too com plicated (for m e) to explain. 6. was too high (for us) to clim b over. 7. isn’t / is n o t big enough for three people (to sit on). 8. things are too small to see w ith o u t a m icroscope.

UNIT 102________________________ 102.1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

stronger sm aller m ore expensive w a rm e r/h o tte r m ore interesting / m ore exciting neare r/c lo se r m ore difficult / m ore com plicated better worse longer m ore quietly m ore often fa rth e r/fu rth e r happier

102.2 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

m ore serious than th in n e r bigger m ore interested m ore im p o rta n t than sim pler / m ore sim ple m ore crow ded than m ore peaceful than m ore easily higher than

102.3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

longer by train th an by car. fu rth e r/fa rth e r than Dave. w orse th an C hris (on the test). arrived earlier th an I expected. run m ore often th an the trains, or T h e buses run m ore frequently than . . . 7. w ere busier than usual (at w ork today), or W e w ere busier at w ork today th an usual.

UNIT 103 103.1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

m uch bigger m u ch m ore com plicated than a little cooler far m ore interesting than a little m ore slowly a lot easier slightly older

103.2 2. any sooner / any earlier 3. no higher than / no m ore expensive than 4. any fa rth e r/fu rth e r 5. no w orse than

103.3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

bigger and bigger heavier and heavier m ore and m ore nervous w orse and worse m ore and m ore expensive b e tte r and b e tte r m ore and m ore talkative

103.4 2. the m ore I liked him or the m ore I got to like him 3. the m ore p rofit you (will) m ake or the higher your profit (will be) or the m ore your p rofit (will be) 4. the harder it is to concentrate 5. the m ore im p atien t she becam e

103.5 2. older 3. older 4. older



UNIT 104 104.1 2. as high as yours. 3. k n o w as m uch about cars as m e. or . . . as I do. 4. as cold as it was yesterday. 5. feel as tired as I did yesterday, or . . . as I felt yesterday. 6. lived here as long as us. or . . . as we have. 7. as nervous (before the interview ) as I usually am. or . . . as usual.

104.2 3. as far as I thought. 4. less th an I expected. 5. go o u t as m u ch as I used to. or . . . as often as I used to. 6. have longer hair. 7. know th em as w ell as m e. or . . . as I do. 8. as m any people at this m eeting as at the last one.

104.3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

as w ell as as long as as soon as as often as as quietly as ju s t as com fortable as ju st as w ell-qualified a» ju s t as bad as


104.4 2. is the same color as m ine. 3. arrived at the same tim e as you did 4. birthday is the same day as T om ’s, or birthday is the same as T om ’s.

104.5 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

th an him / than he does as m e / as I do than us / than we w ere than h er / than she is as th em / as they have been

UNIT 105 105.1 2. the cheapest restaurant in the town. 3. the happiest day o f m y life. 4. ’s the m ost intelligent student in the class. 5. ’s the m ost valuable painting in the gallery. 6. ’s the busiest tim e o f the year. 8. o f the richest m en in the w orld. 9. ’s one o f the oldest houses in the city. 10. ’s one o f the best colleges in the state. 11. was one o f the w orst experiences o f m y life. 12. ’s one o f the m ost dangerous crim inals in the country.

105.2 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

larger the sm allest b e tte r the w orst the m ost popular . . . the highest m ountain in the w orld . . . It is higher than . . . the m ost enjoyable m ore com fortable the quickest T he oldest or T he eldest

105.3 2. the funniest jo k e I’ve ever heard. 3. is the best coffee I’ve ever tasted. 4. ’s the m ost generous person I’ve ever m et. 5. ’s the fu rth est/farth e st I’ve ever run. 6. ’s the w orst m istake I’ve ever m ade, or was the w o r s t . . . 7. ’s the m ost fam ous person you’ve ever m et?

UNIT 106 106.1 3. Jim doesn’t like basketball very m uch. 4. O K 5. I ate m y breakfast quickly and . . . 6. . . . a lot o f people to the party?


7. 8. 9. 10.


I m et a friend o f m ine on m y way hom e.

106.2 W e w on the gam e easily. I closed the door quietly. D iane speaks C hinese quite well. T im w atches T V all the tim e. Please d o n ’t ask that question again. 7. D oes Ken play golf every w eekend? 8. I borrow ed som e m oney from a friend o f m ine.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

106.3 2. go to the su perm arket every Friday. 3. did you com e hom e so late? 4. takes her children to school every day. 5. been to the m ovies recently. 6. w rite your nam e at the top o f the page. 7. rem em bered her nam e after a few m inutes. 8. w alked around the tow n all m orning. 9. d id n ’t see you at the party on Saturday night. 10. found som e interesting books in the library. 11. left h er um brella in a restaurant last night. 12. are building a new hotel across from the park.

UNIT 107 107.1 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.


D id you go to bed late last night?

I usually take . . . OK

Steve hardly ever gets angry. . . . and I also w en t to the bank. Jane always has to hurry . . . OK OK

107.2 2. a) W e w ere all on vacation in Spain. b) W e w ere all staying at the same hotel. c) W e all enjoyed ourselves. 3. C atherine is always very generous. 4. I d o n ’t usually have to w ork on Saturdays. 5. D o you always w atch T V in the evenings? 6. . . . is also studying Japanese. 7. a) T he new h otel is probably very expensive, b) It probably costs a lot to stay there.

a) I can probably help you. b) I probably can’t help you.

107.3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

usually take am usually has probably gone w ere b oth b o rn can also sing often sleeps have never spoken always have to w ait can only read will probably be leaving probably w o n ’t be is hardly ever are still living w ould never have m et am always

UNIT 1 0 8 ___________________ 108.1 3. H e doesn’t w rite poem s anym ore. 4. H e still w ants to be a teacher. 5. H e isn’t / H e ’s n o t interested in politics anym ore. 6. H e ’s still single. 7. H e doesn’t go fishing anym ore. 8. H e doesn’t have a beard anym ore. 10.-12. H e no longer w rites poem s. H e is / H e ’s no longer interested in politics. H e no longer goes fishing. H e no longer has a beard.

108.2 2. hasn’t left yet. 3. haven’t finished (repairing the road) yet. 4. T hey haven’t w oken up yet. 5. Has she found a place to live yet? 6. I haven’t decided (w hat to do) yet. 7. It hasn’t taken o ff yet.

108.3 5. I d o n ’t w ant to go out yet. 6. she doesn’t w ork there anym ore 7. I still have a lot o f friends there, or I’ve still g o t . . . 8. W e’ve already m et. 9. D o you still live in the same place 10. have you already eaten 11. H e ’s n o t here yet. 12. he still isn’t here (he isn’t here yet is also possible)

13. 14. 15. 16.

are you already a m em ber I can still rem em b er it very clearh T hese pants d on’t fit m e anymore. “Have you finished w ith the paper yet?” “N o, I’m still reading it.” or Are you finished w ith . . . ?

UNIT 109 109.1 even A m anda n o t even Julie even A m anda even Sarah not even A m anda

109.2 2. even pain ted the floor. 3. ’s even m et the president. or even m e t . . . 4. could even hear it from tw o blocks away, or You could even hear the noise from . . . 6. I can’t even rem em b er her nam e. 7. T here isn’t even a m ovie theater. . H e d idn’t even tell his wife (w here he was going). . I d o n ’t even know the people next door.

09.3 2. 3. 5. 6.

even even even even even

older b e tte r m ore difficult worse less

if even if even even though Even even though even if Even though

UNIT 110_______________________ 110.1 2. A lthough I had never seen her before 3. although it was quite cold 4. although w e d o n ’t like them very m uch 5. A lthough I d idn’t speak the language 6. A lthough the h eat was on 7. although I’d m et h e r tw ice before 8. although w e’ve know n each other a long tim e

110.2 2. a) b) 3. a) b) 4. a) b) 5. a) b)

110.3 2. In spite o f having very little m oney, they are happy, or In spite o f the fact (that) they have very little m oney . . . 3. A lthough m y foot was injured, I m anaged to walk to the nearest tow n, or I m anaged to w alk to the nearest tow n although m y . . . 4. I enjoyed the m ovie in spite of the silly story. / . . . in spite o f the story being silly. / . . . in spite o f the fact (that) the story was silly or In spite o f . . . , I enjoyed the movie. 5. D espite living on the same street, w e hardly ever see each other, or D espite the fact (that) we live o n . . . or W e hardly ever see each o th er despite . . . 6. Even tho u g h I was only o u t for five m inutes, I got very w e t in the rain, or I got very w e t in the rain even tho u g h I was . . .


109.4 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

7. a) I was hungry b) being h ungry / m y hu n g er / the fact (that) I was hungry

In spite o f (or D espite) A lthough because although because o f in spite o f (or despite) although because o f

E xam ple answers:

6. a) he hadn’t studied very hard b) he had studied very hard

2.. It’s very w indy though. 3. W e ate it though. 4. I don’t like her husband though.

UNIT 111_______________________ 111.1 2 .-5 . a m ap w ith you in case you get lost. Take a raincoat w ith you in case it rains. Take a cam era w ith you in case you w ant to take som e p ic tu re s/ photos. Take som e w ater w ith you in case you’re thirsty, or . . . you get thirsty.

111.2 2. in case I d o n ’t see you again (before you go). 3. check the list in case we forgot som ething? or . . . forgot anything? 4. your files in case the com puter crashes.

111.3 2. the nam e (of the book) in case he forgot it. 3. m y parents in case they w ere w orried (about me). 4. (Liz) a n o th er e-m ail in case she hadn’t received the first one. 5. them m y address in case they cam e to N e w York (one day).

111.4 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

If if in case if if in case in case

UNIT 112 112.1 2. unless you listen carefully. 3. I’ll never speak to h e r again unless she apologizes to m e. or U nless she apologises to m e, I’l l . . . 4. H e w o n ’t be able to understand you unless you speak very slowly, or U nless you speak very slowly, he . . . 5. T h e com pany w ill have to close unless business im proves soon, or U nless business im proves soon, the com pany . ..

