Rèn Luyện Kỹ Năng Đọc Hiểu Tiếng Anh Trình Độ Nâng Cao - Cause and Effect Intermadiate Reading Practice Phần 1

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Patricia Ackert R E I\ D O C


Gidi thieu va chu giai



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C O SlfA CH &A v a k e m b a i t a p k ie m t r a

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C A U SE AND E F F E C T Intermediate Reading Practice

Patricia ackert Kim Thu chu giai




To the Instructor Unit I Explorers '' 1. Burke and Wills - Across Australia 2. Alexandra David - Neel - A French Woman in Tibet 1 3 . Vitus Bering - Across Siberia to North America

3 10 19

4. Robert Scott - A Race to the South Pole


5. Mary Kingsley - Victorian Explorer


Unit II W orld Issues

■G). World Population Growth 2. Changes in the Family


51 63

3. Women and Change


C Rain Forests


5. Green peace



Unit III A M ishm ash (A Hodgepodge) 7^ The Roadrunner 2. Afraid to Fly

103 "


3. Handwriting Analysis


4. Skyscrapers


5. Left - Handedness


Unit IV Science 1. A Biosphere in Space



2. Volcanoes


3. Snow and hail


4. Photovoltaic Cells - Energy source o f the Future


5 Biological Clocks



Unit_V M edicine and Health 1. Headaches 2. Sleep and dreams

203 ‘


3. The Common Cold


4. CPR


5. Blushing and Shyness -V


T ests w ith a n sw ers


Unit I




(J>rK v/

' ------'

B u r k e

Vitus Bering’

a n d W ills

Robert Scott

M ary K.ing*siey



J/jAlexandra INDIA A David-Neel 1

These rough notes and ou r dead bodies must tell the tale. Robert Scott's Diary



Australia is a huge country, and the out-back (the Australian word for the interior o f the country)

very large

is desert. Some years it rains only 8 centimeters in

Change into, become

the outback, but other years rainstorms turn the desert into sandy swamps. Until the eighteenth century, only aborigines lived in Australia. These are tall, thin, brown­ skinned people, the first people in Australia. When

100 years

Europeans went there to live, they built towns on the coast. However, by the 1850s, people began thinking more about the interior. In 1860, Robert O'Hara Burke, a police officer from Ireland, was chosen to lead an expedition across the continent from south to north. He took with him William John Wills and 1 1 other men, camels, horses, and enough supplies for a year and a half. They left Melbourne for the Gulf of CarpeHaria on August 20, winter in the southern hemisphere. The





half of the earth


beginning. Burke had no experience in the outback. The men fought and would not follow orders. Twice they left some o f their supplies so they could move faster, and later sent one o f the men, William Wright, back for them. Finally, a small group led by Burke moved on ahead o f the others to a river named Cooper's Creek interior (n)


: vi'ing d a l ben tro n g

expedition (n) hemisphere (n)


: choc tlidin lueti


: b an c a n

hug e(adj)


: l on g Urn


CAUSE A N D EFFECT and set up their base camp. They were halfway across the continent, but it was summer now, with very hot weather and sandstorms. They waited for a month for Wright, and then Burke decided that four from his small group, with 3 months' supplies, should travel the 1250 kilometers to the north coast as quickly as possible. They told the others to wait for them at Cooper's Creek. The journey across the desert was very difficult, but at the end o f January they reached the Flinders River near the Gul f o f Carpentaria. They started their return journey, but now it was the rainy season and traveling was slow and even more difficult than their trip north. They did not have enough food, and the men became hungry and sick. Then one o f them died. Some o f the camels died or were killed for food. Finally, on April 21, they arrived back at Cooper's Creek, only to find that no one was there. The rest o f the expedition left the day before because they thought Burke must be dead. The three men continued south, but without enough food, both Burke and Wills died. Aborigines helped the last man alive, and a s e ar c h p a r t y found him in September 1861. He was half crazy from hunger and loneliness. There were many reasons that the expedition did not go as it was planned, it had an inexperienced leader, the men made bad de cisions, some did not follow orders, and they did not get a l o n g . But they were the first expedition to cross Australia, and Burke and Wills are still known as heroes of exploration.

search = look for/party = a group of people

noun for decide be friendly, not fight

sand storm (n) search party (n) aborigine (n)

[siendsto:m] [so:Lf] [,a;bo'rid3in]

: bao cat ; m ot d m tun h e m : tho dan

get along (v)

[get e’b r | ]

: lioa licrp, doan ket



A. V ocabulary In this book, difficult words are repeated several times in the exercises. These words are also repeated and reviewed in other lessons. It is not necessary to list new English words with their meanings in your own language. You will learn them just by practicing. In each lesson, when you read the text the first time, underline the words that you don't know. Then you can give yourself a test when you finish the lesson, look at the words you underlined and see if you understand them. If you don't know them yet, this is the time to memorize them. In the vocabulary exercises in this book, write the correct word in each blank.Use each word only once. Use capital letters where they are necessary. exploration (j continents ^aborigines

/I decision


^ ahead 5Sets along

4ex Per'ence

expedition 2-base

Ccentury ^Qheroes

1. Please decide what you want to do. You must make a _________________ . 2. In baseball, a player hits the ball and runs to first_____________________. 3. The dark- skinned first Australians are c a ll e d ________________________ . 4. Do you have a n y _______________ as a secretary, or is this your first job? 5. Kumiko ______________ well with everyone. She is always nice and never fights with people. 6.

The years 1900 - 1999 are the twentieth_______________.


Tom saw some c h il d r e n ______________o f him in the street while he was driving home, so he slowed down.

8. 9.

Asia is in the n o r th e r n ______________ . Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, and South America are the s e v e n ______________.

10. People who win in the Olympic Games a r e __________ in their countries. Continent (n)


: chan luc ,lnc clia

decision (n)


: sirquyet dinli

experience (n)


: kinli ngliiem

hero (n)


: anh hung 5



B. V o c a b u l a r y Do this exercise like Exercise A chosen ^'huge searching

jexpedition 1 interior Jsupplies

experience Gjourney /jswamps

^exploration ^party upturned into

1. Burke and Wills led a n ______________into the interior o f Australia 2. Christopher Columbus w a s ______________ for a ne w wa y to go to India 3. Canada is a ______________country, one o f the biggest in the world. 4. Birds like to live i n ___________ because there is a lot o f water and food 5. We use one kind of paint for t h e ______________ o f a house and another kind for the exterior. 6. It is a l o n g ______________from Melbourne to London. 7. A s e a r c h ______________was sent to find Burke and Wills' expedition. 8. Most o f the earth has been explored. Now we are in the age of space ______________ , searching for more information about the stars, the moon, and other planets besides earth. 9. The secretary ordered paper, pens, and o t h e r _____________ for the office 10. Carlos started to study hard a n d ______________ a good student. C. T r u e / False Write T if the sentence is true, write F if it is false. If a question is false, change it to make it true, or explain why it is false. An asterisk (*) before a question means it is either an inference or an opinion question. You cannot find a sentence in the text with the answer. You have to use the information in the text and things you already know and then decide on the answer. _______L The first Europeans in Australia built villages in the outback because there were too many aborigines on the coast. _______2 .1 he Burke and Wills expedition crossed Australia from south to north. _____ *3. December is a summer month in Australia. supply (n) exterior (n) exploration (n)

[so'plai] [cks'tiorio] [, ekspb:'rci/n]

: ngtion tai Ira, vien tro : ben ngoai : s tf llidm liieu

p lan et (n)


: I,an li n ull


EXPLORERS _______4. Much o f the interior o f Australia is swampy all year long. ______ 5. Eleven men crossed Australia with Burke and Wills. _______*6. Burke and Wills did not have enough food for their journey back to Cooper's Creek because the rain slowed them down. ______*7. The aborigines could help the last man alive because they understood how to live in the desert. ________ 8. Burke was a good leader for this expedition. D. C om prehension Questions Answ er these questions in complete sentences. An asterisk (*) means it is either an inference or an opinion question. You cannot find the exact ans wer in the text. 1.

Where did the first Europeans live when they went to Australia?

*2. Why were camels good animals for this expedition? 3.

Why did the men leave some o f their supplies behind them?


Why was it difficult to travel in the interior o f Australia?


