
August 22, 2017 | Author: Centre for Traditional Education | Category: Planets In Astrology, Eclipse, Astrological Sign, Esoteric Cosmology, Planets
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RAHU & KETU tio na









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CONTENTS Chapters:







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l. Introduction 2. Rahu & Ketu in Hindu AstrologY 3. Rahu & Ketu in WesternAstrologY 4. True conceptionof Rahu & Ketu 5. Rahu & Ketu in Houses 6. Rahu & Ketu in Signs 7. Rahu & Ketu in AsPects 8. Combinationsof Rahu or Ketu with Planets 9. Rahu & Ketu in Vimshottari Dasa 10, Rahu & Ketu in Transits ll. Transit Rahu & Ketu aspectingPlanets 12. Transiting PlanetsaspectingRahu & Ketu 13. Kala-SarpaYoga 14. Eclipsesin Nativities 15. Rahu & Ketu in FemaleHoroscopes 16. Rahu & Katu in SYnastrY 17, Karmic Destiny 18. FamousPeople


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Thereare somewho will say that the Moon,sNodes(Rahu and Ketu) are worthless.Otherswill claimthey help. Who are you to believe? It is through pain staking effort and the collection of many charts that I have been finally ableto understandas tO how to use Rahu and Ketu. In the horoscopesof several criminals, Rahu/Mars associationwill be clearly visible.






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Someof the learnedauthors.areof the opirrionthat Rahu and Ketu do not solely produce any significanteffectancl their influenceis also minimum. But thereare some authors who say that Rahu and Ketu may cloud'theresultof a house by interferingwith rhe Sun or the Moon or both, but they do not work independently. Through the last pagesof thisbook by way of illustration, I have very much proved that Rahu and Ketu do work independentlyand work powerfully.


If you have beentaught that the Moon's Nodeshave little or no value and you ignore them completelythat is your prerogative. If you want to take the chancewith your own chart, that is your right, too. How far they are reliableahd to what extent they can be incorporated into your methods of predictionwill dependon your studiesand research. So far there is not a singlebook being written on Rahu and Ketu in India. One of the prime reasonsfor this neglectedarea is the lack of available informatjon on Rahu and Katu. Many authors have not given much importanceto the Moon's Node's, and whateverscatteredinformation we get from the different authors through the periodicals is not www.cteindia.weebly.com


enough to justify as a book on Rahu and Ketu. Then there are controversial statements. in the texts and the reader is at loss as to make out which ii right and which is wrong.

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I do not claim that I have originated the text. I have no hesitation in admitting that I collected and compiled the text from the various sources. In this strenuous, work, Asirologinehas [o adjust the right amount. lt is dilficult for hirn to arrive at successin life. The action and stressseem to colneout .rt the Sun position.






MOON. This can give problems with health lbr rnosr of the person's life. This aspect produces peculiar ernotional i m b a l a n c ei n t h a t i n d i v i d u a r . T h e a c t i o n a n d s t r e s ss L ' e n r st o come out at the Moon's position and through problc.nrsn,ith wornen. It is best to releasethe feelings solne way. MARS. Along rvith this aspecr cornes cruelty or stenl nature. It gives impatience and may disturb ,i" pf,yr;.ui vitality which can cause physical suff.ri,.,g. Ofr.crr one finds that they have no energy rvhen [hey hau"'u ror ro tro.nd vicc versa. It givc.srnuch sexual energy. sometiurcs t., tt.," puini of sexual prorniscuity. MERUCRy. lt may ntake the person seem aloof. Therc rs a tendency to fault linding exaggeration. .lhey need to t'eel good' but they are frequentr| unabre t' do so f,r no -j7 www.cteindia.weebly.com

specilic reason. Hidden often seen.

tensions with

brothers/sisters are

This person is at one extreme or another' never JUPITER. good luck or down the middle of the road' Hindrance in people these For aspect' this in seen often is opportunities He prominent' and quite common is children learnings from reckless' and can be revolutionary

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This aspect tends to break-up his numerous love VENUS put obsaffairs. It may not deny love in his life but it can is no square The tacles in the way that he must overcome' person tyrannical good for lasting love and tend to make the and jealous'



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This is quite a strange aspect to sush an SATURN' This exrent that limitations in life are doubly,significant. Call fated' be to life seems The position can give lorieliness. we which area that is it will, you it. fate. Kalma, ot what discipline' strict it in to can rlo little about except surrender




URANUS. This person varies from moody and sensitive utilised to to reckless. Deliant strange ways and means are achievethingsinlife.Hehasalovefordrasticaction.It prone' can complete him to take risks, making him accident

NEPTUNE,somewiththisaspectseekfalsesatisfaction sides to in the seuses. Many times, this aspect indicates two tlrerlature.apullbetweenundueidealismandover-sensiti Karma vity with power hungry selfish gratifications' The position house ,niil be according to the nature of the sign and and aspects. PLUTO. He seemslbrced to project himself into a sepaand rative acrion. In this aspect, the life is full of action

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suppressionof action without any significant events. If preplanned and properly executed, ideas of these people have a substantially great influence over mankind. Trines/Sextiles to RahuiKetu SUN. This aspect provides good popularity. personal elevation and execution of proper ego for that individuat. Correct and constructive actions come naturally to successfully fulfil the destiny of the Nodes. Circumstantial assistance in getting recognisedin the world is noticed.


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MOON. This aspect gives a calm and steaoy emotional nature. In a man's chart, it attracts a woman who will help him. It gives a cheerful temperament. The health is affected beneficially and the personality colnes acrosswell with the public.





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MARS. This aspect provides added physical strengrh or reserve energles. It can give a feeling of independence 'vital because of the nature'these people have. Assistance from brothers or to them is very prominent in this person's life,



MERCURY. This is an intellectually stimularing aspecr. Trine aspect is good for an astrologer. All aspects to Mercury have psychic value. Their communication and externalisation has a magnetic force associatedwith that which others cannot help but notice. JUPITER. Financial good luck and material . sbccess without sacrificing any Karmic debt is seen in this aspqct. This aspect indicates wholehearted pursuit ol the nodal positions and aids in an effective way. ln this aspect, proper use of knowlcdge and wisdom is shown by the indivi-

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He is also the philospher.

VENUS. This aspect in a man's chart makes him attract beautiful women with much charm of manner and they can expect better luck regarding money matters. This gives a nature that is dependable and well able to put action behind the feglings of affection.

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SATURN. This aspect provides excellent working habits to these individuals. Here they have the ability to see the serious broad view and stick to it: In this aspect, the harder the person works, the better will be hisrewards. Emotional a n d s p i r i t u a lm a t u r i t y i s s e e n e v e n i n e a r l y c h i l d h o o d .

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U R A N U S . H e c a n e x p r e s sh i n r s e l fb e s t t h r o u g h h u m a n i tarian and social reform. Brilliant ideas and innovative things are often associatedrvith this aspect. Orle good thing about these people is know how to, and when to. use their unsual energies.