112.2 2. (to the party) unless you go too. 3. w o n ’t attack you unless you move suddenly. 4. w o n ’t speak to you unless you ask him som ething. 5. w o n ’t see you unless it’s an em ergency.

112.3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

unless providing as long as unless unless provided U nless unless as long as

112.4 E x a m p le answers:

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

it’s n o t too hot there isn’t too m uch traffic it isn’t raining I’m in a hurry you have som ething else to do you pay it back next w eek you take risks

UNIT 113 113.1 2. W e all sm iled as we posed for the photograph. 3. I b u rn e d m yself as I was taking a hot dish o u t o f the oven. 4. T he crow d cheered as the tw o team s ran o nto the field. 5. A dog ran o u t in front o f the car as we w ere driving along the road.



113.2 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

because at the same tim e as at the same tim e as because because

E x a m p le answers:


Since I was tired, I w ent to bed early. 10. W e decided to go ou t to eat since w e had no food at hom e. 11. Since we d o n ’t use the car very often, w e’ve decided to sell it.

113.3 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


w h e n I was asleep W h e n I finished high school OK

w h e n I was a child

113.4 E x a m p le answers:

1. 2. 3. 4.

you w ere getting into your car. w e started playing tennis. I had to w alk hom e. som ebody w alked in front o f the cam era.

UNIT 114_______________________ 114.1 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

like her m o th e r people like him OK

like m ost o f his friends like talking to the wall

UNIT 1 1 5 ____________________ 115.1 2. look like you’ve seen a ghost. 3. sound like you’re enjoying yourself. 4. feel like I’ve (just) run a m arathon.

2. looks like it’s going to rain. 3. It sounds like they’re having an argum ent. 4. It looks like th ere ’s been an accident. 5. It looks like w e’ll have to walk. 6. It sounds like you should see a doctor.

115.3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

as as as as as as as

if he m eant w hat he said if she h u rt h er leg if he hadn’t eaten for a w eek if she was enjoying it if I’m going to be sick if she d idn’t w ant to com e if I d idn’t exist

115.4 2. as if [I] w as/w ere 3. as if she w as/w ere 4. as if it w as/w ere

UNIT 1 1 6 116.1


like a bom b exploding like a fish

like like as a like as a like like

blocks o f ice a beginner to u r guide a church birthday present w in ter a child

like as like like as (like is also possible) like as as like like as as Like


3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

during for during for for for during for for for during for

116.2 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

116.3 E x a m p le answers:

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

I was doing the housew ork. I m ake a quick ph o n e call? the lesson. the interview . the car is m oving. we w ere having dinner. the game. we w ere w alking hom e.

UNIT 11 7 117.1



114.3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

as As like as (like is also possible)


114.2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

15. 16. 17. 18.

w hile W hile D u rin g w hile during D uring w hile during w hile during w hile w hile

2. by 8:30. 3. by Saturday w h e th er you can com e to the party. 4. you’re here by 2:00. 5. w e should arrive by lunchtim e.

117.2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

by by until until 5:30 . . . by now by until by by until By by

117.3 E x a m p le answers:

3. 4. 5. 6.

u ntil I com e back by 5:00 by next Friday u ntil m idnight

117.4 2. By By 3. By By 4. By 5. By By

the the the the the the the

tim e I got to the station / tim e I’d gotten to the station tim e I finished (my w ork) tim e I’d finished (my w ork tim e the police arrived tim e w e got to the top / tim e w e’d gotten to the top

UNIT 1 1 8 118.1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

at night in the evening on Ju ly 21, 1969 at the same tim e in the 1920s in about 20 m inutes at the m o m en t in the M iddle Ages in 11 seconds (on) Saturdays

118.2 2. on 3. in 4. O n


6. 7. 8. 9. -J. 11. J ..

3. 4. 5. . 17. ;.

UNIT 120____________________

on in in at on at in at on in O n . . . at a t . . . in on . . . in on . . . in

120.1 2. O n his arm . or O n the m an’s arm. 3. A t the traffic light. 4. a) O n the door, b) In the door. 5. O n the wall. 6. In Paris. 7. a) A t the front desk, b) O n the desk. 8. O n /A t the beach.

120.2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

o n m y guitar at the next gas station in your coffee on that tree in the m ountains 7. on the island 8. at the w indow

18.3 3. a 4. both 5. b 6.


'. 8. 9. '.

a b a



>1IT 119______________________ 19.1 . on tim e .. in tim e - on tim e r. in tim e on tim e in tim e ■ in tim e on tim e

7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

l i got hom e ju s t in tim e, stopped him ju s t in tim e. - got to the th ea ter ju st in tim e for the beginning o f the film.



at at at at

the the the the

end end end end

o f the o f the o f the o f the

m o n th course race interview

"9.4 I

In the end she resigned (from her job). In the end I gave up (trying to learn G erm an). - In the end we decided n o t to go (to the party), or In the end we didn’t go (to the party).

9.5 1 In 3 a t . . . at - in : in - at in I. at in

on at on in on at in . . . in on in ' on . . . in at

UNIT 121____________________



2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

121.1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

O n the second floor. A t/O n the corner. In the corner. A t the top o f the stairs. In the back o f the car. In the front. O n the left. In the back row. O n a farm .

121.2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

o n the right in the w orld o n the way to w ork o n the W est Coast in the fro n t row 7. in /a t the back o f the class 8. on the back o f this card

121.3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

in in in /a t in on 7. A t . . . on 8. in 9. in

10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

on in on in on . . . on

UNIT 122__________ 122.1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

on a train at a conference in the hospital at the hairdresser’s on his bike in N e w York at the Ford T heater

122.2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

in a taxi at the party on the plane at school at the gym in the hospital in /a t the airport in prison

122.3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

at in at a t/in . . . in in on at in at in a t . . . at in in . . . at

UNIT 123 123.1 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

at to to into at or to into to at to into to - . . . to to . . . in in . . . to . . . in

123.2 E x a m p le ansivers:

2 .-4 . I’ve been to H o n g K ong once. I’ve never been to Tokyo. I’ve been to Paris a few tim es.


5. in 6. on 7. by

123.3 2. 3. 4. 5.

in at to

125.3 E x a m p le answers:

6. -

3 .-5. Ulysses is a novel by Jam es Joyce. “Yesterday” is a song by Paul M cCartney. G uernica is a painting by Pablo Picasso.

123.4 2. 3. 4. 5.

got on the bus. I got o u t o f the car. I got o ff the train. I got into the taxi, or the taxi. 6. I got o ff the plane.

I got in

I T IT 124_____________________ 124.1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

in in in in in in

cold w eather pencil love capital letters the shade m y opinion

124.2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

on strike on a to u r on television on purpose on a diet on business on vacation on the phone on the w hole

124.3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

on on at in on for on at at on In . . . on on on on at on in

UNIT 125 125.1 2. 3. 4. 5.

by by by by

m istake hand credit card satellite

125.2 2. on 3. by 4. by . . . on


125.4 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

by w ith by by by . . . in by . . . w ith . . . on it

125.5 2. traveling by bus or traveling on the bus or traveling on buses 3. taken w ith a very good cam era 4. this m usic is by B eethoven 5. pay cash or pay in cash 6. a m istake by one o f o u r players

125.6 2. by 25 cents. 3. by tw o votes. 4. h e r/K a te by five m inutes.

UNIT 126________________________ 126.1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

to the p roblem w ith her bro th er in the cost o f living to yo u r question for a new road in /to w orking at hom e in the n u m b er o f people w ith o u t jobs 9. for shoes like these any m ore 10. b etw een your jo b and m ine

126.2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

invitation to contact w ith key to cause o f reply to connection b etw een pictures o f reason for dam age to

126.3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

to in for of in or for to or w ith

10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

in to of for . . . in to w ith

UNIT 127_____________________ 127.1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

nice o f was generous o f him. w asn’t very nice o f them . T h at’s very kind o f T h at w asn’t very polite o f him . T h at’s a little childish o f them .

127.2 2. k ind to 3. sorry for 4. nervous about 5. upset about im pressed by / w ith 7. bored w ith or bored by 8. astonished a t/b y

127.3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.

of to . . . to of of w ith to w ith a t/b y w ith a bout about f o r /a b o u t. . . at a t/w ith . . . for about about a t/b y b y /w ith about about for

UNIT 128 128.1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

o f furniture for this mess o f tim e at tennis to a Russian (man) o f him / o f R obert from yours / th an yours


to tow ard

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

sim ilar to afraid o f interested in responsible for p ro u d of different fro m /th a n

128.3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. .0. 11. 12. j. .4. 3. 16. 17. 18.

for of of in to o f . . . of on of w ith of of in of of at of to ). of

128.4 E xam ple answers:

2. I’m hopeless at telling jokes. 3. I’m n o t very good at m athem atics. 4. I’m p retty good at rem em bering nam es.

UNIT 129 129.1 3. this question to m e? / C an you explain it to me? 4. you explain the p roblem to m e? / C an you explain it to me? 5. C an you explain to m e how this m achine w orks? 6. C an you explain to m e w h at I have to do?

■ 29.2 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

to to to to -

129.3 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

speaking to p o i n t . . . at glanced at listen to throw . . . at throw . . . to

129.4 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

at at to to at at to at

10. at 11. to

131.3 2. hear about 3. heard from 4. heard o f 5. hear from 6. hear about 7. heard o f

UNIT 130 130.1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

for for to for about about for for about for for

131.4 think about think o f think o f thinking o f/a b o u t th in k o f th o u g h t about think . . . o f thinking a b o u t/o f

UNIT 132

130.2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

w aiting for talk about asked . . . for applied for do . . . about looks after or l e f t . . . for

132.1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. has looked after

130.3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

for about of for of about -

130.4 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

looking for looked after looking for look for looks after

UNIT 131 131.1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

about to . . . about of of a b o u t. . . a b o u t. . . a b o u t.. . about 7. o f 8. about 9. a b o u t/o f

131.2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

com plaining about think about w arn . . . about heard o f dream o f rem inded . . . about rem ind . . . o f

for the m isunderstanding on w inning the to u rn am en t fro m /ag ain st his enem ies o f nine players on bread and eggs

132.2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

for everything for the econom ic crisis on television is to blam e for the econom ic crisis television is to blam e for the increase in violent crim e

132.3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

paid for accused o f depends on live on congratulated . . . on apologize to

132.4 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

from on o f/fro m for for on on - or on from /against of

UNIT 133___________________ 133.1 2. small tow ns to big cities. 3. w ith all the inform ation I needed. 4. S70 o n a pair o f shoes.

