Question and Answers Bank-1

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2.1.1. what is part I and II list of RDSO approved supplier This list covers the names of all the firms approved by RDSO CORRECTTED UPTO 30TH JUNE 2005 FOR THE MANUFACTURE and supply of the electrical /electronic equipment used in the signaling and telecommunication installation. The specification / drawing number of each equipment has been added. Signaling items which are being procured and are used by the railways for over thirty years as per firms specification/ drawing or as per RE organization specification have been also included in the list Further, to streamline the list all the signaling and telecommunication items have been divided into the various groups. i. e. block instrument, cable and its accessories, electromechanical items, power supply equipments and others the items in the list have been updated keeping in the view the requirements of the railways. Even though the original policy is to include names of the manufacturer only, the names of authorized representative also come to be included over the years. However, it has been found difficult to ensure the genuineness of the material supplied by the authorized representative and complaints of the

performance of the material in the field also have been received in a few cases. It has therefore been decided to delete the names of authorized representative from the list. However, railways are free to place names of the authorized representative from the list . however , railways are free to place order on authorized representative subject to the following conditions. (a) the credentials of the authorized representative will be verified by the railways (b) at the time of the placing the order. The manufacturer’s name appear in the current approved list. (c) inspection by the RDSO will be carried out at manufacturer’s premises and not at the premises of the authorized representative. (d) manufacturer’s name shall be included in the purchase order and copy of the purchase order shall endorsed to inspecting officer of the region where the manufacturer is located. To avoid the confusion , the names of the approved manufacturer in part I and part II list have been put in the succession under each item. The firms appearing in the part I list have the manufacturing /quality assurance facility for placement of bulk orders. The firms appearing in the part II are suitable for the educational orders. However part I does not evaluate the financial capability but indicate technical capability /availability of machinery and quality control process to execute the bulk orders. To have the ready ref. of the items and firm name, a separate index for the items as well as for the firms along with the inspection units have been added. the complete address of the inspection unite along with their telephone and fax numbers has been listed. Telephone and fax number of various suppliers have been included wherever available to enable the railways to contact them properly. Railways while placing orders on the firms


(a) for placing development orders on new sources, railways must get their technical capabilities assessed by the RDSO beforehand, and it should specifically be mentioned in the purchase order that the manufacturer should get the sample type-approved by RDSO before taking up bulk production (b) in cases where no manufacturer are available in the part one of approved list issued by RDSO, procurement may be done through firms included in part ii of the approved list treating them as approved manufacturer as per board letter the critical items will continue to be inspected by the RDSO as per the existing instruction on the subject. 2.1.2. list out the items of the action plan for reliability up gradation for signaling with targets for your division 2.1.3. list out the items of action plan for reliability upgradetion for telcom with targets for your division 2.1.4. what is sl 35 lamps ? its advantage and disadvantage over other lamps used for the same purpose. 2.2.

(a) define briefly BIT BYTE NAND BAUD (b) explain briefly the mobile radio system in use on nagpur-itarsi and itarsibhusawal section on the central railway (c) what is transposition and why required ?what transposition scheme is used on rly owned ACSR lines? 2. draw the superimposed detection circuit for a a siemens point machine operated from the lever using the point group , containing 2 neutral relays , one interlocked relay and one DC contactor relay .indicating clearly the circuit path for (a) point operation and(b)detection 3. give the recommendation of accident enquiry committee after recent ferozabad accident which have been accepted by the railway board . explain how these are being implemented on central railway. PART-iii 3. WRITE SHORT NOTES ON


What all information must be given in requisition which you will submit for procurement of the material on stores deptt


DATE 14.02.98 HOURS



1.1.1. difference between BSLB AND SLB SHUNTING LIMIT BOARD Rectangular in shape “SHUNTING LIMIT “ painted in black at bottom with cross in black on yellow background on the side facing to station, fitted with lamp showing white light on both direction. This is provided on ‘b’class station where shunting in approach of the train is permitted. The shunting limit board shall be placed at such a shunting distance from outer most facing point as the local condition may require and shall not be less than 400m or 180m from the opposing first stop signal in 2-aspect or multiple aspect signaling. BLOCK SECTION LIMIT BOARD(BLOCK SECTION LIMIT) It is board similar to section limit board but block section limit is painted in place of shunting limit. These board are provided on d/line m/aspect to distinguish the limit of block section. It shall be provided at a station where there is no facing point or outermost point at the


approching is trailing . it shall be placed not less than 180 m from the home signal and protects the fauling mark of the trailing point if any in approach.

1.1.2. slip siding and catch siding SLIP SIDING AND CATCH SIDING the gradient with station has to be very low in order that the vehicle standing at the station do not start moving automatically due to effect of gravity . on Indian railway the gradient permitted is 1:400 where as 1:1200 recommended. No station is constructed on the gradient steeper than 1:260 except the geographical condition where such gradient can’t be avoided within station yard. Previous sanction of CRS has to be obtained and special arrangement like slip sideing has to be provided where the gradient steeper than 1:100 falling away from the station in its close neighborhood. This prevent the vehicle from escaping into block section Similar arrangement where gradient steeper than 1:80 falling towards the station, to trap the vehicle coming uncontrolled

toward station from block section is known as the

catch siding Catch siding and slip siding points must be interlocked with block instrument. Catch siding

1:75 1:75


1.1.3. cascading of the signal 1.1.4. what are the essential of the absolute block system G. R. NO 8.01 1. No train should leave the block section unless line clear received from the block section in advance. 2. on double line such line clear shall not be given unless the line clear upto first stop signal but adequate distance beyond it . 3. on sigle line such line clear shall not given unless the line is clear of trains running in same direction not only upto first stop signal at block station at which such line clear is


given but an adequate distance beyond it . and is clear of the trains running in direction towards the block section to which line clear is given condition for granting the line clear8.02 class A – line clear may not be given for train unless the line on which it is intended to receive is clear for 400 m beyond home signal or upto the starter signal. 8.02 class B – where the line clear is given for the train before the line has made clear for the reception of the train with in the station section. 8.03 class c – station where the permission to approach may not be given for the train unless whole last train proceeding passes completely at least 400m beyond the home signal and is continuing its journey . this include the IBS.

1.1.5. L.C. gates and their classification 

Periodic cencus of the level crossing gates are once in three year for seven days

Train unite x Road vehicle = TVU per day

Level crossing gates are classified on the basis of the TVU per day










TVU BET 50,000 TO 30,000




TVU BET 30,000 TO 25,000




TVU BET 25,000 TO 20,000







2. draw the signaling layout for’B’ class station on the double line with the loop on the either side including one common loop with std. III interlocking and MACLS and LC gates. 2.1.1. number the function


2.1.2. draw the HR circuit for one of the home signal for receiving the train on main line control chart for th

3. (a) why the second distant signals are being provided on ‘A’route?give the aspect e typical second distant signal.. (b) how the line cpacity can be increase on the double line? (c) what are the essential of the automatic signaling? 4.

(a) draw the dog chart in one channelsatisfying the following locking 5 locks 17 bothway and 20 bothway 5 released by 19 with 17 normal 5 locks 23 bothway with 20 reverse (b) what the requirement of SGE block instrument in RE area? Illustrate with help of diagram

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PART-II (COMMUNICATION) NOTE-ATTEMPT 3 QUESTION IN ALL OUT OF WHICH QUESTION 2 &1 IS COMPULSORY 1.


1.1.1. fading and fade margin -

fading is the loss of microwave energy during its propagation from transmitting antenna to receiving antenna, but fading is not permanent feature of propagation


fade margin is the additional signal level made available to MW receiver to overcome the unpredictable losses due to fading is called as the fade margin.

1.1.2. VHF and UHF communication


1.1.3. radio patching 1.1.4. OTDR

1.1.5. pulse code modulation 2. (a) explain with neat sketch functioning of OFC used for control working (b) what are advantage of OFC over other mediZ of communication (c) why 4 quad is laid along with ofc. 3. (a)draw neat digram of microwave trans receiver indicating therein various frequencies and power level (b)what is arrengment existing for 50%standby equipment


(c) what are different diversity systems used in microwave to overcome fading effects which one would you prefer in digital microwave system.

4. (a) why are we not using overhead line communication system in 25KVAC electrified area? explain


(b) what are the methods to reduced induction effect in RE area (c) what are the precations required to be taken in RE area for ensuring protecton of equipment and safety of S&T staff. PART-III (GENRAL KNOWLEDGE) NOTE-ALL QUESTION ARE COMPULSORY 1. FILL IN THE BLANKS 1.1.1. -----------------------Is currently priminister of India 1.1.2. ----------------------cup for cricket tournament was played in Dhaka in jan 1998 1.1.3. ---------------------is capital of south korea 1.1.4. --------------------is genral secretary of united nation 1.1.5. Indian union has -----------------states 1.1.6. --------------is head quareter of ECR 1.1.7. ----------------is agency for issuing IRS specification 1.1.8. electric loco are manufacture at ------------


1.1.9. PREMis--------------------1.1.10.---------------gives sanction for commisiioning of new railways doller=----------------Rs 1.1.12.-------------invented the telephone 1.1.13.---------------------invented window 95 in computers 1.1.14.Indian railway has existing-----------zones 1.1.15.MTBF stands for--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


DATE 14.02.98 HOURS


1.1 write short notes on any 4 of the following give typical diagram to illustrate

1.1.1 AFTC 1.1.2 IPS 1.1.3 Impedance bond 1.1.4 Isolation 1.1.5 Overlap


1.2 (a) What are the different types of track circuit used in AC area describe any one of them with neat sketch. (b) What are the various factors which limits the length of track circuit in AC area give details (c) What system improvement would you suggest for reducing the track circuit failures? 1.3 (a) what are various adjustment to required be done in a newly laid point provided with fpl (b) What is the extent instruction regarding joint inspection of points and crossing list items to be checked during joint inspection? (c) Why do we go for electric operation of point? Explain 1.4 (a) why an estimate is required to be prepared before work is sanction? Give in brief the various types of estimate (b) What are the rules for the working of motor trolley in open line? What are the minimum necessary items a motor trolley to be equipped with. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PART-II (COMMUNICATION) 2.1 write short notes on any 4 of the following 2.3.1 parabollic antenna and its used 2.3.2 DTMF 2.3.3 Modem 2.3.4 White noise test set 2.3.5 Loading coil and its use 2.2 a telecom cable in RE section is to be laid for 200km (A) work out requirement of pet quad and paper quad for various use (B) design system for cable huts , repeater, loading coils.balancing condenser joint and indicate required quantity with material


2.3 (a) what are the various communication arrengnment which are required to be made at site of serious accidents in mid section and explain (b) what are the steps required to be taken for annual line up of mw station explain in detail 2.4 a 200 line hand free intercom is to be provided in office:(a) prepare its estimate based on current price (b) how will you process this estimate for obtaining competent authority ‘s sanction PART-III (ESTABLISHMENT, STORES, FINANCIAL RULES AND OFFICIAL LANGUAGE) 3.1 WRITE SHORT NOTES ON ANY 2 of the following 3.1.1 compassionate ground appointment 3.2.2 stock and nonstick requisition 3.1.3 family pension 3.2 what will be your strategy to popularize use of hindi as a national language 3.3 what is the budget and why it is prepared and why railways budget is separate from the genral budget 3.4 one of the staff is working directly under you has committed serious misconduct while on duty . how will you proceed to take the disciplinary action against him?



DATE 05.09.98


(MECHANICAL SIGNALLING) ATTEMPT 3 QUESTION IN ALL 1. write short notes on any four of the following . give typical digram to illustrate 12

1.1.1. classification of routes .give example of your division

1.1.2. slip siding and catch siding 1.1.3. cascading of signal 1.1.4. what is SL-35 ?its advantage over other lamps used for same purpose 1.1.5. L.C. gates and their classification 1.2. draw the signaling layout for ‘B’class station on double line with loop on either side including one common loop with std III interlocking and MACLS and LC gates number the function prepare the locking table of ‘a’ cabin

1.3. (a) why second distant signals ae being provided on ‘A’ route? Give the aspect control chart for typical second distant signal.

(b) how the line capacity can be increased on a double line? (c) What are essential of automatic signaling? 1.4. (a) draw the dog chart in one channel satisfying the following locking 15 locks 17 bothways and 20 bothway 15 released by 19 with 17 normal 15 locks 23 bothways with 20 reverse (b) indicate briefly what is our action plan for signal reliability upgradetion. PART-II (COMMUNICATION) ATTEMPT 3 QUESTION IN ALL OUT OF WHICH QUESTION NO 2.1 IS COMPULSORY 2.1 write short notes on any 4 of the following . give typical diagram to illustrate 2.1.1 fading and fade margin 2.1.2. driver – guard communication provided on your divisionand purpose of it 2.1.3. radio patching 2.1.4. OTDR


2.1.5. PDH and SDH sailent difference 2.2 (a) explain with neat sketches the functioning of optical fiber system used for control working . (b) what are the advantages of OFC over other media of communication (c) why 4 quad cable is laid along with the OFC cable? 2.3 (a) draw neat block block digram of MW trans-receiver indicating therein the various frequencies and power levels . (b) what are the advantage of digital technology visa-versa analogue? (c) what are the different diversity system used to overcome failures? Briefly explain . 2.4 (a) why are we releasing overhead line wire communication system in 25 KV ACelectrified areas? Explain. (b) what are method to induction effect in RE area? (c) list precaution required to be taken to be taken in signaling installation for safety consideration in RE area. PART-III (GENERAL KNOWLEDGE) 3. FILL IN THE BLANK 3.1.1. MTTR stands for -----------------------------3.1.2. world cup football , 1998 was held at --------and were champion 3.1.3. -----------------is capital of south Africa 3.1.4. ------------------is secretary general of united nations. 3.1.5. Indian union has----------------states 3.1.6. IRS point machines are manufactured by railway at-----------------3.1.7. ------------------------ is the agency for issuing IRS specification 3.1.8. push button tokenless block are manufactured in India by---------3.1.9. R.C.F. stands for ---------------------------------------3.1.10.------------------ gives the sanction for commissioning of new works. 3.1.11.the purpose of heat treatment is to –


relieve the stress set up in the material after hot and cold


modify the structure of material

change grain size.

soften the metal.

any one of the above

none of the above

3.1.12.brass is the alloy of

copper and zinc

copper and tin

copper, tin& zinc

none of the above

3.1.13.the unit of the force in S.I. system of units is





3.1.14.the low of motion involved in the recoil of the gun is

Newton”s first law of motion

newtons”s second law of motion

newtons third law of motion

none of the above

3.1.15.the speed of dc motor can be controlled by varying

its flux pole

resistance of armature circuit

applied voltage

all the above


3.1.16.transformer core are laminated in order to

simplify its construction

minimize eddy current loss

reduce cost

reduce hysteresis loss

3.1.17.a transformer having 1000 primary turns is connectec to a 250v a.c. supply . for a secondary voltage of 400v the number of secondary turns should be





3.1.18.the basic function of the rectifier is to

change the level of dc voltage

convert DC into AC

change the frequency of AC voltage

convert AV into DC

3.1.19.transformer rated in KVA instead of kw because

load power factor is often not known

kva is fixed kw depends on load p.f.

tatal transformer loss depends on volt ampeare

it has become customary horse power is equal to

450 kgm/min

4500 kgm/min

550 kgm/min


5500 kgm/min.


DATE 06.09.98


PAPER-II ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PART-I (PROFESSIONAL SUBJECT) 1.1

draw a neat sketch of 3 line panel interlocked station on a double line.


Give the numbering scheme for the above layout indicating the distance of the various signal.


Make a selection table for say down direction signals.


choose correct answer 1) the function of the fly wheel is a) to guide motion of the piston rod and prevent it from bending


b) to transfer motion from the piston to cross head c) to convert heat energy of steam into mechanical work. d) To exhaust steam from the cylinder at proper moment 2) sulpher in cast iron a) makes the iron soft and easily machinable b) increases the hardness and brittleness c) makes the iron white and hard d) aide fusibility and fluidity e) all the above 3) manganese is added in low carbon steel to a) make the steel toughter and harder b) prevent them from becoming porous c) raise the yield point d) all the above e) none of the above 4) for arc welding a) alternating current with high frequency is used b) alternating current with low frequency is used c) direct current is used d) any one of the above 5) a 100 w light bulb burns on an average of 10 hours a day for one week .the Weekly consumption of energy will be a) 7 b) 70 c) 0.7 d) 0.07


6) two coils having self inductance of 0.6H and 0.4H and a mutual inductance of 0.2H are connected in series. What is their combined self inductance? a) 1.4h b) 0.6 H c) 1.2 h d) either(a) or (b) 7) trickle charging of a storage battery helps to a) prevent sulphation b) keep it fresh and fully charged c) maintain proper electrolyte level d) increase in reserve capacity 8) a current transformer has a single-turn primary and a 200- turn secondary and is used to measure ac current with a std 5-a ac current upto –Ampere a) 1000 b) 5000 c) 40 d) 200 9) a large series motor is never started without some mechanical load on it because or otherwise it will a) draw too much current b) develop excessive speed and damage itself c) produces vicious sparking at brushes d) open the fuse of circuit breaker. 10) an invertor circuit is employed to convert a) AC voltage into DC voltage b) DC voltage into AC voltage c) High frequency into low frequency


d) Low frequency into high frequency 11) a transformer having 1000 primary turns is connected to a 250v ac supply. For a secondary voltage of 400v , the number of secondary turns should be a) 1600 b) 250 c) 400 d) 1250 12) a bridge rectifier is used for a) half wave rectification b) full wave rectification c) quarter wave rectification d) none of the above 13) waveguides are used at frequencies in the range a) 1-10 MHz b) 10-50 MHz c) above 1 GHz d) none of the above 14) VHF and UHF are frequencies between a) 30 mhz -300 mhz and 300 mhz to 3ghz b) 3 mhz – 30 mhz and 30 mhz to 300 mhz c) 300 mhz – 3mhz and 3mhz to 30 ghz d) none of the above 15) a zener diode is used for a) constant current b) constant voltage c) rectification


d) amplification 16) in a transformer the lamination are to be provided to a) reduce the weight b) reduce the cost c) reduce the eddy current d) increase the transformer ratio 17) the number 15.5 can be represented in binary system as a) 1111.100 b) 1101.100 c) 1111.101 d) 1101.101 18) the speed of transmission between a computer and printer is measured in a) pages/minute b) BAUD c) khz d) all the above 19) microwave communication is a) space wave communication b) sky wave communication c) line of sight communication d) earth wave prapogation 20) Pentium-II is the name of a) Microsoft software package b) U.s. military code word for operation against iraq c) Microcomputer chip d) Computer game



what are the different types of the track circuits which can be used in DC as well


AC traction area discuss briefly one of such track circuits.


write short notes on the following 1.1.1. Impedance bond 1.1.2. Block proving axle counter 1.1.3. Essential of automatic block section 1.1.4. Calling ‘on’ signal


write short notes on 5.1 signal to noise ratio 5.2 DTMF signaling 5.3 E – mail 5.4 sectional route release


a telecom cable in RE section is to be laid for 200 km a) calculate the requirements of various quad b) design the system for the cable huts, repeaers, loading coils and balancing condenser joints also indicate the required quantities of materials.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PART-II (ESTABLISHMENT) 7. Write short notes on the following:i) employees participation in management ii) paternity leave iii) job analysis iv) suspension 8. draw the flow chart step by step from issuing to finalization and appeals for imposition of penalty of reversion to lower gradee to an employee working under you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PART- III (FINANCIAL RULES)


9. (a) list the demand number to which revenue expenditure of s&t deptt. Is charged . give the type of expenditure booked in each. (b) works expenditure is charged to which demand and what are the various heads under this . explain breiefly. 10. writeshort notes on the following i) law book ii) material modification iii) cannons of financial property iv) audit paras ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PART-IV (OFFICIAL LANGUAGE) 11. give briefly sailent feature of official language act. 12. what will be your strtagy to popularize hindi as national language



DATE 5.06.99 TIME :3 HOURS PART-1 1. write short notes on the following 1.1.1. essentials of the interlocking 1.1.2. DTMF signaling 1.1.3. audio frequency track circuit 1.1.4. subsidiary signals 2. draw the typical layout of 3 line station of single line section with centralize operation of the points and signals . prepare the selection table for say up direction 3. draw the dog chart in one channel satisfying following locking 3.1. 1 rel by 2 or 3 or 4 3.2. 2 rel by 5 locks normal 6 &(7w 8R) 3.3. 5 locks 6 both way


part-II 4. write the short notes on any three 2.2.1. list briefly steps taken by you for reliability upgredation of signaling assets. 2.2.2. flashing of the relays why and how 2.2.3. what is part-I and part-II list of RDSO approved supplier 2.2.4. sectional route release. 2.2 (a) give the advantages of the second distant signal and its aspect control chart (b) draw the HR circuit for the home signal for receiving the train on the main line. 2.3 write short notes on any three:2.3.1. railnet 2.3.2 IVRS 2.3.3 modem 2.3.4 LAN 2.4 draw the superimposed detection circuit for a a siemens point machine operated from the lever using the point group , containing 2 neutral relays , one interlocked relay and one DC contactor relay .indicating clearly the circuit path for (a) point opration and(b)detection PART-III ESTABLISHMENT AND STORES 3.1 WRITE SHORT NOTES ON THE 3.1.1 advance procurement 3.1.2 daily transaction of the stores 3.1.3 PREM 3.2 (a)explain various steps with flow chart for major penalty action from initiation to finalization .answer not tobe descriptive. (b) list minor penalties which can be imposedby the depot incharge on his subordinate staff. PART-IV FINANCIAL RULES 4.1 Write short notes on :4.1.1 Schedule of rates 4.1.2 Demands of the grants and appropriation 4.1.3 List briefly revenue demands with major heads applicable to s&t dept. 4.2 (a) what is exchequer control ? briefly explain as used on railways. (c) explain what do understand by material modification to estimate. PART-V OFFICIAL LANGUAGE 5.1 india is divided into how many zones according to official language act. Explain very briefly the classification 5.2 in which the following are located a. bhusawal div. b. nagpur div. c. jhansi div. d. solapur div. 25

e. Mumbai div. f. Jabalpur division.

3.1.1. .


