
May 26, 2016 | Author: mlp2012 | Category: N/A
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Added some more quotes to the list....


1. I didn’t fall in love with you because of your drop dead gorgeous eyes. I fell for what’s behind them. 2. Never overlook what’s right in front of your eyes. 3. If you had it once, you can always get it back. 4. You deserve the WORLD. Really, You Do. 5. “Part of me just wants to find the right words to hurt you the way you hurt me.” - One Tree Hill 6. You’re just not worth the fight anymore. 7. “Sometimes things simply catch up to us.” - One Tree Hill 8. Make up your mind before you mess with mine. 9. Compared to your eyes, nothing shines quite as bright. 10. It’s just not the same. You never look at me like I look at you. 11.Sometimes you say the smallest things or just a smile, and it makes my entire day better. 12.What Is Your Heart Beating For? 13.You can’t be “just friends” with the guy you fell head over heels for. 14. “Hakuna Matata … It means no worries.” - The Lion King 15.You Jump. I Jump … Remember. 16.He could have me in a second … and he knows it. 17. Looking for Perfection? Buy a Barbie Doll. 18. “This is your life. Give it a happy ending.” - Boy Meets World 19.It’s amazing how what you see in her; you never saw in me. 20.Sometimes when I say “oh I’m fine” I want someone to look me in the eyes and say “Tell the truth.” 21.They said we’re to young, but maybe they’re to old to remember. 22.Laugh -- It Burns Calories. 23.Holdmetight. &never/let/me/go 24. And if one day I start to matter. Promise me, you’ll let me know. 25.The less you expect, the less you can be let down. 26. caída en amor con mi. Fall in love with me. 27. Don’t kid yourself. That boy loves you in a way he isn’t ready to deal with. 28.And she’s just thebackupplan to his perfect romance. 29.Open your eyes boy. She Adores You. 30.Jealous? Don’t feel to bad. Ha, cause who isn’t? 31.You can’t blame me. That boy is gorgeous. 32. “Lie to me,” she said. “I love you,” He replied. 33.She’s wrong for you … I swear. 34. You would rather watch me drown then let your hands get wet. 35. “Behind every untrusting girl is the boy who taught her to be that way.” 36.Don’t make her wait for you, just because you know she will. 37. His eyes. Her weakness. 38.Don’t play stupid with me, because I’m better at it. 39.I’m starting to realize that we live in order to change someone else’s life. 40. “All girls really want is someone to want them back. “ - One Tree Hill

41.I won’t stop holding on. 42.Walk a mile in my shoes. See what I see. Feel what I feel. && realize why I do what I do. 43.You’re. Her. Entire. World. Kid. 44. I wanna be the reason you smile. 45.I hope one day you think;; “Man, that girl really did like me.” 46.Don’t regret anything, because at one point it was exactly what you wanted. 47. Open you eyes boy, she’s crazy about you. Stop acting like you don’t notice. 48.If you can’t handle me at my worse. You don’t deserve me at my best. 49.There’s something in your eyes that makes me smile. 50.Baby;; I think your something special. 51.She sees him in the hallway and all she can do is stare. 52.At this point … it’s impossible to get you off my mind. 53.He’s the kind of guy that you’d do anything for, regardless of how he feels about you. 54. You change for two reasons … either you learned enough that you want to, or you’ve been hurt enough that you have to. 55.Because for me, it’s always been you. 56.And during class she flirted with every boy in sight thinking to herself, “Nobody will ever know I still love him. “ 57. Just a little tip: Don’t play games with a girl who can play them better. 58.You’re a mistake I’d gladly repeat. 59.You know what? Bite me skank & go play in traffic. 60.Nice guys went extinct with the dinosaurs. 61.Tell me I can’t, I’ll show you I can. 62.I know I’m a loser. And the best part is … I don’t care. 63.Can’t find your knife? Why don’t you check my back? 64. Admit it; you only want me when you can’t have her. 65.You’re my Noah Calhoun; not just a summer fling, but a lifetime love. 66.Sometimes the hardest advice to follow is your own. 67. You never know what you’re made of until you’ve been broken. 68.don’t count time. Make time count. 69. “If you don’t get caught, everything’s legal.” - That’s 70’s Show. 70.If you see somebody without a smile; give them yours! “-) 71.Before, I couldn’t shut you up. Now I can’t even get a hello. 72.I looked into his eyes, they still leave me breathless. 73.I wish I could tell you how much I need you. 74. A Best Friend is a girl you can call in the middle of the night and tell her you killed someone and she would say “Where should we hide the body?” 75.I watch my friends, all their dreams coming true, and I sit here and wonder … will I ever have you? 76.Girls really aren’t all that complicated; all we want is your attention. 77. Tu eres me mundo : ] (You are my world) 78.Same old story. Boy meets girl. Girl falls much harder than boy.

