Ravenloft Player's Guide for 5th Edition (Redraft)

February 27, 2017 | Author: Von Wittgenstein | Category: N/A
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Download Ravenloft Player's Guide for 5th Edition (Redraft)...









Updated Rules for Ravenloft




Fear, Horror and Madness




Powers Checks




Outcast Rolls




Detection Powers




Turn Undead




Destroy Undead


Character Customization


Channel Divinity




Domain Lords




Closed Domain Borders








Magical Travel











Races Caliban


Back to the Wall








Firearms Expert








Open Minded







Animal Handling


















Credits Welcome to the 5 Edition Player’s Guide for the Ravenloft Campaign Setting. These are fan created in the spirit and ideal of the setting as an aid to help bring Ravenloft games forward.

Based on the Ravenloft Setting created by:

The overall intent of this update is a desire to return Ravenloft back to its core ideals; a feeling that I believe was lost with the 3rd Edition rules and, of course, never even explored in 4th Edition.

William W. Connors and Steve Miller


Bruce Nesmith and Andria Hayday Domains of Dread Setting written by:

Sword and Sorcery Edition written by: Andrew Cermak, John W. Mangrum and Andrew Wyatt

This is a labor of love and an ongoing process so I hope that what I create is useful to fans and DMs of Ravenloft from all over.

Fan Update written by Ravenspyre

What to Expect; Updated Rules: This file contains information and data that hopefully updates all present and past Ravenloft games to the current setting of 5th Edition D&D.

Legalese DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, RAVENLOFT, the RAVENLOFT logo, D&D, PLAYER’S HANDBOOK, DUNGEON MASTER’S GUIDE, and MONSTER MANUAL are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast. Cover art from the CASTLE RAVENLOFT Board Game. Back art from RAVENLOFT: Van Richten’s Guide to Werebeasts. Additional interior art within this guide from various other RAVENLOFT sourcebooks and are all owned by their respective owners and are used out of respect in this guide for their work they put in. This is a fan created rules update and as such I claim no ownership of said products, only a love for the setting itself.

Modular: The attempt is to make this feel as close to the Ravenloft setting rules as possible, but DMs should in no way feel obligated to use these rules, as this will be drawing from all eras of Ravenloft.

What not to Expect; Replacement: This is not intended to be a replacement for previous products and it is expected that players own previous editions of Ravenloft in order to fully utilize these rules updates. Mandatory: These are fan made rules in an attempt to bring the spirit and feel of the Ravenloft setting forward into the 5th Edition of D&D, and in no way should anyone feel required to use them. Excuse for Piracy: These rules are not intended for players to not buy any products from WotC, and not a legal excuse for piracy. Buy the products and insure that D&D will live on and continue to provide entertainment into the future!


to contact an alien mind, the DC = 8 + ½ HD + Wisdom modifier. Madness checks that are the result of a spell use the saving throw value of the spell. A Madness check that is the result of a total catastrophe such as a particularly bad horror save, should use a similar DC to the horror save.

The following are updated rules for Ravenloft interpreted for 5th Edition D&D. This is an attempt to cover 2nd and 3rd Editions to the best of my interpretation. Uses of these rules are not required.

Bonuses to fear and horror checks should either be a +1 or +2 depending on the situation. For instance if you have a weapon that can hurt a particular enemy you gain a +1 bonus or if a loved one is in danger you might gain a +2 bonus. Other things might give you Advantage on said rolls such as you have faced a similar threat before and triumphed, or you’ve gained some knowledge on how to defeat such threats.

Fear, horror and madness checks now correspond to an Ability check. Fear: Fear is the mind collecting itself from a quick shock thus it is a Wisdom check. Fear saves have a DC = 8 + creatures Charisma Modifier or just a flat DC of 10 for a scene. If it’s a never before seen encounter or creature then the DC is increased by +2. If the character is alone the DC is increased by +1. If a character has lost half or more of their HP then the DC is increased by +1. If the creature is obviously stronger than the character then the DC is increased by +2.

Of course Disadvantage can happen on said rolls to. If a character has faced a similar threat and been defeated that may cause Disadvantage. And if a friend or ally turns out to be the cause of the check then that may cause a Disadvantage to the roll as well.

Horror: Horror is the attempt of trying to process the true threat of a scene, thus it is an Intelligence check. Horror is harder to gauge for and not as simple to create a flat DC. In short this is left up to best judgment of the DM, but a safe bet is a base of 8 for something like seeing a decaying body. The more gruesome or unexpected the scene might be, the harder it should become. Witnessing a malign paradigm shift, such as discovering your fiancé is the blood thirsty werewolf you have been hunting all along, should easily be considered a +10 to the DC number.

Powers Checks remain unchanged in this system still relying on a percentile roll. The only exceptions are specific to classes in these cases. In White Wolf’s rules for 3rd Edition D&D, races had an outcast rating that would determine penalties or bonuses on specific social rolls. In these updated rules, Outcast Rating is now a Disadvantage on social rolls. In the case of rolls used to Intimidate or Frighten others gain Advantage on said rolls.

