Rama Probe1973 Art
March 30, 2018 | Author: HanesHat | Category: N/A
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Rama probe1973...
' �·; #"'.___;::,
of the Himalayas that
can die "legally
ttfrn come back,
hjVe a deep meduativc state, the color i his h.·fa fool hc.L!an ro potJc. Then it turned ycllo\\'iSh�whltc like 1hc loot (,f u corp.!>C. When
l>\arpri4>ingly drained a l l
compr��d, l ik"· cl3y. tho hlood from h 1 > lcfl
remained normJI!
lhe \W:uni hud .l.:tually fool while h•s ngllt foot
"It is done by Willpower." .. id .l lbc Swami Rama. celebrated yogJ, lecturer, :�uthor anti phlhMopher. a� he (amc out of his medit.:atl\·c stal e
HA perrect control
or lh�: nund."
The swam-i asked someone to hold his wrJst ns he went anto another IOCdiHH)\'e rran�e. Wilhin a few seconds. I here was no sign of pulse Ul the. wri�L� " 1 also rtduecd my hearl heat to 12 b¢,11� a minulc,'' tht !\Wami ""xp13inea -a few momenL� lah!r ''The nonn a l heat is
beats a minute. ··r am doin'g thi.� not to show 1hat J .:un u m ap:ician 01 a SUJ>Cr hurn3n being, but to show riHtt by rontrollinJ:l 1h� mind one can conr.rol one's bodily funchons, mcluding th..: so...:allcd involuntary musdes such 3S the heart and lun-8$.'' l\ot qu i le s.aristted rhat e ..·eryone in the room wa\ convinced of what he had jusl said. 1he �w.11n1 toldcd a large IO'A-"Cl several times and p-laced il o�cr his: eyes. lie lhen told :a
1\UCSI IO bold tho ends of the 10""' lighlly bolhind hi> loe;�d SO that lhere would be no way he 'ould see rhrou.gh Ihe lowd.
PROVING THE POWER OF MEDITATION India's Swami Rama, who says true meditation is a state of "sleepless sleep," has come to America to present his case to science BY JON SHIROTA
'" ,,
The11, he wtd anothor (>f
t}H� iol.ervi cw¢r:> to
:onythiJl.,g, t�n a p(u.l of paper antl pl�cc the pad before him on the bed.
The interv1ewcr very hastHy t)rjnted, .. , w::�s born o n Malli�
an.d pl:;� ced rJ�� pad
dOwn on lh.o.
Pc.d in
o( the ::;wami•s
V!:oss�;d l�gs. The motionless.. yogi e0.nti nued 1:0 hold hi� head
up .and. made llO �[te:n.pt lo IQok.down toward the pud. fl.)w ltl(u¢
Aftt:r ;t
.onds of deep muditat.ion, his lips began to move.
"I w�h born b)1 l\'l::nd,..-.. 1 i e f�nally uuered, �stounding everyone. Even allowinF- f{>r the Slight Cl'ror- of by Maui iHSh.:-ad ·of on �·ln1,1l. it wa.� an Ut·' OU li.ave. in your room
from here,'"'
' dpn .-t IH we 1< ,) go to the libi': H}' to do said matter·of¥f;1clly. ' I · I �a n J ' ca d _ �he b Ook� fi'Qil'l whe revc-.r I �rrn . It is called -p owc 1 f iotro))p.c: J sis or wl\ �11, r.hey h�d
194�, he became a thq,nkuraclutryt' ( a ra nk in the Hindu failb
1952 t o deiticate himself t9 t e aching aod lec tu ring. He
of mort
pro.cuss O f wrlLing a n l� llc>:clopcd iil on y oga.
The � w am i ca . m e. f :-lgO 1 0 . work with sci¢n fjsts ;)ud doclOr.s to c.st;;bli sh r he g c. n llin.cnc $S
. He
of the power oi tbe mind and the soul
\ll n ;: � u.l)· seen , the i ltt ervicv:i.:rS wc ro nol a bout Lo challe nge this · rcmark&blc duim.
control o r che in ter na l slates. Sw am i Raron
BENEATH THE SURFACE Russian �ciet)tiSts have heen ex_petimenring with individUals
who, r.lHoogh the
power of thci.r ot inds. can scrambl e ar
cooJuse \1idco Ial ure is
life. Human bei ngs · nwst work harmoniusl y with o a tu1t! or �ht� will have them thro v,:n o ut o r he l' ra n k. "
At 6·ft)Ot-l and a trim I iS pounds, the statl?ly 47-y.;,�ar¥old
Sw..Y I
a p r eci OU:\ fri end. "I d ·o
not h av e -nmc.h t o offe r y ou; • 1 he apologi x cd to hiS \·i�it O !'S ·�11 th a motei. ' 'hut (pointi ng co a t)lastic bag of n uts on a table) plcttS ¢ ... he1p �· o urs¢ ! f. .,
fhe ascetic
.Stilte or
uni was born in a sm;lll wwn iu the lndi:u1
·1>1'ade$h. Hi:\ pafents belonged 1'o � learned
UrahmiJ\ fami�y, l>\ll h� was orphaned at
the 91J,(:
or three
month!i- and was subsequently ;.1doptcd by a grc-a4 yogi l:ll·)d
has IJ't'orkcd with
E lme . r Gre en of th e Me nn ingel 1 R e:rear c h Fou nda ticm in
Top ek a,
K a 1 �sas,
LTr.st y 0 g
coodl J C tinr,;
subj v ((t
himSi.:: lf
it'I\ ' C StigAlj()ns
in 1 o
cl aims
.,.· oJ\JI H.' Ch t:: SC iC J) te o f bre; H h an d the .hi����� c p :HHI c.· an e t•sily ' Ond that p < u' l which is the unexplored or thcsJ c e.pjng shle of our m ind . "When· th·e nnnd flows \vlthout i· n lcrruptions in one dii'¢CtiOI11 t�le mind expei·i�n c es enlightenme.nt. And� in a ttaini ng lhc high.I.}St state of enJj�hteonlenl , }rou w ill have anained umv ersa:l censoiou:m�;ss, ·christ i,:OnscjO\lt>UC��! SI.!J)Cr-
Wt• will t h en .k n Ow tioW
\' '
EAGER TO PROVE the capac•ty ot mcOitative powor. the Swnmi Rama e
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