Rave New Year 2011 Transcript

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Rave New Year 2011 January 22, 2011 Ra Uru Hu

Table of Contents The 41st Gate: The Start Codon .......................................................................... 2 The Pressure to Start Things .............................................................................. 2 A Desire for Experience ..................................................................................... 3 Split Definition................................................................................................. 3 A Schizophrenic Year ........................................................................................ 4 The Bridge Gates: 28 and the 18 ........................................................................ 4 Sun in the 41.1 and Neptune ............................................................................. 4 Coolness and Aloofness ..................................................................................... 5 Neptune in Burnout .......................................................................................... 6 Mars in 41.4.................................................................................................... 6 The 38th Gate .................................................................................................. 7 Who is in Your Life is Most Important ................................................................... 7 The Sun in the 19th Gate ................................................................................... 8 The 58.3 ........................................................................................................ 8 The 30th Gate .................................................................................................. 8 The 30.4 ........................................................................................................ 9 The 36.6 ........................................................................................................ 9 The Other Side of the Story: The 15/5 ............................................................... 11 Human Design is a Way of Life ......................................................................... 11 The 10.5 ...................................................................................................... 12 The Magic of Strategy and Authority .................................................................. 12 The 57.3 ...................................................................................................... 12 The Two Sides of the Story .............................................................................. 12 Fulfilling Your Purpose ..................................................................................... 13 The Mind is for Awareness ............................................................................... 13 Align Yourself and Your Purpose Unfolds ............................................................. 14 Radical Edges ................................................................................................ 14 We’re Designed to be Cognitive ........................................................................ 15 The Empowerment of the Individual .................................................................. 15 No Expectations ............................................................................................. 15 Trust Yourself ................................................................................................ 16 Communication.............................................................................................. 16 My Guide to the Rave Chart ............................................................................. 17


Rave New Year 2011 January 22, 2011 Ra Uru Hu

Nice to see you all, and to all of you that are getting this in translation, welco me. Before I start I want to wish you all a Rave New Year. For there's only one wish for any of you is that you see what it's like to live this cycle as yourself. There is nothing more rewarding. When you live a cycle as yourself it doesn't matter what's going on in the cycle. It really doesn’t.

The 41st Gate: The Start Codon It’s something to keep in mind about the Rave New Year. First of all, about the nature of the Rave New Year, history is full of calendars. And calendars have always been one of two things. That is, they've been religious or they've been political. The Rave New Year is a mechanical reality. That is, it is truly the beginning of what is an annual process. The key to all of that is the magic of the 41 s t gate. This has to do with the relationship of the hexagrams of the I’Ching, to the codons of our genetic code. And when it comes to the 41 s t gate which in the I’Ching is known as Decrease, the 41s t gate is associated with what is known as a start codon, Methonine. It's the only start codon. I want to really get you to grasp what that actually means. In all the genetic forms of life, that is, all the bioforms on this planet, that in their genetic code it’s written in such a way that at the beginning of every single piece of strung out data, at the beginning of every socalled genetic sentence, at the very beginning, the only way a genetic sentence can begin is with the 41s t codon. It’s why when the Sun enters into the 41s t gate that we’re really dealing with something that’s special. That is, we’re dealing with the Sun entering into a position in which its influence in that 41s t gate is influencing all forms of life, and influencing them at the beginning of what is a solar cycle.

The Pressure to Start Things So this movement of the Sun here into the 41.1, and here’s the 41s t gate down here in the Root Center. And of course, it’s something to understand at a very simple level, the Root Center in Human Design is a pressure center. Every year begins with a pressure. It begins with the pressure that's there in the 41 to start things. It’s a beautiful image in the traditional I’Ching, that is, in the ancient I’Ching, the 41s t hexagram is a hexagram of decrease. And it’s really decrease in the sense of what a gardener does at the end of the growing season when they cut everything back. And they cut everything back so that it can sprout anew. And the 41s t gate is about this eternal font of potential inherent in human beings. Not only is the 41s t gate the initiating codon and therefore the beginning of things, but when you see it in the layout of the bodygraph you see its true, true purpose. This movement from the 41 here to the 30th gate to the 36th gate and then up here to the 35th gate, this is called the human experiential way. It is literally about the nature of what it is to be human on this plane. And it is a stream of desire.