133.2 2. 3. 4. 5.

happened to invited to divided into believe in


6. 7. 8. 9.

f i l l . . . w ith drove into C oncentrate c succeeded in

133.3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

to on in to in w ith into in on into to -

into on from . . . into to . . . on into w ith

133.4 E x a m p le answers:

2. 3. 4. 5.

on CD s into a wall to volleyball in to m any languages

UNIT 134____________________ 134.1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

sit dow n flew away get out ru n out g et by gone up looked around

134.2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

back at up to forw ard to away w ith up at in through along w ith

134.3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

w ake m e up get it o u t give th em back tu rn it on take th em off

134.4 3. th em back 4. th e television o ff or off the television 5. it over 6. h e r up 7. E x a m p le answers: yo u r coat o n or on your coat


8. it o u t 9. m y shoes o ff or o ff m y shoes 10. the light(s) o n or on the light(s)

UNIT 135______________________ 135.1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

eats m oved drop checked cut plug fit fill hand in / tu rn in leave dropped

135.2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

into in out into out of

135.3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

dropped out m oved in left out jo in e d in eating o u t or to eat out fits in d ropped in get o u t o f

135.4 2. 3. 4. 5.

Fill th em o u t handed it in left them out let us in

UNIT 136______________________ 136.1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

a m istake a candle an order a cam pfire a new p ro d u ct a problem

136.2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

w orks out carried out ran out w o rk out find out tried out p o in te d o u t w ork out w e n t out tu rn e d out figure out find out p u t out

136.3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

givin g /h an d in g o u t tu rn e d o u t n ic e /fin e /s u n n y w orking o u t run out figure o u t . . . use the cam era / her n ew cam era

136.4 2. try it out 3. figure him out 4. poin tin g it out

UNIT 137________________________

137.1 2. 3. 4. 5.

put put put put

the heat on the radio on the light on a D V D on

137.2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

going on take off tu rn e d o ff drove off / w e n t o ff p u t on had on p u t off called off p u t on see . . . o ff

137.3 2. took off 3. trie d on a /th e h at h at on 4. was called o ff 5. see him o ff 6. p u t th em on

or trie d a/tL

UNIT 138_______________________

138.1 2. w en t on 3. w e n t on w alking 4. dozed o ff / dropped o ff / noddec o ff 5. go on 6. w e n t off 7. keeps on calling m e

138.2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

w e n t off dropped o ff taken on ripped o ff goes on dozed o ff / dropped o ff / nodd off told o ff lay o ff going off keep on go on show ing off hold o n /h a n g on

138.3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

dragging on w ere ripped o ff go o ff m ove on / go on go on w ith tell th em off laid o ff

UNIT 139 139.1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

tu rn it dow n calm him dow n p u t th em up let h e r dow n tu rn ed it dow n

139.2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

took th em dow n stand up tu rn e d it up p u t th eir bags dow n w ere b lo w n /k n o ck e d dow n w ro te it dow n bent dow n . . . picked th em up

139.3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

calm dow n slowed dow n was tu rn ed dow n broken dow n cut dow n let dow n (has) closed dow n be to rn dow n tu rn e d dow n b u rn e d dow n broken dow n

UNIT 140_____________________ 140.1 2. w e n t up to / w alked up to 3. catch up w ith 4. keep up w ith

140.2 2. used up

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

backed up grow up tu rn up gave up taking up give up ended up takes up m ake up

140.3 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

set it up keep up w ith was b ro u g h t up / grew up keep it up backed up w e n t up to was m ade up o f backing m e up

UNIT 141 141.1 2. 3. 4. r D.

D E C r' Cj 6. A 7. B

141.2 2. held up 3. fixed it up 4. cheer him up

141.3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

blew up beaten up broken up / split up cam e up clears up m ixed up

1 4 1 .4 look it up p u t up w ith m ade it up com e up w ith tear it up saving up for clean it up

UNIT 142 142.1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Pay throw gets be look gave get

142.2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

be away / have gone away be back ran away smile back get away Keep away

142.3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

blew away p u t it back w alked away th rew it back (to her) threw th em away

142.4 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

throw it away take them back pay you back / pay it back gave th em away call back / call m e back


Answ er Key to Additional Exercises (see page 296) 1 ’m getting / am getting do you do arrived . . . was raining calls . . . didn’t call w ere thinking . . . decided are you looking doesn’t rain rang . . . w ere having w e n t . . . was studying . . . didn’t w a n t . . . d idn’t stay 12. told . . . didn’t believe . . . th o u g h t. . . was jo k in g

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

2 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

didn’t go is w earing w ent haven’t heard is being w asn’t reading d idn’t have It’s beginning got w asn’t you’ve been I’ve b een doing did she go I’ve b een playing do you com e since I saw her for 20 years

3 3. are you going 4. D o you w atch 5. have you lived / have you been living / have you been 6. D id you have 7. Have you seen 8. was she w earing 9. Have you been w aiting / Have you been here 10. does it take 11. Have you ridden 12. Have you (ever) been

4 2. ’ve know n each o th er / have kn o w n each o th er or ’ve been friends / have been friends 3. I’ve ever had / I’ve ever been on / I’ve had in ages (etc.) 4. H e left / H e w en t hom e / H e w en t out 5. I’ve w orn it 6. I was playing 7. b een sw im m ing for or gone sw im m ing for

8. since I’ve been / since I (last) w ent 9. did you buy / did you get

5________________________________ 1. g o t . . . was already w aiting . . . had arrived 2. was lying . . . w asn’t w atching . . . ’d fallen / had fallen . . . was snoring . . . tu rn e d . . . w oke 3. ’d ju s t gone / h a d ju s t gone . . . was reading . . . heard . . . g o t . . . d idn’t see . . . w ent 4. m issed . . . was standing . . . realized . . . ’d left / had l e f t . . . had . . . got 5. m e t . . . was w alking . . . ’d been / had been . . . ’d b een playing / had b een playing . . . w ere going . . . invited . . . ’d arranged / had arranged . . . d idn’t have

6____________________________ 2. Som body’s taken it. / Som ebody has taken it. 3. T h ey ’d only know n / T hey had only know n each o th er (for) a few w eeks. 4. It’s been raining / It has been raining all day. or It’s rained / It has rained all day. 5. I’d been dream ing. / I had been dream ing. 6. I’d had / I had had a big breakfast. 7. T hey’ve been going / T hey have been going there for years. 8. I’ve had it / I have had it since I got up. 9. H e ’s b een training / H e has been training very hard for it.

19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32.

8 l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

11. 12. 13. 14. 15.



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

I haven’t seen You look or You’re looking are you going are you m eeting I’m going D o you travel a lot are you going I’m m eeting has been or was I’ve been w aiting has ju s t started or ju s t started is she doing D oes she like she thinks Are you working or D o you work spoke you w ere w orking w ent


I started / I had started I lost you haven’t had I’ve had have you seen has he been I saw he left H e ’d been he decided / h e ’d decided H e was really looking forw ard is he doing I haven’t heard he left

invented it’s ended / it has ended / it ended had gone . . . left did you do . . . D id you go have you had was looking She’s b een teaching / She has been teaching I b o u g h t. . . I haven’t w orn I saw . . . was . . . I’d seen / I had seen . . . I rem em bered . . . he was Have you heard . . . She was . . . died . . . She w rote . . . Have you read does this w ord m ean . . . I’ve never seen D id you g e t . . . it had already begun knocked . . . was . . . she’d gone / she had gone . . . she d idn’t w ant H e ’d never used / H e had never used . . . he d idn’t know w e n t . . . She need ed . . . she’d b een sitting / she had been sitting

used to drive was driving w ere w orking used to have was living was playing used to play was w earing

10 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

I’m going to the dentist. N o, w e’re going to re n t a car. I’ll take care o f the children. I’m having lunch w ith Sue. W h at are you going to have? I’ll tu rn on the light. I’m going to tu rn on the light.

11 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

14______________________________ I’ll go should/shall w e m eet starts I’ll m eet I’m seeing S hould/S hall I ask I’ll see are going does the m ovie start Are you m eeting I’ll be

1. (2) (3) (4) (5) 2. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) V (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) 4. (l) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

(7) (8) (9) (10)

A re you going to take it starts you’ll enjoy it w ill / it’s going to be you’re going W e’re going you have I’ll send I’ll get I get I’m having / I’m going to have are com ing they’ll have left they’re I w o n ’t be / I w ill n o t be you know I’ll call should/shall w e m eet I’ll be w aiting you arrive I’ll be sitting I’ll be w earing Is A gent 307 com ing / Is A gent 307 going to com e / W ill A gent 307 be com ing S hould/S hall I bring I’ll explain I see I’ll try


7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

8. 9. 10. 11.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

I’ll have A re you going sh o u ld /sh all I call It’s going to land it’s / it is I’ll miss / I’m going to miss . . . you go (or you’ve gone) S h ould/S hall I give . . . I give . . will you send does it end I’m going . . . is getting ‘I’ll t e l l . . . I’m . . . I w o n ’t be I’m going to have / I’m having she apologizes w e’ll be living you finish

’ve had I bou g h t or I got ’11 com e ’ve been or ’ve eaten used to play haven’t been w aiting or haven’t been here ’d been ’m going haven’t seen or haven’t heard from ’11 have gone or ’11 have left

15 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.

