Quiz 3

September 15, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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The tax refund or tax credit on exported products shall not be allowed on a. All mineral products, coal and coke. b. All mineral products CORRECT c. All metallic products d. Coal and coke

Who is the taxpayer on locally-produced excisable goods? a. Producer CORRECT b. Wholesaler c. Consumer d. Importer

Who is ulmately liable for the reccaon of spirits? a. Both disller and recer b. Transporter c. Disller d. Recer CORRECT

The excise tax on certain excisable goods is a tax on a. Property – the goods produced or manufactured CORRECT b. Person – the owner or producer of certain goods c. Privilege – the right to enter into the business of producing or imporng certain arcles d. Privilege – the right to transport certain goods

Excise taxes that are imposed based on weight or volume capacity or other physical unit or measurement are called


a. Quantave tax b. Ad valorem tax c. Specic tax CORRECT d. Metrical tax

Who is required to pay the excise tax on excisable goods? a. Producer b. Possessor of excisable goods with unpaid excise tax c. ImporterF d. Any of these CORRECT

Indigenous petroleum petroleum does not include a. Coal, peat and bituminous shale or straed deposits b. Mineral oil or gas c. Hydrocarbon or gas d. Bitumen or crude asphalt CORRECT Bitumen or crude asphalt

Petroleum products sold to the following shall be subject to excise tax: a. Government agencies and GOCCs CORRECT b. Asian Development Development Bank c. Ecozone-enterprises d. Internaonal carriers

Which of the following does not properly describe excise tax on certain goods or services?


a. Vanity tax b. Environment tax c. Estate tax CORRECT d. Sin tax

Which statement is false? a. All excisable petroleum products are subject to specic taxes. b. All excisable jewelries are subject to ad valorem tax. c. Cigarees are subject to specic taxes. d. All excisable automobiles are subject to specic tax. CORRECT

Excise tax shall apply to certain goods intended for: I. Domesc consumpon II. Foreign consumpon a. Neither I nor II b. I only c. II only d. Both I and II I only

Excise tax on locally produced excisable goods shall be paid a. Upon sale of the goods b. Upon removal of the goods c. Within 15 days from the removal of the goods


d. Before the removal of the goods CORRECT

When domesc products that are removed from their place of producon without payment of the excise tax, the tax shall be paid by the a. owner having possession thereof. CORRECT b. buyer and seller equally. c. last seller. seller. d. producer of the goods.

Whether metallic or non-metallic mineral product, the excise tax on imported goods shall be paid a. Within 10 days aer removal of the goods from Customs b. Within 15 days from importaon c. Upon sale of the goods to the Customs territory territory d. Before removal of the goods from Customs CORRECT

Statement 1: The regulatory aspect of specic taxes on certain sin products will best be preserved when their tax rates adjust for inaon. Statement 2: There is no need to adjust ad valorem taxes since they ride with inaon. Which statement is correct? a. Statement 1 only b. Both statements are correct CORRECT c. Both statements are incorrect d. Statement 2 only Both statements are correct


Which of the following services is subject to excise tax? a. Acupuncture rejuvenaon therapy b. Collagen inducon therapy c. Invasive cosmec procedures and surgeries CORRECT d. Dermal llers

The excise tax on certain goods or services is not a a. Naonal tax b. Direct tax CORRECT c. Tax on domesc consumpon d. Indirect tax

Rizal Company has three cigar processing plants located in Laguna, Manila and Dapitan. Rizal’s head oce is in Manila. Which is true with respect to the ling of excise tax? a. Rizal can choose to le the return at any of the RDOs having locaon locaon of the plants. b. Only one consolidated return needs to be led in Manila. c. One return shall be led for each factory or place of producon. CORRECT d. Rizal shall le the return where it warehouses its products. One return shall be led for each factory or place of producon.

Who will pay excise tax? a. Manufacturer of denatured alcohol b. Manufacturer of vinegar c. Manufacturer of plasc


d. Hospitals for performing cosmec surgery Hospitals for performing cosmec surgery

Which of the following requires a payment of bond? a. Removal of wines and dislled spirits for tobacco leaf treatment. b. Removal of spirits for reccaon. c. Removal of fermented liquor to bonded warehouses. d. All of the above. CORRECT

Which statement is correct? a. Excise tax normally don’t have a deadline of payment. CORRECT b. Excise taxes are imposed at the point of consumpon. c. Business for subsistence are exempt from excise tax. d. Excise tax is payable on top of value-added tax but not of percentage tax. Excise tax normally don’t have a deadline of payment.

Which of the following agricultural products is subject to excise tax? a. Ground coee b. Tobacco rolls CORRECT c. Soymilk d. Rened sugar

The term “quarry resources” does not include


a. Granite and basalt b. Marble and volcanic cinders c. Metallic rocks or mineralized rocks CORRECT d. Rock phosphate

These refers to things produced and prepared in marketable state by simple treatment processes of washing or drying without undergoing any chemical change or process or manufacturing by the lessee, concessionaire or owner a. Minerals b. Quarry resources CORRECT c. Metallic minerals d. Mineral products

Which is not a sin product? a. Cigarees b. Jewelry CORRECT c. Chewing tobacco d. Dislled spirits

The excise tax on locally-produced or manufactured products that are exported shall be claimed by the producer as a. Tax credit b. Expense c. Tax refund d. Tax refund or tax credit CORRECT


Del Pilar manufactured cigaree and sold the same to Bonifacio. Bonifacio exported the goods abroad to a foreign retailer, Benjamin. Who is entled to claim refund for the excise tax? a. Del Pilar b. Bonifacio c. Benjamin d. None of them CORRECT

AMT, Inc. produced and withdrawn 1,000,000 units of excisable goods X which is subject to P1/unit excise tax. AMT uses goods X to manufacture Y which is sold domescally and abroad. 50,000 units of Y was produced out of which 30,000 units were exported. Which is incorrect? a. Excise tax is payable only on the 400,000 units of goods X. b. AMT shall pay P1 million in excise tax. c. AMT shall claim tax credit or refund of P600,000. d. None of the above. Excise tax is payable only on the 400,000 units of goods X.

The excise tax on locally-produced or extracted mineral or mineral products shall be due and payable a. Within 15 days from the removal of the goods CORRECT b. Upon sale of the goods c. Upon removal of the goods d. Before the removal of the goods Within 15 days from the removal of the goods

Which is subject to the 20% jewelry tax? a. Silver-plated wares


b. Gold-plated frames or mounngs for eyeglasses c. Pearl CORRECT d. Dental gold alloys or gold tooth lling

The excise tax on excisable goods exported is claimed by refund or tax credit. Which is an excepon to this rule? a. Sin products b. Non-essenal goods c. Petroleum products d. Mineral products CORRECT

Whether metallic or non-metallic mineral product, the excise tax on imported goods shall be paid a. Within 10 days aer removal of the goods from Customs b. Upon sale of the goods to the Customs territory territory c. Before removal of the goods from Customs CORRECT d. Within 15 days from importaon

Which could not be considered a vanity tax a. Tax imposed upon champagne CORRECT b. Tax imposed upon automobiles c. Tax imposed upon cosmec surgery d. Tax imposed upon jewelry

Which is not subject to excise tax? a. Sweetened beverages


b. Prostuon CORRECT c. Precious metals d. Quarry resources

Indigenous petroleum petroleum does not include a. Mineral oil or gas b. Bitumen or crude asphalt CORRECT c. Hydrocarbon or gas d. Coal, peat and bituminous shale or straed deposits

Which could not be considered a green tax? a. Tax imposed upon petroleum products b. Tax imposed upon mineral products c. Tax imposed upon quarry minerals d. Tax imposed upon jewelry CORRECT Tax imposed upon jewelry

The excise tax on minerals does not apply to a. Diamond and sapphire b. Natural gas CORRECT c. Gold, chromite, copper, silver or iron d. Indigenous petroleum

Filing of an excise tax bond is required on a. Excise tax on metallic minerals and mineral products CORRECT


b. Excise tax on indigenous petroleum or natural gas c. Excise tax on non-metallic minerals and mineral products d. Excise tax on mineral products Excise tax on metallic minerals and mineral products

Who is required to pay the excise tax on excisable goods? a. Producer b. Possessor of excisable goods with unpaid excise tax c. Importer d. Any of these CORRECT

The tax due on non-metallic or mineral product, or quarry resources shall be due and payable a. Upon sale of the goods b. Before the removal of the goods c. Upon removal of the goods CORRECT d. Within 15 days from the removal of the goods

Taxes imposed to restrain luxury a. Vanity tax b. Sin tax c. Green tax d. Sumptuary tax CORRECT

Which of the following products is subject to both ad valorem and specic tax? a. Automobiles


b. Cigars and cigarees c. Dislled spirits d. Dislled spirits, cigars and cigarees CORRECT

Taxes imposed on substance known to harm health a. Sumptuary tax b. Vanity tax c. Green tax d. Sin tax CORRECT

Which is subject to purely specic tax? a. Dislled spirits b. Cigarees CORRECT c. Cigar d. Yacht

Which statement is false? a. Automobiles used exclusively within freeport zones shall be exempt from excise tax. b. Manufacturers and importers are subject to ad valorem tax on their net selling price, net of excise tax and ad valorem tax. c. To be considered a hybrid vehicle, a vehicle must be able to run using solely electric motor. d. Buses, trucks, cargo vans and jeepneys shall be considered as automobiles for purposes of excise tax. CORRECT

Excise to shall apply to certain goods that are I. Locally produced


II. Imported a. I only b. Both I and II CORRECT c. II only d. Neither I nor II

Which of the following mineral products is subject to specic tax? a. Granite b. Indigenous petroleum c. Copper and gold d. Coal and coke CORRECT Coal and coke

When domesc products that are removed from their place of producon without payment of the excise tax, the tax shall be paid by the a. buyer and seller equally. b. producer of the goods. c. owner having possession thereof. CORRECT d. last seller.

What is the tax basis on goods subject to ad valorem tax? a. Gross selling price at the place of producon b. Gross selling price of the resellers of the goods c. Gross selling price at the place or producon or in other places if sold by the owner in other places. CORRECT d. Producon cost plus a minimum 10% margin


What is the threshold alcohol content that when exceeded shall reclassify wines into dislled spirits? a. 14% b. 10% c. 30% d. 25% CORRECT

Statement 1: Excise tax rates are relave more burdensome compared to other business taxes. Statement 2: Excise tax rates covers a small range range or products or services. Which statement is correct? a. Both statements are correct CORRECT b. Both statements are incorrect c. Statement 1 only d. Statement 2 only

Who is the taxpayer on locally-produced excisable goods? a. Producer CORRECT b. Consumer c. Importer d. Wholesaler

Statement 1: Excise tax, customs dues and the VAT VAT on importaon is similarly collecble at the point of importaon. Statement 2: Excise tax and the VA VAT on importaon are similarly imposed upon landed costs. Which statement is correct? a. Statement 2 only


b. Statement 1 only c. Both statements are incorrect d. Both statements are correct (CORRECT)

Sin taxes is not imposed on a. Wines b. Cosmec surgery CORRECT c. Sweetened beverages d. Cigars

In the case of indigenous petroleum, natural gas or liquied natural gas, the excise tax thereon shall be paid by the a. The person who is in possession of the same b. Producer of the goods c. Seller of the goods d. First buyer of the goods CORRECT

Who will pay excise tax? a. Manufacturer of denatured alcohol b. Manufacturer of vinegar c. Hospitals for performing cosmec surgery CORRECT d. Manufacturer of plasc

The tax refund or tax credit on exported products shall not be allowed on a. All mineral products, coal and coke. CORRECT b. All metallic products


c. Coal and coke d. All mineral products

Which is subject to payment of excise taxes? a. Removal of damaged liquor b. Removal of tobacco products enrely unt for chewing or smoking c. Removal of petroleum coke to be used as fuels of power plants d. Removal of bunker fuel for the producon of excisable products CORRECT The correct answer is: Removal of bunker fuel for the producon of excisable products

No excise tax credit or refund is allowed to the export of which of the following commodies? a. Petroleum products b. Mineral products CORRECT c. Coal d. Coke

Which of the following is not considered a taxable sin product? a. Sweetened beverages b. Tobacco leaves c. Marijuana CORRECT d. Liquors

Amita Company is a VAT-registered car manufacturer. It had the following data on the manufacture of a car model during a period of recession: Producon costs, P1,000,000 Transportaon and other expenses of sale, P200,000


Final selling price to customer, P1,100,000 What is the nal basis for the ad valorem tax? a. P1,100,000 b. P1,000,000 c. P1,200,000 d. P1,320,000 CORRECT (P1,000,000 + P200,000) x 110%

AMT Company sells hybrid cars ulizing alternave power sources. The cars have selling prices ranging from P2 million to P20 million. During the month, it completed the producon of 2 units of the Time Saver model with aggregate cost of P2 million and wholesale price of P6 million.

What is the ad valorem tax? a. P0 b. P1,200,000 c. P600,000 CORRECT d. P3,000,000 P6M x 20% x 50%

A small-scale miner sold his gold to a gold trader for P500,000. What is the excis excise e tax? a. P50,000 b. P20,000 c. P100,000 d. P0 CORRECT


RPL Company produced the following vehicle models during the month: a. P340,000 b. P300,000 CORRECT c. P0 d. P600,000

Your answer is correct. P3M x 20% x 50% Electric car is exempt Bus and jeep is an exempt vehicle Motorbike is not expressly taxed

AMT Company sells sports cars with selling prices ranging from P2 million to P20 million. During the month, it completed the producon of 2 units of the Time Traveler model with aggregate cost of P2 million and wholesale price of P6 million. What is the ad valorem tax? a. P1,200,000 CORRECT b. P3,000,000 c. P0 d. P600,000 SRP per unit = P6M/2 = P3M per unit P6M x 20% = P1.2M

Miss Tessa, a VAT-registered physician and beaucian, conducted an internal abs enhancement procedure to a Mr. Fred Casllo, a praccing accountant. The two contracted for a P2 million payment before taxes. What is the amount of withholding tax that Mr. Fred Casllo shall deduct on the professional fees?