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Rave New Year 2011 January 22, 2011 Ra Uru Hu

A Desire for Experience The 41s t gate is a pressure. It is a desire. And it’s a desire for the experience. One of the ways in which you can deconstruct the 41s t gate is that it's a gate of fantasy. Inherent in humanity is the potential for this incredible fantasy. We all know it. We live in an age where you can make a movie like Avatar. You can think up anything you want and you can realize it. Our imagination is extraordinary. And it is rooted here in this 41s t gate, this initiating force, this pressure to move us into experience.

Split Definition Now of course, there are things that happen along the way. In the graph that you're looking at is our New Year graph. This is the graph for this year. When you’re looking at a graph, it doesn’t matter what level you are in knowledge, look at it very, very simply. And if you look at it simply, the first thing you're going to see in this graph is that it's a split definition.

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Rave New Year 2011 January 22, 2011 Ra Uru Hu In other words, you can see that the Sacral Center down here is connected up to the G Center and then down back here to the Spleen. They form one unit. And there's a second unit over here between the Root Center and all of these three activations of the Root Center, all bringing pressure to the emotional system that’s over here. And these two elements are separate from each other.

A Schizophrenic Year So, one of the first things to understand thematically about the year they we’re entering into is that it’s a schizophrenic year. It’s going to have very, very different faces. The first thing that we look at when we look at any chart and we see that it's a split, if you're looking at human beings’ charts rather than what we’re looking at here, which is just a personality activation, the imprint of a moment, when we’re looking at human beings’ charts one of the these we get to see is that 45% of human beings are split definitions. And the deepest conditioning forc e in their lives is what can pull that split together.

The Bridge Gates: 28 and the 18 Now, if you look at this drawing and you look at it simply, when you're looking at channels and gates, this is just circuitry. So follow the circuitry. And if you look you'll see that there are only two places where one single activation can bring these two elements that are separated together. These are called bridge gates, the 28 and 18. And basically what that means is that the basic dynamic of the year is about looking for, trying to find purpose, and on the other side of that dealing with all kinds of criticism. Only these two gates , the 18 and the 28, if they're activated will bring this split together; just simple activation. So we’re dealing with a year that has two themes and they’re very, very distinct from each other. Let’s go back to a moment to the 41s t gate, because this is where we begin. This is our initiating codon. And you can see in this design that it has this configuration. So we’re going to look at that in a little more detail. So, let me reorient you again. Here we are, here’s the 41s t gate down here. And you can see in the configuration for this moment or this day, it happened this morning, you can see in this configuration that we have three aspects of the human experiential way that are defined. The only aspect not defined up here is the 35th gate, that is, the gate of expectations. Everything about this dream is about driving us and driving us powerfully.

Sun in the 41.1 and Neptune But let’s see how it works. We always start with the Sun in 41.1; always. That’s the moment at the Rave New Year begins. So we’re always given this code. But if you look at lines, lines normally, the majority of them have a very distinct binary. They’ve got a side that has an arrow up and they’ve got a side that has an arrow down. It doesn’t really mean good or bad. It means this and that. But generally they have a “this and that.” But you see very clearly here that for the Sun in the 41 I'm only showing you a “this.” And I'm only showing you that because of Neptune over here that’s in the 30th gate and Neptune is bringing this out exclusively. So we have a very unique year.

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Rave New Year 2011 January 22, 2011 Ra Uru Hu

Let me explain that to you in this way. This particular line in the 1s t line in the 41, the exaltation, what we’re seeing here can be brought out in that line only by Neptune. And Neptune is only in this gate once every approximately 165 years. Think about how rare this year is. Think about that. It’s very important to grasp that. It’s a very simple thing, but it says something right away.

