Quiz 7
September 4, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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rbdu`th 8 6,6:??? nb 6,6:??? pu`tms
_m` bebgb`tms h om`sanbrhr b` eh bstrhtbdah nb eh mrdh`azhoaÿ` phrh pmnbr pmtb`oahr be áxatm nb eh gasgh. \bspubsths sbebooam`hnhs;
^bo`memdçh o.
A`imrghoaÿ` \bspubsths;
^bo`memdçh l.
Demlheazhoaÿ` o.
A`imrghoaÿ` n.
Yb`thkh hlsmeuth
Vrbdu`th < 6,6:??? nb 6,6:??? pu`tms
_m` vb`thkhs nb ehs bstruoturhs trh`s`hoam`hebs \bspubsths sbebooam`hnhs;
^mnhs sm` omrrboths \bspubsths;
^mnhs sm` omrrboths l.
Drh` rbobptavanhn emohe o.
Bxpemth be om`moagab`tm b`trb irm`tbrhs n.
Eh sbnb omrpmrhtavh dbstam`h eh rbn demlhe
Vrbdu`th ? 6,6:??? nb 6,6:??? pu`tms
R`h trhybotmrah tbo`meÿdaoh anb`taiaoh ems ihotmrbs iu`nhgb`thebs phrh be nbshrrmeem tbo`meÿdaom. \bspubsth sbebooam`hnh; Ybrnhnbrm \bspubsths; Ybrnhnbrm Ihesm
Omgb`thrams phrh rbspubsth;
Vrbdu`th > 6 nb 6,6:??? pu`tms
½Xuá gátmnm pmnbgms utaeazhr phrh jhobr u`h hsad`hoaÿ` hnbouhnh nb ems rboursms phrh be nbshrrmeem= \bspubsths sbebooam`hnhs;
Bxpbrab`oah h`tbramr o.
Rshr eh a`tuasaÿ` \bspubsths;
Bxpbrab`oah h`tbramr l.
Lb`ojghrca`d o.
Rshr eh a`tuasaÿ` n.
Rshr be hzhr
Vrbdu`th 2 6 nb 6,6:??? pu`tms
Eh dbstaÿ` nb eh a`imrghoaÿ` nblbrçh hkusthrsb he tapm nb mrdh`azhoaÿ`; Hsmoab ems om`obptms om` ehs mpoam`bs qub sb eb nh` Vrmobsms bgprbshrahebs bgprbshrahebs ruta`azhnms, omstbs rbnuoanms, `avbebs nb oheanhn uglrhe ShW Naspm`alaeanhn Naspm`alaeanh n nb a`imrghoaÿ` prboash y h tabgpm smlrb be rb`nagab`tm rbspbotm h ems mlkbtavms nbia`anms SlW \bspubsth sbebooam`hnh;
Eh dbstaÿ` nb eh a`imrghoaÿ` nblbrçh hkusthrsb he tapm nb mrdh`azhoaÿ`; Hsmoab ems om`obptms om` ehs mpoam`bs qub sb eb nh` Vrmobsms bgprbshrahebs bgprbshrahebs ruta`azhnms, omstbs rbnuoanms, `avbebs nb oheanhn uglrhe Om`trme bstrhtádaom Naspm`alaeanhn nb a`imrghoaÿ` prboash y h tabgpm smlrb be rb`nagab`tm rbspbotm h ems mlkbtavms nbia`anms Om`trme ia`h`oabrm
Eh dbstaÿ` nb eh a`imrghoaÿ` nblbrçh hkusthrsb he tapm nb mrdh`azhoaÿ`; Hsmoab ems om`obptms om` ehs mpoam`bs qub sb eb nh` Vrmobsms bgprbshrahebs bgprbshrahebs ruta`azhnms, omstbs rbnuoanms, `avbebs nb oheanhn uglrhe Veh`aiaohoaÿ` bstrhtádaoh Naspm`alaeanhn nb a`imrghoaÿ` prboash y h tabgpm smlrb be rb`nagab`tm rbspbotm h ems mlkbtavms nbia`anms Om`trme ia`h`oabrm ^mnhs ehs mpoam`bs nb rbspubsth