Select one: a. P210,000 b. P204,000 c. P100,000 d. P200,000 CORRECT P2M x 10% Withholding tax does not cover excise tax and output VAT. The taxpayer is VAT registered; presumed to have an annual receipt exceeding P3M a year

Miss Tessa, a VAT-registered physician and beaucian, conducted an internal abs enhancement procedure to a Mr. Fred Casllo, a praccing accountant. The two contracted for a P2 million payment before taxes. What is the excise tax? a. P200,000 b. P40,000 c. P0 d. P100,000 CORRECT P2M x 5%

The excise tax on excisable goods exported is claimed by refund or tax credit. Which is an excepon to this rule? a. Sin products b. Petroleum products c. Non-essenal goods d. Mineral products CORRECT

Which statement is false?


a. Cigarees are subject to specic taxes. b. All excisable jewelries are subject to ad valorem tax. c. All excisable automobiles are subject to specic tax. CORRECT d. All excisable petroleum products are subject to specic taxes

Miss Tessa, a VAT-registered physician and beaucian, conducted an internal abs enhancement procedure to a Mr. Fred Casllo, a praccing accountant. The two contracted for a P2 million payment before taxes. What is the VAT due on the transacon? a. P252,000 CORRECT b. P120,000 c. P264,000 d. P0 (P2M x 105%) x 12%

The excise tax on certain excisable goods is a tax on a. Privilege – the right to enter into the business of producing or imporng certain arcles b. Person – the owner or producer of certain goods

c. Property – the goods produced or manufactured CORRECT d. Privilege – the right to transport certain goods

Dr. Tacac, a VAT-registered surgeon, conducted a cosmec surgery on Miss Ivana for P1,200,000. The fee is agreed to be inclusive of VAT and excise tax. What is the excise tax? a. P60,000 b. P53,571 c. P51,202 CORRECT d. P57,143


(P1.2M/112%) x 5%/105% = P51,202

Lopez Company imports and manufactures various various automobile models. During the month, it had the following data on its operaon: a. P3,000,000 b. P4,350,000 c. P4,000,000 d. P4,550,000 CORRECT (P12.5M + P30M) x 110% x 10% = P4,550,000

Dr. Tacac, a VAT-registered surgeon, conducted a cosmec surgery on Miss Ivana for P1,200,000. The fee is agreed to be inclusive of VAT but exclusive of excise tax. What is the excise tax? a. P53,571 CORRECT b. P60,000 c. P57,143 d. P50,000 (P1.2M/112%) x 5%

Amita Company is a VAT-registered car manufacturer. It had the following data on the manufacture of a car model during a period of recession:

Producon costs, P1,000,000 Transportaon and other expenses of sale, P200,000 Final selling price to customer, P1,100,000 What is the nal basis for the ad valorem tax? a. P1,200,000 b. P1,320,000 CORRECT


c. P1,000,000 d. P1,100,000 (P1,000,000 + P200,000) x 110%

The tax refund or tax credit on exported products shall not be allowed on a. All mineral products CORRECT b. All mineral products, coal and coke. c. Coal and coke d. All metallic products

AMT Company sells electric cars with selling prices ranging from P2 million to P20 million. During the month, it completed the producon of 2 units of the Time Saver model with aggregate cost of P2 million and wholesale price of P6 million. What is the ad valorem tax? a. P1,200,000 b. P0 CORRECT c. P600,000 d. P3,000,000

AMT Company sells sports cars with selling prices ranging from P2 million to P20 million. During the month, it completed the producon of 2 units of the Time Traveler model with aggregate cost of P2 million and wholesale price of P6 million. What is the ad valorem tax? a. P3,000,000 b. P600,000 c. P0 d. P1,200,000 CORRECT


Feedback Your answer is correct. SRP per unit = P6M/2 = P3M per unit P6M x 20% = P1.2M

AMT Company sells hybrid cars ulizing alternave power sources. The cars have selling prices ranging from P2 million to P20 million. During the month, it completed the producon of 2 units of the Time Saver model with aggregate cost of P2 million and wholesale price of P6 million. What is the ad valorem tax? a. P1,200,000 b. P0 c. P600,000 d. P3,000,000 Feedback Your answer is incorrect. P6M x 20% x 50% P600,000

Marcelo is an operator of a eet of 10 taxis operated under the “boundary system.” A total of P150,000 “boundary” payments from chaueurs was received in March 2020. A total of P20,000 is sll receivable from chaueurs for family advances. The percentage tax for the month is a. P4,500 CORRECT b. P5,100 c. P600 d. P360

Isabelo Insurance Corporaon has the following receipts and receivables from its insurance products:


What is the insurance premiums tax due? a. P20,000 b. P36,000 c. P24,000 CORRECT d. P30,000

Panganiban Company is conducng an inial public oering of 2,000,000 shares. Panganiban Company already had 4,000,000 issued and outstanding share shares. s. The new IPO shares shall be sold at P3 per share. What is the tax on the inial public oering? a. P60,000 b. P120,000 CORRECT c. P240,000 d. P0

Emilio, a non-VAT-registered operator of jeepney, reported a total receipt of P200,000 during a month, including P20,000 rentals for cargo transport. How much is the percentage tax? a. P6,000 CORRECT b. P0 c. P5,400 WRONG d. P6,600

In a recently completed race, Rivera Astrodome noted the following winning ckets: Straightt bets: P40,000, 20 ckets at P100 per cket Straigh cket Combinaon bets: bets: P20,000, 2 ckets at P200 per cket cket What is the percentage tax to be withheld on the winnings? a. P3,800 b. P4,584


c. P5,760 WRONG d. P0

Padre Burgos, a non-VAT taxpayer, is an operator of four buses plying the route Isabela-Manila. In February 2020, the buses remied a total of P320,000, including P30,000 freight and charges for passenger baggage. The common carriers tax is a. P0 b. P10,500 c. P8,700 WRONG d. P9,600 CORRECT

Antonio Ferry Boats transport passengers and cargoes between the islands of Palaui and Sta. Ana. It earned a total of P120,000 in February 2020, excluding P10,000 freight for cargoes. What is the percentage tax if Antonio Ferry boats registered respecvely as a non-VAT taxpayer and as a VAT taxpayer? a. P3,600 and P0 b. P3,900 and P3,600 c. P0 and P0 d. P3,900 and P0 CORRECT

Fernando Company is a transportaon contractor of Amita Delivery Services, a mail courier company. Fernando Company delivers the mails to addressee locaon specied in the mails. During the month, Fernando Company was paid P400,000 by Amita. The percentage tax due is a. P48,000 b. P12,000 CORRECT c. P24,000 d. P0


Ricarte Bank reported the following receipts during the month: What is the gross receipts tax due? a. P110,000 CORRECT b. P100,000 c. P70,000 d. P80,000

A quasi-bank received the following from its short-term placement of excess funds: Dividend income, P500,000 Bank interest interest income, net of nal tax, P800,000 What is the gross receipts tax due? a. P50,000 CORRECT b. P40,000 WRONG c. P0 d. P91,000

wo taxis which were both grounded during the month of March due to the enhanced community quaranne. The applicable presumpve quarterly gross receipt for each tax was P3,600. What is the percentage tax due for March 2020? a. P72 b. P0 c. P216 WRONG d. P108

Panday Pira Local Water District has an annual sales of P10 million a year. During the month, it collected P4,000,00 from sales of water. The percentage tax due is a. P80,000 CORRECT


b. P0 c. P200,000 d. P120,000

Compensaon income from teaching, P200,000 Receipts from taxi, P50,000 Receipts from professional pracce What is the percentage tax payable of Apolinario for March 2020? a. P18,000 WRONG b. P12,000 c. P0 d. P1,500

MV Leona, an internaonal shipping carrier, had the following receipts on its Philippine operaons: a. P54,000 CORRECT b. P99,000 c. P0 d. P144,000

Paterno Flights, an internaonal carrier, recorded the following receipts during a month for outgoing ights: a. P60,000 b. P51,000 CORRECT c. P75,000 d. P15,000


Lakandula is an operator of cockpit. During the quarter, it collected P200,000 from gate receipts, P240,000 from “tongs” and P300,000 from business concessionaires inside the cockpits. Total winnings on derby sets totaled P2,400,000. What is the amusement tax? a. P0 b. P133,200 CORRECT c. P74,000 WRONG d. P111,000

An operator of car with chaueurs for hire had the following nancial results during a month: What is the percentage tax due? a. P4,200 b. P4,320 WRONG c. P2,880 CORRECT d. P7,200 WRONG

There are two compeng garage with the following receipts: Juan, P1,200,000 Diego, P3,500,000 Who will pay percentage tax? a. Both Juan and Diego CORRECT b. Juan only c. Diego only d. Neither Juan nor Diego

Padre Gomez owns a cargo truck for rent. During the month, it generated total receipts of P40,000 from various clients. The percentage tax due is a. P4,800


b. P0 c. P1,200 CORRECT d. P2,000

Palma Bank had the followi following ng summary of receipts What is the gross receipts tax due? a. P200,000 b. P220,000 c. P160,000 WRONG d. P180,000

Mr. Dipatuan pracces his profession as a medical praconer. He registered as a VAT-taxpayer. Mrs. Dipatuan is a nurse employed by a public hospital. Which statement is correct? a. Mrs. Dipatuan is exempt from business tax. b. Mr. Dipatuan shall pay percentage tax. c. Mr. Dipatuan is exempt from business tax. d. Mrs. Dipatuan shall pay percentage tax. WRONG

Apolinario owns and operates a taxi unit. He also teaches as an accounng professor at a university and renders professional consultancy services to various clients. Apolinario is registered as a VAT-taxpayer. In March 2020, he had the following receipts: Compensaon income from teaching, P200,000 Receipts from taxi, P50,000 Receipts from professional pracce P100,000 What is the total amount subject to VAT? a. P0


b. P400,000 c. P350,000 CORRECT d. P550,000

Dagohoy Corporaon sell bread to various stores and makes P150,000 monthly sales on the average. During the month, it made total sales of P200,000 out of which only P160,000 was collected. What is the percentage tax due? a. P0 b. P4,800 c. P6,000 CORRECT d. P4,500

Lapu-Lapu Corporaon, a non-VAT taxpayer, leases commercial spaces to various businesses. During a month, it received P142,500 rentals, net of 5% creditable withholding tax. What is the percentage tax due? a. P4,061 b. P4,275 c. P0 d. P4,500 CORRECT

Padre Gomez owns a cargo truck for rent. During the month, it generated total receipts of P40,000 from various clients. The percentage tax due is a. P2,000 b. P1,200 CORRECT c. P4,800 d. P0


Soliman Corporaon, a publicly-listed company, is planning to increase its public ownership by issuing addional 1,000,000 shares for P10 per share. The new shares will increase the outstanding shares of Soliman to 2,500,000. What is the IPO tax? a. P0 CORRECT b. P100,000 WRONG c. P400,000 WRONG d. P200,000 WRONG

Jose is a proprietor of a mini-store with sales in any 12-month period not exceeding P3,000,000. He shall pay a. Excise tax b. Value-added tax c. Percentage tax CORRECT d. Percentage and excise tax

A cellular company had the following receipts: P2 million from domesc calls P3 million from incoming calls to the Philippines P2.5 million from outgoing calls abroad What is the percentage tax due? a. P0 b. P250,000 CORRECT c. P165,000 d. P75,000

Mariano Ponce had annual sales not exceeding P10 million a year. During the month, it posted a revenue of P2 million, out of which P1.8 million was collected. The percentage tax due is


a. P54,000 CORRECT b. P36,000 c. P0 d. P60,000

Gregoria Transporters, a transportaon contractor, transports employees of Amita Industries to and from Ilagan City to a distant plant in San Mariano City. In March, Gregoria Transporters was paid P300,000 by Amita Industries. The percentage tax due is a. P36,000 b. P15,000 c. P9,000 CORRECT d. P0

Padre Zamora, a VAT taxpayer, is an operator of four buses plying the route Isabela-Manila. In February 2020, the buses remied a total of P320,000, including P30,000 freight and charges for passeng passenger er baggage. The percentage tax due is a. P0 b. P9,600 WRONG c. P8,700 CORRECT d. P10,50 WRONG

Felipe Airlines, an internaonal air carrier, collected a total of P300,000 from transporng passengers during the month. It also collected collected a total of P5,000,000 from transporng transporng mails and baggage. baggage. The percentage tax due is a. P150,000 CORRECT b. P0 c. P1,050,000 d. P900,000


In a recently completed race, Rivera Astrodome noted the following winning ckets: Straightt bets: P40,000, 20 ckets at P100 per cket Straigh cket Combinaon bets: bets: P20,000, 2 ckets at P200 per cket cket What is the percentage tax to be withheld on the winnings? a. P3,800 b. P5,760 c. P4,584 CORRECT d. P0

Graciano Ferries transports passengers and land vehicles between Batangas and Mindoro. Graciano usually had an average average annual receipts of P5,000,000. During the month, it earned a total of P400,000 from customers. The percentage tax is a. P138,000 b. P12,000 WRONG c. P150,000 CORRECT d. P0 WRONG

Mr. Galicano owns 1,000,000 shares represenng 40% of the outstanding stocks of Amita Corporaon, a closely-held corporaon, which is conducng an inial public oering. Mr. Galicano sold 700,000 shares during the inial public oering for P100 per share. Aer the inial public oering, Mr. Galicano further sold his remaining 300,000 shareholdings for P90 per share. What is the IPO tax due from Mr. Galicano on the sale of the 300,000 shares? a. P162,000 CORRECT b. P540,000

c. P270,000


d. P161,000 WRONG

Mr. Galicano owns 1,000,000 shares represenng 40% of the outstanding stocks of Amita Corporaon, a closely-held corporaon, which is conducng an inial public oering. Mr. Galicano sold 700,000 shares during the inial public oering for P100 per share. What is the IPO tax due from Mr. Galicano? a. P350,000 b. P700,000 c. P1,400,000 CORRECT d. P2,800,000

Andres, a VAT-registered taxpayer, reported P200,000 sales last month. His annual sales never exceeded P3,000,000. Compute his percentage percentage tax. a. P6,000 b. P54,000 c. P24,000 d. P0 CORRECT

Melchora has two taxis which were both grounded during the month of March due to the enhanced community quaranne. The applicable presumpve quarterly gross receipt for each tax was P3,600. What is the percentage tax due for March 2020? a. P108 WRONG b. P72 CORRECT c. P0 d. P216 WRONG


Rafael Airlines is a domesc airliner with annual receipts exceeding P50 million. During the month, it generated the following following receipts: Passengers, P5 million; Cargoes and baggage, P1.5 million. The percentage tax due is a. P195,000 WRONG b. P45,000 WRONG c. P0 CORRECT d. P150,000

Apolinario owns and operates a taxi unit. He also teaches as an accounng professor at a university and renders professional consultancy services to various clients. Apolinario is registered as a VAT-taxpayer. In March 2020, he had the following receipts: Compensaon income from teaching, P200,000 Receipts from taxi, P50,000 Receipts from professional pracce What is the percentage tax payable of Apolinario for March 2020? a. P1,500 CORRECT b. P18,000 c. P12,000 d. P0

Palma Bank had the followi following ng summary of receipts: a. P160,000 b. P220,000 c. P180,000 CORRECT d. P200,000


Marcelo is an operator of a eet of 10 taxis operated under the “boundary system.” A total of P150,000 “boundary” payments from chaueurs was received in March 2020. A total of P20,000 is sll receivable from chaueurs for family advances. The percentage tax for the month is a. P4,500 CORRECT b. P5,100 c. P600 d. P360

Isabelo Insurance Corporaon has the following receipts and receivables from its insurance products: What is the insurance premiums tax due? a. P20,000 b. P36,000 c. P24,000 CORRECT d. P30,000

Panganiban Company is conducng an inial public oering of 2,000,000 shares. Panganiban Company already had 4,000,000 issued and outstanding share shares. s. The new IPO shares shall be sold at P3 per share. What is the tax on the inial public oering? a. P60,000 b. P120,000 CORRECT c. P240,000 d. P0

Emilio, a non-VAT-registered operator of jeepney, reported a total receipt of P200,000 during a month, including P20,000 rentals for cargo transport. How much is the percentage tax? a. P6,000 CORRECT b. P0


c. P5,400 WRONG d. P6,600

In a recently completed race, Rivera Astrodome noted the following winning ckets: Straightt bets: P40,000, 20 ckets at P100 per cket Straigh cket Combinaon bets: bets: P20,000, 2 ckets at P200 per cket cket What is the percentage tax to be withheld on the winnings? a. P3,800 b. P4,584 c. P5,760 WRONG d. P0

Padre Burgos, a non-VAT taxpayer, is an operator of four buses plying the route Isabela-Manila. In February 2020, the buses remied a total of P320,000, including P30,000 freight and charges for passenger baggage. The common carriers tax is a. P0 b. P10,500 c. P8,700 WRONG d. P9,600 CORRECT

Antonio Ferry Boats transport passengers and cargoes between the islands of Palaui and Sta. Ana. It earned a total of P120,000 in February 2020, excluding P10,000 freight for cargoes. What is the percentage tax if Antonio Ferry boats registered respecvely as a non-VAT taxpayer and as a VAT taxpayer? a. P3,600 and P0 b. P3,900 and P3,600 c. P0 and P0


d. P3,900 and P0 CORRECT

Fernando Company is a transportaon contractor of Amita Delivery Services, a mail courier company. Fernando Company delivers the mails to addressee locaon specied in the mails. During the month, Fernando Company was paid P400,000 by Amita. The percentage tax due is a. P48,000 b. P12,000 CORRECT c. P24,000 d. P0

