Rave BodyGraph Circuitry by Ra Uru Hu

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A Guide t o C hann els a n d Ci Cirrcuits


Rave BodyGraph Circuitry A Guide to Channels and Circuits Hu . y Ra Uru Hu. Published and printed in the Uni Un ited States by: Human


me r


120 A Valencia Valencia Drive Driv e Santa Fe New Mex Mexiico 87505 Visit us on the World Wide W ide Web at: www.humandesignamerica.com

e-mail: [email protected] Copyright © 200 2001 1 by Jo Jov v ian Arch Archiive Corporation Notice of Right s: A ll rights reserved. No part of this ook may be reproduced or transm transmiitted in any form or y a ny means means   ele lectronical ctronical ly mechanically p ho tocopy tocopying ing   recording or otherwise in whole or in part w ith out prior wr it te n consent of the publisher.



Rave Cartography Rave BodyGraph Circuitry A Guide to Channels and Circuits dvanced dvance d Training Ra Uru


Human Design


A Guide to the Channels Ra Uru Hu AU Rights Reserved 2000

Human Design International Training Manuals Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000  



A Guide to the Channels Ra Uru Hu ll Rights Reserved 2000 Human Design International Training Manuals   Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000



Table of o f Contents Contents Rave Circ Circ uit uits s and a nd Circuit ircuitrry ; A Caution .....   ............ ......   .......... . 5 Introduction to the Circuits and the Circ Circ uit Groups Group s ........ ...   .  . 6 Circu it Groups ...........   ........ ............. ........................... ............................ ..................... ....... 7 The


Circuits ............   .......   ...................   . 

...... 7

Introduction to the Channe Chann els ....   .............. ............................ ............................. ...................... ....... 9 Type;


key to interpreting Channe Channells

Integration; the Path


....   ........   . 

..... 10

Individuat Individu ation ion ............................. ................................. ....  

Inte Int egrat gratiion Channels ......... ......... .... ......  


..... .. 


....... 12

The Channe Channell 20/10

The Channe l o Awakening ......... . .........

The Channe annell 20/34

Th e

The Channe Channell 57/34

The Chann hanne el o Power ............... ........................... ............ 19

C hann Ch nne el o Char Chariisma

The Chan nel 10/57 The Channel


.... ......... 16

Perfected Form ............ 22


Indiividu Ind vidua al Circuitry ........ ........ .  ...  ............................ ......... .  ..  . 24 Th e

Knowing Circuit.

Th e

............. .  ......... ............. ..................  

Channe l 61/24 Channel


The Chann nne e l o Awareness ................... 27

The Channe Channell 43/23

The Ch C han ne l o Structu ring ...................


The Channe Channell 28/38

The Channe annell o Strugg Strugglle


Th e

The Chan nel o the Brainwave .............. 34

Channel 20/57

Cha nnel

........... ........

The Channel 55/39

Th e

Emoting ..........  

The Channe Channell 12/22 12/22

The C hanne annell o Openness .................. . 38


.  ...... 36


Channel 3/60 The Cha nn el o Mutation ......................... 40


Channel 2/14

The Channe Channell 8/1 Th e

The Ch Cha a nn e l o The


the Beat.. .......   .   .  ....... 42

o In spi spirrat ation ion

...... ......... .... ..... 44

Ce ntering Circui Centering Circu it .........   ......   .............. ......................... ......................... ................... ....... 46

The Channe   0/34

The Channel


Exploration ...................


The Channel

The Chann Chan nel


Initiation .......................



Coll ollec ectiv tive e Circuitry ............ .  ......................... ........ ........ .............. 51 The Und Unde e rst anding Circuit .  .... 

A Guide to the Channels Ra Uru Hu

.  ........ ...........  

ll Rights Reserved 2000

Human De sign International Training Manuals   Copyright Jovian


...... .  ...... . 

rchive Europa 2000



The Logical Mental Proces Proce s s ....... ...... ....   ...................   ..........


The Channel

63  4


The Channel The Channel

7  62 18 58

The C hanne annell o Acceptance Acceptanc e ..... ......   .  59 The Channe Channell o Judgment .................... 62

The Channe Channell

16 48

The C hanne annell o the Wavelength .  ....... 64

The Channel

9 52

The Channel


Concentration ................ 66

The Channe Channell

5  5

The Channel


Rhythm ......... . 

The Channe Channell 31/7

The Channe Channell


the Alpha .....  

Th e Se nsi ng Ci rcuit.

The Channe l

.......   ..... ........  

.... ... 68 . .... ......  


.... .......   ....  .   ... .......... ....... . 73

30 41

The Channel of Recognition ...... .... ....  

The Channel

35 36

The Channe Channell o Transitoriness ...... ........ ....... 77

The Channel

64   47

The C hann hanne el o Abstraction .................. 80

The Channe Channell

11 56

The Channe Channell o Curios Curiosity ity


........   .... 82

The Channe Channell 42


The Channel

The Channe Channell 46


The Channel of Discovery ...........   ..... . 86

Trib iba al Circuitry Th e

The Channel

33 13



Maturation Matura tion ........... ...........   ....... 84 the Prodigal ................ . 88

..................... ..  ..... ..... .  ............ .  ........   ...... . 90

Ego Circuit ....... .  . 

...... ......... ................................. ......... 91

The Channe Channell

32 54

The C h anne annell o Transformation ...... ........... ....... .. 93

The Channel

26 44

The C h anne annell o Surrender ................... 95

The Channe Channell 49119

The Channel Channe l

The Channe Channell 40 40   37

The Channel of Commun ity .... ........ ...... ..   ....  

The Channel

The Channe Channell

45 21

The De De fense Circu Circuit it .... ....   ......... .  The channe channell 59 6 the Channel The Channel

50 27

Conclu si on ......... ... 


............... ..........................

The Channel

The Channe Channell





Synthesiis .......   Synthes

....... 97

the Money Line ..........



....... .... .... ........... .......   ....   105 o Mating ......................... 106

The Channel . 



Preservation ...............


.   ......   .  ........ .... ....... ..  .........   . 113

A Guide to the Channels Ra Uru Hu ll Rights Reserved 2000 Human Design International Training Manuals  Manuals   Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000




In the advanced level of Human Design we begin by examining the rave circuits, the circuit groups and the channe ls themselves. Students who have decided to study Human Design beyond the basic level of the Living Design training, welcome and beware Welcome because this is quite a journey you are embarking upon, and beware because understanding takes time. Ever since Human Design has been o

taught, peop peopl e have wanted understand They the meanings channel channe ls The to mysterious. channels are lby their very nature are mysteriousthe because they are channe l is all polarities, created by the fusion of opposite forces. In this sense each channel something of a paradox; a zen koan that cannot be resolved by the mind alone. This is knowledge that has to be absorbed at a cellular level as well as at a mental level To fully understand Human Design takes seven years. To fully understand the channells and circuits takes seven years. Therefore go slo wly and allow the channe experiment of living your own design to lead the way

A Guide to the Channels Ra Uru Hu All Rights Reserved 2 Human Design International Training Manuals   Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000




INTRODUCTION TO THE CIRCUITS AND THE CIRCUIT GROUPS In the Living Design Training we began by examining the nin e centers and sa w how definitions definition s in the channels channel s between these centers create the four types of human being s; manife manifesto storrs generators, projectors and reflectors reflectors.. In thi this s training we will

look much more dee de eply at what happens when two centers int inte eract through a channel. We wi ll look specifically at the qualities qualitie s of each individual c hann hanne el in turn. However, although the 36 chan nel s have suc However, such h a huge significance in Human De sign, they do not stand alone. Each channel has a relation relations ship to a ser seriies of channels, forming a circuit. It is the circu circuit it wh whii c h determines determine s the overall nature of it s contributing channels. In other word s all th e channels within a circuit cr create a larger theme together, and in that se sen nse can never be separated. The circuits are extremely important and are a major factor in how we connect to others other s . People with definition within the same c ircu it s w ill hav e a natural affin affinity ity with each oth othe er. When you see which circuit circuits s dominate in your own d es ign ign,, you will also see which connection connect ions s can bridge the gaps in that circuit. Th ese are the places place s in your des d esign ign that will lit lite erall y pull you out toward s othe otherr peop peoplle. It is is very rare that an individual des de sign wi ll complete a circuit circu it (the exception being the two minor circuits, Defen se and Centering). It is through the circuits that we can see th e greater

evo evolution lutionary arywith plan work, as it draws draws us consis consisttently towards working and connecting oneatanother.

A Guide to the Channels Ra Uro Hu All Rights Reserved 2

Human Design International Training Manuals Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2




are se ven differe different types typ es of c ir c uitry uitry;; s ix c ir c uit uits s and a nd th e Int Inte egr gra ati o n c ha nn els. Th ere ar irc irc Th e six ci rc uit uits s them se lves ma ke up th e thr three ee Cir irc c ui t Group roups s. 1) The The Individual Circuit Group Gr oup . Thi s con co ns ist s of o f th e Kn ow owing ing and Cen t ering c ir irc c uit uits s 2) The Collective Circuit Gro Group up.. con ns ist s of th e Ab Abs str trac actt and Unders Understanding c ir c uit uits s Thi s co irc 3) The Tribal Circuit Group. Group . Thi s c on ons s ist s of o f th e Ego a nd De fense circ circ uits.

Indivi d ual Cir irc c uit Group

Co ll ec ective tive Circuit Gr Group

Tribal Cir irc c uit Group

Th e Cir irc c uit Group roups s ar are very diff diffe erent in the wa way in whi whic c h t hey fun c tion . Toge th er th ey coverr t he entir cove entire e sp s pec ectrum trum of huma huma n inte intera c tion . Th e Indivi Individ d ual is i s a sour s ource ce of Muta Mutation . Thi s is th e out outs side r mentality ntality.. Th ese peo pl e are here to empo we r oth ers by being un ique. Th e keynote of th is group is is EMPOWERMENT MPOWERMENT.. Wh en individua individu als c onne onnec ct to eac each h oth er through thi s c ir c uitry uitry,, irc th ey e mp mpowe owerr ea c h othe oth er in d ivi d ually whi lst res eso o lut ute ely re maining th e mse lv es in th e process. pro cess. Th e Co ll ec ectiv tiv e being is is a source o f refl ecti ctio o n  a nd p roj ec ecttion  . Th e Und Unde ersta nd in g Cir irc cuit proj e c ts its p att tte ern s a nd formul formu las into th e futur ure e in o rd er to lea d , and th e Se nsin g Cir irc c uit re refl ec ectt s on o n th e p as t in ord er to t o rem emb mbe er. Th e keyn ote of o f this thi s group ople e c onn onnec ectt t o each eac h othe oth er thro thro ug h this thi s cir circ c uitry uitry,, t hey share is SHARIN G. Wh en peopl projj ecti ons a nd re refl ecti o ns. Thi s is an inh inhe ere ntly soc sociial gro up . th eir pro Th e Trib riba al be ing is th e fo und unda at ion of our communi commun iti es, our sex uality and o ur c ivili za tion . Trib Triba al c onn onnec ecttion ions s ar e rooted in the ke keynot ynote e of SUPPORT . Coming t og eth er through trib al c ir irc c uitr uitry y d e mand nds s indiv ndiviidu dua al sac sacrifi rifice ce .

THE RAVE CIRCU ITS Th e six Rave cir irc c uits are also group groupe ed toge tog eth er in a sp ec ecifi c way. Th ere are thr three ee ific m a or c ir irc c uits, Kn ow owing ing,, Se nsin g and a nd Unde Underst anding nding.. Th ese are th e o nl y cir c irc c ui ts th at

A Guide to tile Channels Ra Uru Hu All Righls Reserved 2000 Human Design International Training Manuals   Copyright Jovian

rchive Europa 2000




are rooted directly in an energy format Ener Energy gy format formats s are the three channels th at connect th e root to the sacral ce center) nter) , There are two minor circuits, Centering and Defense, The se minor circuits each have a natural circuit partn partne er Centering is part of the Individual circuit group and Defense is part of the Tribal c ir cu it group, The two minor circuits can be added to any of the other four circuits and will cond iti on how ition they function , Thu s the prese pre sence nce of the Centering c ircuit will bring an individual quality to any other circuit, and the Defense circuit will bring a distinct tribal quality, quality , Finally, we hav have e the Ego circuit which being neither major nor minor, minor , stands stands a lone at the core of o f the human process proc ess,,

Sensing Circuit

Knowing Circuit

Unders Under s tanding Circuit

Centering Circuit

Defense Circuit

Ego Circuit

The Three Energy Formats Connecting the root center to the sacra sacrall are three channels, Through these channels the foundation energy of the three main circuits, Sensing, Knowing and Understanding is is determined , Th e format of the Knowin Knowing g circuit is a pulse the 3 60; Channel o Mutation) , This is is an energy frequency that is is intermittent intermittent,, unpredictable and sudden, It can sw itch off as suddenly as it switches on whether that be jo y , inspiration or mood, It is the source of both knowing and melancholy melancholy,, and lead s to Mutation, The format o the Se nsing c ir cu it is cyclica l the 42 53; Channe Channell of Maturation),, This is an energy frequency that moves from beginnings to ends and Maturation) over again in a spira l throughout life, life , The format o the Understanding Circuit is to be focussed and co nc e ntrated the 9 52; Channe Channell of Concentration), People can also

A Guide 1 the Channels Ra Uru Hu All Rights Reserved 2 Human Design International Training Manuals   Copyright Jovian Arch Archive ive Europa 2



have mixtures o these format energies; for example, you can have a focus that is is

governed by the pulse. These wo wou u ld be people that can concentrate extremely well, but only in short bursts . Format energies have a vast influence whenever you see them in a chart, as they condition every single gate or channel.

INTRODUCTION TO THE CHANNELS Having grasped the essentials of the nine centers in the fir st training, we can now cast our eyes upon the 36 individual channels that link th e centers together. The channels are transforming agents for the centers and as such they represent a quantum field between 2 polarised energies. Many students of Human Design are familiar with the detail o the separate parts o a channel. They understand the specifics spec ifics o harmonic gates gates.. They become very familiar with those gates and the lines that make them up. up . They understand the function o the gate clearly when there is no connection at the other end of the channel. However, when it comes to having a completely defined channel. the separate values of the 2 gates at each end of that channel are transformed in the quantum field to become something wholly new and indivisible. The whole is always greater than the su sum m of its parts. In this training, we will look in a unique way at the surface mec echanics hanics of how gates gates and channels operate together. This is so that you can develop a whole new perspective in the way in which you think about the channels.

To illustrate this point let s take the example o the Channel o Talent Talent;; the 16/48. 16/48 . Now, the fact that you understand both the 16th gate and the 48th gate does not mean that you understand the Channel of Talent. It simply means mean s that you understand the two ba sis ingredients ingredients;; one o depth 48) and one of skill 16 16)) . When only one o these 2 gates is pre se nt in this channel the story goes something like thii s; the person th per son who has the 48 spends their life trying to gather the skills of the 16 , instead o waiting to meet the people with the 16s that appreciate their depth and to whom the skills are natural. The 16 will go through its life trying to find and develop depth. It will read books books and go to lectures and amass all kinds o information in an attempt to find depth instead of being itself. itself. When the 16 is being it se lf it will naturally draw into its life those who have the 48th gate. The se people only have to wait for the depth to come and find them, rather than the other way around. When we see 2 gates coming together in a channel to create a definition we are seei ng so mething quite new. new . With both gates defined there is no longer an openness at the other side of the channe l. The Skills and the Depth fuse together to c reate a new field of expression, which we call Talent. With a single gate activated in any channel in our design, we always long for the theme of the opposite gate, whatever that may be . Because we feel a longing there, we can identify to an extent with this activat activatiion. But when there is a whole channel defined in our design design,, there is no sense o this longing and therefore no sense o the channel at all. The irony is that our definition s, the only part o our nature that we can rely upon and the very essence of who we are, are usually the only part of our nature that we do not understand .

A Guide to the Channels Ra Uru Hu

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Human Design International Training Manuals Manuals   Copyright Jovian

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Thi s is o ne of th e mo re c uri ous thin things gs abo ut th e wa y in whi c h a hum huma an bein g ing o perates es;; th at d efiniti o n is is so mething that is is not simply ta t aken fo f or gra gr a nt nte ed - yo u do don n  t

eve n know th at you are taki akin ng it for grant nte ed - it is j ust th ere. Our de d efiniti o ns are neith ithe er of g rea t in te res estt to us nor are th ey di dis sturbin g t o us. Ho weve weverr, th e o ne thi hin ng that d oes int inte eres estt us, and t hat endl ndless essly di dis sturb turbs s us, is wh w hat we are not. not. Thi s is what we ca ll th e not se lf . Th erefo re th e ch c hann els th at mos m ostt int nte eres estt you are th e ch c hann els ecom me d efin ed and not th e c hann els th at are d efin e d . Thi s is th e reaso n th at will beco w hy we look at at th e c hann els by lo oking at th e in ind d ivid ual ga tes th at make th em up up.. Th e n we ca n see th e tru e qu qua antum fi eld th at is i s cr c rea ted when 2 ce ce ntr ntres es mee t.




Eve ry sin gle c ha nn el has a lif life e of it its s ow own n. It d oes no t m att tte er w heth er it  s d efin ed or not. Ea Eacc h c ha nn el has h as a lif life e of o f its its own a nd its its ow n unique uniqu e pro cess in relatio nshi p to th e oth er c hann els. On a g rea ter sca scalle all th e c ha nn e ls are link linke ed toge th er in a c omm on process . Th ere is a ver y simpl imple e key to und unde ersta nd in g c hann els; th at is to alway ways s look at at th e ch c hann el in th e sa me way th at yo u wo wou uld loo ook k at Type Type . typ es,, th ere are 4 kind inds s o f c hann el. Th Thrree of th ese are active Ju st as th ere are 4 types (manif nifes gen nerati tin n g an d proj ec ectt ed) and th e 4th is inac ti ve and o pen (li ke th e es ting , ge refl ecto ectorr). Let s t ake th e exa mpl mple e o f th e Cha nn el of Ope Op enn ess (1 (12/22) . Thi s is a ma nif nife esting c hann hanne el. It is a ma ni fes festi tin n g c hann el beca use it is is a mot moto o r (s (so o lar p lexus) con co nnecte nected d t o th e thro throa at. If someo omeon ne had onl y th thii s c hann el d efin ed in the their ir des esiig n, th ey would be a manif nifes estor tor.. Wh at do we kno know w a bo ut a m anif nifes estor tor? ? We kn ow th at ma nif nifes tors s ca rry ange gerr within th e m as a th em e. So we kn ow th at a stron stron g th t he me of es tor this thi s c hann el is i s ang nge er. We also kno w th at th e m anif nife estor has to as ask k perm rmii ssio n as a c hild and info inform as a n ad ul t. The Cha nn el 12/22 is a soci soc ial c ha nn el, a nd as s uc h it ei th er has to as k pe p ermi s sio sion n or inform i nform be befor fore e it speak speaks s and ac actts. On to p o f thi s, t he 12/22 is not o nly a m anif nifes estin ting g c ha nn el. but an em oti ona onall ma m anif nifes esting ting c ha nn el w hi c h mea ns th t hat th there is no cl c larit rity y ot her th an wa itin iting g fo r the wave . Wh en yo u loo ook k at a ch c hann el thro thro ug ugh h it its s typ e, yo u ge gett t o see ve ry c lea rly what it its s spec ecifi ific c limit limita ation is is and how to work wor k with it. Think abo bou ut so som mebo ebod dy w ho has th e 17 /62, th e Ch C ha nn el of o f Acce ccept pta ance. Thi s is a co ll ecti ve , log ogiica call, opini o pinio o nated, d et ail ed c hann el. It is a pr pro oj ec ectt ed c han nel Ajn a conn c onnec ectt ed to t he thro throa at) a nd as suc h it has has no powe owerr unless unl ess it is recog ni zed for what it is. Beca use it is a proj ec ectted c hanne annell it

se lf. Thi s is how we see t he limit has to be in vit ed to ex pr pre ess ititse limita ati o n of t hi s pa rti c ul ar c ha nn el and th e way it is is int inte ende ded d to work .

Let  s loo ook k at a furth er exa mpl mple e; the 50 50/2 7, th e Ch C hann el o f Prese Prese rv atio ion n . Thi s is a very very imp ort rta ant pa p art of th e Defense Cir C irc cuit and has h as to d o with w ith themes o f ca rin g, nu rt rtur uriing , p reserv eserving ing th e tribal law law and th e va lu es of trib triba al re relati o nshi ps , as we ll as th e need to protect prot ect th e yo ung ung.. Thi s is a ge nerating c hann hanne el. It w ill ge gen nera te when it re responds. upho o ldin lding g th e law have t o be ca ll ed u po n Th ese th emes of ca ring, nurturin g and uph first. fir st. so th at th ere ca n be a respo espon nse. Thi s ge gen nerat ating ing c ha nn el ca nn ot act ac t li ke a manif nifes tin n g or a proj ecte ected d c ha nn el. It is is wh at it is is. Eve n when th e 50 50/2 7 goes goes all t he es ti way t o t he th roa t with anoth er de definition finition it still doe d oes s not m ake an any diff diffe erence . Ea Eacc h c ha nn el has it its s own life life and and its i ts ow own n rul es.


A Guide to the Channels Ra Uru Hu All Rights Reserved 2000 Human Design International Training Manuals   Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2



m ay c hange its th eme wh e n it is is link linke ed to t o an a noth er de d efin ed c hann el. it Eve n th oug h it ma will still alw lwa ay s m aintai n th e simpl simple e rul es o it its s ty type pe,,

ector tor c ha nn els, Th ese ar are c hann els wh ere we have no Fin all y, we also have refl ec d efiniti finitio on at all , Th ese ar are th e m os ostt te t empting pla ces for th e not se lf to to go, Th ese ar are p laces wh ere we can ca n be b e d ee pl y di sa ppoint ppointe ed , So So when you are looking at de definiti finiti o n st t hi hin n g to reco gnize is: go beyo nd j u st see seeing, ing, Lo o k d ee ply at th e c ha nn els th e fir first som meon e's ch c hart, Eac ach h c hann el is going to have it its s own rul es, th at are d efin ed in so ho w th ey op erat e according acc ording to th eir typ e, In th e foll follow owing ing c hapt pte ers we will Co nsid er how see how important it is is to rec ecogni ogni ze th es e ba sic rul es, To und unde erst and spec eciifica lly how eac each h d efin ed c hann el o perates in your own des d esign ign ca n o pen up enorm normous ous opportun oppo rtuniiti es for you to to be your yo urse lf lf,, You You will have a key to unde und erst and how diffe different asp as p ec ectts of your natu naturre fo ll ow th t heir ow own n na natur tura al laws and and rhythm s, d epe nd in g on o n who is in you r aura,

INTEGRATION; THE PAT PATH OF INDIVIDUATION Wh en yo y o u exa min mine e th e si s ix Rave ci c irc ui ts, you will notice noti ce th at th ere ap a p pear to be fo ur c hann els th at are miss issing ing  , Th ese ar are th e int inte egr ation c ha nn els, Th ese ch c hann els rep eprrese esent nt t he mos ostt co mplex co nn ec ective tive fi eld in Hum Huma an Des ign , All th e oth er c han nels are c rea t ed by a sin g le co nn ecti o n between two ce cent nte ers a nd tw o ga t es, but in th e int inte egr gra ation process pro cess,, we are d ea ling with four cente centers c onn onne ect cte ed by fo ur poss ssibility ibility of s ix c hanne hannells , Of th ese si six ch c hann els, two (th e ga t es, giving ri se to th e po

20/5 7, ch c ha nn el of o f the Br ain wa ve and and th e 34/10, c hann hanne el of ex p lor ora ation) be belo ng to t he Kn ow owing ing and Ce nt nte ering cir c uit uits s res pec ecttively , Th e remaining fo fo ur c hann els ar are kno know wn irc as th e int nte egr gra ati on c hann els, a nd d o not be belong to any c ir cuitry uitry,, Sinc ince e it is thr thro o ug h irc eac h oth er, t hese c hann els are res esolut olute ely individu individua al th e ci rcuits that we co nn ec t t o each and se sep parate ate,, o king at th e ce nt nte ers of aw Wh e n lo loo awa a reness, we sa w th at th e spl e ni c aw awa a reness was o ur firs fir st huma hum an aw ntee awa a re ness, bein g an ex iste ntial a lertn ess to g uarant ee our well bein g, Shared with all the o th er forms form s o life, thi this s was th e domin domina ant aw awa a re ness in o ur lo ng eVO luti lutio o nary pr process, ocess, So metim time e abou a boutt 4,2 milli millio o n yea yearrs ag o, when our ea rli es t ' hum huma anlik nlike' e' ances cestto rs bega egan n to t o wa lk erect, th e pro process cess of in d ividu idua ati o n beg began an , Th e desiign o f t hese ea rl y 'h des ' ho minid minids' s' is see n re refl ecte ected d in th e in te gr gra ati o n c hann els ,

A Guide to the Channels Ra Uru Hu All Rights Reserved 2 Human Oesign International Training Manuals Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000











i = = i I ~



A Guide 1 the Channels Ra Uru Hu All Rights Reserved 2000 Human Design International Training Manuals  Manuals   Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000




The Integration Channels


Contemplation The Gate of the Now Expressiion Express Throa t Mechan Throat Mechaniic The mechanical manifestation of Intuitive Manifestation Clarity Clarit y or not in the Now I know I am No w



The Power of the Great The Gate of Power Energy Fuel Possibility Fuel Individuation Self-Empowerment Power Independence

The Gentle 57 The Gate of Intuitive Clarity Awareness Possibility Possibility Awareness to The Existential Ear Struggle for Clarity or The Right Ear not Treading 1 The Gate of the Behavior of the Self Nature of Self Magnetic Monopole Love of Living Vessel Behavior The Li


A Guide to the Channels Ra Uru Hu All Rights Reserved 2 uman Design Internati Internati onal Training Manuals   Copyright Jovian Ar chive Europa 2000









At th e ad ad va nce ced d trainin ining g leve l of Human De s ign we beg in by loo looking king at c ir irc c uitry uitry,, and and we begin with the inte integrati gratio o n c hann hanne els becau se th ey are th e ba c kbon kbone e of the hum huma an process. pro cess. Thi s is th e mo mos st anc ie nt system within us. It is bey beyo o nd being individu individua al

Individuality is is all about empowe powerm rm e nt. Ev en th o ug h th e int integ egrrati o n c hann els are pure pur ely indi indiv vidu idua al th ey have no ca p ac acity ity within th e m se lv es to e m powe powerr. Thi s sy st em is not co conn nnec ectted to any kind of c irc rcuitry uitry.. It stand nds s al a lo ne as it its s own ow n uni t. The thin g to rec eco o g ni ze about in integ egrration is th at it is is th e mo mos st c o mpl ex sys systt em of all th e c hann hanne e ls, b eca use you ca nnot simply sa y th at it is g e nerating or ma manif nifes es ting or projec proj ectt ed. All of t hese as pec ectt s are po poss ssibl ibl e in int integ egrration . Th at is w hy it is th e back bac kbo bon ne of ou ourr spec speciies. It car ri es with ithiin it all o th e pot ote e nt ial wa ys and all o f th e pott enti al ty po types. The fo ur typ types es com co me out o a s in g le basi bas ic th eme; pe rf rfec ectt ed form for for surviv urviva al in th e now ow.. Th ey are root roo ted in th e in teg tegrrat io n c hann els. Thin k ab abo ut how how thi this s work wor ks in t he 20 2011 0, th e Ch C hann el of Awa kenin g; it is is a wond wo nder erful ful pl ace t o st s t art rt..

