question bank and reading material

June 18, 2016 | Author: Anilkesar Gohil | Category: Types, School Work
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question bank and reading material to prepare for diploma in practical nursing program....



Lady with the lamp

International nurses day

small hospital medium hospital large hospital government hospital pathology department nursing superintendent

Maternity home Paediatric hospital Cardiac hospital radiology department anaesthetist CSSD

bedpan elimination need diarrhoea

social need spiritual need medication need

Hot water bag mackintosh dr sim's position high fowler position amputation bed prone position

sand bag recovery bed fracture bed supine position lithotomy position trendlenburg position

cross infection disinfection intestinal /enteric isolation autoclaving

contamination terminal disinfection droplet infection surgical asepsis

medicine glass syringe sponge holder

thermometer scissor needle holder

DAMA DOR D&T to other hosp


mechanical injury thermal injury chemical injury electrical injury

deficiency disease malnutrition

cyanosis palpation

Unit-2 Hospital ICU medical hospital OPD isolation ward nurse

Unit-3 disease Micro organism nutritional need

Unit-4 cotton ring air mattress water mattress ice cap cardiac bed fowlers bed

Unit-5 micro organism infection medical asepsis sterilization

Unit-6 foliz catheter forceps kidney tray

Unit-7 routine admission emergency admission radioactive injury septic injury

Unit-8 congenital disease ophthalmoscope


autoscope nasal speculum vital signs

diagnosis sphygmomanometer stethoscope

percussion auscultation thermometer

clinical thermometer rectal thermometer normal temperature pyrexia inspiration expiration rate of respiration pulse pressure

centigrade and Fahrenheit formula thermolysis thermo genesis normal respiration rate cyanosis blood pressure hypertension normal Blood pressure

Unit-9 Temperature Pulse Respiration Blood pressure rate of pulse tachycardia brady cardia dyspnoea

Pathology nursing CBC MP SGPT NBM

S.Widal LFT FBS pecimen


ultrasonic scan USG

MRI CT scan

colonoscopy Oxygen administration


Laproscopy bronchoscopy gastroscopy

Asphyxia flow meter

regulator pressure meter


dysentery typhoid food poisoning nutrition enema sedative enema

retention enema small enema large enema medicinal enema anaesthetic enema

endodermis functions of skin hydrotherapy hot water bag tepid sponge

sit's bath poultices steam bath cold compress

Hole sheet vacuum

inj Prostodin inj zobid



woll'f bottle

Elimination defecation enema dehydration soap water enema ice water enema

Hot and cold fomentation hot application cold application skin dermis cold pack

Unit-13 Pint Vein flow


Scalp Sponge holder Forceps Speculum Gloves Kidney tray

suction machine EDT bulb Suction Canula Dilator inj Methargin Cord clamp

inj rantac inj epidosin inj cintocin inj pitocin inj ondasetron Scissor

pint ounce O.D. sc IM IV antipyretic Antibiotic

s.o.s. t.d.s. b.d. stat h.s. side effect over dose Antacid

whole blood Pack cell venous cut down Universal donor blood group

Blood group Rh factor Cross infection Universal recipient blood group

Transfusion OT OR NPO NBM

Surgery Major surgery NG tube general anaesthesia spinal anaesthesia

chromic suture vicryl suture catgut suture OT table OT light informed consent

towel clip retractor DAMA discharge scrub nurse circulatory nurse

Head bath Bedsore Pyrrhoea

Tonsilitis Anorexia Bed bath

Pharmacology Pharmacology sublingual administration Instillation Subcutaneous Intravenous Tranquillizer Appetizer laxative

Injection expiry date location of IM injection BT DNS

Surgical nursing Cosmetic surgery Transplant Transfusion Emergency surgery Diagnostic surgery

Surgical instruments scissor straight mayo curved mayo mosquito thumb forceps tissue forceps

Personal hygiene Gingivitis Parotitis Stomatitis


Short and detailed questions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Life of Florence nightingale Write and explain pledge of Florence nightingale nie>T)>gln) p\(tXi lK) (vgtvir smjivi[ various functions of hospital in details hi[(ApTlni kiyi[> classification of hospital hi[(ApTln& vg)di Äy(kt miT[ (v(vF DiyT ¼lin smjivi[ 35. Explain various tube feeding methods with drawing aikZ(t siY[ (v(vF Ty&b f)D)>g p¹F(t smjivi[