Coolness and Aloofness I do annual analyses every single year. It is extremely, extremely rare to see this kind of thing directly connected to the 41. So, we're dealing with something. We're dealing with an energy that’s very rare. Now, look at the line, because if we were to have both the up and the down as we normally have when I do an analysis, the down is something else. The top part is about being cool and down part is about being hot. Now hot in this context means very, very involved. And it can also lead to a lot of very obvious tensions. But cool is something else. And it’s something to understand about the year that we’re dealing with. Every year begins with the imagination to make the very best out of very

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Rave New Year 2011 January 22, 2011 Ra Uru Hu little. Coolness, where the energy to release feedings is selective. Now let me explain something about this. I’m not doing an individual analysis after all. I'm looking at a global imprint. The way a global cycle begins. What I can describe to you in terms of what is here is that whatever is going to be experienced on this plane, whatever it is during this cycle, that it is not going to attract a lot of concern. There is going to be a lot of coolness and aloofness in that. Now, think about the way that works. You’re a country and you have some kind of disaster and you need people to pay attention and to send money and help. It's going to be a lot cooler, a lot cooler. So, it’s one of the first things to grasp about the unusualness of this configuration. In other words, there are a lot of things that are going to go on in the world that a lot of people are going to be upset and nothing is going to be done about it . It’s one of the things to understand about our movement in space. We’re moving through a greater cycle. We’re near the close of it. 2027 will bring a new cycle. It will bring a cycle in which the background frequency is going to insist that we have our own authority to guide us because there will not be an infrastructure to support us. It’s why I was given this knowledge, to empower children, literally children with their own unique authority so that they are never at risk on this plane because the infrastructure is not going to be there.

Neptune in Burnout And look at what’s at the other end. It’s Neptune at the other end in the line of Burnout. Burnout is a heavy thing. There are a lot of things that are going to fall apart out there and there is going to be a lot of disinterest. Remember something about the nature of the program. What’s going on in the world—let me back a step for you. I made the comment, I don’t remember when it was, in a recent class talking about the potential of what it is to be aware. This program that’s established today, the planet is going to sing its tune. This is not what life is about. We’re not here to be in the thrall of the program. We’re not here to be puppets manipulated on a string. But that is what’s out there. The only reason that year by year that I do these analyses is to let you see quite clearly it is a pattern. And that the not -self world, the homogenized world, the madness of this plane just rolls along through that unaware.

Mars in 41.4 So, if burnout is in the air, and oh boy is in the air because we have a definition and when you have a definition you have a life force. This is a very powerful thing. And the 41 is not standing alone, because it is backed up by the energy that is here and by the conjunction of the Sun with Mars, because Mars as you'll see is also here in the 41s t gate. It’s in the 4th line. It’s in the line of Correction. And look at that line of Correction: Survival of the fittest and even its eventual flowering; even eventual flowering. The energy for adaptation and the deep feeling for survival. The expenditure of energy on maintaining relationships rather

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Rave New Year 2011 January 22, 2011 Ra Uru Hu than on correction. In times of decrease weak associations are shunned as costly no matter how attractive. T he energy which fuels holding onto feelings rather than to adapt. Now, one of things you have to see about this is that there are going to be those that are going to be able to adapt and those that can't because it's written there. Without sounding schmaltzy, one of the miracles of my life is that the Rave I’Ching came through me, and I read lines every day. And I see my own and I see transits. I am astonished by the pureness of how patterns are simply there. And that the vast majority of human beings are simply going to express them. This Mars in 41, this is bringing quite an energy. This is a Sun/Mars conjunction. It's very powerful. And all of feeding into the confusion that Neptune is going to bring, the compulsiveness that’s there, the uncontrollable stuff that's there, all that confusing stuff that leads ultimately to burnout . And under this is a force that says you're going to have to survive. What does survival of the fittest mean? It depends on where you are, doesn’t it? It depends on the nature of the world that you find yourself in. There are some places where it's literal. But you can also see that as a deconstruction. If you do not know how to operate on this plane you’re going to be in trouble, whether it's New Jersey or Baghdad.

The 38th Gate Now, what’s sitting behind here? Look at all this pressure, t hese three very, very powerful pressure gates. And when you're looking at the 38th gate this is the gate of Opposition, this is the gate of the fighter: The ability to sustain through integration with similar forces. Now look at that integration with similar forces and what did we get down here: weak associations are to be shunned as costly (41.4 detriment).

