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1 Hora Anubhava Darpana

Hora Anubhava Darpana by Bangalore Sidhanti Shiva Shankar Sharma (original Author)


Vidya Visharada Jyotisha Kalaanidhi Prof NN Krishna Rau, MAFA Chapter I (1905-1964)

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2 Hora Anubhava Darpana

Hora Anubhava Darpana Raja Yoga A native having any one of the following Yogas will enjoy Raja Yoga and Raja Bhoga (Kingly status and Kingly enjoyments) :a. if lords of 9 and 10 exchange signs and stand in 10 and 9 respectively b. Lords of 9 and 10 stand together in 1,5,7,9 or 10th c. Lords of Asdt and 10th stand in 10th d. Lords of Asdt and 10th stand in any sign aspected by lord of 9th. Raja Bhoga If lords of 1, 6, 7 and 10th stand together aspected by lord of 9th, enjoyments comparable to Kings are indicated. Union of lords of 9 and 10th is not as much good for Aries and Gemini Ascendants as it is for others. (Is it because Saturn and Jupiter, who are lords of 9 and 10 for Aries and Gemini Ascendants happen to be enemies ?) Union of lords of 4 and 5 produces auspicious effects. For Leo Asdt, the union of Jupiter and Venus does not produce any auspicious results. (Jupiter for Leo is lord of 8 and 5 while Venus is lord of 3 and 10 --- is it because union of lords of 8 and 3 will prevail over union of lords of 5 and 10?). Union of Lords of 11 & 12 Union of lords of 11 and 12 produces some favourable effects. For Pisces Asdt, Saturn in 12th is good. For Pisces Asdt, Saturn with lordship over 11 and 12 will be standing in Moolatrikona. Perhaps the inference is that the native should earn heavily in order to meet heavy expenses. Papa Madhya Papa Madhya Stithi (getting hemmed in between malefics) for a planet has to be viewed from more than one angle. A planet having such a yoga not only becomes weak thereby, even the effects of the houses over which it has lordship and all the significations of the planet get destroyed.

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3 Hora Anubhava Darpana Unlike other Asdts, for Leo and Aquarius Asdts, union of lords of 9 and 10 produces very moderate effects. Is it because it involves union of Mars and Venus, besides being enemies, lordships over 3 are involved? For Leo Asdt, Venus in Libra is good but not in Taurus. Exchange of signs between lords of 3 and 11 is GOOD. Moon in 12th produces poverty. Jupiter for Cancer and Mercury for Capricorn Asdt are benefics. Maybe that when a planet gets dual lordship over 6 and 9, the latter prevails and therefore, they become benefics. For Sagittarius and Capricorn Asdts, Moon and Sun, respectively, are NOT malefics. There is a saying that Raja-grahas have no ashtamadipatya dosha. For any Ascendant, lord of 9th in 8th will never be able to do any good, but the only exception is Capricorn Ascendant, for which Mercury in Leo is GOOD. Aspect of Venus on Jupiter (who is in Ascendant) results in full span of life. Venus in 3rd of Moon produces very favourable results. Skin Diseases For a native with Libra Asdt, if Venus and Jupiter are connected or there is mutual aspect or Venus has connection with Mars or Saturn, the native will suffer from itches/boils, skin diseases including pain during the sub period of Jupiter in major period of Venus and vice versa The above ruling applies with greater force for Aries Asdt. Further, if Mars has any connection with lord of 8th or Mars has maraka dosha (in addition), the native will lose his head or life. Brothers While the 3rd house is strong and there is union between Jupiter and Mars (not necessarily in 3rd), the native will have brothers. For Capricorn Asdt, Venus in Taurus produces highly favourable results, not so in Libra. For Cancer Asdt, Mars produces highly favourable results by standing either in

