Quick Study Academic Physics 600dpi

February 3, 2017 | Author: SunshineK95 | Category: N/A
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Quick Study Physics sheet...


WHAT IS PHYSICS ALL ABOUT? Physics seeks to understand the natural phenomena that occur in our universe; a description of a natural phenomenon uses many specific terms. definitions and mathematical equations Solving Problems in Physics In physics, we use the SI units (International System) for data and calculations

Base Quantity Length Mass Temperature Time Electric Current


position ofa motion with position, velocity and acceleration as variables; mass is the measure of the amount of matter; the standard unit for mass is kg. I kg = 1000 g.; inertia is a property of matter, and as such, it occupies space I. Motion along a straight line is called rectilinear; the equation of motion describes the position of the particle and velocity for elapsed time. t a. Velocity (v): The mte of change of the displacement . h' () s WIt tIme ( t):v

cis = Tt Ll s = rlt

b. Acceleration (a): The rate of change of the

· .h . dv Ll v ve IoClty WIt tnne: a = dt = Tt a & v'are vectors , with magnitude and direction c. Speed is the absolute value of the velocity; scalar with the same units as velocity 2. Equations of Motion for One Dimension (I-D) Equations of motion describe the future position (x) and velocity (v) of a body in terms of the initial velocity (Vi), position (XII) and acceleration (a) a. For constant acceleration. the position is related to the time and acceleration by the following

x = vi, I ·1 ; a , t' y = vi, ( + ;a, (' 2. For a rotating body, use polar coordinates, an angle variable,

0 , and r. a radial distance from the rotational center C. 'lotion in TlJI'(~e Dimensions (3-D) I. Cartesian System: Equations of motion with x. y and z components 2. Spherical Coordinates: Equations of motion based on two angles ((} and 'P) and r. the radial distance from the origin.

m,M T t I

position and velocity: F = m a OR ~ F = m a 3. Newton's 3rd Law: Every action is countered by an opposing action F:. 1 ~ pe\ of Forcc\ I. A body force acts on the entire body, with the force acting at the center of mass a. A gravitational force. Fg. pulls an object toward the center of the Earth: Fg = mg b. Weight = Fg; gravitational force c. Mass is a measure of the quantity of material , independent of g and other forces 2. Surface forces act on the body's surface a. Friction. Fe. is proportional to the force normal to the part of the body in contact with a sUlface,


Fn·: Fr Fn i. Static friction resists the move-ment of a body ii. Dynamic friction slows the motion of a body For an object on a horizontal plane: F f = Il Fn = ll m g Net force = FI - F f

Polar: (r, 9) x = r cos9, . y = r sin9,


Circular Motion




Radian Radian/second


Radian/second 2




= F d cos (8) = F



• r F_ _



Maximum work


p = LlWork = LlWork

Ll t

f P(t)dt

The Sl unit for power is the Watt (W):

I W = I Joule/second = I J/s

Work for a constant output of power:

W = P Lit Energ~




I. The total energy of a body, E, is the sum of kinetic. r


The angle between rand the (x) axis


angular velocity

The angular acceleration The circular motion arc

s = r8 (8 in rad)

3. Tangential acceleration & velocity:

v , = rw; a , = r a ; v and a along the path of the

K, & potential energy. U: E = K +:Eu 2. Potential energy arises from the interaction with a potential from an external force Potential energy is energy of position: U(r); the form of U depends on the force generating the potential: Gravitation: U(h) = mgh . q,q, Electrostatic: U (r,,) = '"'"F;;­ If there are no other forces acting on the system, E is constant and the system is called conservative I. Collisions & Linear 'loml'lItulll Collisions I. Types of Collisions a. Elastic: conserve energy b.lnelastic: energy is lost as heat or


2. Relative Motion & Frames of Reference: A body moves with vc:locity v in frame S; in frame S' the velocity is v' ; ifYs' is the velocity of frame S' relative to S, therefore: v = V,' + v' 3. Elastic Collision

Conserve Kinetic Energy: t m v ,' = t m vI


motion arc

4. Centripetal acceleration: a ,. =



a is directed

toward the rotational center a. TIle centripetal force keeps the body in circular motion with a tangential acceleration and velocity