79.Okay, honestly … I have no idea what you just said; but you looked so cute saying it. 80.She randomly laughs and smiles when your face pops into her head. 81.In the end peter pan stole tinkerbell’s wings just so she could never leave him. 82.When you open your locker to find a death threat taped to the door, don’t be alarmed. My best friend just found out you broke my heart. 83.I want a guy that doesn’t care about what I wear or how I do my hair, who loves my smile, my dorky laugh, and how I get hyper when I’m tired. 84. If your wildest dream came true … would I be the one in it? 85.Me, perfect? No way. Better than You? Of course. 86.You don’t get it do you? She only acts that way around you. 87. I don’t want on and off. I want forever and always. 88.You want to know how I survive? Look at who’s by my side. 89.What a shocker. They like each other. (Duh) 90.You and Me Forever. Sounds like a plan. 91.How do you accidentally kiss someone? Did she slip on a rug, and your lips broke her fall? - Topanga, Boy Meets World. 92.News Flash; when a girls says she’s cold, you’re not supposed to say, “Me too.” 93.Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain. 94. I dare you to look me in the eyes and tell me how you really feel. 95.Every ending is a new beginning. 96.You aren’t the only reason I smile. But you definitely are my favorite. 97. Athazagoraphobia: The fear of being forgotten. 98.If Tylenol, duct tape, or a band-aide can’t fix it … You’ve got a serious problem. 99.There’s always that one boy that makes you get up and go to school everyday. 100. Yeah;; when I said, “I’d hit that.”: I meant with my car. 101. And your eyes get me every time. 102. We go to school for thirteen years and the one thing they never teach us is how to say goodbye. 103. You’ll never know how that little girl felt, because … well you never asked. 104. It’s a lot easier to say you’re mad then admit that you’re hurt. 105. Miss Drop Dead Gorgeous. Please Drop Dead. 106. Before you judge me;; Judge yourself. 107. Sometimes it’s the smallest decisions that can change your life forever. 108. If people want to destroy themselves, you can’t stop them. 109. Just listen to the sound of loneliness. Who knew it had a voice? 110. Lies are pretty words that sound perfect. 111. You can never know how many broken hearts are in a room. Some are so well hidden, some are so well denied, and some have yet to be broken. 112. Either you got it or you don’t. either you stand or you fall.

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And I’m blasting my music so I won’t hear my thoughts. And I didn’t know how much I needed you until the end. Such a sucker for those blue-eyed boys … If you’re crazy, then I’m insane. And maybe I’m just afraid to say I’m falling for you. Boys don’t kiss and tell, they kiss and exaggerate. iwannahateyousobad 120. He knows I care // that’s why he doesn’t. 121. Desidero essere il vostro tutto. ( I want to be your everything.) 122. Love is what you make it. 123. Harsh words hurt feelings, but silences break hearts. 124. And I just want to be his. 125. Real eyes. Realize. Real lies. 126. You make me forget how to breathe. 127. Expect the worst, and hope for the best. 128. And you were never supposed to mean this much to me. 129. Every time you see her spacing out, she’s thinking of you. 130. Home is where your friends are, there’s no place quite like it. 131. And you ask yourself, is he worth the risk? 132. I didn’t fall in love, he tripped me. 133. And the one guy that deserves you, is the one who thinks he doesn’t. 134. Heartbroken and soft-spoken. So go on baby, walk right past me … I’m used to it. 135. I know if I keep my distance you’ll see what you’re missing. 136. Every time I get you off my mind … ( you find a way to get back in.) 137. Don’t repeat chapters. The story never changes. 138. And what kills me is he has no idea. 139. And you’re the only person that I can be myself around. 140. I never knew life was this hard. 141. And now that I look back, I never realized how blind I was. 142. And I always ask myself: what can I do better so he will notice me? 143. Smiles and Make-up;; Hide so much these days. 144. Welcome to Reality;; Where apparently, dreams don’t matter. 145. And the truth; oh, it would kill you. 146. Growing old is mandatory. Growing up is optional. 147. So smile and tell me that I’ve never been prettier. 148. I wasn’t mad that he didn’t like me. I was jealous that he liked her. 149. Stop me if I’m wrong;; but that doesn’t mean I won’t keep going. 150. Rester avec moi ò jamias. (stay with me forever. ) 151. Amor vincit omnia. (love conquers everything) 152. You should never give up, just learn to let go. 153. “Oh yes, the past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it, or learn from it.” - The Lion King. 154. It’s good to be scared. It means you have something you’re afraid to lose.

