R12 Oracle Bills of Material Ver1.0.ppt

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Oracle R12 Applications Bills of Material

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 Topics  T opics 

Glossary (Related Business Busin ess Terminoloy! Terminoloy!

General "ntroduction "ntroduction to Bill of Material

"nteration #it$ ot$er Modules


Run T$rou$ of &nd to &nd Business 'rocesses

%tandard Reports  Online "n)uires

BOM Ta*les Ta*les , A'"s+"nterfaces A '"s+"nterfaces

%ample 'rocess Analysis uestions

Glossary Glossar y (R ( Related Busine Business ss Terminoloy!

Glossary Glossar y (R ( Related Busines Business s Terminoloy! Assembly 'roduct 'roduct #$ic$ is manufactured manufactured in t$e 'lant -eed not *e .inis$ed oods/  T$e intermediate product product can also *e an assem*ly (it could rat$er *e called as %u*Assem*ly!/ %u*Assem*ly!/

Component Materials used for manufacturin t$e assem*ly omponents could *e ra# materials, consuma*les, *yproducts etc//

Resource Re)uire Re)uire to perform an operation to complete t$e manufacturin process ould *e mac$ine, employee, space, tools and Outside serices/ Resources Resources are assined to departments and t$ey are in turn assined to an Operation/

Department An area #it$ in orani3ation onsists of one or more people, mac$ines, or suppliers, 4$ere you #ant to collect cost and apply oer$ead #$ile you complete you Operation or an assem*ly asse m*ly//

Work day Calendar enes t$e alid #or7in days of a manufacturin orani3ation orani3ation ontains t$e repeatin pattern of Ondays and O8ays/ All #or7in days need to *e dened, de ned, as Onays and all -on#or7in days (9olidays! need to *e dened as O8ays/

Glossary ((Related Business Business T  Terminoloy erminoloy) Model BOM BOM includes Options and Option class for t$e customer to c$oose $is conuration/ Also species mandatory items and included i ncluded items t$at are re)uired for eac$ conuration for t$e model/ Models cannot *e ordered or *uilt instead t$e conurations arried usin t$e model are ordered or *uilt/  T$e types of model BOM include include 'TO ('ic7 to Order! and ATO ATO (Assem*le to Order!/

Opton Class BOM An "tem t$at $elps to roup optional components on a BOM/ Becomes a leel in your Model BOM/ A mandatory item under an Option class BOM applies for all of its options/ Option class BOM can *e eit$er a ATO or a 'TO/

Standard BOM Most common type of BOM used in any discrete manufacturin process, process, :ists all t$e mandatory components re)uired for manufacturin t$e product

!lannn" BOM structure t$at includes a percentae distri*ution of its components/ Oracle M%+MR' uses t$e 'lannin BOM to plan its components *ased on t$e percentae distri*ution/

#ead Tme  Time re)uired re)uired to complete a process process (could *e eit$er a manufacturin process or a procurement procurement process!/ process!/ ;arious types of leadtime l eadtime include, 're'rocessin :ead time, 'rocessin :ead time, 'ost 'rocessin :ead time, .i+> 4ee7 'attern? 'attern? One e#ee7 period follo#ed *y t#o four#ee7 periods/  alendar Mont$s? T#ele T#ele periods per year *ased on calendar mont$s/ m ont$s/  1@ 'eriods? T$irteen four#ee7 four#ee7 periods per year/

Workday !attern sets Workdays On or O56

ene and Build 4or7 ay alendar (Re)uired!

(N) Bom>Setup>Calendar>Shifts ene t$e s$ifts as per t$e *usiness re)uirements/

(B) Times

 T$ere can *e multiple s$ift and eac$ s$ift can $ae a start and stop time/

ene and Build 4or7 ay alendar (Re)uired!

(N) BOM>Setup>Calendar>Dates

ene &Setup>Calendar> (M) Tools>!"#eption Template & $outin%>$esour#e (B) O&erheads

ene Resources (Optional!

(N) BOM> $outin%>$esour#e (B) $ates

ene epartments (Optional!

