Ramalan SPM 2010 FIZIK - Analisa Trial Kertas 3 Bahagian B34 2010

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Perak   Section B  Bahagian B (12 marks) (12 markah)

Figure 3.1

Figure 3.2

Figure 3.1 shows the condition of a plastic container early in the morning where located at open place whereas Figure 3.2 shows the cap o f the same p lasti c containe containerr bur burst st out out at 12 12.00 .00 no noon on on a hot da day. y. Based on the information and observation: State one suitable inference.  Nyatakan satu inferens yang sesuai. (a)  State one suitable hypothesis.  Nyatakan satu hipotesis yang sesuai.

I mark]

[1 mark]

(b)  With the use of apparatus such as round bottom flask, Bourdon gauge and other apparatus, describe one experiment to investigate the hypothesis states in 3 (b).  Dengan menggunaka menggunakan n radas seperti kelalang dasar bulat, tolok Bourdon dan rada ra dass lain la in,, terangkan satu eksperimen untuk menylasat hipotesis yang dinyatakan di 3 (b).


In your description, state clearly the following:  Dalam peneran p enerangan gan anda, an da, nyataka n yatakan n den dengan gan jelas je las perkara p erkara berikut berikut::


Aim of the experiment. experiment.Tujuan Tujuan eksperimen. Variables in the experiment. Pe experiment. Pemb mbo ole leh hub ubah ah da dala lam m eksperimen.


List of apparatus and materials. Senarai radas dan bahan.


Arrangementofthe apparatus.Susunan apparatus.Susunan radas.


The procedure of the experiment, which include one method of controlling the manipulated variable and one method of controlling the responding variable.  Prosedur  Prosed ur eksperimen eksperimen yang mesti termasuk satu kaedah kaedah mengawal mengawal pembo pembole lehu huba bah h dima dimani nipu pula lasi si dan sate kaedah mengukur pembolehubah bergerak balas.


The way you would tabulate the data. Cara anda menjadualkan data.


The way you would analyse the data. Cara anda menganalisis data.


Perak   4. In Figure 4.1, a girl blowing an empty test tube and hear the sound coming out of the test tube. Then she filled half of the test tube with water as shown in Figure 4.2 and found the pitch of the sound has changed.  Dalam  Dala m Gambaraja Gamba rajah h 4.1 4.1,, seorang seor ang huda hudakk perempua pere mpuan n meni meniup up sebu sebuah ah tabu tabung ng uji ko so ng da n mendengar bunyi yang keluar daripada tabung uji tersebut. Kemudian dia mengisi separuh tabung uji tersebut dengan air seperti dalam gambarajah 4(b) dan mendapati kelansingan bunyi tersebut telah berubah.

Figure 4.1

Figure 4.2

Based on the information and observation,  Berdasarkan tnaklumat dan pemerhatian tersebut, (a) 

Make one suitable inference.

( I mark)

 Bina satu inferens yang sesuai. (b )  

State one appropriate hypothesis for an investigation.

(1 mark)

 Nyatakan satu hipotesis yang sesuai untuk satu penyiasatan.


With the use of a Cathode Ray Oscilloscope, a microphone and other

appropriate apparatus, describe an experimental framework to test your hypothesis. In your description, state clearly the following:







3. Diagram 3.1.-shows two pot, X and Y, with X containing more water than 1'. Both the pot are heated. After a few minutes it was observed that the water in pot Y is hotter than the water in pot X.  Ra jah  Raja h 3. 3.1 1 menun me nun juk kan ka n pe peri riuk uk X dan Y, den ga gan n X men gan dun gi le lebi bih h ba banya nya k air daripada daripad a  periukk Y. Kedua-dua  periu Kedua- dua periuk pe riuk dipanaskan. dipanas kan. Selepas S elepas beberapa bebera pa minit min it diperhati dip erhatikan kan air a ir dalam da lam periuk pe riuk Y lebih papas daripada air dalam periuk X

Pot X

Pot Y

 Rajah jah 3.1 Diagram 3.1 / Ra

Based on the information and observation:  Berdasarkan maklumat ma klumat dan pemerhatian tersebut:

(a (a))   State one suitable inference.

 [1 marklmarkah]

 Nyatakan satu inferens yang sesuai.


(b (b))   State one suitable hypothesis hypothesis..

[1 mark/markah]

 Nyatakan satu hipotesis yang sesuai.

(c) With the use of apparatus such as beaker, thermometer, immersion heater and other apparatus, describe one experiment to investigate the hypothesis stated in 3 (b).  Den ga gan n mengg me ngg una kan ka n ra radas das sepe se pert rtii bikar bi kar , te termo rmo meter me ter , pe peman man as re renda nda m dan radas lain, terangkan satu eksperimen untuk menyiasat hipotesis yang dinyatakan di 3(b).