Ricarte Bank reported the following receipts during the month:

What is the gross receipts tax due? a. P110,000 CORRECT b. P100,000 c. P70,000 d. P80,000

A quasi-bank received the following from its short-term placement of excess funds: Dividend income, P500,000 Bank interest interest income, net of nal tax, P800,000 What is the gross receipts tax due? a. P50,000 CORRECT b. P40,000 WRONG c. P0 d. P91,000


wo taxis which were both grounded during the month of March due to the enhanced community quaranne. The applicable presumpve quarterly gross receipt for each tax was P3,600. What is the percentage tax due for March 2020? a. P72 b. P0 c. P216 WRONG d. P108

Panday Pira Local Water District has an annual sales of P10 million a year. During the month, it collected P4,000,00 from sales of water. The percentage tax due is a. P80,000 CORRECT b. P0 c. P200,000 d. P120,000

Compensaon income from teaching, P200,000 Receipts from taxi, P50,000 Receipts from professional pracce What is the percentage tax payable of Apolinario for March 2020? a. P18,000 WRONG b. P12,000 c. P0 d. P1,500

MV Leona, an internaonal shipping carrier, had the following receipts on its Philippine operaons: a. P54,000 CORRECT b. P99,000


c. P0 d. P144,000

Paterno Flights, an internaonal carrier, recorded the following receipts during a month for outgoing ights: a. P60,000 b. P51,000 CORRECT c. P75,000 d. P15,000

Lakandula is an operator of cockpit. During the quarter, it collected P200,000 from gate receipts, P240,000 from “tongs” and P300,000 from business concessionaires inside the cockpits. Total winnings on derby sets totaled P2,400,000. What is the amusement tax? a. P0 b. P133,200 CORRECT c. P74,000 WRONG d. P111,000

An operator of car with chaueurs for hire had the following nancial results during a month: What is the percentage tax due? a. P4,200 b. P4,320 WRONG c. P2,880 CORRECT d. P7,200 WRONG

There are two compeng garage with the following receipts: Juan, P1,200,000


Diego, P3,500,000 Who will pay percentage tax? a. Both Juan and Diego CORRECT b. Juan only c. Diego only d. Neither Juan nor Diego

Padre Gomez owns a cargo truck for rent. During the month, it generated total receipts of P40,000 from various clients. The percentage tax due is a. P4,800 b. P0 c. P1,200 CORRECT d. P2,000

Palma Bank had the followi following ng summary of receipts What is the gross receipts tax due? a. P200,000 b. P220,000 c. P160,000 WRONG d. P180,000

Mr. Dipatuan pracces his profession as a medical praconer. He registered as a VAT-taxpayer. Mrs. Dipatuan is a nurse employed by a public hospital. Which statement is correct? a. Mrs. Dipatuan is exempt from business tax. b. Mr. Dipatuan shall pay percentage tax.


c. Mr. Dipatuan is exempt from business tax. d. Mrs. Dipatuan shall pay percentage tax. WRONG

Apolinario owns and operates a taxi unit. He also teaches as an accounng professor at a university and renders professional consultancy services to various clients. Apolinario is registered as a VAT-taxpayer. In March 2020, he had the following receipts: Compensaon income from teaching, P200,000 Receipts from taxi, P50,000 Receipts from professional pracce P100,000 What is the total amount subject to VAT? a. P0 b. P400,000 c. P350,000 CORRECT d. P550,000

Dagohoy Corporaon sell bread to various stores and makes P150,000 monthly sales on the average. During the month, it made total sales of P200,000 out of which only P160,000 was collected. What is the percentage tax due? a. P0 b. P4,800 c. P6,000 CORRECT d. P4,500

Lapu-Lapu Corporaon, a non-VAT taxpayer, leases commercial spaces to various businesses. During a month, it received P142,500 rentals, net of 5% creditable withholding tax. What is the percentage tax due? a. P4,061 b. P4,275


c. P0 d. P4,500 CORRECT

Padre Gomez owns a cargo truck for rent. During the month, it generated total receipts of P40,000 from various clients. The percentage tax due is a. P2,000 b. P1,200 CORRECT c. P4,800 d. P0

Soliman Corporaon, a publicly-listed company, is planning to increase its public ownership by issuing addional 1,000,000 shares for P10 per share. The new shares will increase the outstanding shares of Soliman to 2,500,000. What is the IPO tax? a. P0 CORRECT b. P100,000 WRONG c. P400,000 WRONG d. P200,000 WRONG

Jose is a proprietor of a mini-store with sales in any 12-month period not exceeding P3,000,000. He shall pay a. Excise tax b. Value-added tax c. Percentage tax CORRECT d. Percentage and excise tax

A cellular company had the following receipts: P2 million from domesc calls


P3 million from incoming calls to the Philippines P2.5 million from outgoing calls abroad What is the percentage tax due? a. P0 b. P250,000 CORRECT c. P165,000 d. P75,000

Mariano Ponce had annual sales not exceeding P10 million a year. During the month, it posted a revenue of P2 million, out of which P1.8 million was collected. The percentage tax due is a. P54,000 CORRECT b. P36,000 c. P0 d. P60,000

Gregoria Transporters, a transportaon contractor, transports employees of Amita Industries to and from Ilagan City to a distant plant in San Mariano City. In March, Gregoria Transporters was paid P300,000 by Amita Industries. The percentage tax due is a. P36,000 b. P15,000 c. P9,000 CORRECT d. P0

Padre Zamora, a VAT taxpayer, is an operator of four buses plying the route Isabela-Manila. In February 2020, the buses remied a total of P320,000, including P30,000 freight and charges for passeng passenger er baggage. The percentage tax due is a. P0


b. P9,600 WRONG c. P8,700 CORRECT d. P10,50 WRONG

Felipe Airlines, an internaonal air carrier, collected a total of P300,000 from transporng passengers during the month. It also collected collected a total of P5,000,000 from transporng transporng mails and baggage. baggage. The percentage tax due is a. P150,000 CORRECT b. P0 c. P1,050,000 d. P900,000

In a recently completed race, Rivera Astrodome noted the following winning ckets: Straightt bets: P40,000, 20 ckets at P100 per cket Straigh cket Combinaon bets: bets: P20,000, 2 ckets at P200 per cket cket What is the percentage tax to be withheld on the winnings? a. P3,800 b. P5,760 c. P4,584 CORRECT d. P0

Graciano Ferries transports passengers and land vehicles between Batangas and Mindoro. Graciano usually had an average average annual receipts of P5,000,000. During the month, it earned a total of P400,000 from customers. The percentage tax is a. P138,000 b. P12,000 WRONG c. P150,000 CORRECT



Mr. Galicano owns 1,000,000 shares represenng 40% of the outstanding stocks of Amita Corporaon, a closely-held corporaon, which is conducng an inial public oering. Mr. Galicano sold 700,000 shares during the inial public oering for P100 per share. Aer the inial public oering, Mr. Galicano further sold his remaining 300,000 shareholdings for P90 per share. What is the IPO tax due from Mr. Galicano on the sale of the 300,000 shares? a. P162,000 CORRECT b. P540,000 c. P270,000 d. P161,000 WRONG

Mr. Galicano owns 1,000,000 shares represenng 40% of the outstanding stocks of Amita Corporaon, a closely-held corporaon, which is conducng an inial public oering. Mr. Galicano sold 700,000 shares during the inial public oering for P100 per share. What is the IPO tax due from Mr. Galicano? a. P350,000 b. P700,000 c. P1,400,000 CORRECT d. P2,800,000

Andres, a VAT-registered taxpayer, reported P200,000 sales last month. His annual sales never exceeded P3,000,000. Compute his percentage percentage tax. a. P6,000 b. P54,000 c. P24,000 d. P0 CORRECT


Melchora has two taxis which were both grounded during the month of March due to the enhanced community quaranne. The applicable presumpve quarterly gross receipt for each tax was P3,600. What is the percentage tax due for March 2020? a. P108 WRONG b. P72 CORRECT c. P0 d. P216 WRONG

Rafael Airlines is a domesc airliner with annual receipts exceeding P50 million. During the month, it generated the following following receipts: Passengers, P5 million; Cargoes and baggage, P1.5 million. The percentage tax due is a. P195,000 WRONG b. P45,000 WRONG c. P0 CORRECT d. P150,000

Apolinario owns and operates a taxi unit. He also teaches as an accounng professor at a university and renders professional consultancy services to various clients. Apolinario is registered as a VAT-taxpayer. In March 2020, he had the following receipts: Compensaon income from teaching, P200,000 Receipts from taxi, P50,000 Receipts from professional pracce What is the percentage tax payable of Apolinario for March 2020? a. P1,500 CORRECT b. P18,000 c. P12,000 d. P0


Palma Bank had the followi following ng summary of receipts: a. P160,000 b. P220,000 c. P180,000 CORRECT d. P200,000

Which of the following agricultural products is subject to excise tax?

Select one: a. Tobacco rolls b. Rened sugar c. Soymilk d. Ground coee Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Tobacco rolls Queson 2 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Who is required to pay the excise tax on excisable goods?

Select one:


a. Producer b. Possessor of excisable goods with unpaid excise tax c. Importer d. Any of these Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Any of these Queson 3 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Which is subject to payment of excise taxes?

Select one: a. Removal of damaged liquor b. Removal of tobacco products enrely unt for chewing or smoking c. Removal of bunker fuel for the producon of excisable products d. Removal of petroleum coke to be used as fuels of power plants Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Removal of bunker fuel for the producon of excisable products Queson 4 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00


Not aggedFlag queson Queson text A small-scale miner sold his gold to a gold trader for P500,000. What is the excis excise e tax?

Select one: a. P20,000 b. P0 c. P100,000 d. P50,000 Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: P0 Queson 5 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text To an operator of a domesc sea transport vessel, which of the following is vatable?

Select one: a. Fares from passengers b. Fares from baggage c. Fares from cargoes and mails d. All of the above Feedback


Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: All of the above Queson 6 Incorrect Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Miss Tessa, a VAT-registered physician and beaucian, conducted an internal abs enhancement procedure to a Mr. Fred Casllo, a praccing accountant. The two contracted for a P2 million payment before taxes.

What is the excise tax?

Select one: a. P100,000 b. P40,000 c. P0 d. P200,000 Feedback Your answer is incorrect. P2M x 5%

The correct answer is: P100,000 Queson 7 Correct


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text The stock transacon tax is withheld and remied by

Select one: a. The owner of stocks b. The buyer of the stocks c. The Philippine Stock Exchange d. The stockbroker Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: The stockbroker Queson 8 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text A cellular company had the following receipts: P2 million from domesc calls P3 million from incoming calls to the Philippines P2.5 million from outgoing calls abroad What is the percentage tax due?

Select one:


a. P75,000 b. P165,000 c. P0 d. P250,000 Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: P250,000 Queson 9 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Which of the following requires a payment of bond?

Select one: a. Removal of wines and dislled spirits for tobacco leaf treatment. b. Removal of spirits for reccaon. c. Removal of fermented liquor to bonded warehouses. d. All of the above. Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: All of the above. Queson 10 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00


Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Which is subject to purely specic tax?

Select one: a. Dislled spirits b. Cigarees c. Cigar d. Yacht Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Cigarees Queson 11 Incorrect Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Which statement is false?

Select one: a. Automobiles used exclusively within freeport zones shall be exempt from excise tax. b. Manufacturers and importers are subject to ad valorem tax on their net selling price, net of excise tax and ad valorem tax. c. Buses, trucks, cargo vans and jeepneys shall be considered as automobiles for purposes of excise tax. d. To be considered a hybrid vehicle, a vehicle must be able to run using solely electric motor. Feedback


Your answer is incorrect. The correct answer is: Buses, trucks, cargo vans and jeepneys shall be considered as automobiles for purposes of excise tax. Queson 12 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text A jeepney operator with gross receipts from passenger fares exceeding P3,000,000 in any 12-month period is subject to

Select one: a. 8% percentage tax b. 0% VAT c. 3% percentage tax d. 12% VAT Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: 3% percentage tax Queson 13 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text The tax base of percentage tax on agent of a foreign insurance company not allowed to do business in the Philippines is


Select one: a. Gross sales b. Gross receipts c. Remiances to the foreign insurance company by the agent d. Premiums received from within the Philippines for the foreign insurance company Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Premiums received from within the Philippines for the foreign insurance company Queson 14 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Ricarte Bank reported the following receipts during the month: Interest income Interest income • 1-3 year loan P1,200,000 • 3-5 year loan 800,000 • 6-8 year loan 600,000 • 8-10 year loan 400,000 Total


What is the gross receipts tax due?

Select one: a. P70,000


b. P100,000 c. P110,000 d. P80,000 Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: P110,000 Queson 15 Incorrect Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text To be subject to the general percentage tax, a taxable person must not be

Select one: a. VAT-registered b. Non-VAT-registered c. Operang below the VAT threshold d. All of the above Feedback Your answer is incorrect. The correct answer is: VAT VAT-registered Queson 16 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson


Queson text RPL Company produced the following vehicle models during the month:

Car models

Wholesale prices

BSA electric car


MBA bus




CTS Jeep


CAT motorbikes





What is the total excise tax due?

Select one: a. P300,000 b. P340,000 c. P600,000 d. P0 Feedback Your answer is correct. P3M x 20% x 50% Electric car is exempt

Bus and jeep is an exempt vehicle Motorbike is not expressly taxed

The correct answer is: P300,000 Queson 17 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson


Queson text The excise tax on certain goods or services is not a

Select one: a. Direct tax b. Indirect tax c. Tax on domesc consumpon d. Naonal tax Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Direct tax Queson 18 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text AMT Company sells sports cars with selling prices ranging from P2 million to P20 million. During the month, it completed the producon of 2 units of the Time Traveler model with aggregate cost of P2 million and wholesale price of P6 million.

What is the ad valorem tax?

Select one: a. P600,000 b. P3,000,000 c. P0


d. P1,200,000 Feedback Your answer is correct. SRP per unit = P6M/2 = P3M per unit P6M x 20% = P1.2M

The correct answer is: P1,200,000 Queson 19 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Apolinario owns and operates a taxi unit. He also teaches as an accounng professor at a university and renders professional consultancy services to various clients. Apolinario is registered as a VAT-taxpayer. In March 2020, he had the following receipts: Compensaon income from teaching, P200,000 Receipts from taxi, P50,000 Receipts from professional pracce What is the total amount subject to VAT?

Select one: a. P0 b. P400,000 c. P350,000 d. P550,000 Feedback


Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: P350,000 Queson 20 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Padre Zamora, a VAT taxpayer, is an operator of four buses plying the route Isabela-Manila. In February 2020, the buses remied a total of P320,000, including P30,000 freight and charges for passeng passenger er baggage. The percentage tax due is

Select one: a. P0 b. P10,50 c. P9,600 d. P8,700 Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: P8,700 Queson 21 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text The percentage tax for operators of racetracks is


Select one: a. 30% b. 15% c. 18% d. 10% Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: 30% Queson 22 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Whether metallic or non-metallic mineral product, the excise tax on imported goods shall be paid

Select one: a. Within 15 days from importaon b. Within 10 days aer removal of the goods from Customs c. Before removal of the goods from Customs d. Upon sale of the goods to the Customs territory territory Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Before removal of the goods from Customs Queson 23 Correct


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Andres, a VAT-registered taxpayer, reported P200,000 sales last month. His annual sales never exceeded P3,000,000. Compute his percentage percentage tax.

Select one: a. P6,000 b. P54,000 c. P24,000 d. P0 Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: P0 Queson 24 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Which of the following overseas call is not subject to percentage tax?