N E P T U N E . T h i s p e l s o n i s t a l e n t e d i n m u s i c a n c lt h e arts, or has a great appreciation of thenr. This aspect prov i d e s s t r o n g s e n s eo f s p i r i t u a l i t y o r e v e n m e d i u m i s t i ca t t i t u d e to the individual. lt inclines him to metaphysical studies. H e s e e k st h e s e e m i n g l yi m p o s s i b l e . PLUTO. Even the good aspectsto Pluto can be separative, but the seperatiol is for good. Their temper, when not in control is quite destructive, not only to them, but to their surroundings as well. lt denotes force and depth.



CHAPTER 8 Combinationsof Rahu or Ketu with the Planets



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It is rather difficult to give all the combinarions of the Rahu or Kelu w i t h t h e p l a n e t s ,b u t i n t h i s c h a p t e r , w e w i l l p r o v i d e s o m e o f t h e important conrbinationsrvhich the readcrs uill find useful in predictive astrology.


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l . A s s o c i a r i o n o f R a h u r vi t h S u n . M a r s a r r d S a t n r n n u l l i f i e sa l l t h e o t h e r g o o d c o u r b i n a t i o n so f t h e h o r o s c o p e .






2 . C o m b i n a t i o no f t h e S u n . l O t h l o r d a n d t h e a s c e n d e n t lord aspected by Rahu rnakes [he negative proficient in religious scriptures. Some result is indicated if Raliu is in c o t r b i n a t i o n r v i t h M a r s a n d t h e 2 n d h o u s el o r d . 3. Rahu, 2nd from the Sun and 9th fronr Saturn conl'ers s p i r i t u a l i t y o n d t u r n s t h e n a t i v e i n t o a r e l i g i o u sl e a d e r . 4 . R a h u s c l u a r et o S u n a n d t r i n e t o S a t u n . r o l R a h u p l a c e d3 r d o l t l t h l ' r o r nt h e S u n o r S i r t u r n s o n f c r s r o y u l i t y o n t h e n a t i v e i r r r n o s to f t l r e c a s e s . 5 . T h e b e s t p o s i t i o n o f R a h u i s t o b e p o s i r e di n t h e l s t h o u s ea l o n g r v i t h S a t u r n . t h e S u n a n d t h e M o o n h a v i n g t h e 9 t h r e s p e c to f J u p i t e r . 6 . R a h u w i t h t h e 7 t h l o r d i n S a g i t r a r i u so r P i s c e s r n u k e s t h e n a t i v e a d u l t e r o u sa n d i f t h e S u n j o i n s w i t h t h c r n . h e r v i l l h a v e s e x u a l r e l a t i o n sr v i t h t h e w o l n e n o t ' h i g h b o r n l r r r n i l i e s . www.cteindia.weebly.com





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7. Rahu in the 6th, Saturn in the 8th. Mars and the Sun in the l2th housecausesthe native to lose his mother in his l2th year. 8. Rahu in the 5th, Moon in the ascendent,Venusin the 2nd and Sun/Mercuryin the l2th house; the person will be greatly troubled by his wife and children. 9. Moon joins Rahu, Saturn joins Mars and placed in the ascendant,it is evil for the mother. However, if Sun/ Mars do not aspect Saturn, there will be comforts of the Mother till late in the life. 10. Mars in the llth house with Rahu and thesun in the 5th house,the native will lead a life as a chief of the town. ll. Rahu in the 7th houseaspectingVenus or Venus in the 7th house from Rahu and if from Venus, Sun/Marsare in the 3rd house,the personwill fall from a tree and die. 12. Personis not born on Thursday,Jupiter joins Rahu, Mars join Saturnand Moon joins Sun. the native will become lame. 13. Rahu in the 2nd house with Sun, Mercury, Venus and Saturn, the mother dies soon after the delivery.


14. Venusin the 7th house;Sun, Mars, and Jupiter are placedin a signowned by an evil planetand Rahu is placed in a sign of maleficplanet, the nativervill sufferfrom chronic illness. 15. Rahu in the 5th houseand the ascendantlord is in association with the Sun. Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. the child will die soon after birth. 16. Rahu in the 2nd house.Sun in the ascendant,Mars in the 3rd house.Mercury in the l2th houseand Venusis exalted in Pisces,the native will enjoy royality. 42 www.cteindia.weebly.com

17. Moon in the 2nd house. Rahu in the 3rd house, Jupiter in the 4th house, Mercury in the l2th house and Saturn in the llth houseor 6th house,with exaltedSun in Aries, gives rise to exceedinglypowerful Raja Yoga. If of a Royal birth, the native is sure to becomean Emperor.


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18. Corrjunctionof Rahu and the Sun in the 4th houseis not favourable. There wlll be many financialtroubles, fear to enemies,and failure of plans. Theremay be the problems of children also. Finally the native will leavefor another town or country. 19. Rahu conjunction Sun in the 7th, the native will of women. loosehis wealth through the association 20. Rahu conjunctionSun in the l0th house will bring elevation in native's life. but the political careerwill be a failure. He will havemany ups and downs in life. Rahu conjunction Sun in the 9th housewill give higherlearnings and foreign travels.






21, Conjunctionof Rahu and the Sun is bad in Aries, Gemini, Libra, Scorpio and Aquarius. Sun conjunction Ketu destroysthe housewhere they are placed. to the Sun in the 22. Rahu or Ketu in close.conjunction 8th housecurtailsthe longevity. 23. Rahu conjunction the Sun in l,eo is termed favourable. Similarly conjunction of Rahu and the Sun in the lst, 3rd, 5th or l2th house is excellent. It will bring fame, social elevation,dignity etc. but the relationsbetweenthe father and the Sun will not be cordial. 24. If Rahu or Ketu conjunction the Sun is affiicted, placed in malefic houses or aspected'by -malefic planets,it causes lossof professionand prestige. There will be frustrations and comforts of the children rvill be denied.

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25. If Rahu is 5rh from the Sun and Jupiter and 2nd, ^ 3rd,.. 5th, _6th, 8th, 9th, 'l lth or l2th from the M;;'; p u b l i c l e a d e ri s b o r n . 26. Rahu in square aspect to Saturn, the Sun the Moori and Jupiter, the politician is born. Jupiter in trine aspect instead of square, shapes the administrators amongst them. Alternatively, Rahu in the 2nd, 6th, gth or l2th house from Saturn. the Sun, the Moon and Jupiter gives rise to a politician and administrator. 27. Caplicorn ascendant. the native is claisified as luckv if Rahu is not rvith Jupiter, Moon is with the Sun and Mars is with Saturn. 28. Rahu in the 8th house aspected by Sun/Saturn and not especred by the benelics; 8th or l2th year will prove critical for the native. 29. When Ketu is in Sagittarius upto 3"-2A', anrJ the M o o n a n d S u n h a v e t h e s a m ed e c l i n a t i o ' s , t h e n w h a t e v e r may be the other combination denoting rank, status and position the person cannot rise in life. MOON l . S a t n r n i n t h e 5 t h h o u s e a s p e c t e do r . a s s o c i a t e db y t h e M o o n a n d R a h u c o n j u ' c t i o n 5 t r r h o u s el o r c r b r i n g s a b o u t t h e 'I'he loss of children. same results are incliiated, when Rahu i s a s s o c i a t e dw i t h J u p i t e r . r o r c l o f t h e a s c e n d a n t i s w i t h M a r s a n d t h e r u l e r o f t l r c 5 t h h o u s er s w e a k . 2 . R a h u i n t h e 6 t h . t i t h o r l 2 t h h o u s er v i t h t h e M o o n a n d S a t u r n a n d a s p e c t e d b y t h e l o r d o f t h e a s c e n d a n tbring about the deathin bad circuurstances. 3 . W i t h t h e a s p e c to f R a h u o n S a r u r n , r v h e n t h e M o o n i s v e r y w e a k . r v i l l l e a d t h e n a t i v e t o u n d e r g o t h e operattolr of the head. 4. Rahu prorluces rvhitc- lcprosy u,hen combinedrvith Mars or Moon.