I’ve been traveling I’m beginning I’ve seen has been I’ve m et I left I stayed or I was staying I’d p lanned or I was planning I end ed up I enjoyed I took m et I’m staying or I’m going to stay or I’ll be staying or I’ll stay I continue I’ll get I’m I’ll let I know I’m staying w e’re going to visit or w e’re visiting are building or have been building it will be I’ll be

16 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.


or or or or

or or


6. You could have gotten here earlier. 7. She m ay be w atching television. 8. She m ust have been w aiting for som ebody. 9. H e couldn’t have done it. 10. I w ould have helped you. 11. You should have been w arned about it. 12. H e m ight not have been feeling very well, or H e m ight not have fe lt. . .

18_______________________________ 3. could rain / m ig h t rain 4. m ight have gone / could have gone 5. couldn’t go 6. couldn’t have seen / can’t have seen 7. should get 8. w o u ld n ’t recognize / m ig h t not recognize 9. m ust have heard 10. should have tu rn ed

19_____________________________ 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

rings w ere ’s / is w as/w ere had been had h a d n ’t had ’d driven / had driven or ’d been driving / had been driving 12. d idn’t read

2 0______________________ 2. cam e (to see us now). 3. w ouldn’t have disturbed you. 4. be u p s e t . . . I to ld th em w hat happened. 5. you hadn’t frightened the dog, it w ouldn’t have attacked you. 6. w o u ld n ’t have gotten (so) w e t if I’d had an um brella, or . . . if I had had an um brella. 7. hadn’t been (so) nervous, he w ouldn’t have failed (his driver’s test).



E x a m p le answers:


17 3. H e m ust have forgotten. 4. You shouldn’t have left so late. 5. It can’t be changed now.

1. I w asn’t feeling so tired 2. I hadn’t had so m uch to do 3. I w ould have forgotten Ja n e ’s birthday 4. you hadn’t taken so long to get ready 5. I w ould have gone to the concert 6. you w ere in trouble 7. there was less traffic 8. p eople w ould go o u t m ore


22 was canceled has been repaired is being restored ’s believed / is believed ’d be fired / w ould be fired m ig h t have been throw n was taught being arrested / having been arrested 11. H ave you ever been arrested 12. are reported . . . have been injured or be injured 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

23 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

sold or ’ve sold / have sold ’s been sold / has been sold are m ade m ig h t be stolen m ust have been stolen m ust have taken can be solved should have left is delayed is being b u i l t . . . is expected

24 Fire at C ity Flail 2. was discovered

3. was injured 4. be rescued 5. are believed to have been destroyed 6. is n o t know n Convenience Store Robbery

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

was forced being threatened had been stolen was later found had been abandoned has been arrested / was arrested is still being questioned

R oad Delays

1. is being resurfaced 2. are asked / are being asked / have been asked 3. is expected 4. w ill be closed 5. w ill be rerouted Accident

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

was taken was allowed was blocked be rerouted have been killed

25 1. I told h e r (th a t) P a u l h a d g o n e o u t and I d i d n ’t k n o w w h e n h e ’d b e b a ck . I asked (h e r) i f / w h e t h e r sh e w a n te d to leav e a m e ssa g e , b u t she said (th a t) sh e ’d tr y a g a in later.

2. I had reserved a h otel room , but w h e n I got to the hotel, they told m e (th a t) th e y h a d no re c o r d o f a r e s e r v a tio n in m y n a m e . W h e n I asked (th e m ) i f / w h e t h e r th e y h a d a n y r o o m s a v a ila b le a n y w ay , they said (th a t) th e y w e re so rry , b u t th e h o te l w as fu ll. 3. T he im m igration official asked us w h y w e w e re v is itin g th e c o u n tr y , and w e told h i m (th a t) w e w e re o n v a c a tio n . T h en he w anted to k n o w h o w lo n g w e in te n d e d to sta y and w h e re w e w o u ld b e s ta y in g d u r i n g o u r v isit. 4. She said (th a t) s h e ’d c a ll us f r o m th e a i r p o r t w h e n sh e a rriv e d , or She said (th a t) sh e ’ll c a ll u s f r o m th e a i r p o r t w h e n sh e a rriv e s. N o, she said n o t to c o m e t o th e a ir p o r t. She said (th a t) s h e ’d ta k e th e b u s. or She said (th a t) s h e ’ll ta k e th e b u s. 5. H e w an ted to know w h a t m y j o b w a s and asked (m e) h o w m u c h I m a d e , or H e w anted to know w h a t m y j o b is and asked (m e) h o w m u c h I m a d e . . . . so I told h i m to m in d h is o w n b u sin e ss and I p u t the p h o n e dow n. 6. H e said (th a t) h e ’d b e a t th e r e s t a u r a n t a t 7:30. H e said (th a t) h e k n e w w h e re th e r e s t a u r a n t w as. A nd I told h i m to c a ll m e i f th e r e w a s a n y p r o b le m . 7. You ju s t said (th a t) y o u w e r e n ’t h u n g ry . B u t you said (th a t) y o u d i d n ’t l ik e b a n a n a s. You told m e n o t to b u y any.

26 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

changing to change change being saying to call drinking to be to see to be to th in k . . . m aking liv in g . . . to m ove to be . . . playing being stopped . . . to stealing driving 17. w ork . . . pressing


2 7_________________________________ 3. W e stopped w atching after a while. 4. H e tends to forget things. 5. W ould you m ind helping m e? / D o you m ind helping me? 6. Everybody seems to have gone out. 7. W e’re thinking o f m oving. 8. I was afraid to to u ch it. 9. H e ’s / H e is afraid o f being robbed. 10. It’s n o t w orth seeing. 11. I’m n o t used to w alking so far. 12. She seem s to be enjoying herself. 13. H e insisted on show ing them to me. 14. I’d rath er som ebody else did it.

2 8______________________ 3. reading new spapers. 4. n o t go o u t to n ig h t / . . . stay at hom e tonight. 5. w alking 6. m e to call you tonight? 7. anybody seeing m e / . . . w ith o u t being seen. 8. o f being a l i a r / . . . o f lying. 9. to seeing th em again. 10. to do? 11. to have gone o u t w ith you. 12. n o t taking yo u r advice / . . . th at I didn’t take y our advice.

29________________________________ 2. T ennis . . . tw ice a w eek . . . a ven good player 3. for d inner . . . after w ork . . . to the m ovies 4. U n e m p lo y m e n t. . . for people . . . find w ork 5. an a c c id e n t. . . going hom e . . . taken to the hospital. I think most accidents . . . by people driving 6. an e c o n o m is t. . . in the investm ent d e p artm e n t o f Lloyds B ank . . . for an A m erican bank . . in the U n ited States 7. the nam e o f the h o t e l . . . T he "Royal. . . on W est Street in the suburbs . . . n ear the airport. 8. T he older one . . . a pilot w ith W estern A irlines . . . T he younger one . . . in high school. . .. he finishes s c h o o l. . . go to college . . . study engineering.

30 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.








11. 12. 13. 14.




31 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

It’s the m ost po llu ted place . . . I was disappointed t h a t . . . OK

Jo e w orks hard, b u t . . . . . . in a large m o d e rn building. O K (as fast as he can is also correct) I m issed the last three days . .. OK

T h e w eath er has been unusually cold . . . 12. T h e w ater in the pool was too dirty to sw im in. 13. . . . to. w ait such a long tim e, (so long is also correct) 14. O K 15. . . . I got up earlier th an usual.

32 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

If w h en if w hen if if unless if as long as in case in case if even if A lthough A lthough W h en w hen

33 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

on a t . . . on on on at In at during on . . . since for at a t . . . until by in

34 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

in by at on in

6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

on to . . at on on to . . . to in .. . at in .. . on to . . . in on . • by at on in . . . on on by O n . ..b y on . . on in i n . . . to to on

8. 9. 10. 11.

38 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

2. o u t to 3. up w ith 4. forw ard to 5. up w ith 6. o u t o f 7. on w ith 8. o u t o f 9. up w ith 10. back on 11. o u t about 12. along w ith

for at to to in w ith of to of a t/b y of about


36 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

of after - (no preposition) about to - (no preposition) into of to - (no preposition) on of of - (no preposition) in at (about is also possible) on - (no preposition) . . for to . . .f o r - (no preposition) . .f o r

37 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

h e g a k c



35 l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

j b f i

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

w en t o ff tu rn e d up / show ed up fill it o u t / fill it in to rn dow n / k nocked dow n taken on give up dozed off / dropped off / nodded off split up / break up p u t up w ith it get by w en t on p u t it o ff

41 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

put m oving put fixed tu rn e d / turns find C alm drop held left or ’ve left / have left drop jo in w orks let w ork w e n t . . . w oke


Answ er Key to Study Guide (see page 319) Present and Past__________ 1.1


1.2 B 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6

C B, C C A

Present Perfect and Past 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16

C A A, C A A C A C A B A D C C D C

Future_______________________ 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7

B A C A, C B C A

M odals 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 4.12

A, B B A, C, D C B C, D B B A A D A

If and Wish 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5


Passive 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7

C B D A A, B C D

Reported Speech_________ 7.1 7.2 7.3


Questions and A uxiliary Verbs________________________ 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5


A B, B A A A C D C C B C B, B A, A A B,




B A B, C B C A A A D C C A C B

Pronouns and Determ iners 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 11.7 11.8 11.9 11.10 11.11


A, C A, B C B D B, C

13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 13.7 13.8 13.9 13.10 13.11 13.12 13.13 13.14

B C B, A A, B C C B, D A, B D D



Conjunctions and Prepositions_______________

A rticles and Nouns 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 10.8 10.9 10.10 10.11 10.12 10.13 10.14

12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6

A djectives and Adverbs

-ing and the Infinitive 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 9.10 9.11 9.12 9.13 9.14 9.15 9.16 9.17 9.18

Relative Clauses

A B D B B C A, C C D A, C B

14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.6 14.7 14.8

A, C B, B B C, B, A



Prepositions_______________ 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.5 15.6 15.7 15.8 15.9. 15.10 15.11 15.12 15.13 15.14 15.15 15.16 15.17

B, D A C B A B, D B B C C C A C B D D A

Phrasal Verbs 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 16.5 16.6 16.7 16.8 16.9

