Rachel Colombini - Book of Book Tests

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CONTRIBUTORS: Ian Adair Howard Adams Len Belcher Tan Hock Chuan Rachel Colombini Tom Craven Maurice Fogel Karrell Fox Karl Fulves Richard Himber Arthur Setterington Walter Sleight Nick Trost

© 2010 COLOMBINI MAGIC [email protected] www.wildcolombini.com

INTRODUCTION The Book Test is traditionally a classic in any mentalist act. The basic effect was described by writers in the early 1900 but it was not until the 1930s that interest in book tests escalated and they became very popular. I personally became interested in book tests after I was able to elaborate an idea by the late Al Koran and apply it to a book test (you’ll find it here under the name “Baffling Book”). I began to research a little more and was surprised to find just how many book tests had been published and marketed in the last 50 or 60 years. In the standard effect (sometimes done as a prediction) a spectator opens a book to a page and concentrates on a word (or three words or a full line). The mentalist, standing some distance away, is able to reveal the word the spectator is thinking of. Of course, as per many classics, variations abound and I have tried to keep to a variety of methods. In this book you will also find a couple of very strong ‘magazine’ tests, that give a touch of modern applications to the standard way of performing a book test. Although I am very well aware that with this collection I barely scratched the surface and that, as I said, there are probably hundreds of methods to perform the trick, I certainly hope you enjoy these routines and above all, use them in your acts. In the meantime, I continue to collect Book Tests and if you have a personal one and want to share it with the magic community, please send it and we will produce a Second Book of Book Tests! Best always,

Rachel Colombini Tampa January 2010


Rachel Colombini

WORDS OF WISDOM Maurice Fogel This is my presentation from an srcinal and in my opinion, incredible “Book Test” routine by Maurice Fogel, it appeared many years ago in the magazine Magigram. EFFECT: A spectator announces a number and he opens a book at that page. You ask him to concentrate on a freely chosen colored question mark and you are able to reveal the first three words of that page! REQUIREMENTS: Any book (we would suggest a book with no more than 200 pages); four pieces of cardstock paper, with on one side a question mark and each in different colors (figure 1), and on the other sides the first three words of all the pages of the book. In other words, write the first three words of every page on the back of the cards with the question marks as suggested in figure 2 (the words in the figure are taken from a small edition of Ben Hur). If the book has between 200 and 300 pages, you may have to use five or even six question mark cards of different colors and write the page numbers and the words on the back of these cards. I hope this is clear and it should be an easy matter to understand and adapt as you wish to any book.

1 PERFORMANCE: Thethrough routine is simple yet the effect Introduce book and ask a spectator to flip it very and stop at any page. Tellastonishing. him to name the pagethe number, to look at the first three words of that page and remember them (you may even want to ask him to write them down on a piece of paper….for security).


The Book Of Book Tests

Remove the question mark cards and keeping them always face to the audience, secretly glimpse at their backs and locate the page number. Read and memorize the three words and then ask the spectator to pick his favorite color. Place away the other three question marks not selected. Ask the spectator to concentrate on the question mark of the chosen color and then, dramatically, announce the three words (or write them down on a piece of paper and have them read).








2 NOTE: You may even want to prepare THREE sets of question marks for each of three books and after the spectator selects one of the three books you remove the appropriate one and proceed as above. Once have thelast book the amount gest you laminate theyou cards so decided that theyon will youand a long time. of question marks, we sug-


Rachel Colombini

 BAFFLING BOOK Rachel Colombini In my opinion this is one of the best book tests around. You will fool the heck out of everyone with it! No gimmick what so ever! It never fails to be a hit during our lectures. EFFECT: You give a book to a spectator. Three numbers are FREELY selected making a number of a page. The spectator opens the book at that page and you are able to tell him the first three words of the selected page! REQUIREMENTS: You need a book of over 369 pages (you will see why in a moment). Any book will do. I use a Harry Potter book. A pad and a pen are required. SET-UP: With the method we are about to explain, there are only 27 page possibilities. So print on a piece of paper the first three words of the pages indicated below as an example (taken from the book Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban ; of course use YOUR chosen book for this). Glue this piece of 147 247 347 paper on the inside cover LOOK AT HIM PROFESSOR HARRY DIDN’T of the pad and you are LUPIN LOWERED KNOW ready. 148 HOGSMEADE WITH THE
























The Book Of Book Tests

PERFORMANCE: Give the book to a spectator to hold and check. Holding the pad open in front of you and with the cover in a vertical position so that you are the only one who can read the words and the number, ask the first spectator to give you a number: 1, 2 or 3. Write that number down on the first page of the pad. Ask a second spectator to give you any number selecting from 4, 5 or 6. Write that number to the right of the first one. Ask the third spectator to pick a number among 7, 8 or 9. Write that number to the right of the second chosen number. You will have all the time to glimpse the three words and memorize them. Tear off the page, close the pad and put it away,. You are clean. Keep the page in front of you showing the number freely chosen to the audience. Ask the spectator to open the book at that page and to mentally read the first three words. Reveal them as dramatically as you can! If you do not fool people with this we are in the wrong business! NOTE: You may want to make it even more impossible by using four or five books. How? The first idea is to use different covers but the same book inside. Second idea: Use four or five different books and prepare four or five pads! Show all the books and have one chosen. Remove the pad prepared for THAT book and proceed as above. Very strong.