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5. If Rahu is 8th from Saturn, l0th frcm Jupiter and 3rd from the Moon, a great scientist is born. 6. Ruler of the ascendentwith the ruler of the 6th house and Rahu in the sixth house, the native will die by poison at the hands of a woman. Some result is produced if Moon is in the ascendantand Venus is with Rahu or Ketu. 7. Rahu with Moon in the 9th house and Jupiter in the lOth house the native will be blessedwith lucky and beautiful children. 8. Capricorn ascendant, Ketu 7th to Moon and 4th to Venus, there will be 3 marriages or there rvill be three women No cordial relations with the children. The resiin his life. dence will by old and mother's comforts are denied. The native will alsg suffer from the heart disease. Such a Moon brings diseaseand trials. 9. Capricorir ascendent,Saturn Sth to the Moon and Rahu 5th to the Moon, the mother of the native is rendered. Unfortunate. There will be freckles on the face or birth-marks on the body. 10" Jupiter and Moon in the l2th house are classifiedas unfortunate, but if Rahu or Ketu stays with them. the defect is cancelledand classifiedas fortunate. I l. Rahu in the ascendent without Moon or any benefic planet, Saturn in the third house and malefics in the 4tir, ?th and l0th houses, the person will have nothing but sufferings all through the life. 12. Rahu in the 4th housewith the Moon in the 8th houses a n d m a l e f i c a r e i n t h e l s t , 4 t h , 7 t h a n d l O t h h o u s e s ,t h e l o n g e vity of the native is short. 13. If Rahu with the Moon, Mars and Saturn stays in either the 7th or 9th house, then the health will be disturbed on the 7th day or in the 7th month.

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14. Rahu in Aquarius, Mars in Capricorn, Moon and Saturnin Virgo with Jupiter in Leo, the native will becomea king. 15. Rahu in the ascdndantor in the 8th houseand is aspectedby the Moon, the lOth day will be evil. (b) Rahu in the 4th house Moon in the lst, 4th, 7th or l0th house,the 20th year will be critical. (c) Rahu in the 4th, 6th or 8th and the Moon in the 8th, the 20th day will be evil. (d) Rahu in the Sth house and the Moon is in the lst,4th,7th or l0th house,then the life is short. (e) Rahu in the ascendant,the Moon in the 6th house,the native may suffer from convulsions or fits. (f) Rahu in the 8th housewith a weak Moon shows falling sickness. (g) Rahu in the 4th house with the Moon in the 6th or 8th house,the life will be short. 16. Rahu with the Moon in the 3rd house,mother will die at an early age. 17. Rahu/Moon conjunctionwithout benefic aspectsgive rise to all sortsof mental diseases.Other planetsdeveloptraits when eonjoined with Rahu or Ketu. (b) The conjunction taking place in the 3rd housegivesone anxietyon accountof one'sown pervertedthinking.The sisterbecomeswidow. 18. Moon in Capricorn aspectedby jupiter and Rahu in Virgo, one may have numberof childrenout of which two or three would survive. 19. Rahu's association with Moon alonein soft constellation is good for intution. But if Mars join the combination,it will have a very undesirableeffect. The person may suffer from hysteria, swellingsand epilipticfits. One may become sensitive and apt to suffer throughcontactwith the rougher side of life. He will be highly stungand liable to nervous exhaustion. 20. Moon/Mars/Rahu or Moon/Saturn/Rahuor Mercury/


Mars/Rahu or Mercury/Saturn/Rahu associations' especially in Sagittarius, Aries, and Scorpio or in the constellation ruled by Mars or Saturn is a dreaded combination unless there are beneficial aspects. The person's life, coinciding with the operation of main periods of any of the planets concerned, is liable to be shattered and frustrated. Headstrong, restlessand intolerant of restraint. ill-controlled temper inclines thc person to go to extremes. MARS


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l. Mars, Jupiter and the ruler of the 5th house are in conjunction and aspected by Rahu from the ascendant, death of children is indicated. 2. Rahu and Venus in the 4th house while Mars or Saturn is posited in the ascendant produce a mark at the heel or left-







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leg. 3. Rahu in the ?th house and Mars in the 4th house, the native will behave like an animal to satisfy his lusts. 4. Rahu in the 7th house, Mars in the 6th house and Saturn in the 8th house, the wife will be short lived. This combination will destroy the brothers as well. 5. When 6th house ruler aspectedby Rahu or Ketu is in Aries, or Scorpio or in ascendant with Mars, thieving, cheating alrd lying tendencieswill be prominent in the native. 6. Combination of Rahu with Mars and Saturn in the ascendantgives rise to the diseasesof the generativeorgans. 7. Combination of Rahu with Mars and Saturn makes the native accident prone. The house position will indicate the part of the body to be affiicted or shatters the prosperity of that house. 8. Combination of Rahu with Mars and Saturn in the 8th

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house makes the person perverse, cruel and immoral. There will be sudden rise and sudden fall. 9. If Mars or Jupiter is with Ketu in the 3rd house in conjunction with the rord of the 2nd house, the native can shine well as an author or an editor. 10. Rahu or Ketu with Mars and Saturn in the 9th house the father will die after untold hardships. I l. Capricorn ascendant,Rahu 3rd to Murcury and Mars 3rd from Rahu, there will be prominent birth_Mark or a scar on one of the legs. 12. Rahu in Gemini, Mars in Leo, Saturn in Libra and Venus in Virgo. the mother will die earlv. 13. Mercury 8th to Mars and nanu -sttrto Mercury, the person will have an stomach ailment and will have financial problems. 14. Rahu, Mars and Jupiter together in the 6th, gth or l2th house, the native will earn the displeasureof the ruler. 15. Mars or Venus or Mercury in the lOth house, identi_ cal to its own sign with Rahu, there will be sudden gains and sudden fall. 16. Rahu in the l0th house, Jupiter in the gth house and Venus is 4th to Mars, the person will get his hands or feet injured. He will become paralytic and thereby incapacitated profesionally. 17. Rahu in the 4th house. Mars in the ascendant and Saturn in l2th house, 8th month will be critical (b) Rahu in the 3rd house, Mars and Saturn in the 2nd house, longevity can be estimated as one year. (c) Rahu in the 7th house witl the Moon, Mars and Saturn, the 7th day or the 7th year can be critical for longevity. (d) Rahu or Ketu in the ascendant, and ascendantlord joins Mars, the lgth year will be critical. 1 8 . M a r s / R a h u i n t h e 3 r d h o u s ek i l l s t h e e l d e r b r o t h e r o r