Peo pl e have a thin g abo ut thi s ch c hann e l It is o ne of th e so -c all ed my mys sti ca l c hann e ls. It is ca ll ed th e C hann el of Awa kenin g aft afte er all. Th e int inte eres tin ting g thin g abo ut t hi s c han nel is is th at it is a proj projec ectted c ha nn el. Th at mea ns th t hat som omeo eon ne has to rec ecogni ogni ze th at yo u are aw awa a ke. Th Thii s is not abo ut thinking thinkin g th at yo u are awa ke. Th e 20   10 ca can n only do o ne thin g. It ca n o nly spea k for itse lf lf.. Th at is wh w hat th e 2011 0 do d oes. It speaks for itse tself lf.. Th e se lf (G Ce nt nte er) is co c o nnecte ected d to th e thr throa oa t, and th e res ult is; it speaks for itse it self. It is proj projec ectted, so th ere is no motor he here ei e it her. Th erefore wh w he n so som mebo dy sa ys to you you:: Ar e you you awa ke? and you can an swe swerr Y es , th en yo yo u are. It has only to be rec ecogni ogni ze d by th e o th er . If you sa y t o so som me b ody you are ar e awake , it ju st do does es n't wor k. It has no power powe r beca b ecau use y o u ha h ave not no t bee n in vit ite ed . If nobod obody y recog ecogn nizes th t hat you yo u are aw awa a ke and a nd you are aw awa a ke, th en you suff uffe er from bitte bittern ess, th e th eme of o f th e pro pr oj ec ector tor.. If yo u have th thii s c hann el th the en you wa wa nt every bo bod dy to kn ow that you are awake. Yo u wa nt everyb rybo o dy to kno w th at you s pea k for f or y ourse lf in th e now. Th at is wh at being aw awa a ke is; spea king for yo urse lf in th e now, but it has has t o be reco ecogni gnize d by th e oth othe er. 2 0   10 10s s are verb al gun gunS S in ge rs. Th ey ca n always sh shoo oott o ff t he heir ir mo ut h. They ca n

alw ays sp spea k for t he mse lv es in t he now now.. W h at see seem m s to be th e poss ossiibility o f bein g ing awake o ft e n t urn s out o ut to to be sl s lee pers borin boring g ev everyb rybo o dy by co nsta stantly ntly spea king abo ut t hemse lves in th e now ow,, w it ith h o ut bein g reco ecogni gnize d or in vit ed . It is so im po rt rta a nt to inv unde und erst and th at eve ry c hann el has it its s own unique uniqu e pro process, cess, reg ardl rdless ess of of th e d efinition . Eac h c hann el will on ly op o p erat e at it its s bes estt when it is res esp po ndin g accordin acco rdin g to it its s typ type e. Ev e n if so som meo ne has a m otor co nn ec ectt ed to th is c hann el and th ey ca n j u st blurt th at o ut, it d oes not ma make it any more eff ffect ect iv e. Th at projec proj ectted c ha nn el still needs to be reco ecogni gni ze d and t hen in inv vit ite ed , and if it is is not, it is bitt tte er .

o f c raz y peo pl e wh o think th ey are aw awa ke and and yo u mee mee t a lot of sa ne You meet a lot of azy p eo pl e w ho think t hat th ey are aw awa a ke. Wh at th ey have in co mm mmo o n is th at th ey are alwa ys waiti tin n g for som ome ebody to t o recog ecogn nize th em . They are dyi dying ng for som so meb ebod ody y to see that th ey are aw awa a ke. Th at is what this thi s is all abo ut. If th e ot he r does not see itit , w hat to do? Aft er all, mo mos st 2011 Os are not enli g ht hte e ned . Th e wh ol e thin g a bout


A Guide to the Channels Ra Uro Hu U Rights Reserved 2 Human Design International Training Manuals   Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2




integration is that these are people that have a very profound capacity for survival. gate , a gat gate e o being ab ablle to express oneself oneself.. The awakeness is Thi s is a verbal gate, recognized through th e sp s pea king . When so someone meone has this thi s channel, it is not enough j u st to talk to them them;; you have to invit invite e them to reveal their I speak for myself'. myself' . When they do speak for themsel them selve s and if that speaking is clear, it is not that you are necessa nece ssarily rily going to say that this pe perso son n is en light lightened, ened, but you are going to feel

that there is is something clear and something awake in th at expression. Th at is the impact of the 20/10; to have their express expression ion recognized. Integration is deeply rooted in one them e; surviv al. This theme of surviva l is is made up of different parts parts . The way in which you speak and express yourself is a key that lets let s others see whether you are cl c lear enough. If you are clear, you influence influenc e them. That is how the process of awakening works. That is why so many gurus s it there and wait for people to ask them ques qu es tion tions s so that their awakeness can be recogniz recognize ed. peaking,, beca ecau use it is a verbal channe channell which The invitation comes out of the speaking basica lly sa ys: I am my se lf now. I am speaking for myself. Thi s is not the channe channell lightened. ened. Thi s is the channe channell of being awake. People Peopl e mix that up. up . Th e o being en light expression 'Buddha 'Buddha'' doe does s not mean the enlight nlightened ened but the awakened one . Enlightenment is is only one side o th e coin, and and endarkenme endarkenment nt is th e oth othe er, j u st as being awake is the polarity of being asleep. asleep . One o the easiest things to keep in mind about looking at channels is that all of Human Design is dualistic . So when you are looking at a channel's name, alway lways s turn it around . Th e 2011 0 is al also the cha nn el of being as leep. When one cannot speak for oneself in the now now,, then one is as leep. Enlightenment as such is an extreme state, albeit a suppo se dly mystical one . Only certain designs will experience this sta te, and there is certainly nothing you can do to attain it. For millennia , people have be en conditioned to try and attain this state. Human beings alw ays seek what they are not. Ironically, Ironically, what these people are looking for is themselves. themselves . When you are ab ablle to live out your own design, no matter how mundane your experience, you are as awake as Buddha .

A Guide

to the Channels Ra Uru Hu U Rights Reserved 2 Human Design International Training Manuals   Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2





Th e next step in Int Inte egration is is when you go from th e 20th gate to th e 34th . Thi s is th e Chann hanne e l o Chari sma . Here we hav e on one e o th e 4 manif manifes esting ting c hann els. Out o th e 36 c hann hanne els th at we hav have e there are only three three c hannel hannels s th at are pur pure e manife nifes stors; 35/ 36 , 12 / 22 , 45/21 - and one manifes manifes ting ge g e nerator ch ann el, th e 20 20/3 4.

Th e 20 /3 4 is is an a n unus unu sual configura configuration . Becau se we have th e union of th e thro throa at and th e sa sac ral; th e typ type e is tec echni nifes stor tor,, but th e str s tra ateg egy y is is th at of a g enerator. hni ca lly a ma nife Chari sm a is so som mething th at work w orks s bes estt wh e n it c om omes es out o f res respon pon se. Think abo ut wh at this thi s channel is is rea lly all about. It is a ve very simpl imple e thing to follo follow w th e voi ce of th thii s channel. Th e 20th 20th ga g ate sa y s: I am now now   and the 34th g ate is th e po we r to be acti ve. Thi s c ombin ombines as:: I am ac activ tiv e now now   or perh perha ap s mor more e su s ucc in c tly tly:: I am bu bus sy now . es as Thi s is a b usy c hann el. Th Thii s is not a bout kn owing what to be b e bu sy abo ut, nor is it knowing w heth er you are eve n being bu sy for yours your self elf.. Th at c om omes es from th e 57 and th e 10. Thi s is simply s imply about th e activity-orient ac tivity-orienta ated ex ist enti ntia al state tate:: I am bu sy now .

We may re reme mb mbe er th at th e th e me o th e manif nifes esting ting ge g e nerator is pun punc c tuat tuate ed by both ang nge er and fru stration (having elem ent nts s of both types typ es)) . Peopl ople e with this thi s ch cha ann el ca n go fro f rom m pe p eriod riods s of being very angry to period s of b eing ve ry fru str tra ated. Th ey are gove gov erned by the format energy of all the individu individua al chann els, found in th e 3/ 60 ; th e c hanne hannell of Mutation. Th Thii s energy is a pul pulse se th at go goes es from on to o ff and ba c k ag ain intermitte intermitt ently and endl ndless ess ly. We are d ealing he here with th e pot pote enti ntia al anger o th e manifes manife stor that refu ses to ask permi ssion or inform and the fru stration o th e ge nerator th at nobody will ask. All thi this s is under unders stood if th e 20 / 34 simply follow follows s it s str tra at egy gy;; wait to be as asked ked , wait to respond . Wh e n a person with thi this s ch cha a nnel surr urre end nde ers to th thii s strat trate egy th en they will e nt nte er into th eir bu sin iness ess corr c orre ectly . Th ere is this s c hann el without th e 57th ga g at e, th erefore th ese peopl ople e c a n be no aware aware ne ss in thi as bu sy as as th ey like without the nee d to even know what th ey are doing or why. Th ey ca n simply tru trus st in the pur pure e activity activity th at arises aris es out of th e ir sac ral c enter enter.. Mo st 20 Mos 20/3 /34 4s are ju st bu sy being bu sy . Th ey ra r arely obe ob ey o r unde und erst a nd th e natur nature e of of thii s c hann th hanne el, whi whic c h is in f act very powerful. Any combin combina ation o manif nifes estt ation a nd generation is is by it s natur nature e very powe powerful. Thi s is a pur pure e e nergy in th e body th at is tra nsform forme ed a nd pro process cessed ed through th e thyroid sy ste m. Beca ecau use of this thi s d eep nee d to be involv involve e d in ac activity tivity it is is so s o ve very import importa ant for th ese peo pl e to act as g enerator tors s and to wait to be be as ked befor fore e th ey c ommit th eir energy rgy.. Thi s is very diffi diffic cult for th e m to und unde erstand becaus becau se th e mom mome e nt you ha have a motor co nn ec ectted to th e thro at, it wa nt nts s to run . It simply nee d s to be bu sy . But as we ca can n see see,, it is not about not being bu bus sy . It is about be being as asked ked . Thi s is th e mos ostt import importa a nt thing of all. Wh en th ese peopl people e are asked th en th ey c an rea lly be c hari sm ati c . Th e n wh atever th ey throw thro w th eir e nergy into ca n be b e rea lly exc exciting iting .

Let't's s think ab o ut wh at manif nifes es ting channel s are truly a bout. From th e mom mome e nt we co me into th e world world,, we ar are all condition conditione ed to be manif nifes esttors . Yet of a ll th e ch cha ann nne el s we ha hav v e in our matrix matri x, th ere are only four th e 20 20/3 4 in c luded) th at are ac tu ally about getting things thing s done . It is so importa import ant to unders underst and th ese four cha ch ann els in ord orde er manife sting is so som mething th at le ave s a good example on our plane plan et. In oth othe er th at manifes word s th ere ar a re two types typ es of ma nif nifes esting ting ; proper manifes manifesting ting , w hi c h is of enormou e normous s A Guide to the Channels Ra Uru Hu ll Rights Reserved 2000 Human Design International Training Manuals   Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000



benefit to society and chaotic manifesting, which is deeply destructive to society. Manifestors who do not inform before they act and who therefore do not manifest properly,, get punished. If they are not obeying the nature of type of that channel, properly they are going to suffer from the anger that comes with it. These are very angry peoplle who feel like they never were allowed to do what they know they have a right peop to do. The

20 34

generator,, is a manifesting generator channel that ha s to work as a generator

because it is the connection between the throat and the sacral. In order for charisma to operate properl properly , it has to be called upon rathe rath er than proffered. In other words, words , somebody has to come up to the 20 34 and say: Would you like to be busy with this? Then they can verbally or sac sacrrally respond: Yes or Uh - huh and they will automatically find th e right kind of activity. pattern s in our live s; ways in which we use our energy every day day.. I know We all have patterns many 20 34 s who spend a good part of every day cleaning. Keeping things clean is holy work anyway, so this can be very healthy for them . Their energy has to go into something. By keeping busy they keep themselves comfortable because that is their nature. What can be distressing is when thi s turns into an obsession; for example, people who clean 6 hours a day. day . Generators particularl particular ly can get caught into th the e se kinds kind s of energy traps. These are coming from the not self. Th ey co come me about because at some point the se people did not wait to use their energies in res pon se. generator s become slaves laves.. They end up doing things that they don't like . So many generators For example: Let' s sa y you are at home and there are many things you could be doing and The otherfact things youif feel be doing nothing that you want to be doing. you you had'ought' enteredtointo these but things by responding in the is that firr st place - your work, fi work , your study or practice practice - the then n you would have a healthy place to put your energy and would be happy being busy with them. The most important thing about the channel o charisma is that its activity is guided guided.. is that it must be asked so that it knows through it s By guided, what we mean is response what it wants to do . Then , and on ly then can its activi activ ity be productive. productive . This healthy.. The 20 34 does not have a splenic connection, so is how these people stay healthy unless the 57th gate is i s present, it needs the guidance for its own well being in order to apply it its s energy in a healthy way. Over the cour se o a lifetime, you build up a something mething in the se lection of things you can be busy about. You are busy about so morning, then you are busy with something else in the afternoon. You ha hav ve a stable pattern made up of the right kinds of activity that you enjoy being involved in . Without this thi s guidance and prompting from without, 20 34s are chaotic. It is not as as if they can stop being busy. After all, we are ta lking about mechanics . They have no choice. Th ey will be busy all th eir life life.. Beca ecause use they are individual. th e 20 34 people do not necessa nece ssarily rily liste listen even when they are asked. Even so, they must still be asked so that they have something to respond to . Thi s channel can create rea l waves in SOCiety. After all, this is the only manifesting channel that is rooted in the sacra sacrall center, so in and of itsel itse lf. it carries this sexual. fertile quality with it. When 20 34s are manifesting correctly according to their type, they have a deep impact on others. It seems as though they are doing what everybody else would love to be able to do. do . Remember that humanity is always

A Guide to the Channels Ra Uro Hu ll Rights Reserved 2 Human Design IntemaUonal Training Training Manuals Copyright Jovian Archive Archive Europa





being cond iti oned to think that pure doing is possibl possible e for anyone. Therefore when we see the true manifesting power o th thii s channe channell at work, we can be deep eeply ly impressed. impre ssed. Furthermore, be ca use it carri es thi this s sac ral quality of vitality with it it,, it can have hav e enormou enormous s impact on others. That is is true charisma.


ll Rights Reserved 2000 A Guide to the ChaMels Ra Uru Hu Human Design International Training Manuals   Copyright Jovian rchive Europa 2000







The 57 34 is the channel of archetype. People always ask of this channel; Which archetype am 17 and I always tell them the same thing; you're human . That is what this c hannel is really all about. Let' s begin with the 57th gate; the gate of intuiti Let's intuition c larity. The thing to recognise on and cl about the 57 is that through this single gate all awareness has really flowered. In other words, it is the beginning of the entire awareness process in humanity. The intuitive clarity inherent in the 57th gate has only one purpose in life life;; to guide the

being towards survival. This is a spl sp lenic gate and as we know know,, the spleen center represents our immun immune e system. The immune system is not interested in the intellectual problems of the mind . It is concemed on ly with survival. Integration th e integration channels) is the basis of our surv iv al in the world as a specie. Without integration we don't have the neces sa ry tools to be able to survive as a specie. That 57 34 is the intuition empowered by the sacral center. The 34th gate is the great gate o empowerment. It is a magnificen magnificentt font o energy. When it is connected to the 57 it empowers our intuiti ve capac ity to survive through response. Thi s is a pure generator channel. This says something very profound about humanity; that the essence of human life it se lf is survival. and survival is a question of responding. Survival is not a question of initiating or pursuing. Remember that this is is the beginning of our evolutionary process as humans. It is not the be-all and end-all o being a human being being.. It is simply a ve ry important component o our development. Because of the complex complexity ity of our designs and how they have evolved, we have gone beyond pure respon se. But it is our pure response through th thii s channel; the archetype, that establishes our capacity to be able to s urvive and remain healthy in thii s life th life.. People with this channel on ly know c larity when they are acting out of response, when they have waited to be asked. The question ; w hich archetype am 17 cannot something mething provokes a response in us. For example; we cross the be answered until so street st reet and a vehicle races at us , and in that split second before our mind can do anything we respond by leaping out of the way. Our life has been saved. That was our true archetype as a human being in all its power. That is the pure capacity of the archetype; to keep us alive and to alert us to all danger. This is is why this channe channell is called the Channel of Power. Thi s power within us is always prepared for battle battle.. Thi s is surv survival ival that is not only rooted in the avo avoid id ance of being eaten, but also by being prepared our ourselves selves to kill in order that we may eat. Being prepared is an individual process. The 57 is rooted in the 28/38; the channel of struggle. W e are always prepared for struggle, and thi this s struggle can only be productive when it is guided by the intuition intuition.. People with the channel of Power have a potential perfected capacity for survival as long as they are responding. If you have the 57/34 and you have a very fancy house with wonderful things and then you go out and buy all kinds of burg lar alarms to try to protect that house, the chances are you will get robbed . The point here is that it is never what you think is good for you that is good for you. You are here to trust in your moment to moment respon se, and it is that w hich protects you. This is the ultimate burglar alarm.

A Guide to the Channels Ra Uru Hu n Rights Reserved 2000 Human Design International Training Manuals Manuals   Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000




When we look at the whole integration system as though we were seeing it as a ch rt it looks like a manifestor. However its power lies in the sacral center; in being a generator. Survival and awakening and the perfection of being in the now all come out of response. Life happens on its own; problems happen birth happens death happens change happens. The van ity of human beings is to claim that they have any kind of control over any of this. It is all a joke. At its purest level integration reminds us that we are all designed to respond no matter what our design. There is no mind here. There are no emotions to cloud and distort the pi p icture. There is just the pure essence of survival; response. When we learn to trust in this inherent power we have as individuals then we can be

truly fearless. This is about trusting in the life that lies within us and waiting for that life to emerge on its own without our interference. In truth we are not creative beings. We are reactive. This is where our laughter comes from. You are out there in the middle of the jungle and all of a sudden you have to respond to something that is very threatening. Somehow your natural reflexes take over and you find that you have survived. Because you have survived without really knowing how  how   you laugh. This often happens when people have accidents. They laugh because somehow they survived. Shock is a part of the individual process. In the end all laughter is rooted at some level in survival and in how funny it is to watch this archetypal process at work. All the channels contain polarities and here in the 57/34 lies the possibility for dehumanization. The opposite of be ing human is to stop responding and try to manifest. If you have this channe l and you do not wait to respond in a sense you lose your humanness. An example of this are those want to somehow remove our ancient animal nature in order for the world to be at peace and for everyone to love one another. It is exactly this animal nature deep within us that has enabled us to survive and flourish as we have. There is great natural wisdom in this Channel of Power. In this channel lie our most ancient instincts and the power to accept them act on them and laugh at them. That is what make us truly human.

A Guide 1 the Channels Ra Uru Hu All Rights Reserved 2000


Human Design International Training Manuals   Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000



The 7 Creative Channels Each o the six circuits and the integrati integration channels) has a channel that is its creative force. It is through these seven creati creat ive channels that the rest o the circuitry finds a way to express itself. These are communicative/interactive outlets that synthesize all the channels within their c ircu rcuiit and conduct that information into the world. The seven Creative Channels are: Circuit






The Channel


Perfected Form


Knowing Circuit



The Channel








Centering Circuit Understanding Circuit

16 / 48

The Channel The Channel


Exploration Talent


Sensing Circuit



The Channel




Ego Circuit



The Channel




Defense Circuit



The Channel



A Guide 1 the Channels Ra Uru Hu All Rights Re served 2000 Human Design International Training Manuals Manuals   Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000








10 57


Creative C h a n n e l · the art o f survival

firr st of the seven Cr Creat eatiive Channels hannels,, thi s chan nel co con nnects the G center to th e The fi splenic system tem,, resulting in behavior that is guided by the intu iti on. Thi s is what we intuitive e behavior is rather unu sual because ther there e is no ca   perfected form. Thi s intuitiv motor and there is no outlet to the throat. Thi s is a pur pure e proj projec ectted chan nel. Being proj ec ted , we know that thi s is a quality that needs to be recognized . However However,, the integration system is not a circu it like the ot oth her 6 ci rc uits. Thi s is not about connecting to somebody else in order to empower or share or support them (the 3

keynot ynotes es of th e c ircuit group s). Int Integ egrration ha s it its s own laws. We know that th e supr upre eme law of integration is survival, survival, and that these 4 integration c hann els are se lf lf absorbed in ow n their survival process. pro cess. Therefore, when that pe p erf rfec ectted form or behavior is reco ecogni gni ze d by so som meo ne , the perso person n who ha s it do es n 't eve even n necessa necessarily rily know that it ha s be en reco recognized gnized . Remember. in integration we are dealing with 4 channels that inte int erconn rconnect; ect; pow powe er, awa kening, activ activity ity and intuitive be behavior havior.. Th ese channe channells and themes are not se parat parate e but deeply integrated . Through pe perfected form 10 /5 7) th the e se other essentiall human elements mee t th e world and are recogni ze d. Thi s is th e who essentia wholle thing about b eing awake to your se lf lf.. Whil While e you are bu sy bein g awake to your se lf, you are not int interes erestted in whether so somebody mebody else sees that or not. You are simply in your proce ss. It is the ot oth her perso son n who will be at attr acted ted to that be b ehavior beca becau use it trac looks different. Integ ration is all about being ve very different. People with activ ation' tion's s in the integra integration channe channells always get the att tte ention that they do not wa nt. Th ey don don''t want to spend th eir energy empowering oth er people. people . Th ese ar are 4 very se lfi sh c hann hanne els indeed. All they want is is to perfect th eir form ; wh wha a teve r that may be be for them.. Many people with thi s channe them channell are architects or des designers; people who lite literally work to perfect and bea utify the form . else perfect perfects s th eir form . That has to do The se people do not ca re whether anybody el with other activation activat ion 's coming into the des d esii gn gn.. Th e 10/57 ha s to wa it. Thi s is an ongoing perfecting proce process ss of behavior, and it is de dee e ply c reative. Integration is is the backbone backbon e of what it is to be human. In th e light of thi s, th e mo st ba sic human creative act is to allow your intuition to guide your behavior with out cha ch a ll enge. The greatest c hall e ng es here will come from eit eith her the mind and/or the ee p emotion s. motivation But neitherthat mind nor emot emotion capabl capab lent of understand inggate. the dOnly lymphatic comes out ion of sthearespleen ce nte er und the 57th via erstand when you enter into situ ituations ations co rr ec ectly tly can the perfect behavior emerg merge e out of your reac eaction tion s in the no w. Th i s is a deep inner creativ e proc Thi process ess that cannot be controlled or manag manage ed, simply beca use it can only o nly come out of our spontaneous intuition s. Thi s perf perfec ected ted be be havior ca n also on ly come out in an environment where it is recognized. Others may look at that and sa y : That be beh havior feel s co rrect.   But they may not learn anything from that. Integ Int egration ration is the ultimat ultimate e se lfi sh system tem,, being totally se lf-e nc losed.

A Guide 1 the Cha nnels Ra Uru Hu All Rights Reserved


Human Design International Training Manuals Manuals   Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000  


If we summ umma ari ze Int Inte egr gra at io ion n, one might sa y th at th e bas asiis o f being huma hum a n is to be in vit ite ed t o res esp po nd as yo ur urse self lf in th the e now . As s uc h your fo fo rm is perf rfec ectt and yo you u are awake . Th e in vit ita atitio o n is i s li fe itse self lf.. Th at is why the th e perf rfec ectted form and th e aw a wake ni nin ng are gr grea t invita invit ati ons. You are truly invit invite ed to find yoursel yourselff in thi this s life bec ause th at is our purpo se. The gr grea ea t est in i nvita ti on of th e m all has alwa y s been bee n : Thy se lf lf   . Kno Kn o w Thy integra ati o n alwa ys s peak s for th e w ho le Th e c rea tiv e c ha nn el in a ny ci rc uit or in integr c ir c uit and repr prese esent nts s it. in tha t se nse , in th e out o uter wor worlld. Th e 10 10// 57 is a des esiig n o a surv iv ivo or. Wh at inte integr gra ati on pr prese esent nts s t o th e wo world rld is is th e art of surviv al. wh whii c h is som so m ethin g th at ca n o nl y be witn wit nesse essed d by anothe anoth er.

A Guide


the Channels


Uru Hu


Rights Right s Reserved 2000

Human Design International Training Manuals  Manuals   Copyright Jovian Archive Europa







We now leave integration which is not ci rcuit-oriented and come to the pure circuitry that makes up the majority of the bodygraph . We begin by looking at the individu individua al circuit group . The moment that we come into individual circuitry we come to a mutative mutativ e process. The individu individua al circuit groups represe nt the one way in which individuality ca n survive in the world without bei ng ostracized from the re st of the totality.


} f.~ :


A Guide



the Channels


Uru Hu


Rights Right s Reserved 2000

Human Design International Training Manuals   Copyright Jovian Archive Europa




Individuality and Empowerment Each ci rcuit group ha s a fundamental keynote. When we come to individual c ircuitry the Knowing Circuit Circu it and th e Centering Ci rcuit) the keynote is empowerment. If we we look at the Knowing Circuit as though it were an individual des design, the first thing that we notice is that it is an emotional manifesting generator. Thi s mean means s that knowing cannot be clear in the now and it must come as a re spo spon nse to something. In other words, although knowing takes take s place in the now, in th e pu lse the empowerment o knowing only takes place over tim e. This is very im portant to understand . It ha s to go through the emotional wave . All individuals know that to empower another perso son n is quit quite e a process. It take takes s time because they do not necessa necessarily rily get it right away. This is is becau se thi this s circuit is emotional emotional in nature. That is its its authority. Inspiration can come in a si ngl ngle e moment but true knowing takes take s tim time e . To be an individual is to be an example, and becau se all individuality is rooted in th e individual format of the 3/60 which is mutation, mutation , being an exa mple is a mutative force .

Mutation is is a word that lie s at the heart of Human De sign. It is about being oneself, about abo ut being unique. All th e individual channe channells echo to th e sound o mutation , to thi s univer sa l la w that constantly and unpredictably)brings change into the world . Each chann hanne el ha s it its s own life life.. They all contribute to thi s proce process ss o being an example for others. Each o them wi ll follow their own rul es and we will look at each of them in turn . Everything about individuality is about acoustics. It is about the word. It is about being able to express onesel onese lf c learly or not. Individual Individuals s those with individual d efinition) are freaks and outsiders outsiders.. They are here to be unusual. They do not eas ily fit in to soc sociiety . Th e fac t th at there is is emo emotion tiona al authority in the individu individ ual process is very te telling lling.. It shows how diffic diffi cult it is for the individual to tran slate their existential, inn er knowing into th e capacity capac ity to be able to empower other others s with that knowing. Everyone who carries individu individua ality in their des design ha s a lifelong task o lea rning how expllain them themse selve pow er o explanation that th e individual to exp lve s. It is through this powe leaves th e rea lm o being the stranger, the outs out sid ide er or the freak, and enters into th e realm o being a guide that is of value to other s. Knowing is is enormou enormous sly important to our mutative growth. Without the mutation we have a dead end str ee t. Without the mutation we have no evolut evolutiion.