Diagram 4.1 shows Aminah ironing her school uniform. After the iron is switched on for a while, there are still wrinkles on the uniform. Diagram 4.2 shows that the wrinkles are gone when the temperature control knob as shown in figure 4.3 on the iron is turned.

Diagram 4.1 / Raj  Rajah ah 4.1

Diagram 4.2 / Rajah 4.2

Diagram 4.3 / Raj  Rajah ah 4.3 Based on the observation on Diagram 4.1, Diagram 4.2 and Diagram 4.3 and using your knowledge of the effect of current on heating:  Be rd as ar ka n pe me r ha ti an an da pa da Ra ja h 4.1,  Ra ja h 4. 2 da n  Ra ja h 4. 3 da n menggunakan pengetahuan anda tentang Icesczn arus terhadap pemanasan :

(a (a))   State

one suitable inference.  Nyatakan satu inferens yang sesuai.

[1 marldrnarkah]


State one hypothesis hypothesis that could be investigate. investigate.

[1 marklm mar klmark arkah] ah]

 Nyatakan satu hipotesis yang sesuai.

(c) (c )   With die u use se of appar apparatus atus such aass bea beaker, ker, an ammeter ammeter,, an immersion heater and other apparatus, describe an experiment to investigate the hypothesis stated in 4(b)  Denga n menggunaka  Dengan mengg unakan n radas seperti sepe rti bikar, bikar , ammeter, ammet er, pemanas peman as rendam dan radas lain, terangkan satu eksperimen untuk menyiasat hipotesis yang dinyatakan di 4(b).








Diagram 3.1 shows a student using a convex lens to form form a sharp image of a lamp at the the ceiling. ceiling. Diagram 3.2 shows the student using another convex lens to form a sharp image of the lamp.  Rajah 3.1  Rajah  3.1 menunjukkan seorang pelajar menggunakan sebuah kanta cembung untuk membentuk satu imej tajam bagi lampu di siling .  Rajah 3.2  Rajah  3.2 menunjukkan pelajar itu menggunakan sebuah kanta cembung yang lain untuk membentuk  satu imej tajam bagi lampu itu. itu. Convex lens  Kanta

Convex lens  Kanta

Image  Imej    Imej

Image  Imej    Imej

Diagram 3.1 / Rajah / Rajah  3.1

Diagram 3.2 / Rajah  Rajah 3.2  3.2

Observe the thickness of the lens and the distance from the lens to the image in both situations.  Perhatikan ketebalan kanta-kanta itu dan jarak dari kanta ke imej bagi kedua-dua situasi. kedua-dua  situasi. Based on the observation:  Berdasarkan pemerhatian tersebut: (a)

State one suitable inference.  Nyatakan satu inferens yang sesuai. [1 mark ]


State one hypothesis that could be investigated.  Nyatakan satu hipotesis yang boleh disiasat. [1 mark ]


With the the use of apparatus such as convex lenses, a screen and other apparatus, describe describe an experiment to investigate the hypothesis stated in 3(b).  Dengan menggunakan radas seperti kanta-kanta cembung, skrin dan radas-radas lain, terangkan satu eksperimen untuk menyiasat hipotesis yang dinyatakan di 3(b). 3(b).  








Diagram 4.1 shows a boy standing beside the road and a motorcycle moving towards the boy from from a far distance. Diagram 4.2 shows that the boy has to close his ears when the motorcycle has come nearer to him.

Diagram 4.1 / Rajah / Rajah 4.1  4.1

Diagram 4.2 / Rajah / Rajah 4.2  4.2 Based on the information and observation:  Berdasarkan maklumat dan pemerhatian tersebut : (a)

State one suitable inference.  Nyatakan satu inferens yang sesuai. sesuai.

[1 mark ]


State one hypothesis that could be investigated.  Nyatakan satu hipotesis yang boleh disiasat . [1 mark ] (c) With the the use of apparatus shown in Diagram 4.3 and other apparatus, describe an experiment to investigate the hypothesis stated in 4(b).  Dengan menggunakan radas seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam Rajah 4.3 Rajah  4.3 dan radas-radas lain, terangkan satu eksperimen untuk menyiasat hipotesis yang dinyatakan di 4(b). di 4(b). Loudspeaker  Pembesar  Audio signal enerator 

Diagram 4.3 / Rajah / Rajah 4.3  4.3



















  MRSM/ Tiada Jawapan 3 Diagram 3.1 shows a worker

pushing down on the

piston of a

clogged bicycle pump Diagram 3.2 shows the same worker finding it

harder to

push piston further down. piston  Raj  Rajah ah the 3.1 menunjukkan seorang pekerja menolak omboh pam tersumbat.  Rajah  Ra jah 3.2 menunjukkan pekerja yang sama mendapati semakin menekan omboh omboh itu apabila semakin ditolak ke bawah.