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4 Hora Anubhava Darpana Scorpio or Aries. For Taurus Asdt, if Moon is in Leo aspected by Jupiter and Mercury, the native will enjoy highly auspicious results in the major period of Saturn. Mars in Scorpio will also confer auspicious effects. Longevity of father For all ascendants - Sun and lord of 9th in 11th indicates fairly good longevity. Saturn's aspect on these two planets reduces the longevity of father into one of Madhya Ayush or 60 years. If Sun and lord of 9th are standing in 9th, very poor longevity for father would result. For Libra Asdt, Sun and Mercury in Virgo aspected by Saturn indicates Madhya Ayush or 60 years and the native's father would enjoy prosperity too. For all ascendant, Lord of 9th in 11th indicates good longevity for father. Father's Death - When ? Father's death will occur in Sub-Periods of Sun, Mars, Saturn and Ketu Sun, Mars, Saturn and Rahu Mars, Saturn, Rahu/Ketu Sun, Saturn, Rahu/Ketu Sun,Mars,Rahu/Ketu Rahu

occurring in Major Period of Rahu Ketu Sun Mars Saturn Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus

Professions The following professions are indicated for the planetary mappings noted below :Sun, Mercury & Rahu in 5th Sun & Mercury in 2nd Sun & Mercury in 3rd with aspect of Saturn Sun and Mars in 2nd

Astrology and/or Medicine Astrology Astronomy/Mathematics Tarkha Shastra/arguing/Legal profession

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5 Hora Anubhava Darpana Venus in 2nd Sun, Mercury & Saturn in 5th Rahu in 5th

Kavitwa/editing/writing Vedanta/philosophy Goodartha Gyana (ability to get at full or hidden meaning of phraseology in Shastras)

Sun and Mercury in 11th or quadrants/trines


Major period Auspicious effects will be enjoyed in the major period of Venus, if Venus and Jupiter are standing together in Scorpio. Mother's longevity Rahu in 4th indicates short life for mother. So also a. Weak Moon in 4th b. Moon and lord of 4 in 4th indicate short life for mother. Lord of 4 in 4th which happens to be moola-trikona for the lord of 4th OR Moon and Lord of 4 standing in 9th indicates long life for mother. Pisces Ascendant There will be much less comforts in Moon's sub period in the Major Period of Jupiter. Jupiter in Cancer indicates birth of daughter without fail. If Sun and Mercury are conjunct in a sign, Mercury's major period confers benefic effects. If Mars and Moon are conjunct in a sign, Moon becomes more powerful. If Jupiter and Mars are conjunct in a sign, Mars becomes more powerful. If Moon and Jupiter are conjunct in a sign, Moon becomes more powerful. Taurus Ascendant For Taurus Asdt, Jupiter-Mercury combination brings in ample financial luck. If Venus is also involved in this conjunction, great wealth is likely. If Mars also joins, there will be large debts. Such Jupiter's major period will yield mixed results. Virgo Ascendant Moon and Venus staying in or aspecting the Asdt will cause native to enjoy wealth. If Sun, Moon and Venus are strongly connected with each other, in Sun's major period, the native will make lots of money, not in Venus' major period. Moon's major period will be moderate. Death of father From: http://sites.google.com/site/astrolinksite/Home/index

6 Hora Anubhava Darpana If a number of children of a father are passing through the major period of Rahu simultaneously, not only will there be death of father, but the children will become self-supporting or independent. Gain of Wealth Lords of 4, 7 and 9 or Jupiter and Venus, if standing in 9 or 11 with conjunction of Saturn, in the major period of the strongest among these, the native will gain an elephant (elephant denotes great wealth). Professional elevation If lords of 1, 4, 9 and 10 unite and stand in 1, 7 or 10th, in the major period of the strongest of these, the native mount a throne or enjoy highest professional elevation. General Venus in 2nd or 12th for Cancer Asdt confers wealth; not for other ascendants. For Scorpio Asdt, union of Jupiter and Mercury produces wealth. If Venus also joins them, there will be wealth in major period of Venus. Jupiter in 11th indicates troubles for elder brother. Mars in 11th aspected by Saturn; or Rahu in 11th aspected by both Saturn and Mars indicates there will be no elder brothers. When a number of planets unite and stand in a sign along with Sun, Sun will be the strongest of them. When planet(s) unite with Rahu, the major period of the strongest of the lot will be the best. Sun, Mars, Mercury and Saturn standing together in Libra Ascendant denotes wealth and prosperity. Moon also in this company denotes Kingly status. Happiness, birth of children, conveyance and prosperity are assured if there is exchange of signs between Lords of 4 and 1 Lords of 4 and 5 Lords of 4 and 9 Lords of 4 and 10 Lords of 4 and 11

