Rain Day Master

April 1, 2017 | Author: adisebe | Category: N/A
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Contents 

The Doctrine of 10 Relationships of the Rain.

The Doctrine of the Rain relationships with others.

Understanding the 10 Paradigm of relationship that can shape your life.

What are the Paradigm of Friends and Rob Wealth and what they will do to the Rain?

The Positive and Negative relationship of the Friends and Rob wealth.

What are the Paradigm of the Eating God and Hurting officer and what they will do to the Rain?

The Positive and Negative relationship of the Eating God and Hurting Officer.

What are the Paradigm of Direct and Indirect Wealth and what they will do to the Rain?

The Positive and Negative relationship of the Direct Wealth and Indirect Wealth.

What are the Paradigm of Officer and the Killing and what they will do to the Rain?

The Positive and Negative relationship of the Officer and Killing.

What are the Paradigm of Direct Resource and Indirect Resource and what they will do to the Rain?

The Positive and Negative relationship of the Direct Resource and Indirect Resource.

The Doctrine of 10 Relationships of the Rain You had already learned all the basic relationship representations for the 10 males and 10 females from the eBook on “Everything you need to know about combined and clashes”. Relationship is everything in a person life. Since the day we were born the first contact in our life is relationship! Relationship plays a vital role in whatever we do. Being it personal or social, they are the one that make up our personal biography, our relationship with our spouse, colleague, business associates, career, bosses, friends, family value and with any person’s we were in connected with. Learning or I should say understanding from this relationship helps us see things in a different perspective on the kind of influence that they will or may had impacted in our life. Please read along and you will understand what we mean by different perspectives. Here I will bring you into the 10 Paradigm of relationship that can shape your life but first you must know and understanding the four components of produce, control, combined and clashes in mind. In a destiny reading, this four components will be widely use across all reading. WOOD



The Real Meaning of Production






The Doctrine of the Rain relationships with others nature! Before we start, first and foremost, we must not only know but to understand how a nature is useful! Let’s explore; If you are the Rain, You must find out who are those people that can be useful to you!

How to know whether a rain is useful? Rain responsibility is to make sure that the air is clean and breathable, and put out fire or control the weather when it is hot! Following are the components to make rain useful! rain in nature were derived by air. And they must be clean if not airborne disease is the cause of their spread! They need water to recycle so that they can serve nature and mankind. And when comes to handle the fire, they will be the best to undertake the job!

Mountain is the Daughter to the male and Husband to the female! They represents the decision of the rain and they also combined with the rain making them unable to control the rain. This kind of combined is sentimental to and beneficial to the rain because the combined brings in the sun which is the wealth to the rain. And the decision made will bring goodness of wealth and empowering the rain! When the the mountain appears as the season of either the dragon or the dog to the rain, it will bring much gain and reputation to the rain.

Soil is the son to the male and boyfriend to the female! They also represent the decision of the rain too. The soil is different from the mountain because soil can traps rain scarify themselves to aid nature and the decision made will be impulsive knowing that they will be disadvantage in one way or other. When the soil appears as the season of either goat or ox in the chart, they can influence and affect the rain on decision making with impulsiveness. This kind of control is demanding and restrictive to the rain and it is better to be wary of this! The iron is the mother to the male and daughter husband to the female! They represents the knowledge of the rain because of metal produces water from the production cycle. Can iron produce rain? Of course not! So it is better not to think too much! But when they appear in the chart, the rain person will have good memory and try to keep the positive one. And when it appears as the season of monkey in the chart, they will instil the curiosity with abundance knowledge and stress as well to the rain master!

Gold is the father in law to the male and mother to the female! They also represent the knowledge of the rain and the reasoning is the same as the iron. But gold does not trap rain instead they will give the rain master a very comfortable nature! The Rain day master will become very resourceful and likes to learn but too much can become lazy or likes to procrastinate! And when the gold appears as the season of rooster in the chart, the rain day master will have a relax and comfortable nature and their attention to details are no questions ask and fussy too!

Flower is the daughter husband to the male and daughter to the female! They represents the interest and habits of the rain and when the rain sees the flower in the chart as the season of rabbit, the rain will be instill with great talent on their goals and objectives! Because rain can aid and produce growth for nature.

Tree is the mother in law to the male and son to the female! They also represents the interets and habits of the rain and when they appears as the season of tiger in the chart, talent will manifests and it will be good to have iron to cut the tree! Tree can only be useful if they are cut down for use if not they are just empty talks! Mountain and soil can also give Tree a helping hand to make them work!

Sun is the wife to the male and father to the female! They represent the wealth and career of the rain and when the sun appears as the season of snake in the chart, the rain can be a businessman/woman! Because rain can balance the season temperature! The rain master will be very good in hands-on work. And they also enjoy their work or a never say tire workaholic.

