Quiz 1

November 18, 2018 | Author: lala | Category: Relational Database, Relational Model, Table (Database), Databases, Conceptual Model
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Answers for Oracle Database Fundamentals...


1. Business rules help you understand the standardization procedure an organiza organizatio tion n follow follows s when when handlin handling g huge huge data. data. Mark for Revie Review w (1) Points

True ()




#. Business rules are used to understand $usiness processes% and the natu ature% ro role% and scope ope of of th the da data. Mar Mark fo for Re Review (1) Points

True ()




&. 'n a network data$ase odel the data is organized into a tree like structure and to retrieve data the whole tree needs to $e traversed starting fro the root node. Mark for Review (1) Points


!alse ()


'ncorrect. Refer to *ection 1 +esson &.

,. 'n the relational data$ase odel% each ta$le nae ust $e uni-ue. The colun naes in the ta$le ust $e uni-ue too. ou can have two different ta$les that have have colun colun naes naes that that are siila siilar. r. Mark for for Review Review (1) Points

True ()



'ncorrect. Refer to *ection 1 +esson &.

/. Physical data odeling is the e0aination of a $usiness and $usiness data in order to deterine the structure of $usiness inforation and the rule rules s tha that t gov gover ern n it. it. Mark Mark for for Rev Revie iew w (1) Points


!alse ()

'ncorrect 'ncorrect. Refer to *ection 1 +esson &. . 2ata 2ata 'nte 'ntegr grit ity y ensu ensure res s the the dupl duplic icat atio ion n of info infor rat atio ion. n. (1) Points

Mark Mark for for Revi Review ew


!alse ()


'ncorrect. Refer to *ection 1 +esson ,.


4 row is call alled a recor cord.

Mark ark for for Revi eview

(1) Points

True ()



'ncorrect. Refer to *ection 1 +esson ,.


'n a relational data$ase a ta$le is referred to as .. Mark for

Review (1) Points


Relation ()



'ncorrect. Refer to *ection 1 +esson &.

/. Physical data odeling is the e0aination of a $usiness and $usiness data in order to deterine the structure of $usiness inforation and the rule rules s tha that t gov gover ern n it. it. Mark Mark for for Rev Revie iew w (1) Points


!alse ()

'ncorrect 'ncorrect. Refer to *ection 1 +esson &. . 2ata 2ata 'nte 'ntegr grit ity y ensu ensure res s the the dupl duplic icat atio ion n of info infor rat atio ion. n. (1) Points

Mark Mark for for Revi Review ew


!alse ()


'ncorrect. Refer to *ection 1 +esson ,.


4 row is call alled a recor cord.

Mark ark for for Revi eview

(1) Points

True ()



'ncorrect. Refer to *ection 1 +esson ,.


'n a relational data$ase a ta$le is referred to as .. Mark for

Review (1) Points


Relation ()




("ho ("hoos ose e &) &) (1) Points


7. 4 2BM* coprises of the following eleents8 Mark Mark for for Rev Revie iew w

("hoose all correct answers)

9ernel code ()

Repository of etadata ()

:uery language ()




1;. 'nforation can $e defined as facts fro which you can deduce new facts facts Mark Mark for for Review Review (1) Points


!alse ()

'ncorrect 'ncorrect. Refer to *ection 1 +esson #. 11. The arket for 'T professionals is still increasing and will continue to do so in the future as the world gets ever ore dependent on coputer systes. True or !alse< Mark for Review (1) Points

True ()




1#. =nce you have learned how to write progras and $uild systes% you no longer need any input or involveent fro any users as you are perfectly capa$le of deliverin delivering g the systes that that $usinesses $usinesses need and want. want. Mark for Review Review (1) Points

True. >sers delay the delivery of a syste $y changing their inds and adding new re-uireents.

True. The only re-uireent for creating a perfect syste is a perfect prograer.

!alse. Business re-uireents can and will change. !or instance new legal re-uireents ay arise. ()

True. >sers never know what they want anyway% so $uilding systes is $est left to the professionals.



1&. 4 segent is a set of e0tents which have $een allocated for a specific type of of data structure% structure% and all are are stored stored in the sae sae ta$lespace. ta$lespace. Mark for Review (1) Points

True ()




1,. =racle 2ata$ase stores data logically in ta$lespaces and physically physically in datafiles datafiles associated associated with the correspo corresponding nding ta$lespace. ta$lespace. Mark for Review (1) Points

True ()



'ncorrect. Refer to *ection 1 +esson /.

1/. 1/.

The The sal salle lest st logi logica cal l stor storag age e unit unit of a data data$a $ase se is ... ...

Mark Mark

for Review (1) Points

2ata Blocks ()




'ncorrect 'ncorrect. Refer to *ection 1 +esson /. 1. 4 relational odel descri$es a data$ase in ters of ta$les% coluns% and @oin @oins s $et $etwe ween en ta$l ta$les es. . Mark Mark for for Rev Revie iew w (1) Points

True ()




#. 'n a network data$ase odel the data is organized into a tree like structure and to retrieve data the whole tree needs to $e traversed starting fro the root node. Mark for Review (1) Points


!alse ()


'ncorrect. Refer to *ection 1 +esson &.

