Rabang Thesis

December 29, 2018 | Author: Sushmitha Sush | Category: Tourism, Philippines, Employment, Design, Sports
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MAPUA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY School of Architecture, Industrial Design and the Built Environment Manila, Philippines

A Proposed Water Sports Complex and Recreation Center Space Frame Structure Concept

A Thesis presented to The Faculty of School of Architecture

In partial fulfillment of the course requirements requirements in  Architectural  Architectural Design 11: Architectural Architectural Thesis Thesis For the degree of Bachelor of Science in Architecture

Submitted by Bismarc Fiel C. Rabang

On March 2012

School School of A rchitecture, Industrial D esign esign and the Buil t Envir onment 




I am heartily thankful to my Architectural Design 9 Thesis 1 instructor,

Arch’t. Ten Ealdama, who has always been approachable and whose expertise, guidance and patience throughout the term enabled me to acquire the knowledge in doing this thesis; To my friends, Drew Gozar, Kc Castro, Abby Macatangay, Rois Sabile, Calude Mella, Wei Xian Eileen Hung, Hannah Albino, and Audrey Canque; to my best friend and her family, Gladys Baes for giving me support in doing my Thesis 1; To my loving mother, Melita Rabang for her encouragement and support, My father, Engineer Marcelino Rabang for supporting and motivating me, my siblings, Christeel, Maia and Marcel Rabang which serves as my inspiration for studying hard; And to the following government agencies and authorities for allowing me to conduct interviews and giving me documents for the justification of my thesis: Philippine Sports Commission (Engr. Ellano), Philippine Aquatic Sports Association, Department of Tourism. Most of all, I thank the Almighty Father for giving me strength, fortitude, bright and positive mind-set in doing my research. This research would not have also been achievable if it were not because of them.

School School of A rchitecture, Industrial D esign esign and the Buil t Envir onment 




I am heartily thankful to my Architectural Design 9 Thesis 1 instructor,

Arch’t. Ten Ealdama, who has always been approachable and whose expertise, guidance and patience throughout the term enabled me to acquire the knowledge in doing this thesis; To my friends, Drew Gozar, Kc Castro, Abby Macatangay, Rois Sabile, Calude Mella, Wei Xian Eileen Hung, Hannah Albino, and Audrey Canque; to my best friend and her family, Gladys Baes for giving me support in doing my Thesis 1; To my loving mother, Melita Rabang for her encouragement and support, My father, Engineer Marcelino Rabang for supporting and motivating me, my siblings, Christeel, Maia and Marcel Rabang which serves as my inspiration for studying hard; And to the following government agencies and authorities for allowing me to conduct interviews and giving me documents for the justification of my thesis: Philippine Sports Commission (Engr. Ellano), Philippine Aquatic Sports Association, Department of Tourism. Most of all, I thank the Almighty Father for giving me strength, fortitude, bright and positive mind-set in doing my research. This research would not have also been achievable if it were not because of them.

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About the Author Bismarc Fiel C. Rabang is currently living in Taguig City but originally from Umingan, Pangasinan. He  became interested in architecture and engineering back when he was 8, while watching his father who is a Civil Engineer drawing, computing and designing structure. He appreciates it more when his father once took him into a construction site. Now, he is a Senior Student of B.S. Architecture in Mapua Institute of Technology and is hoping to graduate with a Bachelors Degree in 2012. He excels in architectural design,  building technology, and manual drafting subjects. He believes that “ang “ang arkitektura ay ang siyang sumasalamin at ang siyang  bubuo sa katauhan ng ating kultura, kasaysayan at kasalukuyang kasalukuyang lipunan. Ito’y kusang sumisibol, katulad ng hangin, huni ng ibon at liwanag. Ito’y kusang nagbabago, ngunit kailanma’y hindi m a w a w a l a . ”

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Table of Contents Title


Approval Sheet Certificate of Originality Acknowledgement Sheet Table of Contents List of Tables List of Figures

ii iii iv vi vii viii

CHAPTER 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9

INTRODUCTION Background Statement of the Problem Project Goals, Objectives and Strategies Significance of the Research Review of Related Literature Framework Research Methodology Scope and Limitation Definition of Terms

1 2 4 4 5 16 17 40 40

CHAPTER 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 CHAPTER 3

RESEARCH FOCUS Rationale Discussion of principles Recommendations for application ARCHITECTURAL PROGRAMMING Site Selection Process 3.1.1 Setting the Criteria 3.1.2 Description of Site Options 3.1.3 Site Selection and Justification 3.1.4 Site analysis 3.1.5 Site Development Options




4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5

Space Programming index Design Concept Plans Elevations and Sections Perspectives

65 76 77 81 83

Bibliography Appendices

85 86

42 42 50 50 50 51 54 54 59

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provinces in the country. Unfortunately, in 2010, they were

Chapter 1

not allowed to compete in the 2010 Asian Games by the


Philippine Olympic Committee (POC) because of report questions in the accuracy of their time trial. Up until now, the rowers still trains in the polluted Manila Bay, living in a small apartment, and no facility being provided for them.

1.1 Background/overview

They receive minimal support from the government and

Being an archipelago, much of the Philippines is surrounded

minimal recognition from the Filipino people.

by bodies of water. Composed of over 7, 107 islands and approximately 36, 289 km of coastline, the reason why fishing is one of the most common livelihood in the country. Philippines outshine in many different aquatic activities and

Aside from Dragon Boat, Filipinos also excel in all different water sports and activities. Below is the list of some of our exquisite achievements in water sports:

water sports such as swimming, kayaking, surfing, rowing and fishing.

In Surfing Division, Julian Marie Lavadia and

Our dominating potential in water sports was proved in 2007, when the Philippine Dragon Boat Team is announced as the fastest crew on the planet after winning the World

Luigi Villafuerte won 1st and 2nd respectively last summer of 2011 held in Camarines Sur. In Sailing Division, Ridgely Balladares and

Dragon Boat Championship held in Sydney and gained a

Rommel Chavez scored no less three first place

world record. In 2009, they successfully defended their

finishes out of fifteen races at the Mirror Class

crown. Female paddlers during the same year also gained

World Championships 2011 held in Albany,

the world record of being the fastest crew. Most of the

Western Australia.

players are fishermen from Bacolod and from other

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In Wakeboarding Division, Tynna Rosero, won first place on Women Wakeskate category,

its 15 swimmers in the seventh Singapore Island Country Club age group swimming championship.

Raffy Francisco and Dennis Devinagracia won 3rd and 4th place respective on Amateur Wakeskate

Philippine Sports Tourism:

category all held during the 2011 WWA Wake Park World Championships hel in Camarines Sur

Sports tourism is one of the fastest growing areas  – 

and Samantha Bermudez won first place in Ultimate

10 % of $4.5 trillion global travel and tourism

Wake Championship 2011 Women’s Division.


In Swimming Division, during the last 2008

In 2010, government is expecting $17 billion or

Beijing Olympics, the Philippine swimming team had

13.6 % of GDP gross domestic product contribution

the largest share of the country's athletes

of sports tourism industry, almost 10 % from coming

represented in Beijing, with five swimmers competing

from water sports. Or approx. .4 % of Global

in seven events. Miguel Molina completed the men's

travel and tourism industry.

200 m individual medley, Christel Simms completed the women's 100 m freestyle, JB Walsh completed the men's 200 m butterfly and won his heat but didn't move on, and Daniel Coakley completed the men's 50 m freestyle. Walsh's and Coakley's

However, the facility for sports particularly water sports is not enough to lead us to significant development and mergence of the sports tourism sector.

achievements are also Southeast Asian records. In 2011, Diliman Preparatory School, barely sixmonths into its swimming program, finished third overall behind the 12-gold medal performance of

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people and so as the government. Being an archipelago and a country surrounded by seas, we should be well known around the world to be leading in all water sports/activities. The study will attempt to answer the following question: What project can help promote water sports According to those facts, there is a need to develop Sports Tourism industry in our country for a better community. We

in the Philippines? What will make it different from other water

can develop or enhance it more through water sports

sports facility available in the country and from

knowing that we are surrounded by beautiful bodies of

other countries?

water and coastlines.

What other features can we add to aid the

According to Conference Chairman Charles Lim “hopeful

facility’s being world class? To educate and train our

that through the Sports and Tourism Summit, tourism

athletes and aspiring young athletes?

stakeholders will be able to focus on developing sports

How can the project attract Filipinos and

opportunities by investing in infrastructures, facilities, and

foreign people and invite them to support and

support network to accommodate major sport events and

repute water sports in the Philippines?

other sports tourism activities”

How can we provide a facility for water sports without disturbing our aquatic environment?

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Which site can be best for the project?

Despite such implausible achievements attained by our athletes in Aquatic Activities or Water Sports, Water Sports in the Philippines is not yet well reputed by the Filipino

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What are the other benefits that a facility

To attract Filipinos and tourist to support

like this can contribute aside from promoting aquatic

water sports in the Philippines through architectural

activities and water sports?

design. To have a facility that should symbolize our

1.3 Project Goals and Strategies

culture and water sports dominance. To help increase the value of sports tourism

Clients Goal: to train and to provide optimum care to Filipino National Water sports athletes and to maximize

industry in the county.

their athletic performance through sports science a nd education and research.


Proponents Goals: the aim of the study is to provide a facility that will promote water sports in the Philippines.

To identify our potentials and capabilities in water sports and our latest achievements in water sports by research


To identify our weaknesses and problems To provide a facility for Filipino National

Water sports athletes and aspiring young athletes to maximize their knowledge, skills, and to enhance their potentials.

about the topic that can be solved through architectural design. To conduct interviews to our athletes, water sports organizations, environmental sectors and

To provide a world class facility that will be known worldwide and can be an international venue

other organizations/sectors that have concerns about the study.

for water sports. 1.4 Significance of the Study

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The study will show our strengths and advantages against


all countries around the word. Also, the study will find ways Since the study will involve water and sports, it will

to popularize water sports in our country in view of the fact

showcase the dramatic expression of nature, tradition and

that we are known to be dominant in water sports. When

introduction of Philippine aquatic architecture. The study will

the aim of the study succeeds, it can help our country raise

help us create a symbol of our dominance in all water

its pride and make its people proud to be Filipinos.

sports and aquatic activities since we are an archipelago 1.5 Review of Related Literature

and is surrounded by bodies of water.

1.5.1 Economy and Employment in Water Sports


An Assessment of the Economic Impact of Water-Related

The study will also include tourism. Since different water

Recreation and Tourism 2007

sports are international sports and is trained and practiced

On a research conducted by Spey Catchment Management

around the world, the study will find out ways to attract first

Plan Partners entitled An Assessment of the Economic Impact

the Filipinos, and then foreign people and at the same time,

of Water-Related Recreation and Tourism 2007, of

find out services and income generating facilities that can

Caledonian University in Europe, on the section of Economic

help boost the economy of the site and possible the

Impact of Water Sports that regards employment:

economy of the country.

It is extremely difficult to associate the employment in this sector with a set of skills because most employees are, and need to be, multi-skilled. For example a centre manager,


who is largely in an administrative position, could well be called out to operate as a ski instructor, canoe instructor or mountain leader to cover for illness. Amongst instructors full-

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time contracts are becoming less common. The reasons for

This work suggests that 1.7m worth of annual output, 48

this are the requirements for outdoor centers to minimize

fulltime jobs equivalents and £0.8m in wages and self-

overheads and respond to a changing market. There is a

employment income to households in the Moray Badenoch

recognized pool available who work as required for centers

and Strathspey Enterprise area are dependent upon water

or companies when they are available. Nonetheless this

sports in the Moray Badenoch and Strathspey Enterprise

flexible employment pattern is attractive to many who


operate their own “businesses” and may be elsewhere for substantial periods of time on expedition work. Within centers there are a significant number working in

In the conclusion of the study, large number of employment

administration, with the normal skill requirements. These deal

is dependent in Water Sports facilities with Hotel

not only with activities but also the “hotel” side of centers.

accommodations and other retails and establishments. It only

There are also a number of cooks, cleaners; bar staff etc

means that water sports helps boost up the economy of a

some full time but probably most part time. It is difficult to

specific place or region.

see outdoor centers as offering an attractive service without water based activity, but to then associate all centre staff

The Value of the Water Sports Economy in North Devon

with that activity would be totally incorrect. The demand in the MBSE area remains for multi-skilled and qualified

On the Overall Summary of Results of the report by Liz

instructors, and hotel type staff.