A Guide to the Channels Ra URI Hu

ll Rights Re served 2000 Human Desig International Training Manuals . Copyright Jovian Archive Europa












A Guide 1 the Channels Ra Uru Hu All Rights Reserved 2 Human Design International Training Manuals   Copyright Jovian Archjye Europa 2





THE CHANNEL OF AWARENESS The Channel of Awareness 61 24

A design of a Thinker The Awareness Stream of Knowing

[ he Knowing circuiq circui q


Inner Truth The Gate of the Mystery

Fuel Pressure o the unknown unkno wn or the unknowable

Energy Energ y Mechanic The strugg le for silence

The Return 4 Th e Gate o Rationalization Potential Awareness Potential Energy to struggl e for The relentlessness of awareness or not the unresolved Thinking

capaciit ies of the individu individua al, with the in spiration out of the We begin with the mental capac gate , The Return, This 61 st gate of Inner Truth and the rationalization out of the 24th gate, channell of a thinker, The whole thing about the thinker is that there is nothing is the channe to discover, The moment that the thinker thinks there is something to discover they go mad , The three channe channells between the head and the ajna center are c ha nn els th at can always bring madness, whethe whetherr they be the collect collectiive versions of madness or individual madness, Individual madness is thinking that you can discover something, for in stance ; thinking that you can discover the meaning of life or the name of God God,, The 61 st gate is rea lly about accepting accept ing that some things are unknowable, This channel is basically about thinking, It is simpl imply y about processing the acoust acoustiic mind, It is not as though there is anybody doing anything here, We don 't run our thinking, Our thinking runs us, It just comes pouring through, The moment we attach our ego to that and say: this is my thinking and thr through ough my thinking I will be able to atta in this or that. we go mad,   People with this chan nel (or indeed any individual channel) often exper experiience moments of 'satori 'satori , or sudden 'knowings' 'knowings ' , This may happen for in stance as they are reading somethin somet hing, This is not however the same as a discovery, Usually the moment of kn owing has absolutely nothing to do with the thing that they just read, What happens to them in these moments is what we ca ll 'mutation' , There is liter litera a  y a gap in the thinking process, and through this gap comes change, change , This is mutation, A Guide to the Channels Ra Uru Hu All Rights Reserved Z Human Design International Training Manuals . Copyrighl Jovian Archive Europa 2




Th e fir firs st thing to t o see ve ry c lea rly a bout this thi s c ha nn el 61/2 4 is th at this thi s is not a m anif nifes estor tor.. It does d oes not sa y : I am going to think no now . Neit ith h er is th thii s a gen ge nerator; it d oes no nott sa y: I am only go going ing to t o think t hink wh en I am as ked to t o think think..  Th Thii s is a proj projecto ecto r. invite ed to lif life e through th e int inte egr gra ation process. pro cess. th ese peopl peop le are Ju st as we are invit invi te d specifi c ally to think . Here li es on o ne of th e bea utiful things thing s about unde und erstand ndiing th e rea l na nature of invita invitati on . A pro proj ec ector tor is is not wa waiting fo for an in vit ita ation fr o m a p ers on . Th ey are wa iting for th e invitation c om omii ng via a perso son n. It is an invit invita ati o n to to eng e ng age in life lif e throu g h th e ment nta al process pro cess of bei ng an individu individua al . Th e mom mome ent on e rea li zes th at invit ation is something th at is simp implly th ere any wa y. one c an giv give e up hav in g to th at invita do so som mething abo ut it. Thi s c hann el is i s not abo ut trying to to use on one's e's thought thoughts s to g et anything or a nywh nywhe ere . It is j ust about rec recogni ogniz zin g th at kn ow owing ing ha happen ppens s in itits s ow own n tim e. Thi s is a n invita invit ation by life life to think think.. It is an invitat invitatiio n o f life life in th e se nse th at th e knowing is is   st going to pass through anyway nyway.. and and in it its s own tim e. Wh at ha h app ppe e ns to m os ostt peopl ople e is that th ey try to att ac h a rea son to th eir ment nta al process pro cess.. st as th ey atta ttac c h re reason s to t heir e motion motiona al wa wav v e: I am do wn beca b ecau use .. .. I am up . beca use ..  

I am am thinking of thi s bec ecau au se .. .. . am thinking of him beca becau use .. . . But on ce we t ake awa aw a y th e beca ecau use . th e o nly thing thin g left to us is to enjoy th e rid ride e. Th e n we we can ca n e nj oy our thinking thinkin g proc process ess with witho out trying to to be in c ontrol o f wh at it brings bring s to us. and whe n. Th e mom mome ent we we try to to co ntrol or unde und erstand o ur kn owin wings gs we bec ecom ome e vuln vulne erabl e to bl em s. Thi s can also lea d to many o th er co mpl all kind inds s o f ment nta al pro robl mpla aint ints s suc h as migra migr ain e hea dach es . dis di sturbin g sound s ounds s in th e hea d etc .


A Guide to the Channels Ra Uru Hu ll Rights Reserved Human Design International Training Manuals  Manuals   Copyright Jovian Archive Europa

2 2




T HE CHANNEL O F ST S T RUCTURING The Channel of Structuring 43 23

A design of a Individuality(from Genius to Freak) The Awareness Stream



Breakthrough The Gate of Insight Awareness Possiibi lity Poss possibilitty possibili Spontaneous Spontaneous Ind ndiividual Knowing or resolutionThe Voice



of the Muse Inner Ear

Splitting Apart 3 The Gate of Assimilation Expression Expressi on Throat Mechanic Mechanical impulse Individual to impart knowing or manifestation in the not


Whenever we see the mind connected to the throat we are looking at a metamorphic process. transllate pictures into language, and the The collective metamorphic process is to trans individual metamorphic process is to translate acoustics into language. It is quite a difficult task for a individual, who has no formula 4th gate) and no idea (11th gate). to be able to exp expllain themselves themselves.. Once again, we are looking at a channel that is a projected channel. These are peopl peop le who have to be invited to speak. This is a key for them and it is even more of a key when you are an individual. The invitation comes much more easily if you are collective because the collective is designed to share.ideas, Invitations moretoreadi to collective people with their opinions and will come their than they will come the lyindividual for their knowing. Nothing is more important to the individual mind than to be asked to explain themselves. That is when they are at their best. The 43/23 is a very unique channel because th is is where the mutative mind can be expressed. However, unless these people learn to wait to be asked for their knowing, for their explanation, they give up on their knowing. They can become ashamed of their knowing because it al always alienates them from others others.. They don t want to be thought of as freaks, which is exactly what happens when they speak A Guide 1 the Channels Ra URI Hu All Rights Reserved 2 Human Design International Training Manuals . Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2




without being asked. These people can be th e leas eastt unders und erstood tood people on th e planet, but if they wait to be invited to explain th eir knowing, then they always can alway lways s be under understood. stood. Knowing can be an elusive gift. Children especially will put up th eir hands in a classroom,, stating vehemently: I know  classroom know   . Yet when you ask them to exp explain lain what it is is th at they want to say, so often they do not know how to trans tran slate it. The difficulty li es in bringing it from th e in inn n er knowing out into a voice. Invitation is again th e key, and it wo rk rks s in a number o ways. Re me mb mbe er, it is not simply that the invitation comes from th e other, but the invitation moves move s through the other or through the circumstances. So let's say you are a 43 /23 and a nd you are sitting with a logical person. They say I think   and you say: No, no , I know think know..  There is a an n invitation in this. When th ey te t ell you

what th ey think first, fir st, they are looking to you for a confirmation . Th en you can step in with your: I know it th thii s way . .. . Furth ermore, if an individu individua al is is eve r asked: What do you think? then that is is also an invitation to tell them: them : I don't think think.. I know. Let me me ex plain it to you . Alt Alte ernativ rnative ely, imagine you are sitting with an abstract perso son n who sa y s I believe  . They let you know exac exactly tly what it is they believ e, and then you ca n give them your knowing. Th e key is to aw invit ation . Sometimes 2 individual individuals s awa a it the invita

both with th thii s channel me et, and in th is case one needs to invite invite th e other. Until th ey are given an opportunity to explain themselves th e individual is always going to be an outsider, and yet they are already th e outsiders by nature. Thus th ese invitation s do not come easily. All too often th e individual ends up shouting all th e time : I know know.. I know. I know  know   and to everybOdy e lse they are j u st a pain in the nec nec k . They see seem m very rigid and very fixed fixed.. They do not see seem m to know anything other than what they think th ey know. Of co cour urse, se, thi this s do does es great damage to th e individual psyche. Like any of the other ment menta al fi elds lds,, th e individu individua al is here to respo espond nd to invitation and the invitation will come. Th eir process is si s imply to let go and let th e mind do its work. When we leave the mind to its its own bu sines iness s we ca n be of great benefit to oth othe ers. We don't hav have e to try and figur figure e out the reason w hy the mind sa ys ce rt ain thing things s at certain ce rtain times tim es and we don't hav have e to try to plan what we are going to say beforehand. It can take many many years for an individual to expla in their knowing clearly. The individua individu al has to e mbrace both their I know  know   and their I don don''t know , and this thi s is a process of lea rning how ho w to articulate as clearly and simply as possible. That way, the individual won't be treated as a freak freak.. The gift th at thi s kind of mind bring brings s is th e possibility for the co ll ec ective tive to see that there is is a noth nothe er way to make se nse out of thing s. Thi s is the possibil possibility ity of 'k 'knowing' nowing' that is neither rooted in abs abstr trac ac t beliefs nor logical formulas. It is is the potential for genius, but this genius ca n only emerge when ca ll ed .


A Guide to the Channels Ra Uru Hu All Rights Reserved 2000

Human Design International Training Manuals   Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2







Strugglle Strugg

28 38

A design



Stream of Intuitive Awareness

[ he Knowing circui ij


Preponderance of the Great The Gate o the Game Player Potenttial Poten Awareness Potent Potentiia l Awareness to The Stubbornness to Struggle or not Listen

= §


Opposition The Gate of the Fighter Fuell Fue Energy Mechanic

Energy to sttruggle or The Impulse to ignore no

When we look to the splenic side of the bodygraph, we come to the whole intuitiv intuitive e process; to the 28/38 the channel of strugg le, Since this channel connects the root to the spleen, it is an adrenal adrenaliised sys system tem,, but aga agaiin, it is a projected channel. This channel is the invitation from life for the individual to struggle to know what is of value, The channel of struggle feeds into the integration channels, What is of value is that you know how to re spond to life as yourself in the now, That is the progression through the circuitry, All individuals s uffer from melancholy, melancholy , One of the things to recogniz recognize e about individual struggle is is that you have to be in vited to the struggle. If the struggle ha s not arisen from an invitation , then it can turn into something very painful. Ther There e is nothing more bitter than a 28/38 that must struggle and yet does not feel the value in that struggle. This is a projected channel that has to do with our well being and our health, Thi s is the immune system, after al l

Mutation always come from the individual circuits and as it impacts impact s on the collective it always goes through st struggle. ruggle. The collective has a basic resistance to being mutated . This is the way thing things s h ve always been . It is as though the collective were saying: don' don'tt come in here and mess around . But the struggle of the 28/38 is not simply to struggle with the co colllective, It is deeper than that. These people have to struggle with their very knowing itself un t il it is c lear that it is of value. And they h ve to be invited to struggle truggle;; for examp examplle: do you want to pick a fight with me? Yes , Th ey h ve to be recognized that they are ready to struggle for their knowing , They

A Guide to the Channels Ra Uru Hu All Rights Reserved 2000

Human Design International Training Manuals   Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2







are lsoIfready to itstruggle to explain But access it is is asslong way to athe throat cent ce they wa to be invit then knowing acce throa thro ntaer. ed only their will they. get to the t. a nd be able to express thems them selves elves.. If not , they won't. It is very important for the individua individu a l to wait for those opportunities to ex plain th emse lv es. Remember Remember,, individu individua ality is is acoustiic . St rugg le is so often a struggl acoust truggle e of word s. It is not abo about ut beating eac each h ot oth her up.. It is more often a struggle just to find th e words to be able to exp up expllai n yourself yourself.. 28/38's will strug gle with anything. (It is mor more e lik like ely that th e 39/55 will rea lly st struggl ruggle e with their knowing because the e motion motiona al side is mor more e involved with food and liquid liquid,, pleas plea sur ure e and pain.) The 28/38 nee d s to find th e word word s in th eir life th at th ey recog niz nize e give them va lu e in th eir being . Thi s is one of the unu unus sual things thing s about the indi indiv vidu idua al. Th ey have to be ab ablle to hear their truth . Thi s is ne ith er about se nsing truth truths s nor logi ca lly ca lcul atin g th e m. Th e individual has to hea r th ose truths, whethe wheth er th ey come out of of th eir own mouth mouths s as a spontan spontaneo eou us res pon se to life, or wheth er th ey hear th at truth co coming ming out of th e mouth of anoth er. In eith er case, individu individuals als are here to exp expllain what ot oth hers do not unde underst sta a nd or cannot canno t make se nse of of.. this s c hannel that is crea ted by th e str tre e ss from the Th e re is a basic tensio n in thi adren adre nalin e system syste m. What th is mea ns is that you do not always have your oppo opportunity rtunity to be ab ablle to exp expllain yourself and you don don''t alw ays find the nat ur al way to liv e out rugg g le. Thi s crea tes a natur tura al e nergy excess in th e body body.. th e purpo se of th e st rug

In stea d of o f banging yo your ur hea d agains againstt all kind kinds s of thing things s th at aren ' t import importa ant for you in your life, it is bett tter er to go out and and j u st use your body to burn th e en ene e rgy gy,, to struggl truggle e with som so mething outside of yo ur urse self lf in order to get rid of th at excess excess..

One of th e diffi diffic culti ulties es of all motor motoriize d projec proj ector tors s is th at they suff uffe er from retained energy rgy.. Thi s energy ca n o ver time eith er di dis stort th eir bodi es, or it ca n mak make e th em hyperac hyp erac tiv e. I alw lways ays reco ecomm mmend end to people with any of the se c ha nn els linking the root to the s pl ee n th at they use their body phys phy sically ically.. But aga in , th ey hav have e to be invited invit ed to it. You can't tell a 28/38 to do ae robi robics cs eve ry morning . The poor thing is is not ab ablle to do th at. Wh at they ca n do is talk to th eir friend who does aerobics aerobic s eve ry mornin g, and te ll them : Look Look,, anytime you are int inte eres estted in havi ng compa ny while yo u work out. pl ease ca ll me and and invite invite m e to co com me over a nd do aerob aerobiics with w ith you . invitat ation ion and nee d s th e oth ot her in Th en it work s, because the 28/38 needs to hea r th e invit order to rea lly move mov e the ene energy rgy prope prop erly . It is a rea l key. If you are invit invite e d to the struggl e, you are perfectly eq equipped uipped for it. Wh at happe happ e ns is th at if you are not awa re of all thi s, you j u st e nd up being bitter because you str strug ug gle with all kind s of thing things s that are not of valu e to you. you . Fin ally , you get to the 28th gate, lin e 6 (B la ze of Gl G lory) a nd climb up onto th e hill and say: nothing is wort worth h struggling for for,, not even brea th   and then you j u st di e. All I am sugges suggesting ting is is that if you see each of th ese channel channels s as a typ e, you begin to understand how they opera operatte at their best. If you as k so som mebody who who has a 28 /3 8 that is connected to th e throat. it do does es not mean that they can j u st man if ifest est th e ir nee d to str struggl uggle e at w ill . They can cannot. invited ed to that. not. It is mu c h better for them to be invit rfec ectted Form) . Th e 20/57 says: I My ex perience with 28/38s is through my 20/57 (Pe rf know and I don't don 't ca re, if you also know th en don't don 't bother me, because I don don'' t fee l like lik e tellin g you you,, beca ecau use then I meet all your resista resista nce. I don' don'tt want to spe nd all m y time tim e and en energy trying to tell you what you are not going t o und unde ersta nd anyw a y


A Guide 10 the Channels Ra Uru Hu All Righls Reserved 2000 Human Design International Training Manuals  Manuals   Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000



Then the 28/38s come along and say: say : No , you can ' t blow me off that way. You have to tell me .  I cannot get away from that. These 28/38 s force you . It is a great gift. gift . When they are invited, they bring enormous value to the individual process, process , as do their mirror on the other side of the bodygraph bodygraph,, the 39/55 Think about what a projector does as a type. A projector is a non energy type and types.. Once a projector is ha s the gift of managing the energy of the energy types recognized , it can put this gift to work. Think about these two proje proj ector ctors s that come out of the root center. The 28/38 go es to the spleen and the 39/55 go goe es over to the emotional syst system em.. Both of them are there to set the stage to be noticed in some way by the outside world . In the part of the sexuality course, which deals with the themes theme s of nurturing and caring in the human system system,, we learn that the 20/57 (channel of the brain wave) has a different value when it is part of integration than when it is part of the knowing circuit. When it is part o integration integration,, it is only selfcaring: I care for mys myself elf.. I don't need you. In fact it goes even further than that, saying : I care for myself exclu exclus sively and if you die, tough . That is the ruthlessness o integration integration.. Some mutations never reach the out outs side world. These are the people peopl e who know something and spend their whole life unable to explain it. But when the 28/38 channel of struggle comes al along (it does not matter whether it is the whole channel or only a single gate, gate , any kind o activation in it will do) automatically the 57th gate stops thinking only about itself itself..

Thi s is the magic of the channel o struggle struggle;; that is has the power to influence the selfish integration channels channels,, thus bringing what is truly o value across to others. Thus the 28/38 says to the 20/57: It is not enough that you have your penetrating awareness in the now. I also want to know this, this , and if it's really worth knowing then everybody else should know too, so you you'' d better explain it to me. If you can can'' t explain

it to m e , another freak, then you are never going to explain it to anyone.   The 28/38 struggles to make sure that the knowing can become transpersonal. It is a very important struggle struggle.. What happens to so many 28/38s is that in their life they do not get to meet the 20/57s that will really bring out the best o that struggle. In other words,, they end up struggling with all the wrong things , simply because they didn't words wait for that invitation.

A Guide to the Channels Ra Uru Hu All Rights Reserved 2 Human Design International Training Manuals   Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2





The Channel


the Brainwave

20 57

A des de sign of Penetrating Awareness Stream of Intuitive Awareness Awarenes s

Contemplation The Gate of the Now Expression Throat Mechanic


The mechanical manifestation of Clarity Clarit y or not , I know I am Now '



57 -



Intuitiv e Manifestation Intuitive in the Now

The Gentle The Gate of Intuitive Clarity - -   ~ - - Awareness Possibility Possibility

Awarene ss to Struggle for Clarity or t

The Existential Ear Th e Right Ea r

Th e 57th gate is the gate of intuition and the 20th gate is the existential gate of contemplation in the now now.. This is the Channel of the Brainwave Brainwave;; a design of penetrating awareness. This is the intuition in the now and it is i s a projected cha nn el. Again,, you have to be invited to share that. Life invites you to all ow your intuition to Again carry you in the now and to speak for you in the now. now . As we have j u st see seen n, when the 28 38 is added to this it says: Yo u cannot ju st li ve that you yourrse lf lf,, you have to make it availab availablle to others . Th en that 20th gate has to begin the pro process cess of ex plaining it. It is not enough to be able to say: I am what I am and I know what I am doing. The que ques stion for all individual individuals s is: can you ex plain what you are doing doing? ?  In looking at th e designs of hundreds of my mys stic tics s and sa saii nts, we have found one common co mmon denominator in all of them; individual definition. This does not mean that it is th e dominant definition in th e chart, c hart, but every single one of them ha s individuality individuality..

This is the mutative force . Every time that you are looking at that mutation, mutation , you hav e is always th e possibility to have a deep impact on others to recog niz e that there is through being an individual. I am a pure individual with this channel (20/57)in my own design. I have to be invit invited ed is th ere to to release m y wisdom. Otherwise it is pointless. If I am not invited, nobody is li ste ten n . You invite m e as my st student udent s. Then your invitation allows that knowing to come out. and it comes out correctly. If I am standing on a st street reet corner sa say ying to you: I know and you have to know , I am in big troubl e. The whole thing to


A Guide 10 the Channels Ra U , Hu All Righls Reserved 2000 Human Design International Training Manuals  Manuals   Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000




recognize about these projected channels, as you see them in any circuit is that they tell you great sec ret s about the circuit itse lf.

The projected channels o the Knowing Circuit All th ese projected channels that we have been looking at have a deep impact within the Knowing Circuit ititse se lf. There are many parallels and mirror mirrors s in the bodygraph. For example; j u st as the 28/38 ha s to struggle with life to find value in life th e opposite c hann el on th e emotional side(39/55) ha s to struggle emotionally to find the value o its true spirit. That 28/38 is there to challenge any knowing that cannot be suc uccessf cessfully ully explained to it. It will even st struggle ruggle with it its s own knowing until it is is clea r. That is is it its s lif lifewor ework k. When you co com me over to th e other side to th e 39/55, to th e channel of moodine ss thi s tim time e we come to a projected emotional channel. Th e 39/55 is there to challenge th no mutation ss ibl e sp of any individual knower. their is not is po ible e with th irit e other and the me ssa ge is Iflost. growth andright. evolution ha s to go through Allspirit the se ba sic struggle st ruggles s that we find within the individual circuitry circuitry.. Take the exa mpl mple e of c hildr hildre en as th ey grow and ev evo o lv e; you hav e to invit invite e the child to st ruggl ruggle e with thing things s th at are o value to it. So you invite them to struggle with lea rning , which is eve ry child s fir st major struggl e. Th ey have to learn how to read and write, to count and learn the nam names es of things. things . You c hall enge th eir need to know . Individual knowers need to be fed, but th ey do not need to be told. Individuals hate being told what to do. Th ey are deaf to it. The 38th the 39th and the 43rd gates gate s are the three gate of

deafness. They do not li sten and do not pay attention to anybody else. That is is not havv e to be invited to the path of knowing and th ey have to their business. They ha st ruggl ruggle e to earn th ei r knowings. The 28 th gate is about th e fea r of dea th. It is about whether lif life e is value or not. Th e only thing that is o value to an individual is knowing knowing.. If you ha ve a child that ha s strong individual activation, you have to recognize that knowing is the mos mo st important thing for them, and yet at the sa me time they will not li sten to you, especially espec ially if you tell th em what you think th ey need to know. They hav e to be invit invited, ed, they have to be tricked into knowing .

A Guide to the Channels Ra Uru Hu All Rights Reserved 2 Human Design International Training Manuals   Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2  





THE CHANNEL OF EMOTING The Channel of o f Emoting Emoting 55 39

A des de sign of Moodiness Moodin ess Th e Awarene Awareness ss Stream of Emoting

[ he Knowing Circui ij Abundance Th e Gate of Spirit Potentiial Potent Awareness Potential Awareness Awarene ss o Provocation or not The Mood to Eat


Obstruction The Gate of Provo ca tion Fuel Energy Mecha Mechanic nic Energy to Provoke or The Impulse to Eat not



The moment that we are looking at the emotional system, we see a change in the way everything takes take s pla ce , beca bec ause the e motional syste m is automatically the in in is a uthority. uthority . There no truth the now and everything i s a wave. Overtothe course cours ethof a lif life etime the individu al lea rn s (or can learn) the art o timing; when engage e other, when to accept th e invitation invitation,, when to manifes manife st and when to speak. Th e individual s art is to learn how to inform; literally, literally , how to be be in th e form .

c hannel o so sometim metimes es being hap happy py and Th e 39/55 th e channel o moodine ss is th e channel sometimes so metimes being sa d . But it is also mu c h more than mere mood s. Everything about the emotional side of individuality ha s a deeply creative potential. It is full of mu sic and poetry. It is expressed in th e 12th gate, which is about abo ut articulation. All individuals individual s face a classic dilemm a. Th ey can have such difficulty in ex pre press ss ing th eir uniquene ss , and yet by d es esign ign th ey attract nothing but attention. Individuality attracts attention. Wh erever you have an individual gat gate e or d efinition in your d es esign ign thi s is th e place

where you automatically s attention is attract not ne cessar cessarily ily agood or b ad . There is nothing you attract is can doattention. to stop it. Thi Individuals who negat neg ative ive ttention and can can  t explain them se lve s can get into a lot of trouble. something mething very import importa ant about th e individual and th e way in Th e 39/55 tell s us so which th ey can have impac imp actt on th e world. They have have to know how to tea se out the spirit. they have to know how to provoke in suc h a way that th ey provoke pl eas easur ure e in stead of pain pain,, that they provoke provoke joy instead of sa dness dness.. They are practicing thi s all the time. time . It is a kind of alc hem y . People who have th e 39/55 are emotionally


A Guide to the Channels Ra Uru Hu All Rights Reserved 2 Human Design International Trai Train ning Manuals  Manuals   Copyright Jovian Archive Eu E uropa 2000



melancholic, and the trick for them is to stop stop giving re aso ason ns t o the ir melanc holy. This is eargy very profound (3/60). thing. When Melancholy operates thenapulse of itthbecomes e format en ene of mutation this pulse e nt nters the e motio otion l sys systtem ers through a pulse/on; which is hap appin ess,, and a pulse/off; w hi c h is is sad ness. pin ess

h appen pens s when these peopl people e go out into the wo rld with this pulse Im ag in e then, w hat hap worki ng deep within them: if it is o ff an d th ey are melancholic th en they think rybody ody is rejec ejecting ting th em . If the pu eve ryb pull se is on and th ey are happy, th ey think eoplle in inv v ent re aso ason ns for why they are having a eve ryon e loves th em. When th ese peop good day or a bad day, th eir life ca n be co me very co nfu sed . Thi s is where depression comes from. individua dualls is that th ey need to be ab le to li ve out The thing to recognize about the indivi their sadness in peace - not to hav have e som so m ebo ebod dy to say to t hem : w hy are you sa d ? or you should should be happy no w . These peo pl e have to recognize that sad sadn ness is ryhthat s imply a che mi stw doesn't reaso eason . Ite iindividual's s here in th eprocess. sadnessSadness part of thise emotional emotiona l wave ere the true require creat ivi tya lie creati s innth s impl imply y a space. It can be a magni fi cen centt space, if you don' t urn it into int o the enemy and make a problem out of it. It is in these sad spaces th at individuality will not and ca nnot have an impa impact ct o n the outer wor ld. It is intended as a private space. Th ere will be no c reative imp impact act because i f you provoke from that sad sadn ness, you provoke a totally different respo espon nse from when you provoke from happiness. happin ess. Melancholy always moves through those periods. periods . Th e great c rea tive individual individuals s throughout f-destructiive t ende endencie ncie s. For th ese people the hi story are well known for their se lf-destruct great difficulty was that th ey did not have t he benefit of th thii s ed edu ucat cation, ion, and we re libe erate them se lve s from being vi ct ctim emotional wave . un able to lib im s of th e emotional

spirit. irit. Th e individual ca can n only go out into th e world when The 55th ga te is th e ga te of sp the sp spirit irit feels right. This is a question of honori honoring its it s mo mood od . Indi Individ vidu uals ar a re here to honor th eir moods. An indi indiv vidual should never love, eat, work or play un unll ess they are in the mood. This is rea lly is a holy grail for individua indi vidualls because ther there e if they are not mo od, then th ey can never be mutative. If they are not mutating th eir in the mood, t hen they will have no imp impact act on on others at a ll. Individuals ca nn ot go o ut env iro nm ent th all the time. Th ey are s imply not designed for it. I am a public pe person, but I have h ave a deep ly private a nd withdr ithdraw like e my sad ne ss and I need need to be alone alone in it. It is aw n life. I lik very creat iv e. When I'm in t he mood again, I go back out, a nd then I do a good j o of transmitting and informin g oth ot hers ers.. I hav e the ma ximum impac imp ac t. Thi s is th e balance that is esse nti al in the lif life e o f eve ry individu individua al. It is the path to th e spirit. sp irit.