Fire is the girlfriend to the male and mother in law to the female! They also represent the wealth and career of the rain and when the fire appears as the season of horse, it is better not to have them combine or clash to the horse at the branches! And when it does, relationship will not be nice because it will affect wealth, career and relationship problems! Please be careful with this! If there are no clashes or combined, the chart will be categorize as promising of wealth. The rain can easily handle the fire and wealth can be easily achieved with minimum efforts!

Water represents the siblings, friends and supporters to the rain and when they appear as the season of pig in the chart, rain can be recycle from them and it is better not to let them sit beside the fire and sun! Because they will became the problems instead of supporting you! They will become the obstacle of your wealth and career because they can combine away your wealth! But if there no wealth in the chart, then they will become the good supporters to the rain!

Rain also represents the siblings, friends and supporters to the rain. When they appear as the season of rat in the chart, they will become the strength and supporters to the rain under one condition, it will be better not to sits beside the fire or sun because they can become the obstacle of your wealth and career problems! Because the other gold can control the wealth! But if there is no fire or the sun in the chart then there will be no problems! From the above 10 scenario especially when wealth is concern, when we can control any nature, we do not want to see others to interrupt in our control because it is as good as competitors or a 3rd party involved in the things or a relationship that we are already in! Unless we are unable to handle the things that we control!

So from the above, you can find that the water, fire, sun and mountain can make the gold useful but this is not the end. We must also need to know how to line them up in a sentimental way so that there is no conflict between them. “No conflicts” means they don’t fight or goes against themselves! Following are the example of a useful and noble chart; The Usefulness and noble of a Destiny Chart Hour

A Noble chart Day Month


It is always good to have all of the useful nature to appear in the chart because when you are represented by the rain, they make you useful! No matter what season that you are in, whether the temperature is hot, cold, wet or dry, water always needs to be recycle and clean or handling fire. And the grading of a gold day master is also subjective to the season’s they are born and it comes in 12 different grading. There is rain in spring, rain in summer, rain in autumn and snow in winter! (In winter rain will be read as snow) Whoever can survive in the toughest environment, the grading will be first class! The grading will also be access by the water and fire in conjunction with the corresponding seasons. If not all at least two or one to appear in the chart and is better than doesn’t appear at all! If there is none, then you have to depend on your luck or Feng Shui to do the job! A word of caution, Should there be any clashes or combined, the reading outcome will be very different!

Understanding the 10 Paradigm relationship that can shape our life The 10 relationship were derived from the interaction between the Rain and the other 10 natures and what they can do to us and we can do to them! And we called them “The 10 Paradigm of Relationship” The below table you can find that the strong and soft of each nature has been breakdown into two categories and they are name by a Paradigm relationship. Why “Paradigm” The word Paradigm means; a set of assumptions, concepts, values, and practices that constitutes a way of viewing reality especially in an intellectual discipline. The Paradigm tells us each of them is unique to us when it comes to reading a destiny chart, they were term “The 10 Paradigm of Relationship”. And when you are born in their seasons, you will be influenced by them and it is vital to understand them on their strength and weaknesses as well as yours! You

When you see

Paradigm Relationship

Interpretation of the Abbreviation

Hurting Officer Your Interests

Your interests can change your decision because they can control them

Your Wealth and Career

Your Money and career can change your knowledge because they can control them

Your Decisions

Your decision can prevent your friends and rob wealth because they can control them

Your Knowledge

Your knowledge can change your interest because they can control them

Your Supporters

Your friends and Rob Wealth can rob your wealth and career because they can control them

Eating God

Direct Wealth

Indirect Wealth


If You are the Rain Day Master


Direct Resource

Indirect Resource

Rob Wealth


Relationship Outcome

The Doctrine of the 10 Paradigm relationship of the Rain person What is the Paradigm of Friends and Rob Wealth and what they will do to the Rain? Soft see Soft or Strong see Strong read as Friends Soft see Strong and Strong see Soft read as Rob Wealth


Rob Wealth

Rob Wealth



Rob Wealth

Rob Wealth



Rob Wealth

Rob Wealth



Rob Wealth

Rob Wealth



Rob Wealth

Rob Wealth


When you are born in Friends season, you will have or experience the follow outcome! Hour

Day Master


Friend’s season



Day Master



Friend’s season

Indirect Wealth

Friends also represent; siblings support in family matters if you are born in friend’s season. Because you are on the Heaven and they are at the Earth meaning you are above them! See sample chart above for illustration. You will receive helps and assistance from friends and siblings. But if there is a clash or control to the season, the reading outcome will be different. Following the above rat and horse examples of clashed to the horse making them unable to assist the day master!

