T 2B-2010: 2B-2010: VHF/UHF opera operati ting ng practices; SSB phone, FM repeater repe ater,, simpl simplex, ex, frequency fre quency offsets, splits splits and shifts, shifts, CT CSS, DTMF, tone squelch, carrier squelch, phonetics phonetics
T2B01: What is the term used to describe an amateur station that is transmitti transm itting ng and receiving on the same frequency? Simplex communication Full duplex communi co mmunication cation Diplex communi co mmunication cation Halff duplex Hal d uplex communica communication tion
T2B02: What is the term used to describe the use T2B02 the use of a sub-audible tone transmitted with normal voice audio to open the squelch of a receiver? CTCSS Carrier squelch Tone burst DTMF
T2B03: Which of the following describes the muting of receiver audio controlled solely by the presence or absence of an RF signal? Carrier squelch Tone s quel quelch ch CTCSS Modulated carrier
T2B04: Which of the following common problems might cause you to be able to hear but not access a repeater even when transmitting with the proper offset offset? ?
All of these choices are correct The repeater receiver requires audio t one burs t fo r access The repeater receiver requires a CTCSS tone fo r access The repeater receiver may require a DCS tone sequence for access
T2B05: What determines the amount of deviation of an FM signal? The amplitude of the modulating signal Both the frequency and amplitude of the modulating signal The frequency of the modulating s ignal The relative phase of the modulating signal and the carrier
T2B06: What happens when the deviation of an FM transmitter is increased? Its signal occupies more bandwidth Its output power increases Its out put p ower and bandwidth increases Asymmetric modulation occurs
T2B07: What should you do if you receive a report that your station’s transmissions are causing splatter or interference on nearby frequencies? Check your transmitter for off-frequency operation or spurious emissions Increase transmit power Change mode of transmission Report the interference to the equipment manufacturer
T2B08: What is the proper course of action if your station’s transmission unintentionally interferes with another station? Properly identify your transmission and move to a different frequency Rotate your antenna slightly Increase power Change antenna polarization
T2B09: Which of the following methods is encouraged by the FCC when identifying your station when using phone? Use of a phonetic alphabet Send your call sign in CW as well as voice Repeat your call sign three times Increase your signal to full power when identifying
T2B10: What is the "Q" signal used to indicate that you are receiving interference from other stations? QRM QRN QTH QSB
T2B11: What is the "Q" signal used to indicate that you are changing frequency? QSY QRU QSL QRZ
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