Abell and Isabelle Bromham in North Devon in Europe:

This section has tried to estimate the total economic impact

67 businesses were surveyed altogether, representing just

of water sports in the Moray Badenoch and Strathspey

over one third of the businesses that are directly linked to

Enterprise area. For the assessment of indirect and induced

water sports in Northern Devon. Key findings from the

effects we have used the model developed by CogentSI.

survey were as follows:

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The surveyed food and drink businesses 780 staff were employed by these businesses, leading to an estimate of over 2,000 staff employed in water sports related jobs across the area

benefited from 72,500 customers because of their proximity to water sports opportunities* 11 water sports clubs reported 975 members*, around half of which were schoolchildren

Most businesses turned over less than £250k, compared with the national average of £597k The total turnover for the surveyed businesses was approximately £25m, of which £18m was specifically identified as being directly related to water sports products and services

Water sports equipment rental businesses reported that they served 3,650 customers in 2008*, but none of them purchased their equipment in Devon, primarily for reasons of price Water sports equipment retailers reported 19,400 customers in 2008

This can be estimated as £80m water sports related turnover across the area

Water sports equipment manufacturers reported £1.65m of products (sales price)*

Business demonstrated a higher level of environmental awareness, concern and policy

Revenue from water sports tuition amounted to £250k for surveyed businesses in 2008.*

development than was found in other sectors It is estimated that 149,000 guests stayed in

This research forms part of the process in understanding the

surveyed accommodation providers in Northern

sector and the importance it has on the area in terms of

Devon for the water sports opportunities

socio-economic development and environmental protection.

Water sports did not feature heavily (or in some cases at all) in publicity materials for the

The findings clearly showed that the marine leisure sector is a powerful tool for stimulating the North Devon local

accommodation providers

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economy because of Water Sports facility, Education

further development based on any study conducted that will

facility for water sports, hotels, retails, rentals and tourism.

identify and develop a full-range of niche´ tourism products looking to promote strong future growth and diversification

North Devon is well placed to be at the forefront of

of the tourism industry. The need for a planned and

developing a low carbon economy through the marine

consistent approach to building a sustainable base for the

leisure sector. This research clearly demonstrates the

Sports Tourism sector is imperative and the development of

commitment from businesses to protecting the environment

a National Sports Tourism Strategy must immediately get

and the measures they already have in place to minimize


their impact on natural resources. The hosting of the 2005 South East Asian Games provided 1.5.2 Sports Tourism including Water Sports

the Philippines with a unique learning opportunity. Although

A Need for a National Sports Tourism Strategy 2007(see

we were able to showcase the Philippines to our Asian


neighbors and the world, both as a tourism destination and

According to Virgilio Beeyong· Sison on his study:

as a country with the ability to compete in skills by winning

A Need for a National Sports Tourism Strategy, Tourism is

the overall championships, the 2005 games experience left

one of the world’s largest industries, and it goes hand -in-

us with much to be desired in terms of infrastructure like

hand with sports and recreation. This area combines travel,

world-class sports venues, athletic dorms/hostels, transport

service, entertainment and wellness. By merging both

services, organizational expertise in the sports industry.

activities, Sports Tourism has now become the fastest growing sector world-wide. The World Tourism Organization (WTO) predicts that Sports Tourism will be the

The challenge for Sports Tourism development is to take

second most important travel segment by 2020. Also, Sports

advantage of all the opportunities this presents. The

Tourism will be the one to show enormous potential for

Philippines can have many competitive advantages in the

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Sports Tourism marketplace including a climate conducive to

ability of a region to support a particular sporting activity

outdoor activities and a diverse range of sporting activities

or event. A strategic approach which considers the

in a Natural Setting. The development and access to quality

adequacy and availability of all relevant facility needs to

sports facilities and well developed tourism in frastructure

be adopted when planning sporting events and activities.

(e.g. roads, accommodation infrastructure) can be bring v ast changes to the image of a country like the Philippines as a

According to the recommendation of the author, today’s

sporting nation and tourism destination.

tourism would be unthinkable without sports. Sports even ts cannot take place without some kind of tourism support. They usually depend on a tourism destination. Clearly, the

According to this phrase, since 2005, our country desires to

Sports Tourism industry in the Philippines has enormous

have sports venues that are world class bur up until 2011;

potential. A development initiative focusing on Sports

we don’t have good enough facilities that  can be a

Tourism can yield enormous gains including strong inbound

desirable venue for international events. It is said that we

tourism growth, sports and tourism infrastructure. There are

have all the factors and advantages for developing such

considerable economic, sport and community benefits to be

things. Most if not all sporting activities and events rely on

gained through developing the niche market that is sport

having appropriate infrastructure in place. The most o bvious

tourism. Community sport tourism can lead to improved sport

form of infrastructure is the sporting facilities themselves,

development, enhanced community pride, and more active

sports facilities such as water sports complex. A starting

populations. Perhaps it may also help cure social ills such as

point in addressing these issues would be to conduct

addiction in drugs, sex and illegal gambling jueteng,

facilities audits to identify what sporting facilities and at

alcoholism and depression which are caused by lack

what standard, are available. A further logical step down

of participation and direction. People will immediately feel

this track would be to conduct a broader asset audit´ of all

the impact of the economic gains made by our government

relevant infrastructures, to assist organizers in assessing the

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once they see concrete activities happening in their daily

Arroyo said the Philippines could compete as an attractive


tourist destination due to its proximity to northeast Asia, particularly Japan, China, and South Korea, world-class

RP eyes $17-billion tourism industry

natural attractions, and ability to create substantial niche

In an article by Genalyn Kabiling on the Manila Bulletin issued Feb 2010:


The country’s main selling point, he noted, is marine

Sun, water sports, more hotels, and better transportation

biodiversity that has promoted diving and other water

system are expected to propel the country's booming

sports activities in many islands.

tourism sector into a $17- billion industry this year, Water Sports is always included in the development and

government officials said Friday.

allotment of budget for tourism because the Philippines is

National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA)

surrounded by water. Water sports Facility gives great

Director Dennis Arroyo said the country’s natural wonders,

impact in tourism and economy of a region and even a

complemented by improved tourism infrastructure, have


attracted more local and foreign tourists to the Philippines.

“By 2010, the industry’s contribution to gross domestic

1.5.3 Effects of Water Sports Facility and Aquatic Activities

product is targeted to reach US $17 billion or 13.6 percent

in the Environment

of GDP,” Arroyo told reporters in Malacañang. Marketing Water sports & Protecting the Environment

At least 5.2 million local and foreign tourists visited the Philippines in 2009, or 16.66 percent higher than 2008.

Some Techniques proposed by Beverley Pierson is supported by Countryside Access & Activities Network in

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Strangford Lough can be a guide in creating an

Examples of impacts by recreational activity-

architectural design of water sports that is friendly to the

eroded soils, trampled vegetation, polluted waters,

aquatic environment.

littering and displaced wildlife.


How? Leave What You Find: load your camera, not

your boats. Avoid spreading nonnative species by washing boats and equipment after each trip.

Dispose of Waste Properly: ‘Pack it in, pack it out’, avoid disposal into the water.

Slight changes can have huge positive impacts. Techniques –  wash your boat and equipment after each trip, stick to existing sailing areas, never feed wildlife, do not disturb wildlife –  keep a good

Minimize the Effects of Fire: use established fire rings or a stove.

distance eave natural objects (aquatic plants etc.) where you have found them, only use dead wood for firewood, keep campsites away from


water/rivers. More and more of us are engaging in a wider range of water and land based activities. Therefore our collective mark on the environment is increasing.

Inform others on how they can create less impact on the environment. The study will include the protection of our natural aquatic environment. It is important to still consider nature as still the

Even the most thoughtful visitors leave footprints and unintentionally disturb wildlife.

main attraction of the project. These guides will give a big help for the design of a environmentally friendly project.

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disturbance of river and lake life is demanded of these Summer Sailors, Water Sports and the Environmental Impact

water travelers. Fish stocks are dropping although many

According to an article posted by Rhonda Nieman issued

inland lakes and ponds are stocked manually each year.

April of 2008:

And it's not just fish; many other types of marine wildlife are also at risk, such as turtles.

We all love to watch and participate in water sports. Swimming and water-tubing are the simplest and require

Warnings have been issued that all frogs throughout the

the least equipment. Sculling from a small boat on inland

world are suffering from a disease that is expected to

waterways also has minimal impact on the environment,

destroy eighty percent of frogs globally. Further

providing you take your garbage home like any

endangering this fragile species will disrupt the whole food

responsible picnicker. Owners of waterfront properties have

chain. The Polar Bear was declared an endangered species

rights to sea wrack, but do not appreciate pollution from

in Canada in January 2008. In 2007, recreational sailors

food wrappers, non-biodegradable cigarette butts and

were sailing their crafts across the Northwest Passage for

empty drink cans.

the first time known to mankind. The human race is at risk from loss of its food supply as the climate warms. New

Sports such as parasailing and water skiing require water

codes have been established for outboard motors. This

craft with gasoline engines. This means that fossil fuels

legislation is not retroactive and many recreational sailors

power the craft and leave a trail of carbon emissions. These

continue to have their ancient outboard motors serviced for

days the average fisherman is seriously restricted in the

future use. Old outboard motors leave a cloud of carbon

number of fish he can take. Most fish are returned to the

emission and petroleum leakage in their wake. Serious


damage to lakes, waterways, and oceans are the result of

In some jurisdictions owners of seafood have been warned to travel slowly along inland waterways. Minimal

using old-fashioned and inefficient outboard motors. Modern ones do cut costs.

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Fishermen, like hunters, pay a license fee for their sport.

The Green Blue, RYA House, Ensign Way, Hamble,

Many believe that those who also leave a carbon footprint

Southampton, studied and identified the effects of boating

on the seas, lakes, and oceans should also pay a license

and Water Sports on Wildlife and Environment:

fee. Even the birdwatcher of water fowl inevitably causes some environmental damage. Consequently, suggestions are

Identifying the Impacts

made to protect the environment by licensing all those who

All types of craft have the potential to cause disturbance to

set foot or boat in these areas.

wildlife if handled without care in their presence. The level of disturbance to wildlife may be directly related to the

Until then, an exchange credit system which allows old

type of activity. Dahlgren and Korschgen (1992) (as quoted

inefficient outboard motors to be exchanged for code-

in DeLong 20021) proposed a range of categories of

certified modern ones could help. The fisherman and hunter

human activities in order of decreasing disturbance to

know the importance of protecting the environment. Anyone


else stepping out of their own area needs to share these concerns.

Rapid over water movement and loud noise (power boating, waterskiing and aircraft).

Stepping with a soft footprint is no longer enough.

Over water movement with little noise (sailing, windsurfing, rowing and canoeing).

It is important that we minimize the effect through architectural design and coordinate with the sector that is

Little over water movement or noise (wading, swimming).

knowledgeable about this matter.

Activities along the shoreline (fishing, bird The Effects of Boating and Water Sports On Wildlife

watching, hiking and traffic).