DATE 21.08.99 :3 HOURS


(MECHANICAL SIGNALLING) 1. WRITE SHORT NOTES ON THE FOLLOWING GIVE THE TYPICAL DIGRAMTO ILLUSRATE 1.1.1. low battery voltage monitoring system 1.1.2. disconnection memo why required to be issued 1.1.3. home to fm and fm to bsl track circuiting 1.2 (a) draw a signaling layout for ‘B’ class station on double line with loop on either side including one common loop with std.iii interlocking and MACLS and LC gate. Number the function (b) prepare the locking table of ‘’A’ cabin 1.3 what steps you would suggest far increasing the line capacity of a double line section which is running to its full section capacity briefly describe them. 1.4 (a)draw the dog chart in one channel,satisfying the follwing locking:-


5 lock 7 bothway and 10 bothway 5 release by 9 W7N 5 locks 13 bothway W10R (b) what is IPS give its advantage PART-II (COMMUNICATION) 2.1 write short notes on the following give typical digram to illustrate 1.1.1. railnet 1.1.2. y2k compliance 1.1.3. broad specification of PC you would recommend for purchase 2.2 (a) explain with neat sketch the functioning of OFC used for control working (b) what are the advantage of OFC over other media of communication (c) how do you provide emergency communication in OFC territory 2.3 (a) draw a neat block digram of microwave trans receiver indicating there in various frequencies and power level at various stages (b) what are the advantage of digital technology over analogue 2.4 (a) what is Immersat telephone and iridium telephone ?explain briefly how they work ? what are teir advantage? (what is modem?explain its utility. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PART-III (GENARAL KNOWLEDGE) 3.1 fill in the blanks:1. world cup cricket 1999 was held at -------and---------were champion 2. -------------------known as garden city of India 3. ohms law states that----------


4. kirchoff’s law states that-------------------5. a 50 w incandescent bulb burns for an avg. of 10 hrs per day for one week total energy consume express in KWhour is----------------------a) 3.5 b) .35 c) 35 d) .035 6. the time base signal in CRO is a) rectangular waveform b) high frequency sinusoidal waveform c) high frequency saw tooth wave d) square wave form 7. piezoelectric effect is production of electricity by a) chemical energy b) varying field c) temperature d) pressure 8. transformer coarse used at microwave frequencies are generally made of a) ferrites b) silicon steel c) alnico v d) supermalloy 9. a generator has 10v open circuit o/p the drops to 5 volts with load current 5 amp and R! is equal to 1000 ohms the internal resistance RI is equal to a) 100 ohms b) 50 ohms c) 1000 ohms


d) 10 k ohms 10. the following combination forms a low pass filter a) series C and shunt L b) series L and shunt C c) both Land C in series arm d) both C and L in shunt arm 11. in band pass filter the series element is a) capacitive b) inductive c) series combination of L and C d) shunt combination of L and C 12. a resistor connected to 3 volts supply battery consumes 3 watts of power . its resistance is a) 1 ohms b) 3 ohms c) 27 ohms d) 9 ohms 13. the diameter of current carrying conductor is halved. Its resistance a) remains the same b) double c) becomes 4 times d) becomes one fourth 14. a resistance of 2 ohms is connected in series with an inductive of 4h . time constant of this circuit is a) 8 sec b) 4 sec


c) 2 sec 0.5 sec 15. a flip flop can store a) 1bit of data b) 2 bit of data c) 3 bit of data d) 4 bit of data 16. following are the major adv. Of electronic data processing a) speed and accuracy b) compact storage c) self decision making in certain types of problem d) all of the above 17. a flow chart a) is graphic represention of analgorithm b) uses human language and graphic symbol c) is a way to apply and an algorithm to computer solution d) both (a) and (b) 18. four power supply is designated I to IV have voltage regulation of 50%,25%,5%,1% respectively the best power supply is a) I b) II c) Iii d) IV 19. back e.m.f. of DC motor depends on a) armature speed b) field flux c) no. of armature conductor


d) all of these 20. transformer is device of transfer a) electrical energy to mechanical b) mechanical to electrical c) electrical to electrical d) mechanical to mechanical 21. if we impress DC voltage of 230 v to an unloaded 230v 50hz transformer the transformer will a) burn out b) give very high sec voltage c) gives sec. voltage acc. according to turn ratio d) non of these

22. the main advantage of autotransformer over to winding transformer a) it uses only one winding b) core losses are reduced c) it needs no cooling d) it has simple construction 23. the speed of DC motor may be varied by varying a) field current b) supply voltage c) armature resistance d) either of these 24. a large series motor is never started without some mechanical load on it because otherwise it will a) draw to much current


b) develop excessive speed damage itself c) produce vicious sparking at brushes d) open fuse of circuit breaker 25. a transformer having 1000 primary turns is connected to a 250v AC supply. For a secondary voltage of 400v , the number of secondary turn should be a) 1600 b) 250 c) 400 d) 1250 26. in transformer the lamination are provided to a) reduce the weight b) reduce the cost c) reduce the eddy current d) increase the transformer ratio 27. the number 15.5 can be represented in binary system as a) 1111.100 b) 1101.100 c) 1111.101 d) 1101.101


DATE 21.08.99 :3 HOURS



WESTERN RAILWAY 25.11.2000(LDCE) PAPAR – I Q1. WRITE SHORT ESSY OF 200-250 WORDS ON THE FOLLOWING “GROWTH OF THE SIGNALLING AND TELECOMMUNICATION IN WESTERN RAILWAY IN LAST 20 YEARS” OR ROLE OF SIGNAL AND TELCOM DEPT. IN ENHANCING SAFETY AND IMPROVING LINE CAPACITY AND OPERATION EFFICIENCY Q2. (a) What are the intensive given to the employee for the working in Hindi? (b) Give the expansion for the following and their Hindi equivalent 1. RDSO 2. RRB 3. SDGM 4. IRFC 5. PNM Q3. fill in the blanks(any ten ) of the following question:(a) The electric component occasionally connected across the relay contacts for minimizing the arcing is ____________________-. (b) It is difficult to magnetize the steel because of its__________________________(c) The value of the specific gravity of the acid when lead acid battery is fully charged_______________________ (d) Eddy core current in a core is minimized by _______________________ (e) Semiconductor have ____________________ coefficient of resistance. (f) A voltmeter must have very high internal resistance so that _________________________ (g) _________________--memory is volatile


(h) if diameter of the copper wire is double the current carrying capacity is ________________(i) an air gap is usually inserted in the magnetic circuit to_______________________ (j) high frequency transformer cores are generally made from ____________ mild steel______________ (k) megger is an instrument to measure__________________-(l) the gain stability of an amplifier can be improved by using____________buffer amplifier_____ (m)the standard value of the sampling rate of an audio frequency signal ____________ samples per second Q4. fill in the blanks of the following question (a) the element of the electric heater is made up of the ----------------(b) oncology is the study of ---------(c) -------------energy causes the least pollution (d) ----------------is the brain of the computer. (e) The last Olympic games held at ------------(f) --------- state has got the distinction of achieving hundred percent literacy. (g) Indian railway introduced the computer reservation in ----------------(h) The headquarter of RDSO is located at---------------(i) Dialysis is used for patients having ------------------disease. (j) Konkan railway corporation was set up for the construction of a broad gauge line from --------------------- to ----------------------. (k) The first air condition ed train was --------------(l) The present priminister of the railway is -----------------Q5. Explain any four of the following (a) Absolute block system and automatic block system. (b) Block and signal overlap (c) Slip siding and catch siding (d) Isolation


(e) Station working rule And traffic working order (f) A marker and AG marker Q6. write short notes on the following (any four) (a) LCD and LED diplay (b) Kirchoffs law (c) Self and mutual inductance (d) OTDR (e) Spectrum anlyser. (f) Amplitude modulation and frequency modulation Q7.write short on any four of the following (a) Principle of the interlocking (b) Train operation during total interruption of the communication in single line and double line (c) Condition for the taking the home signal in single line and double line stations (d) Wire wrapping and soldering (e) Green sand moulding Q8 answer any three of the following (i)

(a) What is capacitor? (b) A resistor and capacitor are connected in series with a variable inductor . when the circuit is connected to 240 v 50 hz . supply , the maximum current given by varying the inductance is 0.5 A. at this current the voltage across the capacitor is 250V. calculate the values of (i) the resistance (ii) the capacitance (iii) the inductance . neglect the resistance of the inductor.


(a) compare primary and secondary cells. (b) a battery of the 60 cells is charged from the supply of 250 v. each cell has an emf of 2V at the start of the charge and 2.5 at the end . if the


internal resistance of each cell is 0.1ohm and if there is an external resistance of 19 ohm in the circuit , calculate i. the initial charging current ii. final charging current iii. additional resistance which must be added to give finishing charge of 2A (iii)

(a) explain series and parallel resonance. (b) A RLC series circuit consist of a resistance of 1000 ohm, an inductance of 100mH and capacitance of 10 picofarad . if a voltage of 100v is applied across the combination ,find i. the resonant frequency ii. Q factor of the circuit iii. The half power point


(a) Explain how the transistor switch function as invertors (b) What is NAND gate? Write truth table of a NAND gate. Why NAND gate

is considered as an universal gate? (c) Subtract the binary number 0101 from the binary number 1110.

WESTERN RAILWAY 25.11.2000(LDCE) PAPER-II Q.1. answer any two of the following. (i)

(a) What is a glued joint as used for a track circuit? What are its advantage over nylon block joint ? (b) Explain the operation of a Siemens’s electrical point machine with the aid of a neat circuit diagram.


(ii) (a) Explain the working of a message switching system with a suitable diagram. (b) List the various facilities available in an electronic exchange. (iii) Draw the control and lighting circuits of a four aspect automatic signal with cascading arrangement (iv) (a) define space and frequency diversity. (b) explain the principle of PCM and TDMA highlighting the various application of these system. Q2. Fill in the blanks a. opening of the toung rail from stock rail in BG point layout --------------mm. b. all the works appearing in the pink book are -----------------lakhs and above. c. Second distant signal is located at a distant of ----Km. from the home signal. d. 34 MB is equivalent to ------------- voice channel. e. The minimum visibility of the stop signal in the MAsignal territory is ------------meter. f. -----------------is used for transmitting data on an analogue line. g. Power supply used for the operation of the electronic exchange is 48 volts. h. ------------ Conductors are required to operate a superimposed detection in case of Siemens’s point machine. i. Working voltage of the signallamps should be between -----------volts to ----------volts. j. Insertion loss of a telephone while on the cradle should not exceeds -------------db. k. The transmission rate of PCM channel is -----------------. l. Track relay can be overenergised by ------% of its pick up value. Q3. write short notes on any five of the following;a. Double wire compensator b. Inter cabin slot control 37

c. d. e. f. g.

Integrated power supply system Solid state interlocking Railnet IVRS for reservation and train enquiry Radio-patching

Q4. explain any five of the following a. Tight and loose locking in the double wire installation b. Data logger c. Universal emergency communication d. Block proving with axle counter e. Standards of the interlocking f. AWS g. Train actuated warning device Q5. explain in detail working of the audio frequency track circuits. Why such track circuits are preferred in comparison with conventional DC track circuits. OR Explain the various component of the optical fiber communication system. What are the advantages of OFC? Q6. Answer any two of the following a. List out the various classification under hours of the employment regulation Indicate rostered hour under each classification b. Explain Abstract Estimate, detailed estimate, completion estimate. What is material modification? c. Write short notes on stock verification. How are the shortage and surplus dealt with? Q7. write short notes on any five of the following. a. PREM b. Railway service conduct rule c. Imprest stores d. Disposal of released and unserviceable materials e. Measurement book f. Accounts and audit objections g. Earnest money and security deposite. 38

CENTRAL RAILWAY 21.04.2001(LGS) MAIN PART-I 1. Question no 1 & 2 are compulsory. Out of remaining answer any three question(total five) 1.1. write shorte notes on the following : 1.1.1. IPS – describe very briefly 1.1.2. condition of taking off home signal in B class station 1.1.3. audio frequency track circuit 1.1.4. how will you use the datalogger for the predictive maintenance

It is compulsory for all SSI and new incoming relay interlocking. it is microprocessor based electronic device used for storing data . Relay operation / bus bar voltage, axle counter level, voltage in memory chip with date and time, Real time clock Advantage1. It helps in analyzing the typical failure and accident 2. It can be used as the tool for improving the signaling gear 3. It detects the human failure 4. For ex. Driver passing at danger 5. Wrong operations 6. S&T interference 7. Help in analyzing speed of the train 8. Keeping the data logger in network management of data-logger 9. Off line/ on line stimulation Types of data logger RPIL – RAIL PRODUCT INDIA LIMITED( US &S LTD. U.S.A.) EFFETRONICS LTD Vijay Wada -DTL HBL – HYTRONICS CROMPTON &GREEVES


Input of PI and SSI rri, digital input& relay contact analog input Input card





Suitable for the small station

suitable for all types of the installetion

Processor intel-8088

processor used is Motorola 6800

Total no of input cards= 8

total no of input card is 8

Input/card =32

input /card= 64

8 x 32 = 256

8 x 64 = 4096

no provision for memo.ana i/p

one ana. input card scan 8i/p

storing capacity= 40,000event

3000 to 3.5 lakhs

scanning time 100millisec

scanning time = 16 millisecond

1.2. for the layout given in the annexure B prepare the selection table for any up direction signals of sanket nagar station 1.3. make a locking table for B cabin of the yard layout given annexure A 1.4. draw a block digram for a 34 mb ofc link between stations bhusawal to itarsi with dropping of a 2MB stream at KNW. 1.5. write short notes on any three 1.5.1. tampering


1.5.2. case hardening 1.5.3. annealing 1.5.4. difference between planning maching and shaping machine 1.6. write short notes on any three: 1.6.1. PC based PA system 1.6.2. ISDN telephone 1.6.3. railnet 1.6.4. IVRS PART-II ESTABLISHMENT AND OFFICIAL LANGUAGES 2. attempt any one of the question. 2.1. write short notes on : 2.1.1. PNM 2.1.2. advance procurement of signaling store 2.1.3. give silent feature of the official language act 2.2. (a) explain the silent feature of hours of employment. Regulation giving the example as applicable to S&T staff. (b) list penalties with depot incharges competency to impose on the staff of various grade working under him. PART-III 3.

ATTEMPT ALL THE QUESTIONS 3.1. write short notes on any two of the following 3.1.1. earnest money 3.1.2. material modification 3.1.3. difference between the pink book and LAW book 3.2. (a) stock verification sheet (b) briefly list demand for the grant and subheads applicable to S&T revenue . indicate very briefly what is charged to each of them.


CENTRAL RAILWAY 29.04.2001(LGS) MAIN PART-I 1. Question no 1 & 2 are compulsory. Out of remaining answer any three question(total five) 1.1. write shorte notes on the following : 1.1.1. IPS – describe very briefly 1.1.2. classification of the stations 1.1.3. AFTC 1.1.4. how will you use datalogger for predictive maintenance

It is compulsory for all SSI and new incoming relay interlocking. it is microprocessor based electronic device used for storing data . Relay operation / bus bar voltage, axle counter level, voltage in memory chip with date and time, Real time clock Advantage1. It helps in analyzing the typical failure and accident 2. It can be used as the tool for improving the signaling gear 3. It detects the human failure 4. For ex. Driver passing at danger 5. Wrong operations 6. S&T interference 7. Help in analyzing speed of the train 8. Keeping the data logger in network management of data-logger 9. Off line/ on line stimulation Types of data logger RPIL – RAIL PRODUCT INDIA LIMITED( US &S LTD. U.S.A.) EFFETRONICS LTD Vijay Wada -DTL HBL – HYTRONICS CROMPTON &GREEVES


Input of PI and SSI rri, digital iinput& relay contact analog input IIInput card

RPI DATALOGGER Suitable for the small station Processor intel-8088 Total no of input cards= 8 Input/card =32 8 x 32 = 256 no provision for memo.ana i/p storing capacity= 40,000event scanning time 100millisec



EFFTRONICS DATALOGGER suitable for all types of the installetion processor used is Motorola 6800 total no of input card is 8 input /card= 64 8 x 64 = 4096 one ana. input card scan 8i/p 3000 to 3.5 lakhs scanning time = 16 millisecond

1.2. attempt all 1.2.1. for layout given in annexure A prepare the selection table for up direction signals of Sanchar nagar station 1.2.2. make the locking chart

2 released by (3 or 4) 6 locks 16 17 18 6 locks bothway 7

1.3. draw the digram for a 34 MB OFC link between station Mumbai to kalyan with 2MB stream dropping at DR ,CLA&TNA STATION 1.4. Write short notes on any three: 1.4.1. tampering 1.4.2. cast hardening 1.4.3. anneling 1.4.4. difference between planning machine and shaping machine 1.5. write short notes on any three of the following 43

1.5.1. G.P300 & G.M.300 1.5.2. FOIS 1.5.3. Railnet 1.5.4. STM-1 2. write short notes on 2.1.1. PREM objective and structure 2.1.2. advance procurement of the signaling store 2.1.3. give the silent feature of official language act 2.2. 2.2.1. briefly give point wise procedure for imposing the major Penalty 2.2.2. encashment of leave –what maximum amount one employee will receive as encashment of the leave whose basic is 5000 and da is rs 200 2.2.3. JCM PART-III FINANCIAL RULES 3. Attempt all 3.1. Write short notes on any 2 of the following 3.1.1. Security deposit 3.1.2. Vacancy bank 3.1.3. Types of tender 3.2. Attempt all 3.2.1. What are the cannon’s of the financial property 3.2.2. List the classification of revenue expenditure


WESTERN RAILWAY 20.7.2002(LDCE) PAPAR – I 1. Explain the use of the following instruments. Indicate also units of measurement a) Energy meter b) Mega ohmmeter c) Spectrum analyzer d) Lux meter e) OTDR 2. answer any three of the following a) a pure inductor , anon inductive resistor and a capacitor are connected in series in that order . the supply voltage is 85 volt at 50 hz . the voltage across the inductor is 40 v . the voltage across the resistor and capacitor toughter is 85 v . the circuit current is 5A . calculate the value of all the components and also power factor of the circuit. b) A battery having an emf of 110 v and internal resistanc of 0.2 ohm is connected in parallel with one another battery with emf of 100v and internal


resistance of 0.25 ohms . these two in parallel are placed in series with a regulating resistance of 5 ohms and connected across 220v mains . calculate the magnitude and direction of the current in each battery and total current drawn from the main supply. c) (i)mention three important parameter affecting the resistance of a conductor (ii)calculate the resistance of 100m length of a wire having uniform crosssectional area of 0.1 sq mm . if the wire is made of a material having resistivity of 50x10 ohm-meter. If the wire is drawn out to 3 times its original length by how many times the resistancdere be increased. d) (i)listthe important hardware components of a personel computer indicating the parameter of each as available in the PC’s at present (ii)differentiate between oprating system and application software mention commonly used operating system and application software. 3. fill in the blanks:I. solder is an alloy of -------------------------II. resistance of copper-------------------------with increase of tempreture III. a voltmeter must have very high internal resistance so that -----------------IV. an air gap is usullyinserted in magnetic circuit to ---------------------------V. in an -------------------------circuit , sparking may occure when the circuit is switched off. VI. The term trickle charge is associated with ------------batteries VII. The bandwidth of audio amplifier extends from 20hz t0-------------hz VIII. A ------------ is required to connect the output of data source to a telephone line IX. In a transistor ---------------------- regon is lightly doped and very thin X. ---------------------- logic gate is similar to the function of two series switches XI. ----------------- circuit is used for converting a sine wave to squre wave XII. the frequencies in UHF prapogate by means of ------------------------4. explain any four of the following


a) faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction b) kirchoff’s law c) photoelectric effect d) maintainace free batteries e) lightening protection f) logic gates 5. explain any four of the following

a) block section and station section b) intermediate block signal Intermediate block post means a class “C” station on double line, remotely controlled from the block station in rear; Intermediate block signaling means an arrangement of signaling on double line in which a long block section split into two portions each constitutes a separate block section by providing intermediate block post. c) authority to proceed Authority to proceed means the authority given to the driver of the train, under the system of working , to enter the block section with his train. d) second distant signal e) isolation

f) co-acting signal aand calling on signal 6. write short notes on any five of the following

a) standard of interlocking b) permissive and gate signal c) condition of granting line clear in a single line section d) one train only system e) ERRB andRRBU operations in PI/RRI panel f) Route holding 7. give the names of any five of the following


a) minister for railways b) speaker of loksabha c) chairman of railway board d) vice president of India e) general manager of western railway f) prime-minister of u.k. 8. answer any five of the following a) capital of jharakhand state b) the author of book “wings on fire” c) no. of the shatabdi express run in western railway d) no. of the newly created zones in Indian railways e) the country which won “world cup football 2002” f) indin leading industrialist who died recently 9. (i) discuss the various region s as per official language act and give name of at least one

state coming under the juridication of each of the region

(ii) give the expansion and their hindi equivalent for a) RRB b) IRISET c) POM d) ASTE e) ML



1. answer any three of the following

I. draw a neat signaling plan of std iii PI station with MACLS on sigle line indicating all signals and oints and tracks circuit. II. (a) explain the working of section control on DTMF signaling system (d) what are the frequencies used in this system and what combination iii.(a) explain the working of an axle counter (b) list out various parts of the axel counter used as the track circuit iv. list out items to be checked in the joint inspection of points and crossing with PWI 2. fill in the blanks any ten of the following I. obstruction test for the points should be done with gauge of --------thickness. II. Any portion of the signal falling within ---------meter of live wire should be protected with proper screen. III. Length of parallelism in directly fed colour light signal should not exceeds -----meter. IV. Overhauling of token block instrument is tobe done once in----- year. V. Compansator in rod run need not be provided where length is less than -----meter for point connection. VI. In BG length of lockbar should not be less than -------meter. VII. Charecterstic impedance of a loaded cable is ------- ohms VIII. Earth resistance for telcom equipment should not exceed------- ohms. IX. Frequency band allotted to railways for microwave transmission is--------X. Wavelength used in optical fiber monomode system is ------- nanometer. XI. Power supply voltage used for the operation of electronic exhange is ----volts XII. The capacity of a STM1 equipment --------E1 channels. 3. explain any five of the following

I. integrated power supply system II. auxillary warning system III. automatic train charting IV. PDH & SDH system


V. Earth leakage detectors

VI. Train shunt resistance. 4. write short notes on any five of the following I. triple pole lamp II. mobile train radio communication

III. radio patching IV. door lock mechanism in SGE instrument V. digital axle counter VI. train management system

5. (i)explain in detail the procedure to be followed for imposition of a major penalty (ii) what is the difference between the n abstract estimate and detailed estimate. What do you understand by material modification? 6. write short notes on any five of the following:I. works contract II. draft para III. stock sheets IV. accounts and audit objections

V. measurement book VI. open tender

VII. rate contract -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


CENTRAL RAILWAY 01.02.2003(LGS) MAIN NOTE: - 1.This question paper contains 5 parts. 2. Answer should be brief with sketch where necessary. 3. Attach the question paper with answer book 1.1 write short notes on any three of the following 1.1.1 signal overlap and block overlap 1.1.2 E&M signaling and DTMF signaling 1.1.3 Auxiliary warning system 1.1.4 Anneling 1.2 Draw a layout of a typical 3 line station on a single line section provided with simultaneous reception facilitities having centralized operation and MACLS. Prepare the selection table for Down home signal and starter signals. 1.3 Draw the dog chart in one channel satisfying the following locking 1.3.1

2 released by 3 or 4 or 5

1.3.2 6 locks 7 bothways 1.3.3

8 released by 9 locks normal 10 &(11 W 12R) PART-II ELE. SIGNALING & WIRELESS COMMUNICATION

2.1 write short notes on any three of the following 2.1.1 Digital axle counter 2.1.2 Datalogger 2.1.3 Mobile train radio communication 2.1.4 Interactive voice response system 2.2

(i) draw the circuit for superimpose detection of siemens point machine and

explain its working. (ii) Explain with circuit diagram the cascading arrangement in four aspect signal.



write short notes on any three of the following


fright operating information system







2.4 draw a block digram for a 34 MB OFC link between stations Mumbai to kalian with 2MB stream dropping at DR .CLA add TNA station. PART-III ESTABLISHMENT & STORES 3.1. write short notes on any two of the following 3.1.1. PREM 3.1.2. Daily transaction register 3.1.3. stock –nonstock item 3.2. (i) list out various classification under hours of employment regulation . Iindicate rostered hours under each classification. (ii) list out penalties that can be imposed by a depot incharge on staff of various categories /grades working under him. PART-IV FINANCIAL RULES 4. attempt any one question 4.1. write short notes on any two of the following:4.1.1. draft paras 4.1.2. LAW book 4.1.3. types of tenders 4.2. (i) what do understand by stock verification? How the shortage and surplus are dealt with? (ii) explain the difference between the abstract estimate and detailed estimate. What do you understand by material modification/ PART-V OFFICIAL LANGUAGE



India is divided into how many region according to official language act .explain very briefly the classification . give names of one state for each region.

CENTRAL RAILWAY 15.02.2003(LGS) SUPPLEMENTARY NOTE: - 1.This question paper contains 5 parts. 2. Answer should be brief with sketch where necessary. 3. Attach the question paper with answer book PART I Q.1.1 writes short notes on any three of the following:1.1.1 Essential of interlocking  INTERLOCKING GR 1.02(30) AN ARRANGEMENT OF SIGNAL, POINT AND APPLIANCES, OPERATED FROM THE PANEL OR LEVER FRAME , SO INTERCONNECTED BY MECHANICAL LOCKING OR ELECTRICAL LOCKING OR BOTH THAT THEIR SAFE OPERATION MUST TAKE PLACE IN PROPER SEQUENCE TO ENSURE SAFETY. (i) It must not be possible to take 'OFF' a running signal unless the following are ensured not only in the actual portion of the track on which the train has to travel, but also in the overlap a) All the points are correctly set. b) All the facing points are locked (at site).


c) All the interlocked level crossing gates are closed and locked against road traffic. d) The isolation is ensured. (ii) Once the signal has been taken OFF, it must not be possible to do any of the following unless the signal has first been put back to the 'ON' position (a) Alter the position of the relevant points. (b) Unlock the relevant facing points (c) Unlock and open the relevant level crossing gate (d) Disturb the relevant isolation (iii) It must not be possible to take 'OFF' at the same time any two fixed signals, which may lead to any conflicting movements. (iv) Where feasible, the points shall be so interlocked as to avoid any conflicting movement. 1.1.2 isolation--- why required and how it is achived isolation is the condition in which line for particular movement is separated from all the adjoining line connected to it in such a manner. isolated line cannot be fouled or interfered with any movement tacking place on the adjoining line. Isolation is compulsory on line  Train has speed > 50kmph  Passenger line should be isolated from all other lines  Isolation of goods reception line from the siding is desirable for violation of the condition the CRS sanction is essential. Isolation does not apply tp  Running junction where two block section line meet at the same end equipped with full complementry of signal  Speed restriction is 50 kmph and station equipped with std III equipment &track circuit are provided and connected line is occupied.