Rachel Colombini

 PLEASE YOURSELF Walter Sleight Another very effective way of doing a book test. Walter used this on his TV programs many years ago in England. EFFECT: A member of the audience chooses one of two books. He is asked to turn to any page. Supposing it is page 81. The spectator is told that as 8 and 1 are 9, then he has to note the word in the ninth position on page 81. The performer discloses the word chosen in the usual mentalist style! REQUIREMENTS: Two books, both different in covers and content. One of the books is prepared as follows: On the inside cover of the book is listed the information you require for the OTHER book. The list contains the first word on page 1, the second word on page 2, the third word on page 3, the fourth on page 4, the fifth on page 5 and so on. Then the second word on page 11, the third word on page 12, etc, the third word on page 21 for example, the sixth word on page 42 and so on; then, passing on a bit, the 11th word on page 92, 12th word on page 93 and so on. It takes a while but once done the book is ready for ever. PERFORMANCE: Show the two books and have one pointed at. Using the magician’s choice, keep the prepared book and give the spectator the other. In other words, if the spectator points at the prepared book keep it for you and if he points to the other ask him to pick it up. When the spectator has apparently freely chosen his book and he calls out a page, say for example, 121, you open your prepared book and say, “Well you’ve chosen (the title). Have

you ever read book? No? havebook I. You haveatchosen this one.” outlist thewhich title. While you arethat pattering youNeither open the andcould glance the number 121 Read on your gives you the 4th word along on page 121. You keep pattering and tell the spectator to stare at his chosen word. You then reveal the word by spelling it. Once again, to avoid confusion, try and steer clear of books with the chapter or book title at the top of the page. If you want to ‘gild the lily’ as it were, so that any book can be freely chosen and examined and you are on stage away from the audience, you can have the information on both books printed on a piece of paper out of view on your table.


The Book Of Book Tests

 THE TWO-FISTED BOOK TEST Karrell Fox I love this book test similar, in simplicity, to the previous one. It was published in Karrell’s great book My Latest Book. I changed the handling slightly but all credit goes to Karrell. EFFECT: Three paper-backed books are shown. One is selected and tossed to a spectator. He is told to put the book under his arm and to hold up any number of fingers on his right hand. Let’s say he holds up Three. Ask him to hold up any number of fingers on his left hand. Let’s say he holds up Four. Ask him to turn to page 34 of the book and to look at the first word. He does this and he is told to concentrate on that word. Mysteriously you name the selected word! METHOD: Using the fingers of both hands, there are only 25 page numbers that can be selected. Do me a favor, hold up the ten fingers and try what I just said. The numbers and the pages are: 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55. REQUIREMENTS: Get any three books. SET-UP: Pick a book following the pages mentioned above, write these 25 words on a small ‘cue’ sheet which in turn is taped to the back of one of the other two books. Repeat with the other book, following the pages in that book and tape the ‘cue’ sheet next to the other one on the back of the book. At this point you have two un-gimmicked books and a third book which is prepared to reveal the words in both the other books. PERFORMANCE: Show three books have named. it is hands. not the one with the ‘cue’ card on the back, toss it tothe a spectator andand keep theone other two inIfyour If he picks the one with the ‘cue’ card, keep it for you. Ask the spectator to name another book and keep this for you as well to be consistent. Throw him the remaining book. Both ways seem fair. After the spectator holds up his fingers, he is told to look up the word. When you know his number, a mere glance at the ‘cue’ sheet on the back of the book that you still hold in your hands will allow you to find the word on your ‘cue’ card, even before he has time to look it up. NOTE: Karrell suggested that you name just the first word, but you may want to have the first three words read and revealed. It is, as usual, up to you.


Rachel Colombini

 A + B (B - 100 +) BOOK TEST Tom Craven This is one of those “do anywhere with a borrowed book, no preparation, no gimmick, and no “sweat” routines. This is one fine and easy method to perform an impromptu book test. EFFECT: After a book is borrowed, hand some paper and a pencil to spectator A and make this request, “Write down any number between 50 and 100 and open the book at that page. In just a few

seconds I could probably memorize several words that are on that page.” The book is closed, then say, “We are going to arrive at a completely random page through a simple procedure.” Look at spectator B and tell him, “Take the paper and pencil and write another random number between 50 and 100 below A’s number.” These two numbers are added together. From that number, spectator B now subtracts the amount of the total that is over 100 from his srcinal number. This resulting number gives us the random page we will use. One of the spectators is requested to open the book at that page. He concentrates on several words and you appear to pick his thoughts. Jot something on the pad. When the spectator reads the words from the book, they will match what you have written! REQUIREMENTS: All that is needed are two spectators, a book with a least 100 pages, a pencil and some paper. EXPLANATION: When A gives you his number, let’s use 61 as an example, subtract that number from (100 - several 61 = words.” 39). TellWhile the spectator, “If Iwhat open the to page sixty-one, in book a few at secsaying this, youbook really do, is open the ond, I could100 memorize page 39. Memorize several words near the beginning of that page. Now, B writes his number beneath A’s number. Let’s assume that B’s number is 86. In this case, A plus B is 61 + 87 = 147. Have one of the spectators take the amount over 100 (47 in our example) and subtract it from B’s srcinal number. So you see, 86 - 47 = 39, the page that you looked at earlier. Let’s try one more example. A writes 53, so look at page 47 (100— 53 = 47). B writes 66. A plus B is 53 + 66 = 119. The excess over one hundred is 19 - then subtract, 66 - 19 = 47. NOTES: Tom is actually using a number between 150 and 200 rather than a number between 50 and 100, so the instructions require that 100 be added to all of the numbers shown in the examples used above. Instead of memorizing a few words on the required page, you just memorize the first three words of that page. Later on, ask the spectator to memorize the first three words and those are the words you write down in the pad. This is probably safer.