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However a study in the Stour-Orwell estuarine SPA3 (ERA

Effects on Fish: A study conducted in Loch Lomond (2005)9

Report 44, 2005) showed that vessels under sail and motor

reported on effects of recreational boating on fish ecology,

on the estuaries caused relatively little disturbance to birds

summarized as disturbance by moving boats, increased

and there was no difference in the degree of disturbance

predation in turbid areas, mortality of eggs and effects on

between the different types of vessel. It is also true that

reproduction. It was concluded that disturbance by moving

certain types of craft and their movement may have a

boats is of low magnitude and turbidity was not considered

greater capacity to disturb. A study conducted in

to be a serious problem. Species specific studies carried out

Teignmouth Bay (Goodwin & Cotton, 2004)8 showed that

on a number of fish species also identified potential impacts

the presence of bottlenose dolphins was unrelated to the

on Atlantic salmon arising from boat wash and boat

number of boats present. When boats were stationary, the

movement, propellers, boat exhaust and pollution. Studies

behavior of dolphins did not differ significantly between

published by the Institute of Fisheries Management

boat classes. However, there was a highly significant

(undated) concluded that boating was not believed to have

difference in the response by dolphins to different types of

a serious impact on fish, except in some circumstances to

boats when they were moving. Speedboats and personal

scare them from the immediate area. Detrimental impacts

watercraft were associated with adverse behavior by the

were highest where high speed vessels such as personal

dolphins, even when boats were not directly approaching

watercraft and water skiing occurred in small lakes on a

the animals.

regular basis. This was backed up research from Sport Scotland10, which showed a change in fish behavior when

These studies show that in order to accurately identify the

speedboats passed nearby. From the literature, there is no

causes and impacts of boat based disturbance on wildlife,

evidence of direct damage to fish from propellers and the

research programs must be must be carefully designed, and

impacts of boat exhaust and pollution are likely to be

may need to be site or species specific.

confined to local areas.

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Conclusions: A number of effects of boating activities on

However, the presence of boats does not necessarily cause

wildlife have so far been identified, but many remain

a disturbance. If craft are handled with sensitivity there can

poorly understood, and

be minimal or zero disturbance. Zoning of sensitive areas,

it is sometimes difficult to assess the impact on species of

speed restrictions, awareness of seasonal and geographical

boating related disturbance in isolation from o ther sources

sensitivities, and education have all been used to mitigate

of disturbance, both natural and human induced. As a

the impact of boat use on wildlife. Evaluation of these

general rule it is believed that non powered craft such as

approaches will be helpful to ascertain the most effective

sailing craft have less overall impact than powered craft,

means of minimizing disturbance to wildlife from all types of

with speed boats and personal watercraft being associated

craft for the future. The Green Blue is actively working to

with adverse behavior in dolphins. However, the UKCEED

get relevant information about sensitive areas placed in to

(2000)12 reports suggest that sailing could cause more

pilot books and (electronic) charts.

disturbances at a national level than powered craft for the following reasons:

The study shows that water sports do not disturb much the natural environment and wildlife of a particular area. In a

Sailing is more widespread. Sailing occurs at most of the sites where bird counting takes place.

country like the Philippines where it is surrounded by water, we can promote water sports in the Philippines and can boost up economy and tourism without disturbing our

Compared to power boating there are

environment through a watersports facility.

higher levels of winter sailing activity. Participants spend a large proportion of time on or near the water.

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1.6 Conceptual Framework:



International Standards for FACILITY Water Sports

Natural Setting of Site (Bodies of Water)

Case Study Site Criteria

Economy/ People


Site Visit Interview

Economic Opportunity/ Employment

Reflection of Culture  Architectural Design Iconic

 Aquatic  Architecture

Water Sports Tourism

Building Technology

Water Sports Popularization and Promotion

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 Artificial lakes, waves, etc.



1.7 Research Methodology

Batangas because it is a tourist spot destination and many coastlines there have the potential for an international water sports event.

1.7.1 Oral Investigation

According to him, the use of technology in this kind of Philippine Sports Commission Interview

facility is very important. Though it seems like the Philippines

According to Head Engineer of Philippine Sports Commission

is not yet ready for such technology and equipments, we

Engineering Department, Engr. Ellano, having a water sports

should always consider this technology to our proposals and

complex is important to Philippine sports, tourism and

think for the future.

economy of our country and added that it is appropriate and suitable to have a water sports complex in the

Philippine Aquatic Sports Association Interview/visit

Philippines simply because we are surrounded by water and we are dominant in any water sports compared to

The Philippine Aquatic Sport Commission suggested some

other countries. He mentioned that sports tourism is one of

guidelines and strategies on designing a water sports

the best solutions to boost up our economy. Sports, including


water sports, combined with tourism have helped the economy of many countries like Vietnam, Malaysia, and

Water spaces should meet the specific needs of the

some countries in Europe and America.

following markets: 1. Recreation and leisure

According to him, a water sports complex is a challenging

2. Competition, training and fitness

facility or structure to design because of the different

3. Teaching

requirements and international standard of different water

4. Health and rehabilitation.

sports needed to be followed in the construction of the facilities. He said that the best site for a facility like this is

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Provide a mix of shallow leisure/recreation

to be scheduled. Multipurpose sports centers must be

water with deeper programmable water space;

designed for all sports, not just basketball, for

Depth of major water space area tend to be 1.0 to

example, badminton and volleyball have specific

1.8 meters in the main pools and between 0.6 and

height and lighting requirements.

0.9 meters in learners pools;

Maximize flexibility by having multiple line

Include high revenue generating and

markings, court configurations which can be changed

complementary activities such as a spa: Health and

according to the needs of the activity, retractable

fitness centers complement aquatic centers and h ave

seating which does not impinge on floor areas, and

been developed in a significant percentage of new

accommodate both sporting activities and

indoor swimming pools. Ancillary services


complementary to a leisure aquatic centre include

Optimize all available floor space. For

sports medicine rooms, health and therapy services

example, use mezzanine floors for spectators and as

and health and beauty services;

multi-purpose areas. Similarly, design activity rooms

Ensure maximum flexibility to allow a number of different programs and activities to occur concurrently;

to be multi-purpose, for meetings, programs such as Tai kwon do, and for social functions. Provide a minimum number of permanent

Develop indoor swimming pools with outdoor

spectator seats to cater for regular activities.

areas for use in the warmer weather such as

Retractable bleachers or portable seating may be

grassed barbecue/picnic area or outdoor water

used for major events and exhibition matches,

space; ensure that adequate playing arenas are

although these require extra floor space for

constructed. Check the quality of flooring and


lighting, and ensure that the size, particularly length, width and height, are appropriate for the activities

Provide corporate boxes if the centre is to be used for elite sport or entertainment activities.

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Corporate boxes can be court-side open boxes, or

Have you or members of your household visited any

enclosed more elaborate permanent boxes.

watersports during the past year?

Accommodate different levels of competition: Generally there are three categories of Competition: local or social, which is used for regular Fig. 2

day to day activities; provincial level competition; and national or international standard events. The

Approximately how often did you or members of your

local/social courts take up the least space while

household visit watersports over the past 12 months

national/international events take up a larger area. Consequently, there may need to be different configurations of court space for different types of activities. Give special attention to the type of flooring: Numerous multi-purpose products are available that meets the needs of elite sport, and satisfy other activities, such as entertainment or trade shows.

Fig. 2.1

Maximize the use of court space. Divider nets can be used to separate playing areas, to allow

Overall how would you rate the physical condition of ALL the watersports you have visited?

more than one activity to occur simultaneously. Survey  – 64 Responses (see Appendix)

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Please indicate if YOU or any member of your HOUSEHOLD has a need for each of the recreation PROGRAMS listed.

Fig 2.2 Would you be interested to visit a world class Watersports in the Philippines in the future? Fig. 2.5 What facilities would you like to find in the proposed WATERSPORTS? Fig. 2.3 Would you be interested to learn watersports through classes and/or camps?

Fig. 2.4

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Fig. 2.7 Fig.

1.7.2 Archival Investigation

2.6 From the following list, please check ALL the potential indoor

List of Water Sports (for the proposed project)

spaces you and members of your household would use. Majority of the facilities that will be provided in the project are the following water sports and aquatic sports:

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What better way is there to explore the wealth of marine


life in Philippine waters than to go scuba diving or snorkeling? Snorkeling is easier to learn, involving mainly swimming just below the surface of the water with a simple mouth-breathing apparatus and mask, allowing the snorkeler to get a good view of the underwater world. But for longer, more intensive exploration of the depths of the sea, you have to learn scuba diving, which allows for longer underwater expeditions with a portable supply of oxygen. The popular beach and lake resorts of the Philippines have Kayaking

long offered facilities for waterskiing, a sport which involves being towed on skis by a motorboat or a cable. Wakeboarding

Another enjoyable way to sightsee on the water while getting a bit of exercise is kayaking. It involves paddling a light craft on the sea or a lake. Paddling quietly is not only relaxing, it allows one to observe the natural environment with very little disturbance of the wildlife. For the more adventurous, it may also be done on rough water.

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Similar to waterskiing, wakeboarding involves riding on a board to which both feet are bound while being towed across the water by a boat or cable. By riding on the wake, the wakeboarder may fly up and perform stunts in the air. Wakeskating is similar except the feet are not bound to the board. Swimming is an Olympic Game where Filipinos took


dominance. Water polo is a team sport played in water. Synchronized swimming is a hybrid of

swimming, Water aerobics is aerobics in the water Water gymnastics is gymnastics in the water

The Philippines takes pride in its excellent dragonboat rowing teams, which have brought home medals from the Southeast Asian (SEA) Games. Rowing teams can often be seen practicing in Manila Bay. Those who enjoy propelling a

List of All Water Sports (some can be included in the

boat through muscle power can easily find fellow oarsmen

proposed projects)

in the Philippines. In the water Swimming Swimming includes pool swimming and open

water swimming

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Triathlon is usually a combination of

swimming, cycling and running

Underwater hockey is hockey played under

water with short wooden curved sticks and a heavy

Modern pentathlon includes épée fencing,

puck.Players wear diving masks, snorkels, and fins,

pistol shooting, swimming, a show jumping course on

and must surface to breathe while team mates

horseback, and cross country running

continue the game on the pool bottom.

Rescue swimming is swimming with the goal

to rescue other swimmers or the practice thereof

Underwater rugby is rugby played under

water. Two teams try to score goals by sending a

gymnastics, and ballet.

slightly negatively buoyant ball into the opponents'

Snorkeling is the practice of swimming at the

goal, which is situated on the bottom of the pool. Underwater photography, including

surface (typically of the sea) being equipped with a mask and a short tube called a snorkel.

underwater videography, is photography done

Diving off springboards or off platforms

under water. Numerous contests worldwide are

Synchronized diving

arranged every year. Digital cameras have

Waboba is played with a waboba ball on

revolutionized how many divers participate.

beaches or in pools. Lunge Board you lunge as you wake board.