36. Importance of five rights during medicine administration dvi aipt) vKtn) pi>c sic) bibti[n& mhRv smjivi[ 37. Form of drugs. i.e. tab, syrup etc.. dvini p\kir di.t. tab, syrup vg[r[ 38. Draw and explain injection 39. Classification of injection 40. Administration of IV injection 41. Indication and administration of BT ¾lD T^i>Afy&znn) j$r)yit an[ p¹F(t 42. Preoperative care 43. Classification of surgeries 44. Bedsore: definition, causes and management b[Dsi[r: Äyi²yi, kirNi[ an[ sirvir 45. Bed bath 46. Importance of personal hygiene and various personal hygiene care of patient hi[(ApTlmi> a>gt t>d&rAt)n& mhRv an[ (v(vF personal hygiene p¹F(tai[ PAPER – II – ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY,SOCIOLOGY, PSYCHLOGY, FIRST AID I. ONE WORDS:-

CCN-3 Anatomy and physiology: definitions : question bank Anatomy Physiology Sociology Psychology Pathology Mitochondria Golgi apparatus Serous membrane superior Unit-2 the skeletal system

Virus Bacteria Communicable disease WHO cytoplasm Synovial membrane anterior inferior Thorasic cavity

Living matter Cell Tissue Organ System Organelle Muscular tissue Posterior Dorsal cavity

bone Long bone Frontal bone Temporal bone Vertebral column L1-L5 radius Pelvic girdle Unit-3 the muscular system

Skeletal system cartilage Short bone Zygomatic bone vertebrae fibula scapula Shoulder girdle

Skeleton Bone marrow Flat bone Joint Cranial bones Maxilla T1-t12 clavicle


Elasticity of muscle Skeletal muscle Smooth muscle Involuntary muscle Unit: 4 circulatory system

Muscular system Visceral muscle Cardiac muscle Trapezius muscle

Short muscles Voluntary muscle Deltoid Gluteus maximus

CVS artery blood Leukocytes Normal WBC count Pulmonary valve Tricuspid valve Systemic circulation Cardiac cycle Unit 5 digestive system

Circulatory system plasma Thrombocytes Blood clotting Pulmonary artery Pulmonary circulation Blood pressure Rh factor Fetal circulation

Capillary Erythrocytes Haemoglobin Normal RBC count Normal hb count Mitral valve Coronary circulation Antibody ECG

GI system teeth Enzyme Gastric juice Duodenum Liver Pancreatic juice Rectum Unit 6 respiratory system

metabolism emylaze Cardiac sphincter Peristalsis Bile juice Insulin Appendix Gall bladder

Diet Salivary gland Pyloric sphincter Peptic acid Ileum Ascending colon Sigmoid colon Descending colon

larynx Bronchial tree Primary bronchi carina Medulla oblongata Unit-7 urinary system

Respiratory system Expiration Nasal cavity Trachea Bronchiole

Inspiration Bronchi Alveoli pleura diaphragm

Urinary system kidney Urinary bladder Unit-8 nervous system

urination ureter nephron

Micturation Urethra Renal artery

Axon Spinal cord Medulla oblongata epidermis

Neuron CNS brain forebrain

PNS Cerebrum Pituitary Sweat gland 6

Taste bud Tympanic membrane retina Unit-10

cerebellum hypothalamus Cornea

Iris Olfactory bulb Middle ear

Endocrine system Pituitary gland thyroxin Parathyroid hormone Gonalds Unit 11 disease and disorders

Master gland ovary Prostate gland adrenocotricotropine Thymus gland

Hormone Hypothalamus Thyroid gland TSH Pineal gland

influenza Urine incontinence Dialysis Diabetes diagnosis Bodiache swelling ulcer Tumor arthritis hernia aneamia Heart attack HTN malignancy chemotherapy appendicitis Ulcerative colitis Asthma First aid

Intestinal Burning urination paralysis Life style disease RS dizziness N/V itching amenorrhea CT scan Diarrhea Acute poliomyelitis Angina pectoris Leukemia radiotherapy gastroenteritis jaundice Hepatitis-B

Pneumonia Cardiac UTI Renal failure Stroke Healing Deficiency Dehydration Pain Anorexia Paralysis MRI Chronic Fracture Gangrene Tetanus Cancer Cirrhosis Tuberculosis

crushed wound stab wound fracture complicated fracture impacted fracture depressed fracture crepitus

First aider

Shock fainting wound crack fracture direct force fracture indirect force fracture Burn