 Catch siding and slip siding provided for isolation. means of isolation a) Connection to siding b) Short dead end siding c) Double derailing switch without crossing d) Single derail switch with guide rail e) Short dead end and enable to vehicle being stable f) Hump siding g) Slip siding and catch siding 1.1.3 station section and station limit

STATION SECTION AND STATION LIMT STATION LIMIT - means the portion of the railway which is under the control of the station master and is sitiuated between outermost signal of station or as may be specified by special instruction. STATION SECTION means the section of station limit 1) at a class ‘B’ station provided with two aspect signals which is included (a) on double line , between the home signal and last stop signal of the station in either direction (b) on single line (i) between shunting limit board and adv. Starter (ii) between the home signals if there are no shunting limit board or advance starters (iii) between the outermost facing points if there are no home signals or shunting limit board or advance starters. 2) at a class ‘B’ station provided with manually operated multiple aspect signals or modified lower quadrant signaling (a) on a double line (i) between the outermost facing point and last stop signal of the station in either direction (ii)between block section limit board where provided and last stop signal of the station in either direction 55

(b) on single line (i)between shunting limit board or advance starter (ii) between the outermost facing points, if there are no shunting limit board or advance starter 1.1.4 subsidiary signals

the signals which controls the movement of the train with in the station section are to be differentiated and convey different indication to the driver these signals are called as the subsidiary signals they are 1 shunt signal 2 calling on signal shunt signals (GR 3.14) 1. shunt signal authorizes movement only at such a slow speed as to be able to stop short of any obstruction and controls the shunting movement. 2. shunt signal can be placed on the separate post by itself close to ground or can be placed below the stop signal other than the first stop signal of the station 3. more than one shunt signal may be placed on same post in which case the top-most signal shall apply to extreme left hand line and second shunt signal from the top shall apply to the next line from the left and so on 4. shunt signal when taken off authorizes the driver to draw ahead with caution even though the stop signal if any,above it is at ON position and 5. shunt signal shall be either a) disc type b) position light shunt signal 6. under special instruction a shunt signal may be miniature arm 7. when shunt signal placed below the stop signal it shall show no light in the ON position. 8. shunt signal does not require the overlap and isolation with another shunt movement due to slow speed SHUNTING PERMIT INDICATOR


Station where uninterrupted shunting is required in both direction to and fro towards the shunting neck or other connected lines, shunting permit indicator (SPI)may be provided it is not stop signal in works in conjugation with the stop signal in such that either them of can be taken at time. CALLING ON SIGNAL A calling on signal is subsidiary signal and has no independent existence. It is provided below the stop signal governing the approach of the train. CALLING ON signal can be miniature semaphore arm type or color light type in two aspect or multiple aspect. Calling on signal indicates the driver that he can drw ahead when OFF and be prepare to stop short of any obstruction even though stop signal above it is at on. Calling on signals are taken off only after the train has been brought to stop. Under approved special instruction a ‘calling on ‘ signal may be provided below any other stop signal except the last stop signal Q.1.2. draw the layout of a typical 4 line station on a double line section provided With up common loop having centralize operation and MACLS. Prepare the Selection table for up home signal and up starter signal Standard lay out. Q.1.3 draws the dog chart in one channel satisfying the following locking I. 1 released by 2 or3 or 4 II. 5 locks 6 both ways III. 2 released by 5 locks normal 6 and (7 w 8R) PART II NOTE: 1. Attempt three question in all out of which question no. 2.1 which carries 20 marks. Is compulsory 2, the remaining two question carry 15 marks each Q.2.1. write short notes on three of the following a) frequency track circuits




Tx F1




Rx F2

Tx F2




Rx F1


A)EIGHT TYPES FREQUE. 1.5 TO 2.6KHz A - 1699 Hz

E – 1549 Hz

B – 2296 Hz

F – 2145 Hz

C – 1996 Hz

G – 1848 Hz

D – 2593 Hz

H – 2445 Hz

Track circuit works on the principle of frequency shift keying (FSK). Carrier frequency is shifted between two frequency close to each other at modulating frequency +17 Hz. Both the frequency are detected independatly & no. of the other checkes are performed for higher security. And to enable the information to be passed along the track without getting distorted. Typical signal of 4.8KHz frequency is used as modulating signal . center fed used to increase the length of track circuit. Electric separation of the adjacent track circuit is accomplished by tuning the inductance of 20 m of track using the track circuit receiver on -1&2 transmitter (length>200m) 4&5. each track unit offers the low impedance to frequency of adjacent track circuit. Inductance of rail between two track unit is very high for both frequency by means of net capacitive reactance.


B) TRANSMITTER – multivibrator (bistable)4.8khz squer wave modulates the oscillator frequency varies + 17 hz. Square wave modulates the frequency of oscillator produces the signal varies by +17hz about the normal frequency rate of 4.8khz which is then amplified by the amplifier. The impedance matching transformer works as the load . while filter isolates the entire unit from unwanted DC and AC traction circuit. At the receiver the the signal from track unit is fed to the input transformer.track unit preset the receiver gain by means of the shape which alters the turn ratio. The signal filters at two filters, one set to higher frequency signal and other to the lower . each resulting two signal is then amplified filtered and demodulated. Both signal are then combined to generate constant output both frequency produced in by the modulation are present in the anti phase to each other. If the resultant signal is continiously present for more then two sec. The output relay is energized via amplifier. This is also slow response feature of the receiver. Eliminates the effects of any transient malfunction. Advantages1. less expensive, less maintaince 2. universal 3. welded rail can be used 4. track circuit length upto 1.1km 5. both the rail can be used for the traction 6. no effect of the harmonic frequencies genretoed by the thyrestor 7. no AC immunized track relay 8. track relay with 50 v . therefore false operation of the track relay not possible. 9. slow response feature. 10. low power BRS 930A(TR). Restrictions – 1. tuned zone must not contain level crossing, footover barrow crossing. If level crossing is there then Rx nearest the crossing and length is testricted to 75% 2. no check rail and guard rail in tune zone. 3. no Rx less than 40m from any low power Tx of same frequency.


4. center fed is normally used when longer track circuit need to be longer than permitted for end fed track circuit. 5. no AWS in tuned zones. 6. no block joint in tuned zones. 7. no axle counter or frequency may be installed in or in 5m of tuned zone nor within 15m of any end termination unit. 8. it is preferable to install the AFTC adjacent with receiver rater than transmitter adjacent to axle counter section.

2.1.2 automatic block signaling

AUTOMATIC BLOCK SYSTEM ON DOUBLE LINE In automatic block the space interval are secured automatically by the use of track circuit and axle counter ESSENTIALS OF AUTOMATIC BLOCK SYSTEM 1. line shall be provided with continious track circuits or the axle counter. 2. the line between the two stations may where required be divided into series of section known as Automatic block signaling section 3. entry into each block signaling section is protected by colour light multiple aspect stop signal 4. track circuit or the axel counter should control the aspect of the signal such that i)

signal will display ‘y’ when line is not clear up to next stop signal but also

an adequate distance beyond it(one block

+overlap) and ‘G’ when two block

+overlap is clear .

this is the case of 3-aspect signaling. In case of 4-aspect signaling it will become green when three blocks+overlap is clear. ii)

Signal will automatically replace to ON soon after it passed by train.


since the track circuit is included in control of the automatic signal in rear . its condition has to be repeated at the location in rear this require the repeating relay and pair of cable conductor between the signal . this can be avoided by making the use of the cut section. In this arrengment overlap track control feed for the rear berthing track in such a way that unless overlap is clear then BTC does not energises. If BTC pick up then OV is clear. 2.1.4 Splicing in optical fiber cable splicing in optical fiber cable is only fusion splicing  Optical fiber ends are chemically treated to eliminate the primary coating

 Fiber ends are cut 90۫ for exact butting and smooth surface by the cutting tool  Fiber ends are positioned in the instrument called AC fusion splicer . the ends are aligned for the butt joint

 Two fiber are welded by the application of electric arc. The entire fusion splicing operation is done automatically by the instrument being controlled by the microprocessor  The instrument also disply the progress step by step 61

 Checking of the setting  Checking of the fiber  Application of the arc  Estimation of splicing loss  Indication of the finishing of splicing The splicing loss can read directly on the splicer the instrument takes aboutone minute for the fiber joint when instrument display finish. 2.1.5 radio patching Q.2.2. (i) explain the working of Axle counter. List out the 2.1.3. route holding various parts of axle Counter used as a track circuits (ii) what are the advantages of second distant signal? Give the aspect

control of

a second distant signal used on a typical 4 lines standard III MACLS stations Advantages  prewarnig of the signal ahead i.e. inner distant  information to driver regarding the admission of train on main line or loop line DISTANT INN.DIST HOME YY Y R G YY Y YY YY YwR YY YY YwR G G YY G G G



Q.2.3. write short notes on three of the following:2.3.1 internate 2.3.2 OTDR 2.3.3 fade margine 2.3.4 white noise test set Q.2.4 (i) what are the advantages of optic fiber communication? Explain various components of an optical fiber communication system. (ii) what are the frequencies used in DTMF signaling and in what combination?


PART III Note:- attempt any one question Q.3.1. write short notes on any two of the following 3.1.1 PNM 3.1.2 rate contract 3.1.3 risk purchase Q.3.2 (i) Explain various steps with flow chart for major penalty action from Imposition to finalization. (ii) what do you understand by “ staff benefit fund”? how the money is collected under this fund and for what purpose it is distributed? PART IV Note: attempt any one question Q.4.1 write short notes on any two of the following :4.1.1 schedule of rates

A schedule of the rates providing for the item s of the works that are used (required in execution of rly works is prepared by the CE/CSTE. in this Description of the works, items required, specification, units and rates for each division , as the case may be , based on the previous tender , sanction estimate , last accepted rates and also trend of rates in the locality. The rates should be periodically revised if necessary to bring up them up to the date of rates. A copy of the schedule of rates should be sent to the concerned divisional officer to make them aware of the current rates. The schedule of rates should be vetted by associated accounts department. 4.1.2 measurement book 4.1.3 pink book Q.4.2 (i) what is exchequer control? Briefly explain as used in railways. (ii) what are the important checks to be carried out when final payment is to made to the contractor under any works? PART V Q.5.1 what are the provision of official languages act? 5.2 give the expansion and their hindi equivqlant for (I)RRB (II)IRISET (iii) GM (iv)ASTE (v)ML


CENTRAL RAILWAY 28.06.03(LDCE) PROFESSIONAL PAPER I NOTE- TOTAL 6 QUESTION ARE TO BE ANSWER i.e. FROM PART-A AND FROM PART-B ALL QUESTION CARRY EQUAL MARKS OF 25. PART –A Q.1 1.1 what are the condition to be fulfilled before granting the line clear to the block station ahead in case of double line section provided with multiple aspect colour light signaling under absolute block system of working?


10 marks G. R. NO 8.01 4. No train should leave the block section unless line clear received from the block section in advance. 5. on double line such line clear shall not be given unless the line clear upto first stop signal but adequate distance beyond it . 6. on sigle line such line clear shall not given unless the line is clear of trains running in same direction not only upto first stop signal at block station at which such line clear is given but an adequate distance beyond it . and is clear of the trains running in direction towards the block section to which line clear is given condition for granting the line clear8.02 class A – line clear may not be given for train unless the line on which it is intended to receive is clear for 400 m beyond home signal or upto the starter signal. 8.02 class B – where the line clear is given for the train before the line has made clear for the reception of the train with in the station section. 8.03 class c – station where the permission to approach may not be given for the train unless whole last train proceeding passes completely at least 400m beyond the home signal and is continuing its journey . this include the IBS. 1.2 What are the rules to be observe by a driver for passing an automatic signal at red aspect? In what way they different from the rules governing passing IBS home at red aspect ?

10 marks

Automatic signal at red‘A” marker is on. Train stops at the bottom of the signal for 1 minute in day and 2 minute in night . whistle prescribe code and exchange the signal with guard and proceed slowly excursing the great caution so as to stop in short of any obstruction, train may resume the running only after passing the OFF aspect of signal. IBS at on –stop and wait for 5 minute at foot of signal exchange the private number through talk back and proceed . if talk back is defective then whistle proper code exchange the signal with guard and proceed with cautious speed assuming that train is


ahead if home signal is green he should stop after passing home signal and inform to Dyss and ensure the signal and proceed. 1.3 why and where slip and catch siding are provided?

5 marks

the gradient with station has to be very low in order that the vehicle standing at the station do not start moving automatically due to effect of gravity . on Indian railway the gradient permitted is 1:400 where as 1:1200 recommended. No station is constructed on the gradient steeper than 1:260 except the geographical condition where such gradient can’t be avoided within station yard. Previous sanction of CRS has to be obtained and special arrangement like slip sideing has to be provided where the gradient steeper than 1:100 falling away from the station in its close neighborhood. This prevent the vehicle from escaping into block section Similar arrangement where gradient steeper than 1:80 falling towards the station, to trap the vehicle coming uncontrolled

toward station from block section is known as

the catch siding Catch siding and slip siding points must be interlocked with block instrument. Catch siding

1:75 1:75


Q.2 2.1 What is the schedule of painting for mechanical signaling equipment ? What is the schedule of overhauling of signaling relay and block instruments? 10 marks schedule of paintingsignal arms, indicator in conventional colour

– once in year

app in cabin signal post, cabin lever& outdoor gear – once in three year ground gear, rodding roller

- once in six year

overhauling of relay track relay

- 10 years

line relay

- 15 years


plug in type

- no overhauling

BPR relay

- 7 years

Block instrument Token -single line 10 years Tokenless

-no overhauling

Double line

- 7 years

2.2. what is meant by total failure of communication how are gtrains moved from one station to another in case of total failure of communication in single line section 15 marks Q.3 3.1 what are the different types of overhead wires and indoor and underground cables used in railways for telephone exchange to subscriber connection and control and block working in RE and NON-RE areas?

15 marks

3.2 in mid section an interlocking gate is provided with independent signals . show the signal in form of sketch by marking the inter signal distance for single line section both for LQ and MACLS territory.

10 marks

Q.4 4.1 in double line section with MACLS and double distant provision show the chart for various combination of aspect of distant signal and meaning they convey to the driver.




4.2 give the expansion for the following abbreviation.

5 marks


a) UNO – united nation organisation b) RBI – reserve bank of india c) ICF – integrated coach factory-perambur d) DLW – disel locomotive workshop e) NCR – button checking relay

4.3 why are calling on signal provided? What are the conditions under which a calling on signal cleared for train movement? In what ways a calling on signal differs from the shunt signal.

10 marks

for admitting the train with main signal it is essential that track must be clear not only up to first stop signal but also an adequate distance beyond it . if one has to admit the train on obstructed line it is not possible to admit the train with main signal. It requires the piloting from the home signal , piloting takes lot of time to avoid this co-on signal is provided . for taking co-on signal ,all the points must set in route. OV is not required in double line ,in single line OV must set. Train to be admitted on the obstructed track must occupies approaching track , route must set then it is possible to clear the co-on signal. The shunt signal authorizes the driver to pass the signal at slow speed irrespective whether the line is occupied or not where there are frequent movement the shunt signal are used. The movements with shunt signal are carried out in the station limit. Shunt signal authorizes the driver to draw ahead with the caution even though the stop signal is at on. For the shunt signal overlap is not necessary. PART – B Q.1 1.1 what is meant by resonance in a AC series and parallel circuit? How is the resonant frequency calculated in a series and parallel circuit?

10 marks



S when the resistance , inductance, capacitor connected in series across A. C. source . if sunisoidal voltage of variable frequency is applied across r-l-c it encounter the different frequency .as frequency is increased XL increases and Xc decreases. There is certain frequency of applied A.C. voltage for which XL=Xc it is called as the resonance frequency and circuit is said to be in electrical resonance and impedance offered in the circuit is lowest R. therefore

Imax= V/R XL=Xc 2ΠfL=1/2ΠfC f=1/2Π(lc)1/2 VVVVVV

S Capcitor in parallel with coil with negligible resistance When


Frequency is called as the resonance frequency When the two branches current is equal and opposite and current drawn from the supply is zero. In practical it is not zero. Minimum resistance is offered. 1.2 state kirchoff’s law.

5 marks

kirchoff’s current law – in any network of the conductor algebric sum of the current meeting at the point (junction) is zero.


I1- I2+I3+I4-I5=0 Iin=Io Kirchoff’s voltage law – algebric sum of all IR drops and EMF in closed loop(or mesh) of network is zero. ∑ IR + ∑EMF= 0 1.3 explain what is meant by hysterisis in case of magnetic properties of material subjected to magnetization by electric current.

5 marks

suppose the exciting coil of electromagnet is energized by alternating current. As the current reverse the direction of flow through the coil , the flux also reverse . hence core also undergoes the reversal of magnitision but the magnetisetion of the core does not reverse quickly as the reversal of flux. This phenomenon is called as hysterises B - FLUX


1.4 what is meant by stress and strain in the case of material and how are they related to each other


marks when force is applied over any physical matter the internal restoring force per unit area is called as the strain stress= internal resoring force/area the ratio of change in dimension to the original dimension is called as strain


strain= change in dimension/original dimension stress is directly proportional to strain this is known as hook’s law modulus of elasticity=stress/strain Q.2 2.1 what are the component of lead-acid cell? What are the various mode of charging them. What precaution are to be taken in form of ‘DOs’ and “DON”Ts for charging their up-keep? 2.2 what is current transformer where it is used?

15 marks 5 marks

the transformer used in power eng. For the measurement of current in high voltage circuit is called as the current transformer. Primary is connected in series with high voltage cuircuit iand sec. having large no. of turns the ammeter is connected. This principle is used for indication transformer. These transformers are used in the indication circuit.


2.3 what is mean by UPS? Explain the principle of its working

5 marks

uninterrupted power supply UPS- consist of the convertor

- DC



DC to AC



to stabilize the output

Battery bank -

of VRLA backup

Transfer switch






ON LINE Ferroresonanat voltage stabaliser connected as hot stand by Uninterrupted power supply output is connected to load Rectifier or battery charger supplies the required current to invertor in addition to battery bank. Invertor draws the required load current from the battery charger and in case of the failure of battery charger output , it draws the current from the battery bank. In case OF OUTPUT from the invertor. Transformer switch will make automatic changeover to FRVS in 50 m/sec.







FERRORESONANT TYPE VOLTAGE STABILISER OFF LINE UPS  UPS act as hot standby  FRVS is connected to load  Battery charger keeps the battery in full charged condition  In case of failure of FRVS output sensec electronically by transferring the switch. So automatic changeover to UPS(alternative source) with 50 m/sec. load is then connected to invertor Q.3 3.1 explain the working of snubbing circuit of electrical point machin with the help of circuit digram.

10 marks

3.2 draw the symbol for the following gates with their truth table AND, EXOR, NOR A 0 1 0 1

B 0 0 1 1

C 0 0 0 1

6 marks




3.3 how the analogue voice signal digitized in case of telecom equipment like multiplexing? What are the essential diffence between an analogue microwave radio transmission and Digital microwave radio transmission.

9 marks

Q.4 4.1 what is meant by decibel (DB) and DBm? 4.2 explain the difference between RAM and ROM in case of semi-conductor memory? What is meant by serial and parallel transmission in the case of digital data communication?

5 marks

4.3 draw the schematic arrengment of power supply for typical way station with panel interlocking for either a RE or a non RE area. Show in it the various power supply equipment/battries in form of block digram.

15 marks

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm m


CENTRAL RAILWAY 28.06.03(LDCE) PROFESSIONAL PAPER II 14.00HRS-17.30HRS NOTE: there are 3 parts under professional subject i.e. part-A, Part-B ,Part-C Total 6 questions are to be answered i.e. 3 are from any one part and 3 are to be from any of other 2 parts. PART-A Q.1 1.1 what are the difference between a direct locking lever frame and ctch handle lever frame?

5 marks

1.2 why loose and tight locking are provided in double wire lever locking? Give the example of interlocking where they are used.

5 marks

1.3 in case of catch handle frame draw the following locking. a) 2 released by 3 or 4 or 5 b) 7 locks 9 when 8 is normal 1.4 draw the circuit for arm and light repeater

4 marks 6 marks

Q.2 2.1 what is meant by train shunt resistance? What are its value for different track circuits? How will you adjust a DC double rail track circuit for its smooth and safe working?

10 marks

2.2 what is meant by sectional route release ? draw a simple sketch to explain its working.

5 marks

2.3 what is meant by lock and block working in case of double line block instrument? Explain with help of the relay circuit for controlling last stop signal and for The circuit for closing the instrument.

5 marks

Q.3 3.1 what are the various types and size of the cables used for both indoor


And outdoor signaling wiring including Axle counter wiring? 10 marks 3.2 how is the track device of an axle counter(analogue type) adjusted for correct working ? with help of sketch show the ground connection of the track device and also connection to evaluator of axle counter for a loop line. Explain the function each card in an evaluator of the analogue axle counter. 10 marks Q.4 4.1 mention the relay housed in the Siemens point group for a panel interlocking station. Indicate the function of each relay

10 marks

4.2 indicate the steps taken in railway in the past 5 years to improve the reliability of a)track circuit b)colour light signaling lamps

4 marks

4.3 what is the function of the following relays? a) ASR in British system of panels b) UYR1 and UYR2 c) GLSR in Siemens system of panels. PART-B Q.1 1.1 draw a sketch showing the location of repeaters and the arrengment of various joints, transformer, tapping at stations/emergency sockets for a typical 200 KM 25KV RE area for underground telecom cable. The details can be shown for a typical section between repeaters and one way station tapping 10 marks 1.2 what are the various interface cards used in a 30 channel primary/drop insert mux equipment for end connection.

10 marks

Q.2 2.1 explain the working of any electronic exchange with the help of block digram 10 marks 2.2 write short notes on 1. threshold of radio receiver


2. optical time domain reflectometer 3. single mode and multimode fibre 4. wave division multiplexing


beam width

Q.3 3.1 in a digital transmission medium like OFC or Digital microwave how will you carry out BER measurement?

5 marks

3.2 what is meant by propagation fading in microwave communication? On what factor does it depends? how does it affect the reliability of link? What counter measures are taken to deal with it?

10 marks

3.3 what parameters are checked in microwave system during annual alignment?

5 marks

Q.4 4.1 what is the difference between SKIP MUX and TRANS MUX? Where are they deployed?

5 marks

4.2 With the help of the telecom what are the various passenger information Facilities that have been provided in the last few years in railways 10 marks 4.3 how is the railnet configured in Indian railway?

5 marks

PART-C Q.1 1.1 what are the various types of welding? What safety precaution are to be taken during welding job? What are the types of weld defects normally encounter? 10 marks 1.2 what are the various activities involved in the manufacture of axle counters in the railway workshop?

10 marks

Q.2 2.1 what is role of production control in the railway workshop? Explain how the incentive scheme works in the workshop?


2.2 what is meant by overhead in workshop? How can it be controlled 10 marks Q.3 3.1 when double line block instrument comes to the shop, how its overhauling is


done? What tests are done on the overhauled instrument?

10 marks

3.2 what is the periodicity of overhauling of signaling relays? What tests are to be done after overhauling of such relay?

10 marks

Q.4 4.1 what is the difference between right hand thread and left hand thread? How the external threads are to be tested?

4 marks

4.2 distinguish between various types of paints. Describe the procedure Involved in spray painting

8 marks

4.3 identify the different parts of Cupola and explain its working. What are various casting method ? What are the normal casting defects? 8 marks 2.ESTABLISHMENT note: answer any one question .each question carries 15 marks Q.1 1.1 what is the difference between the selection post and non-selection post? Give 2 example for each,what is the mode of filling them?

9 marks

1.2 give the 3 example of the major and minor penalties under DAR 6 marks Q.2 2.1 what is DCRG? To whom it is applicable?

