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In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of AYURVEDA VACHASPATI (DOCTOR OF MEDICINE)




ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I express My deep sense of gratitude with profound respect to my venerated and benevolent guide Dr.Shankar Gowda

MD (Ayu),,

Assistant Professor, Department of P.G.

Studies in Rasa Shastra, T.G.A.M.C., Bellary, for indefatigable and indefeasible guidance, his constant inspiration, Co-operation throughout my study. It











Dr.M.S.Doddamani,MD(Ayu),,professor, Head of the Department, Department of P.G. studies in Rasashastra for valuable suggestions and co-operation throughout my study, that gave me considerable impetus and making this work success. I am extremely grateful to my respected and honourable principal Dr.K.Viswambhara MD (Ayu), T.G.A.M.C.,



Bellary for all the facilities made available for my present study. my



MD (Ayu),




MD (Ayu),





Department of Post Graduate Studies in

Rasashastra T.G.A.M.C., Bellary for their moral encouragement and inspiration in my work. I am highly grateful to my beloved and respectable preceptors Dr.G.R.Vastrad, Dr. S.K.Hugar, Dr. V.L. Yadahalli Dr.H.Saraswathi, Dr.L.N.kundaragi, Dr. Shashikala C.Biradar, Dr. Madhav Diggavi, Dr. Hankeppa Rathod, Dr.Rajashekar Ganiger, Dr. Sreevatsa,, and Dr.Mohammed Hussain, Dr.Ramacharya Joshi, Dr Laxminarasimha for their guidelines and valuable suggestions and kind co-operation during the study. I am very much thankful to my senior friends, Dr.Veerendra, Dr. Anuroopa, Dr. Nischita, Dr.Manjula, Dr.Shubhadha, Dr.Nagarekha, Dr.R.V.Gudi


Dr.Usharani, Dr.Mamatha.B, Dr. Vasanthi, Dr. Ajit Narayana, Dr. Eshwar Koulgi, Dr.Srimukunda. S.A., Dr.Abdul.H.Kareem, Dr.C.M.Joshi, Dr.Lajana.N, and Dr.Sunita.S for their kind co-operation and valuable suggestions during the study period. I express my sincere thanks to my friends Dr.Sanjeevgowda.Patil, Dr.Naveen.K, Dr.Sandeep.Sarode, Dr.Manjula.C.V, Dr.Pallavi.K, Dr.SarithaRani.M.R. for proper cooperation and timely help.

It gives me pleasure to thank personally my juniors Dr.Brahmanand, Dr.Poornima, Dr.Prajnami, , Dr.Shriraj,

Dr.Shreekant, Dr.Rohit,

Dr.Manjunath.Yadav, Dr.Kishore,

Dr.Shweta, Dr.Ajay, Dr.Sunita.M.L, Dr.Manjunath.Pujari, Dr.Sunitha.G.S and Dr.Shrinidhi. I express my gratitude to Prof. Subramanian, Prof. Subhod, Prof.Deshapande and Mr. Krishnamurthy, Dept of materials Engineering, IISc Banglore, for XRD analysis and particle size analysis. I express my sincere thanks to Ganesh consultancy and analytical services, Mysore for conducting chemical analysis. My heartly thanks to D. Vaman rao, chemistry professor, Bellary, for valuable information that enabled the success in my performance. I wish to express my Sincere thanks to, Mr. Linganna, Mr. Umapathy, for their help in the practical work. I am very much thankful to Mr. Girish, for neat and timely printing of this thesis. I am sincerely thankful to all Teaching staff, Physicians, Staff Nurses and Non-teaching staff of T.G.A.M.C. Hospital, Bellary, for their generous and kind help for making this work success. I express reverences with all my heart and soul to all my family members for their whole hearted support and enthusiasm they fed in me during my work. I am ever grateful to those who have helped me directly and indirectly in making this work a success.

Dr. Revati. G. Huddar.


Ananda Kanda



Ayurveda Prakasha



Ananda Kanda



Bhasma Vijnana



Bhava Prakasha



Koopipakwa Rasa Nirmana Vidhi


Namburi Phase Spot Test


Potassium Iodide


Indian Institute of Sciences









Rasa Pradeepa



Rasa Ratna Samuchaya



Rasa Tarangini



Rasa Paddati



Rasa Kamadhenu



Rasa Prakasha Sudhakara



Rasendra Chudamani

R. Chu


Rasa Chintamani



Samaguna baliyukta kajjali


Samaguna balijeerna Rasasindoora


Triguna baliyukta kajjali


Triguna balijeerna Rasasindoora



X-Ray Diffraction



Yoga Ratnakara




ABSTRACT Title: A comparative pharmaceutico-analytical study of Samaguna and Triguna balijeerna Rasasindoora Background: Rasasindoora is prepared by Kupi paka method, with different proportion of Gandhaka, where in the preparation time and efficiency of drug changes according to the quantum of Gandhaka. Objectives: Upto date review; Preparation and Physico-chemical analysis of SBJR and TBJR. Materials and Methods: Pharmaceutical study: Shodhana of Gandhaka was carried out with koormaputa method, Parada was extracted from Hingula by urdhwapatana procedure in damaru yantra. SBJR was prepared by kupi paka method in 15 hours, using Samaguna baliyukta kajjali; yield was 52.67%. TBJR was prepared by kupi paka method in 39 hours, using Triguna baliyukta kajjali; yield was 24.67%. Analytical Study: Physical and chemical tests were carried out by gravimetric, volumetric, XRD method and NPST method; particle size analysis by Laser diffraction method. Results: Total mercury in SBJR and TBJR was 82.40% and 84.82% respectively. Free mercury was nil in SBJR and TBJR. Total sulfur SBJR and TBJR was 16.16% and 14.43% respectively. Free sulfur in case of SBJR and TBJR was in traces. XRD pattern of both SBJR and TBJR were compared with the XPDF No-06-0256; compound identified as Cinnabar (HgS), with Hexagonal crystal structure, having primitive Lattice. In SBJR and TBJR, 50% of the sample was having particle size, < 4.96 µm and 18 Years

1-3 Ratti

12 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Review of the literature Role of different proportions of Gandhaka in Rasasindoora :

In the preparation of Rasa Sindoora 1/6-6 times proportion of sulphur to mercury has been mentioned in various classics. The properties also changes according to the variation of Sulphur quantity. Table No.7.Showing different proportion of Gandhaka jarana and their specific indication according to different authors. Sl. No. 1

Proportion of sulphur Samaguna

Rasendra Ayu Prakasha and Chintamani Yoga Ratnakara Suddhat shata guna Rogaghna Rasah

Samnya Gadanashana



Sarva Kushta Hara




Sarva Vinashaka



Valipalita Nashana

Tejasvi, Sarva Mahotsaha Medha, Shastranam Siddidhah Smrithi Vivardhana



Kshya nashak

Sidha Bajith


Shadguna Sarva rogahara Mrityujit Adbhuta Karyakrit Similarly the more the heating time, more the efficiency of Rasa Sindoora.


Jadhya Kaminidarapa Nashaka

Rasa Tarangini

Pumstva Prakashaka

Ashesha gada Santhapa nasaka

Pharmacology of Rasasindoora in modern view43 Chemically Rasasindoora is considered as red sulphide of mercury. And in case of sulphides, a great deal of doubt exist as to whether they are absorbed at all. But sulphides of mercury in a fine state of division under go solution in 5.c.c. of 0.2% of solution of HCL at 1000F in an hour. This is also true when these sulphides are digested with filtered gastric juice obtained artificially from a healthy individual. If the sulphide of mercury is broken up in this manner by the acid of gastric juice, it is likely that absorption will take place. Very minute quantities are absorbed and excreted but the ordinary chemical tests are not so sensitive enough to detect its presence. Sulphide of mercury is not used in any of the pharmacopoeias of western countries as it is considered to be devoid of therapeutic activity.

13 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Review of the literature Side effect of Rasasindoora44,45 Rasasindoora is an example of Sagandha Murchhana, so even after prolonged use it should never cause toxic symptoms of mercury. But if Rasasindura is prepared out of impure mercury, it gives rise to all the evil effects of mercury. These side effects can be relieved by using clarified butter with powdered Maricha (Piper nigrum) for 7 days . In modern medicine also sulphide of mercury has been stated as non-poisonous because of its poor absorption. DRUG REVIEW OF EACH INGREDIENT

HINGULA History : The reference of Hingula is found in Kautilya Arthashastra in testing of Gold and spoilage of Gold46. Classification of Hingula: Hingula has been included in Maharasa varga, Uparasavarga as well as in Sadharanarasavarga by different acharyas. Table No: 8. showing classification according to various texts. Class



Rasarnava, Rasakamadhenu.






Bhavaprakash, Rasendra Sara Sangrha, Rasendra Chintamani, Ayurveda prakash, Brihat Rasaraja Sundar. Sadharanarasa

Rasa Ratna Samucchaya, Rasa Jala Nidhi, Rasachandamsu,


Rasa Hridaya Tantra.

Synonyms Of Hingula 47,48 : Synonyms can be categorized under four headings: Appearance: Kapishirshaka, Chitranga, Chinapishta, Churna Parada, Makshi Vanga, Daitya Raktaka, Manohara, Markata, Shirsa, Rakta,

Raktakaya, Rakta Parada, 14

A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Review of the literature Shukatundaka, Supittaka, Suranaga, Hansapada,

Hansandhri, Hansaka,

Hingulu, Hinguli, Hingula, Kuruvinda. Guna & Karma: Charmanuranjana, Maraka, Maniraga, Ranjaka,Ranjana, Lohaghna, Ratna Ragakari, Raga







Charmarabandhanam,Charmaravardhana, Uru charmaka.

Constituents: Rasagandha Sambhuta, Rasa Garbha, Rasasthana,Siddhi Parada, Rakta


Rasodbhava, Rasa. Habitat: Mleccha, Darada, Chinapista. Vernacular names: 49 Persia

– Sinjraph


– Cinnabar


– Sinjraph


– Hingalo


– Janjaphar


– Hingula


– Ingalikamu


– Ingalika

Grahya Lakshana or Criteria for Selection:50 Japakusuma Varnabha

– It resembles the color of petals of red hibiscus flower.

Peshane Sumanoharaha

– When grinded its color becomes beautiful.


– Reflects in sunlight.


– Heavy in weight

Shweta Rekha

– Having white or silvery streaks.


– Resembles like that of pravala.

Types:51 On the basis of occurrence, two varieties of Hingula are available. 15 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Review of the literature 1. Khanija

2. Kritrima.

Khanija is again of 3 varieties, on the basis of appearance. •


– Krishna or Raktha Varna.


– Peeta Varna


– Japa Kusuma Varna

Hingula is of 2 types:52 1. Shukatunda

2. Hamsapada.

Shukatunda is less potent whereas Hamsapada is said to be best quality. Ashuddha Hingula sevanajanya Lakshana:53 Consumption of Ashodhita Hingula causes Klama, Andhata, Bhrama, Moha, and Prameha. So shodhana is necessary for Hingula where it is to be used internally. Hingula Shodhana54 55,56 : Rasa acharyas have mentioned different procedures like Bhavana, swedana using different herbal juices. Pharmacological Properties: It has Ushna guna Tiktha, Katu Kashaya rasa, Ushna Veerya, Deepana, Rasayana, Vrishya, Balya, Vajikara, Medhakantivardhaka, Agnivardhaka, Sarvadoshaghna, Netrya etc. Cinnabar helps to harmonise and strengthen the relationship between breathing and circulation. It is an effective remedy against chronic recurrent inflammatory diseases. It is a great blood healer, stimulates the formation of blood corpuscles and detoxifies the body, aids the immune system, helps to avoid infections and effective in case of depression. Therapeutic Indications:57 Prameha, Kushta, Jwara, Mandagni, Hridroga, Aruchi, Amlapittha, Hrillasa, Kamala, Pleeharoga, Amavata, Garavisha, Sarvaroga. Matra

– ½ - 1 Ratti


– Maricha, Guda, Pippali, Guduchi swarasa, Madhu

Hingula Satwapatana:58 By Patanayantravidhi, Satwa can be extracted. 16 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Review of the literature

Important Yogas of Hingula:59 Hinguleshwara Rasa, Ananda Bhairava Rasa, Kanaka Sundara Rasa, Jwara Murari Rasa, Vasanta Malati Rasa, Tribhuvana Keerthi Rasa, Hinguliya Manikya Rasa, Shothari Rasa etc.

HINGULA MODERN VIEW CINNABAR Cinnabar is the chief ore of Mercury contains 86.2% of Mercury and 13.8% of sulfur. When ground it becomes deep red coloured. When used as pigment it is called vermilion. Occurrence60: It occurs both in crystalline and massive forms. It occurs naturally in Spain, Italy, France, Germany, China, Japan, Russia and Iran. Artificial cinnabar is prepared in Surat and Kolkata but there is no natural source available in India. General Description of Cinnabar60: Category



Chemical formula


Hgs, mercury(II) sulfide



Brownish red







Specific gravity


8-8.2 g/cm3



Prismatic perfect



Subconchoidal to uneven

Crystal habit


Rhombohedral to tabular. Granular to massive

Crystal system





Adamantine to dull

Refractive Index


Transparent to opaque



3×10-26 g per 100 ml water.

17 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Review of the literature Preparation of Artificial cinnabar61 : Parada and Gandhaka are taken in 6:1 ratio, triturated well, kept in Iron vessel and heated on tivragni. Then red coloured compound is formed on the upper part is collected and is called cinnabar. Extraction of mercury from cinnabar. Consists of 2 steps Ore concentration

Roasting and distillation

Isolation of Mercury occurs as : 2HgS + 3O2 → 2 HgO →

2HgO + 2SO2 2Hg + O2

Pharmacological aspect of Cinnabar62. The solubility and bioavailability of cinnabar are quite low. Absorption: Absorption of cinnabar from the gastrointestinal tract is 0.2%. Distribution: Once absorbed into the blood, the mercury disposition from cinnabar follows the pattern for inorganic mercury salts and preferentially distributed to the kidneys, with a small portion to the brain. Excretion: Inorganic mercury salts are excreted in urine and feces, with a half-life of

about 2

months. Toxicology: Little is known about toxicology profiles or toxicokinetics of cinnabar and cinnabarcontaining traditional medicines. A study by Kew et al, reported symptoms of mercury poisoning in a patient after daily exposure to 180-252 mg Cinnabar for four weeks.

18 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Review of the literature

PARADA Parada is considered as the nucleus of Rasashastra. Mythologically it is having divine origin as shiva veerya. History: •

Initially it was used for Alchemical purposes (loha vada) to convert lower metals like Lead, Tin, Copper, etc. into noble metals like Gold, silver etc. Later on its therapeutic use in curing the diseases has been recognized.

In Koutilya Arthashastra (325 cent B.C), it is mentioned that swarna can be prepared by parada63.

In Charaka Samhita there is usage of Parada with Makshika and Gandhaka in Kushta Roga and it is used externally64.

In Sushruta Samhita its external use has been mentioned65

Vernacular names66: English - Mercury, Quick silver, Kannada – Paraja, Hindi – Para, Marati – Paara, Bangala – Paara, Telagu – Padarasam. Latin – Hydrarzirum (Hg). Etymological significance of Synonyms67,68 : •


– As it digests all drugs. - Nourishes all Dhatu’s of the body. - Being ingested by human for Rasayanartha

Rasendra - King of all medicines or Rasa’s


- Since used for Deha and Loha Siddhi


- Gives an end to sufferings.

Mishraka - Properties of all metals are found in it. 19 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Review of the literature Table No.9 Showing synonyms of Parada based on the following Swarupaatma

Dhrmika Devatmaka


Dehavada tmaka


Vishista guna

Darshahika Adyatmika

Galadroupani Trinetra











































Shiva veerya











Varieties69: The Varieties of Parada described in various texts based on following factors: •

Depending on the colour.

Depending on the impurities

Depending on uses of Parada.

Table No. 10. Showing varieties of Parada. Variety Rasa

Colour Rakta



Which is free from all Rasayana types of impurities



Free from impurities



Ishat Peeta

With impurities




With impurities




With impurities

Sarvasiddhidayaka. 20

A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Review of the literature Chandrika varna Doshas of Mercury70: According to different rasa classics Doshas of Parada are explained as follows: 1. Naisargika doshas (Natural impurities). 2. Yougika doshas (Physical impurities) 3. Oupadika doshas (Chemical impurities in the form of coating). 1. Naisargika Doshas70: Mercury, which is occurring in native compound form generally, attributes some impurities due to its natural power of amalgamation. As these impurities occur due to nature, these doshas are known as “Naisargika doshas”. Naisargika dosha











2. Yougika doshas70: The impurities mixed by the traders from the commercial point of view to increase the weight of Parada by adding some Ariloha’s. Ex: Naga, Vanga etc. Table No.11. Showing Yougika doshas and their effects according to different authors.


Textual Reference RRS

2. 3.

Sl. No.



Naga, Vanga

Jadatva Adhmana


Naga, Vanga, Visha

Jadhya Pootigandhatva Mrutyu.


Naga, Vanga

Jadhya, Adhmana Kushta.

Kanchuka Doshas70, Literally Kanchuka means thin layer. Kanchuka doshas are the impurities of mercury which are seen as thin layer covering it. This is due to tarnishing of mercury.