Diagram 3.1 Kelantan

basikal yang sukar untuk

Diagram 3.2

















Melaka set 1 3.  Diagram 3 shows a dented ping pong ball then put in a basin that consist cold water (Diagram 3 (a)), warm water (Diagram 3 (b)), and hot water (Diagram 3 (c)). Observe the shape of ping pong ball and their surroundings.  Rajah 3 menunjukkan perubahan perubahan bentuk sebiji sebiji bola pingpong kkemik emik setelah dimasukk dimasukkan an ke dalam besen yang mengandungi air sejuk(Rajah 3(a)), air suam(Rajah 3(b)) dan yang air panas(Rajah 3(c)).  Perhatikan bentuk bola ping pong dan persekitaran. persekitaran.

Diagram 3 (a)  Rajah 3  Rajah  3 (a) 

Diagram 3 (b)  Rajah 3  Rajah  3 (b) 

Diagram 3 (c)  3 (c)   Rajah 3  Rajah

















 NO 3(a)

MARKING CRITERIA  Making  Maki ng the the ri right ght iinfere nference nce





The mass // volume affects the rise in temperature // temperature (b)




 Buildin  Bui lding g an appro appropriat priatee hy hypoth pothesis esis

The greater the mass // volume, the smaller the rise in temperature // temperature  Stating ting the aim of the the eexperi xperimen mentt (c)(i)  Sta To invest investii ate-th ate-thee rel relati ations onshi hi betwee between n the mass mass and ris risee in tem eratu erature re (of water) (ii)  (ii) 




 Stating  Sta ting the correct correct variable variabless

Manii ulated Man ulated variab variable le : Mass Mass Responding variable : Increase in temperature

Fixed variable : Heat supplied // Time of heating // Power of the heater


appropr propriate iate apparatu apparatuss an and d materi material al (iii)  List of ap Beaker, water, thermometer, immersion heater, stopwatch, balance for measuring mass


 Describi cribing ng set set up up of the apparatu apparatuss (iv)   Des Draws a labeled and functional diagram of the set up of the apparatus  State te how the manipu manipulat lated ed variable variable is contro controlled lled (v)   Sta



Put a mass of 100 g of water in a beaker  State  Sta te how the respon respondin ding g vvari ariabl ablee iiss meas measure ured d


Switch on the heater for 5 minutes and record the temperature rise.


 State  Sta te h how ow the the proce procedure dure is repeat repeated ed to to ob obtain tain at least least 5 sets sets of results results 1

Repeat the experiment with 150 g, 200 g, 250 g and, 300 g of water. (vi)  Tabulating data Mass of water / g



Temperature Temperature rise / °C


100 150 200 250 300 (vii) 

 Analysing  Anal ysing data

The graph of temperature rise against mass is drawn



Note No te : Mar Mark ka acc ccor ordi din n l if th thee m man anii ulat ulated ed va vari riab able le is volume




11 NO 4(a)


MARKING CRITERIA Making the right inference

 The he  The heat atin ingg effe effect ct of a cond conduc ucto torr is affe affect cted ed by ma magn gnit itud udee of the the curr curren ent. t. (b) Building an appropriate appropriate hypothesis hypothesis  Thee larg  Th larger er th thee curr urrent, ent, th thee hi higghe herr th thee te temp mpeera ratu ture re of the the wate waterr wh whiich is being heated (c)( (c )(i) i) Stating the aim of the experiment  To investi ate the effect of current on heatin (ii)  Stating the correct variables Manipulated variable : current, I Responding variable : temperature, 0 (iii) 






1 1

Fixed variable : volume of water


List of appropriate apparatus and material Beaker, ammeter, immersion heater, thermometer, connecting wire, rheostat and stop watch State a functional arrangement of the apparatus Draws a labeled and functional diagram of the set up of the apparatus.


(v)  State how the manipulated variable is controlled   Pour 200cm3 of water into the beaker and measure its temperature. •

State how the responding variable is measured







switch on the circuit and adjust the rheostat until the reading of ammeter is 1.0 A. watc h is start s tarted. ed.    The sto watch temperature is recorded after 2 minutes.    The final temperature


State how the procedure is repeated to obtain at least 5 sets of results  

Step repeated by adjusting the rheostat so that the ammeter readings are 2.0 A, 3.0 A, 4.0 A and 5.0 A.