A pension able staff on his retirement or his family in the event of his death while in service will be eligible for the payment of the amount called DCRG, if his service is satisfactory provided he was confirmed in any of the post. This will be granted in addition to the pension/ordinary gratuity, as the case may be. In case of death of employee while in service, DCRG will be admissible to the family of railway servant. Whether permanent or temporary irrespective of the length of the service DCRG will be limited to 15 days per year i.e. 16.5 months (33/2) of the basic pay 9(10 MONTHS AVERAGE PAY) for qualifying service of 33 years with ceiling limit 2.5 to 3.5 lakhs. Service beyond the 33 Years will be ignored. The payment of DCRG for the service less than 33 years is not proportionate to service of 33 years, as in case of pension but at a specified scale Points: 1. Pension able staff 78

2. After retirement or death while in service 3. Confirmed 4. Death – DCRG to family (perm. /temp) 5. 16.5 times of 10 months average pay. 6. Ceiling limit 2.5 to 3.5 lakhs 7. No DCRG for removed or dismissed employee 2.2 what are the different types of leave to which a railway employee is entitled?

10 marks

Q.3 What are the steps that are followed in railway to promote the use of Hindi in day to day working? Give also in your answer the various Incentives given to the staff for promotional activity.

15 marks

3.FINANCE note: answer any one question . each question carries 15 marks Q.1 1.1 what are the various revenue and works demands pertaining to S&T department in Rlys?

5 marks

-the various revenue and works demands pertaining to s&t department in railways are given below Demand no. name of demand 3


genral superintendence administration Signaling,

telecommunication Workshop drawing and estimating 79

Misc. expenses 7

repair and maintenance establishment in



expenses office staff Plants and equipment(sig &tel) mech.sig,ele. Block,power sig. repair and maint. Misc. rental to p&t for s&t 8

operating expenses

s&Tother operating

expence rolling stock exp 12

misc.wkg expences

cost of training other

appropriation of funds

appropriation to

than hindi 14 DRF,safety and NAD PASSENGER ANIMITY FUND 16(WORKS)



1.2 give the name of any 5 planheads under which works are sanctioned.5marks 1.3 what are the budget reviews and their time frame?

5 marks

Q.2 write short notes on: a) imprest cash

3 marks


b) stock and non-stock stores

3 marks

c) material modification

3 marks

d) completion report

3 marks

e) stock sheets

3 marks




write short notes on any four of the following a) Audio frequency track circuit b) Standard of interlocking c) Block proving axle counter d) Single line block instrument e)integrated power supply f) data logger

It is compulsory for all SSI and new incoming relay interlocking. it is microprocessor based electronic device used for storing data . Relay operation / bus bar voltage, axle counter level, voltage in memory chip with date and time, Real time clock Advantage1. It helps in analyzing the typical failure and accident 2. It can be used as the tool for improving the signaling gear 3. It detects the human failure 4. For ex. Driver passing at danger 5. Wrong operations 6. S&T interference 7. Help in analyzing speed of the train 8. Keeping the data logger in network management of data-logger 9. Off line/ on line stimulation Types of data logger RPIL – RAIL PRODUCT INDIA LIMITED( US &S LTD. U.S.A.) EFFETRONICS LTD Vijay Wada -DTL HBL – HYTRONICS CROMPTON &GREEVES

Input of PI and SSI rri, digital input& relay contact analog input Input card




RPI DATALOGGER Suitable for the small station Processor intel-8088 Total no of input cards= 8 Input/card =32 8 x 32 = 256 no provision for memo.ana i/p storing capacity= 40,000event scanning time 100millisec 2. a)

EFFTRONICS DATALOGGER suitable for all types of the installetion processor used is Motorola 6800 total no of input card is 8 input /card= 64 8 x 64 = 4096 one ana. input card scan 8i/p 3000 to 3.5 lakhs scanning time = 16 millisecond

Answer any two of the following Draw the typical layout with signaling arrangement of a 3-line station provided with simultaneous reception facility from both directions on a single line section. Station equipped with centralizes operation of the points and signal-using relay interlocking (panel interlocking). Show complete track circuit arrangement with calling on signal. There is interlocked level crossing gate situated between the down advance starter signal and up home signal.

b) Briefly explain with diagram working of foundry shop in signal workshop CUPOLA c) Draw the dog chart in one channel to achieve the following locking (i)

1 is released by 2or3or 4


2 is released by 5 locks normal 6 &(7 w 8 R)


5 locks 6 both way PART-II

Q.NO. 3.write short notes on any three of the following a) DTMF signaling in the control working b) digital telephone exchange c) provision of communication at train accident site d) railnet, internate e) microwave communication system f) communication between driver, guard, & station for train operation Q.NO.4. answer any two from the following



a)describe the laying ,splicing test and measuring parameter of OFC cable as

used on the central railway b) Describe the SDH wquipment used for short and long haul communication including use of MUX equipment on the short haul 4.2


What are the various public amenities provided by s&t department at station? Describe functioning of the at least 3 equipment.


describe with suitable block digram communication arrengment between two stations covering block, emergency, level crossing gate and control working of both in RE and non-re areas. PART-III

Q.NO. 5 Write short notes on any 5 items from the following a) open tendor system

• • • •

Open tender-Eligibility criteria can be included Toadvertise in the news paper 30 days perod for opening after publication in news paper Monitory limit of work- no limit Before calling of open tender the approval of the competent authority is must(DRM/CSTE(C) OR CSTE(P) Financial consent is also necessary b) pink book, green book, and law book c) schedule of rate

A schedule of the rates providing for the item s of the works that are used (required in execution of rly works is prepared by the CE/CSTE. in this Description of the works, items required, specification, units and rates for each division , as the case may be , based on the previous tender , sanction estimate , last accepted rates and also trend of rates in the locality. The rates should be periodically revised if necessary to bring up them up to the date of rates. A copy of the schedule of rates should be sent to the concerned divisional officer to make them aware of the current rates. The schedule of rates should be vetted by associated accounts department. d) budget estimate and various stages


e) abstract estimate and detailed estimate

ABSTRACT ESTIMATE This estimate is to be prepared along with the justification at the proposed stage. This facilitates the the competent authority to give the administrative approval to the expenditure of the nature and magnitude contracted, to form reasonably accurate idea of probable expenditure thus enable the authority to guess adequetly the financial prospects of the proposal Abstract estimate cantain brief report and justification for the work and should mention wether funds are required in the current year and to what extent. DETAILED ESTIMATE On receipt of the approval to an abstract estimate by competent authority a detail estimate for the work include the abstract estimate is prepared and submitted to the competent authority for the technical sanction. It should be sufficient detail to enable the competent authority to make sure that abstract estimate sanctioned by higher authority is not likely to extended. The work should not be commenced till the detailed estimate for the same is prepared and sanctioned and adequate funds are allotted by the competent authority a) estimate showing the details of the estimated cost b) an outer sheet giving the abstract cost of the work and report. c) The allocation and financial justification as approved under abstract estimate f) DCRG

A pension able staff on his retirement or his family in the event of his death while in service will be eligible for the payment of the amount called DCRG, if his service are satisfactory provided he was confirmed in any of the post. This will be granted in addition to the pension/ordinary gratuity, as the case may be. In case of death of employee while in service, DCRG will be admissible to the family of railway servant. Whether permanent or temporary irrespective of the length of the service DCRG will be limited to 15 days per year i.e. 16.5 months (33/2) of the


basic pay 9(10 MONTHS AVERAGE PAY) for qualifying service of 33 years with ceiling limit 2.5 to 3.5 lakhs. Service beyond the 33 Years will be ignored. The payment of DCRG for the service less than 33 years is not proportionate to service of 33 years, as in case of pension but at a specified scale Points: 8. Pension able staff 9. After retirement or death while in service 10. Confirmed 11. Death – DCRG to family (perm. /temp) 12. 16.5 times of 10 months average pay. 13. Ceiling limit 2.5 to 3.5 lakhs 14. No DCRG for removed or dismissed employee Q.NO.6. answer any two question of the following. 6.1

explain the procedure of imposing the minor penalty on railway employee. List 4

types of each of minor penalty and major penalties. 6.2

write short note on the stock sheet, disposal of the audit paras, pass and PTO

rules as applicable to group ’c’ railway employees. 6.3

what is official language act ? briefly indicate its provision. How do you think

HINDI as an official language will promote national integration?




PART-I Q.NO.1 write short notes on any 4 from the following. a) Automatic signaling b) Electric lifting barrier c) Use of the axle counter for vehicle detection d) SGE block instrument in 25kv ac area

e) Auxillaru warning system f) LED signals Q.NO. 2. answer any 2 question from the following. 2.1

draw the complete signaling arrengment for the MACLS-PI (std III) station located

on double line section provided with Dn loop and one up/dn common loop . show complete track circuiting arreangment with numbering of all the gear as used on the central railway. What are the condition to be satisfied for taking off dn home signal fro run through movement on main line at full speed. 2.2

what are the items manufactured by signal workshop byculla for the use in

signaling installetion . briefly explain the process for the manufacture , testing and inspection of the axle counter. 2.3

(i) drw the dog chart using the single channel to achive the locking 2 is realsed by 5 locks normal 6 &(7 w 8 R) (ii) what are the instruction regarding the joint inspection of the point and

crossing ? list 5 important items to be checked during (iv)

the inspection.

describe about the periodic maintenance of point machine . what are the test and measurement to ensure satisfactory working of point machine. PART-II


write short notes on any 4 from the following. 3.1

Data communication equipment used for PRS working


SDH as used in OFC communication



Role of s &t department at an accident site involving some important passenger train


annual alignment (testing ) of microwave system.


Communication in 25kv ac territory using the combination of the quad cable and OFC cable

3.6 4.0

fright operation information system (FOIS)-role of S&T department.

answer any 2 question from the following. 4.1

describe with the block digram the arngment for deriving the voice and data

channels at way side staion equipment using OFC based short haul system . indicate suitable power supply arrengment for SDH?di mux. What are the various measurement done

while commissioning of the short haul system. 4.2

we are required to lay 6 quad jelly filled cable in the 50km long section

covering 5 block section for the provision of the block , LC gates, control and emergency communication . prepare a tender schedule covering supply items(schedule A) And execution items (schedule ‘B’ ) indicateing quantities for the various items. There are 3 mid section LC gates. 4.3

write short notes on

4.3.1 interactive voice response system 4.3.2 comparison between the microwave and OFC communication on railways and 4.3.3 digital telephone exchange and their networking on central railway PART-III 5.0

Write short notes on any 5 from the following


limited tender

Limited tender-eligiblity criteria •

Those born on the approved list of contractor min or more than equal to ten

Monitory limit- carore

Before calling the approval of the competent authority is must

Finance consent is necessary.




works programme


demand of grants


budget estimate and its various stages.


material modification


commutation of the pension as applicable to railway servents.

answer any two question from the following


what are the various advance available to railway servant? Explain the procedure for getting house building advance(HBA) and rules for its repayment.


Write shor notes on

6.2.1 central government insurance scheme (CGIS) and leave encashment

6.2.2 revenue demands with major heads and subhead for S&T department

-the various revenue and works demands pertaining to s&t department in railways are given below Demand no. name of demand 3


genral superintendence administration Signaling,

telecommunication Workshop drawing and estimating Misc. expenses 7

repair and maintenance establishment in



expenses office staff 89

Plants and equipment(sig &tel) mech.sig,ele. Block,power sig. repair and maint. Misc. rental to p&t for s&t 8

operating expenses

s&Tother operating

expence rolling stock exp 12

misc.wkg expences

cost of training other

appropriation of funds

appropriation to

than hindi 14 DRF,safety and NAD PASSENGER ANIMITY FUND 16(WORKS)



6.2.3 PNM 6.3

(a) write an essy (not exceeding 200 words) on Hindi, as an official

language will promote national integration (b)write full form in hindifor the following 1. AGM 2. SDGM 3. ADRM 4. DGM(G) 5 CPRO


***************************************************************************************************** *************************************************************

LIMITED DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATION FOR THE POST OF ASTE PAPER II(13.03.04) DATE OF EXAM: AFTERNOON 13.03.04 TIME: 3HOURS MAX. MARKS:150 PART A : PROFESSIONAL SUBJECT 1.a)explain why resetting is required for an axel counter and describe the procedure of doing it. Draw a schematic diagram showing the layout of ground equipment of an axle counter and interconnection to cabin equipment .clearly mention the power supply and cable needed.


b) What is meant by lock and block working in absolute block system? Explain with the help of the circuit diagram how it is achieved in double line block instrument. Marks: 10 2.a)explain the difference in the working of direct locking, catch handle and double wire lever frame s. mention there relative merits and demerits


b) What are the values of ballast resistance required to maintain satisfactory working of track circuit? Explain how you will measure the rail resistance, ballast resistance and train shunt resistance in case of conventional DC track circuit used in RE area. Marks: 10 91

3. A) explain how route release is achived with the passage of train in case of PI or RRI in siemens system with help of circuit digram

marks :10

b) as part of safety team you visit a panel interlocking station .list the checks you will make before you will make from the record of the station from the signaling and operational safety point.


4.a) explain the following terms and their significance. I. BER and its measrment II. Image frequency III. Front to back coupling and half power beam width of microwave antenna IV. DTMFand E&M signaling

marks”4 x 5 = 20

5.a) explain how the higher bit rates are derived from voice and data channels for feeding into the transmission equipment like digital microwave or optical fibre you can assume the transmission rate as 34 Mb/sec or higher.


b) what are the common cards and interface cards used in digital electronic exchange . state in your answer the exchange you assumed . mention the purpose of each card. Marks:10 6.a)mention any two technology innovation in computer technology interface and computer PA system interface that have been introduced in railway to help to give better service to passengers. Explain their working and their benefits. Marks:10 b) what are periodical measurement you have to do for maintaining a quad cable system used in RE area for control, block and emergency communication? Mention their periodicity and instruments used.


7.a) what are the raw materials and sub assemblies required for items that go to make a lifting barriers gate .indicate the steps involved in the manufacture of the gate. You may assume either electrically or mechanically operated gate.


b) mention the periodicity of overhauling of different types of block instruments. When point machin comes to the shop for overhauling what items are generally found to be warnout and needs replacement.



8. a) explain how to identify the flaws in a casting .what precautions do you take prevent such flaws.


b) how will control in workshop? 1. overheads 2. manufacturing suspense

marks: 2 x 5=10

c) explain how a productivity linked incentive is designed in the shop. Marks:5

Part B- establishment and financial rules.All question carry 10 marks each. 1.

what items of work have been included in green book and what is the difference in their funding and completion targets compared to pink book items.


mention any 5 plan heads under which works appear in the pink book. How do works appear in the above book based on cost.


mention the revenue demand number under which s&t dept cost is booked.explain the major primary units under which S&T maintainenance cost falls.

-the various revenue and works demands pertaining to s&t department in railways are given below Demand no. name of demand 3


genral superintendence administration Signaling,

telecommunication Workshop drawing and estimating Misc. expenses 93


repair and maintenance establishment in



expenses office staff Plants and equipment(sig &tel) mech.sig,ele. Block,power sig. repair and maint. Misc. rental to p&t for s&t 8

operating expenses

s&Tother operating

expence rolling stock exp 12

misc.wkg expences

cost of training other

appropriation of funds

appropriation to

than hindi 14 DRF,safety and NAD PASSENGER ANIMITY FUND 16(WORKS) 4.



what are the categories and grades in S&T dept where direct recruitment is permissible ? what is the duration of training for each category.


what are the unions and associations recoganised by railway administration? How does the Rly management redress their grivences and demand at various level?


CENTRAL RAILWAY LIMITED DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATION FOR THE POST OF ASTE PAPER I(3/10/04) PAPER I Q.1 write shor notes on any four of the following a) material modification to the a estimate\ b) measurement book and on account bill

c) imprest store d) procedure for procurement of non-stock items

e) working of foundry shop using Cupola (5,5,5,5) Q.2 write short notes on any five of the following a) super imposed detection and function of WKR2 relay and WJR relay b) Q-sig, R2MFC &DTMF c) PRS &FOIS NETWORK d) Special instruction and approved special instruction e) Cascading of signals f) Schedule of dimension


g) Anneling and tempring (4,4,4,4,4) Q3. answer any five of the following a) Name four public sector undertakings under ministry of railways b) Give the name of any four new zones and their headquarters c) Write the full form of the following I. CSO II. CSC III. CPTM IV. CTPM d) name any four training institute of various department on Indian railways and their locations. e) Write short note on radio patching

f) Write a short note on DC-DC converters. (4,4,4,4,4) Q.4 a panel interlocked station is ready for commissioning . you are required to obtain CRS sanction and also test and sign the safety certificate:a) List the various document required to be sent along with application for CRS

sanction b) List the various document required to be available before commissioning c) List ot the various test required to be performed for indoor and outdoor equipment d) List the various document required to accompany the safety certificate


Q.5 A)describe the procedure of laying ,jointing of 4/6 quad communication cable and various test to be performed before commissioning of cable . also describe the procedure for installation, testing and commissioning of equalizer amplifier system and emergency communication system. B) what are the most common cause of failure of overhead telecommunication alignment and describe the preventive maintenance procedure Q.6 a)list the common button provided on the control panel and their function


b) what is the procedure of inviting open tender? After opening of the tendor . what are the requirement to be fulfilled before holding tender committee meeting.




a) up home signal for loop line at a four line station (PI MACLS) on double line is

not getting cleared. Describe step by step procedure for fault localization and rectification. (10) OR b) there is communication break down on section of about 100km provided with OFC system. Describe step-by-step procedure for fault localization and rectification.


c) what are the rules observed by a driver for passing the automatic signal at red aspect? In what way are they different from the rules governing passing gate signal at red aspect? Q.8 a) discuss various region as per the official languages act and give the name of at least one state under each region OR b)draw the dog chart in one channel for the following locking a) 5 locks 7 and 10 both ways b) 5 released by 9 with 7 normal c) 5 locks 13 both way with 10 reverse


CENTRAL RAILWAY LIMITED DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATION FOR THE POST OF ASTE PAPERI I(3/10/04) PAPER II Q.1 a) draw a typical signaling layout for the panel interlocked(std iii) 4-lines station including the common loop on double line with a level crossing on left side between home and first facing points and a double ended siding taking off from common loop line . also write selection table for all movements for both up and dn home signal. OR b) (i) calculate power budget for section of 80 km to be provided with optical fibre communication system. The parameters are as under: a) fibre attenuation

: 0.25 db/km

b) splice loss

: 0.1db

c) drum length

: 3km

d) connector loss

: 0.5db

e) TX power

: -2dBm

f) RX

: -36 dBm

(ii) describe the procedure for laying , splicing and termination of OFC cable and also indicate the approximate number of splicing kits for 80 km section. (iii) explain the working of PDH and SDH system.


Q2.a) fill in the blanks any ten I. Calling on signal cannot be provided below _________________________ II. Block overlap in MACLS and signal overlap in LQ territory is ______________ III. In 0+17+3 cable number signifies_____________________________________ IV. In the optical fibre cable used for long haul communication fibre is ___________mode fibre. V. AG marker on the signal is provided on ______________________ VI. Walkie-Talkie sets work in _____________frequency band. VII. _________________cable is used for LAN installetion. VIII. Speed when home signal is provided with multi-lamp type route indicator is limited to_________________________. IX. Conductor size of all tail cable used for DC track circuit is __________ X. When QTA2 track relay used in track circuit , first repeater relay has to be ________ XI. ____________is used to locate the fault in optical fibre cable. XII. Most OFC system in railway work on ____________ wavelength Q. 2 b) what communication facilities are provided at major accident site involving a passenger train? List out the various communication equipment provided in ART as per latest guidelines.


Q 3. write short notes on any five a) Data loggers

It is compulsory for all SSI and new incoming relay interlocking. it is microprocessor based electronic device used for storing data . Relay operation / bus bar voltage, axle counter level, voltage in memory chip with date and time, Real time clock Advantage2. It helps in analyzing the typical failure and accident 3. It can be used as the tool for improving the signaling gear 4. It detects the human failure 5. For ex. Driver passing at danger 6. Wrong operations 7. S&T interference


8. Help in analyzing speed of the train 9. Keeping the data logger in network management of data-logger 10. Off line/ on line stimulation Types of data logger RPIL – RAIL PRODUCT INDIA LIMITED( US &S LTD. U.S.A.) EFFETRONICS LTD Vijay Wada -DTL HBL – HYTRONICS CROMPTON &GREEVES

Input of PI and SSI rri, digital input& relay contact analog input Input card

RPI DATALOGGER Suitable for the small station Processor intel-8088 Total no of input cards= 8 Input/card =32 8 x 32 = 256 no provision for memo.ana i/p storing capacity= 40,000event scanning time 100millisec



EFFTRONICS DATALOGGER suitable for all types of the installetion processor used is Motorola 6800 total no of input card is 8 input /card= 64 8 x 64 = 4096 one ana. input card scan 8i/p 3000 to 3.5 lakhs scanning time = 16 millisecond

b) Sectional route release c) Electronic interlocking system d) Block proving axle counter e) Approach locking f) Intranet and internet g) Network management system


Q 4. a) explain the system of SGE lock and block instrument in double line section along with circuit digram b)explain the working of various types of lightening and surge protection systems as applicable to S&T installations. Q 5. write short notes on any five of the following b) Pulse code modulation system

c) Overhauling of lever frames d) Testing of points e) Audio frequency track circuit f) Triple pole lamp & use of MECR g) Digital electronic exchanges

Q.6 write short notes on any five of the following 1. hours of employment regulation

Railway employee are classified in 1. Intensive 2. Continuous 3. Essentially intermittent 4. Excluded Intensive- work strenuous, sustain attention, and physical exertion Period do not aggregate six hours Roster-42 hrs. Statutory limit- 45hrs shift 6hrs Rest- 30 hrs consecutive (sec. controller, tel. Operator, cabin man, wireless operator) Essentially intermittent- intermittence period in action 6 hrs or more Such period should not be less than one hr or two Roster -48 hrs statutory -75 hr shift-12hrs Rest- 24 hrs including night Excluded – confidential, health, medical, armed guard, school supervisory staff and group D also (SSE/SE/JE) NO ROSTER unreasonable condition should not be imposed Continuous-staff not coming under above category 1) Clerical staff 2) Technical staff (sig. and tele.) 48 hrs-54 hrs Rest -30 hrs consecutive Night duty 10pm to 6 am


Split duty – employee is free to leave his place of work due to break between the hours of duty 1) If the employee worked between the roster limit and statutory limit he is eligible for the overtime one and half of ordinary wages per hour duty. 2) If employee work between beyond st. limit he would be eligible for twice the ordinary wages per/hr. the rest suspended temp, the rest in lieu may be granted with in 14 days for intensive category staff and one month for other category staff. 2. staff benefit fund 3. rules for allotment of quarter as applicable to Gr.C & Gr.D employee

4. commutation of pension 5. PNM 6. minor penalty

Q.7 write short notes on any five of the following 1. audit and accounts objections 2. cash exchequer control 3. abstract and detail estimate 4. cannons of financial propriety

5. financial appraisal of project 6. pass rules as applicable to Gr. C & Gr.D

Q. 8 what are the categories and grade in S&T department where direct recruitment is permissible ? what is the duration of training for each category? mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


CENTRAL RAILWAY (14.05.05) ASTE LGS PART 1 Q. (1) Write short notes on any 4 of the following?

(5, 5, 5, 5)

a) Disconnection memoe various document required to be sent along with th b) Earth leakage detector c) Slip siding and catch siding d) MECR e) Use of circuit controller in signaling application Q. (2) (a) Draw locking (dog) chart in one channel to achieve the following locking:I. 1 is released by 3 or 4 or 5


a) 3 is released by 13 b) 13 locks 14 both ways c) 13 is released by 16W 14N d) 13 is released by 18W 14R (b) What are the conditions for taking off Home signal at a B class station on a double line section?


Q. (3) Answer any 2 of the following:a) Describe the various indications and counter provided on the indication cum operating panel used at panel interlocking station



b) Describe the various pre monsoon precautions required to be taken at a panel interlocking station.


c) What are preliminary works required to be required to be done before firing of CUPOLA.


