rapid tooling ppt.ppt

April 21, 2018 | Author: Ravi Parikh | Category: Composite Material, Epoxy, Silicone, Prototype, Machine Tool
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Rapid Tooling Guided By Dr.. K.G.Dave Dr Assistant Professor Dept. of 'e(h. Eng.) -D+E) Ahmedaad

Presented By Parikh Ravi Rajesh Kumar Enroll. o!"#$%#&#%##% "th *em. 'E +AD,+A' Dept. of 'e(h. Eng.) -D+E) Ahmedaad


Introduction Rapid

of Rapid prototyping



Between Rapid Tooling And The Conventional

Method Rapid

Tooling Methods

1.direct method .indirect method !oft





Tooling Techni#ues

1.!ilicon ru$$er tooling .%po&y tooling '.!pray metal tooling (. Rapid !olidification )rocess *. Cast +ir,site )rocess


Introduction Rapid

of Rapid prototyping



Between Rapid Tooling And The Conventional

Method Rapid

Tooling Methods

1.direct method .indirect method !oft





Tooling Techni#ues

1.!ilicon ru$$er tooling .%po&y tooling '.!pray metal tooling (. Rapid !olidification )rocess *. Cast +ir,site )rocess


Rapid prototyping  Rapid Prototyping (RP) techniques are methods that allow

designers to produce physical prototypes quickly.  It consists of various manufacturing processes by which a

solid physical model of part is made directly from 3 !" model data without any special tooling.


Why is Prototyping Important? Product designers want to have a physical model of a new part

or product design rather than #ust a computer model or line drawing !reating a prototype is an integral step in design " virtual prototype (a !" model of the part) may not be

sufficient for the designer to visuali$e the part adequately %sing RP to make the prototype& the designer can see and feel

the part and assess its merits and shortcomings


Why Rapid tooling? •

%nfortunately with RP techniques& there is only a limited range of materials from which prototypes can be made. !onsequently although visuali$ation and dimensional verification are possible& functional testing of prototypes often is not possible due to different mechanical and thermal properties of prototype compared to production part.


Rapid tooling Rapid 'ooling refers to mould cavities that are either directly or

indirectly fabricated using Rapid Prototyping techniques. 'hese are primarily used to create multiple prototypes. Rapid

 prototyping techniques are not economical when more than one  prototype needs to built for the same component.


Differen(es Bet/een Rapid Tooling And The +onventional 'ethod Rapid Tooling +onventional'ethod

The time that is used when ma,ing implements using this RT is very little.

The amount of money that is used in the manufacture of tools using RT is also very little.

Tools that are made using the RT method have a considera$ly longer duration.

The time that is used when ma,ing implements using this conventional method is very large.

The amount of money that is used in the manufacture of tools using conventional method is also very huge.

Tools that are made using the conventional method have a considera$ly shorter life span.


Rapid Tooling Methods  'wo approaches for toolmaking

*. Indirect R'+ method ,. irect R'+ method


Indirect RTM method 

Pattern is created by RP and the pattern is used to fabricate the tool

-amples  Patterns for sand casting and investment casting

Direct RTM method 

RP is used to make the tool it self  9

Soft Tooling: !ilicone

molds and the urethane process are used when a lower volume of parts is needed -11//0. This is $ecause the tooling and piece price is more economical for lower #uantities. 2n average3 silicone tools usually cost in the hundreds to thousands of dollars3 pending on the part geometry.

 !ilicone

molds can $e used for prototype3 $ridge and production of low volumes from one part to hundreds of parts. Most silicone molds are good for a$out * shots per cavity.

 !ilicone

molds are typically in4ected with material that is manually gravity fed through a tu$e. )ending on the type of material3 it can ta,e anywhere $etween 1( hours to cure. 2nce the parts within the mold cure3 the molds are manually opened3 and any necessary finishing is done $y hand. 10

Soft Tooling:-


Hard Tooling: !teel5aluminum

tools are used for the in4ection molding process for prototype or $ridge3 $ut these tools are mostly used for high volume production -1//6s1//3///6s0. !teel5aluminum tools typically range in price from thousands to tens of thousands of dollars. And pending on the material and part geometry3 the tool life can range from thousands to millions of parts. !teel5aluminum tools are in4ected with material from an in4ection mold machine. The machine in4ects mold into the mold with less manpower when compared to silicone molds. The curing of material will ta,e $etween a few seconds to a few minutes3 thus yielding more parts much #uic,er than silicone tools.


