
October 4, 2017 | Author: Maria Theros | Category: Transport, Leisure, Business
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11 / 40 marks

Vocabulary Choose the correct answers.

1 Did you check online to see which ticket to South Africa? a airline b aircraft c airbus d airwave

has the cheapest

9 It’ll only take us fifteen minutes to get there on It’s silly to drive! a bus b tram c train d foot

2 The guide said that she would be taking us to the city's best-known sights. a transfer b travel c tour d trip

10 We spent the day at a that was so small we were the only people there. a cove b gulf c lagoon d bay

11 I'd really like to go on a(n) university exams. a distant b abroad c overseas d faraway

3 Why didn’t you make a a room without one! a organisation b preservation c reservation d destination

? I told you we wouldn’t get


trip after my

4 If you had looked at the , you would have known that we were visiting the pyramids today. a plan b itinerary c arrangement d guide

12 My family and close friends left for Germany. a saw me off b paired me up c took to me d picked me up

13 We had been at for only a few hours when the storm started and huge waves began crashing against the ship. a cruise b journey c sea d water

5 Unfortunately, there’s been a . Our flight isn’t going to leave for another two hours. a check b stop c wait d delay

6 Is the more expensive now? Last time I bought tickets on that ferry it was really cheap to get to the island. a fee b fare c payment d pass


All the planes were a grounded b boarded c booked d declared

due to bad weather conditions.

8 We’d like to hire a and visit the Mediterranean islands this summer, but we need someone who knows how to sail it. a yacht b ship c liner d vessel Copyright © National Geographic Learning. Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use.

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at the airport when I

Oh no! I can’t find my boarding a paper b package c pace d pass

15 We had to wait in the departure before we could board the plane. a lounge b gate c place d room


for an hour

16 If you have nothing to at customs, just walk through the green doors. a claim b show c declare d say Close-Up B2 Teacher’s Resource Pack Quiz 11

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entertainment on SuperJet is 17 I've heard the fantastic. Apparently there are about 100 movies to choose from. a on board b in-flight c on plane d in cabin 18 Let’s before we go out to eat. This luggage is heavy and I want to leave it at the hotel. a book into b check in c check out d set off

19 Peggy and Reg are so lucky; they're on a Caribbean sailing to fantastic islands! a cruise b retreat c journey d excursion 20 I thought the cabin extremely rude! a guides b agents c staff d crew

on Breezy Air were

(___ / 20 marks)

Grammar Choose the correct answers.

1 The German tour guide spoke ____ of all the tour guides on our trip. a the more intelligently b the most intelligently c most intelligently d most intelligently than

7 These plane tickets were ____ of all the ones I found on offer. a less expensive b the least expensive c a little expensive d less expensive than


Oh, that sunrise is _____ gorgeous colour! a such b so c such a d so a


England was cold, but Russia was ____ freezing! a absolutely b very c little d fairly


Staying in a hostel is ____ staying in a five-star hotel. a cheaper than b more cheap than c more cheap d cheaper

2 The hot sun was shining ____ for us to visit the street market. a too brightly b enough bright c so brightly d very bright

3 The ship was ____ that I got lost going back to my cabin! a such a big b so a big c such big d so big 4

'I love Spanish food!' 'Oh, so do I, and these are ____ tapas I've ever eaten!' a good b better than c best d the best

5 'I didn't know there would be this many people in Cairo.' 'Neither did I. It's ____ people I've ever seen in one city!' a many b the more c the most d more than

6 We had to walk ____ we had expected, but the temple was worth the walk. a farther than b the furthest c further d the farthest

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11 'Did you like the traditional singer at the café last night?' 'No, he sings ____ I do!' a worst b worse c worse than d more bad than 12 I don't think I should have walked so far yesterday; I can ____ move now. a hard b harder c hardest d hardly 13

'Do you think a cruise is ____ a beach holiday?' 'Not really. I'm not very keen on boats.' a as pleasant as b more pleasant c so pleasant d the more pleasant Close-Up B2 Teacher’s Resource Pack Quiz 11

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14 The ____ he travels abroad, the less he likes his own country. a less b most c least d more

18 We ____ enjoyed Vienna, but we wouldn’t go back again. a hugely b quite c pretty d utterly

15 The itinerary was ____ packed that we didn't enjoy the trip. a too b enough c so d such



'I prefer trains to buses.' 'So do I. A bus doesn't travel as ____ as a train.' a quick b quickly c quicker d quickest


'Look, the waiter apologised for the poor service.' 'Well, I'm afraid that just isn't ____; I'm leaving!' a too good b good enough c so good d such a good

Dad brought me a ____ blouse from Madrid! a gorgeous silk red b red gorgeous silk c gorgeous red silk d silk gorgeous red

20 It was ____ that we were exhausted when we arrived in Los Angeles. a such long flight b so long flight c so long a flight d such long a flight

(___ / 20 marks)

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Close-Up B2 Teacher’s Resource Pack Quiz 11

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