ranjakapitta Ayurveda

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Revalidation of the functions of Ranjaka pitta

REVALIDATION OF THE FUNCTIONS OF RANJAKAPITTA Dissertation submitted to the Kannur University, Kerala, In partial fulfillment of the regulations for the award of the degree of

DOCTOR OF MEDICINE (Ay) In Kriyasareera By

Dr. SUDHAGOPALAN V.S Under the Supervision of

Dr. ANNY YOHANNAN. M.D. (Ay) Professor & H.O.D., Department of Kriyasareera Govt. Ayurveda College Thiruvananthapuram


Revalidation of the functions of Ranjaka pitta

Contents List of Abbreviations


List of Tables List of Charts and Diagrams Introduction



III – Discussion IV - Summary V - Conclusion Bibliography Appendix- Pro forma


Revalidation of the functions of Ranjaka pitta


Ayurveda, the science of life prescribes the ways and means of keeping good health. This method of living emphasizes promotion of health and prevention of diseases. It is designed and formulated for the well-being of the world. Health in Ayurveda implies Harmony and there is really no end to the degree of harmony we can achieve, if we set ourselves to the task. The basic doctrine of ayurveda rests on tridosha siddhanta. Pitta is one among the doshas, which is responsible for all the changes occuring in the body, collectively referred as parinama. Reactions taking place during digestion and metabolism, growth and maturation and the production of heat and energy – all these are under the control of pitta dosha. In terms of modern physiology, all the reactions aided by the factors like hormones, enzymes etc can be considered as pitta vyaparas. Agni is an all pervading, uncontrollable, controlling force of the universe. When comes to the living body, it is represented as pitta. The word “Pittoshma” is comprising of two words- Pitta and Ushma which means ushma contained in Pitta. Pitta acts as substratum for Kayagni. Agni resides in Pitta owing to the agneya nature of pitta. Again, to be precise, the controlling force of pitta is, termed as pachaka pitta. In other words, pachaka pitta controls all www.ayurvedicmedicinalplants.com

Revalidation of the functions of Ranjaka pitta

other fractions of pitta by its inherent agneya guna. Even if we can experience its effects, it is not easy to identify it on a materialistic basis. Altogether, the existence of life is maintained by its continuous action. Ranjaka pitta is a division of pitta that is responsible for the formation of rakta dhatu. Functions of ranjaka pitta are described in a vague fashion in our classics. The details of description of ranjaka pitta which is instrumental in the evolution of rakta dhatu is also very less. Ranjaka pitta is originating from yakrit and pleeha so does raktadhatu. The formation of ranjaka pitta and rakta dhatu shows some connections as an asraya asrayi bhava i.e. the interdependence between dosha and dhatu exists in the case of ranjaka pitta and rakta dhatu. According to asraya asrayi sambhanda pitta is asraya to rakta and rakta is dependent of pitta mainly ranjaka pitta. According to this doctrine when asraya increases asrayi also increases and when asraya decreases asrayi also decreases.

Ranjaka pitta when increased

shows the symptoms of pitta vridhi and when decrease show symptoms of pittakshaya; as it is a part of pitta. Rakta dhatu is special among other dhatus that it is treated with equal status with doshas and is the only dhatu having agneya nature. It has an important function jeevana. Rakta is formed from rasa dhatu which in turn is formed from the nutrient portion of food i.e. ahara sara.


Revalidation of the functions of Ranjaka pitta

Significance of the study: Majority of research works were based on pachaka pitta. Ranjaka pitta and its physiological importance are still not known clearly. To understand rakta dhatu, the concepts involved in the genesis of rakta dhatu should be understood with clarity. So this study is meant to understand the division of pitta i.e. ranjaka pitta. Along with this an effort is made to quantify ranjaka pitta and rakta sara. Objectives of the study:• To explore the concept of ranjaka pitta and to understand its functions in a better perspective • To analyze whether food has any direct influence on ranjaka pitta • To study different steps in the formation of rakta dhatu and comparing them with those in erythropoiesis • To identify rakta dhatvagni and to define its role in raktotpatti • To discuss the seat of ranjaka pitta. Hypothesis 1. Null hypothesis: Ranjaka pitta does not play any pivotal role in the transformation of the rasa dhatu into rakta dhatu