Endocrine system

closed fracture open fracture pain Oedema tenderness Paralysis


Short and detailed questions Unit-1 1. Draw cell 2. How body forms from cell 3. Characteristics of living matter 4. Classification of tissue 5. Classification of membrane 6. Body cavities 7. Systems of body Unit-2 8. Functions of skeletal system 9. Classification of bones 10. Rib cage 11. Vertebral column 12. Upper limb 13. Lower limb Unit-3 14. Functions of muscular system 15. Classification of muscular system Unit-4 16. Functions of blood 17. Composition of blood 18. Blood cells 19. Explain RBC 20. Explain WBC 21. Explain platelets 22. Explain haemoglobin 23. Structure of heart 24. Circulation of blood through heart 25. Coronary circulation 26. Pulmonary circulation 27. Systemic circulation 28. Comparison of arteries and vein 29. Heart valve diagram 8

30. Importance of blood group Unit-5 31. Draw digestive tract 32. Draw small intestine 33. Draw large intestine 34. Functions of digestive system 35. List juices secreted during digestion 36. Functions of small intestine 37. Functions of large intestine 38. Functions of liver 39. Importance of gall bladder 40. Importance of pancreas Unit-6 41. Respiratory process 42. Draw respiratory system 43. Importance of nose and nasal cavity 44. Pharynx 45. Larynx 46. Structure of lungs 47. Lobes of lungs 48. Bronchial tree 49. Importance of alveoli Unit-7 50. Urinary process 51. Structure of kidney 52. Functions of kidney 53. Draw urinary tract Unit-8 54. Draw neuron 55. Classification of nervous system 56. Draw brain anatomy 57. Functions of brain 58. Draw skin 59. Draw eye anatomy Unit-10 60. List endocrine glands 9

61. Explain pituitary gland 62. Thyroid gland 63. Gonalds 64. Pancreas 65. Thymus gland 66. Prostate gland Unit-11 67. Classification of disease 68. Explain anaemia 69. Myocardial infraction 70. Hypertension 71. Classification of cancer 72. Appendicitis 73. Causes of constipation 74. Management of constipation 75. Causes of diarrhea 76. Ulcer 77. Asthma 78. Tuberculosis 79. Diabetes First aid 80. Explain importance of first aid and qualities of first aider fAT< a[eDn& mhRv smjiv) fAT< a[EDrni g&NFmi[< smjivi[ 81. Explain fracture with its types and first aid (v(vF f\[kcrni p\kir an[ f\[kcrn) fAT< a[eD smjivi[ 82. Explain various wounds and their first aid (v(vF wound an[ t[n) fAT< a[eD smjivi[ 83. Explain various hemorrhage and their first aid (v(vF h[mr[jni p\kir an[ t[n) fAT< a[eD smjivi[ PAPER – III- NUTRITION, FAMILY PLANNING, COMMUNICABLE DISEASES I. ONE WORD:

Unit 1-2 reproductive system Reproduction Menopause

Vaginal orifice Uterus

Female pelvis Puberty 10

Vagina Fallopian tube Estrogen

ovum Progesterone Spermatozoa

Hymen Endometrium Menstruation




placenta Amniotic fluid Umbilical cord

fertilization Premature infant

Morning sickness quickening

Amenorrhea Missed period

EDD LMP Anaemia Multi Gravida Nulipara ectopic pregnancy

Multi Para Abdominal girth Doppler pre-eclampsia Primi para

third stage of labour cord prolapse

foetal distress domiciliary midwifery

post natal exercise

postnatal visit

septic abortion habitual abortion APH PPH

complete abortion missed abortion criminal abortion

grasping reflection imperforated anus rolling eye NICU

malnutrition breast feeding Artificial feeding weaning

LSCS FTND Hystrectomy

MTP D&C Local anesthesia

Unit-3 Ovulation fertilized ovum Foetus

Unit-4 Abnormal pregnancy HRP

Unit-5 Antenatal care abortion still birth TPAL GPA Gravida

Unit-6 first stage of labour second stage of labour

Unit-7 Lochia

Unit-8 abortion threatened abortion inevitable abortion incomplete abortion

Unit-9 suction Vernix Capet haemetoma Neonatal jaundice

Unit-10 Cesarean section Forceps delivery Episiotomy

Unit-11 11

Immunization Immunity Maternal immunity vaccine

D&T Measles Mums Rubella

BCG MMR Hepatitis B DPT

STD Vasectomy

Tubal Litigation Male sterilization

protein fat tube feeding NG feeding Gastrostomy feeding

AFD BFD LPD DD Gastrostomy feeding

toxin hepatitis hepatitis A toxin Meningitis

HIV AIDS Causes of AIDS Chicken pox hepatitis B

Unit-12 Contraception IUCD

Diet nutrition complete diet diet HPD LFD

Communicable disease infection inflammation communicable disease infectious disease hepatitis C