(N) BOM> $outin%> Departments

ene epartments (Optional!

(N) BOM> $outin%> Departments

ene 'role Options (Re)uired!

(N) Sys 'dmin>Proles>Per 'dmin>Proles>Personal sonal Proles >uery *y BOM+

Run T$rou$ of &nd to &nd Business 'rocesses

ene Routins

(N) Na&i%ation BOM>$outin%s>$ BOM>$outin%s>$outin%s outin%s fre)uently performed to *uild *uild a product/ !rmary Routn"0 :ist of operations most fre)uently process used to produce produce t$e same product/ product/ Alternate Routn"0 A di8erent manufacturin process nli7e a ne# primary routin, specify t$e item and alternate name to dene an alternate routin/ A primary routin needed *efore denin an alternate Any num*er of alternate routins for an item/

ene Routins

(N) Na&i%ation BOM>$outin%s>$ BOM>$outin%s>$outin%s outin%s

ene Routins

The Date from which this routing operation is in effect.

ene Routins

    

ene #$ic$ operations in a routin record moe transactions *y denin $o# resources are consumed at t$at operation/  T$e ount 'oint 'oint and Autoc$are Autoc$are c$ec7 *oBOM

Clck 'ere to kno% more

ene BOM Clck 'ere to "o back 

BOM ,eld  Reerences Operaton Se+uence0 Assin your routin routin operation se)uence se)uence on t$is Op/se) to assin your item item to t$e specic operation/ T$is is used for Bac7Cus$ transactions/ transactions/ 

!lannn" !ercenta"e0 T$is is #$ere you dene dene your plannin percentae percentae for your plannin plannin *ill/ MR' uses t$is plannin percentae for demand eneration/

  8eld0

T$e yield is t$e percentae of t$e t$e component t$at suries suries t$e manufacturin process/ A yield factor of 0/E means me ans t$at only E0F of t$e usae )ty of t$e component on a *ill actually suries to *e incorporated into t$e nis$ed assem*ly/

Supply Sub n.entory and #ocator0 4or7 in 'rocess pulls components compone nts from t$e supply su* inentory and t$e locator #it$in t$e su* inentory inentory durin *ac7 Cus$in/ Assin a supply su* inentory and locator, if applica*le, to components t$at $ae a supply type of Assem*ly pull or Operation pull/ ou ou must specify a supply locator if you $ae mandatory locator control for t$e supply su* inentory i nentory//

Supply Type0 T$is indicates $o# t$e supply supply is done, options are are pus$ (material is transacated manually!, Operation'ull (Bac7Cus$ $appens #$en t$e Do* is moed t$rou$ t$rou$ operation!, Assem*ly 'ull (Bac7Cus$ $appens #$en t$e assem*ly is completed, %upply (Material is supplied *y supplier!/

Mutually 19clus.e and Optonal0 T$is is applica*le for Model and Option class components/ All components are mandatory mandatory on %tandard %tandard and 'lannin Bill/ 'l refer t$e *elo# diaram

BOM  .i 2

Re! Se> 2

Op Se> 20 Re! Se> '

Re! Se> 8

Re! Se> 9

Op Se> 80 Re! Se> '

Re! Se> 2

S+.eduled 5 ?e! S+.eduled 5 e@t S+.eduled 5 Pr&or  S+.eduled 5 o

Ao* Complet&on date / t&me

& Records Records 

Oerie# of &lectronic %inature %inature (esinature! (e sinature! on &lectronic Records (eRecords!

  T$e .ood and ru ru Administration Administration (.A! issues ne# reulations reulations for uality %ystems usin usin

computeri3ed soft#are soft#are in t$e .A code of .ederal Reulations Reulations (.R! Title 21 'art 11/ 

"n eneral, 21 .R . R 'art 11 descri*es t$e re)uirements t$at must *e met #$en usin e records and e sinatures *ut does not descri*e #$ere #$ere t$ey are re)uired/ re)uired/ T$ey are left to t$e discretion of medical deice manufacturers as #$ere to use erecords and #$ic$ esinature to *e used/

(More details are coered in t$e Oracle & Records "mplementation Guide!/

& Records CFR Part 11 and Oracle Bill of Materials Erecords and Esignatures for Oracle Bills of Material 

T'e ollo%n" table lsts t'e Oracle Blls o Materal e.ents seeded n Oracle 1: Records6 %&%'T

(nline or )e*erred %+Signature

%+e-ord n-lude! /tta-hment

ill reation



ill date



outing reation



outing date



a!! hange ill!



