RAC - Cheatsheet
March 16, 2017 | Author: Bhavesh Thakkar | Category: N/A
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RAC Cheatsheet
RAC Cheatsheet This is a quick and dirty cheatsheet on Oracle RAC 10g, as my experience with RAC grows I will update this section, below is a beginners guide on the commands and information that you will require to administer Oracle RAC. Acronyms Acronyms GCS
Global Cache Services
in memory database containing current locks and awaiting locks, also known as PCM
Global Enqueue Services
coordinates the requests of all global enqueues uses the GCS, also known as non‐PCM
Global Resource Directory
all resources available to the cluster (formed and managed by GCS and GES), see GRD for more details
Global Resource Manager
helps to coordinate and communicate the locks requests between Oracle processes
Global Services Daemon
runs on each node with one GSD process per node. The GSD coordinates with the cluster manager to receive requests from clients such as the DBCA, EM, and the SRVCTL utility to execute administrative job tasks such as instance startup or shutdown. The GSD is not an Oracle instance background process and is therefore not started with the Oracle instance
Parallel Cache Management
formly know as (integrated) Distributed Lock Manager, its another name for GCS
it is a identifiable entity it basically has a name or a reference, it can be a area in memory, a disk file or an abstract entity a resource that can be accessed by all the nodes within the cluster examples would be the following
Resource (Global)
Lock Value Block
contains a small amount of data regarding the lock
Traffic Controller
controls the DLM traffic between instances (messaging tickets)
Data Buffer Cache Block Transaction Enqueue Database Data Structures
Files and Directories Files and Directories $ORA_CRS_HOME/cdata/
OCR backups (default location)
OCR command log file
contains trace files for the CRS resources
contains trace files for the CRS daemon during startup, a good place to start
contains cluster reconfigurations, missed check‐ins, connects and disconnects from the client CSS listener. Look here to obtain when reboots occur
contains core dumps from the cluster synchronization service daemon (OCSd)
logfiles for the event volume manager and eventlogger daemon
pid and lock files for EVM
logfiles for Oracle Cluster Registry (OCR)
log fles for Oracle clusterware which contains diagnostic messages at the Oracle cluster level
Useful Views/Tables GCS and Cache Fusion Diagnostics v$cache
contains information about every cached block in the buffer cache
contains information from the block headers in SGA that have been pinged at least once
contains information about the transfer of cache blocks through the interconnect
contains statistics about CR block transfer across the instances
contains statistics about current block transfer across the instances
contains one‐to‐one information for each global cache resource used by the buffer cache
contains information about locks held within a database and outstanding requests for locks and latches
contains information about locks that are being blocked or blocking others and locks that are known to the lock manager
contains details about enqueue statistics in the instance
display enqueue statistics
contains information about DML locks acquired by different transactions in databases with their mode held
contains miscellaneous statistics for GES
contains information about all locks known to the lock manager
contains information about all local GES operations
contains information about all remote GES operations
contains information about all resources known to the lock manager
contains information about messaging traffic information
contains information about the message ticket usage
GES diagnostics
RAC Cheatsheet Dynamic Resource Remastering
contains information about current and previous master instances of GES resources in relation to hash value ID of resource
the same as above but globally
conatins information about current and previous masters about GCS resources belonging to files mapped to a particular master, including the number of times the resource has remastered
contains information about interconnects that are being used for cluster communication
same as above but also contains interconnects that AC is aware off that are not being used
services running on an instance
display LMS daemon statistics
display LMD daemon statistics
Cluster Interconnect
Useful Parameters Parameters cluster_interconnects
specify a specific IP address to use for the inetrconnect
enables fast reconfiguration for gcs locks (true|false)
controls which instance will hold or (re)master more resources than others
controls the number of resources an instance will master at a time
controls the number of message tickets
controls the number of message tickets (aggressive messaging)
limits the number of CR copies per DBA on the buffer cache (see grd)
used when too many CR requested arrive for a particular buffer and the block becomes disowned (see grd)
specifies interval minutes for reamstering
defines the number of times a instance access the resource before remastering
defines the minimum number of times a instance access the resource before remastering
disables dynamic remastering for the objects belonging to those files
enable or disable remastering
define the time by which an instance deferred downgrading a lock (see Cache Fusion)
change the SCN boardcast method (see troubleshooting)
Oracle RAC Daemons and Processes OPROCd
Process Monitor
provides basic cluster integrity services
Event Management
spawns a child process event logger and generates callouts
Cluster Synchronization Services
basic node membership, group services, basic locking
Cluster Ready Services
resource monitoring, failover and node recovery
Lock Manager Server process ‐ GCS
this is the cache fusion part, it handles the consistent copies of blocks that are tranferred between instances. It receives requests from LMD to perform lock requests. I rools back any uncommitted transactions. There can be upto ten LMS processes running and can be started dynamically if demand requires it.