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7 Hora Anubhava Darpana Similar results will be experienced if lords of 5, 9, 4 and 11 stand in their own houses. If lords of 1, 5, 7, 9, 10 stand in any manner but within some or all of these signs, there will be luck concerning wealth, wife especially wealth earned by the native. Mercury with lordship over 2nd and stay in 6th indicates gains from distant relatives. Mercury even without lordship over 2nd but staying in 6th indicates such gains of a moderate order. For Aquarius Asdt with Mercury, Venus and Sun in 5th, Jupiter in 11th, during the major period of Mercury, the native will amass sizeable amount of wealth. Benefic Moon in 6th indicates shrewd intellect. Benefic Moon in 2nd denotes natives who swiftly change their gaze (habitually and quickly). For Gemini Asdt, if Sun and Mercury are standing in 3rd, Mercury will confer auspicious effects. Aries Ascendant Lord of 2 in 2nd causes auspicious effects only for Aries Asdt; not for other ascendants. Venus and Mars standing in Aries Asdt confer highly auspicious effects; they also become marakas (death inflicting) for the native. General Mars standing in company of Jupiter and Venus in a sign constitutes a good yoga. Mars, Sun, Moon, Venus and Saturn standing together in the 2nd house also constitutes a good yoga, but not in the 3rd house. The conjunction of Mars and Jupiter in a sign produces auspicious effects. Mars in 5th and Jupiter in 11th indicates gain of wealth in major period of Mars and loss thereof in major period of Jupiter. Mars and Mercury in 9th denotes that in their major period, the native will suffer from diseases like pox, itches and boils. Venus with connection of Mars confers wealth and prosperity if standing in 7th but not in 8th.

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8 Hora Anubhava Darpana If Sun also joins them, only nominal wealth is possible. If Sun, Jupiter, Mars and Venus are standing in 9th whilst Saturn is in 7th, there will be great yoga phala for the native in major period of Mars. Aries Ascendant If Sun and Venus are standing in this Asdt aspected by Jupiter, Venus becomes a Yoga Karaka. Sun does not become benefic in this Yoga, nor Jupiter if aspected by Venus. Sun, Mercury and Venus standing in Aquarius for this Asdt will do good to a native in their respective major periods. The major period of Rahu for this Asdt will confer luck, prosperity, courage and lustre provided Rahu is standing in Gemini in company of Sun and Saturn. If Mercury is also standing in their company, while there will be income and wealth, less courage is indicated. Jupiter and Venus in Capricorn for this Asdt denote bath in Ganges or sacred rivers. Taurus Ascendant The major period of mercury will confer a good amount of wealth if Mercury and Venus are standing in Ascendant while Jupiter is in Scorpio. While Mercury and Venus are in Asdt, if Jupiter is in debilitation, then there will be accrual of wealth in major periods of both Jupiter as well as Mercury. If Moon and Venus are standing in Cancer for this Asdt, very moderate wealth is indicated in major period of Venus. If Mars, Mercury and Saturn stand in Capricorn while Rahu is in Aquarius, there will be bath in Ganges in major periods of Rahu and Mars. Moon and Venus in Libra while Mercury and Jupiter are standing in Pisces, in the major periods of Jupiter and Mercury, there will be moderate income, but in major period of Venus, there will be very good income. Gemini Ascendant If Moon, Mars and Venus stand in 2nd house, wealth will be conferred on the native in the major period of Venus. Mars in 2nd while Saturn stands in 8th, indicates that there will be mixed effects in major period of Saturn. There have been some cases where Mars has conferred wealth and prosperity