PART II Q (4) Write short notes on any 4 of the following: -

(5, 5, 5, 5)

a) IVRS for train enquiry b) PRS-Role of signal and telecom department c) Initial charging and maintenance of secondary cells d) Rail net e) Radio patch f) Digital electronic exchange Q(5) (a) describe for the present practice of laying splicing and termination of OFC cable what are the test required to be done before splicing the cable in mid section. (10) Q(5) (b) what are the different types of joints used in quad cable in quad cable for deriving LC gate, Block and emergency circuit in a given section? What are the required to be taken to ensure proper joints? (5) Q (6) answers any two of the following:(a) List the tele communication items required to be kept in divisional ART. (7.5) (b) What is the need for line up of microwave system? What are the test s and adjustment done during line up? (7.5) (c) What are the main components required in the manufacture of 2W PCP sets in workshop. Describe the test to be conducted on these sets before dispatch? (7.5)


PART III Q (7) writes short notes on the following any four: -

(5, 5, 5, 5)

a) Stock verification

b) Cash imprest c) Final verification in a contract d) Divisional works programme e) Limited tender

Limited tender-eligiblity criteria •

Those born on the approved list of contractor min or more than equal to ten

Monitory limit- carore

Before calling the approval of the competent authority is must

Finance consent is necessary.

Q (8) (a) what is AAC? How and when revision of AAC is undertaken.


(b) Please explain what is PNM and its functioning? (c) What is the silent feature of HOER?

Railway employee are classified in a. Intensive b. Continuous c. Essentially intermittent d. Excluded Intensive- work strenuous, sustain attention, and physical exertion Period do not aggregate six hours Roster-42 hrs. Statutory limit- 45hrs shift 6hrs Rest- 30 hrs consecutive (sec. controller, tel. Operator, cabin man, wireless operator) Essentially intermittent- intermittence period in action 6 hrs or more Such period should not be less than one hr or two Roster -48 hrs statutory -75 hr shift-12hrs Rest- 24 hrs including night Excluded – confidential, health, medical, armed guard, school supervisory staff and group D also (SSE/SE/JE) NO ROSTER unreasonable condition should not be imposed Continuous-staff not coming under above category 105

3) Clerical staff 4) Technical staff (sig. and tele.) 48 hrs-54 hrs Rest -30 hrs consecutive Night duty 10pm to 6 am Split duty – employee is free to leave his place of work due to break between the hours of duty 3) If the employee worked between the roster limit and statutory limit he is eligible for the overtime one and half of ordinary wages per hour duty. 4) If employee work between beyond st. limit he would be eligible for twice the ordinary wages per/hr. the rest suspended temp, the rest in lieu may be granted with in 14 days for intensive category staff and one month for other category staff. (5) (d) Explain the pass and PTO riles as applicable to group D employee? (5) Q (9) answer any one of the following :(10) What are the official languages Acts? In which region, central railway falls


as per rule this act. What is the target for original correspondences in Hindi for this region? (b) What are the refresher courses stipulated for S&T artisan and supervisory staff and indicate duration of these courses. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

CENTRAL RAILWAY (30.04.05) ASTE (LGS) SUPPLEMENTARY PART I (50 MARKS) Q (1) write short notes on any four of the following: -

(5, 5, 5, 5)

a) sectional route release b) calling on signal c) integrated power supply(IPS) system d) AWS


e) Joint point and crossings

f) Role of signaling committee Q(2) draw a typical layout for a 4 line station situated on double line section with down common loop and one single ended siding taking off from up loop line . provide MACLS arranangment for this station with central panel operation indicating track circuit arrangement and numbering of all gears as per central railway practice. also prepare selection table for Up Home Signal. (15) Q (3) answer any two out of the following – a) describe the periodicity of overhauling of lever frame and detail of work involved during overhauling. also indicate the precautions to be taken during the period of overhauling. (7.5) b) describe 10 important steps for improving reliability of signaling installation and indicate the method of there implementation. c) what are the periodicity of overhauling of SGE and Neal’s block instruments. Explain various steps and test required for overhauling of SGE block instrument in workshop. (7.5) PART II (50 MARKS) Q (4) write short notes on any four of the following. (5, 5, 5, 5) a) Platform display and coach guidance system b) Networking of telephone exchanges c) Splicing and otdr measurements of ofc

d) Jointing of quad cable common cause of joint failure e) Initial charging and maintenance of secondary cells

f) Line up microwave link Q(5) in the control section of 200 kms length , 6 quad and 24 fibre optic fibre cable have been laid . please indicate the arrangement for providing control communication at a station in this section . also indicate arrangement for provision of block , LC gates, and


EC circuits etc. duly indicating quad allocation. Arrengments for OFC/quad cable termination should be indicated


Q(6) answer any two of the followinga) What are the problems areas in the maintenance of overhead communication alignment . please indicate the routine and pre-monsoon steps to be taken to ensure proper working of various circuits including block circuit on overhead alignment. (7.5) b) Describe the communication to be provided at an accident site involving passenger train .also draw the schematic of WLL exchange deployed at the accident site . describe how railway auto/BSNL phone can be extended to site. (7.5) c) List out the 10 high value items which are currently manufactured by byculla workshop. Suggest method to increase the production of these items. LIST OF THE ITEMS MANUFACTURED BY BYCULLA WORK SHOP PART III (50 MARKS) Q(7) write short notes on any four of the following:-


a) Workshop manufacturing suspense b) Stock and non stock items

1. stock items-these includes the store items for which there is regular turnover and demand . these stores are stocked in the store department. 2. non-stock items – these includes the store itemsfor which there is no regular demand and these items required in connection with new works , repair and maintenance department. b) Completion estimate c) Open tender d) Measurement book and on account payment

Q (8) a) an employee in group ‘d’ is on long unauthorized absence and is to be served with major penalty chargsheet .explain various steps in finalization of this chargsheet. (5) b)what is workman compensation act? (5)


c) what are the various revenue head under which S&T revenue expenditure is charged

-the various revenue and works demands pertaining to s&t department in railways are given below Demand no. name of demand



genral superintendence


repair and maintenance


operating expenses rolling stock exp misc.wkg expences appropriation of funds

12 14


administration Signaling, telecommunication Workshop drawing and estimating Misc. expenses establishment in offices, contingency expenses office staff Plants and equipment(sig &tel) mech.sig,ele. Block,power sig. repair and maint. Misc. rental to p&t for s&t s&Tother operating expence cost of training other than hindi appropriation to DRF,safety and NAD PASSENGER ANIMITY FUND SIG AND TEL WORKS.

d) describe central government insurance scheme(CGIS)as applicable to group ‘c’ employee. (5) Q(9) attempt any one of the following


a) What is the official language act? List various region stipulated under this act . name the zonal headquarter under each region. b) What are the various categories for which direct recruitment is permitted in S&T department ? describe duration and nature of training for each category. Category SE/S

Percentage 20%DIRECT

Period 12 MONTHS

Emoluments BASIC


80%DEPT 40%RRB











66.5% DEPT 50%DIRECT






CENTRAL RAILWAY LIMITED DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATION FOR THE POST OF ASTE PAPERI I(13/11/05) Q.No.1 a) what are the complements of equipment of the equipment to be provided at std III interlocking station? (10) b) Explain the advantage of the OFC over the other medium of communication. How do you provide the emergency communication in

OFC territories?

Q.NO.2 please answer any two of the followinga) What are the essentials of the absolute block system? b) What precaution is required for the working of traffic during the overhauling of lever frame at station? c) Explain use of satellite phone for emergency communication how many satellite phone are provided in each division and headquarter

on central railway for this

purpose? How the satellite phone can be accessed from the control office? Q.NO.3 please answers any two of the following: a) On what basis signaling assets are planed for replacement as per existing guidelines. What is the criteria for selecting a lc gate for provision of interlocking? b) What is the different control circuits provided in AC electrified section? Briefly describe the working of the control circuits.


c) What are the main difference between the analog and digital microwave transmission? briefly describe how the circuits are derived from these radio equipments. Q.NO.4. please indicate the detail of the configuration and various modules of an SMPS based IPS system to be provided at a 4 line station along with central PI in non RE section . also describe arrangements for 230 v AC inputs for feeding the IPS. Q.NO.5 a) what are the rules and regulations for the working of the train during the interruption of communication on a double line section? b) what are the duties of the driver when an approach signal is at ‘ON’ or is ‘Defective’ at a way side station? Q.NO.6 write short notes on four of the following:1. network management system (NMS) 2. initial charging of the secondary cells. 3. IVRS for PNR enquiry 4. advantage of the automatic signaling . 5. DTMF signaling 6. induced voltage in AC electrified area. Q.NO.7 a)Explain what are the RDSO approved Part I and II sources of supply for s&t material . also indicate the guidelines for inspection of the such material b) name the newly created zones along with there place of the headquarter c) expand the following i.










c) what is the unit of measurement for: i.

electrical energy









relay contact pressur

Q.NO.8 (i) what are the provision under section3(3) of official language act? OR (ii) name any five S&T workshops on Indian railway . also list any two important items manufactured by these five workshop.

CENTRAL RAILWAY LIMITED DEPARTMENTAL EXAMINATION FOR THE POST OF ASTE PAPERI II(13/11/05) Q.NO.1 a) please draw the typical layout for a 3 line panel interlocked std III station on a single line section . please provide MACLS

arrangement indicating track

circuit and other gears and also number all the gears as per c.rly. Practice? b) Please prepare the selection table for DN home signal and UP loop line starter for all movements at the above station OR c)please indicate the channeling plan for STM I system provided on shorthaul communication system for deriving the control circuits and PRS circuit at 2nd and 6th station on stretch of 6th station . also interconnect telephone exchange located at 1st and 5th station using E1 links. d)what is a radio patch? Please indicate the arrengment for functioning of the same in a section provided with overhead alignment. Q.NO.2 please write short notes on any 4 of the following. i.

Cascading arrengment in MACLS




Joint inspection of the point and crossing


Train shunt resistance


Datalogger and its working


Fusion splicing machine


Q.NO.3 please explain the difference between any four of the following i.

Facing point and trailing point


Slip siding & catch siding


Absolute block and automatic block working


A class station and B class station


Intranet and internet


4 wire and 2 wire control circuits

Q.NO.4 please answer any two of the following a) What are the tests to be conducted before commissioning of the PI station with MACLS? What are the document required to be handed over to maintenance organization for such installetion ? b) explain various steps in manufacturing and testing of portable control phones in byculla workshop. c) what pre-monsoon precautions are required to be taken to ensure proper working of telecom circuits on overhead alignments. Q.NO.5 please answer any two of the following A)what communication facilities are required to be provided at the site of accident site involving the passenger trains? also list out any five important communication equipment provided in divisional ART b) what is the need of providing block proving axle counter? How does the BPAC system with digital axle counter work on a double line section on central railway? c) what is theperiodicity of overhauling of SGE and neale’s ball token instruments? What are the important steps involved in overhauling of sge block instrument in overhauling of SGE block instrument in byculla workshop? Q.NO. 6

write short notes on any four of the following. i.

Annual maintence contract


On account payment


Draft paras


Procurement of non stock items



Cash imprest


Revenue expenditure-demand pertaining to S&T departments

-the various revenue and works demands pertaining to s&t department in railways are given below Demand no. name of demand 3

genral superintendence


repair and maintenance


operating expenses rolling stock exp misc.wkg expences appropriation of funds

12 14


for administration Signaling, telecommunication Workshop drawing and estimating Misc. expenses establishment in offices, contingency expenses office staff Plants and equipment(sig &tel) mech.sig,ele. Block,power sig. repair and maint. Misc. rental to p&t for s&t s&Tother operating expence cost of training other than hindi appropriation to DRF,safety and NAD PASSENGER ANIMITY FUND SIG AND TEL WORKS.

Q.NO.7 please answer any four of the following a) what are the various types of leaves admissible to permanent Gr. ‘C’ employee on railways b) please explain the workman compaensation act? c) what are the retirement benefits available to permanent Gr.d employee on railways?

retirement benefits )i provident fund )ii CGIS – centralized Group insurance scheme )iii Commutation of pension )iv Gratuity )v Leave encashment 114

)vi pension d)what is PLB & its entitlement on railways? e) explain the procedure for obtaining house building advance(HBA) for GR.’C’staff on railways. Q.NO. 8 (a) please indicate various steps involved in arranging recruitment of ESM I/TCM I through RRB? OR (b) please explain the various steps involved in getting a signaling/telecommunication work sanctiond under pink book?


DATE 27.05.06 TIME :3 HOURS Note1. this paper has three parts. All the parts carries equal marks. 2. answer must be in brief with diagram wherever necessary. 3. answer the question in hindi or English. PART-I 1. Write short notes on the any four of the following. 1.1. intermediate block signal 1.2. AFTC 1.3. datalogger and its networking


It is compulsory for all SSI and new incoming relay interlocking. it is microprocessor based electronic device used for storing data . Relay operation / bus bar voltage, axle counter level, voltage in memory chip with date and time, Real time clock Advantage11. It helps in analyzing the typical failure and accident 12. It can be used as the tool for improving the signaling gear 13. It detects the human failure 14. For ex. Driver passing at danger 15. Wrong operations 16. S&T interference 17. Help in analyzing speed of the train 18. Keeping the data logger in network management of data-logger 19. Off line/ on line stimulation Types of data logger RPIL – RAIL PRODUCT INDIA LIMITED( US &S LTD. U.S.A.) EFFETRONICS LTD Vijay Wada -DTL HBL – HYTRONICS CROMPTON &GREEVES

Input of PI and SSI rri, digital input& relay contact analog input Input card

RPI DATALOGGER Suitable for the small station Processor intel-8088 Total no of input cards= 8 Input/card =32 8 x 32 = 256 no provision for memo.ana i/p storing capacity= 40,000event scanning time 100millisec



EFFTRONICS DATALOGGER suitable for all types of the installetion processor used is Motorola 6800 total no of input card is 8 input /card= 64 8 x 64 = 4096 one ana. input card scan 8i/p 3000 to 3.5 lakhs scanning time = 16 millisecond

1.4. power operated lifting barrier 116

1.5. name any five shops in byculla workshop 1.6. EUUYN, EUYN,EWN,ERN,COGGN operation at PI station. EUUYN – (Three button cancellation) emergency route release button EUYN - emergency route section release EWN – emergency point operation ERN – emergency signal put back button COGGN- colling on signal operation button 2. draw the typical layout for the three line station located on the single line section with simultaneous reception/dispatch facility in both directions. Provide MACLS arrangement for this station with central panel operation indicating track circuit arrangement and numbering of all the gears as per central railway practice also prepare the selection table for dn hm signal and up mn line starter signal. 3. answer any two of the following3.1. draw the circuit diagram for operation of irs point machine indicating the detection circuit briefly explain its working. 3.2. what are the essential of the SGE lock and block system? 3.3. what do you understand by Cascading of the signal in MACLS territory ? what are its advantage? Draw the typical cascading arrengment for three aspect signal. PART-II 4. Write short notes on any four of the following 4.1. train indicator and coach guidance system 4.2. manufacture and testing of the SPT machine in s&t workshop byculla 4.3. initial charging of lead acid secondary cells and there maintenance 4.4. describe annual line up of microwave link 4.5. role of S&T department in providing FOIS and UTS terminal 4.6. communication arrengment to be provided at a major accident site. 5. i) describe various control and other communication circuits which are derived at an important junction station in RE area provided with ofc and quad cable. ii) describe various tests which are to be conducted periodically for maintenance and up-keep of these communication circuits 6. answer any two of the following 6.1. describe the uniform numbering plan adopted on central railway and its future extension on the Indian railway. 6.2. list the telecom equipment required to be kept in the ART and AR& what are the inspection at the supervisory level. 6.3. briefly describe working of electronic exchange along with its networking with other electronic exchange with help of the block diagram. PART-III 7. Write short notes on any four of the following 7.1. law book 117

7.2. procurement of PAC item 7.3. annual maintenance contract 7.4. open tender and limited tender Open tender-Eligibility criteria can be included • Toadvertise in the news paper 30 days perod for opening after publication in news paper • Monitory limit of work- no limit • Before calling of open tender the approval of the competent authority is must(DRM/CSTE(C) OR CSTE(P) • Financial consent is also necessary Limited tender-eligiblity criteria • Those born on the approved list of contractor min or more than equal to ten • Monitory limit- carore • Before calling the approval of the competent authority is must • Finance consent is necessary. 7.5. final variation in the contract 7.6. DTR 8. i) define major penalty &minor penalty under D&AR rules. Briefly explain the steps involved in finalizing the minor penalty charge sheet. ii) what are the retirement benefits admissible to a group C railway employee having qualifying service of more than 20 years. retirement benefits )vii provident fund )viii CGIS – centralized Group insurance scheme )ix Commutation of pension )x Gratuity )xi Leave encashment )xii pension iii)what is a PNM? Briefly explain the functioning at divisional /workshop level iv) explain the procurement for stock and Non stock items. 9. answer any one of the following9.1. What are the various provision under section 3(3) of official language act? 9.2. What is the additional requirement for commissioning S&T installation in 25 KV AC traction areas? Also, list the precautions to be taken by maintenance staff working in such areas.



DATE 03.06.06 TIME :3 HOURS Note1. this paper has three parts. All the parts carries equal marks. 2. answer must be in brief with diagram wherever necessary. 3. answer the question in hindi or English.

1. write short notes on any four of the following1.1. checks to be carried out before commissioning of the automatic block signaling 1.2. sectional route release 1.3. cupola furnace 1.4. cross protection arrangement in electrical detectors 1.5. use of DG set at PI station and its regular maintenance 1.6. preparatory reset of axle counter 2. Draw the typical layout for four-line station located on the double line section with one common loop and having an interlocked LC gate between down advance starter and up home signal. Provide MACLS arrangement for this station with central panel operation, indicating track circuit arrangement. Also, number signals, track circuits and other gears as per central railway practice. Prepare a selection table for up home signal. 3. answer any two of the following: 3.1. What is calling On signal? Draw circuit diagram for calling on signal at an MACLS station. 3.2. Explain the working of LSS control circuit at the station on double line section ? 3.3. enumerate the different Push button and counters provided on domino type operating cum indication panel. Briefly describe the function of each button and counter. PART-II 119

(Marks 50) 4. write short notes on any four of the following 4.1. DTMF signaling in control working 4.2. role of S&T department in providing PRS terminal and their maintenance. 4.3. waveguide in MW installation 4.4. SDH system in OFC communication 4.5. network management system 4.6. advantage of OFC communication over other communication system 5. i) describe splicing and various test and measurement parameters indicating satisfactory performance limits for OFC cable . name the test and measuring instruments used in the ofc system along with their brief description. ii) what are the main components required for manufacture of PCP (portable control phone) sets in S&T workshop byculla ? describe the test to be performed on these sets before dispatch. 6. answer any two of the following 6.1. What is satellite phone? Briefly explain its working. how this phone is used during the accident and how the control office can contact satellite phone at site? 6.2. What are the pre-monsoon precautions required to be taken for the control section provided with quad cable? Describe the regular tests conducted on quad cable including maintenance of emergency sockets. 6.3. What do you understand by term BER and jitter in optical fibre communication? How will you measure this parameter and how do they affect performance of circuits. PART-III (Marks 50) 7. write short notes on any four of the following: 7.1. impreste store 7.2. abstract estimate and detailed estimate ABSTRACT ESTIMATE This estimate is to be prepared along with the justification at the proposed stage. This facilitates the the competent authority to give the administrative approval to the expenditure of the nature and magnitude contracted, to form reasonably accurate idea of probable expenditure thus enable the authority to guess adequetly the financial prospects of the proposal Abstract estimate cantain brief report and justification for the work and should mention wether funds are required in the current year and to what extent. DETAILED ESTIMATE On receipt of the approval to an abstract estimate by competent authority a detail estimate for the work include the abstract estimate is prepared and submitted to the competent authority for the technical sanction.


It should be sufficient detail to enable the competent authority to make sure that abstract estimate sanctioned by higher authority is not likely to extended. The work should not be commenced till the detailed estimate for the same is prepared and sanctioned and adequate funds are allotted by the competent authority d) estimate showing the details of the estimated cost e) an outer sheet giving the abstract cost of the work and report. f) The allocation and financial justification as approved under abstract estimate 7.3. narrative report and stock sheet 7.4. divisional works program(DWP) 7.5. earnest money and security deposite 7.6. Measurement book and on-account payment 8. i) what is AAC and when revision of AAC is undertaken? ii) what are pass and PTO rules applicable to group C and group D railway employees? iii) what are the silent feature of HOER? Railway employee are classified in e. Intensive f. Continuous g. Essentially intermittent h. Excluded Intensive- work strenuous, sustain attention, and physical exertion Period do not aggregate six hours Roster-42 hrs. Statutory limit- 45hrs shift 6hrs Rest- 30 hrs consecutive (sec. controller, tel Operator, cabin man, wireless operator) Essentially intermittent- intermittence period in action 6 hrs or more Such period should not be less than one hr or two Roster -48 hrs statutory -75 hr shift-12hrs Rest- 24 hrs including night Excluded – confidential, health, medical, armed guard, school supervisory staff and group D also (SSE/SE/JE) NO ROSTER unreasonable condition should not be imposed Continuous-staff not coming under above category 5) Clerical staff 6) Technical staff (sig. and tele.) 48 hrs-54 hrs Rest -30 hrs consecutive Night duty 10pm to 6 am Split duty – employee is free to leave his place of work due to break between the hours of duty 5) If the employee worked between the roster limit and statutory limit he is eligible for the overtime one and half of ordinary wages per hour duty. 121

6) If employee work between beyond st. limit he would be eligible for twice the ordinary wages per/hr. the rest suspended temp, the rest in lieu may be granted with in 14 days for intensive category staff and one month for other category staff. iv) what do understand by PME for the S&T staff what is the periodicity for various categories? 9. answer any two of the following 9.1. what is official language act? In how many region India is divided as per this act ?in which central railway falls? What is the target for originating correspondence in hindi for central railway? 9.2. describe how the trains are run on a double line section in case of total communication failure?


Paper-1 Date:- 14.10.06 max. Marks-150

1) a battery bank comprising of 24 cells in series is to be charged from initial voltage of 1.9 v/ cell using for charging DC source supply of 60v. Each cell has internal resistance of 0.01 ohm and can be charged at 10 amperes. Draw a circuit by


which this can be done calculating the value of series resistance used. What will be the charging current when battery voltage has risen to 2.10v/cell. 2) Explain any four of the following. a) Station section and station limit b) STD-I and STD-III interlocking c) Condition of granting the line clear in a single line section d) Permissive signal and gate signal e) Block overlap and signal overlap f) Route holding 3) Write short notes on any four of the following: a) Phantom circuit b) Cross protection c) Amplitude modulation and frequency modulation d) Dtmf signaling e) Ohms law f) Invertors

4) Write short notes on any four of the following a) D>G> ser b) Axle counter c) IPS d) Schedule of dimension. e) Catch siding and slip siding 123

5) What is the procedure for procurement for revenue and works requirement? 6) Write short notes on any TWO of the following a) Stock sheets b) Material at site account c) Works program OR Discuss various regions as per the official language Act and give the names of at least one state coming under the jurisdiction of each of the region 7) Give the names of the any five of the following a) President of India


b) Minister of railways


c) Chairman of the railway board


d) General manager of central railway


e) Additional member (signal) railway board SHRI MAHAVIR PRASAD f) president of united states of America


8) answer any three of the following : a) name all the railway zones with there headquarters b) name three training institute of various technical department of Indian railways and their location c) name the nine department of Indian railways d) Give names of 4 ex-prime minister of India who are still alive. 124


9) Expand the following : a) RRB






f) DRM


g) COS









10)Answer the following : a) Indicate capitals of Assam, Himachal Pradesh-SIMALA , Jharkhand-RANCHI , Rajasthan – JAIPUR and Uttaranchal.


b) Indicate unites of measurement for Pressure, electric power-KVA, electric charge-COULMB, wavelength-ANGSRTONG and volume-M c) Give names and location of 5 s&t workshops d) Give 5 designation ranks in S&T Department in descending order.


Paper-II Date : 14.10.2006 maximum marks – 150 1. draw the signaling plan of std III pI 4 line station with MACLS on single line section indicating all signal , points and track circuits. 2 fill in the blanks )i channel.

the capacity of STM I equipment is ________________ E 1

)ii Overhauling of mechanical lever frame is to be done once in _______________year )iii Obstruction test for points should be done with gauge of ______________thickness


)iv The characteristic impedance of 4 quad cable is ______ohms )v The track relay can be energized upto ____________________% of the pick up value )vi Earth resistance of telecom equipment should not exceed ______________--- ohms )vii Goods warning board is fixed at ______________meters from home signal in MACLS territory )viii lengths.

Calling on track circuit length is ______________rail

)ix Maximum visibility of the distant signal should be ____________meter )x Wavelength used in optic fibre for monomode system is _______nanometer 3 answer any four of the following )i

(a) explain the working of the axle counter (b) list out various parts of axle counters used for track circuit application. ii)

(a) explain various components of optical fiber systems (b)indicate the advantage of optical fiber communication

iii) explain various lightning and surge protection devices used for S&T equipments(solid state type) iv)

explin power supply scheme for interlocked LC gate in block section provided with MACLS in 25KV traction area.