Madness: Madness is the attempt to try and convince oneself of the rationale of the impossible that has been seen, thus it is a Charisma check. Madness checks depend on the situation they occurred in. If it’s the result of trying

This rule can be completely ignored for more RP focused groups.


Spells, abilities and items that grant a player the ability to detect other beings, such as detect evil and good do not reveal what the beings are. Instead, the player gets a sense of something is either natural or unnatural. DMs are encouraged to broaden their horizons on what is considered natural and unnatural, such as nonhumans, familiars and other spells might be considered unnatural.

The presence of the divine is felt less in Ravenloft than in other worlds. While a majority of channeled divine effects mechanically will appear unaffected, the Dark Powers have a sense of humor. They tend to warp the actual appearance of said effects to differing things, such as a war priest who channels the divine might start having blood drip from them or a tempest priest might have mists forming around them as they channel their abilities.

Undead receive a bonus in that they get a Wisdom save. Self-willed undead are further protected from mental invasion and if they make their save they can reveal whatever the creature wishes. Domain lords are completely immune to being detected and will always appear normal on such spells unless the lord wills it otherwise.

This of course is completely optional effect and is only something that would occur to heighten the atmosphere for role-play purposes. Ignore this rule if you feel it’s too much. Normally domain lords are pretty much unstoppable forces. However, sometimes there is a chance that a player can overcome their influence. In these cases, domain lords always have Advantage. In instances where a domain lord is the master of whatever the contest concerns, such as a domain lord that can control all the wolves in his domain, the domain lord wins automatically.

The only exception to this rule is a very powerful artifact. Such artifacts can go beyond the powers of Ravenloft and reveal the true intents and nature of such beings, but artifacts are exceptionally rare in the Land of the Mists. Undead gain a +2 bonus on their saving throw in Ravenloft. Intelligent and self-willed undead that fail their save are not compelled to flee but are unable to approach a cleric or paladin with a presented holy symbol. Turn the Unholy and Turn the Faithless are similarly affected.

Domain lords also know when someone is trying to pry into their minds. As a result any save required is automatically passed unless the domain lord wills it otherwise. Prying into the thoughts of such an evil being requires a Madness check, at the very least. In the case of special closed domain borders, such as Strahd’s Poison Fog, any special protections or other effects that would provide immunity for the character are ignored. These are special effects that go beyond any protection the player characters might have and thus those protections do not apply. Thus poison still affects those immune to it, darkness still affects those able to see in darkness, and extreme heat or other weather conditions can-

The effect of this is half in Ravenloft. When consulting the chart on page 59 of the PHB always half the value, thus ½ becomes ¼, 1 becomes ½, 2 becomes 1, etc.


not be ignored or altered magically or otherwise.

the DC of the spell that bestowed the curse. With curses of vengeance, the DC = 8 + ½ invoker’s HD + charisma modifier + severity of the curse.

Furthermore, any attempt to try and cross a closed domain border with magic or special class abilities automatically fail. The character attempting to do so will find themselves deposited back in the domain they just left. Only with the permission of a domain lord can one hope to cross a closed domain border.

Cursed magical items require the cursed user to make a Wisdom save with a DC = 10 + 1 per property of the item to break the attunement. Thus if a weapon had 3 properties, for instance, that would be a DC of 13.

The only exception to this rule is again, powerful artifacts. But artifacts of such power are exceptionally rare in Ravenloft. Necromancy is much more powerful in Ravenloft than in other worlds. When casting a necromantic spell, it is treated as if you used a spell slot 1 level higher than you actually did. In addition to this the undead created gain 1 additional hit die.

Sinkholes of evil still exist. Whenever a player is near a minor sinkhole of evil, the creatures gain a +1 bonus to their saving throw when Turn Undead is employed. A major sinkhole of evil increases this bonus to saving throws versus Turn Undead to a +2.

However, necromancers have to be wary. When the undead are first created they get a Wisdom saving throw. If they succeed, they are not under the control of the caster and are free to attack whomever they wish (usually the caster for bringing them back in such a pitiful state).

When a domain lord is in close proximity, they grant a cumulative +1 bonus as well to any saving throw when Turn Undead is employed. This means that if a domain lord is nearby on a major sinkhole of evil, any saving throw made would have a +3 bonus to Turn Undead.

Any time that a necromantic spell is cast, the character must make a Powers Check.

In addition to this, the modifiers of a sinkhole of evil also affect Fear and Horror checks. Thus if characters were in the depths of Castle Ravenloft, any check required would gain an automatic +2 to the DC.

Magical travel in Ravenloft is much more limited than in other worlds. Attempting to use spells that would normally allow the character to leave the Demiplane, fail, and instead deposit the character randomly in another location within Ravenloft. Curses are powerful in Ravenloft, much more so than other worlds. Removal of such curses can only be accomplished through the clause in the wording of said curse. Spells like remove curse can provide temporary relief but require the afflicted to make a Wisdom saving throw versus


This section only includes Ravenloft races, clarifies what races are not native to Ravenloft, and provides rules for handling truly bizarre races from the PHB and beyond.