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the native will be the eldest. He will be slaveto his emotions. Peoplewill have no regard for him. If Rahu/Mars are in Gemini in the 3rd house,the native will live fo, i+y."* ;;; will die on a Wednesdaymorning when the Moon is in Revati asterism. 19. Mars/Rahu in the 4th house (a) : lf beneflc_the subjectwilr gain through metal, gold, sirvererc. and through cloth etc. He might get a legacyas well. (b) If affiiciea:,f,"?" will be lossof wealth and tossesthrough enemies and rogues. Various types of obstaclesand delays irise. 20. Mars/Rahu in the Sth house, there will be no male issueor issuesdies. Rahu in the 5th t,our. in Ari., i;;;; or aspectedby Mars bringsabout the loss of sons. "; 21. Mars/Rahu in the 7th house gives more than one wife and indicateslove affairs before marriage. 22. Mars/Rahuin the gth house spoils the health, gives middle ageand deathas a result of poison or beingbitten by poisonousinsect. Mars conjunctionKetu, there will be - .?? fear about male children, of weapons,of il_health. There will be lossof wealth,family troubles, divorce and death but towarOsiie end of Dasa of Mars or Ketu, there will be an increaseof luck and much benefit. 24. Mars/Ketu in the 4th house, fear will arisedue to eitherof the following : (a) sons, (b) weapons, (c) diseases. Lossof wife and lossof wealth has to be apprehended. At the closeof Ketu Dasa,there will be happiness and gains. 25. Mars/Ketu in the 5th house,there will be an emo_ tional problemin the lgth year, por.litf a love affair. The hair will beginto fall-premature'baldness. There may be as many as three marriages. 49 www.cteindia.weebly.com


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26. Rahu in Gemini arid Mars in Leo, the native will enjoy all sort of comforts, authority and will becomethe king. 11. Mars/Rahuin the l0th or llth or 2nd house produce detective writers. Makes the nativerich by understandand questionablemeans. 28. Mars in close conjunction to Rahu or Ketu makesa personviolent.Suchapersoncannotcontrolhisangeran iometimes murderoustendencyappears. Rahu/Mars association also givessuicidal tendencies,speciallyin certain destructive parts of different asterisms' Rahu/Mars/Moon in the asterismof the ascendantbrings about sucideby the native. 29. Rahu in the 2nd houseand Mars in the 7th house' the wife will not survive. 30. Rahu in the 6th, Mars in the 5th Venusin the 8th and the Sun in the 9th, the personwill lead his country or the nation. l0th 31. Rahu/Marsin the 6th houseand Mercury in the





house,thenativewillrisetoanauthoritivepositionandw have an Excellentcareer' 32. Rahu and Jupiter in the 8th house causesstornach are those diseases. If the parts of the constellationsinvoli'ed for this If operation' an of Mars or Ketu, one undergoes the will undergo he house, 3rd in the combination.Mercury is operation in a foreign country' MERCURY l. Combination of Rahu/Mercury/Saturn in the lOth housesometimesresultsin the amputation of the leg' 2. Combination of Rahu or Ketu with the ascendant lordandtheMoonorwithMercury'inahousewillindicat house' the skin diseaseon the part of the body ruled by that

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Rahu produceswhite leprosywhen combinedwith the ascendant lord and Mercury. 3. Rahu aspectedby Saturn, Venusand Mercury becomes very powerful to do good. Although Rahu is stated to be friend of Mercury, Venusand Saturn,but the conjunctionwith theseplanetscausesmore affiiction than otherwise. In fact, Rahu is no one'sfriend. 4. Capricon ascendant,Rahu 3rd to Mercury' successas a farmer oldairy owner. Large number of cattle and wealth through animalsis indicated. He will enjoy great comforts. 5. Mercury/Jupiterin the 2nd house and Rahu identical to Gemini, the native will be benefittedby three well-to do relations. 6. Rahu conjunctionJupiter in the 7th houseand Mercury in the 9th house, the personwill leave his country of birth and will live in foreign lands. 7. Rahu in the l2th house with Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn in the 5th house; it will be bad for the longevityof the native. 8. Rahu in an angle(l-4-7-10) with Saturn'Jupiter,Venus and Mercury, the person will be a healthy strong man with good children, honour etc. and long lived. 9. Rahu or Ketu with Mercury and ruler of the 2nd house positedin the 6th give rise to diseaseof the mouth, ear and nos€. 10. Rahu 8th from Mercury, the parentswill be sickly and renderedunfortunate. ll. Mercury 2nd to Rahu, the native will leave the country of birth and will residein a foreign land. 12. Rahu 7th to Mercury may leavethe chicken-poxor small-poxon the body. 13. Rahu/Mercury in the 4th house gives gains and 5l www.cteindia.weebly.com






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money. It giveshigh position and socialstatus,but if the sign is Pisces.there will be sorrows due to relations' friends and children. 14. Mercury with Ketu or Rahu in the 6th or l2th house and heavily afflictedgivesrise to a disease which cannot be diagnosedor cured. Even nervousbreakdown or insanityis caused. 15. 'Rahu conjunction Venusin the 4th housewill give all comfortsand pleasuresbut if Mercury joins them, the native damaginghis health. will indulge in sexualexcesses, 16. Rahu conjunction Mercury in the 5th house, it may affect the brain. JUPITER l. Capricornascendant, Rahu in the lOth and Jupiter in the 8th house, the native rray possibly suffer from rheumatism, paralysisor polio. 2. Jupiter in the ascendant and Rahu in the 8th house give a mark on the left hand. Sameresultswill be produced if Rahu/Jupiterare in the ascendantand 8th houseis occupied by malefics. 3. Rahu conjunction Jupiter in Leo giveslong age. Same will be the resultsif Rahu alone staysin Aries or Virgo. 4. Saturn conjunction Rahu or Ketu, but under the beneficrays ofJupiter, producesa great Yogi. 5. Rahu in squareor trine to Jupiter or in trine to the Sun createswriters. 6. Capricornascendant. Rahu 4th to Jupiter and Venus 4th to Rahu, the persOn will be lucky and prosperous. In addition to wealth, he will enjoy nameand.famebut therewill be fluctuationstoo. 7. Rahu in the 3rd house, Saturn in the 2nd houseand Jupiter in the ascendant,thc native destroys his mother and