&. 4 flat file ay contain any fields% often% with duplicate data that are are prone prone to data data corrup corruption tion. . Mark Mark for Review Review (1) Points

True ()





The ain su$@ect areas taught $y the =racle 4cadey are8


for Review (1) Points

2ata Modeling% *:+% and P+A*:+ ()

"oputer Repairs

*ystes prograing and coputer architecture

2ata$ase perforance tuning



/. The arket for 'T professionals is still increasing and will continue to do so in the future as the world gets ever ore dependent on coputer systes. True or !alse< Mark for Review (1) Points

True ()


"orrect "orrect . 4 data$ase instance is a set of eory structures that anage data$ase files.  Mark for Review (1) Points

True ()




3. for Review (1) Points

The sallest logical storage unit of a data$ase is ...


2ata Blocks ()






5. perspective. (1) Points

4 data$ase can $e considered only fro a physical storage Mark for Review


!alse ()



7. $een ... ("hoose &) (1) Points

The reason or drive for using data$ases rather than files has

Mark for Review

("hoose all correct answers)

4vaila$ility of data to a diverse set of users ()

'ntegration of data for easier access and odification for cople0 transactions ()

Reduced redundancy of data ()

>se of $locks


'ncorrect. Refer to *ection 1 +esson .

1;. Business rules help you understand the standardization procedure an organization follows when handling huge data. Mark for Review

(1) Points

True ()


"orrect "orrect 11. 4 row is called a record. (1) Points

Mark for Review

True ()



coluns. (1) Points


1#. 4 relational data$ase stores inforation in ta$les with rows and Mark for Review

True ()




1&. By defining priary and foreign keys% you can ensure that the integrity of the data in a ta$le is aintained. Mark for Review (1) Points

True ()



'ncorrect. Refer to *ection 1 +esson ,.

1,. 4 data$ase interacts with the data and provides the following facilities8 Mark for Review (1) Points



Both ()



("hoose &) (1) Points


1/. 4 2BM* coprises of the following eleents8 Mark for Review

("hoose all correct answers)

9ernel code ()

Repository of etadata ()

:uery language ()




:>' # 1. 2ata odeling is perfored for the following reasons8 ("hoose Two) for Review (1) Points


("hoose all correct answers)

The ?R2 $ecoes a $lueprint for designing the actual syste. ()

't helps discussions and reviews. ()

Ce do not need dataodelsD we can @ust start coding right away.

Ce draw an ?R2 solely to please the usersD once copleted% the ?R2 is never referred to again as it serves no purpose in the real world.


'ncorrect. Refer to *ection # +esson &.

#. 4 conceptual data odel is converted using a Relational 2ata Base Manageent *yste to which odel< Mark for Review (1) Points

?0ternal data odel

+ogical data odel ()

4n entityrelation data odel

'nternal data odel


'ncorrect. Refer to *ection # +esson &.

&. Many reasons e0ist for creating a conceptual odel. "hoose three appropriate reasons fro the options $elow. ("hoose &) Mark for Review (1) Points ("hoose all correct answers)

They capture current and future needs. ()

They odel functional and inforational needs. ()

They accurately descri$e what a physical odel will contain. ()

They odel the inforation flow of data.

They capture the ipleentation details of the physical odel.


'ncorrect. Refer to *ection # +esson &.

,. (1) Points


Priary 9ey can contain null values.

Mark for Review

!alse ()




>ni-ue 'dentifiers8

Mark for Review

(1) Points

2istinguish one entity fro another.

2istinguish nothing

2istinguish one instance of an entity fro all other instances of that entity ()

2istinguish all entities in a data$ase

"orrect "orrect . Chich of the following are e0aples of e$usinesses that use data$ase software< ("hoose &) Mark for Review (1) Points ("hoose all correct answers)

=nline research paper

=nline clothing store ()

=nline $ook store ()

=nline personal shopping service ()

=nline personal we$ page


'ncorrect. Refer to *ection # +esson 1.

3. for Review (1) Points

!lat file data$ases avoids data duplication. True or !alse< Mark


!alse ()


'ncorrect. Refer to *ection # +esson 1.

5. 'n the relational odel% data is organized in twodiensional ta$les called relations. True or !alse< Mark for Review (1) Points

True ()




7. data$ases< ("hoose 1) (1) Points

Chich of the following stateents does not apply to relational

Mark for Review

("hoose all correct answers)

Relational data$ases have a strong atheatical foundation.

Relational data$ases are siple to understand.

Ta$les are one of the $asic coponents of relational data$ases

Relational data$ases have a strong procedural orientation ()


'ncorrect. Refer to *ection # +esson #.