On the water Skurfing is where the participant "skurfs"

Under water

behind a boat on a surfboard Scuba diving is swimming under water using

a (self contained) breathing apparatus

Barefoot water skiing is waterskiing with no


Free-diving is the aim to maximize the depth

Boating is the use of boats

dived using no breathing apparatus

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Bodyboarding is similar to surfing, but the

board is smaller and the person (normally) lies down

Stand up paddle surfing a surf style board

with a paddle, used in flatwater or waves Surfing downhill on ocean waves or artificial

on the board Canoeing

waves in an artificial wave pool

Fishing is the recreation and sport of

White Water Rafting Wakeboarding is similar to water skiing, but

catching fish Flowboarding

using only one board attached to the feet

Jet Ski

Wake skating is similar to wakeboarding,


but the board is not attached to the feet

Kite surfing on flat water using a kite for


Wakesurfing is a mix between

wakeboarding and surfing


Water skiing is using skis to slide over the

Parasailing where a person is towed behind

a vehicle (usually a boat) while attached to a parachute

water while being pulled by a boat or other device Windsurfing on flat water using wind for

propulsion in combination with sails


Yachting sailing on yachts, daysailing,

cruising or Yacht racing

Rowing Sailing using the wind for propulsion Sit-down hydrofoiling is riding on the water

with a hydrofoil attached to a ski Skimboarding is a boardsport in which a

Summary of Number of Athletes- PSC Fig. 3

board is used to ride on an incoming wave

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Note: The number of athletes and coaches in this record is

the only number recognized athletes and coaches by Philippine Sports Commission, excluding the number of athletes and coaches from different National Sports Association. Types of Recreational Activities that can b e included in the proposed poject:

These could be classified as:

Summary of Number of Coaches- PSC Fig. 3.1

Field sports Court games Invasion games Target games Combat games Games involving ritual

Field sports –  Sports such as hunting, shooting and fishing

are associated with finding food and survival but also the enjoyment of the chase. The fox was thought of as master of the environment and so a challenge. These sports have also

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been associated with the upper class, although the working

Combat games –  Combat sports were part of training for

classes found a similar satisfaction in “coarse fishing” and in

war and the preparation of Knights. Jousts/tournaments

animal baiting.

were part of this preparation. Young men were trained in events such as wrestling and gymnastics. The broadsword

Court games –  Court games originally reflected culture – 

sophisticated games were thought to represent sophisticated

and lance were “knightly” weapons. The freeman had the long bow and the peasant relied on the quarterstaff. The

culture. Such games include real tennis, fives, rackets, squash

Knights hunted as sport whilst the peasant hunted for food.

and lawn tennis. The sports are non-contact and mainly

The countryside was a place of recreation as well as a

individual contests. Because of the sophistication and

source of food.

expense, these games were often confined to the upper class.

Games involving ritual – These games include baiting

animals, such as bears and bulls, with dogs. The bull was Invasion games –  These games, such as rugby and

seen as “bad”, man showed his supremacy over the animal,

football, are warlike games, where the object is to invade

and everybody could own a dog. Baiting the bull before

the opponent’s territory. The origin of these games lies in

slaughter was often a legal requirement. This is another

mob games in which one part of a community played

example of sport reflecting the society in which it exists  – 

against another part, usually to defend o r steal something.

but this sport shows an uncivilized society limited in its development.

Target games –  These games involve the use of

marksmanship and include sports such as archery, with its

1.7.3 Case Studies

clear link to war/defence and also sports such as golf and bowls. The urge to aim and hit targets is almost innate in Foreign


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Labuan International Sea Sports Complex

Fig. 4

A world class water sports center

Labuan International Sea Sports Complex is part of the

Labuan International Sea Sports Complex is located at the waterfront area along Jalan Tanjung Purun. It is within close proximity to Labuan town center. The complex covers an area of 5.91 acres. It was a project under the 7th Malaysia plan and built at a total cost of RM25 million.

Labuan waterfront beautification project. Its objective is to create a world-class water sports center and to develop more attractive places of interests in line with the Malaysian

Prime Minister’s vision to turn Labuan into a major island destination.

Fig. 4.1

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Fig. 4.2

Fig. 4.3

The improved infrastructure and facilities provided by this

The Labuan International Sea Sports Complex is designed

complex is expected to enhance Labuan’s appeal to attract

with three prominent structures connected to a main viewing

more tourists and investors. The modern amenities will

plaza. Every building houses a specific activity. Each of

enable the island to host more international sea sports

these imposing towers is an integral part of a large modern

events and championships.

water sports complex. The architecture offers a dramatic expression of nature, tradition and modern functionality. The complex houses the main sea sports centre, an administrative block, a marine biology museum, souvenir shops and eateries

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The Museum of Marine Biology is sited together with the Administrative block in a separate building. It takes the shape of a semi circle fronting the sea with an open gallery. A large part of the building space is used by the Maritime Museum. While the rest of the space is for administrative use such as meeting room and office spaces for sports bodies. The podium level contains comfortable resting room for VIP and additional gallery space for museum.

Fig. 4.4 Sea Sports Centre This is a center for major sea sports activities and a venue for carnival. There is a large boat storage area that allows direct access to the beach front. There are also facilities for changing room, rest area and general preparation. It serves as a permanent exhibition area for all type of sea sports

activities. It connects to the many ‘leisure walks’ on the beachfront. Museum of Marine Biology


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Main plaza

At Dutch Water Dreams, a unique Olympic-level white

The main plaza is circular in shape. It is equipped with an

water sports complex in The Netherlands - Europe, an RTLS

all weather windbreaker structure to withstand any adverse

enabled visitor tracking and video system has been

weather conditions. It serves as a centre stage to launch and

implemented. This solution identifies and locates visitors of

view all type of sea sports events.

this sports complex and makes personalized films of the visitors in specific action zones. Mieloo & Alexander was

Handicraft Center and Eateries

responsible for implementing this solution. Since the

The handicraft centre and eateries are located on the west

environment is high demanding (both indoor and outdoor

wing of the complex. The many fast food stall and small

wth high levels of humidity, water, snow and high and low

eateries selling local fares, plus the many souvenir and

temperatures) Mieloo & Alexander selected a proven

handicraft shops, make this place a hive of activities. It is a

technology: Real Time Locating System (RTLS). This RTLS

popular stopover for visiting tourists.

system enables accurate localization of the visitors in the

Dutch Water Dreams by Mieloo & Alexander

specific areas where video footage of their actions are made. These films are of great benefit to both Dutch Water Dreams and the visitor: it is fun and besides that, the customers can improve their skills by watching their recorded rides.

Fig. 5

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System) and advanced digital video tracking. Every visitor entering the Dutch Water Dreams complex receives an active RFID tag, which is placed in a band on the upper arm. The position of the tag, i.e. visitor, is located by the RTLS solution as visitors go through the sports complex at Dutch Water Dreams. The tags subsequently trigger various cameras in specific zones to start recording. Fig. 5.1

At the end the day each visitor can download the movie

Project assignment:

from the internet and enjoy the experience once more.

RTLS enabled visitor tracking and video system at Dutch

M&A’s approach and role Mieloo & Alexander had to deal

Water Dreams at Dutch Water Dreams (DWD), a unique

with rather special demands, because of the environment of

Olympic-level white water sports complex in The

this unique white water sports complex. The RTLS solution

Netherlands -

delivered by Mieloo & Alexander had to work indoor and

Europe, everyone can experience indoor surfing, body

in an outdoor environment, with high levels of humidity,

boarding and the rush of white water. The DWD white

water, snow and high and low temperatures.

water course is based on the design currently being built for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. The white water course is

Mieloo & Alexander delivered the RTLS solution providing

300 meters in length, 20 meters wide and drops 5 meters

the accurate location information of visitors in the complex.

top to bottom. To further enhance the experience of this

This locating data of visitors is further used to trigger and

white water sports complex, a Visitor Tracking Video

control the video system throughout the complex. Mieloo &

System was delivered; leveraging various technologies such

Alexander further developed a middleware solution, which

as, RFID enabled RTLS technology (Real Time Locating

operates real-time between the RTLS- and the video system.

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After enjoying this unique experience, the tags are handed

Situated at the West Sea Cofferdam of the High Island

over by the visitor to the Dutch Water Dreams staff at the

Reservoir within Sai Kung Country Park, Chong Hing Water

counter. In the mean time the video system edits all the

Sports Centre offers a magnificent view of the countryside.

video footage in an automated process and stores the film

Its vast artificial lake is ideal for water sports activities. The

enabling the customers to download the film with his or her

Centre is also a perfect place for day and tent camping.

name and the password printed on the ticket.

Since it is located within Sai Kung Country Park, campers can feast their eyes on the beauty of nature and the scenery of High Island Reservoir as well as enjoy a sense of tranquility by getting away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

Fig. 5.2 Dutch Water Dreams is a unique Olympic-level white water sports complex. It was founded with the intention of being the first indoor surfing facility in the Netherlands. Everybody can experience indoor surfing, kayaking, rafting, body boarding and the rush of white water. The white water course is based on the design of the Olympic course in Beijing (China) and offers top international athletes a unique facility for training. Fig. 6 Chong Hing Water Sports Centre

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A wide range of water sports equipment such as sailing

Water Sports Activities

dinghies, windsurfing boards and kayaks/canoes is

The Centre provides a wide range of water sports

provided at the Centre for holders of the relevant

equipment including single, double and recreational kayaks,

certificates to hire. For novices without any qualifications in

Canadian and surf canoes, color boats, sampans, pedal-

water sports but are able to swim at least 50 meters, they

driven boats, windsurfing boards and sailing dinghies.

may hire other water sports equipment such as recreational kayaks, color boats, sampans and pedal-driven boats. Its

Apart from providing training courses on sailing, windsurfing

land-based facilities include an archery range, a basketball

and kayaking/canoeing, the Centre also organizes

court, a multi-purpose lawn area, a volleyball field, a

package training courses or fun days for groups and

campfire site, a barbecue site, an assembly hall for

organizations. Holders of the relevant certificates may hire

recreational activities, sitting-out areas and a kitchen.

the sailing dinghies, windsurfing boards or kayaks/canoes for self-practice. Day Camping Activities The land-based activities provided by the Centre include archery, ball games (basketball, football, volleyball and badminton) and board games, kite flying, orienteering, barbecue and campfire gathering. Tent Camping Activities Campers may spend their night outdoors by camping at the spacious lawn of the campsite. Apart from providing tents, mattresses and sleeping bags for campers, the Centre may

’Fig. 6.1

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also organize special evening programs for campers' enjoyment.

Water Sports Centre Čunovo The Water Sports Centre Čunovo  is an artificial whitewater slalom course in Slovakia, on an island in the Danube river, 14 km southeast of Bratislava, near the village of Čunovo. It is powered by flow diversion from the Čunovo dam. Since 1997, it has hosted a full schedule of local, regional, and international competitions, including the 1997 Slalom World Cup. Fig. 7

Course Description The Centre has two parallel whitewater channels; the drop is the same for both channels, 6.6 meters (22 ft). The left channel is 356 meters long, with a 1.9% slope of 19 m/km

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(98 ft/mile) and a stream flow of 7 to 22 m³/sec (247 to

course was inundated, but the buildings and most of the

777 ft³/sec). The right channel is 460 meters long, with a

island remained above water.

1.4% slope of 14 m/km (76 ft/mile) and a stream flow of 7 to 12 m³/sec (247 to 424 ft³/sec). When both channels are

When the Water Sports Centre operates at full capacity,

watered, the left channel streamflow is 15 m³/sec (530

with the two whitewater channels carrying a combined total

ft³/sec) and the right is 7 m³/sec (247 ft³/sec).

of 22 m³/sec (777 ft³/sec), it siphons off between 9% and 4.5% of the river's normal flow of 250 to 600 m³/sec

The two channels are connected at two crossover points,

(8,830 to 21,200 ft³/sec).

making a total of five alternative routes from start to finish. From a start in the left channel, there are three ways to run

Full course operation represents a 4-Megawatt sacrifice of

the course; from a right channel start there are two. Any run

electricity production at the Gabčíkovo dam 30  km farther

which ends up in the left channel includes a sheer final drop

downstream. Although the water flowing through the slalom

called "Niagara."

course represents only 1.4 Megawatts of energy, if it

stayed in the reservoir until it reached the Gabčíkovo dam, A conveyor-belt boat lift carries paddlers in their boats up

with a higher vertical drop, its energy potential would be

to a 225-meter-long return canal on a level with the start

greater. This fact makes the course more expensive to


operate, in energy terms, than a similar pump-powered facility.