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THE CHANNEL OF OPENN ESS The Channel of Openness 12 22

A des d esign ign o f a Soci Soc ial Be Being Th e Awa re ness St Strea m o f Em otin ting g

Standstill The Gate of of Ca ut utio ion n Expression Throat Mechanic Manif nifes esttati o n o f Th e Eatin ting g1 Openn Ope nn ess or no t Brea thing Reg Reg ul ator Mayb e


Grace Th e Ga te of Ope nn ess Awareness Possibility Possibility Aw areness to Prov Pro vo ke So c ial Openn Ope nn ess t o ea tin ting g


otion nal Th e 12/22 ; th e c hann el o f o penn ess, is the o nly c hann el th at is an e motio

manifes ting c hann el . It trul truly y sta nds alo ne. Thi s is all ab o ut emoti motio o nal ex pr press essiio n . With th e so lar pl ex us con necte ected d to th e th roa t ce nt nte er , t hese peop eoplle ca n always press ess th t heir emotion s. Howe owev ver, unl ess th ey are ho norin noring g what it is to be a ex pr manifes tor t he ex pr press essiio n th at com es o ut t he mos t is ang er, th e th eme of mani fes festtors ors.. If you ar e melanc holi c and a nd are ca ll ed upon to t o expl exp lain yo ur se lf lf,, and and yo you u try eve n th o ug h yo u are not in th e mood od,, you w ill not be unde nderrstoo ood d a nd will ge gett ang ry . Thi s is how indi indiv vidu idua ality works. If yo you u do d o n  t honor yo y our moo m ood d in a manif nifes estor tor c hann el you get angry. If you do d on t ho nor yo yo ur moo ood d in a generat ed c hann el, yo u fee l fru str ated. If yo you u don t honor your moo mood d in a proj projec ectted c hann e l, yo u end up tra fee li ng bitt bitte er . ofte n th e ange gerr of th e Th ere is a grea t dea l of ang er latent in th e 1 2/22 It is so often str tra ang er afr aid of th e re ec ecttion of othe oth ers or the fea r th at o th ers are wa tc hin g it. Re memb mbe er, individu individua als ar are fr ea ks. Th ey are here to b e diff diffe erent from eve everryo yon ne el e lse whi c h is is why th ey dr d r aw so m u c h atte attention ion.. Th e 12/22 is a won wo nde rful socia l c ha nn el th at can be so full of ch c harm and g ra ce an d ye t these p eo pl e ar are not rea ll y int inte eres ted in bo ndin nding g with w ith oth othe ers so m u c h as finding an opportunity to ex pr press ess th e mse lves. All individu al c ha nn els have thi s d eep selfi sh qu ality to them them.. Th e 1 2/22 is not triba trib al. It is not inte interes estted in mating o r sharing. It is only inte interes estted in c rea ti ng th e ri g ht environm nvironme e nt so th at th e ind indiividual ca ca n inform eith er the the co ll ectitive ve or t he tri tribe. be.


A Guide to the Channels Ra Uru Hu ll Rights Reserved 2000 Human Design International Training Manual Manua l s  Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000



Th e 12/22 is a c lass assiic str tra ang nge er o c on sequ eque ence. Th ey ent nte er th e soc ia l e nvironm nvironme ent o n th e high end of th eir wa ve, th ey delive delive r the th eir uniqu unique e ex pre press ssiio n and th e n leave Thii s is th eir id ea l. Thi s way, no o ne ever forge befo re th e wave begin gins s to slide. Th gett s yo u. Thi s is th e pur pure e power o f all indiv indiviidu dua al ac activ tiva atio ion n's. Th ey are so imp impo o rtan t in all o ur li ves ves.. Th e individu individua al c irc ui ts are huge (th e int inte egr gra ation cha ch ann e ls, th e Kn Kno o wing Cir c uit it se lf and the Ce Ce nt nte ering C irc uit). It do does esn n't matt tte er if you hav e no de d efinition finitions s in thii s ci th c irc rcuitry uitry eit ith h er, beca ecau use a ny g ate that is is individu individua a l is is your opportunity to impac impactt yo ur uniqu unique eness ess.. Any individu individua al gates in yo ur c hart are also wh ere th e world with yo yo u are attr attrac ac tiv e to oth othe ers, as we ll as wh where you suff uffe er fro m ha ha ppine ppiness ss or sa dn dness. ess.

The manif nifes estto r has has to inf info orm before it uses uses it its s p ower. Th is is refle cte d in th thii s ch c hann el 12/22  

Th e in d ividu idua al e moti motio o nal ma nifes esttor has to as ask k perm rmii ss ssiio n to use it its s po we r to inform inf orm.. Th ey ha have to as k :

Wh e n ods: uld yo yo likyou e meinto th teell you te wh?a ,t Ith wh know motiona al manif thllye wW ords: or Aruelike mood? mood thi i s is? magi magic c .anIne motion th at mome mom ent es th etor re hiea s rrsea som so mething powe powerr ful th at happ ppens; ens; th e barri ers c om ome e d ow own n, th e fea r of th e oth ers calm ca lm s do dow wn a nd th ere is a mo me nt in t hi s ex iste ntia l na natur ture e wh w here rea l muta mutati o n ca can n take pl p lace ace.. It is th e magi gic c of individua individu ality lity.. Wh en th e timing is is ri g ht ht,, wh e n the mood is is ri g ht and th e soci soc ia l e nvironm ironme e nt is op ope e n, then the th e mag agiic of o f th e 12 22 ca can n fly . Th ese peo pl e ha ve to be ca reful be fore th ey spea k or act. Fo r th e m, truth is is neve r in th e now. Their kno know wing is is only o nly of of va lu e wh en th ey th emse lves have see seen n it at th e to p of botto o m . The vo ic e o th e 12th g at e sa ys: th eir wave as well as th e bott

I kn ow I ca can n try, try , if I am in th e moo ood d . Th ey have to take th eir time tim e a nd wa it for th e ri g ht mo me nt befor fore e t hey inform, inform , th e n th ey will have th eir imp impac actt without be b eing res isted .

A Guide

to the Channels Ra Uru Hu Atl Rights ReseNed 2 Human Design International Training Manuals   Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000









The Channel o f Mutation 3 60

A design of En ergy which initi initia ates and a nd fluctu ates Energy Format tThe Knowing Circui ij


Difficulty at the


Th e Gate of Ordering

Enerr gy Ene Powe Pow ePulse r to Mutat Mutate e

Fuell Potenti al Fue 1

Mutat Mut ion The Nation New ew

Limitation Th e Gat Gate e of nc e Fuel Quality Energy Pull se Pu Res estrain train ed Press Pre ssu ure to Mutat Mutate e

Th e

3  6 0

are very unu sua l things thing s to begin with . is an energy format c hann el. Th ese ar

Any tim time e that you have a format definition, definition , you kn ow th at thi s format will d omi min n ate in th at life life through its its g enerator natur e. Format Formats s are ad rena liz ed generators generators.. It is of lized huge hug e import in Hum Huma an Des esign ign th at apart from our tribal process pro cess th e Ego Cir c uit) , uits s that are not totally depe dep end nda a nt o n sacral response. Thi s is what th ere are no c ir c uit g enerates the energy fi eld for th e individu individua al. th e logi logic c an d th e abstr abstract act process. If you have a d efin ed forma form at in your design, you ha hav ve a very fi xe d p att ern in your natur e. If you are so som me body that has th e abstra ct forma form at. th e 42/53, you are constantly going to go through cyc cyclles wheth whethe er you lilike it or not. It does not matte atterr what kind of person you are, what kind of design or profil profile e you have, th e mac achin hin e works through cyc le s. Format energi rgies es are very powerful. It is worth re memb mbe ering atur ure e of the hum an vehicle do es not allow for many pure opportunities opportunitie s for th at the nat manifes tation . Manife Manifes st ors and manif nifes esttation are dang dangerous erous beca ecau use th ey are usually uncontrollable and unpr unpre edi dict cta a bl e. Th e one thing that is c lea r abo about ut th e generator as an energy typ type e is th at through res resp po nse it ca n always ac actt correctly correctly..

Generator c hann hanne els a ll ma ke noises. So me of th em groan, so som me of th em sigh a nd som so me of of th e m moa mo an . All generator c hann els have their own so sound und syste system m , ust as all throa at channels have th eir own way of art artiic ul ating and th e ir own uniqu unique e voi ces. th e thro som meo ne s c hart th at th ey have have th e entir e ntire e 3 60 format d efi ned then Wh e n we see in so w hen this person hea rs th eir sac sacrral r es pon se, it is alway lways s co nn ect ecting ing to the e nergy


A Guide to the Channels Ra Uru Hu ll Rights Reserved 2000 Human Design International Training Manuals Copyright Jovian rc hive Europa 2000



of muta mutati o n. Wh e n suc h a person hear s a yes , or an uh-huh   fr o m th eir sac sacrral ce nt nte er, then that commitm ommitme e nt will ce rta rtainly lea d to mutation. mutation . In oth othe er word s th eir sanyge uniqu unique e seis press pr ion wm ill ehmb aveera, su s uccess impac ct.cIf e sacr sac s and o , bringing th e n no no muta mut ation ilfs ex poss po ssession ible. ible . Re mbe muta mut ationfulis is impa a bout ab reth ating a rch cahl a annd a new form to the wo rld rld.. As long as th e 3 6 is res po nding nding,, th e n th e in i nd ividual ca n alw ays tr ust the impa c t th ey have have on th e trib e or on the c olle ollec ctiv e.

Bei ng at th e root o all th e individu individua al circui circu itry try,, it is thi this s c ha nn el, th e 3 6 0 th at gen ge nerat es th e pul puls se whi c h mo mov v   s through t he hum huma an system as mela nc holy. individua ality in a c hart rt,, th ere is melancholy in th e ch c hart . As with all Wh ereve r th ere is individu th ese individu individua al c hann els th ese peopl ople e have to learn th e trick of neithe neith er trying to to reaso eason n th ei r wa w ay thro thro ugh th e sa dn ess nor trying to repeat th e ha ppin ppiness ess by see seein in g it as co nn ec ectted to a ce rt ain person or pl ace or o r ex peri e nce. Th e mo ment th at th e ind ndii vid ual ge gett s into thi s kin d o f reas easonin onin g th en rath er th a n bein g crea tiv tive e, th e melanc ho holl y ca n bec ecom ome e som ome ethin thing g dis storting . It ca n bec ecom ome e d e pr ess ession ion.. It ry di ca n beco becom me a way in whi c h th ey bec ecom ome e se lf d es estru truc ctiv tive e . Ther There e is a grea t d ea l of dness ess in indi indiv vidual ci rc uitry and through th at sa dn ess th ere are all kind s of sa dn o pportuniti pportunities es to hurt on ese lf bo th phy phys sica lly a nd spiritu ally . O ne of th e keys to this thi s process pro cess is not to to try and reaso eason n but to t o know and ex plain plain.. If you don don'' t know, know , wait. If yo u ca n't exp expllain - shut up. up . Ev e ntually it w ill all c ome tog eth er out o f th e mag ic o f res po nse .

A Guide 1 the Channels Ra Uru Hu All Rights Reserved 2 Human Design International Training Manuals   Copyright Jovian



Europa 2






THE C HANNEL 2/ 2/14 14

THE C HANNEL OF THE BEAT The Channel o f The Beat 2 14

A des d esign ign of b e in g a Keepe eeperr of Keys Tantric Chan nel

The Receptive The Gate of the Dir ec ection tion o f the 2 Se lf Magnetic Monopo l e Nature o f Self Sphin Sp hinx x Th e Dir Direc ectt or The Driver irection


Possession in Great Measure

Th e Gate of Po we r Sk ill s Energy

Pull se Pu irection Impulse

Fu e l Possibility Empowe Empow e rm ent The Driver s Key

The chann el 4 is th e c hann hanne el of th e keeper of keys, or the cha nn el of O h, do I have any keys? . Thi s is a pure ge gener nera ative c ha nn el. It is a gen ge nerato eratorr c hann hanne el of great in rn signifi ca nc e for huma hum a nity because it is part of th e ca at ation ion cross of the sp hin x;

one of th e 2 great cro sses th at mak make e up th e G ce nt er. The 2nd gate is the gate of the driver. Thi s is where the magnetiC mon monopo opo le sit its s a nd holds us to our unique d irec ection tion or destiny. Th Thii s entir e ntire e planet is hurtling throu g h space space.. We hum an beings are hurtling through time time,, but it is th e d ri ver in th e 2nd gate that ensur es that we keep mov in g in a mut mutat ativ e dir directio ection n. Th e driver keeps co coming ming up with new plans. Thi s is the nature of evolu tion. As we move, we have three perspectives. The logica ogicall passenger (7th gate) is looking st raight ahead out the window, towards the future . Th e abstr abs tract act passenger (13th gate) is always looking o ut of th e back wind indow ow trying to to see wh what h as been left behind in the past, a nd the indi individua viduall (1st gate) is usually sta rin g at th eir own navel while they move along in th e now, lo st in th eir own inn er reve ri e . They are caug ht up in hea ring the so sound und of the whee wheells . It is import importa ant to un de derrsta nd that th ere is on ly o ne di dirrect ectiion, and that one direction is held wit hin th is c hannel. This is why it is ca   ed the keeper of keys. exalted d hexag exagrram in the At the other e nd of this cha nn e l lies th e 14th ga te, a very exalte Ch in ese tradition; Possession in Great Meas ur e. Th Thii s is a deep deeplly materi al ga te. It is the e ntir ntire e energy energy for th e material way. It is mon ey. In so som me respects to be born wi witt h the 14th gate is to be born with an inheritance. Thi s is th e ene rgy to to be in form and


A Guide 10 the Channels Ra Uru Hu Hu All Righl s Reserved 2000 Human Desi Desi gn International Training Manuals   Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000



the energy to inform. This play on the words in English is actually very revealing because it reminds us once again of the connection between the power of the individual (here in the sacral) and their ability to express their mutation into the world. One could also call this the art of infection, since the individual is here to put the mutative virus into the other. Some viruses are positive and some are negative. This is the nature of mutation. It is not about which one is good or bad. We are talking about the forces that drive evolution after all. We are talking about following a genetic program that is quite beyond our understanding. This 2/14; the keeper of keys, is about following the direction that arises naturally out of response response.. These people can end up going in some pretty strange directions, since they are freaks (individuals) . The only thing which protects them and keeps them in a pure direction is waiting to respond. This pure response can override all the other awareness centers. It is not a question of the emotions saying: I can't go there and it is not a question of the mind saying: I have no reason to go there . Neither is it even about the immune system saying: This may not be healthy. The 3/60 simply responds and directs the vehicle without paying any attention to any o these cries or pleas or doubts. The channel 2/14 is deeply connected to the 8/1; the channel of inspiration, which we look at next. In the 8/1 the new direction can be expressed as a living example. But the basis of the 2/14, the keeper of the keys, is that you don't know what your key is, or where your key is unless you are asked. The moment that you are asked, you know. The moment that you are asked for direction, you can be the one who empowers the way forward. Imagine how frustrating it is for someone with this channel who does not wait to be asked. They have an in-built guiding principle within them, but can never understand why they feel so lost as they chase after their destiny. It goes back to what we saw in the integration system; that we are invited to respond to life and our purest direction always comes out of this response. That is

being a keeper of the keys.

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A Guide


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2. Creative Channel

the art






The Channel of Inspiration 8 1

A des desiig n o f a Cr C rea tive Role Mode l Ci rc uit Ex Exp ression Mec ech hani ca l


Holding Together o f Co Contributi ntributio on Th e Gate of Expression Throat Mechanic Th e exa mpl e . I ca n  

Ma nifesta ti o n of Direc Dir ecttio ion n or Not

The Creative Th e Gate of Se lf lf-- Expr press essiio n Magnetic Monopole The Nature of Self Sphin x Crea tive Expr pres ess s io n lf-Direc ection tion Crea tor Se lf-Dir Th e Cr

It is the cr crea tiv e c hann els that have have th e gr greates eatestt imp impac actt in our soc sociiety. Here we com co me to th e second sec ond crea ti ve c ha nn el in indi indiv vidu idua ality th e fir st being th e 57/ 10) ; th e 8/1 8/ 1, th e c ha nn el of in spir pira ation. Th e irony he here is th t hat thi s c hann el is i s not in spirin g for th e on one e wh who has it in th eir des esign ign,, but it is is in spir pirii ng for any nyo o ne wh who mee ts it. Th e 8/1 8/ 1

is abo ut th e indiv id ua l ex pr press essiio n o dire direc c tion . Th e 1st ga gatte is th e grea t g ate of crea ti vity and repr prese ese nt s th e dir direc ection tion o th e indi indiv vidual in th e world w orld.. Th e dir direc ecti o n of idua al ex pr press essiio n in th e wor ld is alwa ys see king t he 8t h g ate; th e g ate of ind iv idu contr ontriibuti butio o n. Thi s is a ll about bei ng an ex ampl ample e . The 8/ 1 co nn ec ectts th e thro throa at ce cent nte er to t he id ide ent ntiity , wh whii c h we ca ll se lf-proj lf-proje ected aut uth h or ority ity.. Th e se lf c an be proj projec ectted outwards into t he world w orld as long as it is i s invit invite ed to ex pr press ess itse tsellf. Thi s is th e cr ea ti ve rolle mod ro mode el. Th ese peopl ople e are here to be exa mpl es for othe oth ers . A  indi indiv vidu idua ality is here to be an exa mpl mple e. Thi s do does es not mea n th tha at a   individu individua ality is mut muta ati ve, but whe n individu ality is is allow llowe ed to flouri sh th en we alw ays kn ow th at th ere w ill be an abund bunda a nce o mut muta ati ve pote nti al, and th at is wh what kee ps us aliv alive e as a sp spec eciie. Th e exa mp le o f t he in dividual is to empow mpowe er anoth er person by brin g in g th em into mpower ower th at kn ow ing in th e th e no w. Thi s is th e grea t powe r of knowing ; to emp mo ment. Th e peo pl e with with thi s ch c ha nn el have have to be in vit ite ed to t o be an an exa mpl e, a nd th ey are alwa ys wa iting to to be reco ecogn gnized ized for th eir voca l gifts gifts . Th e 8/ 8 /1 is aft afte er all , a mirro r of th e 43/23; th e c ha nn el above it. Both the se c hann els are p roj ec ectted c hann els of p otenti al individual expr xpress ession ion,, both al so have th e nee d t o d evelo p th e A Guide to the Channels Ra Uru Hu ll Rights Reserved Human Design International Training Manuals . Copyright Jovian Archive Europa

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communication co mmunication skill s necessa ry to make th ei r unique contribution, and fin ally lly,, both o th ese ch c hann els hav have e to wait to be invited. If either the 43/23 or th e 8/1 do does es not wait to be invit invite ed to speak, th en th ey are not going to be res pect pected, ed, enjoy enjoye ed or appreciated for what th ey sa y , no matter how mu c h o a contribution con tribution th ey want to e. m ak If th ey have not bee n invited, invited, they simply go a bout thei theirr bu sin ess. holeness individual 's life is is for them to be b e ab ablle to be th emselv mselves es Th e key to w holene ss in an individual's without being influenced influen ced by others. The se are th e kind o peo pl e who are rememb mbe ered j u st beca ecau use of th e way they wa lk through a room room.. At th eir bes t. indiviidu als emanate a uniqu indiv unique eness th at draws draws a lot of attent ttentio ion n . If they are not waiting invited ed,, that attention ca n be wholly nega negativ tive e . For individuals individual s it is a lwa ys a to be invit matte atterr o how successf ccessfully ully they ex plain th emse lve s . The 43/23 explains wh wha a t it know s, w hil e th e 8/1 ex pl ain s what it can do. Th ey are both projectors and as suc h are und er th e sa me constraints. The 8/1 ca nnot say: I am going to make a contribution co ntribution no w, and yo you u ' d better lik like e it . It is not d es igned lilik ke a ma nife nifes stor tor.. On ly when invit invited ed is the 8/1 rea dy to ex plain what th ey know th ey ca n do. Th e 43/23 is slightly different beca ecau use alth ough they are here to ex pl ain what th ey kno w, th ey d on ' t know what to do w ith th at knowing. The 8/1 is part of the cross o th e sphin phinx x 1 ,2.7 ,13) w hich is is a bout direction, which is why it ca n exp expllain wher here e to direct it its s knowing . hanne el ha s its own li fe. Let us sa y th at th e 8/1 is then c onn onnected ected to th e 2/14 Eve ry c hann in a definition. This still mea ns that th ey should be invite invited to ma ke th eir con contribution tribution.. They can th e n ex plain what kind of co contribution ntribution they are going to make be b efor fore e going ahead and do it. In oth othe er words, to get to th e point of manif nifesta estation tion,, (going through th at 8/1) it is always better to behav behave e as a proj projec ector tor and await th e invitation . For som meo ne might sa y to thi s definition: Ca n you he lp us out? , and the exa mpl e; so answer would be so som mething like like: yes, I know th at I can help you , th e n the rep replly: how ca n you do help us? and fin alllly y : we ll , let me expl exp lain it to you. I can help you this way and th at way .. . . You sta rt off in the 811 verbally w here there is no mo m oto r. If it is empo we red by motors as we ll (e .g . th e 2/14) th e contribution ca n be very impressive. impr essive. You ca n ex pl ain yourse yourself lf and then you ca n go right out and do it. If you

have no motor s, then you ca n ex plain yourse lf but you may have have to tell the th e other perso son n to go out and do it. It is very important to und unde erst sta a nd the imp importance ortance of th ese cre ati ve cha nn els; because as we saw in integration (in th e 57/10), they truly rep rep re se sent nt the art of livin g . They express the whole circuit. Th Thii s channel channel of in spir pirat ation ion,, th e 8/1 , repr presen esentts th e art o exp expllanati o n or ex pr press essiion itse lf lf..

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THE CENTERING CIRCUIT Centering Circuit. the final aspect of individuality individuality   is a minor circu it . The minor circuits lend their quality to any other ci rcuit. The center centering ing circuit makes everything more individual. individual . What is interesting abo about ut the centering circuit is that there are no there e a throat nor emotions nor an adrena adrenalin line e aw a reness centers present. Neither is ther system. What we hav have e here is a pure generator. Being centered is not somet something hing you do. Being centered is a response to life. The













A Guide


Ihe Channels


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THE CHANNEL OF EXPLORATION The Channel of Exploration 10 34

A design of Followin Following g One s Convictions

The Li of the Individual

trhe tr he Centering circui ij Treading The Gate o the Behavior Behav ior of the 1 Self Magnetic Mon Monopole Natu aturre of Sel Se lf Vessel Love o Living Behavior The Li The Power of the Great 4 The Gate of Power Energy Fuel Possibili Possibility ty Individuation Self Se lf-Empowerment -Empowerment Power Independence

In the 10/34 10/34,, the Channe Channell of Exploration, we see a design of following one  one   s convictions. This is the connect connectiion between the sacral sacra l and the G center. The 10th

gate is the gate of behavior behavior,, and the 34t 34th h, the gate of power. This is therefore the empowerment of behavior, or the behavior of empowerment. Remember t hat Human De Des s ign is a dualistic system, and these terms can al always be in verted . This is a generated channe l. What this means is th at as long as these people are responding, the their powe powerr is behaving cor corrrectly. Put another way, way , as long as they

are responding then their behav behaviior is always perfect. Thi s is what it means to follow one   s convictions. The 10th gate is the gate of the love of self. When you follo one follows ws your natural response s you become ce cent nte ered in your co nvi ct ctio ion n s no matter how unusual they be. Out of thi this s behavior behavior,, comes the love of oneself. oneself. As this channel is part of the Center Centering ing Cir c uit, one of the two minor ci rcu it s it has an unprecedented power ove overr all other cir c irc c uitry uitry.. Th e presence o this c ir irc c uit always brings about empowerm empower ment in t hose wh who are around it. Thi s empowerment is all about empowering empowering individuality, wh ich means that it can also be ve ry ann oyin g to those who have not asked for it. This is not abo about ut trying to convince oth ot hers to fo ll ow your convicti convict ions. The power inh erent in the ge gen nerator is rooted in thei r au ra. When a 10/34 is following their convict convictiions without without inflicting that on anyone el else then they can be t ruly empowering. empowering . Then they will have their imp impact act in bringing th ose around them into their own centers. People with act iv at ion in the Centering Circ ui t have an

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aura that creates a kind of vortex around them, It is this power of Centering that can draw so much attent attention ion on themselves, Whether this attention is positive or negative always depends upon whether they are waiting to respond respond,, As a harmonic connection in a relationship, this connection through the 10/34 can also have a deep effect on the couple, Ce nt nte erin g is a power that can condition even very tribal people into th e possib possibiility o loving themselve s thu thus s taking the natural emphasis off each other. A relationship formed through a definition in this channel or in the 51/25 will have a uniquely individua l flavor, It may break many old mould moulds s and set off to exp explor lore e new territory in relationships relationships,, Even tribal coup couplles will be lit literally erally

forced to find new ways of bonding that others may find cha ll enging , Again Again,, the key with this channel is in its type, type , It is a generator genera tor that is strongly individual, therefore if it doesn  doesn  t wa waii t to be asked, it wi ll most likely encounter a great deal of resi resis stance in life


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THE CHANNEL 25/51 3 Creative


hannel· the art o f joy

The Channel of Initiation 25 51

A design


The Li

Needing to be First o

the Individual

Innocence 5 Th e Gate of th e Spirit of the Se lf Magnetic Monopole Nature of Self Vessel Spiritual Warr rrio iorr Universal Univer sal Love Shaman Sha man/P /P ri estess The Arousing Th e Gate of Shock Mystical Ego Mundane Ego Potential Potential Competitiveness Courage The Warrior Th e Fool


The 51/25 is the creative chan nel o the Centering Circuit. It is the only co connection nnection th at exists between the ego and the se lf. It is th e c ha nnel of initiation ; a design o being compe competitive titive,, or it is th e channel of non non--initiation and a design of being non comp co mpetit etit iv e. Because th thii s cha nn el is linked with the 34/ 10 through the Centering Circuit. we ca n say that initi initiation ation is not so mething that you do, but is something that you respond to to.. Like the 20/10, 20/10 , the 51/25 is a my myst stiica l channel. But on their own , these two c hann els are si mply projected channels. There is so much vanity attac hed

to the mystical way. In the 34/10, a gener gene rated c hannel. your behavior is empowered by the sacral by following your convict conviction ion s. In order for a generator to be awake they have hav e only to wait to be asked asked.. Th e behavior that emerges will always be perfect. Howe How eve verr , in the 51/25, you have to be invited to initiation . Some invitation invitations s are quite a shock, by the way. way . A car cras h can be an initiation initiation.. You are invited by lif life e to respond to that. Again , the whole magic of what individuality is all about is that you are invited to re spo spond nd to life to be yourself. to not inte interfer e. If you touch the heart of any individual and ask them what they rea lly care about philosophically,, they will tell you : non-interference. It is at the heart of every philosophically individual. As an individual. you don t want anybody to interfere with you, so you end up not interfering with with others o thers.. This is the perf perfect ect balan lance ce for the individual. It is about not interfering with your own life. It is about recognizing that mutation is not up to A Guide to the Channels Ra Uru Hu All Rights Reserved 2

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yOU. You may be be able a ble to generate or manifes t an d have a gr grea ea t mutativ mutative e imp impact act on otherrs, but it is othe i s neve r up to you . It is simply s imply a pot pote ent ntii al that exists within within your genet genetiic

poss ibiliti es. You ca possibiliti cannot nnot go and get initiati initiatio o n . You canno cannott go and find awakeni ng . fooled ed into thinking th at you have found tho those se things . Thi s is a ll a li e. But you can be fool Thi s is lik like e the ma ster who t ell s you : Fo llow these ste ps and you wi ll be lik like e me. Thi s is a cha rl atan tan,, becau because se it o es esn n't work like like that. Initi Initia ati on and awake nin g are simply th ing ings s that happe happen n or not. In f act. th ey are mu muc c h more more lik like ely to happen if you are follo wi ng your conviction of being yourse yourself lf.. Thi s is the old story o f tho those se w ho seek, never find. mos st c reative thing you can do in term s of thi this s c ir c uit. is is that yo u ca can n wa it to be Th e mo initia ation through being yourse your se lf lf.. Th cen nte ring is all in vited into initi Thii s is th e mag ic o f what ce a bout. Thi s is th e art of initi initiat ation ion;; to be your yourse se lf. Anyb Anybody ody who is walking aro around und li ving out their d efinition , ty pe an d authority is being th emselves. I have have told stud tudents ents for a ve ry long tim time e that th e real process o f Human Hum an Design is to di sc scover over your mythology. Each of us, as aspect aspec t s of the tot tota ality lity,, is endo ndowed wed with with a myth mytho o log ica l profile that we are here to live out. Th ese mytho mythollogies we hav have e are magical. If we don do n't know who we are, if we are confused or if we are trying to dictate our ow own fat e, can n never really exper experiience th thii s magic gic.. Magic lies in simply being yo your urse se lf lf.. Thi s we ca is o ne of the thing things s that you can enjoy about hum huma a n d es ign ign;; you ca can n rea d about a formula and then you mee t it. It is fun to m ee t it. Th ere is thi this s mag agiica l qu ality in rea lizing th at without you do doiing anything, it ju st ha pp ppe ens. Real initiation is to be committ comm itted to being yo ur urse se lf. and you can only be yourself when you are res espondin ponding g to life. Each and everyo everyon ne of us has a way; we have our type and our authority uthority;; we have our way to deal wi th life. If you liv live e that out. you wi ll be a ce nt ntered ered being ing..

