Ra 10627 Anti Bullying
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Anti Bullying...
RA 10627
Anti-Bullying Act of 2013 Anti-Bullying and its IRR
!"at is B#$$%IN&' B#$$%IN& ' refers to any severe, or repeated use by one or more students of a written, verbal or electronic expression, or a physical act or gesture, or any combination thereof, directed at another student that has the eect of actually causing or placing the latter in reasonable fear of physical or emotional harm or damage to his proper property; ty;
Bullying does not always happen in person.
Cyber bullying is a type of bullying that happens online or through text messages or emails. It includes posting rumors on sites like acebook, sharing embarrassing pictures or videos, and making fake pro!les or websites.
(OR)S O( B#$$%IN&* 1+ P"ysical ,ullying
2+ Social co./t ,ullying
3+ Cy,/ ,ullying
+ /,al4Psyc"ological ,ullying
STATISTICS "#$# statistics reveal that bullying is a crime that is not going away anytime soon. %here are about $,### children that miss school every day out of fear of being bullied. 'tatistics also report an increase in cyberbullying activities.
()* + --/ B0//* %)1'2 %hey act as if they are superior3and yet they4re insecure.
%hey themselves have been bullied. %hey have poor role models.
() I' 5'% /I6/* % B 7 %718%2 *ouths who are perceived as being dierent
*ouths who lack self9 con!dence )5
'ome young people who lack social skills isolat/ themselves from others and become /asy 5as for bullies . )5
'ome youths are targeted by bullies because of their
a88/aanc/9 ac/9 o /ligion o /./n ,/caus/ t"/y "a./ a disa,ility 3anything the bully can pick on. )5
Bullies can d/t/ct t"os/ :"o t"in n/gati./ly of t"/5s/l./s+ %hese are often the /asi/st tag/ts9 since they4re not likely to !ght back. )5
icti5s of Bullying
icti5s of Bullying
Signs T"at a C"ild is B/ing Bulli/d P"ysical ;5otional B/"a.ioal4social Acad/5ic
ational Crime -revention Council
;((;CTS O( B#$$%IN& $o: s/lf-conu/nt cying A,no5al f/as and :oi/s Sl//8 disod/s N/.ous "a,its
Continuation?+;((;CTS O( B#$$%IN& B/d-:/tting Poo a88/tit/ o dig/sti./ 8o,l/5s Sc"ool 8o,l/5s Rag/ Suicid/
The LONG TERM efects o bullying are:
Psyc"ological Post-Tau5a disod/s S/lf d/stucti./ ,/"a.io Alco"ol o su,stanc/ a,us/
S/ction + IRR* =uti/s and R/s8onsi,iliti/s of Sc"ool 7.
7dopt and implement a child protection or anti9bullying policy and submit the same to the +ivision =ce.
-rovide students and their parents or guardians a copy of the child protection or anti9bullying policy.
ducate students on the dynamics of bullying, the anti9 bullying policies of the school as well as the mechanisms for the anonymous reporting of acts of bullying or retaliation.
S/ction + IRR* =uti/s and R/s8onsi,iliti/s of Sc"ool +.
ducate parents and guardians
+evise prevention, intervention, protective and remedial measures to address bullying
Conduct the capacity building activities for guidance counselors>teachers and the members of the Child -rotection Committees
nsure eective implementation of the anti9bullying policy and monitor compliance therewith;
S/ction + IRR* =uti/s and R/s8onsi,iliti/s of Sc"ool ).
nsure the safety of the victim, the bully and the bystander.
nsure that their rights are protected and upheld.
7ccomplish the Intake 'heet, maintain a record of all proceedings and submit reports to the +ivision =ce
5aintain a public record or statistics
Coordinate with appropriate o=ces and other agencies or instrumentalities for appropriate assistance and intervention, as re@uired by the circumstances.
Sect. 10 !a" #$$e%iate Res&onses o ullying in School $.A%he victim or anyone who witnesses or has personal knowledge of a bullying incident or retaliation shall immediately call the attention of any school personnel. ".A%he school personnel who was noti!ed of a bullying incident or retaliation shall intervene by i.A 'topping the bullying or retaliation immediately; ii.A'eparating the students involved;
'ont( #$$e%iate Res&onses o ullying in School
iii.A1emoving the victim or the bully> oending student from the site; iv.Ansuring the victim4s safety by
+etermining and addressing the victim4s immediate safety needs; and nsuring medical attention, if needed, and securing a medical certi!cate, in cases of physical inury. Bringing the bully to the 8uidance =ce or the designated school personnel.
v.ABringing the bully to the 8uidance =ce or the designated school personnel.
)hat to %o* If ,/ing ,ulli/d o cy,/ ,ulli/d 9 "// a/ t"/ t"ings t"at a .icti5 can do* tell an adult right away Dthe best thing to doE either stand up against the bully Dif it4s safeE or to walk away from the bully be with other kids. /oners are easy obects of bullies. tell your teachers or school authorities about the incident. -er +ep d policy, both public and private schools are to set9up a C-C DChild -rotection CommitteeE to receive reports and handle cases involving abuse and exploitation of kids.
)hat to %o* if social web was used for bullying, report it to the service provider the alleged abusive behavior so they can act on it.
F for acebook, go here http>>www.facebook.com>help>GH#GG
F for %witter, go here https>> support.twitter.com>groups>GG9report9a9violation>topics>$""9 reporting9violations>articles>$Hvictim may seek professional help if needed to recover from the trauma.
move onMMMMM
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