As the season is the same as you, they will serve as your roots meaning the pillar of your strength! And this will endow you with Strong and firm in characteristic. And when they encounter clashes in the season, the lost of support are clear and the strength and character will be compromise! Examples below are friends that support you; Hour

Day Master




Day Master

Friend’s season



Friend’s season

When you are in Friends season, you also need to pay attention to your wealth! Find where your wealth is located and should they appears in your chart. The following problems you will experience! Because sometime our friends can also become our problems! So there is no fix reading until you can see and understanding the entire chart. Your Friends can control your wealth and when this happen, you will have to share and cannot gain everything to yourself. This will also have or creating an intention to fight and greedy for things which is not ideal for everybody in the chart. See below 2 samples illustration on clashed and control; Hour

Day Master



Friend’s season

Direct Wealth


Day Master



Friend’s season

Indirect Wealth

The Rain Day Master is strong in friends season and when the direct Resource or Indirect Resource and Friends are also strong, but the Eating god and Hurting officer are weak, it will mean that this person is knowledgeable(Resources rich) but unable to or having difficulty to express themselves(due to the weak eating god or hurting officer). And people will always have mistaken this as rebellious! Because they have problem to express and talk! When the Character is strong, the person will become self centre. Problem of socializing, unable to turn idea into reality and cannot produce wealth! And one’s life will be running around with hardship. But base on characteristic, they can breakthrough in life if they believe in their dreams! A person have strong Direct/Indirect Resource and friends do not pay much attention to others helps or suggestions! With this in place, they have difficulty accepting others help. And give others a misconception of selfishness and wishful thinking. Overall, these types of people are more into self-independent. And their spouse is not capable enough to provide him with the thing he wants and needs. This will lead to relationship problems because of their strong and self centre characters. And in general,

they don’t see each others in old age! Because one is too strong and the other is too weak! Please be mindful about this! Not sound in marriage life, father will be weak, siblings will be successful. And if there are officer or killing to control them, then the judgement will be reverse! If the chart does not have any killings or officer, achievement in life will be difficult, and will make him live in a care free monotonous lifestyle. And he does not like responsibility and will meet with lots of disastrous due to disciplinary problems!

When you are born in Rob Wealth season, you will have or experience the follow outcome!


Day Master


Rob Wealth Season



Day Master



Rob Wealth Season

Direct Wealth

Rob Wealth relationship representation; Male sisters, and Female brothers, also means friends and supporters! The Day master is extremely strong and the wealth will be weak in the rob wealth season! No infinity with father and spouse because the father and spouse represent wealth to the day master, there will be argumentative in relationship and will have high chances of a remarried outcome! And it is always bad for your indirect wealth to sits beside the rob wealth from the above example of pig and snake seeing each other! Rob wealth is similar with Friends scenario, but Rob Wealth is the Most Xtreme! They are the very gutsy people and when the chart configuration is wrong, they can become ruthless and non-sentimental. Their appearance may seem to listen to you, but in actual facts, there are just superficial! They NEED to have either officer, killings, hurting officer or eating god in their chart so that they will have discipline! This is how the season we are born can influence us whether we like it or not! Once they have the right officer or killing, all bad will turn into beneficial to him/her. If the chart does not appear officer or killing but once they appear in the lucks, their reputation and gain will be enormous! Great power will be given to a person that they can handle the task! And they are mostly people born in the season of Friends and rob wealth! People always have mistaken their success as blatant (proud)! They are fall under the self make millionaire or self made or in-born tough leaders! They also like to gamble with any form of investment! Especially things that can trigger their character, they will go for it! But they cannot work in the casino if there is no officer in their chart! Because no officer means without control of discipline, without discipline means not honest and they will steal! Rob Wealth people need to do self reflection regularly. They badly need either strong Eating god/Hurting officer or Officer/Killings! So that they can have a pleasant life and will not give others a misconception of their true intention!

Friends and Rob Wealth Table


Rob Wealth

Rob Wealth



Rob Wealth

Rob Wealth



Rob Wealth

Rob Wealth



Rob Wealth

Rob Wealth



Rob Wealth

Rob Wealth


The Positive and Negative relationship of Friends and Rob Wealth Friends and Rob Wealth are natures that are the same as us, our friends and supporters, they are the makeup of our characteristic, they make us firm and decisive, they give us the ability to handle people, they are the builder of our confident and self-empowerment. (Friends and Rob Wealth) representations are, personal career, walk the talks, decision making, policy makers, Health and safety precaution, siblings, colleague, friends and supporters relationships. If Friends and Rob Wealth are in favor in a chart meaning they can support the day master; the person will be career minded, brave and not afraid of competition and have many supporters! If Friends and Rob Wealth are NOT in favor in a chart meaning they will intervenes the wealth of the flower day master or being clashed or combined, the flower day master will be attack and harm by petty people, not limited to sibling betrayer, because of friends, wealth will be lost! Dispute in business partnership! Harm wife and girlfriend! As you can see from the above table that there were 10 different day masters using 10 Friends and Rob Wealth differently! For a complete assessment of the 10 different Paradigms of Friends and Rob Wealth, please read our eBook on “The 10 Paradigms of Friends & Rob Wealth - Your character and Strength”.