Select one: a. Overseas calls by Pedro, a minimum wage earner. b. Overseas calls transmied by PilTalk Company, a call center company located in Cauayan City. c. Overseas calls transmied by the City of Ilagan. d. Overseas calls transmied by the board of directors of Smart Communicaons.


Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Overseas calls transmied by the City of Ilagan. Queson 25 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text AMT Company sells hybrid cars ulizing alternave power sources. The cars have selling prices ranging from P2 million to P20 million. During the month, it completed the producon of 2 units of the Time Saver model with aggregate cost of P2 million and wholesale price of P6 million.

What is the ad valorem tax?

Select one: a. P3,000,000 b. P0 c. P600,000 d. P1,200,000 Feedback Your answer is correct. P6M x 20% x 50%

The correct answer is: P600,000 Queson 26 Correct


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Miss Tessa, a VAT-registered physician and beaucian, conducted an internal abs enhancement procedure to a Mr. Fred Casllo, a praccing accountant. The two contracted for a P2 million payment before taxes.

What is the VAT due on the transacon?

Select one: a. P120,000 b. P252,000 c. P0 d. P264,000 Feedback Your answer is correct. (P2M x 105%) x 12%

The correct answer is: P252,000 Queson 27 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Miss Tessa, a VAT-registered physician and beaucian, conducted an internal abs enhancement procedure to a Mr. Fred Casllo, a praccing accountant. The two contracted for a P2 million payment before taxes.


What is the amount of withholding tax that Mr. Fred Casllo shall deduct on the professional fees? Select one: a. P204,000 b. P200,000 c. P210,000 d. P100,000 Feedback Your answer is correct. P2M x 10% Withholding tax does not cover excise tax and output VAT. The taxpayer is VAT registered; presumed to have an annual receipt exceeding P3M a year.

The correct answer is: P200,000 Queson 28 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Which of the following is subject to 2% percentage tax?

Select one: a. Life insurance policy premiums collected by a resident foreign insurance company. b. Life insurance policy premiums collected by an agent of resident foreign insurance company. c. Insurance policy premium collected by an agent of a non-resident foreign insurance company.


d. Premium on insurance policy taken directly by the owner of the property insured. Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Life insurance policy premiums collected by a resident foreign insurance company. Queson 29 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Panday Pira Local Water District has an annual sales of P10 million a year. During the month, it collected P4,000,00 from sales of water. The percentage tax due is

Select one: a. P80,000 b. P120,000 c. P200,000 d. P0 Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: P80,000 Queson 30 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text In a recently completed race, Rivera Astrodome noted the following winning ckets:


Straightt bets: P40,000, 20 ckets at P100 per cket Straigh cket Combinaon bets: bets: P20,000, 2 ckets at P200 per cket cket What is the percentage tax to be withheld on the winnings?

Select one: a. P0 b. P4,584 c. P5,760 d. P3,800 Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: P4,584

Amita Company is a VAT-registered car manufacturer. It had the following data on the manufacture of a car model during a period of recession:

Producon costs, P1,000,000 Transportaon and other expenses of sale, P200,000 Final selling price to customer, P1,100,000

What is the nal basis for the ad valorem tax?

Select one: a. P1,200,000 b. P1,100,000 c. P1,320,000


d. P1,000,000 Feedback Your answer is correct. (P1,000,000 + P200,000) x 110%

The correct answer is: P1,320,000 Queson 2 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text When domesc products that are removed from their place of producon without payment of the excise tax, the tax shall be paid by the

Select one: a. producer of the goods. b. owner having possession thereof. c. last seller. seller. d. buyer and seller equally. Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: owner having possession thereof. Queson 3 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00


Not aggedFlag queson Queson text In the case of indigenous petroleum, natural gas or liquied natural gas, the excise tax thereon shall be paid by the

Select one: a. The person who is in possession of the same b. Producer of the goods c. First buyer of the goods d. Seller of the goods Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: First buyer of the goods Queson 4 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Which is subject to the 20% jewelry tax? Select one: a. Silver-plated wares b. Dental gold alloys or gold tooth lling c. Pearl d. Gold-plated frames or mounngs for eyeglasses Feedback Your answer is correct.


The correct answer is: Pearl Queson 5 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Agents of foreign insurance are subject to

Select one: a. 3% premiums tax b. 4% premiums tax c. 2% premiums tax d. 5% premiums tax Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: 4% premiums tax Queson 6 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text The excise tax on certain excisable goods is a tax on

Select one: a. Property – the goods produced or manufactured


b. Person – the owner or producer of certain goods c. Privilege – the right to enter into the business of producing or imporng certain arcles d. Privilege – the right to transport certain goods Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Property – the goods produced or manufactured Queson 7 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text The 3% common carrier’s tax on internaonal carriers on their transport of cargoes from the Philippines to other countries is imposed upon I. Internaonal air carrier doing business in the Philippines II. Internaonal Internaonal shipping doing business in the the Philippines Philippines

Select one: a. Both I and II b. I only c. Neither of I and II d. II only Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Both I and II Queson 8 Correct


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Statement 1: The percentage of block sale in primary oering is determined using the outstanding shares aer the IPO. Statement 2: The percentage of stock sale in secondary oering is determined using the outstanding shares before the IPO. Which statement is correct?

Select one: a. Both statements are correct b. Statement 1 only c. Statement 2 only d. Both statements are incorrect Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Both statements are correct Queson 9 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text The IPO tax is payable by

Select one: a. The buyers of IPO shares


b. The stockbroker c. Both the buyer and issuing corporaon d. The issuing corporaon Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: The issuing corporaon Queson 10 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text The percentage tax rates on services specically subject to percentage tax ranges from

Select one: a. 1% to 3% b. 1% to 30% c. ½ of 1%to 3% d. 60% of 1% to 30% Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: 60% of 1% to 30% Queson 11 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson


Queson text A quasi-bank received the following from its short-term placement of excess funds: Dividend income, P500,000 Bank interest interest income, net of nal tax, P800,000 What is the gross receipts tax due?

Select one: a. P50,000 b. P91,000 c. P40,000 d. P0 Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: P50,000 Queson 12 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text AMT Company sells sports cars with selling prices ranging from P2 million to P20 million. During the month, it completed the producon of 2 units of the Time Traveler model with aggregate cost of P2 million and wholesale price of P6 million.

What is the ad valorem tax?

Select one:


a. P3,000,000 b. P1,200,000 c. P600,000 d. P0 Feedback Your answer is correct. SRP per unit = P6M/2 = P3M per unit P6M x 20% = P1.2M

The correct answer is: P1,200,000 Queson 13 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Miss Tessa, a VAT-registered physician and beaucian, conducted an internal abs enhancement procedure to a Mr. Fred Casllo, a praccing accountant. The two contracted for a P2 million payment before taxes.

What is the amount of withholding tax that Mr. Fred Casllo shall deduct on the professional fees? Select one: a. P204,000 b. P200,000 c. P210,000 d. P100,000 Feedback


Your answer is correct. P2M x 10% Withholding tax does not cover excise tax and output VAT. The taxpayer is VAT registered; presumed to have an annual receipt exceeding P3M a year.

The correct answer is: P200,000 Queson 14 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text A small-scale miner sold his gold to a gold trader for P500,000. What is the excis excise e tax?

Select one: a. P0 b. P100,000 c. P20,000 d. P50,000 Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: P0 Queson 15 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson


Queson text Statement 1: Excise tax rates are relave more burdensome compared to other business taxes.

Statement 2: Excise tax rates covers a small range range or products or services.

Which statement is correct?

Select one: a. Statement 1 only b. Statement 2 only

c. Both statements are correct d. Both statements are incorrect Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Both statements are correct Queson 16 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Dagohoy Corporaon sell bread to various stores and makes P150,000 monthly sales on the average. During the month, it made total sales of P200,000 out of which only P160,000 was collected. What is the percentage tax due?

Select one: a. P4,800


b. P6,000 c. P4,500 d. P0 Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: P6,000 Queson 17 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson

Queson text Apolinario owns and operates a taxi unit. He also teaches as an accounng professor at a university and renders professional consultancy services to various clients. Apolinario is registered as a VAT-taxpayer. In March 2020, he had the following receipts: Compensaon income from teaching, P200,000 Receipts from taxi, P50,000 Receipts from professional pracce What is the total amount subject to VAT?

Select one: a. P0 b. P400,000 c. P550,000 d. P350,000 Feedback Your answer is correct.


The correct answer is: P350,000 Queson 18 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Marcelo is an operator of a eet of 10 taxis operated under the “boundary system.” A total of P150,000 “boundary” payments from chaueurs was received in March 2020. A total of P20,000 is sll receivable from chaueurs for family advances. The percentage tax for the month is

Select one: a. P5,100 b. P4,500 c. P600 d. P360 Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: P4,500 Queson 19 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Rizal Company has three cigar processing plants located in Laguna, Manila and Dapitan. Rizal’s head oce is in Manila. Which is true with respect to the ling of excise tax?

Select one:


a. Rizal shall le the return where it warehouses its products. b. Only one consolidated return needs to be led in Manila. c. One return shall be led for each factory or place of producon. d. Rizal can choose to le the return at any of the RDOs having locaon of the plants. Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: One return shall be led for each factory or place of producon. Queson 20 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Melchora has two taxis which were both grounded during the month of March due to the enhanced community quaranne. The applicable presumpve quarterly gross receipt for each tax was P3,600. What is the percentage tax due for March 2020?

Select one: a. P216 b. P0 c. P108 d. P72 Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: P72 Queson 21 Correct


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Dr. Tacac, a VAT-registered surgeon, conducted a cosmec surgery on Miss Ivana for P1,200,000. The fee is agreed to be inclusive of VAT but exclusive of excise tax. What is the excise tax?

Select one: a. P60,000 b. P50,000 c. P57,143 d. P53,571 Feedback Your answer is correct. (P1.2M/112%) x 5%

The correct answer is: P53,571 Queson 22 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Which is a VAT-exempt receipt to a bus operator?

Select one: a. Receipts from passengers b. Receipt from cargoes


c. Receipt from baggage d. Receipt from mails Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Receipts from passengers Queson 23 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Which domesc carrier is specically subject to percentage tax?

Select one: a. All of the above b. Common carrier by sea c. Common carrier by land d. Common carrier by air Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Common carrier by land Queson 24 Incorrect Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text


Dr. Tacac, a VAT-registered surgeon, conducted a cosmec surgery on Miss Ivana for P1,200,000. The fee is agreed to be inclusive of VAT and excise tax. What is the excise tax?

Select one: a. P53,571 b. P51,202 c. P60,000 d. P57,143 Feedback Your answer is incorrect. (P1.2M/112%) x 5%/105%

The correct answer is: P51,202 Queson 25 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Which is subject to purely specic tax?

Select one: a. Dislled spirits b. Yacht c. Cigarees d. Cigar Feedback


Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Cigarees Queson 26 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Franchise grantees of telephone, telegraph and other communicaon equipment are subject to percentage tax on I. Overseas dispatch of message II. Domesc dispatch of message

Select one: a. Neither I nor II b. II only c. Both I and II d. I only Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: I only Queson 27 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text


Miss Tessa, a VAT-registered physician and beaucian, conducted an internal abs enhancement procedure to a Mr. Fred Casllo, a praccing accountant. The two contracted for a P2 million payment before taxes.

What is the VAT due on the transacon?

Select one: a. P264,000 b. P120,000 c. P0 d. P252,000 Feedback Your answer is correct. (P2M x 105%) x 12%

The correct answer is: P252,000 Queson 28 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Taxes imposed on substance known to harm health

Select one: a. Vanity tax b. Sumptuary tax


c. Green tax d. Sin tax Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Sin tax Queson 29 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Mr. Galicano owns 1,000,000 shares represenng 40% of the outstanding stocks of Amita Corporaon, a closely-held corporaon, which is conducng an inial public oering. Mr. Galicano sold 700,000 shares during the inial public oering for P100 per share. What is the IPO tax due from Mr. Galicano?

Select one: a. P350,000 b. P2,800,000 c. P700,000 d. P1,400,000 Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: P1,400,000 Queson 30 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00


Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Jose is a proprietor of a mini-store with sales in any 12-month period not exceeding P3,000,000. He shall pay

Select one: a. Value-added tax b. Excise tax c. Percentage and excise tax d. Percentage tax Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Percentage tax

AMT Company sells electric cars with selling prices ranging from P2 million to P20 million. During the month, it completed the producon of 2 units of the Time Saver model with aggregate cost of P2 million and wholesale price of P6 million.

What is the ad valorem tax?

Select one: a. P600,000 b. P0 c. P1,200,000 d. P3,000,000 Feedback Your answer is correct.


The correct answer is: P0 Queson 2 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text AMT, Inc. produced and withdrawn 1,000,000 units of excisable goods X which is subject to P1/unit excise tax. AMT uses goods X to manufacture Y which is sold domescally and abroad. 50,000 units of Y was produced out of which 30,000 units were exported.

Which is incorrect?

Select one: a. Excise tax is payable only on the 400,000 units of goods X. b. AMT shall pay P1 million in excise tax. c. AMT shall claim tax credit or refund of P600,000. d. None of the above. Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Excise tax is payable only on the 400,000 units of goods X. Queson 3 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Which is not subject to excise tax?


Select one: a. Prostuon b. Precious metals c. Sweetened beverages d. Quarry resources Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Prostuon Queson 4 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text RPL Company produced the following vehicle models during the month:

Car models

Wholesale prices

BSA electric car


MBA bus





CTS Jeep


CAT motorbikes




What is the total excise tax due?

Select one: a. P0 b. P600,000 c. P300,000


d. P340,000 Feedback Your answer is correct. P3M x 20% x 50% Electric car is exempt Bus and jeep is an exempt vehicle Motorbike is not expressly taxed

The correct answer is: P300,000 Queson 5 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Miss Tessa, a VAT-registered physician and beaucian, conducted an internal abs enhancement procedure to a Mr. Fred Casllo, a praccing accountant. The two contracted for a P2 million payment before taxes.

What is the amount of withholding tax that Mr. Fred Casllo shall deduct on the professional fees? Select one: a. P210,000 b. P204,000 c. P200,000 d. P100,000 Feedback Your answer is correct.


P2M x 10% Withholding tax does not cover excise tax and output VAT. The taxpayer is VAT registered; presumed to have an annual receipt exceeding P3M a year.

The correct answer is: P200,000 Queson 6 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text The gross receipts tax does not apply to

Select one: a. Urban banks b. Commercial banks c. Rural banks d. Credit cooperaves Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Credit cooperaves Queson 7 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text


Rentals of property, real or personal, received by bank and non-bank nancial intermediaries performing quasi-banking funcons are

Select one: a. Subject to 12% VAT b. Subject to gross receipts tax of 5% c. Subject to 3% percentage tax is annual gross receipts do not exceed P3,000,000 d. Subject to gross receipts tax of 7% Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Subject to gross receipts tax of 7% Queson 8 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text These refers to things produced and prepared in marketable state by simple treatment processes of washing or drying without undergoing any chemical change or process or manufacturing by the lessee, concessionaire or owner

Select one: a. Mineral products b. Minerals c. Quarry resources d. Metallic minerals Feedback Your answer is correct.


The correct answer is: Quarry resources Queson 9 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Panganiban Company is conducng an inial public oering of 2,000,000 shares. Panganiban Company already had 4,000,000 issued and outstanding share shares. s. The new IPO shares shall be sold at P3 per share. What is the tax on the inial public oering?

Select one: a. P60,000 b. P0 c. P240,000 d. P120,000 Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: P120,000 Queson 10 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Miss Tessa, a VAT-registered physician and beaucian, conducted an internal abs enhancement procedure to a Mr. Fred Casllo, a praccing accountant. The two contracted for a P2 million payment before taxes.


What is the VAT due on the transacon?