Revalidation of the functions of Ranjaka pitta

2. Alternate hypothesis: Ranjaka pitta plays pivotal role in the transformation of the rasa dhatu into rakta dhatu Study in a Nutshell Ø This descriptive study has been carried out in volunteers residing in Orumanayoor Panchayath, Thrissur district, Kerala. Ø The total duration of the study is 18 months. Ø The ranjaka pitta status was quantitatively assessed by assessing haemoglobin percentage and by RBC count. Ø A questionnaire assessing ranjaka pitta functions and its influencing factors were made and data was collected from the healthy individuals. Ø Excellence of rakta dhatu was assessed by scoring method and was assessed quantitatively. Ø Ranjaka pitta was analyzed and critically evaluated. Ø Statistical analysis, observation and interpretation are made, before making the conclusion of the study. Frame of this work Unit-1



Literal Abstraction


Revalidation of the functions of Ranjaka pitta

Contains literary data on pitta. rakta dhatu, ranjaka pitta and rakta dhatvagni with modern comparison. Unit-3

Clinical Research § Contains Research Methodology, Observations and Analysis.


Discussion § Contains Discussion on Literal Abstraction and on Clinical Research.




Conclusion Appendix


Revalidation of the functions of Ranjaka pitta

Introduction To Pitta

Even before finding the solution of a mystique, we ought to understand the same in different perspectives. “Insistent enthusiasm results in the exploration of newer things or else adds the added edge to the existing things”bearing this maximum in mind, to add a newer dimension to the available concept of pitta, this immaculate literary work has been carried out on it. This part of this research work unfolds the horizons of pitta like its varieties, location either relevant or up to date, the way of execution of physiological functions, pathophysiology and etc, with the ‘work of art’ on Ranjaka pitta. More over, Ranjaka pitta, the second to none considering its magnanimous physiological attributes deserves to be researched. Needless to say, the outcome of this skilful work, irrespective of its impose on current doctrines, will remain a helping hand for the future works on the similar track which is not travelled by too many for so long.


Revalidation of the functions of Ranjaka pitta

A Review Of Pitta To Decipher Ranjaka Pitta Introduction In living body all the three humours work in a complementary way to attain a state of equilibrium and control all physiological processes.


second among the dosha triad, i.e. pitta, represents all the agents that are responsible for the transformations taking place in the living system. Reactions taking place during digestion and metabolism, growth and maturation and the production of heat and energy – all these are under the control of pitta dosha. In terms of modern physiology, all the reactions aided by the factors like hormones, enzymes etc can be considered as pitta vyaparas. Nirukthi –The term pitta is derived from root ‘tap’, which has 3 meaningsØ ‘Tap dahe’ - means burning. In living body ‘daha’ is to be considered as ‘paka’ or parinama- conversion or transformation


. E.g. digestion,

erythropoiesis etc. Ø ‘Tap santape’(2) - means –to generate heat.

E.g. intermediate

metabolism Ø ‘Tap aiswarye’ - means to enable or to attain eight fold nature of animadi gunas


Revalidation of the functions of Ranjaka pitta

Pitta has been described as agni or fire as it performs actions similar to fire. Theories of digestion and metabolism in our science are based on the functions of agni which is impregnated in pitta in living body. Hence the functions of pitta can be observed from GIT to cellular level. In our classics there are five types of pittas- Pachaka, Ranjaka, Sadhaka, Alochaka and Brajaka. Even though all pittas are same and the divisions are done just to show specific functions of each, it is essential to understand pittas in general in this context. As ‘Pachaka pitta’ controls other pittas, proper comprehensions of ‘Pachaka pitta’ are a must in thorough knowledge of Ranjaka pitta and Rakta dhatu. Qualities of pitta Physical qualities of pitta described in our classics are more or less similar (3). Table 1. 1 Qualities of pitta





Snigdha, Ushna, Teekshna, Sara, Laghu, Visada, Drava

Neela, Peeta or any colour other than white and red

Kadu, Amla



Revalidation of the functions of Ranjaka pitta

Pitta is unctuous, hot, penetrative, mobile, light and clear. Colour is blue or yellow or any colour other than red and white. Taste is hot or sour smelling raw meat. According to Chakrapani pitta is of two varities -1.Sadrava & Snigdha-natural-which control all physiological activities and 2.Nirdrava & Rooksha that causes jwara and other diseases(4). Quantity Quantity of pitta is five Anjalis. Location Even though doshas are all pervading in the body, they have preferable abodes according to our classics (5). Table 1. 2 Pitta – Locations