The Book Of Book Tests

 ASTRO COLORS Rachel Colombini From an idea that appears in Karl Fulves’ Self-Working Number Magic and based on the standard 3x3 magic square. Presented in the following manner, the mathematical property is effectively concealed and it becomes a very strong book test. EFFECT: Nine cards are used. Each has a number on one side and a colored star on the other. The cards are mixed. Each spectator chooses three cards. Three numbers are formed from the cards. After the total has been added, ask the spectator to use the first three digits to reach a page and to use the last digit to find the line on that page. Ask him to MENTALLY read the first three or four words of that line. You either announce those words, or you give a prediction out with the same words printed on a piece of paper! REQUIREMENTS: A book; nine cards as follows: Three cards have red stars on one side with the numbers 8, 3, 4. on the opposite sides; three cards have yellow stars on one side and on the opposite sides the numbers 9, 5, 1; the remaining three cards have blue stars on one side and the numbers 7, 2, 6 on the other (see figure below).

METHOD: To perform, give the book to a spectator to hold. Place the nine cards on the table, number side down. Have a spectator mix the cards. Tell him to pick any yellow card, any blue card and any red card. After he has picked three cards, have a second spectator pick a card of each color. The remaining three cards are taken by the third spectator (incidentally, the entire operation can be done in the spectator’s hands if you do not have a table available).


Rachel Colombini

Pick up a pad or a slate. Explain that one spectator can choose any order of colors. Ask him to decide on an order for the three colors. It can be any order. Whatever they decide on, that is the order you will use for each spectator. This is an important point and one that will impress the audience. Say the order they decide on is blue-yellow-red. Ask any spectator to stand and call out the number on his blue card. Say he calls out 2. Then ask for the number on his yellow card. It may be 5. Finally he calls out the number on his red card. It may be 4. The number you write is: 254. The second spectator now gives you the number on his blue card, then the number on his yellow card, then the number on his red card (same order of color as per the first spectator). These numbers might be 7, 9, 8. Write them below the first number. The third spectator might tell you that the number on his blue card is 6, the number on his yellow card is 1, and the number on his red card is 3. Write this three-digit number below the other two as follows:

Have anyone add the three numbers. He will get a total of 1665. Ask the spectator to use the first three digits to reach a page (166) and to use the last digit to find the line on that page (5th). Ask him to MENTALLY read the first three or four words of that line. You either announce those words, or you give a prediction out with the same words printed on a piece of paper.


The Book Of Book Tests

 DICE BOOK TEST Arthur Setterington In the Book Test about to be described, a loaded die is used. This is a very practical book test as the method is simple, the performer is free from worry and is able to concentrate on the presentation. EFFECT: You give away a copy of the Reader’s Digest and a box containing two dice. The box is shaken by the spectator and using the spots on the dice a random line is reached in the book. You are able to tell the selected line! REQUIREMENTS: One loaded die that always rolls to a 6 and an ordinary die of a different color (say that the loaded die is black and the ordinary die is white). Arthur always used a copy of the Reader’s Digest (although any book may be used). A small cardboard box with lid (or a dice cup). SET-UP: The preparation is simple. A small card is numbered at the left from one to six. Opposite the number one there are written the first three words of page sixty-one. Opposite the number two the first three words of the second line on page sixty-two is written. Opposite number three there is the first three words of the third line of page sixty-three. This procedure is carried out with the remaining numbers on the card (example in figure below).

During the working of the effect, the card may be palmed or concealed behind something. I (Rachel) prefer to use the idea of the pad as per the “Baffling Book” written previously. You may also want to try to memorize the lines and numbers, in which case the card will not be necessary. PERFORMANCE: The box containing the two dice is handed to a spectator who is asked to give the box a good shake and remove the lid. He is asked to call the top figure of the black die. As this is the loaded die, the uppermost figure will be 6. The top number on the white die is noted (for example: 5). The performer asks the spectator to turn to page sixty-five. He asks for the number on the white die again and, on being told ‘five,’ asks the spectator to look at the fifth line. The demonstration is brought to a successful conclusion when you reveal the selected line.


Rachel Colombini

 THE BINGO BOOK TEST Len Belcher Len wrote, “So many methods of presenting book tests are available to magicians that one naturally feels hesitant about introducing another. On the other hand, I feel that here I have hit on what appears to be almost a new principle; to the best of my knowledge it has not appeared in print before.” You will see that the effect has a big impact. The layman is baffled, and the ‘knowing’ one in the audience is no better off. What more can you ask except an entertaining presentation, and that is your business. EFFECT: You show a glass dish which is full of folded pieces of paper. These are, in fact, the slips used for playing Bingo, and they are all different. Three spectators are asked to choose a slip each, and there is a completely free choice. The slips and the dish are quite un-faked. The helpers are asked not to open their slips for a reason which will be explained in a moment. When the three choices have been made, a fourth spectator is asked to indicate one of the choosers; this is the slip which is going to be used, and it remains folded. The other two helpers now open their slips and read out one of the rows from each. It is obvious that when the performer said the slips were all different he was telling the truth. These two slips are discarded. The fourth spectator is handed three books, say, a novel, a detective story and a nonfiction book, and he makes a perfectly free choice of one of them. He is now asked to go to the helper who is holding the folded slip. They open the slip, find the highest number on it, and turn to that page in the chosen book. Nothing is said at all and the number is not announced. Under these stringent conditions the performer is able to tell the audience the first sentence on that page! METHOD: The slips are all different, but the highest number on each one is the same on every one, if you see what I mean. In my case, at the moment, this is 89, but as I have bought a large book of Bingo slips, torn them all out and sorted them, I can change this whenever I wish. This number, say 89, is not on the top line of any slip, since this is the line you will have read out on the two slips to be discarded to show that they are all different. The books naturally are un-faked, and the choice is free since you have penciled on a pad the three sentences you need, and under cover of writing words down and as you do your build-up for the revelation, you openly but unsuspected consult your keys. The fact that the page number is never revealed not only makes the effect baffling, but also means that you can use the slips more than once, provided that you change the books and, of course, the KEY. The two discarded slips you collect BEFORE the third is opened, so that the helpers cannot see that they have the same highest number. You do the collecting under cover of 1, “avoiding confusion,” and 2, “economy” - this gets a laugh!