1;. 'n the relational odel% data is organized in twodiensional ta$les called EEEEEEEEEEE. Mark for Review (1) Points

Relations ()




'ncorrect 'ncorrect. Refer to *ection # +esson #. 11. 'n a physical data odel% an attri$ute is represented as aAan Review (1) Points

Mark for



!oreign 9ey

"olun ()


'ncorrect. Refer to *ection # +esson ,.

1#. The transforation fro an ?R diagra to a physical design involves changing terinology. *econdary >ni-ue 'dentifiers $ecoe Mark for Review (1) Points

Priary 9ey "onstraints


>ni-ue "onstraints ()



'ncorrect. Refer to *ection #+esson ,.

1&. Chich of the following entities ost likely contains invalid attri$utes< Mark for Review (1) Points

?ntity8 Foe. 4ttri$utes8 6u$er of Bedroos% =wner% 4ddress% 2ate Built

?ntity8 Mother. 4ttri$utes8 6ae% Birthdate% =ccupation% 6u$er of "hildren

?ntity8 Pet. 4ttri$utes8 6ae% Birthdate% =wner

?ntity8 "ar. 4ttri$utes8 =wner =ccupation% =wner *alary% *peed ()


'ncorrect. Refer to *ection # +esson ,.

1,. 4 $arred relationship is apped to a priarykey colun on the any side% @ust like any other M81 relationship. Mark for Review (1) Points


!alse ()


'ncorrect. Refer to *ection # +esson .

1/. =neto=ne relationships are transfored into !oreign 9eys in the ta$les created at either end of that relationship. True or !alse< Mark for Review (1) Points


!alse ()

'ncorrect 'ncorrect. Refer to *ection # +esson . 1. 'n a physical data odel% a relationship is represented as a co$ination of8 ("hoose Two) Mark for Review (1) Points ("hoose all correct answers)

"heck "onstraint or >ni-ue 9ey


!oreign 9ey ()

Priary 9ey or >ni-ue 9ey ()


'ncorrect. Refer to *ection # +esson ,.

#. ("hoose Two) (1) Points

Chich of the following stateents a$out attri$utes are true< Mark for Review

("hoose all correct answers)

They descri$e% -ualify% -uantify% classify% or specify an entity. ()

They are often ad@ectives.

They ust $e single valued unless they $elong to ore than one entity.

They have a data type% such as nu$er or character string. ()


'ncorrect. Refer to *ection # +esson ,.

&. 4Aan EEEEEEEEE is a piece of inforation that in soe way descri$es an entity. 't is a property of the entity and it -uantifies% -ualifies% classifies% or specifies the entity. Mark for Review (1) Points



4ttri$ute ()




,. (1) Points


4 ta$le ust have a priary key. True or !alse< Mark for Review

!alse ()


'ncorrect. Refer to *ection # +esson #.

/. 'n the relational odel% data is organized in twodiensional ta$les called EEEEEEEEEEE. Mark for Review (1) Points


Relations ()



"orrect "orrect . ?ach colun in a relation is called an entity. True or !alse< Review (1) Points

Mark for


!alse ()



3. 4 flat file data$ase is a type of data$ase that stores data in a ultiple ta$les. Mark for Review (1) Points


!alse ()



5. (1) Points

Chich of the following stateents is true<

Mark for Review

("hoose all correct answers)

!lat file data$ase systes pay ore attention to retrieving data and aking it accessi$le to the user% whereas relational data$ases spend ore energy updating inde0es and data pointers.

Relational data$ase systes are the ain thrust $ehind *:+ since it provides the language eleents needed to tie together the inforation in the data$ase.

Relational systes pay ore attention to retrieving data and aking it accessi$le to the user.

Both B and " ()


'ncorrect. Refer to *ection # +esson 1.

7. Mark for Review (1) Points

Chich of the following are reasons we create conceptual odels<

't facilitates discussionD a picture is worth a thousand words

't fors iportant ideal syste docuentation

't takes into account governent regulations and laws

't fors a sound $asis for physical data$ase design

4ll of the a$ove ()


'ncorrect. Refer to *ection # +esson &.

1;. (1) Points


!alse ()

?ntity naes are always plural.

Mark for Review


'ncorrect. Refer to *ection # +esson &.

11. 4 conceptual data odel is converted using a Relational 2ata Base Manageent *yste to which odel< Mark for Review (1) Points

'nternal data odel

4n entityrelation data odel

?0ternal data odel

+ogical data odel ()


'ncorrect. Refer to *ection # +esson &.


Chat is the purpose of a >ni-ue 'dentifier<

Mark for Review

(1) Points

To uni-uely deterine a ta$le and coluns within that ta$le.

"reate an entity that is unlike any other entity aside fro itself.

To identify a specific row within a ta$le% using one or ore coluns andAor foreign keys.

To identify one uni-ue instance of an entity $y using one or ore attri$utes andAor relationships. ()


'ncorrect. Refer to *ection # +esson /.