Pakwasaya madhya

Amasaya & Nabhi

Rakta, Laseeka, Rasa


Rakta, Laseeka, Rasa



Sweda Chakshu, Sparsana


Revalidation of the functions of Ranjaka pitta

Hemadri defines laseeka as rasa mala which is like water and resides in skin


.According to Chakrapani laseeka is picha bhaga of udaka(7).Amasaya,

he says is the adho amasaya. Functions Functions attributed to pitta by different Acharyas are given below(8) Table 1. 3. Functions of pitta Susruta


Ragakrit- aids in production Prabhaof normal colour lusture

Charaka production

Pakakrit- aids in digestion Pakti&metabolism &metabolism Tejakrit- facilitate vision, light perception &colour

of Prakriti varna

digestion Pakti

Darsanam- enables perception

visual Darsanam

Ojakrit-production of ojus Ushmakrit- production of Ushma- production of body Ushma body heat heat Kshut-cause appetite



Trit- cause thirst Ruchi- promote desire for food Tanumardavampromote suppleness of the body


Revalidation of the functions of Ranjaka pitta

Medhakrit – aid in the Budhi- promote knowledge intellectual function. Medha -intellect

Prasadam-lucidity of mind Harsham-cheerfulness

Dhi-understanding Dhairyam- courage &valour


Types According to specific functions, the same pitta can be divided in to five types-Pachaka, Ranjaka, Sadhaka, Alochaka and Bhrajaka(9) As pitta is also synonymous with agni there are different types of agnis also existing in our body. Pitta and Agni Agni in the body according to Ayurveda is implicit in pitta as pitta performs functions like dahana (oxidation), pachana (chemical transformation) etc like fire, pitta is spoken as internal fire(10).Chakrapani clarified the implication of the term agni and states that pitta is not flaming fire but it refers to the heat associated with pitta


.Susrutha has treated the pitta of the body

and agni as identical (12). So pitta is used instead of agni and vice versa. There are mainly thirteen agnis in our body viz Jataragni, five Bhutagnis and seven types of Dhatwagnis www.ayurvedicmedicinalplants.com

Revalidation of the functions of Ranjaka pitta (13)

. Food consumed is subjected to jataragni paka, bhutagni and dhatwagni

paka. Due to the difference in locality and functions they are separately discussed in relation to digestion and metabolism. These sub groups are unified in to a larger group because of their participation in nourishing the body and also maintaining the health. Dalhana commends that agni and pitta are not one and the same


. In

Grahani roga nidana he states that the pitta is said to be vitiated by katu, vidahi, amla, etc which will suppress agni. If both were one and the same pitta would not have suppressed agni. Pitta and agni have dissimilar properties also. Pitta is drava snigdha and adhogami, whereas agni is quite contrary to this and is sukshma rooksha and urdhvagami. But in living body, the only dosha with agneya properties, i.e. pitta performs all the functions and no other burning fire is met with pitta is termed as agni. It does all dahana or paka in all living being. Pachaka pitta Human body is an out come of food and so as our diseases


. Health

and diseases depends not only on nutrients of food but also on proper digestion and assimilation. Importance of pachaka pitta is emphasized here and also by the statement that every disease is due to the impairment of this factor.(16) Kayachikitsa is termed as antaragni chikitsa (17). It is the main factor concerned with digestion and the regulator of other pittas. Pachakagni, koshtagni,


Revalidation of the functions of Ranjaka pitta

antaragni, jataragni, kayagni and dehagni are synonymous with pachaka pitta. Just the word agni is usually mentioned to indicate pachaka pitta. It is located in pitta dhara kala. Digestion of food is the main function of pachaka pitta. Food is then divided in to sara and kitta. That is in GIT pachaka pitta acts on ingested food and causes sanghatha bheda by breaking food in to different nutrients. After absorption these nutrients are utilized for the synthesis of different dhatus and production of energy. As already stated, this pitta located between amasaya and pakwasaya is responsible for the digestion of the four modes of food and drinks ingested. By the virtue of its inherent power, it contributes to and augments the action of pittas at other site