The Water Sports Centre Čunovo was built in 1996 on an island near the mid-river end of the Čunovo dam, a flood

Fig. 7.1

control feature of the Čunovo to Gabčíkovo dam system. The island is high enough to remain dry during floods. In March 2002 and again the same August, the whitewater

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Fig. 8 Local

Location The Camsur Water sports Complex is located within the

Camsur Water Sports Complex

Provincial Capitol Complex, Cadlan, Pili, Camarines Sur. The


province of Camarines Sur, situated in southeastern part of

The Camsur Watersports Comlex is the first world-class

Luzon is found in the Philippines, Southeast Asia.

watersports complex in the Philippines and in Asia. CWC aims to bring cable skiing to a whole new level and attract

From Asia, Europe or the USA, fly to Manila, Philippines

water sports enthusiasts from all over the world with its top

(NAIA or Centennial 2 Airports) and take a 35 minute

of the line facilities and relaxing environment. This six (6)-

domestic flight via Philippine Airlines to Naga Airport, Pili.

hectare complex, with its 6-point cable ski system, is sure to

The Camsur Water sports Complex is a 3-minute or 1.5

draw guests, riders and spectators by the thousands.

kilometer drive from the Naga Airport. If you’re up for a

Because of good weather conditions, cable skiing in the

road trip, air-conditioned and ordinary buses ply the 8-hour

park can be done all year round.

route daily to and from Manila

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Fig. 8.1

Fig. 8.2

Ride on Water

Other facilities

Cable skiing is simply water-skiing where the skier is pulled

Free use of basic equipment (beginner

by an overhead cable suspended 8-12 meters above water

wakeboards, water skis and knee boards) for those

surface by specifically designed pylons. The cables run

new to the sport.

counter clockwise around the lake. It is powered by a variable speed electric motor which can maintain speeds

Free basic and safety instruction by CWCs resident instructors and operators.

between 20 - 65 km/h. World class obstacle courses designed to challenge even the most advanced riders yet safe

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enough for the brave ones who dare to try tricks for

bustles of the city yet still remain connected to the

the very first time

necessities of the world.

Gear up for the ride with the cable park’s

Accommodations within walking distance

Pro Shop which is equipped with everything a rider

from the park are also readily available for small

needs to pursue the desired sport.

or big groups.

Besides the ramps and obstacles, the park has also set aside a beach volleyball area and a pool for those who would like to take a break from the boards but still want to keep bathing under the sun.

A Clubhouse is built for the guest’s dining area and for live entertainment. Guests can also chill at the Clubhouse and enjoy round of billiards, darts and foosball. An elevated spectator area is placed beside the lake so that the guests will have a better view of the exhibitions.

Fig. 8.3 Accommodations

The park also boasts of Wi-Fi capability which enables the guests to take a break from the

Accommodations within walking distance from the Camsur Water sports Complex are readily available for anyone that wishes to visit the cable park for a weekend or week-

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long getaway. The Ecovillage, The Governor’s Mansion,

The study will focus on promoting water sports in the

Cabanas, Containers and the luxury villas and suites also

Philippines trough architectural design and building

located within the Provincial Capitol Complex are all a

technology. The study will also include:

stone’s throw away from the cable park and may be Advanced and modern technology being

booked for very reasonable prices. The rooms are spacious and equipped with cable-ready 29-inch television sets, air-

used in other countries for water sports like artificial

conditioning, and hot/cold showers. Restaurants, guest

lake (see Appendix)

lounges, swimming pools and Wi-Fi capability are also

Training Center for water sports

available in any of these areas for guests to enjoy.

Aquatic architecture Water sports tourism and economic impact


Impacts of water sports to the environment. Different Water Sports (to be

The Camsur Water Sports Complex is quite far away from Metro Manila which is the central business district of the

accommodated by the proposed project: Diving and

Philippines and is the location of the Ninoy International

Snorkeling, Kayaking, Wakeboarding, wakeskating,

Airport. Camarines Sur also is a known province that suffers

Rowing, Swimming

storms and typhoons during the middle of every year. The facility is only for water board sports like wake boarding

1.9 Definition of terms:

and wake skating.

Water sports- sports that involve bodies of water.

1.8 Scope and Limitation of the Study

Tourism- is travel for recreational, leisure or business


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Sports tourism- refers to travel which involves either

PASA- Philippine Aquatic Sports Association

viewing or participating in a sporting event staying apart from their usual environment. Sport Tou rism is the fastest

Building Technology- also known as Architectural

growing sector in the global travel industry and equates to

engineering, is the application of engineering principles and

$600 Billion a year.

technology to building design and construction.

Aquatic architecture- an architecture which involves water

Iconic/ cultural icon- can be a symbol, logo, picture, name,

as site, concept or inspiration.

face, person, building or other image that is readily recognized and generally represents an object or concept

Science of Sport- is the study of different sports. it involves

with great cultural significance to a wide cultural group.

training, demonstration and classroom lectures to further International Standards for sports- are standards

understand everything about sports.

developed by international standards organizations for PSC- Philippine Sports Commission, was created through

water sports.

Republic Act No. 6847 in 1990 to serve as the "sole policymaking and coordinating body of all amateur sports

Recreation- is an activity of leisure, leisure being

development programs and institutions in the Philippines". Its

discretionary time. The "need to do something for

primary function is "to provide the leadership, formulate the

recreation" is an essential element of human biology and

policies and set the priorities and directions of all national

psychology. Recreational activities are often done for

sports promotion and development, particularly giving

enjoyment, amusement, or pleasure and are considered to

emphasis on grassroots participation".

be "fun".

POC- Philippine Olympic Committee is the National Olympic

Committee of the Philippines.

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Philippines is an archipelagic country surrounded by bodies of water and thousand miles of coastline. The concept is

Chapter 2

basically embracing estuary environment or aquatic environment through architectural engineering and design. It

Research Focus

gives a unique synergy and iconic architecture for a water sports complex situated a coastline. To be able to achieve the main goal of the project this


water sports complex should possess such advanced building technology, construction engineering, aesthetics and sustainability as well.

2.1 Rationale 2.2 Discussion of Principles and Relevance to the Project

The concept is particularly looking for the synergy that emerges when innovations are combined. Innovations can

Space frame

stem from different disciplines such as architecture, building technology, material science and construction engineering

A growing interest in space frame structures has been

such as Space Frame Structure. By experimenting with these

witnessed worldwide over the last half century. The search

solutions in ‘research by design’ methodology, it delivers

for new structural forms to accommodate large unobstructed

high quality of innovative solutions, both from an

areas has always been the main objective of architects and

architectural and a technological point of view.

engineers. With the advent of new building techniques and construction materials, space frames frequently provide the

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right answer and satisfy the requirements for lightness,

Some important factors that influence the rapid

economy, and speedy construction. Significant progress has

development of the space frame can be cited as follows.

been made in the process of the development of the space

First, the search for large indoor space has always been the

frame. A large amount of theoretical and experimental

focus of human activities. Consequently, sports tournaments,

research programs was carried out by many universities

cultural performances, mass assemblies, and exhibitions can

and research institutions in various countries. As a result, a

be held under one roof. The modern production and the

great deal of useful information has been disseminated and

needs of greater operational efficiency also created

fruitful results have been put into practice.

demand for large space with a minimum interference from

internal supports. The space frame provides the benefit that In the past few decades, the proliferation of the space

the interior space can be used in a variety of ways and thus

frame was mainly due to its great structural potential and

is ideally suited for such requirements.

visual beauty. New and imaginative applications of space frames are being demonstrated in the total range of

Space frames are highly statically indeterminate and their

building types, such as sports arenas, exh ibition pavilions,

analysis leads to extremely tedious computation if by hand.

assembly halls, transportation terminals, airplane hangars,

The difficulty of the complicated analys is of such systems

workshops, and warehouses. They have been used not only

contributed to their limited use. The introduction of electronic

on long-span roofs, but also on mid- and short-span

computers has radically changed the whole approach to the

enclosures as roofs, floors, exterior walls, and canopies.

analysis of space frames. By using computer programs, it is

Many interesting projects have been designed and

possible to analyze very complex space structures with

constructed all over the world using a variety of

great accuracy and less time involved.

configurations. Lastly, the space frame also has the problem of connecting a large number of members (sometimes up to 20) in space

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through different angles at a single point. The emergence of several connecting methods of proprietary systems has made great improvement in the construction of the space

frame, which offered simple and efficient means for making

Definition A space frame or space structure is a truss-like, lightweight rigid structure constructed from interlocking struts in a geometric pattern. Space frames can be used to span large

connection of members. The exact tolerances required by

areas with few interior supports. Like the truss, a space

these jointing systems can be achieved in the fabrication of

frame is strong because of the inherent rigidity of the

the members and joints

triangle; flexing loads (bending moments) are transmitted as tension and compression loads along the length of each strut.

Fig. 9 The simplest form of space frame is a horizontal slab of interlocking square pyramids built from aluminum or tubular

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steel struts. In many ways this looks like the horizontal jib of

Basic Concepts

a tower crane repeated many times to make it wider. A stronger purer form is composed of interlocking tetrahedral pyramids in which all the struts have unit length. More technically this is referred to as an isotropic vector matrix or in a single unit width an octet truss. More complex variations change the lengths of the struts to curve the overall structure or may incorporate other geometrical shapes.

The space frame can be formed either in a flat or a curved surface. The earliest form of space frame structures is a single layer grid. By adding intermediate grids and including rigid connecting to the joist and girder framing system, the single layer grid is formed. The major characteristic of grid construction is the Omni-directional spreading of the load as opposed to the linear transfer of the load in an ordinary framing system. Since such load transfer is mainly by bending, for larger spans, the bending stiffness is increased most efficiently by going to a double layer system. The load transfer mechanism of curved surface space frame is essentially different from the grid system that is primarily membrane-like action. The concept of a space frame can be best explained by the following example Construction

Fig. 9.1 Space frames are a common feature in modern construction; they are often found in large roof spans in modernist commercial and industrial buildings.

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Notable examples of buildings based on space frames

crust. It makes up about 8% by weight of the Earth's solid


surface. Aluminium metal is too reactive chemically to occur natively. Instead, it is found combined in over 270 different Stansted airport in London, by Foster and

minerals. The chief ore of aluminium is bauxite.

Partners Bank of China Tower and the Louvre Pyramid, by I. M. Pei

Aluminium is remarkable for the metal's low  density and for its ability to resist corrosion due to the phenomenon of

Rogers Centre by Rod Robbie and Michael Allan

passivation. Structural components made from aluminium and its alloys are vital to the aerospace industry and are

McCormick Place East in Chicago

important in other areas of transportation and structural

Eden Project in Cornwall, England

materials. The most useful compounds of aluminium, at least

Globen, Sweden - Dome with diameter of

on a weight basis, are the oxides and sulfates.

110 m, (1989) Despite its prevalence in the environment, aluminium salts

Biosphere 2 in Oracle, Arizona

are not known to be used by any form of life. In keeping with its pervasiveness, it is well tolerated by plants and animals.[6] Because of its prevalence, potential biological Aluminium

roles, beneficial and otherwise, for aluminium compounds

is a silvery white member of the boron group of chemical elements. It has the symbol Al, and its atomic number is 13.

are of continuing interest. Design methods

It is not soluble in water under normal circumstances. Aluminium is the third most abundant element (after oxygen

Space frames are typically designed using a rigidity

and silicon), and the most abundant metal, in the Earth's

matrix. The special characteristic of the stiffness matrix in an

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architectural space frame is the independence of the

They provide a great flexibility in the

angular factors. If the joints are sufficiently rigid, the

selection of support locations and allow applying for

angular deflections can be neglected, simplifying the

different geometrical shapes / areas.


