Ra 7077

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Citizen Armed Forces of the Philippines Reservist Act By Sgt. Steve A. Acesor (Res) PA


History  -Pre-World War 2 and the World -Pre-World War 2, Asia and American Occupation

-World War 2 and Hunters ROTC -Cold War, Korean War, War, Vietnam Vietnam War War

-1987 Constitution, & Local Insurgency, Secessionists and EDSA -RA 7077, 9163 -Video/End


The yea ears rs of depres ess sion contin cont inue ued d wi with th pl ploy oyme ment nt s1 s193 935  5  The years of depression con onti tinu nued ed wi with th un unem empl ploy oyme ment  nt  stil st illl ru runn nnin ing g at 20 20.1 .1%t %til illl ru runn nnin ing  g  at 20 20.1% .1% 1935

 Adolf Hitler announced that he would rearm Germ Ge rman any y in vi viol olat atio ion n of th the e Tr Trea eaty ty of Ve Vers rsai aill lles es.. Hitler revealed that Germany had begun to construct an air force, and unveiled plans to rei ein nstitute con ons scri rip pti tio on an and d cre rea ate a German army ar my of mo more re th than an ha half lf a mi mill llio ion n me men. n.

1935-1945: Tumultuous Decade

”The League of Nations (precursor of the United Nations) was seen as weak in preventing the rise of the Axis Power and the failure of the Old Order (Monarchy) in Europe has come into its peak.”


General Tojo, who heads the Japanese War Office's press bureau, declared in TIMES Magazine: "Japan's neighbors, the United States, Russia, and China, knowing that Japan is likely to be confronted with various international difficulties in November 1935, are steadily preparing for war. . . . Japan's desire for expansion on the Eastern Asiatic continent, manifested in her Manchurian policy, has been her unalterable policy since her foundation.


The National Defense Act of 1935

(Commonwealth (Commonwealt h Act № 1) ●

This act provided for the creation, by 1946, via v ia an annual appropriation of 16,000,000 pesos, of the following forces:

A regular army force of 10,000 troops (formed largely from the Philippine Scouts and the Philippine Constabulary)

A reserve army of 400,000

The Offshore Patrol, which was to possess 36 torpedo boats

A Philippine Army Air Corps of 100 tactical bombers

The Philippine Constabulary Academy Constabulary Academy was renamed Philippine Military Academy and granted its graduates with Bachelor B achelor of Science degrees after completion of their four-year curriculum. PMA was modeled after the United States Military Academy with Academy with officers from the Philippine Scouts and regular United States Army as Army as instructors and members of the general staff.


President ordered Higher Learning Institutions and similar s imilar establishments with 100 or more able bodied male to establish ROTC Courses.


3% Population (1940)2 World War -80 million people perished

-Philippines 119k-500k


In WWII, The Hunters ROTC was a Filipino guerrilla unit active during the Japanese occupation of the Philippines, and was the main anti-Japanese guerrilla group active in the area near the Philippine capital of Manila.It was created upon the dissolution of the Philippine Military Academy. Cadet Terry  Adevoso, refused to simply go home as cadets were ordered to do, and began recruiting fighters willing to undertake guerrilla action against the Japanese.This force provided intelligence to the liberating forces led by General Douglas MacArthur, and took an active role in numerous battles, such as the Raid at Los Baños. The Hunters also jointly operated with the Philippine Commonwealth  Army and Philippine Constabulary Constabulary and the  American soldiers and military military officers of the United States Army in many operations oper ations in Manila, Rizal, Cavite, Laguna, Batangas and Tayabas (now Quezon).


13 September 1946-Philippine Army Headquarters reactivated the pre-war ROTC units. 23 December 1950-The Philippine Army became the Armed Forces of the Philippines which was divided into four military areas and ROTC units operating within these areas fell under the supervision of their respective r espective Area Commanders.  August 1950-The Philippine Expeditionary Expeditionary Forces Forces to Korea (PEFTOK) unit arrived in Korea. It was the Philippine Army contingent of the United Nations forces that fought in the Korean War (1950   –1953).