1&. >ni-ue 'dentifier has a 6>++ value for each instance of the entity for the lifetie of the instance. True or !alse Mark for Review (1) Points


!alse ()


'ncorrect. Refer to *ection # +esson /.

1,. Relationships on an ?R2 can only $e transfored into >'2s in the physical odel< True or !alse< Mark for Review (1) Points


!alse ()


'ncorrect. Refer to *ection # +esson .

1/. =neto=ne relationships are transfored into !oreign 9eys in the ta$les created at either end of that relationship. True or !alse< Mark for Review (1) Points


!alse ()

'ncorrect 'ncorrect. Refer to *ection # +esson . 1. 2ata odels are drawn to show users the actual 2ata that their new syste will containD only 2ata listed on the 2iagra can $e entered into the 2ata$ase. True or !alse< Mark for Review (1) Points

True ()




#. Many reasons e0ist for creating a conceptual odel. "hoose three appropriate reasons fro the options $elow. ("hoose &) Mark for Review (1) Points ("hoose all correct answers)

They capture the ipleentation details of the physical odel.

They accurately descri$e what a physical odel will contain. ()

They odel functional and inforational needs. ()

They odel the inforation flow of data.

They capture current and future needs. ()



&. 4 conceptual data odel is converted using a Relational 2ata Base Manageent *yste to which odel< Mark for Review (1) Points

?0ternal data odel

'nternal data odel

4n entityrelation data odel

+ogical data odel ()



,. Mark for Review (1) Points

?ach colun in a relation is called an entity. True or !alse<


!alse ()



/. 'dentify all of the incorrect stateents that coplete this sentence8 4 priary key is...("hoose three) Mark for Review (1) Points ("hoose all correct answers)

4 set of coluns in one ta$le that uni-uely identifies each row in another

ta$le. ()

=nly one colun that ust $e null. ()

4 single colun that uni-uely identifies each colun in a ta$le. ()

=ne or ore coluns in a ta$le that uni-uely identifies each row in that ta$le.

"orrect "orrect . 'n the relational odel% data is organized in twodiensional ta$les called relations. True or !alse< Mark for Review (1) Points

True ()





Chat is the purpose of a >ni-ue 'dentifier<

Mark for Review

(1) Points

To identify one uni-ue instance of an entity $y using one or ore attri$utes andAor relationships. ()

"reate an entity that is unlike any other entity aside fro itself.

To identify a specific row within a ta$le% using one or ore coluns andAor foreign keys.

To uni-uely deterine a ta$le and coluns within that ta$le.



5. >ni-ue 'dentifier has a 6>++ value for each instance of the entity for the lifetie of the instance. True or !alse Mark for Review (1) Points


!alse ()



7. 4Aan EEEEEEEEE is a piece of inforation that in soe way descri$es an entity. 't is a property of the entity and it -uantifies% -ualifies% classifies% or specifies the entity. Mark for Review (1) Points




4ttri$ute ()



1;. Chich of the following entities ost likely contains invalid attri$utes< Mark for Review (1) Points

?ntity8 Foe. 4ttri$utes8 6u$er of Bedroos% =wner% 4ddress% 2ate Built

?ntity8 Pet. 4ttri$utes8 6ae% Birthdate% =wner

?ntity8 Mother. 4ttri$utes8 6ae% Birthdate% =ccupation% 6u$er of "hildren

?ntity8 "ar. 4ttri$utes8 =wner =ccupation% =wner *alary% *peed () 11. for Review (1) Points


'nstances ()


4n entity ay have which of the following<


6one of the a$ove



1#. 4 $arred relationship is apped to a priarykey colun on the any side% @ust like any other M81 relationship. Mark for Review (1) Points


!alse ()



1&. 4 foreign key is a colun or co$ination of coluns in one ta$le that uni-uely identifies a row of another ta$le. Mark for Review (1) Points

True ()





Chat does single ta$le refer to< ("hoose Two)

Mark for Review

(1) Points ("hoose all correct answers)

4 type of data$ase storage ethod where all of the data eleents are stored on top of each other.

4 fullyrelational data$ase syste like MicrosoftGs *:+ *erver or =racleGs data$ase systes.

6onrelational systes that typically store each ta$le and inde0 in separate files and often do not support the *:+ language. ()

4 data$ase where all of the data is stored in one large ta$le. ()


'ncorrect. Refer to *ection # +esson 1.

1/. Chich of the following are e0aples of e$usinesses that use data$ase software< ("hoose &) Mark for Review (1) Points ("hoose all correct answers)

=nline $ook store ()

=nline personal shopping service ()

=nline clothing store ()

=nline personal we$ page

=nline research paper

"orrect "orrect 1. 4 new syste would have a i0ture of $oth Procedural and *tructural Business Rules as part of the docuentation of that new syste. True or !alse< Mark for Review (1) Points

True ()




#. Mark for Review (1) Points

Chy is it iportant to identify and docuent structural rules<

?nsures we know what data to store and how that data works together. ()

?nsures nothing. There are no $enefits to $e gained fro docuenting your *tructural Business Rules. Ce need to concentrate on the Procedural Business Rules only.