What is the Paradigm of the Eating God and Hurting officer and what they will do to the Rain? Soft see Soft or Strong see Strong read as Eating God Soft see Strong and Strong see Soft read as Hurting officer

Tree Day Master

Eating God

Hurting officer

Soil Day Master

Hurting officer

Eating God

Flower Day Master

Hurting officer

Eating God

Iron Day Master

Eating God

Hurting officer

Sun Day Master

Eating God

Hurting officer

Gold Day Master

Hurting officer

Eating God

Fire Day Master

Hurting officer

Eating God

Water Day Master

Eating God

Hurting officer

Mountain Day Master

Eating God

Hurting officer

Rain Day Master

Hurting officer

Eating God

When you are born in the Eating God season, you will have or experience the follow outcome!


Day Master



Eating god season

Eating God relationships representations are; students, employee, daughter for female and daughter husband to a male. Eating God produce wealth, a wealth generating income, can receive wealth easily. Indication of living in comfortable life, luck of food feast and enjoying good food! Will be welcome in everywhere he goes. Idleness, escape from difficult life! Spending habit! Not good in saving for raining days. When the Day master and the Eating god are equally strong, will become wealthy and lucky! Likes to enjoy good foods! Accommodating and generous in giving! If the Eating god or Hurting officer are too strong, all good, bad and ugly will be express out. Cannot keep secret and will say wherever what’s in their mind! Like boasting, and most of their failure are due to overly confident.

Rain can produce and supports flower by moisturizing the flower and maintain the rich and fertile soil! Eating god are mainly actor, actress, singer or people in show business and entertainment. If the flower (eating god) received rain, and when they are in show business! All this show business and entertainment will draw enormous wealth to the day master. Or if there is fire in the chart, the day master will be an entrepreneur or businessman! That’s why eating god when their nature is useful, they can generates wealth easily. Eating god people are very good and proud in their expression and can sell themselves very well. They are also very capable of doing things. They are clever and good looking. When the Eating god is too strong and day master is weak, will also develop all kind of illnesses due to the weakness in the day master. They may seem happy outside but inside them are empty! They like to express and show others how great and capable they can be in order to gain recognition from others. And somehow, they are not very hardworking and diligent in their job. But once they have decided on doing or focusing on something, you cannot change their mind! It can be good and bad, subjected to what they do. Eating god overly strong will become mean and miser. Whatever they do is all about their own benefits and nothing else! If the eating god is weak and day master is strong, and resource appear as well, the wealth generating machine will be stop and the event will become very poor and useless! This is when the Eating god has been stop by the resource! When the Day master and Resource are equally strong, woman will have difficulty in conceiving. Or the foetus may have life danger during conceiving. Will also have miscarriage indication for female if their eating god or hurting officer encountered their resources in the annual year! Be careful! For a complete assessment of the 10 different Paradigms of the Eating God, please read our eBook on “The 10 Paradigms of Eating God - Your Goals and Objectives Part 1”.

When you are born in Hurting Officer season, you will have or experience the follow outcome!


Day Master



Hurting Officer season

Hurting Officer Relationships representations are; students, employees, Mother-in-law for male and son for female! Hurting officer are also the actor, actress, singer or people in show business and entertainment. If the tree (hurting officer) received iron or fire, then it can become useful in nature. All this show business and entertainment will draw enormous wealth to the day master too. And whatever he touches will turn into gold! Or if there is fire and sun in the chart, the day master can also be the entrepreneur or businessman! They are the same interests but the requirements are different between the eating god and hurting officer. In short, if they are useful in their nature, they can generate wealth easily. Every nature will have their unique way of interpretation into the season temperature but not all the same! Hurting Officer are proud people in general, because they can express themselves very well. They are similar to Eating god quality and the different between this two are the Eating god is introvert and the Hurting Officer are extrovert. Hurting Officer People are very smart and intelligent, they are the street smart of the good and bad. Bad are those illegal, opposition, gangsters and underground business because they are always against the law and are not afraid of the rules and regulations. They are the street smart, they knows how to find the loop hole in the regulations. Officer doesn’t like them because they Hurts the officer, that’s why they are called “The Hurting officer”! Reverse engineer of the bad can be good and the good become bad! That’s why hurting officer people can become rebellious! And they are good at it! They are the good talkers, unless you can win them, if not you will have to follow them! Hurting officer people knows how to make money because they have the wealth generating machine. They are also fall under the philosopher. If Hurting officer are too strong and is not your useful god, this will spell disastrous! Hardworking, difficult life, easily give in to others, manipulated by others. Become horse and cow and enslave by others. But if they are elements to control the overly strong hurting officer, then the outcome can be salvage.