21 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Review of the literature There is some difference of opinion amongst ancient scholars regarding their name and source but all of them considered as seven in number. Table No. 12. Showing Kanchuka Doshas and their effects according to different Rasa classics. Sl. No.






Mrunmaya (Prithvi)




Pashanaja (Girija)

Jadhya, Admana



Jalaja (Varija)

Vali, Palita, khalitya, Vaksangatha, Mala Bhedana.



Nagaja (Shyama)

Mahakusta, Sweta Kusta, Udara, Kamala, Pandu, Prameha.



Nagaja (Kapalika)

Dadru, Gaja Karna, Doshavardhaka.



Vangaja (Kapali)

Swara Parushyakara.



Vangaj (Kalika)

Marmacheda, Vastishoola, Andhatva.

Grahya Lakshanas of Parada71,72: Parada is liquid in form, shines as bright as mid – day sun, white glaze exteriorly and bluish tinge interiorly mercury with these qualities is known as Grahya variety. Parada which is devoid of saptakanchakas should be collected.

Agrahya Lakshanas of Parada73: Mercury looking smoky, grayish and slightly yellowish or having various shades of colours is agrahya variety, incorporated with various metallic and elemental impurities bonded physico – chemically. Pharmacological and therapeutic properties of Parada74: Rasa : Shadrasa Guna


Snigdha, Sara and Guru









Yoga vahi, Rsayana, Vrishya, Balya, Vayastambhana, Pustikaraka, Deepana, Agnivardhaka, Deha sidhikara, Loha sidhikara, Shodhana, Ropana, Krimighna. 22

A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Review of the literature Dosha Prabhava:


Vyadhi Prabhava:

Vata roga, Valipalitha, Jara roga, Sarva Akshi roga, Krimi, Kusta, Sarva roga.

Pathya75: Ahara – Ghrita Saindhava, Madhu, Sharkara, Ksheera, Yava, Godhooma, Tandula, Dhanyaka, Patola, Jeerna Shali, Ikshu Rasa, Hamsodaka, Shunti, Musta, Punarnava, Meghanada, Mamsarasa, Jeeraka, Haridra. Vihara – Pooja Shiva Aradhana, Japa, Sugandha Pushpadharana, Kastoori Dharana, Guru Seva, Satya Vadana. Apathya76: Kakarastakas like – Kooshmanda, Karkati, Kalinga, Karavellaka, Karkota, Kadali, Kusumba, Kakamachi are avoided.Others are Kulatha, Atasi Taila, Tila, Masha, Masoora, Badara, Chirabilva, Nagara, Kanchanara, Shigru, Kanji, Takra, Atikatu, Amla, Teekshna, Lavana Picchila are considered as Varjya.

PARADA MODERN REVIEW MERCURY Mercury is a silvery white metal, liquid at room temperature with high (13.6) density. It is divisible into spherical globules, mobile, without having any odour / taste, cold to touch, slowly volatizing at ordinary temperature. . Low melting and boiling point is due to large atomic size. The metallic shine of mercury is due to the presence of free electrons with a high plasma frequency. It is soluble in nitric acid and in boiling sulfuric acid. General Description77: Atomic Number



Atomic Weight



Atomic Volume



Ionic Radius (+2)



Relative Atomic Mass


200.50 gm/mole

Specific Gravity



Melting point



Boiling point


3570C 23

A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Review of the literature Occurrence and distribution: Small quantities of mercury occur in native form but chiefly it occurs as sulphide (cinnabar). It is found chiefly in Spain and Italy. It is also found as calomel (Hg2cl2), Metacinnabar (HgS), Tiemannite (HgS), Montroydite (HgO) and also as amalgums of Gold and Tellurium in small quantities. Pharmacology78,79: The use of Hg and its compounds in therapeutics has been diminished from middle of the century due to toxicological effects rather than the therapeutic effects. Absorption: As the chemical form of the metal varies, its absorption, distribution and Excretion of mercury also varies. The inorganic form i.e. mercurous and mercuric chlorides are freely absorbed from all surfaces like alimentary tract, skin, sebaceous glands and mercury vapours by lungs. When taken into the system it continues with acids and fluids of the body. It is then easily absorbed by the skin, the mucous membrane, lungs and stomach and passes into blood as oxy albuminate, in the stomach it is converted into double chloride of sodium of mercury. It unites with the albuminous juices and is easily absorbed. The sulphide ion is very inert and it is clear that unless and until the salts are dissociated into its constituents ions, mercury will not be able to exert its influence on the body tissues. Hence absorption of sulphides is doubted. Storage : It is deposited in different organs like, kidneys, intestinal walls, in liver in the form of albuminates. Small amounts are stored in blood, bone narrow, brain, buccal mucosa & salivary glands. Organic mercurial compounds can pass or cross placental barrier. Excretion : Excretion of mercury immediately after absorption is mainly through the kidney and colon and to a lesser extent via bile and saliva. Small amounts are also excreted in volatile elemental form through both lungs and skin. Most of Hg is excreted within 6 days after administration but traces may be detected for months, even years urinary excretion is slow at first but accelerates later. Fecal excretion is 8%, which is due to mucosal sloughing mainly as methyl mercury, but bacterial flora convert about 50% to inorganic mercury.

24 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Review of the literature Toleration78: Age, sex and idiosyncrasy greatly modify the action of mercurials, children as a rule bear mercury better than adults and males better than females. Therapeutic uses78: •

Used as antiseptics, preservatives, parasiticides, fungicides, diuretics inorganic salts.

Externally as antiseptics, mercury salts are used.

Its solution is used for disinfecting surgical and obstetric practice.

Blue ointment and calomel ointment are used to reduce itching in prurigo, pruritis, psoriasis, lichen pityriasis of scalp and eczema.

As a stimulant and promoter of absorption liniment and various ointments such as oleate, red precipitate, scoltts and red iodide are used for promoting the absorption of inflammatory products as in chronic joint disease and periostitis.

Mercury is used in certain eye diseases like conjunctivitis, blepharitis and keratitis.

Diagnosis of Mercury Poisoning : 80 Toxic Symptoms develops when Blood Hg above 20 mg / dl Urine Hg above 60 mg /dl. Fatal dose


1-4 gms

Fatal period


3-5 days

GANDHAKA Gandhaka is grouped under Uparasa varga by authors of different Rasa classics. In Rasashasthra Gandhaka has got pivotal place next to Parada. In sagandha yogas the Gandhaka is believed to impart many desirable properties to Parada by reducing its toxic effects. Hence the sagandha yogas are considered safer than nirgandha yogas. It also plays a prime role in marana of dhatus. Origin:81 25 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Review of the literature •

Mythological Gandhaka is said to be the result of churning of ksheerasagara and is originated along with Amruta.

Gandhaka is considered to be the Raja of Parvathi. Vernacular names82: Sanskrit- Gandhaka

Hindi - Gandhaka

English – Sulphur

Bengali – Gandhaka


Punjabi- Gandhak, Kibrit

Kannada – Gandhaka

Telugu – Gandhakamu


Tamil –


Synonyms:83 Gandhaka


















Types of Gandhaka: Rasarnava explained three types of Gandhaka and remaining others explained four types. Table No 13. Types of Gandhaka according to Rasa Classics.84,85,86,87,88,89. Sl. No.









Shukapichchanibha (Pita)








Sukla (Shweta)








Shuka Chunchanibha Shukatunda (Rakta)








Krishna (Black)







Table No 14. Types of Gandhaka, their qualities and uses90: Sl. No.











Rasayana Karma




Loha Marana 26

A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Review of the literature 4.


Jara Mrutyu Nashana


Grahya Gandhaka

The Gandhaka resembling the colour of Rajani, clean, bright, smooth like that of butter and unctuous is acceptable for all purposes and is called as Amalasara Gandhaka or Shukapiccha Gandhaka. Doshas of Gandhaka92: According to Rasa classics, Gandhaka consists two types of Doshas:

Shila Churna


(Physical impurities like clay, sand etc.)

(Chemical impurities like Arsenical, lead etc.)

Gandhaka should be purified before internal administration, other wise it will produce the disease like Kushta, Bhrama, Klama, Paithika Roga, Balakshaya, Shukrakshaya, Veeryahani and Kandu. Pharmaco-therapeutic properties : 93 Rasa

: Katu, Tikta, Kashaya.


: Sara.


: Ushna.


: Katu, Madhura.94







Vishaghna, Bala- veerya vardhaka, Sootendra veerya prada. Doshaghnata

: Kaphavatahara.


: Kandu, Kushta, Twakdosha, Aamadosha, Krimidosha, Pleeharoga, Kshaya, Jwara, Netraroga etc.

Bahya lepana of shodhita Gandhaka at the site of pain caused due to Aamavata and Gridhrasi will give relief.95 This indication hints about the analgesic property of Gandhaka. Matra: It can be given from 1 Ratti to 8 Ratti (125mg-1gm). In Ayurveda Prakasha and Rasakamadhenu its Matra is mentioned as 1 Pala. 27 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Review of the literature Pathya: Jangala Mamsa Sevana, Godugda, Goghrita, Godhooma, Rice, Saindhava, Mishri, Sheetala Jala are considered as Pathya. Apathya: Atilavana, Amla, Katu, Vidhahi, Patrashaka, Dwidala Dahnya, Kshara, and Kanji etc. aharas are considered as Apathya. Also Viharas like Teevra Yana, Stree sambhanda are contraindicated.

GANDHAKA MODERN REVIEW SULPHUR The name sulphur is derived from the Sanskrit word “Sulvari” through the Latin sulphurium. History96 : The ancients probably, due to its frequent occurrence in free state know sulphur. Aryans, Greeks, Romans and Indians used it for fumigation and as medicine. The Bible refers to be as “Brimstone” meaning “Burning Stone” Antony lavoiser placed it among the elements in 1777, which was regarded as “principle of fire”. It is estimated as the Ninth most abundant element in the universe. Occurrence : Sulphur is distributed in nature both in free and combined form. The sulphur is found in volcanic regions in Sicily. Approximately 0.06% of earth‘s crust contains sulphur. Pure sulphur contains traces of selenium, Tellurium and Arsenic some times mixed with bitumen and clay. Important sulphur containing minerals are: Sulphides


Zinc Blend (ZNS) Galena (Pbs) S Copper pyrites (Mfes2 ) Cinnabar (HgS) S Iron Pyrites (FeS) S



Gypsum (CaSo4 2H2o) Barites (BaSo4) 28

A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Review of the literature Epsom Salt (Mg So4 7H2o) Ferrous Sulphate (FeSo4 7H2o) Traces of sulphur occur as H2S in volcanic gases, organic substance as eggs, proteins, garlic, mustard, onion, hair and wool. It is an essential non-metal and is a minor constituent of fats, body fluids and skeletal muscles. Basic information of sulphur96 Name






Atomic Number



Atomic Mass


32.06 Am

Melting point



Boiling point



Number of protons / Electrons:


Number of neutrons





Non Metal

Crystal structure






British Spelling



IUPAC spelling



Table No.15 : Shows comparative study of allotropes of Sulphur: Property




Colour Shape Specific gravity Melting point Boiling Point

Yellow crystals Octahedral 2.06 112.8 0 C 444 0 C

Yellow crystals Needle shaped 1.96 119 0C 444 0 C

Dark yellow amber No definite shape 1.92 No sharp melting point 444 0 C

Therapeutic use97 : • Sulphur has bitter astringent taste with a peculiar strong smell. •

It increases bile secretion, acts as laxative, alternative and diuretic.

It stimulates secreting organs like skin, bronchial mucus membrane.

In larger doses it acts as purgative.

29 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Review of the literature •

Sulphur is useful in cough, Asthma, General debility, Enlargement of spleen, chronic fevers etc.,

Biological importance of sulphur98: •

Sulphur makes up 0.25% of our body weight, meaning that an average adult human body contains around 170 gms of sulphur, of which most occurs in the amino acids, cysteine, cystine, and methionine.

Sulphur is involved in the formation of bile acids, which are essential for fat digestion and absorption. It also helps to keep skin, hair and nails healthy.

Deficiency of sulphur is linked to the skin disorder eczema and also imperfect development of hairs and nails. Sulphur containing foods are vegetables (Radishes, Carrots, Cabbage, Milk Products (Cheese), seafood and meat protein. Inorganic forms of mineral-sulphide, sulphates and sulphites are not needed in the diet.

NIMBU99,100 It is an important Dravya of Amla Varga. In Rasa Classics, it is explained for Shodhana and Marana of various Metals and Minerals. Latin name


Citrus medica












Description: Leaflets are elliptic, oblong, racemes short, flowers small, petals usually four. Fruits usually small, globose or ovoid, rind thick or thin. Pulp pale, very acidic. Useful parts: Phala, Twak and Patra Major Chemical Constituents: Fruit juice of Nimbu contains citric acid 10%, Phosphoric acid 4%, Sugar 10.9%, Cellulose, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Citrine 76%, Citrol 7.8% and Sulphuric acid. 30 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Review of the literature Distribution It is available throughout India. Pharmacological and Therapeutic Properties Rasa





Guru, Tikshna









Deepana, Rochaka, Anulomana, Pachaka, Krimighna



Kapha Vata shamaka, Pittavardhaka

Vyadhi Prabhava


Agni Mandya, Trishna, Udarashoola, Chardi, Aruchi, Vibandha, Kasa, Shwasa and Krimi roga.

In the present study Nimbuka swaras is used for Bhavana of Hingula.

GODUGDHA Acharya charaka explained Godugdha under Gorasa varga101. It is much appreciated for the therapeutic purpose. Synonyms : Ksheera, Gavya, Gavyadugdha, Dugdha, and Payasa, Dhenudbhava Physical properties: Cow’s milk is an opaque, white or yellowish white emulsive, faintly alkaline fluid, a little more viscous than water with specific gravity in between 1.027 to 1.037102. Properties: Rasa





Guru, Mridu, Snigdha, Bahala, Picchila, Shlakshna, Manda,Prasanna.

Veerya :


Karma :

Jeevaneeya, Brumhaneeya, Rasayana, Ojo vriddhikara,Vrushya, Balya,

Medya, Doshagnata: Vata, Pitta Rogagnata: Rakthapitta, Trishna, Kshata, Ksheena, Shwasa, Kasa, Panduroga, Gulma, Udara, Athisara, Jwara, Daha, Shotha, Yonirogas, Bhrama, useful in Gadavikaras.

31 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Review of the literature Contents of fresh milk : Water






Total Solids











1-2 ppm

Total proteins :


Citric acid









In the present work, godugdha was used for gandhaka shodhana, through Bhoodhara puta method.

HARIDRA103 In the present study haridra was used for shodhana of Hingulottha parada. It is considered under shirovirechana gana by Charaka and shleshma samshamana by Sushruta. Botanical Name


Curcuma longa




Synonyms: Nisha







Vernacular Names Hindi


















Chemical constituents: Volatile oil 5-8%, Curcumin, Vitamin A, Protein-6.3%, minerals-3.5%, carbohydrate-69.4 %. Pharmaco therapeutic properties : Rasa


Tikta, katu












Varnya, lekhana, ruchya, raktaprasadana, vedana sthapana 32

A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Review of the literature Doshakarma :

Kapha vata shamaka


Kushta, Prameha, vrana, arsha, raktavikara, sheetapitta


VATA104 It is one among Pancha valkala dravyas. In Samhitas it is catogorised under Nyagrodhadi and Mutrasangrahaneeya gana. Botanical Name: Ficus Bengalensis Linn. Family: Moraceae Synonyms: Nyagrodha, Raktaphala, Skandhaja, Vaisravana, Sringi, Bahupada, Dhrva, Ksiri. Description : It is a very big tree possessing supporting roots and therefore may spread upto miles sometimes. It is commonly found all over India. Vata Srnga (leaf buds) are famous for their utility in pumsavana kriya. Chemical constituants of Bark – leucoanthocyanin, tiglic acid, β - sitsterol – a D – glucoside. Useful parts: Bark, Latex, leaf, leaf – bud, hanging root, fruit. Properties : Rasa – Kashaya ; Guna – Guru, Ruksha; Virya – Shita ; Vipaka – Katu Karma – Kapha pitta hara, Mutra sangrahaneeya, Varnya, Sthambhana. In the present study, Vatankura is used for Bhavana of Kajjali i.e. a pre – material of Rasa Sindhura.

PHARMACEUTICAL REVIEW In present study Pharmaceutical process mainly includes three steps: 1. Processing of raw drugs i.e. shodhana of Hingula and Gandhaka 2. Intermediate procedures 3. Final procedure i.e. preparation of Kupipakwa rasayana. Hence in this section, review on concept of Shodhana, Satvapatana, Murchana and Jarana is carried out. Also classical literary data of pharmaceutical procedures and Yantras related to present study are reviewed. 33 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Review of the literature SHODHANA: Definition: ♦ The process which eliminates the blemishes is called Shodhana 105. ♦ Shodhana is a process intended for the removal of impurities in a substance by implementing prescribed methods like Bhavana, Swedana, Dhalana etc with prescribed drugs 106. Advantages of Shodhana: ♦

Eradicates visible and invisible impurities.

Reduces toxic effects.

Removes adulterants present in drug.

Makes hard matter brittle which helps in easy incineration.

Enhances therapeutical properties

Suitable for further processing.

Shodhana of Gandhaka: Shodhana is carried out by adopting various methods like: ▪





Damaru yantra.