What happened to some o f the camels?


Na m e two reasons why this expedition had so many problems.

*7. Do you think Burke and Wills should be called heroes of exploration? Why? E. M ain Idea What is the main idea o f paragraph 4 (lines 20-25)? 1. Robert Burke led this expedition. 2. The expedition had many problems. 3. Burke had no experience in the outback.

swampy (adj)


: lay loi

leader (n)


: ngifcri dan dan 7


WORD STUDY A. Tw o-w ord Verbs English has many two-word verbs. Each o f the two words is easy, but when they are put together, they mean something different. There is often no way to guess what they mean. You have to learn each one. Learn these and then fill in the blanks with the right words. Use the right verb form. turn into - changc into, become get along (with) - not fight, be friendly break down - s t o p going or working (often about a car) call on - when someone, usually a teacher, asks someone to speak put away - put something in the place it belongs. 1 2. 3. 4. 5.

Our washing machine _____ t________ yesterday and I couldn’t finish washing my clothes. Tommy and his little brother don't ______________ very well. They fight about something almost every day. Ali knew the answer when the t e a c h e r ______________ him. It was rainy this morning, but now' it h a s ______________ a beautiful day. Mary doesn’t us ually______________ her clothes. She just leaves them on a chair or the bed.

B. Articles (a, an, the) There are so many rules about articles that it is easier just to get used to them by practicing than to learn all the rules. However, you will learn a few of the rules later in this book. Here are some sentences or parts o f sentences from the text. Put an article in the blank if it is necessary. 1. Other years rainstorms turn____________ desert into sandy swamps. 2. Until eighteenth century, only aborigines in Australia. turn into (v) break down (v) put away (v) call on (v) 8

[to:n ’intu:, ’into] [brcik] [put o'wei] [ko :1 on]

n o lien hong cat di glie tham



3. Iii I860, _____________ Robert O'Hara Burke, ______________ police officer from Ireland was. chosen to lead _______________ expedition across______________ continent from south to north. 4. He took with him William John Wills, __________ eleven other men, _____ c a m e l s . __________ horses, and enough supplies for________ year and___________half. 5. 6.

expedition had___________problems from__________ beginning. men fought and would not follow___________ orders.

C. C on text C lues It is not necessary to look up every new word in the dictionary. You can often tell what the word means from the sentence it is in, or from the sentence after it. For example, the word aborigines in line 6 is explained in the next sentence. What are aborigines? Always look for this kind o f sentence when you are reading. Don't look up the word in your dictionary. Here are some sentences from the other four lessons in this unit. Tell what each word in bold print means. 1. She started working as a journalist, writing articles about Asia and Buddhism for English and French magazines and newspapers. 2. Scott took ponies (small horses) and a few dogs. 3. She helped to start anthropology, the study o f people's customs and lives, in Africa. 4. Europeans bought ivory, which comes from elephants, and other things from Africans. 5. She met trad ers there, European men who bought ivory and other things from Africans and sold them things from Europe. 6. M ission aries went to Africa to teach Christianity. journalist (n)


n lia b a o

pony (n)


n g i/a c o n

anthropology (n)


n h d n c lu in g h o c

ivory (n) missionary (n)

['aivori ] ['mi/nori]

n g ifd 'i t ru y e n d u o

ngu ro i


ALEXANDRA DAVID - NEEL - A FRENCH WOMAN IN TIBET Tibet has been a secret and mysterious country to the rest o f the world for several centuries, it is on a high p la te au in Asia, surrounded by even higher mountains, and only a few foreigners were able to cross its b o r d e r s until recently. One o f these foreigners was a French woman named Alexandra David-Neel (1868-1969). She traveled by herself in India, China, and Tibet. She studied the Buddhist religion, wrote articles and books about it, and collected a nc ie nt Buddhist books. She also became a Buddhist herself Alexandra always said she had an unhappy childhood. She escaped her unhappiness by reading books on adventure and travel. She ran away from school several times and even ran away to England when she was only sixteen. She was a singer for several years, but in 1903 she started working as a journalist, writing articles about Asia and Buddhism for English and French magazines and newspapers. The next year, when she was thirtyseven. she married Philippe-Fran^ois Neel. It was a strange marriage. After five days together, they moved to different cities and never lived together again. plateau (n)


c a o n g tty e n


[’b . v d n ]

b ie n g u n

ancient (adj)

['em/ ont]


Buddhism ui)

[ 'budi st]

duo phot


2 high, flat land lines between countries

very old

got away from

EXPLORERS Vet lie supported her all his life, and she wrote him hundreds o f letters full of details about her travels. She traveled all over Europe and North Africa, but she went to India in 1911 to study Buddhism, and then her real travels began. She traveled in India and in Nepal and Sikkim, the small countries north o f India in the Himalaya Mountains, but her goal was Tibet. She continued to study Buddhism and learned to speak Tibetan. She traveled to villages and religious centers, with only an interpreter and a few men to carry her cam p in g equipment. For several months she lived in a cave in Sikkim and studied Buddhism and the Tibetan language. Then she adopted a fifteen-year-old Sikkimese boy to travel with her. He. remained with her until his death at the age o f fifty-five. For the next 7 years she traveled in remote areas of China. These were years o f civil war in China, and she was often in danger. She traveled for thousands of kilometers on horseback with a few men to help her, through desert heat, sandstorms, and the rain, snow, and freezing temperatures o f the colder areas. In 1924, David - Ne el was fifty-six years old. She darkened her skin and dressed as an old beggar. She carried only a beggar's bowl and a backpack and traveled through hot lowlands and snowy mountain passes until she reached the border of Tibet. Because she spoke Tibetan so well, she was able to cross the border and reach the famous city of Lhasa without anyone knowing that she was European and forbidden to be there. It was often freezing cold, and sometimes there wasn't enough food. Sometimes she was sick, and once she nearly

Yet but/supported ga'.t her money to live on

support (v)

[so'p v t]

c u n g c a p . lo t n o

goal (n)

[goul] [ke.v]

n in e d ic l i


ngitt'ti a n .xin

cave (n) besmear (n)

0° C or colder

not allowed

not allowed

lia n g d o n g


CAU SE AN D EFFECT died. This was the most dangerous o f all her journeys, but she reached her goal and collected more information about Tibetan Buddhism. She returned to France in 1925. She spent several years writing about her r e s e a r c h and adventures and translating ancient Tibetan religious b o o k s . When she was sixty-six, she returned to China and the Tibetan border area for 10 years In 1944, the Second World war reached even that remote area, and at the age o f seventy-six she walked for days, sometimes without food, until she was able to reach a place where she could fly to India and then home to France. She continued writing and translating until she died, just 7 weeks before her 101st birthday. Most explorers traveled to discover and map new places. David-Neel went to do research on Buddhism. She said that freedom was the most important thing in life for her, and like many other explorers, she lived a dangerous, exciting, free life.

search for nc« information

A. Vocabulary Write the correct word in each blank. Use each word only once and use capital letters if they are necessary civil war mysterious caves equipment

temperature article journalist adventure

1. It would be a g r e a t ___ 2. There is an interesting

freezes ancient remote beggars

border discovered forbidden plateau

to travel in Tibet on horseback.

___ in the newspaper today about Tibet. 3. You can f i n d ______________ asking for money in most countries 4. When Ali got to his car, h e ______________ that he had a parking ticket. 5. Some ancient North American Indians lived in_________ . Others built houses. 6. Smoking i s __________ in the front rows in airplanes. research (n) translate (v) remote (adj) exciting (n) 12

[ri'se:t/, ’ri:so:t/] [trn]

: tuang t i f , giong iilicui : thuoc ve : lluhn chi 23


WORD STUDY A. Reading How carefully should you read? How fast should you read? These questions have different answers. Sometimes you have to read slowly and carefully. Other times you read fast, and other times you read at a regular speed How would you read these things? Use these answers: а. slowly and carefully. b. at a regular speed

c. fast

(Students may have different answers.) 1. a letter from your parents 2. the text o f these lessons 3. the homework for a difficult science class 4. the newspaper 5. a magazine article on an interesting person б. an exciting mystery story Some students like to read a whole text quickly for the general idea Others like to start at the beginning and read each sentence carefully. You can choose the best way for you to start reading a lesson. After that, probably you need to read the lesson two or three times. When you come to a word you don’t know, read the sentence again, or even three times, to help you remember the word. It is never necessary to memorize sentences or paragraphs. This is not the way to study reading. If the text is very difficult for you. read the first paragraph two or three times, then the second, and so on. Then read the whole text from beginning to end. Then \ o u might want to read it all again. You will probably want to read the complete text again after you ha\e finished the whole lesson. Then test yourself on the vocabulary words that sou underlined when you first read the text and learn the words you don't know. B. W ord Forms: Verbs How do vou know which form of a uord to use? This information will help \ou Eveiy sentence must have a verb. There are often clues that tell \ou what form o f the \ e r b to use. 24

EXPLORERS Put the right verb form in these blanks. Explain why you chose each form. (lead) (leave) (study) (learn) (help) (give) (sleep) (travel)


3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8.