Short and detailed questions 1. Draw and explain internal reproductive organs of Female. A#i) ai>tr)k jnnt>#i aikZ(t siY[ (vgtvir smjivi[ 2. Fertilization process 3. Placenta 4. Signs and symptoms of positive pregnancy 5. TPAL and GPA method of history taking 6. High risk pregnancy 7. Diet during prenatal period 8. Vaccination schedule 9. Explain FTND conduction 10. Domiciliary midwifery 11. Classification of abortion 12. MTP act 13. Breast and artificial feeding 14. Classification of deliveries 15. Classification of immunity 16. Male related family planning methods 17. Female related family planning methods 12

18. Various communicable disease (v(vF s>k\imk ri[gi[ 19. AIDS 20. Tuberculosis

PAPER –IV General English and computer fundamentals Computer: Definitions and short question (1-2 marks) 1. Computer, CPU, Monitor, Key board, Mouse, Printer 2. Internet, E-mail, Community services 3. Facebook, orkut, google 4. File 5. Folder 6. Ctrl functions 7. Formulas in excel 8. Word art Short question (5 marks) 1. Importance of computer 2. Explain window xp desktop 3. Explain regarding parts of computer ( Computer, CPU, Monitor, Key board, printer etc) 4. How to turn off , restart, standby computer 5. Different lay outs of computer 6. Aligning the text (center, left,right, justify etc) 7. Font 8. How to setup and run slide show in power point presentation 9. Explain excel Descriptive question (10-15 marks) 1. Importance of computer and internet 2. Explain email 3. My documents/my computer/recycle been 4. Shortcut commands in word 5. Preparing a table in word 6. Explain power point presentation English: Definitions and short question (1-2 marks) 1. a[.v. mi> f[rvi[, b.v. mi> f[rvi[ 2. yi[³y aiT)Y) n)c[ m&jbni m&d`iai[n) t]yir) krv)  What is a Computer?  What is an Operating System?  What are the Basic Parts of a Desktop Computer?  The Windows XP Desktop o Start button: one of the most important tools you will use while working with Windows XP. The Start button allows you to open menus and start applications. o Taskbar: primarily used to switch between open windows and applications. Learn more about using the Taskbar in a later lesson. o Icons (or graphical pictures): represent applications, files, and other parts of the operating system. By default Windows XP provides you with one desktop icon, the Recycle Bin. Learn more about the Recycle Bin in a later lesson.    

Turn Off and Restart the Computer Minimizing, Maximizing, and Restoring Windows What is a File? Some common file name extensions are: o o o o

doc: Word or WordPad document xls: Excel spreadsheet htm or html: HTML file (web page) ppt : PowerPoint presentation

 Creating, Renaming, and Deleting Files  What is a Folder?  All Windows XP folders include the following features: o Title bar:contains the name of the folder o Menu bar: contains the File, Edit, View, Favorites, Tools, and Help menus. 15

o Navigation bar: contains the Back, Forward, Up, Search, Folders, and Views buttons. o Address bar: shows current folder location. Use the drop down arrow to navigate your computer's places. o White space: displays contents of the folder (folders and files) o File and Folder Tasks list: a convenient list of tasks o Other Places: convenient list of your computer's places o Details: describes the folder  Creating, Renaming, and Deleting Folders  What is a Drive?  Introduction to My Documents o My Documents is a folder that provides you with a convenient place to store your important files and folders. Remember, you can quickly reach My Documents in the Start menu or by double-clicking the My Documents icon on your desktop. o My Computer is another tool you can use to manage files and folders. With this tool, you can create, rename and move folders and copy, print, move, delete and rename files. It also allows you to gain access to other system tools.  Copying Files and Folders  What is the Recycle Bin?  Opening the Search Companion  Change in View o Normal view is best used for typing, editing, formatting and proofreading. It provides a maximum amount of space without rulers or page numbers cluttering your view. o Web Layout view shows you what your text will look like on a web page. o Print Layout view shows you what your document will look like when it is printed. Under Print Layout view you can see all elements of the page. Print Preview shows you this as well. o Outline view is used to create and edit outlines. Outline view only shows the headings in a document. This view is particularly handy when making notes. o Full Screen view displays ONLY the document that you are working on. All the other pieces of the Word window are removed except for one button that allows you to Close View Screen.  Saving a New File  Save As Dialog Box  Backspace and Delete 16

