Ra 10627 Anti Bullying

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Anti Bullying...


RA 10627

Anti-Bullying Act of 2013 Anti-Bullying and its IRR


!"at is B#$$%IN&' B#$$%IN& '  refers to any severe, or repeated use by one or more students of a written, verbal or electronic expression, or a physical act or gesture, or any combination thereof, directed at another student that has the eect of actually causing or placing the latter in reasonable fear of physical or emotional harm or damage to his proper property; ty;

 Bullying does not always happen in person.

Cyber bullying is a type of bullying that happens online or through text messages or emails. It includes posting rumors on sites like acebook, sharing embarrassing pictures or videos, and making fake pro!les or websites.

(OR)S O( B#$$%IN&* 1+ P"ysical ,ullying

2+ Social co./t ,ullying

3+ Cy,/ ,ullying

+ /,al4Psyc"ological ,ullying

STATISTICS "#$# statistics reveal that bullying is a crime that is not going away anytime soon.  %here are about $&#,### children that miss school every day out of fear of being bullied. 'tatistics also report an increase in cyberbullying activities.

()* + --/ B0//* %)1'2  %hey act as if they are superior3and yet they4re insecure.

 %hey themselves have been bullied.  %hey have poor role models.


() I' 5'% /I6/* % B 7 %718%2  *ouths who are perceived as being dierent


 *ouths who lack self9 con!dence )5

'ome young people who lack social skills isolat/ themselves from others and become /asy 5as for bullies . )5

'ome youths are targeted by bullies because of their

a88/aanc/9 ac/9 o /ligion o /./n ,/caus/ t"/y "a./ a disa,ility 3anything the bully can pick on. )5

Bullies can d/t/ct t"os/ :"o t"in n/gati./ly of t"/5s/l./s+ %hese are often the /asi/st tag/ts9 since they4re not likely to !ght back. )5

icti5s of Bullying

icti5s of Bullying


Signs T"at a C"ild is B/ing Bulli/d  P"ysical  ;5otional  B/"a.ioal4social  Acad/5ic 

ational Crime -revention Council

;((;CTS O( B#$$%IN&  $o: s/lf-conu/nt cying  A,no5al f/as and :oi/s  Sl//8 disod/s  N/.ous "a,its 

Continuation?+;((;CTS O( B#$$%IN&  B/d-:/tting  Poo a88/tit/ o dig/sti./ 8o,l/5s  Sc"ool 8o,l/5s  Rag/  Suicid/ 

The LONG TERM efects o bullying are:

 Psyc"ological Post-Tau5a disod/s  S/lf d/stucti./ ,/"a.io  Alco"ol o su,stanc/ a,us/ 

S/ction + IRR* =uti/s and R/s8onsi,iliti/s of Sc"ool 7.

7dopt and implement a child protection or anti9bullying policy and submit the same to the +ivision =ce.


-rovide students and their parents or guardians a copy of the child protection or anti9bullying policy.


ducate students on the dynamics of bullying, the anti9 bullying policies of the school as well as the mechanisms for the anonymous reporting of acts of bullying or retaliation.

S/ction + IRR* =uti/s and R/s8onsi,iliti/s of Sc"ool +.

ducate parents and guardians


+evise prevention, intervention, protective and remedial measures to address bullying


Conduct the capacity building activities for guidance counselors>teachers and the members of the Child -rotection Committees


nsure eective implementation of the anti9bullying policy and monitor compliance therewith;

S/ction + IRR* =uti/s and R/s8onsi,iliti/s of Sc"ool ).

nsure the safety of the victim, the bully and the bystander.


nsure that their rights are protected and upheld.


7ccomplish the Intake 'heet, maintain a record of all proceedings and submit reports to the +ivision =ce


5aintain a public record or statistics


Coordinate with appropriate o=ces and other agencies or instrumentalities for appropriate assistance and intervention, as re@uired by the circumstances.

Sect. 10 !a" #$$e%iate Res&onses o ullying in School  $.A%he victim or anyone who witnesses or has personal knowledge of a bullying incident or retaliation shall immediately call the attention of any school personnel. ".A%he school personnel who was noti!ed of a bullying incident or retaliation shall intervene by  i.A 'topping the bullying or retaliation immediately;  ii.A'eparating the students involved;

'ont( #$$e%iate Res&onses o ullying in School  

iii.A1emoving the victim or the bully> oending student from the site; iv.Ansuring the victim4s safety by 

+etermining and addressing the victim4s immediate safety needs; and nsuring medical attention, if needed, and securing a medical certi!cate, in cases of physical inury. Bringing the bully to the 8uidance =ce or the designated school personnel.

v.ABringing the bully to the 8uidance =ce or the designated school personnel.

)hat to %o* If ,/ing ,ulli/d o cy,/ ,ulli/d 9 "// a/ t"/ t"ings t"at a .icti5 can do*  tell an adult right away Dthe best thing to doE   either stand up against the bully Dif it4s safeE or to walk away from the bully   be with other kids. /oners are easy obects of bullies.  tell your teachers or school authorities about the incident. -er +ep d policy, both public and private schools are to set9up a C-C DChild -rotection CommitteeE to receive reports and handle cases involving abuse and exploitation of kids. 

)hat to %o* if social web was used for bullying, report it to the service provider the alleged abusive behavior so they can act on it.

F for acebook, go here http>>www.facebook.com>help>GH#GG 

F for %witter, go here https>> support.twitter.com>groups>GG9report9a9violation>topics>$""9 reporting9violations>articles>$Hvictim may seek professional help if needed to recover from the trauma.

 move onMMMMM


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