quizlet 4

June 30, 2019 | Author: Muhammad Hannan | Category: Risk Management, Risk, Technology, Business, Engineering
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API 580 Study online at quizlet.com/_e8nj5 1.

580 provides guidance to ____,_ ____, and  _____ of o f press pressure ure cont containing aining equipment equipment for developi deve lopi ng and implementing an inspection program.

Owners, operator, operato r, and an d designers



Although the risk mana management gement principles princip les and conc epts that that RBI is built on are universally univers ally applicable, thi s RP is specifically targete targeted d at the applic ation of  RBI in the ______ and _____ process p rocess industry. industry.

hydrocarbon, chemical

14.  _____ _


As new data (such (such as inspec inspectio tion n results and industry experiences with simil ar processes) becomes available or when changes occur (e.g. operating conditions),  _________  _____ ____ of the RBI program program can be made made that will provide a refreshed view of the risks. Risk management plans should then be ______ appro priately.

reassessment adjusted

Because of the broad diversity in organizations' organiza tions' size, size, culture, c ulture, and o r loc al regulatory requirements, this RP offers users use rs the flexibility flexibility to apply the RBI ___ __ within the th e context of existing existing corpo rate risk management practices and to accommodate unique ______ circumstances.

methodology, local

By using risk management, some risks may be identified as acceptable acceptable so that no ____  _____(mitigation)  _____ (mitigation) is required.

risk red uctio uction n


Comb ination of the probabilit y of an Combination an event event and its consequence is called _____.



The compara comp arative tive risk of a facility, process unit, system, system, equipment equip ment items, or components is called ____ ____.

relative risk


A concept o f minimization that postulates postulates that attributes (such (such as risk) risk) c an only be reduced to a certain minimum under current technolo gy and with reasonable reasonable cost is ______

ALAR P(as low low as reasonably practical)

The expected expected outcome outc ome from the application of RBI process SHOULD be the linkage of _____ with approp riate inspection, process p rocess con control trol or other ot her risk risk mitigation activities to manage the risks.


External events are usually beyond the  _______ or ______ co ntrol of persons  _____ persons emplo employed yed at or by the facility.

direct, indirect


Failure is defined defined as ___ __ __ __.

loss of  containment.


An ideal and accurate descripti description on and quantification of risk is _____

absolute risk





If excessive inspection is applied, the level of risk may even even __ __. This is because because ____ inspections in certain cases may cause additional deterioration.

go up, invasive

______ is the act of mitigating a known kno wn risk that is deemed deemed to be too high to a lo wer, more mo re acceptable level level of o f risk with some form of risk reduction activity.  _____ _ ____, on the other hand, hand, is a proc proces esss to assess assess risks, to determin determine e if risk reduction is required required and to develop a plan to maintain risks at at an acceptable level.

Risk redu cti ction, on, risk managment


A level level of o f risk that is acceptable to the owner-user is ______

acceptable risk


The manner manner of failure failure is ___ __ __. For RBI, the failure failure of conc ern is ____ __ _ _ _____ of  pressurized equipment items. Examples of  failure fa ilure modes are are _____ ____, ___ _, ____, ___ _, and ____. ____ .

failure mode, loss of  containment, small hole, cracks, rupture.


Numeric relative risk values determined in qualitative and se semi-quantitative mi-quantitative assessments using appropriate sensibility analysis methods also may m ay be used effe ef fectively ctively to eva evaluate luate ___ _____ _____..

risk acceptance.

The primary audience audience of this RP is ____ and  ____ personnel who are are res responsible ponsible for the mechanical integrity and operability of  equipment covere co vered d by this RP. Ho weve wever, r, while an organiz o rganizations ations inspection/mate inspection/m aterials rials engineering engineering gro up may_____ the RBI ini tiative.

inspection, engineering, champion


The primary work produc ts of the RBI assess ass essment ment and management approach appro ach are plans that address ways to manage risks on an _______ leve l evel. l.



Process used to compare the estimated risk risk against against given risk criteria to determine evaluation the significance significance of the risk is called ___ ____.


Purpose of this doc ument is to provide users with the basic elements for_____,______, and _______ a RBI program.

Developing, implementing, and maintaining


RBI also also is co mplementary to RCM programs in that both programs are are focused on understanding understanding ____ _____, __ ___, addressing the modes and therefore improving the ____ o f equipment equipment and process facilities.

failure modes, reliability



The RBI app roach emphasizes safe an reliable operation through ______-______ inspection.



RBI, as a risk-based approach, focuses attention specifically on __ ____ and associated _____ ____ representing the most risk to the facility.

equipment, damage mechanisms


RBI complements the ____ by focusing on the mechanical integrity related to damage mechanisms and risk management through inspectio n.


RBI guideline issues covered include introduction to the concepts and principles of RBI for risk management; and individual sectio ns that describe the steps in applying t hese princip les within the framework of the RBI proc ess include:

e. assessing POF f. assessing COF g. risk determination, assessment , and management h. risk management with insp. activities and process control




RBI guideline issues covered include introduction to the concepts and principles of RBI for risk management; and individual sectio ns that describe the steps in applying t hese princip les within the framework of the RBI proc ess include:

a. understanding the design premise b. planning the RBI assessment c. data and info collection d. identifying damage mechanism and failure modes

RBI guideline issues covered include I. other risk introduction to the concepts and mitigation principles of RBI for risk management; activities and individual sectio ns that describe the  j. reassessment steps in applying t hese princip les within and upd ating the framework of the RBI proc ess include: k. roles, responsibilities, training, and qualifications L. documentation and recordkeeping

RBI is based on sound, proven risk assessment and ____ principles. Nonetheless, RBI will not co mpensate for:

d. inadequate designs or faulty equipment installment e. operating outside integrity operating windows(IOW's)


The RBI process is focused on maintaining the _____ _____ of pressure equipment items and minimizing the risk of loss of containment due to deterioration. RBI is not a substitute for  ____ or ____ __.

mechanical integrity, PHA, HAZOP


RBI produc es ____ and ____ plans for equipment that identify the actions that should be taken to provide reliable and safe operation.

inspection, maintenance


RBI represents the next generation of  inspection approaches and interval/due date setting, recognizing that the ultimate goal of inspectio n is _____ and  ____ of operating facilities.

safety, reliability


The results of qualitative risk analysis are dependent on the ___ __ and expertise of  the analysis and the objective of the analysis.




probability, consequence


A risk assessment and management process that is focused on lo ss of  containment of pressurized equipment in p rocessing facilities, due t o material deterioration is called______.



Risk is the comb ination of the _____ of  some event occurring at a time period of  interest and the _____, associated with the event.

probability, consequence


The risk remaining after risk mitigation is called _____ ____.

residual risk


This RP is intended to promo te_____ and  _____ in the identification, assessment, and management of risks pertaining to material of risks pertaining to material deterioration, w hich co uld lead to _____  __ ______.

consistency, quality, loss of  containment.


Through RBI, inspection activities are focused on higher ____ items away from lower risk items.





Utilization o f RBI provides a vehicle for c ontinuo usly improving th e inspection o f facilities and systematically reducing risk associated with ____ __ ______ failures.

pressure boundary

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