When you are centere center ed you wi ll ha hav ve your opportunity for initi initiat atiio n. It will find you . I get ti tirr ed of people peopl e who say that th ere is a way. way . Th ere is only ourse our se lv es. If you know yourse your se lf and if yo you u decondition yourse your se lf by living livin g out what it is is to be yo u, you will mee t magic magi c because tha t is what lif life e will be from th en on . Th e moment that you stop thinking th at anythin nything g is up to you, and th e mom mome ent th at you stop appl ap pl yin g reaso eason ns for eve rything , then and on onlly then, can you be fre e. Th e real shaman - in th e 25th gate - ha s no power on th eir own. own . Bei ng a sh s hama aman n is is all about recei receivin vin g (something pa sses him and goes through him) and not about doing . If you look at t he my stical stre am, they are all proj projec ected ted c ha nn els (10 10/2 /2 0, 51/25 , 19/49).T 9/49).Th he whol whole e my mys stitica call proces process s is not so something mething that you do . It is

so mething that happens something happen s to you. you . Wh ether your role is the shama aman n, th e pr prii es tess or the builder of th e temple mple,, it is alre ady built into the matri x. But th e actual actua l trans tran sition , the tr tra ansf sformation, ormation, th e tran transce scend nde ence; th thii s j u st happe happe ns. It is obv obviou ious s that it j u st happe appen ns. If you are running aro aroun un d c hasing the mys my sti ca l way ways s a nd th e forces do not recognize you , you will fee l b itt itte er abou t it; why did it happen to him him,, a nd not me?   . Rem emb mbe er, bitterne bitterness ss is th e theme o f th e projector. If you ca nnot wa it for th e invitation,, it will never find you invitation you..

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The Understanding Circuit is about our logi ca l process. The logical process proce ss is a collective process and this is is rooted in the keynote of sharing. It is very different from the individual process proces s o empowerment. Sharing may so sound und nice  nice   but in fact this thi s is a

totally impersonal process. process . The sharing that we find in these co ll ective circuits is sharing for the sake of sharing . It is not about whom we share with. In this se nse the collective is both global and transper transpers sonal and is one o th e mo mos st important force s in our lives. Everything we know and see about about the world around us is rooted in logic logic.. Whether we see them or not logical patt patte ern s abound all around us us a nd within us. We now know that even our genes gene s are rooted in a logical code . The de des sign of the sing singlle cell is repre se nted by the channe channell 5/15; the Channel of Rhythm. Rhythm . Th Thii s is the only channel that is common to all forms of life, and it is a logical channel.


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In the understanding ci rc uit the therre is only one mo to r; t he root cente r. This makes of the most difficult o all th e cir irc c uit uits s to energi ze . Therefore th e lo gic one of

understanding process, our our entire lo g ica l agenda, is so som methin thing g that has to be nurtur ed very caref carefully ully.. Un de derrstand in g takes tim time e. On the mund ane leve l too, our

Th ethsoc wo world rldhis up onvillage log ogiica are l precepts econ eco omi c stru str ctu ures ho ld togeth toget the global based .on e saialmea nd logical logi calnformul asuct that lea rn at er based wethat sc hoo ooll; o ne and one equals two . This is a long wa y from th e mut mutat ativ e proc process ess of individuality. Logi Logic c is not about ch c hange nge,, but re repetition. As long as eve rybody ag rees th at on o ne and and one still equal quals s two, we will have a st stab ablle fin a nci al sys tem in th e world.

Through the various c irc uit gro group ups s we are looking at. we can see th at there are ma ny different forces at work within hum huma an beings. Perhaps t he m o st powerful o th ese are th e abstr abstract for forces ces of of th e Se nsi ng Circuit. which we will look at later. But unlik unlike e the Se nsing Circuit which is is conditioned cond itioned by the so sollar plexus ce nt er, our logi logica ca l process is not e motion motiona al. In fact, th e Und Unde erst sta a nding Circuit is th e only major c ir irc c uit with wit hout the so sollar pl ex us ce nt nte er . Wh at thi s is rea lly sa ying is is that the Un Und d erstanding Cir c uit is is the only major calir irc c uit th at is not limited limited by inn er time frames. Th e individu al ci rcui cir cuitr try y , being emoti motio on in nature, requir quires es th e right timing for knowing to be successfully success fully exp expllai ned. Th e so sollar plexus co conditions nditions that timing . Th e abstr abstrac actt process is a ll abou aboutt ' no truth in the now  . It is all about lea rning through ex peri enc nce e overr tim e. Logi ove Logic c ho we ver, is not som ome ething that you m u se over, logi logic c is so mething repe etitiv titive ely until you get it. In the mom mome ent that you get it it,, it is over. that you work at rep You don't eve r need to go back in order to work out why one and on one e makes two two.. Once you get it. you get it in the now now,, and it is not an emotional qu quest estiion of whether the log ogiic makes you feel good o r not. Neithe Neith er is logic a matter o ego. There is no ego in in the Und Unders erstanding tanding Circ uit. One a nd one is two wo.. Th e ego would wo uld like lik e to say; actu ac counting.. But none non e tu a lly , one and o ne is three . My counting is better th an your counting of thi this s fit s with the logi logica ca l process process.. eneverr you see logi logica ca l c irc uitry in so som meo eon ne's design, you have to recog ni ze th at Wh eneve there is an a n as p ec ectt in them that can become a mas astter of so som mething. Th e Channel o Talent (16/48) is the crea tiv tive e cha nn el o th e Un Und d erstanding Cir c uit and as such rep eprrese esent nts s the exp exprress ession ion of th e who holl e c irc uit. This channel is abo ut th e art of Mastery. Mastery is rooted in re petiti petitio o n and ex perimentation in order t o find proof. When the ex perimentation reaches proof, it beco ecom m e s ma stery. Bec eca a use it is not condition condi tione ed by time time,, the logi logica ca l process always waits for it s time time.. It is on e of the iro ni es es.. If you look at th e c ir cuit itse lf and you co comp mpa are it to th e other ma or c ir cuits, you will see that this is th e only circuit th at do es not have have a m anifes ting channel.

Remember, it is very difficult for logi logic c to find the e nergy to ma manife st. It is far eas easier ier for be li ef to be alive in the world than it is for logi c. Thi s is because beli ef sys systtems operate o ut of the abstract (Sensing Circuit) and can manif manifes estt out of th e abstr abstract. act. Logic Logi c requir es a co ll ectiv e effort. effort. Log ogiic is in fact th e tru true e co ll ect ectiive c irc uit uit,, beca ecau use without the co   ec tiv e ef effort fort a nd cooperration of people there is no way in which logi coope logic c ca n prope prop erly manif nifest. est. But in the end it m u st manifes manifestt because with out it we hum huma ans will never feel sec ur e. Remember th at logi logic c is what allows us to b e comfortable with the futur e. This

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doe sn't mean th at logic guarantees does guarantees the future . What it does is that it gives us a comfortable co mfortable bas basiis to accept that th e future is is going to be alright. That future is is ba sed on finding a pattern that fe els stabl e. Non None e o us ca n re ally im imag ag in e a tim time e when one and one will not equal two two.. Thi s doe does s not see seem m po poss ssibl ible e for us us, a nd yet e. Th Thu u s logic esatus theoretically, give e nomutation, mutation is po givth this s feeling of security sec urity as a giv kind balance, anything to mutation . Itssisibl because of logic wethi can add up the th e numb numbe ers and say: Nex t y ea r, if I ea rn thi this s much, I ca n take a holiday holiday..  We can only sa y this on ce we have a stable pa pattern to ba se it on. THE





W e begin with the mental process. All the me mental c hann hanne e ls are proje projec c ted c hann els, regardless regardl ess of wh whii c h circuit they are in . Becau Because se o thi s, at a certain level all mental processes proce sses are in fact collective pro processes. cesses. Th ey all hav have e to be reco ecogni gni ze d . It is a wonderful jo k e; you have have all th the e old ma ster ters s running around telling everybody that their mind s are use le ss, trying to get them out of their mind trip , a nd yet not rea lly unde und erst anding why the mind was use le ss. In tea c hing you the natur th e fir st things e of authority. authority, Iton one e ofhathe s we We lea rnare is so thatbu Ajna , the mind, mind , has nature no inner only s out oute er thing authority. busy sy trying to use our minds to so lve our live lives s that we forget what the whole mental plane is really about. It is about sharing our mind s with other others s. It is about empowering others other s with our minds mind s beca ecau use we need to share the ex perience of what it is to be human. We need to know what it is to be in form form,, and each of us has a different pers per spective on thi s.

I always thought that I was alone. I always thought that my pain and my experiences were my own and that all th e thing s that I fe fe lt were uniquely mine. mine . Th en I went through the th e proc process ess of doing thou sa nds o Human De sign reading s, and I saw th e same thing over and over again . We all carry th e same s ame confusion about life and th the e sa me pain pain;; it is is all the sa me di dis stortion that comes out o being the th e not- se lf. Th e grea t es estt education of all is the education that we bring to eac each h other in sharing the experiences that we have in life. So the mind is is of e normous value when you use it to co mmunic mmunica ate and shar hare e with others others.. But don't forg et the golde gold e n rule ; the mi mind ha s to b e invited . So many people peopl e who have definition be b etw ee n th the e ajna and the th e throat or betw ee n the hea d and th e ajna have a great difficulty in thi this s. For th ese people life is is alway a lways s a pro process cess of waiting to b e invit invite ed to s peak to share the th eir mind mind.. If th ey don' don 't wait, nobody li st ens. Thi s is the whole thing about the mind mind.. You cannot ju st tell people. You hav have e to wait to be be asked.

The logica logicall side of th e mind (here (her e in th the e Under Unders standing Circuit) is all about

establishing es tablishing opinions and using details detail s to ex pre press ss them. Th ere is nothing more more offensive than som so m ebody who throw throws s th the eir opinion at you when you didn' didn 't ask for it. We all know how thi s feel s. Nobody likes like s it. Because logic logi c is so bereft o energy, it can immediately be swe immediate swept pt away away.. Think o all the these se p eo pl ple e in th the e new age who say T he UFO O s are landing in my bac facts fact s are garbage garbage.. I believe believ e that the UF ba c kyard every day . It is so eas easy y to disre disregard logic . But opi op inions are enormously valuable. It is th e logical mind th at is i s able to see the co nsistency in patt patte e rn s and though you may not agree


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with the opinion, the fact that somebody sees a pattern in that way and can detail it. opens up a whole spectrum of thought. So when you ask somebody for their opinion, their perspective can be very rich for you. The whole business of mind is about being asked. When nobody asks me for o any anything I keep my mouth shut. themignorant. anything,I don't because it is not value. I have friends of mine whoI don't are sttell tell them anything. ill very When I hear them babbling away about something and I know that it is just nonsense, I still don't tell them anything, simply because they do not ask me. I am an individual. I can be very provocative to people with my I know . If I tell all my friends: I happen to know that you are full of shit. This is not the way things works. You talk rubbish. They will stop being my fr iends. Since I don't have any kind mission in th is life, I simply leave things the way they are. The moment somebody asks me, my mind is ready to share what I know, but otherwise I do not have anything to say. This is the secret of the mind.

The secret of the logical mind is to understand the importance of logic always having to be invited. If you have a logical child you need to always ask them their opinion: we are thinking of going away this weekend. What would you like to do? What do you think woul wou ld be fun? In other words, when you see logic in a person you have to recognize that they actually need to hear their own pattern spoken aloud. Every logical person needs to meet argumentation. The difficulty lies in the fact that if you put your opinion out first, argument is guaranteed as being negative because you immediately meet resistance. Logic has no power after all. But understand that if you wait to be asked for your opinion and then you give it, you are still going to meet resistance. Logic demands resistance because logic has to be proved. It cannot be accepted at faith value. The logic mind has to be engaged, asked for its opinion and then the joy is in the argument because the argument gets to the bones of the matter. Both op ini ons benefit in the whole process because this is the way in which logic grows. It grows through argumentati argumentat ion and by being tested. It is also important to understand that argumentation here is neither positive in the Thealways or negative. importance interplay; the testing mental level. used tolies I want your opinion,ground I'll ask at for the My father say: When it. And he was right. We mentioned earlier that logic is the only circu it that is not dependant upon inner timing. The inner timing of the Knowing Circuit comes from the pulse frequency of the format energy of that circuit

(3/60). In individuality, knowing is either there or not; the pu lse is on or off. We are also familiar with the conditioning of the solar plexus center, which demands we wait to be clear before we act. This is the condit conditiioning behind the Sensing Circuit. In the

case of the Understanding Circuit. correct timing comes not from within, but from without. A logic person can never dictate their own timing. We see so many clear examples of this principle in the modern scientific community. For example, a scientist who wants to do an experim ent based on his/her theory is totally reliant upon the people who finance it. It is the money people who tell him when he can start and how long he can have. Remember, logic is starved of energy; in most cases, that means money. Thus the timin g is always dictated by others. This is even

A Guide 1 the Channels Ra Uru Hu All Rights Reserved 2000 Human Design International International Training Training Manuals   Copyright Jovian Archive Eu ropa 2000



more the case with with the log ogiical mind . Th The opinion of that mind wi ll always come out at its best when it waits for the timing to be initi initiated ated by another. In other words, waiting to be invited is again essential. Because it has a sol solid foundation, logic is something that is very comfortable. This is al cinstance, why peoplein who g ic circuitry individu ir cuitry have many l. For difficulties their have liv es. loBut it can al almixed so be with beneficia I have 7 activation's in log ic c ir cu itry itry,, yet I am all defined individually, individually , so my way of communicating with people is that I make my knowing logical. I find a logical way to expllain my knowing. How exp However, ever, because I don't have mi xed c ircuitry i.e. I have logical gates but no log ogiical definition) that is easier for me. People who do have mixed circuitry (logical and individual definitions) and in particular mental mixed ci rcuitry, go through difficult processes. You can eith eith er know what you understand or understand what you know, but you can' can ' t be a knower and an understander In mixed ci rcui try , there are two or more distin ctly different processes are at work.

The most difficult type of c ir cuitry to deal with is when you see more than one channel defined between two cente centerrs. For instance, let's say somebody has all three channells between the ajna and the throat channe throa t (the 11 /56, the 17/62 and the 43/23). You have to int integrate egrate all the keynotes; you ca n either understand how you know what to be lieve ieve,, or believe in the knowing that you understand understand,, or know the understanding that is believable . Obv Obviou ious sly this is complex. Such Suc h a person can never be a knower, knower , neither can they be an abstract thinker and neither can they be logical. They can only be all o those things together. What will happens in this person' person ' s life is that some people pu ll them to the logic, so som me to the abst abstrract a nd some to the individual sid ide e. If they go inward with all those three channe channells, you can image how confused they become. It would be an endless turmoil. There is no p lace with in such a mind where they can find peace. So all they can ever do is external externa lize their mind. Then everything eve rything in their lif life e will function smooth smoothly ly,, and they will see the gift in such a mind. you . It is a gift to others, but on ly when they are inviting you.

A Guide



the Channels Ra Uru Hu

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63 4

- THE CHANNEL OF LOGIC The Channel of Logic 63 4

A des ign o Mental ease mixed with Doubt The Awareness Stream o Understanding

After Completion 6 The Gate o Doubt Fuel Energy Mechanic Mental Patterns Pressure of focused on the Suspicious Patterns future.. future or not , The Question Youthful Folly The Gate of Formulization Potential Awareness Potential Awareness to Judge Con Co ncentration on the what is Suspicious in Pattern a Pattern or not , The Answer


The 63/4 is the doubting mind. Doubt is absolutely essen essentia tiall to the logic al being being.. All logic begins with doubt. Thus we can see the presence o some form of doubt behind every channel channe l in the Understanding Circuit. For examp examplle, the 18/58 (Channel of Judgement) is a doubting immune system that is always ready to doubt what is going on around it or within it. The 63/4 the Channel o Logic is a doubting mind that is constantly filtering patterns in order to see whethe whetherr they are consistent or not. The moment that a pattern is not co con nsistent it results in a question, and that ques que stion creates a pressure that demands an answe r. Th e moment a logical person discovers a question, they immediately come up with their answer. This is their gift. The fact that they see an in cons consiistent pattern and come up with an answer does not however mean that the answer is correct. Thi s is simp ly the way in which their process works . Que stions mu mus st be an swered wered,, and because this is a doubting mind they never fully be li eve   their own formula . After all , we are dealing with circuits here. The whole process of logic demands that theory must be experimented with before

it can be put into practice. practice . This 63/4 must ultim ultimately ately be integrated into the re st of the circuit. It is in the 62nd gate that the theory has to be expressed in all its detail. Having been expressed, it then it has to be experimented with, with, because we cannot accept a pattern that is just as a verbal description. Logic demands experimentation. For examplle, one cannot logically accept the truth of Human Design wit examp ith h out A Guide to the Channels Ra Uru Hu All Righls ReseJ Yod 2000

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R S T ~

iOI lG C I ~ C I


expe riment experim enting ing with it and living with it in order to verify the validity of the pattern. This is a logical system and would be pointless without this expe experim rimentation entation.. most important thing for the doubting mind is that it has its opportunity to be able to articulate its doubt, its question and its answer. Naturally, people with the 63 4 have to be invit invited ed to that. This c hann el is a long way from the throat. These people will feel the projector' projector ' s b itt itterness erness if they are not asked or directed towards the doubt that really concerns them. Then they wi ll have their opportunity to be ab ablle to develop their answer into a viable pattern, so th at they can exper im en t with it and then liv e it The


A Guide


he Channels


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Human Design International Training Training Manuals Copyright Jovian Archi Archive ve Europa 2000






THE CHANNEL 1 7 6 2 - TH THE E CHAN CHANNE NEL L OF ACCEPTANCE The Channel o f Acceptance 17 62

A design of an Organizational Being The Awareness Stream of Understanding [T he Understanding i r c u i



ini on The Gate of Op Opini Awareness


Visualization of what Pattern is Correct or not


Visual Projection The Right Eye

The Preponderance of the Small The Gate of Details Expressii on Express Throat Mechan Mechanii c Man ifestation as Projection into Verbal expression of language pattern or not


The three channel channe ls going from the aj na center to the throat carry a very important responsibility. People who have these channels are al always opening up the possibility for inspiration to come into the mental realm by con nect ecting ing with those who have a defined head center. The 17/62, the Channe Channell of Acceptance, opens up the poss po ssibility ibility for formulas to be given their detail and structur struct ured ed as a pattern. The pressure of the 17/62 to speak is obviously much stronger than on the 63/4. The

63/4 must learn to wait not sim ply for any opportunity but for the right opportun opportunit ity whereas the 17/62 is more lik likely ely to ju mp in and speak, regard egardlless of the opportun opportunity ity,, because the pressure is on them. But always remember that it is most effective when it is invited. The 17th gate is th t he gate of the right eye. It is the gate of seeing in the now. now . It is th e gate of seeing the pattern. Th e visualization of th at pattern has to be translated into language. It is always difficult to translate somet something hing visua l into language; to move that 17 down into the 62. People with the 17 /62 who do not wait to be asked for their opinion slowly destroy their right eye and their capacity to see patterns properly. properly . Most 17/62s have a st strronger left eye than righ rightt eye, because most of them have been trying to share their opinions all of their liv es and have done damage to their

vision. If you don t follow the wiring in you yourr body and the way your wiring wiring works effectively it will create all kinds of hea lth problems. Remember t hat the who effectivel wholle business about being a healthy human being is about being yourself. For the logical person who waits for their opinion to be asked for, for , the right eye contin ues to see

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c lea rly and is a great eye for watching tho se patte rn s. If they do not follow the str trateg ategy y  both th e gift and the eye will deterior deteriora ate. I have have a friend who is a paint painte er with th e /56 the c hann hanne el of Curio urios sity. He starte arted d offf by p ai nting all kinds of moving imag es which wa s perfect for hi s left eye of because that is how th e left eye work s; in se qu que e nces. Th e n hi s agent age nt told him that nobody was int interested erested in the picture pictures s he wa s doing a nd sugg ugges estted that he paint pattern s; th e littl little e st stuff uff in b etw tween een the seq sequ uences because they are so beautiful. beau tiful. agent nt also sugg uggested ested th at in stead of doing four pictur es tog toge eth er he h e should s hould do The age one pi c tur ture e at at a time. As As my fri end s hifted hi s em empha phas sis in th thii s wa way y   he begu egun n to to turn blind in hi s left eye. Thi s is a c lea r exa mpl mple e of how th e mec ech hanic nics s of who we are operate.. Aft er this my friend c hanged hi s emph operate emp has is back towards th e abstract st sty y le o f painting a nd h ad so m e improve ment in hi s eye.

Illness and the Not Self ot-self lf is the g rea t kill er of life. It destroys us phy phys sica lly a nd psychically psychically.. When Th e not-se we do not liv live e according acco rding to o ur tru true e natur nature e we get all the wrong illn illnesses esses and a nd for the wrong reas easons. ons. Take for exa mpl e a 40 ye ar old wi th an undefined heart ce cent nter. They like ely ca ndidat ndidate e for hea rt att ack but th e mom mome e nt you get th e m away from are a lik being wi llful llful   you stre stren ngth en their hea rt mu musc sclle and it gets hea lthi lthie er. As long as you are ide dentifying ntifying with the not not-se -self. you get the di seases and damage to th e body that do no t belo ng to t o you you.. There are so many people with unde und efin ed e moti motio o nal sy sys s t ems who have terrible kidn ey problems. All of th at h as come from id entifying with th e emoti e motio o nal wave. The sollar pl ex us ce nt er also governs the ac so action tion of the pa pa ncreas. Think of all of th e gurus with und efi ned e motion motiona al syste system ms who end up with di diabetes. abetes. They all have th thii s proble probl e m because they are id ide entifying with so som met ething hing th at is not them them   and it ultimate ultim ately makes them sick ick.. If you ha h ave an und undef efin ed mind and you are id entifying with your mind th e n it is is your mind th at gets sick. If you go through your whole lif life e tryin trying g to make your mind rhespo espon nshibl ible you you    you get s aneurys aneury ms inban the brain   h oreads tumors tumor eadac es.e Pfor eo plguiding e with und unde efin ed minds mind are sosoften bang g ingbrain  their agas inosrt the wall. Yo u rea lly have have to see ho how w import importa ant it is to follow your formula . If you follow your formula   you are a hea lthy human be being ing.. Th ere are so many peop peoplle with unde und efin ed e motion al syste system ms who w ho are ca rrying 30 more mor e fat th an they need. need. They are ca rrying all that emoti onal weight th at oes not be long to them them.. The mo ment th at th ey stop id e ntifying with th e emotion emotiona al system th ey lo se all th at water tens ensiio n. Wh at they are in fact ca rrying is is pain because our memory is stor tore ed in the wate water of th e ce ll s of our bodi es. When th ey cry on once ce in a whil e they release some so me of their of the pain. Wh e n we cry that is what w hat hap happ pens; we relea se memori es of p ai n and angui nguis sh through our tea rs. If you do not liv e out your nat atur ure you will always alway s g et what does doe s not belong to you you.. If

you then go to a healer or a doctor doctor   the irony is th at th ey are trying to c ur ure e what yo u are not. When you hav e an und unde efin ed he art center and you have a heart attack th e doctor wi ll try to fi x your he heart. He giv gives es you med ediici ne for your hea rt th at wo uld o nly be appro appropr prii at e for so meone with a define efined d hea rt rt.. Obviously Obviously   th thii s doe does s not work . So


A Guide to the Channels Ra Uru Hu ll Rights Reserved 2000 Human Design International Training Manuals. Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000



often all the healer or doctor is doing is putting very weak and rather loose bandages bandage s over enormous scars in our system. That is how important it is to be oneself. The healthiest mind is a mind that waits to be engaged engaged.. This does not mean that you have to be silent your whole life life.. You simply find that it is much more calming for you

to for the opportunities thatmeeting are designed for you. Then you can really release thewait beauty of your mind without resistance resistance. . Every mind has its own particular beauty and its own peculiarities. For in stance , the open mind can bring eye problems. These will come from conditioning. Somebody with a n undefined mind literally wants to see and is und unde er far greater press pres sure to see than people who have a defined mind mind.. This whole process usually begins begin s from the moment we go to schoo l. The moment we enter the classroom, we are put under subtle pressure by a conditioning field. The children who are under that kind of pressure usually end up getting glasses by the time they are in the first level of school. Incidentally, undefined mind s always cheat in exams. It is not their fault. They are have a gift for this because they take in the mental field of everybody else around them. One the thing things s to realize about the logic proce ss anddoes why not it is have so difficult difficult, , is that it is notofsexy sexy. . I mean, logic just isn t sexy. This circuit an emotional system and because o that it is not something that is is attractive. Logical people have to understand how to read , write and count. but they do not want to spe spend nd their life doing that. It doesn t bring the same pleasure as the other circuitry. In fact. what it most often brings is difficulties. Logic people in sist on argumentation. This is their only way. Their argumentation is often rooted in the deepest possible criticisms since they are the ones that are aw awa a re o the pattern and they are the ones that are be st equipped to see when the pattern is not operating properly. But always remember the key: logic has to be invited.