?nsures we know what processes are in place and how to progra the.

4ll of the 4$ove.



&. 2ata odels are drawn to show users the actual 2ata that their new syste will containD only 2ata listed on the 2iagra can $e entered into the 2ata$ase. True or !alse< Mark for Review (1) Points

True ()




,. 2ata odeling is perfored for the following reasons8 ("hoose Two) Mark for Review (1) Points ("hoose all correct answers)

The ?R2 $ecoes a $lueprint for designing the actual syste. ()

Ce do not need dataodelsD we can @ust start coding right away.

Ce draw an ?R2 solely to please the usersD once copleted% the ?R2 is never referred to again as it serves no purpose in the real world.

't helps discussions and reviews. ()


'ncorrect. Refer to *ection&+esson 1.

/. for Review (1) Points

True ()


Physical Model shows all ta$le structures. True or !alse.


"orrect "orrect . 4ll instances of the supertype ust $e an instance of one of the su$types. True or !alse< Mark for Review (1) Points

True ()



'ncorrect. Refer to *ection & +esson &.

3. Mark for Review (1) Points

Chich of the following are suita$le ?ntity naes< ("hoose Two)

("hoose all correct answers)


2=H ()


46'M4+ ()


!alse< (1) Points

'ncorrect. Refer to *ection & +esson &.

5. 4 supertype can only have two su$types and no ore. True or Mark for Review


!alse ()


'ncorrect. Refer to *ection & +esson &.

7. (1) Points

Chich of the following is true a$out su$types<

Mark for Review

=ne instance of a supertype ay $elong to two su$types.

*u$types should not $e e0haustive.

*u$types ust not $e utually e0clusive.

*u$types ust $e utually e0clusive. ()


'ncorrect. Refer to *ection & +esson &.

1;. There is no liit to how any coluns that can ake up an entityGs >'2. True or !alse< Mark for Review (1) Points

True ()


"orrect "orrect 11. 4ll entities ust $e given a new artificial >'2. True or !alse< Review (1) Points

Mark for


!alse ()



1#. The candidate >'2 that is chosen to identify an entity is called the Priary >'2D other candidate >'2s are called *econdary >'2s. Mark for Review (1) Points

6o% each ?ntity can only have one >'2% the secondary one.

6o% after >'2s are first sorted% the first one is called the Priary >'2% the second is the *econdary >'2% etc.

6o% it is not possi$le to have ore than one >'2 for an ?ntity.

es% this is the way >'2Gs are naed. ()


andatory< (1) Points

'ncorrect. Refer to *ection & +esson /.

1&. Chich sy$ol is used to show that a particular attri$ute is Mark for Review

 ()





'ncorrect. Refer to *ection & +esson ,.

1,. 4ttri$utes that can $e divided into saller su$parts are calledEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Mark for Review (1) Points

"oposite 4ttri$ute ()

Mandatory 4ttri$ute

*ingle 4ttri$ute

Kolatile 4ttri$ute



1/. To identify an attri$ute as part of a uni-ue identifier on an ?R diagra% the I sy$ol goes in front of it. True or !alse< Mark for Review (1) Points

True ()


"orrect "orrect ?ntity naes are always singular. True or !alse< (1) Points

Mark for Review

True ()



'ncorrect. Refer to *ection & +esson &.

#. ?ntity Bo0es are drawn with 7; degree angles% also known as Fard Bo0es. True or !alse< Mark for Review (1) Points


!alse ()


!alse< (1) Points

'ncorrect. Refer to *ection & +esson &.

&. 4 supertype can only have two su$types and no ore. True or Mark for Review


!alse ()




Chich of the following is true a$out su$types<

(1) Points

=ne instance of a supertype ay $elong to two su$types.

*u$types ust not $e utually e0clusive.

*u$types ust $e utually e0clusive. ()

Mark for Review

*u$types should not $e e0haustive.



/. 2ata odels are drawn to show users the actual 2ata that their new syste will containD only 2ata listed on the 2iagra can $e entered into the 2ata$ase. True or !alse< Mark for Review (1) Points

True ()




. 2ata odeling is perfored for the following reasons8 ("hoose Two) Mark for Review (1) Points ("hoose all correct answers)

Ce do not need dataodelsD we can @ust start coding right away.

The ?R2 $ecoes a $lueprint for designing the actual syste. ()

Ce draw an ?R2 solely to please the usersD once copleted% the ?R2 is never referred to again as it serves no purpose in the real world.