(vi)   Tab  Tabul ulati ating ng dat dataa Current,I/A 1.0 2.0 . 3.0 4.0 5.0 (vii)   Analysing  Analy sing data



1 Increased in Temperature, 8/`'C  

 Thee ggra  Th raph ph of increa increase sed d in tempe temperat ratur uree agains againstt curre current nt is dr drawn awn


10 12






3 (a) 

Able to state a suitable inference

Sample answers The thickness of the lens affects the distance from the lens to the table / focal length length (b)

Able to state a relevant hypothesis Sample answer The greater the thickness of the lens, the smaller the distance from the lens to the screen / focal length




(iii) (iv)

Able to describe a complete and suitable experimental framework Sample answer State the aim of experiment To investigate the relationship between the thickness of the lens and the distance from the lens to the screen / focal length

State the manipulated variable and the responding variable Manipulated variable : Thickness of the lens Responding variable : distance from the lens lens to the screen screen / focal length / f / f (Note: Constant variable can be ignored)






1 1

State the complete list of apparatus and materials Convex lenses, screen, metre rule, lens holder


State a functionable arrangement of the apparatus


Convex lens

Screen Metre rule


State the method to control the manipulated variable A convex lens with thickness 0.4 cm is placed in front of a screen State the method to measure the responding variable The screen is adjusted until a sharp image of a distant object is obtained and the distance between the lens and the screen is measured. Repeat the experiment at least four times The previous steps are repeated using convex lenses of thickness 0.6 cm, 0.8 cm, 1.0 cm and 1.2 cm






13 (vi)


State how the data is tabulated Thickness / cm 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2

Focal length / cm


(vii) State how the data is analysed Plot a graph of focal length  length against thickness of the lens.

NO 4 (a) 



MARKING CRITERIA Able to state a suitable inference

Sample answer The loudness of the sound depends on the distance (between the source and the observer)   (b)


Able to state a relevant hypothesis Sample answer The smaller the distance (between the source and the observer), the louder the sound Able to describe a complete and suitable experimental framework Sample answer (i) State the aim of experiment To investigate the relationship between the loudness of a sound and the distance (between the source and the observer)

(ii) State the manipulated variable and the responding variable Manipulated variable variable : distance, d Responding variable : lloudness oudness of of sound sound (amplitude, a)






1 1

(Note: Constant variable can be ignored) (iii) State the complete list of apparatus and materials Audio signal generator, loudspeaker, cathode ray oscilloscope (CRO), microphone, meter rule / measuring tape (iv) State a functionable arrangement of the apparatus Audio signal generator



1 1


d  (v) State the method of controlling the manipulated manipulated variable The microphone is placed at a distance, d  =  = 20.0 cm from the loudspeaker


State the method of measuring the responding variable The amplitude, a, a,  of the trace on the screen of the is measured.


Repeat the experiment at least four times The procedure was repeated for the values of distance, d  =  =



  30.0 cm, 40.0 cm, 50.0 cm and 60.0 cm (vii) Tabulate the data Distance, d / cm 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0

Amplitude, a


(vii) State how data is analysed A graph of a against d is drawn


10 12

Selangor 3 a  b c i) ii) 

iii)  iv) 

The heat/ time taken of the water depends on its mass/volume The greater gre ater the t he mass/volume, mass/ volume, the time ti me taken tak en increase in crease

1 1

Aim of the experiment To investigate the relationship between the time taken and mass/volume Variables in the experiment Manipulated variable : mass/volume mass/volume Responding variable : Time taken Constant variable : Initial temperature/specific temperature/ specific heat capacity capacity// changes in temperature


List of apparatus and material Power supply, thermometer, beaker, immersion heater, stirrer Arrangement of apparatus


1 1




15   v) 

Controlling the manipulated variables The 20 g of water is filled in the beaker. The initial temperature, O0, of water is recorded. The heater is switched on until the water boiled. boil ed.


Controlling the responding variables The time taken for the water is observed and recorded/


The heat is calculated.


Repeat the experiment with four different values of mass. Repeat with masses of boiling water 40 g, 60 g, 80 g and 100 g. vi) 













Melaka set 1 Temperature influence the size of pingpong ball.   3(a)  When the temperature increases, the height of air trapped also   3(b)  increases.  To study the relationship between temperature and volume/height  3(c)(i)  MV – temperature  3(c)(ii)  RV – Height of air traped/volume  FV – pressure  Capillary tube, thermometer, beaker, ruler, stirrer, tripod stand, s tand,  3(c)(iii)  bunsen burner, rubber bands and retort stand with clamp.   Charles’ Law experiment.  3(c)(iv)  3(c)(v) 

The experiment is set up as0 shown.  When the thermometer is θ = 30 C, the height of the air column, h is  read on the ruler scale and record.   0 0 Repeated the experiment for values of temperature, θ = 40 C, 50 C,  0 0 60 C and 70 C. 



Temperature, θ/ C 

30  30  40  40  50  50  60  60  70  70 

Height of air   trapped,h/cm 










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