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Your worst battle is between what you know and what you feel. Insomniac: (Noun) Girl with a crush. People always leave … but sometimes they come back. I think she did what she had to do to find happiness. “Every girls has something special about them.” - Joe Jonas You don’t have to be a superhero to feel invincible. Being played by a guys hurts worse than rejection. I’m here because I Love You. Not to be nice. Nothing makes sense these days. When I find happiness;; don’t you dare decide that you love me. “Drunk minds speak sober hearts.” Faut souffrir pour etre belle. (One must suffer to be beautiful.) The biggest risk is risking nothing. Forget the past but remember what it taught you. Love doesn’t walk away; people do. He had the world. And he thought he wanted more. Someday, somehow, somewhere. It will be you and me. Je t’aime pour toujours. (I’ll love you forever.) Just for once, I want someone to be afraid of losing me. You’re not even mine and I’m scared to lose you. The course of true love never did run smooth. - William Shakespeare. You never cared before, so why try now? I love you in a, “I wish a car would hit you.” kinda way. Always look at what you have; never look at what you have lost. I’m probably the coolest dork you’ll ever meet. “Everything I’m not made me everything I am.” You just have to forget about the people who forgot about you. He looks at me and smiles;; and it pathetically makes my day. You’ll attach yourself to anyone who shows you the least bit of attention. It just hit me;; we can’t go back. Mr. Right is coming. But his plane crashed in Africa and he’s walking. If I’m not what you want, then don’t act like I am. Because all we can do is what we’ve always done. I’m never a priority in your life. I’m just your back-up plan. - Smallville Cause I knew someday, you won’t be there for me anymore. When you’re not around, I understand how much I need you. Promise me I’ll never be second best. If it didn’t matter your wouldn’t still be thinking about it. I still remember everything that you said to me that night. You make tomorrow worth the wait and yesterday worth remembering. A person doesn’t have to be perfect to be exactly what you need. But like you said, “it’s not a big deal.” Everything leaves a mark. Stop thinking; Just trust me.

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Are you here because you need someone, or because you need me? I just want you to know … you didn’t break me. “I’m sorry won’t cut it for the rest of your life.” It’s like wishing for rain as I stand in the desert. Hearts will never be practically until they’re made unbreakable. Everyone has a different fight, a different wound that keeps them bleeding from the inside. 3 words. 8 letters. - so many possibilities. Ihateyou. Iloveyou. Imissyou. Iwantyou . “if ex-lovers can remain friends, the truth is, they were never in love or they still are.” Go ahead and make us both happy; Just kiss me. She didn’t want that night to end because for the first time, she wasn’t faking a smile. It’s funny how you can always tell when a boy likes someone else, but can never tell if he likes you. We all want the happy ending, so we ignore the warning bells. You ask me “what’s wrong?” and you sound sincere, but I wonder what you would do if I said everything that was wrong had to do with you. You can’t change who people are without destroying who they were. - The Butterfly Effect. don’t base your decisions on the advice of people that don’t have to deal with the results. Life’s not a fairytale; a prince isn’t guaranteed. You don’t love someone because they’re perfect, you love them in spite of the fact that they aren’t. I can’t wait for the day when we don’t have to say goodbye. Not matter what people say, I’m gonna marry that boy someday. When words become useless, hold her hand. It hurts when I hear your name come out of her mouth. I’m going to marry you someday, so make sure you plan your life accordingly. Knowing that something won’t happened won’t make you want it less. “Sometimes, words fall.” Love may be blind, but jealousy has 20 -20 vision. Everyone smiles in the same language. If you don’t ask the answer is always no. I hope you drop a penny off the Empire State Building, and then decide you really like that penny and jump after it. wouldn’t it be nice if the world was flat? That way we could push off the people we didn’t like. People say you cannot live without love, well I say oxygen is more important. - House What would you attempt to do if you knew that you could not fail.

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Sometimes the strongest people in the morning, are the people who cry themselves to sleep at night. She gave up everything for him. He gave her up for everything. I changed, not because I wanted to but because I couldn’t take getting hurt anymore. Nobody takes a picture of something they want to forget. And every time I see a shooting star, I whisper you name. Nobody understood why I fell for you, all they saw was the result, my broken heart. And she’ll continue to smile; no matter how hurt she is. They say time heals everything, but I’m still waiting. Art is a lie that makes us realize the truth. In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different. Always act like you’re wearing an invisible crown. So there’s this boy. He’s really got my attention. Bottom line - if he wants me I’m all his. Do you ever feel like if you were much prettier, life would be so much easier. The question will be , when the time comes, do you want to be saved? Captain Hook. Wounded people are dangerous … they know they can survive. Maybe it’s not about the happy ending. Maybe it’s about the story. Do you know why people read? It’s because they want to get away. A place to escape to. You always disappoint me. It’s kind of like our inside joke except it’s not funny. Everything has beauty, just not everyone sees it. What it we already met the right person, but weren’t ready to fall in love? Chaque fois que tu te sentiras seul, regarde les etoiles. (Whenever you feel alone, look at the stars.) If I tell you I love you, can I keep you forever? - Casper, The Friendly Ghost. Every lucky man has a bad day, and every pretty girl has a scar. They’ll hate you if you’re pretty; they’ll hate you if you’re not. The hardest guy to get over is the one you never had. Walking away is easy, it’s staying that’s so hard. There’s someone for everyone. You said I’ll never find another guy like you ... Well I hope you’re right. Remind me to forget you. Who you are is not up to them. I want to do more than just exist. In the end people always turn out to be the people they swore they wouldn’t. Sometimes things have to end.