't helps discussions and reviews. ()



3. 2ocuenting Business Re-uireents helps developers control the scope of the syste and prevents users fro claiing that the new syste does not eet their $usiness re-uireents. True or !alse< Mark for Review (1) Points

True ()




5. Fow would you odel a $usiness rule that states that girls and $oys ay not attend classes together< Mark for Review (1) Points

ou cannot odel this. ou need to docuent it

*upertype *T>2?6T has two su$types B= and H'R+ which are each related to H?62?R which is related to "+4** ()

Make the attri$ute Hender andatory

>se a supertype



7. 4 new syste would have a i0ture of $oth Procedural and *tructural Business Rules as part of the docuentation of that new syste. True or !alse< Mark for Review (1) Points

True ()




1;. 4ll the 4ttri$utes in a syste are @ust written on the ?R2% and they all go in the Top +eft Fand "orner of the paper. True or !alse< Mark for Review (1) Points


!alse ()

'ncorrect 'ncorrect. Refer to *ection & +esson ,. 11. To identify an attri$ute as part of a uni-ue identifier on an ?R diagra% the I sy$ol goes in front of it. True or !alse< Mark for Review

(1) Points

True ()





4ttri$utes have 'nstances. True or !alse< Mark for Review

(1) Points


!alse ()


'ncorrect. Refer to *ection & +esson ,.

1&. People are not $orn with Lnu$ersL% $ut a lot of systes assign student nu$ers% custoer '2s% etc. 4 shoe has a color% a size% a style% $ut ay not have a descriptive Lnu$erL. *o% to $e a$le to uni-uely and efficiently identify one instance of the entity *F=?% aAan EEEEEEEEEEEEEE >'2 can $e created. Mark for Review (1) Points



4rtificial ()



'ncorrect. Refer to *ection & +esson /.

1,. Mark for Review (1) Points

4ll entities ust $e given a new artificial >'2. True or !alse<


!alse ()



1/. True or !alse< (1) Points

4 uni-ue identifier ust $e ade up of ore than one attri$ute. Mark for Review


!alse ()

'ncorrect 'ncorrect. Refer to *ection & +esson /. 1. People are not $orn with Lnu$ersL% $ut a lot of systes assign student nu$ers% custoer '2s% etc. 4 shoe has a color% a size% a style% $ut ay not have a descriptive Lnu$erL. *o% to $e a$le to uni-uely and efficiently identify one instance of the entity *F=?% aAan EEEEEEEEEEEEEE >'2 can $e created. Mark for Review (1) Points

4rtificial ()






#. The candidate >'2 that is chosen to identify an entity is called the Priary >'2D other candidate >'2s are called *econdary >'2s. Mark for Review (1) Points

6o% each ?ntity can only have one >'2% the secondary one.

6o% after >'2s are first sorted% the first one is called the Priary >'2% the second is the *econdary >'2% etc.

6o% it is not possi$le to have ore than one >'2 for an ?ntity.

es% this is the way >'2Gs are naed. ()



&. True or !alse< (1) Points

4 uni-ue identifier ust $e ade up of ore than one attri$ute. Mark for Review


!alse ()


!alse< (1) Points


,. The Physical Model is derived fro the "onceptual Model. True or Mark for Review

True ()



'ncorrect. Refer to *ection & +esson 1.

/. 2ata odels are drawn to show users the actual 2ata that their new syste will containD only 2ata listed on the 2iagra can $e entered into the 2ata$ase. True or !alse< Mark for Review (1) Points

True ()


"orrect "orrect . 4n ?R2 is an e0aple of a Physical Model. True or !alse< (1) Points


!alse ()

Mark for Review


!alse< (1) Points

'ncorrect. Refer to *ection & +esson 1.

3. 4 supertype can only have two su$types and no ore. True or Mark for Review


!alse ()



5. ou can only create relationships to a *upertype% not to a *u$type. True or !alse< Mark for Review (1) Points


!alse ()


'ncorrect. Refer to *ection & +esson &.

7. ?ntity Bo0es are drawn with 7; degree angles% also known as Fard Bo0es. True or !alse< Mark for Review (1) Points


!alse ()



1;. Review (1) Points


The L=therL su$type is andatory. True or !alse<

Mark for

!alse ()

"orrect "orrect 11. L=nly teachers ay supervise e0asL is an e0aple of which of the following< Mark for Review (1) Points

4 structural $usiness rule

4n attri$ute that should $e stored on the P?R*=6 entity

4 procedural $usiness rule ()

4n attri$ute that is not $e inherited fro the P?R*=6 supertype and is uni-ue to the T?4"F?R su$type


'ncorrect. Refer to *ection & +esson #.

1#. 4 $usiness rule such as LCe only ship goods after custoers have copletely paid any outstanding $alances on their accountL is $est enforced $y8 Mark for Review (1) Points

Ce need to trust our custoers% and we know they will pay soe day.

Firing a prograer to create additional prograing code to verify no goods are shipped until the account has $een settled in full. ()

Making the payent attri$ute optional.