The design / manufacture / installation process is completed in a very short interval due to

Advantages of Space Frame Systems

the use of prefabricated components. It gives a big

Space frame systems are three-dimensional structures which are constructed by connecting straight tubular struts to each others with the use of solid spherical hubs. These systems carry loads by axial forces. The conic parts are welded to the strut edges and the struts connecting by spherical hubs. . Some of the advantages of space frames are described

opportunity to the customer to start his production Transporting to far distances is provided easily due to the use of prefabricated components. Space frame systems are lighter than traditional steel and reinforced concrete structures. Therefore, it provides significant economy in foundation costs. Space frame systems are the most useful


structures for the earth-quake areas due to their Because of the space frame systems are three-dimensional structures which work in two directions, for large spans it provides economical solutions.

light unit weight. It is not necessary to cover by hung ceilings because of its aesthetic appearance. Additional structures to support the heating,

It is possible to cover spans until 100 m. without column by using space frame systems.

ventilating, electrical and other systems are not required for space frame structures.

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Because of the aesthetic attribute, space

In the preliminary stage of planning a space frame to cover

frames are very suitable for glass or polycarbonate

a specific building, a number of factors should b e studied


and evaluated before proceeding to structural analysis and

It provides various alternative solutions in

design. These include not only structural adequacy and

architectural areas for complex geometrical shapes

functional requirements, but also the aesthetic effect

(pyramid, triangle, dome, barrel vault etch.)

desired. In its initial phase, structural design consists of choosing the general form of the building and the type of space frame appropriate to this form. Since a space frame is assembled from straight, linear elements connected at nodes, the geometrical arrangement of the elements —surface shape, number of layers, grid pattern, etc. —needs to be studied carefully in the light of various pertinent requirements. The geometry of the space frame is important factors to be

planned which will influence both the bearing capacity and weight of the structure. The module size is developed from the overall building dimensions, while the depth of the grid (in case of a double layer), the size of cladding, and the position of supports will also have a pronounced effect upon Fig. 9.2

it. For a curved surface, the geometry is also related to the curvature or, more specifically, to the rise of the span. A

Preliminary Planning Guidelines

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compromise between these various aspects usually has to be

At the preliminary stage of design, choosing the type of

made to achieve a satisfactory solution.

space frame has to be closely related to the constructional technology. The space frames do not have such sequential

In a space frame, connecting joints play an important role,

order of erection for planar structures and require special

both functional and aesthetic, which is derived from their

consideration on the method of construction. Usually a

rationality during construction and after completion. Since

complete false work has to be provided so that the structure

joints have a decisive effect on the strength and stiffness of

can be assembled in the high place. Alternatively, the

the structure and compose around 20 to 30% of the total

structure can be assembled on the ground, and certain

weight, joint design is critical to space frame economy and

techniques can be adopted to lift the whole structure, or its

safety. There are a number of proprietary systems that are

large part, to the final position.

used for space frame structures. A system should be selected on the basis of quality, cost, and erection efficiency. In addition, custom-designed space frames have been developed, especially for long span roofs. Regardless of the type of space frame, the essence of any system is the jointing system.

FFig. 9.3

Fig. 9.4

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Relevance to the project

income generating sector for many countries like the Philippines.

The proposed project will need much bigger spaces due to the elements and substructures (see Appendix) that the

An iconic facility in a estuary environment synergizing with

building requires. Space frame structure is the best solution

such building technology and architectural design will not

to that problem. Space frames are light which is perfect in a

only help boost our sinking economy but also gives

coastal environment and can lessen the worries and concerns

contribution to our architecture and culture showing to the

on negative factors such as stability and corrosion.

world that in the field of architecture and building technology, we are not left behind.

A space frame structure is a sustainable structure because of its feature; it provides natural ventilation and lighting for the structure. It also gives aesthetic value and iconic entity to

Chapter 3

the architectural point of view to the structure.

Architectural Programming Data 2.3 Recommendation

The proponent recommends that a facility like water sports complex should have an advance infrastructure which uses modern equipment and modern technologies. Having a state

3.1 Site Selection 3.1.1 Setting of the Criteria

of the art and iconic facility can help attract tourist and help our economy. Sports tourism is the fastest growing and

Economic Status of the Site (15 %) Have less employment opportunity

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The basic job of the people is fishing Access to the International Airport is still important though The proposed project aims to give opportunity for

accessibility is somewhat not a problem today because of

unemployed people of a community. Fisher men have the

modern transportation.

best potential for water sports. The proposed project will provide a learning center and training center for fisher men.

For International Water Sports Standards (40%) The site should be able to satisfy the needs

Natural Setting (30%)

and standards of a world class Water Sports

Should be a tourist spot destination/zone

Complex The water/ ocean should be stable and

Coastline/estuary environment

acquire required depth

Should have clear water

The soil should be capable for a manmade

Should have clean coastline lake Sports tourism is one of the aims of the proposed project. It would be unthinkable without the natural beauty of a

The most important of all is that, the site should satisfy the


needs and requirements of a world class Water sports Complex. One of the aims of the proposal is for the Philippines to host International water sports events.

Near an International Airport (15%) At least 2-3 hours drive from Metro Manila/ NAIA 3.1.2 Description of Site Options

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Economic Status of

Natural Setting

Near an Airport (15

For International Water

the site (15%)



Sports Standards


(40%) Batangas

Number one source

Clear water and

2-3 hours drive from

`It has different

of income of local

clean white sand

Metro Manila (8%)

coastlines and is

people is fishing

beach and tourist

suggested by the


spot destination

Philippine Sports


Commission as a Site

88 %

for Water Sports and supported by local government but not for surfing (35%) Zambales

Number one source

Clear water and

3-4 hours drive from

`It has different

of income of local

clean white sand

Near Subic

coastlines and is

people is fishing

beach and tourist

International Airport

suggested by the


spot destination


Philippine Sports


95 %

Commission as a Site for Water Sports and supported by local government but not for surfing (35%)

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La Union

Number one source

Clear Water and

6-7 hours drive from

of income of local

surfing capital of the

Metro Manila (5%)

people is fishing

north (25%)

For surfing only (10%)


Fig. 10

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55 %


3.1.3 Site Selection

At present, SBFZ can be accessed by air through its airport (Subic Bay International Airport), by water though its

Subic Bay Freeport Zone, Zambales

seaport and by land through major highways, roads and

bridges. The highway Linkages maintain Subic’s economic and social connections with the rest of the country, the seaport and airport also provide international passenger and freight services. Transportation Network Fig. 12

Fig.11 3.1.4 Site Analysis

Power Supply Transportation

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SBFZ’s electricity is supplied by the National Power Grid.

Solid Waste

One important generating facility was built inside Subic Bay by Enron Subic Power Corp., which built a 116 MW power

Solid waste management is performed by SBMA. Daily

plant in 1994 under the BOT Law. Enron SPC also operates

collection of the solid waste is being done by a fleet of

the smaller 31.5 MW power of the Freeport since 1992.

collection vehicle. Water is disposed of at a sanitary landfill

The distribution of electric power service is undertaken by

located in the Subic Gateway District. This site is scheduled

SBMA which maintains a large sub-station near Remy

to be replaced by the year 2006 with a new facility

Athlete Field. The electric distribution utility Is operated by

located adjacent to Tipo road.

SBMA, and is planned to be privatized in 2002.


In June 1994, American Telephone and Telegraph Co. of the US and the Philippine Long Distance C. entered into a

Water and Sewerage

joint venture agreement with SMBA to upgrade the

SBFZ’s water supply system and sewage treatment system

telecommunication services for the Freeport. The 25 year

was constructed by US navy. During the US Naval Presence,

agreement created Subic Telecom which provides

the water supply capacity per day was 11.5 million gallons.

telecommunication services within the Freeport and links it to

On 24th November 1996, Subic Water and Sewerage

the international network/ Rimsat, an international

Company, Inc., a consortium composed of D.M. Consunji,

communications giant also signed a la-year agreement with

Biwater PLC of UK and the Olongapo Water District took

SMBA to provide commercial satellite services to Asia and

ownership the water supply and sewerage system. Now

other points of the world through Microwave technology.

Subic Water supplies 294 million gallons of potable water

Cable television services are also provided by Freeport

per day.

Cable, Inc. SBFZ is also has and access of wireless

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communication services such as Globe, Smart and Sun Cellular connections. Subic Bay Freeport Environment

You can experience Subic even when just driving around in the Subic Bay Area. As you go through road towards Ocean Adventure or JEST, you may see groups of monkeys beside the road. Also where the big trees hover, you can see large fruit bats hanging around and sleeping by the day. Even exotic colored birds are everywhere in Subic Forest Area, you just have to keep your eyes open.

Physical Structure Fig 12.1

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Micro Climatic Analysis

which is the wettest month on the year. An extreme minimum of 2,461 mm was recorded once in the past.

Throughout the Philippines, the southwest monsoon winds prevail from June to mid-October, which bring warm moist

Zone Analysis Fig. 12.2

and unstable air production mostly cloudy skies as well as intermittent showers and scattering thunderstorms. During the

The site is a Tourism Zone Area

period, tropical storms/ typhoons pass over or within close

proximity of Luzon Islands twice a month on average. SBF’s general climatic type is characterized by a relatively dry season from January to April and wet during July, August and September, through November. The mean temperature is 25 degrees centigrade. The average minimum temperature is 20 degrees centigrade while the average maximum temperature is 30 degrees centigrade. The temperature slowly increases and reaches their peak in May during the summer months. Subic Bay has tropical monsoons climate similar to other areas of Luzon. A weather station recording daily rainfall, temperature, humidity and wind speed and direction is operated at Cubi Point by the PAGASA. During the southwest monsoon season, 2,641 mm of rainfall is recorded in the five months at Cubi point, where the average annual rainfall is 3,386 mm. monthly rainfall sometimes reaches over 1,000 mm in July or August,

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Terrain Fig. 12.3

In terms of slope categories, around 8.76 % or 4,697.81 hectares and 6.08% or 3,310.57 hectares of the total

The site is relatively flat.

SBFZ’s land area fall under the 0 -3% and 3-8% slope classes respectively. These areas characterized as irrigable and highly suitable for agricultural, urban, industrial and other related uses. Approximately 15,212.11 hectares or 27.86% of the total land area is under the 8-18% slope category, which is characterized as suitable to seasonal and permanent crops. The slope areas with 18-30% cover 10, 136.62 hectares or 18.56%, this slope is described as hilly to dissected mountainous areas and is considered marginal lands. Slope classification30-50% cover 17,352.32 hectares or 31.77% of the total land area and the slope classification greater than 50% covers 3,633.52 hectares. Areas under this category are characterized as rough, highly, and dissected mountains. SWOP Analysis

Strength- the site is a tourism spot destination. It is near different tourist spot destination in Subic and an International Airport. It is also near a medical center. The Slope Analysis

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water characteristics is stable which is suitable for the

Problem- how can commuters go to the site?

proposed water sports to be facilitated

3.1.5 Site Development Options Fig. 13

Option 1

Fig. 12.4 Weaknesses- no existing public transportation yet around the site. Opportunities- the project can help boost the tourism in the site therefore additional income for the locals and economic boosting for Subic Bay Freeport.

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Option 2

Option 3

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Chapter 3 Architectural Design Solution 4.1 Space Programming Index Spaces

Prime Users

Activities/ Description

Estimated No. of Users

Furniture/ fixture

 No. of Furniture

Space Factor

Total Area

Remarks/ Basis

Visitors, tourist, Athletes(foreign and Domestic)

Waiting and Entering

200 person per minute

Seats, table, plant  boxes, lamps, Trash can

At least 50 seats

0.65 sq. m

130 sq. m

For a seating capacity of 15, 000 during events





1 long desk

1 sq. m

3 sq. m

Ticketing area

Visitors, tourist, (foreign and Domestic) Staff

Asking and Giving of information Queuing Area for Spectators

200 person per minute


0.65 sq. m

130 sq. m

Selling of tickets during events For Hygienic Purposes



34 (max.)