Hurting officer also mean quick in action and does not like to wait, impatient. They are also very direct in their speech and something unknowingly hurt others non-intentionally. They are the gutsy people. Many celebrity and actors/actress/politician fall under hurting officer! There are many handsome and beauty fall under hurting officer categories. For a complete assessment of the 10 different Paradigms of the Hurting officer, please read our eBook on “The 10 Paradigms of Hurting Officer - Your Goals and Objectives Part 2”.

Eating God and Hurting Officer table Tree Day Master

Eating God

Hurting officer

Soil Day Master

Hurting officer

Eating God

Flower Day Master

Hurting officer

Eating God

Iron Day Master

Eating God

Hurting officer

Sun Day Master

Eating God

Hurting officer

Gold Day Master

Hurting officer

Eating God

Fire Day Master

Hurting officer

Eating God

Water Day Master

Eating God

Hurting officer

Mountain Day Master

Eating God

Hurting officer

Rain Day Master

Hurting officer

Eating God

The Positive and Negative relationship of the Eating God and Hurting Officer. Eating God and Hurting Officer are element that we produce and they are in relation to our goals, Interests, objectives and talks and performance, know when and how to please people easily and difficult to give in or please others, know how or don’t know how to manage, talented or not, know how to and don’t know how to talk and express etc…… (Eating God and Hurting Officer) representations are, in pursue of ideas and goals, planning, written works, skill, public arena, maneuver. Not limited to children, students, subordinate relationships. If Eating God and Hurting Officer are in favor meaning the sun appear and sits beside the flower, the person will be proactively pursuing the goals, higher talent and wisdom, easy career achievement! Self motivated! Healthy Courtship and relationship! Female can conceive easily If Eating God and Hurting Officer are NOT in favor meaning the sun is injured by other nature and this will end up self Sabotage, Contradictory, lawsuit, over exert and hurt oneself, damage reputation and career! Harm children! Female have this will harm husband! As you can see from the above table that there were 10 different day masters using 10 Eating God and Hurting Officer differently! For a complete assessment of the 10 different Paradigms of the Eating God and Hurting Officer, please read our eBooks on “The 10 Paradigms of Eating God and Hurting Officer – Your Goals and Objectives Part 1 & 2”.

What is the Paradigm of Direct and Indirect Wealth and what they will do to the Rain? Soft see Soft or Strong see Strong read as Indirect Wealth Soft see Strong and Strong see Soft read as Direct Wealth

Tree Day Master

Indirect Wealth

Direct Wealth

Soil Day Master

Direct Wealth

Indirect Wealth

Flower Day Master

Direct Wealth

Indirect Wealth

Iron Day Master

Indirect Wealth

Sun Day Master

Indirect Wealth

Direct Wealth

Gold Day Master

Direct Wealth

Direct Wealth

Indirect Wealth

Fire Day Master

Direct Wealth

Indirect Wealth

Water Day Master

Indirect Wealth

Direct Wealth

Mountain Day Master

Indirect Wealth

Direct Wealth

Rain Day Master

Direct Wealth

Indirect Wealth

When you are born in Direct Wealth season, you will have or experience the follow outcome! Hour

Day Master



Direct Wealth season

Direct Wealth relationship representations are; wife to a male, father to a female! Direct Wealth structure people will have good business ethic meaning they are born businessman and businesswoman. They are fair in business dealings, and they are very principles orientated. They will not take unnecessary risks in business. The best if the wealth and day master are of equal strength! Earning money will be comfortable and will not drift into greediness. Direct Wealth people, are mostly fall under sowing and reaping principle meaning they have to work. They will succeed in their hard work. As long as their practice is legal, their gain will be in a matter of time! They need patience, and once all water from all directions have gather in a common place, that is where they will reap their rewards.

When the Day Master is weak and Wealth is prosperous, normally, wife will be the bread winner. Direct and Indirect Wealth confusion will trigger family problems. And needs to pay more attention in family matters! Because too much money means many woman luck! Example below; Hour

Day Master



Direct Wealth season

Indirect Wealth

Day master strong and Wealth is weak, will have to depend on oneself and will have to work very hard! For a complete assessment of the 10 different Paradigms of the Direct Wealth, please read our eBook on “The 10 Paradigms of Direct Wealth – Your Wealth and Career Part 1”.