Methods: 1. Pour the liquefied Gandhaka into the Bringaraja swarasa and do the swedana in the same swarasa. Repeat the procedure for 7 times.107 2. A cloth is tied over the mouth of the pot containing milk. Pour the melted Gandhaka and Ghrita over the cloth. Gandhaka falls into the pot. Heat this pot over mandagni for one ghati. Then wash it with water.108 3. Gandhaka is melted along with Tila Taila or Sarshapa taila or Tusumbha taila in an iron pan. Now the molten Gandhaka is poured into a pot containing milk covered by cloth109.

34 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Review of the literature 4. A cloth covered pot is taken which is containing milk. Gandhaka churna is spread over the cloth. Now this apparatus is kept in a pit up to its neck. Close it with sharava and to this agni was given by Koormaputa110 5. Finely powdered Gandhaka is placed in Damaru Yantra and subjected to heat for four prahara. In the present work koormaputa method was implicated for Gandhaka shodhana.

Shodhana of Hingula: •

Seven Bhavanas of Lakucha Swarasa.54,55

Seven Bhavanas of Ardraka Swarasa.55

Seven Bhavanas of Nimbu Swarasa.55

Seven Bhavanas of Meshi Ksheera followed by seven bhavana of Amla Varga Dravya55.

Seven Bhavana of Amla Varga Dravya followed by seven bhavana of Mahishi Ksheera.56

Shodhana of Parada: Mercury is naturally consisting of earthy impurities, toxic chemical compounds along with it. So it should be purified by means of Mardhana, Swedana, Kshalana, patina etc., specific techniques with the help of specific herbal extractions. Purification has been carried out into two methods 1)

Samanya shodhana – Vyadhi nashanartha


Vishesha shodhana – Rasayanartha Samanya shodhana:

• Parada is triturated with Grihadhooma, Haridra Choorna, Wool Fibres and Istikachoorna for 1 day and then washed with Kanji and filtered through a four folded cloth. It is said to be devoid of Naga Doshas.111 • Parada is triturated with Nagavalli swarasa, Ardraka swarasa and Kshara traya for 3 days and then wash with Kanji. The Parada gets devoid of sapta doshas.112 • Parada is triturated with Sudha-raja for three days and filtered. Then add Lashuna equal to Parada & Saindhava Lavana ½ part of Parada when lashuna turns black wash in kanji.113 • Parada is triturated with Kumari, Chitraka, Rakta Sarshapa, Brihati and Triphala kwatha for three days.114 35 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Review of the literature • Parada is triturated with Sudha-raja for 7 days and filter it. Then triturate with Griha dhuma, Haridra choorna & Ishtika choorna for 3 days & wash with kanji.115 • Parada is triturated with Guda, Trikatu, Ajamoda, Pancha Lavana, Chitrakamoola, Triphala, Trikshara, Dhattura and Sarshapa for 7 days. 116 • Parada is triturated with Lashuna and Saindhava Lavana on tapta khalva for 7 days.117 Vishesha Shodhana: Vishesha shodhana are indicated to remove the specific and toxic impurities by specific methods. These are called as “Samskaras”. There are 18 number of samskaras mentioned in Rasa classics for removing specific impurities and also for enhancing qualities of Parada. Ashtadasha Samskaras118: Swedana







Gagana Bhakshana











SATVAPATANA: It is the process of extraction of metal or satva from the mineral. Nagarjuna was the first to mention the process of satvapatana in Rasendra mangala. Etymology of the word Satvapatana: The word satvapatana comprises two words ‘satva’ and ‘patana’. Satva: Means the existence of Supreme being, the true essence.119 Patana: Means the act of causing to fall, laying low.120 Thus the word Satvapatana means extraction of essence or active principle. The process of Satvapatana is carried out for dravyas like Abhraka, Makshika, Haratala, Manashila, Gairika, Hingula etc. Different procedures are explained for different dravyas.

36 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Review of the literature

Hingula Satvapatana:121,122 Aims: •

To obtain the mercury which is free from all the seven Kanchuki doshas, so that it can be used for all purposes.

Properties of such Parada resembles with Astasanskarita or gandhakajeerna Parada.

Dravyas Used For Mardana Of Hingula Before Procedure: 1. Nimbu swarasa 2. Nimba patra swarasa 3. Paribhadra swarasa 4. Changeri swarasa. Yantras: 1. Urdhwa and Adhapatana yantra 2. Vidyadhara yantra 3. Damaru yantra. Method: Fine powder of hingula is triturated with any above said mardana dravyas for three hours and chakrikas are made. The chakrikas are kept in Damaru yantra or Paatana yantra. Proper Sandhibandhana is done. This is subjected to Kramagni upper pot is kept cool by placing the wet cloth. After 6 hours of Kramagni its allowed to cool. After complete cooling Sandhibandhana removed, collect the Parada

particles mixed with soot. In case of

Adhapatana yantra paste of Hingula is applied inside the upper pot.

MURCHANA AND JARANA: While scrutinizing the innumerable Rasa Shastra texts, some Rasacharyas narrate that the manufacturing process of Rasasindoora comes under the Murchana process and others claim that it is a process of Jarana. According to Ayurveda Prakash Jarana and Murchana are synonyms123. “Kim cha Murchana Jarana Iti Anarthantaram prayaha ||”

Murchana123,124, 125 Murchana is a process in which mercury with or without Sulphur is converted into such a form which is suitable for internal usage. It is claimed that through this process

37 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Review of the literature mercury compounds develop a definite disease curing capacity, without producing any untoward effect. Murchana facilitates palliability of Mercury. Murcchana is a procedure of preparing an esculent chemical compound of Mercury which is distinct from Bhasma. Murchana is a process to transfer the Mercury into a Murchita state by means of sulphur etc and after doing this process the end product can not be converted into preceding state easily. Murchita Yogas are efficacious by all means and the end product can be used as it is for medicinal purpose.126 Appearance of Murchita state of Rasa: When its firmness, unstability and liquid form are transformed into the softness, stability and solid form; appears like Kajjali then it should be claimed that this is the stage of Murchita. Some times Murchita Parada may be obtained in various colours127. Murchana Vidhi and Lakshana128, 129: When Shuddha Gandhaka triturated with Suddha Parada it looses its gurutva and chapalatva and transforms into fine blackish (Kajjalabha) powder. Apart from black colour, of murchita parada may vary according to the ingredients used. Murchana done with Haratala gives yellowish colour, manashila gives orange colour. Without shadguna Gandhaka jarana, parada is not potent to cure the diseases. He explained murchana should be done by performing jarana in different Yantras. He mentioned 2 types of Valuka Yantra for this purpose. He also mentioned Antardhooma, Bahirdhoma shadguna Gandhaka jarana processes. Benefits of Murchana123, 124: 1. Murchita Parada with different Anupanas according to diseases it cures all the diseases. 2. Murchita Parada is beneficial for deha siddhi. 3. Murchita Parada is useful as Dehartha and for Amaratva. Types of Murchana123, 130, 131: According to different Rasa classics Murchana may be broadly divided into 2 types – 1. Sagandha – with Sulphur 2. Nirgandha – without Sulphur Both sulphurous and non sulphurous murchana is subdivided into 2 groups. 38 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Review of the literature 1. Sagni – With the help of fire. 2. Niragni – Without the help of fire. It is again subdivided into 3 groups. On the basis of smoke – 1. Bahirdhooma 2. Anthardhooma 3. Nirdhooma Sagandha Murchana is again subdivided into 5 types: 1. Gandha Pisti – Ex. Kajjali 2. Gandha Baddha – Ex. Rasa parpati. 3. Gandha Jeerna – Ex. Rasa Sindoora. 4. Rasa Gandha Kajjali – 5. Dhatu Pisti – Ex. Rajata pisti, Kanaka pisti, Tamra pisti, Abhraka pisti, Loha pisti. First and Foremost Kalpana of Sagandha Murchana is Kajjali, base of other preparations like – parpati, Pottali, Kupipakwa, and Karaliya Rasayanas. Examples of Parada Murchita Rasaoushadis132: 1. Khalveeya Rasayana – Ex. Kajjali, Tribhuvana keerthi Rasa etc. 2. Parpati Kalpana – Ex. Rasa parpati, Swarna parpati etc. 3. Kupi pakwa Rasayana – Ex. Rasasindoora, Rasa Karpoora etc. 4. Pottali Rasayana – ex. Hema garbha pottali, Hamsa Garbha pottali etc.

Jarana: Jarana is the 13th mercurial operation. When mercury is turned into such a state through Bida Yantradi as to absorb any other substance swiftly it is called Jarana131. When Gandhaka etc are mixed with mercury get assimilated or absorbed into the mercury. This process is called Jarana134. By various process of consuming Gandhaka etc in mercury through the Valuka yantra, Dola yantra, Kacchapa yantra etc is called jarana Karma135. Signs of Samyak Jarita Parada:

39 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Review of the literature “Jarana hi naama Galana Patana Vyatirekena Grasta Ghana Hemadi Rasasya Hemadi Rasasya poorvavasta pratipannatvam ||” The process in which Mercury is made to absorb and assimilate the substances like Gold, Mica etc as Grasa added into it (Hg). There will not be increase in weight of Mercury. It means that after distillation and straining the swallowed substances like Abhraka, Suvarna etc do not remain distinct and Mercury remains in its preceding state and its weight does not alter. Thus state has been termed as Jarana136. Many types of procedures for Gandhaka Jarana are described in Ayurveda Prakasha, with the ratio between Parada and Gandhaka starting from 1:6 or even 1:100 or 1:1000 ratios respectively. During Gandhaka Jarana through Valuka and Ishtika Yantra if Agni is increased Rasa Sindoora is formed. Here Parada has to be separated to continue the process of Jarana. Types of Jarana137, 138: a) Bhuchari Jarana (Abraka Jarana) b) Khechari Jarana (Ratna Jarana) Gandhaka Jarana Gandhaka Jarana is of 2 types i. Antardhooma ii. Bahirdhooma Antardhooma – Gandhaka Jarana through Kacchapa yantra or Bhoodhara yantra through closed Kupi or moosha or vessel is done. In this procedure Gandhaka Jarana is slow. Bahirdhooma – This process is done through Valuka yantra in a open vessel. This procedure is very fast. First Gandhaka Jarana should be done on moderate fire. Then Abhraka, Swarna makshika, swarna, Vanga, Naga and Ratna etc should be processed through Jarana. Without Gandhaka Jarana, Parada does not posses the property of digestion. So dhatus can not be digested139. There is a difference between Murchana and Jarana. Few Rasacharya’s claimed that actually these are two stages of Mercury. Considering all these references it can be said that the process of Kajjali is Sagandha Niragni Murchana and Rasasindoora is Sagandha Sagni Murchana 40 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Review of the literature

KAJJALI Kajjali is a Sagandha, Niragni Parada yoga. The purified Parada and Gandhaka are intimately mixed and triturated without adding any liquid to convert it into a smooth, blackish powder, free from any shining particle is called Kajjali. Definition: “Dhatubirgandhakadyascha Nirdravaihi Mardita rasaha|| Sushlakshna Kajjalabhaso Kajjali Ityabhidheeyate||” ♦ Shuddha Parada and Shuddha Gandhaka alone or in combination, with other uparasa and different dhatus is mixed and triturated without adding any liquid. This is called Kajjali. It should be free from any shining particles140. ♦ Any powdered pre-product that which is filled into Kupi, which is having Slakshnatva and sukshmatva like Kajjala is considered as Kajjali141. Synonyms : 142

Kajjali, Kajjalika, Kajjala

Proportion of Dravyas in Kajjali: 143 It is mentioned that Gandhaka can be taken in the proportion of ¼ th, ½, equal, double, triple etc., to that of Parada.

Method of Adding Dhatus To Parada: Kajjali is to be prepared by adding any other dhatu to parada, for ex. Swarna, Rajata, etc should be in the form of thin leaves. Naga, Vanga etc should be in the druta form. Kajjali Siddha Lakshans: 144, 145 Krishna Varnata


Blackish colour



Smooth to touch



Subtleness like anjana

Rekha purnatva


Settles in between fine lines of finger



Lusterless a pinch of Kajjali is taken and rubbed with water. This mixture when exposed to sun, should show absence of any shining particles.

41 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Review of the literature Uses146: ▪

Kajjali can be used as a single medicament along with anupana or sahapana. Ex. kajjali with varunadi gana kashaya in Antra vidradhi.

It can be used as a base material for kupipakwa, pottali, parpati and khalvi rasayana preparations.

BHAVANA: The word bhavana literally means causing to be, effecting, promoting, steeping and act of producing147. Definition: The process, by which drugs have to undergo Bhavana, is powdered and triturated with suitable liquids like Swarasa, Kashaya, Godugdha till the liquid portion dries up. It is known as Bhavana 148 Procedure: Bhavana process is clearly explained in Bhaishajya Ratnavali as the drug in the suitable dravya is kept for one night and triturated and dried under shade on the next day. This process should be repeated for 3 to 7 days. Here the Drug is termed as Bhavita Dravya and Drava as Bhavana dravya.149 Quantity of dravya for Bhavana: According to Rasataranginikara, to a drug, liquids should be added in such quantities by which the drug gets fully mixed up with the liquid and become wet. This is quantity of liquid used for Bhavana150. In case of preparation of Kwatha for Bhavana, 1 part of the drug in the form of coarse powder is taken, boiled with 8 parts of water and reduced to 1/4th and it can be used for Bhavana karma.151 Uses: With the help of Bhavana, we can achieve 1. Makes the particles finer by Sanghata bhedana. 2. Purification of metals & minerals. 3. It induces new properties to the drug and at the same time enhances the properties present in the drug. 42 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Review of the literature 4. It acts as poorva karma for Marana of metals and minerals by changing their chemical action. 5. Makes the metal and minerals free from blemishes. In the present work Vatankura swaras Bhavana is given to kajjali.

KUPIPAKWA RASAYANA Kupi pakwa kalpas are unique pharmacetical procedures followed in Rasashastra. Where in sublimated products of mercury is obtained by ladder step heating procedures for long hours. Definition of Kupipakwa Rasayana152: “Kupi Iti Kacha Kupi, Pakwam Iti Agnina Pakwam Rasasya Paradasya Ayanam stanam Arthath Kupyam Agninam Pakwam Yadrasayanam Tat Kupi Pakwa Rasayanam ||” The process were Parada and other Dravyas are processed by heating in a specialized bottle to prepare medicine is called Kupi Pakwa Rasayana. History of Kupipakwa Rasayana: •

Use of Kachakupi started after the 10th cent. A.D. Before this there is no reference available regarding the same. Invention of glass occurred in Misra, Arab, Mesopotamia countries and use of glass bottles, glass vessels also first time started there and there after it came to India Before the invention of glass, preparation of such type of medicine was done by using Kupis made up of iron, silver etc3.

Similarly references of Valukayantra are found from the 9th century. Because of nonavailability of Kachakupis, Sharavas or Mushas were used for Gandhaka Jarana process.

Rasasindoora Kalpana was first time quoted by the name of



Rasa prepared by using Kachaghati (Kupi) and Siktayantra Classification of Kupi Pakwa Rasayana153: I. On the basis of Ingredients: Sagandha – with Gandhaka: a. Parada + Gandhaka Ex. Rasa Sindoora,

43 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Review of the literature b. Parada + Gandhaka + Anyadhatu – Ex. Tamra Sindoora, Rajata Sindoora etc. c. Parada + Gandhaka + Adhatu Ex. Malla Sindoora, Tala Sindoora etc. d. Parada + Gandhaka + Adhatu +Swarna Ex. Poorna Chandrodaya Rasa etc. Nirgandha – without Gandhaka: Ex.Rasa Pushpa, Rasa Karpoora etc. II. On the basis of location of finished product: a. Kantastha or Kantastha –

Rasa Sindoora, Rasa Karpoora etc.

b. Talastha or Adhastha

Sameera Pannaga Rasa etc.

c. Ubhayastha

Poorna Chandrodaya, Manikya Rasa etc.

III. On the basis of manufacturing method: a. Antardhooma – Talastha – Rasasindoora b. Bahirdhooma – Kantastha – Shilasindoora Procedure of Kupi Pakwa Rasayana: The whole procedure of Kupi Pakwa Rasayana can be divided under 3 headings as follows. 1. Purva Karma 2. Pradhana Karma 3. Paschat Karma 1. Purva Karma: During Purva Karma following points are to be considered i. Collection of instruments. ii. Purification of ingredients. iii. Preparation of Kajjali. iv. Preparation of Kupi. v. Filling of Kupi with Kajjali. Collection of instruments: Collection of equipments for the preparation includes Kacha Kupi, Vastra, Mrittika, Valuka Yantra, Loha Shalakas, Copper coin, Agni bhatti, Pyrometer, Torch etc.