B A D C C B A A, D B

Index The numbers in the index are unit numbers, not page numbers. a /a n

6 7 -7 0

a /a n and the

70, 71A a little / a f e w 85E such a /a n 100 a b le (be able to) 25 about adjective + ab o u t 127, 128B verb + about 130-131 a c c u se (o f) 60B, 132A a c tiv e and passive 40 a d je c tiv e s 9 6 -9 9 adjectives + to . . . 6 3 -6 4 the + adjective 74B adjectives ending in -in g and -e d 96 ord er o f adjectives 97 adjectives after verbs 97C adjectives and adverbs 9 8 -9 9 com paratives 102-104 superlatives 105 adjectives + preposition 127-128 a d m i t (+ -in g ) 51, 54A a d v a n ta g e ( o f/in /to ) 58A, 126B a d v e rb s adjectives and adverbs 9 8 -9 9 com paratives 102B position o f adverbs w ith the verb (alw ays, also, etc.) 107 a d v ic e (uncountable noun) 68B a d v ise (+ to . . . and -in g ) 53C a f fo r d (+ to . . .) 52A, 54A a f ra id (o f) 128A I ’m afraid s o /n o t 49D ajraid to do and ajraid o f doing 64A a fte r after + sim ple presen t / p resen t perfect 2 4 A -B after + -in g 58B, 66C look after 130D a g o 13B a g re e (+ to . . . ) 52A, 54A a ll 86, 88 all and all the 73B, 86B a ll (of) 86 all and both 87E all, every, and w hole 88 position o f a ll 107C a lle g e d (it is a lleg ed . . . ) 43A a llo w (+ to . . . and -in g ) 53C , 64D a lre a d y 108D already w ith the presen t p erfect or sim ple past 8D position o f already 107 a lso (position o f also) 107 a lth o u g h 110 alw ays I alw ays do and I ’m alw ays doing 3B position o f alw ays 107 am azed a m a ze d + to . . . 63 C a m a ze d a t/b y 127C a n see a

a n g r y (a b o u t/w ith /a t/fo r ) an sw er

127B 126D

an answ er to som ething to answ er a question (no

preposition) 129B a n y 67C , 8 3 -8 4 a n y and som e 83

a u x ilia r y v e rb s (see also m o d a l verbs) in questions 47A -B in short answers, etc. 49 in tag questions 50 a v o id (+ -i nr 51, 54A a w a re (o f) a w ay (verb - ^ ..J a y ) 134, 142

a n y b o d y /a n y o n e /a n y th in g /

8 3 -8 4 84 and no 84C (o f) 86 and either 87E + com paratives

anyw here


n o t. . . any any any any any

anym ore / a n y longer

121A 121B verb + back 142 b a d (at) 12 8C b a g g a g e (uncountable noun) 68B b a se f o r m o f verb A ppendix 1 subjunctive 32A after m a k e and let 53D w o u ld rather + base form 57C see/h ea r som ebody do 65 b e c a u s e (o f) 110B -C b e d (in bed / to bed) 72C , 121A, 123A b e e n to 7A, 123B b e fo re before + sim ple presen t 24A bejore + -in g 58B b e g in (+ -in g or to . . . ) 54C b e g in n in g (at the beginning) 119B b e in g (he is and he is being) 4C b e lie v e (in) 133A b e lie v e d (it is b e lie v e d . . . ) 43A b e t t e r 102C h ad better 33 A -B b e tw e e n (noun + betw een) 126E b la m e 132B b o re d bored and boring 96 bored w ith 127C b o r n (I was born . . . ) 42C b o t h ( o f ) 87 both . . . a nd 87D both and all 87E position o f both 107C b o t h e r (+ -in g or to . . . ) 54C b o t to m (at the bottom ) 121C b o u n d (bound to do) 63E b r e a d (uncountable) 68B b re a k break into 133B break dow n 134A, 139D break up 141D B r itis h E n g lis h A ppendix 7 b u s y (busy doing so m ething) 61C b y 117, 125 by after the passive 40B, 125C by ( + -in g ) 58B by m y se lf / yourself, etc. 81 by (the tim e) 117 by and u n til 117B by chance / by m ail, etc. 125A by car / by bus, etc. 125B a p la y by Shakespeare, etc. 125C adjective + by 127C in the back

on the back

103B 108B

a p o lo g iz e (to som ebody fo r ) 60, 129A, 132B a p o s tr o p h e (in short form s) A ppendix 5 a p o s tr o p h e s (’s) 79, 81A a p p e a r (+ to . . .) 52B a p p ly (for) 130C a p p ro v e (o f + -in g ) 60A, 132A a r e n ’t I? (tag question) 50D a r ra n g e ( + to . . . ) 52A, 54A a r riv e (in /a t) 123C a r tic le s (a /a n /th e ) 6 1 - 1 6 a /a n 6 7 -7 0 a /a n and th e 70, 71A th e 7 0 -7 6 school / th e school, etc. 72 children / th e children, etc. 73 the w ith nam es 7 5 -7 6 as 104, 113-115 as soon as 24 A -B as . . . as (in com parative sentences) 104 as long as 112B as (= at the sam e tim e as) 113 as and w h en 113 as (= because) 113 as and like 114 as if / like / as though 115 a s h a m e d (o f) 128A a sk ask in passive sentences 42A ask (som ebody) to do som ething 46D , 53A ask h o w /w h a t + to . . . 52D ask som ebody (no preposition) 129B ask (somebody) fo r 130C a s to n is h e d (a t/b y ) 127C at at (tim e) 118 at the end and in the end 119B at (position) 120-124 at the age o f . . . 124B adjectives + a t 127B -C , 128C verbs + at 129 a t t i tu d e (to /to w a rd ) 126D

IN D EX 363

call 129B

could / couldn’t and o th er m odal verbs

A ppendix 4


call back



could I /y o u . . . ?

call som ebody (no preposition)



can I /y o u . . . ?

6 7 -6 8

crash (into) 133B c ritic a l (o f) 128A cro w d ed (w ith ) 128C

can and o th er m odal verbs

A ppendix 4

c an ’t (cannot)

25, 27 55C cap ab le (o f) 128B


care (care about, care fo r, ta k e care o f)

52, 54A decide against + -in g 60A d e lig h te d (w ith ) 127B

63E, 82B 128B

certain (+ to . . . )

a check f o r . . .

32B 12 6A d en y (+ -in g ) 51, 54A d e p e n d (on) 132D d e p e n d e n t (on) 128C d ep ressed (and depressing) 96 deserve (+ to . . . ) 52A, 54A


c h u rc h (church / the church) c laim (+ to . . . ) 52B class (class / the class) 72B clauses


d e sp ite d id

w h en and i f clauses

24 3 8 -4 0 relative clauses 9 0 -9 4

college (college / the college) c o llid e (w ith ) 133C c o m p arativ es 102-104



131E 78 c o n c e n tra te (on) 133E 24C

36 i f I kn ew , i f I were , etc.

fast 99B fed u p (w ith) feel


i f I h a d k n o w n , i f I had been, etc.


112 A 112B

as long as

112B c o n g ra tu la te (on) 60B, 132D c o n n e c tio n (w ith /b e tw e e n ) 126E co n scio u s (o f) 128B c o n sid e r (+ -in g ) 51, 54A co n sist (o f) 132A c o n ta c t (w ith /b e tw e e n ) 126E c o n tin u e (+ to . . . or -in g ) 54C c o n tin u o u s tenses see p re se n t p rovid in g / pro vid ed

c o n tin u o u s, p a st c o n tin u o u s verbs n o t used in continuous tenses 4A, 6E, 11C, 15E, 16A c o n tra c tio n s (short form s) A ppendix 5 c o rn e r ( in /a t/o n th e corner) 121D c o u ld 25, 26, 2 8 C could and was able to 25D could (do) and could have (done) 26 couldn’t h ave (done) 26E could in i f sentences 36C , 37E, 38D I w ish I could 39 C

4E 60A + adjective 97C , 98B 67C , 85 and a J e w 8 5 D -E (o f) 86

fe e lin g


4 5 - 4 6 , 48B

fe e l

few fe w fe w


96 127B discuss (no preposition) BOA d iv id e (into) 133B d o /d o e s (in sim ple p re sen t questions and negatives) 2C d o w n (verb + dow n) 134, 139

d re a m

fin ish fin is h (+ -in g )


first it’s the fir s t tim e I ’ve . . . the fir s t /la s t/ n e x t + to . . . the fir s t tw o days

fo n d (o f) fo r

7E 63D



fo r w ith the presen t perfect

dream o f + -in g dream a b o u t/o f

60A, 64D 131A


each (o f)

89 80C -ed p h ra se s 95 e ith e r (o f) 87 n o t . . . either 49C e ith e r . . . or 87D either and a n y 87E e ld e r 103E eld e st 105D each other

e n c o u ra g e (+ to . . . ) en d at the en d (position)

adjective + fr o m 128C verb + Jrom 132C 53B

fro n t 121A 121B 128B

in the fr o n t

119B 121C


enjoy (+ -in g ) e n o u g h 101

7C , 10B, 12-13 13A fo r and to . . . (purpose) 62C , 101C fo r and during 116 n o u n + fo r 126A adjective + fo r 127D, 128C verb + fo r 130, 132B fo rg e t (+ to . . . ) 52, 54A forg iv e (jor) 132B frig h te n e d (o f) 128A fo r and since

fro m

in th e en d and at the end end up

58A, 127C

fe e l lik e

disappointed w ith

d u rin g

102C 103A

h o w do y o u fe e l and h o w are you

d iffe re n ce (betw een) 126E d iffe re n t ( fr o m /th a n ) 128C d iffic u lty (have difficulty + -in g ) d ire c t speech and reported

disappointed and disappointing

i f I do and i f I did

364 IN D EX

far + com parative

disappointed + to . . .

c o n d itio n a l sentences ( i f sentences)

52A, 54A, 64D 128C

fa r /fu r th e r /fa r th e r

d is a p p o in te d

headache, etc.)




c o m p o u n d n o u n s (a tenuis ball, a

68A 52 D, 129A

fail (+ to . . . ) fam o u s (for) fa r

negatives 5C sim ple past 9B d ie (o f) 132A

c o m p la in (to som ebody a b o u t / o f . . . )

i f I do . . .

e x p lain

d id in sim ple past questions and

i f clauses

com paratives w ith even


a d em a n d f o r

12 5A

69A -B

53 A

expect (+ to . . . )

I dem a n d y o u do



ex p e c ted (it is expected that) 43A e x p erie n c e (countable o r uncountable

dem and

certain o f/a b o u t

8 8 A -C


everyone and every one

decide + to . . .

