RAW and Bangladesh :: One :: by Mohammad Zainal Abedin "The main sources of inspiration for the Indian Intelligence agencies and its foreign policy are ancient Hindu pundit and politician Koutillaya and his book 'Arthshastra' (Economy) Koutillaya is also kno!n as hanakya and #ishnugupta"
The main sources of inspiration for the Indian Intelligence agencies and its foreign policy are ancient Hindu pundit and politician Koutillaya and his book 'Arthshastra' (Economy). Koutillaya is also knon as !hanakya and "ishnugupta. He as the #rime $inister of !handra %upta. He had ritten his' book 'Arthshastra' beteen the era & and & before the birth of !hrist.' The book is di*ided into + parts and has , chapters. Koutillaya had applied his treacherous diplomacy to subdue and anne- other states. As a result the $ourya Empire *astly e-panded under his ad*ice and super*ision. or occupation of other states Koutillaya laid don the folloing guidelines/ a. 0hen your country is eak1 pursue the policy of peace. b. 0hen your country becomes militarily strong1 follo the policy of ar. c. 0hen another state seeks your help1 apply double standards. In his book Koutillaya has recommended si- principles as the basis for foreign policy. These are/ peace1 ar1 neutrality1 military preparedness1 formation of alliance and duel policy. He recommends/ a. #eace should be' established ith other states through agreements. b . 0ar should be pursued through relentless attacks on t he enemy. c. 2eutrality means complacence and indifference. d. The 'poer of the state should be enhanced by e-panding military preparedness. e. 3ther states should be lured and forced into formation of alliance or friendship to seek common shelter and security. f. 4uel policy means to make peace (friendship) ith one and enmity ith the other (The 4aily AI $u5added / 2o*ember &1 667). E*en to thousand three hundred years after the$oyura rule the Indian rulers of today continue to follo the Koutillaya's policy. Koutillaya's dictum 'poer is the ultimate truth and the main aim of an organised state should be to obtain poer'1 has been folloed by all Indian rulers. 8ince Koutillaya era till today all Hindu states ha*e been relying mainly on muscle poer. In the entire history of the Hindus it is difficult1 to find a single Hindu king ho had folloed the policy of non9*iolence. #resent day India has also adopted the same policy1 though in pursuance of principle of dual policy1 Indian rulers keep propagating about folloing policy of non9*iolence. This is done ith lot of gusto to decei*e the outside orld about their true moti*es. Indira %handhi as an ardent folloer of 'Koutllaya doctrine'. 8he subscribed fully to Koutillaya's policy of aging 'battles of intrigues' and 'secret ars' to achie*e her unholy ob5ecti*es. 8he created :A01 a secret intelligence agency functioning directly under the #rime $inister1 to pursue her ambitious but nefarious agenda particularly in 8outh Asian region. The :esearch and Analysis 0ing (:A0) as raised in 8eptember 6;, from the skeleton of oreign Intelligence 4esk of Intelligence ue reconnaissance along the borders ith #akistan1 !hina and
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