Who is in Your Life is Most Important It’s one of the things I explain to people all time in this knowledge. Who's in your life is the most important thing you do, other than taking care of yourself. Who is your life is an extraordinary thing. If you have the wrong forces in your life you’re really going to be in trouble. And if you're going to need to fight and to struggle because that's what this is, then you’re going to need to do so with those allies that are there. And look its exalted. There is no other side. The energy to integrate with others in times of struggle; well, who are those people? Think about the way this actually works in the program and about how it can work for you. Think about the difference. The program says you need to align with similar forces, but people out there don’t know who those forces are. They have no fucking idea. They don’t know; it’s all in their mind. Their mind is just conditioned. They don't know. They have no idea. So they think they’re going to align themselves with similar forces and they turn out to be the very negative forces they were supposed to avoid in the first place and all of that leads to burnout.

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Rave New Year 2011 January 22, 2011 Ra Uru Hu And if you're operating as yourself, you can always take advantage of the program. And you know how to find the right allies. You follow your Strategy and Authority. That’s how you get the right allies in your life. That’s how you begin this cycle. I’m going to do what I can to help you out this year in my Sunday video show, the Phoenix Rising series. Over the next month or so I’m going to give you week by week the pattern for establishing your year so you can see it and you can see the people around you and how they get caught up in each of the steps.

The Sun in the 19th Gate The first time you really feel the pressure is when the Sun is going to the 19 later in the week. When the Sun goes into the 19 there is all this pressure, “Oh, I need. I need. I need. I need to do this. I need to do that. I need to have this. I need to have that.” It’s a program. And everybody is in it. They’re just in it. So how you live this and how the planet lives this is another story. Think about how that works amongst nations. You’re going to align with similar forces, so all the fascist hang out together, and all the crazy leftist hang out together. Nobody gets along. You understand? And this is the energy that’s there behind this 41 that’s saying, “Oh boy. Yeah, you’re problem is your problem. I’ve got my own problem. I can’t get involved. I don’t have the resources.”

The 58.3 And then you have the 58 sitting behind it. And the most important line here, it's a beautiful line, because this is the essence of the other: The quality of the fire is dependent on its fuel and subject to its influence good or bad. Human beings—this is a collective gate in a collective stream, rooted backwards into the emotional system. It’s a gate that’s looking for joy. But in this particular line it needs to find that joy in something. Now, if you don’t know how to operate according to your own nature, if you don't know how to make a decision as yourself, how are you ever going to find that thing? You're not. This is a year where all kinds of human beings are going to come under the influence of forces that are really, well, good or bad. It’s the alpha syndrome. And in a time in which there is little, in a time where it appears that you're on your own and you’ve got to fight for it and there's all this stuff all around, it's all rooted in this. You’re going to have all kinds of human beings, the not-self world because they’re sheep looking for something to latch onto. You know, put that bomb around your waist and go to the supermarket , will you?

The 30th Gate And all that pressure, there’s only one way to go, the human experiential way. And it goes to the 30. Oh, the 30 is an incredible gate. It really is. It’s called the Clinging Fire. It’s really hot. It's really the source of desire. It’s an emotional gate. You can smell the desire of a 30. It’s something; it’s exotic almost because it's so powerful. But there is something

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Rave New Year 2011 January 22, 2011 Ra Uru Hu mysterious and magical behind this gate because behind this gate lies the fates and oh are they nasty, truly they are. If you look at the abstract side and the logical side of the bodygraph they’re mirrors of each other. But logic is very different . Logic can go one and one is two and knows it so. They can find perfection. They can find perfection. Not only that, because they establish patterns they can say one and one is two and it will always be so. So you can always trust that one and one is going to be two. On the abstract side it’s so different. And the abstract doesn't realize that , doesn't know that, and doesn’t care about that. It says, oh I’ve got this fantasy and oh do I ever want it. And the fates step in and say, well, okay, but not the way you think you're going to get it. And it isn't going to be as easy to get there as you think because in this case one and one does not equal two. It’s an abstract process.

The 30.4 So whatever comes out of the 40, the 30, says well, let’s do it differently. It’s where all the diversity of humanity comes from, is from this channel, the diversity of experience. And the 30 gate is a gate that marks all of us. Truly it does. It gives us a way of understanding how we are designed to accept being in this world. Here in the 4th line we have Burnout: An unrealistic pace that begs misfortune, compulsive, hyperactive. It’s going to be all this running around, survival mode. This is just going to be there. And of course, this is both sides of the coin. There’s going to be the bursting of the bubbles. It’s going to be there and there are going to be those outbursts that are going to be there and those outbursts—the world is filled with madness. We all know that. Human beings are abused, denigrated, and murdered God knows what every single day of the week. You cannot escape that in this world. But it's something to understand when the program gets involved and leaves an imprint.