44 126B

every and each

e x c ite d (about) 127B e x c la m a tio n s ( W h a t . . . !) excuse (for) 60B e x p ect

d a re 52C d ec id e

case (in case) 111 causative have (have som ething

by check



dam age to





d am a g e (uncountable noun)



every and all

can’t help

cause (o f) c e rta in


p osition o f even 107 even if/w h e n 109D even though 109D, 110E ever (w ith the presen t perfect)

c o u n ta b le and uncountable


en v io u s (o f) even 109

51A, 52A, 54A, 56A

on the fr o n t

fu ll (o f) fu rio u s (a h o u t/w ith /a t/jo r ) 127B fu r n itu r e (uncountable noun) 68B f u r th e r 102C

The num bers in the index are unit numbers, n ot page numbers.

fu tu re

18-24, A ppendix 3 p re sen t tenses w ith a future m eaning 18 going to 19 w ill 20-21 w ill and sh a ll 20 D w ill and going to 2 2 w ill be doing (future continuous) 23 w ill have done (future perfect) 23 future w ith w hen, if, etc. 24, 111A, 112C, 116B

g e n ero u s (+ preposition) 127A g e o g ra p h ic a l n am es w ith and w ith o u t th e


g e ru n d see -in g g et

h a rd 9 9 B -C h a rd ly 99C h a te

I hope so / 1 hope not

verb + infinitive 5 2 -5 7 continuous infinitive (to be d oing) 52B p e rfe c t infinitive (to have done) 52B, 56C infinitive after a question w ord 52 D verb + object + infinitive 53 verb + infinitive o r -in g 5 3 -5 6 to do and to doing 58C infinitive for purpose ( I w en t o u t to m a il a letter) 62 adjective + infinitive 6 3 -6 4 in fo rm a tio n (uncountable noun) 68B -in g (being, playing, etc.) 51, 53-61 being (done) (passive) 42B verb + -in g 51, 5 3 -5 7 h a ving (done) 51D, 66C verb + -in g or + the infinitive 5 3 -5 6 prepositions + -in g 58, 64 to do and to doing 58C used to + -in g 59 verb + preposition + -in g 60, 64D expressions + -in g 61 go sw im m in g / g o shopping, etc. 61D see/h ea r som ebody doing 65 -in g phrases 66, 95

hope + to . . .

in sist

56 5 6 B -C h a v e /h a s 16 h ave done (present perfect) 7-11 h ave been -in g (present perfect continuous) 10-11 h ave and have g o t 16 have breakfast / have a safe trip, etc. 16C I ’m having, w e ’re having, etc. 16C have to 30 have g o t to 30D h a v e/g et so m eth in g done 44 h a vin g (done) 51D, 66C h ate doing / to do w o u ld hate


g e t in the passive g e t som ething done

w ith the sim ple p re sen t o r can hear som eone d o /d o in g 65 hear o f/a b o u t/fro m 131B

42D 44 C 53B

g e t som eone to do som ething

59 get + adjective get to (a place)

h e lp


hom e hope

get used to

get get get g et g et

53A 55C 72C , 122A

h elp + to . . .

97C 123C i n / o u t / o n / o f f 123E, 135A along 134A-B by 13 4 A o u t o f 135C aw ay (w ith ) 142B back to 142C

can’t help

hope + sim ple p re sen t hope and w ish


39A 49D 52A, 54A

h o sp ita l

give g iv e in passive sentences

51B, 140E 13 6C giv e aw ay 142B g lad (+ t o . . . ) 63C giv e up

g° go sw im m in g /sh o p p in g , etc. go on vacation / on a trip, etc.

32B 32D , 60A, 133E in sp ite o f 58A, 110 in ste a d o f (+ -in g ) 58A in te re ste d (in) 58A, 128C interested in doing and interested to do 64B interested and interesting 96 in to 123E verb + into 133B in and into 13 5A in v ita tio n (to) 126D (someone) do

72B in th e hospital 122A B ritish E nglish A ppendix 7 h o w a b o u t (+ -in g ) 58A h o w l o n g . . . ? ( + present perfect) 12-13 th e hospital


giv e ou t

go on


61D 124C

h o w lo n g has it b een since . . . ? 13C


i f 2 4 ,3 6 -3 8

insist on

51B, 137B, 138A

go on doing and go on to do

136A go o f f 137D, 138C g o in g to 19, A ppendix 3 going to and w ill 2 2 w a s/w ere g oin g to 19D go o u t

ifI d o...

in v ite


58A, 128C

good o f som eone to do som ething, (be) good

127A 99A g o t (have got) 16A, 30D guess (I guess so) 49D to som eone

g ood and w ell

37 i f I had k n o w n , i f I h a d been, etc. i f and w h en 24D , 36D i f a n y 83C even i f 109D i f a n d in case 11 IB as i f 115 i f (= w hether) 48 im a g in e (+ -in g ) 51, 54A im p re sse d (w ith /b y ) 127C

in vite + to . . .

i f I k n ew , i f I w as/w ere, etc.

good good at

24 C

ij I do and i f I d id


in (tim e)

h ad done (past perfect)

je a lo u s (o f) ju s t



i f I ’d k n o w n / 1 w ish I ’d k n o w n

h a d b e tte r 3 3 A -B h a ir (countable or uncountable noun)


h a p p y + to . . .

63C 127B

h a ppy a b o u t/w ith

ju s t in case

119A 119B in (position) 120-123 i n / o f after a superlative 105E in (other uses) 124A, 126C adjective + in 128C verb + in 133A, 134, 135 in and into 13 5A


in c a s e 111 in crease (in) 126C in fin itiv e (to be, to p la y, etc.)

h a l f (o f) 86 h a p p e n (to) 133D happy

sim ple past 8D 111 A j u s t as 113 A j u s t in tim e 119A

13A, 118

in th e end and a t th e end


ha d (past o f have)

6 2 -6 5 infinitive in rep o rted speech


ju s t w ith the p re sen t perfect and

in tim e and on tim e


h ad been doing (past p erfect


irre g u la r v erbs 5B, A ppendix 1 i t (and there) 82 i t ’s tim e . . . 33C i t ’s (n o t) w o rth (+ -in g ) 61A

in had


in vite som ebody to som ething

keep 51, 54A, 138A 60B keep up (w ith . . . ) 140A keep aw ay (fro m . . . ) 142B keep on

keep (fro m )

k in d (k in d o f som eone to do som ething / be k in d to someone)


63B, 127A 52D

k n o w (h o w /w h a t, etc. + to . . . )


The num bers in the index are unit numbers, n ot page numbers.

IN D EX 365

la te and lately 99B la u g h (at) 129C l e a r n (how ) (+ to . . . ) leav e leave fo r 130C leave som ething o u t

less le t

52, 54A



let som ebody do som ething let som ebody d ow n



l ik e (verb) 56 35E, 53A, 5 6 B -C l ik e (preposition/conjunction) lik e and as 114 l i k e / as i f / as though 115 lik e ly (+ to . . . ) 63E, 82B lis te n (to) 129A l i t t l e 67C , 85 little and a little 8 5 D -E little (o f) 86 a little + com parative 103A liv e (on) 132D lo n g as long as 112B no longer / n o t . . . a n y longer 108B lo o k you look and y o u ’re looking 4E look fo rw a rd to 58C , 60A, 134B look + adjective 97C , 98B look like 115 look at 129C look fo r /a fte r 130D look up 144D look back on 142 C l o t (a lot / lots) 8 5 B -C a lot + com parative 103A lo v e love doing / to do 56 w o u ld love 5 6 B -C be / f a l l in love w ith 124A lu c k (uncountable noun) 68B lu g g a g e (uncountable noun) 68B lik e doing / to do w o u ld like

m a d (at) 127B m ake 53D 140E, 144A m a n a g e 1+ to . . .) 25D , 52A, 54A m a n y /and m uch) 67C, 85 m a n y (o f) 86 m a r r i e d (to) 128C m a y 2 8 -2 9 m ay as w ell 29D m ay I . . . ? 3 5 B -C m ay and o th er m odal verbs A ppendix 4 m e a n (adjective - m ean o f som eone to do som ething / be m ean to someone) 63B m e a n s (noun) 77B m ig h t 2 8 -2 9 m igh t in i f sentences 29B, 36C , 38D m ig h t as w ell 29D m igh t and o th er m odal verbs A ppendix 4 m in d ( + - in g ) 51, 54A, 56A -B do y o u m in d i f . . . ? 35C m ake som ebody do som ething m ake up



m in e / y o u rs, etc. (a fr ie n d o f m in e/ya u rs) 81A m o d a l v e rb s (w ill, can, m ust, e tc .) 20-21, 2 5 -3 5 , A ppendix 4 m o re more in com paratives 102 n o t . .. anym ore 108B m o st m ost + n o u n 73A m ost (o f) 86 m ost in superlatives 105 m u c h /and m a n y) 67C, 85 m uch (o f) 86 m uch + com parative 103A m u st yo u m u st be tired, etc. 27 m u st (not) and can’t 27 m u st and have to 30 m u st and should 31A m u st and o th er m odal verbs A ppendix 4 m y s e lf /y o u r s e lf, etc. (reflexive pronouns) 80 by m y se lf / by yourself, etc. 81D n a m e s w ith and w ith o u t the 75 -7 6 n a ti o n a li t y w ords w ith the 74C need need to do, need to be done, and need doing 55B a need fo r 12 6A n e g a tiv e sim ple presen t 2C sim ple past 5C subjunctive 3 2C negative questions 47D no, none, and a ny 84 negative short form s A ppendix 5.3 n e it h e r ( o f ) 87 neither am I, neither do I, etc. 49 C n e ith e r .. . nor 87D neither and none 87E never never w ith the p re sen t perfect 7B position o f never 107 n e w s (uncountable noun) 68B, 77B n ic e (nice o f someone to do som ething / be nice to someone) 63B, 127A no no and none (o f) 84A, 86 no and an y 84 n o b o d y /n o o n e /n o th in g /n o w h e re 84B no w ith com paratives 103B no longer 108B none none (o f) and no 84A, 86 none and neither 87E nor nor am I, nor do I, etc. 49C ne i t h e r . . . nor 87D nouns countable and uncountable 6 7 -6 8 singular and plural 67, 69, 77 n o u n + n o u n (com pound nouns) 78 n o u n + preposition 126

of o f a n d 's


all o f / none o f / m ost of, etc.