No work

4. Power (P) is energy expended per unit time:

II. Potrnthll

distance from the rotation center (center of mass)


Newton's Laws are the core x = r simp cos9, principles for describing the motion y = r sinep sin9, z = r coslj), of classical objects in response to r2=x2 + y2+z2 forces. The SI ullit of force is the Newton, N: IN=lkg m/s2 ; the cgs unit is the dyne: 1 dyne = I g cm/s2


1,- 0

I The

I Meter



Work =

2. Key Varia_b_le_s_: _ __ , _ _ _._ _ __ _---.


energy is the energy of motion ; mass. m and velocity. v: K = t mv' The SI energy unit is the Joule (J): \J = I kg m 2/s 2 2. Momentum, p: Momentum is a property of motion, defined as the product of mass and velocity: p = m v 3. Work (W): Work is a force acting on a body moving a distance; for a general force. F, and a body moving a path , s: W = F ds For a constant force. work is the scalar product of the two vectors: force. F. and path. r:

Ll time


polar coordinates: (r,8)

r2=x 2 +y2


Dynamk Friction

F. Circular 'lotion I. Motion along a circular path uses



Other physical quantities are derived from these basic units: Prefixes denote fractions or multiples of units; many variable symbols are Greek letters Math Skills: Many physical concepts are only understood with the use of algebra, statistics, trigonometry and calculus

Unit Meter - m Kilogram - kg Kelvin - K Second - s Ampere - A (C/s)

/, x

1. Newton's 1st Law: A body remains motion unless influenced by a force 2. Newton's 2nd Law: Force and acceleration determine the motion of a body and predict future

equation of motion: x (I) = X u + V i ( + t ar b. For constant acceleration. the velocity vs. time is given by the following: v r(t) = V i + at c.lf the acceleration is a function of time, the equation must be solved using a = aCt) R. 'Iotioll ill 1\\0 Dimcnsiolls (2-0) I. For bodies moving along a y Polar straight line. derive x- and y­ equations of motion


Conserve Momentum:


Vi =


L rn Vr


4. Impulse is a force acting over time

Impulse = F Ll t or

f F (t) dt

Impulse is also the momentum change:


Pfin - Pini!

.1. Rul:ltiulI 411 a Rigid Bud~ I. Center of Mass: The "average" position in the body, accounting for the object's mass distribution 2. Moment ofInertia, 1: The moment ofinertia is a measure of the distribution of the mass about the rotational axis: ~ rn, r,' rio is the radial distance from mj to the rotational axis Sample I for bodies of mass m: rotating cylinder (radius R): +rn R'


O,cillatur~ Motion I. Simple Harmonic Motion a. Force: F = - k..1 x (Hooke's Law) b. Potential Energy: Uk = + k..1 x' c. Frequency of the oscillation:


Rotating Bodies

Law Spring


= 21l'jI


b. Frequency of oscillation: f=..L

Simple Pendulum


21l'V T


L = Iw = r • P =

f r • v dm

Torque is also the change in L with time:

T=r'F=~7 h:. Static E(llIilihrium &

Angular Momentum Elasticit~


1. Equilibrium is achieved when:

~f = O

, 0~

~T = O


The body has no linear or angular


2. Deformation of a solid body a. Elasticity: A material returns to its original shape after the force acting on it is removed b. Stress & Strain i. Strain is the deformation of the body ii. Stress is the force per unit area on the body c. Hooke's Law: The stress IS linearly proportional to the strain; stress = elastic modulus x strain: i. Linear Stress: Young's Modulus, symbolized Y ii . Shape Stress: Shear Modulus, symbolized S iii. Volume Stress: Bulk Modulus, symbolized B L lIniH'rsal (;nl\ itatiull

...._......_._......... r ......_ . ...........................,

M 1 ...