The 36.6 And you can see in this movement that is here there is this movement that finds its expression in one thing and one thing only. It finds its expression in the 36 gate in the 6th line, the line of Justice: The inevitable survival of right. The key in this, by the way, is “inevitable.” It’s not tomorrow. The knowledge and attendant faith that the powers of darkness eventually destroy themselves. Now, I’ll tell you, when you have a line like this, you’re going to see it. You will see the powers of darkness. They are there. And you will see that power of darkness in the world. You will not avoid that. Those who the Gods wish to destroy, they first make mad. The correctness of crisis; but you really have to see that all this pressure here, this burnout, is going to lead to a crisis. The burnout can be taken in many, many different ways and understood in many ways. Right now, for example, we have worldwide inflation on basic , basic goods; that is, basic food products, grains, rice. It’s gone up about 7% in the last year.

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Rave New Year 2011 January 22, 2011 Ra Uru Hu

Those of us in relatively successful societies, we don't notice it clearly. But for a vast majority of the planet, inflation at that rate in terms of basic goods is going to cause enormous hardships. There is a struggle on the planet for resources. There are those that are going to have to do without. There are going to be bubbles that are going to be burst . There is going to be emotion that is going to arise out of that. It’s in the program. What makes this year so fascinating to me is not all of this. I don't like being the bringer of bad news. Everything has its place. We’re looking at something that's really—it’s the kind of thing where the powers of darkness raise their heads and the powers of light turn their backs. It’s a period of coolness. It’s a period of not wanting to see. There are many things that work in the nature of what the world is going to look like this year. Again, one of the things to recognize is that we cannot do anything about the helplessness of the plane. That is what ignorant brings, what the not-self world is really all about. You can make a difference in your own life. And what fascinates me about the program for this year is that it's there. It's very interesting to see it there. Remember, we have the other side of that story, that other side of the story that's locked away someplace else.

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Rave New Year 2011 January 22, 2011 Ra Uru Hu

The Other Side of the Story: The 15/5 It begins here with the 15/5. The 15/5 is an extraordinary channel. I mean, the 15/5 is there in all forms of life. That is, in Human Design different forms have different designs. And yet, what unifies all of them, that is, what is a consistency in all of them, is the presence of this channel. This is the channel of being in the flow, the channel of rhythm. It is the 5th gate with its inherent patterns and the 15th gate with its rhythm and diversity. Together they form what is the infrastructure of the single cell. The 15/5 is something that's really extraordinary. And it's all about finding that pattern in frequency to be in the flow. But the 15th gate has a mystical value. Its mystical value is the potential love of humanity, or not, by the way, because everything is “or not.” So here in the 15th gate we have Sensitivity. And the Venus in the 5th gate, Joy: Waiting is an aspect of enlightenment. To remain calm is the ultimate aesthetic and thus recognize the inner meaning of being. You’re not going to be able to do anything about the madness of the world around you. Take care of yourself and those you love. No matter what the world looks like, good, bad, indifferent, take care of yourself and the ones you love.

Human Design is a Way of Life This is one of the things I keep telling my students all the time; Human Design is not a thing. It’s a way of life. You’re not going to really get it until you wait long enough. You’re not going to get it until you live it long enough. It’s the way things work. It is. And you can see for the totality there is the presence in the sacral, which after all is an enormous force. That the life force itself is saying, yeah, yeah, yeah, look, but don’t get caught away with all that stuff on the other side. Yeah, the world's going down the drain, but it's okay, because you can be okay if you find the flaw, if you find your way in the world. It’s what I teach you, Strategy and Authority—find your way in the world; your way. Navigate this plane as yourself. This is all about being able to adjust your behavior. The 15 is the gate of extremes: The power to grow. But don’t get caught in the overcompensation. Don't get caught in what's pulling on the other side. Don’t. It can be very special. But this is a collective channel. It means that there is a need in one way or another for some kind of sharing. And it goes back to what the struggle is. Remember that the 28 is missing. It goes back to what the struggle is, to find those forces that are correct for you. It’s what I try to show you again in Phoenix Rising over the last couple of weeks about the stages leading up to the New Year. One of the most important stages is the 54 stage where you look back and you say who is there to help my ambition. Who are my allies? Who are those forces that I respect that I can learn from? Who are those forces that help me? All that kind of stuff.