Did Bering The expedition Bob i s _______ Nadia has ____ Can y o u ______ The teacher Mr. Gorder was They are going to

an expedition across Siberia? St. Petersburg in 1973. about explorers, a lot o f words this week me with this exercise? a lot o f homework every day. at midnight last night, in Europe next summer.

C. Prepositions Prepositions are difficult. The best way to learn how to use the right preposition is by practicing. Write the prepositions in these sentences from the text. I. 2.

5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

'i1'_______1733, the most complete scientific expedition in history. fail. A sled is______________ if you live in Kuwait. The kind o f car a person buys is a n ______________ decision. Each person must decide______________ Baseball is t h e ______________ sport in the United States.

B. T w o - W o r d V e r b s cut down figure out m akeup hang up clear up


cut dow n a tree, for example find the answer think o f a new story or idea end a telephone conversation clouds disappear and the sun comes out

1. 2. 3. 4.

It was rainy and cloudy this morning, but now it is starting to__________. The big old tree in our front yard is dead. We have to_________ it_________ . I c a n 't ______________ the answ er to this math problem. When Tom finished talking to his friend on the phone, he said "Good-bye" and then ______________ . 5. Mr. H a se g a w a ______________ funny stories to tell his children

C. Irregular V erbs Memorize these verb forms. Then put the right form o f a verb in the blanks. Sim p le Past Past P articip le freeze froze frozen forbid forbade forbidden sink sank sunk shoot shot shot 1. The law______________ driving over 40 kilometers an hour on side streets in the city. You can drive 60 or 75 on main streets. 2. A small sailboat hit a rock a n d ______________ . 3. food is quick and easy to cook. 4. Bob went hunting a n d ______________ a bear. disappear (v)


bieu m at

cloud (n)


m ay

yard (n)


hunting (n)


sail su sa n ban


WORLD ISSU E S D. A rticles Put an article in the blank if one is necessary. 1. I s ______________ world overpopulated? 2. How many people c a n _____________ earth support? 3. These are ______________serious questions that ______________ people must think about. 4 . different scientists g i v e ______________different answers to these questions. 5. One o f ______________ problems i s ______________distribution. 6. richest countries, w i t h ______________small percentage o f _________ world's population, use__________ most o f _________ resources. 7. It is possible to increase_____________ amount o f ____________ farmland, but o n l y ______________ little. 8. We all know that there i s ____________ limited amount o f _____________ petroleum. 9. We all know about ______________terrible famine, with______________ thousands o f people dying o f ______________hunger, in______________ Ethiopia i n ______________ 1980s. E. C on text C lues 1. Saudi Arabian society is very different from Japan’s. People dress differently in the two countries. Religion is very important in Saudi Arabia but it isn't in Japan. Holidays are different. Homes are different. Most Japanese live in large cities. Most Saudis do not. The languages are different. The life o f w om en is different. a. the way people spend their time b. everything about the life in a country c. the life o f each individual woman. 2. The aborigines have been, in Australia for 10,000 years. Their a n c esto rs probably cam e from South Asia. a. people in the family a long time ago b. people in the family in the future c. great - grandparents society (n) different (adj) ancestor (n)

[so'saieti] [’difrent] [’iensiste]

: xa hoi : khac nliau : to tien




Elaine is an electrician. She e a r n s 12 dollars an hour. a. works b. is paid for working c. pays 4. All has a difficult problem to solve for his engineering class, a. write b. read c. figure out




Sociologists study society and how it is organized. They study what a society believes and how it is changing. They explain how people behave, but not how they ought to behave. Almost every society is based on the family. Some societies have a nuclear family. In the nuclear family the parents and children live together in one house. Other societies have an extended family. In this kind o f family there are grandparents, parents, children, uncles, and other relatives all living together. In some societies there are tribes. A tribe is a group o f extended families who have the same ancestors. In North and South America, the mem bers o f an Indian tribe speak the same language. Each tribe in Africa has its own language too. In Saudi Arabia and the other G u lf countries, the tribes all speak Arabic. Sometimes the power o f the extended family or the tribe is based on the land that they own. Everybody in a family knows how to behave as a family member. Children learn how to act like grownups by watching the adults in their family. They learn how a father or mother should behave. Everyone knows what the corrcct behavior is, and relatives like to talk about this. "Is Kum iko acting the way a m other Should act?" "Does Abdullah behave in the right way for a husband?''. It is hard to look at research about the family with our minds instead o f our feelings. Each person is part o f a : iilid xd hoi hoc

sociologist (n)


believe (v)


tin tuang

nuclear (adj)


thuoc hat nliaii

extended (v)


mar rong

tribe (n)


be5 lac, bo toe


CAUSE A N D EFFECT family and a society and knows what a family should be like. It is hard to realize that one kind o f family can fit a society very well, even if it is very different from the family in our society . Throughout history there have been slow changes in the family and family life, but today the family is changing quickly. This change causes m any problem s for the society and the individual. One o f the major reasons for this fast change in the family is the change in how people earn their money, today more and more people work in factories that make automobiles, furniture, clothes, and thousands o f other products. Fewer people work on farms or make products at home. People work in industry' instead. This change is called industrialization. The ownership o f land in an industrial society is not as important as it was when people lived in villages. For decades young people have been leaving farms and small towns to go to cities and w ork in factories. T hey often find a wife or husband in the city instead o f m arrying som eone J ro m their village. They start their own family aw ay from their old home. T hese young people often have m ore money than the old people in their family. In village life, young people w ent to the old people with their questions and problems. T he old people had lived a long time and had more know ledge. Flowever, as young people moved to cities, got m ore education, and learned technology, they discovered that the old people in their family did not have all the answ ers to their questions about life. Their new lives in the city were too different from village life. Also, in some countries, the governm ent started to make laws about things the tribe used to decide. thro u g h o u t(a d v )


: xu yen xudl

earn m oney

[e:n ’mAni]

: kiem lien

factory (n)


: nlia m ay

industry (n)


: cong ngltiep

knowledge (n)


: liien biei. kien thuc


WORLD ISSUES Life continued to change, and the children o f these young people discovered that their city parents didn't always have the answers either. Life was changing too fast. Since the end o f World W ar II, industrialization has been increasing very fast throughout the world. This is causing family life to change faster too Societies are losing their extended families. M ore married couples want their own home where they can live with their children. The West has had nuclear families instead o f extended families at least since the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution started in England around 1760, when people changed from m aking things by hand to making them in factories. Western families are changing too. When people get a good education and good jo b s, they can improve their lives. T hey realize that if they have fewer children, they can"give them a better life. N ow more wom en work outside the home, and they delay having children. The size o f families gets smaller. In the United States, some o f these small nuclear families move several times, each time earning more money and improving their lives. Som e young couples don't see their parents very often. They don't think it is necessary to invite their parents to live with them when they are old. Many o f the old parents don't want to live with their grown children either. As Third World countries industrialize, they find they are having the same problem s that Western families have. If a country modernizes and industrializes fast, the family changes fast. Many old people want life to continue as it was. Young people want to move ahead and change. These different ideas can cause problem s in the family. make law (v)

['m eiko b : ]

continue (v)


revolution (n)


: : :

improve (v)

[im 'pru.v]

: c ai tien

industrialize (v)



tao lndr tiep tuc citoc cach m ang

cong ngltiep hoa



We can learn about these changes in the family from sociologists and understand w hy problem s are developing. It is helpful for us to understand what is happening to our societies, but each individual family must try to solve its problem s for itself. A. V ocabulary


earn industrial nuclear

individual throughout tribes

solve ancestors extended


family is larger than the

revolution industry sociologists _ f a m ily .