Hard Tooling:


Comparison of Soft  Hard Tooling:Soft Tooling

Hard Tooling

/ow !ost 'ooling

 0igher !ost 'ooling

0igher Piece Part !ost

/ower Piece Part !ost

1aster /ead 'ime "nd

 4 esign 1leibility



+ore 1leibility 'o !hange

/onger /ead 'ime ue 'o


'ooling /ead 'ime

Increased Product 2ariance

Process 1or 0igh 2olumes


Rapid Tooling Techni!"es


5ilicon Rubber 'ooling  4ne of the most popular tooling applications for RP is the

 production of room temperature vulcani$ing (R'2) silicone rubber tooling  'he purpose of R'2 tools is to create urethane or epoy

 prototypes& often under vacuum (hence the term vacuum casting) 'he process of making a rubber mould consists of  +aking a master pattern& usually on an RP machine.  1inishing the pattern to the desired appearance.  !asting R'2 silicone rubber around the pattern to form the

mould& and then in#ecting the mould with twopart thermoset materials to create moulded plastic parts.


5ilicon Rubber 'ooling


5ilicon Rubber 'ooling  5ilicone rubber tooling

 provides fast& inepensive moulds& ecellent part cosmetics& and the option of using multiple materials  'he process is suitable for small or mediumsi$ed  parts  "nother benefit of silicone rubber tooling is the negative draft (undercuts) that can be achieved due to the fleibility of the mould material 18

#po$y tooling:  Its also known as 6!omposite 'ooling7  /ike silicone rubber tooling& epoybased composite tooling

requires a master pattern.  'his pattern is created by RP process.  'he pattern is finished and then embedded in a parting line  block to create the parting line of the mould.  +etal inserts are placed in areas where the epoy is unlikely to withstand the pressures of the in#ectionmoulding process.  -poy is then cast against the pattern and parting line block combination to create the first side of the tool.  4nce the epoy has cured& the assembly is inverted& and the  parting line is removed& leaving the pattern embedded in the first side of the tool.  'he second side of the tool is then cast against the first.


#po$y tooling:


Spray metal tooling: It

is very similar to aluminium filled epo&y


this process3 against the R) pattern low temperature metal alloys is sprayed


thin metal coating is then arcsprayed on the resultant mould surface


gives higher strength and ma&imum tool life


process is suita$le for larger parts


Spray metal tooling:

RPMode l

Met als pr ayi ng

Fi ni s hedModel


RSP Tooling • • • • • •

R5P stands for Rapid 5olidification Process 8e create a plastic model using 5/" "nd then we make moulds with either by epoy tooling or spray metal onto it 9ut most of the cases& ceramics are used 8hat7s significant in that is that we atomi$e the metal down to as small as : microns. 8hen the metal hits the ceramic& because of the small si$e of the droplets& they free$e very quickly& thus the rapid solidification. 'his process results in etremely fine grain structure and the alloys generally stay in solution and there is very little internal stress


RSP Tooling


Cast %ir&site •

;irksite is a $incaluminum alloy with ecellent wear resistance. ( ?n& @> "l) with a melting point of 3A5!)

'he process for making cast kirksite tooling begins much like the process for epoybased composite tooling& ecept that two additional reversals are required to permit the creation of tooling in a more durable material


Cas tKi r ks i t ePr oc e s s : 1irst& a shrinkcompensated master pattern of the part is

 produced& typically using an RP process. " rubber or urethane material is then cast against the part

master to create patterns for the core and cavity set& which will  be cast in kirksite. Plaster is then cast against the core and cavity patterns to

create moulds into which the kirksite is cast. 4nce the kirksite is cast into the plaster moulds& the plaster is

 broken away& and the kirksite core and cavity are fit into a mould base 26

Cas tKi r ks i t ePr oc e s s :


3 ;eltool •

3 ;eltool is a powder metal process used to make in#ection mould inserts and other durable tooling from master patterns

It is very similar spray metal tooling

;eltool was originally developed by 3+ in *
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