On 8 February 1967-Pres. Ferdinand Marcos promulgating Executive Order No. 59, rescinded Executive Order No. 207 of 1939 in its place and made ROTC mandatory at all colleges, universities and other institutions with at least 250 male students. Vietnam War (1964-1969)-Philippine (1964-1969)-Philippine sent 182 officers, 1,882 EPs, & 6 Civilians under Civic Action Group-Vietnam or PHILCAG-V supporting US in the fight against North Vietnam. On 8 August 1980, Presidential Decree No. 1706 otherwise known as The National Service Law was issued amending certain sections of the NDA. National service was OBLIGATORY for all citizens of the Philippines. National service consisted of three (3) main programs namely: civic welfare service; law enforcement service; and military service.


The 1987 Constitution provides (GEN. DECL., Section 3) Civilian authority is, at all times, supreme over the military. The Armed Forces of the Philippines is the protector of the people and the State. Its goal is to secure the sovereignty of the State and the integrity of the national territory. ( ARTICLE GEN. training PROVISIONS, Section 4) The Forces of the Philippines shall beforce composed of a citizen armed force which shall undergoXVI military and serve as may be Armed provided by law. It shall keep a regular necessary for the security of the State. PREAMBLE

We, the sovereign Filipino people, imploring the aid aid of Almighty God, in order to build a just and humane society, and establish a Government that shall embody our ideals and aspirations, promote the common good, conserve and develop our patrimony, and secure to ourselves and our posterity, the blessings of independence and democracy under the rule of law and a regime of truth, justice, freedom, love, equality, and peace, do ordain and promulgate this Constitution. -0Exec ecuutive Order No. 264, s. 1987, SECTION 1. The Armed Forces of the Phili lipppines shall inclu ludde the Citi tizzen Armed Force which is hereby constituted, to be composed of all reservists,.. All reservists in a particular locality shall be organized into reserve geog ge ogra raph phic ical al un unit its. s...Res eser ervi vist stss ca call lled ed to ac acti tivve du duty ty sh shal alll ser erve ve wi with th th thee re regu gula larr tr troo oopps as pa part rt of th thee st stan andi dinng fo forc rcee. SEC EC.. 4. Ac Acti tive ve Auxiliary Units which shall be part of the Citizen Armed Force Geographical Units, may be utilized, to be constituted out of volu vo lunnte teer ers. s..S .SEEC. 5. Al Alll me memb mbeer of th thee Ci Citi tize zenn Ar Arme medd Fo Forc rcee on tr trai aini ninng or se serv rvic icee sha hall ll be subj bjeect to mi mili lita tary ry la law w an andd th thee Ar Arti ticl cles es of  Executive Order No. 69, s. 2018, GRANTING FINANCIAL SUPPORT TO CAFGUAAS 



RA 7077 (1991) AN ACT PROVIDING FOR THE DEVELOPMENT, ADMINISTRATION, ORGANIZATION, TRAINING, MAINTENANCE AND UTILIZATION OF THE CITIZEN ARMED FORCES OF THE ARMED FORCES OF THE PHILIPPINES AND FOR OTHER PURPOSE: Section 7. Mission. – The mission of the Citizen Armed Force, alternately referred to as the Reserve Force, is to provide the base for the expansion of the Armed Forces of the Philippines in the event of war, invasion or rebellion; to assist in relief and rescue during disaster or calamities; to assist in socioeconomic development; and to assist in the operation and maintenance of essential government or private utilities in the furtherance of overall mission. ONE hundred thirty five reservists, composed of 130 non-commissioned personnel and five officers, were called to active service on Tuesday, July 25, 2017. The reserve troops, among the first to be called since the declaration of martial law in Mindanao, were presented in a handover ceremony to the Charlie Company, 1005th Ready Reserve Infantry Battalion at Camp Edilberto Evangelista, Barangay Patag. (SUNSTAR, 2017)