. Vagbhata observes, koshtagni is the leader of all

agnis. Moieties of it are present ubiquitously in the dhatus. Increase of pachakagni causes increase of dhatwagnis, but increase of dhatwagni results in the decrease of dhatus(24). Role of Pittadhara kala Pittadhara kala is also known as Grahani


. Under the stimulation of

samana vata pachaka pitta is produced from it. Pitta dhara kala provide digestive juices which are collectively called pachakagni. Integrity of grahani


Revalidation of the functions of Ranjaka pitta

depends up on agni there fore impairment of agni involves integrity of grahani and vice versa. Grahani retains food till it is completely digested (19). This retention is affected by valve like arrangement located in pakwasaya dwara due to the action of samana vayu


. These references lead

to the fact that pitta dhara kala constitute an integral part of the structure of annavaha srotas and is responsible for producing pachakagni for digestion and nutrient factor is absorbed and transported through this kala for further distribution (21).This kala can be comparable with the mucosal lining inside the intestine. Samana and Apana Vayu The neural influence over the several functions of ‘amasaya’ and pakwasaya is attributed to samana and apana vayu. Samana vayu located near agni is stated to move through out koshta. It has several functions. 1. Reception of food that is swallowed. 2. Stimulation of stomach and intestine to secrete digestive juices. 3. Digestion-directly or indirectly through digestive juices. 4. Storing of digested, indigestible food and excretory waste products. 5. Facilitate absorption of digested food and excretion of waste. www.ayurvedicmedicinalplants.com

Revalidation of the functions of Ranjaka pitta

6. Control over sweating, water balance etc.26) The functions similar to these are performed by intrinsic nerves of stomach and intestine. Pitta may be a group of substances and their main activity may come into two different chemical processes of anabolism and catabolism. Pachaka pitta is the controller of other pittas and is origin of other pittas. So functional increase and decrease of pachaka pitta causes waxing and waning of other pitas. Ranjaka pitta Rakta is as a special tissue and has treated in importance among other dhatus mainly due to it’s function jeevana and also considering its importance in pathological process of the body. This importance is also recognized by the allotment of one of the sub division of pitta for the production of rakta dhatu, that is the ranjaka pitta. The term ranjaka is derived from the root ‘ranj’ means to impart colour (28)

.This pitta gives colour to rasa dhatu. It is the one and only function of this

pitta. As discussed earlier general function of pitta is to do dahana or paka which means conversion. So this pitta converts rasa in to rakta by imparting colour to rasa.


Revalidation of the functions of Ranjaka pitta

According to the concept of philosophy as well as Ayurveda, no transformation can take place with out the aid of agni. Agni of any particular type should be present at the site of transformation. Since Yakrit and Pleeha are considered as the sites of the rakta formation, they have also regarded as the site of ranjaka pitta according to Susruta Acharya.

Here the

transformation is in the form of change of colour of the rasa when it is converted into the rakta.

As pachaka pitta is considered as the one which

endows its own strength to other types of pittas, the strengthening of ranjaka pitta also can be attributed to the pachaka pitta. Functions of Ranjaka pitta As other pittas, ranjaka pitta is also panchabouthic and possesses a kind of chemical action due to its agneya nature. The only function it does is rasa ranjana-to provide coloration to rasa dhatu, a unique opinion by all acharyas (40).

But they differ in the opinion of the sthana of ranjaka pitta. So rasa ranjana

may take place in yakrit pleeha or in amasaya. According to Sargadhara there is a substance called pitta srava present in yakrit and it helps in raktolpatana (41)

.Ranjana karma is a type of chemical process caused by agni. The other divisions of pitta include sadhaka pitta, alochaka pitta and bhrajaka

pitta. They contribute to the functions – intelligence, visual perception and skin lustre respectively.


Revalidation of the functions of Ranjaka pitta

Rakta Dhatu

Rakta dhatu is special among other dhatus that it is treated equal status with doshas and is the only dhatu having agneya nature. It has an important function jeevana. It is synonymously used with blood, even though there are certain differences. Rakta is formed from rasa dhatu which in turn formed from nutrient portion of food. So in this context it is essential to review how food consumed is transformed into body tissues-especially blood. Importance of Rakta Susrutacharya has given the importance of rakta as it is the origin or foundation of body and body is maintained by rakta. So it has to be protected at any costs (1) It is one among the ten seats of prana (2). Rakta is also considered as one of the doshas by Acharya Susruta.He has endowed rakta with particular importance both in physiological and pathological process and has given the equal status to doshas


. There is a special shodhana (raktamkosha) is

attributed to only one dhatu rakta because it the route through doshas spread. universely rakta is not considered as dosha since it does’nt have the ability to give rise to its own prakriti.