The Book Of Book Tests

 10-CENT WORTH Karl Fulves The following is an alternate approach to a book test written in Discoverie #6 by Tony Bartolotta. You only require a minute to scan through the book or magazine. It should be said that nowadays people are much more likely to have magazines than books in their homes. This makes the mentalist’s task easier. He need only go to the local library and jot down brief notes on the latest issues of the most popular magazines. Almost certainly people will have one or more of these magazines in their homes or offices. EFFECT: With a magazine at hand, the magician removes a hand-full of change from his pocket. He turns his back. The spectator divides the change into two groups and silently counts the coins in each groups. Say one group has four coins, the other six. He multiplies the two numbers together, arriving at twenty-four in this case. Turning to page 24, he looks at the first line of text. The mentalist reveals the wording or general sense of the top line! REQUIREMENTS: Ten coins and a magazine. PERFORMANCE: You remove apparently a ‘random’ number of coins that happens to be exactly ten in number (but act like you remove a casual amount). When the spectator separates the coins into two groups he can do as follows:

1 - 9 2 - 8 3 - 7 4 - 6 5 - 5 Keeping that in mind, there are five possible page numbers: 9 - 16 - 21 - 24 - 25. You know the text at the top of each of these pages. Pick a magazine that has patter possibilities. So easy and so effective!


Rachel Colombini

 I’LL DIE FOR YOU Tan Hock Chuan Tan’s version is based on a trick called “And A Telephone Directory,” but cuts down the number of key words. EFFECT: The magician hands to a member of his audience a big thick book as, for example, a dictionary or encyclopedia. A large die is shown and another member of the audience is asked to throw it, noting the topmost number. This is written by the performer on a pad. The die is passed to another spectator, who is asked to turn the die to another number. This too is noted on the pad and then, finally, a third person is asked to turn up another number which is also noted. Taking these numbers, which we’ll suppose are 542, the person holding the book is asked to turn to that page. When it is found, the performer points out that the total of the freely selected number is 11, so will the holder of the book count to the word at that number. The word being found, the magician reads the person’s mind and announces the chosen word! REQUIREMENTS: A large die. A large book, the type that has been mentioned above. A pad and a pen. SECRET: A ‘key’ or a memorized list of some twenty words, these words appearing on pages: 654, 653, 652, 651, 643, 642, 641, 632, 631, 621, 543, 542, 541, 532, 531, 521, 432, 431, 421, 321 (all are in numerical descending order). The easiest method is to write the words on the back of the pad as explained in other routines in this book. So you will write the 15th word on page 654, the 14th on page 653, the 13th word on page 652, and so forth. PERFORMANCE: The book is handed to a spectator and then, bringing forward the die, the pad and the pen, one member of the audience is asked to throw the die and note the topmost number. This number is written by the performer near the center of the page. We will suppose that it is 4. Another spectator is asked to turn the die so that another number is uppermost. This time (say) it is a 2 so write this to the RIGHT of the 4, leaving a space between. Finally, a third spectator turns the die to a (say) 5 and this is written to the LEFT of the 4. You now have three figures ALL IN DESCENDING ORDER, and experience will show you that this can be easily achieved with the minimum of effort. The fact that the figures are in descending order is the means for restricting the number of words. Call out the number 542, stressing that the choice of numbers has been as free as it could be. Ask the holder of the book to turn to that page in the book. He is now to find a word represented by the total of the chosen number. That total is 11. Let him count to the eleventh word and you, have all the time to look on the reverse side of the pad for that word. With a certain amount of concentration, write that word on the pad and reveal it to finish the effect.


The Book Of Book Tests

 READING THE WORD Rachel Colombini This is a variation of mine on a trick by Nick Trost called “Predicting the Total.” EFFECT: The performer displays a packet of 13 number cards, all different. The cards are mixed and a spectator selects three cards and adds the numbers. The total is announced and the spectator opens a book (or magazine) at that page and notes the general contents of that page. The performer will be able to describe those contents! REQUIREMENTS: A magazine and 13 cards with numbers from 1 to 13. SET-UP: Arrange the cards from top down: 10, 12, 11, 13, 1, 8, 2, 9, 3, 6, 4, 7, 5. Note and remember the contents of the magazine at page 22 and 24 (these are the only two outcomes of the procedure). PERFORMANCE: Show the 13 cards, emphasizing that the numbers are all different. False shuffle the packet keeping the numbers in the same order (you can cut the packet several times and then cut the 5 to the bottom bringing the packet back to the same order). Give the magazine to the spectator. Deal the number cards face down one at a time alternately into two heaps. Have a spectator note the top number of either pile. Place the other pile on top of the noted number. Repeat, again dealing two heaps and having the top card of one heap noted. The spectator then adds the second number to the first. Repeathim the asame a third time, having him add the third noted number to the others giving finalprocedure total. The total will either be 22 or 24. Ask the spectator to announce the number. Then ask him to open the magazine at that page. Describe the contents of that page as memorized before and you will have a winner. NOTE: If you want to use a book, perhaps you may want to memorize the first line of those two pages, the first three words, etc.