44 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Review of the literature Selection and purification of ingredients154 All the ingredients should be identified according to Rasa classics for their Grahya / Agrahya Lakshanas and it is subjected for Shodhana. Preparation of Kajjali 155 The preparation of the ingredients should be taken as per the reference and trituration should be done without using any liquid till the mixture becomes lusterless. The term Kajjali can be used for pre-material or for the mixture, which is used for making Kupi Pakwa Rasayana. Generally, the Kajjali has appearance of black colour but still the colour of this pre material depends on the ingredients used. Ex: Hinguliya Manikya Rasa– Deep Orange, Rasa Pushpa – Ash colour If Bhavana is mentioned, it should be given after the completion of Kajjali and it is dried and powdered finely. Preparation of Kupi: Preparation of kapadamitti (mud cloth): A cotton cloth is cut as circularly for the base and rectangularly for the rest of the body of bottle. The white clay ‘Gopichandana’ is added with water, made it into paste form and then applied over the cloth. Application of Kapadamitti (mud cloth): First at the base, then on the circumference lastly on the neck & mouth region cloth should be applied, again one layer of semisolid clay should be given and keep it for drying. Such 7 layers of Kapadamitti should be given. Filling of Kajjali into Kupi 156 The Kupi should be filled up to the one third part by Kajjali so that there should be enough space inside the Kupi for melting and boiling of Kajjali and also for the sublimation of compound which is going to be condensed and deposited in the neck of the Kupi. 2. Pradhana Karma Before going to start the pradhana karma some precautions should be taken, they are ♦ Kupi should be covered temporarily with the cork while pouring the sand into Valuka Yantra. 45 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Review of the literature ♦ Kupi should be placed at the centre and at height of two fingers from the bottom of Valuka Yantra.

Pradhana Karma Mainly includes: 1) Temperature measurement 2) Heating pattern 3) Shalaka Sanchalana 4) Observations of Fumes &Flame 5) Mukhamudrana 6) Swangasitikarana (1) Temperature measurement : Ancient Parameters (a) Cotton, dried grass test - When cotton piece, or dried grass is kept on the Valuka


if it catches fire & burns then it is considered to be Tivragni. (b) Rice test - When rice put on Valuka it blows up. Modern parameters – Nowadays pyrometer, thermocouples, thermometers are used for measuring the temperature 2 ) Heating Pattern:157 Heating pattern should always follow Kramavriddagni i.e. gradual

increase in

temperature. It comprises of two aspects

Heating in terms of Duration- indicates the time limit for maintainance of Mridu, Madyama and Teevra Agni. The duration of heating pattern differs for individual Kupi Pakwa Rasayanas. Mridu Agni kala


includes melting of Kajjali

Madyama Agni kala -

includes boiling of kajjali and shalaka sanchalana

Teevragni kala

includes sublimation of the product.


Heating in terms of Temperature158- indicates the temperature limit for maintainance of Mridu, Madyama and Teevra Agni. It can be taken approximately as, Mridu Agni - Room Temp. to 2500C. 46 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Review of the literature Madhyama Angi - 2500C to 4500C. Tivra Agni - 4500C to 6500C.

47 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Review of the literature I stage- Mrudu Agni (125 - 250°°c): Stage of Liquification of Kajjali. 1. In this stage of heating Sulphur fumes starts to come out of Kupi mouth. 2. Material in the Kupi completely gets melted which may be ascertained by inserting cold shalaka in to the Kupi. 3. This heat is maintained for the prescribed time as to allow chemical reactions to begin. II stage – Madhyamagni (250 - 450°°c): Stage of profuse fuming and boiling of Kajjali. 1. This stage commences from the complete melting of Kajjali and lasts till the starting of formation of Sindura compound. 2. In this stage profuse fumes of Sulphur from the Kupi mouth is obvious. 3. Liquified Kajjali starts boiling. 4. Deposition of fumes at the neck of the Kupi may cause chocking, which may frequently be removed by inserting Tapta shalaka in to the Kupi mouth. 5. Boiling of melted material at the Kupi is ascertained by inserting cold iron rod in the Kupi or by visualizing through torch light. 6. It is necessary to prevent the material coming out of the Kupis mouth by maintaining and controlling heat temperature to desired level. 7. Maintain moderate heat for the prescribed period to ensure burning of extra Sulphur in the product. 8. Same degree of heating is maintained till boiling of Kajjali ceases. III Stage – Tivragni (450 - 650°°c): Stage of appearance of flame and corking of Kupi mouth. 1.This stage commences from the formation of Sindura compound and lasts up to the completion of Jarana of Gandhaka. As heating persists, this newly formed compound sublimates and gets condensed at the neck and mouth of the Kupi. 2.At the end of middle stage Sulphur fumes catches fire and it takes a form of flame. In this end stage flame appears. 3.Slowly the height of the flame starts to raise. 4.When extra Sulphur burns out completely flame disappears and this indicates the completion of Gandhaka Jarana. 48 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Review of the literature 5.Redness starts appearing at the bottom of the Kupi, which gets more brightened (Sooryodaya laxana).Sindura test becomes positive. 6.Almost disappearance of fumes / flame at the Kupi mouth could be observed which is ascertained by performing Sheeta shalaka test. Application of Shalaka159 During the preparation of Kupi Pakwa Rasayana Sheeta Shalaka (cold rods) and Tapta Shalaka (hot rods) are being in use. Sheeta Shalaka is used especially for noting the state of Kajjali, whether it is in powder form, melted form or in boiling state or in sublimating compound state. Tapta Shalaka is used for burning the sulphur deposited at the neck region of Kupi, otherwise sulfur may block and ultimately breaks the Kupi. Observation of fumes and flames160: ♦ Fumes: All the characteristics of fumes like Colour, Odour etc. must be noted. It differs according to the ingredients. Colour may be Yellowish, Orange, Bluish or White. Quantity may be Mild, Moderate or profuse; Odour like sulphur / arsenical Odour may be some of the observations. ♦ Flame: It is also an important factor while preparing kupi Pakwa Rasayanas. Timing of appearance of flame, its colour and its duration are the important features. These features also depend on the ingredients used. Corking of Kupi and self cooling160,161 Deciding the proper time for corking is very important because it indicates the completion of Kupi Paka. So before Corking few tests must have to be done to confirm complete Gandhaka Jarana and those are: ♦ Absence of flame ♦ Absence of fumes ♦ Appearance of Redness in the bottom of Kupi ♦

If a copper coin is kept on Kupi mouth, it is covered by a white layer. But if the presence of mercury is found on it, then corking of Kupi should be done quickly otherwise complete loss of mercury may occur.

49 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Review of the literature

♦ If a Sita Shalaka (Cold iron rod) is inserted there should not be adherence of white fumes and product sticking to the rod should be red in colour. But there is no appearance of flame in case of Nirgandha Kupi Pakwa Rasayanas. Before corking 2-3 inches of sand layer should be removed aside from neck of the Kupi, then corking of mouth of Kupi should be done with gopi chandana smeared cloth, while doing corking the temperature is reduced for some time. After that temperature is raised for specific time and left for self cooling. It is supposed that during this period, forming Sindura compound starts to condense in the neck portion of Kupi and whatever the temperature obtaining in this period is necessary for enhancement of quantity and quality of Kupi Pakwa compound by its complete Paka process. 3) Paschat karma: It is considered as Paschat Karma or it can also be called as final step. It includes the following. ♦ Removal of Kupi – First sand should be removed from Valuka Yantra after that Kupi is taken out with care (some times it may be possible that Kupi is broken inside but remain intact due to the layers of cloth). ♦ Scraping of outer coverings – layers of cloth smeared with mud is removed and Kupi should be cleaned with wet cloth, then mark the level of Rasayana inside the neck/ bottom. ♦ Breaking of Kupi162 – A kerosene dipped string is tied around the middle of Kupi and set the string to fire and after the fire extinguishes, remove the burns of string with a Spatula, and wrap it with a wet piece of cloth, it then breaks into two pieces. ♦

Collection of product – Kupi Pakwa Rasayana product which may be Kantastha or Talastha type, should be collected carefully from the particular portion. Then the product is analyzed to classical and modern techniques. Importance of Kupi Pakwa Rasayana: Kupi Pakwa Rasayana is having importance among other Kalpanas because of following properties: 1. It is the best Rasayana. 2. Potency of these drugs remains longer period. 3. It requires minimal Dosage 4. More potent as compared to other pure herbal preparations. 50 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Review of the literature 5. When mixed with other drugs, it reduces the dose of other drugs. 6. Due to its augmenting effect – Yogavahitva. 7. Due to quicker action – Ashukaritva. 8. It can cure even Asadhya Rogas. 9. Chemical bond becomes stronger in the following order – Kajjali, Parpati, Pottali and Kupi Pakwa Rasayana. 10. Significance is to introduce properties of Gandhaka into Parada and to create a special medicinal compound.

YANTRAS The yantras used in the present study like Khalva yantra, Valuka yantra and Koorma puta, etc are reviewed in brief here under. Khalva yantra: 163 It is a hollow, round or boat shaped apparatus made of iron, stone, glass or porcelain as per need. For mercurial operations, khalvas made out of iron are preferred while for preparing pistis, bhasmas and formulations, khalvas made out of stone are preferred. Generally khalvas are of two types i.e. vartula and Dronyakriti Vartula khalva is made of porcelain or stone. It should be 12 angula in radius, 4 angula in depth and 8 angula in length. Dronyakriti or boat shaped khalvas are generally used for mercury processing and made of iron or stone. Their height varies from 9 to 16 angula, length 16 to 24 angula, breadth 9 to 10 angula, depth 6 to 7 angula and thickness of their edges is 2angula. Uses: It is used for grinding, rubbing, triturating or mixing of drugs and liquids. In the present study, khalva yantra is used mainly for bhavana of Hingula with Nimbu rasa; to powder the shuddha Gandhaka, to prepare kajjali, to give bhavana for kajjali with vatankur swarasa and to powder the final products. Koorma puta 164: It is explained for Gandhaka shodana, where Gandhaka is kept on cloth covering the mouth of pot containing milk. It should be covered by sharava and vanopalas kept on it and ignited. Shodhita Gandhaka is collected from milk in the pot. 51 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Review of the literature

Urdhwa patana yantra:165 Yantra is made with two earthen pots, where the upper pot is bigger than the lower pot. The upper pot’s pristatala should be broad enough (i.e. 16 angulas) to construct toyadhara. The mouth of the upper pot should be inserted into the mouth of lower pot in such a way, that the same should reach up to the neck of the lower pot. The joint of the apparatus should be sealed air tight with the help of multanimitti smeared cloth or other sealing material. The lower pot contains the drug which is subjected to sublimation and the outer part of the upper part has toyadhara which facilitates the sublimation. In the present work, urdhwa patana yantra was used to extract Parada from Hingula. Kupi166: Synonyms -Kupika, Siddha, Girindika etc. Thinner glass bottles are better considered to thicker variety. Nowadays beer bottles of green colour or amber colour are used in practice. If bottle is covered with mrittika which is prepared in classical way then any type of glass bottle can be used for this type of preparations. Mrittika166: ♦ Mud which is pandura varna, obtained in mass, sharkara yukta or reddish yellow which sustain heat can be used. Valmika mrittika or potters mud can also be used. ♦ Preparation of Mrittika – husk-2 parts, cotton/cloth pieces-1 part, mud – 3 parts, all are kept immersed in water and titurated well. Again little quantity of human hair is added, trituration is continued till uniform mixture forms. It should not be allowed for drying hence kept immersed in water for seven days with frequent trituration. Such type of mrittika should be used for covering the Kupi. But now a days cloth smeared with gopichandana or multani mitti is used. Advantages of Kachakupi : The outer surface of drug becomes soft, the vapours do not escape out, it does not break suddenly during preparation of drug, drug can be separated easily and completely etc. Nowadays beer bottles of green colour or amber colour are used in practice.

Valuka yantra167 52 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Review of the literature •

A loha bhanda having narrow base and wide mouth depending on the size of the Kupi (1” taller than Kupi) should be prepared with 2 handles.

The circumference of Valuka Yantra should fit exactly over the hole of the Agnibhatti.

It should fill 5 Adhaka sand and have a central hole of 2 to 2.5 cm at the bottom, which should be closed with Abhraka Patra before keeping the Kupi during heating.

The dept of the vessel should be 1 vitasti pramana.

Clean sand of uniform granules is taken.

Bhatti 168 Presently the different varieties of Bhatti are in use: ♦ Bhatti using the fire wood ♦ Bhatti using the charcoal ♦ Bhatti using as diesel ♦ Electric muffel furnace ♦ Gas furnace. According to Acharyas Bhatti may be of any type but it should fulfill the following criteria. 1. The height of bhatti should be maintained so that the heat produced from the fuel should properly reach the kupi and the medicine inside the kupi. 2. Air should freely enter into the bhatti for proper blowing of fire (in case of fire wood, Charcoal is used as a fuel). 3. Smoke should not be formed inside the bhatti. It should be freely and properly eliminated through the chimney attached to bhatti. 4. Heat should be radiated in upward direction and should not be leaking out and sustained well. For this purpose recently fire clay is used. 5. The mouth of the bhatti over the top should hold the rim of valuka yantra exactly. When the fire wood is used as a fuel for the bhatti the points to be considered are: 1. An iron mesh is fixed to the bhatti i.e. about a foot height from the ground level. The advantage of this is, fire wood is kept on this mesh, so due to free entry of air, wood properly burns out & ash gets collected at the bottom over the ground. 2. An outlet for smoke should be made at the side of the bhatti.

53 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Review of the literature 3. Over the top at the centre a circular iron rim was placed which is of the circumference equal to the circumference of valuka yantra. The advantage of this is fire will not escape from top and kupi is protected from the chances of fire catch. 169

Cork •


In Kupi Pakwa Rasayana procedure after complete evaporation of fumes and cessation of flame Kupi mouth is closed with cork and is called Mudrana or Corking.

For this purpose any sticky substance which gets hardened with further heating and which can properly fit the mouth of the Kupi are used. Cork can be made out of stone, wood and mud. Nowadays cork is plugged into the mouth of the bottle which is wrapped with the

cloth dipped in plaster of paris or Gopichandana.

PYROMETER:170 In the present study, pyrometer is used for recording the temperature of kupi during kupi pakwa rasayana. Pyrometer is a contact type thermocouple which is being used for recording higher degrees of temperature. Pyrometer consists of K-type inconel thermocouple or sensor K-type with inconel S/S sheath; compensating cable or extension wire and digital temperature indicator. Thermo couples are most commonly used thermometers in practical situations. It is made up of different combinations of metals and alloys. It consists of a pair of dissimilar electrical conductors joined at two junctions. One junction is maintained at a reference temperature, while the other is maintained at the unknown temperature (t). The temperature difference produces a thermal emf (Electro motive force) which is measured by a potentiometer, precise digital voltmeter or indicator digital / analog which converts emf to temperature. Extension wires are made from material having nearly the same thermal emf properties as the original thermocouple. Digital temperature Indicator is basically an electric device used to display the temperature by getting emf signal from a thermocouple.

ANALYTICAL REVIEW Though Ayurveda is having its unique analytical approach towards drugs, in present era there is a necessity of modern analytical techniques.

54 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Review of the literature For analysis and standardization of Rasaoushadhis, knowledge of Analytical chemistry is very much essential. So the Analytical methods adopted in the present Study and their applications are reviewed. Analysis means a detailed examination of substance in order to interpret or explain it. Chemistry is concerned with the properties and interactions of the substances of which matter is composed.


Analytical chemistry is a tool to gain information about the qualitative and quantitative composition of substances and chemical species, i.e. to find out what a substance is composed of and exactly how much”.171 Qualitative Analysis: Information regarding the presence or absence of one or more components of the sample. Quantitative Analysis: Information which is finally obtained by measuring same physical property that is characteristically related to the component. Methods of Analysis: 1) Conventional Chemical analysis by volumetric & Gravimetric method analysis 2) Instrumental methods of analysis by using analytical instrumentation. Advantages of

Chemical Methods

Instrumental Methods

♦ Procedure is accurate and simple.

♦ High sensitivity is obtained.

♦ The equipment needed is cheap.

♦ The determination is very fast.

♦ Specialized training is usually not ♦ Even complex samples can be handled required. easily. Limitations of

55 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Review of the literature

Chemical Methods

Instrumental Methods

♦ Accuracy decreases with decreasing ♦ The cost of equipment is large. amounts. ♦ Procedure is time consuming ♦ There is lack of specificity

♦ Specialized training is needed. ♦ The sensitivity and accuracy depends on the instrument.

Importance of analytical chemistry: 172 ♦ Analytical chemistry has its impact on pharmaceutical research, quality control and in clinical analysis. ♦ Sensitive chemical and instrumental tests were employed to detect abnormal and normal components of body fluids, chemical changes occurring in the metabolic fluids. ♦ In pharmaceutical studies, it is important to establish the properties and therapeutic value of a drug before the drug is available to public. The analytical study of Samaguna and Triguna balijeerna Rasasindoora is carried out in two steps i.e. physical test and chemical test. Physical test: 1) Determination of pH value :173 The pH value of a liquid is determined by means of a glass electrode and a pH meter. Suitable glass electrode and pH meter of both potentiometer and deflection type are available. The pH meter is an electronic digital voltmeter, scaled to read pH directly, and may range from a comparatively simple hand held instrument, suitable for use is the filed, to more elaborate bench models, often provided with a scale expansion facility, with a resolution of 0.001 pH unit and an accuracy of + 0.001 unit. Mode of operation: The general procedure adopted for operating pH meter is •

Switch on and allow the instrument to warm up.

If the instrument is equipped with a manual temperature control, take the temperature of the solutions & set the control to this value. Insert the electrode assembly into the same beaker, and if available, set the selector switch of the instrument and read pH. 56

A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Review of the literature •

Adjust the “Set buffer” control until the meter reading agrees with the known pH of the buffer solution.