Revalidation of the functions of Ranjaka pitta

Nirukti The word rakta is derived from the root ‘ranj’ which means colour or impart colour(5) It has synonyms like raja, artava, rudhira, lohita etc Colour Normal blood appears bright red as Gunja phala or like petels of red lotus or like blood of rabbit and bright as Indragopa -


Qualities Blood is drava or liquid


. It has other qualities like anushnaseeta,

madhura, snigdha, rakta roopa, guru, and visra (8) Though the rakta is predominantly agneya in nature, it shows many qualities of other mahabhutas also Panchabhoutic nature of rakta-(11) Ø Prithwi – Visrata Ø Ap – Dravata Ø Teja – Ragata Ø Vayu – Spandana Ø Akasa – Laghuta www.ayurvedicmedicinalplants.com

Revalidation of the functions of Ranjaka pitta

Quantity The quantity of blood is 8 anjali(9) The concept of shudha rakta Purity of blood was determined by physical appearance such as(10) Ø Pure blood look like a bright Indragopa. Ø Like pure gold Ø Looks like Padma and Alaktaka. Ø Brightly reddish like Gunja Phala According to Ayurveda the fluid that is circulating through vascular system i.e. dhamanies, srotases and siras is both rasa dhatu and rakta dhatu. (12) The circulating rakta is the medium of transport of ojus – the factor responsible for resistance to disease. It is also the medium of transport of prakupita doshas through out the body, having it self involved in the process (13) During circulation rasa dhatu exudes through the srotomukhas and fill up the place between srotas and sthayi dhatus (interstitial space) nutrients passes into sthayi dhatus and malas and kittas passes into rasa (lymph). and so rasa is considered as kosta (14).


Revalidation of the functions of Ranjaka pitta

So circulating rakta is a complex fluid consisting of sthayi rasa (plasma, serum) and sthayi rakta (erythrocyte), remaining astayi dhatus ,doshas, malas, ojus etc. It perfoms the vital functions as jeevana(giving oxygen),provide normal colour to skin, strength, health and happiness, nourishment of other dhatus, tranquillity and life(15). Rakta sara

When a dhatu in our body is in excellent condition that person is known by that sarata. If one possesses pure rakta in excellence he has rakta sarata .They are identified by following symptoms. They posses reddish ears, eyes, face, tongue, nose, lips, palms, soles, nails, forehead, penis, etc and will be glistening and attractive. They are happy, having good intelligence, mental tranquillity and tenderness. They are more susceptible to stress and cannot tolerate heat

Blood Composition – it consists of two parts –formed elements and plasma Blood cells and Plasma Blood plasma consists of water: proteins including albumin, globulins and fibrinogen; nutrients such as glucose, amino acids and fats; the blood


Revalidation of the functions of Ranjaka pitta

gases CO2 and O2;; weak acids / weak base buffer pairs; cations such as H+, Na+, K+, Ca++; anions such as HPO4-2, HCO3- and Cl-; salts like NaCl; hormones; vitamins; metabolic wastes like urea and ammonia; and, complement enzymes. Serum is blood plasma without fibrinogen and other clotting factors. Plasma Plasma is the straw-colored liquid in which the blood cells are suspended. Table 2. 1. Composition of Blood plasma Composition of blood plasma Component










Glucose (blood sugar)


Plasma transports materials needed by cells and materials that must be removed from cells: •

Various ions - Na+, Ca2+, HCO3−, etc.

glucose and traces of other sugars

amino acids www.ayurvedicmedicinalplants.com

Revalidation of the functions of Ranjaka pitta •

other organic acids

cholesterol and other lipids


urea and other wastes

Serum Proteins Proteins make up 6–8% of the blood. They are serum albumin ,serum globulins and fibrinogen Serum Lipids Table 2. 2. Serum Lipids


Normal values (mg/dl)

Desirable (mg/dl)

Cholesterol (total)


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