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The question isn’t “Who is going to let me” it’s “who is going to stop me.” Sometimes I just wish that someone would take me away. One day … I will fly away. Newsflash;; idontlivetopleaseyou. You’re my rainbow after the storm. You’re just jealous because we’re young and in love. I think it’s strange you never knew. If I dress up like a total slut, will you notice me? It sure worked for her. She’s the type of girl you want to marry. So basically I have the kind of Best Friends that if my house were burning down, they’d be sitting there roasting marshmallows hitting on all the firemen. In a moment, everything can change. Often, I find myself wanting to be alone. But my biggest fear is that I will be. You were given this life, because you’re strong enough to live it. She’s just a little girl in a big world, they all say she has trust issues, but if you got to know her you would understand why. It’s like I want you to know, but I don’t want to tell you. You’re way to young to not believe it’s going to okay. You’re so weird. Works for you though. Your grammar makes me want to beat you. Innocence is not one of the things you can get back. And I’m to tired to pretend it doesn’t hurt to be left out. She’s done dropping hints, figure it out yourself, pretty boy. There’s a wild side to every innocent face. You’ve gotta step forward … or you’ll always be in the same place. A girl worth kissing is not easily kissed. A champion gets up when she can’t. I just hope one day you see me. And when you do, your heart stops. You don’t realize how much it means to me when you say that you remembered. I wanted to tell you I’ve changed. I wanted to tell you that things would be different this time. It’s the things you don’t see coming that are strong enough to kill you. It’s hard to hold a lot in. But for me, it’s sometimes even harder to let it out. Maybe you’re just scared because for once someone actually wants to be with you. When you lose yourself, you only have two choices: find that person you used to be or lose that person forever. The worst part about being lied to is knowing that you weren’t worth the truth. Sometimes not being in control is the most beautiful thing in the world.

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When your forced to stand alone, you realize what you have in you. Who I was then, I can’t ever be again. I was really terrified of you, you actually made me feel something. No girl should ever forget that she doesn’t need anyone who doesn’t need her. Men are nothing special, in fact 99.9% turn out to be the total jerks everyone warned you they would be. Reality isn’t always what it seems. Everything you’ve always looked for comes the very minute you stop. You found me, when no one else was looking. There’s only so much pain that one teenage girl can take, and you, my dear, have exceeded the limit. Oh, I have the hardest time resisting you. No matter what she says, she still loves you. Sometimes you tell yourself the things you need to hear. I’m more alone than you can possibly imagine. Sometimes knowing that you can’t have something makes you want it even more. I want that kind of love that makes everyone want to say aww. You ruined the us. You could see it in her eyes. She loved him and it was killing her. Mistakes only make us stronger. I live in a world where no one is satisfied. We don’t like what we don’t understand. If you want it that much it has to happen. It will happen. Just wait … I’m afraid that I’m responsible for my own loneliness. It’s ironic how when you’re lonely, the whole world seems to be in love. I wasn’t kidding when I said I’ll always love you. Don’t kid yourself, you were never there for me. I think maybe you like me when I’m weak. The darker the secret, the harder you keep it. Sometimes you have to be your own hero. Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. To me, you were worth the fight but I wasn’t going to fight forever. “Life’s tough, get a helmet.” - Boy Meets World. There’s something about you I can’t stay away from. Pshh - forget about the pizza. It’s the delivery boy that should be hott. You’re not really best friends unless it’s a little bit gay. You and I will always be unfinished business. If you think it’s going to rain … it will. There’s always those kind of boys that just don’t came around in your life twice. Your chromosomes have combined beautifully. I can love anyone in the world, but the problem is so can he.

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Acknowledge me now, or lose me forever. If we were a mistake, I want to make many more. Imagine just how many stories are hidden under just one smile. You get to choose the people you like. Not the people you love. Love is when you do the things you swore you’d never do. I didn’t hit you. I simply high-fived your face. You have three choices in life. Givein. Giveup. Or giveitallyougot. They judge me before they even know me. - Shrek You’re easy. He’s desperate. Have fun with that. It’s human instinct to fight back and get even. We may never say anything, but the emotion is there. This night has greatness written all over it. I can feel it. I’d bite my lip until I bled, before I’d admit I love you. After all, people are just people, right? They shouldn’t make you nervous. I remember when the future was a promise; now it’s like a threat. You’ll fall in love with the most unexpected people at the most unexpected times. One day you might feel alright again. I’m running out of excuses to talk to you. We’re still so young and desperate for attention. They said let her crash and burn. She’ll learn. The truth is we’re still young. We’ve got time to mess up. There are no failures, just experiences that didn’t go as planned. Love doesn’t require perfection, it requires forgiveness. I would go to the end of the world with you. Look back. How else are you supposed to see how far you’ve come. Admit your weakness to no one. Love means more than money. Everyone is beautiful when they laugh. I really don’t give a French Toast anymore. In the real world you can make your own miracles. Not the smartest crayon in the box now are we? Some days you just can’t win. You may see me struggle, but you will never see me fail. Learn to walk away. You’ll always be my best friend, you know to much. Okay, so what’s the speed of dark? It’s okay. I can’t resist you either. Do I look as transparent as I feel? Sometimes running is the only way to fight your fears. Even though this is clearly impossible, it’s amazing. Thank you for being such a fabulous waste of time. You weren’t invincible when you were a teenager. You were just stupid. Feelings change. Memories don’t.