Remove the electrode assembly, rinse in distilled water and place into a small beaker containing a little of the second buffer solution. If the meter reading doesn’t agree exactly with the known pH, adjust the slope control with the required reading is obtained.

Remove the electrode assembly rinse in distilled water, place in the first buffer solution and confirm that the correct pH reading is shown on the meter.

Application: ♦ Determination of total quantity of acid or base in same substances. ♦ pH measurement of blood. ♦ pH measurement of in-aqueous solvents. 2) Determination of Ash value174,175:. Definition of Ash: The residue remaining of incineration is the ash content of the drug. It Measures the amount of carbon-free ash present in a prepared sample which represents the inorganic salts naturally occurring in drug or adhering to it or deliberately added to it as a form of adulteration. Method: Total ash is designed to measure the total amount of material produced after complete incineration of the ground drug at as low temperature as possible (about 4500C) to remove all the carbons. 2 to 3gms of the air dried crude drug has to be accurately weighed in the tared platinum or Silica dish and incinerate at a temperature not exceeding 4500 C until free from carbon, cool and weigh. If a carbon free ash cannot be obtained exhaust the charged mass with hot water, residue to be collected on ash less fitter paper, incinerate the residue and filter paper until the ash is white or nearly so percentage of ash to be calculated with reference to the air-dried drug. Applied aspect: Controlled incineration of crude results in an ash residue consisting of inorganic material. The total ash usually consists of carbonates, phosphates, silicates and

57 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Review of the literature silica. This test can give an indication of the quality and purity of a product, as all organic material will burn off leaving dirt, silica, etc. 3) Determination of Acid insoluble ash174,175: Definition: Acid insoluble ash is a part of total ash insoluble in dilute hydrochloric acid. Method: The ash has to be boiled with 25 ml of dil. hydrochloric acid for 5minutes, the insoluble matter to be collected in a Gooch crucible or an ash less filter paper, wash with hot water and ignite to constant weight. Calculate the percentage of acid insoluble ash with reference to the air dried drug. Applied aspect: A high value of acid insoluble ash suggests the presence of sand, dust, dirt, stones, etc. that get mixed during processing or are present in the parent material as contamination. The higher value indicates inferior quality and low hygiene standards in the production process.

4) Determination of Water soluble ash:175 Method: Boil the ash for 5 minutes with 25ml of water; collect the insoluble matter in a Gooch crucible or on ashless filter paper; wash with hot water, and ignite for 15 minutes at a temperature not exceeding 4500C. Substract the weight of the insoluble matter from the weight of the ash; the difference in the weight represents the water soluble ash. Calculate the percentage of water soluble ash with reference to the air dried drug. Applied aspect: This acid insoluble ash particularly indicates absorbable percentage of any drug, 5) Determination of loss on drying at 1100C: 176 Method: Weigh accurately about 2gm of drug in a nickel or silica crucible and dry in an air over at 1100 till a constant weight is obtained. The difference is the two weighing gives loss on drying calculate the % of loss on drying. Applied aspect:

58 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Review of the literature This method is used to measure the amount of water content and other volatile material in a sample upon drying or heat treatment. Chemical tests: It has been carried out to estimate the concentration of elements present in it. Chemical tests are carried out basically by Volumetric, Gravimetric analysis and analytical instruments. A. VOLUMETRIC ANALYSIS177: Definition: Volumetric method is an analysis which consists of determination of volume of solution of accurately known concentration required to react completely with the solution of substance to be determined. Steps in quantitative analysis by volumetric method: In volumetric method the steps involved in quantitative analysis are selection of method of analysis, sampling, preparation of Sample solution, eliminating Interferences, calibration, measurement calculation of results, evaluation of results and their reliability. Classification of Volumetric Methods: Volumetric methods involve the chemical reaction depending upon the type of reaction involved. Volumetric methods have been classified as follows: 1. Neutralisation (Aqueous acid base) titration, 2. Non- aqueous titration 3. Precipitation titration 4. Complexometric titration 5. Redox titration

Applied aspect: Volumetric methods of Analysis are very Susceptible to high accuracy and found to be a convenient means of qualitative and quantitative estimation of the elements. In the present study Volumetric method was adopted for mercury% and sulfur% estimation. GRAVIMETRIC ANALYSIS178 Definition: 59 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Review of the literature Gravimetric analysis by precipitation is the chemical analysis in which the constituents of the substances in solution are determined by the measurement of weight of the corresponding precipitate. It is one among the branches of qualitative analysis and involves the separation of a substance from the solution of the weighed sample composition. This analysis may be carried out by precipitation electrode position and volatilization. Principle: •

Gravimetric analysis is concerned ultimately with the weighing of a substance that has been either precipitated from the solution or volatilized and absorbed.

Traditional gravimetric determinations have been concerned with the transformation of the element, ion or radical to be determined into a pure another chemical form that can be readily qualified.

The mass of the element, ion or radical in the original substance can then be readily calculated from aknowledge of the formula of the compound and the relative atomic masses of the constituent elements.

Steps involved in Gravimetric analysis: •

Precipitation of the desired constituent



Weight of the precipitate

Applications: •

Analysis of the standards which has to be used for the testing or calibration of instrumental techniques.

Analysis requiring high occurrence, although the time – consuming nature of gravimetry limits this application to small numbers of determinations.

In the present study Gravimetric method is adopted for Sulphide estimation.

60 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Review of the literature

ION SELECTIVE ELECTRODE METHOD179 In the presenent study Ion selective electrode method is adopted for free mercury analysis. Principle: Ion selective electrodes measure ion activities, the thermodynamically effective free ion concentration. No oxidation reduction reactions are involved but involve ion exchange process. Instrumentation: The construction of these electrodes is exactly similar to the pH responsive glass electrode. They must of course be used in conjuction with reference electrode, and a silver chloride electrode is usually preferred. Inner compartment of this electrode contains an aqueous solution of known concentration of chloride of the metal ion to be determined; this solution is also saturated with silver chloride and carries a silver electrode, which thus forms a reference electrode. Application: •

Determination concentration of free metal ions in the sample.

Determination of metal ion concentration in the blood

TURBIDIMETRY180 In the present study this method was used to detect sulphate in Kajjali and Rasa Sindoora. Definition: Turbidimetry is based on the scattering of light by non-transparent particles suspended in a solution. Principle: Measurement of the intensity of the transmitted light as a function of the concentration of the suspended particles forms the basis of turbidimetric analysis. Instrumentation: 1. Sources: It is necessary to use sources providing high intensity monochromatic radiation of wherever possible short wavelengths are used to increased the efficiency of rayleigh scattering. 61 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Review of the literature 2. Detectors : In turbidimeters, ordinary detectors such as photo tubes may be used. 3. Cells: Although we can use cylindrical cells, they must have flat faces where the entering and exiting beams are to be passed. 4. Turbidimeters: Turbidimeter used is due pont model 430 which is more sensitive to low concentrations of suspended particles than an ordinary turbidimeter. Technique: The beam of light obtained from the lamp is allowed to pass through the primary polarizer. This causes the incident beam to be plane polarized. Thus the plane polarized light is passed through the sample. After passing through sample the beam gets splitted up into two parts and the half silvered mirror and then detected with two separate photocells. "A" shows maximum response, where as photocell be shows minimum or zero response for the sample solutions having suspended particles. The ratio of signal "θ" to signal "A" is considered to be a measure of the concentration of suspended particles with the increase in the concentration of suspended particles in the sample. The response of photocell "B" increases, while that of "A" decreases. Thus the ration of two signals is a sensitive measures of turbidity. Du pont model 430 turbidimeter is advantageous to use because it involves the double beam arrangement which minimises the problem of absorption by the particles of the solution. Applications of turbidimetry: 1. In Inorganic analysis. 2. Bio-chemical analysis. 3. Turbidimetirc titrations 4. Phase titrations

X-RAY DIFFRACTION METHOD181 Definition: X-ray diffraction is a technique through which the special arrangement of structural units of a substance in the crystalline state is known. Principle: The distance between each set of atomic planes (i.e inter atomic space‘d’) is determined with the help of wave length (λ) of x-ray beam and angle of diffraction (θ).by applying Bragg’s Law (n λ= 2d sin θ).

62 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Review of the literature No two substances have absolutely identical diffraction patterns. The‘d’ spacings of the ten most intense reflecting planes of atoms are calculated and results are compared with the data of x-ray powder data file and identification of the sample is done. Method: Different methods available for x-ray diffraction are Lane photographic method, Bragg x- ray spectrometer method, Rotating crystal method, and powder method. In the present study, powder method of diffraction has been adopted. Sample preparation: The samples are ground to a fine, homogenous powder then placed in sample holder or the specimen maybe mixed with a suitable non-crystalline binder and moulded into a suitable shape. As a result large number of small crystallites are oriented in all possible directions and when x-ray beam traverses the material a significant number of particles are expected to be oriented in such a manner that Bragg’s a equation for reflection from every possible inter planar spacing becomes satisfied. Advantages: ♦ Rapid and accurate method for identifying the crystal structure. ♦ Ease of sample preparation ♦ Large library of known crystalline structure. ♦ It is a non destructive method. Limitations: ♦ XRD cannot help in the case of amorphous solids. ♦ Trace element detection is often difficult. Application – ♦ Characterizing the crystallographic structure and characterizing heterogenous solid mixtures (such as our Kupi pakwa rasayanas and Bhasmas). ♦ Determining relative abundance and actual state of chemical combination. ♦ Only method available for determining polymorphs of a substance. The effect of polymorphism on solubility is particularly important from pharmaceutical point of view. 63 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Review of the literature ♦ Differentiation among various oxides. For e.g. difference between FeO, Fe2O3 & Fe3O4 can be identified. ♦ Identifying the various hydrates.

NAMBURI PHASED SPOT TEST (N.P.S.T.)182 In the year 1970 Namburi Hamumantha Rao from Andhra Pradesh perfected a new technique called Namburi Phased Spot test for the analysis of coded Bhasma and Sindoora. Principle: The basic idea of the spot test analysis seems similar to spot test or chromatography described in modern pharmaceutical chemistry, but Namburi Phased Spot test differs in measuring changes of colour and pattern at different time intervals. Procedure: Whatman paper No.1 was impregnated with a suitable reagent and dried carefully on a clean glass sheet. About 0.25 gm of the sample (to be tested) was taken in a test tube and suitable reagent was added. The solution was slightly heated for a minute and allowed to settle down for 24 hours shaking vigorously at frequent intervals. A drop of this suppressant solution was carefully put with the help of dropper on the above impregnated whatman paper. As the drop comes in contact with the paper on instantaneous characteristic spot begins to develop and changes with the time. The change of colours and the pattern of the spot at 3 different phases at 3 different time intervals i.e., 0 minutes, 5 minutes 20 minutes are to be recorded. Application : •

In Namburi Phased Spot test sensitivity of reactions at different time intervals is measured unlike the chromatography of chemistry.

The continual chemical reactions taking place gradually between 2 chemical substances on static media at fraction of second are easily detected by their distinct colour changes the pattern of spot which is specific to each Rasa formulation, as the standard.

64 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Review of the literature

PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS (By Laser Diffraction Method)183 Introduction: Many different techniques have been devised for determining particle size distribution, but for a wide range of industries laser diffraction has become the preferred choice. Laser diffraction, can be used for the non-destructive analysis of wet or dry samples, with particles in the size range 0.02 to 2000 micron. Principle: Laser diffraction based particle size analysis relies on the fact that particles passing through a laser beam will scatter light at an angle that is directly related to their size. As particle size decreases, the observed scattering angle increases logarithmically. Large particles therefore scatter light at narrow angles with high intensity whereas small particles scatter at wider angles but with low intensity. Instrumentation: A typical system consists of a laser, to provide a source of coherent, intense light of fixed wavelength; a series of detectors to measure the light pattern produced over a wide range of angles; and some kind of sample presentation system to ensure that material under test passes through the laser beam as a homogeneous stream of particles in a known, reproducible state of dispersion. The smaller wavelength of light (e.g. blue light sources) provides improved sensitivity to sub-micron particles. Particle Size Calculations: In laser diffraction, particle size distributions are calculated by comparing a sample’s scattering pattern with an appropriate optical model. Traditionally two different models are used: the Fraunhofer Approximation and Mie Theory. Mie Theory is considered to be superior. Advantages of Laser diffraction technique: 

It is a non-destructive, non-intrusive method.

It measure particles in the range from 0.02 micron to a few millimetres

The technique is equally applicable to dry or wet samples, sprays, dry powders, suspensions and emulsions,

Rapid data acquisition – a single measurement across the entire dynamic range can be made in 0.4 milliseconds. 65 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Pharmaceutical Study

PHARMACEUTICAL STUDY This section deals with preparation of Samaguna baliyukta Kajjali, Triguna baliyukta Kajjali, Samaguna balijeerna Rasasindoora and Triguna balijeerna Rasasindoora. Aims and Objectives: The main aim of the present study is to prepare SK, TK, SBJR and TBJR postgraduate Pharmacy section of Taranath Govt. Ayurvedic Medical College, Bellary. The objective includes: i. Selection of Raw Materials. ii. Shodhana of Raw Materials iii. Extraction of Parada from Hingula. iv. Preparation of SK and TK, v. Preparation of SBJR and TBJR. Materials and Methods: The materials and methods used were based on Rasa Shastra literature and depending on the practical experience. Materials: This includes i. Major raw drugs. ii. Associated Raw drugs iii. Major equipments and associated equipments Major Drugs: The major Raw materials Hingula and Gandhaka were collected based on the Grahya Agrahya Lakshnas mentioned in Rasa Classics. i. Hingula : 1000 gms Hingula was collected from Amrit Kesari depot, Bangalore, Which was dark red in colour, heavy with silvery white shining lines on the surface. ii. Gandhaka : 1000 gms of Gandhaka which was yellow, crystalline, with smooth surface and strong sulphur odour, was collected from Amrit Kesari shop Bangalore. Associated Drugs: 66 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Pharmaceutical Study i. Nimbu: Collected from local market, Bellary. ii. Milk: Fresh cow milk was collected daily for Gandhaka Shodhana. iii. Vatankura: Fresh vatankura was collected from Bellary and juice was extracted. Equipments: The yantras required were Khalva Yantra, Valuka Yantra, Kacha Kupi, Bhatti etc. Associated equipments: These include earthen pot, gas stove, knife, juice extractor, utensils, spatula, beakers, multani mitti, wood, loha shalakas, match stick, mud cork, funnel etc., Method: The whole method of preparation includes: i. Shodhana of Raw materials. ii. Extraction of Parada from Hingula. iii. Preparation of SK and TK, iv. Preparation of SBJR and TBJR, PRACTICAL NO: 1 Name of The Experiment


Hingulottha parada184 [Extraction of parada from hingula]

Date of Commencement



Date of Completion





Hingula, 800gms. Nimbu Rasa 150ml.



Damaruyantra, spatula,


khalvayantra, multanimitti,

juicer, gas

knife, stove,cold

water, cotton cloth.

67 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Pharmaceutical Study Procedure: ♦ Hingula weighing 800gms was taken in a khalva yantra, powdered finely. ♦ To this 100ml of nimbu swarasa was added, mixed well and trituration was started. ♦ Further 50ml of nimbu swarasa was added as and when needed and trituration was done continuously for 12 hrs. ♦ After getting the proper consistency, chakrikas were made, about the size of 3-4cm in diameter, 2-3 mm in thickness. ♦ The chakrikas were then allowed for drying under shade. ♦ Then only 150gms of chakrikas were kept in an earthen pot and another pot of same size and shape was placed over it invertedly. ♦ Sandhi bandhana was done with a cloth smeared with multanimitti and dried. ♦ Totally seven layers of sandhibandhana done after drying of earlier one. ♦ Thus made damaru yantra was kept over the gas stove and mridu agni was given for 3hrs of madhyamagni and next 3hrs of teevragni. Mean while the upper part of the pot was kept cool by frequent changing of cotton cloth dipped in cold water. ♦ Heat was given continuously for 6hrs. ♦ Then it was allowed for self cooling. ♦ After self cooling the sandhibandhana was carefully removed. ♦ The two pots were separated and in the inner surface of the upper pot parada was sublimated along with black soot which was scrapped and collected. And filtered through the double folded cloth until parada appeared silvery shining. ♦ The same procedure was repeated for three times. Observations: ♦ After 15mins trituration with nimbuswarasa, the red colour Hingula became brick red and during trituration white streaks were appeared. ♦ Chakrikas of Hingula after drying appeared dark reddish of Sindoora colour with smooth surface ♦ After complete cooling of damaru yantra the two pots were separated, the mercury globules with the black soot were seen in the inner surface of upper pot.

68 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Pharmaceutical Study ♦ In the lower pot 30gms of half burnt Hingula was recovered. At the centre of the lower pot Hingula was burnt completely, but at the sides little quantities of red coloured material was still present. Precautions: ♦ Hingula was finely powdered before adding nimbuswarasa. ♦ During mardana with nimbuswarasa spilling of material was avoided. ♦ The chakrikas of hingula were kept in damaruyantra only after complete drying. ♦ During the whole procedure the upper pot was kept cool by placing wet cotton cloth frequently. Table No16: Showing weight changes during extraction of Parada from Hingula


Weight of Hingula before procedure

Unburnt Hingula

Parada extracted

















Results: ♦ Weight of hingula before procedure


♦ Weight of half burnt hingula


♦ Weight of extracted parada


PRACTICAL NO: 2 Name of the practical


Samanya Shodhana of Parada185

Date of Commencement



Date of Completion





Hingulatkrusta Parada-465gms Haridra Churna–30 gms



Khalva Yantra,

Procedure: 465 gms of Hingulakrusta parada was taken into a porcelain mortar and 30 gms of Haridra churna was added & triturated for 2 days and allowed for drying. After complete 69 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Pharmaceutical Study drying, powder was collected and filtered through the double folded cloth for 4 times and washed with Kanji.