Explain Data logger and its working

It is compulsory for all SSI and new incoming relay interlocking. it is microprocessor based electronic device used for storing data . Relay operation / bus bar voltage, axle counter level, voltage in memory chip with date and time, Real time clock Advantage-


1. It helps in analyzing the typical failure and accident 2. It can be used as the tool for improving the signaling gear 3. It detects the human failure 4. For ex. Driver passing at danger 5. Wrong operations 6. S&T interference 7. Help in analyzing speed of the train 8. Keeping the data logger in network management of data-logger 9. Off line/ on line stimulation Types of data logger RPIL – RAIL PRODUCT INDIA LIMITED( US &S LTD. U.S.A.) EFFETRONICS LTD Vijay Wada -DTL HBL – HYTRONICS CROMPTON &GREEVES

Input of PI and SSI rri, digital input& relay contact analog input Input card

RPI DATALOGGER Suitable for the small station Processor intel-8088 Total no of input cards= 8 Input/card =32 8 x 32 = 256 no provision for memo.ana i/p storing capacity= 40,000event scanning time 100millisec



EFFTRONICS DATALOGGER suitable for all types of the installetion processor used is Motorola 6800 total no of input card is 8 input /card= 64 8 x 64 = 4096 one ana. input card scan 8i/p 3000 to 3.5 lakhs scanning time = 16 millisecond, 4 explain the difference between any four of the following:


i) Absolute block system and automatic block system ii) ‘B’ class and ‘C’ class station iii) PDH & SDH system iv) Automatic signaling and semi automatic signal vi)

LAN & WAN 5. write short notes on any five of the following IVRS and reservation and train inquiry Auxiliary warning system LED signals Electronic interlocking Railnet IPS Mobile communication 6 write short notes on any four of the following retirement benefits


retirement benefits .1 provident fund .2 CGIS – centralized Group insurance scheme .3 Commutation of pension .4 Gratuity .5 Leave encashment .6 pension HOER Railway employee are classified in i. Intensive j. Continuous k. Essentially intermittent l. Excluded Intensive- work strenuous, sustain attention, and physical exertion Period do not aggregate six hours Roster-42 hrs. Statutory limit- 45hrs shift 6hrs Rest- 30 hrs consecutive (sec. controller, tel. Operator, cabin man, wireless operator)


Essentially intermittent- intermittence period in action 6 hrs or more Such period should not be less than one hr or two Roster -48 hrs statutory -75 hr shift-12hrs Rest- 24 hrs including night Excluded – confidential, health, medical, armed guard, school supervisory staff and group D also (SSE/SE/JE) NO ROSTER unreasonable condition should not be imposed Continuous-staff not coming under above category 7) Clerical staff 8) Technical staff (sig. and tele.) 48 hrs-54 hrs Rest -30 hrs consecutive Night duty 10pm to 6 am Split duty – employee is free to leave his place of work due to break between the hours of duty 7) If the employee worked between the roster limit and statutory limit he is eligible for the overtime one and half of ordinary wages per hour duty. 8) If employee work between beyond st. limit he would be eligible for twice the ordinary wages per/hr. the rest suspended temp, the rest in lieu may be granted with in 14 days for intensive category staff and one month for other category staff. Rate contract PNM AND PREM Open tender & limited tender Open tender-Eligibility criteria can be included • Toadvertise in the news paper 30 days perod for opening after publication in news paper • Monitory limit of work- no limit • Before calling of open tender the approval of the competent authority is must(DRM/CSTE(C) OR CSTE(P) • Financial consent is also necessary Limited tender-eligiblity criteria • Those born on the approved list of contractor min or more than equal to ten • Monitory limit- carore • Before calling the approval of the competent authority is must • Finance consent is necessary. Annual maintenance contract

130 7. write short notes on any four of the following accounts and audit objections Chief accountant general (CAG) is the final audit authority in India. He is responsible e for the audit of the Indian railways. Each zonal railway has principal director of audit. Audit’s main object –to ensure 1. Correct accounting system 2. Correct method of check is exercised or not 3. Accounts are maintained with accuracy 4. Financial interest of railway is guarded Audit department informs the railway in following three forms 1. Inspection report 2. Audit notes and special letter (audit Para) 3. Draft Para 1) Inspection report Inspection by audit of initial record of an office .it has two parts Part-I Part-II Part-I a) It has important matter b) Executive to accounts office should send reply within 8 weeks. c) It should satisfy itself before sending reply to director of audit. Part-II a) It has minor mistake matter b) Reply should be given with in 4 weeks to director of audit 2) Audit notes and spl. Letters (audit Para) Audit officer sends important audit objection pending for the long time to executive after approval of director of audit. Letter to DRM by name for acceptance and copy to associated accounts Reply should be sent with in 6 weeks to accounts office 3) Draft Para *Important audit objections are sent directly by principal director of audit to GM by name *The objection is included in audit report, which is finally to be put to CAG *Finally laid before parliament by CAG *Reply should be sent to principal director of audit


* Reply should be given sentence wise by GM duly vetted by FA&CAO *If matter not settled then all draft pares should be referred to railway board additional member finance. pink book measurement book Measurement book – measurement book can be recorded by engineer who supervise the work • Own hand writing • No overwriting, cutting should be initialized • 100% check by site in charge of the work • measurement should be recorded in absence contractor also • send the copy of measurement to contractor with acknowledgement , also contractor has to intimate his objection if any, with in week i.e. seven days and they become final (contractor can’t challenge) • contractor objection can be verified at site if found wrong .deduct the cost of measurement from the bill •

measurement book should contain the following information should be given on the top of the first page of book o final/ on account contract certificate no. o for previous on account bill see page------------of m.b-----. o name of the work o agency by which the work is executed o reference of agreement of work order o date of commenced o date completion o date of measurement august review and revised estimate

As soon as the expenditure on a sanctioned work project is likely to be excceds the sanctioned cost of the work provided in the detail estimate a revised estimate is prepared and submitted for sanction of competent authority. It should be prepared in the revised estimate form, giving both the detail of original sanctiond and revised cost. The original cost is to be given on the other side. This estimate is likely to comparative statement showing the difference between the sanctioned estimate and revised estimate. In case where the railway board sanctions supplementary estimate or pre-revised estimate, it should be made clear how the original sanction has been modified by such further sanctions.


August review-in the month of august 1. Actual expenditure of first 3 month(apr. may, june) 2. Next nine months anticipated expenditure 3. Budget allotment stock and non stock items )i stock items-these includes the store items for which there is regular turnover and demand . these stores are stocked in the store department. )ii non-stock items – these includes the store itemsfor which there is no regular demand and these items required in connection with new works , repair and maintenance department. workman’s compensation act 8 explain in detail the procedure to be followed for imposture of major penalty.



1. Draw the neat sketch of 4 lines standard iii interlocked station with panel interlocking on a double line with DN loop and common loop the station is fully track circuited loop lines are with the axle counter. Indicate entire signaling arrangements. 2 writeshort notes on any four of the following i. digital axle counter ii. class B & class C protection iii. LED signals iv. Phase modulation v. DC –DC converter 3 explain the following i. essentials of interlocking ii. calling on signal & shunt signal iii. fade margin iv. station section and station limit


4 explain in detail the working of IBS with sketch showing the entire signaling arrangement and power supply arrangement. OR Explain various Data communication networks used on central railway 5 fill in the blanks i. overhauling of token block instrument is to be done once in -TEN--------------- years. ii. Capacity of STM-4 equipment is ----------E1 channels iii. Impedance bond is essential component of ---AC---------track circuit iv. Minimum visibility of home signal in MACLS territory should be----------------meters. v. Training institute for SE(signal)/SE(tele) is---IRISET------------vi. Maximum run through speed at STD I station is ---------------------vii. For electronic based signaling and telecommunication equipment , earth resistance should be less than ---------ohms viii.Full form of RCIL is ---------------------------ix. Full form of RITES is –Rail India technical and economical services----------------------x. Full form of RDSO is-research design and standards organisation--------------------------6 Write short notes on i. Initial charging and float charging of lead acid secondary cells ii. Provision of communication arrangements at accident site 7 Write short notes on the following i. Draft para ii. Measurement book iii. Limited tender Limited tender-eligibility criteria • Those born on the approved list of contractor min or more than equal to ten • Monitory limit- carore • Before calling the approval of the competent authority is must • Finance consent is necessary. iv. Stock sheet v. Divisional works program 8 Write short notes on the following i. DCRG A pension able staff on his retirement or his family in the event of his death while in service will be eligible for the payment of the amount called DCRG, if his service are satisfactory provided he was confirmed in any of the post. This will be granted in addition to the pension/ordinary gratuity, as the case may be. In case of death of employee while in service, DCRG will be admissible to the family of railway servant. Whether permanent or temporary irrespective of the length


of the service DCRG will be limited to 15 days per year i.e. 16.5 months (33/2) of the basic pay 9(10 MONTHS AVERAGE PAY) for qualifying service of 33 years with ceiling limit 2.5 to 3.5 lakhs. Service beyond the 33 Years will be ignored. The payment of DCRG for the service less than 33 years is not proportionate to service of 33 years, as in case of pension but at a specified scale Points: 1. Pension able staff 2. After retirement or death while in service 3. Confirmed 4. Death – DCRG to family (perm. /temp) 5. 16.5 times of 10 months average pay. 6. Ceiling limit 2.5 to 3.5 lakhs 7. No DCRG for removed or dismissed employee ii. Completion report iii. Pass rule iv. Ex-gratia payment v. Minor penalty & major penalty 9 What are the provision under official language act 1963(revised in 1967) OR A serious damage has occurred to your signaling installation or electronic exchange due to electrical fault .make detailed report(about 100 words)with damage rectification For submission to your Sr.DSTE

LGS EXAMINATION FOR THE POST OF ASTE CENTRAL RAILWAY (19.05.07) supp 1. (a) draw a neat layout showing signaling arrangement for three line std III interlocked station with panel interlocking on double line section with a sandwiched loop having an interlocked LC gate between UP Advance starter and Dn home signal station is provided with MACL signaling . indicate numbering for signals points and track circuits OR Prepare the selection table for up and DN home signals 2. explain the following i. dead approach locking and approach locking ii. hard reset and preparatory reset of the axle counter iii. low maintenance lead acid battery and VRLA battery iv. telecom equipments to be provided in ART and ARME v. cross protection arrangement in electrical detector 135

3. write short notes on the following i. system of directed maintenance for signaling installation ii. various maintenance schedule for points at MACLS PI stations iii. aspect control chart for home inner distant & second distant signals iv. ND fuses and G type fuses v. Data network for railnet 4. explain in detail with sketch the power supply scheme at RRI installation with BPAC on section provided with 25 KV AC traction OR i. Explain with block dig. The working of OPTIC FIBER system indicates the advantage of optic fiber system. ii. Draw the block diagram of a 2000 line electronic exchange with power equipments Explain its working. 5. fill in the blanks. i. Obstruction test for the points should be done by keeping obstruction test piece at ---------mm from the toe of the switch. ii. Wave length used in optical fiber for multimode system is ---------------------nanometer.. iii. Resistance of 1.5 sq. mm copper wire used in the signaling cable is about--------------/km iv. Track relay and line relay (shelf type) should be overhauled every----------& _________years respectively v. Full form of RVNL_______________________ vi. Unite of measurement of sound is----------------------vii. Headquarter of S.E.C. railway is bhuwaneshwar viii.DTMF signaling for control circuits uses a combination of two frequencies. ix. Full form of SDH is______________________x. Minimum visibility of inner distant signal should be _______________m 6. write short notes on i. system of last vehicle check ii. essentials of automatic block system on double line In automatic block the space interval are secured automatically by the use of track circuit and axle counter ESSENTIALS OF AUTOMATIC BLOCK SYSTEM 1. Line shall be provided with continuous track circuits or the axle counter. 2. The line between the two stations may where required be divided into series of section known as Automatic block signaling section 3. Entry into each block signaling section is protected by colour light multiple aspect stop signal 4. track circuit or the axel counter should control the aspect of the signal such that 136



i) Signal will display ‘y’ when line is not clear up to next stop signal but also an adequate distance beyond it(one block +overlap) and ‘G’ when two block + overlap is clear . This is the case of 3-aspect signaling. In case of 4-aspect signaling it will become green when three blocks + overlap is clear. ii) Signal will automatically replace to ON soon after it passed by train.

since the track circuit is included in control of the automatic signal in rear . Its condition has to be repeated at the location in rear this require the repeating relay and pair of cable conductor between the signal . this can be avoided by making the use of the cut section. In this arrangement overlap track control feed for the rear berthing track in such a way that unless overlap is clear then BTC does not energizes. If BTC pick up then OV is clear. Dig of cut section arrangement iii. network management system iv. checks to be carried out before commissioning of SSDAC 7. write short notes on i. HOER • Railway employee are classified in  Intensive  Continuous  Essentially intermittent


 Excluded •

Intensive- work strenuous, sustain attention, and physical exertion 

Period do not aggregate six hours

Roster-42 hrs. Statutory limit- 45hrs shift 6hrs

Rest- 30 hrs consecutive (sec. controller, tel. Operator, cabin man, wireless operator)

Essentially intermittent- intermittence period in action 6 hrs or more 

Such period should not be less than one hr or two

Roster -48 hrs statutory -75 hr shift-12hrs

Rest- 24 hrs including night

Excluded – confidential, health, medical, armed guard, school supervisory staff and group D also (SSE/SE/JE) 

NO ROSTER unreasonable condition should not be imposed

Continuous-staff not coming under above category

 Clerical staff  Technical staff (sig. and tele.) ♦ 48 hrs-54 hrs ♦ Rest -30 hrs consecutive •

Night duty 10pm to 6 am

Split duty – employee is free to leave his place of work due to break between the hours of duty

 If the employee worked between the roster limit and statutory limit he is eligible for the overtime one and half of ordinary wages per hour duty.  If employee work between beyond st. limit he would be eligible for twice the ordinary wages per/hr. the rest suspended temp, the rest in lieu may be granted with in 14 days for intensive category staff and one month for other category staff. ii. Arbitration iii. Substitutes and casual labor


The term casual labor is refer to those labor whose employment is seasonal intermittent, Sporadic or extends over short period. Their engagement may be

either for short duration works which is spread over a specific

period or irrespective

of the duration, on project, till such time work is available

Substitutes are the person engaged in the rly. Establishment by senior sub-ordinates against a regular post on the regular scale of the pay and allowances applicable to posts against which they are employed. Substitutes are engaged ingroup D only except in the case of certain categories in-group –c or skilled posts in construction organization. iv. Personnel pay and substantive pay 8. write short notes on i. demands of grants -the various revenue and works demands pertaining to s&t department in railways are given below Demand no. name of demand 3

genral superintendence


repair and maintenance


operating expenses rolling stock exp misc.wkg expences appropriation of funds

12 14


for administration Signaling, telecommunication Workshop drawing and estimating Misc. expenses establishment in offices, contingency expenses office staff Plants and equipment(sig &tel) mech.sig,ele. Block,power sig. repair and maint. Misc. rental to p&t for s&t s&Tother operating expence cost of training other than hindi appropriation to DRF,safety and NAD PASSENGER ANIMITY FUND SIG AND TEL WORKS.

ii. DAR rule 1968 iii. Retirement benefit retirement benefits 139

.1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6

provident fund CGIS – centralized Group insurance scheme Commutation of pension Gratuity Leave encashment pension

iv. Pink book and green book v. Final variation in contract. 9. what is official language act? In how many regions is India divided as per this act ? in which region central railway falls ? what are the incentive for passing various hindi examinations? OR You are inspecting a station provided with MACLS PU & OFC. Write an inspection report in about 120 words.


LDCE SIGNAL AND TELECOMMUNICATION DEPARTMENT Paper-I Date : 28.07.2007 maximum marks – 150

Q. 1 explain the following (20 marks) (i) non-interlocked gates and interlocked gates INTER-LOCKED GATES provided with telephone and gate signals (a) normal position of gate generally is open to the road traffic (b) before permitting the train in the block section SM shall advice the gateman of of passage of the train on phone (c) on getting the advice of a train, the gateman shall ensure that the gate is closed and locked to the road traffic and then take off Gate signals NON-INTERLOCKED GATES are not provided with signals they are provided with the telephone for the communication with cabin/station (a) normal position of the gate generally is clos to the road traffic (b) before permitting the train in the block section SM shall ask the gateman whether gate is closed for the road traffic and gateman will give the private number to SM. (ii) class a and class b station


Class ‘A’ station – where the line clear may not be given for the train unless the line on which it is intended to receive the train is clear for at least 400 meter beyond the home signal , or up to the starter Class ‘B’ station – where the line clear may be given for a train before the line has been cleared for the reception of the train with in the station section (iii) capacitance and inductance Property of the capacitor to store the electricity is called as the capacitance Charge stored in the capacitor is directly proportional to the voltage across condenser Qα V Q/V=C The ratio of charge on capacitor plate to the voltage applied across the plate of the condenser is called as the capacitance Coulomb/volt=farad Inductance is defined as property of a coil due to which it opposes the change of current in the coil. (iv) microprocessor Q. 2 a lead acid battery bank ( for the point operation) having nominal voltage of 110 v is to be charged using DC source of 160 v from initial voltage of 1.8V/cell. Each cell of the battery has internal resistance of 0.02 ohm. Battery is being charged up to boost voltage of 2.4v/cell. charging current at the beginning is 5amp . what will be current at the end of charging . draw the circuit diagram of charging circuit showing the value of series resistance used. (20 marks) Q. 3 mention various steps to increase line capacity of double line section. Briefly describe them. (10 marks) ANS – MAXIMUM NO OF THE TRAIN DEALT ON THE SECTION FOR THE 24 HRS. IS CALLED AS THE SECTION CAPACITY this is calculated as the number of the train that can run each way on the single line. On double line section, it is work out separately Train takes some time to run between the two block-sections – running time Some time is required for closing of the section Some time is required for the granting line clear/taking off the signal This additional time is taken as the block operation time – 5 minute For calculating section capacity 24 hours is divided by running time of any slowest train over the section plus block operation time. Scott’s formula= {1440/(T+t)}x E x ½= C C – Section capacity E – Efficiency factor (80) T – Running time of train t – Block operation time section capacity mainly depends on the proper valuation and detail study of present and future traffic requirements to obtain the optimum utilization of fixed assets . 141

on single line the section capacity can be augmented by improving T and t of scott’s formula as well as efficiency factor. T can be reduced by )i reducing the length of the block section by providing additional crossing station )ii increasing the speed by improving the mode of traction, tracks, rolling stocks and signaling. )iii T may be reduced by introducing .a Higher standard of interlocking .b Token less block instrument .c Panel interlocking .d CTC and automatic signaling E(efficiency factor) can be improved by proper time table , punctuality, staff efficiency, upkeep of equipment, efficient operation, adequate no of loop line, suitable length of block section by placing of block post or stations and IBS on double line , etc. simplification of rules , training to staff are also the factor to improve the operating efficiency Q. 4 write short notes on any 4 of the following (20 marks) (i) integrated power supply











RELAY EXT 24-32 5A 2NO.

INTEGRATED POWER SUPPLY CONSIST OF THE 1. UPS panel a) Twin converter as auto changeover b) Twin inverter c) Battery bank VRLA 2. AC distribution panel –various transformer 3. DC distribution panel - dc-dc converter 4. Status indication panel 50% drop start generator 60% drop start emerg.. Generator 70% drop shunt down only DC available when system failure call s&t staff (ii) amplitude modulation and frequency modulation ANS. AMPLITUDE MODULATION


Process in which one of the parameter AMPLITUDE of the carrier wave is made to vary in accordance with the amplitude of the modulating signal is called as the amplitude modulation. In amplitude modulation other parameter of the carrier wave frequency and phase remains constant FREQUENCY MODULATION Process in which frequency of the carrier wave is made to vary in accordance with amplitude of the modulating signal is called as the frequency modulation In frequency modulation the amplitude and phase of the carrier wave remains constant. (iii) MAINTENANCE FREE EARTH Ans – there is solid metallic pipe/bar inside the hallow pipe , filled with conductive material Effective earthing electrode is not in direct contact with the soil Galvanization is adequate i. e. up to 200 microns Practically no need to change i.e. fit and forget e.e.e. is anticorrosive , so there is not much variation in ohmic value the packing material is soluble in water and it become the part of the soil around the electrode no fluctuation in ohmic value . it has been proved at various sites that ohmic value of safe earthing electrode reduces with age E.E.E. is surrounded by highly conductive soil so the charge dissipation through the electrode is very high and current density across the electrode is very high and the current density across the electrode is very low which result in very high fault current, is sufficient to trip the fault relay. (iv) AC track circuit and DC track circuit Audio frequency track circuit




Tx F1




Rx F2


Tx F2



Rx F1


A) EIGHT TYPES FREQUE. 1.5 TO 2.6KHz A - 1699 Hz E – 1549 Hz B – 2296 Hz F – 2145 Hz C – 1996 Hz G – 1848 Hz D – 2593 Hz H – 2445 Hz Track circuit works on the principle of frequency shift keying (FSK). Carrier frequency is shifted between two frequencies close to each other at modulating frequency +17 Hz. Both the frequencies are detected independently & no. of the other checks are performed for higher security. And to enable the information to be passed along the track without getting distorted typical signal of 4.8KHz frequency is used as modulating signal. Center fed used to increase the length of track circuit. Electric separation of the adjacent track circuit is accomplished by tuning the inductance of 20 m of track using the track circuit receiver on -1&2 transmitte (length>200m) 4&5. Each track unit offers the low impedance to frequency of adjacent track circuit. Inductance of rail between two-track units is very high for both frequency by means of net capacitive reactance. B) TRANSMITTER – multi-vibrator (bistable) 4.8khz square wave modulates the oscillator frequency varies + 17 hz. Square wave modulates the frequency of oscillator produces the signal varies by +17hz about the normal frequency rate of 4.8khz which is then amplified by the amplifier. The impedance matching transformer works as the load. While filter isolates the entire unit from unwanted DC and AC traction circuit


At the receiver, the signal from track unit is fed to the input transformer. Track unit preset the receiver gain by means of the shape, which alters the turn ratio. The signal filters at two filters, one set to higher frequency signal and other to the lower. Each resulting two signal is then amplified filtered and demodulated. Both signal are then combined to generate constant output both frequency produced in by the modulation is present in the anti phase to each other. If the resultant signal is continuously present for more then two sec The output relay is energized via amplifier. This is also slow response feature of the receiver. Eliminates the effects of any transient malfunction. Advantages11. Less expensive, less maintaince 12. Universal 13. Welded rail can be used 14. Track circuit length up to 1.1km 15. Both the rail can be used for the traction 16. No effect of the harmonic frequencies genreted by the thyrestor 17. No AC immunized track relay 18. Track relay with 50 v . therefore false operation of the track relay not possible. 19. Slow response feature. 20. Low power BRS 930A(TR). Restrictions – 9. Tuned zone must not contain level crossing, foot over bridge crossing. If level crossing is there then Rx nearest the crossing and length is restricted to 75% 10. No checkrail and guard rail in tune zone. 11. No Rx less than 40m from any low power Tx of same frequency 12. Center fed is normally used when longer track circuit need to be longer than permitted for end fed track circuit. 13. No AWS in tuned zones 14. No block joint in tuned zones. 15. No axle counter or frequency may be installed in or in 5m of tuned zone or within 15m of any end termination unit. it is preferable to install the AFTC adjacent with receiver rater than transmitter adjacent to axle counter section (v) Traffic gate and engineering gate S.R.1.02-(36)-1.(a) Traffic gates – level crossing gates which are located between the outermost stop signals of a station are termed as the traffic gate . the manning and operation of traffic gates shall be under the control of the operating department. (b) Engineering gates – level crossing gates , other than traffic gates are termed as the engineering gates manning and operation of the engineering gates shall be under engineering department. Q.5 write the short notes on the following (20 marks) 146