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alsokills his brothers. 8. Ketu conjunction Saturn in the 3rd houseand Jupiter in the 9th house, the person born will be outside wedlocli. 9. Rahu conjuction Jupiter in the gth house, there will be a stomuchailment and also the birth-mark near the naval. 10. Rahu in the ascendant,Saturn in the 7th house and Venus conjunction Jupiter in tlre l2th house, the child will Iive for one year. I l. Rahu in Taurus in the 9th house with Venusand Jupiter, the personwill live for a very long age. 12. Jupiter in Aries and Rahu with Venus occupies the 10th house, the person born will be prosperousand fortu_ nate. He will enjoy somesort of authority also. 13. Jupiter in the l0th house, Rahu in the sixth house and Venus in the 2nd house, the native will rise to great heights even if born under humble circumstances. 14. Jupiter conjunction Rahu or Ketu, without any benefic makes the native scoff at religion and higher valueoi life but if aspected by benefics,the native will love and respectthe learned and religious people. 15. Rahu conjunction Jupiter in the 4th house with benefic aspects will make the native religiousand God fearing. He will have wealth and prosperity,and will distinguish himselfas a lawyer. 16. Jupiter conjuction Ketu destroys the fruit of the housein which it takesplace. 17. Jupiter conjunctionRahu in favourablesigns in lst, 5th, 9th or Jupiter aspectingRahu when placedin the lst, 9th or l0th house, the native rises very high and will be respected by all. 18. Capricorn ascendant. Jupiter conjunction Rahu in the 9th house. The subject will rise high and will enjoy all 53 www.cteindia.weebly.com

will die' sorts of comfortsbutnearly 5o/.of his children house' there 5th the in Jupiter 19. Rahu conjunction may be lossof issuesor abortions' VENUS






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give-all-sorts.of l. Rahu/Venusin the 4th house will be domestic will Tfere gains including money and lands' . will friends and Relations nutto"v and comforts' ;;;, be of great helP. ascendent'there 2. Rahu in the 8th and Venus in the will be a mark on the head or left ear' 3rd house and 3. Rahu in the l2th house, Saturtrin the be defective' Venus in the 5th house, the right eye will aspectsVenus in Rahu house' 3rd 4. Saturn/Ketuin the for the oppositesex' the 5th house, there will be fascination Rahu' the native 5. Venus in the 7th house aspectedby may sufferfrom choleraor diarrhoea' 7th' 8th or l2th 6. Venusconjunction Rahu in 3rd' 6th' Venus trine Rahu houseis bad but is good in other houses' give the native excellentmoral character' perversesexoutlook' 7. VenusconjunctionKetu gives SATURN and Saturn 8th to l. Rahu in Capricorn or Aquarius scienccs' Rahu the native takes interestirr occult house' there will 9th in the 2. Rahu conjunctionSaturn rulers and fear of fall be Jispleasurewith the parentsor theihe country of leave may from a high position. The native birth or town of residence' the mother 3. Saturn conjunctionRahu in the ascendant'

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would have suffered from labour pains and the native will suffer ill-health in his childhood and the wounds will affiicr him in young age. 4. Rahu in the lOth house ano rofd of the l0th house with Saturn posited in the 3rd house, the native will be wealthy, religiousand lgarned. 5. Rahu or Ketu with Saturn and 4th house ruler, placed in the 8th house will give stomach and digestion troubles. 6. Saturn canjunction Rahu or Ketu in a malefic house givessuicidal tendencyand criminal bent of mind. 7. Saturnin the constellationof Rahu and Ketu in the constellation of Saturn, involving the 8th house, denotes predispositionto paralytic strokes. HOUSES l. Rahu invariablyoccupiesthe candenthousesfrom the major planetsin the casesof ordinary men. 2. Rahu's associationwith the rulers of the ascendant and the ruler of 6th house brings about poisoning from snakes,women, and fear from thieves. FIRST HOUSE. Rahu in the ascendantand the ascendant lord in l0th houseshowsthat the time of delivery the native issuedleg foremost. 2. Rahu in the lst, 4th, 7th or l0th house aspectedby malefics,it is evil on rhe lOth day or in the lOth year. 3. Rahu in the ascendantidentical to Leo with benefic aspectsgivesa kingly life. Rahu in the ascendant identical to Aries. Taurus or Cancer protects the native and bestows all the comforts. 4. Rahu in Gemini or Virgo and placedin the lst, 4th, 6th, 7th, l0 or l2th house, the person wilt be charitable, grateful, God-fearing. He will have no sufrerings and rvill

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bc blessedwith all sorts of comforts. 5. Ketu in the ascendant identical to Capricorn or Aquarius bestowson the native wealth and children. 6. Rahu in the ascendantwhile lord of the ascendantis associatedwith a malefic gives the native troubles from thievesand cheats. 7. Rahu in the ascendantin Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra. Sagittariusor Aquarius gives the native a lean body. 8. Rahu or Ketu in combination iwith the lord of the ascendant and 6th house and placed in lst, 4th 5th' 7th' 9th or lOth housemay result in the chain impriscnment of






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the native. 9. Rahu or Ketu when positedin the lst, 4th, 5th, 7th' 9th or l0th houseand is associatedwith the rulers of one of thesehousesbring about prosperityand fortune to the native. Their conjunction with the rulers of 5th or 9th house is beneficial any where in the chart. They confer happiness. childrenand wealth. on the native. SECOND HOUSE. Rahu or Ketu in 2nd or 7th house in conjunctionwith or aspectedby the ruler of the l5th or the 9th house,bestowswealthi,long life and authority. THIRD HOUSE. Rahu with the ruler of the ascendant ir' the 3rd housemakesthe personone of the twins. 2. Rahu posited the 3rd, 6th, or llth house with the aspects or associationsof benefic planets removes all the troublesand difficultiesof human life. 3. Rahu in the 3rd house (affiicted)kills the eldest and the youngest brother, Ketu in the 3rd housedestroysall or brings in troublesfrom then. 4. Rahu in the 3rd housewith the ruler of the 3rd house makes the native bold within but he will behave like a coward. Ketu in the 3rd house with the ruler of the 3rd 56 www.cteindia.weebly.com







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house makes the native coward within, with an outward show of bravery. Rahu or Ketu in the 3rd housewith a givesrise to the diseaseof the neck. --ibu"nfH malefic HoUsE. Rahu in the 4th house with evil planetsin the ascendantand the 7th houseand maleficsin the 2nd or l2th house, the 7th day after birth will become very critical. Rahu in the 4th house affiicted by maleficsmay bring about the death in the first year of birth or in the l0th or l4th year. 2. Rahu in the 4th houseindicates that the native will have a closed mind. He will never open his headto any one. When afflicted, it induces the native to put up an out' ward appearattceof a good and religious man and act accordinglythoughinwardly he may be quite the opposite' FIFTH HOUSE. Rahu exalted or debilitated in the 5th causessorrow through children. 2. Rahu or Ketu in the 5th housewith no benefic aspect reduces the comforts. There will be fear of all typesincluding fear of women and serpents. Children and family members will be the source of worry, and the native will haveweak memory. If Rahu aspectsthe 5th house, the son will derideand disobeY. SIXTH HOUSE. Rahu in the sixth house gives wounds or scar marks on both the legsof the native Ketu in the sixth house brings in cuts or wounds or scarmarks near the eyesor on the belly. 2. Troubles from evil spirits are produced by Rahu or Ketu in the 6th housewith aspectsof maleficsand with evil amsas. J. The mere occupation of the 6th by Rahu with the malefic aspectsgivesthe native lying or cheatingdisposition. 4. Rahu in the 6th house with the ruler of the lst and 57 www.cteindia.weebly.com