they manage lock manager service requests for GCS resources and send them to a service queue to be handled by the LMSn process. It also handles global deadlock detection and monitors for lock conversion timeouts.
this process manages the GES, it maintains consistency of GCS memory in case of process death. It is also responsible for cluster reconfiguration and locks reconfiguration (node
5/13/2016 LMON
RAC Cheatsheet Lock Monitor Process ‐ GES
joining or leaving), it checks for instance deaths and listens for local messaging. A detailed log file is created that tracks any reconfigurations that have happened.
Lock Manager Daemon ‐ GES
this manages the enqueue manager service requests for the GCS. It also handles deadlock detention and remote resource requests from other instances.
Lock Process ‐ GES
manages instance resource requests and cross‐instance call operations for shared resources. It builds a list of invalid lock elements and validates lock elements during recovery.
Diagnostic Daemon
This is a lightweight process, it uses the DIAG framework to monitor the healt of the cluster. It captures information for later diagnosis in the event of failures. It will perform any neccessary recovery if an operational hang is detected.
General Administration Managing the Cluster starting
/etc/init.d/init.crs start crsctl start crs
/etc/init.d/init.crs stop crsctl stop crs
enable/disable at boot time
/etc/init.d/init.crs enable /etc/init.d/init.crs disable crsctl enable crs crsctl disable crs
Managing the database configuration with SRVCTL srvctl start database d o
start all instances
Note: starts listeners if not already running, you can use the o option to specify startup/shutdown options force open mount nomount srvctl stop database d o
stop all instances
Note: the listeners are not stopped, you can use the o option to specify startup/shutdown options immediate abort normal transactional
start/stop particular instance
srvctl [start|stop] database d i ,
display the registered databases
srvctl config database
srvctl status database d srvctl status instance d i , srvctl status service d srvctl status nodeapps n srvctl status asm n
srvctl stop database d srvctl stop instance d i , srvctl stop service d s , i , srvctl stop nodeapps n srvctl stop asm n srvctl start database d srvctl start instance d i , srvctl start service d s , i , srvctl start nodeapps n srvctl start asm n
srvctl add database d o srvctl add instance d i n srvctl add service d s r srvctl add nodeapps n o A /network srvctl add asm n i o srvctl remove database d o srvctl remove instance d i n srvctl remove service d s r srvctl remove nodeapps n o A /network srvctl asm remove n
OCR utilities log file
$ORA_HOME/log//client/ocrconfig_.log ocrcheck
Note: will return the OCR version, total space allocated, space used, free space, location of each device and the result of the integrity check ocrdump backupfile
RAC Cheatsheet
dump contents Note: by default it dumps the contents into a file named OCRDUMP in the current directory
ocrconfig export ocrconfig restore # show backups ocrconfig showbackup # to change the location of the backup, you can even specify a ASM disk ocrconfig backuploc
# perform a backup, will use the location specified by the backuploc location ocrconfig manualbackup # perform a restore ocrconfig restore # delete a backup orcconfig delete Note: there are many more option so see the ocrconfig man page ## add/relocate the ocrmirror file to the specified location ocrconfig replace ocrmirror '/ocfs2/ocr2.dbf'
## relocate an existing OCR file ocrconfig replace ocr '/ocfs1/ocr_new.dbf' ## remove the OCR or OCRMirror file ocrconfig replace ocr ocrconfig replace ocrmirror
CRS Administration CRS Administration