Veh`aiaohoaÿ` bstrhtádaoh Veh`aiaohoaÿ` Om`trme ia`h`oabrm Om`trme bstrhtádaom
Vrbdu`th 9 6,6:??? nb 6,6:??? pu`tms
_m` ohrhotbrçstaohs nb ehs bstruoturhs nb jmena`ds \bspubsths sbebooam`hnhs;
Naiçoaebs nb om`trmehr \bspubsths;
Naiçoaebs nb om`trmehr Vmpuehrbs Eb`ths
Vrbdu`th 4 6 nb 6,6:??? pu`tms
Be jbojm nb tb`br qub nupeaohr ehs navasaÿ` bs u` a`om`vb`ab`tb phrh u`h bstruoturh guetanavasam`he \bspubsth sbebooam`hnh; Ihesm \bspubsths; Ybrnhnbrm Ihesm
Omgb`thrams phrh rbspubsth;
Vrbdu`th : 6,6:??? nb 6,6:??? pu`tms
_m` hedu`hs nb ehs `ubvb (1) prublhs nbe nasbøm nb eh bstruoturh nb eh mrdh`azhoaÿ` \bspubsths sbebooam`hnhs;
Vrublh nb eh vb`thkh b` be gbrohnm o.
Vrublh nbe pbrsm`he b.
Vrublh nb eh vb`thkh nb eh ghtraz \bspubsths;
Vrublh nb eh vb`thkh b` be gbrohnm l.
Vrublh nb hlehoaÿ` o.
Vrublh nbe pbrsm`he n.
Vrublh nb bstrás b.
Vrublh nb eh vb`thkh nb eh ghtraz
Vrbdu`th 1 6 nb 6,6:??? pu`tms
Eh dbstaÿ` nbe rb`nagab`tm pmtb`oah be áxatm gbnah`tb; \bspubsth sbebooam`hnh;
Eh nbia`aoaÿ` nb mlkbtavms y eh bvheuhoaÿ` nbe rb`nagab`tm \bspubsths;
Ehs hunatmrçhs phrh vhemrhr ems rbquasatms nb rboursms jugh`ms Eh peh`aiaohoaÿ` nb rbomgpb`shs
^mnhs ehs h`tbramrbs Eh nbia`aoaÿ` nb mlkbtavms y eh bvheuhoaÿ` nbe rb`nagab`tm
Vrbdu`th 86 6,6:??? nb 6,6:??? pu`tms
R` gmnbem nb `bdmoam nbsoralb eh bstruoturh nbe prmnuotm, sbrvaoam y ieukm nb a`imrghoaÿ` y be phpbe nb ems hdb`tbs phrtaoaph`tbs. phrtaoaph`tbs. \bspubsth sbebooam`hnh; Ybrnhnbrm \bspubsths;
Ybrnhnbrm Ihesm
Guy lab`!!!
Omgb`thrams phrh rbspubsth;
Vrbdu`th 88 6,6:??? nb 6,6:??? pu`tms
Eh om`iadurhoaÿ` nb u`h mrdh`azhoaÿ` bstè omgpubsth pmr ehs bstruoturhs, ems prmobsms y ehs rbehoam`bs h trhvás nb ehs ouhebs mpbrh eh mrdh`azhoaÿ`. \bspubsth sbebooam`hnh; Ybrnhnbrm \bspubsths; Ybrnhnbrm Ihesm Omgb`thrams phrh rbspubsth;
Guy lab`!!!
Vrbdu`th 8< 6 nb 6,6:??? pu`tms
Oubstam`bs h om`sanbrhr pmr be ehnm nb eh mibrth ouh`nm vbgms be tbgh nb eh naiusaÿ` nb eh a``mvhoaÿ`. \bspubsths sbebooam`hnhs;
Eh hobpthoaÿ` o.
Eh omgphtalaeanhn n.
Be rbojhzm \bspubsths;
Eh hobpthoaÿ` l.
Be drhnm nb gbkmrh o.
Eh omgphtalaeanhn n.
Be rbojhzm sèlhnm 2 nb sbptabglrb nb
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