2 . There have been some civil wars betw een different African____________

4. 5.

living in the same country. T h e ____________ o f everyone in C anada came from other countries. The Indians were the first to arrive. How much money does a secretary_____________ ? If every _________ in the world told the governm ent he or she wouldn't fight, we w ouldn’t have any more wars. Japan is a n _____________nation It has both heavy and light____________ .

B. V ocabulary extend m em ber revolution

industrial factory societies

earn sociologist tribe

solve throughout relatives


M aria is from Mexico, but she has s e v e r a l ____________


Three o f her aunts live there with their families. Sam works in an airplane________________ .

3. 4.

Karl is a _____________ o f the International Students Organization. A does research about throughout the world.

developm ent (v) solve (v)


a u n t( n )

[a:n t]



sif phdt m e n gidi quyei cd. gi

in California.


Governments the world are trying to______________the problems in their country. 6. The Russian______ was in 1917. There was a complete change in government. C. V ocabulary Review Match each word with its definition 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10.

blizzard inland _ w o o l __ p o n y ___ overeat inferior trade break down superior work out

a. small horse b. buying and selling c. worse than d. stop running or working e. a kind o f cloth f. a bad snow and w ind storm g. missionaries h. exercise i. anthropology j. away from the ocean k. cat more than you should I. better than

1). T ru c /F n ls c Sociologists te us how people should behave so they can improve their society. ______________ 2 . M embers o f a tribe all have the same ancestors 3. Each individual learns how to fit in the family and society by copying the people around her or him. 4. The family is changing fast because o f industrialization. '5. In many countries, the life o f young people is very different from the life o f their grandparents. 6 . The West had extended families until the twentieth century. 7. When a country modernizes fast, the family changes fast 8 The Industrial Revolution was a civil war in England. People fought about the ownership o f land. 9. As countries industrialize, the family size decreases. __________ 1.


try to do st (v)


co gang lam gi

c h a n g e (n )

[t/cind3] fouvor'i:t]

su tliay ddi

ove re a t(a d j) industrialization ( 11 )


su cong ngltiep hod

bo 1 l hue



E. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

C om prehension Q uestions W hat is a nuclear family? W hat is a tribe? Why can't the old people in a family alw ays help young people solve their problem s? When did industrialization start increasing throughout the world? W hy do many American families move several times? Is your country already industrialized, or is it now developing industries? In your country, is the family life o f your friends different from the famiK life o f your grandparents when the\ were \o u n g ° G i\c two examples.

F. M ain Idea W hat is the main idea o f paragraph 2 (lines 5 - 1 8 ) ? Write it in a sentence.



WORD STUDY A. W ord Form s: A djectives These are some common adjective suffixes: -able, -al, -ful, -ive, - less, like, -ou s, -t, -y Put the right word forms in the blanks. V erb 2. J.

industrialize earn

4. 5. 6.

control limit

7. 8.

9 10. storm 1. 2.

J. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Noun society industry earnings tribe control limit logic fame distance storm

A djective social industrial tribal (un) controllable limitless (un) limited (il) logical famous distant

Adverb socially

(un) controllably

(il) logically

s to n m

Industrialization causes s e r i o u s _________ problems in a country. M any Third World countries are trying hard t o ____ Mr. and Mrs. Novak have to spend all o f t h e i r ___ _to support their family. There have been m a n y _____________ wars in Africa. A tire blew out and the car was It went out o f and hit a tree. Som e people think there is a (n) amount o f petroleum in the world, but some day we will run out. Pat figured out the problem by using _ Pele was a _____________soccer player. mysterious areas o f the world. Alexandra David -N eel visited weather caused serious problems for Vitus Bering.

control (n)


s i f d ie t / k l u e n

fam ous (adj)


u d i t ie n g

logic (n)

[ 'b d 3 ik ]

lu f p ly


C A U SE A N D EFFECT B. P repositions Put a preposition in the blanks 1. 2. 3.

Almost every society is b a s e d ____________ the family. some societies there are tribes. North America, the members _____________ an Indian tribe speak the same language. 4. Som etimes the pow er _____________the family or the tribe is based _____________the land that they own. 5. Children leam how to act_________watching the adults________ their family. 6. It is hard to look _____________research _____________ the family _____________our m inds in s te a d _____________our feelings. 7. One _____________ the m ajor reasons _____________ the fast change ______ ______ the family is industrialization. 8. dccades young people have been leaving farms to go _____________cities and w o r k _____________factories. 9. They start their ow n f a m ily _________________ their old hom e. 10. The Industrial Revolution was when people c h a n g e d __________ making things____________hand____________making them _____________ factories. C. Sum m arizin g A su m m ary is a short description o f all the important information in a paragraph or text. A sum m ary o f a paragraph is usually ju s t one sentence. A sum m ary o f a com plete reading text has a few sentences. Choose the sum m ary sentence for these paragraphs. 1. Paragraph 1 (lines 1 - 4 ) . a. Sociologists study how a society is changing. b. Sociologists study society. c. Sociologists study how people behave. 2. Paragraph 2 (lines 5 - 18). a. Societies have extended and nuclear families and som etim es tribes. b. A nuclear family is small, and an extended family is much larger. c. Almost every society is based on the family, either nuclear or extended. base on st (v) learn how to do st leave (v)


[beis j n ] [le:n] [li:v]

: can c if vao : hoc cdcli lain gi : di dot, c h tty in di






Paragraph 4 (lines 22 - 30) a. Everyone learns how to behave as a parent. b. Everyone learns how to behave from other family members c. Children learn how to behave by watching adult family members. 4. Paragraph 6 (lines 38 - 42) a. The family is changing fast today, and this causes problems. b. When families change, it causes problems for the individual. c. The family is changing faster today than before. 5. Paragraph 7 (lines 43 - 52) a. One cause o f this change is working in factories, b O ne cause o f this change is owning land, c. O ne cause o f this change is industrialization. D. C on text Clues •J I . Dean grew up on a farm, and he plans to study agriculture. Then he wants to buy a farm o f his own. a. biology b. farming c. sociology 2

Dean's family has a small farm. They have two fields o f wheat, one o f corn, and se \eral o f vegetables. They use another field lor their cows and horses. a. a garden b. the area o f a farm where grass or other plants grow c. the place where farmers keep their a n i m a l


Mr. Martin has a good job. He trains new workers for McDonald's. They have to learn how to do their jobs before they start work. a. teaches b. travels c. rases i Ann has to prepare for her parents' visit to her apartment. She is going to clean and then buy food so she can cook dinner. a. telephone b. invite c. get ready



Am adou is supposed to give a report in class today. He didn't prepare, however, so he decided not to go to class. a. should b. might c. can

m em ber (n) adult (adj) agriculture (n) field (n) prepare (v)

[’m cm bo] [';vdA!t, o’dAlt] [’;cgrikAlt/o] [ti:ld] [pri'pco]

: tlianli vien : trKdiig tlianli : ndng ngltiep : canh Jong : chiu'in hi


WOMEN AND CHANGE Womeji hold up half the sky. This is an old Chinese saying. However, research shows that perhaps women do more than their share o f "holding up the sky". In 1975, the United Nations organized the Decade for Women. In 1985. it published a report on the conditions and rights o f wom en throughout the world. Some o f the news in the report is very good. For example. 90 percent o f all countries now have official organizations to improve the lives o f women. More than half the countries have laws to protect the rights o f women. Ninety percent o f the countries have passed laws to give women equal pay for equal work. W H O (W orld Health Organization) and UN IC EF (United Nations Children's Fund) have program s to improve the health o f people in Third World countries, especially wom en and children. H alf o f the w om en in the world now have birth - control methods available Fort) - one percent o f the children in school now are girls, a big change from the past, because in many countries education was not available to girls. The report also has bad news. Although most countries have official organizations to improve women's lives, many o f these organizations don't do anything. Fifty percent o f the world's population are wom en, but in nearly two -thirds o f all working hours the work is done by women. They do most o f the dom estic work, for example, cooking and washing clothes. M illions also work outside the home. Women hold 35 percent o f all the world's jobs. For this work, they earn only 40 to 60 percent as much as men, and o f course they earn nothing for their domestic work. publish (v)