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Orcs are unheard of in Ravenloft and thus there are no natural born half-orcs. Caliban take their place instead, misshapen humans that were exposed to foul, corruptive magic while still in their mother’s womb. Average features tend to be hump backs, tusk like teeth and tough hide bodies, abnormal facial features, etc.      

Ability Score Increase: Strength is increased by 2 and Constitution is increased by 1. Age: Same as humans. Alignment: Having been born outcasts and rejects, Caliban tends towards neutral or chaotic alignments. Size: Average sizes for humans. Speed: Base walking speed of 30 feet. Darkvision: Whether thanks to whatever foul magics corrupted you or the fact you were hidden away in darkness, you have developed superior vision in dark


and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern colors, only shades of grey. Menacing: You gain proficiency in the Intimidation skill. Relentless Endurance: When you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit point instead. You can’t use this feature again until you finish a long rest. Savage Attacks: When you score a critical hit with a melee weapon attack, you can roll one of the weapon’s damage dice one additional time and add it to the extra damage of the critical hit. True Outcast: Your standing with others never improves because of your cursed appearance. You always have a -2 penalty on social rolls in addition to Outcast rules, and others tend to look on you with pity, disgust or both. This is a +2 in the case of rolls used to intimidate or cause fear in others. Languages: You speak two of the languages of the Core.

 There are no native Dragonborn in Ravenloft. All Dragonborn are outsiders of the Land of the Mists. Due to their incredibly alien appearance, they suffer a -3 penalty with all social rolls in addition to normal Outcast rules, or a +3 bonus when trying to intimidate or frighten. DMs can also opt to encourage Fear checks upon first seeing a Dragonborn if they are revealed or take no actions to disguise themselves.

Drow are unheard of in Ravenloft and any Drow in Ravenloft are always outsiders. Due to them looking more like some dark fey creature, they receive a -1 penalty on their social rolls in addition to Outcast rules. This becomes a +1 bonus on rolls intended to intimidate or cause fear, of course.

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Called giomorgo, or giamarga if they have an elven parent, are a troubled lot. Welcomed in neither their Vistani families nor their human or elven ones, they are a race between worlds, much like half-elves. They resemble their Vistani parents, with angular or aquiline features, dark brown to raven black hair and dusky or olive complexions and only slightly pointed ears if they are from elven stock. Like their Vistani parents, the Half-Vistani tends to wander the countryside, never staying in the same place twice. This wanderlust has given them some added benefits as well. 

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Ability Score Increase: Wisdom is increase by 2 and Charisma is increase by 1. Age: Same as humans. Alignment: Half-Vistani tends towards chaotic alignments due to their carefree nature. Size: Average sizes for humans. Speed: Base walking speed of 30 feet.

Survivors: You gain proficiency in Survival skill. Moon Madness: During the night of and the night preceding and following the full moon, the Half-Vistani’s mind is clouded by restlessness and anxiety, often called lunatio. They are unable to rest properly and cannot benefit from a short or long rest during this time period. The physical toll taken on the characters body is extreme and all saving throws and skill checks are at a Disadvantage until they are capable of taking a long rest. Tribal Heritage: Choose a tribal heritage. It imparts one additional perk. Canjar: Arcane Proficiency Corvara: Sleight of Hand Proficiency Equaar: Animal Handling Proficiency Kamii: Advantage when using skills that deal with metals or metallurgy. Naiat: Performance Proficiency Vatraska: Medicine Proficiency Zarovan: Advantage on initiative rolls. Languages: They can learn one of any language of the core plus the Half– Vistani is familiar with Tralaks (a series of glyphs used by Vistani). When attempting to read the symbol the HalfVistani makes an Intelligence check. On a successful check, the DM rolls a d20. On a 2 to 20 the Half-Vistani correctly identifies the glyph. On a roll of a 1, however, the Half-Vistani misreads the symbol and completely gets its meaning wrong. Humans are the most represented race in Ravenloft with very few exceptions (such as Sithicus). As such, as most races tend to be human, humans also don’t react as negatively to them.


Socially Accepted: Humans tend to be more accepted with the denizens of Ravenloft, thus they do not naturally suffer Disadvantage on rolls as outcasts unless they make their foreign nature apparent or dealing with nonhumans.

It should not be unusual to say that the more unusual the race the less likely they are to receive any response at all in Ravenloft. DMs should be ready to place penalties on social rolls if not inspire Fear checks from NPCs that see player characters that come from strange and unusual races, such as Outsiders. In those cases where even at a glance such characters could not pass as human or one of the core four races, then the social roll should automatically have a -1 penalty. This penalty should go up the harder it would be for such a race to pass themselves off as a core race to a maximum of -3. This becomes a bonus on rolls made to intimidate or cause fear. Types of responses that DMs might even consider could very well border on running the player out of town to lynch mobs that think that the character will bring bad luck to even wanting to sacrifice them to appease some evil spirit. Life as a nonhuman is very rough indeed, and for a fantastical nonhuman can be downright deadly.