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9 Hora Anubhava Darpana during his major period (for this combination). There will be loss of ancestral wealth (leaving a small balance only) if Mars and Saturn are standing in 2nd whilst Moon is occupying the 8th. The loss will occur in major periods of Mars and Saturn. Moon never becomes maraka (death inflicting0 for this Asdt. If Moon and mars standing in Aries, the major period of Jupiter confers bath in Ganges. Cancer Ascendant Good wealth is indicated for the native of this Asdt having Mars in Asdt, whilst Moon occupies the 10th and the 3 planets Sun, Jupiter and Venus are in 9th. Mars, Jupiter and Moon in 2nd while Sun and Venus stand in 5th also denotes good wealth. Mercury becomes a Yoga Karaka if both Mercury and Venus are found in the 5th house. Lordship over country and great courage would result if Jupiter is in Asdt, Sun in 10th and Moon, Venus and strong Mercury in the 11th. The stay of Sun and Mars in Aries denotes good wealth. Sun and Mercury in Cancer, Venus in 9th and Moon and Jupiter in 11th. Loss of wealth will occur in the major period of Sun and Mars and gain of wealth in major periods of other planets involved in this Yoga. (Sun and Venus in 1 & 9 very rarely occur). There will be bath in Ganges in the major period of Rahu for a native having Jupiter in 11th, while Saturn and Rahu are standing in 5th along with Mars. If Saturn's sub-period in Jupiter's major-period, the native will undertake pilgrimage if Sun, Rahu and Jupiter are standing in 5th while Saturn is in Asdt. Leo Ascendant In the major period of Mercury, there will be very good financial gains if Mercury, Sun and Mars are in Asdt. Saturn becomes a Yoga karaka for this Asdt, if both Saturn and Mars are standing in 12th.

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10 Hora Anubhava Darpana Virgo Ascendant A native of this Asdt having Venus in 4th, Moon in 7th, Jupiter in 8th while Saturn is in 11th, will enjoy happiness with a bunch of girl friends in the major periods of Jupiter and Venus. In the major periods of Jupiter and Venus, highly auspicious results will occur if both Jupiter and Venus are standing in 4th. Rheumatic diseases will be suffered by Virgo natives having Saturn in Asdt. Bath in Ganges will occur in sub periods of Venus or Saturn in the major period of Jupiter, provided these 3 planets are standing in Aquarius. If lord of 5, 7 and 9 are standing in watery signs, individually and without any aspect, then in Jupiter's major period, the native will enjoy bath in Ganges, failing which, bath in all the sacred rivers of the country. Significators for pilgrimages are lords of 5, 7 and 9 for all Ascendants. Sun in Virgo Asdt, Saturn and Mars in 7th indicates there will be loss of wife. Libra Ascendant Sun Mercury and Venus in Asdt indicates prosperity and wealth. If Saturn joins the above planets, while Mars and Moon occupy the 7th, the native will enjoy Kingly status and position in the major period of Mercury. A great Raja yoga arises for this Asdt if Jupiter is in 8th, Saturn in 9th while Mercury and Mars are in 11th. The major period of Jupiter will confer stronger phala if standing in 8th while Moon is in 12th. Note : Dusthanadiphas in another dusthana confer auspicious results according to Sage Sukracharya. It may be the background for this Yoga. Venus in Asdt becomes a maraka and may cause death. Mars does NOT become a maraka for this Asdt. In the major period Rahu the native will have bath in Ganges if Rahu is in Cancer while Mercury, Jupiter

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11 Hora Anubhava Darpana and Saturn stand together in Aquarius. Scorpio Ascendant Natives having Jupiter in 3rd will be generous. Financial and professional betterment will occur in major period of Mercury if Mercury, Sun and Venus are in 7th. Mercury and Jupiter in 5th and Moon in 11th indicates wealth of good magnitude and prosperity. So also, Sun and Jupiter in Asdt indicate good health. Sagittarius Ascendant Wealth and prosperity will be gained in the major period of Saturn if it is in 3rd while Sun and Venus are in 6th. If Sun Mars and Mercury are in Aquarius while Rahu is in Leo, the native will enjoy bath in Ganges in the major period of the strongest planet in this lot. Capricorn Ascendant Rulership over large areas indicated for those having Mercury and Venus in Asdt, Moon in 5th while Jupiter aspects both 5th and the Asdt. Gain of conveyance from/through brothers will occur in the major period of Jupiter standing in Asdt whilst Mars and Venus are in 11th. Prosperity and luck through brothers will be enjoyed by the native having Sun, Mercury and Moon in Asdt while Mars and Venus stand in 12th. Mercury and Venus together in 5th confers Raja Yoga. Even a non-malefic Venus in 5th for this Asdt produces equally good results. Aquarius Ascendant Major period of Rahu will prove highly auspicious if Rahu is in 10th while Sun and Venus are in Asdt. Prosperity and wealth will be gained in the major period of Mercury if if stands with Mars and Sun in 8th. Opposite results in major periods of Sun and Mars involved in this Yoga. In major period of Jupiter, there will be mixed results if there is exchange of signs

