Quiz Track1 1

April 13, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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ISIK UNIVERSITY EFL TRACK 1 QUIZ 1 READING 1 Read the text and answer the questions. Write full sentences. The shopping habit

Kate and Molly are both students. They go to the same college in London and they’re very good friends. They both enjoy the cinema and going to the gym and, like all young  people, they both love shopping. But they go shopping in very different places. Kate likes shopping in town. She likes going into different shops to look at different clothes and takes her boyfriend Sam with her. He doesn’t like shopping, but he likes Kate! He goes shopping with her every Saturday and sits and waits in the shops. Sometimes Kate stays in town for five hours. She looks at clothes in different colours and sizes and tr ies ies them on. Her favourite designer is Calvin Klein, but he’s quite expensive, so Kate doesn’t often buy his clothes. She doesn’t have a lot of money and she can’t buy a lot of clothes, but she loves looking. looking.   Molly also likes designer clothes. She loves buying shoes and she has a lot in her room. But Molly doesn’t go shopping in town. She prefers to use the Internet. She loves shopping online. She sits at her computer for hours and looks for cheap clothes and shoes. Sometimes when the clothes arrive, they aren’t a ren’t the right size. Sometimes they aren’t the right colour, but that’s no problem for Molly. She returns them and buys more. Molly doesn’t like going to the shops in town where there are a lot of people. She likes her computer –  computer –  it’s her favourite shop!  shop!  1.  Where does Kate go shopping?

 ________________________________________________________  ____________________________ ______________________________________ __________ 2.  Where does Molly go shopping?  ________________________________________________________  ____________________________ ______________________________________ __________ 3.  Why does Sam go shopping with Kate?  ________________________________________________________  ____________________________ ______________________________________ __________ 4.  Why doesn’t Kate buy a lot of clothes?  clothes?   ________________________________________________________  ____________________________ ______________________________________ __________ 5.  What does Molly look for on her computer?  ______________________________________________________  ____________________________ ______________________________________ ____________



GRAMMAR Part 1 Order the words to make sentence 1.  has/ girlfriend / beautiful / tall / and / Tom / a /  _____________________________________________________  _________________________ ____________________________________ ________ 2.  always / go / on / Saturday / I / cinema/ to / the  _____________________________________________________  _________________________ _______________________________________ ___________ 3.  how much / those / are /shoes / black / ? /  _____________________________________________________  _________________________ _______________________________________ ___________ 4.  can’t play / but / I / very well/ guitar / sing / I / song / can / the / aa    _____________________________________________________  _________________________ _______________________________________ ___________ it  / hers / isn’t / 5.  my / it’s / cat / it /  _____________________________________________________  _________________________ ________________________________________ ____________

10 Part 2 Write the questions. 1.   ___________________________  _________________________________________ ______________ They’re Alan’s and Kate’s cell phones 2.   ___________________________  _________________________________________ ______________ I usually have dinner at half past six. 

 __________________________________________ _______________ 3.   ___________________________ Yes, I can. I’m a professional footballer.  ___________________________________________ ________________ 4.   ___________________________ She meets her friends in the city centre. 5.   ___________________________  ___________________________________________ ________________ No, I don’t. I hate shopping.

10 bef ore, but, then, after, or   Part 3 Complete with and, bef 1.  I don’t like pop music _____ rock music. 2.  I go to bed at 11.00 _____ I don’t sleep until 12.30. I usually watch TV in bed. 3.  I like drinking a cup of Turkish coffee ________ dinner. 4.  On Saturdays I usually get up late. I have breakfast .________ I meet my friends.


5. always brush my I go to bed.family.   spending timeteeth with________ my friends_______ 6.  II like



Part 4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

Example: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

They have have (have)  (have) a new car.

_______ (be) his father father a police officer? officer? My brother brother and his wife _______ (have) a big house. How often _______ you _______ (do) exercise? My sister never _______ (eat) meat. The apples _______ (not be) on the table. ‘Are they they French?’ ‘Yes, they _______’ (be).  (be).  She _______ (not teach) German. German. She teaches Spanish. My son _______ (go) to bed very late. What _______ (be) your husband’s name?  name?  What time _______ you _______ (get up) in the morning? morning? I _______ (not like) watching watching sport on television. Where _______ your brother _______ (work)? (work)? He always _______ (read) the newspaper on Saturdays. He _______ (not be) Scottish. He’s English.  English.   _______ you _______ (like) cooking? 15

Part 5 Complete the sentences with one word.


My father’s an engineer. an engineer.

1 A  This isn’t my umbrella. Is it _______? it _______? B  No, it isn’t mine.  mine.  2 Our French lesson starts _______ nine o’clock.  o’clock.   3 She’s our new English teacher. _______ name is Charlotte.  Charlotte.  4 We go shopping _______ Mondays. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

This _______ Lucia. She comes from Italy. Italy. Brad Pitt Pitt is a good actor, but I don’t don’t like _______ very much.  much.   This isn’t my book. Give it to Maria. It’s _______.  _______.  I can speak Russian, but I _______ write it it very well.  _______ you help me, please? I don’t understand this question.  question.  My brother doesn’t like _______ films on television. televisi on. My parents always come to our house _______ Christmas. They _______ at home with Philip’s friends.  friends.   What sports sports do you do _______ summer? Do you you like _______ to the cinema?



VOCABULARY Part 1 Write the opposite.


safe dangerous dangerous  

1 cheap 2 dirty

______ ______

6 fast 7 always

______ ______

3 wake up ______ 4 fair ______ 5  turn on ______

8 empty 9 tall 10 start

______ ______ ______

5 Part 2 Complete the sentences with one word

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

I m ____________ my friends every Saturday. My brother is a m _____________. He plays pla ys the guitar. I want to to go home. Can you c _______ a taxi, please? I always h _______ breakfast before I go to work. I r _______ a newspaper everyvery weekend. Helen and her sister are both beautiful, but their younger sister sister is u _______. They want to g _______ married in July. My sister’s a bank manager. She works in an o _______. I usually w _______ up very late at the weekend. I don’t want to wait for the bus so I w _________home for 20 minutes. 10

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