86, 94B 81A both o f / neither o f / either o f 87, 94B o f/in after a superlative 105E n o u n + o f 126B adjective + o f 127A, 128A-B verb + o f 130B, 131, 132A o f f (verb + o ff) 134, 137-138 o ffe r offer in passive sentences 42A offer + to . . . 52A, 54A on on m y ow n 81C on (tim e) 118 on tim e and in tim e 119A on (position) 120-122 on a bus / on a train, etc. 122E on (other uses) 1 2 4 C -D adjective + on 128C verb + on 132D, 133E, 134, 137-138 o n e a n o th e r 80C o n ly (position o f only) 107 o u g h t to 31D out o u t o f 123E verb + o u t 134-136 o u t and o u t o f 135A ow n m y ow n house / yo u r ow n car 81B on m y ow n / on y our ow n, etc. 81C a fr ie n d o f m ine/yours, etc.

p a p e r (countable and uncountable) 68A p a r ti c i p l e p h ra s e s (-ing and -ed phrases) 66, 95 p a ssiv e 4 0 -4 2 passive and active 40A by after the passive 40B sim ple tenses 4 0 C be done/cleaned, etc. 41A -B perfect tenses 41C continuous tenses 41D being (done) 42B g e t 42 D it is said th a t 43A p a s t (see also p a s t c o n tin u o u s , p a s t p e r fe c t, and s im p le past) past after it’s tim e 33C past after i f and w ish 3 6 -3 8 past after I ’d rather 57D past after as i f 115D p resen t and past tenses A ppendix 2 p a s t c o n tin u o u s ( I w as doing) 6 past continuous and sim ple past 6 C -D past continuous and used to 17E past continuous passive 41D p a s t p e r f e c t (sim ple) (I had done) 14 past p erfect and presen t perfect 14B past p erfect and sim ple past 14C past p erfect after i f 38 past p erfect passive 41C

The numbers in the index are unit numbers, n ot page numbers.

p a s t p e r f e c t c o n tin u o u s (I h ad been doing) 15 p a s t s im p le see s im p le p a s t pay p a y in passive sentences 42A p a y (somebody) fo r som ething 132B p a y back 142C p e o p le 77D p e r fe c t see p r e s e n t p e r fe c t, p a s t p e r fe c t p erfect infinitive (to have done) 52B, 56C p e r s u a d e (+ to . . . ) 53B phone on the p h o n e 124D p h o n e som ebody (no preposition) 129B p h o n e som ebody back 142 C p h o to in a p h o to 121A a p h o to o f som eone 126B p h r a s a l v e rb s (break d ow n / g et on, etc.) 134-142 in troduction to phrasal verbs 134 phrasal verb + preposition (run aw ay fr o m , etc.) 134B position o f object (turn on th e light / turn it on, etc.) 134C verb + in /o u t 135-136 verb + o n / o f f 137-138 verb + u p /d o w n 139-141 verb + a w a y/b a ck 142 p h ra s e s -in g phrases 66, 95 p ic tu re in a picture 121A a picture o f 126B p la n (+ to . . . ) 52A, 54A p le a se d pleased + to . . . 63C pleased w ith 127B p le n ty (o f) 85B p l u r a l and singular 67, 69, 77 th e y /th e m /th e ir used for s o m e b o d y / nobody, etc. 83E, 84D , 88C spelling o f plural nouns A ppendix 6 p o in t there’s no p o in t in + -in g 61A p o in t (som ething) at 129C p o in t ou t 136C p o lic e (plural) 77C p o lite po lite oj som eone to do som ething / be po lite to som eone 127A p o s tp o n e (+ -in g ) 51, 54A p r e f e r 57 w o uld prefer 53A, 5 6 B -C , 57B prefer (one th in g ) to (another)


58C , 133D p r e p o s itio n s 118-133 fo r and since 13A in questions 47C preposition + -in g 58, 64 verb + preposition + -in g 60, 64D prepositions in relative clauses 91C, 94A

i n / o f after a superlative

105E 114 fo r and during 116 by 117, 125 by and u n til 117B a t/o n /in (tim e) 118-119 on tim e and in tim e 119A a t the end and in the en d 119B a t/o n /in (position) 120-122 to /a t/i n /in to 123 in /a t/o n (o th er uses) 124 by car / by bus, etc. 12 5B n o u n + preposition 126 adjective + preposition 127-128 verb + preposition 129-133 phrasal verb + preposition 134B p r e s e n t see p r e s e n t c o n tin u o u s , s im p le p re s e n t, p r e s e n t p e r fe c t present tenses w ith a future m eaning 18, A ppendix 3 presen t and past tenses A ppendix 2 p r e s e n t c o n tin u o u s ( I am doing) 1 presen t continuous and sim ple present 3 -4 a m /is /a r e being 4C presen t continuous w ith a future m eaning 18, 19B, A ppendix 3 presen t continuous passive 41D p r e s e n t p e r f e c t (sim ple) ( I have done) 7 - 9 presen t perfect w ith this morning, today, etc. 7D , 9B presen t p erfect sim ple and continuous 11-12 presen t p erfect w ith h o w long, fo r, and since 12-13 presen t p erfect and sim ple past 8 -9 , 13 present perfect and past p erfect 14B presen t p erfect after w h en 24B presen t p erfect passive 41C presen t p erfect after a superlative 105F B ritish E nglish A ppendix 7 p r e s e n t p e r f e c t c o n tin u o u s (I have been d oing) 10-11 presen t perfect continuous and present continuous 10C presen t p erfect continuous and sim ple 11-12 presen t perfect continuous and past perfect continuous 15C p r e s e n t s im p le see s im p le p r e s e n t p r e te n d (+ to . . . ) 52B p r e v e n t som eone (fro m ) 60B, 64D p r is o n (prison / th e prison) 72B, 122A p r o b a b ly probably + w ill 21B position o f probably 107 p r o b l e m (have a problem + -in g ) 61B p ro g re s s (uncountable noun) 68B p ro g re s s iv e tenses see c o n tin u o u s p r o m is e prom ise (+ w ill/w o u ld ) 34B prom ise + to . . . 52A, 54A p r o t e c t (fro m /a g a in st) 132C like and as

p r o u d (o f) 128A p r o v id e (w ith ) 133C p r o v i d e d / p r o v i d in g p u rp o se to . . . o f purpose 62 on purpose 124D put p u t o u t 136A p u t o ff 51B, 137 p u t on 137 p u t u p /d o w n 139A p u t up w ith 144D p u t aw ay 142B


q u e s tio n s 4 7 -4 8 sim ple presen t questions 2 C , 47B sim ple past questions 5C, 47B negative questions 47D em bedded questions (D o y o u k n o w w h a t . . . ?) 48A reported questions 48B tag questions 50 q u i t ( + -in g ) 51A ra th e r w o u ld rather


I ’d rather yo u did som ething


re a s o n (for) 126A re c o m m e n d 32A 51A re fle x iv e p r o n o u n s (m y se lf yourself, etc.) 80 by m y se lf/y o u rse lf etc. 81D re fu s e (+ to . . . ) 52A, 54A r e g r e t (+ -in g and to . . . ) 51D, 54B r e g u la r a n d i r r e g u l a r v e rb s A ppendix 1 r e la tio n s h ip (w ith /b e tw e e n ) 126E re la tiv e c la u se s 9 0 -9 4 relative clauses as object 91 prepositions in relative clauses 91C tw o types o f relative clauses 93 re la tiv e p r o n o u n s 9 0 -9 4 w ho 9 0 -9 4 w hich 90-91, 9 3 -9 4 I recom m end yo u do recom m end + -in g

th a t

9 0 -9 2

th a t and w h a t w hose


9 2 A , 93B

w hom

92B, 93B, 94A -B

w here

9 2 C , 93B

oj w hom / oj w hich


re ly (on) 132D re m e m b e r rem em ber + to .. . and -in g rem em ber h o w /w h a t + to . . .

54B 52D

re m in d 53B 131C r e p o r t e d s p e e c h 4 5 -4 6 reported questions 48B re s p o n s ib le (jor) 128C ris e (in) 126C r i s k ( + -in g ) 51, 54A r o o m (countable or uncountable noun) 68A rem ind + to . . .

rem ind o f/a b o u t

The numbers in the index are unit numbers, n ot page numbers.