There are currently two types of reservists in the Armed Forces of the Philippines Reserve Force: Categorization of reservists and reserve units Section 12, Article 5

First Category Reservists Reservists - Able bodied reservists reservists aged eighteen (18) years years of age up to thirty five (35) years of age, inclusive. Second Category Reservists - Able bodied reservists aged thirty six (36) years of age up to fifty one (51) years of age, inclusive. Third Category Reservists - All able bodied reservists aged above fifty (51) years years of age. Classification of reservists and reserve units Classification Section 13, Article 5 Ready Reserve - physically-fit and tactically-current reservist personnel that are always always on constant alert and training; ready to mobilize once a mobilization order has been given. Standby Reserve - reservist personnel who do not maintain currency in specialization specialization qualifications qualif ications but the base for expansion, support and augmentation to the Ready Reserve Force as needed. Retired Reserve - composed of citizens who are qualified for retirement either by length of service or age.  ARESCOM 15 Community Defense Groups, having three or more Community Defense Centers incorporated into them, and nine Reserve Infantry Divisions. Army ROTC Management falls under their respective RCDGs  ARESCOM COM: MGEN BERNIE BERNIE S LANGUB AFP 16 September 2016 to date, Instituted Institu ted limited warfighting competency



FOR THE PURPOSE REPUBLIC ACT NO. 7077 AND PRESIDENTIAL DECREE NO. 1706, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES Section 4. Establishment of the National Service Training Program. - There is hereby established a National Service Training Program, which shall form part of the curricula of all baccalaureate degree courses and of at least two (2)-year technical vocational courses and is a requisite for graduation, consisting of the following service components: (1) The Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC), which is hereby made option and voluntary upon the effectivity of this Act; (2) The Literacy Training Service; and

(3) The Civic Welfare Training Service The ROTC under the NSTP shall instill patriotism, moral virtues, respect for rights of civilians, and adherence to the Constitution, among others. Citizenship training shall be given emphasis in all three (3) program components.

Sec. 11. (Paragraph 2) Graduates of the ROTC shall form part of the Citizens' Armed Force, pursuant to Republic Act No. 7077.


On RA 7077, 9163 -declaring that the first two (2) years of training, which is MANDATORY, was referred to as basic ROTC while the second two (2) years after said basic ROTC, which was voluntary, was referred to t o as advance ROTC.

“The present law now, which is RA 9163, provides that the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) be made an option and volun tary upon the effectivity of the law.” “Our modern ROTC program that in started in 1912 is a valuable program. History evidently showed the effectiveness of the lea dership and character development it implanted in the minds of its products in the pre-war ROTC units. They fought in the war in spite of the meager resources we have then. Today, our ROTC is mainly a part of NSTP and other laws related to it. In the implementation of this law, there were only few enrollees, ROTC just being an option. With the passage of the NSTP Act, some of our strategies, doctrines and policies have been affected. With the eventual reduction in our reservist base, the contemplated citizen armed force is in jeopardy. The reserve force is an important element of our total force. Our Constitution contemplates of a citizen armed force, with a small regular force but with a substantial and well-developed well -developed reserve force. The continuous reduction of the ROTC enrollees would mean few graduates. Few graduates means smaller base for our reservists.”

David, Renato. “The Implication of the National Service Training Prgram (NSTP) Act in the Reserve Force Development.” THESIS -1803-The Implication of the National Service Training Prgram (NSTP) Act in the Reserve Force Development, 2005. Regular Class 40.

https://www.pampubliko.com https://www.pampubliko.com/background-briefings/v /background-briefings/view/revisiting-the-role-of-the iew/revisiting-the-role-of-the-reserve-reserveofficer-training-corps-rotc


“Si vis pacem, para bellum.”-Vegetius https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=halUJ3RGqCM&feature=share&fbclid=IwAR2 MEYJn-Vg70cyO7xmUIFY_RheehD4cXJo1U6y192al5Fwp9H8rcZaa3SQ

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