: xuut bun

protect (v)


: bun \ e

equal (adj)


: cony b u n %

birth-control m ethod

['ba:Oke>n'troul 'mcfled]

: k e /to u c h Imu


m ii / i


WORLD ISSUES Only 6 percent o f places in government are held by wom en. Sixty percent o f the people who can't read and write are women. It is these illiterate women who are the most frig h te n e d o f trying to improve their lives. Being illiterate doesn't mean they are not intelligent. It does mean it is difficult for them to change their lives. In developing countries, where three fourths o f the


world's population lives, women produce more than half o f the food. In Africa, 80 percent o f all agricultural work is


done by women. There are many programs to help poor countries develop their agriculture. However, for years these programs provided money and training for men and


not for women. N ow that the UN report is published, this is changing. International organizations and programs run by


developed nations are starting to help women, as well as men, improve their agricultural production. In parts o f Africa, this is a typical day for a village woman. At 4:45 a.m. she gets up, washes, and eats. It takes her a half hour to walk to the fields, and she works there until 3:00p.m. She collects firewood and gets home at 4:00. She spends the next hour and a half preparing food to cook.


getting ready

Then she collects water for another hour. From 6:30 to 8:30 she cooks. After dinner, she spends an hour washing the dishes and her children. She goes to bed at 9:30 p.m. In Pakistan, wom en spend 63 hours a week on housework. In Italy, 85 percent o f mothers who work outside the home also do all o f the housework. Their husbands never help them.

dom estic work (n)

[do'mcstik wo:k]

: cong viec ncn tio

frighten (v)


: kliiep so, liocing so

provide (v)


: cinig cap 73


This is

0 11 1v

a small part o f the information in the UN

report. Will this report help change the life o f w o m e n 1 Should there be a change? A rc w om en s u p p o s e d to do the


housew ork9 Should they work outside the home? Will the UN report help improve women's lives? Do they need im provem ent? Different people have different answ ers to these questions. The family is changing r a p id ly in many societies Anv


change in the family affects wom en. Any change in the lives

o f women

affects the





G overnm ents have already passed some laws affecting w om en because o f the UN Decade for W omen. T h e UN report will affect the changes now happening in the fainil> and societv.

A. V ocabu lary provides







supposed to





1. W hat book c o m p a n y _____________ this book? 2. Are y o u _____________for the big test tomorrow ? 3- A_____________ worker does a family's housework. 4. Hot and cold w e a th e r _____ ________people in different wavs 5. Firefighters need_____________ before they can put out fires 6. Caves____________ some people from the weather thousands o f vears aco 7. In som e countries, schools must give ____________ exam s at the end of the vear. In others, each teacher writes an exam 8. You a r c _____________come to class on time


B. V ocabulary share agriculture as well as 1. The



frighten training domestic fighting


illiterate protect

right field








o f the cake. 2.

Some m o v ie s _____________children so they can't sleep.

3. The world's population is increasing 4.

__ _______ .

Marge helped her friend finish her work. This was ____________ o f Marge. She helps people a lot. is another word for farm ing.

5. 6.

_________ to enough food, a place to live, medical Everyone has t h e ________ care, and an education.


People who can't read and write are


There are some hoi'bes> in the

behind the farmhoi^

C. V ocabulary R eview M atch the words with their meaning. 2.

3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8.

9. 10. 1 1.

r e l a ti v e __ individual population increase _ sociologist method __ shortage e? distribute disaster _ decrease _ figure __,

a. person who studies society b. pass things out ctiLt c. get larger d. get smaller e. number f. person g. number o f people in an area h. way i. natural resources j. family member k. frequent I. not enough m terrible happening




M E N ’S A N D W O M E N 'S W O R K IN A F R I C A P ercentage o f Total W ork in Hours M en W om en Cuts down forests, prepares f i e l d s ............................................... ....95 ......... ............... 5 Turns the soil ............................. ....70 ......... ............... 30 Plants seeds and cuttings ............................. ....50 ......... ............... 50 Hoes and w eeds ............................. ....30 ........ ............... 70 Gathers crops ............................ ....40 ........ ............................. 60 Carries crops home ............................. ....20 ................ .............................80 Stores crops ..................................................... ....20 ................ ............................. 80 Processes food crops ..................................................... . . . . 10 ........ ............................. 90 Sells the extra crops ..................................................... ....40 ................ ............................. 60 Carries water and fuel .... 10 ........ ............... 90 Cares for dom estic anim als ............................. .50 ........ ............... 50 Hunts .. .90 ........ ............... 10 Feeds and cares for the familv 5 ............ 95 SO U R C E : UN Handbook, on W omen in Africa. 76

WORLD ISSU E S D. M u ltiple C hoice Use the text and the charts to answer these questions. 1. In Africa, a village woman spends a b o u t ____________ o f her day farming. a. 1/4 b. 1/3 c. 1/2 2. The Decade for W omen was organized by____________ . a. UNICEF b. the World Health Organization c. the United Nations 3.

o f all countries have official organizations to improve the life o f women. a. All but 90 percent b. Half c. All but 10 percent

4. The average wom an e a r n s ____________ the average man. a. more than b. the same as c. less than 5.

in the world are literate. a. More men than women b. More wom en than men c A b o u t t he sam e n u m b er o f w o m en and men


In A f r ic a ,_____________o f the farm work is done b) men a. 80 percent b. 50 percent c. 20 percent


A typical w om an in a developing country s p e n d s ____________ collecting firewood daily. a. 1 hour b.2 hours c. 1/2 hour


An African village man does about half o f t h e ____________ . a. w eeding b. planting c. hunting


S o m e _____________programs are changing because o f the UN report. a. agricultural b. water c. industrial

10. In Africa, v illa g e _____________carry most o f the crops, water, and fuel. a. men b. women c. children official (adj) the same as


clu'nli lliitc litong tit

literate (adj)

[’1i tori t]

biet chit

crop (n)


niiia mang

weed (v)


lam co 77


E. C om prehension Q u estion s I

What does "wom en hold up half the sky " mean?

r I r-1

How many countries have laws to protect the rights o f w om en ' Do you know any older women who are illiterate0 If \ o u do. win didn't they go to school?


Give a reason why som e w om en work more hours than men


Why do you think m ost Italian men don't help with the housework?


Is it easy to change the life o f w om en in the society0 Give a rca>on for your answer.


In your country, is the life o f a young wom an todav different from the life o f young w om en 50 years ago? Give two examples

F. M ain Idea W h a t is the m a in id ea o f


this reading text? Write

one or tw o sentences


W O R D STUDY A. Scanning Scan the reading text to find these answers. Write the answer and the num ber of the line where you found the answer. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

What percentage o f jobs are held by women? What percentage o f government jo b s are held by women? What percentage o f countries have laws about equal pay? In Africa, what percentage o f farm work do women do? How many hours a day do Pakistani women spend doing housework? When was the Decade for W omen? What percentage o f women have birth-control methods available? What percentage o f children in school are boys?

B. W ord Form s There is alw ays a noun after an article. There might be an adjective before the noun. W omen do mobt ol the hou se w o rk . An illiterate p e rs o n cannot read or write. V erb 1. publish 2. protect j. 4. frighten 5. 6. provide 7. train 8. 9 prepare 10. affect

Noun publication publisher protection (il) literacy fright agriculture provision training type preparation effect

A djcctivc


(un) protected protective (il) literate frightening agricultural

frighteningly agriculturally



(in) effective

(in) effectively


I N ew sw eek is a p opular_____________. 2a. The police p r o v id e _____________ for the people in a c o u n tr). 79

CAUSE AND EFFECT 2b. W orkers in dangerous jo b s w e a r _____________ clothing 3. Few people are________in Japan. The educational system is very strong 4. Ms. Baker had a ____________ experience last night. A strange man was in her house when she got home from w ork late 5. Very few people work in _____ _______ in northern Russia It is not an _____________area. 6a. The teachers w i l l ____________ food for the party. 6b. Explorers have to take a lot o f _____________w ith them. 7. You have to ___________ to be a police officer. ___________ is necessary. 8. What _____________o f student are you? Are you a ____________ college student? A good s tu d e n t_____________studies a lot. 9. It is difficult to give a speech without_____________ 10. Exercise has a good _____________on the muscles. If you cxercise _____________, you will have strong muscles. C. A rtic les Put articles in the blanks if they are necessary. 1. 2. 3. 4.