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Rave New Year 2011 January 22, 2011 Ra Uru Hu

The 10.5 It is only when you have your Strategy and Authority that you can align yourself to those beings in your life that are correct for you. T hen you can share. This feeds the channel of Perfected Form and the 57th gate is the great gate of intuition. But because this is so deeply individual it expresses the possibility of how each and every one of you needs to be able to meet this at an individual level. It is the line of the Heretic. All the world's going to hell. You have to follow your line. Direct and overt challenge to norms. And again, though I'm trying to give you a positive reference point in this year’s mapping, please see that it's going to affect the not-self world as well and they're going to distort all this, the heretics that will be stoned and burnt and raped and killed, you know; and heretics only because somebody on the other side decides that that's what they are. There’s that, too. There is always the ugliness of the killer monkeys that live on this planet; always.

The Magic of Strategy and Authority But you see, the ability to succeed through the understanding and expression of higher principles, to stand up for that even if it means burning at the stake. It’s what I talk about all the time. If you’re going to live your life as yourself you have to be totally there. I have no other authority. There is no other authority. There is only my authority. There is nothing else. Your Strategy and Authority, this is magic, really magic. It’s the most incredible thing that's ever been given to the so-called spiritual plane in its whole damn history, because it’s a gateway to awareness. Stop letting your mind your life. Stop being a fool like everybody else out there . Do you know what this energy and this graph is going to do to the not-self world out there? They're going suffer, like they always do, the two billion that don’t have enough to eat. This plane is such a mess because it lacks beings that have their own authority that don’t follow blindly what everybody else tells them. Because what everybody else is telling them is straight from the program. They’re just mouthing the lines.

The 57.3 And this beautiful, beautiful line of intuition, 57th gate, Saturn, is such a cutting energy. And here again only in the upper arrow: The perfect intelligence where clarity eliminates doubt and ensures manifestation. The clarity to be the true heretic , the true heretic that is sensitive and full of joy. Now, that's a nice formula. I can show you the dark side because there is a dark side, because if you’re not-self none of these things work. They all become distorted, all of them.

The Two Sides of the Story And you can see if we go back, the 18 th and the 28th gate. Think about the two sides of this story now. Think about it. It’s really quite an incredible story. On one side you have all this pressured emotionality. And think about the theme of this year. The theme of this

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Rave New Year 2011 January 22, 2011 Ra Uru Hu year is deeply emotional. And what do we know about the defined emotion? No truth in the now. Truth is not something that is going to be there this year. It's not something that's going to be accessible. There is going to be all this confusion, all this Neptunian glamour, all the burnout, all the suffering, all that stuff. And on the other side is this incredible possibility of being able to find your perfected form in all of that. And you can as yourself. But you have to see what it takes. It takes the 28, and it takes the 18. The 28 says you have to struggle for your purpose. There is no other way. You have to struggle for your purpose. The fact that there are two sides to this coin, we get the whole movie. It’s all around us, each and every one of us connecting to it in different ways. It's essential to grasp that we need, in a sense, if I can put it that way, to bring this split together through awareness. The 28th gate is the fear of death. And that, a search for purpose that life must have meaning, that there must be meaning. So many human beings go through this life without that. That somebody else tells them what it is. You know, you’re doing this for God, some kind of nonsense.

Fulfilling Your Purpose You’re here to fill your purpose. You’re here to fulfill your purpose in this life. But it's one that moves out of you. You don’t make it. You don't do it. I’m tired of teachers who tell you “do.” This is not about doing; it’s about being aware. If you follow your Strategy and Authority there’s nothing to do, because the mind does all the doing. There’s nothing to do. It happens. It happens and you get to see. And as it happens, it happens as you because you're not interfering. Don’t interfere. You’re here to live out the magic. And it’s you. It’s not somebody else. It’s sure as hell not me. It’s you. We all have that sitting inside of us. It's only the mind that gets in the way. It's the only thing that gets in the way; nothing else. No matter what I show you here, the not-self world is going to distort that because the mind gets into it. And the moment that the mind gets into it, everything is a lie. Because it’s all about fear then, because that’s what your minds do. They drive you crazy with fear. They blackmail you. They hoodwink you. They screw you. That’s mind. And you go for it. Give it up. Give it up or you’re going to be like everybody else this year. You’re going to be in this movie. And it’s not going to be pretty if you’re not aware.