(i) Fuse alarm system ANS – fuse monitoring and automatic changeover system continuously monitor various fuses provided in the railway signaling installation. The system not only monitor the fuses , but also changeover to the spare fuses (provided within the system ) automatically on failure of the main fuse. The system simultaneously monitors the status of both the main and spare fuse and provides audio/visual alarm on failure of any fuse Each module of fuse monitoring and automatic changeover system is designed to monitor upto 16 fuse. SAILENT FEATURE ♦ Indication are displayed for the health of the main as well as the spare fuses. Provisions made in the system are as such that one green LED indicates for healthy and one RED LED for the failure of each fuse ♦ In case of the failure of the main fuse in the circuit, the system will changeover to the spare fuse automatically. ♦ Push buttons to test the weather all the indication are working. ♦ The audio alarm is re-settable by push button. ♦ Two sets of the potential free contacts are provided to derive an audio/visual indication at remote site. ♦ Current drain from the main system is very low ♦ The monitoring circuit is isolated from the main working circuit. ♦ The system is designed such that , it is only supervisory circuit.. failure of any component will not interrupt the supply to load by any means. ♦ Every failure will be indicated by audio/visual alarm ♦ The system is design to monitor 16G type fuses of 0.6 / of any voltage(12V,24V,60V,110VAC/DC) the system can developed for any other types of fuses. ♦ The flexibility is provided to monitor 4 fuses of different voltage with in same unit. ♦ The system is designed to operate from 110VAC. If required , it can be operated from 230V AV/DC. (ii) Disconnection memo- why it is required to be issued A memo issued to stationmaster on duty before carrying out any work on signaling gear is known disconnection memo which is issued in format form no S&T T351 It is essential to issue the disconnection memo as per G.R.3.51(3) No railway servant shall interfere with any point, signals or fittings, signal wire or any interlocking or block gear for the purpose of effecting repairs or for any other purpose , except with the previous permission of station master. (iii) Low pass and high pass filter (iv) Dead approach locking (v) Schedule of the dimension Schedule of dimension consist of three parts 1. standard dimension 147

2. recommended dimension 3. infringement allowed Standard dimension – 1st chapter is general 2nd chapter consist of standard dimension of various structure 3rd chapter consist of standard dimension pertaining to workshop and machinery 4th chapter consist of dimension of rolling stock 5th chapter consist of AC & DC traction recommended dimension – are those dimension to be followed in the view of proposed introduction of the wider stock on railway. This dimension must be provided for all new construction infringement allowed – while formulating the standard of dimensions there are several infringement in the certain railway as regard of the structure. center to center distance of the rolling stock stock. Not all the infringement can be absolutely removed immediately after publication of standard of dimension. Therefore it is necessary to introduce the third part and insist on various railway comprise to remove these infringement on regular programmed basis where ever necessary, speed restriction , were imposed and railway were asked to take precautionary measure for safety. These infringmentare included in the third pard. Q.6 (i) what is official language act? In how many region India is divided as per the Act? (5 marks) (ii) what are the incentives for passing Hindi examinations? OR (i) On what basis signaling and telecom assets are planed for replacement? ( 5 marks) (ii) What are the specific measures required to be taken for reducing noise in power supply? ( 5 marks) Q.7 expand the following (i) IRCON - Indian Railway Construction company ltd (ii) CRB - Chairman Railway Board (iii) RDSO - research design and standards organization (iv) RCIL - Railtel corporation India ltd (v) CORE - Central organization for Railway electrification (vi) PNM - Permanent negotiating machinary (vii) DGM (viii) COM - Chief Operating Manager (ix) IRISET - Indian Railway Institute Of Signal Engg. And Telecom (x) RITES - Rail India Technical And Economical Services Q.8 answer the following (20 marks) (i) Give the names of the four Ex-President of India 1. Dr. Rajendra Prasad 2. V. V giri 3. abdul kalam 148

4. dr. sarvapalli radhakrishnan (ii) Indicate the unit of measurement for the electric energy, current, wavelength, sound and electric resistance. Electric energy – kva Current -ampere Wavelength - λ angstron Sound -Db Electric resistance -ohm (iii) Name the newly created zones along with there places of the headquarters. (iv) Give the names and location of 4 railway centralize training institute. ANSQ.9 gives the names of following (i) Prime minister of the India -shri. Manamohan Singh (ii) Additional member (signal) railway board - shri. Mahavir Prasad (iii) President of the Pakistan - general musharraf (iv) Chief Minister of the Maharastra - shri Vilasrao Deshamukh


Q. 1. answer any two of the following ( 20 marks) )i What are the essential of the absolute block system? ANS – When trains worked on the absolute block system ()1 No train shall be allowed to leave the block station unless line clear has been received from the block station in advance ()2 On double line such line clear shall not be given unless the line is clear not only upto first stop signal at the block station at which such line clear is given but also an adequate distance beyond it. ()3 On single line such line clear shall not be given unless the line is clear of the trains running in the same direction ,not only up to first stop signal at the block station at which such line clear is given butt an adequate distance beyond it , and is clear of trains running in the direction towards the block station to which such line clear is given )ii Explain the working of the optic fiber system. 149

)iii Explain the power supply scheme of a PI station in Non-RE area. Q. 2. explain the difference between any four of the following (20marks) )i PDH and SDH system PDH – plesiochronuos digital hierarchy  Is not suited to support advance signal processing and control technique  In PDH multiplexing is done by bit interleaving  In PDH to drop any stream number of stage de-multiplexing is necessary In PDH standardization upto primary level only beyond this the standardization of PDH is as manufacturer system not an open system due to which the use of multi vendors end equipment SDH  Is suitable tosupport advance signal processing and control technique  In SDH system multiplexing is done by byte interleaving  Direct access to tributary  Creation of world standard for bit rate above 140 mbps  Normalization of auxiliary data  More flexibility for networking )ii Facing point and trailing point Ans – ‘facing and trailing points’ points are facing or trailing accordance with direction of train or vehicle moves over them. Points are said to be, facing points when by their operation a train approaching them can be directly diverted from the line upon which they are running. )iii B class and C class station Ans – classification of the station ()1 Class ‘A’ station – where the line clear may not be given for the train unless the line on which it is intended to receive the train is clear for at least 400 meter beyond the home signal , or up to the starter ()2 Class ‘B’ station – where the line clear may be given for a train before the line has been cleared for the reception of the train with in the station section ()3 Class ‘C’ station – block huts , where line clear may not be given for the train , unless the whole of the last preceding train has passed complete at least 400 meter beyond the home signal , and is continuing its journey . this will also include an intermediate block post. )iv LAN and WAN LAN – local area network  Spans only few kilometer  Used to share file or printer  Normally have one type of transmission media  BUS, ring, star are the most preferred topologies WAN – wide area network  It provides the long distance communication  Span is unlimited  May utilize the different type of transmission media 150

 WAN owned privately is called as enterprise network )v Amplitude modulation and phase modulation AMPLITUDE MODULATION Process in which one of the parameter AMPLITUDE of the carrier wave is made to vary in accordance with the amplitude of the modulating signal is called as the amplitude modulation. In amplitude modulation other parameter of the carrier wave frequency and phase remains constant FREQUENCY MODULATION Process in which frequency of the carrier wave is made to vary in accordance with amplitude of the modulating signal is called as the frequency modulation In frequency modulation the amplitude and phase of the carrier wave remains constant. Q. 3. )i )ii )iii )iv

fill in the blanks ( 20 marks) Overhauling of the plug in type track relay is to be done once in -----------year. Minimum visibility of starter signal should be --------------- meter Capacity of STM-4 equipment is ----------------E1 channel Minimum ballast resistance per kilometer should not be less than ---------- in station yard )v Length of parallelism in 25 KV Re area in directly fed color light signal should not exceed -----meter )vi On B.G. length of the lock bar should not be less than--------------Q. 4. Draw neat sketch of std III interlocked station with PI on single line section station is fully track circuited. prepare selection table for up home signal and dn main line starter signal ( 20 marks) Q. 5. write short notes on the following (20 marks) )i data-logger )ii mobile communication )iii Railnet Railnet is name of corporatewide information system of Indian provides the computer connectivity between the railway board , zonal railway RDSO , centralized training institute,CORE, MTP/kolkatta OBJECTIVE – )i Eliminate the needto move paper document between the different document )ii Change from periodic reporting to information ondemand RAILNET WORK – 3 PHASES )i Phase I – connect all the zonal railway and production unite to railway board )ii Phase II – connecting the division to zonal railway and other following to railway board RDSO/LKO CORE/ALD MTP/CAL 151






iii) phase III – will connect the division with important places like important station , store depot. General arrengment of the equipment used is as shown above . the WAN link(or Railnet link) terminal at router in turns connected to the switch . all computers including the server is connected to the switch . additional hub/switches may be connected to this switch so as to extend the Railnet LAN further. )iv Audio frequency track circuit )v Block proving by the axle counter

Q. 6. write short notes on the following (20 marks) )i family pension family pension will be admissible to the legal member of the family of railway servant’s family in case of death of railway servant while in service or after retirement provided the employee was in receipt of any of the ordinary pension . this rule will apply to all regular employee under this scheme irrespective of weather they are permanent or temporary the family pension will be admissible only one person at time to the following family member 1. wife in case of male railway servant 152

2. husband in case of female railway servant. 3. minor sons 4. unmarried widowed/divorce daughter and 5. parents the children irrespective of their sex will be eligible for family pension up to the age of 25 years. Family pension is payable to a son be stopped when he attains the age of 25 years and in case of daughter when she attains the age of 25 years or when she gets married whichever is earlier. )ii stock and non stock items )i stock items-these includes the store items for which there is regular turnover and demand . these stores are stocked in the store department. )ii non-stock items – these includes the store itemsfor which there is no regular demand and these items required in connection with new works , repair and maintenance department. )iii green book )iv limited tender Limited tender-eligiblity criteria • Those born on the approved list of contractor min or more than equal to ten • Monitory limit- carore • Before calling the approval of the competent authority is must • Finance consent is necessary. Q. 7. write short notes on the following (20 marks) )i completion report ANS – SEM 3.27.1. the inspector shall submit the completion certificate to the DSTE on form S&T/cc/1 immediately after a new work /alteration to the existing installetion has been brought into service. SEM 3.27.2. the inspector in charge of the work shall, immediately after the completion of work submit a completion report to the officer incharge which shall contain the following :(i) list of the material received from the store and the other sources with all the particulars (ii) list of the material used for the work (iii) list of material released and returned to the store with particulars (iv) list of the excess material returned to the store with particular (v) detail of the labor with period for which they were employed for the completion of the work; and (vi) special problems or difficulties experienced during the execution of the work if any.


)ii retirement benefits ANS – retirement benefits )xiii provident fund )xiv CGIS – centralized Group insurance scheme )xv Commutation of pension )xvi Gratuity )xvii Leave encashment )xviii pension )iii PNM and PREM PEMANANT NEGOTIATING MACHINERY With the object of maintaining contact with the labor and resolving dispute and differences that may arise between them and the administration, through the process of negotiation, machinery known as permanent negotiating machinery has been set up in railways. This is started functioning in 1951. The machinery started functioning at three level 1. Railway zonal level 2. Railway board level 3. Ad-hoc tribunal 1. Railway/zonal level:2. The recognized unions (NRMU/CRMS) are having access to divisional officers and subsequently at HQ’s level including GM where the scope of discussion is confirmed to personal problems such as classification, welfare, health ,safety of staff etc. PNM meeting a. Division /w.shoplevel-at least once in 2 month DRM -chairman Sr. DPO -secretary NRMU/CRMS’s representative - 20 b. HQ/zonal level- at least once in 3 months GM -chairman CPO/P.O. (L&W) -secretary NRMU/CRMS’S representative -20 Railway boards level- the matter not settled at the divisional level, zonal level will be taken up by the federations of recognized union at railway board’s level. Further the matters affecting all the railway s are also discussed here. Railway board’s level -once in quarter Member staff -chairman Dy. director -secretary AIFR/NFIR representative (separate meetings with AIFR/NFIR) Ad-hoc tribunalThis is highest tire of PNM comprising representative of railways administration and labor presided over by a neutral chairman


The matters that are clouded settlement a railway board level are negotiated here Retired judge of Supreme Court -chairman Equal nos. of railway administration and labor representative. GeneralOffice bearer of the unions allowed to held discussion in the meeting will comprise of these items which are within the powers of the officer concerned and when a decision is not arrived at in such meeting on any of the items, the same may be brought up for discussion at the next higher level. The question concerning pay scale , allowance etc. will only be discussed between the federations and railway board and not at lower levels. The decision taken at the meeting will be implemented forthwith. PARTICIPATION OF THE RAILWAY EMPLOYEE IN MANAGEMENT It is healthy that employee participation management When employee participate in management they put forth their problems for the consideration of the management and thus the management formulate the policies accordingly and many misunderstanding are removed resulting better harmony The ministry of railway has set up groups for the participation of railway employee in management Different groups are 1. Railway board level 2. Zonal railway level 3. Divisional railway level 1. Railway board level-in this group chairman railway board, secretary rly board, 4 members (representative) from the recognized railway men’s federation 2 representative from railway officer federation meeting held once in quarter 2. Zonal railway level-in this group a) GM b) AGM c) HOD’S of the departments d) 4 representative each from affiliated of two recognized railway men’s federation e) Two each fro two officer federation f) Meeting once in quarter. 2. Divisional railway level – in this group a) DRM b) ADRM c) Branch officer d) 4 representative each from the railway men’s federation e) 2 representative of two officer federation DRM act as the chairman meeting held once in quarter The meeting of the PREM mainly conducts for the following purpose 155

1. 2. 3. 4.

The exchange of the ideas for improving the efficiency of the railway. Regarding housing and other welfare of service. To build up the image of railway as the service organization to facilitate effective and meaningful participation of railway employee in the management process. 5. to give the railway employee sense of involvement for the improving the quality of service to the rail passenger and safety of operation )iv Revised estimate ANS – this is revision to the detailed estimate mainly due to escalation authority for the spending a specific amount on the particular work. During the course of the execution of the work, it is often become apparent for the various causes that there is likely to be an excess over the sanction detailed estimate of the work. The executive in charge of the work should prepare a revised estimate at the earlier opportunity for the submission to the competent authority, not only for obtaining the additional funds but also to apprise them of the factual data of the work in progress The revised estimate should be in the same degree of the detail as the original detailed estimate plus a comparative statement to show the detail of excess and saving under each subhead of the work or item. The purpose is that the excess expenditure should not be left over for regularization by post those sanction on the completion of the work. Unless the work is almost at completion (advance) stage even in such cases, the prior approval of the competent authority should be obtained for explaining the excess in the completion report. )v Stock sheet ANS – the object of the stock verification of the store in the stores depot is to ensure that all the material accord (to agree) with the description, specification, and quantities as shown in the numerical ledgers. Any excess or shortage noticed at the time of such verification should be investigated properly and accounted for Stock verification carried out by two ways. 1. departmental 2. through accounts stock verifier DEPARTMENTAL STOCK VERIFICATION each department should ensure the verification of stock in the store as specified by administration. ACCOUNTS VERIFICATION The verification of the stock of store depot under various department shall be carried out as per program set out by accounts store officer STOCK VERIFICATION FREQUENCY 1. material lying in store depot – once in the year 2. material at the site of the work – once in the 2 year not lying with imprest holder 3. all tools and plant – once in three year 156

PROCEDURE (STOCK SHEET) 1. the stock verifier should prepare daily stock verification sheets in triplicate for the items he verified during that day and date being obtained from his field book which he is supposed to record/maintain. 2. the stock sheet shall got initially by store officials . the original copy of stock sheet should be forwarded to stores accounts officer and two copies are given to stores official for the record. 3. the stock verification report should only show those items in which the discrepancies are found . a record of such items must be made in the field book. 4. stock verifier should obtain the a certificate from depot official that all the items of store are truly and correctly presented for the verification , after the same has been completed. Q. 8 explain in detail the procedure for imposition of a major penalty. (10 marks) PROCEDURE OF IMPOSITION MAJOR PENALTIES 1) SF-5 along with annexure I, II, III, IV shall be issued a) Annexure I- means the article of charges b) Annexure II- means the statement of imputation in support of the article of charges c) Annexure III-means list of documents on the basis of which the charges are established against the employee d) Annexure IV- the list of witness, that evidence establishes the charges against the employee. 2) Charges will be drafted in third person 3) Xerox copy of the documents mentioned in annexure III and IV shall be issued along with the charge sheet 4) The employee has got full to inspect the original listed document supplied to him, which should be kept ready for the inspection, allow the 5 days for inspection. 5) Within the next 10 days, he should submit the written statement of defense and list of witness and list of additional documents be decided to examine. 6) If all the charges are admitted by, the employee without qualification (no condition) then disciplinary authority shall pass and sign the order of imposing the penalty major or minor. 7) If disciplinary authority after, consideration of statement of defense where the charges are not admitted or admitted with qualification is of the opinion .he imposes minor penalty, shall move the order of imposing penalty. 8) If no statement of defense is submitted with in ten days or charges are not admitted without qualification the disciplinary authority will nominate the enquiry officer or board of enquiry and order on form no. 7 (SF-7) shall be 157

issued. If disciplinary authority is of the opinion that charges merits a major penalty to be imposed. 9) Enquiry officer will arrange to collect the additional documents desired by the employee and make them available for his inspection in his presence to avoid the tempering with documents. 10)Enquiry officer shall give reply on SF-6 if some documents are not relevant or cannot be made available due to certain reason indicating the reasons. 11)Employee can take assistance of railway servant or retired railway servant or an official of recognized trade union (called ARE) but shall not engage practitioner lawyer 12)An ARE should assist him to inspect the document drafting, reply to charge sheet, examination and cross-examination of witness and preparation of defense brief. 13)On the onset of enquiry, enquiry officer will read out the charges not admitted by him and explain to him. 14) If he admits the charges the enquiry will be dispensed with. 15) Witness mentioned in the charge sheet (annexure IV) should be examined by enquiry officer; employee and his ARE shall cross-examine them. 16)Any new witness relevant to charge in opinion of enquiry officer shall examine by him and cross-examine by the employee and his ARE. 17)Employee shall produce defense witness and his ARE will examine them and enquiry officer will cross-examine them. 18)Enquiry can be conducted in English, Hindi, or vernacular language and shall explain to employee if he does not understand. 19)Lastly the enquiry officer will examine the employee based on the fact highlighted during the enquiry. 20)Evidence recorded shall be supplied to employee so that he can prepare his written brief, defense brief. 21)Within next 10 days the employee shall submit written defense brief, which shall also consider by enquiry officer while drafting the findings. 22)Enquiry officer draw the finding indicating the reasons for the finding and also offers the comments on the defense brief of the employee. 23)On receipt of enquiry report, copy of the findings and the reasons for the finding shall be supplied to employee and his final representation will be called for which shall also considered by disciplinary authority before the final orders are passed and penalty imposed. 24)If disciplinary authority himself is not empowered to impose the particular penalty he will forward the record to next higher authority or to competent authority to pass and sign the order of imposing penalty. 25)Order of imposition of the penalty must be acknowledge by employee 4. MANDATORY FORMALITIES TO BE OBSERVED BY E.O. 1) DAR enquiry should not dispensed with unless the employee says the ‘yes’


I admit the charges without qualification before enquiry officer. This should be recorded as the part of the proceeding, signature of employee and his ARE need to be obtain. 2) Inspection of the documents must be completed before DAR enquiry starts. 3) Advice on the standard form no.6 must be given if some documents are not relevant and not allowed before commencing of enquiry 4) Enquiry officer must ensure that d/employee and their respective officer or sr. subordinate to attend the enquiry failing which the enquiry should not be conducted relives his in time.


Date : 23.08.2008

maximum marks – 150 1. write short notes on the following

( 20

marks ) )i

productivity linked bonus


stock and non-stock items

)i stock items-these includes the store items for which there is regular turnover and demand . these stores are stocked in the store department. )ii Non-stock items – these includes the store items for which there is no regular demand and these items required in connection with new works, repair and maintenance department. )iii

open tender & limited tender 159

Open tender-Eligibility criteria can be included •

To advertise in the news paper 30 days period for opening after publication in news paper

Monitory limit of work- no limit

Before calling of open tender the approval of the competent authority is must(DRM/CSTE(C) OR CSTE(P)

Financial consent is also necessary

Limited tender-eligibility criteria •

Those born on the approved list of contractor min or more than equal to ten


Monitory limit- carore

Before calling the approval of the competent authority is must

Finance consent is necessary.

measurement book and on account payment

Measurement book – measurement book can be recorded by engineer who supervise the work  Own hand writing  No overwriting, cutting should be initialized  100% check by site in charge of the work  measurement should be recorded in absence contractor also  send the copy of measurement to contractor with acknowledgement , also contractor has to intimate his objection if any, with in week i.e. seven days and they become final (contractor can’t challenge)  contractor objection can be verified at site if found wrong .deduct the cost of measurement from the bill


 measurement book should contain the following information should be given on the top of the first page of book  final/ on account contract certificate no.  for previous on account bill see page------------of m.b-----.  name of the work  agency by which the work is executed  reference of agreement of work order  date of commenced  date completion  date of measurement



With the object oc maintaining contact with the labour and resolving dispute and differences which may arise between them and the administration , through the process of negotiation, a machinery known as permanent negotiating machinery has been set up in railways . this is started function ing in 1951. The machinery started function ing at three level

4. Railway zone level 5. Railway board level 6. Ad-hoc tribunal 3. railway/zonal level:4. the recognized unions(NRMU/CRMS) are having access to divisional officers and subsequently at HQ’s level including GM where the scope of discussion is confirmed to personal problems such as classification, welare, health ,safety of staff etc. PNM meeting a. division /w.shoplevel-at least once in 2 month DRM




NRMU/CRMS’s representative

- 20

b. HQ/zonal level- at least once in 3 months GM





NRMU/CRMS’S representative


Raiway boards level- the matter not setteled at the divisional level ,zonal level will be taken up by the fedaretions of recognized union at

railway board’s level. Further the matters

affecting all the railway s are also discussed here. Railway board’s level

-once in quarter

Member staff




AIFR/NFIR representative(separate meetings with AIFR/NFIR) Ad-hoc tribunalThis is highest tire of PNM comprising representative of railways administration and labour presided over by a neutral chairman The matters that are cluded settlement a railway board level are negotiated here Retired judge of supreme court


Equal nos. of railway administration and labor representative. GeneralOffice bearer of the unions allowed to held discussion in the meeting will comprise of these items which are within the powers of the officer concerned and when a decision is not arrived at in such meeting on any of the items, the same may be brought up for discussion at the next higher level. The question concerning pay scale , allowance etc. will only be discussed between the federations and railway board and not at lower levels. The decision taken at the meeting will be implemented forthwith. PREM - It is healthy that employee participation management When employee participate in management they put forth their problems for the consideration of the management and thus the management formulate the policies accordingly and many misunderstanding are removed resulting better harmony The ministry of railway has set up groups for the participation of railway employee in management Different groups are 4. railway board level 5. zonal railway level 6. divisional railway level


3. railway board level-in this group chairman railway board, secretary rly board, 4 members (representative) from the recognized railway men’s federation 2 representative from railway officer federation meeting held once in quarter 4. zonal railway level-in this group a) GM b) AGM c) HOD’S of the departments d) 4 representative each from affiliated of two recognized railway men’s federation e) two each fro two officer fedaretion f)

meeting once in quarter.