Teiflings are extremely rare in Ravenloft, but there are a few. Due to the tales often told, the folk of Ravenloft take Teiflings as the devils they resemble. Whenever a Teifling’s nature is first discovered, Fear and/or Horror checks may be called for. Teiflings will never gain the trust of the superstitious Ravenloft folk and thus will always be outcasts, having a base -3 penalty on social rolls, or +3 on intimidation and fear rolls. Furthermore, any reaction on a failed social roll will always be hostile to outright lethal. Most naturally born Teiflings never even get a chance at life, hence why they are so rare.


disrepair due to lack of actual use as pews remain empty except during the most special of circumstances. Most clerics from Ravenloft tend to be theologians or anchorites more than pious men devoted to earning converts. Clerics, that come from other worlds, note an almost immediate feeling of disconnect or loss of presence of their particular deity.

What follows are rule changes to the specific classes that can be found within the PHB. This will not give full details on any classes and it is expected that a copy of the 5th Edition PHB be owned in order to receive the full benefit of these class changes.

Barbarians are uncommon in the Core of Ravenloft as nomadic tribes tend to be small and spread out. However in the less civilized domains, sparsely populated tribes can be found. Many barbarians tend to hail from the land of Vorostokov with a few scattered tribes in the densely forested region of Verbrek. 

Barbarian Rage: While under the affects of rage, a barbarian gains a +2 bonus on all Fear, Horror and Madness checks. Mindless Rage: Barbarians are not immune to Fear checks but still retain the bonus from a normal rage. The barbarian still has to roll a saving throw if the charm is from a domain lord or closed domain border.

The largest contingent of bards in Ravenloft tends to hail from Kartakass, with a few notable colleges coming from Nova Vaasa, Falkovnia, and Mordent. Most, regardless of origin, aspire to perform at the renowned Harmonia Hall located within Kartakass, and as such most of the colleges tend to be of lore. Falkovnia is the only domain with a prominent college of valor, due to the campaigns of conquest attempted every several years. 

Spells: Many spells in Ravenloft have different functions. 

Finding a truly devoted cleric in Ravenloft is not an easy task as the presence of the divine is weaker than in other worlds. Temples and churches lay in dilapidated states or in complete


Spells: Many spells in Ravenloft have different functions. Divine Intervention: Receiving Divine Intervention is not a guarantee in the Demiplane of Dread at level 20, and still must be rolled. The Dark Powers may also intervene on any attempted intervention and twist the intervention, depending on what is done. This type of interference is left up to the DM. Any attempt to summon for intervention from against a domain lord automatically fails as the Dark powers intervene directly. (Knowledge) Channel Divinity: Read Thoughts: Domain lords always know if you are attempting to read their thoughts and as per earlier rules can decide if you succeed or fail. A domain lord that allows a cleric to read their thoughts requires a Madness check from the cleric. Any suggestions that can result in death or cause the being to make a Power’s Check requires the cleric to actually make the Power’s Check instead. (Knowledge) Visions of the Past: Ravenloft does not reveal its secrets easily; as such clerics using this power are always at Disadvantage with their rolls. Scenes of gruesome acts or items apart of gruesome acts may require a Horror check from the cleric on successful rolls. Plant Domain: Plants performs normally except when in conflict of a domain lord’s power or a closed domain border, then the domain lord wins automatically or the border remains unaffected.

Tempest Domain: Mostly unchanged, except as noted, and unless it conflicts directly with a domain lords power or a closed domain border then a domain lord automatically wins or the border remains unaffected. Trickery Domain: Largely unaffected, except the illusions created by invoke duplicity and improved duplicity have a chance to create actual shadows instead of illusions. On a roll on 1 on a d20, one of the illusions becomes a shadow instead and may attack the cleric or others. It will often wait for an opportune moment.

Fighters are everywhere within the Land of the Mists. From men-at-arms, to guardsmen, to mercenaries they are readily available, though training can be sporadic at best. Falkovnia and Nova Vaasa tend to produce the best trained fighters in Ravenloft. Of the paths, Battle Master tends to be the most often pursued with very few actually choosing the path of the Champion. Eldritch Knights are extremely rare, though those that do exist tend to come from Hazlan or Darkon in the Core, with a few of the gypsies learning the path of the Eldritch Knight as well.

Druids, like barbarians, are uncommon in the core lands of Ravenloft, and druids from other lands tend to note that ones from Ravenloft tend to be more morose in their nature. The ones that appear typically come from Verbrek, Forlorn (very rarely) and Souragne. Those from the swamp lands of Souragne tend to look and smell more like a swamp hermit. Druids from other lands tend to note that the land itself seems to emit an indescribable feeling of malevolence, but are never quite sure if they are truly feeling this.  