Rachel Colombini

 DIGITREMENS BOOK TEST Rachel Colombini Same as the previous routine, but this method employs a number force by Howard Adams (from which Nick Trost based his idea), called “Digitremens” and written in his book Oicufesp, Vol. 7. EFFECT: The performer displays a packet of 21 number cards, all different. The cards are mixed and a spectator selects three cards and adds the numbers. The total is announced and the spectator opens a book (or magazine) at that page and notes the general contents of that page. The performer will be able to describe the contents! REQUIREMENTS: You will need 21 blank-faced cards (upon which you write numbers). Each bears a different number. They are stacked as follows: 27, 48, 15, 17, 12, 71, 4, 13, 65, 58, 39, 45, 63, 53, 31, 41, 0, 32, 52, 20, 21. Card 27 is the top card of the face-down pile, while card 21 is at the bottom. You also need a magazine or a book. Remember the contents (or the first line) of page 68 and page 89. PERFORMANCE: Show the 21 cards, emphasizing that the numbers are all different. False shuffle the packet keeping the numbers in the same order (you can cut the packet several times and then cut the 21 to the bottom bringing the packet back to the same order). Give the magazine to the spectator. Deal the number cards face down one at a time alternately into two heaps. Have a spectator note the top number of either pile. Place the other pile on top of the noted number. Repeat, dealing two heaps tator then adds again the second number to theand first.having the top card of one heap noted. The specRepeat the same procedure a third time, having him add the third noted number to the others giving him a final total. The total will either be 68 or 89. Ask the spectator to announce the number. Then ask him to open the magazine at that page. Describe the contents of that page as memorized before and you will have a winner. NOTE: You may want to proceed by asking the spectator to look at the page WITHOUT telling him to reveal the number arrived at. There is a subtle point here that tells you whether the page is 68 or 89 and it is this: Page 68 will always be on the left, and page 89 will always be on the right. Glance at the spectator holding the book and simply note whether he’s looking at the left-hand or right-hand page.


The Book Of Book Tests

 A.T.S. BOOK TEST Karrell Fox The A.T.S in the title stands for Almost Too Simple! For years magicians have been using a trick deck of cards called the “Mene-Tekel Deck.” It’s a deck consisting of twenty-six pairs of matching cards. Karrell has adapted this idea to a magazine. EFFECT: A current magazine is shown and thumbed through. You stop at any page (no force) selected by the audience. That page is torn out, rolled into a ball, and tossed to the audience. As they concentrate on the selected page’s content, you completely describe it! REQUIREMENTS: Two of the same magazines. SET-UP: Take the staples out of the two magazines and put together a magazine with two of the same pages together. Two magazines will make you two gimmicked magazines. WORKING: Easy by now! When you stop thumbing through and tear out a page, you will be looking right at the duplicate still left in the magazine. Simply…. describe it!


Rachel Colombini

 UNTOUCHABLE Arthur Setterington Arthur used this method for quite some time and he liked it because of its simplicity in working. The method in which the choice is made is entirely in the hands of an assistant spectator. The performer is an apparent bystander, watching the proceedings. EFFECT AND PRESENTATION: A spectator volunteers to help the performer. The performer shows a deck of number cards, which after shuffling, he hands to the spectator. The spectator is asked to deal onto the table, face down, any number of cards he wishes. When the cards have been dealt, the spectator is asked to pick them up, and deal them into three piles; left, center, right, left, center, right, and so on using all the cards of the dealt packet. Three spectators now take the top card of each pile. When they have verified the numbers, the assisting spectator gives the cards to the performer, who calls them out: Two… Four… Seven. Taking a note pad he writes something, screws the paper into a ball, and asking who had number 2, throws the paper ball to him. He writes again, crumples the paper and throws it to the person who took number 4. This is repeated a third time with number 7. A telephone book is handed to the assisting spectator, who is asked to turn to page 247. He is asked to look down the first column, at the second name. He reads out the name, address, and telephone number. The spectator who took the number 2 is asked to open his paper and read the contents. They are the same as those read from the book. The spectator then looks down the second column, and the fourth name. When the person who took number four opens his paper it is the same as that read from the book. The seventh name in the third column is read, and again the third piece of paper reads exactly the same! REQUIREMENTS: A telephone book and a deck of number cards (or, in lack of this, a regular deck of cards). METHOD: Using the sample described above, the cards bearing the numbers 2, 4 and 7 are on top of the deck. You shuffle the cards leaving them on top. The deck is handed to a spectator who is asked to deal, face down into a packet, any number of cards. It doesn’t matter how many are dealt because the numbers that matter are now at the bottom of the pile. The spectator is asked to place aside the remaining of the deck, pick up the tabled packet and deal it, always face down, into three packets, left, center, right, left, center, right and so on until all the cards are exhausted. This causes the required three cards to come to the top of each pile; this is automatic regardless of the amount of cards contained in the packet. Three spectators take the top card of each heap, note the numbers and give them back to you. As you take them, be sure to show them to the audience in the correct order which is 2, 4 and 7. The three names, addresses and telephone number, may be memorized, or jotted down onto the cover of the pad, from which the pages are torn and tossed to the audience.