Select one: a. P252,000 b. P0 c. P264,000 d. P120,000 Feedback Your answer is correct. (P2M x 105%) x 12%

The correct answer is: P252,000 Queson 11 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Dagohoy Corporaon sell bread to various stores and makes P150,000 monthly sales on the average. During the month, it made total sales of P200,000 out of which only P160,000 was collected. What is the percentage tax due?

Select one: a. P0 b. P4,500 c. P6,000 d. P4,800


Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: P6,000

Queson 12 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Marcelo is an operator of a eet of 10 taxis operated under the “boundary system.” A total of P150,000 “boundary” payments from chaueurs was received in March 2020. A total of P20,000 is sll receivable from chaueurs for family advances. The percentage tax for the month is

Select one: a. P360 b. P600 c. P4,500 d. P5,100 Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: P4,500 Queson 13 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text To an operator of a domesc aircra, which is vatable?


Select one: a. Fares from passengers

b. Fares from baggage c. Fares from cargoes and mails d. All of the above Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: All of the above Queson 14 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Which is subject to purely specic tax?

Select one: a. Cigar b. Cigarees c. Yacht d. Dislled spirits Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Cigarees Queson 15


Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson

Queson text Which winning is subject to percentage tax?

Select one: a. Winnings from derby b. Winnings from loo c. Winnings from horserace d. Winnings from gambling Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Winnings from horserace Queson 16 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text The excise tax on locally-produced or extracted mineral or mineral products shall be due and payable

Select one: a. Before the removal of the goods b. Within 15 days from the removal of the goods c. Upon removal of the goods


d. Upon sale of the goods Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Within 15 days from the removal of the goods Queson 17 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Lopez Company imports and manufactures various various automobile models. During the month, it had the following data on its operaon:


Total Costs Co sts

Total Selling Price

Cars imported



Cars produced







The sales of these cars are subject to 10% excise tax.

What is the excise tax?

Select one: a. P4,350,000 b. P3,000,000 c. P4,550,000 d. P4,000,000 Feedback Your answer is correct.  (P12.5M + P30M) x 110% x 10%

The correct answer is: P4,550,000 Queson 18


Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Padre Zamora, a VAT taxpayer, is an operator of four buses plying the route Isabela-Manila. In February 2020, the buses remied a total of P320,000, including P30,000 freight and charges for passeng passenger er baggage. The percentage tax due is

Select one: a. P8,700 b. P9,600 c. P10,50 d. P0 Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: P8,700 Queson 19 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Who will pay excise tax?

Select one: a. Manufacturer of denatured alcohol b. Manufacturer of plasc


c. Hospitals for performing cosmec surgery d. Manufacturer of vinegar Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Hospitals for performing cosmec surgery Queson 20 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Del Pilar manufactured cigaree and sold the same to Bonifacio. Bonifacio exported the goods abroad to a foreign retailer, Benjamin. Who is entled to claim refund for the excise tax?

Select one: a. Del Pilar b. Bonifacio c. Benjamin d. None of them Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: None of them Queson 21 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text


The percentage tax is

Select one: a. A tax on sale of services b. Imposed on sale of goods c. Imposed together with the excise tax d. All of the above Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: All of the above Queson 22 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Graciano Ferries transports passengers and land vehicles between Batangas and Mindoro. Graciano usually had an average average annual receipts of P5,000,000. During the month, it earned a total of P400,000 from customers. The percentage tax is

Select one: a. P0 b. P150,000 c. P138,000 d. P12,000 Feedback Your answer is correct.


The correct answer is: P150,000 Queson 23 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Which statement is correct?

Select one: a. Excise taxes are imposed at the point of consumpon. b. Excise tax normally don’t have a deadline of payment. c. Excise tax is payable on top of value-added tax but not of percentage tax. d. Business for subsistence are exempt from excise tax. Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Excise tax normally don’t have a deadline of payment. Queson 24 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Isabelo Insurance Corporaon has the following receipts and receivables from its insurance products:






Cash and checks




Promissory notes










What is the insurance premiums tax due?

Select one: a. P20,000 b. P36,000 c. P24,000 d. P30,000 Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: P24,000 Queson 25 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Dr. Tacac, a VAT-registered surgeon, conducted a cosmec surgery on Miss Ivana for P1,200,000. The fee is agreed to be inclusive of VAT and excise tax. What is the excise tax?


Select one: a. P57,143 b. P53,571 c. P51,202 d. P60,000 Feedback Your answer is correct. (P1.2M/112%) x 5%/105%

The correct answer is: P51,202 Queson 26 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text A small-scale miner sold his gold to a gold trader for P500,000. What is the excis excise e tax?

Select one: a. P100,000 b. P20,000 c. P50,000 d. P0 Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: P0


Queson 27 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text A quasi-bank received the following from its short-term placement of excess funds: Dividend income, P500,000 Bank interest interest income, net of nal tax, P800,000 What is the gross receipts tax due?

Select one: a. P91,000 b. P40,000 c. P50,000 d. P0 Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: P50,000 Queson 28 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text A jeepney operator with gross receipts from passenger fares exceeding P3,000,000 in any 12-month period is subject to


Select one: a. 8% percentage tax b. 3% percentage tax c. 0% VAT d. 12% VAT Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: 3% percentage tax Queson 29 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Agents of foreign insurance are subject to

Select one: a. 5% premiums tax b. 3% premiums tax c. 2% premiums tax d. 4% premiums tax Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: 4% premiums tax Queson 30 Correct


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text A domesc carrier which is also engaged in internaonal transport operaon is subject to

Select one: a. VAT b. Excise tax c. VAT and percentage tax d. Percentage tax Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: VAT

Antonio Ferry Boats transport passengers and cargoes between the islands of Palaui and Sta. Ana. It earned a total of P120,000 in February 2020, excluding P10,000 freight for cargoes. What is the percentage tax if Antonio Ferry boats registered respecvely as a non-VAT taxpayer and as a VAT taxpayer?

Select one: a. P3,900 and P0 b. P3,600 and P0 c. P3,900 and P3,600 d. P0 and P0 Feedback Your answer is correct.


The correct answer is: P3,900 and P0 Queson 2 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text A jeepney operator with gross receipts from passenger fares exceeding P3,000,000 in any 12-month period is subject to

Select one: a. 3% percentage tax b. 0% VAT c. 12% VAT d. 8% percentage tax Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: 3% percentage tax Queson 3 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Marcelo is an operator of a eet of 10 taxis operated under the “boundary system.” A total of P150,000 “boundary” payments from chaueurs was received in March 2020. A total of P20,000 is sll receivable from chaueurs for family advances. The percentage tax for the month is

Select one:


a. P600 b. P360 c. P4,500 d. P5,100 Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: P4,500 Queson 4 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text A domesc transportaon contractor by land is engaged in the transport of passengers, goods and cargoes. If the contractor is not VAT-registered, what business taxes is he liable for?

Select one: a. 3% tax on VAT-exempt persons on gross receipts from transport of goods and cargoes and 3% common carrier’s tax on gross receipts from transport of passengers. b. 12% value added tax c. 12% VAT on gross receipts from transport of goods and cargoes and 3% common carrier’s tax on gross receipts from transport of passengers d. 3% common carrier’s tax Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: 3% tax on VAT-exempt persons on gross receipts from transport of goods and cargoes and 3% common carrier’s tax on gross receipts from transport of passengers. Queson 5


Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Which of the following is not considered a taxable sin product?

Select one: a. Liquors b. Sweetened beverages c. Tobacco leaves d. Marijuana Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Marijuana Queson 6 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text The premiums tax on life insurance applies to

Select one: a. Excess of premiums on variable contracts b. Refunded premium c. Re-insurance premium


d. Direct premium Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Direct premium Queson 7 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text AMT Company sells hybrid cars ulizing alternave power sources. The cars have selling prices ranging from P2 million to P20 million. During the month, it completed the producon of 2 units of the Time Saver model with aggregate cost of P2 million and wholesale price of P6 million.

What is the ad valorem tax?

Select one: a. P3,000,000 b. P1,200,000 c. P0 d. P600,000 Feedback Your answer is correct. P6M x 20% x 50%

The correct answer is: P600,000 Queson 8


Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Jose is a proprietor of a mini-store with sales in any 12-month period not exceeding P3,000,000. He shall pay

Select one: a. Percentage and excise tax b. Percentage tax c. Excise tax d. Value-added tax Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Percentage tax Queson 9 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text A domesc transportaon contractor by land is engaged in the transport of passengers, goods and cargoes. If the contractor is VAT-registered, what business taxes is he liable for?

Select one: a. 12% VAT on gross receipts from transport of goods and cargoes and 3% common carrier’s tax on gross receipts from transport of passengers


b. 3% tax on VAT-exempt persons on gross receipts from transport of goods and cargoes and 3% common carrier’s tax on gross receipts from transport of passengers. c. 12% value added tax d. 3% common carrier’s tax Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: 12% VAT on gross receipts from transport of goods and cargoes and 3% common carrier’s tax on gross receipts from transport of passengers Queson 10 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Del Pilar manufactured cigaree and sold the same to Bonifacio. Bonifacio exported the goods abroad to a foreign retailer, Benjamin. Who is entled to claim refund for the excise tax?

Select one: a. Del Pilar b. Bonifacio c. Benjamin d. None of them Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: None of them Queson 11 Correct

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00


Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Amita Company is a VAT-registered car manufacturer. It had the following data on the manufacture of a car model during a period of recession:

Producon costs, P1,000,000 Transportaon and other expenses of sale, P200,000 Final selling price to customer, P1,100,000

What is the nal basis for the ad valorem tax?

Select one: a. P1,100,000 b. P1,200,000 c. P1,000,000 d. P1,320,000 Feedback Your answer is correct. (P1,000,000 + P200,000) x 110%

The correct answer is: P1,320,000 Queson 12 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson


Queson text Statement 1: Excise tax rates are relave more burdensome compared to other business taxes.

Statement 2: Excise tax rates covers a small range range or products or services.

Which statement is correct?

Select one: a. Statement 2 only b. Both statements are correct c. Both statements are incorrect d. Statement 1 only Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Both statements are correct Queson 13 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Which of the following is not percentage tax-exempt? I. Businesses with annual gross sales of P100,000 P100,0 00 and below. II. Overseas calls made by the Philippine government. III.

Overseas messages transmied by any embassy and consular oces of a foreign government.


Select one: a. II only b. None of the above items. c. I, II and III d. I only Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: None of the above items. Queson 14 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text A small-scale miner sold his gold to a gold trader for P500,000. What is the excis excise e tax?

Select one: a. P100,000 b. P50,000 c. P0 d. P20,000 Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: P0 Queson 15 Correct


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text There are two compeng garage with the following receipts: Juan, P1,200,000 Diego, P3,500,000 Who will pay percentage tax?

Select one: a. Diego only b. Both Juan and Diego c. Juan only d. Neither Juan nor Diego Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Both Juan and Diego Queson 16 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text A tax on the right or privilege to enter places of amusement

Select one: a. Value added tax


b. Income tax c. Franchise tax d. Amusement tax Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Amusement tax Queson 17 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Which of the following products is subject to both ad valorem and specic tax?

Select one: a. Dislled spirits b. Automobiles c. Cigars and cigarees d. Dislled spirits, cigars and cigarees Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Dislled spirits, cigars and cigarees Queson 18 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson


Queson text Miss Tessa, a VAT-registered physician and beaucian, conducted an internal abs enhancement procedure to a Mr. Fred Casllo, a praccing accountant. The two contracted for a P2 million payment before taxes.

What is the amount of withholding tax that Mr. Fred Casllo shall deduct on the professional fees? Select one: a. P100,000 b. P204,000 c. P200,000 d. P210,000 Feedback Your answer is correct. P2M x 10% Withholding tax does not cover excise tax and output VAT. The taxpayer is VAT registered; presumed to have an annual receipt exceeding P3M a year.

The correct answer is: P200,000 Queson 19 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Lopez Company imports and manufactures various various automobile models. During the month, it had the following data on its operaon:



Total Costs Co sts

Total Selling Price

Cars imported



Cars produced






The sales of these cars are subject to 10% excise tax.


What is the excise tax?

Select one: a. P4,000,000 b. P4,350,000 c. P3,000,000 d. P4,550,000 Feedback Your answer is correct.  (P12.5M + P30M) x 110% x 10%

The correct answer is: P4,550,000 Queson 20 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text A quasi-bank received the following from its short-term placement of excess funds: Dividend income, P500,000 Bank interest interest income, net of nal tax, P800,000 What is the gross receipts tax due?

Select one: a. P91,000 b. P50,000


c. P40,000 d. P0 Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: P50,000 Queson 21 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Excise taxes that are imposed based on weight or volume capacity or other physical unit or measurement are called

Select one: a. Quantave tax b. Ad valorem tax c. Specic tax d. Metrical tax Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Specic tax Queson 22 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson

Queson text


Miss Tessa, a VAT-registered physician and beaucian, conducted an internal abs enhancement procedure to a Mr. Fred Casllo, a praccing accountant. The two contracted for a P2 million payment before taxes.

What is the excise tax?

Select one: a. P100,000 b. P0 c. P40,000 d. P200,000 Feedback Your answer is correct. P2M x 5%

The correct answer is: P100,000 Queson 23 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Franchise grantees of telephone, telegraph and other communicaon equipment are subject to percentage tax on I. Overseas dispatch of message II. Domesc dispatch of message


Select one: a. Both I and II b. I only c. II only d. Neither I nor II Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: I only Queson 24 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Dagohoy Corporaon sell bread to various stores and makes P150,000 monthly sales on the average. During the month, it made total sales of P200,000 out of which only P160,000 was collected. What is the percentage tax due?

Select one: a. P6,000 b. P0 c. P4,800 d. P4,500 Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: P6,000 Queson 25


Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Statement 1: Excise tax, customs dues and the VAT VAT on importaon is similarly collecble at the point of importaon.

Statement 2: Excise tax and the VA VAT on importaon are similarly imposed upon landed costs.

Which statement is correct?

Select one: a. Both statements are correct b. Statement 2 only c. Both statements are incorrect d. Statement 1 only Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Both statements are correct Queson 26 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text RPL Company produced the following vehicle models during the month:


Car models

Wholesale prices

BSA electric car


MBA bus




CTS Jeep


CAT motorbikes





What is the total excise tax due?

Select one: a. P340,000 b. P300,000 c. P0 d. P600,000 Feedback Your answer is correct. P3M x 20% x 50% Electric car is exempt Bus and jeep is an exempt vehicle Motorbike is not expressly taxed

The correct answer is: P300,000 Queson 27 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Which is subject to purely specic tax?


Select one: a. Dislled spirits b. Yacht c. Cigarees d. Cigar Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Cigarees Queson 28 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Taxes imposed on substance known to harm health

Select one: a. Green tax b. Vanity tax c. Sumptuary tax d. Sin tax Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Sin tax Queson 29 Correct


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Paterno Flights, an internaonal carrier, recorded the following receipts during a month for outgoing ights:


From booking agencies in










Cargoes and baggage








What is the percentage tax due?

Select one: a. P51,000 b. P60,000 c. P15,000


d. P75,000 Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: P51,000 Queson 30 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Which of the following is not subject to the 3% percentage tax?

Select one: a. Internaonal shipping carrier doing business in the Philippines. b. Franchise grantees of city gas and water ulies. c. Domesc carriers by land and keepers of garage. d. Internaonal air carrier doing business in the Philippines. Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Franchise grantees of city gas and water ulies

A right or privilege granted by the State to a person, individual or corporaon to operate a public ulity such as radio broadcasng, television staon, electric light system, telephone company, gas and water ulies

Select one: a. Common carriers


b. Lending investors c. Franchise d. Dealers in securies Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Franchise Queson 2 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Amita Company is a VAT-registered car manufacturer. It had the following data on the manufacture of a car model during a period of recession:

Producon costs, P1,000,000 Transportaon and other expenses of sale, P200,000 Final selling price to customer, P1,100,000

What is the nal basis for the ad valorem tax?