Water Closet, Lavatory, Trash Can, mirrors, urinals

1.6 sq. m

54 sq. m

AQUATIC CENTER  Lobby/waiting area

Ticket booth Public Toilet

Visitors, Tourist (foreign and Domestic), staff

Male: 3 water closet, 8 urinals Female: 10 water closet, 5 lavatories, 1 trash can, 5 mirrors

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6 % of 15, 000 seating capacity area, 1 cubicle for handicapped


Olympic size swimming pool

Athletes, Visitors (foreign and Domestic)

Swimming and Competing





1250 sq. m

Diving pool

Athletes, Visitors (foreign and Domestic)

Diving and Competing





600 sq. m

Locker rooms

Athletes, Visitors (foreign and Domestic)

30 (max.)

Lockers, seats

37 lockers, 37 seats

5.02 sq. m

150.6 sq. m

Shower rooms

Athletes, Visitors (foreign and Domestic)

20 (max)

Shower head, towel holder

20 shower heads, 20 towel holders

5.02 sq. m

100.4 sq. m

 No. of users for one (1) shower room,

Athletes’ toilet

Athletes, Visitors (foreign and Domestic)

Keeping of Athletes and visitors’ personal items Showering area for athletes and visitors before and after aquatic activities For hygienic  purposes

20 (max.)

Water closet, urinal, lavatory, mirror

Male: 3 water closet, 8 urinals Female: 10 water closet, 5 lavatories, 1 trash can, 5 mirrors

1.2 sq. m

24 sq. m

 No. of users for one (1) athlete’s toilet. 1 for each shower/ locker rooms


Staff, manager

Selling of foods

1 manager 2 staff (max.)

3 chairs, 1 trash can

1.4 sq. m

4.2 sq. m

Spectator’s Area

Visitors, spectators (foreign and

Sitting area mainly used during events

15, 000 (max.)

Chairs, desk, trash can Seats, trash cans

15, 000 seats (max.) , at least 15, trash cans

.36 sq. m

5400 sq. m

School of A rchitecture, Industrial D esign and the Buil t Envir onment 


The area is according to the standard size by Olympic committee The area is according to the standard size by Olympic committee  No. of users for one (1) locker room,

The maximum sitting



Judges Area

20 chairs, 20 monitors

.36 sq. m

2 computers, 1 generator

6 sq. m

2 pumps

6 sq. m

12 sq. m

2 cabinets

2 sq. m

6 sq. m

Chairs, cabinets, tables

10 chairs, 1 table, 1 cabinet

1.2 sq. m

12 sq. m



10 lockers

1.2 sq. m

12 sq. m



3 computers

2 sq. m

6 sq. m

Monitoring of games’ rules and regulations Maintenance staff Monitoring and switching of mechanical devices for control Maintenance staff Controlling of water supply for  pools Janitorial Staff Storing of maintenance equipments Security Staff Pantry and eating area for security guards, briefing of daily task and assignment.


10 (max.)

Security’s locker room

Security staff

Monitoring room

Security Staff

Mechanical room

Pump Room

Maintenance room

Security Room

Referees, Judges

capacity can  be filled during event and is reduced during regular days. 7.2 sq. Included in m 15, 000 seats 12 sq. m

Keeping of security staff’s items Monitoring surveillance for



3 (max.)

Chair, monitors, computers Control devices, monitors, computers, chairs Control devices, machines cabinets

School of A rchitecture, Industrial D esign and the Buil t Envir onment 


Security room will not contain all security staff  because of shifting of time.


entire facility RESTAURANTS Dining Area

Visitors, Tourist (foreign and Domestic), staff

Eating, socializing

Visitors, Tourist (foreign and Domestic), staff

For hygienic  purposes


Staff, Chef, manager

Preparing and cooking of foods

17 staff, (max.)

Cold storage

Staff, Chef, manager Staff, Chef, manager Staff, Chef, manager

Storing of  perishable goods Storing of non  perishable goods Storing of canned goods and eating area for staff Managing room for the restaurant

2 staff

Cashiers’ desk  Toilet

Dry storage Pantry

Manager’s Office



5 (max.) 5

2 staff 5 staff


Seats, tables, trash cans,  plant  boxes, lamps

100 seats, 25 tables, 4 trash cans

2.97 sq. m

297 sq. m

Urinal, water closet, lavatory trash can, mirrors

Male: 3 urinals, 2 water closet, 2 lavatory, 2 mirrors Female: 5 water closets, 3 lavatory, 3 mirrors 4 sinks, 2 counter tops, 1 range and stove, 1 dishwashing, 1 cabinet

2 sq. m

10 sq. m

5.02 sq. m

89.1 sq. m

1 refrigerator

3 sq. m

6 sq. m

1 table, 1 cabinet 5 chairs, 1 table, 1 cabinet

2 sq. m

10 sq. m

1 table, 1 chair, 1 cabinet

10 sq. m

10 sq. m

Sink, Counter top, range, stove, dishwasher  s cabinets refrigerator Tables, cabinets Cabinets, tables, chairs Tables, chairs, cabinets


School of A rchitecture, Industrial D esign and the Buil t Envir onment 


30 % of dining area


ADMINISTRATI ON Arbitration space

Arbitration staff

Ethics space


Technical room

Staff, Engineers

Athletics room

Athletic Committee

Marketing room

Marketing staff

Membership room

Membership Staff, Try outs

Culture and Sports space Medical room


Uniform room

Space for Arbitration Space for ethical staff Office for Facilities Technical Records Office for Athletic records

1 staff

Office for advertisements and records Office for membership of try outs and new members/ renewal Office for cultural records Office of medical staff

3 staff


Office for designers

1 Designer 2 staff

Legal room


Office of attorney for legal purposes


Judges room

Referees, judges

Office of the referees for

16 referees

Doctors, Nurses

1 staff 1 Engineer 2 Staff

3 staff

3 staff

1 staff 1 Doctor 3-4 Nurses

Chair, Table Chair, Table Chair, Table, cabinet

1 chair, 1 table

1 chair, 1 table, 1 cabinet

5.02 sq. m 5.02 sq. m 5.02 sq. m

5.02 sq. m 5.02 sq. m 15.06 sq. m

Chair, Table, cabinet Chair, Table, cabinet Chair, Table, cabinet

1 chair, 1 table, 1 cabinet

5.02 sq. m

15.06 sq. m

1 chair, 1 table, 1 cabinet

5.02 sq. m

15.03 sq. m

1 chair, 1 table, 1 cabinet

5.02 sq. m

15.03 sq. m

Chair, Table Chair, Table, cabinet Chair, Table, cabinet Chair, Table, cabinet Chair, Table

1 chair, 1 table, 1 chair, 1 table, 1 cabinet

5.02 sq. m 5.02 sq. m

5.02 sq. m 20 sq. m

1 chair, 1 table, 1 cabinet

5.02 sq. m

15.03 sq. m

1 chair, 1 table, 1 cabinet

5.02 sq. m

6 sq. m

1 chair, 1 table, 1 cabinet

1.4 sq. m

22.4 sq. m

1 chair, 1 table

School of A rchitecture, Industrial D esign and the Buil t Envir onment 


2 referees  per sport


Event’s organizer space


PASA office

Director, Staff

PDBF office

Director, Staff

PRT office

PCKF office

 Non POC office

Director’s Office

Director’s toilet

reviewing of Rules and regulations Office for organization of events Office for PASA staff fro

Office for PDBF representatives for events and meeting Director, Staff Office for PRT representatives for events and meeting Director, Staff Office for PCKF representatives for events and meeting Director, Staff Office for Non POC representatives for events and meeting Facility’s General Office of the Director facility’s general director for decision making and approval of  papers Facility’s General For hygienic Director  purposes


Chair, Table

1 chair, 1 table,

5.02 sq. m

5.02 sq. m

1 director 2 members

Chair, Table, cabinet Chair, Table, cabinet

3 chairs, 3 tables, 1 cabinet

5.02 sq. m

15.03 sq. m

3 chairs, 3 tables, 1 cabinet

5.02 sq. m

15.03 sq. m

1 director 2 members

Chair, Table, cabinet

3 chairs, 3 tables, 1 cabinet

5.02 sq. m

15.03 sq. m

1 director 2 members

Chair, Table, cabinet

3 chairs, 3 tables, 1 cabinet

5.02 sq. m

15.03 sq. m

1 director 2 members

Chair, Table, cabinet

3 chairs, 3 tables, 1 cabinet

5.02 sq. m

15.03 sq. m


Chair, Table, cabinet

1 chair, 1 table, 1 cabinet

50 sq. m

50 sq. m


Water closet, lavatory,

1 water closet, 1 lavatory, 1 mirror

6 sq. m

6 sq. m

1 director 2 members

School of A rchitecture, Industrial D esign and the Buil t Envir onment 



Meeting Room

Machine room

Directors, Athletes, Committees Staff



mirror Chair, Table

20 chairs, 1 table

1.4 sq. m

28 sq. m


Copying Machine

3 copying machines

1.2 sq. m

3.6 sq. m


Chair, Table, sink

5 chairs 1 table, 1 sink

2 sq. m

10 sq. m

For meeting  purposes


For copying machine and computers Eating Area for Staff


100 persons (max.) capacity


Athletes, Visitors (foreign and Domestic)

Waiting and entering




3 (max.)

Shower room

Visitors (foreign and Domestic)

For admitting and  paying Showering for users


Shower heads

Locker room

Visitors (foreign and Domestic)



Visitors (foreign and Domestic)

Keeping of  personal items for users For hygienic  purposes



Visitors (foreign and Domestic) Staff

Work out and exercise Asking and giving of

100 (max.)



Seats, table, plant  boxes, lamps, Trash can chairs, desk

At least 20 seats

0.65 sq. m

32.5 sq. m

10 shower heads

1.2 sq. m

21.6 sq. m

Lockers, seats

20 lockers

5.02 sq. m

100 sq. m

Water closet, urinals, Lavatory, mirrors equipments

5 water closet, 5 urinals, 5 lavatories, 5 mirrors

1.6 sq. m

32 sq. m

1.6 sq. m 0.6 sq. m

160 sq. m 0.6 sq. m

3 chairs, 1 desk

School of A rchitecture, Industrial D esign and the Buil t Envir onment 


20 % of maximum capacity


Badminton Basketball court Bench

Visitors (foreign and Domestic) Visitors (foreign and Domestic) Visitors (foreign and Domestic)

ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Mechanical Engineer space

Mechanical Engineer

Electrical Engineer space

Electrical Engineer

Sanitary Engineer space

Sanitary Engineer

Architect’s table


Monitoring room


Records room






information Playing








Sitting area

100 (max.)