Universal Gravitation



1. Gravitational Force & Energy


. . I energy: U,= -GM,M,

GravltatlOna -r-­

GM,M, . . I rlorce: F, = ~ b. Gravltatlona Fg is a vector, along r, connecting M J and M2 c. Acceleration due to Gravity, g: For an object on the Earth's surface, Fg can be viewed as Fg


g; g is the acceleration due to gravity on the Earth's surface: g = 9.8 m1s 2


2. Simple Pendulum a. Period of oscillation:

rotating sphere (radius R): trn r'

T = la = r • f (angular acceleration force) 5. Angular momentum is · the momentum associated with rotational motion:

u mll

f=..L Ik 21l'V m

twirling thin rod (length L): ,', rnL'

3. Rotational Kinetic Energy = +LQ' The rotational energy varies with the rotational velocity and moment of inertia. I 4. Angular force is defined as torque, T:


Ful'l'~s in Solids & Fluids I. p , the density of a solid, gas or liquid:

p = mass/ volume = M/V

2. Pressure, P, is the force divided by the area of the forces acted upon: P = forcelarea The SI unit of pressure is the Pascal, Pa: I Pa = 1 N I m 2 a. Pascal's Law: For a Pascal's Law fluid enclosed in a vessel, the pressure is equal at all points in the vessel b. Pressure Variation with Depth Pf The pressure below the surface of a liquid: P, = PI + pgh h is the depth, beneath the surface p is the density of the water PI is the pressure at the surface

Pressure Variation

,-,.-.,.,..,.,.,.,.,,,.......==1.....,..,,......,..,.....,.'".,... Surface


P Pl


c. Archimedes' Principle: An object of volume V immersed in liquid with density p, feels a buoyant force that tends to force the object out of the water: g, = p V g


Archimedes' Principle

,,\.\I\i{fWV""hXXhhH omAA""""



3. Examine Fluid Motion & Fluid Dynamics a. Properties of an Ideal Fluid i. Nonviscous - minimal interactions ii. Incompressible - the density is constant iii. Steady flow - no turbulence iv. At any point in the flow, the product of area and velocity is constant: AI VI = Al VI b. Variable Fluid Density If the density changes, the following equation described properties of the fluid: p,A,v, = p,A,v, Variable Fluid


c. Bernoulli's Equation is a more general

b. Weight is the gravitational

description of fluid flow

force exerted on a body by the

i. For any point y in the fluid tlow: P + +p v' + p g y constant

Earth: Weight = Fg = mg

Weight is ill!! the same as mass





01 \\a,cs

•Transverse ·Traveling • Harmonic

• Longitudinal

• Standing

• Quantum mechanical 1. General fonn for a transverse OR traveling wave: y = fix - vt) (to the right) OR y = f(x + vt) (to the leli) 2. General form for a harmonic wave: y A sin (kx - w t) OR Standing '\ constructive and

destructive interference

a. Constructive Interference: Thc

wave amplitudes add up to produce a

I ). wave with a larger amplitude than

either of the two waves

Harmonic ~ave b. Destructive Interference: The

wave amplitudes add up to

produce a wave with a smaller

amplitude than either of the two


B. lIarnwnk \\:I'l' Propertil's Wavelength

A (m)


T (sec)



Angular Frequency

w (rad/s)

Wave Amplitude



Distance between cycles

Cycles per ,eeond: f - IT



21l'/ T =


Height of wave


I v (m/s)

Linear velocity v = Af

C. Sound \\ aH', 1. Wave Nature of Sound: Sound is a compression wave that displaces the medium carrying the wave; sound cannot tra, el through a vacuum 2. General Speed of Sound: v =


b. p is the density 3. For a Gas: v =


potential => Ug = mgh


A . Esampfl's 01

a. B is the bulk modulus, the volume compressibilit. of the solid, liquid or gas

2. Gravitational Potential Energy, Ug a. The


ii.For a fluid at rest (special case): P,-P,=pgh


J,r RT M

r = Cp/C,· (the ratio of heat capacities) 4. Loudness - Intensity & Relative Intensit~· Loudness (sound i11lensity) is the power carried by a sound wave a. Relative Loudness - Decibel Scale (dB): P(dB)