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If I left forever, would you miss me? What makes you different, makes you beautiful. Everything has beauty. You just have to see it. I want to be the prettiest wreck you’ve ever seen. Only a true friend would let me inappropriately touch their butt whenever I wanted. Thanks for that. If no struggle is made, no progress is made. Scars are stories, history written on the body. - Kathryn Harrison. I hurt myself, just so you can’t. Happiness is a journey, not a destination. Always find a reason to smile. Everyday I wonder why he saw me, when a thousand other girls saw him. The sun comes out when that boy smiles. Love is 99% of the time … unexpected. The longer you think, the less you know what to do. One thing is for sure, I’m gonna make you miss me. I’d swim the ocean for that boy, but he probably wouldn’t even jump a puddle for me. I don’t want your boyfriend. Nobody wants your boyfriend. That’s why he’s with you. There’s always going to be that one boy who will always be there for you. Things change and people leave, but life doesn’t stop for anyone. I used to believe in fairy tales. I like that you ramble when you’re nervous. I like that I know that you ramble when you’re nervous. I’m leaving because you never asked me to stay. Sweetheart; he was just a lesson you needed to learn. What happens when he’s your prince charming, but you’re not Cinderella? Life is like a roller coaster -- hang on for the ride. Just because you’re breathing, it doesn’t mean you’re alive. Every girls looks prettiest when they’re smiling. Remember that. I’d buy you a parachute if I knew it wouldn’t open. Sometimes I think about running away … just to know who’d bother looking for me. Be happy. You’d be surprised how much more fun it is than being sad all the time. Trying to forget someone you love is like trying to remember someone you never knew. So call me California, call me what you will, cause I am bigger than this place. And you think you just fell in love with her. I’m not afraid of death. Sometimes I wish it was easier to leave the ones that we love behind. Time may take away a moment, but memory will always bring it back.

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Even perfection wasn’t perfect enough. If I could do magic, there is so much I would change. Who needs love? Everyone, including me. I love you. So why can’t I be with you? Pictures are worth a thousand words, the experience is worth a lifetime. True strength: being able to hold it together, when no one would blame you for falling apart. 421. I will never tell him how much I cried that day … 422. Everyday I have to fight back the urge to text you or call you, telling myself that if you wanted to talk to me you would. 423. I always fall for that one guy who is out of reach, but still close enough to make it hurt. 424. Oh, why’d you have to be so cute? It’s impossible to ignore you. 425. We’re the type of friends that burst into each others houses and yell “honey, I’m home.” 426. Excuse the wall, I put it up from time to time. 427. A successful relationship requires falling in love many times with the same person. 428. How can I move on when I’m still in love with you? 429. I don’t think you will ever comprehend the hold you have on me. 430. He isn’t my boyfriend. But I love his hugs, his smile, his advice, his love, his kindness, and the times we’ve laughed together. 431. My heart is trapped between a brick wall and a dream. 432. It’s like we’re more than friends but less than lovers. 433. I hate the face that you say you miss me, but you don’t do anything about it. 434. I hate it when people tell me “ I can’t believe you don’t have a boyfriend!” well what’s so hard to believe? I’ve never been good enough for anyone. 435. Why yes I do frequently burst out in song. 436. don’t make this easy: I want you to mean it. 437. Love will be the thing that kills us all. 438. I know you care about her I just hope you care enough. 439. What doesn’t kill you will probably try again. 440. Stop worrying about what strangers think of you. 441. As a result of my history, I’m afraid I’ll let you down. 442. It’s amazing really, how much pain the human heart can take. - Nora Roberts. 443. If you want me in your life, you can find a way to put me there because frankly, I’m sick of trying. 444. And here’s to giving up. Because it’s the fastest road to healing, even if it isn’t the smartest. 445. You were the first boy to completely destroy me but you’ll never know that. 446. I’m gonna find someone someday who might actually treat me well.