100 seats

0.6 sq. m

69.4 sq. m 364 sq. m 60 sq. m

Planning/solving of mechanical difficulties Planning/solving of electrical difficulties Planning/solving of sanitary difficulties Planning strategic solutions for different events, consultation Monitoring of utilities on computers Keeping of plans and architectural, mechanical records Eating


Chair, Table, cabinets Chair, Table, cabinets Chair, Table, cabinets Chair, Table, cabinets

1 table, 1 chair, 1 cabinet

5.02 sq. m

5.02 sq. m

1 table, 1 chair, 1 cabinet

5.02 sq. m

5.02 sq. m

1 table, 1 chair, 1 cabinet

5.02 sq. m

5.02 sq. m

1 table, 1 chair, 1 cabinet

5.02 sq. m

5.02 sq. m

Monitors, Computers, chairs Chair, Table, cabinets

4 monitors, 4 chairs

1.6 sq. m

6.4 sq. m

1 table, 1 chair, 1 cabinet

6 sq. m

6 sq. m

Chair, Table, Sink water closet, lavatory,

1 table, 5 chairs, 1 sink 1 water closet, 1 lavatory, 1 mirror

2 sq. m 1.6 sq. m

10 sq. m 8 sq. m

For hygienic  purposes




4 staff


5 (max.) 5

School of A rchitecture, Industrial D esign and the Buil t Envir onment 


2 badminton court 1 basketball court


Meeting room OUTDOOR WATER SPORTS Artificial Lake (2)

Player’s platform


Meeting of Technical Staff


mirror Chair, Table

10 chairs, 1 table

1.4 sq. m

14 sq. m

Visitors, tourist, Athletes(foreign and Domestic) Visitors, tourist, Athletes(foreign and Domestic)

For water sports





For wakeboarding, a  place for takeoff for water board sports Monitoring of games Judging of games

2 players 2 assistants


2 sets

5.2 sq. m

6, 000 sq. m (min.) 20.8 sq. m



1 chair


Chairs, tables, monitors chairs

10 chairs, 1 long desk, 10 monitors 2 chairs

0.6 sq. m 0.6 sq. m

1.2 sq. m 6 sq. m

.06 sq. m

1.2 sq. m

Controlling devices, chairs Chairs,  pumps

1 controlling devices, 2 chairs

1.2 sq. m

2.4 sq. m

1 chair

5.02 sq. m

5.02 sq. m



1.2 sq. m

360 sq. m

Referees tower 


Judges seats


Cable towers

Mechanical Staff

Control room

Mechanical Staff

Pump room

Utility Staff

Preparation space

Visitors, tourist, Athletes(foreign and Domestic)

Controls the speed of water  board games Controlling of cable towers


Filling and controlling of artificial lake’s water level A space for athletes and visitors during event or regular days



300 athletes

School of A rchitecture, Industrial D esign and the Buil t Envir onment 


Base on case study

6 competing teams, 50 each, base on no. of  players for dragon boat


Spectators seats

Visitors, tourist, (foreign and Domestic) Visitors, tourist, Athletes(foreign and Domestic)

Sitting area mainly used during events For hygienic  purposes

3000 seats


3000 seating capacity

0.36 sq. m

1080 sq. m

20 (max.)

Water Closet, Lavatory, Trash Can, mirrors, urinals

1.6 sq. m

32 sq. m



3 staff (max.)

Chairs, desk

5.02 sq. m

15.06 sq. m



8 (max.)

Chairs, desk

8 chairs, 1 desk

5.02 sq. m

40.16 sq. m

Staff’s toilet


For tourist and visitors to admit if desired to play different water sports Ticketing of spectators during events For hygienic  purposes

Male: 3 water closet, 8 urinals Female: 10 water closet, 5 lavatories, 1 trash can, 5 mirrors 3 chairs, 1 desk

3 staff

1 water closet, 1 lavatory, 1 mirror

1.6 sq. m

6 sq. m

Equipment room

Equipment staff

Storage of equipments for water sports

6 staff

Water closet, lavatory, mirror, trash can Boats, wakes,  boards

6 boats (min.), 20 wakes (min.)

15 sq. m

90 sq. m


Rental staff

6 staff

Chairs, desk

6 chairs, 1 desk

1.6 sq. m

9.6 sq. m


Stall managers and staff

Renting of equipment for water sports Selling of foods for users

1 manager 2 staff (max.)

Chairs, desk, trash

3 chairs, 1 trash can

1.4 sq. m

4.2 sq. m

Public Toilet

School of A rchitecture, Industrial D esign and the Buil t Envir onment 


The space factor is the combined space factor of human and he equipments


can ATHLETES’ QUARTERS Administration office Quarters

Administrative staff Athletes (POC)

Managing of the dormitory Sleeping quarters for athletes





Small cafeteria Maintenance

150 athletes

Bed, chairs, tables

2 double decks, 2 chairs, 1 table

2.4 sq. m

360 sq. m

For hygienic  purposes

1 athlete at a time

1 shower head, 1 water closet, 1 lavatory, 1 mirror

3 sq. m

3 sq. m

20 athletes

1 table, 5 chairs, 1 sofa

1.6 sq. m

32 sq. m

Athletes, staff

Area for relaxation or socialization for athletes Eating area

shower head, water closet, lavatory, mirror Tables, chairs, sofa

Maintenance Staff

Housekeeping  purposes

Chairs, tables Cabinets, chairs, tables

25 tables, 100 chairs 1 cabinet, 2 chairs, 1 table

1.2 sq. m 3 sq. m

120 sq. m 6 sq. m

100 athletes 2 staff

School of A rchitecture, Industrial D esign and the Buil t Envir onment 


POC records: 111 water sports athletes and 26 trainers and coaches, average of four athletes per room : 41` rooms, min. 6 sq. m each Min. dimensions of toilet


4.2 Design Concept

The Structure will have one major space and all complementing spaces will function for the major space like paddles for a boat. It is also shown in the space programming studies.

The structure will follow the form of a boat, it is iconic. It will reflect the relationship of our culture to water sports. its form and sophistication will help uplift the architectural integrity of our country.

School of A rchitecture, Industrial D esign and the Buil t Envir onment 



4.3 Architectural Plans Site Development Plan

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Aquatic Center

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School of A rchitecture, Industrial D esign and the Buil t Envir onment 



Hotel Plans

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4.3 Elevations and Sections

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4.6 Perspectives

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School of A rchitecture, Industrial D esign and the Buil t Envir onment 



Bibliography and Reference

http://www.batangascity.gov.ph- Batangas City official WebSite http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space/Frame - space Frame

http://www.psc.gov.ph- different Water Sports and NSA

principles and technology

http://www.rockleywatersports.com- case study

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aluminium- characteristics and

http://www.republicwaterpark.com- case study

composition of aluminum

http://www.google.com- google maps and search


http://www.labuanweb.com/seaportsctr.html- case study

a-artificial-Lake- how to make artificial lakes

http://www.belmonpark.com/attractions-wavehouse- case

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/watersports- Different types

study for artificial waves

of Water Sports

http://www.communitywatesportscenter.org- case study for


community water sports and training center

Tourism-Strategy-2007- Philippine Sports tourism Strategies


and Contribution

Achievements of Philippine Dragon boat Federation Team http://www.pdbf.com- Official Website of PDBF http://www.pasa.com.ph- Philippine Aquatic Sports Association

Visual Dictionary of Architecture and Construction- Broto I Comerma 2007 Building Technology Book 1- Joshua A Barba, Uap, 2006

http://www.philtravelcenter.com/philippines/travelinfo/bat angas-climate.php- for the climate of Batangas City http://www.zamboanga.com/z/index.php?title=San_Agapi to_Isla_Verde,_Batangas_City,_Batangas,_Philippines- Isla Verde

School of A rchitecture, Industrial D esign and the Buil t Envir onment 




An Olympic-size swimming pool is the type of swimming

Survey Questions:

pool used in the Olympic Games, where the race course is

-Have you or members of your household visited any

50 meters in length. This is typically referred to as " long

watersports during the past year?

course", delineating it from "short course" which applies to

-Approximately how often did you or members of your

competitions in pools that are either 25 meters or 25 yards

household visit watersports

in length

over the past 12 months -Overall how would you rate the physical condition of all

Artificial waves are man-made waves usually created on a

the watersports you have visited?

specially designed surface or in a pool. Artificial waves are

-Would you be interested to visit a world class Watersports

created in one or two ways. First, if the wave is created on

in the Philippines in the future?

a designed surface, water is shot over the surface at a high

-Would you be interested to learn watersports through

speed to create a wave. These waves are ridden with a

classes and/or camps?

short board about the length of a wakeboard where the

-Please indicate if YOU or any member of your

rider is strapped on to the board to prevent the board from

HOUSEHOLD has a need for each of the recreation PROGRAMS listed. -What facilities would you like to find in the proposed WATERSPORTS? -From the following list, please check ALL the potential indoor spaces you and members of your household would use.

flying out under the rider's feet. Artificial lake is used to store water. Reservoirs may be

created in river valleys by the construction of a dam or may be built by excavation in the ground or by conventional construction techniques such as brickwork or cast concrete. Trends in Recreational Facilities

Trends in development and design of multipurpose leisure centers and a discussion of management issues are

School of A rchitecture, Industrial D esign and the Buil t Envir onment 



presented. These trends can be used to evaluate existing

cope with peak demands, particularly at the reception and

facilities against contemporary standards, and give an

kiosk area.

indication of what changes are required in the short to medium term.

-Emphasize safety, for example all walls should have flush

Development and Design Trends in the Region (Asia)

fittings so no objects jut from the wall and provide a first

A number of trends, or principles in design, have become

aid room with emergency access for ambulance and

apparent over the last five years. These are summarized

stretcher bearers.


-Provide adequate car parking on sealed car parks and

a. General Design Trends

ensure rapid entry and exit of customers.

-Create a warm and inviting atmosphere and ensure

-Provide adequate security, so that when areas of a leisure

longevity by installing good quality fittings and fixtures.

center are not being used, they can be locked off to avoid

-Provide a social area. At a minimum, vending machines

unwanted intrusion.

offer snacks, although most leisure centers have a dedicated

-Position amenities so that areas can be locked off, or

kiosk and an area with table and chairs, preferably

service two areas, such as indoor and outdoor facilities.

overlooking the sports area. In recent times licensed bar

-Provide for future expansion of additional water or court

areas have been provided, which tend to be club based,

space or other activity areas.

but allow access to all customers. The intention is to

Consider the acoustics, both to minimize the internal noise

encourage secondary expenditure by customers.

from activities and to eliminate or reduce noise emanating

-Focus on minimizing staff supervision costs. During off peak

from the centre that may affect surrounding residents.

periods the leisure centre should be capable of being

-Take maximum advantage of natural light, but care must

supervised by one or two staff, for example, by combining

be taken to ensure that light does not shine directly onto

the kiosk and reception. At the same time however, the

customers (players) eyes. Particular attention must be given

design must allow adequate space to enable the centre to

School of A rchitecture, Industrial D esign and the Buil t Envir onment 



to skylights, which can affect badminton and volleyball, and

meetings, programs such as Tai kwon do, and for social

glass walls on the west and northern walls.


-Install good quality sound systems for public announcements

-Provide a minimum number of permanent spectator seats to

and to provide background music;

cater for regular activities. Retractable bleachers or portable seating may be used for major events and exhibition matches, although these require extra floor space for storage.

Sports Hall Design Trends

-Ensure that adequate playing arenas are constructed. Check the quality of flooring and lighting, and ensure that the size, particularly length, width andheight, is appropriate for the activities to be scheduled. Multipurpose sports centers must be designed for all sports, not just basketball, for example, badminton and volleyball have specific height and lighting requirements. -Maximize flexibility by having multiple line markings, court configurations which can be changed according to the needs of the activity, retractable seating which does not impinge on floor areas, and accommodate both sporting activities and entertainment. -Optimize all available floor space. For example, use mezzanine floors for spectators and as multi-purpose areas. Similarly, design activity rooms to be multi-purpose, for

-Provide corporate boxes if the centre is to be used for elite sport or entertainment activities. Corporate boxes can be court-side open boxes, or enclosed more elaborate permanent boxes. -Accommodate different levels of competition: Generally there are three categories of Competition: local or social, which is used for regular day to day activities; provincial level competition; and national or international standard events. The local/social courts take up the least space while national/international events take up a larger area. Consequently, there may need to be different configurations of court space for different types of activities. -Give special attention to the type of flooring: Numerous multi-purpose products are available that meet the needs of

School of A rchitecture, Industrial D esign and the Buil t Envir onment 



elite sport, and satisfy other activities, such as entertainment or trade shows. -Maximize the use of court space. Divider nets can be used to separate playing areas, to allow more than one activity to occur simultaneously

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