Circle of the Moon: In Ravenloft, the user chooses an animal type (i.e. wolf, bear, etc). As the druid levels up they gain the features of that animal type but slowly start resembling a lycanthrope of that type (such as a werewolf or werebear). People witnessing a druid use this power may require a Fear and/or Horror check and this power may get superstitious folks hunting the druid.

Monks tend to be uncommon in most of Ravenloft, and many just view them as another form of cleric, despite there being obvious differences. A few monastic orders of monks exist throughout the Core of Ravenloft and a few of the Islands; however most of the orders tend to lean towards the Way of Shadows. The Way of the Open Palm and Four Elements tends to be rarer with either only supposedly having a dedicated place of training on the island of Rokushima Taiyoo.

Spells: Many spells in Ravenloft have different functions. Land’s Stride: This will not allow a druid to cross a closed domain border. In addition, domain lords that control the plants of their domain are treated as magical, unless the domain lord wills it, for purposes of effects of this power. Nature’s Ward: Druids are not immune to effects from domain lords and closed domain borders. Charms, fear effects, poisons and diseases can still affect the druid, though they get a saving throw in those cases. Nature’s Sanctuary: Creatures controlled by domain lords do not have to make a saving throw and can attack the druid freely.


Stillness of Mind: This power does not automatically end a fear effect from a failed Fear check. Instead it allows the monk to make a new Fear check. Purity of Body: Domain lords are still able to inflict disease and poison on monks as well as the effects of closed domain borders.

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Timeless Body: The aging effects caused by domain lords or from closed domain borders will still age a monk normally. Empty Body: Attempting to use the astral projection portion of this power automatically fails in Ravenloft. (Way of the Open Palm) Tranquility: Domain lords do not have to roll a save and can attack a protected monk normally. (Way of the Open Palm) Quivering Palm: Crossing a domain border counts as entering another plane for purposes of the duration of this effect. Furthermore, domain lords are unaffected by this effect. (Way of Shadows) Shadow Step: A domain lord that controls the shadows can prevent a monk from using those shadows with this power. This cannot be used to cross a closed domain border.

Paladins are exceptionally rare in Ravenloft. There are many reasons for this, least of all which the very presence of a paladin causes disruption to the land itself, like salt on a gaping wound. Most paladins tend to be outsiders of Ravenloft, and like clerics, note almost an immediate disconnect from the presence of the divine. The few paladins in Ravenloft that exist are usually due to some crusade or oath sworn for vengeance and as such most Ravenloft paladins tend to follow the Oath of Vengeance.  

Spells: Many spells in Ravenloft have different functions. Disruptive Presence: The Land reacts to the presence of a paladin. As a result domain lords always know that there is a paladin in their domain. They only get a faint glimmer thus the paladin is protected early on, but as the paladin gains levels the domain lord gets a stronger sensation where they are. Starting at level 11, the paladin is powerful enough that the domain

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lord knows where the paladin is within 10 miles of their actual location. Every level the paladin gains reduces the range by 1 mile increasing the accuracy, with a domain lord being able to accurately locate a level 20 paladin within 1 mile of their location. If the paladin is brandishing a holy avenger weapon or some powerful holy artifact (such as the holy symbol of ravenkind) then a domain lord knows where the paladin is within 100 yards of their location, regardless of level. This is why few paladins naturally exist to old age within Ravenloft. Divine Sense: Ravenloft does not naturally give up secrets easily. When employing this power, the paladin only gets a sense if something is natural or unnatural. Undead receive saves with Advantage from this effect and domain lords are completely immune able to determine their status as they see fit and how the DM decides it should be. Divine Health: Diseases inflicted by a domain lord or a closed domain border take effect normally on a paladin. Aura of Protection: The bonus from this is reduced by the presence of a Sinkhole of Evil or a domain lord. See Sinkholes of Evil sidebar on page 9 for more details. Aura of Courage: This is a +2 bonus on Fear check rolls to the paladin and those within 10 feet of the paladin instead of making them immune to fear. Cleansing Touch: Attempting to remove an effect from a domain lord only grants the target a new saving throw at a chance to end the effect. Attempting to remove a curse follows the normal rules for removing curses found on page 6. (Oath of Devotion) Turn the Unholy: See Turn Undead on page 5. (Oath of Devotion) Aura of Devotion: Effects from domain lords or closed

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domain borders still affect the characters normally. (Oath of the Ancients) Nature’s Wrath: Domain lords with power over plants can ignore the restraint completely. Other domain lords might have other methods for easily getting out, such as a mist form. (Oath of the Ancients) Turn the Faithless: See Turn Undead on page 5. (Oath of the Ancients) Undying Sentinel: Attacks from domain lords or closed domain borders that age the paladin will affect them normally. (Oath of the Ancients) Elder Champion: Using this power may cause Fear and/or Horror in those around them due to their superstitious nature in Ravenloft. The forms appearance is usually twisted or menacing as well, such as choosing a tree like appearance the paladin might assume a form more closely resembling a dead man’s tree or look more savage if choosing an animal. (Oath of Vengeance) Abjure Enemy: Undead and demons do not have Disadvantage on their rolls. See Turn Undead on page 5 for other rules. (Oath of Vengeance) Avenging Angel: In Ravenloft, the twisted sense of humor of the Land twists this form into a mockery, making it appear as a shadowy angel of death instead of one of vengeance. Seeing such a transformation may cause Fear and/or Horror checks in others.

to disorient them. Due to how beasts act in Ravenloft, most rangers tend to be Hunters.  