When you are born in InDirect Wealth season, you will have or experience the follow outcome! Hour

Day Master



InDirect Wealth season

Indirect Wealth relationship representation; father to a male, mother-in-law of female! There is windfall, a symbol of reaping without sowing. The event that he did not think possible of will come across. Wife brings blessing and satisfaction. Indirect Structure people, good at seizing opportunities to make money in order to get money, and there are more than a lifetime chance opportunity, it was always a pleasant surprise, especially in terms of money or women. Often quite dramatic on gains and losses, great in communication skill, smooth and witty in handling things! They are also good at helping and taking care of others. And good at winning people hearts! They are very active in their life and people like their Talk and laughs, they are also generous in nature, they are good in an environment analysis and are very quick and sharp in cooling a bad situation. They are also good in speculation on economy outcome. Indirect Wealth meets Hurting Officer, a sweet talker. Hurting Officer meet Indirect Wealth, this kind of person has a wide range of ambition and drive, full of vigour, and when opportunity come, they will turn it into easy fortune. But it also require the good luck to supports its path too! Female will have the intention of infidelity. For a complete assessment of the 10 different Paradigms of the InDirect Wealth, please read our eBook on “The 10 Paradigms of InDirect Wealth – Your Wealth and Career Part 2”.

Direct and Indirect Wealth Table Tree Day Master

Indirect Wealth

Direct Wealth

Soil Day Master

Direct Wealth

Indirect Wealth

Flower Day Master

Direct Wealth

Indirect Wealth

Iron Day Master

Indirect Wealth

Direct Wealth

Sun Day Master

Indirect Wealth

Direct Wealth

Gold Day Master

Direct Wealth

Indirect Wealth

Fire Day Master

Direct Wealth

Indirect Wealth

Water Day Master

Indirect Wealth

Direct Wealth

Mountain Day Master

Indirect Wealth

Direct Wealth

Rain Day Master

Direct Wealth

Indirect Wealth

The Positive and Negative relationship of Direct and Indirect Wealth. Direct and Indirect Wealth are elements that we control, we are capable of doing, our skill, hands on, can handle our wife, unable to handle our wife, in control of our career, out of control in our career, knows what we want, can save or cannot save money, good and bad career and money prospects, like to work or don’t like to work etc……. (Direct Wealth and Indirect Wealth) their representations are assets, money, father, marriage, wife and children and girlfriend definitions. If Direct & Indirect Wealth are in favor meaning they are free from rob wealth and friend intervention and without any clashed or combined and on the same time receive other natures to supports the wealth, money making opportunities will be abundance! Will receive help from father and wife or helpful woman lucks, comfortable marriage life! If Direct & Indirect Wealth are NOT in favor meaning they are being clashed, combined and rob wealth and friends sitting beside them or under control restriction, will encounter dispute in monetary related issues, sudden squander of money, broken relationship problems and harm father. As you can see from the above table that there were 10 different day masters using 10 Direct Wealth and 10 Indirect Wealth differently! For a complete assessment of the 10 different Paradigms of the Direct Wealth and Indirect Wealth, please read our eBooks on “The 10 Paradigms of Direct and InDirect Wealth – Your Wealth and Career Part 1 & 2”.

What is the Paradigm of Officer and the Killing and what they will do to the Rain? Soft see Soft or Strong see Strong read as Killing Soft see Strong and Strong see Soft read as Officer

Tree Day Master



Soil Day Master



Flower Day Master



Iron Day Master



Sun Day Master


Fire Day Master


Gold Day Master



Mountain Day Master


Water Day Master





Rain Day Master




When you are born in Officer Season, you will have or experience the follow outcome!


Day Master


Officer season



Day Master



Officer season

Family relationship, represent superior and teacher; husband of female, the daughter of male. If the Officer is the useful nature to the day master, looks is upright and lofty, are clever, sound is melodious, kind; family background is sound, has mild behaviour and is steady. If Officer Supports Resource can be use, the person will have achievement in society! Childhood times are very discipline, like readings, does not let parents worry and concern. If there is a usable Wealth support Officer Pillar appears in the chart, the person will enjoy gains and great reputation. If childhood period is not in favour meaning the wealth support officer pillar cannot be use, the person will have opportunity to breakthrough in society after schooling period, and it will establish him/her in society at a later stage.