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Sometimes, she just needs someone to take her in his arms and say “it’s okay to cry.” Please don’t look at me like that. You know I’m trying to get over you, so don’t give me any reason to fall again. And she just can’t wait to get out of this town. She needs escape, badly. You didn’t love the boy to much, you just loved him to well, and at our age, some people just don’t know what to do with that. Any boy over the age of fourteen knows when a girl likes him. - The Real World. So you’re not my type. I think I like that idea, because my type usually breaks my heart. Never forget what they did to you, but never let them know you remember. He’s got my heart, he just doesn’t know it yet. Love All. Trust Few. Stand up boy; o shine so bright when you’re around. My walls are up, but no one even tries to tear them down. She’s the type of girl who makes the guys wonder why they ever looked at anyone else. So lately, I’ve been talking louder and laughing louder, just to get his attention, so that maybe, just maybe, he’ll look my way. We lie to ourselves because the truth, the truth freaking hurts. If you don’t like someone, the way he holds his spoon will make you furious. If you care about someone he can turn his plate over in your lap and you won’t mind. She was wild and crazy, loud and ditzy. He was quiet and reserved, shy and smart. He was gorgeous, she was cute at best, but somehow they fell in love. And she eyes him in the halls; his blue eyes quickly glance her way. Coincidence? .. Probably. I’m not staring at your butt. I’m admiring your back pockets. I have come to realize that he’s just a guy, a special one maybe, but he’s not mine. I don’t need to do things to make him love me again. If he wanted to, he would. She’s tough. She tries to hide it . She’s difficult. But if you make an effort. She’s worth it. She’s worth the effort. All she wants to hear is him calling her beautiful, right when she’s about to give up on it all. He reached for her hand. “I don’t want to lose you.” his voice was almost in a whisper. She could feel the tears again, and she fought them back. “But you don’t want to keep me either, do you?” To that, he had no response. Smile, even of he’s smiling at someone else. Clearly I have mistaken you for someone who actually cared.

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They say “ absence makes the heart grow fonder,” but I think I like you more when you’re here. If you don’t love me, someone will. She didn’t belong. She was misunderstood. And she would change him forever. - A Walk To Remember. Well, maybe you shouldn’t judge people before you get to know them. Shrek He’s the kinda boy you can flirt with yet still talk to like he’s your best friend. People don’t change. They just find new ways to lie to you. You already had my heart. All you needed to do was say hello. A best friend sticks up for you even when you’re wrong. Our lives are shaped by those who refuse to love us. If at first you font succeed; ask him if he has a brother. We met. We became best friends. I trusted him. We flirted. I fell for him. He flirted with her, he ruined everything. He makes me melt like a popsicle on the fourth of July. - The Little Rascals. One day he’s gonna realize “wow she really did love me.” All I want is to be a girls falling asleep in a boy’s arms not caring about anything else in the world except how I feel right there with him. She said, “ you”re a loser.” He replied, “but I’m your loser.” Who I am and what I’m capable of doing has always surprised me. He could be that guy, but I’m not that girl. How that kid made her smile from across the country is beyond me. “it’s all make believe, isn’t it.” If words could kill, I’d sentence you to death. Friends aren’t supposed to get jealous when you meet a new guy; they’re supposed to ask if he has a brother. She’s the girl with her hands in her pocket, staring at her feet. She’s the girl you never knew you loved. Because of you she’ll never think she’s good enough, or that she’ll ever amount to anything. You didn’t say it, but your actions told her everything. He smiles and looks away; and you wonder if just maybe that smile meant something he just couldn’t say. If you love me so much, why are you walking away? She was never the type to go after a boy, but this time it was different. She was tired of waiting around for one guy to notice her; she had to take a chance. I don’t blame you; I wouldn’t want my broken heart either. Just because you fell for her first, doesn’t mean you can’t fall for me now. Here’s the truth about the truth; it hurts, so we lie. Rejection is more than just a simple no, it’s the feeling that no one will

ever say yes. I’d love to ruin his life. If I knew how. I don’t want to say that I dislike you … oh wait I do. Was it really worth it? Was she everything you were looking for? I’m sorry I can’t unlove you. Legally, it’s questionable. Morally, it’s disgusting. Personally, I like it. I tend to say I don’t know when I’m to lazy to answer. 507. “Forever is a long long time, and time has a way of changing things.” – Fox and the Hound 508. There is a great need for a sarcasm font. 509. She’s strong because she knows what it’s like to be weak. She keeps her guard up, because she knows what it’s like to cry herself to sleep. 510. Can you look into my eyes and tell me that you don’t care? Honestly, I don’t think you can. 511. I don’t let people in, I always have this wall around my heart so I don’t get hurt, but I let you in. I didn’t even make you try to tear down the wall around my heart, I tore it down for you, and then you hurt me. So badly, and I don’t know how to react. 512. It’s easier to walk away then to fight for something you really care about. 513. I won’t tell anyone that your voice is my favorite sound. 514. I don’t know that love changes. People change. Circumstances change. – Nicholas Sparks. 515. I’m not in denial. I’m just selective about the reality I accept. 516. You are more important than you realize. 517. I caught your eye in the hallway today. I swear I saw you smile. 518. She likes you a lot, she just has a funny way of showing it. But hey, so do you. 519. Even though you thing at this very moment he couldn’t possibly be thinking of you, he probably is. 520. Oh, did I mention when I see you it stings like hell? Due to the fact that we could have something that’ll never happen. 521. If looks could kill, then my profession would be staring. 522. Eventually one of two things will happen: He’ll realize you’re worth it or you’ll realize he isn’t. 523. There will always be other fish in the sea; you just have to find your Nemo. 524. I hate you, and then I love you. It’s like I want to throw you off a cliff, then rush to the bottom to catch you. 525. You used to give me butterflies, now you just give me the urge to kick you in the balls. 526. At this point it’s love me, or leave me alone. 527. Because one day, I’m going to tell him how he drove me right into your arms. And that, it’s going to kill him. 528. She’s getting to you. You’re finding that you don’t like being without her; 501. 502. 503. 504. 505. 506.