Observations: ♦ Yellow haridra churna turned to brilliant green Asian paints at (208-4) on trituration. ♦ Slowly parada turned into small droplets and mixed with haridra powder completely. ♦ Powder was glittering on exposing to sunlight. ♦ Little quantity of parada along with haridra choorna got adhered to the mortar and pestle. ♦ Finally the collected mercury was white and silvery. Precautions: ♦ Throughout the procedure spillage of the material from khalva yantra is avoided. ♦ Filtration should be carried out after the complete mixture of parada and haridra. ♦ Small quantity of mixture (20-30 gms) each time should be filtered through double folded cloth. Table No 17: Showing weight changes during Samanya Shodhana of Parada Parada Shodhana

Hingulak rusta Parada

Haridra Choorna

Shuddha Parada

Loss during Shodhana


465 gms

30 gms

458 gms

7 gms

PRACTICAL NO: 3 Name of the practical

: Gandhaka shodhana110.

Date of commencement

: 25-10-2007

Date of completion

: 28-10-2007


: Gandhaka – 1000gms : Godugdha – 12 liters : Hot water for washing.

Equipments: Khalva yantra, Mrit patra, Cloth, Thread, Loha sharava, Camphor,


box, Cow dung cakes – 98 in total. Method: 70 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Pharmaceutical Study ♦ 500gms of Gandhaka was coarsely powdered in a khalwa yantra. ♦ 2 liters of fresh cow’s milk was taken in earthen vessel, mouth of which was covered with a single layer of clean cotton cloth and tied properly with a thread. ♦ Powdered Gandhaka was then spread over this cloth and pot was kept in a pit having the sufficient depth to fit the pot up to its neck. ♦ A Loha sharava was kept covered over the mouth of this pot, without touching the mouth of the pot. ♦ 18 cow dung cakes were spread over this sharava and fire was set with help of camphor. ♦ After swanga sheetha the pot was removed out from the pit, cloth tied over the mouth was removed, granules of shodhita Gandhaka which were immersed in the milk were separated, washed with hot water thoroughly and dried under shade. ♦ This procedure was repeated for 2 times by using fresh cow’s milk. ♦ For remaining 500 gm of raw Gandhaka, same procedure was followed. Table No. 18. Showing observations during Gandhaka Shodhana(I batch) Date

Quantity of milk taken

No. of Vanopalas used

Wt. of Gandhaka taken

Wt. of Shuddha Gandhaka obtained

Time taken for Swanga Sheeta


2 ltrs.


500 gm

480 gm

4 1/2hrs


2 ltrs.


480 gm

466 gm



2 ltrs.


466 gm

457 gm

4 hrs

Table No. 19. Showing observations during Gandhaka Shodhana(II batch)


Quantity of milk taken

No. of Vanopalas used

Wt. of Gandhaka taken


2 ltrs


500 gms

Wt. of Shuddha Gandhaka obtained 480 gms


2 ltrs


480 gms

465 gms

4 hours


2 ltrs


465 gms

450 gms

4 hours

Time taken for Swanga Sheeta 5 Hours

71 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Pharmaceutical Study Table No. 20. Showing physical changes during Gandhaka Shodhana Particulars Colour of Sulphur

Before Shodhana Yellow

After Shodhana Pale yellow

Form of Sulphur



Smell of milk

No Smell

Smell of Sulphur

Colour of milk


Yellowish white

Observations: ♦ All the mud particles and dust which was present in Gandhaka was separated out over the cloth during the first procedure. ♦ Shodhita Gandhaka was in granular form and few were streak like, fully immersed in the milk. Few granules were seen floating on the milk. ♦ Shodhita Gandhaka was of bright yellow coloured and shiny. ♦ The number of cow dung cakes used were decreased from 1st to 3rd procedure, the heat of which was sufficient to melt the Gandhaka. Precautions: ♦ Fresh cows milk was used for each procedure, Quantity of milk was sufficient so that Gandhaka granules were completely immersed in it. ♦ Pit was dug sufficiently big so that the pot can be kept till its neck inside the pit. ♦ Loha sharava was kept over the pot so that it was not touching the mouth of the pot/cloth. ♦ After each procedure Gandhaka was washed with hot water till the remnants of milk was removed completely and after each procedure it was dried well. Table No. 21. Showing weight changes during Gandhaka Shodhana Weight of Gandhaka Raw

I Batch

II Batch


500 gms

500 gms

1000 gms


457 gms

450 gms

907 gms

Loss after shodhana

43 gms

50 gms

93 gms

72 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Pharmaceutical Study PRACTICAL NO: 4 Name of the practical

:Preparation of Samaguna baliyukta Kajjali37

Date of commencement



Date of completion





Hingulotha parada – 300 gms Shuddha Gandhaka – 300 gms



Khalwa Yantra, Spatula.

Procedure: ♦ 300 gms of Hingulotha parada was put in Khalva, to this finely powdered Shodhita Gandhaka was added and triturated. ♦ Trituration was done slowly with uniform speed till all the Kajjali lakshanas were observed i.e. the whole mixture converts into a fine, black, smooth, lusterless powder. Observations: ♦ As soon as trituration started, at the centre of the Khalwa, sulfur in contact with the mercury attained yellowish grey colour. ♦ After 5 minutes of trituration, smaller mercury globules got separated from central bigger globule. ♦ After 10 minutes yellow colour of Gandhaka changed to yellowish green. ♦ After 15 minutes of trituration mixture appeared grey coloured and tailing of mercury was seen. ♦ After 25 minutes mixture appeared super grey coloured with small shiny globules. ♦ After 40 minutes mixture appeared cement coloured between which yellow streaks were seen while triturating. ♦ No mercury globules were seen after 1 hour of mardana. Shining was present, mixture was Cairo dust colour (Asian paints premium Emulsion). ♦ After 2 hours mixture appeared blackish Grey coloured. ♦ After 6 hours of trituration, mixture appeared blackish coloured. Shiny particles were observed. ♦ After 18 hours mixture appeared black coloured. Tests of Kajjali i.e., Rekhapurnatva, Varitaratva and Slakshnatva were absent. ♦ Mixture turned completely into soft, smooth black compound after 40 hours. 73 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Pharmaceutical Study ♦ After 55 hours Rekhapurnatva and Slakshnatva were observed in the compound. ♦ Varitaratwa and Unama were observed in mixture after 72 hours of Mardana ♦ Little quantiity of Kajjali as put on fire and observed, it burns with fumes. ♦ After 80 hours, Kajjali was taken between thumb and index finger made wet then rubbed and was exposed to sunlight, shining particles were observed. ♦ Shiny Kajjali flakes were seen adhered at the bottom of Khalwa Yantra. ♦ After 100 hours, shining particles were reduced in number. ♦ After 120 hours, about 8 to10 shining particles were counted. ♦ For better fineness and smoothness of Kajjali, Mardana was continued upto 130 hours. ♦ Average to & fro movements of peshani were 14-15 times/ minute. Table No.22:

Showing different phases of Samaguna baliyukta Kajjali during

preparation. Hours


At 0 minute

Parada + Gandhaka

After 10 minutes

Gandhaka changed to yellowish green

After 15 minutes

Tailing of Parada observed

After 25 minutes

Grey colour with mercury globules

After 40 minutes

Dark grey colour with yellow streaks

After 1 Hour

Absence of Parada globules

After 2 Hours

It turned to blackish Grey

After 6 Hours

Blackish colour with shiny particles

After 18 Hours

Test for Kajjali was absent

After 40 Hours

It turned to black fine powder

After 55 Hours

Attained Rakhapurnatva and Shlakshnatva

After 72 Hours

Varitara and unama tests were positive

After 100 Hours

Shining particles were still present

After 120 Hours

8-10 shining particles were counted.

After 130 Hours

Showed completion of Kajjali lakshanas.

Table No. 23:Showing Physical properties of Kajjali 74 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Pharmaceutical Study Color



Fine powder






Soft and smooth


Anjana sadrush

Precautions: •

Khalva Yantra should be clean and dry before starting the process.

Shodhita Gandhaka was finely powdered, before adding to Shodita Parada.

Mardana was done carefully and in uniform speed to avoid spillage.

The pestle was moved entire length of Khalva Yantra in clockwise /Anti Clockwise direction.

Khalwa should be kept covered when the work is not in progress.

Results: Quantity of Shuddha Parada


300 gms

Quantity of Shuddha Gandhaka


300 gms

Weight of Kajjali


580 gms

Loss of weight


20 gms

PRACTICAL NO: 5 Name of the practical :Bhavana of vatankura swarasa to Samaguna baliyukta kajjali37 Date of commencement : 27.01.2008 Date of completion

: 30.01.2008

Drugs used

: Kajjali-580 gm, Vatankura swarasa-150ml.


: Khalwa yantra, Mixer grinder, Spatula and filter.

Procedure: •

Kajjali was taken, to this 150 ml vatankura swarasa was added, mixed well and left over night for soaking in khalva yantra.

The next day mardana was carried out till it gets completely dried, finely powdered and stored in a glass container. 75 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Pharmaceutical Study

Observations: •

Vatankura was greenish red in colour.

Vatankura was grounded in mixer grinder and swarasa was extracted by squeezing through cloth.

The Colour of Vatankura Swarasa was dull red or poppy (Asian paints premium Emulsion) and Kashaya rasa predominantly, non sticky in consistency, facilitated the easy trituration.

For complete wetting of Kajjali vatankura Swarasa required was 70 ml.

Trituration was carried out until the subhavita Lakshanas were observed.

After complete drying, it attained typical smell of vatankura swarasa.

Precautions: •

Khalva Yantra should be clean and dry before the process started.

Adding Vatankura swarasa in according to the need i.e., Swarasa must be sufficient to soak the Kajjali.

The pestle should move entire length of Khalva Yantra in clockwise / Anti clockwise direction.

Trituration should be carried out until the kajjali is completely devoid of liquidity.

Result: Initial weight of Kajjali

– 580 gms

Weight of Vatankura swarasa Bhavita Kajjali

– 588 gms

Weight gained

– 08 gms

PRACTICAL NO: 6 Name of the practical


Preparation of Triguna baliyukta Kajjali34

Date of commencement



Date of completion



Drugs used


Hingulotha parada – 150 gms Shuddha Gandhaka – 450 gms



Khalwa Yantra, Spatula.

76 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Pharmaceutical Study Procedure: •

150 gms of Hingulotha parada was put in Khalva, to this finely powdered Shodhita Gandhaka was added and triturated.

Trituration was done slowly with uniform speed till all the Kajjali lakshanas were observed i.e. the whole mixture converts into a fine, black, smooth, lusterless powder.

Observations: •

As soon as trituration started, sulfur in contact with the mercury attained yellowish grey colour and mercury globules were started appearing.

After 5 minutes of trituration mercury globules were mixed with sulfur, leaving major quantity of mercury at the centre.

After 10 minutes yellow colour Gandhaka was started changing to yellowish green. After 15 minutes of trituration mixture appeared blackish yellow colored and tailing of mercury was seen.

After 25 minutes mixture appeared super grey coloured with small shiny globules.

After 40 minutes mixture appeared cement coloured between which yellow streaks were seen while triturating.

No mercury was seen at the centre of mortar after 45 minutes of mardana. Shining was present, mixture was Cairo dust colour (Asian paints premium Emulsion). After 2 hours, mixture appeared blackish grey coloured.

After 6 hours of trituration, mixture appeared blackish coloured. Shiny particles were observed.

After 18 hours mixture appeared black coloured. Tests of Kajjali i.e., Rekhapurnatva, varitaratva and Slakshnatva were absent.

Mixture turned completely into soft, smooth black compound after 32 hours.

After 45 hours, complete Rekhapurnatva and Slakshnatva were observed in the compound.

Varitaratwa and Unama were observed in mixture after 60 hours of Mardana

Little quantiity of Kajjali as put on fire and observed, it burns with fumes.

After 80 hours, Kajjali was taken between thumb and index finger made wet then rubbed and was exposed to sunlight, shining particles were observed. 77 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Pharmaceutical Study •

Shiny Kajjali flakes were seen adhered at the bottom of Khalwa Yantra.

After 100 hours, 5 to 8 shining particles were counted.

For better fineness and smoothness of Kajjali, Mardana was continued upto 110 hours and no shining particles were seen.

Average to & fro movements of peshani were 20-22 times/ minute Table No 24: Showing different phases of Triguna baliyukta Kajjali during preparation. Hours


At 0 minute

Parada + Gandhaka

After 10 minutes

Gandhaka changed to yellowish green

After 15 minutes

Tailing of Parada observed

After 25 minutes

Grey colour with shiny globules

After 40 minutes

Cement colour with yellow streaks

After 45 minutes

Absence of mercury at the centre of the morter

After 2 Hours

It turned to blackish Grey

After 6 Hours

Blackish colour with shiny particles

After 18 Hours

Test for Kajjali was absent

After 32 Hours

It turned to black fine powder

After 45 Hours

Attained Rekhapurnatva and Shlakshnatva

After 60 Hours

Varitara and unama tests were positive

After 80 Hours

Shining particles were present.

After 100 hours

5 -8 shining particles were counted

After 110 Hours

Showed completion of Kajjali lakshanas.

Table No. 25: Showing Physical properties of Triguna baliyukta Kajjali Color



Fine powder






Soft and smooth


Anjana sadrush

78 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Pharmaceutical Study Precautions: •

Khalva Yantra should be clean and dry before starting the process.

Shodhita Gandhaka was finely powdered, before adding to Shodita Parada.

Mardana was done carefully and in uniform speed to avoid spillage.

The pestle was moved entire length of Khalva Yantra in clockwise /Anti Clockwise direction.

Khalwa should be kept covered when the work is not in progress.

Results: Quantity of Shuddha Parada


150 gms

Quantity of Shuddha Gandhaka


450 gms

Weight of Kajjali


555 gms

Loss of weight


45 gms

PRACTICAL NO: 7 Name of the practical

:Bhavana of vatankura swarasa to Triguna baliyukta Kajjali

Date of commencement

: 14.03.2008

Date of completion

: 17.03.2008

Drugs used

: Kajjali-555 gms vatanura Swarasa- 200ml.


: Khalwa yantra, Mixer grinder, Spatula and filter.

Procedure: •

Kajjali was taken; to this 200 ml vatankura swarasa was added, mixed well and left over night for soaking in khalva yantra.

The next day mardana was carried out till it gets completely dried; it was then finely powdered and stored in a glass container.

Observations: •

Vatankura was greenish red in colour.

Vatankura was grounded in mixer grinder and swarasa was extracted by squeezing through cloth.

79 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Pharmaceutical Study •

The Colour of vatanura Swarasa was dull red or poppy (Asian paints premium Emulsion) and Kashaya rasa predominantly, non sticky in consistency, facilitated the easy trituration.

For complete wetting of Kajjali vatankura Swarasa required was 100 ml.

Trituration was carried out until the subhavita Lakshanas were observed.

After complete drying, it attained typical smell of vatankura swarasa.

Precautions: •

Khalva Yantra should be clean and dry before the process started.

Adding Vatankura swarasa in according to the need i.e., Swarasa must be sufficient to soak the Kajjali.

The pestle should move entire length of Khalva Yantra in clockwise / Anti clockwise direction.

Trituration was carried out until the kajjali is completely devoid of liquidity.

Result : Initial weight of Kajjali

– 555 gms

Weight of Vatankura swarasa Bhavita Kajjali

– 565 gms

Weight gained


SAMAGUNA AND TRIGUNA BALIJEERNA RASASINDOORA The whole procedure of Rasasindoora was categorized under 3 headings : 1. Purva Karma (Pre-procedural) 2. Pradhana Karma (Procedural) 3. Paschat Karma (post procedural) 1. Purva Krama : a. Preparation of Kacha Kupi b. Filling of Kajjali into Kachakupi c. Placing of Kacha Kupi in Valuka Yantra 2. Pradhana Krama : a. Heating Schedule (Kramagni tapa) b. Observation and recording of temperature 80 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Pharmaceutical Study c. Corking of Kacha Kupi and self cooling of the apparatus. 3. Pashchat Karma ; a. Removal of Kacha Kupi from Valuka Yantra. b. Breaking of Kach Kupi. c. Collection of Final Product. PRACTICAL NO: 8 Preparation of Samaguna balijeerna Rasasindoora Practical No- 8A Name of the Experiment


Preparation of Kacha Kupi

Date of commencement



Date of completion





A green colored beer bottle, Cloth, Gopichandana, Water, Scissors

Procedure: •

A green colored glassy beer bottle of 750 ml capacity was selected. It was washed and dried properly.

A cloth piece of 6 cm length and breadth; smeared with gopichandana was applied over the bottom of the bottle and dried.