Making the payent attri$ute null.


andatory< (1) Points




1&. Chich sy$ol is used to show that a particular attri$ute is Mark for Review

 ()





4ttri$utes have 'nstances. True or !alse< Mark for Review

(1) Points


!alse ()



1/. To identify an attri$ute as part of a uni-ue identifier on an ?R diagra% the I sy$ol goes in front of it. True or !alse< Mark for Review (1) Points

True ()




1. 4n entity without repeated values is said to $e in 1st 6oral !or. True or !alse< Mark for Review (1) Points

True ()




#. The Rule of &rd 6oral !or states that 6o 6on>'2 attri$ute can $e dependent on another non>'2 attri$ute. True or !alse< Mark for Review (1) Points

True ()



is et< (1) Points


&. 4 ta$le is in #6! if the ta$le is in 16! and what other condition Mark for Review

There are no null values in priary key fields.

There are no attri$utes that are not functionally dependent on the relationGs priary key. ()

There are no functional dependencies.

There are no repeating groups.


'ncorrect. Refer to *ection & +esson 7.

,. 4 nontransfera$le relationship eans the detail can $e changed to point to a new aster. True or !alse< Mark for Review (1) Points


!alse ()



/. Matri0 2iagras are used to verify that all relationships have $een identified for an ?R2. True or !alse< Mark for Review (1) Points

True ()


"orrect "orrect . Matri0 2iagras show =ptionality and "ardinality of the ?R2s they docuent. True or !alse< Mark for Review (1) Points


!alse ()



3. Mark for Review (1) Points

Matri0 2iagras are developed B?!=R? the ?R2. True or !alse<

True ()



'ncorrect. Refer to *ection & +esson .

5. True or !alse< (1) Points

Transfera$le relationships can only $e andatory% not optional. Mark for Review


!alse ()



7. Chich of the following would $e a logical constraint when odeling tie for a "ity entity< Mark for Review (1) Points

People are $orn in the city and people die in the city.

'f you are doing a syste for any !rench "ity% you would need security clearance.

2aily traffic patterns ust $e onitored to deterine how any law enforceent officers are needed.

"ites ay change their naes andAor country association if the $orders of a country change. ()


'ncorrect. Refer to *ection & +esson 5.


Modeling historical data is optional. True or !alse<

Mark for

Review (1) Points

True ()

!alse 11. 4 particular pro$le ay $e solved using either a Recursive Relationship or a Fierarchical Relationship% though not at the sae tie. True or !alse< Mark for Review (1) Points

True ()



'ncorrect. Refer to *ection & +esson 3.


Priary >'2s are8

Mark for Review

(1) Points

*oething that each ?ntity should have% $ut is not andatory ()

4lways coprised of nu$ers

>seful as an alternative eans of identifying instances of an entity% independent of their datatype

Mandatory in data odeling


'ncorrect. Refer to *ection & +esson 3.

1&. 'ntersection ?ntities often have the relationships participating in the >'2% so the relationships are often $arred. True or !alse< Mark for Review (1) Points

True ()



or !alse< (1) Points


1,. 4ll relationships participating in an arc ust $e andatory. True Mark for Review


!alse ()


'ncorrect. Refer to *ection & +esson 3.


6o parts of an >'2 are andatory. True or !alse<

Mark for

Review (1) Points


!alse ()

"orrect "orrect 1. Matri0 2iagras show =ptionality and "ardinality of the ?R2s they docuent. True or !alse< Mark for Review (1) Points


!alse ()


'ncorrect. Refer to *ection & +esson .

#. 'n a $usiness that sells pet food% choose the $est relationship nae $etween !==2 TP? and 46'M4+ (e.g. dog% horse% or cat). ("hoose Two) Mark for Review (1) Points ("hoose all correct answers)

?ach !==2 TP? ay $e given to one or ore 46'M4+s. ()

?ach 46'M4+ ust $e the seller of one or ore !==2 TP?*.

?ach !==2 TP? ust $e suita$le for one or ore 46'M4+s. ()

?ach !==2 TP? ay $e ade fro one or ore 46'M4+s.


'ncorrect. Refer to *ection & +esson .

&. Matri0 2iagras are used to verify that all relationships have $een identified for an ?R2. True or !alse< Mark for Review (1) Points

True ()




,. Mark for Review (1) Points

Chich of the following are true a$out "ardinality< ("hoose two)

("hoose all correct answers)

"ardinality specifies whether soething is re-uired or not.

"ardinality specifies a counting nu$er (like 1% #% &% , etc.) in a relationship.

"ardinality specifies only singularity or plurality% $ut not a specific plural nu$er. ()

"ardinality tells Lhow anyL. ()


'ncorrect. Refer to *ection & +esson .

/. 4 Matri0 2iagra should $e developed $y the endusers of your data$ase. True or !alse< Mark for Review (1) Points


!alse ()

'ncorrect 'ncorrect. Refer to *ection & +esson . . 6oralization is the process of organizing the attri$utes and ta$les of a relational data$ase to iniize redundancy. Mark for Review (1) Points

True ()




3. 6o coercial data$ase systes in the world will accept ta$les that are not on &rd 6oral !or. True or !alse< Mark for Review (1) Points


!alse ()



5. 4 ta$le is in &6! if it has et all data$ase re-uireents for $oth 16! and #6! and ll transitive dependencies are eliinated. Mark for Review (1) Points

True ()




7. Modeling historical data can produce a uni-ue identifier that always e0cludes dates. True or !alse< Mark for Review (1) Points


!alse ()


'ncorrect. Refer to *ection & +esson 5.