Rangers tend to be wanderers, more at home in the wooded areas of Ravenloft. Uncommon by most standards they are definitely more visible than druids and barbarians. Attunement to the land gives them a natural sense, though rangers from other realms take note that the land has a dark mystery to it, and an almost unwillingness to divulge its secrets. Some rangers from other realms even claim that the land purposely tries

Spells: Many spells in Ravenloft have different functions. Primeval Awareness: Ravenloft does not divulge its secrets easily. As with other sensing powers, any information the ranger might glean would be given as whether it is natural or unnatural. See page 5 for further details. Land’s Stride: This will not allow a ranger to cross a closed domain border. In addition, domain lords that control the plants of their domain are treated as magical, unless the domain lord wills it, for purposes of effects of this power. (Beast Master) Ranger’s Companion: A ranger’s companion that is of a type that a domain lord can control must make a Wisdom saving throw (TN = 8+Proficiency+Wisdom of the lord) when entering the domain with the ranger. If the saving throw succeeds the companion is in full control of its faculties, but is always cowering or whimpering and pacing as if uneasy while remaining in the domain, urging its master to leave. A new check is made for every day the ranger remains in the domain. If confronted by the domain lord the companion will flee outright. If the saving throw fails, the companion is now under the control of the domain lord, and will attack the ranger if compelled to. The companion is forever lost at this point, even if the ranger leaves the domain. Attempting to bond with a beast a domain lord has control over automatically fails.

Rogues are everywhere within Ravenloft probably even more so than any other class. Street urchins, to conmen, to even wandering gypsies might have some skill with the larcenist arts. Of the archetypes, thief tends to be the most common one that one will run into though in


Warlocks are a strange lot in the Land of the Mists; seekers of knowledge and/or power they willingly truck with dark powers directly. They often, foolishly, refer to themselves as arcanists as if such a title would change what they would do trying to disguise their dark practices as nothing more than scholarly curiosity.

the lands of Darkon, it is whispered that assassins abound in the employ of the Kargatane. Wandering gypsies and Vistani especially tend to favor the arcane trickster, using illusions and trickery to wow spectators and fool the clueless. There is a reason many tend to be guarded when the gypsies are in town.

In the lands near to the Shadow Rift, warlocks tend to make pacts with the Archfey but the further they get from such lands the more likely one is to run into focus on the Fiend or the Great Old One. It should come as no surprise then that when a warlock uses their magic that they tend to be in danger of falling to the Dark Powers more than most other classes as well.

Sorcery is often looked at negatively in the Land of the Mists as some sort of curse or ill omen. A child that has magical ability without use of some sort of implement is using witchcraft and typically get ran out of town or killed all the same. Of the two types, Wild Magic is the most common as Draconic Bloodlines tend to be rare, though it is rumored that Hazlan and Darkon both host a few draconic bloodlines. Sorcerers do not have a favored land they come from as anyone has a chance to be born with such powers, but they do tend to float towards Hazlan or Darkon for possible help in controlling their powers, eventually. 

Draconic Origin: Using powers that cause outward appearance changes, as parts of this origin often include, may require others to roll a fear and/or horror check in response. Fearful folk may attack or attempt to drive the draconic sorcerer out. Wild Magic Origin: While wild magic effects are uncontrollable, effects generated are still under the affects of any altered magic rules that apply. Any effect that would require a power’s check, still applies in these instances as well.

Becoming a warlock is a secret endeavor and usually the result of despair or a witless dark pact with some entity in the search for greater knowledge or power. There are no teachings or schools for a warlock; this is a lone endeavor on a road of personal damnation.  

Spells: Many spells in Ravenloft have different functions.


Spells: Many spells in Ravenloft have different functions. Power’s Check: You willingly truck with dark forces, and as such the Dark Powers tend to notice you easier. Whenever you advance in a level you make a Power’s Check equal to 5% multiplied by your level. Thus making it impossible to avoid corruption completely.

