
October 4, 2017 | Author: Maria Theros | Category: Leisure
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6 / 40 marks

Vocabulary Choose the correct answers.

1 He seems to think he’ll believe him. a make b put c take d break

9 Although she enjoys it, she doesn't very often. a do b go c have d play

the world record and I


in the competition, you could win a new 2 If you take tennis racket. a part b place c down d up

10 Britain's biggest restaurant, Za Za Bazaar, can one thousand diners! a put b seat c deal d sit


11 The spectators cheered as the boxers entered . the a field b track c ring d rink

Only one person a slept in b showed up c sat back d sat around

4 We don’t at home. a want b like c think d feel


How can you a win b share c shuffle d pass

at my party. It was a disaster!

up to going out tonight. We’d rather stay

the cards so quickly? It's amazing!

with a free membership card after being 6 John was so helpful. a intended b provided c rewarded d awarded 7

, I fancy eating snails. Once in a a blue moon b two minds c a loose end d second thoughts

8 I got hopelessly lost in the forest because my broken. a collection b compass c course d court

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12 Three hundred dollars for that ridiculous! a piece b exhibit c sample d part 13 A nice relaxing this evening. a wander b stroll c activity d jogging

of art is

along the beach would be lovely


Where's the a map b path c track d alley


a b c d


a surprise party for Terry's birthday. Let’s a run b throw c present d do

? Don't tell me you left it at home!

a bite to eat? Share Grab Fancy Have

Close-Up B2 Teacher’s Resource Pack Quiz 6

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17  time to time, I miss the peace and quiet of the countryside. a At b In c For d From

the Internet for information, but 19 Teenagers can they don't know how to find books in a library! a look b surf c sail d load

computers are great because you can 18 I think take them anywhere. a outdoor b portable c active d connected

20 Did you hear that Hilary finished in first Sally came second? a medal b position c form d place

and that

(___ / 20 marks)

Grammar Choose the correct answers. 1

'Michael Phelps has won a lot of gold medals, 'Yes, many. He's an amazing swimmer.' a has he b didn't he c hasn't he d was he


a b c d


with my friends is my favourite free-time activity. To hang out To hanging out Hanging out Hang out

3  the players here yet? The game starts in two minutes! a Aren't b Does c Didn't d Were 4

tennis than play it.' 'Frank would rather 'He isn't very fit, is he?' a watch b watching c to watch d watches


Let's go play beach volleyball, a may we b shouldn't we c won't we d shall we


here by now.' 'The new gym equipment should 'Let me call and see what's happened to it.' a being b to have been c have been d have being

7 Dad and I went to the school the basketball tournament. a asking b to ask c ask d asked


about taking part in

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'My son is ten. Can he go on the rollercoaster?' on this ride.' 'No, he is a young enough to go b too young go c too young to go d enough young

9 We're very excited about weekend. a going b to go c to going d go

base jumping this

swimming because they had just 10 The children had lunch. a weren't let to go b weren't allowed going c weren't allowed to go d weren't let going 11

the tickets for the match.' 'Mum forgot 'What! Now we can't go!' a to pick up b picking up c pick up d having picked up

12 Wear gloves to prevent go mountain climbing. a hurt b to hurt c to be hurt d hurting 13 The player stopped onto the court. a greeting b to greet c greets d greeted 14

your hands when you

his fans before walking

'May I help you, sir?' there’s a boat that leaves at two.' 'Yes, a would like to know whether b could you tell me c could you tell me if d I would like ask you Close-Up B2 Teacher’s Resource Pack Quiz 6

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Stella doesn't really enjoy going geocaching, a can she b wouldn’t she c doesn't she d does she


It's no good a to cry b cries c crying d cry


Don't throw the ball so hard, a will you b don't you c do you d won't you


an amazing dive! Cool! a That wasn't b That isn't c Wasn't that d Was that


about it. So you lost … big deal!


19 My coach was glad the big match. a seeing b see c to see d to be seen 20

that the team was ready for

, please.’ 'I'd like to know 'In half an hour.' a when will the film start b when does the film start c when starts the film d when the film starts

(___ / 20 marks)

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Close-Up B2 Teacher’s Resource Pack Quiz 6

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