1;. Chich of the following scenarios should $e odeled so that historical data is kept< ("hoose two) Mark for Review (1) Points ("hoose all correct answers)

">*T=M?R and P4M?6T* ()

">*T=M?R and =R2?R* ()

T?4"F?R and 4H?

B4B and 4H?

'ncorrect 'ncorrect. Refer to *ection & +esson 5. 11. Priary >'2s are8 Mark for Review (1) Points

Mandatory in data odeling

>seful as an alternative eans of identifying instances of an entity% independent of their datatype

4lways coprised of nu$ers

*oething that each ?ntity should have% $ut is not andatory ()


'ncorrect. Refer to *ection & +esson 3.

1#. Chat uncoon relationship is descri$ed $y the stateents8 L?ach 264 *4MP+? ay $e taken fro one and only one P?R*=6 and each P?R*=6 ay provide one and only one 264 *4MP+?L Mark for Review (1) Points

Many to Many Mandatory

=ne to Many Mandatory

=ne to Many =ptional

=ne to =ne =ptional ()


'ncorrect. Refer to *ection & +esson 3.

1&. 'ntersection ?ntities often have the relationships participating in the >'2% so the relationships are often $arred. True or !alse< Mark for Review (1) Points

True ()



!alse< (1) Points


1,. 4n arc can also $e odeled as *upertype and *u$types. True or Mark for Review

True ()




1/. relationship< (1) Points

Chat do you call the entity created when you resolve a M8M Mark for Review

'nclusion entity

M8M entity

Recursive entity

'ntersection entity ()

'ncorrect 'ncorrect. Refer to *ection & +esson 3. 1. Relationships can $e Redundant. True or !alse< Mark for Review (1) Points

True ()



'ncorrect. Refer to *ection & +esson 3.

#. 'ntersection ?ntities are at the Parent end of the newly created 18M (Parent8"hild) relationshipD therefore% the original entities are the children of the newly created intersection entity. True or !alse< Mark for Review (1) Points


!alse ()


'ncorrect. Refer to *ection & +esson 3.

&. Chen you resolve a M8M% you siply redraw the relationships $etween the two original entitiesD no new entities are created. True or !alse< Mark for Review (1) Points


!alse ()



,. 'ntersection ?ntities often have the relationships participating in the >'2% so the relationships are often $arred. True or !alse< Mark for Review (1) Points

True ()




/. Chich of the following pairs of entities is ost likely to $e odeled as a M8M relationship< Mark for Review (1) Points

T?4"F?R and *>B?"T 4R?4 ()

TR?? and BR46"F

P?R*=6 and !'6H?RPR'6T

"4R and CF??+

'ncorrect 'ncorrect. Refer to *ection & +esson 3. . Matri0 2iagras are used to verify that all relationships have $een identified for an ?R2. True or !alse< Mark for Review (1) Points

True ()




3. 'n a $usiness that sells pet food% choose the $est relationship nae $etween !==2 TP? and 46'M4+ (e.g. dog% horse% or cat). ("hoose Two) Mark for Review (1) Points ("hoose all correct answers)

?ach 46'M4+ ust $e the seller of one or ore !==2 TP?*.

?ach !==2 TP? ay $e ade fro one or ore 46'M4+s.

?ach !==2 TP? ay $e given to one or ore 46'M4+s. ()

?ach !==2 TP? ust $e suita$le for one or ore 46'M4+s. ()



5. 4 Matri0 2iagra should $e developed $y the endusers of your data$ase. True or !alse< Mark for Review (1) Points


!alse ()



7. =ne Relationship can $e andatory in one direction and optional in the other direction. True or !alse< Mark for Review (1) Points

True ()




1;. Mark for Review (1) Points

Matri0 2iagras are developed B?!=R? the ?R2. True or !alse<

True ()




11. 6oralization is the process of organizing the attri$utes and ta$les of a relational data$ase to iniize redundancy. Mark for Review (1) Points

True ()



("hoose #) (1) Points


1#. 4 ta$le is in 16! if N Mark for Review

("hoose all correct answers)

The data is atoic ()

There are no duplicate rows ()

?ach row contains different coluns

The entries in a colun are of different type


'ncorrect. Refer to *ection & +esson 7.

1&. 4ccording to &rd 6oral !or% an attri$ute ust $e dependent on its entityOs entire uni-ue identifier. True or !alse. Mark for Review (1) Points


!alse ()


'ncorrect. Refer to *ection & +esson 7.

1,. Chich of the following scenarios should $e odeled so that historical data is kept< ("hoose two) Mark for Review (1) Points

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