Next the body of the bottle was wrapped with the cloth, measuring 116 cm × 4 cm length and breadth respectively which was smeared with paste of gopichandana. It was covered in circular fashion starting from bottom upto the mouth of the bottle. Allowed to dry well.

Next day, after complete drying, another cloth strip smeared with gopichandana was applied over the former layer.

The body of the bottle was wrapped totally with 7 layers and the bottom with 8 layers.

Observations: •

Kupi went on becoming thicker and thicker.

It took 24 hrs for each layer to dry.

Precautions: •

Glass bottle was selected in which there was no air bubble.

Each layer was put after complete drying of previous one.

Tight packing was done especially over bottom. 81

A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Pharmaceutical Study

PRACTICAL NO: 8B Name of the Experiment

:Kupi purana with samguna baliyukta kajjali156

Date of commencement

: 24/06/08

Date of completion

: 24/06/08


: prepared kupi, funnel, weighing Machine, samaguna baliyukta kajjali.

Procedure: •

A glass funnel was kept over the mouth of the bottle.

Kupi was filled slowly with prepared 150 gms of kajjali.

Precautions: •

Kajjali was again triturated for half an hour before filling the kupi.

Inner aspect of the kupi was cleaned and dried properly with a clean cloth tied over a stick.

Care was taken to spread the kajjali uniformly inside the kupi.

PRACTICAL NO: 8C Name of the Experiment


Placing of Kupi in Valuka yantra

Date of commencement



Date of completion





Valuka yantra, sand, sieve, Abhraka patra, bottle filled with Samaguna baliyukta kajjali

Procedure: •

A conical shaped Valuka yantra with the following measurement was taken: Height - 24 cm and Circumference - 93 cm at top, 80 cm at bottom

At the centre of the base it was having a hole of 2cm in diameter. It was having two strong handles fixed on both sides of its mouth which had a circular rim, which fits exactly on the iron ring of bhatti.

This valuka yantra was properly placed in the Bhatti.

The hole at the centre of base of vessel was closed with two abhraka patras of 4 cm width and 1.5 cm thickness. 82

A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Pharmaceutical Study •

Now, Valuka which was cleaned, dried, filtered through mesh No.20 was poured in Valuka Yantra over the Abraka patra, for a height of two angula.

Kupi with kajjali was kept over it and tip of the thermocouple was placed at the level of base of the kupi.

Then whole of the Valuka yantra was filled with valuka up to kanta bhaga of kupi. The valuka yantra required 18 kg of valuka.

Precautions: •

Care was taken to avoid fall of sand into kupi, while filling sand in the valuka yantra.

Kupi and thermocouple were kept straight.

Valuka used was free from mud particles.

PRACTICAL NO-8D Name Of the Experiment


Preparation of Samaguna balijeerna Rasasindoora37.

Date of commencement



Date of completion



Materials: Bhatti, valuka yantra, Karpoora, match box, wood, pyrometer, shalaka, cloth, torch, copper coin etc. Procedure: •

After keeping the entire apparatus ready, Pooja was done, by chanting "Aghora mantra".

With help of karpoora fire was set by 10.30 am.

Temperature was recorded for every 5 minutes with the help of Pyrometre.

Gradual increase in temperature was maintained throughout the procedure.

For the first two hours mrudvagni was given. The temperature was maintained between 2000C - 2500C.

Next for 4 hours the temperature was gradually raised to madyamagni i.e, between 2500 C- 4500C.

83 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Pharmaceutical Study •

Next for 6 hours teevragni is maintained, temperature varying between 4500C 6500C. During this period neck of the bottle frequently cleared by red hot shalaka.

Flames ceased after 10 hours. Sooryodaya laxana was observed after 11 hours, then sand around the neck was removed and burning coal was also taken out to reduce the temperature.

Mukhamudrana was done after 12 hours by placing the cork and then it was tightly wrapped with the mud smeared cloth.

Again teevragni is maintained for next three hours.

Then the apparatus was allowed to cool on its own.

Table No26: Showing observations during the preparation of Samaguna balijeerna Rasa Sindoora. Date Time Duration Temp Observations 25/06/08 10.30am 0 hour 290C Agni started. 11.40 am 1 hour 1850C Light fumes started. Kajjali can be seen through the torch light. 12.30 pm 2hours 2440C Dense white fumes appeared. Unable to see the kajjali through the torch light 2.30 hours 2680C Sheeta shalaka was inserted and to 1.05 pm its tip dull blackish material got adhered, suggesting the initiation of melting. 2.10 pm 3.30 hours 3280C Slight yellow fumes were seen. 3.00 pm 4.30 hours 3530C Dense yellow fumes were persisting. 3.55 pm 5 hours 3990C Partially melted material was seen as the thick fumes were reduced. 4.20 pm 5.30 hours 5030C Liquification of the material started, material was in semisolid state. 5.00 pm 6.30 hours 5690C Material completely melted 0 5.50 pm 7 hours 581 C Material started boiling, hot shalaka inserted, flame raised to 3.5 inch height above the kupi, dancing of the mercury is observed, and blue flame persisted after taking out the shalaka. 6.10 pm 7.30 hours 6190C While inserting the hot shalaka flame raised up to the height of one foot. 6.30 pm 8 hours 5920C Blue flame still exists. 7.30 pm 9 hours 5790C Hot shalaka insertion continued to remove the choking of sulfur, blue 84 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Pharmaceutical Study

8.35 pm

10 hours


9.50 pm

11 hours


10.30 pm

12 hours



15 hours



flame still persists. Blue flame was ceased. Small amount of product was taken out rubbed over a porcelain mortar and it yielded red color. Light fumes were observed. Sooryodaya laxana was present. Greyish discoloration was observed over the copper coin. Mukhamudrana was done. Teevragni was started. Teevragni was stopped.

Precautions: •

Valuka Yantra should be placed firmly over the rim of the Bhatti.

The thermocouple of pyrometer should be inserted properly in Valuka Yantra.

The maintenance of temperature was done carefully with the help of pyrometer.

Steady rise in temperature was maintained.

Care was taken while inserting hot shalaka.

Corking should be done after cessation of fumes, flame and appearance of Suryodaya lakshanas.

Copper coin test, Sindhura test should also be done before corking to confirm Aushadhi sidda laxanas.

Mud cork was scraped properly in such a way that it should fit exactly to the inner surface of the mouth of the Kupi.

The sand was removed upto Kanta Bhaga before corking.

The Kacha Kupi should be taken out from Valuka Yantra only after it was cooled on its own.

PRACTICAL NO: 8E Name of Practical


Breaking of kupi162

Date of Commencement



Date of Completion





Knife, Thread, Kerosene, Matchbox, Kupi containing SBJR, clean container.

Procedure: 85 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Pharmaceutical Study The bottle was carefully removed from the valuka yantra. The outer layer of the bottle was scrapped carefully with the help of a knife to remove the gopi chandana coating. The kerosene dipped thread was tied around the bottle, 2-3 inches below the circular rim of the product and was set to fire. When the thread burned, it was wrapped with the wet cloth then the bottle broke into two halves. Rasasindhoora was obtained as a whole block just by tapping the bottle Observations: •

After taking out the Kupi from Valuka Yantra, the upper portion was black in colour.

After complete removal of layers the bottle was cleared then shiny and dark colour sublimated product was observed.

There was a thick collection of medicine in the neck region, where as the lower portion contained grey coloured residue.

Block of Samaguna balijeerna Rasa Sindoora was shiny greyish red coloured.

Precautions: •

The bottle was separated into two halves only after the breaking noise and no force was applied to separate the bottle.

The upper part of bottle should tap carefully so that bottle should not crack.

The Samaguna balijeerna Rasa Sindoora was weighed and procured in airtight container.

Results: Total hours of preparation

-15 hours

The amount of Kajjali taken

-150 gm

The amount of Samaguna balijeerna Rasasindoora obtained

- 79 gm

The amount of residue at the bottom

- 1 gm

Loss of weight

- 70 gm.

86 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Pharmaceutical Study Graph










Samaguna balijeerna Rasasindoora 800 700

Temp in 0C

600 550


608 590 575 592 593

650 668 650

510 517

500 421

400 311



244 200


100 29

0 0



















Descriptive Statistics: Mean

: 464.824

Std Dev


Std. Error

: 44.837


: 540.000

PRACTICAL NO: 9 Preparation of Triguna balijeerna Rasasindoora PRACTICAL NO: 9A Name of the Experiment


Preparation of Kacha Kupi

Date of commencement



Date of completion





A green colored beer bottle, Cloth, Gopichandana, Water, Scissors

Procedure: Same as practical no: 8A Observations: Same as practical no: 8A Precautions: Same as practical no: 8A

87 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Pharmaceutical Study PRACTICAL NO: 9B Name Of the Experiment

:Kupi purana with Triguna baliyukta kajjali 156

Date of commencement

: 18/03/08

Date of completion

: 18/03/08


: 150 gm of Triguna baliyukta kajjali Prepared kupi, funnel, weighing machine.

Procedure: Same as practical no: 8B Observations: Same as practical no: 8B Precautions: Same as practical no: 8B

PRACTICAL NO: 9C Name of the Experiment

: Placing of Kupi in Valuka yantra

Date of commencement

: 18/03/08

Date of completion

: 18/03/08


: An iron vessel, sand, sieve, Abhraka patra, bottle filled with Triguna baliyukta kajjali.

Procedure: Same as practical no: 8C Observations: Same as practical no: 8C Precautions: Same as practical no: 8C PRACTICAL NO: 9D Name of the Experiment

: Preparation of Triguna balijeerna Rasasindoora34.

Date of commencement

: 18/03/08

Date of completion

: 20/03/08

Materials: Bhatti, valuka yantra, Karpoora, match box, wood, pyrometer, shalaka, cloth, torch, copper coin etc. Procedure: •

Preparation was started with pooja and chanting "Aghora mantra".

With help of camphor fire was set by 8.00 pm.

Temperature was recorded for every 15 minutes with the help of Pyrometer.

Heat was given by gradual increase in temperature. 88

A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Pharmaceutical Study •

For the first six hours mridvagni was given. The temperature was maintained between 2000C - 2500C.

Next for seventeen hours the temperature was gradually rais ed to madyamagni i.e, between 2500 C- 4500C.

Next for ten hours teevragni is maintained, temperature varying between 4500C 6500C. During this period neck of the bottle frequently cleared by red hot shalaka.

Flame was ceased after 26 hours. Sooryodaya laxana was observed after 28 hours 30 minutes.

Copper coin test, sindoora test and sheeta shalaka test were positive, indicating aushadhi siddha laxanas.

Sand around the neck was removed and burning coal was also taken out to reduce the temperature.

Mukhamudrana was done after 33 hours by placing the cork and then it was tightly wrapped with the mud smeared cloth.

Again teevragni is maintained for next six hours. Then the apparatus was allowed to cool on its own.

Precautions: Same as practical No 8D Table No 27: Showing observations during the preparation of Triguna balijeerna Rasasindoora. Date Time Duration Temp Observation 18/03/08 8.00pm 0 hour 300C Agni started 9.30pm 1.30 hours 2180C Very light white fumes were observed inside the kupi. 11.00pm 3hours 1910C White fumes coming out of kupi 19/03/08 3.30am 7.30hours 2970C Yellow fumes are started 0 4.30am 8.30hours 282 C Dense yellow fumes were observed 6.00am

10 hours



16.30 hours



17.30 hours



20 hours



20.30 hours


Material can be seen through torch, liquification started. Bubbles appeared one after other on the surface of liquefying material Thick semisolid product adhered to sheeta shalaka Bubbling still present along with slight sulfur fumes Kajjali completely melted. 89

A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Pharmaceutical Study



21 hours



22 hours


6.30pm 7.00pm

22.30 hours 23 hours

4670C 4690C

8.00pm 8.45pm

24 hours 24.30 hours

5150C 5100C


25 hours



25.30 hours



26 hours



28.30 hours



32.30 hours


5.00am 11.00am

33 hours 39 hours

6200C 6310C

Movement of the molten kajjali was appreciated through torch. Dark reddish shining boiling material seen through torch light. Thick yellow fumes inside the kupi. Inserted hot shalaka. 5 inch height flame appeared. Dense yellow fumes persisting. Insertion of hot shalaka continued. Blue flame appeared at the mouth of the kupi & dancing of mercury is observed after taking out the shalaka. After inserting hot shalaka 10 inch height flame emerged. Little product rubbed in porcelain mortar which yielded red colour. Blue flame still persists. Extinction of blue flame. Dense sulphur fumes still persist. Sooryodaya laxana appeared. Fumes still persist. Grayish discoloration of copper coin. Sheeta shalaka inserted, light fumes emerged out of it. Product adhered to it was non sticky. Corking was done. Temperature recording carried out for 6 hours.

PRACTICAL NO: 9E Name of Practical


Breaking of kupi 162

Date of Commencement



Date of Completion





Knife, Thread, Kerosene, Matchbox, Bottle containing TBJR, clean container.

Procedure: Same as practical No 8E Observations: •

After taking out the Kupi from Valuka Yantra, upper portion of kupi was black in colour.

After complete removal of layers, the bottle was cleared; shiny and dark colour sublimate was observed at the neck region of kupi. 90 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Pharmaceutical Study •

There was a collection of medicine in the upper portion of the neck region, where as the bottom of the kupi contained grey coloured residue.

Triguna balijeerna Rasasindoora was shiny greyish red coloured.

Precautions: Same as practical No 8E Results:

The amount of Kajjali taken

-150 gm

The amount of Triguna balijeerna Rasasindhoora obtained

- 37 gm

The amount of residue at the bottom

- 1.5 gm

Loss of weight

- 111.5 gm.

Graph 2: showing Hours v/s Temp of Triguna balijeerna Rasasindoora

Triguna balijeerna Rasasindoora 700



579 515


629 631



592 543


445 410

400 340











100 30

0 0






















Descriptive Statistics: Mean



Std Dev



Std. Error






91 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora -By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Analytical Study

ANALYTICAL STUDY Present study has been undertaken for physical and chemical analysis of Samaguna baliyukta Kajjali, Triguna baliyukta Kajjali, Samaguna balijeerna Rasasindoora and Triguna balijeerna Rasasindoora by Ayurvedic and modern parameters. In the present study analysis is done for four samples. •

SK-Sample No-1

TK- Sample No-2

SBJR-Sample No-3

SBJR-Sample No-4

Aims and objectives: •

To study physico-chemical properties of SK, TK, SBJR and TBJR

To study qualitative and quantitative properties of SK, TK, SBJR and TBJR by Volhard method, Gravimetric method, Turbidimetric method, and X-ray diffraction method.

To study the colour spots of SK, TK, SBJR and TBJR by Namburi phased spot test (N.P.S.T).

Materials and Methods: Physico-chemical analysis was carried out with Classical and Modern parameters. Physical tests: • The study of SK, TK, SBJR and TBJR was done at P.G Department of Rasa Shastra, T.G.A.MC, Bellary •

Ganesh Consultancy and Analytical Services, Mysore.

Particle size analysis of all four samples is carried out at Indian Institute of Sciences, Bangalore. Chemical Tests:

Qualitative and Quantitative chemical tests of SK, TK, SBJR and TBJR were done at Ganesh consultancy and analytical Services, Mysore.

X-ray diffraction method for crystallographic study of SK, TK, SBJR and TBJR was done at Indian Institute of Sciences (IISc), Bangalore.

92 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Analytical Study •

Namburi Phased Spot test of SK, TK, SBJR and TBJR was done at P.G Department of Rasa Shastra, T.G.A.MC, Bellary.

CLASSICAL PARAMETERS The ancient Parameters were carried out for SK, TK, SBJR and TBJR at Rasa Shastra Dept. TGAMC, Bellary.

Table No. 28. Showing classical Parameters for analysing SK and TK. Test Varna Sparsha Gandha Rekha Purnatva Varitaratva Nischandratva

Observation Black colour Smooth and soft. Slight Sulphur Smell. When fine powder of Kajjali was rubbed between the thumb and index finger it entered the furrows of the fingers. When finely powdered Kajjali was carefully Sprinkled into a test tube containing water, Kajjali was floating over the water. Luster less i.e., No shining particles were observed.

Table No. 29 Showing classical parameters for Analysis of Samaguna and Triguna balijeerna Rasasindoora Test Varna Rasa Sparsha Gandha Rekhapurnatva


Sindoora Not perceivable Slakshna and Mrudu Not perceivable When the Rasa Sindoora was rubbed between the thumb and index finger it entered the furrows of the fingers. Varitaratva When finely powdered Rasa Sindoora was carefully Sprinkled into a test tube containing water, Sindoora floats on water. Nischandratvam There were no shining particles in the finely powdered Rasa Sindoora even when it was rubbed in between thumb and index finger and made wet, observed in the bright Sunlight. Nirdoomatvam The Rasa Sindoora was sprinkled over the red hot coal. There was no emission of smoke.

93 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Analytical Study

MODERN PARAMETERS Physical Tests: 1. ORGANOLEPTIC CHARACTERS: a) Samaguna baliyukta Kajjali Colour








Fine powder




b) Triguna baliyukta Kajjali; Colour








Fine powder




c) Samaguna balijeerna Rasasindoora Colour


Reddish brown






Fine powder




d) Triguna balijeerna Rasasindoora Colour


Reddish brown






Fine powder





Glass electrode

PH meter

Buffer tablet (PH - 4 ) Acid - 0.05H Potassium hydrogenphthalate, (PH – 8 ) Alkali - 0.05H Sodium tetraborate.


