R.A. No. 7610 summary

May 11, 2018 | Author: Lilaben Sacote | Category: Child Neglect, Child Abuse, Applied Ethics, Social Institutions, Society
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Short Description

Special Penal Law: Summary of Republic Act No.7610 (Anti-Child Abuse Law)...


The Specia Speciall Protec Protection tion of Childr Children en Agains Againstt

care, abandonment, inade1uate super)ision and

Child Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination

expulsion from home or refusing to allo& a

Act Act or Repu Republ blic ic Act Act 76! 76! "Art "Art# # Sec# Sec#

%$runa&a( to return home#

defines child abuse as maltreatment, &hether habitual or not# •

Educational Neglect

A person &ho is belo& ' (ears old

3ailure to enroll a child of mandator( school

or those o)er but are unable to full(

age and inatte inattentio ntion n to a specia speciall educa educatio tional nal

ta*e care of themsel)es from abuse,


negl neglec ect, t,

crue cruelt( lt(,,

expl exploi oita tati tion on


discrimination because of ph(sical or

Emotional Neglect

mental disabilit( or condition#

.nclud .ncludes es such such action action as chroni chronicc or extre extreme me spo spouse use

abus buse



chil child dss

pre presence ence,,

+( a person &ho is responsible for the

 permission of drug abuse or alcohol use b( the

childs &elfare# -nder circumstances

child and refusal or failure to pro)ide needed

&hich &hich gra)el( gra)el( threaten threaten or endanger endanger

 ps(chological care#

the sur)i)al and normal de)elopment of children#

Sexual Abuse

.ncludes &ide range of beha)ior4 fondling of a child childss genita genitals, ls, interc intercour ourse, se, rape, rape, sodom( sodom(,,

Operational Definition

exhibi exhibitio tionis nism m and commer commercia ciall exploi exploitat tation ion Physical Abuse

thro throug ugh h pros prosti titu tuti tion on or the the prod produc uctio tion n of

.s characteri/ed b( ph(sical in0ur( "e#g# bruises

 pornographic materials# materials#

and and

frac fractu ture res% s%

resu result ltin ing g

from from

punc punchi hing ng,,

 beating, *ic*ing, biting, or other&ise harming

Sexual Exploitation

a child# The in0ur( ma( ha)e resulted from

Childr Children en &heth &hether er male male or female female,, &ho &ho for

o)er discipline or ph(sical punishment that is

mone(, mone(, profit or an ( other consideration or due

inappropriate to the childs age or condition#

to the the coer coerci cion on or infl influe uenc ncee of an( an( adul adult, t,

The The in0u in0ur( r( ma( ma( be the the resu result ltss from from o)er o)er

s(nd s(ndic icaate

disc discip iplin linee or ph(si ph(sica call puni punish shme ment nt that that is

intercourse or lasci)ious conduct, are deemed

inappropriate to the childs age or condition#

to be childr children en exploi exploited ted in prosti prostitut tution ion and


group, oup,

ind indulg ulge


sexu sexuaal

other sexual abuse# An in0ur( resulting from ph(sical punishment that re1uires medical treatment is considered

Emotional abuse

outs outsid idee the the real realm m of norm normal al disc discip ipli lina nar( r(

.ncludes acts or omissions b( the parents or


other persons responsible for the childs care and that ha)e caused or could cause serious


 beha)ioral, cogniti)e, emotional or mental

Child Child neglec neglectt is charac character teri/e i/ed d b( failur failuree to

disorder# .t is the most difficult form of child

 pro)ide for the childs basic needs# 2eglect can


 be ph(sical, educational or emotional# emotional# Child trafficking

The act of trading or dealing &ith children, Physical Neglect

including but not limited to, the bu(ing and

.ncludes refusal of or dela( in see*ing health

selling children for mone(, or for an( other

"ho can file a complaint for child abuse#

consideration, or barter#

# The child )ictim 8# The parent or legal guardian of the

Child Labor


The emplo(ment of children belo& 5 (ears of age &ho force, suffer to &or* for mone( or

$# The grandparent, or relati)e of the child )ictim up to a first cousin

an( other consideration# The condition of emplo(ment endangers the


The +aranga( Chairman

life, safet(, health and normal de)elopment of


=ne of a group of $ or more persons &ho ha)e personal *no&ledge of the

the child#

abuse# Abandoned

The failure to pro)ide for the care and support


of a child for at least six "6% continuous months for no )alid reason shall be presumed as an

C&%LD P)OS(%($(%ON AND

intent to abandon the child unless said failure

O(&E) SE*$AL A'$SE

is due to reasons be(ond the control of the

 parent or is due to financial reasons#

reclusion temporal in its medium  period to reclusion perpetua

if )ictim is under twelve (12) years of

The failure to report to a la& enforcement

age: reclusion temporal in its medium

agenc( or to the Department of Social elfare


and De)elopment "DSD% that the child is missing &ithin se)ent(t&o "78% hours after his

A((E+P( (O CO++%(

disappearance is disco)ered#

C&%LD P)OS(%($(%ON •

A penalt( lo&er b( t&o "8% degrees

Persons reuired by la! to report child


abuse cases

consummated felon( under Section 5





The follo&ing must report child abuse case9 #

The head of a public or pri)ate hospital, medical clinic or similar


C&%LD ()A,,%C-%N.



institution, as &ell as the ph(sician and



nurse &ho attended to the needs of the

imposed in its maximum period &hen

abused child#

the )ictim under t&el)e "8% (ears of

Teachers and administrators of public




reclusion shall


schools $#

Parole and probation officers

A((E+P( (O CO++%(


;o)ernment la&(ers


distributor is belo& t&el)e "8% (ears of age, the penalt( shall be imposed in its maximum  period#

An( ascendant, guardian, or person entrusted in an( capacit( &ith the care of a child &ho shall cause and>or allo& such child to be emplo(ed or to  participate9  prision medium period 


in its

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