A Guide

to the Channels Ra Uru Hu All Rights Reserved 2000 Human Design International Training Manuals   Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2





THE CHANNEL OF JUDGMENT The Channel o f udgment 18 58

A design of In sa tiability reness ss Stream of Ta ste Th e Aw arene


Work on What has been Spoilt

ection tion The Gate of Corr ec Potential Awareness Potential Perfect vi a Awareness Awaren ess of what is is Concentration Vital or not Salt

8 i

Youthful Folly

The Gate of Formulization Fuel Energy Mechan ic Vitality or not Life Force Focused

The 18 /58, the Chann hanne el of Judgement. is is th e root of the art of m a ster y . It fe e d s the tivity.. The 58th a nd th e 16 / 48 , th e Channel of Talent with its particular quality of crea tivity 52nd gate are the only adrenaline g ates that are re lat late ed to th e logi logic c pr pro o ces s. They are opposite each other in the wheel. The 58th gate is the energy to correct and to challenge. The 18th gate is about the capacity to challenge authority and rec ecognize ognize wh en cor corrrec ection tion is is necessa ry. Th e who wholle proce process ss of the 18 /58 is to bring judgm e nt. its s natur nature e. Th something mething to be Th at is it Thii s judgm ent will only come when th ere is so ssatiisfied with. Unfortunat ely for those who have have to deal with these peop eoplle there di ssat ssatisfied fied with They are always finding so mething that is always something to be di ssatis needs need s to be challenged. Thi s is a de des sign of in sa ti ability after all. Thi s is a projected c hann el th at needs to be reco ecogniz gnized ed.. What th ese people nee d to hear is is : " is th ere anything wrong?", wrong?" , to which the us usual reply is is "y "yes es"" .

Apart from not be Apa being sex y , logi logic c is also imper imperso son nal and collective and usually end nds s up be ing very se riou s in relation relations ship hips s . Logic al people ge g et se riou rious s about str ange tra things thing s . Th ese are the kind of peop eoplle who can tell you that you mu st always squ queeze eeze th e toothpa ste from the back firs fir st. Of course, thi s can be hard for individuals individual s who squ queeze eeze th e toothp toothpas astt e wher whereve everr th ey damn well like and usually end up being challenged and punished. Logi Logica ofte en mi ss th e joke because th ey are so ca l peo ple oft busy figuring out what the fa ct s are. See very clearly that the 18/58 is is a very important gift, but it is is also a pain in the neck. neck . It is a grea t gift becau se if you

recog niz e it it is enormou normous sly helpful. If you ask an 18/58 to he help you to see what nee d s to be corrected then you have a wonde wond erful ally. Thi s is th eir great gift. gift . Th e ir


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whole life is about abo ut making sure that the pattern works work s and if it do does es n' t, they will c hallenge it. They will challenge their mothe moth ers and fath ers, their teacher, the government, eve n the whole planet. Th ey wou woulld challenge god, if th ey had a c hance hance.. 18   8 is o greate greates st value when it is asked for a collective solution. The gift of the 18 This is not a channel that is designed to be personal. My joke with the toothpaste is: if you are rea lly up se t about your partner squeez in g it anywhere, then get one of th ese little machines. That is is a collect iv e solution . You cannot make a personal is sue out o it. They are not wrong. People with the 18 58 need to avoid words such as 'should 's hould'' , ' mu st' or ' better'. In fact the bes t way to dea deall with the these se mundane scenario sce narios s is to make mak e th e solu tion int into o an experiment; for example: Let's tryout one of th ese new machine machines s that squeezes the toothpaste for us . Th at way th e toothpas toothp won'' t become a bone of contention that destroys the relations relation ship hip.. as te won

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THE CHANNEL 16 48 4.



hannel· the art o f mastery

The Wavelength 16 48

A des de sign o f Ta Ta le nt The Aw areness Str Stre eam of Tas te

Enthusiasm Th e Gate of Skill kills s Expression Throat Mechanic Mec ech hani ca l Vital Pa Patt tte ern m anif nifes esttati o n m anif nifes esttati o n of p atte rn or not Rep et etiti itio on



The Well

Th e Ga te of De Depth Possibility A wareness Possibility Awa warre ness Re so sour urce ce of o f Vital Corr orrec ection tion st o red as info inf orm ation as Patt tte ern Patt tte ern or no n ot

It is is o nl y th t he through the lo gi c pro process cess th at th e b es t is poss ossibl ibl e. Thi s ci rcuitry d ea ls with th e bes estt an d th e wo rst a nd everything th at is in betwe wee e n, a nd thi this s th e reaso eason n why it g ets quit quite e se ri ous. All po liti litic cians play thi s ga me with w ith us. Th ey say: wh whii c h is is p att ern ? , and we ta ke that ve very se riou sly . th e bes t pa gett to th e 16 4 8 th e Chann el of Talent, we get to th e creat eatiive c ha nn el o f Wh en we ge this thi s c ir c uit, whi c h is is all abo about ut th e art of ma stery. Th e 16th g ate is about abo ut skill s and th e abo out d epth pth.. Wh en th ey work toge t ogeth 48 th gate is ab th er, wh at emerges is talent. Th Thii s c hann el ha pp ppe ens to be a ve rbal projec proj ecttor, thu thus s th the ere is no motor to to drive thi s process pr ocess of tale nt. Wh at thi s rea lly sa ys is th at th e art o f mas tery is so met hin g th at requires a grea t dea l of coo perati o n in ord er to ma ni fest. Everything a bo ut becoming beco ming a mas ter is abo ut expe rim enting with d e pth pth.. These ar are th e ke yn otes of th ese g ates. Th ere ar a re only o nly two requi quis sit ites es for attaining mas tery. Th e fir first st is th at you have to verify th at th e p att tte ern is cor orrec rect, and th e second sec ond is th at yo u have to spe nd a lif life etim time e of repetiti titio on in ord er to to develo evelop p th e skill s to mas astter that pa p att tte ern . I ha have been a mu sician mos mo st of my lif life e and have lea rn ed very qui quic c kly th at it ta kes yo u a lo ng tim e to even reco ecogni gnize th e patt tte ern . Yo u have have to lea rn all th e no tes and c hord s fir st. Only th en does th e pro process cess of of ex perim rime ent nta ation truly be begin. It tak ake es even eve n lo ng er to t o recog ni ze


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that one has finally ma stered the proce process ss and even then, the process pro cess the end.. Just because you learn to play without thinking does does ex perim entation does not end not mea n that you stop experimenting. experimenting . It is simply the moment that it becomes art because it is is the moment mo ment that you are liberated from technique. technique . Logi c is all about developing techniques Logic technique s in order to concretize a pattern. What is is more,, talent has to be recogniz ed. What it has to be recognized by is energy more energy.. If you have a child that ha s the 16/48 16/48,, you have to spend money to get th em an rument. In this way they are dependant on you. If you do not spend th e mon mone ey, strument. in st then that talent will never have a chance to come out becau se they do not have a motor connected to it. Once again, it is about recognition. In the rare case of so meone having the whole stream the 18/52 and the 16/48 it would be differ differe ent. Each c hann el ha s it its s own process process.. Someone with this whole stream would be a sp lenic manifestor from the root. Since there is a motor here , this is the kind of person who will recogniz e, in th e moment, that they need to go out and get an trume ent or ballet shoes. Th ey are one of the rare ones who are not des des ign igne ed to in strum wait.

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The channel



9 52

A design of Deter etermin mina ation Energy Format [ he Understanding circui ij The Taming Power o f the Small Energy rgy for Detail Th e Ga te of Ene Energy Fuell Potential Fue Focused Con Co nce cen ntrat tratiio n The Power for Detail Determin ed



Keeping Still (Mountain) The Gate of Stilln tillness ess Energy Fuel Quality Fo c used Pressure to Concentr Conce ntrate ate

Pass iv e Tension

; ;=

We began thi s training with a gentle ca ution ution.. The depth of what human circ uitr uitry y is and how it work works s take takes s a long time tim e to se ttle in us . The simpl imples es t key of all is type. When we look at all the these se cha nn els t hrough th eir type, it really gives give s us a deeper format at in sight into th e way th ey operates at their best. Wh en we are lookin g at a form energ y like th e 9/52 this is so mething th at is rea lly uniqu e. All th e format formats s are pure gen ge nerato rs. The frequency of every c hann el in a cir irc c uit is is governed o nly by it its s format. Th at is quite a thing to co con nsider ider.. In dividuality is co condition nditioned ed by the pul se of o n/off an d th e abstr abstract process is co condition nditioned ed by th e cyc li ca l format. Logic is cond iti oned by focu s and co con nce ntr ntration. ation. Thi s is a gener gene rated fi eld ld.. Log ica l people have to be ab ablle to dig their hee ls in and stay with the proce ss. That is why it is rooted in th e 52nd gate, Keeping Still Mounta Mountain . Th at is a nice image . Th at is stilln tillness ess but not a dead stilln tillness; ess; all mount mounta ain s are ali ve grow growing ing or shrinkin g. Kee ping Sti ll is th e Buddha gate. You still your physical body and and your outer se nses in order th at you can use your energy in a very focused wa y. limina atin g ext raneous waste o f en ene e rgy. There The art of focu ss ing is ac tu ally about elimin is nothing more infuri at in g for a 9/52 th t han to have to put their en ene e rgy into many differe differ ent things thing s in stea d of bein being g focused on one thing . Again, we should re rememb er that when you enter ente r into things accord according ing to your type yo u will always get wh wha a t you need. The 9/52 is a generator channe l. If you have this format in your design, design , yo you u unll ess you are asked. A logica l being who is ca n never know w hat is right for you un ey following their strategy will always find their vocation, and it wi ll be soHow mewthing ever t h ca n stay with all th eir life. Th en they ca n get to th e point of mastery. Ho it is not as if suc h a pe rson has to stay with one thing all their life. The po possibi ssibility lity of

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change is genetically built into all of th e circuits circuits.. I know many mu sici ans who have spent ten or fifteen years playing a ce rtain kind of instrument and then all of a sudden they change and go and master so mething el else . This is possible. But the mai n thing to understand is that for the logi ca l being this narrown rrowness ess of wa wayy ; thi s need to focus and conce concentr ntrate ate , is the mo st importa important thing of all Think about all the 18 /58s you know and how many things they wa nt to cor corrrect It never wo rk s If you make it personal and you point all th at energy at your partner, you have a lif life etim time e of finding things to correct abou aboutt your partner. The reality is that on ly when it is impersonal, can you find th e right thin thing g to focus upon and master. That is why the 52 and the 58 are part of a c ro ss th at is called the Cross of Healing (left angle cross 25/46 and and 52/58). The rea l hea ler only becomes effic efficiient after time . Don Do n  t have a doctor carve into your body unless they have had 20 years of experiience exper ence.. You r c hance ances s are better. Brillian Brilliance ce is great. but exper experiience is what matte atterrs Si nce t hey do not co control ntrol the timing, this format generator c hanne l demands that logical people wait for that opportunity to go so deeply into the thing that inte interres ts them.

A Guide



haMels Ra

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15 5




15 5

A design of Being in th the e Flow Tantric Channel he Understandin Modesty The Gate of Extreme s Magnetic monopol monopole e Nature o Self Vessel Aura / Magnetic The Extremist ov e of Humanity. Humanity.


Waiting The Gate of Patte Patterns rns Energy Fuel Possibi Possibillity

Focused Fixed Rhythm

Consistency Repetition

The 15/5 is something that is deeply magical. It is something that is universal to all life forms. What you can see in this channe channell is th e deep beauty that li es in the sacral system. Th e sacra l generates lif life e itself itself.. Thi s vital generating force cannot exist unless life is generated through p atte rn and rhythm . Li Liffe is so many different patterns and and rhythms . The 15th ga te is one of the ga tes of the vesse vessell of love , representing the love of hum huma anity nity.. This love is generated through the 5th gate, the gate of pattern, in th e sacr sac ral center. Once th e patterns are secure, hum an ity can lov e one anoth er. If the pattern is not sec ure , hum huma anity ca nn ot lov e eac h other. We are speaking here of co ll ect ectiive love rat ath her personal lo lov v e . This is not abo about ut ro romance ance.. lov v e that is possible when you liv e in a communit commu nity y in w hi c h the This is co   ectiv e lo patterns are secur sec ure e . In such a community comm unity everybody is more at ease with each other. The moment that the patt tte ern s begin to break down in a communit comm unity, you discover that the amount of lo ve aro und gets qui quickly ckly dissipated . Th ere is a breakdown within th e community commun ity into low lowe er levels of cl c lan and family family.. In the last few years, all of hum an ity ha s been mov in g th ro ugh some ve ry deep logica ogicall processes. In 1997 we ent nte ered int o a long term transit of Pluto in the 9th gate. In terms of ho w Hu Hum m an Design looks at Pluto , it always rep resents truth and the journey towards truth, whether that be in your design or whe th er it is part of a transit. What this is sayi ng to us is that over the past severa l years in term s of the impac imp enorm mous amount of focus that ac t of the transit on this planet, we have had an enor

has been possible. possible . Thi s focus on th e logical process pro cess is also being followed by the transit of Pluto going into the 5t h gate and estab li shin g new patterns out of that


A Guide to the Channels Ra Uru Hu ll Rights Reserved 2000 HUman Design International Training Training Manual s Copyright Jovian Archive Archive Eu ropa 2000



truth . We are having a very powe truth. powerful se quence of Plutoni Plutonic c revelation . During the se years, the sc scientific ientific community has been focu ss ing on th e mapping of the hum huma an genome; the ultimat ultimate e patt patte ern that lie s at the heart of all lif life e on this planet. hanne el. You have to be asked, you have to be ready to The 15 5 is a generator c hann recog ni ze that pattern and rhythm is a re spo spon nse to life it se lf. All life works out of is enormou enormous s when it is re spon se. Ev erything else is illusion. The power of logic is called upon . It was fairly re ce cently ntly that sc ientists discovere discover ed an inner clock in every single cell. The cell ha s an ab ability ility to re spond to light. With our und unde erstanding of th e inner na nature of the cell cell,, with it its s d es esign ign crystal and it its s monopole, we know very clearly that eac each h cell ha s its own unique process proce ss and that it is is only the monopole that keeps it in th e right place. This is the miracle of genes lined up on a chromos chromo some . Ev erything ha s to be in the right place, pla ce, ev even including th the e garbage, or junk DNA. Ev e n the se non essential se sequen quences ces in our DNA that are si mply rep ea ted are extre extrem mely important. Th ey create space paces s so that our genetic material has to be organized in different ways . Th e point is that everything ha s a place within the greater pattern . The DNA strand traps trap s light. Thi s is the secondary function of the DN A . Thi s is the inn er light or inner peac peace e that is is me ntioned in the 5th hexagram hexagram.. The 5th line of thi s gate also mention ntions s enlightenment. This is one of tho those se sweet sweet things to think about; that enlightenment happens deep in the cells where we cannot see it. Th Thii s collective love of the 5 5 is a kind of physical well-being that we have together. Consider a munda mund a ne pattern pattern;; we go to work on the subway with all kind of other people and we are not inherently uncomfortable with that. It is a pattern that everybody participates knows s the rule s; you don't stare at so somebody mebody too long, long , you don don'' t in. Everybody know bump into them, them , you don' don 't touc tou c h them. them . As long as these patterns do not break down, we feel okay. But if th e pattern somehow breaks down and nobody obeys tho se rule s or the rul es begin to decay, our whole rel ation tions ship with eac each h other wil willl be different. You don't want to get on the subway anyrnore beca ecause use you are afraid of what may happen to you. In other words, you lo se your capacity to tru trust st that your c ity is is a sa fe place anymore. Then th e love of hum huma a nity leaves as well and you go back to the clan and th e community for protection . le ofand It is so hard to convince peop logic. I have seetalking n thi s about argument spread throughout Europe, the United States Canada. I arn the ques que stion of immigrant immigrants s coming into th e country co untry.. In America it ha s been proven over and over aga in th at immigration is is logi logica ca lly hea lthy for the nation. It creates more jo s rnor rnore e milliona million airires values es etc etc,, but people still have their fea rs. This is not logical. es new valu

Peopl e say of outsiders People outsiders:: th ey don don'' t know our rul es th ey don don'' t spea k our language and th ey don't eat our food . Will th ey live by our rules? If they don't, then it will be dangerous and we don don''t want them here .  In other words, the other tribal e le lem m ent nts s take over immediately. It is very hard for logic to stand up to the emotions. The collective is deeply afraid of the trib e.

One of th e magical things thing s about the 5th gate is is that it is called Waiting. Waiting is everything that has to do with being a generator and it has everything to do with life. Furthermore, th e universality of thi this s 5   5 which is is th e d es esign ign of eve ry ce ll , also speaks of what we call micro microcos cosm m or macroco macrocos sm . We are all part of an enormous to the Channels Ra Uru Hu ll Rights Reserved 2000 Human Design Intemational Training Manuals   Copyright Jovian

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ce ll ; the so lar ce ll th at we inh ab it. Within the ha halo of the sun we hum huma anity nity   are an ion to the incredible ce ll that is part of a mu c h large larg er body body.. Thi s where our co nn ect ection totality li es . It is our co nn ect ectiio n to the life of the who le. If you are wa itin g you ge t access to the light that is deep inside th at ce ll. Th e ce ll is the form . The light is hidde idden n in the form   just as our DNA tra p s th e light an d st as pl ant ce ll s trap ligh t. Everything abo about ut existence is about abo ut unders understanding your form.


A Guide 1 the Channels Ra Uru Hu All Righls Reserved


Human Design Inter International national Training Manuals   Copyrighl Jovian Archive Europa 2000



CHANNEL 31/7 - THE CHANNEL OF THE ALPHA The channel of t h e Alpha 31 7

A design of Leadership for good or bad   Circuit Expression: Mechanical he Understandin


Influence The Gate of Energy for Detail Expression Expressio n Throat Mechanic The Leader Manifestation of , I Lead Leadership or not

The Army Th e Gate of the Role of the Self in Intteraction In Magnetic Monopole Nature of Self Sphinx Direction Projection

Logical Expression Interac Int eractiv tive e rol role e

When we get to the 3117 , we get to the role gates which express the nature of the circuitry. The 3117 is the Channel of the Alpha. This is a design of leadersh ip for good or bad. All logic is dualistic . You will always find somebody w ho will argue with you and you will always find people who will back up one pattern rather than another. The 3117 is about the future of our planet. It is one of the ways in which we are guided as a whol who le, as a spec ie . Th e result of this logical guidance is what we ca ll our democratic systems. Th ese are our elected officials. These are very different the hereditary rul ers of th e 45th gate. We are not talking here of tribal clan rulers. Neither are we talking of the 20th gate. These are not the spir spiritual itual leaders or the individualist leaders eaders.. This collective nature of the 3117 is projected out of the throat. These people get into a lot of trouble in life by telling other people that th ey understand how to guide them. These people may well understand , but they can only point the way for others other s . They cannot do it themselves. The politician can say that he will get more people to work but it is others that have to do all that. This is just speak ing. One of the most important thing s to recognize about the co ll ective le adership process is that a leader has to be elected by a majority. They cannot be a Napoleon and wear a crown on their own hea ead d . The moment that there is more than one person th at wants them to be a leader eader,, then they can lead. Co ll ectiv e leadership alway lways s has to ask th e permission of those who are going to be led. This is ou r obvious democratic process today. It wo wou u ld do us a lot of good to be able to c lea earrly see the design of our leaders. Then we cou ld see who we are getting and whether they can actually keep their promises. When a A Guide to the Channels Ra Uru Hu All Rights Reserved 20 20 00

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politi c ian with a n unde politic und efin ed hea rt center promi promises ses you so som m ething thing,, you will eit ith h er have a dead politician from a he art attack or a disappointed ele ctor torate ate . One or th e other is possible. Our co ll ec ectiv tiv e lea d ers have to ask our permission to lea d us. Th e way that th ey do this is th at th ey hav have e to prese pre sent nt us with the expression of the logi ca l p at atttern . Th ey pattern and it is wrong. We will fi x it.   Thi s is hav e to be a bl e to say to us: This is the patte what politi ca l parties partie s do when it comes to election time. Eac Eac h party says: Th Thii s is th e pattern th e way it is is and we can see what is wrong with it and we want to repl replace ace it with another patt patte ern .  Thi s is our ongoing pro process cess.. Mo Most st of th e tim time e we are willing to accept the th eory ory.. For exa mple mple,, we hea r a politi politic c ian says to us: We will try this patte patt ern   and we end up sw swallowing allowing theory in stead of d emanding th e d etail or th e fac actt s. Id ea lly should uld demand th e proof proof:: Show us how it rea lly works works.. Give us a lly,, we sho way that we ca can n unde und erstand it and bac ack k it up with detail details s. As a soc sociiety , as a global village, we need to have these being ings s in charge. We don 't need the triba trib al lea ders a nymore nymore.. We need people peopl e who und unde erstand patte patt ern s. Tribal le ad ers bring us nothing but co competiti mpetitio o n and war. We need to have a way in lea which th e co ll ec ectiv tive e p at atttern s are established globally. Now we hav have e proto proto-organizations like that do that like the UN. Th e European community is anoth a nothe er very good example of thi s. Th e alpha is is the true mode mod ern leader leader,, but the alpha has to be se lec ected ted . You cannot st walk in and sa y : I a m the alpha. If you rai se dogs, you rea lize right aw litte er of five or six of animal nimals s, th ey awa a y that the moment you have a litt Obvious sly , animals do not se sellec ectt in th e sa me way as we do. Th ey se lect the alpha. Obviou have hav e an in stinctive, intuitive way in which they recognize who the alpha is is (in animal animals s the alpha channel is the B/1 . The animal nimals s will automatically recog ecogni niz z e which one ha s thi this s c hann hanne el, and it is nev neve er th e pup you think. It is ra rarrely the one that is is the biggest, bigge is it necessa nec essa rily the on e that is born fir st. The c hurch hurches thii s st, nor is firs es have done th for a long tim e. In the catholic church, it is a formal exe rcise that when a pop pope e di es, they all get togeth er to se lec ectt the alpha. After that, that , the chosen one becomes th e alpha .

We human humans s have to be very careful about the alphas we se lec ectt to guide us. Th ey have to prove to us that their patterns are valid . That is is very important for us. Th e ones we involved te nd to end up44with th e modern politicians borrowe ed fromathe triberea who are only bus bu sare esses. . In other word s, saborrow les esmen men, , who re only lly in esses in 26 involved in adv dve e rti sing ing.. It is all commercialization . They turn th e patt patte ern into a so sound und bite.. Th ey turn it into a ne at little cos metic formula bite formul a and th e n they try to pitch that formula formul a without having to use any detail details s. Th ese people are still in th e trib triba al bu s in ess of manipulating us. Th ey sa y thing s like : I will look after you and bring a new fa c tory to your villag e. I am the best politi politicia cian n you can get. I ha have the best policies . At bes t thii s is bribery th bribery.. Thi s is not what succe uccess ssful collective leadersh ip is all about. It ha s to be se riou s, it ha s to be focused and it ha s to be prese nt nte ed in a way that everyone can under understa attaine ed that yet in our SO C iety . sta nd . We have obviously not attain


A Guide 1 th Channels Ra Uru Hu All Rights Reserved 2000 Human Design International Training Manuals Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000



process . This is all about being human. The Sensing Circuit is about our abstract process. The Sensing Circuit is actually the force o evolution itself itself.. Without the abstract process we would not evolve as human beings in the way that we have have.. It is not experimental like the logical path. It is the experiential way It is our journey through life   and therefore it is the most human o all circuitry. all the possibilities of life The fact that it is so human also means that it is the frailest process. In this circuit there is no true awareness that we can re ly on The spleen that looks out for our well being is not involved. The mind is as trans transiitory as the rest of the circuitry. There is neither stability nor security here The re is only the endless progression of possibilities to be explored. And yet itit is through this experiential way that we discover the validity of our past. This is the circuit that gives birth to what we call hi story.

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It is is a gr grea onde ense th e pas astt in suc h as way th at it ca can n be b e sh s hared ea t art t o be abl e to c ond illumin ate th e future. It is on one e of o f t he mos ostt spec eciial th t hin gs abo ut be b ein g in th e now and illumina huma hum an. It s not as th ough eve ry c hild that is is b orn has to beg in fr o m sc scrratc h w he n it ente ent ers th e world . We all be nef efitit from what ever huma hum an hi story we have access to speed d s up our lea lea rning process. proc ess. Th ese d ay s th e c ol olll ectiv e hum huma an whii c h grea tly spee wh ex peri e nce is mov in g faster faste r and f as astt er beca bec ause we have a far gr grea ea t er ca pac acity ity to st o re inform i nforma ati o n. A mo mo d ern co mput mpute er ca can n stor tore e an an entir ntire e en encyclo pedi a, and wit w ith h o ut rea lly ta t akin g up mu c h spa ce in th e comput co mpute er itse itself lf.. We now ha h ave th thii s ca pac acity ity to to be ablle to stor ab tore e enormou normous s amount unts s o f hi story and to be abl able e t o pass it o n. All o f thi s is t he res esult ult of the cir c uitry of th e Se nsing Ci rcuit. It is d ee p ly impe imp erson ona al. It is simpl imply y about th e col colll ec ectiv tive e ex peri e nti al wa way .