SK, TK, SBJR, TBJR each- 1gm. 94 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Analytical Study Method: Operate the PH meter and electrode system according to the manual instructions. Standardizing the meter and electrodes with 0.05H Sodium borate when measuring an alkaline Solution. At the end of a set of measurements, take a reaching of the solution used to standardizing the meter and electrodes. This reading should not differ by more than 0.02 from the original value at which the apparatus was standardized. Now in 5ml of water 1gm of sample was put and PH is determined for the solution. Results:

Samaguna baliyukta Kajjali


Triguna baliyukta Kajjali


Samaguna balijeerna Rasasindoora -6.20 Triguna balijeerna Rasasindoora

- 7.85

3. DETERMINATION OF ASH VALUE Materials: 1. Silica crucible. 2. Electronic weighing machine. 3. Electric furnace. 4. SK, TK, SBJR, TBJR – 2 gm Procedure: Two grams of accurately weighed sample was taken and transferred to the cleaned, dried and weighed Silica crucible and was subjected to ignition using electric furnace at 4500C for an hour. Silica crucible was taken out from the furnace and was allowed to cool, and was weighed. After cooling from the weight of the ash obtained, the ash value of sample was calculated. Result:

Samaguna baliyukta Kajjali Triguna baliyukta Kajjali

-0.13% -0.12%

Samaguna balijeerna Rasasindoora -0.01% Triguna balijeerna Rasasindoora

- 0.15%

95 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar


Silica crucible.


Whatman’s filter Paper

Electronic weighing machine.

Dil HCl - 25ml.

Conical flask.


Method: 2gm of sample is digested with 25 ml dil hydrochloric acid for 5 min, then filtered through whatman’s paper and was washed with water. The residue was taken in a crucible dried and ignited, allowed to cool and weighed. Result:

Samaguna baliyukta Kajjali


Triguna baliyukta Kajjali


Samaguna balijeerna Rasasindoora


Triguna balijeerna Rasasindoora




Whatman’s filter Paper

Electronic weighing machine.



Method: Boil the ash for 5 minutes with 25ml of water; collect the insoluble matter in a ashless filter paper; wash with hot water, and ignite for 15 minutes at a temperature not exceeding 4500C, substract the weight of the insoluble matter from the weight of the ash; the difference in the weight represents the water soluble ash. Calculate the percentage of water soluble ash with reference to the air dried drug. 96 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Analytical Study


Samaguna baliyukta Kajjali


Triguna baliyukta Kajjali

- 0.02%

Samaguna balijeerna Rasasindoora


Triguna balijeerna Rasasindoora

- 0.05%


Silica crucible

Electronic weighing machine

Electronic air oven

SK, TK, SBJR, TBJR each 1 gm.

Method: One gram of sample was taken in a Silica crucible and accurately weighed, heated on electric air oven upto 1100C for 3 hrs.

Again weighed the difference and weight was

calculated. Result:

Samaguna baliyukta Kajjali


Triguna baliyukta Kajjali

- 0.70%

Samaguna balijeerna Rasasindoora


Triguna balijeerna Rasasindoora

- 0.02%

Chemical tests: 1) ESTIMATION OF TOTAL MERCURY BY VOLHARD METHOD: Reagents: 1. Conc Sulfuric acid 2. Potassium permanganate 3. Oxalic acid 4. Ferrous Sulphate Solution 5. Ferric ammonium Sulphate Indicator 6. Potassium thiocyanate Solution Sample preparation:

97 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Analytical Study Transfer known quantity of samples to Kjeldal flask fitted with short stemmed funnel add 5ml of conc Sulfuric acid and mix. Add 0.5 to 1 gm of potassium permanganate in small portions with vigorous shaking. Rince down with 5ml of conc Sulfuric acid. Shake the flask for 30 minutes. Then heat gradually to boiling. Remove from heat without cooling, add small portion of oxalic acid until the manganous dioxide has been reduced and dissolved. Cool and dilute to 100ml. Method: A known quantity of solution is taken in a conical flask. Oxidise any Mercurous mercury or Nitrogen oxides by adding 0.1 M potassium permanganate solution dropwise with stirring until the pink colour persists for 5 minutes. Remove excess of permanganate by adding just enough 0.1 M Ferrous Sulfate Solution. Add 1.5 ml of ferric ammonium sulfate indicator, cool to 150C and titrate with potassium thio cyanate solution. Hg % = (V) (A) 100 W(1000) V= Volume of the thiocynate solution A= Mercury equivalent of thiocynate W= Sample weight contained in aliquote. Result:

Samaguna baliyukta Kajjali


Triguna baliyukta Kajjali

- 30.56%

Samaguna balijeerna Rasasindoora


Triguna balijeerna Rasasindoora

- 84.82%

2) ESTIMATION OF MERCUROUS MERCURY AND MERCURIC MERCURY: To find Mercurous Mercury and Mercuric Mercury, further calculations are done on the basis of percentage of total mercury. Table No 30 : showing results of Mercurous and Mercuric Mercury Sample

Mercurous Mercury

Mercuric Mercury

Samaguna baliyukta Kajjali Triguna baliyukta Kajjali Samaguna balijeerna Rasasindoora Triguna balijeerna Rasasindoora

14.17% 12.32% 14.36%

26.25% 18.24% 68.04%



98 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar


Ion selective electrode


SK, TK, SBJR, TBJR each 1 gm.

Method: Take a known quantity of sample in a beaker. Add 100ml of water and filter. Collect the filtrate. Aliquote of the sample is taken and analysed the free mercury by ion selective electrode method. Results:

Samaguna baliyukta Kajjali


Triguna baliyukta Kajjali

- Traces

Samaguna balijeerna Rasasindoora

- Nil

Triguna balijeerna Rasasindoora

- Nil

4) ESTIMATION OF SULPHUR BY ESCHKA METHOD (Gravimetrically) Materials: •

Eschka mixture and other reagants.

Electronic weighing machine.


Whatman filter paper.

SK, TK, SBJR, TBJR each 1 gm.

Method: 1 gm of sample is ground to pass 80 mesh sieve and 3 gm of Eschka mixture (2 part of calcined magnesium oxide and 1 part of anhydrous sodium carbonate) is added. Intimately mix in a crucible and cover with another 2 grams of Eschka mixture. Ignite the content till all the carbon is burnt. Cool the crucible. Add 10% barium chloride solution with constant stirring, to precipitate all the sulphates and a small excess. Filter the Solution with whatman filter paper and collect the precipitate and weigh it as Barium Sulphate. Calculation: Wt. of BaSO4 x 0.1373x100 Amt. of sample

= % of Sulphur. 99

A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Analytical Study Results:

Samaguna baliyukta Kajjali


Triguna baliyukta Kajjali

- 66.89%

Samaguna balijeerna Rasasindoora


Triguna balijeerna Rasasindoora

- 14.43%

5) ESTIMATION OF FREE SULPHUR, SULPHIDE FORM OF SULPHUR To find free Sulphur, Sulphide form of Sulphur, further calculations done on the basis of percentage of total Sulphur. Table No.31: showing results of Free Sulfur and Sulphide form of Sulfur Samples Samaguna baliyukta Kajjali Triguna baliyukta Kajjali Samaguna balijeerna Rasasindoora Triguna balijeerna Rasasindoora

Free sulfur 22.34% 40.80% Traces

Sulphide form of sulfur 20.06% 18.91% 15.19%




Due pont-model 430-turbidity meter.

SK, TK, SBJR, TBJR each 1 gm.

Method: 1gm of sample is added with 9 ml of hydrochloric acid i.e., 1:9 proportion and 1ml of conditioning Reagent is added, to this add a spoonful of Barium chloride crystals. The turbidity is measured with the intensity of the transmitted light as a function of concentration of the suspended particles by means of turbidity meter. Results:

Samaguna baliyukta Kajjali


Triguna baliyukta Kajjali


Samaguna balijeerna Rasasindoora


Triguna balijeerna Rasasindoora

- 2.76%

100 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Analytical Study 7) X-RAY DIFFRACTION STUDY Materials: •

Brukar's D-8 Advance X-ray diffractometer and is equipped with Cu K-alpha (Lambda-1.5 406) radiation and graphite monochromator operated at 40KV/30mA.

SK, TK, SBJR, TBJR each 1 gm.

Method: Sample was well grounded to 200mesh and air dried. The X-ray diffractometer scans were made on randomly oriented Samples form 3-650 2-theta (d=29.42 to 1.43angstorm) with a step size of 0.020 and one second time per step. The 2-theta value and intensity of the peak (counts) are represented on X and Y-axis respectively. Higher the value of counts represents higher the crystallanity of the phase. For identification of each phase, minimum 3 strong peaks were chosen and compared with standard X-ray Powder Diffraction file (XPDF). Table No.32: Showing XRD of Samaguna baliyukta Kajjali. Identified Angle 2 θ d space

Peak Intensity No 5 26.249 3.395 100 8 30.4 2.94 23 18 43.606 2.076 33 22 51.7 1.768 26 23 54.26 1.691 10 25 63.32 1.469 6 XPDF No:73-1593 Name of standard : Metacinnabarite (HgS) Crystal structure: Cubic Lattice : Face centered

Standard d space Intensity 3.390 2.9358 2.0759 1.7703 1.695 1.4679

99.9 28.9 36.1 25.8 4.4 3.5


Totally 29 peaks were identified in SK sample at different angels (2θ) ranging from 15.26 to 86.28.

6 strong peaks were chosen as strong with their relative Intensity and compared to standard X – ray powder diffraction file (XPDF).

101 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Analytical Study 

5th peak with relative intensity of 100% was considered as significant at 26.2490, having 3.395 d space value.

The d values of standard Metacinnabar (3.390, 2.9358, 2.079) were almost similar to identified SK values (3.395, 2.94, 2.076).

The intensity % of Metacinnabar (99.9, 28.9, 36.1) was approximately matching with the intensity % of (100, 23, 33) respectively. Table No.33: Showing XRD of Triguna baliyukta Kajjali. Standard Identified Peak Angle 2 θ d space Intensity d space Intensity No 8 26.273 3.392 100 3.390 99.9 11 30.4 2.94 22 2.9358 28.9 22 43.647 2.074 31 2.0759 36.1 26 51.66 1.769 25 1.7703 25.8 29 56.7 1.623 7 1.695 4.4 32 70 1.344 8 1.4679 3.5 XPDF No:73-1593 Name of standard : Metacinnabarite (HgS) Crystal structure: Cubic Lattice : Face centered


Totally 33 peaks were identified in TK sample at different angels (2θ) ranging from 11.36 to 86.22.

6 peaks were chosen with their relative Intensity and compared to standard X – ray powder diffraction file (XPDF).

8th peak with relative intensity of 100% was considered as significant at 26.2730, having 3.392 d space value.

The d values of standard Metacinnabar (3.390, 2.9358, 2.0759) are almost similar to identified TK values (3.392, 2.94, 2.074).

The intensity % of standard Metacinnabar (99.9, 28.9, 36.1) is approximately matching with the intensity % of (100, 22, 31) respectively.

102 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Analytical Study Table No.34: Showing XRD of Samaguna balijeerna Rasasindoora. Identified Angle 2 θ d space

Peak No 2 3 4 6 8 12

26.422 28.094 31.121 43.526 45.71 54.54


3.373 3.176 2.874 2.079 1.985 1.683

100 30 98 25 21 18

Standard d space Intensity 3.359 3.165 2.863 2.074 1.980 1.679

100 30 95 25 20 25

XPDF No:6-0256 Name of standard : Cinnabar (HgS) Crystal structure : Hexagonal Lattice : Primitive. Note:  Totally 24 peaks were identified in SBJR sample at different angels (2 θ) from 24.64 to 88.5. 

6 strong peaks were chosen as strong with their relative Intensity and compared to standard X – ray powder diffraction file (XPDF).

2nd peak with relative intensity of 100%. was considered as significant at 26.4220, having 3.373 d space value

The d values of standard cinnabar (3.359, 3.165, 2.863) were almost similar to identified SBJR values (3.373, 3,176, 2.874).

The intensity % of Cinnabar (100, 30, 95) was aproximately matching with the intensity % of (100, 30, 98) respectively. Table No.35: Showing XRD of Triguna balijeerna Rasasindoora. Peak No 2 3 4 6 8 12

Identified Angle 2 θ d space 26.348 28.021 31.048 43.449 45.6 54.477

3.383 3.184 2.88 2.083 1.989 1.684

Intensity 92 32 100 21 20 19

Standard d space Intensity 3.359 3.165 2.863 2.074 1.980 1.679

100 30 95 25 20 25

XPDF No:6-0256 Name of standard : Cinnabar (HgS) Crystal structure : Hexagonal Lattice: Primitive. 103 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Analytical Study


Totally 23 peaks were identified in TBJR sample at different angels (2 θ) from 24.62 to 88.36

6 strong peaks were chosen as strong with their relative Intensity and compared to standard X – ray powder diffraction file (XPDF).

4th peak with relative intensity of 100%. was considered as significant at 31.0480, having 2.88 d space value

The d values of standard cinnabar (3.359, 3.165, 2.863) were approximately matching to identified TBJR values (3.383, 3,184, 2.88).

The intensity % of standard Cinnabar (100, 30, 95) was slightly varying as compared with intensity % of TBJR (92, 32, 100).

8) NAMBURI PHASED SPOT TEST. Date of commencement: 20/09/2008 Date of completion: 24/09/2008 Materials: ♦ 10% potassium iodide papers, ♦ Centrifuge test tubes ♦ Aquaragia ♦ Dropper ♦ SK, TK, SBJR, TBJR each 1gm. Method: 1 gm of sample was taken in centrifuge test tube and 2ml of aquaragia was added drop by drop. The mixture was allowed to react for 30 minutes. It was then heated gently for 1 minute. The reactants were allowed to react for 48 hrs, by shaking the test tube now and then. A drop from this prepared solution was dropped on 10% potassium iodide paper and the colour changes on the papers were observed in 3 phases. 1st phase


0-5 min.

2nd Phase


5 min-20 min


20 min-1 day.




This procedure was adopted for 1gm of SK, TK, SBJR, TBJR.

104 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Analytical Study Observation and Result: 1. Samaguna baliyukta Kajjali: 1st phase (0-5min): Immediate drop was of brick red colour. It developed dull grey coloured spot at the centre which was gradually turning to white colour. This centre spot was covered by brick red coloured circle which was darker near the centre spot, lighter at the periphery. Further it was encircled by dark brown periphery. 2nd phase (5-20min): At the centre of the white spot very dull brown ring was developed. Intermediate brick red colour faded and encircled by red ring. Outer brown periphery slightly faded. 3rd phase (20 min- 48 hours): Centre white spot remained as it is. Red ring became very dark and prominent forming the outer margin of the spot. Brown periphery completely disappeared leaving white colour in its place. 2. Triguna baliyukta kajjali: 1st phase: Immediate drop was of brick red colour, within no time brown circle started appearing. Central spot was of brick red coloured. It was having white margin encircled by brick red coloured intermediate circle. This brick red colour not reached upto periphery. Outer brown circle was very prominent. 2nd phase: No significant changes were observed during this phase. Colour spot was same as in 1st phase. 3rd phase: There was complete disappearance of outer brown circle in place forming a white circle. And remaining colour spot appeared same as before.

105 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Analytical Study 3. Samaguna balijeerna Rasasindoora. 1st phase: Immediate drop was of brick red colour. Drop was slowly spreading; developed brick red coloured centre spot having white coloured margin; surrounded by brick red coloured intermediate circle. Dull brown peripheral circle was forming around the red ring. 2nd phase: Central spot, intermediate brick red circle remained unchanged; peripheral red ring was much prominent, while outer brown periphery was diminished. 3rd phase: Central spot remained the same; intermediate brick red circle was bright near the centre and dull at its periphery; encircled by prominent bright red ring. Outer brown circle was completely disappeared. 4. Triguna balijeerna Rasasindoora. 1st phase: Immediate drop was of brick red coloured. Suddenly it developed central grey coloured spot having white margin, encircled by thick brick red rays which were not extended upto periphery and surrounded by dark brown peripheral circle. 2nd phase: Central spot was replaced by white color; very dull brown coloured ring was seen in the centre spot on keen observation. Intermediate brick red circle reached upto peripheral brown circle. 3rd phase: Central white spot and intermediate brick red circle remained same which was encircled by bright red ring and outer brown periphery was completely disappeared leaving white circle in its place. Note-In all above tests brick red colour was identified as ‘Sianna’ colour by ‘what color’ mobile software. Brown colour was identified as ‘brown’ by ‘what color’ mobile software.

106 A Comparative Pharmaceutico-Analytical Study of Samaguna and Triguna Bali Jeerna Rasa Sindoora By- Dr Revati.G.Huddar

Analytical Study

9) PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS (By Laser Diffraction Method): Material: Malvern Mastersizer instrument. SK, TK, SBJR and TBJR each 1gm. Method: Laser diffraction method Sample passes through the laser beam as homogeneous stream of particles and it leads to scattering of light over a wide range of angles. Based on this scattering pattern of sample, particle size distributions were calculated comparing with appropriate optical model. Result: 1. Samaguna baliyukta Kajjali: 10% of the sample was having Particle size less than 2.74 µm (micrometer). 50% of the sample was having Particle size

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