The Mind is for Awareness That’s the magic that comes. What do you think these incredible minds are for? They’re not for getting stuck down here in all of this stuff. It’s for seeing. It’s for awareness. If you really are within yourself and you move through this plane in this cycle you'll see absolutely everything described, and people taking it so seriously. It’s the most common thing about the not-self. They need comedians to make them laugh. This is a really serious plane. Ignorance leads to this incredible seriousness.

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Rave New Year 2011 January 22, 2011 Ra Uru Hu That’s not what this is about. You get a ride in one of the most fantastic machines you can imagine and what are you going to do? Moan and groan all the way? “Are we there yet?” Death will come, I tell you. You can’t avoid it. But the ride, we’re here for the ride. We’re not here to get stuck in all the stuff. We’re here for the ride. It’s all mind. It’s just that; nothing else, mind. Get it out of the way.

Align Yourself and Your Purpose Unfolds So on one side of this story we see that there is a need to have purpose. Nobody knows what their purpose is. Your purpose unfolds. The only thing that you need to do is navigate correctly. That’s all. You align yourself, your purpose unfolds. It’s just like that. And it’s not your mind trip that goes, “Oh, yeah, I think my purpose is this.” You don't know. It doesn’t matter. It’s just the way in which you screw yourself around because you don't see where you are because you think you should be going someplace else. It’s a ride, I tell you; it’s a ride. And it 's a ride in a very primitive thing. Bioforms are primitive. They are. And they’re limited by all the demands of what it is to be genetic, the genetic imperative, reproduction, all this stuff, having to eat, on and on and on. We’re not even very far along the evolutionary ladder in terms of the vehicle. But we all know that the consciousness is so much more sophisticated. It’s so obvious. You can’t change the form that you're in. You can perfect it. You can honor it. You can allow it to be a platform for your awareness. This is what Human Design is. It’s about understanding that if you treat the form correctly, if you allow the form to operate on this plane, then it will. You can’t. You don’t belong here. You're a visitor. You’re a passenger. Stop interfering with the way things work here on this plane and see what's happening. And the moment you stop interfering is the moment that you do get to see. Slowly you strip away all that conditioned stuff about the way things are supposed to be, what you think you think you think you think you think.

Radical Edges In every spectrum there are radical edges. That's what this is. It’s a radical edge. That's what you are. This is about not being normal. This is about not being homogenized. This is about being what we are, deeply, deeply cognitive nine centered creatures with enormous potential. And all of it rooted in our uniqueness. All this dilemma over here, this is weather. It's a frequency that does not have to negatively impact your life. It doesn't. That’s the whole beauty of understanding what it is to operate as yourself is that you’re out of the program. You're out of it. And you weave yourself in and through and around it because this is what your vehicle c an do because it's designed to live on this plane. And everybody else is caught up in the mental value of all this, the fears that arise out of this. And we already have a planet is full of fear, saturated with fear.

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Rave New Year 2011 January 22, 2011 Ra Uru Hu

We’re Designed to be Cognitive The whole integrity of what it is to be us, it all depends on those that now take the knowledge into their lives and begin to experience what it really means to be our kind of creature. We're so different. We look a lot like, those beings that came before 1781, the seven centered beings. But it's not who we are. We’re not here to be afraid for survival. We’re not. We’re designed to be able to operate with ease on this plane. We are only designed to be cognitive. We are only designed to be intelligent and aware. There is nothing in the design of the human being that says that they are here to kill and destroy. It comes from Penta and Wa. Each and every human being is a unique element of the potential of consciousness only. It’s our job. Why do you think there have been so many beings over the last hundred years as this energy has developed that have so deeply sought some kind of awareness beyond the mundane garbage? This is all that I could ever, ever, ever possibly hope for is individuals who can express their outer authority. That's a beautiful thing. And for beings to raise their children correctly, to raise your children correctly is the most beautiful thing that you can do. Because the world that we live in, never mind this year, it isn't going to track any better over the years building up to 2027 because we have the slow breakdown of the 40/37 community infrastructure. It’s not about waiting for a New Year's forecast that’s going to be full of light and brightness, because it’s not what’s happening.