%tandard Reports  Online "n)uires

"ndented Bills  .ind "ndented Bills

"ndented Bills  ;ie#

"tem 4$ere sed

Bill omparison

Bill omparison

%tandard Reports 

Bill of Material omparison Report

Bill of Material :istin Report

Bill of Material :oop Report

Bill of Material %tructure %tructure Report

Bill of Material 'arameter 'arameter Report

onsolidated Bill of Material Report

elete "tems Report

epartment Report Report

"tem #$ere used Report

Resource Report

Resource 4$ere used Report

Routin Report

%tandard Operation Operati on Report

4or7day e/

9o# 9o# do do you you $and $andle le your your BOM $an $ane esP sP


9o# 9o# is is you yourr ope opera rati tion ons s de dene ned dP


9o# 9o# do do you you ali alida date te you you lea lead d time timesP sP


9o# 9o# ofte often n t$e t$e BOM BOM at ata a is c$an c$aned ed and #$at #$at is $an $ane edP dP


9o# 9o# doe does sy you ou prod produc uctt stru struct ctur ure e loo loo7 7 li7 li7eP eP


"s your your .inal .inal Ass Assem* em*ly ly dema demand nd deri deried ed *ased *ased on *usine *usiness ss strateyP

10/ o you you s$are s$are your resource resources s *et#een *et#een department departmentsP sP 11/ 9o# many many s$if s$ifts ts does does your your *usin *usiness ess #or7P #or7P 12/ o you $ae your your $olid $oliday ay list listP P

A %imple Representation of a MO&: BOM SCENARIO: Assembling a Computer to Customer Needs Model = Desktop Computer Total Leels = ! "T#is is $ust an e%ample& Leel ':

A %imple Representation of a MO&: BOM !E"E! #$

A %imple Representation of a MO&: BOM Assumptions ( E%planation )or Leel *: Assumptions: •

C+, is a Mandator- Item along .it# eer- /omputer

0e-12oard is optional )or t#e /ustomer3 but i) .ants to bu- /an onl- bueit#er or t#e ot#er4

Monitor and Mouse3 are Mandator- but /ustomer /an /#oose #is model4

E%planations: •

C+, 5 Not /#oosing Optional and Mutuall- e%/lusie3 makes it mandator/omponent in a 2OM and .ill go along .it# t#e t#e /omputer4

0e- board 1 being a /ustomer /ustomer Optional3 Optional Optional /#e/k bo% is sele/ted3 sele/ted3 sin/e onl- one model /an be sele/ted i) agreed to bu-3 Mutuall- e%/lusie /#e/k bo% is sele/ted so t#at it .it# 6o- sti/k is sele/ted3 t#e ot#er be/omes ina/tie4

Monitor and Mouse 5 Sin/e t#is is mandator- along .it# /omputer3 optional bo% is un/#e/ked and sin/e #e #as to /#oose eit#er or t#e ot#er3 mutualle%/lusie is /#e/ked4

A %imple Representation of a MO&: BOM !E"E! %$

A %imple Representation of a MO&: BOM E%planation )or Leel !: •

Monitor and Mouse are optional items3 t#e arious makes o) t#ese /omponents /omponents are marked as Optional4

Eer- option out o) t#is 2OM .ill be a sub1assembl- or +ur/#ased Item or Manu)a/tured 7inis#ed goods4

T#is 2OM /an )urt#er gro. based on t#e /ustomer re8uirements3 but made s#ort )or understanding purpose4 T#is is $ust an e%ample e%ample and #elp -ou -ou model -our -our a/tual business re8uirements using t#ese /ombinations4



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