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12 Hora Anubhava Darpana between Jupiter and Saturn i.e. Saturn in 2nd and Jupiter in Asdt. Major period of Venus could cause death of native if Venus and Saturn are in 11th. Pisces Ascendant Gain of much money will occur in Moon's major period if Moon is standing in 2nd while Mars is in 5th. Great wealth will be amassed by Pisces natives having Venus in 6th, Jupiter in 8th, Saturn in 9th, Moon and Mars together in 11th. (All these must occur simultaneously) Moon Mars and Mercury in Capricorn denotes wealth and conveyances. Wealth in the major period of Venus will occur if Saturn and Moon are in Asdt, Mars is in 11th and Venus in 8th. Jupiter, Moon Mars in 4th, without connection of Saturn and Venus will result in native assuming rulership over a vast area in major periods of Jupiter/Moon/Mars. RAJA YOGAS Powerful and strong Raja Yogas arise for the four movable signs when they become Ascendant coupled with the following Yogas :Cancer Ascendant 1. Jupiter and Moon in Asdt 2. Moon in Asdt while Jupiter is in Capricorn 3. Sun in Aries while Moon is in Asdt 4. Saturn in Libra while Moon is in Asdt Libra Ascendant 1. Saturn in Asdt while Moon is in Cancer 2. Saturn in Asdt while Mars is in Capricorn Capricorn Ascendant 1. Jupiter in Asdt while Moon is in Cancer 2. Mars in Asdt while Moon is in Cancer 3. " Saturn is in Libra 4. " Sun is in Aries 5. " Jupiter is in Cancer

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13 Hora Anubhava Darpana Aries Ascendant 1. Sun in Asdt while Moon is in Cancer 2. " " Jupiter is in Cancer 3. " " Mars is in Capricorn 4. " " Saturn is in Libra General Planets who have lordship over 2 signs (Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn) when standing in EVEN signs, confer the effects of the house which falls in their Moola-trikona first and the effects of the other house later. When they stand in ODD signs, this rule is reversed. This rule applies with greater force for the Major Periods. MALIKA YOGAS if any of the 5 consecutive signs are occupied by a planet in each sign 6 Planets 7 Planets 8 Planets 9 Planets

Pancha Graha Malika Yoga arises Shad Graha Malika Yoga arises Sapta Graha Malika Yoga arises Ashta Graha Malika Yoga arises Nava Graha Malika Yoga arises

The should be only one planet in a sign and consecutive signs 5 upwards get one of these Yogas. Rahu and Ketu are considered as planets for purposes of these Yogas. The planets involved in this Yoga may be found standing from any sign onwards. The effects of this Yoga are similar to other Malika Yogas dealt with in standard texts; namely, greatness or importance being conferred on the native pro-rata to the number and strength of planets involved. Broadly the effects are like those of a Raja Yoga. Raja Yogas If 3, 4 or 5 planets simultaneously occupy exaltation signs while the sign occupied by one of them happens to be the Asdt, a high class Raja Yoga arises. If some planets are in own house and some in exaltation and one such sign becomes the Ascendant, a Raja Yoga arises, though not as good as the previous one.

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14 Hora Anubhava Darpana

Where a Raja Yoga of the type described above arise while one of the planets involved therein is in debilitation but with exalted navamsa, the native will enjoy Raja Yoga which confers on him leadership over tribes and lordship over barren/forest lands. The basis for Raja Yoga lies in the intrinsic strength of the planets involved. GATHI or Speed of the Planets A planet in close company of SUN is said to be A planet out of combustion A planet in 2nd of SUN 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th

AGASTYA or in Combustion UDAYA or free from combsution Seegra Gathi/Fast Sama Gathi/Equal Manda Gathi/Slow Stabda/about to get Stationary or retrogression Vakra Gathi/retrogression Vakra Gathi/retrogression Ati Vakra/fast retrogression Rooju/get stationary & then move forward Kutila/Slow Seegra Gathi/Fast Ato Seegra/Very fast