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6th houses and other malefics, makes the person sickly and short tempered. SEVENTH HOUSE. Rahu in the ?th house with the 7th lord identical to Sagittarius or Pisces, the person will have sexual relations with religious and respectablegirls. 2. Rahu or Ketu in the 7th house brings about sexual union with women during their periods. The native's wife will have a long, hanging and ugly breasts. 3. Rahu or Ketu in the 7th house aspected by malefics indicate that the wife of the native will not be chaste and will be interested in other men. If Rahu or Ketu are heavily aflicted. the native will not have a wife or if he marries. the wife will die in a very short time. 4. Ruler of the 7th house aspected by malefics and combined with Rahu or Ketu, the native will be prone to commit adultery. 5. Malefic Rahu in the 7th house, death can be apprehended in the 10th year. When Rahu is inimical and occupies the 7th or the 9th house, it is evil for the native in his l6th year. EIGHTH HOUSE. Rahu or Ketu in the 8th house or associatedwith 8th lord, indicates typhoid or like fevers. NINTH HOUSE. Affiicted Rahu in the 9th house gives tendencies for crual deeds. A hard healted and merciless leader is born when Rahu or Ketu is placed in the 9th house and 9th lord is debilitated. 2. Rahu or Ketu posited in the 9th or l0th house in conjunction with the lord of the 5th or the 9th house will bestow all sorts of luxuries arrd the comforts on the native. TENTH HOUSE. Rahu in the l0th with benefic planets gives the native pilgrimages to holy places and shrines. The second half of life will be prosperous and fortunate.

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ELEVENTH HOUSE. Rahu in the llth house is bad for children but brings about large number of friends even amongstthe great. TWELETH HOUSE. kahu in the l2th house lands the native in wastefulexPenditure. 2. Rahu's associationwith the ruler of the llthhouse resultsin the lossof a limb when the 12th houseis occupiedby the malefics' 3. Rahu in the l2th house with the ruler of the ascendant and aspected by the 6th houseruler, givesall sortsof mental and PhYsicalworries.

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CHAPTER 9 Rahu & Ketu in Vimshottari Dasa






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As said earlier in this book, though Rahu and Kelu are not physicalbodiesin the heavens,but they have been given th€ status of planets in Hindu Predictive Astrology. Naturally they cannot be ignoredin Vimshottari Dasa System also. Rihu's period is for I I years and Ketu's T years. Rahu and Ketu do not rule any signslike other planetsbut the fact that a major share of Vimshottari Dasa period has been apportioned (25 years) to these two planets speak volumes of their importance Rahu and are termedKarmic planets and their Dasa periods and sub-periods are quite interestingin a sensethat they do bring the native back to the Karmic or destinedpath. Freewillalmost does not exist in termsof Node'speriods. Similarly the Dasa periods and sub-periodsof Karmic ControllingPlanets(rulers of the signs occupied by Rahu and Ketu) are to be interpreted in a different manner. but that is not the subject of this book. For other planets, either they are consideredfrom the natal ascendantor from the place occupiedby them is to be treated as Acendant for that planet's Dasa, but for Rahu and Ketu, we are to corporate both the schools. For interpretingRahu and Ketu Dasa, we are to consider the houses occupied by them, the signs in which they are placed along with the position of the planet ruling the sign occupicd by Rahu or Ketu and the aspects they receive. www.cteindia.weebly.com







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There will be so many promutations and combinations,that a completedelineationis not possiblein one small chapter of this book but we will try to give somebroad outlinesfor the guidanceof the learned readers. For illustration, we take the examplegiven in Chapter 17, "Karmic Destiny" of this book. Ketu is in Aries in 4th houseruled by Mars and for interpreting Ketu Dasa, the position of Mars (Karmic Controlling Planet) in natal chart is equally important. Mars is in Libra in lOth house. Had Mars beenexaltedin the Ascendant,Ketu Dasa results would have been totally different than what they had been now, i.e. Mars in its Fall in the l0th house. The native had to changeas many as six professions and he could hardly stay on one job for two years Ketu Dasa proved to be the most unfortunate part of his life. In addition. the learned reader must also consider the stellar position of Rahu and Ketu. If they are placed on the asterismsof Yoga-karka planets, their results will be considerablymodified to do good. Some of the broad outlines to be followed in connection with their Dasa result interpretationsare as under : 1. In Hindu Astrology, (6th. 8th and 12th houses are termed as Dussthanas(malefic house). Whenever Rahu or Ketu is placed(a) on the asterismof the ruler of the 6th, 8th or l2th house, (b) placed in 6th or 8th or l2th house, (c) associatedor aspectedby the ruler of 6th or 8th or 12th house;the nativewill be subjectto disturbinginfluences. By modificationsdue to benefic planets,the evil will be minimised, but cannotbe nullified altogether. 2. Similarly. angles(1-4-7-10)and trines(5-9)are termed as benefic houses and whenever Rahu or Ketu is placed(a) on the asterism of the rulers of these houses,(b) in these houses(l-4-5-7-9-10),(c) related to be rulers of thesehousesby aspectsor associations;their Dasa periodswill be favourable. 6l www.cteindia.weebly.com






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3. When Rahu or Ketu happened to be (a) in 2nd, 3rd or llth house(b) or associatedor aspected by the rulers of these (2-3-11)houses,(c) or placedon the asterism of the rulersof 2nd, 3rd, or 18th house, mixed results will occur and will not be powerfuleitherway. 4. When Rahu or Ketu is placed on the asterismof Ketu, various unpleasant eventswill take place in its period, but if Rahu or Ketu is placed on the asterismof Rahu, it will give good results. (In Hindu Astrology, Rahu and Ketu are termed as malefics,but so are the Sun and MarS. Our experiencesaysthat when it comesto wordly affairs, Rahu is to be taken as beneficand Ketu as malefic. Reverse will be the case, if the subject is engagedin religiousand spiritual pursuits). 5. As said earlier, Rahu and Ketu do not own any sign. So Rahu and Ketu will give the resultsof the housesin which they are posited, the results of the owners of the houses occupiedby them and also the results of the planets with whom they are associated. 6. Technically all the planets are classified either as malefics or benefics but in practical applicationit is not so. Everv planet standsto be modified by its location, aspects etc. For example,Mars is maleficbut it is the only planet of energy. Personwithout energyis as good as dead' It will be upto the person concerned to use this energyconstructively, subject to Mars position in the natal chart. One cannot be an athlete and earn international reputation without Mars' energy, then how this planet can be termed as malefic? Sameis the casewith all the other planets including Rahu and Ketu. (a) When favourable, Rahu will confer on the native all round prosperity, high position of authority, all kinds of

