Quiz #6-WPS Office

March 31, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Quiz #6 Seasons


I-Multiple Choice:

Choose the letter of the

correct cor rect answer answer..


1. Earth's seasons are caused by which of the follo following? wing?

a. the the var varyi ying ng amou amoun nt of suns sunspo pott acti activi vity ty

b. the rota rotatio tion n of of the the Earth Earth durin during g a 24 24 hou hourr day day c. the the Ear Earth th's 's orbi orbitt abo about ut the the Sun Sun as an ellip ellipse se rather rat her than a circle d. the tilt tilt of the Earth Earth's 's Axis Axis of rot rotati ation on rela relativ tive e to to the elliptic as Earth revolves around the Sun.


2. What effect does the tilting of the earth have? have?

a. When When the the ear earth th is tilt tilted ed awa away fr from the the sun sun w we e have day. b. When When the the ear earth th iiss tilt tilted ed a awa way y from from the the sun sun we we have night c. it chan change gess the the angle angle that that the the sun sun str strik ikes es the the Ear Earth th in different land areas. d. it cau causes ses tthe he Ear Earth th to to be far farth ther er awa away y from from the the Sun at different times of the year.


3. When it is summer in souther hemisphere, which of the following best describes the tilting of the Earth in the Northern hemisphere? a. towards the Sun b. away from the sun

c. toward ards or or aw away fr from th the su sun d. neit neithe herr tow towar ard d or away away from from the the moon moon


4. Which motion do the arrows arrows in the diagram represent? a. Earths arths rotat otation ion b. Sun Sun's 's Rot otati ation on c. Su Suns ns Rev evol olut utio ion n d. Earths arths revo revoluti lution on


5. Why do seasons change in the Philippines?

a. Th The e sun sun is dire direct cted ed to the the sou south ther ern n hemisphere only b. and th the e sun su n is som someho ehow w ti tilt lted ed tto o bo both th No Nort rthe hern rn Southern Hemisphere c. se seas ason onss ch chan ange ge bcoz bcoz earth earth is ssta tati tion onar ary y directing its rays rays to Northern hemisphere h emisphere only. d. Sea Seasons sons cha change nge bec because ause dir direct ect ra rays ys of the sun shift feom one hemisphere to the other as the Earth goes around the sun.


6. Which part of the earth experiences summer in December and colder in June?

a. No North rther ern n He Hemi misp sphe here re sin since ce ssun un is is tilt tilted ed towards it on june and dec.

b. No Nort rther hern He misphe phere b bco coz it rrec ecei eive ves s ser direct ranysHemis rays from the re Sun inzDec. and lesser les in June. c. So South uther ern n hemi hemisph spher ere eb bec ecaus ause e it it rrec ecie ieve vess direct rays from rays the sun in dec. and les lesser ser Solar energy in June d. Bot Both h southe southern rn an and d northe northern rn hem hemisp ispher here e because they receive equal rays rays directed from the Sun in Dec. and June.


7. It is the movemen movementt of the Earth around its axis.


b.Tripping c.Rotation d.Circling


8. Earth Revolves Revolves around the ___________.

a.Axis b. edge c. Sun d.Moon


9. In June North pole is tilted ___________ the sun.

a.near b.away c.toward d.above


10. Temperate Countries experience experien ce changing in season every __________ ___________. _.

a.one month b.two months c. three c.thr ee mon months ths d.four months


II- Id Iden entif tific ica atio tion: n:

Write the correct answer

on your paper


1. Changes in season happen for how many days? 2. Earths rotation rotation on its axis happen for _____ hour/day 3. It is the Movement of the Earth around the sun.


4. How many seasons do we have? 5. What season is happening from March March to June in the temperate tempera te countries? countries 6. In which month is ?the North Pole tilted toward the sun?


7. Day and night is the effect of earth's tiltation as effect they rotates rotates on its its  _________. 8. From Sept. to Dec, northern Hemisphere experience __________ season.


9. Planet Earth tilt for about ______ degrees. 10. Direct ray ayss means it hit the ground at ____ degrees..

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