## Starting CRS using Oracle 10g R1 not possible ## Starting CRS using Oracle 10g R2 $ORA_CRS_HOME/bin/crsctl start crs
## Stopping CRS using Oracle 10g R1 srvctl stop database d srvctl stop asm n srvctl stop nodeapps n /etc/init.d/init.crs stop ## Stopping CRS using Oracle 10g R2 $ORA_CRS_HOME/bin/crsctl stop crs ## use to stop CRS restarting after a reboot
## Oracle 10g R1 /etc/init.d/init.crs [disable|enable] ## Oracle 10g R2 $ORA_CRS_HOME/bin/crsctl [disable|enable] crs
$ORA_CRS_HOME/bin/crsctl check crs $ORA_CRS_HOME/bin/crsctl check evmd $ORA_CRS_HOME/bin/crsctl check cssd $ORA_CRS_HOME/bin/crsctl check crsd $ORA_CRS_HOME/bin/crsctl check install wait 600
create profile
register/unregister application
$ORA_CRS_HOME/bin/crs_register $ORA_CRS_HOME/bin/crs_unregister
Start/Stop an application
$ORA_CRS_HOME/bin/crs_start $ORA_CRS_HOME/bin/crs_stop
Resource permissions
$ORA_CRS_HOME/bin/crs_getparam $ORA_CRS_HOME/bin/crs_setparam
Relocate a resource
member number/name
olsnodes n
local node name
olsnodes l
activates logging
olsnodes g
oifcfg getif
oicfg delig global
oicfg setif global /:public oicfg setif global /:cluster_interconnect
gsdctl start
Resource Applications (CRS Utilities)
Oracle Interfaces
Global Services Daemon Control
RAC Cheatsheet
gsdctl stop
gsdctl status
create a new configuration
clscfg install
Cluster Configuration (clscfg is used during installation) upgrade or downgrade and existing clscfg upgrade configuration clscfg downgrade add or delete a node from the configuration
clscfg add clscfg delete
create a special single‐node configuration for ASM
clscfg local
brief listing of terminology used in the other nodes
clscfg concepts
used for tracing
clscfg trace
clscfg h
Cluster Name Check print cluster name
cemulto n Note: in Oracle 9i the ulity was called "cemutls"
print the clusterware version
cemulto w Note: in Oracle 9i the ulity was called "cemutls"
Node Scripts Add Node
addnode.sh Note: see adding and deleting nodes
Delete Node
deletenode.sh Note: see adding and deleting nodes
displaying statistics
SQL> column current_utilization heading current SQL> column max_utilization heading max_usage SQL> column initial_allocation heading initial SQL> column resource_limit format a23; SQL> select * from v$resource_limit;
Messaging (tickets) ticket usage
select local_nid local, remote_nid remote, tckt_avail avail, tckt_limit limit, snd_q_len send_queue, tckt_wait waiting from v$ges_traffic_controller;
dump ticket information
SQL> oradebug setmypid SQL> oradebug unlimit SQL> oradebug lkdebug t
Lighwork Rule and Fairness Threshold select cr_requests, light_works, data_requests, fairness_down_converts from v$cr_block_server;
Note: lower the _fairness_threshold if the ratio goes above 40%, set to 0 if the instance is a query only instance.
Remastering ## Obtain the OBJECT_ID form the below table SQL> select * from v$gcspfmaster_info;
force dynamic remastering (DRM)
## Determine who masters it SQL> oradebug setmypid SQL> oradebug lkdebug a ## Now remaster the resource SQL> oradebug setmypid SQL> oradebug lkdebug m pkey
GRD, SRVCTL, GSD and SRVCONFIG Tracing Enable tracing
$ export SRVM_TRACE=true
Disable tracing
$ export SRVM_TRACE=""
Voting Disk adding
crsctl add css votedisk
crsctl delete css votedisk
crsctl query css votedisk
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