5. divisional railway level – in this group a) DRM b) ADRM c) Branch officer d) 4 representative each from the railway men’s federation e) 2 representative of two officer federation DRM act as the chairman meeting held once in quarter The meeting of the PREM mainly conducts for the following purpose 6. the exchange of the ideas for improving the efficiency of the railway. 7. regarding housing and other welfare of service. 8. to build up the image of railway as the service organization 9. to facilitate effective and meaningful participation of railway employee in the management process. 10. to give the railway emplouee sence of involvement for the improving the quality of service to the rail passenger and safety of operation 2. Draw a neat signaling plan of a 3-line STD III PI station with MACLS on single line showing all signal points and track circuits. (10 marks) 3 write short notes on the following )i

retirement benefits retirement benefits 163

)xix )xx )xxi )xxii )xxiii )xxiv

provident fund CGIS – centralized Group insurance scheme Commutation of pension Gratuity Leave encashment pension


cash imprest


personnel pay and special pay


abstract estimate and detail estimate ABSTRACT ESTIMATE This estimate is to be prepared along with the justification at the proposed stage. This facilitates the the competent authority to give the administrative approval to the expenditure of the nature and magnitude contracted, to form reasonably accurate idea of probable expenditure thus enable the authority to guess adequately the financial prospects of the proposal Abstract estimate cantain brief report and justification for the work and should mention wether funds are required in the current year and to what extent. DETAILED ESTIMATE On receipt of the approval to an abstract estimate by competent authority a detail estimate for the work include the abstract estimate is prepared and submitted to the competent authority for the technical sanction. It should be sufficient detail to enable the competent authority to make sure that abstract estimate sanctioned by higher authority is not likely to extended. The work should not be commenced till the detailed estimate for the same is prepared and sanctioned and adequate funds are allotted by the competent authority g) estimate showing the details of the estimated cost h) an outer sheet giving the abstract cost of the work and report.

i) The allocation and financial justification as approved under abstract estimate )v )i

Suspension Suspension is not penalty

)ii Whenever it is suspected that the employee is involved in the activities, which are against the conduct rule. In addition, employees


working may affect the available evidences, to keep heem away from the working he is suspended. 4. write short notes on the following (20 marks) )i

working control on DTMF signaling  DTMF(duel tone multi-frequency) Two tones transimitted corresponding to key pressed.from microprocessor based equipment at control station. Tones are sent in trans path only on overhead lines to way side equipments. By pressing any key generates the two frequency one in lower range and other in higher range. In this type of signaling 99 codes are genareted . DTMF decoder is provided at wayside station which converts the received multiple tone frequencies tone into binary digital words .ACSR length can be upto 300 km Zo= 600 ohms.  Merits 

Adaptable in RE and NON-RE area

Works on the microwave patches without interface

Maximum 99 codes are generated

Low level signaling

Frequency is low can be transmitted in speech path

solid state highly reliable

low noise and distortion

no maintenance

no adjustment on way side equipment

it is possible to stabilize the local control from the accident spot



Equipment is prone to lightening

Repair not possible at site

Prolong MSEB supply failure at wayside station may affect chargeable NiCd battery.

Replacement of the battery required

High level maintenance/skilled staff is reqired

cupola furnace


It is type of the furnace used for melting the metals, usually scrape metal during the process the melting it is not possible to refine the metal . the charge has to be preselected for desired chemical composition of the fine metal. Whereas in the other types of furnace such as electric or air type it is possible to allow chemical adjustments The cupola is a steel shrouded, vertical type furnace. It is lined with refractory lining and its dimension varies considerably. Generally, it is 30 to 40 feet high and 4 to 5 feet in outside diameter. Fuel, scrap and fluxes are charged in alternate layers. The heat derived from the bottom coke bed passes up through the alternate layer of coke and metal , thereby increase in temperature of charge. Molten metal, trickles down the coke bed, collects at the bottom of the cupola, and is periodically removed by tapping it into ladles. It is then transferred into moulds. it should be noted that considerable preparation is required before cupola can be brought to the melting temperature of the metal , and before the liquid metal is tapped out . Different operators follow different practice and technique of charging Basically it consists of placing the different layers of fuel and metal, and formation of the desired iron –coke ratio which is about 10 to 1 by weight . if the ratio is smaller melting rate is reduced , more air is required and melting time is also increased.


frequency modulation Process in which frequency of the carrier wave is made to vary in accordance with amplitude of the modulating signal is called as the frequency modulation In frequency modulation the amplitude and phase of the carrier wave remains constant.

)iv list of the item to be checked during the joint inspection of point and crossing with p.way supervisor )i ()1

annexure 5 Para 12.40 of SEM II track – correct level and alignment

()2 fully ballasted , adequate measure to prevent a lateral and longitudinal movement of the points ()3

provide a level and creep pillars

()4 arranged the sleepers on the adjacent track in the alignment where rods and wire to crossed ()5

correct gauge


provided and fixed special timber as required

()7 points

provided means to prevent the creep in the vicinity of the



fitted gauge tie correctly

()9 drawing

stretcher should of proper length as per the approved


adjust the loose heel switches so that.

()11 stock rail

they can thrown on both the side and housed against the

()12 stock rail.

the plain surface of the switch rail fully housed against


Adjusted fixed heel switches.


They should remain in mid-position in normal condition

()15 Provided with the flexible stretcher so that they flex equally in normal and reverse position ()16

Provided stop for open position of single switch layout

)i Gauge should be measured at 15mm behind the toe of the switch and shall be within the limit of nominal track gauge )ii Initial opening of the rail switch at the toe should be 115+ 3mm in BG and 100mm+ 3 mm in MG )iii As per STD layout two long sleepers wooden/ PSC shall be provided for mounting )iv A long fixed on the horizontal level and are to be spaced to suit point machine fixing without any offset in ground connection. )v Expanded gauge tie plate duly insulated shall be fixed on first long sleeper. )vi The clearance between stock rail and William stretcher should be 1.5mm to 1.75mm )vii

Other William stretcher should be as per p.way standard

)viii The housing of the switch rail with the stock rail for not less than 5 sleeper for normal and reverse position )ix Adequate ballast and packing should be provided specially for long sleeper )x All wooden sleepers on which the point machine is installed shall be strapped on both side with MS strap. )v G marker – letter “G” in black on yellow circular disc, provided on the gate stop signal.

167 5. fill in the blanks )i length of parallelism in directly fed colour light signal should not exceed ________ meter. )ii volt.

power supply votage for operation of telephone exchange is 48


The capacity of STM-1 equipment 63E1 channel.

)iv In automatic signaling territory driver can pass the fully automatic signal at Red after waiting for 2 minutes during night. )v Minimum visibility of starter signal in MACL territory should be 200 meters )vi In broad gauge length of lock bar should not be less than 14 meter (42 feet) )vii

Full form of AWS is auxiliary warning system.




HEAD QUARTER OF SE RAILWAY IS GURDEN GRINICH 6 Write short notes on the following )i

Mobile train radio communication


Radio patching Train traffic control circuit works on the overhead line or the underground cable. These physical circuits may be two wire or four wire when interrupted due to physical damage or due to fault the control circuit stops the functioning but the control communication required round the clock for the running of the trains. Interruption to the communication control system results into the detention of the train. Hence, the faulty physically control section is isolated on both the end and far end of control line and is reached with the microwave channel if the microwave link exists in the section. Thus, the station beyond the fault point is reached from the end via microwave channel. The station on the head quarter side of the fault is reached by physical circuit. This is called as microwave patching or the radio patching. In radio patching both the physical circuit and microwave channel is connected in parallel.

)iii Automatic signaling system essentials of the automatic block system is given below )i The line shall be provided with the continuous track circuiting or the axle counter. 168

)ii The line between the two adjacent block station may when required , be divided into the series of the automatic block signaling section , each of which is the portion of the running line between the two consecutive stop signal and entry into each of which is governed by the stop signal )iii The track circuit or the axle counter shall so control the stop signal governing the entry into automatic block signaling section that ()1 Signal shall not assumes the an off aspect unless the line is clear not only up to the next stop signal in advance but also for an adequate distance beyond it ()2 the train.

Signal is automatically placed to the ON as soon as it is passed by

()3 Unless otherwise directed by approved special instruction the adequate distance shall not be less than 120m )iv

Schedule of dimension Three parts of schedule of dimension 1. Standard maximum dimension 2. Recommended dimension 3. infringement(existing) allowed Standard dimension First chapter is general Standard dimension of the various structures Standard dimension of pertaining to workshop and machinery Dimension of the rolling stock Structure of AC and DC traction Recommended dimension The recommended dimensions are those, which are recommended to


followed by the railway in views of proposed introduction of wider rolling

stock on railways. This dimension must be

provided for all new construction. Infringement allowed While formulating the standard of dimension there were several infringement distance of the

in certain railway as regard of the structure. Center to center rolling stock.Not all the infringement can be absolutely


removed immediately

after publication of standard of dimension.

Therefore it is necessary to

introduce the third part and insist on

the various railway comprise to remove

these infringement on regular

programmed basis.where ever necessary,

speed restriction, were

imposed and railway were asked to take


measure for safety. These infringements are included in the

third part Items manufactured in signal workshop byculla 1

junction route indicator

2 way



junction route indicator

3 way



junction route indicator

4 way



lamp checking unit


lifting barrier boom 8m long


n.t. block instrument


sge block instrument


point rodding 52 kg/60kgrdso/thick web


position light shunt signal


shunt permit indicator


sm’s control slide 12 puller


sm’s control slide 24 puller


sge block bell


universal axle counter 2 detection


universal axel counter 4 detection


cls unit 2/3/4 aspect


evaluator a/c


cable termination boxes 60/100 pairs


gate warning bell


spt machin 6 way/10 way complete


transformer 230/110 500va


transformer 230/110 1kva



transformer 230/110 2kva


transformer 110/300


dc eld


ac eld


tsr meter


track feed battery charger 7. Explain in detail with sketch the control working of IBS alongwith the details of equipments installed at IBS location. Explain difference between IBS and C class station working. OR Explain in detail with sketch the control working on quad cable along with details of various equipment (7.5 marks) Explain in detail the tests and measurement to be done before commissioning of optic fibre system. (7.5 marks) 8 write short notes on the following )i

traffic gate and engineering gate level crossing gate which are located between the outermost stop signal of the station are termed as the traffic gates. The manning and operation of the traffic gate shall be under the control of the operating department. Level crossing gate other than the traffic gate are termed as the engineering gates.


material train and mixed train Material train means a departmental train intended solely or mainly for the carriage of railway material when picked up or put down or for the execution of the work either between the stations or within the station limits Mixed train means a train intended for the carriage of passenger and goods or of passenger animals and goods.


special instruction and approved special instruction


special instruction means instruction issued from time to time by authorized officer in respect of particular case or special circumstances Approved special instruction means special instructions approved of or prescribed by commissioner of railway safety )iv

facing point and trailing point points are facing or trailing in accordance with the direction of the train or vehicle moves over them . points are said to be facing points when by their operation a train approaching them can be directly diverted from the line upon which it is running. 9.(i) discuss various region as per official language act and give names of atleast one state coming under jurisdiction (10 marks) (ii) what will be your strategy to popularize hindi as national language. (5 marks) OR Give a write up in 200-250 words on growth and development of signaling and telecommunication in central railway in last 10 years. (15 marks)


Date : 30.08.2008

maximum marks – 150 1 write short notes on the following (20 marks)


)i STAGNATION INCREMENT- when salary achieves the max, grade then increment given on alternate year then the increment is called as the stagnation increment. )ii Various kinds of leave .a Casual leave .b Special casual leave .c Leave on average pay .d Leave on half average pay .e Leave not due .f Extra ordinary leave .g Study leave .h commuteted leave .i special disability leave .j hospital leave .k maternity leave .l paternity leave .m quarantine leave )iii Delayed tender and late tender .a Delayed tender – a tender received before opening the time of opening but after due date and the time of receipt of tender should also be opened and dealt within the same manner as in the case of tenders received in time .b Late tender – a tender received after the specified time of opening should be open by concerned branch officer and marked as “late tender”in red ink prominently on envelope and on the tender paper )iv Demands for revenue budget -the various revenue demands pertaining to s&t department in railways are given below Demand no. name of demand for 3 general superintendence administration Signaling, telecommunication Workshop drawing and estimating Misc.expenses 7 repair and maintenance establishment in offices, contingency expenses office staff Plants and equipment (sig &tel) mech. sig,ele.Block, power sig. repair and maint. Misc.rental to p&t for s&t 8 operating expenses s&Tother operating expence Rolling stock exp 12 misc.wkg expences cost of training other than hindi 14 appropriation of funds appropriation to DRF,safety and NAD PASSENGER ANIMITY FUND )v Revision and review in D&A rule 1968- rule 25a

173 2 write short notes on the following(20 marks) )i casual labor and substitute The term casual labor is refer to those labor whose employment is seasonal intermittent, Sporadic or extends over short period. Their engagement may be

either for short duration works which is spread over a specific

period or irrespective

of the duration, on project, till such time work is available

Substitutes are the person engaged in the rly. Establishment by senior sub-ordinates against a regular post on the regular scale of the pay and allowances applicable to posts against which they are employed. Substitutes are engaged ingroup D only except in the case of certain categories in-group –c or skilled posts in construction organization. )ii various type of allowances .a dearness allowance .b house rent allowance .c city compensatory allowance .d transfer allowance .e traveling allowance )iii procedure and procurement of the stock item Stock items-these includes the store items for which there is regular turnover and demand. These stores are stocked in the store department. The material required by the SE for normal maintenance. The requisition cum issue note s1313 is prepared and placed on DCOS/CRD duly signed by the gazetted officer and certified for the funds by budget supervisor The requisition cum issue note s1313 is prepared in the six foils First copy is the block copy is retain by the intender. one copy to division and five copies are sent to the depot for drawing the material . on this requisition depot officer issue the material by raising the debit and preparing the issue voucher on the same form two copies are sent along with the material one copy is returned to depot as acknowledgement. The requisition form placed for the intending the store contains the following information. )i Requisition no. and date )ii Consignee code )iii Depot on which requisition is placed with code )iv Description of the material with drawing and specification )v Unite of the accountal i.e. quantity in the word )vi Allocation )vii Signature of the intending office


)viii Signature of the budget supervisor )iv staff benefit fund each railway administration maintain the railway staff benefit fund. The credit to SBF are from fore fitted provident fund , from unpaid wages beyond three years. The fund is administered at the head quarter level for the benefit of nongazetted staff by the committee consisting of CPO – chairman Member – CMO, Dy. GM OR CE CRMS&NRMU - 6+6 Member Personnel Officer - Secretary Object of the funds)i to aid education of staff and there children , no assistance is admissible under the rule )ii recreation and amusement for the staff and their children )iii relief of distress amongst the member of staff and their family )iv such scheme for the sickness or maternity leave to the families of the employee are not covered by medical attendance and treatment rule )v any other object with the approval of the GM divisional staff benefit fund committee consist of an officer nominated by DRM , two representative from each union and nominated welfare inspector shall be secretary and presided over by DPO )v medical de-categorization  before joining the service ,every railway employee has got to undergo a medical examination  in order the employee should be fit to perform his duties he should be periodically examined by the railway category wise.  Also special medical examination will be carried out in case of serious injury/ accident and other circumstances  ADMO/DMO may issue order for de-categorisation of railway staff or debarring them from further employment or promotion to higher classes if he is not fit  These employees are then absorbed in the other category of employment in which they are medically fit.  Following factors should be kept in view while considering priority to be given for absorption amongst decategorised employee. • Seniority • Prior disqualification • Prior de-categorisation • Prior exhaustion of leave with pay • Suitability of available post and • Educational qualification • Cause of de-categorisation • All other thing being equal , seniority must be preferred to junior. 175 3 draw a typical signaling plan for four line std III interlocked station on the double line section with sandwiched loop having an interlocked LC gate between DN Home signal and UP advance starter. The station is MACLS panel interlocked . loop lines are with axle counter. Show all signals points and track circuits (10 marks) 4 write short notes on the following. (20 marks) )i condition of taking of home signal(GR.3.40) ()1 when train is approaching a Home signal otherwise than at a terminal station ,the signal shall not be taken OFF until the train has first been brought to a stand outside it unless()a on double line , line clear for adequate distance behind the starter or ()b on a single line , the line is clear for an adequate distance behind the trailing point or under approved special instruction, for an adequate distance behind the place at which the train is required to come to stand ()2 where a train has first been brought to a stand outside the home signal , the signal may be taken off if ()a on double line the line is clear up to the starter or ()b on a single line the line is clear up to the trailing point or under approved special instruction for up to the place at which train is required to come to a stand ()3 except under approved special instruction, the adequate distance reffered to in sub rule (1) shall never be less than – ()a 180 meter at station equipped with two aspect lower quadrant or 2aspect color light signals or ()b 120 meter in case of station provide with multiple aspect signals or modified lower quadrant signals ()4 where a snd hump of approved design or under approved special instruction a derailing switch has been provided for the line on which a train is to be received , they shall be deemed to be sufficient substitute. For the adequate distance reffered to in subrule(30 )ii procedure of the working of the trains during the total interruption of communication on double line section when the line clear can not be obtain by any of the following means 1. following means a. block instrument b. mors telephone instrument c. control phone d. VHF set 2. stop the train and advice to driver about circumstances 3. issue the caution order for speed restriction 25kmph for straight & 8kmph when weather is not clear . issue the authority pass LSS at ON issue 369(3b) 176

4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

next train can be allowed in the section after 30 minutes with caution order signal can be taken off except LSS in tunnel train should be piloted. guard should look in rear to prevent approach of train and exhibit red flag. if the train stop guard should protect the train also if train is derailed outsidethe signal then train should be protected if detention more than 10 minute. 9. no train shall be backed and if required it should be with protection. 10. lights should be ON in tunnel 11. on FSS driver should sound continuous whistle. If stops more than 10 minute send the assistant to protect the train 12. handed over T369(3b) handed over to ASM . TI should prepare the report with in 7 days. 13. procedure is continued till system got normalize. 14. as soon as one of the means communication has been restored station master must send the message to the station master at the other end. )iii “A” marker and “AG” marker “A” marker – provided on automatic/semiautomatic stop signal letter “A” painted in black on white circular disc(fully automatic signal) and white illuminated letter “A” against black background when working as automatic signal and letter “A” extinguished when working as the manual stop signal ‘AG’ marker – provided on gate stop signal in automatic block territory . letter “G” in black on yellow circular disc and white illuminated letter “A” against a black background. )iv absolute block system Essentials of the absolute block system 1. where the trains are worked in the absolute block system a. no train shall be allowed to leave the block station unless the line clear has been received from the block station in the advance, and b. on the double line such line clear shall not be given unless the line is clear, not only up to the first stop signal at block station at which such line clear is given, but also for an adequate distance beyond it. c. On single line such line clear shall not be given unless the line is clear of the trains running in the same direction, not only up to the first stop signal at the block station at which such line clear is given, but also for an adequate distance beyond it, and is clear of the trains running in the direction towards the block station to which such line clear is given. 2.

unless otherwise directed by approved special instructions, the adequate distance referred to in clause (b) & (c) of sub-rule (1) shall not be less than


a. 400 meter in case of two aspect lower quadrant signaling or two aspect color light signaling. )v Guards and Driver equipment .a Each guard and driver shall have with him, while on duty with his train the following equipment ()1 A copy of these rules or such portions there of as have been supplied to him under rule 2.01, ()2 A copy of working time table and all correction slips and appendices, if any , in force on that section of the railway over which the train is to run, ()3 A hand signal lamp or tri-color dry-cell or dry-fit or lead acid type battery operated hand signal lamp and /or torch ()4 A whistle(for guards only ) ()5 A red flag and green flag ()6 A stock of detonator sufficient to comply with relevant rules as may be prescribed by special instruction ()7 First aid box ()8 Such other article as may be prescribed by the railway administration in this behalf .b If any guard or driver is not possession of any article mentioned or referred to in sub rule (1) , he shall report the fact to his superior who shall make good the deficiency. .c Each guard and driver shall have with him while on duty with his train, two pairs of such spectacles as he is required to wear under medical advice. .d Each guard and driver should also be in possession of watch in addition to the equipment prescribed in subrule (10 5 fill in the blanks (20 marks) )i earth resistance for IPS should not exceed____2_____ ohms )ii Wavelength used in optical fiber for mono mode system is ____1300____ nanometer. )iii 2nd distant signal is to be provided for the train speed more than _160_____kmph. )iv Characteristic impedance for the loaded cable is _1120_______ ohms. )v Obstruction test for the point should be done with gauge of ___5___mm thickness. )vi UHF frequency range extends from _______ to _______ MHz. )vii Full form of the MSDAC is _mutisection digital axle counter____________ )viii Full form of the IRS is __indian railway specification___________ )ix Full form of DWC is _double wall corrogated_________ )x full form of PVC is __poly vinyl 6 write short notes on the following.(20 marks) )i Manufacturing and testing of SPT machine in S&T workshop byculla )ii Initial charging of lead acid secondary cells 178

()1 Specific gravity of the full charged cell = 1215(1210+5) ()2 Specific gravity of the full discharge cell = 1180 ()3 Specific gravity of H2SO4 =1825 .a Prepare the solution by adding acid to water and allow it to cool 10 to 12 hr after cooling the specific gravity =1190 at 27c .b Clean the new cell and fill them with electrolyte 12mm to 15mm above the plates .c Connect the cells to the charger .d Apply 35 hrs at the starting current10% of AH capacity of battery I=capacity of the cell x 10% for 35 hrs .e Check the gravity and voltage at every 8 hrs when the gravity 1210 + stop charging .f If the gravity is not improved to 1200+5 then small quantity of the electrolyte is replaced by higher (1400 sp. Gr) electrolyte then fresh charging cycle must be given for 2 hrs to ensure the mixing of electrolyte .g Then discharge the cell through the suitable load till the gravity reduces to 1190 and voltage of the cell 1.8v .h Repeat the cycle of the charging and discharging once again then charge it finally .i Charging output should be constant type. )ii Responsibility of the S&T department for providing UTS and PRS )iii List of the telecom equipment to be kept in ARME and ART .a Inspection book - 01 .b Magneto telephone - 04 dry cell - 12 .c PVC insulated twin core cable - 500m .d Microphone cord less for PA system -02 .e Loudspeaker horn type – 02 .f Amplifier 20 watt - 02 battery 12 &batt charger- 02 .g Megaphone -3 .h Stand of loud speaker - 2 .i Field service cable 8 - 4 drum .j Auto phone -4 .k Walkie talkie with - 30 .l Multimeter -1 .m Ext. board power supply- 1 .n Torch 3 cell -4 .o Jointing kit (cable) -6 .p Tool box .q Tape recorder -2 .r DTMF – amplifier -2 .s Cell – phone -4 .t Satellite phone -2 .u Fax machine -1 .v Autodialing -1 .w Map showing cell phone communication – 1 179

ARME .a Inspection book - 01 .b Walkie-talkie - 2 set .c VHF 25 watts - 2 set .d Mobile cellular phone - 4 set .e Mega mike - 2 set .f Portable control phone - 01 .g Extension board - 01 .h Autophone - 02 .i Tool kit with multimeter - 01 .j Magneto phone - 10

)iv Cascading of the signal in MACLS territory 7 (i) explain the requirement for commissioning signaling and telecom installation in 25 KV AC traction area (7.5 marks) (iii) Explain the functioning of various emergency buttons provided on the operating panel of PI station.(7.5 marks) EUYN - emergency route section release button EUUYN - emergency route release button EWN - emergency point operation button EGGRN - emergency signal throwing button for throwing signal at danger OR (i) Give the details of the lightening and surge protection for the telecom installations (7.5 marks) (ii) Give the communication arrangements to be provided at the site of major accident (7.5 marks) Following communication arrangement /facilities shall be provided immediately on arriving at the site of the accident 1. establish the communication with central control /emergency control / test room through satellite telephone. 2. communication with emergency control from nearestavaileble emergency socket. 3. railway telephone from the nearest railway exchange if available. 4. MTNL/DOT telephone from the nearest station 5. walkie talkie sets for communication among the relief staff. 8 write short notes on the following )i Detonating signal and flare signal.Detonating signals, otherwise known as detonators or fog signals, are appliances, which are fixed on the rails, and when an engine or vehicle passes over them, they explode with loud report to attract the attention of the driver.


Flare signals, which include a fusee, emits a bright red flame when lighted and is used for warning the driver of an approaching train of any obstruction. )ii Block back and block forward Block back means a dispatch massage from block station intimating to the block station immediately in rear on double line , or to the next block station on either side on the single line , that block section is obstructed or is to be obstructed Block forward means to dispatch massage from block station on double line intimating to the block station immediately in advance the fact that the block section in advance is obstructed or is to be obstructed )iii Point and trap indicators point indicator and trap indicator are not signals but are the appliances fitted to and working with point to indicate by day or by night the position in which the point are set. All the point indicator must show a white target by day and white light by night in both direction when the point is set for the straight and no target by day and green light by night in both the direction when the point are set for turnout. Trap indicator installed to protect and indicate the position of the trap points or derailing switches must show the red target by day and red light by night in both the direction when the switch is open or the derail is on the rail and no target by day but green light by night in both the direction when the switch is closed or the derail is off the rail )iv Class ‘A’ and Class ‘B’ stations Class ‘A’ station – where the line clear may not be given for the train unless the line on which it is intended to receive the train is clear for at least 400 meters beyond home signal or up to the starter Class ‘B’ station – where the line clear may be given for the train before the line has been cleared for the reception of the train with in the station section. 9 what are the provision of official language rules 1976? What are the incentive schemes for the working in Hindi. OR A station is provided with panel interlocking MACL signaling and optical fiber cubical. Write in detail the items which you would include as part of the inspection.


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