The Empowerment of the Individual You have to see that the counterpoint of the dissolving of the infrastructure is the empowering of the individual. This is the only counterpoint . It’s what your Strategy and Authority offers you, the empowerment of you as an individual to align yourself to the frequency that is truly you, to live that. And through your Strategy and Authority understand clearly when and where and how and who because you can make that decision. I teach self love, not narcissism, the love of wonder. You’re a wonder. The moment you see that you will love that, because it's true of everyone. Most beings never get to see it, how wondrous it is just to be them, to be you. Wow, it’s magic. Conditioning has filled us with loathing and hatred and self-criticism and on and on and on and the memories of people that laid trips and all this stuff and it goes on forever and the things that didn’t work and blah, blah and on and on. And your mind gathers all that crap and it keeps rubbing it in your face and you take it . Let go of that.

No Expectations It’s time and it’s not like you’ve got forever. You have this chance to be able to see what that really is. Not the not-self construct that got to this place. But what it means. And don’t bring your expectations. You have no idea what it’s going to look like and either do I. I remember when I first started introducing Human Design and I explained there is a seven-

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Rave New Year 2011 January 22, 2011 Ra Uru Hu year deconditioning cycle, a cellular cycle. To get rid of the stuff, the bad stuff in the cellular system; it takes seven years to renew. And people would say to me, well, what is going to be like then? I don’t know. There are no cookie-cutters here. This is not about sameness. This is not some kind of crazy cult. It’s about uniqueness. It’s about individuals. I don't know where you're going to go. It would be nice if you went, though. You can tell me later, like they did, what it looked like for them at that point. This is the magic. It’s you. It’s always going to be you. And it’s not a thing where your mind says, “Okay I’m going to love myself.” It doesn’t work that way. It doesn't.

Trust Yourself First you have to trust yourself in the face of whatever; trust. The trust will bring you that self love. Trust yourself. Trust your Strategy and Authority. See where it takes you. Let go of thinking that your mind is going to give you the answer and is going to be able to protect you in this life. It’s all nonsense. It’ll just drive you mad. And all that beauty is gone. And there is so much beauty that's missing on this plane. This is about the flowering of our consciousness. We have a great gift here. It opens up a doorway to understanding how each and every one of us truly can find that thing that says to us it is correct for me to be here, to be on this plane. This is where the action is. This is what we are all about. We are here to be filters of the plane, luminaries, visionaries, seers, and all of it behind the mask of the bioform and its life. And it doesn't matter what that bioform does, whether it's up, down, breathing, shitting, it doesn't make any difference.

Communication We are the witnesses. And out of witnessing we see. And through our outer authority we transform our communion with the other. The most special thing you do in your life is to talk to somebody else. The most important thing you do in your life when it comes to the other is conversation, is communication. The nine centered being is here to commune. That means we’re here to express our outer authority, not an agenda, just our outer authority. What you see, what you know, is not what I see and can know. It’s what makes us so special, so beautiful to each other. And in the not-self world communication is nothing but lies. It is full of agendas. It is full of holding things back because you think you think you think you think and on and on. We’re here to live the beauty of what it is to be us. And we’re here to be aware. And we’re here to share that awareness with others. It’s what I share with you. It's the beauty of what I do is that I get to express my outer authority. No agenda, just information. This is the magic. And each and every one of us needs to fill this plane with awareness. I’m a clarion. I have a certain kind of job, but you all have a cross. Y ou all have a profile and a purpose. You have a design. All of those things are there. They’re waiting to be expressed on this plane.

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Rave New Year 2011 January 22, 2011 Ra Uru Hu

My Guide to the Rave Chart Well, I hope you enjoyed that. It’s nice to see you all here. One last thing I want to mention to all of you. I'm just in the process of completing what was the first free course that I ever offered, My Guide to the Movie. And I will announce on Monday that I’m going to another one called My Guide to the Rave Chart, which is going to be a three class course that’s going to be coming up next month. So keep an eye open for that because you will have to register for that. Anyway, that'll be up there on Monday. And to all of you again my best wishes on this Rave New Year. May you live as yourself and let me know how it goes. Anyway, all of you, you take care; bye for now.


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