The Book Of Book Tests

 MATHEIGHT BOOK TEST Howard Adams You will be using the principle detailed below in other effects and routines with cards. The principle can also be converted to names of persons, places, and things. EFFECT: You predict a word in a book! REQUIREMENTS: A deck of cards (or a deck of number cards) and a book (or magazine). SET-UP: Note and remember the first word (or line) on the 18th page of the book (or magazine). As a prediction write this word on a slip of paper, seal it in an envelope, and place the envelope in your pocket. WORKING: Give the envelope to a spectator to hold saying that it contains a prediction. He places it in his pocket. Place the book (or magazine) on the table. Remove from the deck 8 cards and discard the remainder of the deck. These cards (say all Hearts) are in this order from top to bottom: A, 2, 6, 5, 8, 7, 3, 4. You will note that the first and the fifth cards total 9, the second and sixth cards total 9, the third and the seventh cards total 9, and likewise the fourth and eighth cards total 9. Place the cards face down on the table and ask a person to cut the pile several times. Pick up the pile and fan it with the faces toward the spectator and have him mentally select a card. Then divide the stack in half (the top four cards are taken in the right hand, the bottom four are taken in the left hand, without reversing the orders). Ask the spectator in which hand his mentally says the right.selected card appears as you spread the cards slightly apart. Let us assume he Square up the cards in each hand and starting with the right hand (always begin with the hand containing the selected card), the right thumb pushes off the top card of its packet onto the table and face down. Then the left thumb pushes off the top card of the left-hand stack onto the tabled first card forming a pile. Then the right hand drops the next card on top, then the left, and so on until the eight cards have been dealt into a single pile on the table. Pick up the tabled pile and again divide it in half, taking the top four cards in your right hand and holding the next four in your left hand. Again ask which half contains the selected card as you spread the cards slightly apart. Starting with the designated packet, alternately deal the cards into a single pile on the table. Repeat the same procedure a third time, dividing the cards in half, asking which half contains the selection, then starting with the designated half, alternately deal the cards into a single pile. This dealing has really brought the mentally selected card sixth from the top. Up to this point this has been Kent Arthur’s “Eerie Cards” from the Jinx. Reveal the card any way you like. For example: 1) Look at the cards and after a moment reveal it. 2) Spell the word M-A-G-I-C by moving one card from top to bottom of the packet for each letter of the word. Turn over the next card to reveal the mentally selected one. Place this card below the packet. 3) If the spectator’s name contains five or six letter, use it to reveal the selected card, by spelling the name.


Rachel Colombini

The srcinal basic set-up has remained the same (the first card and the fifth total 9, as do the second and the sixth, the third and the seventh and the fourth and the eight)! After all the mixing that has been taken place in the three deals, nobody would ever dream that the eight cards could be in some order to perform further miracles, but they are. Drop the packet face down on the table and have a person cut the pile as often as desired. Pick up the pile and deal it alternately (left, right, left, right, etc.) into two face-down packets and then turn your back. A spectator picks up either pile, he shuffles the pile, removes any card, mentally notes it and then places it into his pocket. You turn around and the person hands you the remaining three cards. You fan them with the faces toward you, add up the values of these three cards, subtract the total from 18, and you know the mentally noted card. For example, say the total of the three cards comes to 15. Subtract 15 from 18 and you get 3, so you know his mentally noted card is the 3H. There will still be a pile of four cards remaining on the table. A spectator picks the four cards and totals the value of the cards together (18). The spectator picks up the book and opens it to that page and remembers the first word on that page. He closes up the book and removes the sealed prediction envelope from his pocket. When he opens it he finds that you have predicted the very word that he selected.


The Book Of Book Tests

 TRANSCENDENTAL BOOK TEST Richard Himber In this method there are no gimmicks or confederates, yet you are able to correctly reveal words chosen from a book in the spectator’s possession from the start of the routine. The conditions seems impossible and you can make the most out of them when presenting this effect. This trick was written in Karl Fulves’ Self-Working Number Magic. EFFECT: Three books are used. The spectator chooses one for himself and you choose a book for yourself. The remaining book is isolated in another room. You choose a page number in your book and have someone jot it down. Then the spectator chooses a page number and jots it down under yours. The numbers are added and from this total a random page number is arrived at. Someone goes into the next room, opens the book to the indicated page number, and concentrates on the words in the top line. Incredibly, you immediately reveal; the words he sees! REQUIREMENTS: Three books, a pad and a pen. SET-UP: Open one book to page 43 and note the contents of the top line. This is the only preparation. METHOD: The book with the memorized line will be called the force book. Place the books on a table with a pad and a pen. Ask the assistant spectator to choose any one of the three books. He can change his mind oftenIfashehedoes, likes.have One him of two things Either he will pick up thespectator force book or he as won’t. hide it inwill the happen. next room (or give it to another to hold). Then tell him to choose one of the remaining books for himself. In the more likely case the spectator will choose one of the other books. When he has done this, you pick up the other random book, leaving the force book on the table. Say to the spectator, “You have a book and I have a book. Would someone hide the remaining book please?” Either way the force book ends up in the next room (or in the hands of a spectator). Riffle the pages of your book and have a spectator say stop. Whatever page he stops you at, say, “You’ve stopped me at page 57.” Remember that whatever page he stops you at, tell him he stopped you at page 57. As you flip through the pages try to stop as close to page 57 as you can. Close the book and have someone jot down your page number. Tell the spectator, “Since my number is between 50 and 100, would you open your book to any page between 50 and 100? Don’t tell me the page number. Write it down under my number.” Say he writes down the number 71. Once the numbers have been recorded, have the spectator add them. To this point the arithmetic is as follows: Your number His number