your feeling exactly how she did. 529. Alcohol isn’t the answer, but it sure helps forget the question. 530. And it’s not like anyone thinking about me anyway. 531. Instead of saying this and that… How about you prove it to me? 532. When I saw you I fell in love. And you smiled because you knew. 533. And I don’t think you’re beautiful, I think you’re beyond it. 534. 1 Universe, 9 planets, 204 countries, 809 islands, 7 seas, and I had the privilege to meet you. 535. I can see the venom in your eyes. 536. You’re my own fairy tale. 537. It’s not what they call you. It’s what you answer to. 538. There are just some people you always go back to. No matter what. 539. People, who belong together, stay together. 540. It’s not what you look at, but what you see. 541. I would like to start over, please. 542. I’m not the chick you spit your game to; I’m the girl you give your last name to. 543. I feel like books are my only escape right now. 544. I’m done. But I’m not giving up hope. Maybe one day we’ll be together but clearly this is not our time. 545. Sometimes I wish I could snap my fingers and you’d be right next to me. 546. You talked to me today for the first time in awhile. And I finally got to smile. 547. We all come with scars. –Degrassi 548. If you ever get mauled by a bear, I hope he stays away from your face because I think you’re cute. 549. Every scar I have makes me who I am. 550. Don’t ever say goodbye when you know in the first place that you can’t just leave. 551. I bet you’ll never remember the things I’ll never forget. 552. It’s not a big deal. I’ve never been good enough for anyone, anything. 553. At some point you have to realize he doesn’t care and maybe you’re missing out on someone who does. 554. And she wonders which part of her wasn’t good enough. 555. He asked me what I planned on doing with the rest of my life. When I said “I don’t know.” He got down on one knee and said, “Wanna spend it with me?” 556. He’s annoying, he’s hilarious, he makes me yell, he drives me crazy. He’s out of his mind, and he’s everything I want. 557. Reality scares me. 558. It’s kind of complicated, kid, but I’ll tell you thing. The second you’re willing to make yourself miserable to make someone else happy. That’s love right there. 559. She feels so comfortable with him like she can tell him anything. She can

be herself, no lies. She knows she doesn’t have to impress him to make him love her back. 560. Love is when hurting him would just hurt you more. 561. I fantasize about not telling anyone and going off to some random place and I’d just disappear and they’d never see me again. 562. There’s a part of me that is going to be in love with you for the rest of my life. 563. Truth is; I don’t think we’ll keep in touch. 564. He was her best friend, the one who made her laugh when she didn’t feel like smiling, the one who made her feel so secure when she was scared, and the one she fell completely in love with. 565. Right now, you’re the only reason I’m not giving up. 566. We look for love because it’s the closest thing we have to magic. 567. Yes, I remember. No, I won’t forget. 568. Good chance you don’t like me. Better chance I don’t care. 569. I’m the girl you don’t forget. 570. You never get used to him being gone. You just learn to get through it. 571. I always have this fear that one day you’re going to realize I’m not as great as you once thought I was. 572. Everything looks perfect from a distance. 573. Don’t trust them when they say, “he doesn’t deserve you” because you’re the only one who knows how he give you butterflies and leaves you breathless. 574. I wasn’t kidding when I said I’d always love you. 575. You know, if I loved him, I wouldn’t mind being woken up at 4:37 in the morning because he needed to know how to spell a word. 576. I don’t know what to do. 577. You taught me how to fear you, you taught me how to not trust you. 578. Maybe this is how it's supposed to be. I'm not supposed to love you and you're not supposed to love me. 579. Even though I know you're a liar, if you told me right now that you loved me and that you were sorry, I would believe you. 580. Omnia Mutantur, nihil interit. Everything changed, but nothing is truly lost. 1. If I could make just one wish, it would be to have no reason to make one. 2. I don't want the stars and the moon; I want someone to lay underneath them with. 3. I don't know how to be something you'll miss. 4. I love you. You know this right? And no matter what you say or what you do will ever change this. 5. I can't promise to fix all of your problems, but I can promise you won;t have to face them alone. 6. I had the time of my life fighting dragons with you.