A Guide to the Channels Ra Uru Hu ll Rights Reserved 2000 Human Oesign International Training Manuals  Manuals   Copyright Jovi Jovi an Archive Europa 2000







A design of focused Energy (Feelings) The Awareness Stream of Feeling The Sensing circui ij

The Clinging Fire 3 The Gate o Feelings Potential Awareness Potential Awareness to Hunger Thirst Recognize a Feeling Recognition or not Decrease The Gate o Contraction Fuel Energy Mecha Mechan n ic The Pressur Pressure e to Feel Fuels Gauge for or not Empty Hunger initiator


connect ion between betwee n the root center and the emotional system. We begin with the connecti Channe l o Recognition. The most im portant difference between the Thi s is the Channel abstract way and the logical way is that the abstract gets to manifest and the logic does not. Like the path of logic, the abstract side also has its own talent. It has a talent for accomplishment. To accomplish something literally means to be able to compllete it and then move on . This is c learly not the focus o logic. comp If we were to des desiign a ca lendar based on Human Design, Design , the first day of the year would be the first lin e of the 41 st gate . In fact, the sun is in this gate fairly close to the first day of the year. This 41 st gate is the only codo codon n in our genetics that is ca ll ed an initiator. In the same way as a capital cap ital letter begins a sentence, so every sing le genetic sentence begins with the 41 st hexagram hexagram.. This means that all exper experiience comes out o the 41, and all the possibi possibiliti within it. liti es o experi ences are stored within When this potenti potent ial for expe ri ence reaches the 30 it immediately becomes an emotional field. In human terms, terms , th is creates a burning need within us ; a desire 30) to live out the fantasy 41) . This is the essence of being human; human ; to be driven by desire.. desire

Desire is rooted in expectation . Th e 41 is a gate of great hunger. At the other end of this stream lies the 35th gate in the throat. The 35 is never satisfied for long . After a good meal and a sl sleep eep,, it starts all over agai n. But th e source o all this is the 41, wh ich says: ' If I can only have a good meal. then I will be full. The entire experientia l process is driven by expectation expectation.. For abstract people this is what their whole life is about; they eat that meal, meal , they have to go to sl s leep and digest it, shit it out in the A Guide to the Channels Ra Uru Hu All Rights Reserved 2000

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morning and th en it start tarts s a ll ov er again. Th ere is great pain in thi this s emotional e motional wheel o f th e abs tr ac t way Th The e se people constantly fee l like like th ey ca can n be full only to d iscove scoverr th at th ey are empty again . One can see how this thi s ba sic di dillemm mma a o our a bstra c t c ir c uitry is th e he art o the human e motional process proce ss.. irc Accor ccording ding to the voice when the c hange begins begin s in 2027 and when we eventually leave the se vehicles and ent nte er into ano another ther progr progra am wi th another kind of ve vehicl hicle e  this stream will not be b e in it Thi s stream can never be aw awa a re and will never demonstrate e motion motiona al aw ss.. It is so so diffic diffic ult to find any kind of clarity in thi this s cir c irc c uit because awa a re ne ss it is so powerfu lly oriented to the motor o th e emotional emotional sys systtem . ectation tion s Th ey are all projections Be aw awa a re of ex p ecta


A Guide 1 the Channels Ra URI Hu All Rights Reserved Human Design International Training Manuals   Copyright Jovian Archive Europa

2000 2000



THE CHANNEL 35/36 5.



hannel - the art o f accomplishment

The Transitoriness 35 36

A d es ig n of a Jac Jack k ' of all Tr ad es Th e Awar Aware en ess Str Str ea m o f Fee Feeling ling t t he Sensing Circuiij Circuiij

Progress 5 Th e Gat Gate e of o f C ha ng e Expression Throat Mechanic Mec ech hani ca call g a uge fo r Full Fu e l ga m anif es tation of Sa ti ation Fee eeling ling or no n ot


The Darkening o f the Light Th e Gat Gate e of Cri sis Awareness



Aware n ess and Aware Powe Pow er to ma ma nif nifes estt a Fee linq or not

Hun gerr Wa Hunge Wave Hope Hop e Pain

Th e 35 36 is th e Chann el o f Tr a nsitorin itoriness ess and and chang e. It is a pur pure e emoti o nal manifes tin ting g c ha nn el a nd th ere ar are only o nly two c hann hanne e ls like thi s. We have alr alrea dy see seen n c ha nn el o f Ope nne nness ss th at th e 12/22 th e ch

(not on e of of th e cr c rea titive ve c hann nne els) is is all a bout be being a bl e to e nco count unte er and inform th e oth ot her by be being in th e ri g ht soc sociial c he mi stry try.. Th e 35 3   is very diff ffe erent beca ecau use it is is impe imp erson al. It is simply s imply th ere for the ex p eri e nce. Th e 36th ga g ate is keyn o ted th e ga te of Cri sis. Mos ostt peopl ople e reall y mi sund unde er sta nd th thii s termin rmino o lo gy . Th e 36t h g ate is th e ga te of in ex p eri e nce. If yo u are in exp eri ence ced d , you ar e al way s going to be be dr dra awn into int o a natur tura al pro process cess of see kin g ex peri ence. In going from in ex p eri e nce to expe ri ence, cri sis is natur natura al. We have lea rn ed that t here is o nly one on e gold golde en rul e with emotion motiona al ma nif nife estat ation ion:: noth ing ca can n be don done e until o ne has wait ed o ut th e wave. Th Thii s is th e mo mos st impo imp o rt ant thing abo ut th e hum huma an expe ri ent ntii al wa y . Th ere is no ex peri e nce d eni ed to us. Becau Beca use I ha have my sun in th e 51st ga g ate, I lik like e to be sho s hock ck in g. I alw ays tell th e sto ry of th e wom wo man who w an ts to kill he her hu sba nd. She is em e moti o nal and she is at at th e lo w e nd o f her wa ve and a nd she wa nt nts s to kill her hu hus sb and beca ecau use she is in a ba d moo d. Everyt hin g bec ecom omes es hi s faul ult. ide e herse lf s he is sa ying : y o u are th e reaso eason n t. a nd in sid dow w n so I' m g o in g to have to kill yo u . Thi s is not a g ood time tim e to c ommit th at I am do m u rd er. At thi s point in time tim e th ere is no clarity in sid e th thii s wo man . Th e sit situ u ati o n co could uld A Guide to the Channels Ra Uru Hu ll Rights Reserved 2000 Human DeSign International Training Manuals Manuals   Copyright Jovian Archive Europa





easi ly backfire on her her.. He could survive and kill her in stead. What a crisis The thing

for thi s woman to do is to wait until she's in a good mood . So she wait waits s until she's feeling great. Now inside of her se lf she is saying: " the wor world ld fee ls great and everyth ing is great but it wo wou u ld feel eve n more gr ea t if he were de dea ad . Now she knows that she ha s c larity larity.. Now she can go ahea d and kill th e poor so ul. There is no experience that is denied to humanity . Human De sign is is not a moral system and I am not a morali moralis stic man . It is certainly not to my ta ste that people kill. But neithe neith er is it so something mething that I conside considerr bad bad.. It is one o the poss po ss ibiliti ibilities es that are rn ed. It is there for us us. If one kills with clathat rity,,the rity thenSensing that is Okay asitfar am conce very important to understand Circuit is as notI about th e denial o experience. If you want to see what it is lik like e to have sex standing up in a canoe you can't just jump into that. It cou coulld be really mess messy. You have to process proce ss that in your e motional wave and if you de d ecide that you still want to try it whether you are in a good mood or a bad mood, mood , then you ca n go ahead ahead.. If you don' don ' t wait to be c lear, th e chances are on e o you will break your leg and the other one drown s . The point is is that the moment you are emotiona lly clear about any experience, th en you don 't have to do it ever again. The collective experience is is about being ab ablle to say: 've been there, there , done that." It is about experience for the sa ke of experience. It does doe s not have to be repeated end endllessly lik like e the logical path towa rd s ma stery .

happen s to abstract p eo pl ple e is that they get s tuck in a loop . The thing that usually happens Be ca use th ey do not wait for the clarity of their wave, they enter into an experience incorrectly and never finish with it. They try to make lov e standing up in a canoe and th ey break their leg. But do you think th at will stop them from trying it again? It does doe sn't. They go ri ght back and try it agai again n until they eith er get it right or die. People with the 35/36 can be deeply volatile. volatile . There is is a simpl imple e key for them; them ; if th ey wait to be c lear, then they can tran trans sform the deep anger that lies lie s within thi s channel (thi s is manifestor anger) . Like its mirror on the logi logical cal sid e (the 16/48 . the 35 36 is also a channell of talent. The se people have a tal ent for adventure and expe ri ence. If th ey channe are clear going into expe ri ences, then they kee p moving cleanly on to new on es, and thus they gather a lifetime o wisdom dom.. Their great accomplishment in life is that life e th ey have tasted , touched and felt many thing s. Wh e n you need to know about lif and the world, th ese are the people to go and see. They know w hat it is lik like e to experience so many thing s, and as long as they entered co correctly rrectly into tho se experience s, then what they share with you is of real value experience value.. The se are the great storyteller torytellers s and hi storians . These people can tell you yo u what ha s happ happe ened to them , and their tales tale s can be deeply in spiring . Emotional peo people ple are always trying to figure out the nature of their emot emotiiona onall cyc cyclle. There is one si mple clue for them to remember in thi this s regard regard;; when you are not clear, you are nervou nervous s . If you are really unclear, unclear , then you are really nervous, and th e closer you come to clarity, the le ss nervous you are about making a decision. Thi s is a very important clue. It doe does s not mean that nervous nervou sness totally di sa ppears ppears,, but it does mean that it loses it its s power power.. If you will forgiv forgive e th e black humor, humor , you make a much more successfu successfull killer when you are not nervous. This nervousness nervousn ess cannot be compared co mpared to stage fright. which is something different. Stage fright co com mes from the adrenaline system in the root cente centerr, wherea whereas s emotional nervou nervous sness ha s a wholly


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qua qu ality to to it Em ot otiio nal peo p eop p le oft o fte e n as k: ho w do I know w hen I am c lea r? Th e an a nswe swerr is is sim simp p le: Yo You u are cl c lea r, when whe n yo yo u fee feell c lea r ,

A Guide to the Channels Ra Uru Hu ll Rights Reserved 2 Human Design International Training Manuals   Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000








The Channel of Abstraction 64 47

ed with Clarity A design of Mental activity mix mixed The Awarene Awareness ss Stream of Sensing

Before Completion 6 The Gate of Confusion Fuel Energy Mechanic Pre ss ssure ure of Mental Cyclic mental Images Imag es activity or not from the Pa st Oppression The Gate of Realization Potential Awareness Potential Awareness to Identification of singl ingle e recognize what image makes make s sense or not . Freeze Frame'


Now we co come me to the mental pro process cess of the abstract circuitry. As it moves mov es through life, the abstract mind is taking things in through the left eye. Thi s is th e right hemis hemi s phere of the br ain that sees all thing s as se quence s. These se quence quences s are then stored in the dee dee p gray areas of the brain , As we reca ll th ese sequenc seq uences es they now through the 64th gate and create a pre press ssur ure e in th e mind th at we call eith ithe er inspiration or confusion. Th e confusion is always there as a pres press sure beca becau use the mind ha s to d ea l with information that is is not orde ord ered and th erefore does doe s not seem to make any se nse se.. Th e abstr tract act way is to try and fill the gaps in these seq sequen uen ces ces.. That is why hi story is is nev er accurate. Hi story is is alway lways s subj s ubjec ective tive because between we only know certain fact facts s such s uch as date s and the res estt we fill in as be st we ca n . Thi s is the way we try to under unders stand ancient societi ocieties. es. We read tw twe elve things thing s on a statu tatue e and then we will fill in all the rest. We We create a civilization by filling in the sp aces. As we are now entering th e Aquari Aquaria an age, our te c hnology has has expanded so much th at it is harder for hi stori ans to lie, but they st ill do. Thi s is not rea l lying in the se nse that they want to lie . It is just that they are always alway s lending their own perspective perspectiv e to thing s; they are filling in the s pa ces ces.. In fact. th e only way to make hi story accurate would be to tape everyone on the pla pl a net on vid eo from every po poss ssibl ible e a ngle. Then you would hav have e a se mi-accurate hi story. Thus the important thing about the abstract mind is that th e sequences themselves are leg legitimate itimate.. Th e abstract mind can be like lik e ned to the children s game of join the dots dots . You join all the dots dots and it eve ntually makes a picture. With all this potentia potenti al confusion in the 64th gate, you can imagine


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In ternational




the pressure on the 47th gate. gate . The 47 ha s to fill in th e sp aces between th e dots. So mebody who ha s thi this s whole c han nel is alway lways s filling in th e spaces between th e dots, and they can be fill ed in in a multitud multitude e o different ways. In order for suc h a

mind to be at peace peace,, it should ne never be re l ed upon for truth or fact. but should rat her be app apprrec eciat iated ed for it its s crea tiv e storie stories s. Th e 64/47s are the great cas casu ual mind s. Th ese mind minds s work best when they are engaged in norm norma al interac interaction tion with others. Af Aftter all , when mo mos st human beings talk to each eac h other, they te tell eac each h other stori es. Men in particular would rather te tell stori tories es than ta talk about someth ing logi ca l. If you are an abstract thinker, then you are at your

best when tell ing a story tory.. Remember th at all the channels channel s of the mind are proje projecte cted d channels. Stories can be wo wond nd erful ways of explaining thing things s to peo pl e but th ey need to be invited invited.. This is where we see th e great collective int inte ell ec ectual tual sharing . Storyttelling alway Story lways s co com mes out of th e person s life and th erefor refore e it is essential esse ntial information for th e other. But as far as oneself is concerned , the abst abstrract mind is is utterly un eq equipp uippe ed to solve it its s own problems . Drawing the lin es betwee n the dot dots s is not about oneself. It is a very dangerous business and ca n lead to all kinds of co nfu sio sion n and pain. Ev ery lin e of the 47th gate point points s to th e outside world world.. Every lin e is saying that you ha hav ve to reli eve t hi s pressure within yourself and share that mind with the outside wo world. rld. Abst Ab strrac actt be b eing ings s al also repeat and refine th eir stor storiies over time so those that li ve with them have to lea rn to tolerate thi this s process.

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THE CHANNEL OF CURIOSITY The Channel o f Curiosity

11 56

A des ig n of th e Seek See k er Th e Awa ren ess Str Strea ea m o f Se nsin g

Peace Th e Ga t e of Id eas Awareness


Awa re ness t o vi s uali ze a rea li za ti o n o r no n ot


Vis ual m e mory Th e Left Eye

The Wanderer 6 Th e Gate of Stim Stimu ulati o n Throat Mechanic Expression Manifes estt ati o n as Ve rb rba a l descri d escrip ptio n o f Vis isu uLaalinzatio zation nto o g uagneint rea li za ti o n or not Metamorphosis Th e c han ne l 11 156 th e Ch Cha a nn el of Curi os osiity . is a grea t tease t o all t hose wh w ho are seekin see move eme nt. Thi s is beca use thi this s is th e c hann el of th t he seek see ker kin g in th e New Age mov but not th e find er  Th ere is nothing to t o be found he here b eca use t hi s is not abo about ut accompli acco mplis s hme nt. Re memb mbe er. th e entir e ntire e Se nsing Cir irc c uit is is ab a bo ut seekin g ex peri ence for th e sa ke of ex peri e nce Thi s c hann el. bein g in th e mind mind.. is all abo ut teac eachin hing g fro m ex peri ence rath er th a n c rea ting ex peri ence Thi s is th e abil biliity to t ell a story abo ut an acco accompli mplis shm hme e nt. bu t it is not acco accompli mplis s hm hme ent it se lf. Th e 11t 1th h ga t e. th e ga te of id eas. is a grea t t eac hi hin n g g ate  In fac f act. th e 4th lin e of thi s g at e is th e mos ostt ro fopund thtwe p teachi g g at e Huma Dfill esieigdnin Ka Magaps hadbe e 11th gsate. andthwehe and n he h e had ut allteac th ehin pnieces toin geHum th er a an ndDes allrlthe grxaps wee e n higate. id eas. res esult ult was Marxism   Th e 56 is i s a gr great eat gift gift   It is is th e g ate wh w here th e sequ se que ence is translated int into o a st sto ry   In you u ta t ake a   th e bit bits s and a nd p ieces of inform informa ation and yo y o u e labor bora at e up upo o n th e m ; th e 56 yo yo u fill in t he gaps. add add so som me c ol o r. throw in a littl little e bit of sex and make it into into a story tory   Yo u ca can n te t e   a parabl e if yo y o u wa nt to be b e spiritu s piritu al so th at th e wi w isdo dom m you y ou have fr om th e expe ri ence is eas easiier fo r th e oth othe er to g ras p. but th e po int is th at it mu st all co me fr o m yo your ur own ex perie nce Th Thii s 11 /56 is a st oryt ryte e lling gift ift   It is ver very y diffe different fr o m th e oth othe er sid e. th e 62/ 17 . th at nee d s to p rese nt its it s d ata a nd fac ts In c id e nt nta all y. so o ft e n th e 17   2s are labe abelled boring . but th ey are not. If yo yo u are al a lso foc focu ussed o n


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the facts, th en they are not boring at all. But th e 11 /56 is not interes intere sted in the facts. They simpl imply y want to bring a story to life so that it stimulat timulates es others. It is is a great trap for 11 /56s to imagine that any of th ese idea s or storie tories s can guide th eir lif life e . 11 /56s who think that th ey are telling a story for them se lv es get into a lot of

troubl e. We are de dea aling here with the Co ll ectiv e c ir c uits, and unlik unlike e th e Individu Individua al. they are not personal. Th e gift of o f these peop le is to be able to shar hare e their experience or their accomp li shme shment nt through a sto ry. Many peop le who are very accomplished can t tell their stor storiies . It is int interest eresting ing to me th at in this day a nd age, one of the m o st incredible genres in literatur literature e is the autobiography. People are always telling you abo about their of th emSome need peopl ghostewriters because th eyto atre very story good, at te t eut lling thelives. storySome themselves. people have to leam how e ll not a good story, and these are usually th e people th at start off telling jokes or par parap ap hra sing stori es that they hea rd from someo someon ne el e lse. It is a gr great eat gift to ta ke your yo ur life life experience and to be ab ablle to fashion it into a story for so meone el else . Thi s is what the 11 /56 is all about. and and again, it is a projected c hann hanne el, so it need needs s to be invit invite ed . So often we do not want to hear these peop eoplle and thei theirr endless st storie ories s . They can be ever every y bit as boring as the 17/62s. But when th ey are invit invite ed to speak speak,, th en these stor tory ytell ers ar are mag ic ica al We have los ostt th e era of o f th e storytell er th at com co mes to the vill age age.. No wadays, du due e to o ur technology , we have all kinds of new ways of telling stori es. We have talking hea d s that are on sh shows. We have peo ple that go on talk sho ws and t ell us everything every thing about their liv es. The tr tra adition of th e individual storytell er ha s mo mos stly passed. It is ve ry import importa ant for 11 /56s to b e nurtured in thei theirr storyt sto ryte elling . If you have an 11 /56 child c hild , wh whe e n they co com me hom home e from school school,, you ha hav ve to ask th em what happened happ ened to them that day. Th ey have to be able to tell th ei r st sto o ri es, even if th ey are on ly halfalf-truth truth s. The art of storyte storytelling lling is is very important. The 3 Con Concep ceptts of Humor Humor:: 17/62 the idiot. 11 /56 th e clo lown, wn, 43 /23 the fool) .

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THE CHANNEL OF MATURA MATURAT T ION The channel of Maturation 42 53

A des de sign of Balan Balanced ced Deve evelopm lopme ent

En ergy Form at

he Sensing Circui ij Increase The Gate o Growth Energy Fuel Potential Cyclic Maturation Power to Complete Growth


Development 53 Th e Gate o Beginning s Energy Fuel Quality Cyclic Active Stress Pre ss ure to Complete

The 42 53 is called Maturation Maturation is is the third of our energy format s It is th e cyclical format o beginnings middl middles es and e nd s which very neatly sum ums s up the nature natur e o th e abstract wa y  On the Ab stract path  path   you cannot accompl accomp lish anything unless unle ss you enter into it according to your des de sign and th en fo ll ow it through to the end Cycles need to be compl omple eted so that another one can beg in   Some cyc les can be very short hort;; th ey ca n on ly last a few days days  hours even mom mome ents nts   Othe Otherr cyc cyclles may be very long   lasting ye ars and yea rs   Th e que ques stion is is : how do es one begin a cycle? how does doe s one e nt er into an exper experiience co rr ec ectly tly? ? Wh en we look at the moves es through the sacr sac ral center we see that th e 29th gate is Se nsing Cir c uit as it mov saying ing yes to so something mething This is where th e commitment comes from   th e g ate of say efor ore in ord orde er to enter properly int into o an experience you have to be as ke d   The Th eref

cyclical abstract pro process cess demands that the generator be asked The Ab Abs stract c hannel s al a lso run through the so sollar pl ex us ce nt er   thu thus s abstract peo eople ple are alw lways ays sa fer when they wait for clarity befor before e committing co mmitting   If the se people are not waiting to res espond pond they wi ll meet nothing but re sistance They me ets nothing but th eir own anger form ats are about limit limitation ation Th ey limit th e energy fr equ que ency o f the ir All of the three formats partic parti cular circuit Th e limitation o the abstract process is that it is is always cyclical  cyclical   In other words you are not suppo upposed sed to repeat the sa m e expe ri e nce nce   You are here to go through the experience and accomp li sh so something mething in the process pro cess Howev Howeve er  th e thing that you are to accomplish is not any kind of p ersonal goal If ther there e is a goal in the abstract way it is ex peri perie e nce it itse self lf   becau se everything in thi s circuit is about disco di scovery very   It is about discovering something th at you did not know was alrea dy


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th ere. It is not a bout disc sco ove ring som ome ething ne new . Th at is Individu ality lity.. Reme mb mbe er th at th e hum huma an wa y is abo ut living out all th e po poss ssibilitie ibilitie s of ex peri enc e. We had a w ho le ge neration of huma hum ans that we we nt ex p loring. Now No w we have to find ne new ex peri ences beca ecau use we have fo und all th e pl aces on thi s pl p lanet.

Anyon e with any d efiniti o n in th e Sensing Circuit nee Anyone nee d s t o und unde erst and a dee d ee p truth ; th at if th ey are not ca carreful going into a ne new ex peri e nce, th en th ey get stu c k in thin things gs

th at th ey ca nn ot c ompl omple ete and this thi s is d ee ply fru strating for th em . Add Adde ed to t his life kee ps pulling th em b ac k to t o th e sa me ex peri e nces be c au se th ey neve r fini shed with th em . Th ey g et stu c k in a lo loo o p ; th ey ca nnot fini sh something beca b eca use th ey did no not beg in it c orr orrec ectly tly.. Su Suc h peo p eo pl e c an be c ome ve very angry a bo ut th eir lives . Th e key for th ese peo pl e is so so simpl e; th ey have hav e to wa w ait to be be as ked ked..

We liv live e in a du dua ality lity.. On e of life's life's gre grea at ironies ironi es is th at mo mos st of th e di dis scov cove eri es we huma hum ans have mad e a bo ut lilife fe have c om ome e from tho se w ho did no not wait to be c lea r b efor fore e th ey res espond ponde ed . Thi s is th e story of a nc ient ma n; o ne d ay , walking along long,, a man sees a mu mus s hro hroo o m . He sa y s to himse lf : mm mm,, I wo wo nd nde er if I ca n eat th at. . . Th ere is nob nobo o dy th ere to as ask k, but t he mu shroom lo o ks edibl e dibl e so so o ur gu y equipp quippe ed with a mo uth uth,, tee th and a stom s tomac ach h ta t akes it a nd ea t s it. Th en he drop drops s d ea d . Wee ks lat er, this thi s event beco becom mes a st st ory, ca rr ie ied d by anoth er m an wh o hap app pened o n th e bod body y lying lyin g besi esid de th e mu s hr oo oom m s. Th e mor mora a l of th e story to t o ld by thi s second sec ond ma m an is: ' Don' t ea t tho se mu s hr hroo oom ms ' . Along th e ab abs str trac actt way an aw awful ful lot of pe p eopl ople e die fo r th e benefit of othe oth ers. It is aft er all the huma hum a n way. way . Th e point o f thi s story story is is th at if you ente ent er into any kind of ex peri e nce with c larity you have th e perf rfec ectt exp eri ence ce.. If on seeing th e mu shroom you wa it out your e motion al wave th en yo yo u ca can n be b e cl c lea r abo ab out wh eth the er it is is corr c orrec ectt for you to t o ea t it or not. If y ou are c lea r th at yo y ou ca can n ea t th e mu mus shroom and you still drop dea d , th en it is is p erf rfec ect. Th at was th t he perf pe rfec ectt d ea th for yo yo u. Rememb mbe er, th e ab abs str trac actt p ath is not inte interes estted in th e out o utco co me. It is ab abo out th e ac tu al eati eat ing of th e mu mus shroom and th e ex peri e nce th at you have have during the process. pro cess.

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The channel of Discovery 46 29

A d es ign of Succee din g w here oth o thers ers Fail Tantri ntric c Chann nne el

[ he Sensing Circuiij Pushing Upward Th e Ga te of o f th e Deter ermin minat atiio n of 46 t he Se lf Magnetic monopole Nature Natur e of Self Vesse essell Det ermin ed ove ov e of th e Bo dy Se rend ndiipity


The Abysmal The Ga t e of of Pe rseve severrance Energy Fuel Possibility Cy c li c Persist ence Oscill Osc illa atinq Sacrral   Ye s Sac

Th e 4 6 29 is in ma ny ways th e mos ostt imp impo ortant as pec t of abstr trac ac t c ir irc c uitry Thi s c hann el d ete etermin rmines es both th e viability viab ility of an ex peri e nce as wel l it s valu e, We kn ow th at th e 29 th ga te re pr ese nt nts s th e ability to ma m ake a commitm c ommitme ent or no n ot. It is th e gate of sa ying yes an a nd it is a gen gene erat or. It ca n only onl y be accur acc ura ate whe n it is asked aske d , It ca n t be accur acc ura ate in any oth othe er wa y , Th e 46th ga te is th e ga te of th e love of th e body, It is th e g at e of se re ndipit y; of bein g in t he ri g ht pl ace at at th e ri r ig ht tim e and this thi s is all root roote ed in the body, It is a lso th e c hann el of succee cceeding ding where oth othe er peo pl e fail o r fa iling w here ot oth her peop eoplle

succee d , Th e secr sec ret of thi s c hann el is th at if yo u wait to be as ked befor fore e you ent nte er into an ex peri ence th e n yo u will be b e 100 c ommitt ommitte e d in th at ex peri e nce ce,, Thi s is lea rn ing by imm imme ersio n Wh en an abs ab stra ct person ent nte ers into an ex peri ence th ey are d es ign igne ed to lo se th emse lv es in th e ex peri e nce ititse se lf lf,, until s uch time tim e as it end s If th ey are only o nly ha half-c ommitt ommitte ed th en th ey lea rn nothing, Th e 46 29 is th e c ha nn el o f Di scove ry , Th e onl only y way th at so meo eon ne ca n rea lly disc ov er som ome ething is is if th ey ent nte er into an experi enc e c orr orrec ectly tly a nd th e n let g o of any ex pec ectation tation,, Th e mom mome e nt th at th ey let go , th ey will be abl ble e to ge gett t o th e oth othe er e nd , Reme mb mbe er th at th e abstr abstrac kno w anything abo about ut ac t is about th e p as t ; you can  t know it in th e now, Yo u ca n o nly be be in it in th e now On Onll y when w hen th e ex peri ence com c omes es to an e nd c an it finally ma make se nse to you you,, It is wh en you are refl ec ecting ting and te t elling th e st stor ory y


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of your expe ri e nce that it s tr tru ue mea ean n ing becomes clear, Sometimes when somebody tells you a story, they are trying to tell you some something thing very spec specifi ifi c but somethi ng else that is mu c h more more impressive, We often don't realize yo u may hear somethin how profound our own stories are We have no idea wh wha a t our experiences are rea lly aboutt until we share them with someo ne Th e discovery always comes after the abou experiience is over and very often it is discovered by so exper som meone el e lse abstrac actt beings to understa und ersta nd is that th ey h ve to be The most important thing for abstr clear going into their experie experien nces, Without this c lar ity there ther e wi ll be no true tru e

commitment, and without commitm comm itme ent yo you u ca n never become imm imme ersed in an expe ri ence This immersion is the key for people with abstract definition because it means they h ve let go of expectatio n , Thi s ci c ircu it is about beginnings, middles and ends, If you ar are an abst abstrract person and yo you u have entered correctly into yo your ur new last a certa in amo amount unt of tim e It will job the first thing to recognize is that it will o nly last h ve to come to an end at some point. There is no sense in worry in g about that. The important thin thing g is to be abso absolut lutely ely 100 100    in that j ob, Keep in mind that the key to the expe ri entia l way is rooted in the generator type, It is about not trying to be in control of one's life It is about surr urre end nderi eri ng to the natural cyclles of discovery and it is cyc is about abo ut ent nter clearly and and c lea nl nly y , The er ing into ex peri e nces cl abstract being th at can go thr thro ough ex peri perie e nces cl c lea ean n ly wi ll feel a deep sense of accomplishme nt in life They will feel lik like e they are a hum human an be in g who really knows how to ve we ll , They will feel truly at home in th e world,

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CHANNEL OF THE PRODIGAL The channel o f the Prodigal 33 13

A design of a Witness C ir ircuit cuit Express Expression: ion: Mechanical Mecha nical tThe Sensing Circuiij

Retreat The Ga te of Privac Privacy y 33 Expression Throat Mechanic The Witn Witness ess Manifestation of . I Remember' memory memor y or not The Fellowship o f Man The Ga te of th e Listener Magnetic monopole Nature o f Self Sphin Sp hinx x Abst Ab strract Expression Direction / Reflection Role Rol e of Ope Openne nness ss


expression ion of this circ circuit uit - the Wh en we get to the potential of th e express

33 13

- we come to

the Channel of the Prodigal. Thi s is the c hannel of the witness. Th e witness ious sness of the abstract is so m u c h a part of the high highest est leve l of being hum huma an . con co nsc iou Th e 33rd gate ca n be incredibly spiritu al. Aside from it being a gate of reme emembr mbra ance, it ca n also be a gate of rev elation. This is about being a witness to life. One of the deepest things th at th e abstract being learns is about abou t being a good passenger in the vehicle. They begin wi th th e expect expec t ation : I am going to do this experi ence in order to get that. When they finally do get to the other end of the exper experiience all on th e assumption assump tion that they have gone in clearly) th ey always discover that the rew ewa a rd is never th e same as their expecta expectation tion.. They learn to see that it is far better just to be the witness of a n expe ri e nce than to expec expectt so som mething from the cyc cyclle. It is better for t hem to wa it and see what the cyc cyclle brings, rath rathe er th a n suff uffe erin g because it doesn't appear to be fulfilling their expec expectt atio ation ns. Rememb Remembe er th at it is not the respo espon nsibility of the abst abstrract to predict th e future future.. That is w hat th e logic is for. The mom mome e nt that abstrract people try to project int abst into o th e future, they are always goi goin ng to fumble around. aro und. Th e ir g ift is is to ex peri ence in the now a nd th en refl ect afterwards. afterwards . secrets.. Very ofte often n 13s go Th e 13t h gate is the gate of the Listener; the hearer of secrets deaf because th ey are co con nstant ly li sten ing to other people, and at some point they rburde e ned with it all (the 13.4: Fatigu e). The 33 13 is one of the most ca n be ove rburd powerful memory channels, com parabl e only to th e 44 26 and it its s potency of me mory or capacity to reme ememb mber. But the 13 begins the reflective process by taking in all the memory an d th en exp exprresses it throug throu g h the 33 . Despite being in the throat the 33 is very private. The refl ectio ection n has to take place outside of the experi exper ience, in


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the ca calm channell, it also need needs s to speak lm after the storm. Being another projected channe when it is asked. Im agine a 33/13 at a car accident. They are standing on the side of the street with other pede pedes strians when that car accident takes place . The police soon soo n arrive. If they jump up and say: I saw it. I saw exactly what happened .... it wi ll not come out clearly, nor will they be ab ablle to deliver a clear witness in g. In fact, they may lea ve out the most important thing. If however, however, they are invited then they can reveal all from their memory. The whole thing about understanding projected intelligence is that it is only intelligent when it is asked for, and su ff ffe ers deeply when it tries to initiate its

intelligence. When it does this, it can be so eas ily dismissed, and then you end up with intelligent people who loselend respec espect for themselves. abstract side of th e On thisEverything circuitry, the emotional system s it its st flavor about to every channel. th e emotional system is about time. It is the most time oriented o all circuitry. The business of being a witness takes time. time . Anyone who is living an abstract life has to recognize that in every day they need some time to reflect and digest what is going something mething they shou should dictate,, but a natural rhythm th at ld dictate on around them. This is not so will emerge out o their re spo sponse nses s. Reflection is essential. When a logic person is practicing an instrument and they make a mistake mistake,, they will stop and correct it. working the mistake out. The abstract person playing in in strument keeps keep s on p laying. They have to work it out later, as a reflection reflection.. You cannot separate any channel and its nature from anything else in the circuitry. c ircuit from the totality. It is a  there in genetic continuity. You cannot separate any circuit That 33/13 is present in every sin g le aspect of wha whatt it is to be abstract. If you have an abstract mind, you have to recognize that reflection is essential for you; that time is essential in order to be able to craft your story. We need somebody not only to tell somebody mebody who us a story of the man that ate the mushroom and died, but so scribe ribes s in detail what that mushroom looks like. Nothing should be left out o the de sc story, as the story is for the benefit o the collective collective.. Then someone can put up a poster with a picture of the mus mu shroom on it. so that the collective can be informed .

unde er pressu pre ssure to jump . Therefore, every gate in the abstract The abstract is always und process is under pressure to jump . But the SenSing circuit has no s pl ee n, so it is not des de signed to be spontaneous.. One has to play clear attention to the timing mechanism o the abstract. One cannot just affo rd to jump . One has to be c lear. For example, there is great pressure on the 13 to alw alw ays reveal their secrets before it is time.. Those with the 33 on the other hand, being so private time private,, may never tell you anything that they need to tell you unless unless the correct invitation comes. To be an accomplished storyteller takes time . To be ab ablle to be clear about any experience takes time. The art of accompl is hment takes take s time.