Select one: a. P1,200,000 b. P1,320,000 c. P1,000,000 d. P1,100,000



Your answer is correct. (P1,000,000 + P200,000) x 110%

The correct answer is: P1,320,000 Queson 3 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Dagohoy Corporaon sell bread to various stores and makes P150,000 monthly sales on the average. During the month, it made total sales of P200,000 out of which only P160,000 was collected. What is the percentage tax due?

Select one: a. P6,000 b. P0 c. P4,800 d. P4,500 Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: P6,000 Queson 4 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson


Queson text Which is subject to purely specic tax?

Select one: a. Cigarees b. Dislled spirits c. Cigar d. Yacht Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Cigarees Queson 5 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text A small-scale miner sold his gold to a gold trader for P500,000. What is the excis excise e tax?

Select one: a. P20,000 b. P100,000 c. P0 d. P50,000 Feedback Your answer is correct.


The correct answer is: P0 Queson 6 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text If the block sale of primary shares exceeds 1/3 of the outstanding shares aer aer the IPO sale, the IPO tax is

Select one: a. 1% b. 2% c. 4% d. 60% of 1% Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: 1% Queson 7 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Dr. Tacac, a VAT-registered surgeon, conducted a cosmec surgery on Miss Ivana for P1,200,000. The fee is agreed to be inclusive of VAT but exclusive of excise tax. What is the excise tax?

Select one:

a. P60,000


b. P50,000 c. P57,143 d. P53,571 Feedback Your answer is correct. (P1.2M/112%) x 5%

The correct answer is: P53,571 Queson 8 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text The excise tax on certain excisable goods is a tax on

Select one: a. Property – the goods produced or manufactured b. Privilege – the right to transport certain goods c. Privilege – the right to enter into the business of producing or imporng certain arcles d. Person – the owner or producer of certain goods Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Property – the goods produced or manufactured Queson 9 Correct


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Shares of stock held as investment when sold through the local stock exchange shall be subject to

Select one: a. Value-added tax of 12% based on gross income b. Percentage tax of 6/10 of 1% based on gross selling price or gross value in money c. Percentage tax on inial public oering of 4%, 2% or 1% based on gross selling price or gross value in money d. Capital gains tax of 15% on capital gain Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Percentage tax of 6/10 of 1% based on gross selling price or gross value in money Queson 10 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Which statement is correct?

Select one: a. Excise taxes are imposed at the point of consumpon. b. Excise tax is payable on top of value-added tax but not of percentage tax. c. Business for subsistence are exempt from excise tax.

d. Excise tax normally don’t have a deadline of payment.


Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Excise tax normally don’t have a deadline of payment. Queson 11 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text AMT Company sells hybrid cars ulizing alternave power sources. The cars have selling prices ranging from P2 million to P20 million. During the month, it completed the producon of 2 units of the Time Saver model with aggregate cost of P2 million and wholesale price of P6 million.

What is the ad valorem tax?

Select one: a. P1,200,000 b. P3,000,000 c. P600,000 d. P0 Feedback Your answer is correct. P6M x 20% x 50%

The correct answer is: P600,000 Queson 12



Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Franchise grantees of telephone, telegraph and other communicaon equipment are subject to percentage tax on I. Overseas dispatch of message II. Domesc dispatch of message

Select one: a. Neither I nor II b. Both I and II c. II only d. I only Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: I only Queson 13 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Which of the following services is subject to excise tax? Select one: a. Collagen inducon therapy b. Dermal llers

c. Invasive cosmec procedures and surgeries


d. Acupuncture rejuvenaon therapy Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Invasive cosmec procedures and surgeries Queson 14 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Fernando Company is a transportaon contractor of Amita Delivery Services, a mail courier company. Fernando Company delivers the mails to addressee locaon specied in the mails. During the month, Fernando Company was paid P400,000 by Amita. The percentage tax due is

Select one: a. P48,000 b. P12,000 c. P0 d. P24,000 Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: P12,000 Queson 15 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson

Queson text


The excise tax on locally-produced or extracted mineral or mineral products shall be due and payable

Select one: a. Before the removal of the goods b. Upon sale of the goods c. Upon removal of the goods d. Within 15 days from the removal of the goods Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Within 15 days from the removal of the goods Queson 16 Incorrect Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Mr. Dipatuan pracces his profession as a medical praconer. He registered as a VAT-taxpayer. Mrs. Dipatuan is a nurse employed by a public hospital. Which statement is correct?

Select one: a. Mrs. Dipatuan shall pay percentage tax. b. Mrs. Dipatuan is exempt from business tax. c. Mr. Dipatuan shall pay percentage tax. d. Mr. Dipatuan is exempt from business tax. Feedback

Your answer is incorrect.


The correct answer is: Mrs. Dipatuan is exempt from business tax. Queson 17 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text The premiums tax on insurance premium is

Select one: a. 3% b. 2% c. 4% d. 5% Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: 2% Queson 18 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Which statement is not correct?

Select one: a. The percentage taxes are not allowed by law to be shied to the customer or clients.


b. An isolated transacon not in the course of business will not result in a liability for a percentage tax. c. The percentage taxes are paid on a quarterly basis. d. The percentage taxes are basically on sales of services. Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: The percentage taxes are not allowed by law to be shied to the customer or clients. Queson 19 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text What is the threshold alcohol content that when exceeded shall reclassify wines into dislled spirits?

Select one: a. 30% b. 10% c. 25% d. 14% Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: 25% Queson 20 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Not aggedFlag queson


Queson text Miss Tessa, a VAT-registered physician and beaucian, conducted an internal abs enhancement procedure to a Mr. Fred Casllo, a praccing accountant. The two contracted for a P2 million payment before taxes.

What is the VAT due on the transacon?

Select one: a. P120,000 b. P264,000 c. P252,000 d. P0 Feedback Your answer is correct. (P2M x 105%) x 12%

The correct answer is: P252,000 Queson 21 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text MV Leona, an internaonal shipping carrier, had the following receipts on its Philippine operaons:

Gross receipts from





Incoming voyages




Outgoing voyages










How much is the percentage tax due?

Select one: a. P144,000 b. P0 c. P54,000 d. P99,000 Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: P54,000 Queson 22 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Lakandula is an operator of cockpit. During the quarter, it collected P200,000 from gate receipts, P240,000 from “tongs” and P300,000 from business concessionaires inside the cockpits. Total winnings

on derby sets totaled P2,400,000. What is the amusement tax?


Select one: a. P111,000 b. P0 c. P133,200 d. P74,000 Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: P133,200 Queson 23 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text A tax on the right or privilege to enter places of amusement

Select one: a. Income tax b. Value added tax c. Amusement tax d. Franchise tax Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Amusement tax

Queson 24


Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Apolinario owns and operates a taxi unit. He also teaches as an accounng professor at a university and renders professional consultancy services to various clients. Apolinario is registered as a VAT-taxpayer. In March 2020, he had the following receipts: Compensaon income from teaching, P200,000 Receipts from taxi, P50,000 Receipts from professional pracce What is the total amount subject to VAT?

Select one: a. P550,000 b. P0 c. P350,000 d. P400,000 Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: P350,000 Queson 25 Incorrect Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text

The excise tax on excisable goods exported is claimed by refund or tax credit. Which is an excepon to this rule?


Select one: a. Sin products b. Mineral products c. Petroleum products d. Non-essenal goods Feedback Your answer is incorrect. The correct answer is: Mineral products Queson 26 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Padre Gomez owns a cargo truck for rent. During the month, it generated total receipts of P40,000 from various clients. The percentage tax due is

Select one: a. P4,800 b. P1,200 c. P2,000 d. P0 Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: P1,200

Queson 27


Incorrect Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text AMT Company sells sports cars with selling prices ranging from P2 million to P20 million. During the month, it completed the producon of 2 units of the Time Traveler model with aggregate cost of P2 million and wholesale price of P6 million.

What is the ad valorem tax?

Select one: a. P3,000,000 b. P600,000 c. P1,200,000 d. P0 Feedback Your answer is incorrect. SRP per unit = P6M/2 = P3M per unit P6M x 20% = P1.2M

The correct answer is: P1,200,000 Queson 28 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson

Queson text


Miss Tessa, a VAT-registered physician and beaucian, conducted an internal abs enhancement procedure to a Mr. Fred Casllo, a praccing accountant. The two contracted for a P2 million payment before taxes.

What is the excise tax?

Select one: a. P40,000 b. P200,000 c. P0 d. P100,000 Feedback Your answer is correct. P2M x 5%

The correct answer is: P100,000 Queson 29 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Who will pay excise tax?

Select one:

a. Manufacturer of denatured alcohol


b. Hospitals for performing cosmec surgery c. Manufacturer of plasc d. Manufacturer of vinegar Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Hospitals for performing cosmec surgery Queson 30 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Statement 1: The tax on life insurance premiums is 2% based upon the total premiums collected whether such premiums are paid in money, notes, credits or any substute for money.

Statement 2: The tax on agents of foreign insurance companies is 10% based upon the total premiums collected.

Select one: a. Statements 1 & 2 are true. b. Statement 1 is false but stateme statement nt 2 is true. c. Statements 1 & 2 are false. d. Statement 1 is true but statement 2 is false. Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Statement 1 is true but statement 2 is false.


Melchora has two taxis which were both grounded during the month of March due to the enhanced community quaranne. The applicable presumpve quarterly gross receipt for each tax was P3,600. What is the percentage tax due for March 2020?

Select one: a. P72 b. P108 c. P0 d. P216 Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: P72 Queson 2 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Isabelo Insurance Corporaon has the following receipts and receivables from its insurance products:






Cash and checks




Promissory notes










What is the insurance premiums tax due?

Select one: a. P24,000 b. P30,000 c. P36,000 d. P20,000 Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: P24,000 Queson 3 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text The gross receipts tax on long-term interest income is

Select one: a. 3% b. 5% c. 7%

d. 1%


Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: 1% Queson 4 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Who is the taxpayer on locally-produced excisable goods?

Select one: a. Wholesaler b. Producer c. Consumer d. Importer Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Producer Queson 5 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Which of the following is subject to amusement tax on gross receipts


Select one: a. Owners of winning racehorses b. Lessees of karaoke TV houses c. Owners of winning cocks in the cockpits d. Lessors of bowling alleys Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Lessees of karaoke TV houses Queson 6 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Miss Tessa, a VAT-registered physician and beaucian, conducted an internal abs enhancement procedure to a Mr. Fred Casllo, a praccing accountant. The two contracted for a P2 million payment before taxes.

What is the amount of withholding tax that Mr. Fred Casllo shall deduct on the professional fees? Select one: a. P204,000 b. P100,000 c. P200,000 d. P210,000 Feedback Your answer is correct.

P2M x 10%


Withholding tax does not cover excise tax and output VAT. The taxpayer is VAT registered; presumed to have an annual receipt exceeding P3M a year.

The correct answer is: P200,000 Queson 7 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text The excise tax on certain goods or services is not a

Select one: a. Direct tax b. Tax on domesc consumpon c. Naonal tax d. Indirect tax Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Direct tax Queson 8 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text

Which of the following boxing events is not exempt from amusement tax?


Select one: a. Oriental championship b. Asian championship c. World championship d. Naonal championship Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Naonal championship Queson 9 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Miss Tessa, a VAT-registered physician and beaucian, conducted an internal abs enhancement procedure to a Mr. Fred Casllo, a praccing accountant. The two contracted for a P2 million payment before taxes.

What is the VAT due on the transacon?

Select one: a. P252,000 b. P0 c. P264,000 d. P120,000



Your answer is correct. (P2M x 105%) x 12%

The correct answer is: P252,000 Queson 10 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text AMT Company sells electric cars with selling prices ranging from P2 million to P20 million. During the month, it completed the producon of 2 units of the Time Saver model with aggregate cost of P2 million and wholesale price of P6 million.

What is the ad valorem tax?

Select one: a. P0 b. P1,200,000 c. P600,000 d. P3,000,000 Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: P0 Queson 11 Correct

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00


Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Padre Zamora, a VAT taxpayer, is an operator of four buses plying the route Isabela-Manila. In February 2020, the buses remied a total of P320,000, including P30,000 freight and charges for passeng passenger er baggage. The percentage tax due is

Select one: a. P8,700 b. P0 c. P9,600 d. P10,50 Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: P8,700 Queson 12 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text RPL Company produced the following vehicle models during the month:

Car models

Wholesale prices

BSA electric car



MBA bus




CTS Jeep


CAT motorbikes




What is the total excise tax due?


Select one: a. P340,000 b. P300,000 c. P600,000 d. P0 Feedback Your answer is correct. P3M x 20% x 50% Electric car is exempt Bus and jeep is an exempt vehicle Motorbike is not expressly taxed

The correct answer is: P300,000 Queson 13 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Excise tax on locally produced excisable goods shall be paid

Select one: a. Within 15 days from the removal of the goods b. Before the removal of the goods c. Upon removal of the goods

d. Upon sale of the goods


Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Before the removal of the goods Queson 14 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text An operator of car with chaueurs for hire had the following nancial results during a month:

Total collecons


P 240,000




P 100,000



Other car supplies



Driver’s salaries



Net income


P 96,000


What is the percentage tax due?


Select one: a. P4,200 b. P4,320 c. P7,200 d. P2,880 Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: P2,880 Queson 15 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Marcelo is an operator of a eet of 10 taxis operated under the “boundary system.” A total of P150,000 “boundary” payments from chaueurs was received in March 2020. A total of P20,000 is sll receivable from chaueurs for family advances. The percentage tax for the month is

Select one: a. P4,500 b. P600 c. P5,100 d. P360 Feedback Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: P4,500


Queson 16 Incorrect Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Which is part of gross receipts for purposes of premiums tax on life insurance? I.


II. Bills and coins III.

Promissory notes

Select one: a. I and III only b. II and III only c. I, II and III d. I and II only Feedback Your answer is incorrect. The correct answer is: I, II and III Queson 17 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Which of the following statements is correct? I. The gross revenue for freight or cargo cargo and mail shall be determined based on the revenue realized realized

from the carriage thereof.


II. The amount realized realized for for mails, shall shall on the other other hand, be determined determined based on the amount as reected in the cargo manifest of the carrier.

Select one: a. Both I and II b. I only c. Neither I nor II d. II only Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: I only Queson 18 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Amita Company is a VAT-registered car manufacturer. It had the following data on the manufacture of a car model during a period of recession:

Producon costs, P1,000,000 Transportaon and other expenses of sale, P200,000 Final selling price to customer, P1,100,000

What is the nal basis for the ad valorem tax?

Select one:


a. P1,320,000 b. P1,000,000 c. P1,100,000 d. P1,200,000 Feedback Your answer is correct. (P1,000,000 + P200,000) x 110%

The correct answer is: P1,320,000 Queson 19 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text From which of the following sources is the gross receipt of an internaonal carrier subject to percentage tax?

Select one: a. Incoming transport of passengers b. Incoming transport of cargoes c. Outgoing transport of passengers d. Outgoing transport of cargoes Feedback

Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Outgoing transport of cargoes


Queson 20 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text In the case of indigenous petroleum, natural gas or liquied natural gas, the excise tax thereon shall be paid by the

Select one: a. First buyer of the goods b. The person who is in possession of the same c. Producer of the goods d. Seller of the goods Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: First buyer of the goods Queson 21 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Which is incorrect with respect to the requisites of exempon of receipts from professional boxing?

Select one:

a. Both contenders must be Filipinos b. The promoter must be a Filipino cizen or a corporaon with at least 60% owned by Filipinos


c. The compeon must be a world or oriental championship d. All of the above Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Both contenders must be Filipinos Queson 22 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Which statement is false?