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Horror Checks: Due to the fact that warlocks tend to truck with things that no mortal was meant to deal with, warlocks gain Advantage on any Horror check they make. (The Archfey) Fey Presence: Using this power to charm others into doing dangerous or deadly things requires a Power’s Check. You cannot charm a domain lord with this power. (The Archfey) Misty Escape: You cannot use this power to cross a closed domain border. (The Archfey) Beguiling Defenses: A domain lord trying to charm you invokes a saving throw instead. If you succeed the charm fails instead of rebounding. (The Archfey) Dark Delirium: Using this power invokes a Power’s Check. (The Fiend) Dark One’s Own Luck: The bonus from this is actually increased, within the Land of the Mists, to a d12. However invoking this requires a Power’s Check. (The Fiend) Hurl Through Hell: This power instead buffets the target with images of the lower planes, burning them deep into the recesses of their mind. The damage still occurs, and if the target survives they are required to make a Fear, Horror and Madness check. Invoking this power causes a Power’s Check. Path of the Great Old One: In Ravenloft, following this path actually starts to wear at the mind of a warlock as the unfathomable alien nature of their benefactor is slowly revealed. Each level the warlock gains require a Madness check from the warlock. (The Great Old One) Thought Shield: Domain lords that can read the minds of others can attempt to read the mind of the warlock instead. The warlock makes a saving throw, though they don’t know why. If the warlock fails the

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domain lord reads their mind normally, if the save succeeds the warlock is still unaware of why they needed to make the save. (The Great Old One) Create Thrall: Creating a thrall requires a Power’s Check. Witch Sight: This does not allow you to detect creatures using their natural shapeshifting abilities. Only spells of a magical nature from items or magic can be detected.

Wizards are uncommon in the Land of the Mists but have slowly been gaining popularity, especially in Hazlan with the recently opened school and reports of smaller schools springing up in Darkon and Falkovnia. Most lands have few wizards in them though, so finding a teacher can be exceptionally difficult, or expensive. Many tend to give wizards a wide berth given their reputation for employing dark curses on those that anger them. It’s made even harder when one considered that the land itself makes certain darker magic much more powerful.


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Spells: Many spells in Ravenloft have different functions. Benign Transposition: You cannot use this power to cross a closed Domain border. Divination: There are no master’s of Divination in Ravenloft as Divination magic is highly unreliable. As a result the Divination school cannot be chosen for mastery, though many still teach the spells they find in that school. Necromancy: As one finds out in Ravenloft, necromancy is much stronger, but it also carries with it a terrible price. Necromancy is not normally taught leaving most who seek out such dark magic to pursue their own courses and trials. Finding a master of necromancy to teach such magic is difficult indeed. Using necromancy in Ravenloft always requires a Power’s Check.


Like any other campaign setting, characters made in Ravenloft have several choices to help flesh out their characters. Most of these choices can be found in the PHB but some new ones are added within the Land of the Mists as well.

Backgrounds in Ravenloft have their place and the many that can be found in the PHB still serve greatly as a common source of inspiration for backgrounds within the Land of the Mists. The untrustworthy folk are hard to sway within the misty confines of Ravenloft. However, those strongly devoted can persuade them if they follow similar religious ideals. This variant feature of the Acolyte background allows the character to use their faith as a bargaining chip for supplies or shelter in Ravenloft with someone, though people may still ask for compensation.

two skills of proficiency become hypnosis and medicine. Your tool proficiency is a doctor’s kit (see page 20). The feature of position is still maintained, though it might not bring privilege with it in Ravenloft.

This variant feature for the Sage background gives the character Advantage rolls when it concerns lore, history, or even knowledge concerning Ravenloft itself. As long as the information and roll in question is knowledge about the Lands of the Mists, the character always receives Advantage on said rolls.

This is a variant of the Outlander background. The gypsies of Ravenloft have a tendency to glean information from the most bizarre of places from basic tavern talk to just eavesdropping in on conversations from around the corner. As such, gypsy characters can make an Intelligence check (skills can be applied, if applicable) to see if the gypsy might have knowledge of something. How much the gypsy might know is left up to the DM.

This variant of the Soldier background allows you to choose the class feature of Revenge. You are seeking revenge on someone or something and are doggedly pursuing them. Whenever you confront a subject that reminds you of your nemesis, you gain Advantage on any roll related to that enemy from attack, saving throws to skill checks. You must describe what your nemesis is like when choosing this variant. Nobles in Ravenloft often are not much higher than the common vagrant. However a few do stick out from time to time. This variant for the Noble background changes a few facets. The


Balok: Spoken throughout the central core as it has become a trade language, it is also the oldest language in Ravenloft. It is guttural and not very pleasant to the ears.

whenever a character gains ability points, the player can opt to gain a feat instead. These are optional and should be discussed with the DM if they are allowed. For some obvious reasons not all of the feats from 3rd edition Ravenloft would be viable in 5th edition.

Darkonese: Spoken primarily in the domain of Darkon, only of note due to how large that domain is. Many who pursue a magical profession also tend to enjoy the language as it lends itself well to magical formula.

You are at your best when things are at their worst. 

Falkovnian: This is a complex sounding language that is very hard to follow unless one knows what to listen for as the consonants always sound to be mutating. This language is rarely spoken outside of Falkovnia, which lends itself well to the lord there.

Gain +2 to Attack and AC when you are at one quarter or less of your HP.

You are oddly fearless in the face of danger, or foolish. 

Mordentish: A very common tongue spoken throughout the core it comes in two varieties; high and low. Common from other realms will probably sound the closest to Mordentish, though there will probably be differences.

You gain a +2 bonus on Fear checks.