The person will know who his /her ideal partner is; people will admire their marriage life. If the day master is weak, the outcome of the early childhood character will be timid and are afraid of getting involved in social activity. And will have difficulty in terms of raising the child. This is when the month and year pillar natures are not useful to the day master! And wisdom will only appear in the later part of life if the hour pillar is useful. In this situation, parents will have a hard life and concern due to the unfavourable family circumstances. The Day master is naturally weak when they are born in the season of officer season. And when the chart appears Eating god, Hurting officer and Wealth, but without strong Resource or Friends to assist the day master strength, the outcome of the day master will be tremendously weakens too much. The outcome will be a workaholic and enslave by money throughout one’s lifetime! A scenario of trapping one’s own life! As for the Female; if there are many Officers or killings, the outcome of this person will have remarriage or many boyfriends even after married. Or will go into the dark side as career! She must exercise constrains and be firmed by oneself, and will offend other and creates trouble easily. See example below; Hour

Day Master



Officer season


For a complete assessment of the 10 different Paradigms of the Officer, please read our eBook on “The 10 Paradigms of Officer – Your Decision, Reputation and Bosses Part 1”.

When you are born in Killing Season, you will have or experience the follow outcome!


Day Master


Killing season



Day Master



Killing season

Killings in relationship represent boyfriends for Female and also represent son to a Father. Killings and Officer are about the same in characteristic! But the different are, Officer are more on the co-operation and Killings likes competition! Because they are more bossy and ruthless! They like challenges. Strong Killings needs to have the right control, and then the killings can become very powerful and noble! Example a judge, specialist doctor or brigade commander or prison officers! If the day master is weak, and the Killings without control, disasters will surface! If the day master is strong and Killings also equally strong, the person is like an eagle or lion, with great leadership! A very noble person! They create opportunities to the masses and saves life. They are the self made and in born leaders! The movers and shakers of the universe! But they hold grudges and you don’t know. They prefer to work alone. Killings person are restless because of their nature. If there are Resource/Indirect Resource appears to releases their strength, this can become a very knowledgeable person. A very good teacher, lawyer and religious leaders! If the elements are in balance, this kind of person can undertake huge responsibility easily. If killings are too strong, this will in terms harms family and siblings relationships. Conflicting due to self believed. The above two sentences may sound contradictory but it is true because there are useful and non-useful killing from the 10 different day masters! And when Eating gods control Killings, the expression of the person can be aggressive but internally they are afraid! This will result in creating once own coffin and sabotaging ourselves very often! Or a cold scholar in another words! Meaning a useless talented person! For a complete assessment of the 10 different Paradigms of the Killings, please read our eBook on “The 10 Paradigms of Killing - Your Decision, Reputation and Bosses Part 2”.

Officer and Killing Table Tree Day Master



Soil Day Master



Flower Day Master



Iron Day Master



Sun Day Master



Fire Day Master


Gold Day Master




Water Day Master



Mountain Day Master



Rain Day Master



The Positive and Negative relationship of Officer and Killing. Officer and Killings are elements that control me, give me advices, makes me do good things and bad things, corrupt me, give me strength, control me on making the right and wrong decision, give me guts or intimidating me etc…… (Officer and Killing) their representations are society status, reputation, power, lawsuit, competition, competitors, and children related definitions. For Female, it represents husband and boyfriends. If Officer and Killing are in favor meaning they are free from combined and clashed received a useful control, the call for celebration on society status and power driven. A smooth sailing on education and career achievement! For Male perspective, will gain respect by their children. For female perspective, their husband will have society status and power. If Officer and Killing are NOT in favor meaning they are either combined, clashed or under a harsh control, it will be the opposite from the above! And not limited to gossiping and struggle for status and power! Dispute in sibling harmony! Female husband will be detrimental! As you can see from the above table that there were 10 different day masters using 10 Officers and 10 Killings differently! For a complete assessment of the 10 different Paradigms of the Officer and Killing, please read our eBooks on “The 10 Paradigms of Officer and Killing – Your Decision, Reputation and Bosses Part 1 & 2”.

What is the Paradigm of Direct and Indirect Resource and what they will do to the Rain? Soft see Soft or Strong see Strong read as Indirect Resource Soft see Strong and Strong see Soft read as Direct Resource

Tree Day Master

Indirect Resource

Direct Resource

Soil Day Master

Direct Resource

Indirect Resource

Flower Day Master

Direct Resource

Sun Day Master

Indirect Resource

Iron Day Master

Indirect Resource

Indirect Resource

Direct Resource

Gold Day Master

Direct Resource

Direct Resource

Indirect Resource

Fire Day Master

Direct Resource

Indirect Resource

Water Day Master

Indirect Resource

Direct Resource

Mountain Day Master

Indirect Resource

Direct Resource

Rain Day Master

Direct Resource

Indirect Resource

When you are born in Direct Resource Season, you will have or experience the follow outcome! Hour

Day Master



Direct Resource season

Relationship representation for Direct Resource; Elderly, Noble people and Teacher! Mother to a Male. Daughter husband to a Female Direct Resource as useful nature; Intelligent and knowledgeable! Will not meet with big disastrous in one’s lifetime! If accompany with Officer, will be powerful and influential. Upright and lofty, good conduct in speeches! Most will be fall under compassionate, kind and honest. Cherish relationship and very helpful towards others.