This i s _____________old Chinese saying. In 1975_______United Nations organized_________ Decade for Women Some o f _____________news i n _____________ report is very good. For example, 90 percent o f a l l __________ countries how h a v e _______ official organizations to improve__________ lives o f ___________women. 5. Forty-one percent o f ____________ children i n ___________ school now art _______girls. 6. millions also work o u t s i d e ____________ home 7. Sixty percent o f ___________ people who can't read a r e __________women 8. In_____________Africa, 60 percent o f all agricultural work is done b\ ______________ women. 9. In___________ Africa, this is______________typical d a \ f o r ___________ village woman. 10. This is only______ small part o f______ information in_________ UN report

strange (adj) n ecessary (adj) m u scle (n) outside (v)

[streind^] [’nesiseri] [’mAsl] ['autsaid]

: : : :

la, xa la. ky la can thief c a bap ben ngoai


D. C o n n e c t in g W o rd s Use the w ord b u t to connect a sentence from the second colum n with one from the first column. Make one complete sentence. 1. Some o f the news in the report is good. 2. H alf o f the world's children are girls. 3. Many women work outside the home. 4. Rich countries have the fewest people. 5. It is possible to increase the amount o f farmland. 6. There is enough water in the world.

a. Only 41 percent go to school. b. They use the most natural resources. c. It can be increased only a little d. Some o f it is bad. e. Most o f it is salt water. f. Their husbands don't help them with the housework.

E. C o n te x t C lu e s 1. The N orth Pole is in a cold reg io n o f the earth. a. tem perature

b. frozen

c. area

2. A nim als su c h as lions, hippopotamuses, and elephants live in Africa, a. for exam ple

b. how ever

c. although

3. Babies are tiny when they are bom . a. h a lf grow n


b. very small

c. ancient

4. T w enty - five is a q u a r t e r o f one hundred. a. o n e - f o u r t h

b. o n e - t h i r d

c. one - h alf

5. We get b e e f and milk from cattle. a. c ow s

b. sheep

c. goats

6. Miss Li no lo n g e r lives in Hong Kong. She moved to Taiwan. a. shorter

b. plans to

salt (n)


such as tiny (adj)

[sALf] ['taini]

quarter (n)

[’k w j:te ]

m ot plian ti(

cattle (n)


gia site

c. not any more

m uoi vi du nliU nlio be




Tropical rain forests are found in the Am azon area region. Central Am erica, parts o f Africa, and parts o f South and Southeast Asia. These are thick forests with trees 45 meters high. These huge trees have brini their first branches about 10 meters above the ground. Below the trees there is another level o f plants - many kinds o f smaller trees, bushes, and flowers. Each level o f the rain forest is its own world. The lower level is protected by the trees above. The temperature and hum idity (the amount o f w ater or moisture in the air) stay about the same in the lower level. There is not much sunlight. In the upper level the sun, rain, and wind change the tem perature and humidity often. It is am azing to find that there is an animal world in the upper level. There are monkeys, eaMr.•/•>•■!■ members o f the cat family, birds, and insects such a-, fy te e as bees, bu tterflies, and m any kinds o f flie s. There such as •A j i r c r are also other anim als that usually live on the ground-mice, ants and even earth w o r m s. This upper level o f the forest is thick with plant life because the trees are covered with other plants. Most plants get nutrients from the ground through their roots These plants in the upper level root) take their nutrients from the trees they live on and food from the other plants that die there.

: lltitoc nliict dm branch (n) [ b ra n t/l : ranhjilidnli : cap do bush (n) [bu/] cay tliup. bin ram hum idity (n) [hju:'miditi]: si(am ifot moisture (adj) [’moist/a]: am tan insect (n ) ['msckt] : con tiring nutrienl (n) ['nju tnont] d ull Jm h ditf'mR tropical (adj) ['tnpikl ] level (n ) [’levl]


WORLD ISSU E S The animals need "streets" so they can move along the upper level without going down to the ground. In order to travel in this upper level, they make paths along the branches o f the trees. A researcher found a path that stretched for 18 meters in one tree. One kind o f tiny ant makes a path only 3 millimeters wide. N ow h u m a n s are destroying the earth's tropical rain forests. About 100,000 square kilometers are being destroyed every year. About one-fourth o f the destruction comes from people cutting down trees for fuel. Another quarter is destroyed when people cut down trees to make grassland for their cattle. People cut down the rest o f the trees so they can sell the wood or start farms. The world needs more food, and it seems like a good idea to clear the rain forests and use the land for agriculture. Land that can support these huge, thick forests must be very rich in nutrients. But it isn't. This is another surprising thing about rain forests. Most o f the land in tropical rain forests is very poor. The plants are able to live because o f all the dead leaves and other parts o f the plants that fall to the ground. This carpet o f dead plants provides nutrients for the living plants. When the land is cleared for agriculture, there are no longer any plants left to die and provide nutrients for living plants. The cycle is broken. Agriculture is not successful because the land cannot support it. Trees cannot grow again because the carpet o f dead plants is gone. The land becomes empty and useless. Is this important? What does it matter to a Japanese businessman, a French fanner, or an Arab student that people are destroying rain forests thousands o f kilometers away? path (n) stretch (v) destroy (v) no longer (adj)

[pa:0 ] [strct/] [di'strru] [’b r |g e ]

very small people noun for destroy 1/4

not any more circle

loi rnon keo ddi pha liny, luiy diet klidng con 83

C AUSE A N D EFFECT Do you ever take m edicine? Do you w ear running shoes? Do you use envelopes when you mail letters? Rain forests make these things possible. Rain forests cover about 7 percent o f the earth's area, but they have 100,000 kinds o f plants, probably h a lf o f all the kinds o f plants on earth. T w enty percent o f our different kinds o f m edicine com es from rain forests. The glue on an envelope and in shoes co m e s from tropical plants. Rain forests provide m aterials for hundreds o f other products. Rain forests are also very important to the world's climate. The Am azon rain forest alone receives about 30 to 40 percent o f the total rainfall on the earth and produces about the sam e percentage o f the world's oxygen (O). N o one know s how the decreasing size o f the world's rain forests will affect the earth's climate. Saving our rain forests is an international problem. One country or even a few countries cannot solve the problem alone. The nations o f the world must work together to find a solution before it is too late.

A. V ocabulary bush humans insects destruction

path q uarter tiny cattle

branch no longer level tropical

such as solution roots humidity

1. Flies, ants, and bees are e xam ples o f 2. An insect is a


m edicine (n) [medsin] : //;//re­ solution (n)

[se'lu:/n] : giai p h d p

fly (n) bee (n)

[ flai] [bi: ]


: con rtioi : con ong

glue (n) [g Iu :]

ho dan

root (n) [ru t]

gdc, re

move up (v) [mu v]

difa len

WORLD ISSU E S 3. When students do well in their English classes, they move up to the next___________ . 4. Masako had to leave the university and go home. She i s ______________ studying English. can work together to save rain forests. 5. along the river in the evening. 6 . Anne and Ken like to walk on a_ 7. A______________ is part o f a tree. _ is a plant that grows lower than a tree, 8. A are cows. 9. 10. M alaysia is a _____________ country. The temperature and the_ are both high there. to the problem o f overpopulation. . We must find a o f most plants are below the ground. 12 . The __________ B. V ocabulary fly ant o x y g e n (O ) stretch 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10 II

cycle bee such as glue

nutrients moisture butterfly quarter

path region earthworms no longer

and are all insects. The_ is a circle. A Humans need to eat the right food in order to get the right____________ . M ost o f North Africa is a desert____________ . Carol needs s o m e _____________to fix a broken plate. People in Latin Am erican c o u n tr i e s _____________Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela speak Spanish. The Andes M o u n ta in s _____________from Colombia to Chile. A is one-fourth. Most live under the ground. ________ in the air is called humidity. The amount o f is necessary for life. bay

butterfly (n)

[flat] ['bAteflai]

earthworm (n)

['o:0w o:m ]

giiin ddt

cycle (n)


elm ky

fly (v)

con bu&ni



C. V ocabu lary R eview rubber attitude famine nuclear

ivory although industry tribes

treat average revolution frightened

1. There are two kinds o f families,___________ 2.

The Indian


Mr. Green has an excellent

colony metal extended field


in the A m ericas cam e from Siberia about visiting a foreign country.

