Questions - CQE Test (Part02) - AK

December 11, 2016 | Author: Shirley | Category: N/A
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Quality Engineer Exam Questions...


Just logic so that overall cost not increased with the cycle time reduction.

I am not clear why np Hint to use Poisson is the average no. of defect in the question: Average of one (1) flaw per square floot N = 3 because 3 fts is the sample size, p = 1 since 1 flaw per square foot in question, then np = 3 x 1 = 3 Probability of accept is only when p=0 defect, therefore chance to have P(0) when np = 3, which is 0.05 (from table) Because anyting above 0 is fail, we calculate chance of reject P(0) which is 1 -0.05 = 0.95

e (1) flaw per square floot ion, then np = 3 x 1 = 3 n np = 3, which is 0.05 (from table)

My understanding: Even a process in statistical control, there will be a small amount of failure, evidence in the DPPM table for all di even if the process is within statistical control. But the criteria to judge a process in statistic control is base on the 7 rules for the plot

should be "expect"?

Becaise the samples are being mixed with the previous batches when all parts are dumped into a central bin, the samples that is ca during sampling.

what does "each individual plot point" mean? Sample size =?

When we do p chart, we are plotting no. of defects per lot. And the lot size can vary for each data point. Sometime , we may want to for each lot (individual plot point)

Estimate of process standard deviation!!!

the formula on page X-58 specifies sampling standard deviation (S) should be used? Compare to ex.10.6

Because the question is asking the proability of the next sample plot, which is the probability of sample of 3, therefore we use samp

Why use sampling standard deviation? Formu S=σ/(n1/2) can be used?

Same as above, because the question is asking for the next data plot, which is also a sample size. Therefore we have to use sampl

unt of failure, evidence in the DPPM table for all different level of sigma level, therefore we cannot say all products meet specification n statistic control is base on the 7 rules for the plots with the samples, and sample data fall within the statistical control limits.

e dumped into a central bin, the samples that is cause by special or assignable have mixed with the large population lower chance be picked

ry for each data point. Sometime , we may want to see the charasteristic for each individual lot, therefore we will do the control limit

58 specifies sampling standard ) should be used? Compare to ex.10.6

Sample standard deviation!!!

Sample standard deviation!!! S=σ/(n1/2)

probability of sample of 3, therefore we use sample std deviation instead of population std dev.

y use sampling standard deviation? Formula ) can be used? Why just use UCL? How anout LCL side?

so a sample size. Therefore we have to use sample std dev for calculation.

ll products meet specification tatistical control limits.

ge population lower chance be picked

e we will do the control limit

From the solution, it seems like 6 come from = 1 for overall freedom, 1 +1 +1 for (n-1) degree of freedom for 3 factors with 2 levels, And it says D.F equals no. of trails required

How to know?

Expected value :

For A defective 35x40/100 = 14 For A Good 65x40/100 = 26 For B defective 35x60/100 = 21



Confidence interval is different from Confidence, the higher the confidence, the smaller the interval because it means the range of m From the formula, as n increase, the +/- Z * sigma/sq root of n is smaller, thus the spread of the interval is closer (decrease)

My understanding is any factor could be treated as block due to its availability, therefore it has no direct relationship whether it has m

I have the same wrong answer, I don't know why.

I will pick this answer because it say fractional - factorial

This is mentioned in the first paragraph on Pg 50. Just follow, I don't know why.

Don't know why, just remember and follow

n-1) degree of freedom for 3 factors with 2 levels, 2 (n-1) degree of freedom for the factor with 3 levels

21+22=6 ?

maller the interval because it means the range of mean don't spread out that much. spread of the interval is closer (decrease)

erefore it has no direct relationship whether it has more levels than 2.

Example 11.23 on page# XI-52 σA≠σB≠σC?

=6 ?

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