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virtues and wealth. The native will resort to holy shrines,will acquire sacredknowledgeand power. If affiicted,the period and will be liable to dangers from poison,reptiles,diseases troubles all over the body, danger from missiles and fire, enmity with the mean,a fall from a tree and torments from enemies. (b) When favourable,Ketu Dasa will bring successin all undertakings,acquisitionof wealth through bloody deed.good fortune through a foreign king, attempts at poetical composition and destruction of enemies. When afficted, Ketu will causeto the native intensemiseries,all his efforts will'become fruitless; he will be doing only unprofitable things, there will also be lossof positionof low class,he will sufferfrom rheumatism or sharp pain in the heart, tuberculosis,shakingall over the body, misunderstandingwith'the religious persons. He will further commit the worst follies. ?. In between Rahu and Ketu, Rahu's Dasa is always more favourable and powerful than Ketu. Even if Ketu Dasa is favourable, the personshould be cautious, becauseKetu takes away at the fag end of its Dasa, whateverit has given earlier to the nature. The benefitsof Ketu Dasa are seldom durable and lasting.Rahu's results,either for good or for bad,. are generallypermanentand lasting. 8. Rahu or Ketu natally in the signs (Capricorn or Aquarius) of Saturn doesnot give favourable results in their Dasa periods. 9. Ruler of 2nd or ?th house is a death inflicting planet and even if Rahu or Ketu is well placed in anglesor (trines with the ruler of 2nd (l-4-5-7-9-10),but if they are associated or 7th house, they can biing death in their main periodsor subperiods. By their simply location in 2nd or ?th house, without any malg$c association. will not confer on them the 63 www.cteindia.weebly.com

Rahu Dasa






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death inflicting powers. On the other hand, if they are associated with benefic planets, they can bring fortune and prosperityin their main &nd sub-periods. 10. When it comestb Signs,Rahu and Ketu are powerful in dual (3-6-9-12)signs and if (a) the ruler of the sign so occupiedalso happensto be the ruler of 1-4-5-7-9-10 house, the native is guaranteedpeace,prosperityand fortune in their periods or subperiods,(b) on the cther hand,if such ruler owns 6th, 8th or l2th house,it will take away the good qualities of the sign and will inflict miseriesand sufferings. Same resultswill be of low potency if Rahu or Ketu are placedin moveablesigns(l-4-7-10)or fixed signs(2-5-8-ll). ll. If Rahu or Ketu (a) is placedin 6th or 8th or l2th houseand associatedwith benefic planetsor, (b) if they are placedin lst,4th, 5th,7th,9th or l0.thhouse and associated with malefic planets,they will first give happinessand prosperity but in the end will inflict lot of miseriesand sufferings. 12. lf Rahu Dasa happended to be the 5th or 7th from the Birth Dasa,it will prove to be malefic;all sortsof misfortunesand miserieswill be inflictedon the native. So much so, that he can evenmeetthe unnaturaldeath.

The onsetof Rahu Dasa will be with unpleasantexperience well markedin the life of the person. The end of Dasa,too, may not be good. The end of Mars Dasa and the commencement of Rahu Dasa-say the periodof six months-has been said to be bad and painful as a rule. Rahu, in Pisces,in its Dasagivesbeneficresultsfor first l5 yearsbut during the last threeyears(during Rahu/Sun,Rahu/ Moon and Rahu/Mars), takes away all whatever is given earlier. Someof the authors have divided Rahu in three parts 64 www.cteindia.weebly.com

of six yearseach.First part will be sorrowful, second will be happy and the last will be destructive. Rahu in Houses/Signs







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While giving the Dasa results of Rahu through houses,it is presumedthat the planet does not stand for any modification either for good or for bad. No separate delineationis given for Rahu and Ketu in the Signs;as First houseand Sign Aries will give. more or less,the sameresults.If the sign is different than the honse,it will be for the learned reader to blend the qualitiesof both and predict the outcomeaccordingly. FTRSTHOUSEIARIES.The native will rise to a placeof eminencein the world, will be happily placedin life, will be and his physically strong, will have a brilliant appearance prosperitywill be on the increaseas his life progresses. SECOND HOUSE/TAURUS. There will be successor acquisition of family acquisition of good children,good meals, earning money by lectures,eloquencein speechand the consequentapprobationof the audiencein the assembly. THIRD HOUSE/GEMINI. One oughtto expectfriendship news which with the help from brothers,hearingof agreeable in pleasethe mind, the exhibitionof one's valour, Ieadership people and a an army attainment of somehonour, help from priaseby othersof his virtuesand good qualities. in FORTH HOUSE/CANCER. Help to relations,success agriculture,friendship with females, acquisition of vehicles, new land, new house,wealth, higher status (promotion) may be expected. FIFTH HOUSE/LEO. The native may expectthe birth of a son, respect and merriment with relationsor the post of a councilor under kings. He will feed othersand enjoy all kinds of daintiesin plenty. He will accomplish recognitionof his creativeability. 65 www.cteindia.weebly.com


SIXTH HOUSE/VIRGO. The native will be able to subdue all his enemies by doing daring acts. He will enjoy prefect health, will be highly liberal-minded, will be very powerful and will live in all splendour and prosperity. SEVENTH HOUSE/LIBRA. The person acquires new clothes, jewels, new bed etc. He will be contended, will fully enjoy all pleasuresin the company of his beloved. He will be very powe(ful and perform marriages or sirnilar auspicious festivities in his family and undertake pleasure trips'

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EIGHTH HOUSE/SCORPIO. If favourable' one ought to expect the complete discharge of debts, his own elevation, cessation of quarrels and acquisition of moveable properties'






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The person in the comNINTH HOUSE/SAGITTARIUS. relations etc', will grand-children' children, pany of his wife, wealth; will per' and prosperity, happiness enjoy continuous will be God favours, royal form rnertitorious deeds, receive literature. fearing, having respectfor religious TENTH HOUSE/CAPRICORN. The person will bring to a successfultermination any businessor undertaking originated by him; he will lead a happy life, he will bbcome widely renowned. settle himself on a permanent position; will do cleverly r,vhat is good and proper, or he will get happy news and will cotnmand great respect. ELEVENTH HOUSE/AQUARIUS' The person will have an uninterrupted influx of wealth, will meet with his kith and kin. will be served by the servantsand sub-ordinates,and there will domestic happinessand great prosperity. TWELFTH HOUSE/PISCES. There will be much spending or money by the native for the causeof the good. He will do meritorious acts, and thus ward off the several sins already committed.

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Rahu Dasa Sub-Periods






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RAHU/RAHU. 2y 8m l2d : If Rahu is in Cancer,Scorpio, Virgo or Sagittarius,the native will command authority, and respect.There will be financialgains, too. There will be prosperity in businessand promotion in service. Long travel in the West will bring earningsand learnings. If Rahu is in 3rd, 6th, 10th or I lth natal houseand associatedwith beneficor Yoga-Karkasplanets;the native will command respect from the rulersand gainsthereby.Therewill be domesticpeaceand happiness. If Rahu is placedin 6th, 8th or l2th natal house associatedby maleficplanets,there will be miseriesand sufferings. He himselfor family memberswill suffer from physical ailments. Loss of money by theft. Wife and children will Buffer,brother will becomethe causeof worry and the native will earn the displeasure of the government. If a planet happensto be the ruler of 2nd and 7th housesand is placed in the 7th housewith Rahu, the personwill suffer practically in all the departmentsof his life.