o Use the backspace and delete keys (on your keyboard) to erase text in your document. o The backspace key erases the text to the left of the insertion point one character at a time. o The delete key (located under the Insert key) erases the text to the right of the insertion point.  Using Undo - Ctrl + Z  Using Repeat - Ctrl + Y o The Repeat feature allows you to repeat the last action and can help to save a lot of time as you create your document.  Cut and Paste: Copy and Paste:  Ctrl+C = copy  Ctrl+X = cut  Ctrl+V = paste  Using Find - CTRL + F  Using Replace - CTRL + H  Aligning Text Click the Align Left, Center, Align Right, or Justify button on the Formatting toolbar.

 Using Page Setup to Specify Margins  Bold, Italics and Underline

 Font Using Color  Font Size  Bullets and Numbering  To Create a Bulleted List:



   

         

To Create a Numbered List: Use of Symbols Working with Tables Row - A row runs horizontal in a table and is divided by borders. Borders - Separating lines in the table. Column - A column runs perpendicular in a table and is divided by borders. Cell - A cell is the box that is created when your rows and your columns intersect each other. The cell contains your data or information. Creating Tables Using the Insert Table Dialog Box: Inserting and Deleting Columns and Rows To Add Rows to Your Table: To Insert Rows in the Middle of the Table: To Delete Rows: To Delete Single Table Cell: To Adjust Columns, Rows, and Cell Size: Adding Borders Add Shading Introduction to Word Graphics o AutoShapes: including Lines, Curves, and Textboxes o WordArt drawing objects

 WordArt Drawing Objects

 Inserting Clip Art  Inserting Pictures from your Computer  Changing the Appearance of your Pictures Powerpoint presentation: Essay on preparing powerpoint presentation How to design new slide in presentation? How to run presentation. Micro soft excel Preparing table in excel 18

Formulas in excel… sum, deduction, multiplication

General English Importance of English in Nursing: Singular and Plural Nouns : a[k vcn an[ bh& vcn A noun names a person, place, thing, or idea. : Noun a[Tl[ nim For the plural form of most nouns, add s.  bottle – bottles  cup – cups For nouns that end in ch, x, s, or s sounds, add es.  box – boxes  watch – watches For nouns ending in f or fe, change f to v and add es.  wolf – wolves  wife – wives Some nouns have different plural forms.  child – children  woman – women  man – men Nouns ending in vowels like y or o do not have definite rules.  baby – babies  toy – toys A few nouns have the same singular and plural forms.  sheep – sheep  deer – deer Indefinite::Articles—a,an an—used before singular count nouns beginning with a vowel (a, e, i, o, u) or vowel sound: gN) Skiy t[vi nim ni p\Ym axrni[ uµcir Avr hi[y Ryir[  an apple, an elephant, an issue, an orange a—used before singular count nouns beginning with consonants (other than a, e, i, o, u): gN) Skiy t[vi nim ni p\Ym axrni[ uµcir Äy>jn hi[y Ryir[  

a stamp, an honest


an M.B.A.  a B.B.A. 2. Definite Article (the) Used to indicate a noun that is definite or has been previously specified in the context: ci[kks p\kirn& nim aYvi agiuni vikymi> vpriy[l hi[y t[ nim b)ji vikymi> vprit& hi[y t[ni miT[  Please close the door.  I like the clothes you gave me. Used to indicate a noun that is unique: anºy hi[y t[v& nim  Praise the Lord!  The Narmada River is near to Bharuch.

Unit : 3 Capitalization Capitalization means using a capital letter (for example, A instead of a). Always capitalize the following: The first word in a sentence. vikyni[ p\Ym axr  I grew up in India.  She left a message on my phone. The pronoun I. “I” = h&> Yt& hi[y Ryir[  This country is where I dreamed of. The first letter of a proper noun (specific name). nim , aTkni[ p\Ym axr  David wants to play soccer with us. The first letter of months, days, and holidays (but not seasons). Mh)ni, (dvsi[ an[ rjiai[ni[ p\Ym axr, ät&ai[ nh).  Today is June 8, 2011.  Sushil’s birthday is this Thursday. The first letter of nationalities, religions, races of people, and languages. riOT^)yti, Fm
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