The different time pressures Logic time pressure: To be punctual. I have to be there exact exactlly on time (Rhythm). stract ract time tim e pressure: If I don don't't get there early, I'll miss something (Expectation). Ab st Individual time pressure : All time is now now.. I want it now (Melancholy) . Tribal time pressure: Wh en is is the right time for us to come together together? ? (Ritual).

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A Guide 1 the Channels Ra Uru Hu All Rights Reserved 2000

Human Design Inlernational Training Manuals Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000





After all of the circuits that we have covered so far I hope you recognize the joke when you look at this circuit. This is the tribe and the tribe is all about family and community. It is rooted in having children in being fertile and in caring . The joke is that there is no sacral center here. This is why people rarely understand the ego circuit. The ego circuit is all about business . It is the business of having families. It is about making distributing and spending money money.. It is all ruled by the ego . The business of business is the business of working and resting. There is no sacral here quality.. The sacral center is the prerequisite for existence. so there is no generative quality However if it were not for tribal circuitry we would not be able to look after ourselves. This circuit is not a generator but a manifestor. Thus the theme of the ego circuit is to manifest; to go out there and be busy .

A Guide to the Channels Ra Uru Hu All Rights Reserved 2 Human Design International Training Manuals  Manuals   Copyright Jovian Archive Europa







is th e crea creativ tiv e c han nel of thi this s c ir irc c uit. Thi s The 44/26, th e C hann el of th e Tr a nsmitter, is is the art of o f e nt nterpr erpriise. Th ere is a wond wo nder er ful jo k e in Engli Englis sh in th at wo rd you enter to get th e prize) and th t hat is what it is a  about. Th e pr prii ze is th at you ge g et to a point whe wh e re yo u have eno enough ugh re so sourc urces es that you only have to work when you wa nt to , a nd the rest of the time, you re st. Thi s is what it mea ns to be ent nte erpri rpris sing ing.. press ssur ure e from th e root ce cent nte er feeds both sid es of the bodyg bodygrraph in the Ego Th e pre Ci rc uit uit,, givin g it both a solar p lex us and a sp splleen. Obvio Obviou usly th e two strea ms th at go from the roo oott a  the way to the ego ce nt nte er itse lf are proj projec ectt ed streams beca ecause use th ere is no sacral. The Ego c ir irc c uit is desperate to be rec ognized . It is wa iting to be recognized in o rd er that it can be in control o f t he manif nifes estt ation . One of the unu unus sual things about th e Ego Cir c uit is that it only has one entry into the thro at. Ther There efor fore e it irc

only ha s one po poss ssibility ibility to manife manifes st. This is throu throug g h th e 21 2 1/45; th e ego co nn ected to the throat. You don don  t get that in the lo gica call c ir irc c uitry uitry.. It ha s no direct manifes manife station . If you look at to the individual or the emo ti o nal proce process, ss, th ey have their ou tl et to th e throat but they have th eir ow own n variations . Here in the ego, th ere is on ly th e one ve ry fix ed way of comi ng out. On th e splenic side of of the Ego Cir c uit th e ego op ope erate s in a very pure pur e way. Th ere is irc no e mot otio ion n al sy stem and no sac ral. It operat operates es s pontan pontane eously as wo work rk or rest. and this thi s is aga in all rooted in control. Wh en you are working working,, you are in con conttro roll, and w hen you are res esting ting you give up con control. trol. The ego is cons constt an tly try trying ing to balan balance ce these two th eme mes s based on o n what th e ret urn s are. When you are in co control ntrol,, if th e return s are s ufficient. you ca n afford to let go of co con ntro troll and res r es t. Howeve oweverr, when th e sac ral is co nn ected, th e ego go  s natura l law o f work and a nd res estt is di st sturb urbed ed . It is

disturbed in th e se nse th at th e sac ral ce cent nte er ca n always overpower it. Fo r examp examplle, all of a sudden you find you are abou aboutt to have a ch child ild and th e nee d for wo rk increases, incr eases, whi c h dec ecrreases th e ava ilable amount of rest. The ego will have to acceptt th at if it is connected to th e sac accep sacrral it will be be ove overrpowe powerred in thi this s way. On th e em e motio otion nal sid e of o f th e Ego Ci rc uit t he sa me laws prevail. When the emotional system gets get s invol involved, ved, the period of wor work k can be di dis sturb turbed ed by the emot emotiion ona a l wave o f going down . Th e wo rk is not suffi uffic c ie nt becau se the mood is not corr cor rect. In the sa m e way, th e period of re st ca n also be di sturb turbed ed by the emotional syste system m , because it may demand so mething else on account acco unt of how it is is fe eling . In other words, th e ego operates best wh when it is not connec ted to the sa cral or the emot emotiion ona a l sy stem . I am a c lass assiic ego being with an und unde efin ed sac sacrral and undefi und efin ned emoti emot io nal syste m. My natural law is thu thus s the law of the ego w hi c h is is the equation of work and rest.


A Guide 10 Ihe Channels Ra U Hu All Righ ls Reserved 2000 HUman Design International Training Manuals Copyright Jovian rchrve Europa 2000




THE CHANNEL OF TRANSFORMATION The Channel of Transformation 32 54

A design


Being Driven

The Awareness Awarene ss Str Stream eam of o f Instinct

he Ego Circui ij


Duration The Gate o Continuity Potential Awareness Potential

Awarenes s of what can or cannot be transformed

Liquid Regulator

The Marrying Maiden The Gate of Driv e Fuel Energy Mechanic The Drive to Liquid Production Transform or not


The 32 54 is a project projecte ed channel. Transformation is only possible when you are recognized . It is never possible any other way. Th e 32 54 and the 19 19 49  49 work hard harde er than anybody else. They can become deep workaholics. Because they are no t directly connected to th e ego how howeve eve r   they do not really know when to work and when to rest. Th ese two ch cha a nn els from the root center are the esse essenti nti al fuel which begins th e whole ego process and thus th ey work very hard for their recog nition nition.. ambition n; Th e Marrying Maiden. This is th e ar a rc hetyp hetype e of The 54th gate is the gate of ambitio the concub in e th at moves gradually up the rank ranks s of society to finally beco becom mes th e empress.. Thi s ri sing up is empress is not simply a matt matte er of bei ng ab ablle to flirt with th e manager of your business in order to get known. It is also abo about ut making sure th at your leve l of work also attra cts attention. atte ntion. The 32   at the other end


this ch cha a nn el  is th e fin anc ial manager. Th e 32 is the ga te

continuity co ntinuity and it carri es th e gift o f eva luation luation   but its capac capacity ity to eva lu ate has to be recog ni zed by others. People with thi s c hann el have a great d ea l of adrenaline pressure within themselves. These are peo pl e who are driven but witho without ut the co nn ect ectiio n to the ego all their ambition is dependant on them being see seen n. Remember that once a projector ha s been recog recog ni ze zed d   their gift is to manage the e nergy of others. Once you recogn ecogniize one of these 32 54 projector s th ey become so absorbed in th e ongoing proces proce ss o ri sing up a nd tra tr ansf sfo o rm at ation ion that th ey do not know when to res t. Thi s is what the Ego Circuit is is all abo about ut;; being recog niz ed for your worth and in being recognized given respo espon nsibiliti ibilities es that increase the value of your ti me until you get to th e point th at you have have en enough so that you ca n rest. rest.


A Guide to the Channels Ra Uru Hu

ll Rights Reserved 2000

Human Oesign International Training Manuals   Copyright JOYian Archive Europa





It is very important to understand that those people who have these definitions from the root 32/54 , 19149 have to be careful about entering into anything properly properly.. The 19/49 is all about the family. family . If these people are not clear about entering into new relationships and family family,, it will not work work.. That is why the 49th gate is about divorce. If you begin a family family,, you will obviously hav have e to work much harder than if you were alone. There wi ll be many more responsibiliti responsibilit ies to deal with in your life. 19/49s work very hard at trying to make their family work, but if they do not ent nter er into it correct correctlly, the burden o all that work ends up being divorce. So many divorces are about money, and in fact. marriage is about money. It is all abo ut energy. How much energy is available and how much rest is possible? The point here is that both these definitions (the 32/54 and the 19/49) are going to need to work extremely hard in

their lives lives. . Therefore they into haveit. to be even more careful about what kind do and who invites them


work they

People with undefined egos do not know when to rest. They are often forced to rest. and usually it s due d ue to a heart attack. attack . The greatest resentment in the hierarchy of the work order is the resentment between tho se workers that are not egos and the workers that are egos. There is always the possibility of bitterness in all projected channels . If the 32/54 doesn t get enough money for their work, they get very bitter. Then the rising up energy within th em often turns into revolution (the 49th gate is called Revolution) . At the beginning of the age o Capitalism the workers 54) were exploit exp loited ed by being forced to work 16 hour shifts shifts.. It was in fact the collective that addressed this problem (not the tribe , which was too busy working and feeling bitter) by estab li sh ing the Trad Trade e Union s.

A Guide 10 Ihe Channels Ra Uru Hu All Righl s Reserved 2 Human Design International Training Manuals Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2





26 44


C h a n n e l· the art of


enterprise The channel of Surrender 26 44

A design of a Transmitter The Awarene Awareness ss Stream of In st stinct inct

[ he Ego


i r c u i

The Taming Power of the Great The Gate of the Egoist Egoi st

Ego Mechanic Th e strength or lack to app ly memory

Ego Mechanic Thymus Thymu s

Water Re :julator Coming to Meet The Gate of Alert Alertne ness ss Awareness Possibility Possibility Transformation Osmotic Regulator Shared or not as Cellular memory memory


Th e

is a deeply unusual configuration It is the basis basi s of our immune sys system tem Tcells are in the 26 and B-cells are in the 44)   It is the thymus thymu s gland in th e 26 that desig de sig ns the human immun immune e sy sys s tem tem   the spleen pleen   through the 44th gate Thi s is the only direct co nn ec ection tion between the ego and the spleen The splen spleniic system is the only truly accurate awareness that we operate from We ca nnot trust the mind because it has no inner a uthority The emotional sy sys s tem is is a motor and ca can n only be c lear over time 44 26

The sp splle nic sy sys s tem how eve r   is an existentia existentiall awareness that is is fundamentally reli ab ablle in humanity humanity   In the 44/26 we hav have e the ego connected to this awareness and itprojector is a projected projecte youproj willector see ee ego n theawareness defined ego a nd d thechannel. und efin eNow unde d ego projec tor   the Wh edifference n you invite invitbetw e the to work you are neve r going to get it to work more than it is is willing to   The 26/44 is the design of a Tran smitt mitte er. Thi s is th e creative art of enterprise Th The e se people are often involved in all kinds of levels of marketing rketing   whether it is i s designing the graphic prese ntation or whether it is going out a nd doing the mark marke eting It is all a bout presentation and making contact with the tribe The 44th gate is the gate of ma nipulation It is th e gate of alertness; the abi li ty o awareness to manipulate and control the ego In the 26th gate you hav have e th e gate o the trickster trickster   What we end up with in th thii s c hann hanne el is i s a manipulative trickster. This kind of person is always say saying: ing: A Guide to the Channels Ra Uru Hu All Rights Reserved 2000 Human Design International Training Manuals. Manuals . Copyright Jovian Archive Europa





ok, you recog recog ni ze d me and you want me to work, but I will only work so mu muc c h and I need thi this s mu c h res t . This is th e mark rke eting manager on the golf go lf co cour urse se whil e eve rybody else (the 32/54s 32/54s)) are in th e fac actory tory working hard . Every now and ag aga a in he ca   s someone on hi s mobil mobile e phone to ke ep th e busines business s ticking alon long g , and then ca ll s th e o ffi ffice ce a nd te ll s them how much work he  s doing . He is th e consumm cons ummate ate trickster. It is hi s defined ego th at wants to make sur ure e th at he has eno enough ugh res t. Th e tragedy for the worker is th at without th e marketer th ere is no way that th e product se   s, so th ere is no way the jo is sec ure without them . Yet the 26/44 wo rk s a lot less in terms of time time,, and for a greater rew rewa ard . Wh eth er th ey deserve it or not, not , ego people.. Non ego people will people peopl e will always demand much more than non ego people take tak e what is given to them, but if they do don n t ri se up th e lad d er, th ey will feel bitt bitte er and leave in se arch o f recog recognition nition.. thii s c hann el is is th e capacity to kno know w ho how w to manipula manipul at e th e The creativity inherent in th tribe trib e, to know w ho how to capture th eir attention and to know ho how w to se   th e trib tribe e

so met hing that th ey don  t actually need. The tribe surv iv es on creat som creating ing j o s which at one leve l or anothe anoth er have to be productive . Th e trib tribe e is the mark etpla tplace ce it itse se lf lf.. Th e gift of the 26/44 is truly to tr tra ansmit, but rememb membe er, only when th ey are recog ni ze d . Wh e n you hir hire e so somebody mebody who is a 26/44, you have to recog ni ze th at you ca n t expect to se e th em in the office eve ry day. Th ey wi ll not work th e same hour hours s as th e others,, but you have to allow th em this others thi s ind independe ependen nce so that they ca can n find a nat atur ura al rhythm between wo rk and rest. Th e whole concept of res t is th e real key to unde und erstanding the ego cir cu it. Wh e n the ego is allo llowe we d to res t , it does doe s as mu c h in term s of productivity in it its s work, th an those tho se without th e ego who work so mu c h more. Th ese 26/44 26/44s s have a natur tura al gift of compr co mpress ess in g th e effort into into a much differ differe ent time spa n. Th ey rea lly do th ei r best work on the golf co cour urse se . Thi s is the power of the ego . If you have a 26/44 sitting in an office like eve rybody else, doing th eir 8 hours a day day,, you know that th ey are slowly dying beca use th ey do not be b elong th ere. The bes t way for th e 26/4 4 is is to have an independent c ontra ontrac c t with th e co company mpany.. They can th en work as a consultant, and productive . Th Thii s also ens ensur ures es that th ere is no j e alo usy th e n they can be deeply productive. within the organization it itse se lf. Thi s is why in big co mpani mpanies es you yo u neve r see that the sa les staff is eve r rea lly toge tog eth er with th e working staff ff.. Th ey are alway lways s se parated so that there is no a nimo nimosity sity between th em . Th ey are even se parate in th e parking park ing lots lot s so th at the worke workerr s don t see th eir Porsch es.

For a  defined ego ce cent nte ers, what is essent esse ntii al is i s th thii s b alancing of the rhythm of wo work rk and re st. It is the nature of th the e ego to demand rest for work. So it all d epends on o n th e d efinition . If th e sac sacrral is defin ed, the ego will not obey t hi s law prop pro perly because it will be governed by the sac ral respon respons se. If the solar pl ex us is defined, th en the ego influe ence ced d by itits s e motion s, and mu st wait to be clear abo about ut wh wha a t it wants wants.. If will be influ ifest est prop prope erly and depend depends s on th e ego is not connected to t he throat, it do es not m an if having its ne eds recog ni zed first. It is all a qu es ti o n of d es ign ign.. The ego it itse se lf is based on thi this s ba sic equation between work and rest. It is after after all , the hea hea rt cente centerr, and the hea hea rt needs to rest.



A Guide 1 the Channels Ra Uru Hu All Rights Reserved Design International Training Manuals  Manuals   Copyright Jovian Archive Europa

2 2






THE CHANNEL O F S YNTHESI S The Channel of Synthesis 49 19

A design of Sensitivity The Awareness Stream of Sensitivity

he Ego Circuiq Circui q


Revolution The Gate of Principles

Potentia l Potential Awareness Potenti al Awareness of what is F d D· . . t·   Iscnmlna Ion nee d ed or no t

Approach The Gate of Wanting Fuel Energy Mechanic En Need for Food Energy to Need or no Access


mystical channels channels.. One of the things to understand The 19/49 is one of the three mysti about the nature of community and the tribe is that it is all based on touch. Unlike the splenic side (32/54), there is a basic need for physical contact on this side of the bodygraph. We are back in the rea lm of the so sollar plexus after all The 19/49 is the channel of sensitivity. The 19th gate is the pressure to need the right principles in life. These principles are to be found at the other end of the channel in the 49th gate. This is about being recognized r ecognized for one s capacity cap acity to work within the realm of the family. famil y. Remember that the 32/54 is recognized for its capacity to work at a job. The jo for the 19/49 is to build a basis for marriage and bonding. When recognized, the 19/49 is always ready to work in a relationship, and it will work very hard. Family is now their enterprise. The difficulty lies in the fact that it is an emotional projector who is always going up and down in a wave . These people work very hard at relationships without know knowiing when to take a break, because they are not ego people. Becaus Because e of o f this this,, they can easily be burnt out and this is why the 49 is a gate of divorce divorce.. In other words, if they do not go in clearly at the beginning, then all that hard work that they put in (especially when they are down in their wave) seems to be just plain useless. The moment they feel overburdened and are not getting enough rest they are ready to break off that commitment. It is so important to understand that the fami fam ily is a o . It requires work because the family famil y can t survive without that. and yet at the same time, it is not the work alone that maintains the family . The thing that glues the family together is the inner work done on the relationship itself. If you enter ente r into a relationship properly properly,, you don d on t

A Guide to the Channels Ra Uru Hu

ll Rights Reserved


Human DeSign International Training Manuals Manuals.. Copyright Jovian

rchive Europa 2000




need to have a co mplex contract. But if you don' don 't enter properly into th e fi firr st pl ac ace e, then you will soo soon n discover that th ey are so many things thing s that don don'' t work out in th e emotional co contr ntrac actt be betwee n you and your partne partn er. To be recognized as an emotional projector mea ns that the reco recognition gnition in and of itse lf do es not lea d to anything, It is just re cog cognition nition,, Somebody think thinks s th at you are attractive, or so somebody mebody thinks think s that you are int inte eres esting ting , But th at does d oes not mea n that you are ready to res pond to that re co cognition gnition,, Ju st because so som mebody rec recogni ognizes zes th at you have have th e ca pa city to work at a relationship relationship,, it do does es not mea n that you ac actt right away, You have to wait for th e emotion al cla rity, Without th e emotional clarity there is is so mu c h pain that comes into our re relation ships, because th e shifting wave ca n be so destabilizing, In sexuaca lity, lity gate ism.a gate is of flirting is th seeout which poss ss ibl ible e partner n, rth eaelly19th be for th e In other word s,, Itthe 19eisflirtation trying totofind whopo has the right princ prin c ipl iples es for th em . It is th e 49 that ac actually tually es esttab li shes th e prin princ c ipl iples es;; it sa say y s: o k, you have my atte attention ntion now, This is way we can have a relation ship .... , It is is th e

beginning of building the bargain that will be cemented in the


(whi c h is to do with the actual marriage contract). In th e pa st, th e 4 9 was mu c h clearerr to see in our socie ty . We had to have a court cleare co urtS Ship th at went on for a con co nsider idera abl e time time.. During th e courtSh courtShip ip,, th e prin princ cipl iples es were being es tab li shed ed,, which gav gave e both parties time to co con nsid ide er th e matc h . No wa day days s, the tribe ha s been so overwhelmed by the co ll ectiv e that som ome e peopl people e ca n't see thi s sa me pro process cess going on. It see ms as though this co courting urting has di sa pp ea red, but in fa ct it is is still operating d eep within within us us . 49

o These e peo plise aitlways see king som e kind motiona l family relationship. Buteven for th is so seeking essenti esse nti also tomwait to be ecmotion lea r inath eir wave befor fore e they con co nsid ider er a bond with so someone meone.. That mea ns th at your pa partn er has to see your whole wave, In se see e ing it. th ey can recog nize whether they th e mse lv es ca n tol erat rate e the low low end . If they ca n accept your dark side as we ll as th e light, then you know th e principlles are cor princip corrrect, but you have to tak take e tim time e to get to know each other fir st. 19 49  49 is in a se nse a summary of th e correct st The 19 strat rateg y of entering into any bond involving co cohabitation habitation or marri marriage age.. It is an emotional proje project ctor or,, which is sa ying : a) you have to be recog ni ze d and then invited into that relation tions ship a nd b) you have to allow time and space for a natural co court urts ship to to unfold in order that you ca n be e motion motiona ally c lea r be before you ma ma ke a co commitment. mmitment. Th at is is the key ,


A Guide to the Channels Ra Uru Hu All Rights Reserved 2 Human Design International Training Manuals Manuals   Copyright Jovian Archive Europa 2000




CHANNEL OF COMMUNI COMMUNIT TY The channel o f Community 40 37

A design of a Part seek seeking ing a Whole Th e Awareness Stream of Sensitivity

[ he Ego Circuiij Circui ij


Deliverance The Gate of Aloneness

Ego Mechani Mechan i c The will or lack of will to provide for the needy

Ego Mechan ic The Will to Deliver

The Stomach


The Family The Gate of Friendship Awareness Poss i bility Possibility

Awareness of who w ill or will not provide what is needed

Sense of Touch The Mouth

The 40/37 is a design of a part seeking the whole whole.. This channel has a huge potency in the world in which we live . Like the 43/23 and the 20/34, it is an opposition in the zodiac, which means it is extrem extremely ely common. common . These three channels are part of the ba sic matrix of definition in the wo rld. Not only do they come through the oppositions of sun/earth and the nodes but they can also come independently through the planets. Community lies at the heart heart of humanity. The 40/37 is the emotional ego. W e now know that the effectiveness of the ego is dependant upon whether it is connected to the sacral or the so sollar plexus center center.. If it not connected to either of these centers, then it runs very efficiently efficiently.. In the 40/37 , we can see that the ego s efficiency is e ntir ntire ely dependant upon the wave of the emotional system. system . The channel of Community is the channel of the contract or marriage bond, and it also has to do with emotiona emotionall pleasure, sex , and food . The 37th gate is the gate of friendship. The 40th gate is the gate of aloneness and the potential will to work within the comm unity in order that it can go beyond being alone. When two people have these c hannel s or gates

(this is a common connection) there is often an imb imba alance in the way in which the ego works, works , and this creates problems in the relationship. What happens is that the emotions tend to dictate that there is more work to be done, instead of giving the ego the rest it needs. needs . Usually Usually,, one of the partners will then have to go out and do

A Guide to the Channels Ra Uru Hu ll Rights Reserved 2 Human Design International Training Manuals   Copyright Jovian Archive Europa





so mething add iti ona nall , giving up th eir res estt time. This leads to ma ny co common mmon domes dome stic dilemmas, dilemmas , suc h as : I want to re st now, now , why do I have to do the lau ndry ndry? ? Yo u do it.

family.. This is not th e romantic ' Hollywood ' relationship of The 40/37 is about family individuality.. Neither is thi individuality this s chann c hanne el th e blind desire of the co ll ective ective.. This is all about the establ establiish ment of a proper bargain in th e relati ons onship hip.. It is abo about ut esta bli blis shing securre bonds and a sec ur e fou secu oundation ndation out of which children ca n be nurtured , edu ed uca ted and protected. It is so import importa ant to recognize th e pragmatism inherent in this chann hanne el. Th e 40th gate is also a gate o denial and thi s is a proj projec ectted c hann hanne el. If these people do not wa it to be c lear in their wave, then they will end up w ith a relationship in w hi c h denia deni al becomes a th the e me. You end up closing your door in order not to be disturbed disturbed,, or you don't co com me home because you don 't want to be asked to do so som met ething hing that you do don n't want to do do.. Th e re lat atiio nsh ip ips s and sex ual bonds bond s formed out o this channel can be notoriou notorious sly unconscious . We have an ego and an emotional ce cent nte er mee ting ting,, a nd it is a projector. That is a re c ip ipe e for di sa sas s ter. But th e soluti so lutio o n is is always so simpl s impl e; in order to get into a viabl viable e relat relatiionship out o the emotional syste system m , th e only o nly thing you rea lly

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