He wants to learn everything about it that he can. 4.

You don't have to like everybody, but you should


the right way. Joe doesn't like to fly, he is going to Hawaii on his vacation.


6 . Tires are m ade from


com es from elephants.


8. The United States was a B r i t i s h _____________ until

1776. Then the

A m e ric a n _____________ made it a separate country D. T ru e/F alse/N o Inform ation ________ 1. Some rain forests are not in the tropics. ________ 2. There is more change in w eather in the upper level o f a rain forest than in the lower. ________ 3 . In the upper level, some plants support the life o f the other plants. ________ 4. Plants get nutrients through their branches. ________ 5. people destroy about 20,000 square kilometers o f tropical rain forest every year so they can burn the wood

v a c a tio n (n )

[ 'k x t a ie n ]

tire (n )

[ ’taio ]


Ly nghi top it ’


________ 6. The land in tropical rain forests is rich. ________ 7. Tropical rain forest land can support forests, although it cannot support agriculture. ________ _8. Material from rain forests in used to make cassette tapes. ________ _9. Earthworms make paths on the branches o f trees in rain forests ________ _10. There are rain forests in Brazil. ________ _11. Rain forests have 100,000 kinds o f plants. E. C om prehension Q uestions 1. H ow is the weather in the lower level o f a rain forest different from the w eather in the upper level? 2. W hy is it amazing to find mice and earthworms in the upper level? 3. W here do most plants in the upper level get their nutrients? 4. W hy do people cut down trees in rain forests? 5. W here do plants in the lower level get their nutrients? 6. W hat happens to the land when the trees are cut down? 7. W hy are rain forests important to the world's climate? 8. W hat are some other reasons they are important to all o f us? F. M ain Idea 1. W hich sentence is the main idea for paragraph 3 (lines 16-22)? 2. W rite your own sentence for the main idea o f paragraph 12 (lines 72-79).

m aterial (n)


nguyeii lieu



WORD STUDY A. Noun S u b stitu tes Find each word and decide what it is a substitute for. It is usually a substitute for one word, but it might be for a whole sentence. Example: In 1975, the United N ations organized the D ecade for W omen. In 1985, it published a report. It is a substitute for the U nited N ations. 1. page 82, line 2. 3. page 83, line 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. page 84, line

3 27 28 29 30 50 50 61 64 73

these their they there they it this it this they

B. C a u s e a n d E ffect M atch the causes in the first colum n with the effects in the second column. Cause 1. The upper level is thick with plants 2. The trees are all cut down. 3. A carpet o f dead plants provides nutrients. 4. A nim als want to travel in the upper level. 5. The lower level is protected by the upper level.


E ffect a. The w eather d o e sn ’t change b. c. d. e.

much in the low er lev eI. They make paths with branches. The land cannot support agriculture. Tropical plants can live on poor land Tropical land becom es useless.





C. A rticles Put an article in each blank it if is necessary. 1. B e l o w ____________ trees there is another level o f plants. 2. Each level o f _____________forest is its own world. temperature and humidity (_ water 3. ( amount o f or_____ moisture in air) stay about same. 4. In_____ upper level, sun, rain, and wind change________ _tem perature a n d __ humidity often. 5. It is amazing to find that there is animal world in _____________upper level. 6. M ost plants g e t _______nutrients from ground through their roots. 7. These plants in upper level take their nutrients from trees they live on and f r o m _______ __ other plants that die there. 8. researcher found_______ j)ath that stretched f o r ______ 18 meters in one tree. 9. O ne kind o f ________tiny ant makes path only 3 millimeters wide. D. W ord Form s V erb 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. destroy 6. solve 7. endanger 8. 9. (dis) appear 10. own

Noun tropics humidity moisture human humanity destruction solution danger (in) ability (dis) ability (dis) appearance ow ner ownership

A djective tropical humid moist (in) human

(in) humanly



dangerous endangered (un) able


ground (n)



tree (n)

cay, cay go

plant (n)

[tri: ] [pla:nt]

wide (n)


A dverb


: cay xanli, thuc vat do rqng


C AUSE A N D EFFECT 1. 2. 3. 4a. 4b. 5. 6. 7. 8a. 8b. 8c. 9. 10.

Indonesia is in t h e _____________. It's hot a n d _____________today. It's humid today and my skin i s _____________■ beings must work together to solve the world s problems. Some prisoners want to escape because the jailers treat th em _________ War is _____________It takes human life and ______________cities, villages, and agricultural land. Dan finally figured out t h e _____________to his math problem. The tropical rain forests o f the world are _____________ T hey are in _____________o f being destroyed. Is the United N ations_____________to improve the life o f w om en? Deafness and blindness are exam ples o f a physical_____________ . T he_________ to speak English is a problem for an international businessman. T h e ____________o f 100,000 square kilom eters o f rain forest a year is a serious problem. W ho is t h e _____________ o f that beautiful M ercedes Benz?

E. C on text C lues 1. Tom has books, pencils, a radio, a cup, some cassettes, and several other ob jects on his desk. a. books b. things c. w riting materials 2. There are plants that contain poison in both deserts and rain forests. If you eat one, you will get sick or even die. a. a kind o f medicine. b. a plant that can live on poor land c. som ething that can kill you 3. When the teacher gave 15 pages o f hom ew ork, the students protested. a. said they didn't like it b. asked what the page num bers were c. asked for more 4. Don't dress up for the party tonight. Just w ear your o r d i n a r y clothes, a. best b. oldest c. usual prisoner (n) jailer (n) physical (adj) poison (n) protest (v) 90

['prizne] ['decile] [Tizikl] ['pDizn] ['proutcst]

: : : : :

ngu&i tii,lit nhan cai ngiic th h o c the cliat cliat doc plidn dot


GREENPEACE The environm ent is everything around us, both natural and made by humans. A m ajor problem in the world today is the destruction o f the natural environment. This is a com plicated problem. We burn fuel, and this causes air pollution. We throw aw ay millions o f plastic bags, containers, toys, and other o b jects. These stay in the environment; they are not like paper or wood that slowly disappear. We have made thousands o f new chemicals. Factories that make or use chemicals always have chemical wastes. These are often poisonous, and they stay in the environment. Since 1945, several countries have been testing nuclcar bom bs in the air and underground. The explosions in the air cause nuclear fallout. The fallout causes cancer and kills animals and people. N ow there are nuclear power plants to make electricity. These produce dangerous wastes and have accidents that can be very dangerous. T he increase in the world's population means that we need more food. We also use more wood, metals, and other natural resources. Individuals, governments, and international organizations worry about this problem and try to find solutions. Greenpeace is one nongovernmental, international organization that works to save the environment.

complicated * simple, easy things

complicated (adj)


pliuc lap

nuclear bom b (n)

[’nju:klie b.tm]

bom hat nhan

explosion (n) non-governm ent (n)


s u no

[.non .gAvon'm cntl]

pin cliinli pliu 91



G reenpeace was organized in 1971 in V ancouver, British Colum bia, on the west coast o f Canada. It was organized because the United States was testing bom bs on A m chitka Island in Alabka. T hese were A m erican tests, but they were very near Canada. W hen G reenpeace protested the tests, other people becam e interested. A ye a r later, the testing was stopped because o f the protests. Next, m em bers o f G reenpeace sailed to the South Pacific to protest where France does nuclear testing on M oruroa, an island halfw ay between Chile and Australia. In 1973, the French stopped testing, but they started again in the 1980s. In 1985, a G reenpeace ship w as in N ew Zealand on its way to M oruroa again som eone w orking for the French governm ent put a bom b on the ship, and it sank. The explosion killed one man. G reenpeace also tries to save animals. Every year hunters kill thousands o f baby seals in N o rw a y and C anada and sell the skins to m ake coats. M em bers o f G reenpeace sail to the area and stand betw een the hunters and the seals. W hen ships hunt w h a le s , G reenpeace sails to the area, and then the m em bers go in small boats between the whaling ships and the whales. M any countries put their chemical and nuclear w astes in the sea. Although the seas and oceans are huge, we are beginning to pollute them with ou r wastes. G reenpeace is trying to protect the seas. G reenpeace believes that all f o rm s o f life on earth depend on each other. All the form s o f plant and animal life fit together in the environm ent. We need all o f them. kill (v)