57 71


Rachel Colombini



Say to the spectator with the pad and pen, “ Keep the total secret. If the total is over 100, disregard the first figure on the left. Take just the last two figures on the right and deduct that number from your number.” His number Numbers at the right Total

71 -28 43

in the above example that since the totalpage is 128, the assistant drop the 1, getting 28.Note He deducts this number from the spectator’s number to arrivewill at 43. The spectator with the force book, opens it to that page number. Since page 43 is the page you looked at before the trick began, you are now able to reveal the wording of the first line on that page. Another example would be this. The spectator calls out page 82. Your page number is always 57. The arithmetic looks like this: Your number His number Total

57 82 139

The 1 at the left is dropped off or crossed out. The resulting number is then subtracted from the spectator’s number: His number Numbers at the right Total

82 39 43

Once again the result is 43. You will impress your audience with a spectacular mindreading trick!


The Book Of Book Tests

 NEWSPAPER PREDICTION Nick Trost Even though this is not a standard book test, I included it here because it is strong even though it uses a magazine or newspaper. Several years ago Al Koran presented a mental effect that was quite impressive. Nick came up with an easier solution to reach the final climax. The method uses a form of Binary numbers which brings the desired piece of newspaper to any number from 1 to 16 when counting down the stack of 16 pieces. EFFECT: A prediction is made then the magician tears a sheet of newspaper into 16 pieces. Someone picks a number from 1 to 16 and this piece of newspaper is counted to. The prediction corresponds to the piece of newspaper selected! REQUIREMENTS: Any page of a newspaper. A packet of cards numbered from 1 to 16. The cards are in numerical order from top to bottom. The 1 is on top, 16 on the bottom. These can be taken from a standard deck of number cards. As a prediction you may use a duplicate of the 10th piece taken from a second page of newspaper and placed into an envelope. METHOD: First the standard procedure to tear a half page into 16 pieces. Fold a half-page of newspaper four times so that when unfolded it will be divided into 16 squares. As YOU view the paper, the advertisement in the 10th square will be the predicted ad ( figure 1).




There is a normal operation for tearing the paper. First rip the paper in half and place the left-hand piece on top of the right-hand piece ( figure 2). Rotate both pieces CLOCKWISE and tear the two pieces in half again (2nd tear). Place the left-hand piece on the right (similar to figure 2), turn the pieces CLOCKWISE and tear again (3rd tear). Place the left-hand pieces onto the right. There are now 16 pieces. You count down the number indicated by the spectator to arrive at the predicted ad. PERFORMANCE: Using the above normal operation for tearing, here is the presentation for the trick and the system for placing the 10th square at the chosen number. Start by giving the envelope with the prediction to a spectator to hold.


Rachel Colombini

Show the numbered cards briefly, then cut them several times, using complete cuts so the rotation is not disturbed. Fan the cards face down, have a card drawn and held by a spectator. Cut the packet at the point the card was taken and complete the cut. As you lay the packet aside, glimpse the bottom number. The paper is then torn for this number (which is always one less than the spectator’s chosen number). Here are the Binary key numbers: After the first tear the key number is 1 After the second tear the key number is 2 After the third tear the key number is 4 After the fourth tear the key number is 8

Use whatever Binary key numbers are needed to make the number you are tearing for, and each time you need to use a key number place the RIGHT HALF of the paper on the LEFT (instead of the left on right). and the prediction ad will, at the finish, fall at the spectator’s chosen number. Here is an example. The spectator chooses a card from the 16 number cards which we will say is 6. Glimpsing the bottom card of the stack as it is laid aside you see the number 5. Five is the number you tear for. The Binary key numbers that form 5 are 1 and 4. Here are the steps in tearing in this case: (1) Make the 1st tear. The Binary key is 1 and you need this key number to form 5, so place the RIGHT half on the left. Turn the pieces clockwise. (2) Make the 2nd tear. The Binary key number is 2, which you do not need to form 5, so place the LEFT half on the right as during the normal procedure in tearing. Turn the pieces clockwise. (3) Make the 3rd tear. The Binary key is 4, which you need to form 5, so place the RIGHT half on the left. Turn the pieces clockwise. (4) Make the 4th tear. The Binary key number is 8, which you do not need to form 5, so place the LEFT half on the right. Have the spectator reveal his chosen number, which in this case is 6. Count to the sixth piece of paper and the sixth piece will be the predicted ad. If 16 appears on the bottom of the stack (the chosen number being 1) just tear the paper using the normal operation for tearing throughout putting the LEFT half on the right each time and the predicted ad will fall at the chosen number (1). Once the operation is understood, the system will become second nature and it will appear as if you are merely tearing up the paper in an unstudied manner.


