Rasamani Siddhar-Srivastav Guruji

April 19, 2017 | Author: Laron Clark | Category: N/A
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Rasamani Siddhar or otherwise known as Srivastav guruji was born and brought up in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. In his youth siddhar was an atheist and was a prominent member of a Dravidian party. In the beginning atheism gave siddhar some basic answers for his ever enquiring mind. As siddhar's mind started seeking the divine truth beyond man and life he was disappointed by the principles of atheism for it only centered on man by rejecting god and had no answers on life's profound mysteries.

Siddhar started wandering with thirst for real knowledge of the self and often visited the nearby "Vellingiri" hills and started spending more time with the tribes there. The forest, the trees, the animals became his friends and relatives. It is here siddhar learnt about the secrets of the herbs through some wandering saints of the Vellingiri hills and became the close associate of Sithu Swamigal of Poondi.Siddhar's thirst for the divine grew more and more and was literally living in the forests and hills and often visited Kollimalai, Anamalai and Anuvavi Subramanya Malai. One day siddhar unknowingly ventures into a forbidden place called "Seedai Vanam". This place was full of mysteries that even the tribesmen fear to

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enter. It is believed that there are some vegetation in this area which will wipe out the memory and consciousness once trodden upon and the person will be lost in the maddening maze eventually becoming a prey to the animals. Siddhar trod upon something which widened his consciousness and suddenly all his questions were answered and his awareness grew boundless. Thoughts and questions vanished. The state of oneness with the divine and the bliss made siddhar to sit there under a tree for days without food or water forgetting everything worldly. He had a divine vision of hundreds of siddhars wandering. They advised siddhar to return back to the worldly life and in due course his duty will be revealed and will meet his destined guru. Later after many years siddhar met his guru know as Sudali Muthu Pillai who was again a wandering maha siddhar in the Anaimalai hills. With his guru's grace siddhar acquired the divine knowledge. An old lady mysteriously confronted siddhar during one of his wanderings near Karamadai and gave the final piece of knowledge to bind rasamani otherwise called padarasam in Tamil or Mercury. It was destined that siddhar has to benefit the mankind with this knowledge and impart it to someone worthy later to continue the lineage. Rasamani Siddhar lives in Chennai now and has wide followers. People from different countries visit him for spiritual and material prosperity.

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