RAHU/JUPITER. 2y 4m24d : If Jupiter is in lst, 4th, 5th, 7th. 9th or lOth housefrom the ascendantidentical to its own or exaltedsigu.therewill be gainsin properties,placeof greatcomfortsand respectfrom mind, destructionof enemies, the government.Therewill be prosperityall round. The person will be requiredto travel to foreign countrieson a very important mission of the government and will return back after attaining great successand honour. He will have respectfor learnedand religiouspeople. He may perform the marriageof his son or someother suspiciousor religiousceremonies. If Jupiteris in its fall or in debilitationand placedin 6th, 8th or l2th natal houseand associatedwith malefic planets,therewill 67







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be loss of property, failure of business,reversionin service and lossof reputation and honour.Family membersand he himselfwill sufferfrom one diseaseor the other. If Jupiteris i n l s t , 4 r h , 5 t h , 7 t h , 9 t h , l O t h ,l l t h , 2 n d o r 3 r d f r o m R a h u with powerful benefics,it will enhancethe results of these house. The personwill be religiousand will be doing charitable deeds. In the last two monthsof the sub-period,there will be losesof the elder brother, sufferings to the brothers and father and the native himselfwill suffer from physical ailments. Death may come during this sub-periodif Jupiteris 6th, 8th or l2th from Rahu being the ruler of natal2nd or 7th house. RAHU/SATURN. 2y lOm6d: If Saturn is in natal lst, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th or lOth houseidenticalto its own or exalted sign or is in 3rd or llth natal house,there will be acquisition of vehicles,honour. from the government. There will be marriageceremonies in the family. He will build landedproperties, but the earnings mostly will comefrom scheduled castepersonsor muslims or christians. If he takes travels towards West to the foreign countries;there will be lossof moneyand reputation.After failuresand poor h.ealth,he will return back to his country. If Saturnis in its fall or debilitation and is placedin 6th, 8th or l2th natal house,therewill be dangerfrom the enemiesand the ruler. Family members will sufferphysically. Domestic peaceand harmony wiil be disturbedand the close relations will become the sourceof worry. There will be failure of business. If Saturnis 6th, gth or l2th from Rahu and affiictedby malefic,the nativewill suffer from heart trouble, loss of respect and reputation, quarrelsand sufferingsthrough the handsof ememies.Foreign travelswill bring failures. If Saturn happensto be the ruler of the 2nd or 7th house,there is a dangerofprematuredeath. 68 www.cteindia.weebly.com







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2y 6m l8d. If Mercury is in natal lst RAHU/MERCURY. 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th or I lth house indentical to its exaltation or own sign, the person will rise to a high status, there will be peace and prosperity, financial gains from business, higher learnings and acquisitions of superior vehicles. The person will perform auspicious ceremonies,such as marriages etc. He will receive financial honours and social recognition from the rulers. Married life will be very happy. If Mercurry is in lst, 3rd, 4th, 7th, 9th, l0th or I lth house from Rahu, the native will enjoy sound health. He will be happy and will earn the name and fame. By doing charitable deeds and helping the suffers, he will earn a great honour. He will devote most of his time in religious learnings and teachings. If Mercury is in natal 6th,8th or l2th house in a sign of Saturn or in conjunction with Saturn or 6th, 8th or l2th from Rahu in association with malefics, he will not have respect for reli,eionsand learned people, worldly comforf: will be denied, will tell lies, and rvill be mentally sick. There will be danger from the enemies, king and the snakes. Quarrels in the domestic life, death of a son or a teacher, loss of money and punishment from the authorities are some of the other indications of this manifestation. If Mercury, in this position, happened to be the ruler of the 2nd or 7th house, there rvill be poverty and also there is a danger of premature death. ly 0m l8d. Both the planets are Karmic RAHU/KETU. the and native is to pay for the past Karmas now. There will be unpleasant and tiresome journeys, loss of finances,death of cattles, physical ailmerrts etc. If Ketu is in conjunction with the Sth house ruler, it will give mental and benefic planets, there will be financial gains and physical comforts. He will buy the landed properties, will be honoured by the government and will perform auspicious ceremonies. If Ketu is associated with the Ascandant lord. the native will gain psychic and 69 www.cteindia.weebly.com

intuitive powers and will have comforts. If in conjunction with the ascendantlord there will be financial gains. lf Ketu is placedin natal lst, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th or lOth house,the subperiod will be beneficbut, placedin 8th or l2th house, there will be physicaldiseases, fear from thievesand the fire. It will also indicate separationfrom the parents, quarrels with the brothers, mental worries and displeasurefrom the superiors. If Ketu is in conjunction with the ruler of the 2ndlTth house, there will be physicalsufferings.






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RAHU/VENUS. 3y 0m 0d. If Venusis in natal lst, 4th, 7th, 9th, lOth or llth housewith powerful beneficplanets, there will be all round happiness,financialgains, marriageof the son, domesticpeaceand happinessand honours from the ruler. If Venus is exalted,or identicalto its own sign,the native will build his own palatial mansionand perform several auspiciousceremonies. There will be- much gainsfrom the business or profession. If Venusis in natal 6th, 8th or l2th house,in its fall or debilitatedsignor associatedwith malefic planets,(Saturn, Mars, Rahu), there will be physicalailments, disputesand separationeither from the father or the son, loss of brothers, sufferings to relationsand quarrelswith son-inlaw and superiors.There will be great miseriesand sufferings. If Venusis in lst, 4th, 5th, 7th, l0th or llth from Rahu and with beneficplanets,the nativewill be honoured is associated with the highestaward of the nationand will commandmuch respectand authority. lf Venusis in 6th, 8th, or l2th from Rahu and affEictedby malefics, the native will suffer from therewill be dangerfrom the poison,snakes, venerealdiseases, thievesand the king. Loss by death or separation from wife and son is alsovisible. He may suffer imprisonment also. If Venus is afficted by the rulers of 2ndlTth houses,there is a

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danger of Premature death'







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lfsun.is in natal lst' 4th' RAHU/SUN. Oy 10m 24d' identical to its own sign or StU, stn, iottt o. lith house with benefic planets' there exalted sign, and also associated flnancial gains and acquisition will be respectfrom the ruler' appointedas a ruler of a be of landed properties' He may is in conjunction with the small town or a village. ti Sun by the ruler of the 10th rulers of 9th and trt ani is aspected honout:O loor", the native will be respectedand :t-:l:,lt:: mrsslons' *11 be sentto foreign countries on.important authoritative and "nJ will be appointed on someresponsible ^pori He and his children will lon. ffis desirewill be fulfilled gains' If Sun is placedin 6th' also bring him honour and is in debilitation' he rvill 8th, or 12th houset'onr Rot"" and to diagnose'displeasure sufferfrom chronical diseasesdifficult foreign travels, of the ruler, incre; ;i enemies,unpleasant lst' 3rd' 4th' is in the fear from thieves and fire' lf Sun he will be honoured Rahu' from llth or 5th, 7th, 9th, l0th be general prosperityirnd in foreign countries,there will rulers of 2ndi7th gains. tf Sun is in conjunctionwith -the diseases' iou..r, he will sufferfrom incurable is natal lst' 4th' RAHU/MOON' lly 6m 0d' lf Moon its exalted or to identical 5th, ?th, 9th' l0th ot i'f tn house will become he benefics' the own sigu, an
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