Select one: a. Buses, trucks, cargo vans and jeepneys shall be considered as automobiles for purposes of excise tax. b. Manufacturers and importers are subject to ad valorem tax on their net selling price, net of excise tax and ad valorem tax. c. Automobiles used exclusively within freeport zones shall be exempt from excise tax. d. To be considered a hybrid vehicle, a vehicle must be able to run using solely electric motor. Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Buses, trucks, cargo vans and jeepneys shall be considered as automobiles for purposes of excise tax. Queson 23 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Not aggedFlag queson


Queson text Emilio, a non-VAT-registered operator of jeepney, reported a total receipt of P200,000 during a month, including P20,000 rentals for cargo transport. How much is the percentage tax?

Select one: a. P0 b. P6,600 c. P5,400 d. P6,000 Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: P6,000 Queson 24 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text The excise tax on locally-produced or manufactured products that are exported shall be claimed by the producer as

Select one: a. Tax refund b. Expense c. Tax refund or tax credit d. Tax credit



Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Tax refund or tax credit Queson 25 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Excise tax shall apply to certain goods intended for: I. Domesc consumpon II. Foreign consumpon

Select one: a. II only b. I only c. Neither I nor II d. Both I and II Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: I only Queson 26 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text

Antonio Ferry Boats transport passengers and cargoes between the islands of Palaui and Sta. Ana. It earned a total of P120,000 in February 2020, excluding P10,000 freight for cargoes.


What is the percentage tax if Antonio Ferry boats registered respecvely as a non-VAT taxpayer and as a VAT taxpayer?

Select one: a. P3,900 and P0 b. P0 and P0 c. P3,900 and P3,600 d. P3,600 and P0 Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: P3,900 and P0 Queson 27 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Dr. Tacac, a VAT-registered surgeon, conducted a cosmec surgery on Miss Ivana for P1,200,000. The fee is agreed to be inclusive of VAT and excise tax. What is the excise tax?

Select one: a. P51,202 b. P60,000 c. P53,571 d. P57,143 Feedback

Your answer is correct.


(P1.2M/112%) x 5%/105%

The correct answer is: P51,202 Queson 28 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Which of the following agricultural products is subject to excise tax?

Select one: a. Soymilk b. Tobacco rolls c. Ground coee d. Rened sugar Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Tobacco rolls Queson 29 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Which is not specically subject to common carrier’s tax?


Select one: a. Bus b. Taxi c. Jeepney d. Truck Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Truck Queson 30 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Lopez Company imports and manufactures various various automobile models. During the month, it had the following data on its operaon:


Total Costs Co sts

Total Selling Price

Cars imported




Cars produced






The sales of these cars are subject to 10% excise tax.

What is the excise tax?

Select one: a. P4,550,000 b. P4,000,000 c. P3,000,000 d. P4,350,000 Feedback

Your answer is correct.


 (P12.5M + P30M) x 110% x 10%

The correct answer is: P4,550,000

The premiums tax on life insurance applies to

Select one: a. Refunded premium b. Re-insurance premium c. Excess of premiums on variable contracts d. Direct premium Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Direct premium Queson 2 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Miss Tessa, a VAT-registered physician and beaucian, conducted an internal abs enhancement procedure to a Mr. Fred Casllo, a praccing accountant. The two contracted for a P2 million payment before taxes.

What is the VAT due on the transacon?

Select one:


a. P252,000 b. P120,000 c. P0 d. P264,000 Feedback Your answer is correct. (P2M x 105%) x 12%

The correct answer is: P252,000 Queson 3 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text   Shares of stock held as investment when when sold not through the local stock exchange shall be subject to

Select one: a. Percentage tax on inial public oering of 4%, 2% or 1% based on gross selling price or gross value in money b. Percentage tax of 6/10 of 1% based on gross selling price or gross value in money c. Value-added tax of 12% based on gross income d. Capital gains tax of 15% on capital gain Feedback Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Capital gains tax of 15% on capital gain Queson 4


Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text What is the business tax liability of gas and water ulity companies with gross receipts not exceeding P10 million?

Select one: a. 3% percentage tax b. 2% percentage tax c. VAT d. No business tax Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: 2% percentage tax Queson 5 Incorrect Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text The tax refund or tax credit on exported products shall not be allowed on

Select one: a. All metallic products

b. All mineral products, coal and coke. c. All mineral products


d. Coal and coke Feedback Your answer is incorrect. The correct answer is: All mineral products Queson 6 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Apolinario owns and operates a taxi unit. He also teaches as an accounng professor at a university and renders professional consultancy services to various clients. Apolinario is registered as a VAT-taxpayer. In March 2020, he had the following receipts: Compensaon income from teaching, P200,000 Receipts from taxi, P50,000 Receipts from professional pracce What is the percentage tax payable of Apolinario for March 2020?

Select one: a. P1,500 b. P18,000 c. P12,000 d. P0 Feedback Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: P1,500 Queson 7


Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Panday Pira Local Water District has an annual sales of P10 million a year. During the month, it collected P4,000,00 from sales of water. The percentage tax due is

Select one: a. P0 b. P80,000 c. P200,000 d. P120,000 Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: P80,000 Queson 8 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Which of the following is not considered a taxable sin product?

Select one: a. Marijuana

b. Liquors c. Tobacco leaves


d. Sweetened beverages Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Marijuana Queson 9 Incorrect Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Which is the correct percentage tax on the following service providers?

Select one: a. Keepers of garage – 5% b. Franchisees of water ulity – 3% c. Life insurance companies – 5% d. Operators of jai-alai and horseraces – 30% Feedback Your answer is incorrect. The correct answer is: Operators of jai-alai and horseraces – 30% Queson 10 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text

Which winning is subject to percentage tax?


Select one: a. Winnings from gambling b. Winnings from derby c. Winnings from horserace d. Winnings from loo Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Winnings from horserace Queson 11 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Gregoria Transporters, a transportaon contractor, transports employees of Amita Industries to and from Ilagan City to a distant plant in San Mariano City. In March, Gregoria Transporters was paid P300,000 by Amita Industries. The percentage tax due is

Select one: a. P15,000 b. P0 c. P9,000 d. P36,000 Feedback

Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: P9,000


Queson 12 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Palma Bank had the followi following ng summary of receipts:

Interest income on short-term loans


Interest income on long-term loans


Rent income on ROPOA


Service fees and gains




What is the gross receipts tax due?

Select one: a. P160,000 b. P180,000 c. P200,000 d. P220,000 Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: P180,000 Queson 13 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text AMT Company sells sports cars with selling prices ranging from P2 million to P20 million. During the month, it completed the producon of 2 units of the Time Traveler model with aggregate cost of P2 million and wholesale price of P6 million.

What is the ad valorem tax?

Select one: a. P600,000

b. P3,000,000 c. P1,200,000


d. P0 Feedback Your answer is correct. SRP per unit = P6M/2 = P3M per unit P6M x 20% = P1.2M

The correct answer is: P1,200,000 Queson 14 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text The excise tax on excisable goods exported is claimed by refund or tax credit. Which is an excepon to this rule?

Select one: a. Petroleum products b. Non-essenal goods c. Sin products d. Mineral products Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Mineral products Queson 15

Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00


Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Which of the following boxing events is not exempt from amusement tax?

Select one: a. Naonal championship b. Oriental championship c. Asian championship d. World championship Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Naonal championship Queson 16 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Which statement is correct?

Select one: a. Excise taxes are imposed at the point of consumpon. b. Excise tax normally don’t have a deadline of payment. c. Excise tax is payable on top of value-added tax but not of percentage tax.

d. Business for subsistence are exempt from excise tax. Feedback


Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Excise tax normally don’t have a deadline of payment. Queson 17 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Dagohoy Corporaon sell bread to various stores and makes P150,000 monthly sales on the average. During the month, it made total sales of P200,000 out of which only P160,000 was collected. What is the percentage tax due?

Select one: a. P4,500 b. P0 c. P6,000 d. P4,800 Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: P6,000 Queson 18 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text

Miss Tessa, a VAT-registered physician and beaucian, conducted an internal abs enhancement procedure to a Mr. Fred Casllo, a praccing accountant. The two contracted for a P2 million payment before taxes.


What is the excise tax?

Select one: a. P40,000 b. P200,000 c. P0 d. P100,000 Feedback Your answer is correct. P2M x 5%

The correct answer is: P100,000 Queson 19 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text MV Leona, an internaonal shipping carrier, had the following receipts on its Philippine operaons:

Gross receipts from





Incoming voyages




Outgoing voyages










How much is the percentage tax due?

Select one: a. P99,000 b. P0 c. P54,000 d. P144,000 Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: P54,000 Queson 20 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Which could not be considered a vanity tax

Select one: a. Tax imposed upon champagne


b. Tax imposed upon automobiles c. Tax imposed upon jewelry d. Tax imposed upon cosmec surgery Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Tax imposed upon champagne Queson 21 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Which of the following overseas call is not subject to percentage tax?

Select one: a. Overseas calls transmied by the board of directors of Smart Communicaons. b. Overseas calls transmied by PilTalk Company, a call center company located in Cauayan City. c. Overseas calls transmied by the City of Ilagan. d. Overseas calls by Pedro, a minimum wage earner. Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Overseas calls transmied by the City of Ilagan. Queson 22 Correct

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson


Queson text Dr. Tacac, a VAT-registered surgeon, conducted a cosmec surgery on Miss Ivana for P1,200,000. The fee is agreed to be inclusive of VAT but exclusive of excise tax. What is the excise tax?

Select one: a. P57,143 b. P60,000 c. P53,571 d. P50,000 Feedback Your answer is correct. (P1.2M/112%) x 5%

The correct answer is: P53,571 Queson 23 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text AMT Company sells hybrid cars ulizing alternave power sources. The cars have selling prices ranging from P2 million to P20 million. During the month, it completed the producon of 2 units of the Time Saver model with aggregate cost of P2 million and wholesale price of P6 million.

What is the ad valorem tax?

Select one: a. P3,000,000


b. P0 c. P600,000 d. P1,200,000 Feedback Your answer is correct. P6M x 20% x 50%

The correct answer is: P600,000 Queson 24 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text A quasi-bank received the following from its short-term placement of excess funds: Dividend income, P500,000 Bank interest interest income, net of nal tax, P800,000 What is the gross receipts tax due?

Select one: a. P40,000 b. P0 c. P91,000 d. P50,000

Feedback Your answer is correct.


The correct answer is: P50,000 Queson 25 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text AMT Company sells electric cars with selling prices ranging from P2 million to P20 million. During the month, it completed the producon of 2 units of the Time Saver model with aggregate cost of P2 million and wholesale price of P6 million.

What is the ad valorem tax?

Select one: a. P3,000,000 b. P600,000 c. P1,200,000 d. P0 Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: P0 Queson 26 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson

Queson text Filing of an excise tax bond is required on


Select one: a. Excise tax on metallic minerals and mineral products b. Excise tax on indigenous petroleum or natural gas c. Excise tax on non-metallic minerals and mineral products d. Excise tax on mineral products Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Excise tax on metallic minerals and mineral products Queson 27 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Which is subject to purely specic tax?

Select one: a. Yacht b. Dislled spirits c. Cigar d. Cigarees Feedback Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Cigarees Queson 28


Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Excise to shall apply to certain goods that are I. Locally produced II. Imported

Select one: a. II only b. Both I and II c. I only d. Neither I nor II Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Both I and II Queson 29 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Dr. Tacac, a VAT-registered surgeon, conducted a cosmec surgery on Miss Ivana for P1,200,000. The fee is agreed to be inclusive of VAT and excise tax. What is the excise tax?

Select one: a. P60,000


b. P53,571 c. P51,202 d. P57,143 Feedback Your answer is correct. (P1.2M/112%) x 5%/105%

The correct answer is: P51,202 Queson 30 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Which is a VAT-exempt receipt to a bus operator?

Select one: a. Receipts from passengers b. Receipt from mails c. Receipt from baggage d. Receipt from cargoes Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Receipts from passengers

aterno Flights, an internaonal carrier, recorded the following receipts during a month for outgoing ights:



From booking agencies in









Cargoes and baggage









What is the percentage tax due?

Select one: a. P15,000 b. P60,000 c. P75,000 d. P51,000 Feedback

Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: P51,000


Queson 2 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Statement 1: All inial public oerings are subject to IPO tax Statement 2: A follow-through oering is exempt exempt from IPO tax Which statement is correct?

Select one: a. Statement 1 only b. Both statements are correct c. Statement 2 only d. Both statements are incorrect Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Statement 2 only Queson 3 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Emilio, a non-VAT-registered operator of jeepney, reported a total receipt of P200,000 during a month, including P20,000 rentals for cargo transport. How much is the percentage tax?

Select one:


a. P5,400 b. P6,000 c. P6,600 d. P0 Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: P6,000 Queson 4 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Taxes imposed to restrain luxury

Select one: a. Vanity tax b. Sumptuary tax c. Green tax d. Sin tax Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Sumptuary tax Queson 5

Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00


Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Which of the following does not properly describe excise tax on certain goods or services?

Select one: a. Estate tax b. Vanity tax c. Environment tax d. Sin tax Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Estate tax Queson 6 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Lopez Company imports and manufactures various various automobile models. During the month, it had the following data on its operaon:


Total Costs Co sts

Total Selling Price


Cars imported



Cars produced






The sales of these cars are subject to 10% excise tax.

What is the excise tax?

Select one:

a. P3,000,000 b. P4,550,000


c. P4,000,000 d. P4,350,000 Feedback Your answer is correct.  (P12.5M + P30M) x 110% x 10%

The correct answer is: P4,550,000 Queson 7 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text RPL Company produced the following vehicle models during the month:

Car models

Wholesale prices

BSA electric car


MBA bus





CTS Jeep


CAT motorbikes




What is the total excise tax due?

Select one: a. P300,000 b. P0 c. P340,000

d. P600,000 Feedback


Your answer is correct. P3M x 20% x 50% Electric car is exempt Bus and jeep is an exempt vehicle Motorbike is not expressly taxed

The correct answer is: P300,000 Queson 8 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Which statement is false?

Select one: a. Cigarees are subject to specic taxes. b. All excisable automobiles are subject to specic tax. c. All excisable petroleum products are subject to specic taxes. d. All excisable jewelries are subject to ad valorem tax. Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: All excisable automobiles are subject to specic tax. Queson 9

Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00


Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Statement 1: The percentage of block sale in primary oering is determined using the outstanding shares aer the IPO. Statement 2: The percentage of stock sale in secondary oering is determined using the outstanding shares before the IPO. Which statement is correct?

Select one: a. Statement 1 only b. Statement 2 only c. Both statements are correct d. Both statements are incorrect Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Both statements are correct Queson 10 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Mr. Galicano owns 1,000,000 shares represenng 40% of the outstanding stocks of Amita Corporaon, a closely-held corporaon, which is conducng an inial public oering. Mr. Galicano sold 700,000 shares during the inial public oering for P100 per share. Aer the inial public oering, Mr. Galicano further sold his remaining 300,000 shareholdings for P90

per share. What is the IPO tax due from Mr. Galicano on the sale of the 300,000 shares?


Select one: a. P161,000 b. P162,000 c. P270,000 d. P540,000 Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: P162,000 Queson 11 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Which is incorrect with respect to the requisites of exempon of receipts from professional boxing?

Select one: a. Both contenders must be Filipinos b. The promoter must be a Filipino cizen or a corporaon with at least 60% owned by Filipinos c. The compeon must be a world or oriental championship d. All of the above Feedback Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Both contenders must be Filipinos Queson 12


Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Andres, a VAT-registered taxpayer, reported P200,000 sales last month. His annual sales never exceeded P3,000,000. Compute his percentage percentage tax.

Select one: a. P0 b. P54,000 c. P6,000 d. P24,000 Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: P0 Queson 13 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text When domesc products that are removed from their place of producon without payment of the excise tax, the tax shall be paid by the

Select one:

a. producer of the goods. b. buyer and seller equally.


c. last seller. seller. d. owner having possession thereof. Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: owner having possession thereof. Queson 14 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Miss Tessa, a VAT-registered physician and beaucian, conducted an internal abs enhancement procedure to a Mr. Fred Casllo, a praccing accountant. The two contracted for a P2 million payment before taxes.

