Ray of Haniel

October 29, 2017 | Author: 7gatesofhealing | Category: N/A
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Descripción: special attunement for all those who want to share in peace and harmony with the angel Haniel....


Ray of Haniel

Founder: Rev. Dr. Elizabeth Rowan Roberts www.7gatesofhealing.com

7 Gates Of Healing, Copyright, 2009 THIS MATERIAL IS COPYRIGHTED BY Elizabeth Roberts, All Contents of this page are Copyright 2009. All rights reserved! This material is not to be re-published on other servers, websites, Translated, displayed, altered or in any other way used without the Express written permission of the author. I am very happy to be putting out my first reiki attunement. I have worked with the angels for many years and look forward to sharing this energy with you all! You might find this manual a little more like talking to you then some of the other manuals but this is just me!

Message from Haniel: give yourself love and support. Acknowledge all that you do. Focus on the good that you do. Let yourself feel the joy that arises when you have done something for someone. You walk through your life viewing yourself as imperfect, and I say to you that you are perfect the way you are right here, right now. I see all that you give to others, your time, your compassion, your love, yet you continue to feel you are not doing enough. Take the time today to appreciate you. Take the time to allow yourself to receive from someone, be it on the earth plane or from the other realms. You are wonderful, filled with grace, laughter, light and spirit. You are a beacon for others who are searching to find their way in your world. Fear is what I see keeps you from accepting all that is being offered. Fear that you are not bright enough, good enough, compassionate enough, forgiving enough or just plain not enough, is what keeps you from letting your light shine. Fear of this lack within yourself is what prevents you from being who you truly are in all your shining glory. Give your fear to me. Allow me to fill your being with grace and joy. Focus your thoughts away from all the things you believe you are not and place them with me. I will assist you in raising your eyes above the fear to the light which lies within. Trust that you can shift away from the fear and step into the light to see how truly beautiful, wonderful, and bright you are. It is time and I am here for you. Open your heart today to receive the love that we send, the grace that you request and the joy which awaits, when you acknowledge that you are perfect in your spirit and your


humanness. Receive the love. Receive the abundance. Be alive and well knowing that all is as it should be now and you need do nothing more today except be open to receive all that is being offered. I send you love, grace and blessings as you move into the space which awaits you as the beautiful being you are. I AM Haniel. Haniel is the angel of passion, of careers, of love


Haniel Babylonian, Cabalistic

Haniel's name means "the grace of God" and is generally credited with the title of prince or chief of the Angelic orders or choirs of the principalities and virtues. For this reason, Haniel is listed in some lists as one of the seven Archangels. Some Cabalistic texts credit Haniel as escorting Enoch to the spirit world where he was transformed into the Angel Metatron, being on of the only two humans to ever become Angels (his brother Elijah being the other). Haniel helps us to uncover the lost secrets of natural healing remedies such as potions, powders and crystals. He will help you with whenever you need to speak in public and helps you to remain poised and centered. You can also call on Haniel to help bring beauty, harmony and loving friends into your life.

How Angels Communicate As servants of God or a loving Higher Power, angels are always sending messages to remind us that we’re not alone. Angels aren’t allowed to overwhelm us with their presence though, because that might frighten us and turn us away from angelic communication. Instead, they communicate in subtle ways, using signs, symbols, and daily events to convey messages which will be uniquely meaningful to us. Angelic Language Here are some of the ways that angels can communicate with us: • • • • •

Through special songs that you suddenly tune into on the radio With surprising shapes or rainbows in the clouds In little sparkles of golden, silvery, or purple light that you might see at the edges of your physical vision Through special dreams of castles, rivers, sunlit corridors and other bright places Through animals that put in a sudden appearance. (My angels often speak to me through bunnies! Bunnies always appear for me when I need encouragement – even on crowded city streets.) With moments of synchronicity or “cosmic coincidences” where something or someone comes your way in a strange but wonderful fashion, providing a message that you alone need to hear. Pay attention to what is coming towards you, because synchronicities are everywhere. Noticing bumper stickers on the car driving in front of you is an especially fun way to receive messages from your angels.


The attunement takes from 35 to 45 minutes. Before the attuning have a relaxation and don’t mind the outer world. To receive the attuning one should say: I’m voluntarily taking the attunement to the Angels’ Oracle energy.

How to accept the attunement Clear reason and address to the Higher Self - "I ask my Higher Self to attune me to Ray Of Haniel energy which has been sent to me by (your teacher’s name)”. Then mentally repeat "I accept attunement to Ray of HANIEL from (teacher’s name) NOW ". After that, there will be a stream of energy. Remember - energy always begins and flows to where it is necessary. You will always receive the correct healing required, irrespective of such factors as how serious or insignificant your problem is, you will receive a stream of energy and it will flow to those places where it is necessary. Upon termination of attunement, do not forget to thank the Light.

How to pass the attunement "I ask that my Higher Self, that (person’s name) has been attuned to the Ray of Haniel... (Hours) (date) in (location) with power, intensity and duration which he/she can endure and for highest and optimal good without harming anyone and without conflict with anyone’s Higher Will”. The attunement will begin during designated time, can hardly earlier. Blessings to all of you!


Please share. This is my gift to all!

You may distribute this PDF (intact) freely as you see fit. Copyright Notice This manual is protected by copyright. You can share this manual freely provided it is left entirely intact . You may not independently reprint, republish, or reuse the words in this manual for any reason. You can give this manual to students that have paid you for an attunement, give it for free or charge a fee as you see fit! Blessings to you! Additional Attunements More Reiki attunements and systems are available at www.7gatesofhealing.com


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