These gathis/speeds are useful in finding Datha-phala or the quantum of effects conferable by each planet. A planet in combustion cannot be expected to confer any good on the native, nor a planet just out of combustion. A planet in retrogression will confer effects in a like manner. PLANETS AND THEIR RELATION TO THE SIGN OCCUPIED By knowing the relationship existing between the planet and the sign occupied by it, whether own, friendly, equal or enemy, the quantum and the nature of the effects conferable could be deciphered. May be from personal experience of the original author, he recommends the following to be used :-

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15 Hora Anubhava Darpana Sun









Own MT




Saturn Deb'n Enemy










Exalt MT Friend















Enemy Friend Deb'n Friend









Own,MT Exalt


Deb'n Friend












Own, MT Deb'n Friend


Enemy Equal










Enemy Equal Deb'n Friend













Own MT





Equal Deb'n




**Jupiter confers Yoga Phala when in Virgo On a scrutiny of the above table, certain differences (with reference to standard texts) are at once discernible. Libra for Sun is debilitation is a universally accepted ruling; yet why does the author classify it as an enemy house? May be the author from his personal experience or based on some authority, wants his readers to follow this & upgrade Libra for Sun from debilitation to enemy house for the reason that the King of Planets (Raja Graha) in spite of debilitation, is not a spent force as others in debilitation, and that in actual practice, we find Sun giving the effects as in enemy house. Scorpio for Moon is being treated both as debilitation and equal. Does the author want us to treat Scorpio as debilitation for Weak Moon (near about Amavasya or New Moon) and as equal's From: http://sites.google.com/site/astrolinksite/Home/index

16 Hora Anubhava Darpana house when it is FULL Moon. Pisces for Mercury is being treated as debilitation and Equal's house. May be when Mercury is on Revati (27th star), he is treated in equal's house and in the rest of Pisces as in debilitation. There are a few more deviations of this nature, reasons for which the readers may guess. Predictions to be made in the horoscopes of Kings If the lord of 10th is in 3rd in the horoscope of a Ruler, destruction of Kingdom and imprisonment in the Dasa of the lord of 6th. There is a view that lord of10th should also be connected with lord of 6th. If lord of 10th has connection with Jupiter, the native will enjoy superior Kingly status. If lord of 10th is in 6, 8 or 12th, very poor professional abilities as a Ruler should be predicted. If lord of 10th is connected with Sun or Mars, financial income through Kshatriyas will accrue. If lords of 5 and Jupiter are exalted, the native's children will be very prosperous. Great prosperity would result if Moon is in Taurus Ascendant whilst Mercury is exalted in 5th and Mars, exalted in 9th. For Gemini Ascendant, Mercury in 11th indicates bitterness with elder brothers. --- 000 ---

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17 Hora Anubhava Darpana

Illustrious Horoscopes Now, the author gives a few illustrious horoscopes to study

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18 Hora Anubhava Darpana

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19 Hora Anubhava Darpana

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20 Hora Anubhava Darpana

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About the Author and Source As usual, Kerala the state from Sage Parasara hailed has contributed one more great soul in KKN. The translator after B Suryanaraha Rao, has been a great exponent and devotee of Swami Sivananda. He donated the books to Sivananda ashram. Mr NN Krishna Rao, though from Kerala, studied in Warangal and added the suffix Rao along with. VB Choudry had translated a few of his works. His Brihat Parasara Hora was the 1st work done in English in 1959. R Santhanam did meet his son U K Iyer in 1984 and started his works which are now the benchmark in some of the titles. U K Iyer had published some of the books from time to time like his sister late Uma but as the only surviving member of the family and a good software programmer as well, has been generous enough to publish these works on the net for the benefit of all Jyotish lovers. The language used in these texts is very modern and apt for the time and has made the "desha, kala, paristhiti" rule well a lot better than later work of sri R Santhanam. A cursory reading will surely keep you using it for future readings. This online resource is available at: http://sites.google.com/site/astrobooksite/Home/index-1 (From a mail posted in AIA Yahoo group by the Astrologer GB Prashant Kumar) --- 000 ---

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