What is the amount of withholding tax that Mr. Fred Casllo shall deduct on the professional fees? Select one: a. P204,000 b. P200,000 c. P210,000 d. P100,000 Feedback Your answer is correct. P2M x 10% Withholding tax does not cover excise tax and output VAT.

The taxpayer is VAT registered; presumed to have an annual receipt exceeding P3M a year.


The correct answer is: P200,000 Queson 15 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text The taxpayer is a VAT-registered lessor of residenal units. Monthly rent per unit is P16,000 while his gross rental income for the year amounted to P2,500,000. What is the applicable business tax on his rental income?

Select one: a. 12% VAT or 3% percentage tax at his opon b. Exempt from VAT or percentage tax c. 12% VAT d. 3% percentage tax Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: 3% percentage tax Queson 16 Incorrect Mark 0.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text The premiums tax on insurance premium is

Select one:


a. 3% b. 5% c. 2% d. 4% Feedback Your answer is incorrect. The correct answer is: 2% Queson 17 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Statement 1: Internaonal air carriers and internaonal shipping carriers shall not be subject to 12% value added tax but to 3% common carrier’s tax based on gross receipts derived from their transport of passengers and goods from Philippines to other countries.

Statement 2: In cases when the Gross Gross Philippine Billings Tax of 2.5% for internaonal carriers is not applicable, the common carrier’s tax under Sec. 118 of the NIRC shall sll apply.

Select one: a. Statement 1 is false but statement 2 is true. b. Statements 1 & 2 are false. c. Statements 1 & 2 are true. d. Statement 1 is true but statement 2 is false.

Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Statement 1 is false but statement 2 is true.


Queson 18 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Which of the following requires a payment of bond?

Select one: a. Removal of wines and dislled spirits for tobacco leaf treatment. b. Removal of spirits for reccaon. c. Removal of fermented liquor to bonded warehouses. d. All of the above. Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: All of the above. Queson 19 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text A small-scale miner sold his gold to a gold trader for P500,000. What is the excis excise e tax?

Select one:

a. P50,000 b. P100,000


c. P0 d. P20,000 Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: P0 Queson 20 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Who shall be liable to the amusement taxes under Secon 125 of the Tax Code?

Select one: a. Lessees of bowling alleys b. Patrons of amusement places c. Lessors of amusement places d. Proprietors, lessees or operators of amusement places Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Proprietors, lessees or operators of amusement places Queson 21 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Not aggedFlag queson Queson text


AMT Company sells electric cars with selling prices ranging from P2 million to P20 million. During the month, it completed the producon of 2 units of the Time Saver model with aggregate cost of P2 million and wholesale price of P6 million.

What is the ad valorem tax?

Select one: a. P600,000 b. P0 c. P1,200,000 d. P3,000,000 Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: P0 Queson 22 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text AMT Company sells sports cars with selling prices ranging from P2 million to P20 million. During the month, it completed the producon of 2 units of the Time Traveler model with aggregate cost of P2 million and wholesale price of P6 million.

What is the ad valorem tax?

Select one: a. P3,000,000


b. P0 c. P1,200,000 d. P600,000 Feedback Your answer is correct. SRP per unit = P6M/2 = P3M per unit P6M x 20% = P1.2M

The correct answer is: P1,200,000 Queson 23 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Which of the following statements is incorrect?

Select one: a. The 6/10 of 1% stock transacon transacon tax is a nal withholding tax on income b. The 6/10 of 1% tax shall be collected by the broker who made the sale and shall be remied within 5 banking days from the date of collecon c. The 6/10 of 1% stock transacon tax is collected collected whether there is a gain or loss. d. The tax paid on sale of shares through local stock exchange and inial public oering and secondary oering shall not be an allowable deducon for income tax purposes Feedback

Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: The 6/10 of 1% stock transacon tax is a nal withholding tax on income


Queson 24 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Padre Burgos, a non-VAT taxpayer, is an operator of four buses plying the route Isabela-Manila. In February 2020, the buses remied a total of P320,000, including P30,000 freight and charges for passenger baggage. The common carriers tax is

Select one: a. P8,700 b. P10,500 c. P0 d. P9,600 Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: P9,600 Queson 25 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text What is the tax basis on goods subject to ad valorem tax?

Select one: a. Gross selling price at the place of producon


b. Gross selling price of the resellers of the goods c. Producon cost plus a minimum 10% margin d. Gross selling price at the place or producon or in other places if sold by the owner in other places. Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Gross selling price at the place or producon or in other places if sold by the owner in other places. Queson 26 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Amita Company is a VAT-registered car manufacturer. It had the following data on the manufacture of a car model during a period of recession:

Producon costs, P1,000,000 Transportaon and other expenses of sale, P200,000 Final selling price to customer, P1,100,000

What is the nal basis for the ad valorem tax?

Select one: a. P1,320,000 b. P1,200,000


, 00,000

c. P1,100,000 d. P1,000,000


Feedback Your answer is correct. (P1,000,000 + P200,000) x 110%

The correct answer is: P1,320,000 Queson 27 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Lapu-Lapu Corporaon, a non-VAT taxpayer, leases commercial spaces to various businesses. During a month, it received P142,500 rentals, net of 5% creditable withholding tax. What is the percentage tax due?

Select one: a. P0 b. P4,500 c. P4,061 d. P4,275 Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: P4,500

Queson 28 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00


Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Whether metallic or non-metallic mineral product, the excise tax on imported goods shall be paid

Select one: a. Within 15 days from importaon b. Within 10 days aer removal of the goods from Customs c. Upon sale of the goods to the Customs territory territory d. Before removal of the goods from Customs Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Before removal of the goods from Customs Queson 29 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Felipe Airlines, an internaonal air carrier, collected a total of P300,000 from transporng passengers during the month. It also collected collected a total of P5,000,000 from transporng transporng mails and baggage. baggage. The percentage tax due is

Select one: a. P900,000

b. P150,000 c. P1,050,000 d. P0


Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: P150,000 Queson 30 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Who will pay excise tax?

Select one: a. Manufacturer of vinegar b. Manufacturer of denatured alcohol c. Hospitals for performing cosmec surgery d. Manufacturer of plasc Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Hospitals for performing cosmec surgery

Miss Tessa, a VAT-registered physician and beaucian, conducted an internal abs enhancement procedure to a Mr. Fred Casllo, a praccing accountant. The two contracted for a P2 million payment before taxes.

What is the excise tax?

Select one:


a. P0 b. P100,000 c. P200,000 d. P40,000 Feedback Your answer is correct. P2M x 5%

The correct answer is: P100,000 Queson 2 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Padre Zamora, a VAT taxpayer, is an operator of four buses plying the route Isabela-Manila. In February 2020, the buses remied a total of P320,000, including P30,000 freight and charges for passeng passenger er baggage. The percentage tax due is

Select one: a. P8,700 b. P0 c. P9,600

d. P10,50 Feedback Your answer is correct.


The correct answer is: P8,700 Queson 3 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text One of the following statements is wrong. Operators of transport facilies by land are

Select one: a. Subject to percentage tax on gross receipts from transporng passengers. b. Subject to the value-added tax on gross receipts from transporng passengers. c. Subject to the value-added tax on gross receipts from transporng goods and cargoes. d. Subject to the value-added tax on gross receipts from renng out its transportaon facilies. Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Subject to the value-added tax on gross receipts from transporng passengers. Queson 4 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text The percentage tax on winnings is imposed on beors in

Select one: a. Cockghng


b. Horse race c. Boxing d. Jai-alai Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Horse race Queson 5 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text RPL Company produced the following vehicle models during the month:

Car models

Wholesale prices

BSA electric car


MBA bus





CTS Jeep


CAT motorbikes




What is the total excise tax due?

Select one: a. P340,000 b. P0 c. P600,000 d. P300,000

Feedback Your answer is correct.


P3M x 20% x 50% Electric car is exempt Bus and jeep is an exempt vehicle Motorbike is not expressly taxed

The correct answer is: P300,000 Queson 6 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Rizal Company has three cigar processing plants located in Laguna, Manila and Dapitan. Rizal’s head oce is in Manila. Which is true with respect to the ling of excise tax?

Select one: a. Rizal shall le the return where it warehouses its products. b. Only one consolidated return needs to be led in Manila. c. One return shall be led for each factory or place of producon. d. Rizal can choose to le the return at any of the RDOs having locaon of the plants. Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: One return shall be led for each factory or place of producon. Queson 7

Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson


Queson text Melchora has two taxis which were both grounded during the month of March due to the enhanced community quaranne. The applicable presumpve quarterly gross receipt for each tax was P3,600. What is the percentage tax due for March 2020?

Select one: a. P72 b. P0 c. P108 d. P216 Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: P72 Queson 8 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Rafael Airlines is a domesc airliner with annual receipts exceeding P50 million. During the month, it generated the following following receipts: Passengers, P5 million; Cargoes and baggage, P1.5 million. The percentage tax due is

Select one: a. P45,000

b. P150,000 c. P0 d. P195,000


Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: P0 Queson 9 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text In a recently completed race, Rivera Astrodome noted the following winning ckets: Straightt bets: P40,000, 20 ckets at P100 per cket Straigh cket Combinaon bets: bets: P20,000, 2 ckets at P200 per cket cket What is the percentage tax to be withheld on the winnings?

Select one: a. P4,584 b. P5,760 c. P0 d. P3,800 Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: P4,584 Queson 10

Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson


Queson text Dr. Tacac, a VAT-registered surgeon, conducted a cosmec surgery on Miss Ivana for P1,200,000. The fee is agreed to be inclusive of VAT and excise tax. What is the excise tax?

Select one: a. P57,143 b. P60,000 c. P53,571 d. P51,202 Feedback Your answer is correct. (P1.2M/112%) x 5%/105%

The correct answer is: P51,202 Queson 11 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text The gross receipts tax on long-term interest income is

Select one: a. 3%

b. 1% c. 5% d. 7%


Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: 1% Queson 12 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Which is subject to the 20% jewelry tax? Select one: a. Silver-plated wares b. Dental gold alloys or gold tooth lling c. Gold-plated frames or mounngs for eyeglasses d. Pearl Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Pearl Queson 13 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text

A radio or television broadcasng company with annual gross receipts of P11 million shall pay

Select one:


a. 3% percentage tax b. VAT c. No business tax d. 2% percentage tax Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: VAT Queson 14 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text The excise tax on minerals does not apply to

Select one: a. Gold, chromite, copper, silver or iron b. Natural gas c. Indigenous petroleum d. Diamond and sapphire Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Natural gas

Queson 15 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00


Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Amita Company is a VAT-registered car manufacturer. It had the following data on the manufacture of a car model during a period of recession:

Producon costs, P1,000,000 Transportaon and other expenses of sale, P200,000 Final selling price to customer, P1,100,000

What is the nal basis for the ad valorem tax?

Select one: a. P1,100,000 b. P1,200,000 c. P1,320,000 d. P1,000,000 Feedback Your answer is correct. (P1,000,000 + P200,000) x 110%

The correct answer is: P1,320,000 Queson 16

Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson


Queson text Panganiban Company is conducng an inial public oering of 2,000,000 shares. Panganiban Company already had 4,000,000 issued and outstanding share shares. s. The new IPO shares shall be sold at P3 per share. What is the tax on the inial public oering?

Select one: a. P60,000 b. P120,000 c. P0 d. P240,000 Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: P120,000 Queson 17 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Isabelo Insurance Corporaon has the following receipts and receivables from its insurance products:






Cash and checks




Promissory notes










What is the insurance premiums tax due?

Select one: a. P24,000 b. P36,000 c. P20,000 d. P30,000 Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: P24,000 Queson 18 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text An operator of car with chaueurs for hire had the following nancial results during a month:

Total collecons



P 240,000




P 100,000


Other car supplies



Driver’s salaries




Net income


P 96,000


What is the percentage tax due?

Select one: a. P4,200 b. P4,320 c. P2,880 d. P7,200 Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: P2,880 Queson 19 Correct

Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text


Which is not subject to excise tax?

Select one: a. Quarry resources b. Precious metals c. Sweetened beverages d. Prostuon Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Prostuon Queson 20 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text A domesc transportaon contractor by land is engaged in the transport of passengers, goods and cargoes. If the contractor is not VAT-registered, what business taxes is he liable for?

Select one: a. 12% value added tax b. 3% common carrier’s tax c. 12% VAT on gross receipts from transport of goods and cargoes and 3% common carrier’s tax on gross receipts from transport of passengers

d. 3% tax on VAT-exempt persons on gross receipts from transport of goods and cargoes and 3% common carrier’s tax on gross receipts from transport of passengers. Feedback Your answer is correct.


The correct answer is: 3% tax on VAT-exempt persons on gross receipts from transport of goods and cargoes and 3% common carrier’s tax on gross receipts from transport of passengers. Queson 21 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Dr. Tacac, a VAT-registered surgeon, conducted a cosmec surgery on Miss Ivana for P1,200,000. The fee is agreed to be inclusive of VAT but exclusive of excise tax. What is the excise tax?

Select one: a. P60,000 b. P53,571 c. P50,000 d. P57,143 Feedback Your answer is correct. (P1.2M/112%) x 5%

The correct answer is: P53,571 Queson 22 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Which is specically subject to percentage tax?


Select one: a. Internaonal carriers b. Domesc shipping companies c. Property insurance companies d. Credit cooperaves Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Internaonal carriers Queson 23 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Indigenous petroleum petroleum does not include

Select one: a. Mineral oil or gas b. Coal, peat and bituminous shale or straed deposits c. Hydrocarbon or gas d. Bitumen or crude asphalt Feedback

Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Bitumen or crude asphalt Queson 24


Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Miss Tessa, a VAT-registered physician and beaucian, conducted an internal abs enhancement procedure to a Mr. Fred Casllo, a praccing accountant. The two contracted for a P2 million payment before taxes.

What is the VAT due on the transacon?

Select one: a. P252,000 b. P264,000 c. P0 d. P120,000 Feedback Your answer is correct. (P2M x 105%) x 12%

The correct answer is: P252,000 Queson 25 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Statement 1: Excise tax, customs dues and the VAT VAT on importaon is similarly collecble at the point of importaon.


Statement 2: Excise tax and the VA VAT on importaon are similarly imposed upon landed costs.

Which statement is correct?

Select one: a. Statement 2 only b. Both statements are incorrect c. Statement 1 only d. Both statements are correct Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Both statements are correct Queson 26 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Which is subject to premiums tax?

Select one: a. Fire insurance premium

b. Reinsurance premiums c. Property insurance premiums d. Health insurance premiums


Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Health insurance premiums Queson 27 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Sin taxes is not imposed on

Select one: a. Cosmec surgery b. Wines c. Sweetened beverages d. Cigars Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Cosmec surgery Queson 28 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson

Queson text A small-scale miner sold his gold to a gold trader for P500,000. What is the excis excise e tax?


Select one: a. P50,000 b. P20,000 c. P100,000 d. P0 Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: P0 Queson 29 Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text Which statement is not correct?

Select one: a. The percentage taxes are basically on sales of services. b. The percentage taxes are paid on a quarterly basis. c. An isolated transacon not in the course of business will not result in a liability for a percentage tax. d. The percentage taxes are not allowed by law to be shied to the customer or clients. Feedback Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: The percentage taxes are not allowed by law to be shied to the customer or clients. Queson 30 Correct


Mark 1.00 out of 1.00 Not aggedFlag queson Queson text The excise tax on certain goods or services is not a

Select one: a. Naonal tax b. Tax on domesc consumpon c. Direct tax d. Indirect tax Feedback Your answer is correct. The correct answer is: Direct tax

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