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Because you saw me when I was invisible. I missed talking to you. And I missed the way you understood everything about me. 9. If you think I've given up on you, you're crazy, and if you think that I don't love you, then you're just wrong. 10. If your brain was chocolate – you wouldn't fill a M & M. 11. So when you're done talking to her or whatever you do, don't call me. I won't be here; not as your back up. Not anymore. 12. Stop taking my breath away, it's getting to hard to breathe. 13. There, I just said it, I'm scared you'll forget about me. 14. You can't love anyone until you love yourself. 15. I don't want anyone else to realize how amazing you are. 16. I didn't give up because I didn't care, I gave up because you didn't. 17. For the first time in my life, I don't even want to say anything to you at all. 18. Here's to you, and hoping someday you realized I actually did care. 19. She's the type of girl who will try not to like you, but in the end, she falls even harder. 20. My biggest fear is letting you down. 21. And he doesn't even realize the little things he does that breaks her heart. 22. I planned to say all these horrible things to you, but in the end, I just want to tell you I miss you. 23. Sometimes I wish I could read your mind. Then I wonder if I could handle the truth if I did. 24. I love the way you look at me when I say something stupid. It's like you're about to get mad, and then all of a sudden, you smile. 25. Love me when I make no sense at all. 26. I know love exists, because I found you, the person I want to grow old with. There's no other explanation of what I feel towards you. 27. I want to be the girl that stops you in the middle of a conversation just to look at. 28. If you're convinced that you are not good enough, you'll have a difficult time accepting someone into your life who thinks you are. 29. Distance sucks, but I love you. 30. All she really wants is a boy who will look past the shyness and awkwardness and love her for it. 31. I want to say I deserve better, and mean it. I want to say I give up, and believe it. I want to say I'm moving on, and do it. 32. I tell him how much I love him because I'm afraid one day I won't be able to anymore. 33. And I promise you this, no matter who enters your life, I will love you more than any of them. 34. Maybe my face doesn't light up when I see you anymore, but my heart

still does. You can't save a damsel if she loves her distress. I've been broken before. I know what it's like to see something funny and not laugh. 37. I will always love you, but I'm no longer in love with you. 38. Running away only makes things worse in the end. But it does feel good at the moment... doesn't it. 39. If you don't like where you are then change it. You are not a tree. 40. I adore you, you crazy, gorgeous, wonderful (but also sometimes quite weird – but still very lovely) person. 41. I knew I wasn't going to have you forever, but at least I had you for a little while. 42. I don't need professional help, I've got my friends. 43. If he misses you, he'll call. If he cares, he'll show it. If not, he can't be worth you're time because you're obviously not worth his. 44. I don't hate you. I never will. I just act like I do, because it's easier than admitting I miss you. 45. You really love him don't you? A simple psychological question. Not a single name was mentioned, but someone suddenly came into your mind. 46. I miss you. Everything about you. What I miss most about you … is us. 47. If a girl is stupid enough to love you after you've broken her heart, I guarantee you, she's the one. 48. I still remember how we first started … I miss you. 49. Yes, you're worth it. Screw what they say. 50. I love you but you make me really mad sometimes. 51. Avoiding a conversation doesn't mean it's not going to happen. You are better off just getting it over with. 52. Maybe one day, I'll be what you need. 53. One day, we'll be together. Maybe it's not today, but I swear it'll be someday. 54. Don't promise me the moon or the stars, just promise me you'll stay under them with me forever. 55. She's not going to forget about you. You mattered to her. You don't just forget people you care about. 56. Your eyes say I need you, but your actions say we could never be together. 57. You don't want me, but you want me to keep wanting you. 58. Missing you really does suck 59. If I admit I miss you, then what? 60. If someone truly loves you, no matter how many times you reject them, they'll keep on loving you. 61. I didn't choose you, my heart did. 62. I like it when you smile, it's cute. 63. Just because our relationship was short does not mean it was not 35. 36.

everything I wanted. You don't need to find someone perfect, you just need someone who you can make you smile, make you laugh, and you can be yourself around. 65. Maybe I'm nothing to you. But you are a big thing to me, so I will do anything for you just to make you happy. 66. If they've promised they'd never hurt you, they've already lied to you. 67. Every new day is another opportunity to change your life. 68. When you let go of who you are, you become who you were meant to be. 69. The scariest thing about distance is that you're not sure if that person will either miss you or forget you. 70. When you love someone, you just do. There are no maybes, no buts, and no whys. 71. You don't leave the people you love alone. 72. I'd go through 364 bad days only to get one good day. Because that one day, would make it all worth it. 73. Real friends don't get offended when you insult them. They smile and call you something even more offensive. 74. I want you because I miss you. I miss you because I need you. I need you because I love you. 75. If I get mad at you, that means I still care. Worry when I don't get mad. 76. Take Me As I Am... Or Watch Me Leave. 77. We all need the best friend that will get down on the floor with you. 78. The hardest thing about realizing you don't love me, is that you spent so much time pretending that you did. 79. The tree doesn't withdraw it's shade from the woodcutter. So, love even those who hurt you. They'll realize your worth someday. 80. Some days you smile through it. 81. I'm no therapist, but I promise you I will listen. I will care. 82. I don't know where I'm going, but I'm going. Are you coming with me? 83. Love is taking a few steps backward, maybe even more, to give way to the happiness of the person you love. - Pooh 84. Sometimes we just need a hug. A hug where someone wraps their arms around you so tight and assures you everything will be okay. 85. I need a hug. No. I need your hug. 86. You might not know this, but I'd go out of my way just to make sure that you're okay. 87. Some people care too much. I think it's called love. - Pooh 88. I didn't say you were a slut... I just implied that you don't sleep in your own bed too often. 89. 64.

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