Direct Resource represents education or literary star. Likes to study, especially in religious practice! And they are mostly fall under the new invention or discovery categories. If Direct Resource is too strong, and the Eating god, Hurting Officer and Wealth are weak, will have difficulty to express and perform! Absorbing of knowledge will become slow. And will become too old fashion and honest. And will also become inflexible due to self indulgence! The best is not to handle financial affairs in business dealings! Most of this kind of person will fall under the “Mummy boys”. With too much pampering! And become very insecure and very dependent! Direct Resource overly strong, for female will have difficulty conceiving! Especially when the day master is strong and chart appears Direct and Indirect Resource, the outcome will be definite! And this kind of person only thinks of benefiting oneself and will also develop a solitary life. Direct Resource and Officer appears on stem, this kind of people will have comfortable life. And will also receive gain and reputation thru their leadership. Direct Resource seated on Growth branch, mother will be healthy, kind compassionate and long life! For a complete assessment of the 10 different Paradigms of the Direct Resource, please read our eBook on “The 10 Paradigms of Direct Resource - The Knowledge and Six sense of Your Life Part 1”.

When you are born in InDirect Resource Season, you will have or experience the follow outcome! Hour

Day Master



InDirect Resource season

Indirect Resource relationship representation; Six’s sense! Mother of Female! Father in law to a Male. Indirect Resources are more into strategic planning. Creative in ideas and Designing! And they enjoy solitary life! They are not so much into education but are good in artistic recognition. Where they know how to appreciate arts! They have a unique way of learning things and their attentions to details are no questions ask. They are the fast learner and once they had learned, they can put it into action! Because they are very sensitive in learning and their grasping are very fast! They are also fall under the interrogator, spy, CIA, ICAC, FBI, forensic, investigation job scope. They are the proud people due to their uniqueness specialty. Due to their nature, they have difficulty making long lasting friendship, but if they are willing to share, they can become very successful in life. Eating god accompany with Indirect Resource, will encounter disastrous most of the time. And will develop ruthless and mean personality. Hour pillar is Indirect resource will have to watch out lonely or solitary life. Indirect Resource career aspects are the ghost buster, Chinese metaphysic, religious leaders. Indirect Resource people will tents to have gossiping problems, will be easily trap into things that they don’t like to do or undertake. Will be force to do something that they don’t wish! And will also have the outcome of worry and trouble, and have difficulty to handle matters. Indirect Resource people are normally not so close to their mother but it does not mean a bad relationship. Because of their character, they prefer to be alone! For a complete assessment of the 10 different Paradigms of the InDirect Resource, please read our eBook on “The 10 Paradigms of InDirect Resource - The Knowledge and six sense of Your Life Part 2”.

Direct and Indirect Resource Table Tree Day Master

Indirect Resource

Direct Resource

Soil Day Master

Direct Resource

Indirect Resource

Flower Day Master

Direct Resource

Indirect Resource

Iron Day Master

Indirect Resource

Direct Resource

Sun Day Master

Indirect Resource

Direct Resource

Gold Day Master

Direct Resource

Indirect Resource

Fire Day Master

Direct Resource

Indirect Resource

Water Day Master

Indirect Resource

Direct Resource

Mountain Day Master

Indirect Resource

Direct Resource

Rain Day Master

Direct Resource

Indirect Resource

The Positive and Negative relationship of Direct and Indirect Resource Direct and Indirect Resources are elements that produce me, support me, take care of me, give me problem, make me sad and happy, make me learn, make me feel, give me information etc….. (Direct Resource and Indirect Resource) Their representations are largely base on outside supports meaning society support. For example (Received helps from Noble people). It also means placing hopes on our psychology mindset as well as religion definition. In relationship, they are our mother and elderly people. If Direct & Indirect Resources are in favor to us meaning no clashed and combined and a useful control, will be easy to gain support and encouragement from our Boss and helpful people around us! A more stable livelihood and will gain reputation in society! If Direct & Indirect Resources are NOT in favor to us meaning not a useful nature to the day master, encounter clashed and combined or under a nasty control will encounter much obstacle in terms of education and Career perspective! An unstable livelihood, Reputation will be compromise or damage! It can also mean problem with mother. Female will also encounter problems with conceiving! As you can see from the above table that there were 10 different day masters using 10 Direct Resource and 10 Indirect Resource differently! For a complete assessment of the 10 different Paradigms of the Direct Resource and Indirect Resource, please read our eBooks on “The 10 Paradigms of Direct and InDirect Resource The Knowledge and six sense of Your Life Part 1 & 2”.

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