The Book Of Book Tests

 PAGING EVERY CORNER Ian Adair Just when we think we have thought of all possible methods of presenting a book test, up pops another. This is one which might well excite fans of book tests for its simplicity and the ‘nonapparatus’ ways of achieving the same effect. It is also different as the performer never really goes out to divine or predict a page number or quote a word or line from any page. This was published in New Pentagram, Vol. 15, #5, July 1983. EFFECT: The performer displays two duplicate paperback books, identical to the point that these are copies of the same. He folds over the right corner of one of the pages and closes the book which is handed to a spectator. His page selection at this stage is not revealed to the audience and no one really knows what is about to occur. The identical book is handed to another spectator who is requested to riffle through the pages and then concentrate upon one single page. Further, the spectator is asked to fold over the top right-hand corner and close the book, likewise. Both performer and spectator have seemingly selected the same page! REQUIREMENTS: You need two similar paper back books, with approximately 150 pages. SET-UP: No previous preparation is required so both books can be handed out to various members of the audience before the experiment takes place. WORKING AND PRESENTATION: First display your own book and explain that you are about to think of one of the pages, and that in selecting it, you will fold over the top right-hand corner of mark its position.to fold over the corner of one of the pages but you do Inthe factpage youto simply PRETEND nothing. You close the book and hand it to a spectator. The second book is handed to another spectator who is requested to look through its pages and then when finding one of his choice, to fold its right-hand top corner likewise. This, you state, is to mark the page position just as you have done with your book. You reach for the spectator’s book and in recapping what has been done so far, you flick through the pages. In doing so, and at stages, because of the folded corner, the ‘flick principle’ comes into action. Whilst flicking through the pages you take note of the sudden break (because of the folded corner), note the page number and continue flicking. Hand the book back to the spectator. Inviting the first spectator to return your book to you, you flick through the pages to find your marked page, actually searching for the page number you now already know. Once found, it is an easy matter for you to fold over the top right-hand corner of this page with the right thumb alone! This can be executed quickly and smoothly. “Here it is, Ladies and Gentlemen, my marked page, folded some time before the spectator was handed the duplicate paperback book. Sir, please read aloud the page number in question….” Both you and the spectator have folded over the same pages of the separate, duplicate books.


Rachel Colombini

 “CAN’T MISS” BOOK TEST Karrell Fox You have here a very simple and direct method for the effect. The gimmick needed will take you a while to make, however, it only has to be done once and when it’s finished you’ll be able to do it as long as you like with no further preparation. The routine was written in Karrell’s book For My Next Trick published by Supreme Magic Co. in 1986. EFFECT: You show a pocket novel. You thumb through the pages. A spectator says stop. You do… He secretly reads a line from the book. He closes the book and tosses it on your table. You then tell him the ‘gist’ of what he read and finish by telling him exactly what he read, word for word! REQUIREMENTS: A book and some rubber cement. SET-UP: Brush a thin, I repeat a THIN, strip of good quality, rubber cement on the inside of the front cover. Brush the strip of cement (thin) from almost the top to almost the bottom and about two inches in from the open side of the book. Turn the page and brush on another thin strip of rubber cement, only move this strip in about another half inch towards the spine of the book. Turn the page and do it again, moving over a bit as before (so the book won’t look any thicker than it’s supposed to). When you get near the spine, then start at the end again, don’t forget two inches from the open edge. Keep opening the pages and applying strips of rubber cement. Repeat, repeat, repeat until you are a little past the center of the book. Don’t spread any cement there, just skip that page. Then continue sticking the back pages together just as you overnight. did the front ones.it’s When finished, a weight on ONLY top of the bookAand allow it to dry When dry,you youare will have aput book that will OPEN THE FORCE PAGE. See figure below.

WORKING: Hold the book in your left hand. Your right thumb riffles through the top right corner of ALL the pages. The right thumb then riffles through ALL of the pages from the side


The Book Of Book Tests

of the book. Riffle through the side pages once more, slowly, until the spectator says stop. The left hand then assists the right hand in opening the book to the force page. As soon as the book is open, push it into his hands and walk away. Ask him to read the top line to himself, then to close the book and toss it on the table. You then tell him what he read in your best “mentalist manner.” You can’t miss! NOTE: Karrell used to perform the effect with three different books. They were all gimmicked the same way. He would then ask the spectator to pick up one book and to eliminate the other two. Of course, you don’t have to go to all of this extra trouble, unless you want the test to be three times more effective!


Rachel Colombini

 THE PRINTED WORD Karl Fulves This trick seems to be a test of genuine mind-reading ability because the apparatus is out of the mentalist’s hands from start to finish. EFFECT: With a deck in his own hands, a spectator cuts the cards anywhere and completes the cut. He takes the top two cards and totals them. Whatever the total, he opens a phone book to that page and notes the name, address and phone number of the first listing at the top of the page. The mentalist then proceeds to reveal the chosen name, then the address and finally the number of the chosen listing! REQUIREMENTS: A phone book (or any book) and a deck of cards. SET-UP: The deck is stacked to provide a force total (actually, as you will see, TWO force totals). The stack is known as the 14-15 stack, because it will force a total of either 14 or 15, depending on where the spectator cuts the deck. From the top down, the stack is: 7-8-6-9-5-10-4-J3-Q-2-K-A-K-2-Q-3-J-4-10-5-9-6-8-7, then repeat the same order with the other 25 cards until all the cards in the deck are used except two Aces, which are put away (your deck has now 50 cards instead of 52). Remember that Jacks are 11, Queens are 12 and Kings are 13. In the phone directory that you use for the effect, note the first name listed on page 14, and the first name listed on page 15. If you want to use a book instead, note the first word (or line) on page 14 and on page 15. PRESENTATION: Hand the deck to someone. Ask the person to cut the deck and complete the cut. This can be done several times. At the end of the cutting procedure, tell him to take the top two cards of the deck and put the balance of the deck aside. Make any effort to convince the audience that you cannot see the two cards. Now direct him to total the values of the two cards. He can only arrive at 14 or 15. Whatever the total, he opens the book to that page. Tell him to look at the first line and to concentrate intently on the name, address, and phone number. There is a subtle point here that tells you whether the page is 14 or 15 and it is this: Page 14 will always be on the left, and page 15 will always be on the right. Glance at the spectator holding the book and simply note whether he’s looking at the left-hand or right-hand page. Simply reveal the name, the address and the phone number.


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