Thanks to your extensive practice with firearms, you gain the following benefits: 

Vaasi: A very harmonious sounding language, it is a requirement to be used in the Church of the Lawgiver. Bards tend to mix this with the Sithican elf dialect to create a highly poetic sounding language.

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Sithican: An interesting dialect of elvish that is not spoken by any other elves in the Land of the Mists is a very lyrical, harmonic sounding tongue, which inspires many of the bards of Kartakass to employ its use. Sithicus is an unusual domain in that it has more elves in it than humans.

You can reload firearms you are proficient with as a free action. Being within 5 feet of a hostile creature doesn’t impose Disadvantage on ranged attack rolls. When you use the Attack action and attack with a one handed weapon, you can use a bonus action to attack with a loaded pistol you are holding.

You have been hardened to the horrors that exist within the Land of the Mists by cruel experience. 

Draconic: Dragons are rare in Ravenloft, to the point that most think they are purely legends, but strangely enough the language of the dragons is still used by practitioners of magic. Most scholars of Draconic tend to be found in Hazlan and Darkon.

You gain a +2 bonus on Horror checks.

You keep yourself adaptable to the situations helping to fortify your sanity. 

Feats are optional rules used to enhance and expand upon characters. As stated in the PHB,


You gain a +2 bonus on Madness checks.

dom check. Willing targets can voluntarily choose not to make their wisdom check.

Within Ravenloft, some of the core skills in the PHB might have some altered or new uses. Any attempt to try and change or improve the attitude of an animal that is currently under the influence of a domain lord, automatically fails. Deception ability tends to be all encompassing but in Ravenloft it is useful in a few extra trades that are often dealt with within the Land of the Mists. Telling Fortunes: This is the ability to invent plausible fortunes from thin air. It is the art of picking up on subtle clues from the person you are talking to and telling them what they want to hear; it does not actually allow someone to peer into the future.

Once the target is hypnotized you can plant a suggestion as per the spell or aid the recovery of a target who suffers from the effects of a failed Madness check. If the character is proficient in medicine they gain advantage on their hypnosis checks.

This is a contested roll of deception versus the targets perception roll. If the player role plays rather well during the scenario even playing off bad rolls, give them Advantage on said rolls and possibly Disadvantage to the target.

This skill cannot be used without profi-

Seduction: The art of seduction is an old one, and in the Land of the Mists, a few well placed compliments, words, and even small gifts can gain lots of information. This is a contested roll of deception against a wisdom check from the target. Again, if the player role plays the scenario well the DM can even give an Advantage roll or other bonuses if they see fit.


Hypnosis is the ability to induce a deep, calming trance in your subject. You can only attempt to hypnotize one target at a time with this skill, and it requires a peaceful situation and at least 1 hour of work per check. If the subject is unwilling, you have to first succeed at a deception check to disguise your intent. A hypnosis check is opposed by the subject’s wisdom check. Loud or distracting surroundings give Advantage to the targets wis-


is mad. Bandage gauze, medicines and other such items can also be found.

Ravenloft is a land that crosses many different periods of time, sometimes within the span of a domain border. As such it is possible to see everything from a Stone Age ecology up to one that resembles a Renaissance. As such it is not uncommon to see someone using a primitive bow and spear next to an armored soldier utilizing a well crafted crossbow.

Silvered Weapons: Getting a weapon silvered in Ravenloft isn’t an easy process. The requirements usually are in those domains that are usually sophisticated enough and even then the cost might actually be higher. Silvering a weapon can cost anywhere from the base of 100 gold to as much as double the normal price, or more.

Firearms in Ravenloft: Firearms are an exotic weapon and thus are their own category. When players attempt to gain proficiency with said weapons they have to choose whether it is pistols or muskets. Most firearms take one standard action to reload after use. Use the damage presented from the 3rd edition rule book.

Other Items: Other knick knacks that can be found within Ravenloft, such as pocket watches, clocks, straight razors, and the like follow their normal rules one would find in the Ravenloft book. The Parthian Rapier is also present and follows all standard rules, as they apply, from the Ravenloft book, except the critical hit rules.

Bards and Rogues can opt to take pistol instead of hand crossbow as a weapon proficiency.

Automaton’s also exists and are the preview for the super rich as trinkets and toys to be displayed for amusement, most of the time.

Sorcerers and Wizards can opt to take musket instead of light crossbow as a weapon proficiency. Folk Hero, Sailor and Soldier backgrounds can also choose either pistol or musket as a proficiency. Gunpowder and Bullets: Gunpowder can be crafted as long as someone has the proper proficiency to do so. Using the standard rules of 5 gold piece of material crafted per day, it would take 7 days for a player to be able to create two pounds of usable gunpowder (enough to fill a horn) or 50 days to fill a keg. Bullets for rifles and muskets can generally be made in batches of 13 per day depending on the materials used. Doing so requires a casting kit to be able to make them. Doctor’s Kit: A doctor’s kit is usually several instruments such as surgical scalpels, mask, gloves, stethoscope, small rubber hammer, bone saw, and several other implements that would lead some to believe that the individual



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