[kil ]

: giet d ie t

seal (n)


: hai cdu

whale (n)


: ca voi

depend on st (v) [di'pend] 92

: phu thuoc vao



Greenpeace also believes that there is a limit to all o f our natural resources. We need to take care o f them and use them carefully. We need to protect the earth for our children. Greenpeace works in two ways. It uses direct action; that is, it sends a ship directly to where people are hunting whales or seals. It sails into the area where France is testing bombs. Its actions are always n o n v io le n t; Greenpeace never fights or kills or hurts anyone. It always works in a peaceful way. When other people hear about this direct action from newspapers, magazines, or television, they become worried about the problem too. Then some o f them try to make their government take action to solve the problem. Greenpeace also uses indirect action. It does research on chemicals, pollution, and nuclear wastes. It uses this research to try to make governm ents change their laws. G reenpeace also tries to educate people. It works with other organizations and shares its research and information. It makes Films about environmental problems. It gives lectures in schools. W here does Greenpeace get its money? Ordinary people in Europe, North America, Australia, and New Zealand give money. Some people also work for G reenpeace without receiving any pay. G reenpeace believes that we must all learn to live in peace, not j u s t with other humans, but with all the beautiful anim als on earth. We must work now to protect the future o f the earth, or it may be too late.


nonviolent (adj)

[,non ’vaielent]

: kliong co bao lire

direct (adj)


: true tiep

chemical (n)


: hod cliat

pollution (n)


: o n h iim

waste (n)


: cliat tliai



A. V ocabu lary poisonous nuclear wastes

nonviolent chemicals bombs

depend on whales forms

explosion object direct

1. 2. 3.

A _____________bomb is more dangerous than other bombs. The USSR and the United States have thousands o f n u c l e a r _________ . M any organizations have _____________protests against nuclear bombs. T hey are peaceful. 4. A nuclear bomb causes a t e r r ib le _____________. 5. Chem ists have m ade thousands o f n e w _____________ 6. Som e chem icals are _____________. 7. T he _____________ from nuclear plants are dangerous. 8. Som e_________ o f life, such as dinosaurs, have disappeared from the earth. 9. Some organizations try to change the laws o f the country. Others take action to produce change. 10. Can I _____________ you to take me to class every day? Will you ever forget to pick me up? B. V ocabu lary form poisonous w hales 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

ordinary com plicated pollution

protest explosion wastes

and _____________ are animals. A i r _____________ is a serious problem in M exico City. Factories pollute the _____________. people in many countries _____________ because their governm ents have nuclear bombs. Doris had a strange ____________in her hand. I didn't know what it was. Engineers have to solve _____________ problems.

poisonous (n) o b je c t(n ) dinosaur (n)

[’poize n e s] [’obd3ikt] [daine's:>:r]

forget to do s t( v )



environm ent object seals

doc hai vat the khiing long quen lain gi

WORLD ISSU E S C. V ocab u lary Review: A ntonym s Match the words that mean the opposite. 1. warlike ________________________ ____a. literate 2. be supposed to _________________ ____b. slowly 3. typical ________________________ ____c. increase 4. illiterate _______________________ ____d. underpopulated 5. i n d iv id u a l ______________________ ____e. peaceful 6. no longer ______________________ ____f. unusual 7. rapidly ________________________ ____g. rights 8. huge ___________________________ ____h. shouldn't 9. h u m i d ______________________________i. training 10. decrease ______________________ j. group 11. overpopulated ________________ k. tiny I. still m. dry D. M u ltiple C hoice 1. T he environm ent is _____________. a. natural b. madte by people 2. Poisonous chemicals p o llu te ____________ . a. air and water b. wastes 3. N uclear testing can cause ____________ . a. cancer b. chemicals

c. both a and b c. explosions c. both a and b

4. G reenpeace started as ____________ organization. a. an A m erican b. a European c. a Canadian 5 . a. France

tests nuclear bombs in the South Pacific. b. N ew Zealand c. Australia

6. G reenpeace tries to p r o te c t ____________ . a. w haling ships that are far from the land b. seals that are killed for their skins c. people w ho have cancer from nuclear tests

environm ent (n)

[in'vaieronment] : m oi truang

pollute (v)


: lam o nhiem

cancer (n)


: u n g th u



7. Greenpeace believes t h a t _____________ . a. all kinds o f life depend on each other b. direct action is the only w ay to solve problem s c. people cannot m ake their governm ents change 8. Greenpeace is _____________ . a. violent only w hen it is necessary b. violent if the hunters or w halers are violent c. never violent. 9. Greenpeace gets its m oney f r o m _____________ . a. ordinary people b. official governm ent organizations c. other organizations. E. C om prehension Q u estion s 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

N am e two ways that we are destroying the environm ent. W hy are nuclear pow er plants dangerous? W hy are we using ou r natural resources faster than we used to? W hy was G reenpeace organized? W hy has G reenpeace gone to the South Pacific? W hat are three things that G reenpeace tries to protect? W hy does G reenpeace take direct action? H ow does G reenpeace try to educate people? Do you think the pollution o f the environm ent is serious? Give a reason for your answer.

F. M ain Idea 1. Write a sentence that gives the main idea for paragraph 3 (lines 1 4 - 2 1 ) 2. W hich sentence is the main idea o f paragraph 8 (lines 49 - 5 6 ) ?

violent (n) ordinary (adj) educate (v)


[’v a ielent]

: bao life

['oirdeneri] ['edju:keit]

: thong thuang : giao due







WORD STUDY A. S um m arizin g Which sentence is the summary o f the paragraph? 1. Paragraph 2 (lines 5 - 1 3 ) a. The pollution o f the environment is a complicated problem. b. Chem icals and waste products pollute the earth. c. Factories pollute the environment. 2. Paragraph 11 (lines 70 - 76). a. G reenpeace uses nonviolent direct action. b. G reenpeace alw ays works in a peaceful way. c. G reenpeace tries to stop nuclear testing. 3. Paragraph 14 (lines 86 - 9 0 ) a. G reenpeace m akes Films and gives lectures. b. G reenpeace shares its research. c. G reenpeace tries to educated people. B. C on n ectin g W ords Use and to connect a sentence from the first column with a sentence from the second colum n. M ake one complete sentence, and use a comm a before and. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Som e chem icals are poisonous. N uclear explosions cause fallout. There are m ore people in the world. G reenpeace was organized to stop nuclear testing in Alaska. 5. Someone put a bom b on their ship. 6. M embers o f G reenpeace sail to the areas where men kill seals. 7. All forms o f life fit together in the environment.

a. Fallout causes cancer. b. We need all o f them. c. They stay in the environment. d. The testing was stopped. e They stand between the men and the seals. f. M ore people use more o f our natural resources. g. The explosion killed a man.

share (v)


: chia se

fallout (n)


: bui phong xa



C. T w o - W ord V erbs check in

- tell the airline that you are there for the flight or tell the hotel you are there for your room, - stop going to school -fin ish - put som ething w here it w as before or where it belongs - think about carefully

drop out get through put back think over 1.

I can’t give you may answ er right away. I have to ____________ it . I'll tell you next week. You have to_____________at the airport 45 m inutes before your flight leaves. Did you _____________with yo u r hom ew ork yet? David didn’t finish college. He _____________ after his second year. Please _____________ the f o o d _____________ in the refrigerator. Don’t leave it out on the table.

2. 3. 4. 5.

D. C om poun d W ords Use a word from the first colum n and one from the second colum n to make a co m pound word. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

dow n far rain fall h a lf house grass under farm

a. work b. land c. land d. hill e. fall f. ground g. o f f h. out i. way

ch e ck in (v)


lam tliu tuc dang ky

drop out (v)

[ 'd o p 'a u t ]

bo hoc giua chung

put back (v)

[put b
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