10 log


i. The decibel scale is delined relative to the threshold of hearing, I,,: P(I,,) = 0 dB ii. A change in 10 dB, represents a lOx increase in sound intensity, I b. Doppler Effect The sound frequency shifts (f'/t) due to relative motion of the source of the sound and the observer or listener: Vo ­ speed of the observer; vs ­ Doppler Effect speed of the source;v speed of sound O => -..... A maximum force) RlPt-llaDd iii. The "right hand rule" Rule defines the force direction b. Force on a conducting segment: For a current I passing through a conductor of length I in a magnetic field B, the force is given by: F=II· B i. For a general current path s: F=ljds.B



= c

b. The speed of light, c, correlates the magnetic constant, 11", and the electric constant, . _ _ 1_ Cu.c-


speed oflight, c: c = fA d. X-rays have short wavelength, compared with radio waves e. Visible light is a very small part of the spectrum

F .... = q v·B = qvB sin 8



followmg equatIOn:

wavelength, ..t ,and frequency, f, travels at the


a. B is the angle between vectors v and 8 i. For v parallel to B; F = 0

I. Electromagnetic wa ves are formed by transverse 8 and E fields a. The relative field strengths arc defined by the

c. In a vacuum, an electromagnetic wave. with

2. Magnetic Force: F mag on charge, q, moving at



EMF = fEds AND EMF = -~tl/)m 4. U (magnetic): Magnetic potential energy arises from

c. The CGS unit is the Gauss, G: 1 T = 104 G d. For a bar magnet, the field is generated from the ferromagnetic properties of the metal forming the magnet i. The poles of the magnet are denoted North/South. The field lines are show in the figure below

The EMF induced in a circuit is directly proportional to the time rate of change of the

Torque OD a Loop

the total of the magnetic flux, B . dS, must be consistent with the current, I:

f B • dS = Po I

5. Magnetic Flux, 1/)",

Summarize the general behavior of electrical and magnetic fields in free space I. Gauss's Law for Electrostatics:

fE. dA =


2. Gauss's Law for Magnetism:

a. The magnetic flux, 1/)"" associated with an area, dA, of an arbitrary surface is given by the following equation:

I/)m =


B • dA;

dA is vector perpendicular to the area dA b. Special Case - Planar area A and uniform B at angle I with dA: I/)m = B A cos B


fB'dA=O 3. Ampere-Maxwell Law:

f B • ds = p"I + p"e" ~~" 4. Faraday's Law: f E • dS =



I. Light exhibits a duality, having both wave and particle properties 2. Key Variables a. Speed of light in a vacuum, c b. Index of refraction, n: The index of refraction, symbolized n, is the ratio of the speed of light in a vacuum divided by the speed of light in the material: c (vacuum) n= c (material) c. View light as a wave--Iocus on wave properties: wavelength and frequency i. For light as an electromagnetic wave :



ii. Light is characterized by its wavelength ("color"), or by its frcquency, f. d. View light as a particle in order to


- .~--~'-


Images & Objects

frequcncy, f, with the proportionality constant




E (photon) = h f 3. Reflection & Refraction of Light Renection of Light Incident Ray


2. Lenses and mirrors are characterized by a number of optical paramcters: u. The radius of curvature, R, defines the shape of the lens or milTor; R is two times the foca l lengt h, f: R = 2 f

i+ Sign


::j '"'"g;", t.,

f foca l length I--

s obj ct distance



diverging lens convex mirror

virtual image



h' image size





speed bends the

light ray as it

passes from n I

to 11 2 i. The angles of the incident and relracted rays are governed by Snell's Law: n, sin 8, n , s in 8,; n l, n2: indices of retraction of two materials . 0 n ·, c. Internal Reflectance: SID " n; ; Light



passing fromlllaterial of higher n to a lower nmay be trapped in the material if the angle of incidence is too large 4. Polarized Light: The E tield of th.: electromagnetic wave is not spherically symmetric (EX: plane (linear) polarized light, circularly polarized light) a. One way to generate a polarized wave is by retlecting a beam on a surface at a preci se angle , called B, b. The angle depends on the relative indices of refraction and is defined by Brewster's

n·, Law: tan B, =


b. The optic axis: Line from base of object through center of lens or mi rror c. Magnification: The magnifying power of a


lens is given by M, the ratio of image si ze to object size: M =

d. Laws of Geometric O ptics i. The m irror equ ation: The focal length, image distance and object distance are described by the following relationship:




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