IN D EX 367

’s (a p o stro p h e s) 79, 81A, A ppendix 5.1 said (it is said that) 43A sam e (the sam e as) 71C, 104C sa tisfied satisfied and satisfying 96 satisfied w ith 127B say say and tell 46C say (+ to . . . ) 46D scared (o f) 128A scen ery (uncountable noun) 68B sc h o o l (school / the school) 72A search (for) 1 3 0 0 see w ith the sim ple presen t or can 4D see som eone d o /d o in g 65 see o ff 137C seem seem + to . . . 52B seem + adjective 97C - s e l f (m yself/yourself, e tc .) 80, 81D series 77B sh all sh a ll 1 /w e ? 20D L e t ’s . . . , sh a ll w e? 50D B ritish E nglish A ppendix 7 sh o ck ed shocked and shocking 96 shocked a t/b y 127C sh o rt (o f) 128B sh o rt fo r m s (I'm , y o u ’ve, d id n ’t, e tc .) A ppendix 5 sh o u ld 31 sh ould and h a d better 33B sh ould and o th er m odal verbs A ppendix 4 sh o u t (a t/to ) 129D sh o w show in passive sentences 42A show som eone h o w /w h a t + to .. . 52D sh o w o ff 138C sh o w up 140E sim ila r (to) 128C sim p le p ast (I did) 5, 9 simple past and past continuous 6 C -D simple past and present perfect 8-9,13 simple past and past perfect 14C simple past passive 40C sim p le p r e se n t (I do) 2 sim ple presen t and present continuous 3 - 4 sim ple presen t w ith a future m eaning 18B sim ple present after w hen and i f 24, A ppendix 3 sim ple presen t passive 40C sin ce w ith presen t perfect 7C , 10B, 12-13 since and fo r 13A h o w long is it since . . . ? 13 C since (= because) 113B sin g u la r and plural 67, 69, 77 they /th e m /th e ir used for so m e b o d y / nobody, etc. 83E, 84D , 88C slig h tly (+ com parative) 103A


sm e ll w ith the sim ple presen t and can sm ell som ething (burn)ing 65D sm ell + adjective 97C so so am I, so do I, etc. 49C I th in k so, I hope so, etc. 49D so th a t (purpose) 62D so and such 100 so + adjective + th a t 100B so long as 112B s o lu tio n (to) 126D s o m e 67C , 69, 83 som e w ith countable nouns 69 som e and a n y 83


s o m e b o d y /so m e o n e /so m e th in g / som ew here som e (o f)



so o n (as soon as) 24 A -B sorry sorry + to . . . 63C sorry to do and sorry fo r /a b o u t doing 64 C sorry a b o u t/fo r 127D fe e l sorry f o r 127D so u n d so u n d + adjective 97C so u n d like 115 sp ace (space and a space) 71B sp eak (to) 129A sp ec ies 77B sp e llin g A ppendix 6 sp en d (spend tim e) 61C, 133E sp ite (in spite o f) 110 start (start + to . . . o r -in g ) 54C state verbs (like, know , belong, etc.) 4A, 6E, 11C, 15E, 16A still 108 s till and y e t 108C sto p stop + -in g 51, 54A stop som eone fr o m + -in g 60B, 64D stu p id (stupid o f som eone to do so m eth in g ) 63B, 127A su b ju n ctive (I suggest you do) 32 su cc e ed (in + -in g ) 60A, 64D , 133A such such and so 100 such as 114B su ffer (fro m ) 132C su g g est I suggest yo u do 32 suggest th a t 53B suggest + -in g 51, 52A, 54A su p erla tiv e (longest/best, e tc .) 105 su p p o se ( I suppose s o /n o t) 49D su p p o sed (H e is supposed to . . . ) 43B sure sure + to . . . 63E, 82B sure o f/a b o u t 128B su rp rised surprised + to . . . 63C surprised and surprising 96 surprised a t/b y 127C su sp ect (o f) 60B, 132A su sp ic io u s (o f) 128A

tags (tag questions) take take care o f 130B take o ff 137


ta k e on a j o b / extra w ork, etc. ta k e dow n ta k e up


13 9A 140

talk ta lk to som ebody

129A 60A, 130A

ta lk about som ething

taste w ith the sim ple presen t or can 4D taste + adjective 97C teach teach in passive sentences 42A teach som ebody h o w to do som ething teach + to . . .

52D 53B

te ll tell in passive sentences tell and say



tell som eone to do som ething tell som eone w h a t to do

46D , 53B


tell som eone o ff 138C te m p o r a l clau ses (w hen clauses) 24 te n d (+ to . ..) 52B th an 102, 104 th an k (for) 60B, 129B, 132B that said th a t 45B in relative clauses 9 0 -9 2 th e 7 0 -7 6 the and a /a n 70, 71A the sea, the sky, etc. 71B the movies, the theater, etc. 71D school / the school 72 children / the children 73 the + adjective (the young, etc.) 74B the + nationality w ords (the French, etc.) 74 C the w ith geographical nam es 75 the w ith streets, buildings, etc. 76 the sooner, the better (w ith com paratives) 103D the + superlative (the oldest, etc.) 105C th ere (and it) 82 th e re ’s no p o in t in . . . 61A there’s no use 61A there w ill/m u s t/s h o u ld , etc. 82B there is + -in g or -e d 95D t h e y /t h e m /t h e ir (used for so m e b o d y / a n y b ody/nobody/everybody) 83E, 84D , 88C th in k I th in k and F m th in k in g 4B I th in k so, I d on’t th in k so 49D th in k o f + -in g 52A, 60A, 64D th in k about and th in k o f 131C th o u g h 110E as though 115 even though 109D, 110E th reaten (+ to . . . ) 52 A, 54A th ro w throw to /a t 129D throw aw ay 134C, 142B

The num bers in the index are unit numbers, not page numbers.

t ill see u n til tim e it’s the fir s t tim e I ’ve . . .

7E 33C countable or uncountable nouns 68A on tim e and in tim e 119A tired tired and tiring 96 tired o f 12 8B to 123 to + -in g 58C n o u n + to / tow ard . .. 126D adjective + to 127A, 128C verb + to 129, 133D to o and enough 101 to p (at the top) 121C tow ard (noun + tow ard .. .) 126D tran slate (fr o m /in to ) 133B travel (uncountable noun) 68B tr o u b le (have trouble doing so m ething) 61B try try + to . . . or -in g 55A try o u t 136C try on 137C turn turn o u t 136 turn o n / o f f 134C, 137A turn up 139A, 140E turn dow n 139 tw o -w o r d verb s see p h rasal verbs ty p ic a l (o f) 128B it’s tim e . . .

u n co u n ta b le n o u n s 6 7 -6 8 u n d erstan d (h o w /w h a t + to . . . ) 52D u n less 112 A u n til (or till) u n til + sim ple present / p resen t perfect 24 A -B u n til and by 117B up (verb + up) 134, 139-141 u p se t (a b o u t/w ith ) 127B use (there’s / i t ’s no use + -in g ) 61A used used to do 17 b e /get used to 59 I am used to doing and I used to do 17F, 59D u su a lly (position o f usually) 107 verbs see also p resen t, past, futu re, passive, etc. verbs not used in continuous tenses 4A, 6E, 11C, 15E, 16A verbs + -in g and verbs + infinitive 51-57 verbs + p reposition 60, 129-133 phrasal verbs (break d ow n / g e t on, e tc .) 134-142 list o f irregular verbs A ppendix 1.4 p resen t and past tenses A ppendix 2

w a it (fo r) DO C w a n t (+ to . . . ) 53A, 64D w arn w arn som eone (not) to do som ething w arn som eone o f/a b o u t som ething

w a s /w e r e

w ill have done (future perfect)

24, 112C 53B 131F


w a s/w ere -in g (past continuous)

6 19D w a s/w ere able to 25D was and were in i f sentences 37 C w aste (waste tim e /m o n e y ) 61C w e a th e r (uncountable noun) 68B w e ll 99A w ere (used w ith I /h e /s h e /it) 37C, 115D w hat w h a t in questions 47 w h a t . . . fo r? 62 C W h a t . . . ! (exclam ations) 69A -B w h a t and th a t (relative clauses) 90C , 91D w h a t and w hich (relative clauses) 94C w h en w h en + sim ple presen t / p resen t perfect 24 w h en and i f 24D , 36D w h en + -in g 66B even w h en 109D w h en and as 113 w h er e (in relative clauses) 92C , 93B w h e th e r 48 w h ic h w hich in questions 47 w hich in relative clauses 90-91, 9 3 -9 4 a ll/n o n e /s o m e o f w hich 94B w h ile w h ile + sim ple presen t / p resen t perfect 24A w h ile + -in g 66B w h ile and during 116B who w h o in questions 47 w h o in relative clauses 9 0 -9 4 w h o and w hose in relative clauses 92A w ho and w h o m in relative clauses 92B w h o le 8 8 D -E on the w hole 124D w hom in questions 47C in relative clauses 92B, 94A -B a ll/n o n e /s o m e o f w h o m 94B w h o se in relative clauses 92A, 93B why w h y isn’t/d id n ’t, e t c . . . . ? 47D w h y in relative clauses 92E w ill 2 0 -21 w ill yo u ? 20C , 35A w ill and g oing to 22 w ill be doing (future continuous) 23 w a s/w ere going to


w ill in i f and w hen sentences w ill and w o u ld

34B, A ppendix 4 41A D o, L isten, G iv e . . . , w ill you? 50D w ill and o th er future form s A ppendix 3 w ill and o th er m odal verbs A ppendix 4 w ish 39 I w ish I k n ew , etc. 37, 39 I w ish I ’d k n o w n , etc. 38C , 39 w ish and hope 39A w ish .. . w o u ld 39D w ith n o u n + w ith 12 6E adjective + w ith 127B -C , 128C verb + w ith 133C w ith o u t (+ -in g ) 58B w o n ’t (= w ill not) 20 w o r d ord er have som ething done 44 questions 47 negative questions 47D e m bedded questions (D o y o u k n o w what.,.?) 48A reported questions 48B ord er o f adjectives 97 verb and object to g eth er 106A place and tim e 106B p osition o f adverbs w ith the verb (also, alw ays, e tc .) 107 w ord order w ith phrasal verbs (turn on the light, turn it on, etc.) 134C w ork uncountable n o u n 68B, 72C w ork out a problem , difficulties, etc. 13 6B w o r rie d (about) 127B w o r se 102C w o r st 105B w o r th (it’s w orth + -ing) 61A w o u ld 34 w o u ld and w ill 34B w o u ld you . . . ? 35A w o uld you like? I ’d lik e 35E w o u ld in i f sentences 3 6 -3 8 w ish . . . w o u ld 39D w ill in the passive

w o u ld lik e /lo v e /h a te /p r e fe r + to . . .

53A, 5 6 B -C 56B, 57B w o uld rather 5 7 C -D w o u ld and o th er m odal verbs A ppendix 4 w o uld prefer

yet y e t and still


y e t + presen t p erfect and sim ple



The num bers in the index are unit numbers, not page numbers.

IN DEX 369

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